Zoological Citation Sources --Z

Zap.Imp.Akad.Nauk Zapiski Imp. Akad. Nauk, St. Petersburg

Zap.KrasnoyarskOtd.Russ.Geogr.Obshchest. Zapiski Krasnaoyarsk Otdela Russkovo Geographeechescovo Obshestvo Zapiski Krasnaoyarsk Otdela Russkovo Geographeechescovo Obshchestvo
Zap.Turk.Abth.Ges.Lieb.Naturk. Zapiski d. Turk. Abth. d. Ges. der Lieb. d. Naturk. (I am very unsure of this citation, Peters Checklist X:4 shows it as "Izvestia Obsht. Liub. Est. Anthr. Ethnog. Turkest. Otd. 1 fasc. 1 p.45, similar to the Richmond Index citation).
Zeitsch.ges.Orn. Zeitschrift für die gesammte Ornithologie. Herausgegeben von . . . J. von Madarasz 1884-88 Jahrg. I-IV 8vo Budapest 1884 1 1-4 Heft 1 1-72 Heft 2 73-192 Heft 3 193-268 Heft 4 269-410 = 1885: pp.400, 401 refer to works with a publication date of 1885. 1885 2 1-4 Heft 1 1-72 Heft 2 73-200 Heft 3 201-308 "Dec. 7, 1885" written on wrapper. ? MCZ accession date? Heft 4 309-540 "Mar. 9, 1886" written on wrapper. ? MCZ accession date? Additionally on p.369 Finsch refers to Ibis p.1 for 1886. It is possible that Finsch knew that his taxon Donacicola hunsteini (now) Lonchura hunstseini (Finsch) 1886 would be published in the January issue of the Ibis, but that is imaginative speculation. If imaginative speculation is given free reign it is possible to change a substantial number, possibly even a majority of dates we now accept. 1886 3 1-4 Heft 1 1-80 Heft 2 81-192 Heft 3 193-224 Heft 4 225-287 = 1887 Accessioned MCZ May 26,1887. p.272 references a work dated 1887. 1887 4 1-4 Heft 1&2 1-193 Heft 3&4 194-447 = 1888 Accession May 27, 1889
Zeitsch.Ges.Naturwiss. Zeitschrift für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften. Berlin : G. Bosselmann, 1-54 1853-1881
Zoe Vol 1. no.1 Mar. 1890 - Vol. 5 (Apr. 1908) Publication suspended June 1894-May 1900.
Zoogr.Rosso-Asiat. Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica, sistens omnium Animalium in extenso Imperis Rossico et adjacentibu maribu, &c. Pallas, Peter Simon 1811 - 1842 4to. 3 vols. Petropoli "The date of publication of Pallas' _Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica was a matter of contention for many years until the Commision (Opinion 212, 1954) fixed 1811 as the publication date for volumes 1 and 2 of that work (for history of the decision, see Hemming 1951)." [ Banks, RC and Browning, MR. 1995. Comments on the Status of Revived Old Names for some North American Birds. Auk. 112(3):633-648.] Hemming F. 1951. Date of publication of Pallas's 'Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica'. Ibis 93:316-321.
Zool.Abh.Staatl.Tierk.Dresden Title: Zoologische Abhandlungen / Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden. Publisher: Leipzig : In Kommission, Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Geest & Portig, 1961-2006. Vols: 26-56 1961/1962-2006 Description: 31 v. : ill. ; 25 cm. Coverage: Bd. 26, Nr. 1 (24. März 1961)-Bd. 56 (2006) Note: Summaries in English. Tables of contents also available online. [data from AMNH Library]
Zool.Anal. Zoologie Analytique, ou Methode naturelle de Classification des Animauxe, rendue plus facile a laide de tableaux synoptiques. "1806" = 1805 8vo pp.32+344 Paris [note: CWR for Cacatoes indicates this may be 1805.] [Mathews 1925:37 indicates that this was published in 1805. His dating is based (apparently in part) upon the preface being dated Sept. 27, 1805. He states "published before Dec. 6th, 1805" though the basis for that date is not evident to me. Mathews, G.M., 1925. The Birds of Australia. Supplement IV. Bibliography of the Birds of Australia. Books used in the preparation of this work with a few biographical details of authors and collectors: i-viii, 1-149.
