Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum Volume IX 1884 eBooks von / from Digitalisiert von / Digitised by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin CATALOGUE OP TEE BIRDS IN THB BRITISH MUSEUM. TOLUME IX. LOFBOF: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1884. CATALOGUE OF THE PASSERIFOEMES, PERCHING BIRDS, COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. ,CINNYEIMORPHJl: CONTAINING THE FAMILIES NECTARINIIDJE AND MELIPHAGmffiS (SUN-BIRDS AND HONEY-EATERS). BY •^fiANS GADOW, MA., PH.D. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1884. MUSEUM" 0 LOGIC iVEHSlTA ' '/WD.GU BLRO.UK PBINTED BY TAYLOR AND'FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. THE Ninth Volume of the ' Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum' contains an account of all the species of Cinnyrimorphce known at present, and was prepared by the author of the previous volume, Dr. H. Gadow. The total number of species described amounts to 355, of which 291 are in the British Museum ; they are represented by 2450 specimens. Of the principal donors I have to mention B. H. Hodgson, Esq., Capt. Staekhouse Pinwill, E. D. Godman, Esq., 0. Salvin, Esq., Sir John Kirk, W. E. and C. G. Gates, Esqrs., H. Seebohm, Esq., A. 0. Hume, Esq., *W. Davidson, Esq., Capt. "Wardlaw Bamsay, and Capt. Trevelyan. The proof-sheets were again revised by Mr. Sharpe, but submitted to the author before sending them to the press. ALBEET GtJNTHER, Keeper of the Department of Zoology* British Museum, February 11, 1884. INTBODUOTION. THJB Cinnyrimorphge seem to form a tolerably natural group, as far as the NectariaiidcB and Mdiphagidce proper are concerned. "With regard to the Zosterqpinrp, their degree of relationship with the MelipltagirJfp is doubtful, and they might, perhaps, with more propriety be ranged with the Dicrridce, which, in all probability, have very little to do with the Cinnyrimorphas sensu strictiori. The numerous genera of the Meliphagidse are closely allied to each other ; but there is such a divergence in the so-called leading tasonomic characters, that it seems impossible to give such a diagnosis as would admit all the genera. Many species, moreover, exhibit greater differences infer se than do some of the universally admitted genera; and yet, in my opinion, there can be no doubt as to what genera these species belong. The extraordinary development of the " metallic " colours in the Wectariniidw rendered it desirable to invent some standard according to which these changing colours should be described. This has been done by me in a paper, u On the Colour of Feathers as afected by their Structure," published in the * Proceedings of the Zoological Society * for 1882 (pp. 409-421). The structure of the tongue, which is also one of the best characteristics of the whole group, has likewise been described by me in a paper, " On the Suctorial Apparatus of the Tenuirostres," published in the < Proceedings' for 1883 (pp. 62-69.). I feel greatly indebted to Captain Shelley for having given me free access to his collection of Sun-birds on every occasion, whilst his admirable and nearly exhaustive * Monograph of the ^Tectariniid9e, Till IKTBODTTCTIOK-. has rendered the re-writing of this group much less laborious than it .would otherwise have been. I do not agree with him on all points; but where we are at variance it is generally in connection with closely allied forms, which I have endeavoured, as much as possible, to treat as geographical races. The genus Zosteroj>s has been worked out entirely by Mr. B. Bowdler Sharpe, and I am only responsible for the diagnoses of the subfamily and its genera. Once more my thanks are due to the last-named gentleman for many acts of courtesy, and for numerous additions and corrections which became necessary since my departure from London. EL G-ABOW. Cambridge, February 1884. SYSTEMATIC Order PASSERIFORMES. Suborder PASSERES. Group IV. CoorrauaiOBPas. Fam. NECTAEINIIDiE. Page 1. Neodrepanis, Sharpe 2 1. coruscans, Sharpe 2 2. Nectafinia, Illig 3 1. tacazze (Stanl.) 4 2. famosa (L.) 5 3. puleliella (L.) 7, 291 4. metallica, Licht 8 5. platyura(F.) 10 J*. Anthobapbes, Cab 10 F 1. violacea (L.) 11 4. CliaTcosietTia, Cab 12 1. insignia (Temm.) 12 5. iEtliopvga, Cab 13 1. saturata (Hodgs.) 15 2. temmiiicki (>$'. Mull.) .. 16 3. extmia (Horsf.) 17 4. vigors! (Si/kes) 18 5. seberife (Tick.) 18 6. siparaja (Baffi.) 21 7. mvstacalis (Temm.) 23 8. flavostriata (Wall) 23 9. niagnifica, Sharpe 24 10. ignicauda (Hodgs.) 25 11. nipalensis (Hodgs.) 26 12. sanguinipectus, Wold. . . 27 13. gouldiae (Yiq.) 27 14. dabryi(Fm-.) 28 | 15. sbelleyi, Sharpe 29 ; 16. hellz, Tweedil 29 | 17. ckristime, Swinh. .. 30 18. duyyenbodei (Schl.) 30 19. pulcherrima, Sharpe.... 31 6a. Drepanorhvnchus, Fischer 8c Beichen 291 1. reicbenowi, Fischer .. 291 6. Cinnyris, Cuv 31 1. ohloropviria (Jard.) 34 2. ^mxtrrr. 35 aTcBalvbejL (L.) ffi /3. enEssoni, Trimen .... 38 3. coquereli (Verr.) 39 Y0L.IX. INDEX. 4. yenusta (Shaw).... 39,291 4a. Mkensteirdj Fischer Sf Beichen... 291 5. oustaieti (Bocage) 43 6. souimaag^ (Gm.) 43 7. rnariquensis, Smith, 44, 292 aM)ifasciata (Shaw) 47 8. comoren^s, Peters 48 9. superba (Shaw) 48 10. jonanme, Verr 49 11. splendida (Shaw) .. 50, 292 12. kggsS^iea (//. $ J.) .. 52 13. ogejk^;. . 53 14. Eouyieri, Shellei/ 53 15. notaj^P. X. A MM.).. 54 16. cujprea '(Shaw) .... 55, 292 17. a.siatiea (Lath.) 58 a. brevlrostris (Blanf.) . . 59 18. loteujajX.) 60 19. minima (Sykes) 02 20. sperata (L.) 03 21. Julias (Ticeedd.) 64 22. zeyionica (L.) 64 23. gray! (Wall.) 66 24. nasselti (Temm.) 67 25. gjffggfee, Less 68 ngnirensis (Meyer) .. 74 27. theresse (Salvad.) 74 28. ferreauxi, Smith 74 29. fiscnerij Beichen 75 30. fusca, Vieill 75 31. balfouri, Scl. fy Marti. . . 76 32. obscura, Jard 77 33. ofiyaeea. Smith 78 34. oiivacina, Peters 78 30. cyanolffima (Jard.) 78 36. dussumieri (llartl.) .... 79 37. Imrtlaubi ( Verr.) 79 irticalis (Lath.) 80 ichenbaclii {Hart!.) . . 81 40. solaria (Temm.)....... . 82 41. flammaxillaris (Blyth) .. 83 42. jugularis (L.) 84 43. aurora (Ticeedd.) 88 44. migrans (Oast.) 88 45. pectoraIis,(IZ"0>•$/*.) ... . 88 40. rhizophorre (Swinh.) , . 89 47. zenobia, Less 90 SrSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 48. gutturalis (X.) ... . 01, 202 49. cjuentata (Hupp.) .... 03 .50. senegalensis (X.) 04 51. fQligiuosa (Shaw) .... 05 52. alnetliystina (Shaw) . . 00 53. angolensis (Less.) .... 08 54. aaelberti (Gerv.) 09 7. Arachnotliera, Temm. . . 100 1. robusta, Mull. § Schl.. . 101 2. crassirostris (Reichenb.) 102 3. longirostris (Lath.). ... 103 a. flaiiimifera, Tweedd. 104 4. dilutior, Sharpe 105 5. inagna (Jlodr/s.) 105 6. arnnis (Horsf.) 100 7. ebrysogenys^TVwiM. . . 108 .8 . flaviventris, Gadoio... . 109 9. nQyaa guiaeoe (Less.) .. 110 10. iliplopkus (Salvad.).... Ill 11. polioptera (Sharpe) . . Ill 8. Anthotnreptes (Swains.). . 112 1. hypograrnniica (S.Mull.) 112 2. ffaseri (Jard.) 113 3. simplex (S. Mull.) 114 4. anciietoe (Bocage) , . .. 115 5. longnemarii (Less.). ... 115 5a. orientalis, Ifartl 292 6. aurantia, Verr. ...... 110 7. collaris (Vieill.) 116 8. rectirostris (Shaw) .... 119 9. teplirolsema (Jard. # ifcs.) 120 10. phcenicotis (Temm.) .. 121 11. malaecensis (Scop.). . . . 122 12. griseigularis, Tweedd.. . 126 Fani. MELIPHAGIDJE. Subfaui. 1. MYZOMELIN.2G. 1. Myzomela, V. Sf H. 128 1. guentheri, Gadow .... 120 2. rubatra (Less.) 129 3. cardinalis (Gm.) .... 130 a. nigriyentrAs, Peak . . 130 4. puleuerrima, Ramsay . . 131 5. sanguinolenta (Lath.). . 131 o. caledonica, W. A. Forbes 132 chloroptera, Wold 132 a boiei, & Mull 133 8. lifuensis, Layard 133 9. eryihrocephala, Gould.. 133 10. acfoTpninse, Salvad 134 11. annabellre, Sclattr .... 134 12. forbesi,. itomsm/ 135 13. ySEerata (S. Mull.) ..135 Page •J 14. jugulariflj Peale 136 15. rosenbergi, Schl 137 16. cliermesina, Gray .... 137 17. -nigra, Gould 138 18. pectoralis, Gould 138 10. mgrlta; Gray 139 20. parnnlelaena, Scl 140 21. cruentata, Meyer 140 22. vakoloensis, H. O. Forbes 141 23. sclateri.Tr. A. Forbes . 141 24. "^qfiieslfiess.) 141 25. simplex. Gray 142 a^'ruBrobrunnea, Meyer. 142 (3. rubrotincta, Salvad.. . 143 20. cineracea, Scl 143 27. obscura, Gould 143 28. latargej^ Hombr. $ Jacq. 135 2. Acanthorhynchus, Gould. 144 Yj (J 1. tenuirostris (Lath.). .. . 144 2. siiperciliosus, Gould . . 145 Subfam. 2. ZosTEHOPiNiE. 1. Zosterops, V. $ H. 146 a. f usca, Bernst 146 (3. rufilata, Ilartl. .... 147 y. obscura, Jacq. fy Puch. 147 0 1. cperulescens (JLat-h.). ... 152 2. aibigularis, Goidd .... 154 3. tenuirostris, Gould .... 154 4. strenua, Goidd 155 5. westernensia (Quoy fy Gaim.) . ..' 155 5a. ramsayi, Masters .... 158 6. vatensis, Tristr 158 7. inprnata, Layard 159 8. aureifrons, Wall 159 9. pallida, Swains 160 10. japonica, T.$ S. . .160, 292 11. erytliropleura, Swinh... 161 12. gouldi, J>p 162 13. grSfyWdll 162 14. aureiventer, Plume .... 103 15. everetti, Tweedd 163 16. albiventer, Reichenh. . . 164 17. crissalis, Sharpe 165 18. palpebrosa (T.) 165 10. subrosea, Swinh 167 20. citrinella, Bp 168 21. abyssinica,, Guer 168 22. poliogaster, Ueugl 160 23. anjuanensis, E. Newt. . . 170 ft 24. madagaseariensis (Gm.) 170 \ 25. capensis, Sund 171 26. exploratory Layard. ... 172 T" tAh/nA SYSTEMATIC INDEX. XI Pnge Page 27. ceyknaagj^ Holdsw. ..173 80. fuscifrons, Salvad 201 28. xanthochroa, Gray.... ]74 81. myaorienaia, Meyer... . 201 29. griaeiventer, Sol 174 82. hypoleuca, Salvad. .... 202 30. novae guineaa, Salvad. . . 175 83. muelleri (Hartl.) 202 * 31. aureigula, Salvad 170 84. frigida (Hartl.) 203 <• /*V«W*MM* 32. ateifrons, Wall 170 85. ficedulina, Hartl 203 Mti**< Cm4; \%*& 33. atncapTla, Salvad 170 2. MelTthreptua," V. 204 * 34. delicatula, Sharpe ... . 177 tvj 1. lunulatua(&to) 204 o "w<*A'*AC 35. chrysolaema, Salvad. . . 177 V, a. axillaris, Goidd .. 205 Cfacy, %*. 30. f uscicapilla, Salvad.... . 178 2. gularis (Gould) 205 /M'11 * ' !"' . 37. hypoxantha, Salvad.1 . . 178 3. validirostria (Gould) .. 206 ^ 118. flava (Horsf.) 179 4. bfevirostris, V. % H. .. 207 39. meyeni, Bp 180 5. melanocephalus, Gould. 207 40. sianiensis, Swinh 180 3. Plectrorhynehua, Gould.. 208 41. sehegalensis, Bp 181 1. lanceolatus, Gould .... 208 42. km; Shelley 182 43. virens, Bp 182 Subfam. 3. MELIPHAGIN2E. 43«. eurycricotus, Fischer 8f Reichen 292 1. Glyciphila 209 44. lutea, Gould.- 183 1. iulvifrona, Leivin .... 210 (] 45. semperi, H.8> F. 183 2. afbifrons, Goidd 211 46. chloris, Bp 184 3. fasciata, Gould 212 47. buruensis, Salvad 184 4. undulata (Spawm.).... 212 48. intermedia, Wall. ... . 185 5. fallax (Salvad.) 213 —49 . gallio, Sharpe 185 6. poliocephala(£Wy#d.).. 213 50. nigrorum, Tioeedd 180 7. ocularis, Goidd 213 51. hypolais, H. fy F. .... 186 ct. argentauris (Finsch) 215 52. oleagina, H. $ F. 187 8. modesta, Gray 215 53. conspicillata (Kittl.) . . 187 9. incana (Lath!) 216 54. nVvifrona (Lath.) 187 10. poliotis, Gray 217 55. rendovaa, Tristr 188 11. albiauricularis, Rams.. . 217 56. giilliveri, Casteln. 8f 12. squamata (Sahad^X.., , 217 / Rams 188 13. nisorla (S. Midi.) 218 % 57. griseitiucta, Gray ... . 189 2. Entomopliila HJET" 58. longirostris, Ramsay .. 189 1. picta, Gould 219 59. hmimeicmdei,Salvad. 190,293 2. rufigularis, Gould .... 219 'fh W. UPopygialis, Salvad. 190,293 3. albigularis, Gould 219 61. semiflava, E. Newt . . 190 4. leucomelas (Cuv.) .... 220 62. roayottensis, Schl 191 3. Melipbaga, Leivin 221 63. chlorates, Hartl 191 1. phrygia (Lath.) 221 64. minuta, Layard 192 3a. (Edistoma, Salvad. .... 293 65. olivacea (L.) 192 1. py guise urn, Salvad 293 66. chloronota (V.) 193 4. Ptilotia, Sioains. 222 67. modesta, E. Newt 194 a. ixoides, Salvad 222 68. mauritiana {Gm.) ... . 194 1. carunculata (Gm.) .... 225 69. borbonica (Gm.) 195 2. aiialoga, Reiehenb 227 ^ 70. javanica (Horsf.) 196 3. albinotata, Salvad 229 C 7l. fallax, Sharpe 197 0 4. fusca( Gould) 229 72. finschii (Hartl.) 197 5. lewini, Swains 229 73. cfnerea (EM.) 198 6. provocator, Layard.... 230 74. ponapensis, Finsch ... . 198 7. frenata, Ramsay 231 75. melanops/ Gray 198 8. subfrenata, Salvad. .... 231 76. lugubris, Hartl 199 9. ilaviatriata (Gould)., .. 232 77. melanocephala-Gray . . 200 10. maculata (Temm.) 232 78* leucophaea, Hartl 200 11. poly-gramma, Gray .... 233 79. atriceps, Gray 200 12. reticulata (Temm.).... 233 b IuW.pJU.mi ' it^'HitCtcry^ )(kfo™ \:v*u %%l\ \i • S.LuaflOtfU '.VjjwQv i%r4fi Y*i* H SYSTEMATIC INDEX. xu Page 13. sniiont, (,'ould 284 285 14. versicolor, Gould.. • < ••' • • a. s^uryidQBj Gray ^ ° 15. chryBopsC/^///.) 280 286 16. ffnibata (S. 3//V7/.) 237 is. cln-vMotis (Lew.) ., 7. Slkrerti Gould.... 238 230 a. Tiisoi venIris, Grray. 239 20nTavigulari,s, Gould 230 19. m_gyeq» Saltad. 21. faftciogularis, Gould. . .. 240 0 22. leucotia (Zr/M.) 240 23. coekerelli, Gould 241 0 24. auricomis {Lath.) .... 242 25. cassicRk, */«/•(/. 243 26. cratitia, Gould 243 27. penicillata (Gould) 244 28. ornata, Gould 244 20. plumula, Gould 245 30. flavescens, Gould 245 a. germana, Ramsay.... 246 Vsi . flava, GWAZ 246 82. marmorata, Sharpe.... 247 247 S.S.'ciflafAarBCJ. 34. virescens, Wal}. 248 fe. megalorirync|tus,cliuf 6V«?/. 248 36. Mill color, <%«/d 249 viOU^lA^vi^^j; . urytliropleura,iS^/wiA.. 249 *.*iS>T 5. Pogonornis, Gray 250 1 • ejucto (Ditbus) 251 (>, Meliornis, Gray 251 y" 1. australasiana (Shaw) .. 252 t) 2. nova) nollandjre (Lath.) 253 a. Iougiroatria, Gould .. 254 3. sericea (Gould) 254 4, mvstacalis (Gould) .... 255 7. Antkornh, Gray 255 l.iiielnimra (ftparrm.) .. 255 2. int'laiiocupliala, Gray . . 256 8. Prosthemadera 257 1. novto zoalandiee (G?n.) 257 9. Manorliina, F. 258 1. melaiiopbryd (Lath.) . . 250 2. garrula (Lath.) 260 3. obscura (Gould) 260 4. uTivigula [Gould) .... 261 a. Intra, Gould , 262 10. Acantliocluera, F.^II... ^ 0 1. earunculata (Lath.) .. 263 2. inaurid, GWc? 263 Paffe Yl 3. mellivora (JCath.) 2(51 4. lunulata, Gould 265 5. rufigularis ( Gould) . ... 265 11. Leptorms| JTombr, if Jacq. 266 1. samociiais ( // . <£ J\ 2(57 TT aul5ryinui; J \ ty jje8 j/; 2(57 3. viridis (Layard) 12. Entomyza, Shvaina ]. 1. cvanotis (Lath.) 2. albipennis, Gould ' . .'.'. 13. Philemon, K * 1. cornicnlatus (Lath.) 2. argentfceps ( Gould) .".' 3. bhceroides, Swains.. 4Jim.>riYnsis (>V. Mid)'.).'. 5. novae guineoe {S. Mall) a. jobiensis, Sal cad 6. mbrhatus (Graf/) 7. nioliiccensis (Gm.) 8. lessoni (Gray). . .' 9. cifreogularis (Gould) '.'. a. sordidus ( Gould) J 10. cockerel!], Set 11. albitorques, Sol. 12. sclateri, Gray 13. fuscicapillus, Gray 14. pluniigenjs, Gray .... 15. siibcormculatus (IL.$ J.) , l&JQieyeri, Salrad 14. 15. 16. 17. Melitograis, Sund. 1. o-ilolensis (I>j>.) 282 Promerops, Bn'ss 282 1. cafer (X.) 283 2. gurneyi, Verr 284 Moho, Less 28-1 1. nobilis (Merr.) ...... 284 2. apicalis, Gould Melidectes, Sol. Fi ^_ L tgrquatusj Scl. T8. Lutliyrhynchus, Sehl. 1. griseigulavis, Sc/il a. flavigularis, Sehl 2. fulvigularis, Schl 3. fulviventrifc?;, Iltinmay 268 268 268 269 269 271 272 272 "" 273 7 275 275 276 277 277 278 278 279 279 279 280 281 281 4. gynmop.*, wa$.* ....... 19. IMelirrhoplietes, Meyer ~7 1., Meyer . . 289 2. ocbromelas, Meyer .... 289 £ 20. Pycnopygius, Salvad..... 290 1. stictocfiphaliis, Salvad... 290 285 285 285 .. 286 287 287 287 . . 