Author data --B
Babault, G. [Guy?]
Baiker, Jan
Baillon, Louis Antoine François 1778-1851
Baird, Karen A.
Baird, Spencer Fullerton 1823-1887
Born: Feb 3, 1823
Died: Aug 22 (?19), 1887 [Given as Aug. 18, 1887 by Rivinus and Youssef]
Baird, SF
& Ridgway
Baird, William McFunn 1817-1872
& (Baird, SF)
Died: Nov. ?, 1872 [noted in Harper's Weekly]
Baker, AE
[publ. Drymoeca clamans (n.n.) in J.Orn. 1858]
Baker, Allan J.
Baker, Alan N.
Baker, C. Scott
Baker, NE
& Baker, EM
Baker, EM
Baker, Edward Charles Stuart (Stuart-Baker) 1864-1944
Balderrama, José A.
Ball, Valentine 1843-1895
Indian ornithology, geology, botany and culture.
Valentine Ball, LL.D., C.B., F.R.S.
on staff of Geological Survey of India 1864-1880;
Prof. Geology and Minerology Univ. Dublin 1880-1882;
Director and organiser Nat. Mus. Dublin 1882-1895;
Author of "Jungle life in India", of an elaborate
treatise on the economic geology of India, and of
"Diamonds and Gold of India".
Bancroft, Griffing
Born: 21 Jan 1879 in Connecticut
Died 3 May 1955 in San Diego Co. CA).
His father was Hubert Howe Bancroft, a historian and book dealer whose
library was sold to UC-Berkeley in 1905 for $150,000 (and
UC-Berkeley's Bancroft Library was named in his honor).
His mother was Matilda Griffing.
Bangs, Outram 1863-1932
Curator MCZ
Born: 12 Jan., 1863. Watertown MA. [CWR has as Jan. 12, 1862]
Attended Noble's School, Boston and the Lawrence Scientific School, Harvard.
1900+ Curator of Mammals, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard U.
1906 Visited Jamaica. Collected over 100 birds, but his trip was cut short by dengue fever.
1908 His collection of birds, over 24,000 skins was presented to the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard.
He assumed charge of the arrangement and increase of the bird collection.
1918 Honorary AM, Harvard U.
Died: 22 Sept., 1932.
Thomas Barbour remembrance Privately Printed Hathi Trust link
Auk 1933 Memorial
& Noble, Gladwyn Kingsley 1894-1940
& Peck, Morton Eaton 1871-1958
& Penard, Thomas E. 1878-1936
& Peters, JL
& Phillips, John C(harles). 1878-1938
& Bangs
Banjkovski, V.B.
Бенъковсий, В. Б.
? Vladimir Bankovský Polish
Peters has as: Bankovski and Banjkovski
Banks, Richard C. 1940
Bankier, R.A.
Bannerman, David Armitage 1886-1979
Born: Nov. 27, 1886: Manchester, England.
Staff of Br. Museum
Editor of the BBOC.
Drove a motor ambulance in France for the Red Cross during WWI.
Bansok, Ros
Barabash-Nikiforov, Ilia Ilich 1894-1980
Baral, Hem Sagar
Barbour, Thomas 1884-1946
& Peters, James L.
Barker, F. Keith
Barnes, Ventura Jr.
Barnés, Ventura Jr.
Barnett, Juan Mazar
Barrantes, Gilbert
Barrows, Walter Bradford 1855-1923
US Biol Survey, Mich Agric Coll
Brady, Mathew L.
Bartle, J.A. (Sandy)
Bartels, Max, 1902-1943
b. Jun 7, 1902 Sukabumi (Java).
d. Oct 6, 1943 Burma (evidently of malaria while in Japanese internment).
Note: often referred to (incorrectly in my opinion) as "Max Bartels, Jr.".
His father was "Max Bartels", but actually Max Eduard Gottlieb Bartels (1871-1936).
So while the first and the last names are the same, the full names are not the
same as no middle names are given for the son. By my reckoning he is not a "Jr.".
Additionally I note that the taxa he described were published in 1938, after
his father was deceased, so even if he had been referred to as "Jr."
(by himself or others) it is not certain that he would still have been.
