Rec.AucklandInst.Mus. Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum. v 1 Je 30 1930 (?)
Rec.Auckland.Mus. Records of the Auckland Museum
Rec.Austr.Mus. Records. Australian Museum v 1 1890 Sydney
Rec.CanterburyMus. Records of the Canterbury Museum. 1907 -> Christchurch, N.Z., NOTES: At head of title v. 1: Canterbury College (University of New Zealand).
Records of the Indian Museum. Calcutta : Pub. by order of the trustees of the Indian Museum, 1907-1962. 1-60 1907-1962
Rec.Obs.Zool.Anat.Comp. Recueil d'observations de zoologie et d'anatomie comparee : faites dans l'Océan Atlantique, dans l'intérieur du nouveau continent et dans la Mer du Sud pendant les années 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802 et 1803 : deuxieme volume Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859. 1805-32. 4to. Paris. C.J. Smith : GIDE, NOTES (from AMNH): Typewritten title page and index inserted. Includes bibliographical references and index. Coquilles marines bivalves de l'Amérique équinoxiale, recueillies pendant le voyage de MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, et décrites / par A. Valenciennes - - Coquilles fluviatiles bivalves du Nouveau-Continent, recueillies pendant le voyage de MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, et décrites / par A. Valenciennes -- Coquilles univalves terrestres et fluviatiles, rapportées par MM. A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland, et d ecrites / par A. Valenciennes -- Coquilles univalves marines de l'Amérique équinoxiale, recueillies pendant le voyage de MM. A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland, et décrites / par A. Valenciennes. Negative photostat. SUBJECT: Mollusks -- South America. Bivalvia -- South America. Mollusks -- Atlantic Ocean. Bivalvia -- Atlantic Ocean. Zoology -- South America. Zoology -- Atlantic Ocean. OTHER: Bonpland, Aimé, 1773-1858. Valenciennes, M., 1794-1865. Coquilles marines bivalves de l'Amérique équinoxiale, recueillies pendant le voyage de MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, et décrites. Coquilles fluviatiles bivalves du Nouveau-Continent, recueillies pendant le voyage de MM. de Humboldt et Bonpland, et décrites. Coquilles univalves terrestres et fluviatiles, rapportées par MM. A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland, et décrites. Coquilles univalves marines de l'Amérique équinoxiale, recueillies pendant le voyage de MM. A. de Humboldt et A. Bonpland, et décrites. APP: Evidently printed in parts. CWR Unpublished notes on Dates of publication has one card (my H105.jpg) indicating that the premier cahier "paraîtra" in "mai". [APP: paraîtra = "will appear" (future tense of paraître)] This is noted in Journal Typographique, VIII, no. xxxiv 5 Germinal, an 13 [1805], p.270 Sherborn evidently published on the dates of this material in Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(7) v.3, p.428, 1899.
Rec.S.Austr.Mus. Records of the South Australian Museum
Rech.anat.paleo.Ois.FossilesFrance. Recherches anatomiques et paleontologiques pour servir a l' histoire des Oiseaux Fossiles de la France. Milne-Edwards, Alphonse [1835-1900] 1867-71 Text & Atlas 4to Paris.
Rech.fauneMadagascar Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses dépendances Various authors. Birds by Schlegel & Pollen in Pt.2. Leiden Pt.1 1868 Pt.2 1868 Pt.3 (never published) Pt.4 1874 Pt.5 1869
Rech.FauneMadag.[Pollen&Dam] Rech. Faune Madag. [Pollen&Dam] Recherches sur la Faune de Madagascar et de ses dependances, d'apres les descouvertes de F.P.L. Pollen et D.C. van Dam. Pollen, Francois P. L. [-1886] & Dam, D. C. van 1868-77 Leiden 4to Pt. 2 Mammiferes et Oiseaux, par H. Schlegel ... et F.P.L. Pollen 1868 pp. xix, 186: 40
Rech.Oss.Foss. Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles de quadrupèdes. Cuvier 1821-1824 5v. Paris.
RegistroTrimestre Registro trimestre Colleccion de historia, literatura, ciencias y artes, por una sociedad de literatos. 1 2 Ja 1832 -> Ja 1833 Oficina del Aguila, Mexico 2 v. in 1. 22 cm.
