Author data --S
Sabine, Joseph [brother Edward 1788-1883] 1770-1837
Sachtleben, H.
Safford, R.J.
Sagar, Paul M.
Saha, S.S.
Salaman, Paul GW
Salaman, Paul GW & Stiles, FG
Sallaberry, Michael
Salomonsen, Finn 1909-1983
Died: 27 April, 1983
Salvadori, Tommaso ((Count) Adelaro Tommaso Salvadori Paleotti)
(Salvadori Adlard, Tommaso, conte)
Vice-Director, Museum of Zoology, Univ. or Turin 1879-1923
Born: Sept. 30, 1835; Porto S. Giorgio, Umbira, Italy
Son of Count Luigi Salvadori and Esther Welby of England
1860: took part in Garibaldi's second expedition in Sicily
became medical officer of his battalion.
1863 Settled in Turin. Assist. in Museum Zoology.
1877 traveled in Europe: Paris, London, Leyden, Berlin.
1890,1891 Spent at British Museum
Died: Oct 9, 1923; Turin, Italy.
Last of the original Honorary Fellows of the AOU.
& Albertis
& Salvadori
& Festa
Salvadori & Giglioli
Salvin, Osbert 1835-1898
Gr Br
Born: 1835, Finchley
Educated: Cambridge, graduated Senior Optime in
mathematical Tripos of 1857.
Married: 1865
Died: June 1, 1898 Hawksfold, near Halsemere, England
& Elliot
& Godman
Sampaio, Ireacilda
Sánchez, Julio E.
Sanchez Oses, C.
Sánchez Osés, Carlos
Sánchez-gonzález, Luis A.
Sanft, K.
Sangster, George
Santos, Fabricíio R.
Santos, Marcello A. Jr.
Sarasin, Fritz 1859-1942
[? Dr Phil. Fritz Sarasin Univ. Basel 1904-1910 -- probably the same "Dr Phil."
may well mean "Doctor of Philosophy", i.e. PhD.]
Born: 1859.12.03 Basel
Died: 1942.03.23 Lugano
Sardelli, Carla Haisler
Sassi, Moritz (Dr). 1880-1967
b. 1880.06.13 Vienna
d. 1967.09.25 Vienna
Active in Tanganyika
Saucier, Jacob R.
Saunders, Dennis Allan 1947-
Saunders, Howard 1835-1907
Br Mus
Died: Oct. 20, 1907
Saussure, Henri Louis Frédéric de 1829-1905
Also as De Saussure
Horace Bénédict de Saussure (1740-1799)
His Voyages dans les Alpes was a classic of
romantic attitudes to nature, and was an inspiration to Cuvier as a youth.
Nicholas Theodore de Saussure (1767-1845)
Savi, Paolo 1798-1871
Italy Pisa Museum
Savigny, Marie-Jules-Cesar LeLorgne de 1777-1851
Say, Thomas 1787-1843
Schalow, Herman 1852-1925 Berlin
Schembri, Antonio
Schiebel, Guido 1881-1956
Schifter, Herbert
Schilling. Wilhelm
Schinz, Heinrich Rudolph 1777-1861(2)
Schioler, Eiler Lehn 1874-1929
Born: Oct. 30, 1874
Died: Aug. 13, 1929
Schleep, Bernhard Christian 1768-1838
Schlegel, Hermann 1804-1884
Died: Jan. 17, 1884
& Pollen
(Muller, S) [Müller]
& Schlegel
& Schlegel
Schlüter, Willy 1866-1938
b. 1866 [Halle]
d. 1938
[N.B. Son of Wilhelm Schlüter (1828-1919).
Schmidt, Brian K.
Schmitt, Fabrice
Schneider, Horacio
Schnitnikov, V
Schodde, Richard
& Weatherly, R G [ 1983 ]
Schomburgk, Sir Robert Hermann 1804-1865
Schou, H.
Schouteden, Henri 1881-1972
Belg. Congo
Died: 15 Nov. 1972
Schrenck, Peter Leopold von 1826-1894
Also as Leopold Ivanovich Schrenck
Born: near Chotenj, S.W. of St. Petersburg.
Doctorate from University of Tartu.
Died Jan. 8, 1894
Schuchmann, Karl-Ludwig
Schulenberg, Thomas S.
& Binford, Laurence C.
Schulenberg, Thomas S.
& Williams, M.D.
Schultz, William L.
Schunck, Fabio
Schütt Otto
Schwab, Emiko M.
Schweizer, Manuel
Sclater, Philip Lutley 1829-1913
Born: Nov. 4, 1829 Tangier Park, Hampshire.
Age 10 sent to school at Twyford
Age 13 sent to college at Winchester College.
Age 16 Chirst Church, Oxford, becoming a resident in 1846.
Strickland was Sclater's Instructor in Scientific ornithology.
1849 Bachelor of Arts.
Continued two more years at Oxford learning French, German, Italian.
