Author data --V
Vahl, Martin (Martinus) Hendriksen (Henrichsen) 1749-1804
Valderrama, Sandra V.
Valenciennes, Achille 1794-1865
Vallinoto, Marcello
Valqui, Thomas
von Jordans, Adolf 1892-1974
Von Jordans, A
b. 29 April, 1892
d. 23 May, 1974
NOTE: I employ the orthography with a capital letter to avoid confusion with the name as
a subspecific epithet.
Van Dort, John
Van Marle, J.G.
van Rossem, A. J. 1892-1949
Van Rossem, A. J.
Adriaan J. van Rossem
Adriaan J. Van Rossem
NOTE: I employ the orthography with a capital letter
to avoid confusion with the name as a subspecific epithet.
In addition this orthography is employed by others; see for example
Palmer, T.S."Nomenclature of California Birds", 1928. Condor XXX:301
VanOort see Oort, Eduard Daniel van
Van Tyne, Josselyn 1902-1957
Vasconcelos, Marcelo Ferreria de
Vaurie, Charles 1906-1975
b. July 7, 1906 Beaulieu, Corrèze, France.
moved to the United States early in life.
U.Penn. dentistry
1934 married Patricia Wilson
d. May 13, 1975, Reading, PA. during exploratory surgery
Vaurie, Weske & Terborgh
Verbelen, Philippe
Verheyen, René K. (Prof. Dr.) 1907-1961
Verreaux, Jean Baptiste Édouard 1810-1868
Verreaux, Joseph (Alexis) d 1868
Brother of Jules and Edouard
lived in Cape Town.
Verreaux, Jules [Pierre] 1807-1873
Brother of Jean Baptiste Edouard, and Joseph Alexis
Son of Edouard.
Born: 24 August, 1807
Age 12 accompanied uncle, Delalande, to Cape of Good Hope.
remaining 2 years.
Return to Paris, studied at Paris Museum under G. Cuvier & I Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire.
1825 to Cape of Good Hope for 5 years, some with A. Smith.
Brother Edouard joined him to help handle specimens.
1832 again summoned Edouard to join him.
1837 completed travels to Cochin-China and Philippines.
Age 35 (?1842) again travelled to New Holland and Tasmania.
In Paris worked at Maison Verreaux in teh Place Royale,
and in the museum of the Jardin de Plantes.
[extracted from Ibis Obit. pp.467-469]
Verreaux,J & DesMurs
& Verreaux,E
Verrill, Alpheus Hyatt 1871-1954
[Note there are also A.E. Verrill and G.E. Verrill]
Vieillot, Louis Jean Pierre 1748-1830
Born Yvetot, France.
Refuge in US during French Revolution.
Died in poverty and obscurity in Sotteville-lès-Rouen 24 August 1830
Span of publication 1801-1825 (24 years) 558 taxa (Genera, sp. ssp.)
~1806 currently valid taxa published during that time
Vieillot = 30.9% of currently valid taxa published during that period.
Vieillot & Oudart
Vielliard, Jacques
Jacques Vielliard, Doutor em Ecologia pela Sorbonne,
iníciou em 1973 a gravação sistemática das vozes das aves do Brasil,
constituindo na Academia Brasileira de Ciências
a primeira coleção de sons da natureza.
Em 1978, criou na UNICAMP o primeiro Laboratório de Bioacústica
da América Latina e organizou, com o apoio do CNPQ,
o Arquivo Sonoro Neotropical, hoje um dos maiores do mundo.
Vigors, Nicholas Aylward 1785-1840
Born, Ireland
Peninsular War 1809-1811
MA Oxford 1818
Secy Zool. Soc. London 1826
MP Carlow
Vigors & Children
Vigors & Horsfield
Villiers, A
Vincent, Jack (Col.) 1904-1999
Member of the Portugese East African Expedition.
Died: 3 July, 1999
Vishnudas, C.K.
Voigt, Friedrich Siegmund 1781-1850
Vo Quy
& DoNgocQuang
Voelker Gary
Voisin, J.F.
Voous, Karel Hendrik 1920-2002
Auk 122(1):355-356
Vorderman, Adolphe Guillaume 1844-1902
Vorobiev, K. A.
Verkuil, Yvonne I.
Corrections and additions supplied by Rob C. H. M. Oudejans
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2020.10.08