Zoological Citation Sources --N
Nachttrage zu Bechsteins Naturgeschicte Deutschlands
Narrative of an Expedition to explore the river Zaire, usually
called the Congo, in South Africa, in 1816, under the direction
of Capt. J.K. Tuckey, R.N., to which is added, the Journal of
Professor Smith; and some general observations on the country and
its inhabitants.
Tuckey, James Kingston [1776-1816]
New York.
p.L,lxxxi, 1,410
Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea
in the Years 1819,20, 21, and 22
Sir John Franklin.
With an appendix on various subjects relating to science and natural history
Narrative of a journey across the Rocky Mountains, to the
Columbia River, and a visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, &c.;
with a scientific appendix...
Townsend, John Kirk
viii, [9] -352 Philadelphia
Narrative of travels and discoveries in Northern and Central
Africa, in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824, by
Major Denham, F.R.S., Captain Clapperton, and the late Doctor Oudney,
extending across the Great Desert to the tenth degree of northern latitute,
and from Kouka in Bornou, to Sackatoo, the capital of the Felatah empire.
The appendix contains:
Translations from the Arabic, of various letters and documents,
brought from Bornou and Soudan by Major Denham and Captain Clapperton.
By A. Salame.
Denham, Dixon [1786-1828]
Clapperton, Hugh [1788-1827]
J. Murray
xlviii, 269 p. illus., fold. map.
Note: Attribution of authority is a bit confused in this work, with
newly named taxa attributed to Children, Vigors & Children, or
Children & Vigors.
My working notes collating the various representations are as
- Pternistis clappertoni (Children & Vigors) 1826 Narr.travelN.Cent.Afr.[Denham &
Clapperton] App.XXI p.198
CBBM (1893)22:162 Childr.
Sh H-L i:25 Childr.
Scl. S.A.Aeth.(1924) I:86 Children
P (1934) II:79 Children
Wolters (1976) p.105 Children
H&M (2003) p.52 Childr. -> Corr. Childr. & Vig.
- Neotis denhami (Children & Vigors) 1826 Narr.travelN.Cent.Afr.[Denham & Clapperton]
App.XXI p. 199
CBBM (1894) 23:302 Childr.
Sh H-L i:174 Childr.
Scl. S.A.Aeth.(1924) I:113 Children
P (1934) II:218 Children
Wolters (1975) p.7 Children
H&M (2003) p.115 Childr. -> Corr. Childr. & Vig.
- Ardea melanocephala Vigors & Children 1826 Narr.travelN.Cent.Afr.[Denham & Clapperton]
App.XXI p. 201
CBBM ("1898"=1899) 26:70 Vig. & Childr.
Scl. S.A.Aeth.(1924) I:24 Vigors & Children
Wolters (1975) p.92 Vig. & Childr.
P (1979) I(2):201 Anon. = Vigors & Children
H&M (2003) p.87 Vig. & Childr. -> Corr. Childr. & Vig.
Bob Dowsett informs me (in litt. 2006.06.30) that review of the original descriptions
and additional supporting evidence (including Zool.J. 1827 p.452) argues for Children & Vigors
as the proper authority for the taxa named as new in this work.
An Authentic narrative of a voyage performed by Captain Cook
and Captain Clerke in His Majesty's Ships Resolution and Discovery,
during the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780, in search of a
north-west passage between the continents of Asia and America.
Including a faithful account of all their discoveries, and the
unfortunate death of Captain Cook.
[Note: I can find no copy in a library catalogue of this with the
date of 1782, every copy I have found so far is the 2nd
Ed. and is dated 1783.
Narrative of a voyage of discovery in the years 1800-2 to New South Wales.
Grant, James
[1 v.] plates
Narrative of a whaling voyage round the globe, from the year
1833 to 1836. Comprising sketches of Polynesia, California, the
Indian Archipelago, etc.
Bennett, Frederick Debell
2 vols. "Birds: v. 2 p.242-54 London
Наша Очота
Nascha Ochota [CWR "Nasa Ochota"]
[Note: Title is "Our Hunting"; the consonant is a х
This is a velar consonant, and has no equivalent in English,
it is close to the Castilian j (in Juan)
or the German ch (in Bach), or the Scottish ch (in loch).]
"Nasha Ohota" is closer to the sound.
Title: Natural and applied science bulletin.
Published: Quezon City, College of Arts and Sciences,
University of the Philippines [etc.]
Description: v. ill., maps, diagrs. 26 cm.
El Naturalista argentino : revista de historia natural.
Buenos Aires
Enrique Lynch Arribálzaga [& Eduard Ladislao Holmberg, 1878.
A natural history of the birds of New South Wales, collected,
engraved, and faithfully painted after nature. New and improved ed.
Lewin, John William [1770-1819]
1838 London
Nat. Hist. Brit. Birds
The natural history of British birds; or, A selection of the
most rare, beautiful, and interesting birds.
Donovan, Edward
10 vols in 5. 4to 244(i.e. 245) col. pl.
The natural history of British birds. Donovan BHL Images
Vol. VI (1809) 24 pl.
A natural history of the ducks...
Phillips, John Charles [1876-1938]
4 v. Boston Houghton Mifflin
Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Island
Edited by Carl Skottsberg. 1880-1963.
Publisher Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksells
Boktryckeri, 1920- 1920 v.3 pts. in v. illus., map. 28 cm. Note
Cover title. Bibliography/index
Includes bibliographies. Cont (inc.)
v. 1. Geography, geology, origin of island life.
V. 2. Botany.
V. 3. Zoology published from 1921 -1940
Part. I 1921
Part. II 1922
Part. III 1924
Print dates:
p.437 21/3 1924
p.460 22/3 1924
Part. IV 1931
Print dates:
p.552 17/3 1930
p.628 7/10 1931
p.688 9/1 1940
Contributions to the Natural History of Labuan
and the adjacent coasts of Borneo.
Motley, James [1814-1892] & Dillwyn, LI.
pp.62, 12 col. pls.
8vo London
## 1835 Selby ## Can't find in CWR or Woods.??
? part of Nat.Libr?
The Natural History of Selborne
White, Gilbert
Many subsequent issues and editions.
The Natural History of Selborne
White, Gilbert
"Prof. Rennie's" edition
8vo p.12+562 London
[note CWR lists date for this as 1833]
The naturalist's Library. Parrots.
Selby, Prideaux John
vol. VI of the ornithological series.
serial 18 as issued.
later editions have as vol. 15 or X.
The naturalist's library. Flycatchers.
Swainson, William
vol. X of the ornithological series
serial 21 as issued.
later editions have as vol. XVII or XIII
1862. reissue of Birds of Western Africa -- Part I.
The naturalist's Library. Sunbirds.
Jardine, William
vol. XIII of the ornithological series.
serial 16 as issued.
later editions have as vol. 36 or V.
The naturalist's Library. Marsupials.
Waterhouse, George Robert
vol. XI of the mammalian series.
serial 30 as issued.
later editions have as vol. 24 or X.
[ Citations are given without volume numbers, as so MANY
volume numbers are available, and they are only
confusing. ]
The naturalists' miscellany: or Coloured figures of natural
objects; drawn and described immediately from nature. 24 vols.
Vols. I-XXIV, 1064 pl. (col., 282 of birds)
(published in 287 (often erroneousl as 267) numbers with 3 plates each.
Later vols. have 4 pls. each.
[CWR unpubl. notes on Dates of Publication].)
Vols. I-XII Shaw, George and F.P. Nodder
Vols. XIII-XXI Shaw and E. Nodder and R.P. Nodder
[continued Zoological Miscellany by W.E. Leach and R.P. Nodder]
dates of pub discussed in
Sherborn CD, Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(4) 1895 15 p.375
- [APP: The CWR unpublished notes on Dates of Publication indicates that "errors in
Sherborn and Allen are corrected by Osgood" Osgood. Proc.Biol.Soc.Wash. XXVII.
