Author data --A
Humayan Abdulali
b. May 19, 1914 Kobe, Japan
d. Jun 3, 2001 Bombay
Abel, Othenio 1875-1945
Acerbi, Giuseppe [Giussepe] (Joseph) 1773-1846
Born: May 3, 1773; Castel-Goffredo near Mantua, Italy.
Died: Aug 26, 1846
Was editor of Biblioteca Italiana
Adamowicz, Adam Ferdynand, 1802-1881
Adams, Andrew. Leith, M.B. 1826-1882
Surgeon 22nd Regiment
Communicated by T. J(ardine ?) and F. Moore
Proc. Zool Soc Lond p 482
Wrote "Wanderings of a naturalist in India" Edinb. 1867.
Afzelius, Adam 1750-1837
Born: 1750 Larv in Westgrothia.
1777 Teacher in Oriental Languages Uppsala Univ.
1785 Demonstrator in Botany
1791-1798 Sec'y to the Swedish Ambassador in London
1802 President of the Zoophytolithic Society.
1812 Prof. Materia Medica.
Agne, Carlos Eduardo Quevedo
Agro, D. J.
Ahlquist, Jon Edward
Ainley, David G.
Aiwu, Jiang
Albertis, (Cavaglieri) Luigi Maria d' 1841-1901
also as D'Albertis
& Salvadori
& d' Albertis
Alcasid 1909-1984
b. 13 Jan. 1909
d. 2 Nov. 1984
Aslcsid, Godofredo L.
Aldrich, John Warren 1906-1995
b. 23 Feb. 1906 Providence, RI
d. 3 May 1995 Tucson, AZ
Born: 23 Feb. 1906, Providence R.I.
Brown University, PhB. 1928
Counsellor at Camp Chewonki in Maine
Recommended that Roger Tory Peterson fill his position vacated at Chewonki
Case Western Reserve M.A. 1933; Ph.D. 1937
Aleixo, Alexandre
Alexander, Boyd (Lt) 1873-1910
b. 16 Jan. 1873
d. 2 Apr 1910 (murdered by tribesmen in the Sudan)
Obit: Ibis 1910: (568),716
Brother: Capt. Claude Alexander
Died Nov. 13, 1904 (aet. 26) at Ft. Maifoni, Africa
Alfaro, Anastásio (Gonzalez) 1865-1951
Also as Anastasio Alfaro González
Dir. Nat. Mus. Costa Rica
Born: Feb 16, 1865 Alajuela, Costa Rica.
Educated Univ. Santo Tomas
Died: Jan 20, 1951 San Jose, Costa Rica
Ali 1896-1987
Ali, Sálim A. (Sálim Moizuddin Abdul) (1896-1987)
b. Nov. 12, 1896 Bombay.
d. July 27, 1987 Bombay (Prostate cancer)
[Abdulali's uncle].
Allen, Desmond
Allen, D.N.S.
Allen, Joel Asaph 1838-1921
Allen, Glover Morill 1879-1942
Born: Walpole, N.H. Oct. 17 1879
High School: Newton Mass.
Elected to Nuttal Ornithological Club 1898.
College: Harvard, A.B. 1901; A.M. 1903; Ph.D. 1904; Post-grad. 1906-1907.
Curator of Mammals Mus.Comp.Zool.
Editor of the Auk.
Died: Cambridge, MA Feb. 15,1942
Almásy von Zsadány, Georg , Dr. 1867-1933
Dr. Georg Almásy von Zsadány und Törökszentmilós
Alonso, Jose Alvarez
José Alvarez Alonso
Sergei Nikolaevich Alphéraky 1850-1918(?9)
also as Alpheraky
b. April 14, 1850 Kharkov, Ukraine
Alstrom, Per
Altum, Bernard 1824-1900
Born: Dec. 31, 1824
Alvarenga Herculano
Alvarez, Jose = Jose Alvarez A. = Jose Alvarez Alonso
Alvarez del Toro, Miguel
Miguel Carlos Francicso Alvarez del Toro
Born: 1917, Aug. 23 Colima Mex.
Died: 1996, Aug. 2 Chiapas, Mex.
Amadon, Dean b. 1912
d. 2003, Jan. 12. Tenafly, N.J.
& duPont, John E.
& Amadon
Amaral, Fábio Raposo do
Andersen, Michael J.
Anderson, John 1833-1900
Born: 1833, Edinburgh.
India Museum, Calcutta
Died: Aug. 15(6), 1900 at Buxton [Ibis: 1901:159-160]
Anderson, Andrew
An ornithologist of India.
Died: July, 1878
Andrews, Roy Chapman 1884-1960
Angehr, George R.
Angelini, Giovanni
Angulo, Fernando
Anthony, Alfred Webster 1865-1939
Born: 25 Dec, 1865. (given as 1886 by Mearns & Mearns)
Cayuga Co., NY
Died: 1939
Resident of San Diego, and an active collector of birds and fauna, apparently
mostly on the west coast and in and around Baja.
Apparently the majority of his bird collection (ca. 10,000 specimens) is at the
Carnegie Museum.
Antinori, Orazio (Marchese) 1811-1882
Born: Oct. 28, 1811 at Perugia
Died: Aug. 26, 1882 at Marefia, in Shea, Abyssinia.
Arctander, Peter
Aristizábal, Natalia
Arnold, L.W.
Arndt, Thomas
Arrigoni degli Oddi, Ettore (Comte) 1867-1942
Ash, John S.
Ashari, Hidayat
Ashmole, N.P.
Ashby, Edwin A. 1861-1941
Athreya, Ramana
Audebert, Jean Baptiste 1759-1800
(& Vieillot)
Born: 1759, Rochefort, France
Died: 1800, Paris.
Audouin, Jean Victoire 1791-1841
Sometimes as Victor Audouin
b. Apr. 27, 1797
d. Nov. 9, 1841
Audubon, John James (LaForest) 1785-1851
Mother: Jeanne Rabine
Father: Capt. Jean Audubon
Birth: 26 April, 1785 [CWR: gives Birth as: May 4, 1780; New Orleans]
Married: Lucy Blakewell (of Fatland Ford) April 1808
Sons: Victor Gifford (June 1809);John Woodhouse (Nov. 1812)
Daughters: 1815, 1819 (died in infancy)
Died: 27 Jan. 1851 ("Minnie's Land" --[home] on Manhattan)
Aveledo, HR
Aveledo Hostos, Ramon
Avendaño-C, Jorge Enrique
Aviola, Phillip
Azevedo, Lorena
Additions and corrections by Rob C.H.M. Oudejans
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999