Author data --F

Faber, Frederik 1795-1828
Fagan,J Fagan, Jesse
Frankham,GJ Frankham, Greta J. Australian Centre for Wildlife Genomics, Australian Museum Research Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Fregin, Silke
Freile, Juan F.
Fabre, Pierre-Henri
Falk, Johan Peter 1733-1774 Falck, Johann Peter (Pehr) b. Kockstorp, Vastergotland Sweden. Univ. Uppsalla (student of Linnaeus) d. 1774 (took his own life in Kazan, on expedition with Pallas).
Falla, Robert Alexander 1901-1979 N.Z.
Fang, Zhou
Farkas, Tibor Probably Hungarian and evidently lived in S. Africa. published a series of papers from 1962 to 1988. Current whereabouts/status not known. [Evidently not this Tibor Farkas Tibor Farkas born and educated in Budapest, Hungary. Left after the revolution of 1956. Continued studies at University of Brussels, Belgium. 1961 received degree of "licencie en sciences politiques et diplomatiques." Came to the United States in 1961. Continued studies at New School for Social Research. In 1968 he was awarded the degree of Ph.D. in political science. Teaches full time at Marymount Manhattan College. His main research interests are in constitutional law and criminal justice. ]
Fatio, Victor 1838-1906 Died: March 19, 1906
Favaloro, Norman Joseph 1905- & McEvey, Allan
Feilden, H.W.
Fernandes, Alexandre M.
Ferrari-Perez, Fernando d.1927
Ferussac, Andre-Etienne-Just-Pascal-Joseph-Francois d'Audeberd (de) 1786-1836
(Salvadori) & Festa
Filardi, Christopher E.
Filhol, Henri 1843-1902
Filippi, Filippo de 1814-1867
Finsch, Friedrich Hermann Otto 1839-1917 Zool Mus Leyden, Holl Born: Oct. 8, 1839; Warmbrunn, Silesia 1861 Obtained a position at Leyden Mus. under Schlegel 1872 visited California 1884 succeded Hartlaub as curator at Bremen. 1879-1882; 1884-1886 Toured South Seas. 1898 Leyden, curator Rijk Museum 1904 curator of Ethnographic section Museum at Brunswick, Germany Died: Jan. 31, 1917 Sources: Book Chapters: Sack, P. G. 1972, 'Finsch, Otto (1839-1917), ornithologist, ethnologist and pioneer of German colonialism', in Australian Dictionary of Biography, ed. Douglas Pike, vol. 4, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp. 170-171. Journal Articles: Singelmann, 1909, 'Prof. Dr. Finschs Anteil an der Erwebung des deutschen Suedseeschutzgebites', Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, October. Finsch & Hartlaub Finsch & Reichenow (Hartlaub) & Finsch
Fischer,GA Fischer Gustav A. (Dr) 1848-1886 Died in Berlin soon after returning from an expedition Obit: J. Orn. 1886:613 African explorer. [Jacob Benjamin F. 1791; Wilhelm Johannes F. 1914 Zimm Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim ? ] Fischer & Reichenow
Fischer, Johann Baptist d.1832
Fischer,JH Fischer, Johannes H.
Fischer, J.C.H. 1814-1885 [Copenhagen]
Fischer (von / de) Waldheim, (Johann) Gotthelf 1771-1853 Moscow
Fisher,Walter Kenrick Born: Feb. 1, 1878, Ossining, New York. Died: Nov. 2, 1953, Carmel Valley, CA.
Fitriana,YS Fitriana, Yuli S.
Fitzinger, Leopold Joseph Franz Johann 1802-1884
Fitzpatrick, John W. b 1951 Fitzpatrick, John W. & ONeill, JP Fitzpatrick, Terborgh JW, & Willard DE Fitzpatrick & Willard Fitzpatrick, Willard, & Terborgh
Fjeldså, Jon Copenhagen, DK.
Flannery, Timothy Fridtjof (Tim) b1956
Fleischer [? Johann Gottlieb F. 1797-1838 botanist ]
Fleischer, Robert C.
Fleming, Charles Alexander 1916-1987 Sir Charles Alexander Fleming, KBE, DSc, FRS, FRSNZ
Fleming, John, D.D. 1747-1829 d. 17 May 1829 British surgeon, Indian Medical Service MP Gatton (1818-1820) Saltash (1820-1826)
Fleming, J.H.
Fleming, Robert Leleand
Floericke, Kurt 1869-1934 Born: 23 March 1869; Zeitz Died: 29 Oct. 1934; Stuttgart
Flower, Sir William Henry 1831-1899
Foerster, F. 1865-1918 German botanist & collector
Fontana, Carla Suertegaray
Forbes Henry Ogg (Dr) 1851-1932 Died: 27 Dec 1932 Obit: Ibis 1933:135 (Ogilvie-Grant) & Forbes
Forbes, William Alexander 1855-1882 Third presctor of the Zool.Soc. Of Lond. Coll.trips Americas (1881), and W. Africa(1882) where he died on Upper Niger Riv.
Forbes-Watson, A
Ford, Julian
1767-1844] [Forster 1767-1844]
Forster, (Johann) Georg Adam 1754-1794
Forster, Johann Reinhold 1729-1798
Forster,Thomas Ignatius Maria, M.D. 1789-1860 Britain
Forster, Thomas F.
Forshaw, Joseph Michael Agriculturalist. Technician with the CSIRO Division of Wildlife in Canberra. His publication Parrots of the world commenced in 1964 while in the United States on an American Grant, and was completed during the tenure of a Churchill Fellowship, awarded in 1971. Other publications include Australian Parrots and Kingfishers and related birds.
Foster, Jeffrey T.
Fox, Cecelia == Cecilia Fox Joo [Note: In Latin culture the use of surnames (as to whether paternal, maternal, or both appears to be decided by both convention and caprice, and in some instances does not appear to be even employed consistently by any given individual. In this case the publication lists the last author's name as "Cecelia Fox Joo" but Manuel Plenge informs me (in litt. 2011.09.02) that "Fox" is the paternal surname in this case. Often such a case would be written "Cecelia Fox J."]
(ONeill, JP , Munn) & Franke J., Irma
Frade, F
Franke, Irma
Franklin, James (Major). Brother of John Franklin. Carried out the first British survey of India. [John Franklin 1786-1847] ? "Jas. Franklin" in CWR for 1831 PZS citations.
Franzmann, N.-E.
Fraser, Francis Charles 1903-1978
Fraser, Louis 1819 (?1810)-1866 English nat. hx dealer, coll. Nigeria 1841-2, Ecuador 1859, Calif 1860. aut Zoologica typica 1849 (Jardine) & Fraser
Fraeunfeld, Georg Ritter von b. 3 June 1807 Vienna d. 8 Oct. 1873 Vienna Worked on Diptera. Heavily involved in the development of the Naturhisorishes Museum in Vienna, where he was a curator.
Frietas, Guilerme H. S.
Fretes, Yance de also as Fretes, Yance De
Friedmann, Herbert 1900-1987 US Nat Mus, LA Co. Mus Born: April 22, 1900 Elected to National Academy of Sciences 1962 Died: May 14, 1987
Friesen, Vicki L.
Friggens, Michael T.
Frith, Clifford B.
Frith, Dawn W.
Frivaldszky, Imre 1799-1870 Nat. Hist. of Balkans
Frohawk, Frederick William 1861-1946 British Lepidopterist
Fromant, Aymeric
Fromholz, R.J.
Fry, Charles Hilary & Smith, DA
Fuchs Fuchs, Jérô:me
Fullagar Fullagar, P. J.
Furness, Robert W.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999

Last updated 2021.05.11