- Osgood's article (dealing with dates for Ovis canadensis, Ovis cervina and
Ovis montana) argues that the material in Nat.Misc. was issued with a great deal of regularity
and he feels that the dates of plates can be determined with a great deal of certainty.
The evidence in support of this includes:
"the original prospectus, the admitted regularity of the first thirteen volumes,
the fact that the scattered dates of the later volumes occur on the parts that
would in regular course have been issued on those dates,* the fact that such
scattered dates occur even in the next to the last volume practically at the
end of the series,† and the correspondence of the issue of the last part
with the date of Doctor Shaw's death which occurred on July 22, 1813."
"* In the very few cases where there is not absolute agreement, the date
on the plate is always earlier, never later, than the contingent date of issue.
† This evidently escaped Doctor Allen, possibly on account of imperfection
in the copy of the work examined by him. In the Field Museum copy and the
Library of Congress copy, Plate 1004 of Vol. XXIII is dated 1812. In this
connection, it may be stated that these copies directly diasagree with Doctor
Allen's statements in the following particulars: Vol. II, Pls. 44, 62, 69, and
72 are dated; Volume III, Pl. 78 is dated; Vol. IV, Pl. 124 is dated; Vol. V,
Pl. 152 is not dated; Vol. XXIII, Pl. 1004 is dated."
Collation of material with additional notes
| Plates
| Year
| Notes
| 1-15
| 1789
| Published from 1 Aug. 1789 to Dec. 1789
3 plates in each monthly number.
All plates except no.3 are dated
All plates numbered, except no.15
Plates have address "No. 13 Panton St."
Frontispiece gives the address "No.15 Brewer St." which is the address
given on most of the plates later in the work, suggesting that the Frontispiece
was prepared after most of the plates for the work had been printed.
| 16-37
| 1790
| Published from Jan. 1790 to July 1790
3 plates in each monthly number except 4 in April 1790
There are two Actinia anenome plates for April.
All plates are dated.
In the copy at the Bancroft Library, plates 22,23, and 24 are bound in the
order 22,24,23.
| 38-52
| 1790
| Published from 1 Aug. 1790 to Dec. 1790
3 plates in each monthly number.
All plates are dated.
| 53-74
| 1791
| Published from Jan. 1791 to 1 July 1791
3 plates in each monthly number except 4 in Feb. 1791 the additional
plate being an illustration of the gape of Bradypus ursinus.
All plates are dated, save the additional plate which appears to have come
out in February.
In the Bancroft Library copy, the addtional plate (no.59) is bound before
plate no.58.
| 75-89
| 1791
| All plates are dated; three plates per monthly number
CWR unpubl. notes "saw cover of no. XXIX dated MDCCXCI" (no.XXIX would
be the number for December, 1791).
CWR Psittacus concinnus Vol.III No.5 Dec., 1791 pl.87+text
Note Sherborn in his 1895 Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. XV:375 article indicates plate no.87
is the last plate for 1791, the first of several of his demonstrable errors in this piece.
This would imply that plates 88, and 89 should date to 1792, however Sherborn himself
dates these two taxa (Xiphias platypterus and Lacerta unistriata) to
1792 in his Index Animalium (pp.759,1019 of his 1902 volume).
Additionally Sherborn's listing implies the December number contained only one plate.
Clearly Sherborn himself did not follow the dates he had published in the Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.,
though he cites that as the only reference for Nat.Misc. dates in this 1902 volume!
While Sherborn felt free to ingnore his Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. compilation of dates,
other workers have generally treated this work as the final word on the matter.
Having gotten himself "out-of-sequence", it would appear that NO subsequent
Nat.Misc. dates from Sherborn's Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. piece should be trusted without additional
verification. Clearly Sherborn appears to have ignored his work when determining some
dates, and since he gives no indication when it should be ignored, and when heeded, it
would appear wisest to ignore his Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. work for dates entirely.
| 90-110
| 1792
| Three plates per monthly number
CWR Psittacus eximius Vol.III No.7 Feb., 1792 pl.93+text
CWR Psittacus pulchellus Vol.III No.8 March., 1792 pl.96+text
Plate no.99 Casuarius australis is undated, but it would be expected
to be the first plate in the April number. CWR dates this plate to April 1792.
Published from Jan. 1792 to 1 July 1792
Sherborn's Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. listing is necessarily out of sequence as he considers
the number to start with no.88 instead of no.90. He does include the correct ending plate
(no.110) which implies he believed there were extra plates published in the
number; all the plates but one are dated which makes this seem most unlikely.
One notes with some interest that the July plates are dated as published
July 1st, 1792, which would have been a Sunday. Whether a Sunday publication is likely or not,
I have no idea.
| 111-125
| 1792
| All plates but one (no.112) are dated.
CWR Motacilla hirundinacea Vol.IV No.2 Sept., 1792 pl.114+text
| 126-145
| 1793
| 146-161
| 1793
CWR Pipra caudata Vol.V No.3 Oct., 1793 pl.153+text
| 162-182
| 1794
| 183-195?
| 1794
| ?196-218
| 1795
| 219-230
| 1795
| 231-254
| 1796
| 255-278?
| 1796
| ?279-300
| 1797
| 301-324
| 1797
| - Vultur californianus
- pl.301 Vultur californianus often dated to 1798.
- Changed from 1797 (AOU CL 4th, 5th) to 1798 (6th).
- Peters CL 1(2):277; 1798 (without comment).
- HBW 2:40; 1798 (without comment).
- CWR lists Vol. IX No.1 Sept., 1797 pl.301, text
- pl.321 Phasianus ignita
- Dated by Sherborn to 1797
- CWR lists Vol. IX No.6 Feb., 1798 pl.321+text
- Lisney indicates (p.238) that for this year it is "probable that four [plates] were issued
in each monthly number"; this would make Feb. 1798 highly likely, and
1797 extremely unlikely.
| 325-348
| 1798
| 349-364
| 1798
| 365-396
| 1799
| 397-412
| 1799
| 413-444
| 1800
| 445-463
| 1800
| 464-492
| 1801
| 493-508
| 1801
| 509-540
| 1802
| 541-567
| 1802
| 568-588
| 1803
| 589-612
| 1803
| 613-635
| 1804
| 636-660
| 1804
| CWR lists Psittacus zonarius pl.657 to No.6 Feb. 1805
Of interest, Sherborn's tabulation here would date pl.657 to 1804,
but Sherborn himself dates this taxon to 1805
in Index Animalium:7049.
| 661-684
| 1805
| 685-708
| 1805
| 709-732
| 1806
| 733-756
| 1806
| 757-780
| 1807
| 781-804
| 1807
| 805-828
| 1808
| 829-852
| 1808
| 853-878
| 1809
| 879-900
| 1809
| 901-924
| 1810
| 925-948
| 1810
| 949-972
| 1811
| 973-996
| 1811
| 997-1020
| 1812
| 1021-1044
| 1812
| 1045-1068
| 1813
The most complete discussion of this work known to me is:
A Bibliography of British Lepidoptera
Arthur A. Lisney
The Chiswick Press
(Privately printed)
There are a significant number of disagreements between Lisney's collation, and
the tabular representation by Sherborn. Unfortunately, a listing showing which plates have
which dates has not been published. This would substantially increase the
certainty with regard to a number of the dates at issue.
Sherborn's dates appear to be those that have been followed by many of the
more careful workers (many dates alternatively are listed that simply seem to be repetitions
of previous errors). It appears that Sherborn's dates may be incorrectly worked out.
Subsequently, an important and detailed publication undertakes a careful review of the dates of
publication for this work.