This reasoning (such as it is) could be made problematic if, in fact,
his name is listed as "M. Bartels, Jr." in the publications in question (not seen
Bartels, Max Edward Gottlieb 1871-1936
Bartlett, Edward 1836-1908
Curator Maidstone Museum
later, Curator of the Sarawak Museum
[Peruvian itinerary 1865-1869 given in PZS 1873, 253-254]
Bartlett, Abraham Dee 1812-1897
Had a natural history agency in Little Russle Street, near the
British Museum in London. Later was superintendent of the
Gardens of the Zoological Society of London.
His eldest son was Edward (v.s.) who wrote his biography.
Batalha-Filho, Henrique
Bartsch, Paul 1871-1960
Born: Tuntschendorf, Silesia
Emigrated to Burlington, Iowa in the late 1880's
PhD 1905 Univ. Iowa.
Curator of Mollusks at Smith.Inst. 1914-1945.
Barton, Benjamin Smith 1766-1815
Born: Feb. 10, 1766, Lancaster, PA
Died: Dec. 19, 1815, Phila., PA
Basnet, Suchit
Batalha-Filho, Henrique
Batchelder, Charles Foster 1856-1954
Son of Francis Lowell Batchelder and Susan Cabot (Foster) Batchelder
Born: July 20, 1856
Harvard, A.B. 1878. C.E. 1882
Grad student 1880-1882.
Assoc. Editor Auk: 1888-1893.
Fellow AOU.
Treasurer of AOU 1880-1930.
Bate 1878-1951
Miss Dorothy M. A. Bate
b. 8 Nov. 1878 Carmarthenshire, SW Wales.
'She had little formal education and once commented that her education
"was only briefly interrupted by school".' (Wikipedia)
d. 13 Jan. 1951 (?)Tring, UK
Bates, George Latimer 1863-1940
Died: 31 Jan., 1940.
& Kinnear
Bates, John Mallory 1846-1930
Batista, Romina
Baveja, Pratibha
Beck, Josh R.
Beaufort 1879-1968
Lieven Ferdinand de Beaufort: publ. zoogeography and ichthyology of Indian Archipelago
retreived in AMNH under "Beaufort" not "de Beaufort"]
Beavan, Robert Cecil 1841-1870
List of India Birds 1868
[Note: Robert's brother Reginald C. Beavan collected some of the specimens that Robert described.
confusion of the two is easy, especially as Reginald C. Beavan also published
natural history material (e.g. 1877 Handbook of the freshwater fishes of India.
Giving the characteristic peculiarities of all the species at present known,
and intended as a guide to students and district officers. By R. Beavan.)
Bechstein, Johann Matthäus 1757-1822
Born: July 11, 1757 at Waltershausen, in Gotha Germany.
Died: Feb. 23, 1822 at Meiningen
Beebe, C.W. 1877-1962
Beebe, Charles William
Beehler, Bruce M.
Begazo, Alfredo J.
Begbie, P.J.
Behle, William Harroun 1909-xxxx
Belding, Lyman 1829-1917
b. June 12, 1829 West Farms (Northampton) MA
d. Nov. 22, 1917 Stockton, CA
elected an Active Member of the A.O.U. at its first meeting (1883)
placed on the list of retired fellows 1911.
Extensive work on California and Lower California birds.
Bell, John Graham 1811-1889
Died: October 1889: Sparkhill, Rockland County, N.Y.
Belmonte-Lopes, Ricardo
Belopolski, L.O.
Belopolsky, Lev Osipovich
4 July 1907
6 Nov 1990
Bemmel, Adriaan Cornelis Valentin van 1908-1990
Bendire, Charles Emil 1836-1897
Born: Karl Emil Bendire; 27 April 1836 König im Odenwald, Hesse-Darmstadt.
Benítez, Hesiquio [= Hesiquio Benítez D.]
Benkman, Craig W.
Bennett, Edward Turner 1797-1836
British zoologist; Sec'y Zoo. Soc. London
Died: Aug. 21, 1836
Bennett, Frederick Debell
Bensch, Staffan
Benson, Constantine Walter 1909-1982
Rhodesia, African
Known as "Con"
Born and educated in England. Track star at Cambridge.
Career in colonial service. 20 yrs in Nyasaland (Malawi)
Awarded OBE on retirement in 1965.
Died 21 Sept 1982.
Benson, CW
& Penny, MJ
(Louette, M)
& Benson, CW
Bent, Arthur Cleveland 1866-
Parents: William Henry Bent & Harriet Fellowes (Hender) Bent.