1851 student at Lincoln's Inn studying Law.
1856 First visit to America
1884 Second trip to America
Lived at 11 Hanover Square.
Bertram Lutley Sclater, Capt. (first son) 1866-1897.
eponymized in: Ploceus bertrandi [previously Hyphantornis b.] (Shelley) 1893.
Laniarius bertrandi Shelley 1893
[now Telephorus olivaceus bertrandi].
Guy Lutley Sclater (third son)
William Lutley Sclater (eldest son)
Sec'y of the Zoological Society 1859-1903
Fellow Royal Society
Died: June 27, 1913
PLOT: In the current manifestation, this plot is a bit bewildering.
The X-axis is the linear sequence of the IOC World Bird Names (Ver 6.2) and
includes Genera, species, and subspecies.
The Y-axis is the publication date for the taxon name sequenced on the X-axis.
So the first point is the genus group name (1 (Tinamus), 1783)
and the last point is (33845 (Passerina leclancherii grandior), 1934).
I added a line dividing the NON-PASSERIFORMES and the PASSERIFORMES, and additional lines delimiting
- [Furnaridae thru Tyrannidae]
- [Emberizidae thru Thraupidae]
Sclater's taxa (here in red) range chronologically from
- 32801 Tangara xanthogastra 1851
- 28675 Nectarinia kilimensis arturi 1906 collected by (and named for) his son Arthur L. Sclater.
The last is the only currently valid taxon described by PL Sclater in the 20th century.
Actually, I realized the way I extracted the data for this plot, I am missing
two currently valid taxa for PL Sclater, they are two taxa where he was the second author, and were published in 1852 and 1861.
2016.07.09; 2016.07.10
& Hartlaub
Sclater,PL & Moreau
& Salvin
Sclater, William Lutley 1863-1944
& Moreau
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio 1723-1788
Scott, Peter Sir 1909-1989
Sir Peter Markham Scott
Born: Sept. 14, 1909, London
Died: Aug. 29, 1989, Bristol
British conservationist and artist.
Son of Robert Falcon Scott, he graduated from Cambridge University and soon
gained renown as a wildlife painter. In 1946 he founded the Severn Wildfowl
Trust (later renamed the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust). Through a captive
breeding program at his sanctuary, he saved the nene from extinction in the 1950s.
In 1961 he founded the World Wildlife Fund (World Wide Fund for Nature). As
a member of the Species Survival Commission of the International Union for
Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (1962-81), he created the Red Data
Book (see endangered species).
He was knighted in 1973.
[Thanks to Martin Domdey for this biography]
Scott, William Earl Dodge 1852-1910
Born: Brooklyn, NY. April 22, 1852.
Son of Moses Warren Scott and Juliet Ann (Cornell) Scott.
Great grandson of Moses Scott, surgeon in Rev. War and member of Washingtons staff.
1868: Member of first freshman class of Cornell University.
1869: enters Lawrence Sci. School Harvard. study under L. Agassiz
1873: B.S. under Agassiz.
1875: Employed by Princeton to be Curator of Dept. Ornithology of P. Museum.
1877: Marries Miss Marian Johonot of Ithaca.
Travelled to London for his work on Birds of Patagonia.
Shared authorship with Sharpe.
Dies: Aug. 23, 1910. Saranac Lake, New York, where he had gone in the hopes
of improving his health.
orig NOC member report of Princeton Patagonia expedition;
note also:
William Berryman Scott ALSO report of Princeton Patagonia exped.
Sir Ernest Scott 1867-1939 Australia
Scully, John
Seebohm, Henry 1832-1895
Died: Nov. 26, 1895
Seeholzer, Glenn F.
Seilern, [Count Josef von Seilern-Aspang ] 1883-1939
Josef Graf von Seilern und Aspang
b. 25 Nov. 1883
d. 18 Aug. 1939
Selander, Robert K. 1927-xxxx
Born: 21 July, 1927 Garfield UT.
BS Univ. UT 1950
MS Univ. UT 1951
PhD U. Cal. Berk. 1956
Selby, Prideaux John 1788-1867 Britain
& Selby, Prideaux John 1788-1867
Selys-Longchamps, Baron Edmund de 1813-1900
Liege, Belg.
Born: May 25, 1813; Paris; citizen of Belgium.
President of the Belgian Senate.
Died: Dec 11, 1900; Liege, Belgium.
Sennett, George Burritt 1840-1900
Seoane, Victor Lopez 1900-
Serebrovski, Pavel Vladomirovich 1888-1942
[?also spelled ? Sserebrowsky]
Serle, William (The Reverend Dr, O.B.E.) 1912-1992
Died: 7 Oct, 1992.
