Author data --W
Wagler, Johann Georg 1800-1832
Munich, Director of Zoological Museum Univ. Munich
Died from accidental self inflicted wound from
shotgun, while collecting.
Wagner, Andreas Johann 1797-1811
Wahlberg, Johan August 1810-1856
Died: 6 Mar 1856 (killed by elephant)
Wajntal, Anita
Wakefield, N. A.
[see Hay Tweeddale ]
& Walden
Wallace, Alfred Russel 1823-1913
Walkinshaw, L. H.
Walton, H.J. (Capt.)
Wang, Tze-Yu
Wang, Zu-Xiang
Wardlaw-Ramsay, Robert George Wardlaw 1852-1921
Warham, J.
& Warheit
Warner, Dwain W. (Dr) 1917-2005
Born: 1 Sept. 1917 near Revere, Minn.
BA Carleton College 1939
Died: 30 Sept. 2005
Waterhouse, George Robert 1810-1888
Watson, George E.
Weatherill, William Edward 1891-
Born: Oct. 5, 1891 Brisbane
Schodde, R)
& Weatherly, Richard G.
Webb, Philip Barker
Barker-Webb, Philip (probably the more correct rendering)
Born: July 10, 1783
Died: Aug. 31, 1854
English Botanist
"Webb" is the stanard author abbreviation for botanical citations,
and therefore is adopted here.
& Moquin-Tandon
Webster, Jackson Dan 1919-2010
Born: 26 Feb. 1919, Tacoma Washington.
1935 Graduated Sitka Territorial High School
Whitworth College, Spokane WA.
Graduate work Cornell U. under A.A. Allen
PhD Rice University 1947
Taught at Hanover College, Indiana
Ret. 1984
Died: 31 May 2010, Hanover, Indiana.
Weick, F
Weigold, H 1886-1973
Max Hugo Weigold (Dr)
b. 27 May, 1886 Dresden.
d. 9 Jly, 1973 Bruckberg (Oberbayern)
Weimerskirch, H.
Welch, Adreanna J.
Weller, André-Alexander
Wells, D. R.
Wells, T.
Weske, John S.
& Terborgh
& Weske
Westerman, G. F. 1807-1890
Wetherbee, David Kenneth
Wetmore, Alexander 1886-1978
Wetmore & Peters;JL
Wetmore, A
Wetmore, A
& Phelps, W H, Jr
Wettstein, Otto Ritter von Westersheimb, Dr 1892-1967
b. 7 Aug. 1892 Wien
d. 10 Jul. 1967 Wien
Wheeler, Leslie
Whistler, Hugh
Whitaker,J.I.S. 1850-1936
Whitaker, Joseph Isaac Spadafora
b. 1850.03.19 Palermo
d. 1936.11.03 Rome
White, Gilbert ? 1720-1793
White, John ? [ Jour Voy N. S. Wales 1790]
White Henry Lake White New South Wales 1860-1927
[Samuel Albert Australia 1870-1954 ]
White, Clayton M.
White, Charles Matthew Newton 1914-1978
Died: 7 Sept 1978
Obit: Ibis 1979: 232
& Bruce, MD
White, Samuel Albert (Capt.) 1870-
Whitehead, Charles Hughes Tempest
Lieutenant in the 56th Rifles (=56th Punjab Rifles, Frontier Force, Indian Army).
Whitehead, John 1862-1899
Born: 30 June 1860 Muswell Hill, London.
Died: 2 June 1899 Hainan of fever, age 38.
Whitney, Bret M.
Born: 27 Nov. 1955
Whittaker, Andrew
Wiedenfeld, David A.
Wied-Neuwied, Prince Maximilian zu 1782-1867
Maximilian Priz zu Wied
Maximilian Priz zu Wied-Neuwied
(Meyer, A B)
& Wiglesworth, Lionel William 1865-1901
Wilkes, John 17??-1829?
The catalogue file at the British Museum (Natural History)
suggests Wilkes' vital dates are 17?? to 1811.
I think that is unlikely as a death date. As this would imply
his description (in a work published in weekly installments)
was published 5 years posthumously.
However, my source that suggested a death date of 1829 for
Wilkes suggested a birthdate of 1796, the year the Encycl.Londinensis
began publication, so probably his biographical dates
should simply be regarded as uncertain.
Willard, David E
& Willard, David E
Williams, John George 1913-1997
Died: 28 Dec 1997
Obit: Ibis 141:349; Bull.Afr.BirdCl. 5:94
Williams, Robert S.R.
Williamson, Kenneth
(Schulenberg, TS)
& Williams, MD
Willis, Edwin O.
Willis & Oniki
Wilson, Alexander 1766-1813
Published currently valid taxa from
Span of publication 1810-1814 (4 years) 30 taxa (sp. ssp.)
~158 currently valid taxa published during that time
Wilson = 19% of taxa published during that period.
Wilson, Christopher A.
Wilson, Francis Erasmus 1888-1960
Born: 25 November 1888 Beechworth, Victoria, Australia.