"Vivarium naturae or the naturalist's miscellany (1789-1813) by George
Shaw: an assessment of the dating of the parts and volumes"
Edward C. Dickinson Murray D. Bruce Robert J. Dowsett.
Archives of Natural History 33:322-343.
It is worth noting that for avian names this detailed investigation shows that
the dates determined by Charles W. Richmond, and previously published are all correct.
Spreadsheet in progress
Naturliches System der Amphibien mit vorangehender
Classification der Saugthiere un Vogel, &c.
Wagler, Johann Gerog
pp. vi,354: 9 pls. 8vo&fol. Munchen
National Museum of New Zealand Records.
1(7) -- May 19, 1976.
The Naturalist; illustrative of the Animal, Vegetable, and
Mineral Kingdoms with highly finished coloured engravings
and woodcuts. Conducted by B. Maund, F.L.S. ... and W. Holl, F.L.S.
([and afterwards] N. Wood).
8vo London
Vol. I (Aug. 1836- Jan. 1837) (no. 5 Publ. Dec. 1836)
Vol. II [title varies] (Apr.(?) 1837 - Dec. 1837). Edited by Neville Wood.
v. II no.VI pub. Jan. 21, 1837
v. II no.VII pub. Apr. 10, 1837 - for Apr.
v. II no.VIII pub. Apr. 30, 1837 - for May
v. II no.IX pub. May 27, 1837 - for June
v. II no.X pub. July 1, 1837 - for July
Vol. III Jan-Sept. 1838
Vol. IV Oct. 1839 - June 1839.
Vol. V July-Sept. 1839.
Vol. V July-Sept. 1839.
[data from CWR unpublished notes on Dates of Publication].
Nature Protection
Der Naturforscher, Halle
Naturgeschichte und Abildungen der Vogel &c. ed.2
Schinz, Heinrich R. [1777-1861]
issued in 21 parts
[ [Nat.Un.Cat 96.05.01 ]
Note: much confusion here:
Naturgeschichte der Vogel. Bearbeitet von Dr. Hans Rudolf
Schinz, Prof. der Zoologie in Zurich, &c.
Mit sorgfaltig koloriten Abbildungen nach der Natur une der
vorzülichten naturwissenschafltichen Werken gezeichnet.
Scheinz, Heinrich Rudolf
Zwiete, ...
Zurich. Verlag von franz Hanke
1854. : "At head of title: 1846-53."
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Vogel, nach den neusten
Systemen bearbeitet von H.R. Schinz. Nach der Natur u. den
vorzuglichsten Originalien gezeichnet u. lithogrpahirt von K.
I. Brodtmann.
Zurich, 1836.
Naturgeschichte und Abbildungen der Vo:gel-Gattungen; nach den
neusten Systemen zum gemeinnützigen Gebrache entworfen, und
mit Berucksichigung f&uunl;r den Unterricht der Jugend bearbeitet.
Nach der Natur u. den vorzuglichsten Originalien gezeichnet und
lithographirt von K. J. Brodtmann.
Zurich, 1836.
F. Le Vaillant's Naturgeschichte der Africanischen Vogel. Aus
dem Franzosischen uberstzt, und mit Amnerkung verschen von J. M.
Levaillant, F.
[1797] 1802
pp.210 48 pls. col. 4to Nurnberg
[CWR gives as 1798; Forster is not mentioned in the BMNH
F. le Vaillant
Naturgeschichte der Land- und Wasser-Vogel des nordlichen
Deutschlands...nach dem Leben gezeichnet.
Naturgeschichte der Stubenthiere :
oder Anleitung zur Kentniss und Wartung derjenigen Thiere,
welche man in der Stube halten kann.
1 Bd. : die Stubenvögel
J.M. Bechstein.
Publisher Gotha : C.W. Ettinger, 1800.
2nd Ed.
[First edition lacks descr. of Psittacus Manillensis]
Naturgeschichte der Stubenthiere Ed.2 BHL images
Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs fur hohere Schulen
Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs für höhere Schulen
Gistl (Gistel), J von NFX
fol. Stuttgart
pp. xvi,216[4]: 32 col pls.
Johann Andreas Naumann's mehrerer gelehrten Gesellschaften
Mitgliede, Naturgesch.Vog.Deutsch.
Naumann, JF
Leipzig & Stuttgart
[NOTE: not Hanb.Naturgesch.Vog.Deutsch.]
Naturgeschicte Vögel Mitteleuropas
Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift
1837-1843 ser.1
1844-1849 ser.2
1861-1884 ser.3
Avium systema naturale. Das naturliche System der Vogel ...
Des Ritters C. von Linne...vollstandiges Natursystem nach der
zwolften Lateinischen Ausgabe und nach Anleitung des
Hollandischen Houttuynischen Werks, mit einer ausfuhrlichen
Erklarung ausgefertiget von P. L. S. Muller.
Muller, PLS
8vo Nurnberg
Supplement - 1776
Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch-Indië.
uitegeven door de Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging
in Nederlandsch-Indië,
onder redactive van
Dr. H. Onnen.
[Rallus Hoeveni von Rosenberg 1866. XXIX, or ser.6 IV, or Afl. 2-4 p.144]
? rel to other Tijd. Neder Ind.
Note: Date uncertainty:
- Natuurk.Tijdschr.Neder.Ind. vol. 29 1866 or 1867 ?
- Peters Checklist 3:134 cites Ptilopus helviventris (from p.144)
to "1867 (1866)".
- Peters Checklist 3:116 cites Rynchaenas Schlegeli (from p.143)
to 1866, with no suggestion of an 1867 publicaton date.
Nauchnuie Rezul'tatui puteshestvii N. M. Przheval'skagho po
tzentral'noi Azii, &c. - Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von
N. M. Przewalski nach Central-Asien unternommenen Reisen, &c.
Zoologischer Theil
Bd. II Vogel. Bearbeitet von T. Pleske. Lief. 1-3. pp.192.
[ sometimes as: Wissen.Result.PrzewalsiReisen,Zool.Theil
Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von N. M. Prrzewalski nach
Central-Asien unternommenen Reisen, &c.
as Titles and text are parallel columns of Russian and German
Naumannia. Archiv für die Ornithologie, vorzugsweise Europa's.
Organ der deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft. ([afterwards]
Ornithologen - Verien ).
Herausgegeben von Eduard Baldamus. Bd I, II, & Jahrg.
1851-54 (?1849 - 1854)
8vo Stuttgart
Intro to Bd.I Heft I. is dated "September 1849." on p.VIII.
Zweites Heft. "1850"
Drittes Heft. "1850"
Viertes Heft. "1851"
Bd. II 1852.
Continued as:
Naumannia, Journal fur die Ornithologie, voraugseise Europa's.
Organ der Deutschen Ornitholgen-Gesellschaft. Redgirt von E.
Baldamus. Jahrg.
- In 1860 this was merged into J.f.Orn.
- Note: Dick Banks has investigated the details of a publication by
Bonaparte, which is often referred to as "Consp. Psitt." or "Consp.
Dick's notes on this include:
Naumannia (the forerunner of Journal für Ornithologie)
is in the Div. Birds (USNM) library. The 1856 volume includes the
index for 1850-1856. The table of contents lists Beitrage nr. 1a,
Tabellarische Uebersicht der Papagaien by C. L. Bonaparte at page
352. There is nothing else by Bonaparte in the table of contents. At
page 352 there is what seems to be a report of a society meeting on 5
June 1856 - no mention of Bonaparte. This extends through page 382 and
includes (apparently) papers read at that meeting. Between pages
382 and 383 there is a hand written note bound in, which says that
Bonaparte's Beilage Nr. 1a "which should occur here, is missing, but
may be found in the copy at L.C. [= Library of Congress} and signed
by C.W.R. [Charles W. Richmond]. The paper starting on p. 383 is the
one listed in the table of contents for that page.