288 288 CATALOGUE OF BIRDS. Order II. PASSERIFORMES (Cat. B. vol. iii. p. 1). Suborder I. PASSERES (Cat. B. vol. iii. p. 6). Group IV. CTNNYKIMORPEUE (Cat. B. vol. iii. p. 3). Family NECTARINIID.E * Eill always much pointed, often elongated and curved. Tongue long, protractile, ending in a tube anteriorly bifid. Nostrils rounded, not bidden by bristles or feathers, but protected by a coriaceous membrane. Rictal and nasal bristles completely wanting. First primary always present, varying in size; tip of wing formed by 3rd to 5th primaries. Tarsus anteriorly covered with transverse scales; hallux and claws short. Principal ground-colours yellow and green, frequently with the addition of other ornamental and metallic colours, which as a rule, like the pectoral tufts, are characteristic of the male. Feathers of crown always short, never forming a crest. Generally two white eggs are laid in a woven pendent nest. Non-migratory. Range. Ethiopian, Indian, and Australian Regions. * With reference to the description of the metallic colours in the Sun-birds, see my paper in the ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society' for 1882, p. 409: but I observe here, that " position A" means that the eye is placed between the bird and the light, the eye and the light almost in a level with the planes to be examined ; " position E," the bird is placed vertically to the light, the eye being still between the light and the bird ; " position 0," the bird is held in nearly the same level with, but between, the eye and the light. VOL. IX. B NECTABrffllM. Key to the Genera. a. Tail square, but the central pair of feathers projecting beyond the rest. Male always metallic 2. NECTABINIA, p. 3. b. "Whole tail square. a'. Bill much curved and long. a". Male with wattles on the sides of the head; tail short, only half the length of the wing 1. NEODBEPANIS, p. 2. ' b". Male without wattles. a'". Tail not half covered by wings; male mostly with metallic colours 6. OI^NYRIS, p. 31. b'". Tail more than half covered by wings; male without any metallic colours 7. ABACHNOTHEBA, p. 100. > b'. Bill slightly- curved, shorter than the head; keel of lower mandible straight; male always with metallic colours 8. ANTHOTHBEPTES, p. 112. c. Tail graduated ; central pair of feathers the longest; bill longer than head. c\ Rump and lower back bright yellow, concealed by the long and very fluffy feathers of the sides of the back .. 5. ^ETHOPYGA, p. 13. V d'. Rump and lower back not yellow; no fluffy feathers, e". Lower back and breast metallic .. 4. CHALCOSTETHA, p. 12. d". Lower back olive, non-metallic; breast orange-yellow 3. ANTHOBAPHES, p. 10. 1. NEODREPANIS. Type. Neodrepanis, Sharpe, Proc. Zobl. Soc. 1875, p. 76 N. coruscans. Bill much longer than head and strongly curved and pointed ; culmen rounded. Nostrils basal, longitudinal, with a small operculum ; no rictal or-nasal bristles. First primary extremely long and peculiarly shaped, rather shorter than the second, which is equal to the seventh in length; tip of wing, which is short, formed by 3rd to 5th primaries. Tail soft, slightly rounded, and very short, scarcely half the length of the wing. Tarsus anteriorly covered with transverse scales; claws short. Male with metallic colours and large bare wattles on either side of the head. Range. Madagascar. 1. Neodrepanis coruscans. Neodrepanis coruscans, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1875, p.76; Shelley, Ibis 1875, p. 380; id. Monogr.Nect. p. 1, pi. 1; Milne-Edwards fy Grand. Hist. Nat. Madag., Ois. pis. cvrii., cviii. a (1879). Adult male. All the upper parts dark greenish blue, deep blue 2 . NECTARINIA. in position C; wings and tail black, externally edged with the metallic blue of the back; the large bare eye-wattles greyish bine; nasal and loral region black; all the underparts vivid yellow, with the exception of a few black under wing-coverts near the edge of the wing; inner web of quill without paler edges. Female. "Without wattles around the eye; all the upper parts uniform olive-green, with a faint greenish metallic gloss; wings and tail dark brown, externally broadly edged with olive-green; underparts vivid yellow, some of the feathers of the breast washed with brownish or grey; inner web of quills with buff edges. <$. Culmen 1 inch, wing 1-90, tail 0*90, tarsus 0*55. ?. h 1 .» « 1*70, „ 0-85, „ 0-55. Hab. Madagascar. a. $ ad.; b. $ imm. East of Antananarivo, Eev. W. Deans Cowan sk.^ July 1881. [O.l. c. $ imm. sk. Madagascar. Mr. A. Crossley [O.]. (Type of species.) 2. NECTAKINIA. Type. Nectarinia, III. Prodr. p. 210 (1811) N. famosa. Panseola, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 101 (1850) N. pulchella. Hedydipna, Cab. I. c. i. p. 101 (1850) N. metallica. Platydipna, Cab. 1. c. i. p. 101 (1850) N. platyura. Bill, with one exception, much longer than the rest of the head and much curved. Nostrils longitudinal, operculated, exposed; no bristles. Wings rather pointed, the second quill being long; tip of wing formed by 3rd, 4th, and 5th primaries; first primary very small. Tail square, but (in the male) the central pair of its feathers project out far beyond the others. Tarsus anteriorly covered with transverse scales. Hallux short; claws much curved, sharp, but short. Male richly metallic coloured, sometimes with yellow pectoral tufts; some species with flurry back-feathers. Female very plain. Range. Africa. 1. Bill of N. famosa. 2. Bill of K metallica. 3. Bill of N. platyura. B2 flTCTAMHTCIDiG. Key to the Species. a. Breast and abdomen black or metallic. i iaca„»e p 4 a' No pectoral tufts ) bocagei, V. i bl. Bright yellow pectoral tuits. l ./ ? r a". All the underpays metallic green. a'". Dark green above famosa, p. 5. b'". Coppery above citprconitens, p. 6. £". Chest scarlet pidclietla, p. 7. b. Breast and abdomen yellow. c'. Lower back and upper tail-coverts metallic blue. c'". Mantle dark metallic green metallita, p. 8. d'". Mantle coppery bionzo ptati/icra, p. 10. 1. BTectarinia tacazze. Certhia tacazze, Stanley in Salfs Trav. Abyss., App. p. 58 (1814). Splendid Creeper, Lath. Gen. Hist. iv. p. %2$, no. 15 (1822). Gmnvris tacazze, Hupp. JSreue Wirb. p. 89, pi. 31. fig. 3 (1835) ; Zefebvre, Voy. Abyss., Zool p. 88 (1845-50). Nectarinia tacazze, Hupp. Syst. Uebers. p. 28, no. 108 (1845) j Bp. C. A. i. p. 405, no. 7 (1850); JECeugl Syst. Uebers. N.O.-Afr. p. 20, n. 52 (185G); Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 108, no. 1329 j JBlemford, Geol § Zool. Abyss, p. 352, no. Il l (1870),-Shelley, Monogr. Met. p. 19, pi. 7. Aidemonia tacazze, Meichb. Handb. Scansorite, p. 284; pi. 3871. fig. 3890 (1854). iEthopyga tacazze, Horsf. §• Moore, Cat. B. E.I. Go. Mus. ii. p. 735, no. 1073 (1856-58). Nectarinia tacaziena, Heuc/l. Orn. N.O.-Afr. i. p. 222 (1871); Sharps, Cat. Afr. B. p. 37, no. 343 (1871). Nectarinia tacazziana, Finsch, Tr. Z. S. vii. p. 227 (1872). Aidemonia tacazziana. Antinori §* Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. iv. p. 89 (1873). Soutli-western Race (N. bocagei). Nectarinia tacazze, Boeage, Jom. Lisb. 1878, p. 2 {nee Btipp.), Nectarinia bocagei, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 21, pi. 6. fig. 2. Adult male. Whole plumage black ; all the tipper parts and the neck with a strong metallic gloss; in position B these parts are coppery lilac or purple, changing into brilliant purple-blue on the lower back; in position C the reflecting parts are dark green. Culmen 1*2-1-25 inch, wing 3-1-3-3, tail 2-5 [4-4*]-2-9 [4*8], tarsus 0-74-0-75. Female. Above dull olive-grey; quills brown, inner web with pale edges • tail-feathers black, the outer pairs with large whitish tips and margins : a pale superciliary line; all the underparts dull yellow or pale yellowish buff, palest on the throat and under tail- coverts. Wing 2m8 inches. Hab. Abyssinia and Bogos Land. South-western Mace (N. bocagei).—Specimens from Angola resemble N. tacazze in size and coloration, " but may be readily distinguished from that bird by the bluish-green colouring of the back, upper tail-coverts, and throat" (S7ielley). * Thefigures between brackets refer to the central pair of tail-feathers. 2. XECIABISTA. " a,b. £ 2 a{i* s^ Abyssinia. Purchased. c. t£ ad. sk. Aiikober, May (Harris). India Museum. <21 $ ad. sk. Abyssinia (Harris). India Museum. e. (S ad. sk. Abyssinia. * E. B. Sharpe, Esq, /. d ad. sk. lYandas!i Pass, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.l 10,000ft., Apr. 2o, 1868. g. 6 imm. sk. Senafe, Tigre, 7500 feet, W. T. Blanford, Esq. [0.]. March 5,1888. h. <$ ad. sk. Senate, Ti-re, 8000 feet, W. T. Blanford, Esq. [C.]. Mav 1868. 2 ad. sk. Adigrat, Ti^re, 8000 feet, W. T. Blanford, Esq. [0.1. April 3,1888. 2. ¥ectarMa famosa. Cerfhia famosa, Linn. 8. JV. i. p. 187, no. 20 (1766); P. L. S. Mull. 8. K ii. p. 259, no. 20 (1778); Qm. 8. M i. p. 481, no. 20 (1788); Lath. Ind. Orn. L p. 238, no. 24 (1700) ; Shaw, Nat. Misc. i. pi. 19 (1700); id. Gen. Zool. viii. p. 212, pi. 31 (1811). Grimpereau a lonpruw qiif*ue du Cap de Bonne Esperanee, Daiibent. PL Ed. fc3. tiir. 1 {1773-&6). Troehilus pella ( pt, Africa), P L. S. Midi. 8. N. ii. p. 264, no. 2, pi. 8. (1773). Tniehilu* eap'n-U, P. X. & 3/«//. *ST. X. fli^. p. 100, no. 1 (1776). fcSoui-maiiffa vert 4 lonjrue queue, JSVJf. IZfetf. X«£. Oi«. v. p. 521 (1778). Famous Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. B. ii. p. 720, no. 21 (1781); id. Gen. tiya. tiupp. p. 12% no. 21 (1787); id. Gen. Hist B. iv. p. 214, no. 4, et var**. A et B < Jfc22j. Snuft-colourt'd Creeper, Lath. Gen. *$>/«. Suppl p. 129, no. 50 (1787); id. Gen. likf. B. iv. p. m>l*9 no. 6 (1&22). CerfcMa tabaeina, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 2d9, no. 26 (1790)-Shaw, Gen. Zmd. mil. p. 214 (1811). Jeune Soui~manga, And. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 48, pi. 26 bis (1802). Le grand Soui-masga a longue queue, And. et Vieill. torn. eit. pp. 59, 60, pis. 37, 38. Soui-manga couleur de tabae, And. et Vieill. torn. eit. p. 67 (ex Lath.). Le Sucrier malachite, LevaiU. Ois. cFAfr. vi. p. 143, pis. 289,290 (1808); Sundm. Hrit Frarmt, Levaill p. 46 (1857). Nectarinia famoba, III Prod. p. 210 (1811); Burchell, Trav. 8. Afr. i. p. 245 (1822); Jard. Monoqr. Sun-birds, pp. 204, 259, pi. 17 (1843); PJipp. Sys*. Uebers. p. 28 Cb45); Bp. C. A. i. p. 404, no. 2 (1850); Cab. Mus. Hem. I. p. 102, no. 501 (1850); Beichb. Handh. Scanseria* p. 296, no. 69of pi. 581.figs. 3949-51 (1854); Grill, ZooL Anteckn. pp. 10.38 (1858); Kirk, Ibis, 18G4, p. 320; Pekeln, Eeise Xomra, Tog. p. 51 (lbtfo); Selat. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 22; Layard, B. H. Afr. p. 77, no. 127 (1867); Fimeh et Haril Vog. Ost-Afr. p. 212* (1870); Aijres, Ibis, 1871, p. 150; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B* p. 37, no. 342 (1871); Andersson, B. Bamara Land, ed. Gurney, p. 68 (1872); Buckley, IMs, 1874, p. 374; Shelley, Ibis, 1875, p. 69; Sharpe, edit. LayanTs B. 8. Afr. p. 306 (1876); Barrattf IMs, 1876, p. 202; Ayres, torn. eit. p. 425; Shelley, Momgr. JSect. p. 13, pi. 5. Cinnyris famosa, Cm. Btgn. Anim. i. p. 412 (1817); Less. Man. dOm. ii. p. 50 (lfc28); id. Traite dTOrn. i. p. 292, no. 3 (1831) j Hahn, Orn, Atlas, Cinnvris, pL 3 (1834). Cinnyris famosus, Vieill. it. Diet, d'llist. Mat. xxxl. p. 504 (1819). Nectarinia formosa^ Bp. Comptes Rendus, 1854, p. 265. NKCTAKIiraDiE. Northern Bace (N. cuproonitens). JSTme Wir^- 90 Nociariuia famosa (nee £.), ^W-P- (1835-40) j id. Sunt Ueben, p. 28 (1845); Brehm, Reis. n. Habesch, p. 211, no. 42 (1803); Ileugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. I p. 221 (1871). Soui-mauga a longue queue, Lefebvr. Voy. Abyss., Zool. p. 88 (184550). Nectarinia cuproonitens, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 17, pi. 0. fig. 1. Adult male. Wings and tail black; all the rest of tho plumage brilliant dark green, with a golden gloss on the upper parts, whilst the breast and abdomen are darker; on each side of the breast a few iluily bright yellow feathers (pectoral tufts). Oulmen. Wing. Tail Tarsus. in. in. in. in. Ad. $. Drakensberg 1*45 3-3 3-3 re-oi 0-65 Ad. d1. South Africa 1*40 3-1 2-5 r5-5° 0-65 Ad. tf. Beaufort 1-40 2-59 2-3 '5-01 0-65 Adult female. All the upper parts pale earthy brown; wings and tail darker brown, the secondaries and some of the tail-feathers faintly edged with whitish; outer web of outermost pair entirely white; undorparts dull creamy yellow, the throat and chest shading into brownish • a pale yellowish streak along the cheeks. Wing 2-8 inches. Immature male. Crown and mantle olive-brown ,• shoulders, wing- coverts, lower back, and tail-coverts brilliant green; wings and tail nearly black; central pair of tail-feathers fully developed; underpays yellow, rather dull on the chest and throat; a distinct yellow band extending from the lores along the lower margin of the ear- coverts. Young malts are distinguished from the adult females by the prominence of the yellow on the undorparts. Hah. South Africa, extending from the Cape Colony to Natal and into the Eastern Transvaal. Northern Bace (N. cupreonitens).—In Abyssinia and (teste one immature male from Casamanze) in Senegambia N. famosa is represented by a somewhat smaller race, which is distinguished by the strong coppery shade on the head and neck. Adult male (type). Like N. famosa, but with a strong coppery shade on tho crown and all round the neck. Culmcn 1*2 inch wing 31 , tail 2 [4*2], tarsus 0-65. ' a* & ad. sk. South Africa. Hon. J. Melville [P.1 b. $ imm, st. South Africa. E. Campbell, Esq. [ P.l t». d imm. st. South Africa. Sir A. Smith [0.1. d. 2 ad.; e. South Africa. Sir A. Smith [C.j. Juv, sk* /,#. c?$ ad. sk. South Africa. Purchased. h, (S imm. sk. South Africa. E. 1). Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]t. $ South Africa. K. B. Sharpe, Ksq. kyljtn. $ Cape Colony (Zayard). K. B. Sharpe, Esq. n, o. $ imm. bk. Cape Colony (Atidemori). R. B. Sharpe, EYq. 2 . ^ECTAKINIA. p. <3 Gape Town, Nov. 16 E. B. Sharpe, Esq. (Andersson). q. £ ad. sk. Fort Beaufort. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. r. S i**1121* sk. Eland'sPost(T.C.Atmore). E. B. Sharpe, Esq. s. 2 a(i-s^« Kingwilliamstown, Brit. Capt. H. Trevelyan [P.]. Caffraria. t. S ad. sk. Drakensberg Mountains, T. E. Buckley, Esq. [P.]. Bee. 19. u, v. $ $ ad. sk. Lydenburg, E. Trans- F. A. Barratt, Esq. [0.]. vaal. w. (S imm. sk. Macamac, Nov. 27. F. A. Barratt, Esq. [C.]. Northern Race. x. $ ad. sk. Abyssinia, Aug. 1856. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. (Type of N. cup?'eomtens.) 3. Eectarinia pulehella. Le G-rimpereau a longue queue du Senegal, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 645, pi. 34. fig. 3 (1760); Laubent. PI. Enl. pi. 670.fig. 1. Certhia pulehella, Linn. S. N. i. p. 187 (1766); P. L. S. Midler, S. N. ii. p. 259 (1773); Gm. S. N. i. p. 481 (1788) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 288 (1790); Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 210 (1811). Soui-manga vert dore* etc., Month. Hist. Ois. v. p. 217 (1822). Beautiful Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. B. ii. p. 719 (1781); id. Gen. Hist. B. iv. p. 217 (1822). Souiruanga a longue queue, And. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 62, pi. 40 C1802). Le Sucrier cossu, Levaill Ois. cFAfr. vi. p. 354, pi. 293.fig. 1 (1808); Simdev. Krit. Framst.} Levaill. p. 56 (1857). Cinnvris pulchellus, Cuv. Megn. Anim. i. p. 412 (1817) ,* Bonn, et VieilL Enc. Meth. ii. p. 586 (1823); Less. Man. d'Om. ii. p. 2Q (1828); id. Traiie cPOrn. p. 293 (1831); Hupp. Keue Wirbeltk p. 90 (1835) j Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 123, pi. 14 (1837); Ferr. et Gal. Voy. Abyss, iii. p. 248 (1847). Cinnvris caudatus, VteiW. N. Diet. cPHist. Nat. xxxi. p. 508 (1819) ; Bonn, et VieilL JSne. Meth. ii. p. 595 (1823) ; Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 54(1828). Nectarinia melampogon, Licht. Verz. JDoubl. p. 15 (1823); Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 52 (1857); Heugl. J.f. 0.1864, p. 262. Nectarinia caudata, Lncpiez, Diet. Class, xv. p. 512 (1829). Nectarinia pulehella, Jard. Monogr. Sun-hirds, pp. 207, 259, pi. 18 (1842) 5 Bp. G A. i. p. 404 (1850) ; Strickl. P. Z. S. 1850, p. 216 ; Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 52 (1857); id. J. f. 0. 1861, p. 109 j Antin. Cat. descrr. TJcc. p. 35 (1864) ; Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. 