Zool.Ann. Zoological Annalen 1 v. : ill. ; 20 cm. Bd. 1 (1793) Editor: Friedrich Albrecht Anton Meyer. Continues: Magazin für Thiergeschichte, Thieranatomie, und Thierarzneikunde. Cont. by: Zoologisches Archiv
Zool.Anz. Zoologischer Anzeiger. Bd. 1 Juli 1878 -> Leipzig, Akadamische Verlansgesellschaft Geest & Portig. Pub. susp. Nov. 1944 - July 1950.
Zool.Atlas Zoologischer Atlas enthaltend Abbildungen... neuer Thiergarten, wahrend...vo Kotzbue Zweiter Reise um die Welt...in...1823-6 Escholtz, JF 1829-33 fol. Berlin [CWR unpublished notes: "1st cahier. 15 pp. + 5 pl. Berlin, 1829"
Zool.Beitr. Zoologische Beiträge (Hamburg)
Zool.Beechey'sVoy. The Zoology of Captain Beechey's voyage to the Pacific and Behring's Strait... in H.M.S. Blossom...1825-28 Beechey, FW;Vigors et. al. 1839 4to pp.12+186 44 col. pl. London
Zool.DanicaeProdromus Title : Zoologiæ danicæ prodromus, sev Animalivm Daniæae et Norvegiæae et Synonyma imprimis popularium. Avctore Othone Friderico Müller. Ad forman tabvlarvm denvo edidit frater avctoris [C.F. Müller] Zool.Dan.Prod. Arhiv.org image Author : Müller, Otto Frederik, 1730-1784. Published : Havniae, typis N. Mölleri avlae regiae typographie et filii, 1788-1806. Description : 4 v. in 1. 160 col. plates. 38 cm. Notes : Vol. 3: Descripsit et tabvlas addidit Petrvs Christianvs Abildgaard. Vol. 4: Descripserunt et tabvlas dedervnt P.C. Abildgaard, M. Vahl, J.S. Holten, J. Rathke. [APP: Prodromus evidently published in 1776?]
Zool.Garten Der Zoologische Garten Organ der Zoologischen Gesellschaft in Frankfurt a. M. ... (1859)1860 -1905 8vo Frankfurt a. Main
Zool.Ill. Zoological Illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting Animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, entomology, and conchology arrainged according to their apparent affinities. Swainson, William 1820-1823 3 vols. 8vo London T.P. Vol.1 BHL image T.P. Vol.2 BHL image T.P. Vol.3 BHL image
Zool.Ill.(2) Zoological Illustrations, or original figures and descriptions of new, rare, or interesting Animals, selected chiefly from the classes of ornithology, entomology, and conchology and arrainged according to their apparent affinities. Second Ser. Swainson, William 1829-1833 Baldwin, Craddock, and R. Havell. London 3 vols [ dates for vol.3 no.25 are given as 1832 (CWR) and 1833 (Sherborn) ]
Zool.J. (The) Zoological Journal. Conducted by Thomas Bell, John George Children, James de Carle Sowerby, and GB Sowerby. [From vol. 3 edited by NA Vigors, with the co-operation of Thomas Bell, ET Bennett, JE Bicheno, WJ Broderip, JG Children, Thomas Hardwick, T Horsfield, W Kirby, J de Carle Sowerby, W Yarrell] 1824-1835 5 vols., 8vo Supplement. Nos. 1-6. 1835 London, W. Phillips. This Journal was the result of the splinter group (essentially Quinarian in nature) that broke from the Linnean Society. This group progressed as the Zoological Club of London to the Zoological Society of London, with its Proceedings. vol. 1 as both 1824 and 1825, split between 412 and 466 Journal definitely started in 1824. (See Soc.Hx. of Nat. Hx. Newsletter 51. Jan 1995. Article 11.) But, if and when a break occured is not clear. Article states: "vol [1?] is stated to be the collected issues 'from March 1824 to January 1825'." This is evidently on the title page of vol. 1. vol. 3 vast majority of citations are given as 1827. CWR gives later pp. as Dec 1827 or "Dec" 1827. However, in the Richmond Index, the card for from p.356 of no.XI is written as 1827, and corrected to 1828. Peters volumes give a few as 1827 (1828). For many citations given as "1828" Sherborn lists: "Aug.-Nov." [i.e.Dec 31] 1827." Whether or not some parts of vol 3. were published in 1828 is a question, though the basis for this possibility is not clear. I currently give all vol.3 's as 1827. In support of this,Mathews says (Bibliography, Birds of Australis p.131). "Zoological Journal, Vol. III. (pt.10), pp. 158-175, April-Sept. No., Sept. 1827; (pt.11), pp. 343-463, Sept.