- Banks' examination of the Library of Congress copy yields:
The Table of Contents and the information on pp. 352-382 seem to be the
same as the Birds [Division] copy. But, between pp. 382 and 383, there is
bound in a 4 sheet (8 unnumbered pages) insert (larger than volume size,
and folded to fit, but tearing along folds) that is headed on the first
(right side) page:
Beilage Nr. 1. | Tabellarische Uebersicht | der | PAPAGAIEN. ||
Von | Sr. Hoheit || Charles-Lucien Prince Bonaparte ||
There is a paragraph of text on that page.
The next two pages are headed, centered on both pages:
Series 1. Americani ||
Below the heading there are eight columns, with groups of them headed by
subfamily names, with numbered genera and numbered species. Columns 3, 4,
and 5 are headed Subfam. 2. Conurinae. The last entry, at the bottom of
col. 5, is
20. Pyrilia. Bp.
[76.] typica Bp.
(pyrilia, Bp.)
[77.] amazonina O. des Murs.
The numbers 76 and 77 are torn off by having been folded.
Columns 6, 7, and 8 are headed Subfam. 3. Psittaculinae. In col. 7 is:
25. Gypopsitta Bp.
112. vulturina Wagl.
Both generic names Pyrilia and Gypopsita have lines drawn to
the left, in ink, probably by Richmond, indicating that they are new names.
It is strange that there are no cards in the Richmond files with these
names and citations. Note that Bonaparte considered these genera to be in
different subfamilies.
The table occupies 6 pages. The end page is a table of subfamily
distribution by geography.
Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor De Dierkunde
1863-1884 8vo Amsterdam
Publ. of Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap "Natura
Artis Magistra"
[? 1871 vs 1873 for vol 4
CWR has (generally 1871 with no further comments,
but under Melampitta has "1873" in quotes!
Peters has about half 1871 and half 1873 (1871) or
Florence F. J. M. Pieters
Artis Bibliotheek
Universiteit van Amsterdam
Plantage Middenlan 45
1018 DC Amsterdam
Tel: 020-5256614
Fax.: 020 -5256614
Vol. 1 1863 [see note below]
Vol. 2 1864-5
pp. 1-112: 1864 (issue 1-3)
pp.113-212: 1864 (issue 4-6)
pp.213-375: 1865 (issue 7-12)
Vol. 3 1865-6
pp. 1-72 : 1865 (issue 1-2)
pp. 73-180: 1865 (issue 3-6)
pp.181-308: 1866 (issue 7-10)
pp.309-401: 1866 (issue 11-12)
Vol. 4 1871-73
pp. 1-32 : 1871 (issue 1)
pp. 33-112: 1871 (issue 2/3)
pp.113-240: 1872 (issue 4-7)
pp.241-272: 1872 (issue 8)
pp.273-393: 1873 (issue 9-12)
Mees discusses the dates of publication of the early part of this serial.
(ref. Mees GF 1973 "Once more: the identity and authorship of
Treron griseicauda." BBOC. 93(3):119-120.).
He indicates that Schlegel In Ibis 1863 5:119-120 indicates that the
first nine sheets of this serial were printed around the middle of
1862, but that "publication of this work can only begin with 1863."
[APP: exactly what that means is not clear to me]
That issue of the Ibis contained a review of Schlegel's paper,
and an article by Wallace discussing it. This indicates that
the Schlegel article was published well before the July Ibis
but possibly well before Wallaces PZS publication of Treron griseicauda.
It must be mentioned that Mees' speculation was based in part on
his belief (based on Duncan 1937) that the issue of PZS in question
was published in April of 1863. The Richmond Index indicates that
that issue of the PZS was published in February, not April. In my view
the date of the Richmond Index is much more likely to be correct than
Duncan's date, and it makes it more likely that Schlegels article could
have been published in 1863, though I agree 1862 must remain a speculative
Nemouria: Occasional Papers of the Delaware Museum of Natural History.
Greenville, DE
No.1 D 1970
Neotropical Ornithology
Ornithological Monographs no.36
Publisher La Plata, Sociedad Zoológica del Plata.
1- 1954-
Nests and eggs of Australian birds, including the geographical distribution
of the species and popular observations thereon, by Archibald James Campbell ....
With map, 28 coloured plates and 131 photographic illustrations.
2 vol.
Sheffield, Printed for the author by Pawson & Brailsford, 1901.
Nests and eggs of Indian birds. Rough draft. Part. I
Hume, Allan Octavian
1vol. 8vo pp. 1-2, 1-3+1, 1-662
Issued in 3 pts.
pp.1-236 1873
pp.237-489+1 1874
pp.491-662 1875
Neue Alpina
(J.R. Steinmuller)
Winterthur [Switzerland]
Vol. 1-2 1821-27
[A continuation of Alpina]
Neue Nordische Beytraege Zur Physikalischen und Geographischen
Erd- Und Voelkerbeschreibung, Naturgeschichte, Und Oekonomie
8vo St. Petersburg. & Leipzig
Neue Staatsbu:rgliches Magazin [Schleswig]
Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig, entdeckt
und beschreiben von Dr. Eduard Rüppel. Vögel.
(New vertebrate animals belonging to the fauna of Abyssinia, discovered
and described by Dr. Eduard Rüppell)
Ruppell, Eduard Wilhelm Peter Simon
1835-40 Frankfurt-a-Main
Zimmer, 1926 indicates:
- Issued in 13 Lieferungen, 1835-1840.
- pl.1-6 and pp.1-16 are 1835
- part 2 of Birds is probably referable to 1836
- p. 81 must have been published in or after March 1837
- p. 94 in or after 1838
- p. 99 in or after 1839
- Preface dated May 1, 1840
CWR seems to have 183. and doesn't number the Lieferungen.
Bob Dowsett writes (2003.03.02):
'BUT Sawyer F.C. 1952. "The dates of publication of
Wilhelm Peter Eduard Simon Rüppell's [1794-1884]
"Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehörig"
(fol., Frankfurt a. M., 1835-1840)."
J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist. 2:407
claimed that pp.81-116 & pll.31-42 were published in 1840.'
New South African Ornithological Records and New Forms
4 pp.
New Zealand Birds
Oliver, Walter Reginald Brook (Dr)
New Zealand Birds 2nd Edition
Oliver, Walter Reginald Brook (Dr)
[The title abbreviation violates my rule of using a period only after abbreviations that do not end in the same letter as the abbreviated word. My violations of this
rule are rare; I violate the rule, as here, in the service of readability.]
Nicoll's Birds of Egypt
2 Vols.
(Michael John Nicoll & Richard Meinertzhagen)
Meinertzhagen completed the work on the death of Nicoll (
Nomenclature animalium
Nomenclator animalium generum et subgenerum;
im Auftrage der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin
herausgegeben von F. E. Schulze, W. Kükenthal,
fortgesetzt von K. Heider, Schriftleiter: Th. Kuhlgatz.
Publisher Berlin, Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1926-1954.
My holdings: (listed simply for my convenience --- but it IS my website...)