Regn.Anim.Class. Regnum animale in classes IX. distributum, sive synopsis methodica sistens generalem animalium distributionem in classes IX, & duarum primarum classium, quadrupedum scilicet & cetaceorum, particularem divisionem in ordines, sectiones, genera & species. Cum brevi cujusque speciei descriptione, citationibus auctorum de iis tractantium, nominibus eis ab ipsis & nationibus impositis, nominibusque vulgaribus. Brisson Editio altera auctior [=2nd ed.] Lugdunum Batavorum [=Leyden]: Theodorum Haak. 1762 4v. 8vo. xvii pp.296
RegneAnim. Le R&egrav;gne animal distribué d'après son organisation, pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction à l'anatomie comparée. Par M. le baron Cuvier,...Avec figures dessinées d'après nature. Cuvier Paris: Deterville 1817[i.e. 1816] 4v. 8vo. V1. Contenant l'intoduction, les mammiferes et les oiseaux. xxxvii pp.540 &c. [All four volumes of C.'s work were presented at a meeting of the Academie des Sciences on 2 December 1816. (Browning & Monroe. 1991)]
RegneAnim.nouv.ed. Le regne animal distribue d'apres son organisation, pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a l'anatomie comparee. Par m. le baron Cuvier,...Avec figures dessinees d'apres nature. Nouvelle edition, revue et augmentee. Cuvier Paris: Deterville et Crochard. 1829-1830. 5v. 8vo. V.I 1829 xxxniii, pp.584; V.2 1829 xv, pp.406 &c.
ReiseBrasil. Reise nach Brasilien in den Jahren 1815 bis 1817. Wied-Neuwied, Prince Maximilian A.P. zu 1820-1 2 vols folio and 4to Frankfurt a-Main. Note: The CWR cardex entry for Falco palustris Wied-Neuwied indicates two editions: both 8vo (contra the listing above) "Ger. 8o ed. I, 1820 108" "Fr. 8o ed. I, 1821 167" This suggests there are two different editions of the same work. published at different times, and with different pagination. The card for Hirundo collaris lists the French and German 8o ed's and lists "[orig. 4o,]"
ReiseBucharaSamarkand[Lehmann] A. Lehmann's Reise nach Buchara und Samarkand in den Jahren 1841 und 1842. ... Nebst einem zoologischen Anhange von J. F. Brandt. Lehmann, Alexander [1814-1842] 1852 St. Petersburg pp.342 8vo
ReiseErde[Erman],Naturhist.Atlas Reise um die erde durch Nord-Asien und die beiden oceane in den jahren 1828, 1829 und 1830 ausgeführt 1833 1848 Erman, Adolph Georg [1806-77] Berlin, G. Reimer, 5 v. fold. plates, fold. maps. 22 cm. + 2 atlases (in 1 v.) ; 23 cm. NOTES: The "Geographischer atlas" issued with v. 3 of pt. 1 consists of 11 plates only, 5 plates having been published in v. 1 of pt. 1, and 2 plates in v. 1 of pt. 2. The "Naturhistorischer atlas" has title: Verzeichniss von thieren und pflanzen, welche auf einer reise um die erde gesammelt wurden. 1. abth. Historischer bericht: 1. bd. Reise von Berlin bis zum Eismeere im jahre 1828. 2. bd. Reise von Tobolsk bis zum Ochozker meere im jahre 1829. 3. bd. Die Ochozker k¨ste, das Ochozker meer und die reisen auf Kamtschatka im jahre 1829.--2. abth. Physikalische beobachtungen: 1. bd. Ortsbestimmungen und declinationsbeobachtungen auf dem festen lande. 2. bd. Inclinationen und intensitäten. Declinationsbeobachtungen auf der see. Periodische declinationsveränderungen.