-Dec. 31st No., Dec, 31st, 1827." [APP: Mathew's dating is revelatory, as Dec. 31st, 1827 was a Sunday. Thus, it appears the Mathews did not have specific information about the date of availability but rather had reason to believe that it was available sometime in 1827. I am subsequently (2006.07.09) not so convinced of what this means. Societies certainly met not infrequently on Sundays in the 19th century. I wonder, as well, what Mathews' dates refer to -- publishing dates? meeting dates? or even if he knew himself? ] Mark Brown communicates (in litt. 2007.05.21). In Monographia heliceorum viventium by L. Pfeiffer (1848) he lists the dates for the Z. J. as: Vol. I N.1-3 1824, N.4 1825 Vol. II N.4-7 1825 N.8 1826 Vol. III N. 9-11 1827. 12 1826 Vol. IV N. 13 & 14 1828, N.15 & 16 1829 Vol. V N.17 & 18 1830, N.19 1831, N.20 1834 When sold as a group it was sold as five books volumes 1-5 and one book- plates only, six altogether. From catalogue of Bernard Quaritch. The following is from two different Smithsonian Miscellaneas one from 1869 and the other from 1872. Vol. i, part 1 March 1824 Vol. i, part 2 I have seen both June 15, and August 15, 1824 Vol. i, part 3 October 1824 Vol. i, part 4 January 1825 Vol. ii, parts 5 April 1825 Vol. ii, part 6 July 1825 Vol. ii, part 7 October 1825 Vol. ii, parts 8 1826 Vol. iii, part 9 January 1827 Vol. iii, part 10 September 1827 Vol. iii, part 11 December 1827 Vol. iii, part 12 January 1828 Vol. iv, part 13 April-July 1828 Vol. iv, part 14 ??? 1828 Vol. iv, part 15 October 1828-January 1829 Vol. iv, part 16 ??? 1829 Vol. v, part 17 May 1829-February 1830 T.P. vol.1 BHL image
Zool.J.Linn.Soc. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society v.48 Feb. 1969 ->
Zool.J.[Russ.] Zoologecheski Zhournal (From the "Official Web site" dated Feb. 2016 Accessed 2021.02.09 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Yu. I. Chernov English title: Russian Journal of Zoology (1997-1999) Since 2000, the Russian Journal of Zoology, the English version of the journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, is no longer being published as a separate title, but has been merged into the journal Entomological Review. It is the oldest periodical in Russia covering all the branches of zoology. The journal features contributions on the relationship between evolution and phylogenesis of animals, species, taxonomy, onthogenesis, evolutionary and functional morphology, embryology, hystology, cytology, bionics, ecology, biocenology, biological productivity of fauna of land and sea, problems of zoogeography, genesis and development of faunas. Among the applied problems priority is given to the fundamentals of the fish industry, hunting, and pest control. Equally welcome are contributions on restoration and protection of populations and on the problems of biological water quality control and biological treatment of polluted water. A special section is devoted to methods of zoological studies. The journal also presents information on the activities of russian and foreign zoological institutes, their scope of work and developments, and chronicle of meeting, conferences, research expeditions, etc. The Reviews section includes book reviews of russian and foreign publications ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is confusing to me, as I have two taxa cited to the "Zool.J.[Russ.] 2006 Zool.J.[Russ.] 85 p. ??? Larvivora cyane nechaevi (Red'kin) 2008 Zool.J.[Russ.] 87 no.09 p. 1097 Numenius phaeopus rogachevae Tomkovich Should these be cited to the "Entomological Review" ? (seems weird). Or "Ent.Rev.Zool.zh." ? Should abbreviation be "Zool.zh." ?
Zool.Jahrb. Zoologische Jahrbücher...Herausgegben von ...J.W.Spengel. I. Heft 1 p. 1-224 1 April 1886 Heft 2 p. 225-416 18 June 1886 Heft 3&4 p. 417-416 18 Aug 1886 II. Heft 1 p. 1-192 27 Nov. 1886 Heft 2 p. 225-416 7 May 1887 Heft 3&4 p. 417-416 18 Aug 1887 Jena 1886 1887
Zool.Meded.Rijksmus.Nat.Hist.Leiden Zool. Mededelingen Rijksmus. Nat. Hist. Leiden
Zool.Misc. The Zoological Miscellany; being descriptions of new, or interesting Animals. Leach, WE. illus. Nodder, RP 1814-1817 v I-III 4to London [preceeded by Naturalist's Miscellany; Shaw & Nodder]
Zool.Misc.[Gray,JE] The Zoological Miscellany. Gray, JE Pt. I - VI 1831-1844 London Note: Schulze et al. date no.3 p.85 (Aceros) to "?VII" [=July] Neave dates this taxon to "June".
Zool.Mus.Univ.Berlin Das zoologische Museum der Universitat zu Berlin, [Evidently published in 1816 (see H & M 3 rd:192 -- details not given]
Zool.Mus.Univ.Berlin.ed.2 Das zoologische Museum der Universitat zu Berlin, ed. 2
Zool.NewHolland Zoology and botany of New Holland and the isles adjacent Shaw, George [1751-1813] London J. Sowerby, 1793 [ ? 1794 ] 33 p., 12 leaves of plates : col. ill. ; 29 cm. Smith, James Edward, Sir, [1759-1828] Sowerby, James, [1757-1822]
Uncertainties exist regarding the dates of taxa from this work, and I asked Daria Wingreen-Mason of the Cullman Library at the Smithsonian Institution. As always, her careful and knowlegable work produced interesting results, and I include some of those here (2007.01.24) :
At the bottom of the first page of Gmelin's article on Shaw's Zoology of New Holland
("Auszuge aus G. Shaw's Thiergeschichte von Neuholland." in Gottingisches Journal
der Naturwissenschaften. Bd.1: Hft.2, pg.143-148) there is a footnote citing that v.1:
nos.1-2 of Shaw's Zoology were published in 1794, and no.3 was published in 1795.

The article on Shaw's Zoology of New Holland, as you will see, contains references to
the entire publication i.e. there is a footnote pertaining to each plate.  According
to Engelmann, the British Museum catalog, and Nissen (Zoo.), together, the three parts of
the Zoology of New Holland consist of 33 pages and 12 color plates (by Sowerby).
Given that plates IX and X are dated 9 Sept 1794, it is suspect indeed that Mathews states the
Linn. Soc. received pt. (i.e. no.) III on 4 Feb 1794; but it would not be the first
time plates were printed and issued before the text, even though it was not a very common
practice. And as you say, it very well could be a typo.