Serventy, Dominic Louis 1904-1988
Born: 1904 Kalgoorlie, Australia
Died: Aug. 8, 1988, Perth Australia
Seth-Smith, David 1875-1963
Severtzov, Nikolai Alekseevich 1827-1885
Also as Severtzow
Also as Severtsov
b: 5 Nov. 1827 ("24 Oct.") Voronezh.
d: 8 Feb. 1885 [also as 7 Feb. 1885] ("Jan 27 or 28").
Crossing Ikoretsk River (near the Don), ice gave way. Severtzov
pulled from the water alive, but refused to go to the nearest
village until the bag containing his manuscripts was found.
He died witin two hours. The bag was found the next day.
(Adler, K. (ed.) Contrib.Hist.Herp. 2007. II:78)
Sganzin, Victor [coll 1831-32 Madagasc.]
Shafaelpour, Arya
Subir B. Shakya
Shao, Shimiao
Sharpe, Richard Bowdler 1847-1909
Curator of Birds, British Museum 1872-1909
Born: Nov. 22, 1847 London,
the eldest son of Thomas Bowdler Sharpe publisher.
Grandson of Rev. Lancelot Sharpe, rector of All Hallows Staining, London.
Age 6 placed in the care of an Aunt in Brighton.
Age 9 transferred to grammar school Peterborough where he gained
a "King's Scholarship".
Transferred to grammar school in Loughborough
Age 16 took a clerkship at W.H. Smith & Son.
Age 18 entered employ of B. Quartich
Age 19 appointed librarian to Zoological Society.
1872 accepts post of Senior Assist. Dept Zoology British Museum.
(following G.R. Grays death).
Age 22 first published work: Monograph Alcedinidae (started when he was 17).
Built collection from 35,000 in 1872 to 500,000 in 1909.
Dec 16, 1909 attends BOC meeting,
on returning home, seized with a chill
returned home, took to bed, contracted pneumonia and died
Dies: Dec. 25, 1909.
& Bouvier
& Dresser
& Ussher
Sharpe & Wyatt
Shaw, George 1751-1813
& Nodder, Frederick P(olydore) d. 1800?
Sheldon, Frederick H.
Shelley, Capt. George Ernest 1840-1910
Born: 1840
Son of John Shelley of Hants; nephew of the Poet P.B. Shelley
Private education in England and at Lycee de Versailles
1863 Joined Grenadier Guards, retiring a few years later at rank Capt.
Sent by Government to South Africa on geological survey.
Married: 1889; Janet, daughter of Mr. E. Andrews.
Children: 2 sons and a daughter.
1906 stroke of paralysis ended his ornithlological labors.
Died: Nov. 29, 1910 London England
Shestoperov, E.P.
Shirihai, Hadoram
Israeli ornithologist
Short,Lester Leroy, Jr. 1933-
Shulpin, Leonid Mikhailovitch 1905-1942
Shul'pin, Leonid Mikhailovitch 1905-1942
Shwe, Nay Myo
Sibley, Charles 1917-1998
Born: Aug. 7 1917
Died: April 12 1998
Sick, Helmut 1910-1991
Heinrich Maximilian Friedrich Helmut Sick
Called "Helmut Sick"
b. 10 Jan. 1910 Leipzig
d. 5 Mar. 1991, Rio de Janeiro
Siebers, Hendrik Cornelis 1890-1949
b. 6 Jan. 1890 Surabaja, Java
d. 8 Oct. 1949
[Not Friedrich Wilhelm Sieber (1775-1831) - coll in Paraguay 1801-1812]
Simmons, K.E.L.
Simmons, Kenneth Edwin Laurence Ryder
b. 29 March 1929
1962 Moved to Ascension Island as Island School Master
1964 return to England
d. 25 Feb. 2002
Sims, Reginald William b. 1926
Singh, Pratap
Siebold, Franz Philipp Balthasar von 1796-1866
Usually cited as "Philipp Franz von Siebold".
born: 17 Feb. 1796
Medical Officer in the Netherlands East Indian Army.
12 Aug. 1823 - 30 Dec. 1829: physician at the trading post in Nagasaki Bay.
7 July 1830: returned to Netherlands settled in Leiden.
published with Temminck; Schlegel.
1847: Leaves Leiden moves to Germany
died: 18 Oct. 1866, Munich.
ref: Dekker RWRJ, Dickinson EC, Morioka H. 2001. Zoologische Verhandeligen
335 "Systematic notes on Asian birds 9-21; 19":199-200
Silva, Carlos
Silva, Weber
Silveira, Luis F.
Simon, Eugene 183(4)8-1924
Sjöstedt, Bror Yngve 1866-1948
Parents: Anders Gustaf Sjöstedt & Emma Gustafva Forssell
Born: Aug. 3, 1866
1886: Student in Upsalla
Slager, David L.
Slater, Henry Horrocks 1851-1934
Reverend Slater of Northhamptonshire
Died: 26 Nov., 1934.
Slater, Peter J.B.
Smallbones, G
Smith, Sir (Dr.) Andrew 1797-1872
S. Africa Cape Town Mus.
A Scotsman. First love -- reptiles.