Died: 30 July 1960.
Francis Erasmus Wilson was an analytical chemist
and later manager of the manufacturing department
of Moran and Cato for 47 years (ca 1906-53).
He collected insects in various areas of Australia.
President, Field Naturalists Club of Victoria 1929,
President, Entomological Society of Victoria 1928, 1929, 1934, 1936.
Collected in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.
Insect collection in National Museum of Victoria.
Wilson, Scott Barchard 1865-1923
& Evans, Arthur Humble
Winger, Benjamin M.
Winker, Kevin
Winkler, Hans
Winterbottom, JM
Witherby, Harry Forbes 1873-1943
Wittmer, Heiko, U.
Wolf, Johann 1765-1824
Wolters, Hans Edmund 1915-1991
Born: Feb. 11, 1915 Duisberg, in the German Ruhr.
Childhood in Geilenkirchen, near Aachen.
After WW II worked some years as a schoolteacher.
1960: Associate member Alexander Konig Zoological Researh
Insitute and Museum, Bonn.
1966: Curator of Birds (subsequently chief Curator).
1973: Head of Dept. Ornith. succeding Prof. Gunther Niethammer.
1980: retired.
Died: Dec. 22, 1991.
One of first European ornithologists to apply cladistic
methods for reconstructing avian phylogeny.
1975,1982 publ. Die Vogelarten der Erde.
Wood, ?
Probably Charles Thorold Wood.
[Note: The Analyst 1837 VI no.xix pp.137-138 contains this:
"The Ornithological Guide ; in which are discussed several interest-
ing points in Ornithology. By Charles Thorold Wood, jun., Esq.
London : Whittaker &Co. fcap. 8vo. 1836.
In this book-making age octavo volumes are the work of a few
short weeks, and the majority of the publications of the present day
would certainly tend to prove the truth of our assertion. On tak-
ing up the guide before us, we expected judging from the date of
the preface, September, 1835 we had at length met with a book
on which unusual care and labour had been bestowed. We must,
however, say that we were disappointed. The volume is divided
into three sections. The first of these is on the subject of nomen-
clature, scientific and vernacular. We should have been better
pleased had our author omitted the somewhat harsh critique on the
letter of Mr. Strickland to this Journal, especially as it had already
been replied to. A chapter on nomenclature might have been in-
troduced without implicating Mr. Strickland so deeply in the mat-
ter : even supposing Mr. S. to be in the wrong (which we are in-
clined to believe), surely it is not necessary to resort to abuse to
establish this fact. We rejoice, however, to see the reform of Eng-
lish names advocated, and hope the example may be followed by-
others. The second section consists of notices of ornithological
works. In Mr. Neville Wood's Ornithologist's Text Book, one
hundred and fifty works are included, in the present Guide only
fifty, or exactly one-third ; we leave our readers to form their own
conclusion. Lastly, we have a list of British birds for labelling
cabinets. It is well worth the cost of the book ; it is the best cata-
logue extant, and would have deserved our unqualified commenda-
tion, had it not been for the unfortunate spelling of many of the
names. We cannot compliment Mr. C. T. Wood on his style it is
often pedantic, and not always even correct ; but still, with all its
imperfections, the first chapter contains hints well worthy attention,
and the catalogue will prove useful to the collector.
[Wood, William NOC corresponding member 1876 ]
Woodhouse, Samuel Washington 1821-1904
Born: June 27, 1821; Philadelphia, PA.
Eldest son of Com. Samuel Woodhouse, U.S.N.
and H. Matilda Roberts. Ancestors were from
Northumberland, Eng.
1847 Graduated Univ. Penn.
US Army as physician surgeon.
1872 Married Miss Sarah A. Peck
& Worcester, Dean Contant 1866-1924
Born: Oct 1, 1866; Thetford VT.
Son of Ezra Carter and Ellen H. Worcester.
1887-8: Steere Expedition to Phillipines.
1893: Apr 27. Married Miss Nanon Fay Leas of Pasadena CA.
1899: A.B. Univ. Mich.
1913: Retires from Gov't positions in P. I. makes home on Cebu.
Vice Pres. and general Manager Agusan Coconut Co.
Asst to Pres. of Philippine Refining Corp.
President of Philippine Desicated Coconut Corp.
1915: D.Sc. Univ. Mich.
Died: May 2, 1924; Manila, P. I. Heart disease.
Worthy, T.H.
Wotzkow, Carlos
Woxvold, Iain A.
Also Wu Minchuan
Also Wu Min-chuan
Wu, Meng Yue
Meng Yue Wu
Wu, Zhikang
Wulfmeyer, E.
Paul Wilhelm, Herzog von Württemberg 1797-1860
b. 25 June 1797 Bad Carlsruhe, Silesia, Kingdom of Prussia
d. 25 Nov. 1860 Mergentheim, Kingdom of Württemberg
Wyatt, Claude Wilmott
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
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Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated