Author data --C
Cabanis, Jean Louis 1816-1906
Berlin Museum
Born: March 8, 1816 at Berlin
1853 Established Journal fur Ornithologie
Editor for 40 years. Succeded as editor by his son-in-law A. Reichenow.
Died: Feb 20, 1906 near Berlin
& Bonaparte
& Heine
& Reichenow
Cabot, Samuel (Dr) 1815-1885
Died: April 13, 1885
Note: This is actually Samuel Cabot III. Often listed (for example by Richmond) as Samuel Cabot, Jr., but it appears to me that the
ornithologist Samuel Cabot, was the Boston Surgeon Samuel Cabot III.
Cabot, J.
Cáceres, Daniel
Daniel Cáceres A.
Cadena, Carlos Daniel
Cai, Tianlong
Cain, A.J.
Arthur James Cain 1921-1999
25 Jul. 1921
20 Aug. 1999
(? Derby Professor of Zoology, Univ. Liverpool?)
& Galbraith
Calderón-F., Diego
Camacho, J.H.
See "Hernandez-Camacho"
(Grantsau, R.)
& Camargo
Campbell, Archibald George 1880-1929
Campbell, Archibald James 1853-1929
Born: 18 Feb. 1853 Fitzroy, Australia
Died: 11 September 1929 Box Hill, Australia.
Victorian civil service from 1869;
weigher, Department of Trade and Customs from 1872;
retired from the Federal Customs Department July 1914.
Colonial Member, British Ornithologists' Union;
Honorary Fellow, American Ornithologists' Union.
Founder, Victorian Wattle Club (later League) 1899;
one of the founders of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists'
Union 1901 and president 1909 and 1928;
founder, Bird Observers' Club 1905.
Published Nests and Eggs of Australian Birds in 1900.
Contributed popular articles on the birds of Australia to The
Australasian newspaper for years. One of
his sons was Archibald George Campbell
Campbell, C.W. 1861-1927
Campbell, Charles William
British Consul (or acting British Consul) to Korea
Camras, Sidney
Capote, N.
Capote, Nieves
Caparoz, Renato
Capparella, Angelo P.
Caraballo-Ortiz, Marcos A.
Carantón-Ayala, Diego
Carey, Geoff J.
Carlos, C.J.
Carneiro, Lincoln Silva
Cardiff, SW
Cardoso da Silva, Jose Maria
Novaes, Fernando C.
& Oren, David C.
da Silva a Zoological Museum, Univ. Copenhagen DK.
Carnaby, Ivan Clarence 1908-1974
Carriker, Melbourne Armstrong, Jr. 1879-1965
Born: Feb. 14, 1879 Sullivan, Illinois.
Died: July 27, 1965, Bucaramanga, Colombia
Date from Smithsonian Institution Archives.
Melbourne Armstrong Carriker, Jr. (1879-1965), was born in Sullivan, Illinois.
By the time he graduated from high school, he was collecting bird skins and
studying the habits of birds extensively. His interest in bird lice (Mallophaga)
began during his freshman year at the University of Nebraska under the guidance
of Lawrence Bruner, and Carriker became one of the world's authorities on the
neotropical genera. During his career Carriker was responsible for the
description of two new families, four new subfamilies, fifty-three new genera and
subgenera, and eight hundred sixty-six new species and subspecies. Carriker was
prolific in his writing as well. Between 1940 and 1959 he produced thirty-three
papers, most of them large ones. His papers were published in Spanish as well as
English, and he corresponded with Mallophaga systematists all over the world.
Carriker collected specimens for some of the most important institutions in the
country, including the Carnegie Museum (1902 and 1907-1927); the American Museum
of Natural History (1909); the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
(1929-1938); the United States National Museum (1940-1952); the Peabody Museum;
the Field Museum of Natural History; and the Los Angeles County Museum. He
traveled South America extensively on his collecting trips, covering Costa Rica,
Trinidad, Venezuela, and Curacao Island, and canvassing Peru, Bolivia, and
Colombia almost entirely. From 1907 to 1909, Carriker held the position of
assistant curator of birds at the Carnegie Museum. In 1953, he received the
honorary post of collaborator in the Department of Entomology, United States
National Museum, and he continued his collecting work until the month before his
death in 1965.