In Cape Colony from 1820-1837.
Career as a naturalist ended after leaving Africa.
Initially served as an Army Surgeon
Smith, Andrea L.
Smith, Barton L.
Smith, Charles Hamilton 1776-1859
& Smith, DA
Fjeldsa, &
Smith, Brian Tilston
Smithers, Reay H. N.
Smyth, Ellison Adger Jr. (Dr.)
Son of James Adger and Annie Briggs Smyth
(raising the question as to how he can be a "Jr.")
Born: Summerton, Clareton County, S.C.
Died: Aug. 19, 1941; Salem, VA
Snelleman, Johannes François 1852-1938
Henriette Mathilde Maria Elisabeth Emilie Snethlage 1868-1929
Miss Emilie Snethlage, distinguished Brazilian explorer.
Did more to advance understanding of Brazilian ornithology than
anyone since Natterer.
April 13, 1868: born Kraatz, near Gransee, in Prussian Province of Brandenburg.
Educated privately at her father's house (Rev. Emil Snethlage).
1900 after years as a governess, takes up study of natural history.
1905 on recommendation of Dr A. Reichenow appointed to Mus. Goeldi, Para.
Brazil became her permanent home.
Succeeded Goeldi as head of zoological section of museum. Holding the
position until 1917, when Brazil entered the war. She was reinstated after
the armistice.
1922 joins Museo Nacional at Rio de Janiero as "naturalista viajante".
Nov. 25, 1929: dies of heart failure at Porto Velho, Brazil.
Snethlage, H. 1897-1939
Emil Heinrich Snethlage
Born: Bremerhaven 1897
Died: Potsdam 1939 (of injuries sustained in the German Navy).
Snigirewski, S
Snodgrass, Robert E(vans) 1875-1962
& Heller, Edmund b. 1875
Hopkins-Stanford Galapagos Expedition 1898-1899
Snow, David W
Som GC
[Note: I don't understand the orthography of this name at all, and simply
reproduce it in full as it is shown in the article.]
Somadikarta, Soekarja
Someren, GJ van V.G.L. Van Someren [1886-1976]
Dr Victor Gurney Logan Van Someren 1886-1976.
Nairobi, Kenya
Died: 24 July, 1976.
Dave Chandler provides the following:
the following is from the 1930 East African Red Book., an almanac reference book published
in Nairobi that contained biographies of prominent citizens as well as information on
government, commerce, et cetera:
"Van Someren, Victor Gurner Logan.
LRCP & S, Edinburgh, LRFP & S, Glasgow, LDS, RCS,
Edinburgh, Senior Medallist MBOU, CF, AOU, CMZS, FES, FLS, etc.,
Zoological Research, Dental Surgeon.
Hon. Secretary of the East Africa and Uganda Natural History Society;
Author of "Bird Life in Uganda", "Notes on Birds of Uganda and East Africa", etc, etc,
Born Melbourne, Australia; educated privately
and at George Watson's College, Edinburgh University;
married Elizabeth Cunningham.
Arrived in East Africa 1912.
Address: Ainsworth Hill, Nairobi, Kenya Colony."
Song Jie
Song, Gang
Sornoza, F.M.
F. Sornoza M.
Souancé, Charles de (Baron) 1823-1896
Fr. ornithologist, naval commisary, author
& Souancé
& Souleyet, Louis François-Auguste (Francois Louis August) 1811-1852
French Naval Surgeon and naturalist in the Pacific.
Sousa, Barbara R.S. de
Note: Listed with or without the "de", which may or may not be capitalized.
It also appears the "S" may or may not be capitalized.
Sousa, José Augusto de 1836-1889
Died: 13 Jun., 1889.
Sparre, (Comte) L. E. G. de ca. 1800- ca. 1854
Note: I debated whether to render this name as "de Sparre", which is more
conventional, or "Sparre". The fact that his initials were renderd "G.S."
(presumably with his knowlege) convinced me to list him as an "S" rather than
as a "D".
Sparrman, Anders (Andreas) 1748-1820
Student of Linnaeus.
Collected in China and at Cape of Good Hope.
Joined Forsters on Cook's second Pacific Voyage, return 1776.
In Senegal 1787.
Became Prof. Nat. Hx. Stockholm.
Spence, Matthew J.
Spencer, AJ
Spencer, Andrew J.
Spencer, Baldwin
Spix, Johann Baptist (Ritter) von 1781-1826
Credits Schelling and Cuvier as his two greatest inspirations.
Sprunt, Alexander, Jr.
Stager, Kenneth E
Stahl, J.-C.
Statius Muller, Philipp Ludwig 1725-1776
Most generally referred to as "Muller" or "Muller,PLS" and often
with an ü. (e.g. AOU CL, Peters CL, Wolters, HBW).