1866, p. 136; Heugl. Beise tveiss. Ml, p. 337 (1869); Finsch, Trans. Z. S. vii. p. 227 (1869); Blanf. GeoL $ Zool. Abyss, p. 354 (1870); Heugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. i. p.223 (1871); Shelley, Monogr. Neet. p. 9, pi. 4. Panseola pulehella, Cab. Mus. Hein. L p. 101 (1850); Meichenb. Handb. Scansor. p. 297, pi. 581. figs. 3952-53 (1854); Antin. $ Sahad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. iv. pp. 90 & 453 (1873). Adult male. All trie upper parts of the body, sides, and front of neck, lower breast, abdomen, and under tail-coverts deep metallic green with a yellowish, lustre; quills and shoulders, under wing NECTAKCNTIID^S. coverts and tail-feathers uniform black, some of the latter edged with glossy greon; centre of chest with a large patch of crimson- red ; the neighbouring green feathers are washed and tipped with pale yellow; bill and legs black; iris dark brown. Culmen 0*60- 7 inch, wing 2*3, tail 1-8 [4-2-4*8], tarsus 0-55. Adult female. Upper surface uniform earthy brown with a slight olive or yellow tinge ; tail dark brown, largely tipped with white; underparts dull whitish yellow. Length of wing 2*1 inches. Youmj male. Like the female, but has the throat dull brownish. Immature male. The green metallic colour first appears on the shoulders and wing-coverts, then on the throat, and soon the red patch of the chest begins to develop itself; then the upper tail- coverts and the lower back become green, and at last the mantle and the crown. Hab. Northern half of the Ethiopian Eegion. a. <$ ad. sk. Gambia. Purchased. b. S imm. st. Gambia. Purchased. (moulting). c. cj ad. sk. d. $ ad. sk. Anseba valley, 4000 feet, July 23,1868. Anseba vallev, Aug. 5, 1868. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [O.]. W. T. Blanford, Esq. [0.] e. $ ad. sk. fiff.<$2 ad. sk. Abyssinia. Near Khartoum, Oct. 1861. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. Consul Petherick [C.]. h. $ ad. sk. i. <$ imm.'sk. k. $ ad. sk. /, m. $ juv. sk. n9 o. $ ad. sk. p. $ ad. sk. q. tf imm. sk. (moulting). r. 2 ad.; s. d imm. sk. Bejook, July 16,1868 (Jesse). Kordofan, June 1867. Sennaar. Oasamanze (Verreaux). Oasamanze {Verreaux). Fantee. Bissao. Senegal (A. Marche). E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E, B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. t, u. (S 2 ad. sk. v. (S imm. sk. (moulting). w,x. 9 ad.; y. fcf ». 2 ad.; a', b'. <$ juv. sk. c' [c?] juv. sk. Senegal, Sept. 1861. Bathurst {Quin). Bathurst {A. Marche). DaKar, Cape Verd (A. Marche). Baranka, Gambia {A. Marche). E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. 4. Hectarinia metallica. Nectarinia metallica, Licht. Verz. Doubl p. 15 (1823); Temm PI 1 & 2 £°^m47V?gs-C1826) J Hempr. fyMrenb. Symb. Phys. pi. 1 (1628); Cretzschm. in Hupp. Atlas, Vog. p. 10, pi. 7 (1828); Jard. PP- 211 & m (184% M0%TA*}lTUr^ Xupp. Syst. Uebers. Po*n8 ( 18^>; £my, Oen. B. i. p. 98 (1847); StncJd. P.Z.S. 1850, p. 216; Sclat. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 124; Eeugl Faun, roth 2 . NECTAKINIA. Meer. p. 21 (1861); id. Bern weiss. Nil, p. 337 (18G9) • Pi/wcA «$• JS&wtf. Fo}/. Ost-Afr. p. ^14 (1870); Fmsch, Trans. Z. S. vii. m p. 228 (1809); Blcmf. Geol. <$• & 6 $ ad. sk. Abyssinia. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. r. $ imm. sk. Abyssinia. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. s. 2 ad. sk. Koomayli, Abyssinia, W. T. Blanford, Esq.[C.]. 500 feet, June 1868. t. N.E, Africa. Purchased. NECTAKINIIDiE. 5. Nectarinia platyura. Le Sucrier figuier, Levaitt, Ois. cFAfr. vi. p. 157, pi. 293. fig. 2 (1808) ; Sundev. Krit. Framst, Levaitt. p. 56 (1857). Cinnyris platurus, Vieill. N. Diet, d'llist. Nat. xxxi. p. 501 (1819); Aud. et Viettt. Enc. Meth. ii. p. 589 (1823) $ Less. Man. d'Om. ii. p. 40 (1828). Saccharine Creeper, Lath. Gen. Hist. B. iv. p. 225, no. 13 (1822). Comyns Creeper, Lath. torn. cit. p. 229, no. 17. Nectarinia eyanopygos, Licht. Verz. Douhl. p. 15 (1823) j id. Nomencl. Av. p. 55 (1851); Mull. J. f. O. 1855, p. 15, no. 162. Nectarinia sylviella, Temm. PL Col 347, note (1825). Nectarinia platuia, Drapiez, Diet. Class, xv. p. 511 (1829) ; Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 209, 200, pi. 19 (1842) ; £p. C. A. i. p. 405, no. 6 (1850) ; Marti. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 53, no. 153 (1857) ; id. J.f. 0. 1861, p. 109 j Antin. Cat. p. 36 (1864) ; Hartm. J. f. 0. 1866, p. 237; Lagard, B. & Afr. p. 83, no. 140 (1867) 5 Heugl Beise icemen Nil, p. 337 (1863) j Gray, Hand-l. B> i. p. 109, no. 1333 (1869); Finsch et Rartl. Vog. Ost-Afr. p. 215 (1870); Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 40, no. 379 (1871). Cinnyris sylviellus, Less. Traite d'Orn. i. p. 294, no. 10 (1831). Platydipna platyura, Cab. Mas. Rein. i. p. 101 (1850). Hedydipna platyma, Reichb. Randb. Scansorite, p. 299, no. 699, pi. 583.figs. 3963-64 (1854); Shelley, Monogr. NeeL p. 7, pi. 3. Nectarinia platyura, Heugl. Orn. N. O.-Afr. i. p. 225 (1869). Adult male. Yery similar to N. metallica, but without a purplish- blue crescent separating the green and yellow parts on the chest. The dark-green parts have a strong coppery-red metallic lustre. Lower back more like the centre of the back, and not so very blue as in N. metalUca. Culmen 0*5 inch, wing 2-25, tail 1*8 [4*2], tarsus 0*55. Hab. Eepresents N. metalUca in Senegambia. a. <$ ad. sk. Gambia. Purchased. b. <$ ad. sk. West Afiica. Purchased. S ad. sk. d. S ad. sk. e. $ ad. sk. c, West Africa. West Africa. Casamanze (Verreaux). E. B. Sbarpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. 3. ANTHOBAPHES. Type. Anthobaphes, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103 (1850) A. violacea. Bill much longer than rest of the head; culmen rounded and curved downwards. Nostrils basal, longitudinal, quite exposed, with a very well-developed operculum ; no nasal or rictal bristles. Eirst primary short; tip of wing formed by third, fourth, and fifth primaries. Tail graduated, the central feathers considerably longer than the rest; tail of female slightly graduated. Plumage of male. Head and neck all round metallic; yellow pectoral tufts ; no downy feathers on back to cover the rump, which is not yellow; tarsus anteriorly covered with scales. liange. South Africa. 3 . ANTHOBAPHES. 1. Ajithobaphes violacea. Certhia violacea, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 188, no. 22 (1766); P. L. 8. Mull. 8. N. ii. p. 260, no. 22 (1773) ; id. op. cit, Anhang, p. 07, no. 27 (1776) ; Gm. 8. K i. p. 482 (1788); Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 288, no. 21 (1700); Shaio, Gen. Zool viii. p. 211, pi. 20 (1811). Petit Grimpereau a longne queue du Cap de Bonne Espe*rance, Daubent. PI Enl. 670. fig. 2 (1770-80). ? Ceithia cinerea, P. L. 8. Mutter, 8. N.} Anhang, p. 98 (1776); Gm. 8. N i. p. 481, no. 52 (1788, ex Cinereous Creeper ofLath.): Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 289, no. 25 (1790). Soui-manga a longue queue et capuchon violet, Biif. Hist. Ois. v. p. 517(1778). Violet-headed Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. B. ii. p. 718. no. 19 (1781): id. Gen. Hist. B. iv. p. 213, no. 3 (1822). ? Cinereous Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. B. ii. p. 723, no. 22 (1781). ? Orange-breasted Creeper, Lath. torn. cit. p. 734, no. 38 ; id. Gen. Hist. B. iv. p. 264, no. 70 (1822). ? Certhia aurantia, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 472, no. 35 (1788, ex Orange- breasted Creeper of Lath.) ; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 295, no. 47 (1790); Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 43. Certhia crocata, Shaw ty Nodd. Nat Misc. vi. pi. 210, Le Soui-manga a capuchon violet, Aud. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 61, pi. 39 (1802). ? Le Soui-manga orange^ Aud. et Vieill torn. cit. p. 64 (exGm. no. 35). Le Sucrier orange^ Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. vi. p. 152, pi. 292. figs. 1, 2 (1808); Sundev. Krit. Framst., Levaill. p. 56 (1857). Nectarinia violacea, Illig. JProdr. Sgst. Mamm. et Ad. p. 210 (1811); Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 200, 258, pi. 16 (1843) ; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 98 (1847); Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. 8oc. p. 223, no. 1350 (1849) ; Bp. C. A. i. p. 404, no. 3 (1850); Grill, Zool Antechi. pp. 10, 39 (1858); Beheln, Beise Novara, Fog. p. 51 (1865); Layard, B. 8. Afr. p. 78, no. 130 (1867); Finsch Sr Hartl Vog. Ost~Afr. p. 213, no. 94 (1870) ; 8harpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 37, no. 344 (1871). Cinnyris violaceus, Cuv. Begn. Anim. i. p. 412 (1817) ; Vieill Enc. Meth. ii. 598 (1823); Less. Man. d'Om. ii. p. 27 (1828); id. Traite dOrn. i. p. 293, no. 4 (1831). PCinnyris cinereus, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxi. p. 498 (1819, ex Cinereous Creeper of Lath) ; id. Enc. Meth. ii. p. 585 (1823). PCinnyris aurantia, Vieill N. Bid. dHisi. Nat. xxxi. p. 508 (1819); Less. Man. dOm. ii. p. 53 (1828). Cinnyris violaceofrons, Bonn. et. Vieill Enc. Meth. ii. p. 6{JtT(fc23). Nectarinia cinerea, Drapiez, Diet. Class, xv. p. 510 (lb29). Cinnyris croceus, Less. Traite d'Orn. i. p. 294, no. 8 (ex Levaill pi. 292. fig. 2,1831). Anthrobaphes violacea, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103, no. 565 (1850); Beichb. Handb. Scansorw, p. 298, pi. 582. figs. 3954-56 (1854); Gurney, Anderss. Damar. Ld. p. 74 (1872). Anthreptes violacea, Licht. Nomencl Av. p. 56 (1854). Anthobaphes violacea, Bp. Comptes Rendus. 1854, p. 265; Sharpe, ed. Layardfs B. 8. Afr. p. 308 (1876); Shelley, Monogr. Neet. p. 23, pi. 8. Promerops violacea, Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 110, no. 1853 (1809). Adult male. Head and neck all round and the least wing-coverts black, with a deep metallic green gloss ; lower half of throat changing 12 NECTARINIIDJS. from green into deep lilac-purple, this colour forming a broad crescent across the chest; rest of back and wing-coverts olive- yellow ; wings and tail dark brown, externally washed with the colour of tho back; breast, abdomen, and under tail-coverts bright orange-yellow; pectoral tufts bright yellow; flanks olive-yellow; under wing-coverts and thighs olive-grey. Culmen 095 inch, wing 2-1-2-2, tail 1-8 [3-0], tarsus OG8. Juv. male and adult female. Above uniform olive-brown, washed with yellowish on the upper tail-coverts and on the outer web of the quills and tail; all the underparts dull yellowish, washed with brownish, especially on the throat and chest. "Wing 2 inches. Hah, South Africa; apparently confined to the Cape Colony. Obs. This species is the connecting link between the genera Nectarinia and JEihopycja. a. <$ ad. sk. South Africa. Dr. Lee [P.]. South Africa. Hon. J. Melville [P.]. b. $ ad. sk. South Africa. Sir A. Smith [O.T. c. d. <$ § ad. sk. South Africa. Sir A. Smith [0.]. e. S juv. sk. (moulting). South Africa (Layard). E. B. Sharpe, Esq. f-i $ ? ad. sk. South Africa (Layard). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. k. S imm. sk. South Africa. F. D. Godman and 0. Sal- I. $ ad. sk. vin, Esqrs. [P.]. m. $ ad. sk. South Africa. R. B. Sharpe; Esq. n. J juv. sk. Cape Town (Butler). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. o. $ imm. sk. Table Mountain, Dec. 4, R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 1861 (Andersson). p. J ad. sk. Table Mountain, Nov. 3, R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 1861 (Andersson). q. J ad. sk. Knysna, Jan. 24,1866 R. B. Sharpe, Esq. (Andersson). 4. CHALCOSTETHA. Type. Olialco&tetha, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103 (1850). C. insignis. Very similar to JEtkojpyga but for the plumage, which is of a different pattern. The feathers of the back and rump are quite short and metallic coloured; tail much graduated; female very plainly ooknfred. Range. Malayan Subregion. 1. Chalcostetha insignis. Nectarinia pectoralis, Temm. PI. Col. 138. fig. 3 (1823, nee Horsf.); Schl. 8f Mall Mdimrl. Gesch. Zool, Aces, p. 57, pi. 9. fig. 2 (1846). Oinnyris pectoralis, Less. Man. d'Om. ii. p. 33 (1828). Nectarinia pectoralis, Drapiez, Diet. Class, xv. p. 513 (1829). Nectarinia calcostetha, Jard. Monogr. $un-bi?*ds, p. 203 (1842). Nectarinia insignis, Jard. torn. cit. p. 274 (1842, ex Temm.) ; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 98 (1847); Gould, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 663: id. B. Asia, part 19, pi. 5 (1867). Oinnyris macklotii, Bp. C. A. i. p. 408, no. 44 (1850, ex Temm.). Chalcostetha pectoralis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103 (1850). 5 . iETTlOPYGA. Clialcostetka macldotii, lleichh Ilatidb. Scansoruc, p, 286, no. 002, pi. 572. figs. 3898-00 (1854). Anthreptos chalcostetlia, Lkht. Nomoncl. An. Mm. Berol p. 50 (1854). Araclmeclilhra chalcostetha, Ilorsf. $• Moore. Cat. B. F.I, Co. Mm, ii. p. 740(1856-58). Neotarinia macldotii, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1803, p. 220. Promerops pectoralis, Gray, Iland-I. B. i. p. 110, no. 1354 (1800). Araclmotliera insignia, Gray, torn, cit. p. 112, no. 1384. Clialcovtetha insignia, Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 44 ; Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civic. Genov. v. p. 177 (1874) ; Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 310 (1875) j Tweedd. torn. cit. p. 302 ; id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 021 ; Hume $ Davison, Str. F. yi. p. 183 (1878) j Shelley, Momx/r. Kect. p. 87, pi. 30: Hume, Str. F. 1970, p. SO. Olialcostetlia insperaia, Hume, Str. F. 1875, p. 320, note. Nectarinia porphyrolsema, Bruqgem. Abhandl not. Ver. Bremen, v. p. 73(1870). Nectarinia insignis,j?r%#. Abhandl. nat. Ver.Bremen, v. p. 405 (1876), Chalcostetha pectoralis, Oates, B. Bt\ Btirm. i. p. 317 (L883). Adult male. General colour black in position A, with the exception of the "blackish-grey abdomen, flanks, and under tail-coverts; in position B the crown and nape and the least wing-coverts are golden metallic green, the scapulars, the lower back, and the upper tail-coverts are more purplish blue than green; in position c the reverse takes place, the crown boing purplish blue and the lower back bluish green; tail black with a bluish gloss; wings and rest of upper parts, sides of head, and neck sooty black; fore neck and breast brilliant purplish blue ; centre of throat coppery, in position C changing into greenish; under wing-coverts and edge of wTing black; pectoral tufts bright yellow. Culmen 0*8 inch, wing 2-35, tail 2*1, tarsus 0*60. Female. Crown and nape ashy brown ; rest of upper parts yellowish olive; tail black, largely tipped with white ; underparts whitish, strongly washed with pale yellow. Wing 2*1 inches. Hah. Prom Cochin China and Siam. to Southern Tenasserim; Malayan peninsula, Sunda Islands, and Celebes. a. <$ ad. sk. Siam. M. Mouhot [C.]. 6. (S ad. sk. Salanga Islands. Capt. 1). Weber [C.]. c. £ ad. sk. Penang. J. Gould, Esq. d. <$ ad. sk. Pulo Pinang. F. D. Godman and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. e. S ad. sk. Sumatra. A. 11. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. /. S ad. sk. Sarawak. J. Motley, Esq. [C.j. g,h. S 2 ad. sk. Banjermassing. J. Motley, Esq. [C.]. 5. J2TH0PYGA. ^ JEthopyga, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103 (1850) M. siparaja. Aithopyga, Reichb. Handb. Scansorice, p. 300 (1854). *» Urodrepanis, Shelley, Monogr. Sun-birds part i. (1876) J&- Christinas. Eudrepanis, Sharpe in Shelley, Monogr. Sun-birds, pa t iii. (1877) M. ptilchemina. Bill slightly longer than rest of head, curved; culmen ridged. NECTAKINTID.aE. Nostrils bared, longitudinal, operoulated. First primary short; tip of wing formed by 3rd, 4th, and 5th primaries. Tail much graduated, the central feathers (in the male) generally projecting far beyond the rest. Tarsus anteriorly covered with transverse scales ; claws very short. Sexes differing greatly in coloration. In the male: sides of the neck and of the head never metallic; always some deep non-metallic red in the plumage; crown and tail always metallic ; rump and lower back vivid yellow; long fluffy feathers on the sides of the back capable of covering the rump entirely. 