1879, February 14 Born in Sullivan, Illinois
1899, December Presented first paper, on nesting habits of local raptors, at
first meeting of the Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
1901, December Publication of first paper on Mallophaga
1902, January-February Six-week collecting trip in Costa Rica with Lawrence
Bruner of the University of Nebraska
1902 Collected birds in Costa Rica for the Carnegie Museum and small mammals for
the American Museum of Natural History. Collecting trips to the volcanoes
Irazu and Turialba and, accompanied by British ornithologist C. F. Underwood,
to Pozo Azul. Saved Mallophaga from birds collected, and these became the
subject of a second paper
1903 Returned to Costa Rica with H. C. Crawford, Jr., and Max Zimmerer.
Contracted "Black-Water Fever," hospitalized. Upon recovery, took a job as an
engineer with the General Electric Company installing electric lights in
Puerto Limon
1904 Collected in Talamanca, on the Sixiola River in southeastern Costa Rica.
1905-1906 Returned to Puerto Limon, secured work as time-keeper and assistant
manager of a United Fruit farm in Gaupiles. Later became manager of an area
farm named El Hogar
1907 Began collecting in the Terraba region of southwestern Costa Rica. Returned
to the U.S. in December
1907-1909 Served under W. E. Clyde Todd as assistant curator of birds for the
Carnegie Museum. Sometime during this interval he made a three-month
collecting trip with Todd to northern Canada
1909-1911 Collected in Trinidad and Venezuela, securing birds for the Carnegie
Museum and mammals for Dr. J. A. Allen at the American Museum of Natural
1911 Collected for a month on Curacao Island, then went to Santa Marta, Colombia.
He used Santa Marta as a base of operations until 1927
1912 Married Myrtle Carmelite Flye
1914 Collected in the Sierra Nevada. Ascended by way of Rio Macotama to Lake Macotama
1915 Collected in region west of Baranquilla
1916 Traveled up the Rio Magdalena to Gamarra, into the eastern cordillera of the
Andes through Sanander Norte, then south through Santander Sur to
Bucaramanga. Crossed Santander to Cucui, worked down to the lowlands of the
Rio Cassanare. Recrossed the Andes, went south to Bogota, then returned to
Santa Marta. Collected all along
1918 Collected between the mouth of the Rio Atrato and Quibdo, then down the Rio
Condoto to the Rio San Juan, then went to Buenaventura by steamer, all with
his wife, baby daughter, and two servant girls. Collected at Cordoba, Caldas,
Bitaco, La Cumbre, Cali, Manizales, and La Dorada
1922 Collected in Venezuela for the Carnegie Museum with his wife and Robert
1927 Sold residence in Santa Marta, moved to Beachwood, New Jersey
1929 Joined staff of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and began
an ornithological survey of Peru for them, starting in the eastern lowlands
1930, May Returned to States
1931 Returned to Lima, began collecting at La Oroya. Worked up the western
cordillera, then south along the coast, then went eastward. Returned to
1932 Returned to Peru. Started collecting on the coast near Huacho, and worked
north. Conducted extensive collecting trip in the interior. Joined for the
latter part of the trip by Radcliffe Roberts. Returned to Philadelphia
1933 Went back to Peru, collected in the north
1934, June Sent to Bolivia by the Academy, accompanied by his eldest son
Melbourne Romaine Carriker
1935, February Returned to States
1935-1936 Worked on collected material, producing a large report on the
Mallophaga of the Tinamous
1936, April Returned to collecting in Bolivia
1936, December Went back to States
1937, May Returned to Bolivia
1938, May Returned to States. Resigned position at the Academy
1938-1939 Worked as a carpenter in Beachwood, New Jersey
1940 Collected for four months in Veracruz, Mexico, for the U.S. National Museum
1941 Accompanied Dr. Alexander Wetmore on a collecting trip in Colombia. Was
1941-1952r Covered most of Colombia on collecting trips. Finished work for the
U.S. National Museum and retired to Colombia at the end of 1952. Continued to
publish extensively
1944 Married a Colombian woman who appears in this collection only as "Felisa"
1952-1965 Collected for the Peabody Museum, the Los Angeles County Museum, the
Field Museum of Natural History, and others. Became a collaborator of the
Smithsonian and did some collecting for Dr. Alexander Wetmore. Made periodic
trips to the U.S. but continued to live in Colombia. Continued to publish
1965, July 27 Died in Bucaramanga, Colombia
Carte, Alexander, MD 1805-1881
b. Newcastle, Co. Limerick.
Tritinty Coll. Dublin.
MA 1833
MD 1860
First full time curator of the National Museum of Ireland
appointed in 1851
Carter, Thomas 1863-1931
Carty, Martin
Carvalhaes, André M. P.
Casey, Tonnie L. C.
& Jacobi, JD
Cassin, John 1813-1869
Born: Sept. 6, 1813 at Chester, PA
Died: Jan. 10, 1869 at Philadelphia, PA
Philadelphia Acad. Nat. Sci.
A Quinarian.
PANSP p. 162
"After first premising that in all matters relating to Natural
History I am a strict circularian of the school of MacLeay,
Vigors and Swainson, I beg leave to present..."
Witmer Stone's excellent biographic sketch
Castelnau, François Louis Nompar de Caumont La Force, comte de 1812-1880
[Castelnau, Francis-Louis Nompar De Caumont de LaPaorte De 1812-1880]
Born: 1812 London; (? Dec., 25, 1810)
1862 to Australia
Died: Feb. 4, 1880, Melbourne, Victoria
& Ramsay, EP
Castro, Guillermo Delgado
Catterall, M.J.
Cave, FO
Caycedo, Paula
Ceballos, O.
Ceballos, Olga
Certuche-Cubillos, Katherine
Chadbourne, Arthur Patterson 1862-1936
Parents: William Chadbourne &
Isabelle Antoinette Bates (Patterson) Chadbourne
Born: Boston, Dec. 18, 1862
Harvard A.B. 1885; M.D. 1889
Member: Boston Society of Natural History.
Address: 225 Marlborough St. Boston.
Physician: Medical Research Boston,
Died: Wash. D.C Dec. 2, 1936
Chaiyaphun, Somtob
Chamnan, Hong
Chao, Tian--ju
Chapin, James Paul (Dr) 1889-1964
1st Lt. 309th Infantry, Ft. Dix, NJ
Later served in France.
Died: 5 Apr 1964
Obit: Ibis 1964:392; Ostrich 35:314.
Chapman, Frank Michler 1864-1945
Father Lebbeus Chapman, Jr. New York Lawyer.
Mother: Mary Augusta Parkhurst.
Born: June 12, 1864. West Englewood, New Jersey.
Attended Englewood Academy, graduated age 16.
Joined: American Exchange National Bank of New York.
Resigned from Bank: 1886.
1888: Appointed assistant to Joel Asaph Allen at Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. $50/month.
1898: Married Fanny Bates Embury.
1900: only child (a son) born. Son a gifted singer married Gladys Swarthout of Met. Opera.
1901: Associate Curator Mammals and Birds.
1908: Curator of Birds.
1913: Brown University conferred degree Doctor of Science.
Director of Publications for the American Red Cross during WW I.
1920: named Chairman of new Dept. of Birds.
Died: Nov. 15, 1945. New York City.
"Throw him penniless on Broadway, and in ten years he would own both sides of the street."
--Dr T. Gilbert Pearson.
Chappuis, Claude (Dr)
[Note: Chappuis, Pierre Alfred 1890-1960]
Chappuis, Pierre Alfred
& Erard
Chasen, Frederick Nutter 1896-1942
Chasen, Frederick Nutter 1896-1942
& Kloss
Chaudhary, Badri
Chaudhary, Hathan
Chaves, Anderson V.
Cheng Tso-hisn
Also as
Cheng Tso-HSIN
b. 1906.11.18 Fujian.
d. 1998.06.27
Cheng Yuan
Chenu 1808-1879
Chenu, Jean Charles
Cheesman, Robert Ernest 1878-1962
b. 1878
d. 13 Feb. 1962
Private secretary to Sir Percy Sykes during his tenure as High Commissioner in Iraq.
Cherrie, George Kruck 1865-1948
Wife: Stella Mae (nee Bruere) Cherrie
Daugther: Enriqueta Inez Cherrie
Born: May 10, 1898 at Caicara, Orinoce, Venez.
Chesser, R. Terry
Children, John George 1777-1852
Born: May 18, 1777 Tunbridge, England
Died: Jan. 1, 1852 at Halstead Place, Kent.
