Author data --M
McAllen, Ian A.W.
McCabe, Thomas Tonkin 1890-1948
Born: April 4, 1890 Bloomington, Ind.
Harvard Univ. B.A. M.A.
WWI Br.Roy.Field Artillery -- Capt.
Moved to B.C. thence to Berkeley CA.
Died: Jan. 28, 1948, Berkeley CA.
McConnell, Frederick Vavasour
MacGillivray, William 1796-1852
b. 25 Jan 1796 Aberdeen
d. Sep 1852 Aberdeen buried in Edinburgh (New Calton Cemetery)
taught in Aberdeen and Edinburgh.
Ralph, Robert. 1993. William MacGillivray. HMSO. London.
MacGillivray, William David Kerr 1867-1933
Born: Nov. 27, 1867 Killara Station, Darling River. N.S.W.
1877 to Melbourne. Educated Scotch College, St. Kilda.
M.D. 1890 Melbourne University.
Active in WW I.
Died: June 25, 1933.
Macdonald, James David 1908-
Macdonald & Hall
Mackworth-Praed, Cyril Winthrop 1891-1974
Died: 30 Jun 1974
Obit: Ibis 117:116
Madarász, Julius von (Gyula) 1858-1931
Died: 29 Dec 1931
Obit: Ibis 1932:532
& Madarasz
Magnusson, Jesper
Mahood, S.P.
Maia, Emilio Joaquim da Silva 1808-1859
Also as Da Silva Maia, or da Silva Maia
Maijer, Sjoerd
& Fjeldsa
Sjoerd Maijer, Dutch, Author of a CD of Bolivian bird sounds.
Mailliard, Joseph 1857-1945
Maingonnat, Anatole
There is some uncertainty about this authors name. Given by some authors as
Maingounat, and by others as Maingonnat.
[Paul Davis investigated this matter and determined that the majority of
contemporary sources spelled the name "Maingonnat" and most probably this was
Anatole Maingonnat.]
It is spelled Maingounat in the Peters Checklist II:132, following Delacourt's
note in Ibis 1929 p.203. Peters (and Delacour's) error has been followed by many authors.
Maley, James M.
Malherbe, Alfred 1804-1866
Administrator of Museum of Metz.
Mandt, Martin Wilhelm 1799-???
Mandelli [not in NUC, not in Br M Cat ; "Stray feathers" ]
Mandiwana-Neudani, Tshihiwa G.
Manh, Hung Le
Mann, Clive F.
(Burton, PJK
& Lennerstedt, I.)
Mann, Nigel I.
Mano, T.
Manuel, Canuto G.
(& Gilliard)
Maout, E
Le Maout
March, W.T. c1795-c1872
March, William Thomas
Lawyer in Spanish Town, Jamaica. Secretary to the Governor of Jamaica 1868.
Correspondent of Darwin's.
Marchant, S.
Marie, E
Marien, D.
Marin, Manuel
Manuel Marin A.
Marples, NM
Markham, BJ
Marshall, Charles Henry Tilson 1841-1927
Marshall, CHT
& Marshall, GFL
Marshall, George Frederick Leycester 1843-1934
brother of CHT Marshall
& Marshall
Your search for the Personal Name: MARSHALL ALAN JOHN 1911-1967
retrieved 7 records.
Title List
1. The black musketeers, the work and adventures of a scientist on a
South sea island at war and in peace <1937>
2. The great extermination, a guide to Anglo-Australian cupidity,
wickedness, & waste. Edited by A.J. Marshall <1966>
3. Biology and comparative physiology of birds. <1960>
4. Darwin and Huxley in Australia. <1970>
5. The great extermination, a guide to Anglo-Australian cupidity,
wickedness & waste. Edited by A. J. Marshall. <1966>
6. Intersexuality in vertebrates including man, edited by C.N.
Armstrong and A.J. Marshall. <1964>
7. Textbook of zoology, edited by A. J. Marshall and W. D. Williams.
Marshall,JT Jr
Marshall, Joe T., Jr.
Marshall, Robert T.
Martens, Karl Eduard von (Dr) 1831-1904
b. 18 April 1831 Stuttgart
d. 14 August 1904 Berlin
styled "C. E. Martens" by H&M 3rd:735
Listed as "Dr. Eduard v. Martens" in J.Orn. 1866.
Martens, GH
Martens, Gustav Heinrich 1842-1912
Martens, Jochen 1941 - >
b. 10 June 1941 Jena.
& Eck
Martin, A.
