Author data --I
Ichihara, Tadayoshi
Ihering, Hermanni Friedrich Albrecht von 1850-1930 Brazil
Born: Oct. 9, 1850 Kiel, Germany.
Went to Vienna age 18 when his father accepted a call there.
1870 enlisted in Darmstadt in 117th Regiment of Musketeers
Served as Unterartzt in Lazarette.
Passed medical degrees in Berlin and Gottingen
1876 PhD in Zoology.
1880 moved to Brazil.
1893 Director of State Museum Sao Paolo.
1924 Moved back to Germany.
Died: Feb. 24, 1930; Budingen, Upper Hesse, Germany.
Eldest son Rudolph.
Ihering, Hermann von 1850-1930 Brazil
& Ihering, Rudolpho von 1883-1939 Brazil
Ihering, Rudolph (Rodolpho) (Theodore Gaspar Wilhelm) von 1883-1939
Also as Jhering
Illera, Juan Carlos
Illiger, Carl (Johann Karl Wilhelm) 1775-1813
Ilyashenko, V. Y.
Imber, Michael J. 1940-2011
d. 2011.04.28
Indrawan, Mochamad
Ingram, Collingwood 1880-1981
Ingram, William, Sir ,1st Baronet 1847-1924
b. 27 Oct. 1847
d. 18 Dec. 1924
Father of Collingwood Ingram
Introduced Birds of Paradise to Little Tobago Island.
Managing Director of The Illustrated London News.
Liberal MP for Boston.
Irby, Howard (Lt.Col.)
Iredale, Tom 1880-1972
& Iredale
Irestedt, Martin
Irham, Mohammad
Irving, Susan
Later Susan Irving Scholander
Irwin, Michael Patrick Stuart 1925-x
Isert, Paul Erdmann 1756-1789 W Indies + Africa
1756: born Brandenburg
Appointed Chief Surgeon to the Danish settlements in West Africa when in his late twenties.
Arrived on the Gold Coast in November, 1783.
He left in October 1786, apparently angered by being refused permission to travel inland
at the invitation of the Asante king, Osei Kwame, one of whose sisters had availed herself
of his medical skills.
Returned in November 1788, with his bride of seven months.
Paul died on 21 January 1789, and his wife on 25 February.
Their daughter, born on 17 February, survived her mother by only three weeks.
Remembered principally for his book, Reise nach Guinea und den Caribäischen Inseln in Columbia,
published in Copenhagen in 1788. Cast in the form of twelve letters,
written between 10 November 1783 and 10 July 1787.
The first six dealing with affairs in the area of the Volta estuary, and including
an account of the Danish sponsored attack on the Anlo
The seventh letter reports Isert's visit to Whydah;
the eighth is concerned principally with the Ga in whose territory the Danes
had their headquarters, Christiansborg;
the ninth describes the circumstances of the European transients on the Gold Coast;
and the tenth has an account of Akuapem, which the author visited,
together with brief notes on the Akwamu, Krobo, Fante, Akyem and Asante.
The eleventh and twelfth letters relate Isert's experiences on board the slaver
that took him to the Caribbean, en route for Denmark in late 1786,
and offers observations on the islands of St. Croix, St. Eustacius,
St. Thomas, St. John, Guadeloupe and Martinique.
Reise nach Guinea was first translated into Danish in 1789,
Dutch in 1790 and French in 1793.
An English version has now been produced by Selena Axelrod Winsnes.
Isert wrote in appallingly bad German, despite this being his mother tongue.
Isler, Morton L.
Isler, Phyllis R.
Comments & Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2020.10.08