Zoological Citation Sources --D
The Daily Mail (British Newspaper)
Danphe Bird Conservation Nepal
Danica Prodromus
Danmarks Fugle
Personal Name: Salomonsen, Finn, 1909- [from old catalog]
Main Title: Danmarks fugle i tekst og farver.
Published/Created: København, Munksgaard, 1964 [c1963]
Description: 155 p. col. illus., map. 28 cm.
Subjects: Birds--Denmark. [from old catalog]
LC Classification: QL690.D3 S28
Geog. Area Code: e-dk---
Den danske atlas eller konge-riget Dannemark, med dets naturlige
egenskaber, elementer, indbyggere, vaexter, dyr og andre
affodninger, dets gamle tildrageiser of naervaerene
omstaendigheder i alle provintzer, staeder, kirker, slotte of
herregaarde. ...
Pontoppidan, Erik [1698-1764]
5 v. in 6. A.H. Godiche
Dansk ornithologisk forening, Copenhagen Tidsskrift.
1, 1906 ->
Das Thierreich in seinen Hauptformen systematisch beschrieben von
Kaup JJ
3 vol.
Das Thierreich in seinen Hauptformen Kaup Images from Archive.org
Das Thierreich eingetheilt nach dem Bau der Thiere als
Grundlage ihrer Naturgeschichte ... Herrn Ritter von
Cuvier ... und mit vielen Zusatzen versehen von H. R.
Schinz ...
Schinz, Heinrich Rudolph
v.I 1821 Säugetiere und Vögel [Mammals and Birds]
v.II 1822
v.III 1823
v.IV 1825
Saugethiere und Vogel. xxxviii, 894p
Stuttgart und Tubingen: J.G. Cotta;
Das Thierreich geordnet nach seiner Organisation. Als
Grundlage der Naturgeschichte ... Vom Barron von
Cuvier ... Zusatzen erwietert von F. S. Voigt ...
Voigt, Friedrich Siegfried
Leipzig : F.A. Brockhaus
v.I 1831. Saugethiere und Vogel. xlviii, 975
Das Tierreich
Das Tierreich :
eine Zusammenstellung und Kennzeichnung der rezenten Tierformen
The animal kingdom :
a compilation and characterization of the recent animal groups
Berlin ; New York : Walter de Gruyter.
General note: 1 (1896) --> [Z] ; [E]] ; 1 (1896) - 90 (1969) [T].
Delectus Florae et Faunae Brasiliensis, &c.
Mikan, Johann Christian
4 pts. 24 pls. text unnumber pp. Vindobonae = Vienna
Fasc. 1 (late 1820)..
Fasc. 2 (mid-1822)
Fasc. 3 (July-Oct, 1823)
Fasc. 4 (1825)
[ref. Stearn, William T. 1956.
J.Soc.Bibliog.Nat.Hist. 3(3):135-136.]
{Thnaks to Roy McDiarmid for bringing this to my attention and providing me
with a reprint}.
Deliciae florae faunae insubricae, seu Novae, aut minus cognitae
species plantarum et animalium quas in Insubica austriaca tam
spontaneas, quam exoticas vidit.
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio
fol. Ticini
Denkwürdigkeiten einer Reise nach dem russischen Amerika, nach
Mikronesien und durch Kamtschatka, von F, H, v. Kittlitz ...
Kittlitz, Friedrich Heinrich, freiherr von, [1799-1874]
2 v. J. Perthes Gotha
Der Zoologische Garten
Descriptiones Animalium quae in itinere ad Maris Australis Terras
per annos 1772-74 suscepto collegit, observavit et delineavit
J.R. Foster, ... nunc demum editae auctoritata ... Academiae ...
curante H. Lichtenstein.
8vo Berlin
Descriptive catalogue of the Osteological Series contained in the
Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons.
Owen, Richard
2 vols.
Description de l'Egypte, ou recueil des observations et des
recherches qui ont été faites en Egypte pendant
l'expedition de l'armee francaise, publié par les ordres
de sa Majesté l'Empéreur Napoléon le Grand.
Savigny, Marie Jules Cesar Lelorgne de & others
8vo pp.14+224 6 col.pl.
A few additional notes:
- See Zimmer p.549 for a discussion of this complex situation.
- Subsequently addressed by Tollitt ME. 1986. "Dates and authorship of the text volumes
of the Histoire Naturelle Section of Savigny's Description De L'
Egypte Z.N.(S.)2515" Bull.zool.Nom. 43(1):107-111.