1. Tail oiJE. hella. 2. Tail of JE. christince. 3. Tail of M. siparaja. Range. Indian and Malayan Regions. Key to the Species (males). A. Tail much graduated; central pair of feathers projecting. a. Lower breast and abdomen greyish, never brightly coloured. a'. Fore neck and chest black; upper throat metallic blue; mantle dark red saturata, p. 15. V. Throat, fore neck, and chest red. a". Tail-feathers scarlet; upper tail-coverts metallic blue temmincJci, p. 16. b". Tail-feathers and upper tail-coverts metallic. a"f. Mantle olive; no moustachial stripe; narrow blue band across throat ... . eximia, p. 17. b'". Mantle red; blue metallic moustachial stripe. a4. A few feathers near base of bill red.. mystacalis, p. 23. b4. Whole forehead metallic blue-green. a5. Lower breast and abdomen sooty black magnifica, p. 24. bs . Lower breast and abdomen olive or grey. a6. Upper tail-coverts and central pair of tail-feathers rich green; "blue metallic patch to ear- coverts vigorsiy p. 18. 5 . ^THorYG-A. 15 ba . Sides of head and ear-coverts uniform red; upper tail-coverts green ; tail bluish green sehtrw, p. 18. c6. Upper tail-coverts and tail rick violet-blue, with no trace of green. a7. Throat and fore neck brilliant | stparaja, p. 21. pure scarlet ) nicobarica, p. 22. b7 . Throat and fore neck streaked with bright yellow flawstriata, p. 23. e'. Throat and fore neck dark red; mantle blackish; central pair of tail-feathers much pointed and projecting beyond the rest of the graduate tail chmtincs, p. 80. b. Lower back, breast, and abdomen orange-red or yellow. d'. Throat dark metallic. c". Tail and upper tail-coverts scarlet ignicanda, p. 25. d". Tail and upper tail-coverts metallic green. c'". Centre of mantle dark red nipalensis, p. 26. d'". Scarcely any red on mantle, but olive. horsjieldi, p. 27. e'". Black band across chest sanguinipectus,p. 27'. e". Tail and upper tail-coverts metallic blue /'" . Chest and upper breast scarlet dabryi, p. 28. g'". Chest and upper breast bright yellow. gouldice, p. 27. e'. Throat yellow, non-metallic. /" . Entire crown metallic shelleyi, p. 29. g''. Forehead metallic; nape and occiput olive; central pair of tail-feathers much pointed bella, p. 29. B. Tail much rounded, hardly graduated; central pair of feathers not projecting; all the underpays yellow EXJBEEPANIS. a, Nape red; throat yellow duyvenbodei, p. 30. b. Nape olive; throat tinged with reddish pulcherrima, p. 31. 1. JEthopyga satufata. Cinnyris saturatus, Hodgs. Ind. Bev. ii. p. 273 (1837); Blyth, J. A. S. B. xi. p. 192 (1842); Hodgs. Gray's Zool Misc. 1844, p. 82. Cinnyris assamensis, McClelland, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 107. Nectarinia hodgsonis, Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 240, 269, pi. 28 (1842). Nectarinia hodgsoni, Gray, Cat. Mamm. $• B. Nepal pres. Hodgs. p. 59 (1846) ; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 98 (1847). Nectarinia saturata, Hodgs. J. A. S. B. xii. p. 976 (1843); Blyth, Ann. & Mag. N. H. xx. p. 316 (1847) ; id. Cat B. Mm. As. Soc. p. 224 (1849) ; Bp. C. A. i. p. 405 (1850) ; Gould, B. As. pt. 19 (1867). JEthopyga saturata, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103, note (1850); Beichmb. Handb. Scans, p. 304, pi. 587. ftg. 3986 (1854); Horsf. § Moore, Cat. B. ML Co. Mus. ii. p. 735 (1856) ; Jerd, B. Ind. i. p. 367 (1862); Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 36; Jerd. Ibis, 1872, p. 17; Hume, JSfests and Eggs Ind. B. p. 147 (1873); Shelley, Monogr. Met p. 35, pi. 11. Promerops saturata. Gray, Handd. B. i. p. 110, no. 1345 (1869). Adult male. Head and neck all round, breast and wing-coverts, scapulars, and tail sooty black—of these parts the crown and nape, sides of throat, upper tail-coverts, and the central tail-feathers are mSCTAKINIIDJE. metallic, in position E dark blue, in C dark purple; mantle, sides of lower neck, and part of scapulars dark red ; a few feathers of the lower back are tipped with pale yellow, producing a narrow yellow band across the rump ; abdomen and under tail-coverts dull olive- yellow ; axillaries yellowish; edge of wing black; under wing- coverts white; fluffy pectoral tufts very pale, nearly white; bill black; iris and feet dark brown. (Type) Culmen 0*85 inch, wing 2-10-2-2, taH 2*8 [3-0J-3-3, tarsus 0-6. Adult female. Coloured like the female of 2E. nipalensis, but has a pale yellowish narrow band across the rump. Wing 1*8 inch. Hab. Himalayas and Assam. a. S ad. sk. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [P.]. b, c. <$ ad. sk. Nepal (B. H. Ilody- India Museum. son). d. <$ ad. sk. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [P.]. (Type of species.) e,f. *••&• Cinnyris labecula, McClell P.Z. 8. 1839, p. 167. Cinnyris mystacalis (pt.)> Blyth, J. A. S. B. xi. p. 107 (1842). Nectarinia goalparientiis, Jar'd. Monogr. Sun-birds,-pp. 230 267* ul *?6 (1842) 5 Blyth, J. A. 8 B. xh. p. 969 (1843); Gray, Cat. Mamm. # Birds Nepal pres. Eodgs. p. 59 (1846); id. Gen. B. i p 98 (1847) 5 Blyth, Cat. B.Mus. As. Soc. p. 223, no. 1351 (1849)f Bp. 5 . 2ETH0PYGA. 19 a A. i. p. 405, no. 8 (1850) ; Gould, B. Asia, part 2, pi. 25 (1850). > i > i Nectarinia labecula, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii, p. 978(1843): Gray. Gen. B. i. p. 98 (1847). J3thopyga miles, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103 (1850); Ilorsf. § Moore, Cat B. F.I. Co. Mus. ii. p. 732, no. 1006 (1856); Jerd. B. lid. i. p. 362 (1862) ; Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 32 j Godwin-Austen, J. A. S. B. xxxix. p. 98 (1870); Jerd. Ibis, 1872, p. 10; Blytl § Walden, Cat. Mamm. fy Birds of Burmah, p. 141, no. 491 (1875); Walden, Ibis, 1876, p. 348; Mime, Str. F. 1877, p. 28 j Anders. Zool Yunnan Biped, p. 661 (1878). /Ethopyga goalpariensis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103 (1850); Beichb. Eandb. Sca?isorue, p. 301, no. 703, pi. 584.figa. 3968-70 (1854) ; Hume, Nests and Eggs Inch B. p. 146 (187'3). Anthreptes goalpariensis, Licht. Nomench Ao. p. BG (1854). Promerops goalpariensis, Gray,IIand4. B, i. p. 110, no. 1313 (1861)). iEthopyga seherioe, Hume, Str. F. 1877, p. 122; Shelley, Mo nog r. Nect. pi. 22; Hume, Str. F. 1879, p. 89. Eastern var. (2E. cara). Oinnyris inystacalis (pt.), Blyth, J. A. S. B. xi. p. 107 (1842). Nectarinia goalpariensis (pt.), Blyth, J. A. S. B, xii. p. 969 (1843). iBthopyga miles, Walden, P. Z. S. 1866, p, 541; id. Ibis, 1876, p. 348 ; Beamn, Ibis, 1869, p. 419. ^Ethopyga lathami, Hume, Str. F. 1874, p. 473. iEthopyga cara, Hume, h c. (note); Walden, Ibis, 1876, p. 348; Hume Sf Davison, Str. F. vi. p. 179 (1878); Shelley, Monogr. Meet. p. 63, pi. 21; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 316 (1883). Adult male. Anterior half of crown, upper tail-coverts, and central pair of tail-feathers metallic—-in position B the crown purplish green and the tail dark green ; in position C the crown dark green, tail purplish Hue; hinder part of crown and nape and the long Huffy feathers of the sides of the back olive-brown; quills and wing- coverts brown, edged with olive; under wing-coverts and axillaries and inner edge of quills white; lower breast, Hanks, and abdomen grey, more or less strongly washed with olive. The amount of olive colour on the underparts varies from olive greenish or yellowish {AS. goalpariensis, Boyle, from Kumaon and N. W. Himalayas) to a clear pale ashy grey (typical AS. miles, Hodgs., from Nepal). In Assam we have again the olive-bellied form (AE. labeeula, McClelland) ; and in Burmah the birds have the nape and hinder part of the crown red like the mantle, instead of olive-brown (AEJ. cara, Hume). Every intermediate form, how ever, occurs in Burmah itself, as will be seen from the following table :— Colour Oul- Locality. Colour of nape. of abdomen. men. Wing. Tail. in. in. in. tf. Burmahi$. Burmah Olive-brown. Olive-yellowish, f Feathers ed^ecl) | with red, with line, rest black. J * c 2 NEOTAEIlSriIDiE, Colour Cul- Locality. Colour of nape. of abdomen. men. Wing. Tail. in. in. in. d. Assam c?. Moulinein c?. S. Tenasserini . <$. Bhamo d. Rangoon ... . Red. Red. Red. Brown. Red. Olive-grey. 0-80Pale yellowish )0.7Qgrey. f Grey & slightly ) Q . 7 0olive. j Olive-yellow. 0*70Greyish olive. 0-70 2*2 2 .1 5 2 .0 0 2-00 2-30 2'6 1#8 1#6 2*4 cS (3). Kumaon .. S (6). Nepal ... . Brown. Brown. Pale oliv!reyiS3l (0 '8 5Pale ashy grey. 0-80 2 ' 3 5 2*2 3 ' 2 2*35 The two specimens from Bhamo and from Tenasserim have the central tail-feathers remarkably short, of the same length as the rest, and with a deep bine gloss, the green colour in position B being restricted to the upper tail-coverts. In the specimens from Rangoon the bases of the red feathers of the fore neck are whitish yellow, in the other specimens blackish, or, as in some, those of the upper throat white, whilst those of the chest and lower throat are dusky. Adult female. Olive-green above, olive-yellow below ; wings and tail brownish, the latter largely tipped with whitish; throat and fore neck like rest of under/parts, and not washed with red as stated by Shelley. Length of wing in the type specimen of JE. goalpariensis 2 inches. Hab. Prom the N.W. Himalayas, through Nepal and Assam, to Burmah and Tenasserim—the grey-bellied and brown-naped form being found in Nopal, the grey-bellied and red-naped one in Burmah, the brown-naped and olive-bellied one east- and westwards from Nepal. Central, Grey Mace (2E. miles typica). a,b. cf ad. sk. Nepal (B. H. Hodgson). India Museum. c, d. 3 ad. sk. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [P.]. (Types of JE. miles, Hodgs.) e,f. $ ad.; g. <$ Nepal. B. H. Hods-son, Esq. imm. sk. [P.]. 7i. 5 ad. sk. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. i, k. Juv. sk. El Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. I ? ad. sk. [P.]. Nepal. G-ould Collection. Western, Olive Bace(M. goalpariensis). a. <$ ad. sk. India Museum. (Type Deyra Doon (Br. Royle). of JE. goalpa?*iensis.) b, c. $ 5 ad. sk. Himalayas {Griffith). India Museum. d. $ ad. sk. Kiunaon (Strachey). India Museum. e. S ad. sk. Plinialayas. Gould Collection. f. S ad. sk. N.W. Ilimalayas. Oapt. Stackhouse Pin- will [P.]. 5 . 2ETH0PYGA. 21 Eastern, Olive Race (M. labecula), a. tf ad. sk. b, c. tf ad. sk. d. tf juv. sk. e. tf ad. sk. Bhamo, Nov. 1880. Sawaddy, Burmah, Jan. 1875. Saigon, Cochin China. Upper Assam. X W. Gales, Esq. Dr. J. Anderson [P.]. M. JO. Pierre [P.], B. B. Sharpo, Esq, f. tf ad. sk. Assam. [P.]. G-ould Collection. g. tf ad. sk. Bhootan Boars, Feb. 1874 H. Seebohm,Esq, [P.], Daijeeling (JR. Harrison). ILSeebohrn,Esq.[P.]. Eastern var. (M. cara). a. tf ad. sk. Moulmein. E. W. Oates, Esq, * -* " S. Tenasserim, Dec. 25,1876. E. W. Oates, Esq. b. tf ad. sk. Tenasserim. J. C. D. Packman, Esq. c. tf juv. sk, [P.]. d. 9. ad. sk. Sittang Biver, Burmah. E.W. Oates, Esq. [0.1 e. tf ad. sk. Bangoon, Oct. 1874 E. W.Oates, Esq. [0.]. 6. JStliopyga siparaja. Certhia siparaja, Raffles, Tr. Linn. Soe. xiii. p. 299 (1820). Oinnyris ) Fig. Mem. Raffles, p. 673 (1830). Nectarinia my&tacalis (pt.), Blyth, J. A. S. B. xi. p, 107 (1842); Midi. 4* ScMeg. (pt.), NatuurL Gesch. Zool, Ave*,]*. 54(1876); Low, Sarawak, p. 410 (1848) ; Relzeln, Reise Novara, Vdg. p. 51 (1865). Nectarinia lathami, Jard. Monogr. Swi-birds, pp. 233, 268 (1842); Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii p. 970 (1843); Gray, Gen. B. I p. 98 (1847). Nectarinia siparaja, Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 235, 273 (1842) j Gray, Gen. B. 1. p. 98 (1847); Blyth, Cat B. Mus. As. Soe. p. 223 (1849): Bp. C. A. i. p. 405 (1850); Sol R Z. S. 1803, p. 220. 1859, p. 461; Walden, Ibis, 1870", p. 83, 1872, p. 380, 1877, p. 301; Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. xiv. p. 212 (1879); Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 57, pi. 19; Shame, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 342; IIume;Str. F. 1879, pp. 55, 89. /Ethopyga eupogon, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103, note (1850); Reichenb. Mandb. Scans, p. 304 (1854); Salvad. Ibis, 1865, p. 549; id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. v. p. 174 (1874); Walden, Ibis, 1876, p. 348. iEthopyga clialcopogon, Reichenb. Handb. Semis, p. 303, pi, 586. figs. 3982-83 (1854); Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 34; Salvad. Ann, Mus. Civ. Gen. v. p. 176 (1874). Promerops siparaja, Gray, Lland-l. B. i. p. 109, no. 1339 (1869), Promerops chalcopogon, OVa?/, Hand~l.B. i. p. 110, no. 1351. Promerops oupogon, Gray, Iland-l. B. i. p. 110, no. 1352. iEthopyga lathami, Stoliczha, J. A. S. B, xxxix, p. 298 (1870); Walden, Ibis, 1871, p, 166. NTCCCATUNITDJE. Wicobar Race. yEthopyga nicobarica, Hume, Str. F. 1873, p. 412, 1874, pp. 80, 85, 101, IDG; meUey, 3Ionor/r. Nect. p. 01, pi. 20 ; Hume, Str.F. 1879, p. 89. Adult male. Anterior half of crown black, metallic purplish blue, without any reel near the base of the culmen; on each side of the upper throat a narrow metallic purplish-blue band• rest of head, neck, mantle, least wing-coverts, and chest rich crimson-red; the bases of the red centres of the feathers of the throat yellowish white; tail deep black, with the outer webs, like the upper tail- coverts, metallic purplish blue; feathers of centre of back very fluffy and long, uniform blackish grey and, in the ordinary position, completely concealing the bright yellow rump-feathers ; quills, greater coverts, and edge of wing dark brown, externally slightly edged with olive • under wing-coverts pure white; lower breast, sides, flanks, abdomen, and under tail-coverts dark grey, more or less tinged with olive-brown• bill and feet dark brown. Culmen 0*65 inch, wing 1-95, tail 1-0-1*7, tarsus 0*52. Adult female. Upper parts olive-green; wings and tail brown, the latter with pale tips; under wing-coverts white, edge of wing whitish yellow * rest of underparts olive-yellow; throat and chest washed with dull carmine-reel. Wing 1*8 inch. llctb. Malacca, Java, Sumatra, Borneo. Obs. In the Mcobar Islands JE. siparaja is represented by a race with a somewhat larger and stronger bill {JE. nicobarica). Whilst the plumage of the male in every respect resembles that of JE. siparaja, the female has the red-washed throat of JE. flavostriata. f>9> ^ Oarmelita, Reichb. torn, cit p. 296 0. fuliginosa. ***--s Leucochloridia, Reichb. torn, cit p. 312 0. verticalis 5 .**" ~"^ Adelmus, Bp. Compt. Rend. 1854, p. 265 0. verreauxi. Bill much longer than rest of the head, strongly curved and very much pointed ; culmen ridged. Nostrils basal, operculated, longitudinal, exposed. Neither rietal nor nasal bristles. First primary short; tip of wing formed by third, fourth, and fifth primaries. Tail shorter than wing, square, rounded or slightly graduated. Tarsus anteriorly covered with transverse scales. Some specimens with pectoral tufts. No loose and fluffy feathers on the back. Plumage of male containing always some metallic colour. Mange. African and Malayan. The species of the genus Cinnyris may, according to Capt. Shelley, conveniently be divided into five groups:— A. Mantle, head, and neck all round metallic. Nares bare. I. Underparts brightly coloured; chest always differently coloured from breast. Pectoral tufts always present.—Ethiopian, 32 OTOTARINimaE. II. Undorparts (abdomen and lower breast) black or very dark sooty brown. Dark birds. Tufts varying.-—Ethiopian and Indian. B. Mantle non-rnetallic. Ill a. Nares feathered. No tufts.—Malayan. 5. Nares bare. Tufts often present. IV. Greater part of upper parts olive. Tufts always present Metallic colours; if present, restricted to throat or crown.—Ethiopian and Indo-Malayan. V. General colour above and below chocolate-or black-brown. Metallic colours on throat, crown, bend of wing-, and upper tail-coverts. Tufts only in C. fuliglnosa.