A-Anaj. 10 März 1926
Anak.-Athec. 15 Mai 1926
Fa.-Halya. 5 Oktober 1929
Halyb.-Hyeto. 28 März 1930
Hyeto.-Lauxanacanthis 7 Oktober 1930
Lauxanacanthix-Macroglossa 15 April 1931
Macroglossap.-Microto. 8 Oktober 1931
Microt.-Nesost. 3 August 1932
Nesosus-Ostreoch. 10 Juni 1933
Ostreola-Penes. 25 November 1933
Peneta-Platysteg. 3 Juli 1934
Platysteira-Pseudaphan 8 März 1935
Pseudaphan-Rhynchith. 11 Dezember 1935
Rhynchitob.-Som. 8 Oktober 1936
Son.-Tachymeris 3 September 1937
Tachymerops-Trichoec. 30 August 1938
Trichoel.-Zaphleg. 27 Januar 1940
Zaphlethis-Zyzzygus 26 April 1954
Nomenclator Avium Neotropicalium Sive Avium Quae In Regione
Neotropica Hucusque Repertæ Sunt Nomina Systematice Disposita
Adjecta Sua Cuique Speciei Patria Accedunt Generum Et Specierum
Novarum Diagnoses.
Sclater, Philip and Salvin, Osbert
Nomenclator Musei Heineani Ornithologici.
Heine & Reichenow
1882 - 1890 not issued until 1890.
vi + 373 pp. Berlin
Nomenclator zoologicus; a list of the names of genera and subgenera in
zoology from the tenth edition of Linnaeus, 1758, to the end of 1935,
edited by Sheffield Airey Neave ...
Publisher London,
Pub. for the proprietors by the Zoological society of London, 1939-1996.
vol 1-9.
Electronic version available at: MBL Electronic version
APP Notes:
- Neave, remarkably makes no mention of Schulze et al. (at least that I can find).
Schulze et al. were working well before Neave's first volume was completed
and their project was almost completely published before the first volume of Neave was
available. The Nachwort of the final volume of Schulze includes a discussion
with many references to Neave. (My German is so poor, I can not be confidant of
extracting much of what is said).
- It must be remembered, especially when searching the electronic version,
that one can not count on rigorous consistency in the representation of authors'
names, or the names of Publication sources: Thus one can find both
"Ogilvie Grant" and "Ogilvie-Grant" (1:291,598), as well as "Bull. Orn. Club",
"Bull. Brit. Orn. Club", and "Bull. Brit. Orn. Cl." (1:528; 3:772,959).
In the first instance, "Ogilvie Grant" is spelled "Ogilvie-Grant" in the original
source cited.
Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis
Agassiz, Jean Louis Rodolphe
pp.8+393 Solothurn
On examining the copies of Nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis in the
Herpetology Division of the U.S. National Museum, I found, tipped in a copy of a two-page
paper by Donovan and Smith, which I here reproduce.
The Dates of Publication of Louis Agassiz'
Nomenclator Zoologicus
Donovan, R. Bowley and Horbart M. Smith
Most copies of Agassiz' Nomenclator Zoologicus are bound without
the original covers, and since no other single source gives the dates
of publication of all parts, which are of considerable nomenclatural
importance, we here place on record the information on publication
dates that has been gleaned from a copy in the Library of the Museum
of Comparative Zoology. This copy was presented by Alexander Agassiz to
Walter Faxon, who in turn bequeathed it to the Library, in which it was
accessioned October 16, 1934.
As given to the printed cover of each fascicle, the publication
dates and contents of the separate fascicles are as follows:
Fasciclus I (Mammalia, Echinodermata et Acelephas): 1842.
Fasciclus II (Aves): 1842.
Fasciclus III et IV
(Crustacea et Vermes, i.e. Entozoa, Turbellaria et Annulata;
Hemiptera et Infusoria; Polygastrica et Rotataria): 1843.
Fasciclus V et VI
(Neuroptera, Orthoptera, Polypi et Reptilia): 1844.
Fasciclus VII et VIII
(Mammalia (addenda), Aves (addenda), Reptilia (addenda),
Pisces, Crustacea (addenda), Hemiptera (addenda),
Orthoptera (addenda), Neuroptera (addenda), Hymenoptera,
Vermes (addenda), Rotatoria (addenda), Polygastrica (addenda),
Echinodermata (addenda), Acalephas (addenda), et Polypos (addenda):
Fasciclus IX et X
(Titulum et Praefotionem Operis, Mollusca, Lepidoptera,
Strepsiptera, Diptera, Myriapoda, Thysanura, Thyusanoptera,
Suctoria, Epizoa et Arachnidas): 1846.
Fasciclus XI
(Coleoptera): 1846.
Fasciclus XII
(Indicem Universalem): 1847.
Of additional special interest to nomenclature is the indicated date of
publication of the Index Universalis, which has been almost universally accepted
as 1846 in conformance with the date printed on the title page. It is presumed
that the title page was printed with other parts in 1846, but that the Index
actually did not appear until 1847. Carus and Englemann (1861, Bibliotheca
Zoologica: 238), in fact, give the date 1848 for the Index, presumably in error.
A note is pencilled in on the title page of another copy of the Nomenclator in
MCZ Library, giveing the date of publication of a "fascicle 13" as 1847, but
presumably it refers actually to fascicle 12, and may aid in confirmation of
1847 as the date of publication for the Index.
Although "Infusoria" appers on the cover of fasciculus III-IV, the name
does not appear on the title page of either fasciculus, nor does material
pertaining to this group appear in either the Nomenclator or the Index Universalis.
Although "Infusioria" appears on the cover of fasciculus III-IV, the name does
not appear on the title page of either fasciculus, nor does material pertaining
to this group appear in either the Nomenclator or the Index Universalis.
The Faxon copy is bound with the three parts not regularly present in other
copies: a "Prospectus" for the work, a "Lecori Benevolo", and author-publisher
notes. None of these parts, for example, is present in the other two copies in the
Museum Library, and only one of them (the "Lectori Benevolo") is bound with the
copy in the University of Illinois Library.
An interleaved annotated copy of the Nomenclator, bound in four volumes, from
Agassiz' personal library, now exists in the Rare Book Room of the Library of the
Museum of Comparative Zoology.
----Library, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge Massachuesttes;
and Department of Zoology and Museum of Natural History, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana.
Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (Newspaper).
North American fauna
Publisher: Washington, Fish and Wildlife Service;
for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U. S. Govt. Print. Off.
Description: no. ill. 23 cm.
no. 1 (1889)-
Notes: Nos. 6, 9, not published.
No. 1-56 issued by the U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey
(called Division of Ornithology and Mammalogy, no. 1-12, 1889-96;
Division of Biology Survey, no. 13-24, 1897-19 ;
Biological Survey, no. 25, 1905);
no. 57-64, 1941-62, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service;
no. 65-69; 1968-74, U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife;
no. 70- 1975- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Note di un viaggio in Persia nel 1862
Filippo De Filippi
Notes from the Rijksmuseum van Natuurl. Historie.
Ed. by H. Schlegel
1879 -> Leyden 8vo
Publishing appears irregular. Some volumes cross years,
and it appears multiple volumes have appeared within years.
Year Vol.
1879 I.
1880 II.
1881 III. [Glareolus nuchalis liberae Schlegel 1881 NotesLeydenMus. 3 no.2 p.58. Apr (CWR)]
No.1 Jan. 1881
No.2 Apr. 1881
No.3 Jul. 1881
No.4 Oct. 1881
1882 IV.
No.1 Jan. 1882
No.2 Apr. 1882
No.3 Jul. 1882
No.4 Oct. 1882
1883 V.
No.1 Jan. 1883
No.2 Apr. 1883
No.3 Jul. 1883
No.4 Oct. 1883
1884 VI.
No.1 Jan. 1884
No.2 Apr. 1884
No.3 Jul. 1884
No.4 Oct. 1884
1885 VII.
No.1 Jan. 1885
No.2 Apr. 1885
No.3 Jul. 1885
No.4 Oct. 1885
1886 VIII.
No.1 Jan. 1886
No.2 Apr. 1886
No.3 Jul. 1886
No.4 Oct. 1886
1887 IX.
No.1 Jan. 1887
No.2 Apr. 1887
No.3 Jul. 1887
No.4 Oct. 1887
1888 X.
No.1 and 2 Apr. 1888
No.3 Jul. 1888
No.4 Oct. 1888
1889 XI.
1890 XII.
[1891 XIII.] * []= year/vol inferred.