- Tollitt, ME. 1986 discusses what he knew of the work, drawing on the detailed study by Sherborn (1897)
as well as the work of additional authors. He applied to the Commission to have
his findings and interpretations accepted and placed in the Official List of
- As Tollitt appears to have been working in the office of the Secretariat of the ICZN. It appears
that his recommendations were accepted. (Official Lists and Indexes
of names and works in zoology. Supplement 1986-2000.
- Tollitt appears to have been unaware of Zimmer's work on this publication, and
thus knew nothing (or at least mentioned nothing) of the existence of an entire component
of the work ("Description de l'Égypte publié par les ordres de
Napoléon-Le-Grand. Histoire Naturelle. Supplément No. 1. Observations
sur le systèm des oiseaux de l'É et de la Syrie, par Jules-César
Savigny, Membre de l'Institug d'Égypte. 1 vol. 4vo pp.1-54. 1811.
- This component of the work was also unknown to Sherborn.
- Coues Ornithological Bibliography Coues E. 1879. "Third installment of American
Ornithological bibliography" Bull. U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories
V no.4 pp.754-755 further suggests that Tollitt's study of this work might have
benefitted from a greater breadth of investigation. Coues lists the title as
Système | des | Oiseaux | de l'Egypte et de la Syrie, | présenté
a l'Assemblée Générale de la Commission, | le 29 Août 1808, | Par
Jules-César Savigny, Membre de l'Institut de l'Egypte. | [Dessin.] A Paris, | de
l'imprimerie Imperriale [sic]. | | M.DCCC.X. 1 vol. folio. pp.1-54, 1-16.
Petite édition, revue par l'auteur, tirée à 30 examplaires. Extraite
de la Desc. de l'Égypte Partie Systématique, Oiseaux de l'É et de la
Syrie. Exemplaire dans la Bibliothèque de l'Acad. des Sc. Nat. de la
Philadelphie, inscrit "à M. Latrielle, comme un témoignage des
sentimens de l'auteur" (autographe de l'auteur), plus tard présentée à
l'Acadéie par M. le Cr. T. B. Wilson.
Coues notes, that the copy he examined is annotated in Savigny's handwriting and was presented
by him to Latreille.
Of note is the inconsistent use of E or É in l'Egypte so it appears that there
very well may be variability in the text itself. If this variability is in fact real,
it would tend to give the impression that these diacritical marks are more useful for
ostentation than for understanding.
Coues' discussion appears to suggest yet another component portion of this work, apparently
similar to that described by Zimmer. It does not appear that Tollitt knew of Coues' work
or of the copy which he examined (this work does not appear to be listed in the Online Catalogue
of the Philadelphia Academy).
- On an more minor point, I wonder about the variable orthography used
in representing the title (l'Egypte vs l'Égypte). With Tollitt
employing the former, and Zimmer, AOU, CWR, and Cat.BooksLibr.B.M.(N.H.) the latter, and Coues
(Tollitt does employ the accent aigu on lower case letter "e", and
a non-italicized É occurs in his quotation on p.108 (paragraph #9, line 3),
so it is not as if diacritical marks were completely ignored in his publication.)
I expect "l'Égypte" is probably correct. In Sherborn's treatment of this work,
he employs É in all instances but on (p.286) where it is inside a quotation
and may be accurately reflecting Isidore Geoffroy's text in Du Petit Thouar's work.
My copy of Le Petite Larousse (1963) spells the word "Égypte"
and the accent aigu is used also on all the derived forms of the word.
However, it must be noted that I find a single use of "d 'Egypte" (without the
accent aigu on p.[1332]).
I generally prefer to avoid diacritical marks entirely, as I feel
they produce more in the way of confusion and problems than they add in terms of
clarity and understanding, but I understand that others hold strong opposing
opinions. I suppose it is possible that limitations of the press for Tollitt
might have permitted the use of é and É, but not the italicised
version (É) though this appears unlikely. If such were the case,
again I would encourage excluding diacriticals entirely in the hopes of avoiding
the impression of ostentation parading as erudition.
The variability in the use of diacriticals in Coues' presentation suggests the very real
possibility of variability in the work itself, and even the possibility of different "states".