However as Edward Dickinson informs me (and as Cees Roselaar and
René Dekker informed him) the correct family name is in fact
"Statius Muller". The status of the umlaut is at the moment
uncertain -- possibly appearing in some German texts, and
perhaps not in some others.
Kooiman, W.J., 1950. Philippus Ludovicus Statius Muller.
In: Earebondel ta de tachtichste jierdei fam Dr.
G.A. Wumkes op 4 septimber 1949.
Oanbean Troch de Fryske Akademy.
Utjowerij Fa. A.J. Osinga, Boalsert.
Thanks to Rob C.H.M. Oudejans (in litt. 2006.08.07) more information becomes available:
He directed me to
Which reads as follows:
Biographisches Lexikon für Ostfriesland
[zur Startseite]
MÜLLER (STATIUS-MÜLLER), Philipp Ludwig Statius (Pseudonym: Philipp Alethophilus)
geb. 25.4.1725 Esens
gest. 5.1.1776 Erlangen
luth Theologe, Naturwissenschaftler
Müller ist der Sohn des aus Esens gebürtigen lutherischen Pastors Christian Anton Statius Müller, der noch im Jahr
der Geburt des Sohnes von Dunum an die lutherische Gemeinde nach Leeuwarden wechselte. Die Familie stammt
väterlicherseits aus niederländischem Adel und hieß ursprünglich Statius, nahm aber dann in Deutschland den Namen
Müller an. Die Mutter, Maria Philippina geb. Franke, stammt aus Sachsen. Philipp Ludwig ging ab 1740 in Gotha zur
Schule, studierte von 1741 bis 1744 in Jena Theologie und Philosophie und wurde nach sechsmonatiger Kandidatenzeit
in Amsterdam am 30. Oktober 1745 Prediger der lutherischen Gemeinde zu Amersfoort. 1749 folgte er einem Ruf nach
Leeuwarden, wo er am 4. Mai 1754 erster Prediger wurde. Die wenigen Jahre, die er hier in der lutherischen Gemeinde
wirkte, waren für ihn ein einziger Verdruß. Schon am 5. April 1750 beschuldigte ihn ein Mitglied des Kirchenrates,
mit Balthasar Bekker zu sympathisieren und falsche, d.h. zu sehr der Aufklärung verpflichtete theologische
Ansichten zu vertreten. Die Sache kam vor das Amsterdamer Konsistorium, das Müller nicht vollkommen freisprechen
mochte. 1753 wird eine aus zehn Theologen bestehende Kommission gebildet, vor der Müller sich verantworten muß. Sie
stellt fest, daß Müller in zentralen Punkten vom rechten Glauben abweicht. Anfang 1754 gibt es in der lutherischen
Kirche in Leeuwarden ein öffentliches Streitgespräch. Müller mußte sich mit engstirnigen und fanatischen Kollegen
herumschlagen, die ihm geistig nicht entfernt das Wasser reichen konnten. Schließlich war der Ruf auf die Professur
nach Erlangen eine Erlösung für den in der Provinz verkannten und verleumdeten Mann.Müller trat seine neue Stelle
als außerordentlicher Professor der Philosophie in Erlangen 1757 an und erwarb noch im selben Jahr die
Magisterwürde. 1762 wurde er ordentlicher Professor und zugleich Prediger an der Universitätskirche, 1764 auch
Universitätsbibliothekar. Sein Fach Philosophie deckte zu dieser Zeit noch ein sehr weites Spektrum ab, und Müller
war ein universal lehrender Professor. So hielt er Vorlesungen über Logik, Metaphysik, Rhetorik, Politik,
niederländische Sprache und sogar Wirtschaftswissenschaften (Kameralistik). Sein eigentliches Feld aber wurden die
Naturwissenschaften, vor allem die Botanik auf der Grundlage des Linn‚'schen Systems, aber auch Pflanzenheilkunde
und Geographie. Dank seiner niederländischen Verbindungen konnte er ein Naturalienkabinett anlegen. Die kaiserliche
Akademie der Naturforscher in Wien nahm ihn am 10. Oktober 1766 unter dem Namen Pythagoras II. als Mitglied auf.