ReiseInnereAfrika[Levaillant] Le Vaillant's neue Reise in das Innere von Afrika...Aus dem Franzosischen ubersetzt. Mit Ammerkungen von J. R. Forster. 1796 Levaillant, F. 2 Bd. illust. 8vo Berlin
ReiseLaPlataStaaten Reise durch die La Plata Staaten, mit besonderer Rucksicht auf die physische Beschaftenheit und den Cul;turzustand der Argentinischen Republik. Ausgefuhrt in ... 1857-60. Burmeister, Carl Hermann Conrad 1861 8vo Halle
ReiseNiederl.Ost-Ind.[Weber] Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederlandisch Ost-Indien herausgegeben von ... M. Weber. Weber, Max Carl Wilhelm [1852 ->] 1890-1907 4 Bd. 8vo Leiden Bd. III 1893-4 pp.[i] 476 22 Ornithologishce Sammlungen aus Celebes, Saleyer, und Flores. 1894 Von J. Buttikofer
ReiseNordAm. Reise in daas innere Nord-America in ... 1832-4. Wied-Neuwied, Prince Maximilian A. P. zu 1839-41 2vols. 4to and folio Coblenz
ReiseNord.Ost.Sibir. Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens warhend ...1843 und 1844... auf Veranstaltung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg ausgefuhrt und...herausgegeben von... A. T. von Middendorff. Middendorff, Alexander Theodor von 4 Bd.[in 5] 4to. St. Petersburg, 1847-1875 Bd. 2, thl. 2 [stated date 30 Sept. 1851 (from Malacology Data base)] Bd. 2, thl. 2 "Saugethiere, Vogel und Amphibien." printed date 1853. Englemann & Carus (1861) p.189 list the following: 1. Bd. Thl. 1. 1848 1. Bd. Thl. 2. 1856 2. Bd. Thl. 1. 1851 2. Bd. Thl. 2. 1853 3. Bd. Thl. 1 1851 3. Bd. Thl. 2 1851 4. Bd. Thl. 1 [no date given]
ReiseOesterreich.FregatteNovaraErde.Zool.Th. Reise der Oesterreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde, in ... 1857-59, unter den Befehln des Commodore B. von Wullerstorf-Urbair. Zoologischer Theil 2 Bd. [in 6 Vol.] Bd. 1 Wirbelthiere 2. Vogel A von Pelzeln pp.iv,176 6 1865 4to Wien. Pelzeln's contributions ("Zoologischer Theil, Band 1") dated to 5 Oct. 1865 by HIggins LG. 1963. "Dates of Publication of the Novara Reise." J.Soc.Bibliogr.Nat.Hist. 4(3):153-159..
ReiseOstind.China Reise nach Ostindien und China. Osbeck, Pehr 1765 Rostock.
ReiseVersch.Provin.Russ.Reichs Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russischen Reichs (1768-74) Pallas, P.S. 1771-6 3pts.(vols.) 4to St. Petersb.
ReisedurchRussland Reise durch Russland zur Untersuchung der drey Natur-Reiche. (1770)1774-84 Reise durch Russland zur Untersuchung der drey Natur-Reiche. Dritter Theil. Reise durch das nordliche Persien, in den Jahren 1770, 1771, bis im April 1772, St. Petersburg (1774). Gmelin, SG 4 pts. (pt.4 ed by P.S. Pallas) 4to St. Petersb. parts: 1 1770 2 3 1774 4 1784
ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] Reisen in Britisch-Guiana in den jahren 1840-44. Im auftrag Sr. Majestat des konigs von Preussen ausgefuhrt von Richard Schomburgk. Nebst einer fauna und flora Guiana's nach vorlagen von Johannes Muller, Ehrenberg, Erichson, Klozsch, Troschel, Cababnis und andern. Mit abbildungen und einer karte von Britisch-Guiana aufgenommen von Sir Robert Schaumburgk... Schomburgk, Moritz Richard [1811-91] 1847-8 3vol. [Listing below from Carus & Engelmann Bibliotheca Zoologica I:194. 1861] I Thl. 1847 (XVIII, pp.469, 8 Holzschnitttaf., wovon 1 in qu. Fol., lith. Karten, wovon eine Karte von Britisch-Guiana. Massstab 1/2500000. Lith. u. col. Fol.) II Thl. 1848 (XIV, pp.532, 8 Holzschnitttaf.) III A. u. d. T.: Versuch einer Fauna und Flora von Britisch-Guiana. Nach Vorlagen von Johannes Müller, Ehrenberg, Erichson, Klotzsc, Troschel Cabanis und Andern. Systematisch bearbeitet von Richard Schomburgk. 1848. (X, pp.533-1261). Vergl.: Stricker, Wilh., Reisen. 8vo Leipzig J.J. Weber.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schomburgk Reisen Brit. Guiana "Zwei Theile" 1847. {Extracts from it publ. in Froriep's Fortschritte III, 1847, 129+ "1, Bd. .... 1847" {is noted in vol. IV, Jan., 1848, 343. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schomburgk Reisen Brit. Guiana Bd. 2 noted in Seraparum [Intel.-Bl.] for July 15, 1848 Bd. 3 noted in Seraparum [Intel.