Given the fact that there appear to be entire components of the work unseen and unmentioned
by both Sherborn, and Tollitt that the full state of affairs with regards this publication was
not known to either. It is certainly not impossible that Tollitt's representation of the
diacritical marks (or lack thereof) may accurately reflect a copy he personally examined.
Though, I must note that Tollitt makes no mention of what sets (if any) he has actually seen.
- Additionally important material relating to this work, and unmentioned by Tollitt,
can be found in the Willughby Society 1883 Reproduction of Audouin's Explication Sommaire
Des Planches d'Oiseaux de l'Égypte et de la Syrie Publiées par Jules-César
Savigny. This includes notes by Alfred Newton, and a discussion of Savigny's blindness.
Excerpts from a 19 March, 1825 letter by the Minister of the Interior (M. Corbière) relating
to this are included. Sherborn refers to this reprint (p.287) so I presume that
Tollitt pursued this lead, but felt it was not worthy of mention.
I certanly have never seen this work and it sounds as if it is unlikely that all component
parts of "the work" exist together in any one place. It also appears there may be definitional
problems determining which materials should be considered as part of "the work". However,
particularly with publications from this period the possibility of multiple "states" of
publication must be considered, which Tollitt does not seem to have done. It does not
appear to me that any currently recognizable nomenclatural problems will result from
Tollitt's actions, even though they appear to me to have been taken based upon a partial
understanding of the complexities of the situation.
Explication Sommaire des Planches D'Oiseaux
De L'Égypte et de la Syrie,
Publiees Par Jules-Cesar Savigny,
Membre de L'Institut; Offrant un expose des caracteres
naturels des genres avec la distinction des especes,
Par Victor Audouin
Audouin, Jean Victor[1797-1841]
1826,1828 p.1-139 Paris
Descriptiones et icones animalium rossicorum novorum vel minus
rite cognitorum, &c. Aves, Fasc. 1
Brandt, Johann Friedrich von, [1802-1879]
St. Petersburg.
pp.64; 6 pls. col. 4to
[Date note: CWR notes "publ. before Sept. 1836" ]
[Note: Evidently fasc. 2 never published, though
letterpress for this existed, and at least one
copy of a plate from this second fasc. was
known to exist (see Saunders CBBM 25 p.270 fn.)]
Description de Mammiferes et d' Oiseaux recemment decouverts,
precedee d'un Tableau ser les Races Humaines.
Lesson, RP
pp.359, 3 pl. 8vo
Description of New Races of Kalahari Birds and Mammals, &c.
Bradfield, RD
Benoni (Privately Published)
[4]p. 8vo
Note: Evidently a very rare publication. Not present in the AMNH Library or
the Smithsonian. Copy present at Tring Library.
Reprinted "verbatim et litteratim" in Auk 53(1):131-132. 1936.
Description of Some New Species of Birds from Cozumel Island, Yucatan.
Ridgway, R
Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. III 1886
Author's edition published Feb. 20, 1885
Fischer von Waldheim, Gotthelf
Description de nouveaux Oiseaux d'Afrique decouverts et dessines
d'apres Nature pour servir de suite aux Planches enluminees de
Buffon, aux Planches colriees de Temminck et Laugier de
Chartrouse et au nouveau recueil gegeral de Planches peintes
d'Oiseaux de O. Des Murs.
Muller, JW
16 col. pl. fol.
Descr. six supposed new species birds from islands
of Old Providence and St. Andrew's, Caribbean Sea,
28 May, 1887.
an author's separate, preceeding by a month the publication
of the article in the Auk, 4 p.177-180.
A description of sixteen new species of North American birds
described in the annals of the New York Lyceum of Natural
History by J.P. Giraud, Jr.; collected in Texas, 1838.
Giraud, Jacob Post [1811-1870].
New York.
See: Stone. 1919. Auk 36:464-472, and
Deignan "Type Specimens of Birds in the United States National Museum"
Bulletin 221 p.276
Peters V p66 f.1 states:
"This name appears to date from an author's separate of
a paper presented before the Linn.Soc.Lyon, 12 Oct.
1877, but which was never published in the volume for
that year. Simon states that he himself had never
succeeded in procuring a copy."
Deutsches Archiv fur die Physiologie.
Note: LOC lists three entities.
Deutsches Archiv fur die Physiologie
LC Control Number: sf 85004100
Type of Material: Serial (Periodical, Newspaper, etc.)
Main Title: Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie.
Published/Created: Leipzig : Leopold Voss, [1826-1832]
Description: 6 v. : ill. ; 20-24 cm.