One of the editors of the Zool.J., etc.
Head of the Zool. Dept. of the Brit. Mus early in the century.
Appointed when Swainson was a candidate.
?A Quinarian?
Brit Mus.
& Children
Chisholm, Alexander Hugh 1890-1977
Christidis, L.
Christie, David A.
Chubb, Charles 1851-1924
Born: Dec. 31, 1851; Steeple Langford, near Salisbury, Wiltshire, England.
Age 26: Entered Service of British Museum.
1881: Married Ada Albion of Forestgate (5 children)
1912: Married Alice Mabel Baker of Fullam (2 children)
Son (E.C. Chubb) curator of Museum at Durban.
Died: June 25, 1924; London. Resulting from an automobile accident.
Leaving the Natural History Museum knocked down by a passing car.
Never regained consciousness, died 2 wk later.
& Chubb, Charles
Chubb, E.C.
Son of Charles Chubb.
Rhodesia Museum.
Cibois, Alice
Dept. Mamm. Ornith.
Nat. Hist. Mus. Geneva, Switzerland
Clancey, Phillip Alexander 1917-2001
Born: Sept. 1917. Glasgow Scotland
Education: Glasgow School of Art.
1950 moved to South Africa.
1952 Appointed director of the Durban Museum.
Died: 18 July, 2001.
Clancey, PA
& Lawson, WJ
S Afr
Claramunt, Santiago
Clark, Hubert Lyman 1870-1947
Clark, Austin Hobart 1880-1954
Born: Dec. 17, 1880. Wellesley, Mass.
son of Theodore Minot Clark and Jeanette (French) Clark.
Newton High School. Cutler's School, Newton.
Harvard, A.B. 1903. Graduate student, 1904.
Resident, Washington, D.C.
Died: Oct. 28, 1954. Washington, D.C.
Clarke, Stephenson Robert (Col.) 1862-1948
Died: 3 Nov 1948
Obit: Ibis 1949: 353
Clarke, William Eagle 1853-1938
Born: 16 March 1853 Leeds
Died: 10 May 1938
Obit: Ibis 1938: 548
Cleere, Nigel
Clucas, Gemma V.
Coale, Henry K. 1858-1926
b. Feb. 28, 1850 (?1858 ) Chicago, Ill.
d. Oct. 13, 1926 Highland Park, Ill.
Coelho, Galileu
Cohn-Haft, Mario
Cole, Leon Jacob 1877-1948
Cole, Rosalind
Collar, Nigel J.
Collett, Robert 1842-1913
Born: Dec. 2, 1842
Christiana, Nor.
Collin, Anton
Collins, Charles T.
Colston Peter R.
Condon, Herbert Thomas 1912-1978
Conklin, Jesse R.
Conover, H.(Henry) Boardman 1892-1950
Father: Charles Hopkins Conover (b. Easton, PA July 12, 1847)
President of Hardware firm Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett, and Co.
Conover evolves from Van Couwenhoven (Wolfort Van C. to America from Amersfoort, The Neth 1630)
Mother: Della Luise Boardman Conover (b. Marietta, Iowa. Oct. 31, 1859)
Born: Jan. 18, 1892 Chicago, Ill.
Three elder sisters (Elinor Conover Owen, Della Boardman Talbot, Margaret Boardman Conover)
Attended Chicago Latin School, and Hill School, Pottstown, PA.
Sheffield Scientific School, Yale.
1912 Ph. B.
WW I. 1st Lt. 332 Regiment Field Artillery; 86th Division U.S. Army.
Enthusiastic sportsman shooter all his life. In about 1920 under Osgood's influence
became interested in scientific ornithology, esp. relating to game birds.
Died: May 5, 1950 Chicago, Ill.
& Conover
Conrad von Baldenstein, Thomas 1784-1878
Thomas Conrad von Baldenstein (1784-1878) was an entomologist
and apiarist. His main renowned was as an ornithologist, and his
scientific works on the bird-life of the Alps was recognised by various
societies in Switzerland and abroad, who conferred honorary membership on
Contino, F.
Contreras, JR
Cooper, James Graham 1830-1902
Born: Jun 19, 1830; New York, New York.
1851: graduates from New York Coll. Phys. Surg.