Born: Nov. 25 1866; Taunton, MA.
Education: Bristol Academy, Harvard A.B. 1889.
Beresford, Pamela
Berezovsky, Michael Michaelovich
Berezowski (Berezovskii) Michael (Michaelovich)
& Bianchi (Bianki), VL
1912 5 April St. Petersburg.
Berger, Arthur 1871-1947
b. Nov. 11, 1871 Merseburg.
d. Mar. 28, 1947 Berlin-charlottenburg
Berla, Herbert Franzioni 1912-1985
Herbert F. Berla do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro
Berlepsch, Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig, graf von 1850-1915
Died: Feb. 27, 1915
& Hartert
& Leverkühn, Paul 1867-1905
& Stolzmann, Jean Stanislas 1854-1928
& Taczanowski
& Berlepsch
Berlioz, Jacques 1891-1975
M. Nation. d'Hist Nat. Paris
b. 9 Dec., 1891; 9th Arrondissement, Paris
near the Church of the Trinity.
Hector Berlioz was his great uncle.
d. 21 Dec., 1975 Paris, France
& Berlioz
(Grandidier, Guillaume)
& Berlioz
& Bernard, Jean Philippe
Berthelot, Sabin 1794-1880
Berthelot, Sabin
& Moquin-Tandon
Born: 1794 at Marseilles
SB French consul at Tenerife
Auth. Hist. nat. des Iles Canaries, 1835
Died: Nov. 18, 1880 at St. Cruz de Tenerife.
Bernitz, H.
Bernitz, Z.
Bernstein, Heinrich Agathon 1822-1865
Born: Sept. 9, 1822 Breslau, Germany
Died: April, 1865 Batanta, Papua Islands
biographical data:
Bot. Zeitung 23, 1865, p.326-327;
Caban’s Journ. f. Ornithol. 1866, p.130-143;
Nat. Tijdschr. N.I. 29, 1867, p.157;
Veth, Overzicht van hetgeen ... gedaan is voor de kennis der
fauna van Ned. Indie, Leiden 1879, p.150 seq.;
Bibliogr. in
Bijdr. Taal-, Land- en Volkenk. N.I. Reeks 4, vol. 7, 1883,
Sirks, Ind. Nat. Onderzoek, 1915, p.165.
Bertoni, Arnoldo de Winkelried 1879-
[== Bertoni;W]
& Bertoni, Moisés (Moise) (de) Santiago
Bianchi, Valentin Lvovich 1857-1920
Curator of Ornith dept of Imp. Acad of Sci. Petrograd.
Biddulph, John (Colonel) 1846-1921
b. 25 July, 1848
d. 1921
& Bianchi
Bierregaard, Richard O., Jr.
Bilkevitch, S. I.
Billberg, Gustaf Johan 1772-1844
[Spelled Billber, Johan Gustav by Cat.Books.Brit.Mus.]
Born: 14 June 1772
Died: 26 Nov. 1844 in Stockholm
Binford, Laurence Charles 1935
& Binford, Laurence Charles 1935
Bingham, Charles Thomas 1848-1908
Birckhead, Hugh
Bishop, Lois Bennett
Biswas, Biswamoy 1923-1994
June 2, 1923: Born in Calcutta, India.
son of a professor of Geology.
Studied British Museum, Berlin (Stresemann), AMNH (Mayr).
1952 PhD. Univ. Calcutta.
In charge of Bird and Mammal Section, Zoological Survey of India.
1953 published "Check-list of Genera of Indian Birds"
1960-1967 The Birds of Nepal.
1995 The Birds of Bhutan (with Salim Ali and S. Dillon Ripley)
10 Aug, 1994 Died, Calcutta.
Black, Andrew
Blackwelder, Eliot
Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de 1777-1850
Blake, Emmet Reid 1908-
& Hocking
Blanford, William Thomas 1832-1905
Born: Oct. 7, 1832 London.
Ret. Indian Service 1882.
Died 23 June, 1905. Bedford Gardens, Camden Hill.
Blasius, Johann Heinrich 1809-1870
Born: Oct. 7, 1809 at Nymbrecht im Regierungabezirk Kölm
Dir Museum at Brunswick, Ger.
