Author data --O
O'Keefe, Michael
O'Neill, John Patton 1942-
& Graves, GR
ONeill, JP
, Munn
& Franke
ONeill, JP
& Parker
& ONeill, JP
Oniki, Y.
O'Quin, Kelly E.
O'Reilly, Bernard
Oates, Eugene William 1845-1911
Burmah, India
Born: Dec. 31, 1845
Worked in Public Works Dept. in India
Later moved to England.
Sec'y BOU 1898-1901
Died: Nov. 16, 1911
Oberholser, Harry Church 1870-1963
married June 30, 1914 (according to a letter from CWR to Stone
O'Brien, RM
Ogawa, M.
[presumably Minori Ogawa, but Makato Ogawa is at least as likely]
Ogden, Rob
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and the Roslin Institute,
Easter Bush Campus, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH25 9RG, UK
Ogilvie-Grant, William Robert 1863-1924
Curator of Birds, British Museum 1909-1918.
Born: Mar. 25, 1863; Easter Elchies, Morayshire, Scotland
Second son of George H. E. O-G.
and Eleanora (daughter of Sir Will. Gordon Cummings).
Age 19: entered service of British Museum.
1890: Married Maud Louisa, eldest daughter of of Vice Admiral Mark Pechell.
Died: Jul 26, 1924; Farley Cottage, near Reading, England
Invalid for several years after a stroke in 1916 with working
on fortifications near London with 1st Battalion, County of London Regiment.
in which he had enlisted at the beginning of the war.
Bob Dowsett notes (2003.03.19):
- It is of interest that initially he wrote most often under the name of W.R. Ogilvie Grant (i.e. no hyphen),
and was known as Grant. The hyphen had appeared from the start (c. 1889), but inconsistently at first.
From 1902 the hyphen was used invariably. In the BOU members' list he was Grant until 1901,
then for one year Grant-, thereafter Ogilvie-Grant.
This could be for several reasons, but note that another Grant (C.H.B.) was active ornithologically only from 1914.
For the sake of consistency I represent the name as Ogilvie-Grant throughout.
& Forbes
Ognev, S. I.
Ohlson, Jan I.
Oken, Lorenz 1779-1851
Okenfuss until 1802
Oliver, Walter Reginald Brook (Dr) 1883-1957
Olivares, Antonio
Oliveros, Carl
Oliveros, Joiciane N.
Olphe-Galliard, Victor Aimé Léon 1825-1893
Olrog, Claes Christian 1912-1985
Sweden to Argentina
Olsen, Jerry
Olson, Storrs L.
Olson & Warheit
Olsson, Urban
Oort, Eduard Daniel van 1876-1933
Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines d' 1802-1857
Born: 6 Sep., 1802 at Coueron (Loire Inferieure)
Died: 30 Jun 1857 Paris (Pierrefitte-sur-Seine, in northern Paris where his grave is).
Bryozoan oriented Biography here
[N.B. Charles-Marie Dessalines d Orbigny 1770-1856
naturalist father of Alcide ]
Orbigny, [Alcide] Charles Victor Dessalines d' 1806-1876
Orbigny, Alcide Dessalines d 1802-1857
& Lafresnaye
Oren, David C.
Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi,
Departamento de Zoologia
C.P. 399
Belem, Para, Brazil
Ord, George 1781-1866
<"A id=Orr">
& Orr, Robert Thomas
Ortega, Luis Alfonso
Osgood, Wilfred Hudson 1875-1947
Otto, Bernhard Christian 1745-1835
Translator and editor of Vol. 7 to the end (12 more vols.?)
of Buffon's "Naturgeschichte der Vogel."
& Oudart, PL 1796-?
Ottoson, Ulf
Ouellet, Henri
Oustalet, (Jean-Frédéric) Émile (Dr) 1844-1905
Born: 24 Aug, 1844; Montbeliard, Dept. of Doubs.
1873 succeded Jules Verreaux at Paris Museum Nat. Hist.`
1900 Succeded Alphonse Milne-Edwards (on his death).
Died: 23 (?26) Oct, 1905; Saint Cast (Cotes du Nord) Fr.
& Grandidier
& Oustalet
Outlaw, Robert
Owen, Richard 1804-1892
Oyler-McCance, Sara J.
Additions and corrections by Rob C.H.M. Oudejans
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.04.02