-Bl.] for Mch 31, 1849 [APP note: "Seraparum" is hard to read and exact spelling is uncertain] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schomburgk Reisen Brit. Guiana Bd. III 1848. Some account of this is given in Froriep's Fortschritte V July 1, 1848, p.431-447, but whether publ. earlier or later, I don't know. Schomburgk (or his brother) was one of the editors of Froriep's periodical, and may have given an adv. notice of the work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schomburgk Reisen Brit. Guiana Bd. III. "1848" is not mentioned in Hartlaub's review of Orn. for 1848, but is included in the report for 1849. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In support of this position:
Neal examined microfilm copies of a rare old publication referred to as Hinrichs (Böresnblatt für den deutschen Buchhandel (1834-date)) which is a publishers' recording journal containing dated advertisments by publishers in which they list new and old books for sale. (The Böresnblatt is not to be confused with Hinrichs "Katalog der im deutschen Buchhandel erscheinenen Bücher"). The first advertisment Evenhuis found for volume 3 of this work in the Böresnblatt was in an advertisment dated 10 March 1849. He examined numerous advertisments from the publisher (Weber) prior to this date, but this was the first in which the third volume was mentioned. This is very strong support for an 1849 publication date.
WORKING NOTES (2004.07.03): 1848 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 2 p.245 Micropygia schomburgkii (Schomburgk) 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.666 Citation Basileuterus Cabanis P:14 1849 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.667 Myioborus castaneocapilla (Cabanis) P:14:55 Setophaga CWR: 1848 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.668,note Tangara callophrys (Cabanis) Hypothlypis P: 13:386 1849 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.671 Euphonia minuta Cabanis P:13:351 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.672 Troglodytes rufulus Cabanis P:9:429 1849 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.676 Diglossa major Cabanis P:13:404 1849 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.678 Atlapetes personatus (Cabanis) Arremon P:13:200 1848 (APP !) H&M: 800 1848 Not addressed in Corrigenda 2.1 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.679 Sporophila castaneiventris Cabanis P:13:147 1849 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.689 Philydor pyrrhodes (Cabanis) P:7:130 Anabates 1848 H&M:415 1848 Not addressed in Corrigenda 2.1 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.709 Campylopterus hyperythrus Cabanis H&M:258 1848 Not addressed in Corrigenda 2.1 1849 ReisenBrit.-Guiana[Schomburgk] 3(1848) p.710 Citation Caprimulgus nigrescens Cabanis P:4:202 1848 H&M:242 1848 Not addressed in Corrigenda 2.1 END WORKING NOTES I
ReisenForsch.Amur-lande Schrenck L. von. Reisen und Forschungen im Amur-Lande in den Jahren 1854-1856 im Auftrage der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu St. Petersburg ausgeführt und in Verbindung mit mehreren Gelehrten herausgegeben. St. Petersburg : Kaiserl. Akad. Wissensch. Bd 1, Lief. 1 : Einleitung, Säugethiere des Amur-Landes. - 1858. - xxxi, S. 1-213, 9 color. Taf. ; Bd 1, Lief. 2 : Vögel des Amur-Landes. - 1860. - S. 215-567, 7 color. Taf. ; Bd 2, Lief. 1 : Ménétriès E. Lepidopteren. - 1859. - S. 1-75, 5 color. Taf. ; Bd 2, Lief. 2 : Motschulsky V. de. Coleopteren.- 1860. - S. 77-257, 6 color. Taf. ; Bd 2, Lief. 3 : Mollusken des Amur-Landes und des Nordjapanischen Meeres. - 1867. - S. 259-976, 17 color. Taf. Bd 3 as: Die Volker des Amur-Landes. Reisen und Forschungen im Amur-Lande in den Jahren 1854-1856 [The peoples of the Amur region. Travels and research in the Amur region in the years 1854-1856] V. 3. Bd.4 as Meteorology and Climate. Schrenk, Peter Leopold von [1826-94] 1858-1900. 4 vols. 4to St. Petersburg. Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vol I contains accounts of vertebrates, pub in 1858-60 (Wood).