—Ethiopian. Key to the Species, I. a. Lower back and rump rich metallic. a'. Chest bright red; breast olive-yellow or ashy grey. a". Upper tail-coverts metallic green chloropygia, p. 34. j qfra, p. 35, chal b". Upper tail-coverts blue < << chalybea, p. 37. ( erikssoni, p. 38. b'. Centre of upper breast bright orange-red; chest uniform with throat coquerell, p. 39. c'. Chest metallic blue, bordered with sooty fea c'. Breast bright yellow \ „#>„• „ "n ' ° J \ affmis, p. 41. d". Breast and abdomen white. ( loyi ,„ . ^ /n a"'. Feathers of chest uniform metallic blue .. ie}cWafe/'^-^. b'". Blue feathers of chest tipped with maroon-< amvenms> P-4red oustaleti, p. 43. b. Lower back and rump non-metallic, olive; centre of upper breast sooty black; maroon band across the chest souimcmya, p. 43. II. a. Mantle and back rich metallic, green. a'. Across the chest a narrow maroon collar. . _ . . .. ""•Notufts ISESSS^ b". Tufts present comoremis, p. 48. b\ Whole breast red j crown green. c". Tuftsd". No tuftsc\ Chest red; breast black. Tufts. Grown blue. Johannes, p. 49. mperba, p. 48. e". Throat greenf". Throat purple-blue habesdnica, p. 52. splendida, p. 50. d'. Chest blue; no red whatever in plumage. Tuft®. , r Q \ f ea Abdomen sooty greyish black > > ?6' ^ b. No tufts. Whole bird black in position A. < humeri, p. 53. e'. In position B, green metallic notata, p. 54. /' . In position B, coppery red cuprea, p. 55. c. Mantle and back dark blue, metallic. Bright pectoral tufts. , ... e. g'. Underpays velvet blue-black. Bill short \ ***^ P; 56. h\ Underparts (breast and abdomen) ashy brown. W^rostns^m. Bill very long , htmia, p. 60. 6 . CIBTNYUTS. III. a. Breast red, yellow, or white; mantle dark blood-red. a'. Breast yellow or white. a". Chest and breast bright yellow. a'". Rump and tail-coverts metallic green ... . jidiee, p. 64. ?/". Rump and tail-coverts metallic purple zeylomca, p. 64. h". Chest red j breast and abdomen silky white.. minima, p. 62, b'. Breast red. c". Chest and breast bright red; abdomen brownish yellow sperata, p. 63. d". Chest and upper breast very dark blood-red; rest of breast and abdomen black grayi, p. 66. b. Breast, chest, and mantle velvet-black c'. Breast and chest dark red kasselti, p. 67. d'. Whole bird black in position A. [races, p. 68. e". Throat metallic blue or purple aspasim and allied /''. Throat metallic green tlwres®, p. 74. g". Centre of throat coppery bronze-colour sangiremis, p. 74. IV. a. Plumage with a submetallic gloss; bright orange- red tufts. a>. Undents uniform pa!e grey .. \%Xgfi£ b'. Abdomen white; fore neck blackish fusca, p. 75. 6. Plumage without any metallic gloss. c'. Upper parts brown; underparts white, mottled.. balfouri, p. 76. d'. Upper parts dark olive-green. a", underparts paler obseura, p. 77. V. Undents darter {%%£*!%. c. Metallic colours found only on the throat, and (often) on the crown. e'. Breast and abdomen grey or yellowish. e". Fore neck and throat only metallic. a'". Rest of underparts grey. aA. Yellow tufts cyanolcema, p. 78. b4. Orange tufts dussumieri, p. 79. b"\ Rest of underparts yellowish hartlaubi, p. 79. P-<». yellow; no maroon feathers on chest ... . pectoralis, p. 88. f". Centre of upper breast sooty black; maroon band across the chest rhizophora, p. 89. g\ Breast and abdomen blue-black zenobim, p. 90. VOL. ix. D tfKCTABINIiaaJS. i i V. gtdtandis, p. 1)1. eruuitata, p. 03. semgaleuu^nAU, b, Fore neck and cheat dark brown or black. a'. Pectoral tufts. fidigmosa, p. 1)5. b'. No pectoral tufts. a". Grown green; throat purple ^/^j««,p.UO. 6". Forehead, throat, and fore nock green j a few ' M* , p. •>/. purple and rod feathers on the chest angulemh, p. 08. c. Hyper throat and a narrow band across the client black; lower throat and fore neck cream-colour. . adalberti, p. 1)0. FIBST GROUP (C. venusta, &o.). The species of this group have the mantle, head, and neck metallic coloured. The underparts are generally of bright colours, and arc ornamented with pectoral tufts. The chest always differs from the breast in coloration. Nares bare,— African. 1, Cinnyris cMoropygia. Soui-manga a collier noir, And. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 117, pi. 80 (1802). Nectarinia chloropygia, Jard. Ann. Nat. Hist. x. p. 188 (1842); id. § Selbt/, Illust. Orn. n. s. pi. 50 (1842) ; Jard. Mtmoqr. Hun- birds, pp. 171, 249, pi. 3 (1843); Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 07*(1847); Allen §* Thompson, Kvped. Niger, ii. App. p. 503 (184S) j Jard. Contr. Orn. 1*51, p. 151; Verr. Rev. et Mar/. Zool. 1851, p. 815 • Hartl Orn. W.~Afr. p. 47, no. 135 (1857) ; Cuss. Pr. Philad. Acad. 1850, p. 35, no. 39; tihmye, Ibis, 18G9, p. 188; Gray, Hand-/. B. I. p. 108, no. 1310; Sliarpe, P. Z. #. 1871, pp. 133,'000, 015; id. Cat. Afr. B. p. 39, no. 370 (1871); Ussher, Ibis, 1874, p. tiO; Hartl * J. f. 0. 1800, p. 109 ; Heme, torn. cit. p. lo(>; Iieiehan>n\ J. f. 0. 1*875, p. 31; Boiwier, Cat. Oh. Marche $c. p. 13 ; AWehenow, If. 0. 1877, p. 25 ; Bocage, Orn. d1Angola, p. J 70 (hs77). Cinnyris chl'oropygius, Pp. C. A. i. p. 407, no. ol ; Reichb. Jlatulb. Scmmria, p. 200, no. 075, pi. 577. %*>, 3020,3927 (1854): tihelkt/, Monogr. Nect, p. 257, pi. 79. Anthodiwta chloropygia, Bp. Comptes Rendus. 1854, p. 205; Oast. Bull. Hoe. Philomath ser. i. p. 100 (1877); id. Notw. Arch. Mm, i. p. 87 (1878). Closely allied to O. ckalgbea^ but with the entire tail bluish black; the upper tail-coverts are dark green in position B, dark blue in C. The other metallic parts are as in G. chah/hea ; the narrow blue pectoral band is in most specimens almost entirely suppressed, only a few of the green feathers showing a dark-blue gloss in position O ; the bcarlet extends down the centre of the upper breast; pectoral tufts very largely developed; rest of underparts ashy brown, strongly washed with olive-yellow. Afhilt female. Above olive-brown; tail blackish, with pale edges; upper throat dull white; under wing-coverts and edge of wing G. CIMYKIS. white, washed with yellow ; moustache and rest of the undorparts dull sulphur-yellow; inner web of quills white. Oulmen.. in. Wing. in. Tail. in. Tarsus, in. $ 0-70-0-85 1-9-2-05 1-2-1-4 O-S-0'64 S 0-70-0-73 1-7-1-85 1-2 0-6 Hah. "West Africa, from Senegal to Angola. a. 2 ad. sk. Ashantee. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. b. cj ad. sk. Fantee. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. c. § ad%sk. Fantee (Ussher). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. d~h. S juv.; i9 k. Fantee (AuUnri). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. ? juv. I. § ad.; m, n. River Volta ( Ussher). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. S imm. sk. o. $ ad. sk. Cape Palmas. Capt. Thomson, R.N, [P.]. p, q. (S ad. sk. Cameroons, February R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 1871 (Crossley). r. <$ ad. sk. Fernando Po. L. Fraser, Esq. [C.]. s. <$ juv. sk. Fernando Po (Mardie), R. B. Sharpe, E^q. t, u. S 2 ad. sk. Gaboon. M. Verreaux. v, 7v, x. <$ ad. sk. Gaboon. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. y, s, a1. <$ imm. sk. Gaboon. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. b', d. cS § juv. sk. Gaboon (Marehe). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. d'. S imm. sk, Angola (Hamilton). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. e',f. <$ $ in spirit. Lagos. Governor "Ussher [0.]. 2. Ciimyris afra. Red-breasted Green Creeper, ~Ediuards9 Gleanings Nat. Hist. iii. p. 285, pi. 347. ftg. 1 (1764). Certhia afra, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 186 (1766, ex Edwards); P. L. 8. Mutter, 8. N. ii. p. 257 (1773); Gm. 8. N. i. p. 476 (1781); Lath. Ind. Orn. i. pp. 286, 287, var. ft y (1790); Shazo, Gen. Zool viii. p. 192 (1811). Certhia viridis, Scop. Ann. i. p. 52 (1768) ; Gm. 8. N. i. p. 469 (1788); Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 281 (1790); Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xiii. p. 506 (1817); id. Bne. Meth. ii. p. 583 (1823). Soui-manga vert a gorge rouge, Buff. Hist. Ois. v. p. 514 (1778) ; And. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 03 (1802). Green Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. B. ii. p. 702 (1781). African Creeper, Lath. t. c. p. 717. Grimpereau vert du Cap de Bonne Esperance, Bonn. Voy. hid. ii. p. 208, pi. 116. fig. 2 (1782). Certhia canora, Scop. Flor. et Faun. Insub. ii. p. 90 (1780). Blue-rumped Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl. p. 131 (1787); id. Gen. Hist. B. iv. pp. 238, 239, var. A (1822). Certhia scarlatina, Sparrm. Mus. Carls, ii. pi. 58 (1788). Soui-manga a ceinture bleue, And, et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii, p. 28, pi. 10 (1802). Le Sucrier a plastron rouge, Levaitt. Ois. d'Afr. vi. p. 176, pi. 300 (1808) ; Sundev. Krit. Framst, Levaitt. p. 57 (1857). Cinnyris afra, Cuv. Beyne Anim. i. p. 412 (1817) ; Bp. 0. A. i. p. 407 (1850) j Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 102 (1850); Meichenb. Handk (187 D2 NECTARINIIDJE. Cinnyris pectoralis, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxi. p. 497 (1819) ; id. Enc. Mtth. ii. p. 58 (1823). Cinnyris smaragdinus, Vieill. N. Diet. d'Hist. Nat. xxxi. p. 508) id. Enc. M6th. ii. p. 595; Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 49 (1828). Cinnyris viridis, Vieill N. Diet d'lfist. Nat. xxxi. p. 515 (1819) ; id. Enc. MSth, ii. p. 588 (1823) ; Less. Man. d'Om. ii. p. 46. Bifasciated Creeper, Lath. Gen. Hist. B. iv. p. 285 (1822). Nectarinia srnaragdina, Drapiez, Diet. Class, xv. p. 513 (1829). Nectarinia afra, Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 169, 247, pi. 2 (1843); Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 97 (1847) j Sclat. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 22 ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 76. Certhia erytkrogastra, Shaiv, Nat. Misc. xx. pi. 837 (1847). Cinnyris canora, Bp. C. A. i. p. 407 (1850) ; Reichenb. Handb. Scansor. p. 288, pi. 574. fig. 3913 (1854). Nectarinia scarlatina, Mull. J. f. 0.1855, p. 16; Grill, Zool. Anteckn. pp. 11, 39 (1858). Nectarinia ludovicensis, Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. ii. p. 41 (1868) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 107, no. 1304 (1869) ; Bocage, Orn. d1Angola, p. 169 (1877). Nectarinia canora, Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 106, no. 1288. Bill of Cinnyris afra. Adult male. Quills and greater coverts uniform blackish brown; tail black; head and neck all round, mantle, most of the wing- coverts, and back metallic bluish green; chest and upper breast crimson ; pectoral tufts bright yellow; a narrow line between the red and the metallic green parts on the chest, and the upper tail- coverts metallic violet; rest of underparts, including the under wing-coverts and thighs, ashy brown. Adult female. Above rusty brown, with a slight olive tinge; tail blue-black, the outer pair of feathers with pale edges; underparts pale ashy brown, washed with yellow on the centre of the breast and on the abdomen ; under wing-coverts and edge of wing greyish white and yellowish. Culmen. Wing. Tail. Tarsus, in. in. in. in. <$ 1-2 2-65 2-2 0-78 5 1*1 2-5 2-1 0-78 6 1-15 2-5 2-1 0-78 6 1'2 2-7 2-2 078 $ 1-1 2-4 1-8 0-70 Hab. South Africa. a. d ad. sk. Cape of Good Hope. F. Campbell, Esq. [P.]. b. $ ad. sk. Cape of Good Hope. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. c. J ad. sk. South Africa. Purchased. d. <$ ad. sk. Mossel Bay, April 11 W. E. & C. G. Oates, (E Oates). Esqrs. [P.]. 6. CINNYRIS. 37 e. tf ad. sk. Algoa Bay, November. K. B. Sharpe, Esq. f*ff-6 ? ad. sk, Knysna (Andersson). E. B. Sharpe, Esq. h. d ad. sk. Elands Post {T. At more). E. B. Sharpe, Esq. z, 7c. cS ad. sk. Natal. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. I <$ ad. moulting sk. Natal. T. Ayres, Esq. [C.l m. <$ ad. sk. • Zambesi {Metier). E. B. Sharpe, Esq. Subsp. a. Cinnyris chalybea. Le Grimpereau a collier du Cap de Bonne Esperanee, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 643, pi. 32. fig. 1 (1700). Certhia chalybea, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 186, no. 10 (1766); P. L. 8. Mull. 8. N. ii. p. 257, no. 10 (1773) ; Gm. 8. N. i. p. 475 (1788); Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 284 (1790) * Shaw, Gen. Zool. yiii. p. 196, pi. 28. fig. 1(1811)/ Grimpereau du Cap de Bonne Esperanee, Daubent. PI. Enl 246. fhr. 3 (1770-86). Soui-manga a collier, Bvff. Hist. Ois. v. p. 502 (1778); Aud. et Viettl. Ois. Dor. ii. pp. 32, 34, pis. 13,14 (1802). Collared Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. B. ii. p. 709, no. 10 (1782): id. Gen. Hist B. iv. p. 247, no. 40 (1822). Certhia chalybea, Shaw fy Nodd, Nat. Misc. x. pi. 381 (1799). Jeime Soui-manga, Aud. et Vieill Ois. Dor. ii. p. 47, pi. 26 (1802). Sucrier a double collier, Levaill Ois. dAfr. vi. p. 178 j Sundew Krit. Framst., Levaitt. p. 57 (1857). Cinnyris chalybeus, Cuv. Beqne Anim. i. p. 412 (1817) j Vieill. N. Diet. d'JIisi. Nat. xxxL p.*498 (1819); id. Enc. Meth. ii. p. 585 (1823); Swains. Zool III pi. 95 (1820-33); Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 22 (1828) ; Halm, 16, pi. 3 (1829) ; Less. TraitWOrn. i. p. 293, no. 6 (1831) ; JSahn, Orn. Atl. Cinnyris, p. 2, no. 2, pi. 2 (1834); Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 132 (1837) -Bp. C. A. i. p. 407, no. 24 (1850^); Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 102, no. 559 (1850) ; Beiclib. Handb. Scansorice, p. 289, no. 668, pi. 575. figs. 3916-18 (1854) - Gurnet/ in Andersson, B. Damara Land, p. 69 (1872); Sharpe, ed. Layard's B. S. Afr. p. 314 (1876) j Ayres, Ibis, 1876, p. 425 * Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 253, pi. 78. Nectarinia chalybea, Burehell, Trav. S. Afr. i. p. 221 (1822) • Drapiez, Diet. Class, xv. p. 510 (1829) j Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 166, 284, pi. 1 (1843); Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 97 (1847); Grill, Zool Antechn. pp. 11, 39 (1858); Pelzeln, Beise Novara, V6g> i. p. 51 (1865); Layard, B. 8. Afr. p. 75, no. 122 (1867); Ourney, Ibis, 1868, p. 43 ; Gray, Eand-l. B. i. p. 106, no. 1282 (1869) ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. pi. 39, no. 369 (1871); Shelley, Ibis, 1875, p. 70; Barratt, Ibis, 1876, p. 202. ^ Cinnyris capensis {nee Linn.), Less. Traits d'Om. i. p. 293, no. 7 (1831). Nectarinia intermedia, Bocage, Jom. Lisb. 1878, p. 3. , In pattern of coloration very similar to C. afra, but the birds are smaller, the crimson-red is confined to a broad band across the chest, the metallic green parts are strongly coppery green in position B and scarcely bluish. Outer pairs of tail-feathers with broad pale edges and tips. Cuimen 0*85 inch, wing 2-25, tail 1*7, tarsus 0*65. Female. Underparts brownish buff, scarcely washed with yellow. Wing 2-2-1 inches. 3 8 NECTAR INTIDiE. Ohs. In the young male the first step towards the "beautiful plumage of tlie adult is made "by the appearance of the pectoral tufts and of some of the crimson-red feathers; then follows the blue metallic throat or the mantle, lastly the crown. Hah. South Africa. a. d ad. ;ft. tfimm. st, c. 5 ad. sk. d. <$ ad. sk. e,fg. d; h,i. $ %d. sk. k. 2 ad.; 16 imm. sk. m. S ad. sk. n. 6 ad. sk. o. $ ad. sk. p. tf ad. sk. q, r. $ J ad. sk. s. <$ imm. sk. t. (S imm. sk. u, u d ? ad. sk. w. 76) ; Bocage, Om. d? Angola, p. 172. Nectarinia anderssoni, Strickl. 8f Sclat. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 153 ; Gray,Hand4. B. i. p.106, no. 3285 (1809). Cinnyricincla anderssonii, Reichenb. llandb. Scansor. p. 307 (1854). Nectarinia, sp. ?, Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. i. p. 832, no. 12 (18157). Cinnyris talatala, Layard, Ibis, 1868, p. 270; Gurney in Anderss. B.Damara Ld. p. 72 (1872) ; id. Ibis, 1873, p. 255: Ayres, Ibis, 1879, p. 294; Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 229, pi. 71. C. albiventris, Nectarinia albiventris, Btrickl. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 42, pi. 86; Sclat. tomrcit, p. 124; id. Rep. Coll Somali Country, p. 14 (I860); Speke, Ibis, 1860, p. 247; Heugl J. f O. 1864, p. 203; Finsch $ Hartl Vog. Ost-Afr. p. 223 (1870); Heugl. Orn. NO.-Afr. i. p. 284 (1871). Cinnyricincla albiventris, Reichenb. llandb. Scansor. p. 306, no. 007, pi. 562 6. figs. 4078, 4079 (1854). Cinnyris albiventris, Shelley, Monogr. Nect p. 233, pi. 73. A. Western or dull-coloured Race (C, venusta). Adult male. Lower breast, sides of abdomen, under tail-coverts, and thighs bufYy yellow; pectoral tufts bright orange (almost scarlet-red) and yellow; quills and greater coverts dark brown with pale edges ; tail blue-black, strongly edged with metallic G. CINNTRXS. bluish green, outer pair with slight pale tips in some specimens. All the other parts of the plumage are metallic black in position A. In positions B and 0 the forehead, upper throat, and chest are rich purple; in B the upper tail-coverts are dark green, the other metallic parts greenish bronzy; in C the tail-coverts change into dark blue, the rest into brilliant green. In front of the eye, on the chin, and between the purple and yellow of the breast are a lew black feathers. Under wing-coverts and inner edge of the quills whitish. Culmen 0-70-0*75 inch, wing 1-95, tail 1*4, tarsus 0-55. Female. Above pale earthy brown with an olive tinge; wings darker brown; tail blackish brown, the outer pair of feathers broadly edged and tipped with whitish; underparts dingy yellow, purest on the abdomen and on the under tail-coverts. Wing 1*85-1'05 inch, tail 1*2. Young males are like the female, but have the throat slightly mottled with blackish. Hah. West Africa from Senegambia to Gaboon. B. Worth-eastern or brighter-coloured Race (C. affinis). Distribution of colours precisely the same as in the western typical C. venusta, but the breast, abdomen, and under tail-coverts are bright and rich yellow; chest more blue than purple ; upper parts in position B not bronzy but dark golden green, in positiou C rich bluish green; thighs dark brown instead of buff; pectoral tufts chrome-yellow, instead of scarlet or orange. Culmen 0*70-0*75 inch, wing 2-1-2*15 (2-05 in female), tail 1*45-1*5, tarsus 0*G. These birds might be called a brighter-coloured and slightly larger race of O. venusta, representing the latter in the northern half of the Ethiopian Eegion, from Abyssinia and Kordofan to Sierra Leone. Obs, One adult male from Sierra Leone, collected by Sabine, agrees perfectly with the richly yellow-coloured race. See Bouvier, I. c. C. Southern Race (C. leueogaster). Adult male. Entire crown and sides of head, mantle, back, upper tail-coverts, and centre of fore neck metallic golden green, changing to brilliant greenish blue in position C ; chest reddish purple; rest of fore neck dark bluish green, more blue on the upper throat; pectoral tufts bright sulphur-yellow; breast and rest of underparts white, sides slightly washed with grey; abdomen faintly tinged with yellow; under wing-coverts blackish ; edge of wing metallic bluish green; the concealed fluffy feathers of the back mottled with whitish and grey. Female. Pale earthy brown above; tail blackish brown, the outer pair of feathers edged and tipped with whitish; underparts, including edge of wing and under wing-coverts, white, with faint brownish centres to the feathers of fore neck and chest; abdomen tinged with yellow. NECTARHmPiE. Measurements:— Oilmen. in. Wing. in. Tail. in. Tarsus. in. tf ... . 0-8 2*25 1*5 O60 <* 0-9 2-20 1-5 0-65 J 0'9 215 1*35 0*65 5 0-8 2*0 1-35 0*60 Bab. South Africa, except the Cape Colony. D. Eastern Race (C. albiventris). Slightly smaller than the Western race, and having the pectoral tufts orange and yellow instead of pure yellow. The type specimens, which are in very bad condition, measure, according to Capfc. Shelley :— <$. Culmen 0*65 inch, wing 2*1, tarsus 0*65 ; J . Culmen 0*00 inch, wing 1-95, tarsus 0*60. Hab. Somali Land. a. $ ad. st. b, c. d1 ad. sk. d. <3 ad. sk. e. <$ imm. sk. /• 6 J 9) h *• 2 Juvsk. k. (S ad. sk. I. S imm. sk. m, 2 ad. sk. n. S ad. sk. o. <$ juv. sk. p. $ ad. sk. a. <$ ad. sk. b. 3 ad. sk. c. S imm. sk. d. S ad. sk. e. $ ad. sk. f. c? ad. sk. g. h. inch. Mab. Madagascar. a. <$ ad. sk. N. Madagascar. Mr. A. Orossley [C.]. b, c (S $ ad. sk. N. Madagascar (Crossley), K. B. Sliarpe, Esq. d, e. J ad. sk. Madagascar. H. B. Skarpe, Esq. /. tf imm. sk. Madagascar. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. g. tf ad. sk. Mohambo, Madagascar. J. Gerrard, Esq. [C.J. SECOND GBOUP (Cinnyris). This group is composed of species which are generally dark in plumage, especially on the underparts of the body, whilst the mantle, head, and neck are metallic coloured. Pectoral tufts are present only in the Asiatic species. Nares bare.—African and Indo- Malayan. 7. Climyns mariqueiisis, African Creeper, var. 0, Lath. Gen. Syn. Sitppl. p. 127, no. 18 c (1787). Certhia afra, var. y, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 2b7, no. 18 y (1790). Cinnyris mariquensis, Smith, App. Rep. Exp. S. Afr. p. 53 (1836) ; Sharpe, ed. Lai/ard's B. S. Afr. p. 319 (1876) ; Shelley, Monogr. Ned p. 211, pL C5a Nectarinia bifaseiata, Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 174, 250, pi. 4 (1843) ; Strickl § Sol. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 153 ; Hartl. Orn. W.- Afr. p. 46, no. 131 (1857) ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 77, no. 126 ^(1807); Chapman, Trav. S. Afr., App. p. 407 (1868;. Cinnyris bifasciatus, JReichb. Hanclb. Scansorice, p. 389, no. 670, pi. 576. figs. 3920-21 (1854) j Ay res, Ibis, 1871, p. 150; Gurney in Anderss. B. Bam. Ld. p. 70 (1872). 0. osiris. Nectarinia jardinei, Blanf. (nee Verr.) Geol. § Zool. Abyss, p. 352 (1870) ; keugl. Orn. ISf.O.-Afr. i. p. 227 (1871); Finsch, Tr. Zool Soc. vii. pp; 230, 314 (1872). Nectarinia osiris, Fi?isch} torn. cit. p. 230. Cinnyris osiris, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 215, pi. 64. fig. 1. O. erythroceria. Nectarinia erythrocerca, Keugl. Syst. TJebers. Vog. N.O.-Afr. p. 20 (1856) ; Baril. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 270 (1857). Nectarinia erythroceria, Ileugl. J. f 0. 18G4, p. 261; id. Reise weiss. Ml, p. 337 (1869); Finsch $ Hartl. Vog. Ost-Afr. pp. 219, 861, pi. 2. fig. 2 (1870); Eeugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. i. p. 226 (1871). 6. CINNYBIS. 4 5 Nectarinia gonzenbachii, Antin. Cat. descrr. Ucc. p. 35 (1864) ; Hartmann, J. f. 0. 1866, p. 235; Bianconi, Spec. Zool Mosamh. p. 320 (1867) ; Heugl. J. f. 0. 1867, p. 202; Salvad. Att. R. Ac. Torin. 1870, p. 731. Cinnyris erythrocerius, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 209, pi. 64. fig. 2. A. Southern Race (C. mariquensis typica). Adult male. Similar to C. splendida in pattern of colour, but without the pectoral tufts, and having the neck and head all round and the mantle metallic coppery iu position B, this colour passing into dark green on the rump and upper tail-coverts ; in position C all the metallic parts dark green, the upper tail-coverts blue; the green fore neck separated from the blood-red or very dark red chest by a narrow metallic blue band; chest-feathers with narrow blue bars ; rest of underparts more sooty black. Female. Above olive-grey or earthy brown; wings and wing-coverts with pale edges ; tail-feathers black, outer pairs with white tips, and the outermost web edged with white ; underparts dingy yellow whitish, many of the feathers with dark central patches; under tail- and under wing-coverts and inner web of quills broadly edged with white. Young male. Whole throat and fore neck dull black; rest of underparts yellow. Eab. South Africa. Tail of C. mariquensis S ex Transvaal. B. North-eastern Race (C. osiris). In specimens from Bogos Land and from Abyssinia the red of the chest becomes suppressed; it is much darker, almost maroon- red, and forms a much narrower collar. The bill is shorter; and the whole bird is slightly smaller than the southern form. Eab. Abyssinia and Bogos Land. C. Central Race (C. erythroceria). The red on the chest is as much developed as in C. mariquensis typica and still brighter ; all the metallic parts are dark green and greenish blue without any coppery gloss; the central tail-feathers NECTARINIIDJ3. are considerably narrower and longer than the rest of the tail • bill Shor afi IT! (1. nsiAs S™ r\-p ki-rrl amoH^i. J-Tmn -f-"U~-L _n ,, short tt as in C. osiris. Size of bird smaller than that of the southern form Bab. White-Nile district. Heads of C. mariquensis and C. erythroeeria. Measurements:— Oulmen. Wing. Tail. Tarsus, in. in. in S. Bamangwato 1-0 2*75 o.A A ^n J. South Africa 0'85 2-65 ° ' ° cJ • BogoS<(C. osiris) 0-77 2-57 I'-QQ A. ^ c?. Abyssinia 0-80 2*60 I^QQ Q-G? 8 iv* 1 (1833); Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 98 (1847) ; *JFTeuql jr. V V I8(k p. 262. ^ m J ' ' Cinnyris gularis, Bllpp. Neue Wirbeltli. p. 88, pi. 31. fio- 2 C1H35) * i^v.etf GW. Voy. Abyss, iii. p. 248 (1847) • Bp. CT'A.I. p. 400 (1850); Reiclmib. Ilandb. Seems, p. 291, pi. 577. %. 3931 (J854). Cinnyris abessinica, jfoT^. Neite Wirbeltli. p. OO (1835). Nectarinia habyssinica, Biipp. Syst. Uebers. p . 28 (18-15)- ITpunl ;' J Syst. Uebers. p. 20 (1850). ' ? Soui-manga a collier, Lefebvre, Voy. Abyss., Ois. p. 88 (1845-50). Nectarinia gularis, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 98 (1847); Heiwl J f 6 1864, p. 262. J' **/' * Nectarinia abyssinica, Gray, Gen. B. i.p.98 (1847); Sclat. & Strickl Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 124. Cinnyris abyssinicus, Ferr. et Gal. Voy. Abyss, iii. p. 248 (1847) * ?Ant. 8f Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. iv. p. 45 1 (1873). Cinnyris habessinieus, Bp. C. A. i. p. 406 (1850) ; Cab. 3Ius. BCein. i. p. 101 (1850); Reichenb. Handb. Scansor. p. 288,pi. 574 fio-g 3910 -12 (1854) ; Shelley, Mcmogr. Neci. p. 205, pi. 63. ° ' Cinnyris purpuratus, Bp. C. A. i. p. 406; JEteichenb. t. c. pi. 570. fig. 3924. F Cinnyris liabyssinicus, Bp. C. B. 1854, p. 265. Nectarinia lucida, LicM. Nomencl. Av. p. 55 (1854) : Ileuql. J. f O 1804, p. 202. J J' ' Nectarinia habessyniea, Gray, JZand-l. B.i.j>. 1O0,110, 1280 (1869). Adult male. Similar to C. splendida. "Upper tail-eovorts short, covering less than half of the tail; only the anterior half of the crown metallic purplish blue; whole fore neck, throat, and chest brilliant metallic green; a very broad band of crimson-red across the chest, only a few feathers of which have blue bars; pectoral tufts pale yellow. Adult female. General colour above pale earthy brown ; quills light brown, with pale edges to the inner webs ; throat, cheeks, supercilia, and under wing-coverts whitish; rest of underparts very pale earthy brown; centre of abdomen washed with pale yellow ; tail-feathers blackish brown, some with white tips . 6*. Culmen 085 inch, wing 2-6-2*7, tail 1*8-1-9, tarsus 0*65. Sab. North-eastern Africa. a. $ ad. sk. Abyssinia. J^ixchased. b. c? ad. sk. Shoa {Harris). India Museum. c. <$ ad. sk. Alia Amba, Feb. 1842 India Museum. (Harris} d,e. d $ ad. sk. Senaf£ Pass, 3000 feet, W . T. Blanford, Esq. Feb. 17, 1868. * [0.]. ft 0? imm. sk. Undid Wells, 3500 feet, W . T. Blanford, Esq May 81,1868. [C.]. 6. CINNYETS. 53 g, h. S; i, k. 2 ad. sk. E^ let (Bsler). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 1. c$ ad. sk. m. S ad. sk, Maragaz, July 29, 1868(Jesse). Hor Tamanib, Nubia R. B. Sharpe, Esq. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. (J. K. Lord). 13. Cimiyris osea. Cinnyris osea, Bp. G. R xlii. pt. 2, p. 765 (1856). Neetarinia osea, Tristrcmi, Ibis, 1862, p. 277; id. Ibis, 1864, p. 230; id. P. Z. S. 1864 p. 445; id. Ibis, 1865, p. 72, pi. 2; Gould, B. Asia, pt. 19 (1867); JEhaes, B. Z. S. 1873, p. 645. Cinnyris osea, Shelley, Monogr. Met. p. 22S, pi. 69. Adult male. Forehead, cheeks, throat, fore neck, and chest metallic blue, with a dash of green in position B, and of purple in C; sides of head and neck, mantle, and back metallic green, darkest on the upper tail-coverts, very dark bluish green in position C; tail blue- black ; wings and greater coverts, breast, and rest of underparts sooty black ; pectoral tufts bright scarlet and yellow. The immature males acquire the orange pectoral tufts at an early stage. Adultftmale. Upper parts, including wings, light brown; tail blackish, with small pale tips, and slightly washed with metallic green; underparts pale brownish buff, inclining to white on the under tail- and under wing-coverts; abdomen tinged with pale yellow. S . Culmen 0*80 inch, wing 2*05-2-15, tail 1*45, tarsus 0*56. ? . „ 0*60 „ „ 1*95, „ 1*40, „ 0-56. Hah. Palestine. a. . J?^«^ Anim. i. p. 412 (1817) ; Less. Man, cVOm. ii. p. 45 (1828) ; id! Traite cTOrn. i. p. 29G (1831); J?». C .4.1. p. 400, no. 21 (183]). Cinnyris nibarus, FaezYZ. JV. Bid. d'Hist. Nat. xxxi. p. 512 (1810) Bonn, et Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 597 (1823). Cinnyris tricolor, Vieill N. Diet. d'Hist Nat. xxxi. p. 573 (1819) Bonn, et Vieill Enc. Meth. p. 588 (1823). Red-gilt Creeper, Lath. Gen. Hist. iv. p. 258 (1822). Cinnyris nigroga.ster, Bonn, et Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. GOO (1823). Cinnyris cuprous, Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 47 (1828) ; Bp. C. A. i. p. 406, no. 3 (1850); Sharpe ty Bonvier, Bull Soc. Zool. France, 1876, p. 42; Shelley, Monogr. Ned. p. 191, pi. 58. Nectarinia nibarus, Drajriez, Diet. Class, xv. p. 514 (1829). Nectarinia tricolor, Drapiez, torn. cit. p. 515. Cinnyris erythronotus, Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 130, pi. 15 (1837). Nectarinia rubrofusca, Jard. Monoqr. Sun-birdb, p. 187 (1842) ; Gray, lland-l. B. i. p. 108, no. 1330 (1869). Nectarinia cuprea, Jard. Monoqr. Sun-birds, p. 254 (1842); Hartl. Om. IV.-Afr. pp. 48, 270 (1857) ; Cuss. Br. Philad. Acad. 1859, p. 35'; Seine, J.f.O. 18G0, p. 136; Hartl. J. /. O. 1861, p. 109; lleuql. Reise weiswn Nil, p. 337 (18G9) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 108, no. 1328 (1869); Heugl Orn. NO.-Afr. i. p. 231 (1871); Reichenow, J. f. O. 1875, p. 80; Bocage, Orn. dAnqola, p. 173 (1877). Aidemonia cuprea, Beichb. Handb. Scansorice, p. 284, no. 658, pi. 571. figs. 3894-95 (1854). Nectarinia porphyrolsema, Heitgl Syst. Uebers. Voq. N.O.-Afr. p. 20(1856). Nectarinia clialcea, Hartl. Ibis, 1862, pp. 337, 341; Bocage, Jom. Lisb. 1866, p. 135,1876, p. 262; id. i L J e. . Compt. Rend. 1854, p. 265. Anthreptes expectata, Licht. Nomencl, Av. Mus. Berol.-p. 56 (1854). Anthrepteb sperata, Licht. tf. c. p. 50 (1854), Chalconiitra pufeilla, Reichb. Ilandb. Seansorim, p. 280, no. 649, pi. 508. tigs. 3871-72 (1854). Nectarophila sperata, Reichb. torn. dt.^. 281,no. 651; Walden, Ibis> 1870, p. 42 j id. Tr. Z. S. ix. p. 200 (1875). Nectarophila affinis, Reichb. Handb. Scansorice, p. 281, no. 651, pis. 551,568. %s . 3879-80 et 4066-07 (1854). Nectarophila coccinigastra, Reichb. torn. cit. p. 283, no. 652, pi. 569. fig. 3882. Arachnothera sperata, Gray, Hand-l9 B. i. p. 112, no. 1393 (1869). NECIARINIIDJE. u Adult male. In position B crown and nape rich, metallic coppery grcon ; lower back, upper tail-coverts, and ulnar corerts dark purplish green, throat and fore neck rich purplish blue; in position C these parts changing into brilliant dark green and into purplish red respectively. Ocular region and ear-coverts black; tail blue-black with a semi-metallic gloss ; sides of neck and hind neck, mantle, scapulars, and median coverts dark blood-red; quills and most of the coverts brownish black, externally edged with the colour of the back; edge of wing and under wing-coverts sooty black; upper breast rich carmine-red; abdomen and flanks dusky yellowish olive, the thighs and under tail-coverts inclining to yellow. Culmen 0*75-0*8 inch, wing 2-1-2-2, tail 1*2, tarsus 0*55. Female. Upper parts yellowish olive, inclining to greenish on the crown; sides of head and ear-coverts grey; a superciliary streak, cheeks, and throat white ; rest of underparts yellow ; wings and wing-coverts externally edged with reddish brown. Hab. Philippine Islands. a,b. <$ Philippines. Hugh Ciiming, Esq. [C.]