Author data --G
Gaban-Lima, Renato
Gabrielson, Ira Noel 1889-1977
Gadow, Hans Friedrich 1855-1928
Born: 8 March 1855 Altrakow, Pomerania
Dies: 26 May, 1928 Cambridge, England
Gaimard, Jean Paul (Joseph Paul; Paul) 1796-1858
Born: Jan. 31, 1796
(sometimes given as 1793 or 1799; confirmed as 1796
by Russian Academy of Sciences per Martin Domdey)
Whittel 1954 says "Born January 31, 1793 in Saint Zacharie (Var), France"
1817-1820: circumnavigation of L'Uranie and La Physicienne
"Medicin entretenu de 3 e. classe" and "second-chirrurgien et naturliste" (Whittle)
1826-1829: expedition of L'Astrolabe to Australia and New Zealand
1825: Elected "correspondant del'Academie royale de medicine" (July 5, 1825).
1826-1829: Assigned to Astrolabe during Dumont d'Urville's circumnavigation
but remained ill on Bourbon Island on Nov. 24, 1828.
1835-1836: expedition of La Recherche to the Arctic Sea.
1838: Leader of La Recherche on expedition to Spitzbergen
1839: Dec. 20 Elected member of Division of Natural Sciences of
Moscow Russian Academy of Sciences.
Died: Dec. 10, 1858
& Gaimard
Galbraith, E.H.
Galbraith, I.C.J.
& Galbraith
Gamauf, Anita
Gambel, William 1819-1849
Gangoso, L.
Gangoso. Laura
Garcia-del-Rey, Eduardo
Garcia-Porta, Joan
Jose Carlos Garcia-R
Garnot, Prosper 1794-1838
& Garnot
Garrido, Orlando H.
Garlsault, François Alexandre Pierre de 1691-1778
Gaskin, Chris P.
Gatter, W [? Wulf pub insects 1981 ]
& Gavio
Gavio, Hector S. b. 1903
Gay, Claude 1800-1873
Gay, Claudio
b. 1800.03.16 Draguignan, Fr.
d. 1873.11.29 Flayosc, Fr.
Geale, David
Gebler, Friedrich August von 1782-1850
Gelang, Magnus
Gené, (Carlo) Giuseppe 1800-1847
Gentry, Thomas George 1843-1905
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Albert
[? & Verreaux, JP]
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Étienne 1772-1844
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire,Isidore 1805-1861
Paris Son of Etienne
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isadore
George, WG
Georgi, Johann Gottlieb 1729-1802
b. 31 Dec. 1729
Geraldes, Pedro
Gervais, (François Louis) Paul 1816-1879
& Gervais, Paul 1816-1879
Getty, T.
Geyr von Schweppenburg, Hans (Johann) [Jakob] (Prof. Dr Freiherr) 1884-1963
Died: 24 Aug., 1963.
Obit: Ibis 1964:262.
Ghigi, Alessandro 1875-1970
Gibson, Daniel D.
Giebel, Christoph. Gottfried Andreas 1820-1881
Giglioli, Enrico Hillyer (Henry Hillyer) 1845-1909
Florence, It. 1845-1909
Father: Dr Guiseppe Giglioli, political exile in Edinburgh, and London.
Mother: Miss Hillyer (English)
Born: June 13, 1845, London.
Family returns to Italy 1848.
1861 Enrico sent to study in London, by Italian Govt.
1864 took his degree at Univ. Pisa.
1865 Appointed asst. naturalist under Professor De Filippi on warship Magenta.
De Filippi dies early on voyage of cholera. Giglio assumes lead age 22.
Voyage 1865-68.
1869 Instructor in Zoology and comparative anatomy of Vertebrates,
Royal Institute in Florence.
Granted the high distinction: Grande Ufficiale della Corona d'Italia
Dies: Dec. 16, 1909 In Florence, It.
Obit. Auk 27, Oct. 1910:484-5.
Gihr, Margarete
Gill, B.