ReisenOst.-Afr.[Decken] Reisen in Ost-Afrika in den Jahren 1859-1865. Herausgegeben in Auftrage der Mutter der Reisenden, Fürstin Adelheid von Pless. Wissenschaftlicher Theil. Band III. Abtheilung 1 [ which includes] Vögel von J. Cabanis. [Travels in East Africa during the years 1859-1865. Published on order of the mother of the Traveller, Princess Adelheid von Pless. Scientific Part. Volume III [including] Birds by Jean Louis Cabanis.] Reisen in Ost-Afrika, zweiter band. Decken, Carl Claus von der 1871 Leipzig ; Heidelberg C.F. Winter'sche, 454 p. ; 27 cm.
ReiseNovara Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde in den Jahren 1857, 1858, 1859 : unter den Befehlen des Commodore B. von Wüllerstorf-Urbair. Publisher: Wien, Kaiserlich-Königliche Hof- und Staatsdruckerei; in Commission bei K. Gerold's Sohn, 1861-75. Description: 9 v. in 20. illus. (part col.), charts, facsims, maps (part col.), ports. and atlas (10, 20 p., 140 plates) 30 cm. (v.1: 26 cm.) and portfolio (7 charts, part col.) 62 cm. Note: "Herausgegeben unter der Leitung der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften." Vols. 3 and 6 apparently never completed. Fold. col. map in pocket of v.1, pt.1. Atlas accompanies v.9, pt.2, section 2. Portfolio accompanies v.7.
ReisenSudenOst-Sibir. Reisen im Suden von Ost-Sibirien in den Jahren 1855-59 incl., &c. Radde, Gustav Ferdinand Richard [1831-1903] 1862-63 2 Bd. 4to St. Petersburg
ReisevonOrenburgBuchara[Eversmann] Reise von Orenburg nach Buchara...nebst einem naturhistorischen Anhange und einer Vorrede von H. Lichtenstein, &c. Eversmann, Eduard Friedrich 1823 pp. viii,150(35) 2 pl. 4to Berlin
Rem.Obs.Blanch.Caract.Psitt. Remarques A propos des Observations de M. Emile Blanchard sur les Caracteres osteologiques chez les Oiseaux de la famille des Psittacides, et Tableau des genres de Perroquets disposes en series parallels. Bonaparte. 1857. 4to. [ Bock 1994 p.230 list this as an article in Compt. Rend. Sea. Acd. Sci. Paris 44: 534-539. ]
Rep.Brit.Austral.N.Z.AntarcticRes.Exped Report of the British-Australian-New Zealand Antarctic Research Expedition
Rep.Exped.Centr.Afr. Report of the expedition for exploring central Africa, from the Cape of Good Hope... 1834, under the superintendence of ... A. Smith. Smith, A. 1836 Cape Town
Rep.5thThuleExped.1921-24 Report of the 5th Thule Expedition 1921-1924 Thule Expedition (5th : 1921-1924) Report of the fifth Thule Expedition 1921-24; the Danish expedition to Arctic North America in charge of Knud Rasmussen. Copenhagen, Gyldendal, 1927-52. 10 v. in 11. illus. (part fold.) maps. 29 cm.
Rep.Exped.ZuniColoradoRivers[Sitgreaves] Report of an expedition down the Zuni and Colorado rivers 1853 Washington, D.C. R. Armstrong, 198 p. : plates, map ; 23 cm. Ex. doc. / United States. Congress (32nd, 2nd sess., Senate) ; no. 59 Senate executive document (United States. Congress. Senate) ; no. 59. SUBJECT: Indians of North America -- Southwest, New. Natural history -- Southwest, New. Zuñi River. Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) Arizona -- Description and travel. OTHER: Sitgreaves, Lorenzo, d. 1888.