Jahrgang 1932 called also: 6. Bd.
Jahrg. 1826- Jahrg. 1832.
Current Frequency: Irregular
Continues: Deutsches Archiv für die Physiologie (OCoLC)1566508 (DLC)
Continued by: Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche
Medicin (OCoLC)1481913 (DLC)sf 85004110
LC Classification: QL801 .A86
-- Library Holds: * 1826
* 1827
* 1828
* 1829
* 1830
* 1832
LC Control Number: 04024882
Type of Material: Serial (Periodical, Newspaper, etc.)
Main Title: Deutsches Archiv für die Physiologie.
Published/Created: Halle : Buchhandlung des hallischen Waisenhauses,
Description: 8 v. : ill. ; 20 cm.
1. Bd., 1. Heft-8. Bd., 2. Heft.
Continues: Archiv für die Physiologie (OCoLC)1481942
Notes: Continued in 1826 by: Archiv für Anatomie und Physiologie.
Subjects: Anatomy--Periodicals.
-- Library Holds: 1 * 1815
2 * 1816
3 * 1817
4 * 1818
5 * 1819
6 * 1820
7 * 1822
8 * 1823
Main Title: Archiv für die physiologie,
Published/Created: Halle, In der Curtschen buchhandlung, 1796-1815.
Related Names: Reil, Johann Christian, 1759-1813, [from old catalog] ed.
Autenrieth, Johann Heinrich Ferdinand von, 1772-1835,
[from old catalog] ed.
Pre-1801 Imprint Collection (Library of Congress)
Continued by: SERLOC succeeding entry Deutsches archiv für die
physiologie, and later as Archiv für anatomie und
Notes: PREMARC/SERLOC merged record
Subjects: Anatomy--Periodicals. [from old catalog]
Physiology--Periodicals. [from old catalog]
Serial Record Entry:
Archiv für die physiologie. 04-24883
Dictionaire classique d'histoire naturelle par Messieurs
Audouin, Isid. Bourdon, Ad. Brongniart, de Candolle... et
Bory de Saint-Vincent
Numerous authors, often listed as edited by Bory de Saint-Vincent but
the evidence for this is not clear to me.
Currently only birds due to Drapiez are cited to this work.
16 vol.
Dictionnaire des Sciences naturelles, dans lequel on traite
méthodiquement des differens Êtres de la Nature ... Suivi d'une
Biographie des plus célèbres Naturalistes ... Par plusiers
Professors du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle et des autres
principales Écoles de Paris.
Edited by F. Cuvier, with a prosepctus by Baron Cuvier, and an
Introduction by the Comte de Fourcroy.
Vol I-III 8vo Strasbourg(Levrault) Paris(Le Normant)
Vol IV,V and a few copies of VI were pub. in 1805-6
Then the pub. suspended until 1816 when vols. were brought up to
date by Supplements.
60 vols. complete work.
The dates of publication of the various volumes appears to be
somewhat uncertain.
Vol.38, for example is usually listed as 1825, which I assume
is the imprint date. However, occasionally it is listed as 1826.
The HBW vol.2 uses 1826 for the citations for vol.38.
In this they are in the minority, and do not give supporting evidence
pro 1826. A substantial number of dates in vol.2 are
demonstrably incorrect. Therefore, for the moment, I continue
to use 1825 (2000.12.02).
Dictionnaire universel d'Histoire Naturelle.
Resumant et completant tous les faits presentes par les encyclopedies,
les anciens dictionnaires scientifiques,
les oeuvres completes de Buffon, et les meilleurs traites speciaux
sur les diverses branches des sciences naturelles...
Orbigny, Charles Dessalines d' [ed.]
First edition 1839 (sometimes given as 1837), reissued -- evidently with changes -- multiple times.
This work has a complex bibliographic and publishing history.
Fortunately, the details were carefully investigated and reported by C. Davies Sherborn
and T.S. Palmer. (1899). Sherborn CD, Palmer TS. 1899
"Dates of Charles d'Orbigny's 'Dictionanaire Universal d'Histoire Naturelle' 1839-1849."
Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(7) 3:350-352.
Unfortunately, this work has, it seems been almost universally ignored, and demonstrably
incorrect representations have been reproduced without comment.
In brief, Sherborn and Palmer report the results of collation and comparison of five copies
of the 'Dictionnaire' and show that with the exception of volume I, there was "only one composition".
