Author data --J
James, Helen
& Jabouille, Pierre b. 1875
Jackson,AC 1889-1921
Annie Constance Jackson
(later to be Mrs Richard Meinertzhagen)
Jackson, Frederick John (Sir) 1860-1929
Governer of Uganda 1911-1917
Born: Oran Hall, Yorkshire, 1860
Shrewsbury School.
Jesus College, Cambridge.
1880 rowed #5 in the College boat.
1884 first trip to Africa on a shooting trip.
1885 Joined Imperial British East Africa Company.
1888 Joined B.O.U.
1889 lead an expedition to open regions between Mombasa and
Lake Victoria.
1929: Dies Feb. 3 at Beaulieu-sur-Mar on the French Riviera.
The Birds of Kenya Colony & Uganda Protectorate 1938
Sydney William Jackson 1873-1946
Brisbane, Queeensland
Curator of White's collection in N.S.W.
Jacobi, Arnold 1870-1948
Director of the Anthropological-Zoological Museum in Dresden
& Jacobi, James D.
James D. Jacobi
US Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division,
Pacific Islands Ecosystem Research Center,
PO Box 44, Hawaii National Park, HI 96718
Jacome, M.
Jakosalem, P.G.C.
Jarry, G.
Joo, Cecilia Fox
Jordans, Adolf von (Dr) 1892-1974
b. 29 April 1892 Lüftelberg
d. 23 May 1974 Austria
Jouventin, Pierre
Jacquin, Joseph Franz, freiherr von 1766-1839
Father: Nikolaus Joseph, Freiherr von Jacquin (1727-1817),
Professor of Chemistry and Botany at Vienna University;
Joseph Franz, Freiherr von Jacquin (1766-1839), succeeded his father at Vienna.
Jacquinot, Honore 1815-1887
1 Aug. 1815: Born
[Note: usually listed as "1814"
See Clark and Crosnier. 2000.
Arch. nat. hist. 27(3): 418.]
Younger step brother of Charles Hector Jacquinot.
& Pucheran
& Jacquinot, Honore 1814- p. 1861
N.B. Charles Hector Jacquinot 1796-1879;
(born 4 March 1796)
ensign on Coquille 1822-25;
second in command to Dumont d'Urville on Astrolabe,
and with Dumont d'Urville 1837-1840.
Jamarillo, Alvaro
Jameson, Robert 1774-1854
Jany, E.
Jardine, Sir William 1800-1874
Private collection of over 8000 skins
kept at Jardine Hall in Lockerbie, Scotland
dispersed at auction in London 1886.
Jardine's papers are moslty in Edinburgh
at the Royal Scottish Museum
& Fraser
& Selby
Jarocki, Feliks (Felix) Pawel (Paul) (na)
Jehl, J.R.
Jenkins, John A. F. 1928-1989
Jenks, Randolph "Pat"
Jensen, Flemming Pagh
Jerdon, Thomas Claverhill 1811-1872
[rarely given as Thomas Caverhill Jerdon, but so given
in his Ibis Obit: 1872:342]
Born in Durham, England, entered University of Edinburgh in 1828. He undertook medical studies and
1828 entered University of Edinburgh (medical studies)
assistant-surgeon in the East India Company.
He had both zoological and botanical interests.
& Blyth
Jewett, S.G.
Jiang Zhi-hua
Jiguet, Frédéric
Jobling, James A.
Johannson, Ulf
Johansen, Hans Christian 1897-1973
b. Dec. 2, 1897 Riga, Lettonia
d. Dec. 18, 1973 Lyngby
Johansen, Herman (Hermann) (Edouardovich) (Eduardovic) 1866-1930
Johnson, Alfredo William 1894-
& Millie, G
Johnson, D.
Johnson, Ned Keith 1932-2003
Born: Nov. 3 1932. Reno NV.
B.S. U.Nev. 1954
PhD. U.C. Berkeley, 1961
Univ. Calif. Berkeley MVZ.
Died: Jun. 11, 2003. Berkeley CA
Johnson, Kevin P.
Oscar Johnson
Johnson, Rebecca N.
School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Australian Centre for Wildlife Genomics, Australian Museum Research Institute, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Jones, Robert E.
Univ. Calif. Berkeley MVZ.
Jones, William Louis 1827-1914
b. March 27, 1827 Liberty County, GA.
1850 Studied with Agassiz.
d. Aug. 22, 1914 Atlanta, GA.
Jonsson, Knud Andreas
Joseph, Leo
Australian National Wildlife Collection, CSIRO, Canberra, ACT, Australia
Jonkers, B.
Jouanin, Christian 1925-
Jouard, H
Jourdain, Francis Charles Robert, Rev. 1865-1940
Born: March 4, 1865, eldest son of Reverend F. Jourdain, vicar of Ashbourne-cum-Mapleton.
Graduated Oxford 1887.
Vicar of Clifton-by-AShbourne until 1914
Rector of Appleton, Berkshire till retirement 1925.
Died: Feb. 27, 1940, Southbourne, Bournemouth, England.
Jouy, P.L.
Juarez, Roselvy C.
Junge, George Christoffel Alexander, Jr. 1905-1962
Born in Haarlem, The Netherlands.
Studied zoology University of Amsterdam
1928 - began studies on avian systematics; Zoological Museum, Amsterdam.
1934 Doctorate; University of Amsterdam.
1934 appointed curator; Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leydan.
head of ornithological department.
head of mammology dept. (until 1949).
Published primarily on:
birds: Indonesia, New Guinea, Surinam, Trinidad, Tobago, The Netherlands.
also published on whales.
thanks to George O. Junge (son) for these details, received 2001.12.18.
Corrections and additions supplied by Rob C. H. M. Oudejans
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.09.11