Rep.Expl.Surv.RR.Pac. Report of explorations and surveys to ascertain the most practical and economical route for a railroad from the Mississiippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Birds Baird, S.F. 1858 vol. 9 Washingotn lvi + 1055
Rep.Geol.Expl.40thParallel Report Geological Exploration of the 40th Parallel.
Rep.Gov.Sci.Exped.Bell.KerNWQueensland Rep. Gov. Exp. Bellenden Ker, Northwest Queensland [CWR]
Rep.HornSci.Exped.Austr.[Horn] Report on the work of the Horn Scientific Exploring Expedition to Central Australia....Edited by Baldwin Spencer Pt. 2 Zoology pp.iv,431; 29 pl. Aves by North, AJ. field notes Keartland, GA.
Rep.Sci.Exp.Bellenden-KerRange Report of the Government Scientific Expedition to Bellenden-Ker Range upon the Flora and Fauna of the part of the Colony. 1889 Brisbane 8vo p.127 [Also as Rept.Sci.Exp. Queensland]
Rep.SealIsl.Alaska[Elliott] Report on the Prybilov group, or, Seal islands, of Alaska. By Henry W. Elliott ... Publisher Washington, Govt. print. off., 1873. 1 p.l., [125] unpaginated p. plates. 31 cm. 127 copies printed. Ornithology of the Prybilov islands. By Dr. Elliott Coues. (Based on H.W. Elliott's manuscripts and collections): pp. [80]-[115]
Rep.Zool.Coll.Voy.Alert Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert' 1881-2. British Museum (Natural History). Dept. of Zoology. London Printed by order of the Trustees, 1884 xxv, 684 p. 54 pl. (part col.) 24 cm. SUBJECT: Alert (Ship) Zoology -- Melanesia. Zoology -- Australia. Zoology -- Islands of the Indian Ocean. Scientific expeditions. Birds ... British Museum (Natural History). Dept. of Zoology. Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert' 1881-2. London, Printed by order of the Trustees, 1884. pp. 11-28, 483-485. (OCoLC)4356137 Sharpe, Richard Bowdler, 1847-1909. London [British Museum] 1884 FORMAT: [18 + 3] p. 22 cm.
Res.China[Blackwelder,E] Research in China in Three Volumes and Atlas. Part 2 by Eliot Blackwleder Publicatin no.54 of the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
"it was distributed to various ornithlogists for the purpose of eliciting critcisms and suggestions, but was not (according to a statement in the original edition) distributed to libraries or put in general circulation."It appears to me that the implications of this are difficult to interpret under the Code. Nevertheless, the convention has been to date the names from the dates given on the corresponding sheets (signatures). For convenience, I list the sheet or signature number, date and page number from my copy of this work.
Sig. Date page 1 June 1864 [1] 2 June 1864 17 3 July 1864 33 4 July 1864 49 5 July 1864 65 6 Aug. 1864 81 7 Aug. 1864 97 8 Aug. 1864 113 9 Sep. 1864 129 10 Sep. 1864 145 11 Nov. 1864 161 12 Apr. 1865 177 13 Apr. 1865 193 14 Apr. 1865 209 15 Apr. 1865 225 16 May 1865 241 17 May 1865 257 18 May 1865 273 19 May 1865 289 20 May 1865 305 21 May 1866 321 22 May 1866 337 23 May 1866 353 24 May 1866 369 25 May 1866 385 26 May 1866 401 27 June 1866 417 28 June 1866 433 29 June 1866 449 2008.11.29
Revue Zoologique. Important! The nos. of the Rev.Zool. prob. never came out during the month mentioned on the 1st. page of no. For instance the no. for Jan. contains minutes of various societies up to the end of Jan. + could hardly have been issued before Feb., etc. etc. This is the case throughout the XI volumes. The dates given on my cards are the "ostensible" dates, (i.e. those mentioned on the number).