Died: May 26, 1870 at Braunschweig
Blasius, H
& Blasius, JH
Blasius, (Paul Heinrich) Rudolf (son of JH) 1842-1907
Born: Nov. 25, 1842 at Braunschwieg
Died: Sept. 21 (?31), 1907
Blasius, Wilhelm August Heinrich M.D. Ph.D. 1845-1912
(August) Wilhelm (Heinrich) Blasius
(brother of R. Blasius) [Wood has 1918 as death date]
Born: July 5, 1845 Brunswick (son of JH Blasius)
1871: Became Prof. Zoology and Botany in the
Herzogliche Technische Hochschule in Brunswick
Died: May 31, 1912 Brunswick.
Block, Nicholas L.
Bloxam, Richard Rowland 1798-1877 (from Hollis Cat.)
Chaplain on the Voyage of the Blonde.
Brother of A. Bloxam, the naturalist.
CWR lists the author of the avian taxa from that voyage as "A. Bloxham"
[Blox(h)am , Andrew 1801-1878]
Bloxam, Andrew 1801-1878
Often miswritten as Bloxham
listed as the Naturalist on the Blonde.
See Olson SL. 1996. "H.M.S. Blonde and Hawaiian Ornithology".
Arch.Nat.Hist. 23(1):1-41. for a discussion of this author
(including the spelling of his name).
Born: 22 Sept 1801 Rugby.
Graduated Oxford, age 23, and offered position as naturalist on the Blonde.
elder brother Richard Bloxam was Capt. of the Blonde.
Spent the majority of his life as a country parson.
Died: 2 Feb. 1878 Harborough Magna
Blumenbach, Johann Friendrich 1752-1840
Born: May 11, 1752, Gotha
Died: Jan. 22, 1840 Göttingen
Blundell, Herbert Joseph (formerly Weld-Blundell) 1852-1935
& Lovat, Lord
Blyth, Edward 1810-1873
Born: Dec. 23, 1810 in London
M. Asiatic Soc. Bengal
curator 1842-1864
(curator 1841-1862 by Benson, CW. 1999)
[CWR says became curator Sept. 6, 1841]
Died Dec. 27, 1873 "of heart disease"
& Blyth
Bocage, J.V. (Jose Vicente) Barboza (Barbosa) du, 1823-1907
Born: May 2, 1823 at Madeira.
Dir Nat Zool M.Lisbon, Port.
Dies: Nov. 3, 1907
Note: Death date often given as July 1907 or July 1908.
See Auk 47, July 1930 for a note on the death date.
Boddaert, Pieter (Petrus) 1730-1795
b. Middelburg.
d. Utrecht 6 May 1795.
Qualify as physician Leiden, served as councillor of Vlissingen
(1754-1757). 1793 private lecturer of nat. hist. at Univ.
Utrecht. Transl. works of Pallas and others. His books were sold
in Utrecht 13 June 1796.
[death date sometimes given as (and may be) 1796]
Boetticher, Hans von Boetticher 1886-1958
Dir Museum Coburg, Ger.
Bogdanov, Modest Nikolaevich 1841-1888
(Bogdanow, Bogdanoff, Bogdanov)
M. N. Bogdanov Died: March 4 (16), 1888
[ Note also Anatoli Petrovich Bogdanov 1834-1896]
Boggess, Nikki C.
Bohl, Wayne Herold 1925-1995
b. Nov. 13 1925
d. Aug. 25 1995
Böhm, Richard (Dr) 1854-1884
Born: Oct. 1, 1854 at Berlin
Boie, Friedrich 1789-1870
Born: June 4, 1789 at Meldorf in Holstein
Died: March 3, 1870 at Kiel
[N.B. Boie, Heinrich 1794-1827
Died Sept. 4, 1827 at Batavia, Java]
Boissonneau, A. fl. 1839
& Boles, WE
Bolle, Carl August 1821-1909
Bolton, Mark
Bonaccorso, Elisa
Bonaparte, Charles Lucien Jules Laurent 1803-1857
Father: Lucien Bonaparte (Brother of Napolean Bonaparte).
Mother: Alexandrine de Bleschamps Jouberthou de Vamberthy (a commoner)
Alexandrine's husband, Gian Francesco Ippolito Jouberthou de Vamberthy,
later demonstrated to be dead in Haiti 15 June, 1802.
Born: 24 May, 1803 Paris.
Lucien (father) purchased Canino at the Pope's suggestion
[the Pope needed money, but refused Lucien's loan, suggesting Lucien purchase Canino]
Died: July 29, 1857 Paris
& Schlegel
& Bonaparte
Bonatto, Sandro L.