Nach einer einjährigen Bildungsreise nach St. Petersburg erhielt Müller 1770 in Erlangen die Professur für
Naturgeschichte und Deutsche Literatur und wurde Oberbibliothekar, 1771 schließlich auch Archidiakon an der
Stadtkirche. 1775 wurde er Mitglied der Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde in Berlin.Der Lebensweg Müllers
zeigt, wie sich die Schere zwischen Religion und Wissenschaft im Verlauf der Neuzeit immer weiter öffnet. Der
aufgeklärte Theologe, der seine Kollegen in vielfachem Aberglauben befangen weiß - ein Hauptpunkt der
Streitigkeiten in Leeuwarden war die Stellung des Teufels -, sieht sich schließlich gezwungen, den kirchlichen
Dienst zu quittieren. In den Naturwissenschaften findet er stattdessen das ihm angemessene Feld.Werke: Lijkreden
over het smartelijk afsterven van... C. A. Muller, Leeuwarden 1749; [Unter Pseudonym Philippus Alethophilus:]
Neederlansche Criticus, T. 1 und 2, Leeuwarden 1750 und 1751; [Unter Pseudonym Philippus Alethophilus:] De
zedemeesters der kerkelijken, T. 1 und 2, Amsterdam 1751 und 1752; De tranen eenes volks over het verlies van een
eminent opperhoofd, Leeuwarden 1752; Het belang der souverainen en des volks in het heilig vieren van eenen
algemeenen dank-, vast- en bededag, Leeuwarden 1752 (Neuaufl. Amsterdam 1768); De wysheit Salomon's, Leeuwarden
1753; Advys over de verhandeling van de Heer John Taylor van het leerstuk der verzoeninge, Leeuwarden 1753;
Grondige en bondige wedderlegging der z. g. classicale decisie v. 19 Sept. 1753..., Leeuwarden 1753; Nulliteit der
classicale resolutie van deportement..., Leeuwarden 1755; Entwurf von den göttlichen Absichten bey Erschaffung und
Regierung dieser Welt nach Anleitung der natürlichen, mosaischen und christlichen Religion, Leeuwarden 1756 (2.
Aufl. Jena 1761, 3. Aufl. Frankfurt und Leipzig 1783); Dissertatio inauguralis de justo probabilitatis valore et
usu, Sectio I-III, Erlangen 1757-58; Gastpredigt, am Sonntage Esto mihi gehalten: Die rechtmäßige Freude über die
großen Wohlthaten Gottes... an dem Jenaisch. 200 jähr. Univ.-Jubilaeo..., Jena 1758; Progr. Oratoria extemporanea a
praeiudiciis nonnullis, quibus est obnoxia, vindicata, Erlangen 1758; Einsame Nachtgedanken. Eine Wochenschrift,
oder moralische Betrachtungen über die Welt und weltliche Begebenheiten, 1. und 2. Stück, Erlangen 1757 und 1758
(2. Aufl. Jena und Wien 1760, niederl. Übers. u.d.T.: Eenzaame nagt-gedagten of zedelyke betrachtingen over de
waereld en waereldsche voorvallen, T. 1-3, Amsterdam 1760-1770); Kurze Anleitung zur Holländischen Sprache, nebst
einem gedoppelten Holländisch-Teutschen und Teutsch-Holländischen Wörter-Register, abgefasset zum Gebrauch seiner
öffentlichen academischen Vorlesungen, Erlangen 1759 (Neuausgabe mit Anhang von J. C. Stahlmann, 1785, gänzlich
umgearb. Ausg. von Friedrich Otto, Erlangen 1839); Kort ontwerp der zedelijke oogmerken Gods bij de schepping en
regeering deezer waereld, Amsterdam 1762; Veel hoofden veel zinnen, of wijsgeerig onderzoek van het verschill der
menschelyke gemoederen ten aanzien van hun verstand, wille, oordel, denken, doen en spreeken..., T. 1-2, Amsterdam
1763-65 (Neuaufl. 1775); Vergnügen der Augen und des Gemüths in Vorstellung einer allgemeinen Sammlung von
Schnecken und Muscheln, welche in Menge gefunden werden, T. 1, Nürnber 1766 (2. verm. Aufl. 1776), T. 2-6, Nürnberg
1767-1772; Dubia coralliorum origini animali opposita movet..., Progr. Erlangen 1770 (erweiterte Ausg niederl.
u.d.T.: Bedenkingen betreffende den dierlyken oorsprong der koraalgewassen. Waar agter gevoegd is eene academische
redenvoering over den oorsprong en anwas der natuurlyke historie, Dordrecht; Auserlesenes Steinkabinet, Nürnberg
1775; Uitbreiding over de vier eerste hoodfdstukken van Salomon's spreuken, Amsterdam 1785; [Mitarb.:] Georg
Wolfgang K n o r r, Deliciae naturae selectae, oder auserlesenes Naturalien-Cabinet, welches aus den drey Reichen
der Natur zeiget, was von curiösen Liebhabern aufbehalten und gesammlet zu werden verdienet. Ehemals herausgegeben
von G. W. K., fortgesetzet von dessen Erben, beschrieben von P.L.S. Müller, und in das Französische übersetzet von