1849: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.603) of Meetings of Dec. 3,10,17,24,31. [All five Mondays listed with meetings; Almost certainly not published until 1850.] Dec. no. p.592-640 Additionally in support of this is the text on p.625 "Dans sa séance du 9 janvier 1850, la Société a complété son bureau, en nommant achiviste-adjoint M. Jacquelin-Duval." Which I translate to: In its meeting of January 9, 1850, the Society completed its bureau, by naming Mr. Jacquelin-Duval as assistant director. No currently valid avian names are affected (presuming that the delay to 1850 affected only the December number. 1850: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.644) of Meetings of Dec. 2,9,16,23,30. [All five Mondays listed with meetings; Most likely not published until 1851.] Dec. no. p.[625] - 656. No references to 1851 found. 1851: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.605) of Meetings of Dec. 1,8,15,22,29. [All five Mondays listed with meetings; Probably not published until 1852.] Dec. no. p. [561] - 626 p.604 references Mag. de Zool. année 1852 p.619 announces an upcoming matter for the first number of 1852 No currently valid avian names are affected (presuming that the delay to 1850 affected only the December number. 1852: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.581) of Meetings of Dec. 6,13,20,27. [All four Mondays listed with meetings.] December no. p. [545] -592 Pardipicus caroli (p.550) almost certainly should be dated to 1853. 1853: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.576) of Meetings of Nov. 28, Dec. 5,19,26. [So it seems that the November material was published before the material from the meeting of the 28th was available.] 1854: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.676) of Meetings of Nov. 13,20,27, Dec. 4,11,18,25. 1855: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.579) of Meetings of Dec. 3,10,17,24,31. [All five Mondays with meetings listed. Almost certainly not published until 1856.] 1856: 1851 [=1856] "December" number includes notes (starting on p.572) of Meetings of Dec. 1,8,15,22,29. 1857: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.582) of Meetings of Dec. 7,14,21,28. 1858: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.547) of Meetings of Dec. 6,13,20,27. 1859: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.541) of Meetings of Dec. 5,12,19,26. ... 1866 "December" number p.[441] - 488 (plus pll.) ... 1868 "December" number p. [417] - 462 (plus pll.) p.451 references Journ. d'agr. pratique 1868 no. 1 2 janvier, p.10
Rev.Mus.Paulista Revista do Museu Paulista 1895 - 1988 Sao Paulo T.1 1899 - T.26 1942; nova ser. V.1 1947 - V.33 1988
Revue Zoologique. Important! The nos. of the Rev.Zool. prob. never came out during the month mentioned on the 1st. page of no. For instance the no. for Jan. contains minutes of various societies up to the end of Jan. + could hardly have been issued before Feb., etc. etc. This is the case throughout the XI volumes. The dates given on my cards are the "ostensible" dates, (i.e. those mentioned on the number).On 2005.02.07, my wife and I examined the December numbers of Rev.Zool. and Rev.Mag.Zool. with an eye toward determining what data made CWR make the statements he did. The summary of our findings in those numbers are below:
Vol.1 (Année 1838), for Jan. 1838, contains an introduction by Guéin-Méneville. dated 31 Jan. 1838 (a Wednsday). This issue reports on a Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris (ARSP) meeting of 29 Jan. 1838 (a Monday -- the usual day of the meetings). Thus it appears unlikely that the issue was published before Feb. at the earliest. For Feb., the reported (ARSP) meetings start on 5 Feb. and the final meeting reported is 19 Feb. Note that a meeting on 31 December is virtually certain to have not been published until January of the following year (at the earliest). 1838: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.311) of Meetings of Dec. 3,10,17,31. The last date is written "31 janvier" (presumably a typographic error for 31 December). [Note also that the Dec. 24 meeting which would be expected in sequence is not present. This suggests there were four meetings a month] 1839: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.368) of Meetings of Dec. 2,9,16,30. [again the meeting of the 23rd is missing, further supporting a schedule of four meetings a month]. The title page says merely "1840" Though in text prior to that it says "Anné'e 1839" So confusingly, this volume is called both "1839" and "1840" 1840: "December" number includes notes (starting on p.365) of Meetings of Dec. 7,14,21,28. [Only four Tuesdays in this month, all with meetings]. The title page says merely "1840" Though in text prior to that it says "Anné'e 1840" [Begin 2021.11.03] 1840: NOTE: In this year there were apparently two entities named "Revue Zoologique"