Bond, James 1900-1989
& Meyer de Schauensee
Bond, Gorman M.
Bonfitto, Matthew T.
Bonhote, John James Lewis 1875-1922
b. London
Trinity College, Cambridge.
Private Secretary to the Governor of the Bahamas (1897)
Sec'y BOU 1907-1913
Sec'y-Treas. BOU 1920-1922
Bonnaterre, Pierre Joseph (Abbé) 1747-1804
Died: either Sept. 20, 1804, or in 1807.
Bost, Charles A.
Borkhausen, Moritz Balthasar (von) 1760-1806
Bornschein, Marcos Ricardo
Borowski, Georg Heinrich 1746-1801
Borrero, José I.
J.I. Borrero H.
Bosc, Louis Augustin [Auguste] Guillaume 1759-1828
Born: Jan 29, 1759 Paris
botanist, invert. zoologist.
section of rural economy -Paris institute.
During the terror in 1793 he was a friend of Mme Roland, was arrested, but
afterwards set free and placed first on the Directory of 1795.
In 1798 he sailed for Charleston, S.C.
Nominated successively vice-consul at Wilmington, and consul at New York,
but not obtaining his exequatur from President Adams, he went to live with
the botanist Michaux in Carolina.
Returned to France 1800.
(ref. Packard, AS Jr. Lamarck, The founder of evolution. 1901. Longmans, Green & Co.)
Died: July 10, 1828
Boucard, Adolphe 1839-1905
Born: 1839;France.
Collected in Mex.
Nat Hx agent Paris.
moved to London 1890
Passed later years of his life in his villa
near Ryde, Isle of Wight
Died: March 15, 1905; 24 Stanely Gardens, Hampstead, Eng.
CWR gives death as Dec. 15, 1904 Hampstead
(his son's residence)
Boulton, Wilfrid Rudyerd 1901-1983
Died: 24 Jan., 1983. Zimbabwe.
known as "Rud"
Obits: Honeyguide 116:40; Auk 103:420; Bokmakiere (1983) 35:96.
Bour, Roger
Bourne, W.R.P.
Bourcier, Jules 1797-1873
Born: 1797 at Cuisery (Saône-et-Loire)
Fr Consul to Ecuador 1849-1850
Died: March 9, 1873 at Batignolles (Paris)
& Mulsant, ME
& Verreaux, E
& Bourcier
Bourne, W.R.P.
Bourns, Frank Swift
& Worcester
Bouvier, Aime fl 1870
& Bouvier
Bowdich, Thomas Edward 1791-1824
b. 20 Jun 1791 Bristol.
d. 10 Jan 1824 Bathurst (malaria).
Travel and science writer. Acquaintance of Cuvier, Humboldt.
Bowen, W. Wedgwood (Wilfrid Wedgwood), 1899-1987
Wilfrid Wedgwood Bowen,
b. 28 Nov 1899, Barbados, British West Indies,
(son of Ernest Francis Sinderby Bowen and Maude Marion Hodgkinson),
d. 16 Aug 1987, Kutztown, Penn. Katharine died on 26 Aug 1987 in Kutztown, Penn.
Wilfrid was a Professor of Biology at Dartmouth.
Bowie, Rauri C. K.
Bowker, M.B.
Bowles, John Hooper
Brabourne, Wyndham Wentworth Knatchbull-Hugessen, 3rd baron 1885-1915
1915: Lieutenant Lord Brabourne of the Grenadier Guards,
fell during the taking of Neuve Chapelle.
& Chubb, Charles
Bradfield, RD 1882-1949
Bradlee, Thomas S.
Brandt, Johann Friedrich 1802-1879
Born: May 25, 1802, zu Jüterbogk
Prof. Zool. & Comp Anat. St. Petersburg
Died: July 15, 1879 plötzlichain Merekull bei Narwa
Brandt, Herbert W.
Brasil, Louis 1865-1918
Braun, Clait E.
Braun, Michael J.
Bravo, Gustavo A.