The five copies examined were from the B.M. (N.H.) General Library, the B.M. (N.H.) Tweeddale copy,
the Zool.Soc., the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, and the U.S. Nat. Mus. Of these five copies
one would almost certainly be mislead by all but the U.S. Nat. Mus. copy., which in Sherborn and
Palmer's estimation was the only copy which (with the exception of vol. ii) was apparently an
original issue.
Sherborn Palmer Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. Dates 1 pp.350,351 (opens in new window)
Sherborn Palmer Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. Dates 2 p.352 (opens in new window)
In contrast to the tabulation included in Sherborn's paper, it would appear that
additional states of this publication exist.
Daria Wingreen has examined for me the copy of this work in the Cullman
Library, at the U.S. National Museum. She reports that the copy there:
- has no dates on the title pages (vol.I-IV checked)
- has sous as the final word on p.100 of volume I (indicating a non-first state printing).
- Has a note indicating it was acquired from the Library of Peru in 1945
- Has an additional note indicating that the copy previously in the Nat. Museum Library
has now gone to the Library of Congress.
Die Dierentuin
De Dierentuin van het Koninklijk Zoölogisch Genootschap Natura Artia Magistra
te Amsterdam zoölogisch geschetst
Schlegel, Hermann
Title: De Dierentuin van het Koninklijk Zoölogisch Genootschap "Natura Artia Magistra"
te Amsterdam zoölogisch geschetst / door ... H. Schlegel ;
met historische herinneringen van P. H. Witkamp, &c.
Publisher info: Amsterdam, 1863- 1872 -72.
Physical descrip: 4 v. [in 1] : illust. 4o.
Corporate author: Koninklijk Zoölogisch Genootschap.
The date of this publication is problematic.
Peters Checklist gives it a 1864.
The Cat.BooksBr.Mus. says the publication commenced in 1862, though
most library listings show it as starting in 1863.
The unpublished notes on Dates of Publication indicate that up through
p.75 at least (i.e. Lief. 1 & 2) were given as 1864 with a reference to
Hartlaub (see Berichte ... Vögle p.3).
For the moment I use 1864, but am uncertain what the imprint date is, let alone the actual
date of publication.
The directory of Australian birds : a taxonomic and zoogeographic
atlas of the biodiversity of birds in Australia and its territories. [Vol.1], Passerines
Schodde, Richard & Mason, Ian J.
i-x, 1-851 30cm
Disciplinarum Biologicarum Archiv. Soc. Scient. Varasaviensis
Dissertatio de Falcone Canoro...1799.
Rislachi, Gabriel respondent.
Thunberg, Karl Peter [1743-1828] _praeses_.
8vo Edman, JF
Dissertatio de genere Megaryncho praes. Schaerstrom
Schaerstrom, Otto Agustus respondent.
Thunberg, Karl Peter [1743-1828] _praeses_.
Dissert. Tullberg Nov. Spec. Ampelis
Tullberg, Otto Fredrik [1802-1853] respondent.
Thunberg, Karl Peter [1743-1828] _praeses_.
[Nat.U.Cat. 593:343
... Ampelis cujus novas species ... praeside C.P. Thunberg ...
p. p. Otto Fridr. Tullberg ... Upsaliaee, excudebant Palmblad et
c. [1823].]
Dissertation Abstracts
Dobutsugaku zasshi. Zoological magazine.
(Zoological society of Japan) Tokyo.
1, 1889 ->
The Dodo and its Kindred
The Dodo and Kindred Birds; or The Extinct Birds of the
Mascerene Islands...
Hachisuka, Masauji
xvi p.250 XXII pl.
Doklady Akademii Nauk S.S.S.R.
[also know as
Compt. Rend. de l'Academie des Sciences de l'URSS ]
Deutsche Fauna, oder kurzgefaste naturgeschichte
der thiere Deutschlands.
Von Dr. Moriz Balthasar Borkhausen...
1. th Saugthiere und vogel.
Frankfurt am Mayn, Varrentrapp und Wenner,
xxiv, 620 (No more published)
[Note APP: Has what appears to me to be trinomina.
e.g. p.304-7
130) Turdus pilaris
a) Turdus pilaris albus
b) Turdus pilaris fulvus
c) Turdus pilaris naevius
d) Turdus pilaris leucocephalus
e) Turdus pilaris minor
131) Turdus musicus
Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition (1901-1903)
Deutsche Südpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903,
im Auftrage des Reichsamtes des Innern, hrsg. von Erich von Drygalski.