M. Verdier de la BlaquiÜre, T. 1 und 2, Nürnberg 1766 und 1767 (2. Aufl. ebd. 1778 und 1780, niederl. Ausg.
Dordrecht 1771-72); [Übers.:] Georg Eberhard R u m p h, Amboinische Raritäten-Cammer, oder Abhandlung von den
steinschaalichten-Thieren, Schnecken und Muscheln, aus dem Holl. übers. von P.L.S. Müller, Wien 1766; Carl von L i
n n ‚, Des Ritters Carl von Linn‚ vollständiges Natursystem. Nach der 12. lat. Ausg., und nach Anleitung des
holländischen Houttuynschen Werks, mit einer ausführlichen Erklärung ausgefertiget von P.L.S. Müller, T. 1-7,
Nürnberg 1773-1776; Fran‡ois V a l e n t y n, Abhandlung von Schnecken, Muscheln und Seegewächsen, welche um
Amboina und den umliegenden Inseln gefunden werden. Aus dem Holländischen, Wien 1773; Martin S l a b b e r,
Physikalische Belustigungen oder microskopische Wahrnehmungen in- und ausländischer Wasser- und Landthierchen, aus
dem Holl. übers. von P.L.S. Müller, Nürnberg 1775; [Hrsg.:] Der Römisch-kaiserlichen Akademie der Naturforscher
auserlesene medicinisch-chirurgisch-anatomisch-chymische und botanische Abhandlungen, Band 9-20, Nürnberg
1760-1771.Literatur: DBA; ADB 22, S. 668-669 (W. H e ß); BA Benelux; NNBW 9, Sp. 701-702 (K n i p s c h e e r);
Georg Wolfgang Augustin F i k e n s c h e r, Vollständige akademische Gelehrtengeschichte der königl. preußischen
Friedrich-Alexanders Universität zu Erlangen von ihrer Stiftung bis auf gegenwärtige Zeit, Abt. 1, Nürnberg 1806,
S. 189-199; Ostfriesländisches Prediger-Denkmahl. Nachtrag zu demselben..., hrsg. von Adrian Theodor Reershemius,
Leer 1823, S. V-VI; Helmut W i n t e r s t e i n, Die Wirtschaftswissenschaft an der Philosophischen Fakultät der
Universität Erlangen bis zur Fusion im Jahre 1961, in: Henning Kössler (Hrsg.), 250 Jahre
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen 1993, S. 447-473 [hier S. 450].
Martin Tielke
My helpful colleague Kerry Marnell provided an approximate translation of the initial section, thusly:
Müller is the son of the Lutheran pastor Christian Anton Statius Müller who was born in Esen,
who changed (moved) in the year of his son's birth from Dunum to the Lutheran community of Leeuwarden. The family
originates paternally from Dutch nobility and originally was called Statius, but took on the name Müller in
As to whether the last two components of the surname should be hyphenated, I have no idea.
Stanley, Edward Smith (13th Earl of Derby) 1775-1851
founder of Derby Museum, Knowsley Park
Staunton, Sir George Leonard 1737-1801
Sir George Leonard Staunton, First Baronet.
b. 10 April, 1737 Cairgins, Co. Galway, Ireland
Botanist, physician East India Companyà
West Indies, Grenada, china
d. 14 January 1801 London
Stead, David George 1877-1957
Born: March 6, 1877. Sydney, N.S.W.
Educated: Public Schools, and Sydney Technical College.
Naturalist: Board of Fisheries, N.S.W. 1902-1910.
Acting Director: Food Supplies (for British Gov't.) Malaya 1921-1923.
Commisioner: Rabbit Menace Enquiry 1925-1926.
Mainly responsible for founding Wild Life Preservation Society of Australia in 1909.
Steadman, David W.
Steere, Joseph Beal b. 1842
Stegmann, Boris Karlovich (German spelling) 1898-1975
Steinbacher, Friedrich 1877-1938
Steinheimer, Frank D.
Stejneger, Leonhard Hess 1851-1943
Norwegian born. Arrived in US 1881. Curator of Biology
US Nat. Mus. 1911.
Died 1943.02.28 3PM Washington, D.C.
Stejskal, David J.
Stenheimer, Frank D.
Stepanyan, Leo Surenovich 1931-2002
Stephens, James Francis 1792-1853
Steullet, Alfredo B.
Stevenson, Henry M. 1914-1991
b. 25 Feb., 1914, Birmingham, AL; son of a Methodist preacher
Birmingham Southern College -- 1935
Univ. Alabama; Masters degree 1939
Cornell University (with Arthur A. Allen) PhD. 1943
1946-1975 Faculty of Florida State.
Graduate students incl. Bruce Means, John Ogden, Storrs Olson.
d. 4 Nov. 1991 (heart attack at Tall Timbers Research Station, near Tallahassee, FL).
[N.B. Henry Stevenson of Norwich, England, corresponding member of the AOU, died 1888]
Stevenson, James O. -2008
Stewart, Robert E.
Born: April 16, 1913 Kansas City, MO
Wildlife Research Biologist with Federal Government
Died: July 15, 1993 Florida
Stiles, F Gary
Bogota, Columbia
Stoliczka, Ferdinand 1838-1874
Stolzmann, Jean Stanislaus 1854-1928
= Jan Sztolcman
Warsaw, Pol.
1854 Born in Warsaw.
1871 first trip to Peru.