1892 XIV.,
1892 XV. (no.1) Oct 1892 (Note I-VI pp.1-104)
1893 XV. (no.2) Apr 1893
1893 XV. (no.3) Jul 1893
1893 XV. (no.4) Oct 1893
[1894 XVI.]
1895 XVII.
1896 XVIII.
[1897 XIX.]
1898 XX. unpaginated note states:
"Vol.XX was issued in parts in the following order:
No.1 April 1898, Note I-XVI. [Imprint date "January 1898"]
No.2 and 3 ["April and July"] September 1898, Note XVII-XXV.
No.4 ["October"] February 1899, Note XXVI-XXXIX.
1899/1900 XXI.
No.1-3 1899 [pp.1-144]
No.4 March 1900 (Note VII p.145-289).
1900 XXII.
No. 1 and 2 July 1900
1901 XXII. [Eugerygone Finsch 1901 NotesLeydenMus. 22 no.3 p.200. Mch (CWR)]
No.3 March 1901
No.4 May 1901
1901 XXIII. [Poliolophus nieuwenhuisii Finsch 1901 NotesLeydenMus. 23 no.2 p.95. Dec. (CWR)]
1902 XXIII. [Crithagra estherae Finsch 1902 NotesLeydenMus. 23 no.3 p.151. July 15 (CWR)]
1903 XXIII. [Siphia hoevelli Meyer,AB 1903 NotesLeydenMus. 23 no.4 p.186. May (CWR)]
[Ortholophus Cassini Finsch 1903 NotesLeydenMus. 23 no.4 p.201. May (CWR)]
1904 XXIV.
.... ....
1910 XXXII.
1911 XXXIV.
In addition to the irregular schedule of publishing, it appears that
some material was published prior to the imprinted date. Charles W.
Richmond notes (Proc.U.S.Nat.Mus. 53 no.2221 p.606 fn.2, in
discussing Van Oort's publication in vol.28 No.1-2, July, 1906,
"Repaged separates appear to have been published earlier,
as the paper is reviewed in the Ornith. Monatsber., June, 1906,
Notes on the Order Procellariiformes
Mathews, Hallstrom
Notes Order Procellariiformes
Notice sur les Travaux Scientifiques
Notiser ur Sällskapets pro Fauna et Flora Fennica föorhndlingar
vol.1-14 1848-1875
Notizen Aus Dem Gebiete Der Natur- Und Heilkunde,
gesammelt...von L. F. v. Froriep, &c.
4to Erfurt & Weimar.
Notizia Storica dei lavori fatti dalla classe di Sci.
Fisiche e Mat. della R. Acc. Sci. Torino
Notulae Naturae of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
no.1 My 1939 ->
Notornis. (Ornithological society of New Zealand.)
Masterton. 1, Ja 1943 ->
1-3, 1943 - Ap 1950 as New Zealand Bird Notes.
[CWR gives ser.3 for I GSt.-H. entries of 1832]
Nouvelles Archives du Museum D'Histoire Naturelle De Paris
1865-74 Ser.1 1-10
1875-88 Ser.2 1-10
1889-98 Ser.3 1-10
1899-1908 Ser.4 1-10
1909-1930 Ser.5
## Peters XIV:275 has Carpodacus davidianus Milne-Edwards 1866 vol.1 (1865)
implying that Paynter et al. believed that some (or possibly all) volumes
came out a year after the imprint date.
## discrepancy between CWR and Peters re Vol 6. as
to whether 1870 or 1871. CWR has all as 1870.
Evenhuis (cited in "Priority!") identified a date of "8 Jan. 1871" in the article
preceeding the one containing bird descriptions by Verreaux.
The delay appears to be due to damage to the museum in the seige of Paris.
## ?? also some vol.5(1869) are 1870.
the break (by pp.) is not consistent.
## ?? are they all "Bull." NO! Dicrurus sharpei has "Bull."
crossed out on CWR card. (this is series 2 )
all ser >=2 not "Bull."
No. 5 looks like this
1869 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat.Bull. 5 p 15 pl.1 fig.1 Sporophila frontalis
1869 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat.Bull. 5 p 17 pl.1 fig.2 Megalurulus mariei
1869 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat.Bull. 5 p 33 pl.6 Tetraophasis obscurus
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat.Bull. 5(1869) p 35 Garrulax formosus
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat.Bull. 5(1869) p 35 Yuhina diademata
No. 6 looks like this
1871 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6(1870) p.34 Sitta sinensis
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.34 Spelaeornis troglodytoides
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.35 Chrysomma poecilotis
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.35 Paradoxornis alphonsianus
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.35 Paradoxornis paradoxus
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.36 Babax lanceolatus
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.36 Garrulax elliotii
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.36 Garrulax lunulatus
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.36 Garrulax maximus
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.37 Alcippe cinereiceps
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.37 Alcippe ruficapilla
1871 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6(1870) p.37 Cettia acanthizoides
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.38 Alcippe striaticollis
1870 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6 p.39 Aegithalos fuliginosus
1871 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6(1870) p.39 Carpodacus edwardsii
1871 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6(1870) p.39 Carpodacus trifasciatus
1871 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6(1870) p.39 Carpodacus vinaceus
1871 Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat. 6(1870) p.40 Montifringilla davidiana
Data from the British Museum Library is due to the work of M. Daniels who provides the following:
'the Nouvelles Archives du Museum d'histoire naturelle [are] now in the
Science collections at shelf-mark (OP) CB00-F(4)
and listed under the title "Archives Museum d'histoire naturelle."
These are the stamp dates, given in British format day/month/year; they are all 18--
Tom 1
1st fasc 8/11/65;
2nd fasc unstamped,
3rd fasc. unstamped,
4th fasc includes a Bulletin stamped 10/10/66.
vol 2
1st fasc unstamped,
fasc 2 6/12/66,
fasc 3 9/1/67,
fasc 4 9/4/67
vol 3 23/7/68
vol 4 8/12/69
vol 5 9/5/72
vol 6 9/5/72
vol 7 24/4/73
M Daniels'
These dates suggest a substantial number of taxa may need alterations of date.
My examination of the set at the Library of the National Museum of Natural History
shows the following:
The Fascicules are stamped with apparent acquisition dates (from early in the
20th century, and the volumes are stamped with what I interpret to possibly
be binding dates (from late in the 20th century).
Then covers, when bound in the back of the volume, have pasted on
an oblong of paper, which I presume to be the label from the
wrapper of the Fascicule. It contains the Tome and Fascicule number
and the list of articles from the Memoire and Bulletin (if present).
The later examples have handwritten indications of the pagination
and plate numbers included.
Tome Premier: 1865
Premier Fascicule: pp.1-64
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.65-184
"NOTA. -- Les planches devant être réunies
par ordre de numéros à la fin du volume, il ne
faut attacher aucune importance à leur disposition
passagèer dans les fascicules."
[APP note: this notice continues on the foot of all subsequent fascicule
Troisième Fascicule: pp.185-256
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.257-319 (and plates).
[APP: bound with this is the Bulletin, noticed on the
cover of the Premier Fascicule, but bound without an apparent
cover (page preceeding the first page of the Bulletin, is the
last page of the 4me Fascicule).
Bulletin: pp.1-80 (and plates)
Tome Deuxième: 1866
Premier Fascicule: pp.1-80
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.81-176
Troisième Fascicule: pp.177-288
[Note: APP rec'd Br.Mus. 1867.09.01 (Sept.)]
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.289-313 (and plates).
[Note APP: rec'd Br.Mus. 1867.09.04 (Sept.)]