Publisher: Berlin, G. Reimer, 1905-1931.
Description 41 pts. in 20 v. and atlas (5 pts in 2 v.)
illus., maps, plates.
Note: Some vols. published by W. De Gruyter.
Bibliography/index Includes bibliographies.
1. Bd.
[Heft 1] Technik. Geographie.
Heft 2-4. Geographie.
2. Bd.
Heft 1-2. Kartographie, Geologie.
Heft 3-7. Geographie und Geologie.--3.-
4. Bd. Meteorologie.--
5.-6. Bd. Erdamgnetisaus.
7. Bd.
Heft 1. Bakteriologie, Hygiene, Sports.
Heft 2-4. Bakteriologie. Chemie. Hygiene. Sport.
Heft 5. Bakteriologie, Ozeanographie.
Heft 6. Bakteriologie, Chemie, Ozeanographie.
8. Bd. Botanik.
9.-20. Bd. Zoologie.
1. Atlas. Meteorologie.
2. Atlas. Erdmagnetismus.
Durban museum novitates.
1, Je 1914+; suspended O 1922-My 1930.
Apparently not always published in sequence. Vol. 7 no.11 and 12 appear (for instance)
to have been published after Vol.8 no.1 (see below).
The Smithsonian Library catalogues the publication from 1952-1989 as "irregular".
A listing of citations demonstrates both the irregularity of publication
as well as the example (Vol.7 nos. 11 & 12 at least) of non-sequential publication.
I extracted a number of citations and listed a thumbnail of the values
below. The data are necessarily incomplete for the nubmbers in each volume.
I am unaware (2008.03.29) of anyone commenting on the lack of sequential
publication (presumably due to delay) in volume 7.
These data are derived from various sources, and especially the
Richmond Index, though not all entries have been identified there.
The listing of "Post-Peters" Taxa from Norbert Bahr and Edward Dickinson was
also of help.
Durban Mus. Novitates
Vol.4 1952-1956
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 1
| 1952
| 4
| 1953
| 15
| 1956
| 17
| 1956
Vol.5 1958-1960
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 8
| 1958
| 12
| 1959
| 18
| 1960
Vol.6 1960-1963
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 2
| 1960
| 13
| 1962
| 15
| 1962
| 18
| 1960
| 19
| 1963
Vol.7 1963-1966
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 1
| 1963
| 5
| 1964
| 7
| 1964
| 10
| 1965
| 11
| 1966
| Erythropygia signata reclusa Clancey p.460 June 30, 1966
| 12
| 1966
| Macronyx ameliae altanus Clancey p.520 Sept. 16, 1966
Vol.8 1965-1970
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 1
| 1965
| Evidently earlier than 7(11) & 7(12)
| 3
| 1966
| 4
| 1966
| 7
| 1967
| 10
| 1967
| 11
| 1968
| 15
| 1969
| 17
| 1970
| 20
| 1970
Vol.9 1970-1973
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 1
| 1970
| 3
| 1970
| 4
| 1971
| 5
| 1971
| 7
| 1971
| 9
| 1971
| 11
| 1972
| 15
| 1972
| 16
| 1972
| 18
| 1973
Vol.10 [1974]-1975
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 9
| 1974
| 11
| 1974
| 14
| 1975
Vol.11 1975-1978
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 1
| 1975
| 4
| 1976
| 10
| 1977
| 11
| 1977
| 14
| 1977
| 16
| 1978
| 19
| 1978
Vol.12 1979-1981
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 1
| 1979
| 4
| 1979
| 5
| 1979
| 10
| 1980
| 12
| 1980
| 13
| 1981
| 18
| 1981
| 20
| 1981
Vol.13 1981-1984
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 1
| 1981
| 4
| 1981
| 7
| 1982
| 14
| 1984
| 18
| 1984
Vol.14 1986-1987
| Number
| Year
| Notes
| 2
| 1986
| 3
| 1987
Vol.15 1990-
1990 DurbanMus.Novit. 15 42-72.
Dutch Birding
Publisher Amsterdam, Dutch Birding Association.
V.1 1979--
Description: v. ill. 21 cm.
Frequency: Quarterly.
Note: In Dutch or English, with some summaries in English.
Journal of the Dutch Birding Association.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.01.25