Martin, Aurelio
Martin, A.D.
Martin, Alyssa D.
Mason, Ian J.
Mason, Nicholas Albert
Mason & McKean
Schodde & Mason,IJ
Masters, George 1837-1912
The Australian Dictionary of Biography (
gives the following biography.
MASTERS, GEORGE (1837-1912), entomologist, was born in July 1837 in
Maidstone, Kent, England, son of George Masters, gardener, and his wife
Matilda, née Terry. He became a gardener and about 1856 migrated to
Melbourne. Interested in natural history, he was employed by Dr Godfrey
Howitt for some two years. He collected insects in Tasmania and sold them
to W. J. Macleay. By 1860 he was a gardener at Shepherd's Darling Nursery
in Sydney. Recommended by Gerard Krefft, Masters was sent by Macleay to
Queensland to collect insects for him. In 1863-66 he exhibited thousands of
insects before the new Entomological Society of New South Wales.
On 2 June 1864 Masters was appointed assistant curator and collector to the
Australian Museum at a salary of £200, on condition that he sold his
private collection and made no new one, an agreement he ignored. In the
1860s he travelled extensively in Queensland, New South Wales, South
Australia, Lord Howe Island, Tasmania and Western Australia and in 1870 in
the Snowy Mountains area and Queensland. He was a splendid shot, caught
venomous snakes with his bare hands and was fearless in the bush and with
Aboriginals. Masters made large collections which included a series of the
newly-found Queensland lungfish, 'the preserved skin of a black gin', such
rarities as the western bristle-bird and the noisy scrub bird, venomous
snakes for Krefft and many thousand insects and invertebrates. At one stage
he had collected more than half the natural history specimens in the
museum. He also continued to collect for William Macleay and increased his
own collection. In 1874 Masters testified against Krefft before the
Legislative Assembly select committee inquiring into the Australian Museum.
However, his evidence was inconsistent and he was embarrassed by questions
about the woman whom he had taken on his Western Australian trip and
represented as his wife.
Lured by a salary rise of £100 Masters became curator of the Macleay
museum in January 1874. He travelled widely in New South Wales, beachcombed
round Port Jackson and in the Pea Hen dredged up and down the coast for
specimens. In 1875 he went on Macleay's Chevert expedition to New Guinea,
where he found the first-known egg of the bird of paradise. In 1871-74 he
published his Catalogue of described Coleoptera of Australia in parts and
they were continued in 1885-87 in the Proceedings of the Linnean Society of
New South Wales where he often exhibited his specimens. When the Macleay
museum was transferred to the University of Sydney, Masters remained its
curator until 1912. His unrivalled knowledge of the habits and life
histories of Australian animals largely went unrecorded as he disliked
Full-bearded and energetic, Masters had strong likes and dislikes. With age
he suffered ill health and failing sight. After an accident in a cab on his
way to Government House he died at Elizabeth Bay on 23 June 1912 and was
buried in the Anglican section of Waverley cemetery. Predeceased by his
first wife Matilda Elizabeth, née Hodges, on 20 May 1903 and their
only child, he was survived by his second wife, a widow, Mary Jane Howard,
née Franklin. Although reputed to own much property, he left an
estate sworn for probate at £3300.
Select Bibliography
Votes and Proceedings (Legislative Assembly, New South Wales), 1873-74, 5,
849, 876, 1875, 4, 276; G. P. Whitley, `George Masters, naturalist´,
Australian Zoologist, vol 16, 1971, part 2, and for bibliography.
Author: G. P. Whitley
Print Publication Details: G. P. Whitley, & Masters, George (1837 - 1912)´
Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 5, Melbourne University Press,
1974, pp 223-224.
McEvey, A
Masséna, François-Victor-Napol&ecute;an, Duc De Rivoli, Prince d'Essling
Born: April 2, 1799
& Souance
Mathews, Gregory Macalister 1876-1949
& Iredale
Mata, Helena
Matschie, Paul 1861-1926
b. Aug. 11, 1861 Brandenburg.
d. March 3, 1926 Berlin
Mauersberger, G
Mauricio, Giovanni Nachtigall
Maynard, Charles Johnson 1845-1929
Mayr, Ernst (Walter) 1904-2005
Span of publication 1930-1986 (56 years) 396 taxa (Genera, sp. ssp.)
~11262 currently valid taxa published during that time
Mayr = 3.5% of currently valid taxa published during that period.