[APP: bound with this is the Bulletin, noticed on the
cover of the Premier Fascicule, but bound without an apparent
cover (page preceeding the first page of the Bulletin, is the
last page of the 4me Fascicule).
Bulletin: pp.1-[41] (and plates)
Tome Troisième: 1867
Premier Fascicule: pp.1-?64
[Note APP: This volume in the Smithsonian copy has the Fascicule covers
bound in the back of the volume, and the last article of the Fascicule
is continued in the 2me Fascicle. The physical structure
of the volume suggests that p.64 is the end of the Premiere Fascicule.
Of interest at the foot of p.64, the Smithsonian copy has a date stamp in blue
ink that reads "Dec. 17, 1868" In discussing this with Leslie Overstreet
of the Cummins Library of the Smithsonian, she speculated that
this stamp date may well be an accession stamp for the Smithsonian Library
(though it must be noted she did not see the stamp in question).]
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.?65-?128
[Note APP: The last article of 2me Fascicule is completed
in the 3me Fascicule, my guess as to the termination
of the Fascicule is based on the presence of the end of signature #16.
The Bulletin is noticed on the cover of the 2me
Fascicule (but not on the 1er or 4me).]
Troisième Fascicule: pp.?129-?176
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.?177-192 (?and plates).
[Note APP: The Smithsonian copy has "Dec. 17, 1868" stamped in
blue ink at the foot of p.192.]
Bulletin pp.[1-3],4-96
[Note APP: The Smithsonian copy has "Dec. 17, 1868" stamped in
blue ink at the foot of p.8.
The the right foot of p.96 has text "(La suite au prochain volume.)"
[suite="the rest"; prochain=near, nearest, next]
Following p.96 is a leaf with unnumbered pages with
"TABLE DES MATIÈRES" on verso and
The Smithsonian copy has "Dec. 17, 1868" stamped in
blue ink at the foot of the recto.]
Tome Quatrième: 1868
[Note APP: Smithsonian Copy Title page has pencilled note:
"Pages mixed in binding"]
Premier Fascicule: pp.[1]-?68
[Note APP: The Bulletin is noticed on the cover of all
four Fascicules; David's article detailing the
voyage au Mongolie (which occupies pp.1-24,25-72, ) is noticed
on the covers of Fascicules 1,2,3, (but not 4).
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.[69]-116
Troisième Fascicule: pp.117-?138
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.?139-?[186] (?and plates).
Bulletin pp.[3]-24.
[Note APP: The Smithsonian copy has "Nov 11 1872" stamped in
blue ink at the foot of the recto of p.89 [=p.[90] of Bulletin.
the font of the date stamp is different than that in the
volumes noted above and it differs in style, not having a period
after the month abbreviation nor a comma after the day number.]
Tome Cinquième: 1869
Premier Fascicule: pp.[1]-56
Bulletin: pp.1-8 with Date stamp in blue ink
"Nov 11 1872" at foot of p.8 with font and style as noted in Tom. 4.
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.[57]-?120
Bulletin: pp.9-24 with Date stamp in blue ink
"Nov 11 1872" at foot of p.24 with font and style as noted in Tom. 4.
Troisième Fascicule: pp.?121-?216
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.?217-?276 (?and plates).
Bulletin: pp.25-[?64] with Date stamp in blue ink
"Nov 11 1872" at foot of p.[?64] with font and style as noted in Tom. 4.
[Note APP: From the material examined so far, I am unable
to be certain of the publishing history for this serial.
One guess is that the pattern may be reflected in the bound
volume 5 (1869). If this is so, then it suggests that parts
of the Bulletin sometimes were published with Fascicules (and
sometimes not). This possibility would appear to be strongly
supported by the lack of any "Bulletin" covers bound with
the volumes. Certainly articles often continued across
Fascicules, and it appears that the Bulletin articles may
well have as well. The timing and organization of the plate
publishing is uncertain.]
Tome Sixième: 1870
[Note APP: The Fascicule covers have written in ink
the pp. and pl. components, and (starting with F. 2)
the Smithsonian Accession Date]
Premier Fascicule: pp.1-56 pl.3-789
[Note APP: I note that it appears the last (numbered)
plate was published first. The "789" may refer to
the figures on the plate, though there are 8 figures(!).]
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.73-160 pl.1-2.88
[Note APP: Smithsonian accession date 1877.12.03]
Troisième Fascicule: pp.161-248 Bulletin: pp.1-24 pl.I.
[Note APP: Smithsonian accession date 1877.12.03]
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.249-302 pl.10-16
Bulletin: pp.25-40 pl.2-3
"NOTA.-- Les planches qui manquet à fascicules
seront jointes avec la table du tome VI des Nouvelles
Archives du Muséum, au primier fascicule
du tome VII."
and there is written in ink "pl.17-20".
Tome Septième: 1871
Premier Fascicule: pp.1-56
[Note APP: p.56 with Date stamp in blue ink
"Nov 11 1872" at foot of p.8 with font and style as noted in Tom. 4.]
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.57-104 Bulletin pp.1-24
[Note APP: Bulletin: p.14 dated at bottom
"(Notes du voyageur, 4 novembre 1871)."
Troisième Fascicule: pp.105-144 Bulletin: pp.25-64
[Note APP: p.64 with Date stamp in blue ink
"Nov 11 1872" at foot of p.8 with font and style as noted in Tom. 4.]
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.145-235 pl.10-16 Bulletin: pp.65-108 pl.2-3
Tome Huitième: 1872
Premier Fascicule: Bulletin: [1]-?
[Article by David goes to p.128 but is listed in Fascicules 1 & 2.]
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.??-104 Bulletin pp.1-24
[Note APP: Bulletin: with Date stamp in blue ink
"Aug 5 1874" at foot of p.128 and p.138 with font and style
as noted in Tom. 4.]
Troisième Fascicule: pp.???-???
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.???-??? Bulletin: pp.??-136 (? and pls.)
Tome Neuvième: 1873
Premier Fascicule: Memoire: [1]-?72
[Note APP: Smithsonian Copy has a blue ink stamp "Aug 5 1874"
at foot of p.72. Thus highly likely that this is the end
of the Fascicule 1 (though not otherwise determinable by the
structure and data of the volume to hand.]
[Note APP: Smithsonian copies with covers bound in back have an
oblong of paper pasted on to the cover. I interpret this to be
the contents data taken from the wrapper. This interpretation
is supported, in this instance, by the pencil script
"1er F".
These content paste-ons in most (?all) other instances have the
Fascicule number as part of the printed data.
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.?73-??136 Bulletin pp.1-?8
[Note APP: Bulletin: with Date stamp in blue ink
"Aug 5 1874" at foot of p.8 of the Bulletin with font and style
as noted in Tom. 4.]
Troisième Fascicule: pp.??137-???: Bulletin: pp.?9-?48
[Note APP: Bulletin: with Date stamp in blue ink
"Aug 5 1874" at foot of p.8 of the Bulletin with font and style
as noted in Tom. 4.]
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.???-332 Bulletin: pp.?49-[67] (? and pls.)
[Note APP: Bulletin: with Date stamp in blue ink
"Aug 5 1874" at foot of p.[67] of the Bulletin with font and style
as noted in Tom. 4.]
Tome Dixième: 1874
[Note APP: In this volume, the "4" in the year imprint date
is hand written in on every Fascicule cover.
Premier Fascicule: Memoire: [1]-32; Bulletin pp.1-48
[Note APP: Bulletin: with Date stamp in blue ink
"Aug 5 1876" at foot of p.48 of the Bulletin with font and style
as noted in Tom. 4.]