Bree, Charles Robert 1811-1886
Brehm, Alfred Edmund 1829-1884
Born: Feb. 2, 1829
Germ. zoo. & collector
Brehm, Christian Ludwig 1787-1864
Born: Jan 24, 1787 at Schönau near Gotha
Died: June 26, 1864 at Renthendorf near Neustadt-on-the-Orla
termed by Mathews "the Archsplitter"
Son: Oscar Brehm
[N.B. Alfred Edmund Brehm 1829-1884. Germ. zoo. & collector
Born: Feb. 2, 1829 at Renthendorf near Neustadt-on-the-Orla
Died: Nov. 11, 1884 at Renthendorf near Neustadt-on-the-Orla
Brehm, Oscar
Born: Dec. 12, 1823 at Renthendorf near Neustadt-on-the-Orla
Died: May 8, 1850 (? in Egypt)
Brehm, Ludwig 1787-1864
? same person as CL Brehm?
AMNH under listings for Christian Ludwig Brehm says
"see Ludwig Brehm" and gives same bio. dates (1787-1864) for each.
Listing at
gives A.E. Brehm and C. Ludwig Brehm.
Breme, F. D. de (Marquis) d.1846
Brewster, William 1851-1919
Born: July 1, 1851
Brewster, William
& Bangs, O.
Bried, Joël
Brisson, Mathurin Jacques 1723-1806
Born: April 30, 1723 at Fontenay-le-Comte, Vendée France
Died: June 23, 1806 at Croissy (near Versailles), France
Brito, Guilherme Renzo Rocha
Broad, Genevieve
Brodkorb, P. 1908-1992
Born: 29 Sept. 1908: Chicago, Ill.
Died: 18 July 1992: Gainsville, FL.
See Storrs Olson's excellent obituary 1993. Auk 110(4):911-915.
Brooke, Richard Kendall 1930-1996.
Died: 12 May, 1996.
Obit: Ostrich 70:153.
Brooks, William Edwin 1829-1899
Born: July 30, 1828, near Dublin, Ireland
Son of W. A. Brooks of Newcastle-on-Tyne
The cheif engineer on the Tyne docks, where
W.E. worked as his fathers assistant.
1856 goes to India as civil engineer on East India RR
1881 moves to Canada (Milton, Ont) then Chilliwack, BC.
1891 returns to Ontario.
Died: Jan 18, 1899; Mount Forrest, Ontario
Father of Allan Brooks, Canadian ornithologist.
Brooks, Winthrop Sprague 1887-1965
Brooks, Allan Cyril 1869-1946
Born: 15 February 1869 at Etawa, India
son of WE Brooks Canadian Naturalist
named after Allan O. Hume, one of his father's best freinds.
Schooled initially in England (1873-1881), moved to Ontario in 1881.
1887 moved to Chilliwack, British Columbia.
Major, Second Army School of Scouting &c. BEF. France.
Mentioned in dispatches: (all signed by Winston Churchill).
Capt. Allan Brooks, Nov. 30th, 1915. French
Major Allan Brooks, Nov. 13th, 1916 Haig.
Major Allan Brooks, Mar. 16th, 1919 Haig.
The Citation: Deed of Action. Dated Feb. 1st, 1919. Major A. Brooks
7th Canadian Infantry Battalion
Distinguished Service Order.
For conspicuous gallantry in the operations of 2nd and 3rd September in front of
Arras. As brigade observing officer he showed great daring and initiative, pushing
forward at all times withthe most advanced troops under the heaviest fire. Taking
a wire with him, he kept brigade headquarters well informed of the situation, and
enabled the commander to make decisions that saved many lives. When the enemy were
retiring he pushed forward over 500 yards in front of the infantry and telephoned
back information from a long distance in front of our advance. During the two days
he personally killed twenty of the enemy by sniping shots.
1926 married Marjorie Holmes of Arundel, England.
biographical notes available at bio
& Swarth
Brown, T(homas (Captain)). 1785-1862
b. Perth Scot.
1838 Curator Manchester Nat Hx Mus
& Bruce, MD
Bruce, Murray D.
Brown, Nathan Clifford
Browne, Patrick
The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica:
I. An accurate description of the Island...
II. An history of the natural productions .. native fossils.
... 2nd ed. London: B. White and Son 1789
Browning, M. Ralph
Bruce, Murray D.
Bruch, Carl Friedrich 1789-1857
Born: March 11, 1789 Zweibrücken in der bairischen Pfalz
Died: Dec. 21, 1857
Brucina, Spiridon 1845-1909
b. 1845.12.11
d. 1909.05.21
Croatian malacologist
Brüggemann, Friedrich 1850-1878
Born: 1850, Bremen
Died: Sat. night Apr. 6, 1878 of hemorrhage of his lungs, London
(he was engaged in Cat. Corals of Brit. Museum at the time).