I found in our collection an incomplete copy of Shaw's Zoology of New Holland. It
is *bound-in* with three other titles that were originally issued simultaneously by Shaw,
Sowerby, and James Edward Smith. You'll be especially interested to know that tipped in
with Shaw's Zoology is a note from Gregory M. Mathews to Richmond discussing
Mathews' very own copy of the Zoology. Mathews writes of seeing the Linn. Soc. copy and
then goes on to transcribe one of the wrappers from that copy about a part published in
1794.  It says:
	"Zoology / of / New Holland / by / George Shaw M.S. F.R.S/ etc. etc. / The figures by
	/ Sowerby F. L. S. / This volume contains / The [illegible] Parrot The Long-necked
	Tortioise / The [illegible] [Perops ?]  The serrated lobster / in binding the work,
	the order of the pages only is to be [attended ?] to in the / Description[s?], which
	are immediately to follow the corresponding plates / London / M.DCC.XCIV"
This description is clearly different from the one described in Gottingisches. Mathews
then goes on to describe his own copy (which lacked plates 7 & 8) which he outlined by part,
corresponding page numbers and plate numbers, plate names, and date.  In his note, he clearly
dates his Part 3 as 1795 [APP: emphasis added] even though he does not include the
corresponding page numbers for that part.

I have collated the parts of our incomplete copy and compared it against Gmelin's article.  The
plate names all check out, but there are two typos in the footnotes regarding part
  1. In footnote "b" at the bottom of page 143, referring to "Didelphis pygmaea" it reads: b) Nr. I. Pl. I. S. 5. f. According to our copy "Didelphis pygmaea" is actually plate 2 and should read: Nr.I. Pl.II. S.5 f.
  2. In footnoote "e" at the bottom of page 145, referring to "Psittacus eximus" it reads: e) Nr. I. Pl.II. S. I. ff. According to our copy, "Psittacus eximus" is actually plate 1 and should read: Nr.I. Pl.I. S.1 ff.
Interestingly, plate 1 "Psittacus eximus" appears to have had the plate number and genus/species name rubbed off. I don't know if it is true of all copys. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. The signature marks are all wonky. There two known signature F's and 2 signature G's, with F and G appearing once in parts 2 and 3. The second set of 21/21 describing plate 8 is lacking in our copy, but I consulted an online version from the State Library of New South Wales which includes both the text and plate. (Go to: http://image.sl.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/ebindshow.pl?doc=dixson/a319;thumbs=36). Shaw's Zoology of New Holland was orginally published in parts with James Edward Smith's A specimen of the botany of New Holland, and a combined work by Smith and Shaw on New Holland titled Zoology and Botany of New Holland and the isles adjacent. Our copy has all these titles bound together. The title page bound in with Shaw's work is the combined title: Zoology and botany of New Holland and the isles adjacent. On it Richmond has written in pencil "title differs from copy in Phila. Acad." It is most likely that this title page was printed after all the works were finished in 1795. It's no wonder this work is a mess. 2007.01.24
Zoologica (Scientific Contributions of the New York Zoological Society)
ZoologicaScripta Zoological Scripta Kungl. Vetanskaps Akadamien The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
Zoologiia Zoologiia czyli Zwiérzetopismo Ogólne Podlug Naynowszego Systemu Ulo&zgrave;one. Jarocki, F. P 1821 Warsaw [Zoologiia, Vol. 3(Gady i plazy) (1822)] Mathews discusses this work in the Austral Avian Record 1918 III:142-146. He gives the title as: "Zoologiia czyli zwiérzetopismo ogólne podlug náynowszego systematu utozone przez Felixa Pawla Jarockiego, Nauk Wyzwolonych i Filizofii Doctora Professora Zoologii w Królewsko Warsawskim Uniwersytecie, Czlonka Towarzystwa Mineralogicznego w Jenie, etc. Tom Drugi. z dwiema rycinami Ptáki w Warszawie w Drukarni Latkiewicza przy Ulicy Senatorskiey Nio 467. 1821." Mathews comments: "This means that the book is the second volume of a series entitled "Zoologiia," the one dealing with Birds. Only six volumes were issued, the work being too big for completion though perhaps other events, such as war, interfered with the project.