First publication of a currently valid scientific name 1930
( Loboparadisea sericea aurora Mayr
Last publihed currently valid scientific name 1986
(Sericornis spilodera batantae Mayr
& Gilliard, E(rnest). Thomas 1912-1965
& Rand, Austin L.
Mayaud, Noël 1899-1989
Mazariegos-Hurtado, Luis
McClelland, John 1805-1883
John McClelland, Esq.
Assistant-surgeon in the service of the East India Company,
Bengal Establishment, Member of the Deputation sent into
that country for the purpose of investigating the nature of
the Tea Plant.
An ardent quinarian. His devotion to Quinarian principals led to
his difficulty in getting his monograph on Ganges fishes accepted by the
Asiatic Society of Bengal (ref. Desmond A. 1985. Hist.Sci. 23:163)
McConnell, Frederick Vavasour
McCormack, John E.
McKean, J.L.
McGregor, Richard Crittenden 1871-1936
Meade-Waldo, Edmund Gustavus Bloomfield 1855-1934
Gr. Br.
Mearns, Edgar Alexander 1856-1916
US Army; Nat Mus
Born: Sept. 11, 1856; Highland Falls, near W. Point, NY, at Grfather's house.
Grandfather: Alexander Mearns: born Aberdeen, Scotland 1786.
Came to NY in 1805. Settled Highland Falls 1815. Alexander b. 1823.
Parents: Alexander and Nancy Reliance (Clarswell) Mearns.
Donald Highland Institue (Highland Falls)
Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons (graduated 1881)
1882 took and passed examination to enter Army Medical Dept.
1878 (aet. 16) First paper "The Capture of several Rare Birds
near West Point, N.Y." Bull. Nuttall Orn. Club III Jan. 1878 p.45-46.
In this paper he acknowledges information from his friend,
Mr. Theodore Roosevelt.
125 titles.
Married: 1881; Miss Ella Wittich of Circleville, Ohio.
Childred: Louis di Zerega Mearns ( b. Nov. 5, 1886, Fort Verde, Ariz.
d. April, 1912; Balt. MD);
Lillian Hathaway Mearns
Personal: "frail of build" 5'4"; 140 lbs.
Military Service:
Commissioned Dec. 3 1883 Assist. Surgeon; 1st Lt.
Fort Verde Ariz. 1884. under command of Gen. Crook who
accompanied Mearns on some collecting expeditions.
1888-1891, 1903 Ft. Snelling, Minn.
1891: Medical officer with Mexican-U.S. Int. Boundary Comm.
Fort Meyers, VA
1897-98 Fort Clark, TX
1898: Comm. brigade surgeon (later chief surgeon) Volunteers Sp.-Am War; Major.
1899: March, 22 honorable discharched
1899-1900: Ft Adams, RI
1900: Nervous breakdown (? complicated by malaria?). 3 months leave.
1901: Feb; Surgeon; Major.
1902: Ft. Yellowstone
1903-1904, 1905-1907: Phillipines.
1904: San Francisco to recover from "parasitic disorders"
1905: visited Guam.
1907: Ft Totten, NY "it was at Ft. Totten that he became aware of
the presence of the disease that finally brought his career to an end."
1909: Retired Jan. 1. Lt-Col.
1909: Joined ex-President Roosevelt on East Africa trip.
1911,1912: Returned to Africa.
Died: Nov.1 1916, Walter Reed Hosp.
Medeiros, Renata
Medina, Félix M.
Mees, Gerlof Fokko
Meinertzhagen, Richard (Col) 1878-1967
Born: 3 March 1878
(note: Truth and certainty are ongoing problems with
all matters that relate to Meinertzhagen, and I have found his year of
birth given as 1870, 1878, and 1887; it looks to me like 1878 is correct).
Died: 17 Jun 1967
Obit: Ibis 1967:617
Much has been written about this unusual, charming, and it appears fundamentally
dishonest man. I find T.E. Lawrence's characterization of interest.
"... a student of bird migration drifted into soldiering ...
Meinertzhagen knew no half measures. He was logical, an idealist of
the deepest, and so possessed by his convictions that he was willing
to harness evil to the chariot of good. He was a strategist, a
geographer, and a silent laughing masterful man; who took as blithe
a pleasure in deceiving his enemy (or his friend) by some
unscrupulous jest, as in spattering the brains of a cornered mob of
Germans one by one with his African knob-kerri. His instincts
were abetted by an immensely powerful body and a savage brain,
which chose the best way to its purpose, unhampered by doubt or
ref. Rothschild, M. "Dear Lord Rothschild". 1983 Balaban, Philadelphia, PA. p.277
Meinertzhagen, A (Mrs. R. Meinertzhagen)
Meise, Wilhelm
Born: 12 Sept 1901
Trained as a teacher.
1924 enrolled Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Berlin. Earned a living then by playing cello.
1926 wrote thesis on Carrion Crow hybidisation, under Stresemann.
Stayed on in bird section of Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, as assit. to Stresemann.
1929: Moved to Dresden. Staatliche Museum fü Tierkunde und Vökerkunde.
1930: Married (3 children).
Siberian prison camp after WW II.
1950: museum Universität Hamburg.
Died: 24 Aug 2002
Obit: BBOC 122:241-2
Your search for the Personal Name: MEISE WILHELM
retrieved 2 records.
Title List
1. Naturgeschichte der Vogel, ein Handbuch der Allgemeinen und
Speziellen Vogelkunde. Hrs. von Rudolf Berndt und Wilhe ... <1958>
2. Die Vogelwelt der Mandschurei, von Dr. Wilhelm Meise. <1934>
Meisner, Carl Friedrich August 1765-1825
Mendelssohn, Heinrich
Mendes de Aquino,M
Mellink, E.
?Eric Mellink
Ménégaux, (Henri) Auguste 1857-1937
& Hellmayr
Menetries, Edouard 1802-1861
Menzbier, Michel (Michael) (Mikhail Aleksandrovich) 1855-1938
Meredith, CW
Merrem, Blasius 1761-1824
Marburg Ger
(Robert Mertens [1894-1975] -- herpetologist)
Variably referenced as:
Merwin, Jon
Merwin, Jon T. (Jon Treadwell Merwin)
Mesch, Anthony Hendrik van der Boon 1804-1874
b. 15 April 1804 Delft
d. 12 Aug. 1874 Leiden
Messer, Karen
Metz, Shirley Maria
Meuschen, Friedrich Christiaan 1719-1800
Meyen, Franz Julius Ferdinand 1804-1840
Meyer, Adolph Bernhard 1840-1911
Dresden Mus
Meyer, AB
& Wiglesworth, LW
Meyer, Bernhard 1767-1836
Meyer, Friedrich Albrecht Anton 1768-1795
Meyer de Schauensee, Rudolf (Rodolf, Rodolphe) 1901-1984
Meyer de Schauensee
& Ripley
& Meyer de Schauensee
Meynell, Mark 1914-2006
b. 19 Feb. 1914 London, Portman Sq.
Educated Oxford
Studied for the ministry.
His father (a WWI officer in the British Army) forbade him from going on Thesiger's expeditions
and he devoted the rest of his life to the ministry.
d. 5 Apr. 2006 Farmlingham, Suffolk
Michahelles, Karl 1807-1834
Middendorff, Alexander Theodor(ovich) von 1815-1894
Born: Aug 18, 1815 St. Petersburg, Russia.
Educated: Dorpat; Degree 1837;
Studied Berlin, Erlangen, Breslau, Kiev.
Died: Jan 28, 1894 Hellenom, Liveland, Russia.
Mikan, Johann Christian 1769-1844
Mila, Borja
Milá, Borja
Milensky, Christopher M.
Miller, Alden Holmes 1906-1965
Born: Feb. 4, 1906
1939 Assumes editorship of Condor, following J. Grinnel's death.
Elected to National Academy of Sciences 1957.
Died: Oct. 9, 1965
Miller, Gerrit Smith, Jr. 1869-1956
Born: Dec. 6, 1869 Peterborough, N.Y.
Parents: Gerrit Smith Miller &
Susan (Dixwell) Miller.
Married: 13 July, 1897 (Elizabeth Eleanor Page d. 1920)
Subsequently married (Ann Chapin Gates)
Gerrit was curator, Division of Mammals, U.S. National Museum,
There were no children.
His obituary appeared in the NY Times of Feb. 26, 1956.
Died: 24 Feb., 1956 Washington, D.C.
Miller, John Frederick 1759-1796
Predominantly a Botanical artist.
Son of Johann Sebastian Müller 1715-c.1790)
(who changed his name to John Miller).
Accompanied Sir Joseph Banks on his Iceland Exped. (1772).
Miller, James R.
Miller, Loye Holmes 1874-1970
b. Minden, LA 1874.10.18
d. ?Davis, CA 1970.04.06
Father of Alden.
Miller, Waldron Dewitt 1879-1929
Grew up in Plainfield, N.J.
Recognized by William Dutcher and Chapman as a man of promise.
Brought to the Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. in 1903.
26 years service at Museum.
Injured in motorcycle accident Aug 4, 1929 when he hit
a motor bus on his motorcycle.
Died Aug 7, 1929.
Millie, W. R.
Milligan, Alexander William
[ ?Henry Neal b. 1882 ]
Milne-Edwards, Alphonse 1835-1900
Paris Mus
"Milne Edwards" (no hyphen) in Crosnier and Clark. 1998.
Arch Nat. Hist. 25:103-108.
"Milne-Edwards" in Mearns and Mearns
According to David Damkaer, the father (Henri) styled his
name "Milne Edwards" though it occurs both with and without
hyphens in his publications. The son used "Milne Edwards"
Of English descent but born in Paris.
1859 took medical degree in Paris.
1865 became Professor in School of Pharmacy.
1876 became assistant to his father at Jardin des Plantes
1891 Director, Paris Museum d'Histoire Naturelle.
Died: April 21, 1900
Milne Edwards, Henri 1800-1885
Prof. Zool. at Paris Museum
Milne-Edwards, Alphonse
& Grandidier
Milne-Edwards, Alphonse
& Oustalet
Milon, P.
Miranda, Hector C., Jr.
See Ribeiro
Miranda Ribeiro, Alipo de
Museum National, Rio de Janero
Mishima, Toji
Miskelly, Colin M.
Mitchell, Peter Chalmers (Sir) 1864-1945
Born in Dunfermline, Fife, E Scotland, UK.
Started his career as a lecturer at Oxford and London,
in 1903 was elected secretary of the Zoological Society.
He inaugurated a period of prosperity at the London Zoo,
and was responsible for the Mappin terraces, Whipsnade,
the Aquarium, and other improvements.
He wrote a number of books on zoological subjects, including
The Nature of Man (1904) and Materialism and Vitalism in Biology (1930).
Mitterpacher, Ludovico (Ludwig; Lajos)
Molina, Giovanni Ignazio (Juan Ignazio) 1740-1829
Molina, Francisco S.
Highly variable name:
H&M 4th - Molina
HBW - F Sornosa.
Auk 1999 - F. Sornoza M.
Auk 1994 Francisco Sornoza (text p.17)
Auk 1994 Francisco Sornoza Molina (p.1)
Moltoni, Edgardo (Dr) 1896-1980
Died: 12 Jan 1980
Obit: Ibis 1981: 251
Momiyama, Tokutaro
Monard, Albert 1886-1952
Moncrieff,Andre E.
Monroe, Burt Leavelle, Jr. 1930-1994
Born: 25 August, 1930 Louisville, KY
Died: Saturday, May 14, 1994, Louisville, KY
from renal cell carcinoma.
Montagu, George 1753-1815
Montelongo, Tinguaro
Montin, Lars 1722-1785
Student of Linnaeus'. Became a country parson
after his work with Linnaeus.
"His large Lapland collections of 1749-1751 went unused."
[Koerner, 1999 p.148]
Moore, Frederic 1830-1907
& Moore
Moore, Robert Thomas
Moore, RT
& Marshall
Moore, Thomas J.
Keeper of the Derby Museum, Liverpool.
& Moquin-Tandon, Alfred 1804-1863
(Christian Horace Benedict Alfred Moquin-Tandon)
Morales-Sanchez, J.E.
Moreau, Reginald Ernest 1897-1970
Died: 30 May 1970
Obit: Ibis 1970:549
(Sclater WL)
& Moreau
Morel, G.J.
Morgan, Alexander Matheson (Dr) 1867-1934(5)
b. Feb. 11, 1867 Mitcham S. Australia,
d. Oct. 18, 1934 (sometimes given as 1935).
Morioka, Hiroyuki
Morrison, Alastair Robin Gwyn (Capt)
[NOTE: Morrison, Alastair Fairweather also alive and active in ornithology
at the same time.]
[Presumably ARG Morrison who collected the type of Atlapetes forbesi in Peru.
apparently not AF Morrison who is listed as a member of the BOC in 1946-47.
AF Morrison lived in Dar-es-Salaam Tanganyika, whilst the
Alastair Morrison describing the bird had travelled to Peru.]
Moseley,[ Henry Nottidge 1844-1891
Account of voyage of Challenger...?
Edwin Lincoln 1865-1948 ?]