1866: Marries Rosa M. Wells
Dies: Jul 19, 1902; Haywards, Alameda Co. CA.
Cooper, William 1798-1864
father of J.G. Cooper
first American member of Zool. Soc. of London
founder of Lyceum of Nat. Hist. N.Y.
Died: April 20, 1864
Coopmans, Paul
Copete, Jose Louis
Cornalia, Emilio (Badassare Maria) 1824-1882
b: 25 Aug., 1825 (? 25 July, 1824 ? 24 Aug., 1824)
Cortés, Alex
Most probably the same as "Alexander Cortés-Diago"
Cory, Charles Barney 1857-1921
Costa, Líllian M.
Couch, Darius N. 1822-1897
b. July 23, 1822
d. Feb. 14, 1897
Wikipedia biography here: Darius N. Couch
Coues, Elliott 1842-1899
Born: Sep 9, 1842; Portsmouth, NH.
Age 17 entered Columbia College (later Columbian Univ.)
1861: A.B. degree.
1862: Honorary M.A.
1863: M.D. joined army.
1881: Retired from Army brevet Captain
At times was deeply involved with Madame Blavatsky
and the Theosophists.
Died: Dec 25,1899 Johns Hopkins Hospital
after being operated on by Halstead.
Death bed words: "Welcome, oh welcome beloved death"
Auk obituary note (Auk XVII:91) states:
"He was kind-hearted and helpful, of great tenacity
of purpose, impulsive, and imaginative, sometimes
aggressive, and not always discreet in his methods
of controversy... His freindships were firm and
lasting, and he did not easily forget an injury,
whether fancied or real."
Courtenay-Latimer, Marjorie Eileen Doris 1907-
Famous for obtaining and recognizing the first specimen of
Cowan, Ian McTaggart 1910-
Cowles, Graham S.
Cracraft, Joel
Cretzschmar, Philipp Jakob 1786-1845 Frankfurt
Crossin, Richard S.
& Ely
Cu, Nguyen
BirdLife International Vietnam Programme, 293B Tay Son, Dong Da,
Hanoi, Vietnam.
Cunningham-van Someren, G.R.
Cuervo, Andrés M.
Curry-Lindahl, K.
Kai Curry-Lindhal 1917-1990
b. May 10, 1917 Stockholm
d. Dec. 5, 1990
Cuvier, Baron Georges Léopold Chrétien Frédéric Dagobert 1769-1832
[Jean-Leopold-Nicolas-Frederic ,dit Georges, Cuvier]
Mother: Anne-Clémentine Chatel (more than 20 yrs younger than Jean-Georges)
Father: Jean-Georges Cuvier. Military Career.
Served in the Régiment de Waldner
Commanding officer: Christian-Frédéric-Dagobert, Comte de Waldner
who was Georges Cuvier's godfather.
1769: Cuvier's first son (Georges, and Georges' older brother) died at age 4.
1769: Georges born in August 23 of the same year in Montbéliard.
Given the name of Dagobert by courtesy shortly after.
Referred to in the family as Georges and it was with this
name that he always signed documents and letters as an adult.
1773: Frédéric (younger brother) was born.
Frédéric was not even mentioned in Cuvier's own account of his childhood.
No powerful godparents were obtained for F., and his formal education ended at age 15.
1784: Entered Académie de Stuttgart. An institution with extremely rigid, formal
training and severe punishments. Friedrich Schiller was publicly ciritcal
of the Academy, with mutltiple escapes, eventually under disquise.
Cuvier came to regard the Académie as a prison.
Modelled himself after Horace-Benedict de Saussure.
1788: Graduated from the Academy. Set out for Normandy. Arr. Caen in Sept.
1788-1792: Caen. as a tutor. Employed by Marquis and Marquise d'Héricy.
1791: Conflict divides the d'Héricy family leading to separation.
Cuvier leaves Caen with his pupil Achille, the Marquise.
resides in Finquainville, a few miles from the sea near Fécamp.
Secretary of the Bec-aux-Cauchois.
1795: Leaves Fiquainville for Paris.
179?: Marries Anne-Marie Duvaucel
1832: Dies May 13, 1832 at Paris
Ref. Georges Cuvier. 1984. Dorinda Outram. Manchester University Press.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.08.17