Gill, FB 1941-
Gill, Frank B.
b. 2 Oct. 1941 New York City, NY
Gill, Theodore Nicholas 1837-1914
Gilliard, E(rnest) (I.) Thomas 1912-1965
& Gilliard
Gilligan, Jeff
R. Hermano Ginés
[This apparently is Pablo Mandazen Soto, Dr.
tnanks to Paul A. Davis for finding this out.]
Giraud, Jacob Post, Jr. 1811-1870
(pub Birds of Long Is. 1844 )]
Born: 22 Aug. 1811; New York City
One of Giraud's brothers was the Grandfather of Daniel Giraud Elliot
Another brother (Daniel Giraud) was the man after whom Dr. Elliot was named.
Died: July 18, 1870; Poughkeepsie, NY.
Giraud probably was a strong influence in prompting Baird's study of birds.
Giri, Tika
Gistel, Johannes Von Nepomuk Franz Xaver Gistel (Gistl)
(also known as Gistel-Tilesius)
also as Johannes Nepomucenus Franziscus Xavier Gistel)
Givens, T.V.
Gloger, Constantin Wilhelm Lambert 1803-1863
d. 30 Dec. 1863
Gmelin, Johann Friedrich 1748-1804
Gmelin, Carl [Karl] Christian 1762-1837
b. 1762.03.12 Badenwiler
d. 1837.06.26 Karlsruhe
Gmelin, Samuel Gottlieb 1743(?4,?5)-1774
Nephew of Johann Georg Gmelin.
Died: 27 June, 1774.
Gnoske, Thomas P.
Godfrey,W. Earl 1910-2002
Godman, Frederick DuCane 1834-1919
& Godman
Godoy, José Antonio
Godwin-Austen, Lt. Col Henry Haversham 1834-1923
[Robert Alfred Cloyne, = father 1808-1884 ]
& Walden
Goebel, Hermann 1844-1910
Goeldi, Emil(io) August(o) 1859-1917
Swiss; SA Rio d J.
[pron. Geldi, per William Crocker]
Goffin, A
[CWR Obit. note in J.Orn. 1863 p.399]
[Probably not Alfred Goffin - Belgian worker published on fish of the Congo
in 1909]
Goldfuss, Georg August 1782-1848
Goldman, Edward Alphonso 1873-1946
Born: July 7, 1873 Mount Carmel, Ill
Brought up on a ranch in San Joaquin Valley near Alila, Tulare County.
Travelled extensively with Nelson, particularly in Mexico.
Died: Sept. 2, 1946 Washington, D.C.
Gomez-Diaz, Elena
Gonzaga, Luiz Pedreira
& Gonzaga
Gonzales, Pedro C.
Gonzalez, Juan Carlos T.
Goodall, JD 1892(3)-1980
Jack Davies Goodall Callaway (?Galloway)
b. Bembridge Point (Isle of Wight) 1892 or 1893
d. 30 Dec. 1980 Chile (?Santiago, ? Zapallar, ? Valpariso).
buried in Zapallar, Chile
Goodman, Steven M.
Goodson, A
Goodwin, Derek
Goroshko, O.A.
Goss, Nathaniel Stickney 1826-1891
Founding member of the AOU.
Born: June 8, 1826, Lancaster, N.H.
Died: March 10, 1891, Neosho Falls, KS
Gosse, Philip Henry 1810-1888
born: 6 April, 1810 at Worcester, England
died: 23 Aug, 1888 at Torquay
sometimes given as 1818-1889 (sic)
Gould, John 1804-1881
Born: 1804 Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire. 1804
Son of a working gardener. Lived several years in Windsor. Father employed at Windsor Castle.
1827: Entered Service of the Zoological Society.
Died: Feb. 3, 1881 London
Never a member of the BOU.
Gould's Australian birds were purchased by Edward Wilson
(granfather of the Antarctic explorer) for his brother (Thomas B. Wilson),
who presented them to the Academy of Sciences, Philadelphia.
Span of publication 1831-1879 (48 years) 769 taxa (Genera, sp. ssp.)
~9423 currently valid taxa published during that time
Gould = 8.2% of currently valid taxa published during that period.
First publication of a currently valid scientific name 1831
( Stephanoxis lalandi loddigesii (Gould))
Last publihed currently valid scientific name 1879
(Chlamydera nuchalis orientalis Gould)
Graham, Gary L.