Zoologist The Zoologist: a popular Miscellany of Natural History Ser. 1 Vol 1-23 8vo 1843-1865 London Ser. 2 Vol 1-11 8vo 1866-1876 London Ser. 3 Vol 1-20 8vo 1877-1896 London Ser. 4 Vol 1-20 8vo 1897-1916 London Absorbed by British Birds
Zool.Rec. Zoological Record 1864 ->
Zoological Research Tung wu hsüeh yen chiu = Zoological research / "Tung wu hsüeh yen chiu" pien chi wei yüan hui pien chi. Publisher K`un-ming shih : Yün-nan jen min ch`u pan she, [1980- 1-2,16-21 1980-1981,1995-2000
Zool.Res.Java Zoological researches in Java, and the neighboring islands. Horsfield, Thomas 1821-1824 4to pp.(8)+(318). 72 pl. See: Bastin, J. 1990. "The natural history researches of Dr. Thomas Horsfield (1773-1859)." Pp. 3-97 in Horsfield, T. Zoological researches in Java, and the neighbouring islands. Facsimile reprint. Oxford University Press, Singapore. Bastin dates the material as follows:
Part Latest date on the pll. Date in Bastin
1 Jul. 1821 Jul. 1821
2 Nov. 1821 Nov. 1821
3 Feb. 1822 Apr. 1822
4 Jun. 1822 Jul. 1822
5 Oct. 1822 Jan. 1823
6 Apr. 1823 Jun. 1823
7 Oct. 1823 Jan. 1824
8 Apr. 1824 Sep. 1824

Zool.Timor Zoologie von Timor Zoologie von Timor : Ergebnisse der unter Leitung von Joh. Wanner im Jahre 1911 ausgeführten Timor-Expedition : nach eigenen Sammlungen unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen hearausgegeben von C.B. Haniel. Publisher Stuttgart : Im Kommissionsverlag der E. Schweizerbartschen Verlags Buchhandlung, 1914. Description 2 v. (vi, 161 p., 23 leaves of plates) : ill. (1 col.) ; 30 cm. Note: Pts. 2-3 issued in 1 vol. Contents: 1. Die Avifauna von Timor / von C.E. Hellmayr -- 2. Säugetiere von Timor / von Ernst Schwarz -- 3. Vier Timoresen-Schädel / von Ernst Frizzi.
Zool.Verhandel.Leiden Zool. Verhand. Leiden Zoologische verhandelingen / uitgegeven door het Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden (Ministerie van Cultuur, Recreatie en Maatschappelijk Werk) Publisher Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1- 1948- Description v. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Zool.Voy.Beagle[Darwin] Zoology of the Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle Birds Darwin, Charles ed. 1839-1843 London Pt.III no.3 pp. 1-16 July 1838 [pl. 1-10] no.6 pp. 17-32 Jan. 1839 [pl.11-20] no.9 pp. 33-56 July 1839 [pl.21-30] [Strix punctatissima] no.11 pp. 57-96 Nov. 1839 [pl.31-40] no.15 pp. 97-164 Mar. 1841 [pl.41-50] These dates are as reported by Zimmer, who is quoting the work of Sherborn {Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.,(6) 20, p.483} See, Steinheimer FD, Dickinson EC, & Walters M. 2006. "The zoology of the voyage of the HMS Beagle Part III. Birds: new avian names, their authorship and their dates." BBOC 126:(3):171-193. They discusses this question in detail. For Strix punctatissima the plate (by Gould) was evidently published first (in 1838) and the text (by Gray) subsequently in 1839.
  • Steinheimer, Dickinson, & Walters also argue that the authorship for Strix punctatissima should be Gould & Gray.