Deuxième Fascicule: pp.33-120 pl.3; Bulletin pp.49-64
[Note APP: Bulletin: with Date stamp in blue ink
"Aug 5 1876" at foot of p.64 of the Bulletin with font and style
as noted in Tom. 4.]
Troisième Fascicule: pp.124-184; Bulletin: pp.65-96
[Note APP: Bulletin: with Date stamp in blue ink
"Aug 5 1876" at foot of p.96 of the Bulletin with font and style
as noted in Tom. 4.]
Quatrième Fascicule: pp.185-268; Bulletin: pp.97-162 pls. 1-8
[See above. Publishing history relative to the "Memoirs"
(the component listed above) is uncertain. It appears that the
Bulletin was published in parts along with the Memoires, though
very often the Bulletin is bound together as a unit at the end of
the (library) bound volumes. It is therefor difficult to be certain
of the dating of the (un-named) parts of the Bulletin.]
Nouvelle classification des picidees ou pics, &c.
Malherbe, Alfred
[Nouv. Class. Picinees] per CWR.
12mo. p.1-56. Metz
Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle Appliquée aux Arts...
[First ed. 1803-4]
1816-19 [nouv. ed.]
Dates of receipt:
Vol. Date
I-III 14 Sp. 1816
IV-VI 14 Dc. 1816
VII-IX 15 Mr. 1817 [A second printing with p.447-448 tipped in Jy 1817].
X-XII 21 Jn. 1817
XIII-XV 13 Sp. 1817
XVI-XVIII 27 Dc. 1817
XIX-XXI 30 My 1818
XXII-XXIV 5 Sp. 1818
XXV-XXVII 26 Dc. 1818
[After Mathews and Sherborn]
Nouveaux mémoires de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou
Author: Moskovskoe obshchestvo l'i'ubitelei prirody
Title: Nouveaux mémoires de la Société impériale des
naturalistes de Moscou.
Publisher: Moscou : Auguste Semen, -1915.
Description: v.: ill. ; 29-36 cm. -t. 18, livr. 1 (1914) Published 1824?-1915.
Notes: Some published out of order; t. 17, livr. 4 published in 1915.
Subject: Moskovskoe obshchestvo l'i'ubitelei( prirody Natural history
Continues: Moskovskoe obshchestvo l'i'ubitelei( prirody. Mémoires
Continued by: Moskovskoe obshchestvo ispytatelei( prirody. Nouveau mémoires de la
Société des naturalistes de Moscou
Nova Acta (Verhandlungen) Academia Caesarea Leopoldino-Carolina
Germanica Naturae Curisorum
1757 ->
4to Nuremberg
"With but a few exceptions there is a separately paged
'Appendix' or paper at the end of each Vol. in the
earlier series; whilst supplementary Vols. are issued
with the later one." -BrMNH
Nova Acta Regia Societas Scientiarum. Upsala
4to Upsala
[A publication of Kongliga Vetenskaps-Societeten ]
Nova Caledonia, Zool.
Band 1, heft 1 1913.
Nova Guinea : résultats de l'expédition scientifique néerlandaise à la
Nouvelle-Guinée en 1903[-1920] / sous les auspices de Arthur Wichmann.
Publisher: Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1909-1936.
AMNH Library holdings:
v.1 1909
v.2 pt.1 1910
v.2 pt.2 1912
v.4, 1903
v.5, 1906-1917
v.9, 1909-1914
v.15 1924-1932
Description: 16 v. in 26. illus., pl., maps., tables. 32 cm.
Note: Title-pages in Dutch and French.
Vols. 10-11 never published.
Nova Guinea, a journal of botany, zoology, anthroplolgy,
ethnography, geology and palaeontology of the Papuan region.
nsv1, 1937 ->
Novedades colombianas.
Publisher Popayán.
Description v. ill. 25 cm.
Coverage No. 1 (mayo 3 de 1954)-
Note "Contribuciones científicas del Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad del Cauca."
No. 4-<6> called vol. 1.
Alt author Universidad del Cauca. Museo de Historia Natural
[Note: volumes appear to span more than one year]
Nov. Cient. Contr. Ocas. Mus. Hist. Nat. La Salle (Caracas)
Nov. Cient. Contr. Ocas. Mus. Hist. Nat. La Salle (Caracas), ser. Zool.
Novi Commentarii academiae scientiarium imperialis Petropolitanae
(New memoirs of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg)
Successor journal to Commentarii.
Published in 21 vols. from 1747 to 1778.
By 1750 political chaos had casued significant publication lags in the Commentarii
which was by then 10 years behind authorship.
Articles written over the course of six years were bound into the two final volumes
of the Commentarii (13 & 14), and then publication passed to the Novi Commentarii.
Of interest, Euler published extensively in the Novi Commentarii publishing 179 articles
between 1750 and 1776.
Vol. Year.
1 1750
2 1751
3 1753
4 1758
5 1760
6 1761
7 1761
8 1763
9 1764
10 1766
11 1767
12 1768
13 1769
14 1770
15 1771
16 1772
17 1773
18 1774
19 1775
20 1776
Novitates Zoologicae
(British museum (Natural History))
v1-42 no3
1894-Mr 1948
1-41 publ by Tring. suspended O 25 1940 - Mr 1948
Series appears to have been issued quarterly and appears to follow a 1 vol./yr sequence.
This was apparently maintained from vol. 1 (1894) through vol. 17 (1910)
Vol. 18 is published in 1911, but no.3 of that series was published Jan. 31, 1912.
The sequence then appears to return to normal until the latter portion of
vol. 34 (1927) when no.3 was not published until July 31, 1928.
All subsequent volumes (at least until 1932) appear to have been published one
year delayed from the one that would be predicted from the original sequence.
Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Naturali e Rendiconto dei
Lavori Dell' Accademia Delle Scienze
Dell'Instituto Di Bologna
Nuovo Giornale dei Letterati
Published in Pisa, and some confusion surrounds the dates and structure of this source.
Collecting data predominantly from taxa in Sherborn, Neave, and the Richmond Index I have determined
the likely structure must be similar to this.
Collation of data
| Number
| Year
| Taxa
| [1822]
| No taxa
| 1822
| Amphistoma juli Savi
Talpa caeca Savi
| No taxa
| 1823
| Salamandra perspicillata Savi
| No taxa
| No taxa
| 1824
| Sylvia luscinioides Savi
| No taxa
| No taxa
| 21
| 1825
| Dinops Savi
Dinops cestoni Savi
Mus tectorum Savi
| 1825
| Elephas etruscus Nesti
Elephas italicus Nesti
Elephas meridionalis Nesti
Elephas valdarnensis Nesti
| No taxa
| 1826
| Drepanodon F. Nesti
| No taxa
| No taxa
| 35
| 1827
| Rallus noveboracensis Bonaparte
Tringa pectoralis Bonaparte
| 38
| 1828
| Antilope gibbosa Savi
| No taxa
| No taxa
| No taxa
| No taxa
| No taxa
| No taxa
| 53,57
| 1831
| Falco pojana Savi
Motacilla cinereo-capilla Savi
| No taxa
| 61
| 1832
| Sorex thoracicus Savi
| 64
| 1832
| Sterna wilsonii Bonparte
Phalacrocorax brasilianus / brasiliensis Bonaparte
| No taxa
| No taxa
| 73
| 1834
| Ruvettus pretiosus Cocco
| No taxa
| No taxa
| No taxa
| 85
| 1836
| Sciurus vajo Savi
| 88
| 1836
| Gordius claixensis Savi
Gordius rissetensis Savi
| No taxa
| No taxa
| No taxa
| 102
| 1838
| Arvicola pertinax,destructor Savi
Salamandra corsica Savi
Megapterna Savi
Megapterna montana Savi
Vespertilio bonapartii Savi
Nyt Magazin for Naturvidenskeberne
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.11.05