Grandidier, Alfred 1836-1921
[ brother Ernest G. ]
& Grandidier
& Grandidier,G
Grandidier, Guillaume (son of Alfred) 1873-1957
& Berlioz
Grant, Claude Henry Baxter 1878-1958
Grant, Claude Henry Baxter
& Mackworth-Praed, Cyril Winthrop
Grant, James 1772-1883
Grant, PR
Grant, Peter Raymond
Grantsau, Rolf 1928-
Grantsau, R.
& Camargo
Granvik, (Sven) Hugo 1889-????
Graves, Gary R.
US Nat Mus
Graves, Gary R.
& Weske, John S.
Graves, Gary R.
O'Neill, John P.
& Parker, [Theodore A. III ]
Graves, Jeff A.
& Graves
Gray & Gray
Gray, George Robert 1808-1872
Born: July 8, 1808 at London
Died: May 5(or 6), 1872
Gray, John Edward 1800-1875
Born: 12 Feb. 1800. Walsall, Staffordshire.
Father: Samuel Frederick Gray -- well-known pharmacologist and botanist.
Died: 7 Mar. 1875. At official residence Br.Mus. (Nat. Hist.).
Married: 1826. Maria Emma Smith (1787-1876), widow of his cousin, Mr Francis Edward Gray.
Buried at St. Mary's, Lewisham, then a village south of Greenwich.
Grayson, Andrew Jackson (Col.) 1819-1867
Born: Aug. 20, 1819 in Louisiana
Died: Aug. 17, 1869 at Mazatlan (of malaria)
Green, J.E.
Green & Arnold
Greenfield, Paul J.
Gregory, Steven M. S.
Grinnell, Joseph 1877-1939
Born: Feb. 27, 1877. Old Fort Sill, OK
1897 BA Throop Polytechnic Institure, Pasadena, CA
1901 Masters Stanford
1913 PhD Stanford
Died: May 28, 1939 Berkeley CA
? John Augustus Griswold ?
& Greenway, James Cowan, Jr. 1903-1989
Griscom, Ludlow 1890-1959
2d Lt. Infantry, Leon Springs, TX
Arthur Allen's first grad. student at Cornell.
& Griscom
& Griscom
Groenenberg, Dick
Grote, Hermann 1882-1951
E Afr
Groves, Colin P.
Grubh, Robertr B.
Guérin-Méneville, Félix Édouard 1799-1874
Born: Oct. 12, 1799 at Toulon, France.
Died: Jan. 26, 1874 at Paris.
Guilherme, Edson
Guillemard, Francis Henry Hill 1852-1933
British geographer, traveller, author
b. 12 Sept. 1852
[Cat Books Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. gives birthdate as 1852]
Guldenstadt, Johann Anton (Güldenstädt)
d. March 3, 1781 (3 April)
Gundlach, Johannes (Juan)(Christoph, Christopher, Cristóbal) 1810-1896
d. March 14, 1896
Gunnerus, Johan (Johannes, Johann) Ernst (Ernestus) 1718-1773
Born: 1718 at Christiana
Died: Sept. 23, 1773; Bishop of Trondhjem
Gunning, Jan Willem Boudewijn 1860-1913
Born: Sept. 3, 1860 at Hilvarsum, Holland
Died: June 23, 1913 at Pretoria
S Africa
& Roberts
Gunther, Albert Charles (Carl) Lewis (Ludwig) Gotthilfi; (né Günther) 1830-1914
Gurney, John Henry 1819-1890
[N.B. father and son]
Born: July 4, 1819
Died: April 20,1890
Son: 1848-1922(3)
Gurney, John Henry, 2nd 1848-1922(3)
[N.B. father and son]
Son: 1848-1922(3)
Gustafson, J.
Guitierrez-Pinto, Natalia
Gwee, Chyi Yin
Gyldenstolpe, Nils Carl Gustaf Fersen (Count) 1886-1961
Died: 10 Apr. 1961
Obit: Ibis 1961:627.
Corrections and additions supplied by Rob C. H. M. Oudejans
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.02.24