Brumfield, Robb T.
Brünnich, Morten Thrane 1737-1827
Born: Sept. 30, 1737
Died: Sept. 19, 1827
Bruun, Bertel
Bryan, William Alanson 1875-1942
Born: Dec. 23, 1875
Birds of Hawaiian Is, 1901
His first wife was Ruth M. [Goss] Bryan
Bryant, Henry 1820-1867
Born: May 12, 1820 at Boston, MA
Died: Feb. 2, 1867 at Arecibo, PR
[see Coues Birds Col Riv p 751 1857-67 ]
[see Wood]
Bryant, Walter [Pierc] E. 1861-1905
Born: 14 Jan, 1861; Sonoma, CA
Son of Daniel Sharp and Susan H. Bryant.
1865: moved to Oakland, where he resided until 1896
1896 moved to Santa Rosa.
Died: 21 May, 1905; San Francisco.
Buden, Donald W.
Buffon, George Louis Leclerc (Leclercq, Le Clerc) Comte de Buffon 1707-1778
Born: 7 Sep. 1707 Montbard ( Bourgogne) Fr.
1733 Entered Acad. des Sciences
1739 named Administrator of Jardin du Roi.
1752 Elected to Acad. Fr.
Died: 16 April, 1778.
Last council: "Never quit the path of honour and virute,
it is the only way to be happy."
Bull, John
Buller, Sir Walter Lawry 1838-1906
Born: Oct. 09, 1838 Newark in the Bay of Islands
Died: July 19, 1906 Fleet, Hampshire, England
Burchell, William John 1781-1863
Born: July 23, 1781 (source Oudejans 2006.08.03)
Died: March 3, 1863
Pickering, Jane.
William John Burcell's travels in Brazil, 1825-1830
with details of the surviving mammal and bird collections.
Archives of Natural History (1998) 25(2):237-266.
Burleigh, Thomas Dearborn
Born: Nov. 24, 1895, Pittsburgh, PA
Died: Aug. 25, 1973, Monterey, CA
Burmeister, Karl Hermann Konrad von 1805(7)-1891(2)
Nat Mus Buenos Aires
Born: Jan 15, 1807; Stralsund, Germany
Educated at Greifswald and Halle.
Succeeded Nitzsch as professor zoology at Univ. Halle.
Prominent siding with "Liberals" caused him to leave Germany
ca. 1850. Finally settling in Beunos Aires.
"Some years since, he met with an accident which made it necessary
for him to resign (as director of Nat. Mus. Buenos Aires)."
Died: May 2, 1892
Burns, Franklin Lorenzo
Born: Jan. 18, 1869; near Berwyn, Chester Co. PA.
A founder of the Wilson Ornithlolgical Club
Secretary 1906
President 1909-1911.
Died: Feb.7, 1946, Berwyn, PA.
Burns, Kevin J.
Burton, Edward , M.D.
[? H. Burton fl 1839. taxidermist and collector (Eng)]
(Mann, CF)
Burton, Philip John Kennedy
(& Lennerstedt, I)
Büttikofer, Johann 1850-1927
Leyden; Rotterdam
Butler, AW 1860-1937
Amos William Butler
Born: Oct 1, 1860 Brookville Ind.
1885 Associate of the AOU
1894 Gradutated U.Ind. A.B.; A.M. 1900; L.L.D. 1922; (L.L.D. Hanover Coll. 1915)
1896-7 Ornithologist Dept. Geology and Resources Indiana
1901 Elected Member AOU
Died: Aug 5, 1937
& Butler,AL
Arthur Lennox Butler (1873-1939)
CURATOR Selangor St. Mus Malaya;
[ Arthur Gardiner (1844-1916 ) or
Lt-Col Edward Albert (Arthur) (1845-1925) & son
Sudan 1901-1915]
Buturlin, Sergei (Sergius) Aleksandrovich (Alexandrovich) 1872-1938
Buvry, Leopold (Dr.) 1829-?
b. 11 March, 1822 Berlin
Buzzetti, Dante R.C.
Additions and corrections by Rob C.H.M. Oudejans
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2022.01.26