  • These authors also take an approach to authorship attribution which, in my view, employs a "flexible" interpretation of the Code. For example they attribute authorship of Myiobius to Gray arguing "It is clear from p.46 of the Zoology that G.R. Gray was its author, not Darwin. Zimmer (1952) should have seen from the work, especially its introductory pages, the significant role Gray played, and from p.46 Gray's staked claim to authorship." The text of p.46 indicates that Mr.Gould had proposed the name Tyrannula, but Mr. G.R.Gray pointed out that Tyrannulus had been proposed as a genus name by Vieillot, and "therefore he (Gray) proposes Myiobius." This text does NOT seem to be written by either Gould, or Gray, or they would not refer to themselves in the manner they did. Rather it appears likely to me that the text was written by Darwin. The entire case is a complex and confusing one, and I feel difficult to resolve with certainty given the current Code. The mere "proposal" of a name does not, by my understanding, satisfy the requirements for authorship. Hundreds of manuscript names constitute "proposals" yet they are not allowed as the basis for authorship. In this muddled and confused matter, these authors do not hesitate to criticize the late John Zimmer for not having reached the same conclusion they do now, despite his having made decisions under a different Code, and with different prevailing conventions.
    Zool.Voy.Sulphur The zoology of the voyage of the H.M.S. Sulphur, ... Zimmer notes that names descr. in Pt.III no.1 (Birds -- Oct. 1843) must be quoted here as the same names published in the PZS were not issued until Dec. 1843.
    Zool.Zh. Zoolicheskii Zhurnal [ or Zoologicheskij Zhurnal] T. 1 15 Fe 1916. 4 nos. a year (irreg) 1916-36. 6 nos. a year 1937-> [title varies 1916-30 Rooskii zoologecheskii zhurnal. 1931 Zoologecheskii zhurnal. imprint varies ]
    ZoosystematicaRossica [Data from AMNH Library] Title: Zoosystematica rossica. Publisher: St. Petersburg : Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, [1992-
    Zus.Ber.MeyersWolfsTasch.deutsch.Vog. Zusätze und Berichtigungen zu Meyers und Wolfs Taschenbuch der deutschen Vögelkunde, nebst kurzer Beschreibungen derjenigen Vögel, welche ausser Deutschland in den übrigen Theilen von Europa vorkommen, als dritter Theil jenes Taschenbuchs von Bernhard Meyer. Mit einem vollständigen Register über das ganze Werk. Meyer, Bernhard und Wolf, Johann 1822 8vo pp.xxiv+292 Frankfurt-a/M
    ZwierzatDomowych Zwierzat Domowych Zwierzat domowych i dzikich, osbliwie kraiowych, historyi naturalney poczatki i gospodarstwo. Potrzebntch i pozyteczntch do- mowych chowanik rozmnoze- nie, chorob leczenie, dzikich lowienie, oswoienie, zazyci. Szkodliwych zas wygubienie. Tom. II. Z figurami. O Ptastwie. Przez X. Krzysztofa Kluka Kanonika Kruswickiego Dzlekana Drohickiego Prodoszcza Ciechanowieckikgo. Warszawie 1779. Kluk, Pater Krzysztof 1779 Warszaw Scholarum Piarum 8vo. pp.411 [Title copied from a xerox supplied by Normand David 2002.02.12.] 1. Generally referred to as: "Historja Naturalna" 2. Sometimes dated as 1797. There appears to be a 1797 reprint, which may explain this. 3. Sometimes dated as 1799 (eg CWR.) I don't understand the basis for this. [Data also from: Kolodziejczyk, J. "Krzysztof Kluk. Dziela i tworczosc." _Ruzprany Wydziatu Matematyczno-Przyrodniczego, Polska Akademja Umiejetnosci._ Tom. 69 Dziat B. 1929. Nr. 10. Krakow, 1952. ]

  • Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward

    Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
    POB 1999
    Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999

    Last updated 2021.02.10