Motley, James 1814-1859
& Dillwyn, Lewis Llewelyn
Biographical notes from Mrs. FE Warr (via Richard Morris)
"J.Motley was a civil engineer who went to Labuan in 1849 to work
for the Eastern Archipelago Co. which mined the coal deposits on
the island (one of four campanies that went bankrupt in quick succession).
His work in collaboration with L.L.Dillwyn on the natural history
of Labuan (1855) is the first to contain field notes on the
commoner birds of Borneo; meanwhile in 1854 he was appointed
Superintendent of a private company in the territory of the
Sultan of Banjarmasin, but was killed at Bangkal near there
during the Malay insurrection of 1860 (see Nineteenth Century
Borneo by Prof.Irwin). His bird collections and field notes
survived and were the basis of Sclater's paper (1863). Motley
added another 58 species to the Borneo list.
(B.E.Smythies, The Birds of Borneo, 4th ed.,1999)
"My friend Mr L.L.Dillwyn having placed in my hands some MS.
notes written by the late Mr James Mottley of Banjermassing (who
was killed in the Malay insurrection at that place in 1860),
together with the series of bird-skins to which the notes refer,
I have .......determined the species, and added some few remarks
(P.L.Sclater, Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1863)
Motley was a mining engineer who died in 1859.
He was in Labuan in 1852 and in Borneo from 1854 to 1859. (no
Note that Motley's dates are often given as 1814-1892 (e.g.
Cat.LibraryBritishMuseum(N.H.)). Those Dillwyn's dates.
Motschoulski, Victor Ivanovich
{Published from 1839-1860)
Mougin, Jean-Louis
Moulaert, Nathalie
& Lafontaine, René-Marie
Mourer-Chauviré, Cécile
Moutou, François
(Nichols, John Treadwell)
& Mowbray, Louis L. 1883-
Moyle, Robert G.
Muir, Frederick A. G. 1872-1931
Travelling entomologist of the
Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association.
Müller, A
Adolf Müller i
b. 1821.01.06 [Friedberg (Hessen)]
d. 1910.01.18 [Darmstadt.]
Anton Müller
b. 1799.
d. 1864.07.03 [Funfhaus bei Wein]
August Müller
b. 1852
d. 1913 [Berlin]
Müller, Freiherr John Wilhelm, von 1824-1866
Note: In the taxonomic listings I use a capital letter for "Von" to avoid
confusion with a subspecific epithet.
I also understand that in German titles of nobility are capitalized.
Muller, Otto Frederik 1730-1784
Muller, Philipp Ludwig Statius 1725-1776
Müller, Philipp Ludwig Statius
b. 25 April 1725 Esens, East Frisia.
d. 5 January 1776 Erlangen.
Often as "Statius Müller".
After a long tradition of using "Müller,PLS" to refer to this
author, a recent trend has employed the more cumbrous "Statius Müller"
in recognition of his double surname without hyphen.
igowever, Kraig Adler's excellent treatment of Muller ("Contributions to the History
of Herpetology". 2012 3:39,40.) indicates that "he generally used only
Müller as his surname as is indicated here by his signature."
The graphic reproduction of his signature shows:
"P. L. St. Müller."
Muller,PLS signature
(reproduced with permission from K. Adler)
Also as Statius Muller
The styling as Mueller is presumably in the belief that Muller was
German and the use of "ue" for "ü" is appropriate. He was not
German, but Dutch. It does not cheer the Dutch to be mistaken for
Variable narratives, each enthusiastically backed as "authentic" are
used to support different versions of his last name, and it is even
possible that one of these narratives may in fact be correct.
But which ONE?
Of some possible use is the understanding that Peters Checklist
(not necessarily to be considered an authority in such matters) uses
"P. L. S. Muller" - usually with the umlaut 22 time. "Statius Muller"
is never used in any form that I can find.
Sherborn in Index Animalium never uses the "Statius Muller" form
in anyway I can find, but uses the "P. L. S. Muller" form 326 times.
Cat.BirdsBr.Mus. uses only P. L. S. Muller.
Cat.BirdsAm. uses only P. L. S. Muller.
xxx; 2020.12.26
Muller, Salomon 1804-1864
Muller, S
& Schlegel
Mulligan, Mark
Mulsant, Martial Étienne 1797-1880
Wife: Anne Julie Roncheval
Verreaux & Verreaux
& Mulsant, Jules
(ONeill, JP)
Munn, Charles A.
& Franke, Irma
Murie, J.
Murie, Olaus J.
Murphy, Robert Cushman 1887-1973
& Harper
& Mathews
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.11.27