Dies 28 April, 1928 Warsaw.
Neotropical birds
& Stolzmann, Jean Stanislaus
Stone, Witmer 1866-1939
Stonor, C.R.
Member of staff of Brit. Mus. (Nat.Hist).
Stopiglia, Renata
Storer, Robert Winthrop 1914-2008
Born: 20 Sept. 1914, Pittsburgh, PA
BA (Chemistry) Princeton University 1936
MA & PhD. Univ.Calif. Berk. 1942; 1949.
Storr, Gottlieb Conrad Christian 1749-1821
Stotz, Douglas F.
& Straneck, Roberto Juan
Streets, Thomas Hale, M.D. 1847-1925
Stresemann, Erwin Friedrich Theodor 1889-1972
Buried in the same plot as Ernst Hartert
& Paludan
Streubel, August Vollrath
Strickland, Hugh Edwin 1811-1853
Married Sir William Jardine's second daughter (Catherine)
in 1845. Read Geology, Oxford 1850-1853.
Accidentally killed by a railway train while investigating a
Strickland, Arthur
Stuart, Bryan L.
Stuart, S.N.
Sturm, Johann Heinrich Christ. Friedrich 1805-1862.
Sturm, Johann Wilhelm 1808-1865.
Stervander, Martin
Styan, Frederick William
F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. (elected 1887).
Corresponded from Kiukiang. (?China).
Suárez, William
Such, George 1798-1879
Suckley, George Dr 1830-1869
Born: New York City.
Educated: Coll. Phys. and Surgeons.
Commissioned Asst. Surgeon 2 Dec. 1853.
First Post: Ft. Steilacoom, Wash. Terratory.
Numerous travels in the west, and extensive time in Wash. Terr.
Resigned from the Army: 3 Oct. 1856.
Commissioned Sugeon of Volunteers: 3 Aug. 1861.
Medical Director Dept. of Virginia: 24 April 1865.
Resigned 22 April 1865.
15 Aug. 1865 given brevets of Lt.-Col. and Col.
Died: N.Y. City 30 July 1869.
ref. Ornithologist of the United States Army Medical Corps.
Hume. 1942.
Johns Hopkins Press.
[? Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig 1770-1838; Laurenz Johann Daniel 1722-1801
; Georg Adolph 1751-1813 ]
Sun Yue-Hua
Sundevall, Carl Jacob 1801-1875
The father of trinomialism, who commenced using them in 1840, though he did not apply the
principal of priority to them.
Herman Schlegel quickly followed, using trinomials in quite a modern sense, and applying the
principle of priority to the names.
American use of trinomials can be dated to 1858 with Baird's "Birds of N. Am."
(Excellent reference here is Stejneger Proc.U.S.Nat.Mus. 1884 7:70-81.
(single name)
[note in Supplementary material from J.Orn. 161 2020 in Irham,M et al. reads:
"Table 1 ESM: Study site details, survey dates and habitat. Refer also to Figure 1. Observers other than co-authors of this work: SC (Stijn Cooleman), VD (Veerle Dossche); authors of this work are denoted by their acronyms except Suparno, who goes by single name."
Sushkin, Petr Petrovich 1868-1928
[Also as Suschkin]
Sushma Reddy
Sutter, Ernst
Sutton, George Miksch
Svendsen, Jens Otto
Swainson, William 1789-1855
Born 8 Oct. 1789 Dover Place, St Mary Newington, London
Married 1823 Mary Parkes of Warwick
resided at Elm Grove near Liverpool
Mary dies
Became major proponent of Quinary System
Married Anne Grasby (houskeeper) 1840
Moves to New Zealand 1841
Died: 6 Dec 1855
Swales, Bradshaw Hall 1875-1928
Born: 30 June, 1875 Detroit, Michigan.
Died: 23 January 1928, Wash, D.C.
Swann, H(arry) Kirke 1871-1926
Born 18 March, 1871 Malquoits, Ewhurst, Surrey, England.
One of the partners of Wheldon & Wesley, Ltd.
Died 14 April, 1926 "shortly after an operation"
Swarth, Harry Schelwald 1878-1935
Berkely CA
& Brooks
Born Chicago: Jan 26, 1878
Graduated High School in Chicago. Entered Museum work age 27.
Associated with Field Museum, Chicago; MVZ, Berkeley; Museum Art
History and Sciences, Los Angeles; and Cal. Acad. Sci.
1923-1935: Inspector of Foreign Birds for US Customs
in San Francisco.
Died Oct 22, 1935, Berkeley, CA.
Sweet, Paul R.
Swinhoe, Robert 1836-1877
Gr Br; China
Swynnerton, Charles Francis Massy 1877-1938
b. 1877.12.03 Folkstone, Kent.
d. 1938.06.08 Mjari, Tanzania
died in a De Havilland Leopard Moth airplane crash.
Sykes, Col. William Henry 1790-1872
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.12.20