. c. <$ ad. sk. Philippines. Purchased. d. $ ad. sk. Guimaras. Prof. Steere [C.]. e. $ ad. sk. Manila. J. Gould, Esq. •/. r -<3 $ ad. sk. Sumatra. Sumatra (Raffles). Labuan (Low), A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. India Museum [P.]. R. B. Sharpe, Ebq. [P.], 8, t. $ acl. sk. Borneo. Gould Collection. u. v. (S ad. sk. (S ad. sk. Sarawak. Banjermassing (Motley) A.R.Wallace,Esq.[C.]. A. II. Wallace, Esq. POUETH GRGUP (Ilermoilmia). Whole bird black in position A. The crown, shoulders (ulnar and carpal coverts), lower back, upper tail-coverts, onter edge of some of the tail-feathers, chin, and throat are metallic. Pest of plumage black. No pectoral tufts. 25. Cinnyris aspasiae. 0. aspasice typica. Cinnyris aspasia, Less. Voy. Coq.} Zool.Ly. 676, pi. 30. fig. 4 (1826) ; id. Traits d'Orn. i. p. 295 (1831); id. Compl. Bvff., Ois. p. 590 (1838); JBp. C. A. i. p. 409 (1850); Bernstein, J. / . 0.1859, p. 279 ; Rosenberg, J.f. 0. 1864, p. 123 ; Ramsay,Trans. Linn. Soc. Neiu 8. Wales, iii. p. 288 (1878); Shelley, Monogr. Nect p. 113, pi. 37. fig. 2. Cinnyris sericeus, Less. Diet. So. Nat. i. p. 21 (1827) ; id. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 43 (1828). J \ 0. CINNYEIS. 09 Nectarinia aspasia, Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 219, 272 (184,'}), (pt.) S. Midler § Schley. Verh. Nat. (Jesch,,Aves, pp. 58, 04, Oo (1840); Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 98 (1847); Sehi llandl. Bierk. p. 250 (1857); Sclat. Journ. Lin?i. Soc. ii. p. 157 (1858, pt.) • Gray, P.Z.S. 1858, p. 190; id. P.Z.S. l85i), p. 155 (pt.) • id. Cat B. Neiu Guinea, pp. 22,55 (1858); (pt.) Finsch, Neu- Guinea, p. 103 (1865) ; d'Albertis, Ibis, 1877, p. 307. Nectarinia amasia, S. Midi. Natuurl. Gesch. Land-en Folk p. 22 (1843); Gray, P. Z.S. 1858, p. 190; id. P.Z.S. 1801, p. 433; Finsch, Neu-Guinea, p. 163 (1805) ; Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 50. Chalcostetha abpasia, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 103 (1850); Bp. Comptes Pendus, 1854, p. 205 ; Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 45; Meyer, Sitz. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 122 (1874). Herraotimia aspasia, Peichenb. Handb. Scans, p. 285, pi. 572. fig. 3901 (1853); Salvad. Atti P. Ace. Torin. x. p. 219 (1874), xii. p. 302 (1877); id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 400, 930 (1875), x. p. 89. Promerops aspasia, Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 110, no. 1355 (1869). Promerops ainasia, Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 110, no. 1302. Ptiloturus aspasia, Giebel, Thes. Orn. i. pp. 031, 095 (1872). Chalcostetha chlorocephala, Salvad. Ami. Mus. Civ. Gen. vi. p. 78 (1874). Hermotimia chlorocephala, Salvad. Atti P. Ace. Torin. x. pp. 208, 200 (1874), xii. p. 305 (1877). Hermotimia sp. ?, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. ix. p. 30 (1876); id. Atti P. Ace. Torin. xii. p. 312 (1877). Chalcostetha aspasia, var. raysorensis, Meyer, Sitz. h. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 124 (1874). Hermotimia mysorensis, Salvad. Atti P. Ace. Torin. x. pp. 208, 224 1874), xii. p. 301 (1877). Cinnyris mysorensis, Shellei/, Monogr. Ned. p. 119, pi. 40. fig. 2. Chalcostetha aspasia, var. jobiensis, Meyer, Sitz. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 124 (1874). Hermotimia jobienwis, Salvad. Atti P. Ace. Torin. x. pp. 208, 225 (1874), xii'. p. 302 (1877); id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, p. 400 (1876). Cinnyris jobiensis, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 121. Chalcostetha aspasia, var. maforensis, Meyer, Sitz. k. Ak. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p; 123 (1874). Hermotimia maforensis, Salvad. Atti P. Ace. Torin. x. pp. 208, 297 (1874), xii. p. 301 (1877). Cinnyris maforensis, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 123, pi. 40. fig. 1. Hermotimia Cornelia, Salvad. Atti P. Ace. Torino, xiii. p. 319 (1878). Cinnyris cornelise, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. Ill, pi. 38. The following references belong to C. corinnce, Salvad.:— Nectarinia aspasia, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 102, 1878, p. 289; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 10. Hermotimia aspasia?, Salvad. Atti P. Ace. Torino, xii. p. 312 (1877). Cinnyris aspasioe, Shelley, Monogr. Sun-birds, pt. v. (1877, part.). Hermotimia corinna, Salvad. Atti P. Ace. Torino, xiii. p. 532 (1878); id. Ibis, 1879, p. 106. Cinnyris corinnoe, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 117, pi. 139. 70 KECTOtlNIIDJS. C. aspasioides. Neetarinia aspasia, S. Mull. Nafuurl. Gescli. Land-en Volhenk. p. 110 (184']); (pt.) S. Mull. Sf Schleq. Terh. Nat. Gesck, Aves, p. 58 (L84G); (pt.) Finsch, Neu-Guinea, p. 163 (1865). Neetarinia aspasioides, Gray, P. Z. S. I860, p. 348; Pelz. Verli, h. h. zool.-bot. Geselhch. Wien,'1 $72, p. 427. Cinnyris aspasia (pt.), Rosenberg, J.f.O. 1804, p. 123. Neetarinia aspasinoides, Finsch, Neu-Guinea, p. 16-U (1865). Neetarinia amasia, Finsch, torn. cit. p. 163. Proiuerops aspasinoides, Gray, Iland-l. B. i. p. 110, no. 1356 (1869). Olmlcostotlia aspasioides, Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 46 ; Meyer, Sitz. h. Ale. Wiss. Wien, Ixx. p. 123 (1874). Ptiloturus aspasioides, Gtebel, Thes. Or?i. i. p. 631 (1ST'2). Clialeostetlia goramensis, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. YL p. 65 (1874). Ilermotimia aspasioides, Salvad. Atti R. Ace. Torin. x. m. 208, 216 (1874), xii. p. 306 (1877); id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 81. O. auriceps. Neetarinia auriceps, Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 34S; Wallace, P. Z. S. 1862, pp. 335, 343; Finsch, Neu~Guinea, p. 163 (1865); Briigg. Abhancll. nab. Ver. Bremen, v. p. 465 (1877). "Promerops auriceps, Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 110, no. 1357 (1860). Clialeostetlia auriceps, Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 46 ; Meyei\Sitz. k.Ak. Wiss. Wien, Ixx. p. 123 (1874). Herniotimia auriceps, Salvad. Atti R. Ace. Torin. x. pp 208 2^8 (1874), xii. p. 309 (1877). " ' " Neetarinia porphyrolasma, Briigg. Abhandl nat. Ver. Bremen, v p. 73 (1876). J ' Cinnyris auriceps, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 99, pi. 34. %. 1. ? Ilermotimia auriceps, pt.; Salvad. Atti R. Ace. Torin. x. p. 229 (1874). r Cinnyris rnorotensis, Shelley, Monogr. Nect p. 101, pi. 34. fig. 2. O. porjohyrolctma. Neetarinia aspasia (pt.), Schl. # Midi. Verhandl Zoo!., Aves p. 58 Neetarinia porpliyrolaema, Wallace, P. Z. S. 1865, p. 479 Promerops porphyroltema, Gray, HamU. B. i. p. 110, no. 1300 Clialeostetlia porphyrolsema, Walden, Ibis, 1870. p. 46 • id Tr Z S 4 8itz' k Ak TihVo?vTii^87. 7)53^r'-Wiisensck Wien,? Ixx p. 12:2 (1874); id. Ibis, 1879, p. 131. Ilerrnotiniia porphyrolsema, Salvad. Atti R. Ace. Sc. Tor. x pp 908 2.^2(18/4); id. Ann. Mus. Civic. Gen. yii. p. 660, no 38 if IP? tig. 3 (1875) ; id. Atti R. Ace. Torin. xii. p. §10 (1877) ' P Gmnyns porplryroltBma, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 95, pi. 32. fig. 1. C. proserpinw, {"Mm-")' PTS8780v5ina GrmJ>Xand-l-B. i. p. 110, no. CMcostelha proserpina, Walden, i&s, 1870, p. 46; Meyer Sit-k Ale. Wiss. Wiui, Ixx. p, 123 (1874). y ' 6. CINMTBIS. Hermotimia proserpina, Salvad. Atti JR. Ace. Torin. x. pp. 208, 230 (1874), xii. p. 307 (1877). Cinnyris proserpina, (Shelley, Monogr. Met. p. 107, pi. 30. Hermotimia nigriscapularis, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 937 (1875) ; id. Atti H. Ace. Torin. arii. p. 308 (1877). Cinnyris nigriscapularis, Shelley, Monogr, Nect. p. 103, pi. 35. fig. 1. 0. salvadorii Hermotimia nigriscapularis (pt.)» Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 938 (1875). Hermotimia, sp., Salvad. Atti R. Ace. Torin. xii. p. 308 (1877). Cinnyris salvadorii, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 105, pi. 35,fig. 2. Cinnyris aspasiw. Adult male. "Whole bird black in position A. The crown and nape, the whole throat, the lower back, rump, upper tail-coverts, the outer edges of most of the tail-feathers, and part or most of the smaller wing-coverts metallic. All the rest of the bird deep black. The metallic parts are subject to great variations of shade, scarcely two birds being exactly alike. The adult females of G. aspasice and its next allies have the crown and nape grey, with darker centres to the feathers; wings brown ; mantle, back, and outer edge of wing-feathers olive-yellow; chin, cheeks, and fore neck silky white ; rest of underparts yellow; under wing-coverts and inner edge of quills white; tail black with whitish tips. Young males are like the females, but have a metallic blue moustachial streak. Ohs. The metallic colours of this species are subject to much variation of shade: the green varies between dark and golden green; and the blue in position C has often a purple or strong violet gloss. § (Aru), culmen 0*89 inch, wing 2S2, tail 1*4, tarsus 0*56. 5 (Amboyna), wing 2*19 inches ; $ (Duke of York group), wing 2-21; ? (Goram), wing 2*06 ; $ (Amboyna), wing 2-06. 1. (SHEEN EOBM. 1. Small race (C. aspasise typica, including C. mysorensis, 0. jobiensis, C. oorinnoe).—All the metallic parts of the uppersicle,including!he scapulars and all the median and least wing- coverts, are deep rich emerald-green in position B, purplish blue in position C; crown inclining to glossy blackish; thro at purplish blue in position B, rich purplish red in position 0 ; mantle and breast velvety black. Hcd>. New Guinea; Duke of York Island; Aru Islands ; Salwatti; Jobi; Mysol; Amboyna. 2. Larger race (CC aspasioides).—Like C. aspasice, but the throat a little less purple; under tail-coverts and Hanks sooty black, or even brownish. Hah, S.E. Few Guinea; Few Britain. II. BLUE FOKH. 3. Larger race (0. auriceps).—Crown rich greenish golden in position B, dark green in 0. The other metallic parts, including the scapulars and median and leapt wing-coverts, are NECT^ItnTIIILE. dark blue with a purplish gloss; throat dark bine, the purple only appearing in position C. The black parts are velvety in appearance. Hah. Ternate, Batchian, Morty Island, Sula Islands. 4. Smaller race (C. porphyroloema).—Grown very rich golden green; centre of throat purplish red; sides of throat blue. The metallic colours on the upper parts are confined to the rump and the ulnar and carpal coverts ; the scapulars, median wing-coverts, and the centre of the back are velvety black. Hah Celebes. III. BIAGK-SHOTTLDERED POEM. 5. Small race (C. proserpinse).— Crown dark green in position B, blue-black in C; rest of metallic feathers of upper parts rich bluish green in position B, in C rich purple like the throat. On the wings the metallic colours are confined to the ulnar and carpal coverts, most of the least and all the median coverts and the scapulars being velvety black. Mantle deep velvet, with a strongly marked submetallic indigo tinge ; abdomen, flanks, and under tail-coverts sooty brownish black. Hah Bouru (0. proscrpinre); island of ITiosnom in Geelvink Bay (0. nigriscapularis). 6. Larger race (C. salvadorii).—Like Q. joroserpincp: but much larger. The type measures:—Culmen 0*75 inch, wing2*8, tail 1-9, tarsus 0*7. (Shelley.) Hab. Jobi Island in Geelvink Bay. Measurements of adult males of C. aspasise and C. aspasioides. Cuhnen. Wing. Tail. Tarsus, in. in. in. in. Matabello 0-88 2*55 1-82 0-63 Matabello 089 2-40 1*60 0-63 N. Ceram 0*89 2*45 1*05 0-63 N. Ceram 0-83 2S5 1*50 0-61 Amboyna 0 90 2-28 1*55 0-01 New Biitain 0*81 2*50 1-05 0-05 Amboyna 0-87 2-40 1-62 0-02 Dorey 083 2*40 3-40 0-52 Aru (chloroccphala, Salvadori) .. 0*82 2*40 1*42 0*55 Mysol 0*80 2*35 1*34 0*53 Mysol 0*81 2*40 1-55 0*61 Measurements:— Culmen. Wing. Tail Tarsus, in. in. in. in. a auriceps rf 0*8 2*4-2*6 1-65-1-90 0*60-0*05 « » 2 0*7-0*8 2*0-2*1 1*2-1-3 0*60 C. morotymis, type, S .. 0-8 2*45 1-65 0 60 C proserpinm <$ 0-9 2*45-2*50 1*65-1*80 0*65 9i •> S 0'85 2*15 1-50 0*60 C. porphyrolama <$ .. 0*7-0-8 2*3-2*55 1*40-1*60 0*60 » ft $ •• 0*7 2*0-2*15 1*25 0*55 Obs. 1. In the British Museum is an adult male from Morty Island, which has the crown darker green with a golden gloss • the other metallic feathers, which occupy the same parts as in C auriceps are m position B less purple than is the case with other specimens ' m position C they are rich purplish violet. These slight differences 6. CINNYRIS. 73 in the hue of the metallic gloss are hardly sufficient to separate G. morotensis from 0. auriceps. Obs. 2. Borne specimens from Mafoor Island in Geelvink Ray are like typical G. aspemee, but have the entire crown golden, with only a faint tint of green. "Wing 2-5 inches. (G maforensis.) Obs, 3. Specimens from d'Urville Island have the throat as purple as typical G. aspasice, but by their dimensions they approach G. aspasioides. These birds, intermediate between two forms which are hardly subspecies themselves, have been called G. comelice. a, b, c. S ad.; d, e. 2 ad. sk. f,g,h. (J; i. 2 k. $ ad. sk. I. $ ad. sk. m. <$ ad. sk. n. S ad. sk. a. S ad. sk. b. $ ad. sk. c. $ ad. sk. a,b. d $ ad. sk. r d. t* 2 ad. sk. a. £ ad. sk. b. $ ad. sk. c. J juv. sk. d. 6 ad.; e,f. $ ad. sk. h. d 2 ad. sk. ff, c? juv. sk. i. $ imm. sk. k. (S ad. sk. 1. a. c? ad. sk. G. (S ad. sk. d. S ad. sk. e. $ (breeding). /. $ ad. sk. g. $ ad. sk. h, i, $ ad. sk. G. auriceps. Batchian. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. Ternate. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. Ternate. Vov. H.M.S. < Challenger.' Morty Island. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. (Type of C. morotensis.) Sula Islands. A. R. Wallace, Ebq. [0.1. Kaioa Island. A. R. Wallace, Esq, [C.j. G. porpliyrolcemc Makassar. Celebes. Makassar (Wallace). G. proserpina. Bouru. Bouru. G. aspasice. Amboyna, Mysol. Mysol. Aru Islands. Dorey. Waigiou. East Cape, New Guinea. Astrolabe Mountains. (?. aspasioides. Port Moresby. [Somerset, Cape York {Cocker ell).] Blanche Bay, New Britain, June 16,1879. Duke of York Island; Aug. 30, 1879. Goram. Amboyna. Amboyna. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. (Types of C. porph/rolcema.) A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. Gould Collection. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. (Type of G. p?'ose?-pina.) A. it. Wallace, Esq. [O.J Voy. H.M.S. < Challenger.' A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C. ]. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.1 A. R. Wallace, Esq. [O.j. Mr. Hunstein [0.1 Mr. A. Goldie [0.]. Mr. A. Goldie [0.1 F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.], E. L. Layard, Esq. [0.]. E.L. Layard, Esq. [0.]. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. ' Challenger' Expedition. A. R. Wallace, Esq [C.]. (Types of C, aspasioides. Gray.) 74 ffECTAEINIIDJE. k, I S ad. sk. m c? N. Ceram. Batcliian (Wallace). A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. Gould Collection. n. (S juv. sk. o, p. d ad. sk. Aru Islands Maiabello Island. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.1 A. R. Wallace, Esq. _0.j. 26. Cinnyris sangMrensis. Chalcostetha sangirensis, Meyer, Site. h. AJc. Wiss. Wien, Ixx. p. 124 (1874). Ilevmotiraia sanghironsis, Salvad. Atti It. Ace. Torin. x. p. 233, pi. 1. fio\ 2 (1874); id. Ami. Mas. Civ. Gen. ix. p. 50 (1S76); id. Atti R. Ace. Torin. xii. p. 311 (1877). Cinuyris ^angirensis, Shelley, Monogr. Ned. p. 97, pis. 33 & 32.fig*.2. Adult male. Similar to 0. porpliyrolcpma, but with, the centre of the throat coppery bronze; crown golden green. Culmen 0*65 inch, wing 2*40. Adult female differs from the other females of the Henaoihaia group in having the head olive and yellow, instead of grey: all the upper parts of the body are olive-yellow; upper tail-coverts and tail-feathers black, the latter largely tipped with white; under surface sulphur-yellow, tinted with olive on the sides. Young males are like the females, but with a long moustachial streak of coppery blue • throat more or less shaded with orangevellow, but non-metallic. Hal. Sanghir Islands. 27. Cinuyris theresae. Oinnyris aspasia (pt.), Rosenberg, J. f. 0. 1864, p. 123. Nectarinia aspasia (pt.), Finsch,Neil-Guinea, p. 163 (1865). Olialcostetha chloroloeina, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vi. p. 77 (1874). r Hermotimia tberesia, Salvad. Atti R. Ace. Torin. x. -p-p 208, 214 cum tab. fig. 1 (1874), xii. p. 300 (1877). Cinnyiis tlieresce, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 125, pi. 41. Entire crown, chin and throat, median and least wing-coverts, lower back, rump, upper wing-coverts, and outer edges of the tail- feathers rich metallic golden green • rest of plumage velvet indigo- black. Culmen 0-8 inch, wing 2*35. llab. Key or Koi Islands. FIFTH GROUP (C. olivacea and allies). The species of this group are remarkable either for the total absence of metallic colours in the plumage, or for these colours being restricted to the throat or crown; upper parts generally olive. Pectoral tufts present. Nostrils bare.—African. " 28. Cinuyris verreauxi. fcyiiBTe^^ S Afr. Quart Journ. 1831, p. 13; id. Ill Zool. S. Afr., Aves, pi. 57 (1839). 6. CTNNTRIS. 75 Nectarinia verroxii, Jard, Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 185, 258. pi. 9 (1843); Bayard, B. S. Afr. p. 76 (18G7). Oinnyris verreauxi, Bp. C. A. i. p. 407 (1850) j Shelley, Monogr. Kect. p. 287, pi. 90. Adelinus verreauxi, Miill J. f. 0. 1855, p. 13; Finsch § Rartl. Tog. Ost-Afr. p. 861 (1870); Shelley, Ibis, 1875, p. 70. Adult male. All the upper parts ashy grey or brownish; the feathers of the head, back, and wing-coverts broadly edged with a dull, so to speak, subruetallic green, without, however, any strong gloss; tail black-brown; pectoral tufts brilliant scarlet; rest of underpays pale buff, flanks tinged with grey; cheeks, under wing-coverts, and inner edge of quills almost white. Culm en 1*1 inch, wing 2-5-2-7, tail 2-2, tarsus 0-70-0-74. Adult female is said to be similar in plumage to the male. Hab. South Africa. a. $ ad. sk. South Africa. Sir A. Smith [C.]. (Type of species.) b. <$ ad. sk. South Africa. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. c. S ad. sk. Kingwilliainstown, October 1876. Capt. Trevelyan [P.]. d. J ad. sk. Natal. Purchased. 29. CiEiiyris fischeri. Oinnyris fischeri, Beichen. J.f.O. 1880; p. 142. Similar to C. verreavxi, but much smaller. (BeieJienow.) Hah. Mozambique. 30. Ciimyris fasca. Le Sucrier Namaquois on a calecon blanc, Levaill. Ois. aVAfr. vi. p. 168, pi. 296 (1808); Simdev. Crit. om Levaill. p. 57 (1857). Oinnyris fuscus, VieilL N. Diet. d'Hist Nat. xxxi. p. 506 (1819); id. JEnc. Meth. ii. p. 594 (1823) ; Less. Man. d'Oni. ii. p. 60 (1828) ; Bp. Consp. Av. i. p. 407, no. 28 (1850); Gurney, in Andersson, B. Bamara Land, p. 71 (1872) ; Sharpe, ed. Bayard's B. S. Afr. p. 317 (1877) ; Shelley, Monogr. Ned. p. 285, pi. 89. Nectarinia fu&ca, Brapiez, Diet. Class, xv. p. 513 (1820); Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 183, 252, pi. 8 (1843); Strield. cV Sclat. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 153 ; JIartl. Om. W.-Afr. p. 51, no. 146 (1857) ; id. J. f. O. 1861, p. 109; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 79, no. 131 (1867) j id. Ibis, 1868, p. 244; Chapman, Trav. S. Afr. ii. Apjp. p. 407 (1868) ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 40; no. 371 (1871) ; Bocage, Orn. dAngola, p. 175 (1877). Oinnyricincla fusca, Meichb. Handb. Scansorice, pp. 295; 306, nos. 692, 718, pi. 580. figs. 3942-44 (1854). Adelina fusca, Bp, Compte Rendus, 1854, p. 265. Adult male. Wings uniform fuscous brown, the inner webs with paler edgings; upper tail-coverts black, with a metallic blue gloss; tail-feathers blackish brown, externally with a faint bluish gloss; flanks, abdomen, and under tail-coverts white; all the rest of the upper and under parts, including edge of wing and under wing- coverts, dusky brown; most of the feathers, including the lesser 76 N&CTARINIIDiE. •wing-coverts, broadly edged with an indistinct metallic greenish bronze colour; centre of breast blackish brown, without any metallic edgings; pectoral tufts bright orange. Adult female. All the upper parts are uniform fuscous or earthy brown ; tail dark brown, outer pair of feathers with pale edges ; all the underparts white, with a slight bullish tinge; thighs brown; under wing-coverts brownish. Young male. Like the female, but with a broad black band down the throat and fore neck. d. Culmen 0*8 inch, wing 2*2-24, tail 1-5, tarsus 0*65. $• „ 0-7 „ „ 2-05, „ 1-5, „ 0-65. Hab. South-western Africa. a. $ ad. sk. Cape. Purchased. b. cj ad. sk. Nyletield, British Oaf-Capt. Trevelyan [P.]. fraria. c. cJ ad. sk. Hope Town (T. At more). B. B. Sharpe, Esq. d. (S ad. sk. Great Naruaqua Land. B. B. Sharpe, Esq. e. d juv.; / . -* ? Nectarinia Solaris, Gray, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 348. Arachnothera zenobia, Gray, Hand4. B. L p. 110, no. 1361 (1869). Arachnechthra zenobia, Walden, Ibis, 1870, p. 30. Cyrtostomus zenobia, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, viii. p. 379 (1876) j id. Atti It. Ace, Torino, xii. p. 319 (1877),- id. Orn, Papuasia, ii. p. 262. Adult male. All the upper parts olive-yellow, the yellow strongly pronounced• tail black, without or with scarcely any pale tips; fore neck metallic blue, purple in the centre, greenish towards the sides; pectoral tufts rich gamboge-yellow; breast and all the rest of the underparts, including the under wing-coverts and the ed«-e of the wing, black with a velvety blue gloss; flanks sooty, or washed with olive-brown; inner web of quills with pale edges Culmen 0-90 inch, wing 2-05-2-15, tail 1-4, tarsus 0*58 6. CINNYEIS. Female. Undcrparts uniform bright yellow; supercilium and cheeks yellow. Culmen 0*85 inch, wing 1*9-2*1, tail 1-25. Obs. 1. One adult male from the He Islands has some of the feathers of the chest tipped with brownish maroon, thus indicating the collar of G. jlanwicuviUaris, from which species G. zenobla differs chiefly by having the imderparts black instead of yellow. Obs. 2. In several males some of the frontal feathers are edged with metallic blue. Hab. Ke Islands, Ceram, Amboina, Bourn. a, b, c. S ad. sk. Amboina. c Challenger? Expedition. d. S ad. sk. Ceram (Wallace). J. Gould, Esq. e,f-6)9- $ ad. sk, Ceram. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.' h. S ad. sk. Ke Islands. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [ C i) k. <3 $ ad. sk. Bouru. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [ C SEVENTH GROUP (Ghalcomitra). The species of this group have the head, back, and neck all round metallic greenish blue; across the throat a collar, which is either dark metallic or scarlet; wings and greater coverts uniform brownish; tail black. Pectoral tufts only in G. fuligmosa. Rest of under parts varying from pale ashy brown through yellow to white. The feathers of the lower back are very long and fluffy and dull white, olive- yellowish, &c, generally concealed by the shorter metallic feathers. Bill and feet black: iris dark brown.—African. 48. Cinnyris guttnralis. Le Grimpereau noirastre du Br6sil; Briss, Orn. iii. p. 658, pi. 33. f. 3 (1760). Certhia gutturalis, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 186, no. 15 (1766, ex Briss.) ; P. L. 8. Mull. S. N ii. p. 258, no. 14 (1773); Gm. S. N. I p. 478 (1778); Lath 2nd. Orn. i. p. 291, no. 32 (1790); Shaw, Nat. Misc. xix. pi. 797; id. Gen. Zool. viii. p. 255 (1811). Grimpereau brim du BrSsil, Daubent. PI. JEnl. 578. f. 3. L'Oiseau brun a bee de Grimpereau, JDanbent. Hist. Nat. v. p. 525 (1778). Green-faced Creeper, Lath. Gen. Sgn. ii. p. 723, no. 24 (1782); id. Gen. Hist. B. iv. p. 267, no. 78 (1822). Le Soui-manga noiratre, And. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 65 (1802). Le Sucrier Prot6e, Levatll Ois. d'Afr. vi. p. 165 (1808, part.); Smidev. Krit. Framst., Levaill. p. 57 (1857). Cinnyris gutturalis, Guv. Beg. Anim. i. p. 412 (1817); Gab. in Von der Deckers Beise, iii. p. 28, no. 22 (1869). Cinnyris senegalensis, Halm, Orn. Atlas, Cinnyris, pi. 1 (1834). Nectarinia natalensis, Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp, 193, 256, pi. 12 (1843) ; id. Contr. Orn. 1849, p. 62, pi. 12; ticlat. op. cit. 1852, p. 124; Gurney, Ibis, 1860, p. 207; Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. i. pp. 135, 332 (1867), ii. p. 41 (1868); Layard, B. & Afr. p. 80, no. 134 (1867) ; Finsch, J.f. 0.1867, p. 246 ; Sperling, Ms, 1868, p. 289. 92 STECTAmmrDiE. Coereba gutturalis, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 101 (1847); Bp. C A i p. 400, no. 3 (1850). * Cinnyris natalensis, Bp. C. A. i. p. 408, no. 35 (1850) : Cab. Mus. min. i. p. 102 (1850). Cinnyris discolor, Bianconi, Spec. Zool. Mosamb. iii. p. 32 (1850, nee Vieill) ; id. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 134. Cinnyris bianconii, RartL Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 78. Neetarinia senegalensis, Strickl. 8f Sdat. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 152; Bayard, B. 8. Afr. p. 80, no. 133 (1867) ; Chapman, Trav. S Afr. ii. Ap%. p. 407 (1868). ^ J Chalcomitra gutturalis, JReichb. Handb. Scansorics, p. 277, no. 642 (1854) ; Gurnet/, in Andersson's B. Damara Land, p. 73 (1872). Chalcomitra natalensis, Meichb. torn. cit. p. 278, no. 644, pi 607. %. 4077, pi. 571. fig. 3893. Chalcomitra cruentata, Beichb. torn. cit. p. 279, no. 645 (part.). Neetarinia bianconi, Kirk, Ibis, 1864, p. 320; Gray, Hand4. B i p. 107, no. 1308 (1869); Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 39, no. 365 (1871). Neetarinia gutturalis, JBCartl. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 824; Sperling, Ibis. 1808, p. 289; Gray, Hand-L B. i. p. 107, no. 1307 (1869); 'Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1809, p. 563; Finsch <§• Marti. Yog. Ost-Afr. p. 216 (1870) ; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p, 39, no. 364 (1871) ; Buckley, Ibis, 1874, p. 374; Shelley, 'Ibis, 1875, p. 70; Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. 1876, p. d torn. cit. p. 260. Cinnyris gutturalis, Sharpe, ed. Bayard7s B. S. Afr. p. 311 (1876); Shelley, Monogr. Necb. p. 261, pi. 81; id. P. Z. S. 1879, pi. 570. Adult male. Anterior half of crown, cheeks, and upper half of throat metallic black, splendid dark green (throat golden green) in position B; a patch near the shoulder purplish blue in positions B and C, otherwise metallic black; feathers of the centre of the lower fore neck and the whole chest brilliant crimson-red, and with a metallic snbterminal blue bar, which gives these parts a brilliant mottled appearance; wings and tail dark golden brown; all the rest of the body, including the sides of the head, the upper half of the throat, under and lesser wing-co^erts, blackish chocolate-brown, sometimes inclining to sooty black on the underparts ; under surface of quills rich golden brown; inner webs without paler edges. Culmen 11- 2 inch, wing 2-7-3-1, tail 2-2, tarsus 0*70. Female. Upper parts and sides of head earthy brown; most of the wing-coverts edged with white; tail faintly tipped with whitish; underparts mottled with yellowish, and brownish buff, especially on the fore neck and chest. Wing 2*75 inches* Obs. The smallest specimens of C. gutturalis occur in the Zanzibar district, the largest in Natal. Bab. East Africa from Mombas to the Zambesi, and southwards to Natal, occurring in Damara Land, Benguela, and Angola on the western side of the continent. 6. enrarBis. 93 a} bf c. d ad. sk. Mombasa {Wakefield)* R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. fZ. <$ ad. sk. [Mombasa. Rev. H. Fowell Buxton e. c? ^d. sk. Zanzibar. Sir J. Kirk [C."s. / . ?^* 2 ad.?l L Port Xatal. B.B. Sharpe, Esq. r. d imni. -k. Pui«t Xatal. Purchased. *c. $ ad* sk. Elephant Ylev, Bamara B. B. Sharpe, Esq. Land, Oct. *0 (C. X AndtfbWi), j.\$ ad.; |/. d Otjimbinque, Aug*, and Sept. B. B. Sharpe, Esq. juv. »Hk. (C. J". ,1.1. s. $ arl. 4;. »ov. 23 R. B. Sharpe, Etq. (C. J.A.U £'. cJ ad. sk. Bentfiiela. J. J. MonteirujEsq. [C.]. e\ d*. d imni. sk . Kattenhella, Benguela (Sala)). It. B. Sharpe, Esq. *?'. {1850); Shelley, Monogr. Xtct. p. 259, pi. SO. Nectarinia natalensis, Sclat. Cordr. Orn. Ib52, p. 124. Chalconiitra craentata, Itekkmh. Handb. Smnsor. p. 279, pi. 507, figs. iifc04-f)o (Ib54j; Antin. $~ Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. iv. p. 450 (1873). ^M7< male. Like 6f. gutturalis, but with the upper throat chocolate- black instead of metallic green; wings and tail slightly paler brown than in the other species; a streak along the cheeks rich metallic green, ending with blue. Oulmen 1 inch, wing 2*8, tail 2*2, tarsus 0*65. NECTABXN-lIDiE. Female. All the upper parts and the sides of the head earthy brown, with a slight olive tinge; wings and tail brown; throat sooty brown or blackish; rest of the underparts, including a line along the checks and sides of the neck, dull yellowish; chest, breast, and under wing-coverts mottled with brown, only the terminal parts of the feathers being yellowish. "Wing 2-5 inches. In the young male the plumage of the adult bird begins to ap pear with the red feathers on the chest; then follows the metallic crown &c. Hah. North-eastern Africa. a, b. $ $ ad. sk. Abyssinia. Purchased. c, d. <$ ad.j e. $ Bogos Land (Ester). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. ad. sk. /. <$ inini. sk. Bogos Land (Ester). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. g. $ ad. sk. Bejook (Jesse). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. ^ [c?] juv. sk. Abyssinia (Jesse). R. B, Sharpe, Esq. i tf ad.; h. $ Senafe, Tigr$, 7500 feet, W.T.Blanford,Esq. [C.]. imm. sk. March 18G8. I. § ad. sk. Anseba valley, 4000 feet, W.T.Blanford,Esq.[C.]8July 21,1808. m. [d] jnv. sk. Tete, Zambesi. Sir J. Kirk [C.]. 50. Cinnyris senegalensis. Grimpereau violet du Senegal, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 660. pi. 34.fio-.2 (1760). Certhia senegalensis, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 186; P. L. S. Mill!. S. N. ii. p. 258 (1773); Gm. S. JV. i. p. 477 (1788); Lath. Ind. Orn. I p. 284 (1790); Shaw, Gen. Zool viii. p. 205, pi. 79. figs. 1 & 2 (1811). Soui-manga violet a poitrine rouge, Month. Hist. Ois. v. p. 500 (1778): And. et Vieill Ois. Dor. ii. p. 25, pi. 8 (1802). Senegal Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. B. ii. p. 209 (1782) ,* id. Gen. Hist. B. iv. p. 236, note f (1822). Sucrier Prote"e (pt.), Lemill Ois. cTA/r. yi. p. 165, pi. 295. fig. 2 (1808); Sundev. Krit. Framst, Lemill. p. 57 (1857). Cinnyris senegalensis, Cuv. Beam Anim. i. p. 412 (1817); BCa/m. Om. Atlas, Cinnyris, p. 2 (1834); Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 127 (1837) j Bp. C. A. i. p. 408 (1850); Cab. Mies. JECein. i. p. 102 (1850) ; Shelley, Monogr. Met. p. 267, pi. 83. Cinnyris discolor, Vieill. JV". Diet. d'Hist. Wat xxxi. p. 519 (1819) ; Bonn, et Vieill. Enc. Meth. ii. p. 589 (1823); Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 46 (1828). Nectarinia senegalensis, Licht. Verz. JDouhl. p. 15 (1823) ; Drapies, Diet. Class, xv. p. 515 (1829); Kittl KupfeH. Voq. p. 22, p. 28, fig. 2 (1833); Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 191,255, pi. 11 (1842): Uartl Orn. W.~Afr. p. 49 (1857); Dohm, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 331; Bocage, Jom. Lisb. i. p. 135 (1866). Chalcomitra senegalensis, Beichenh. Handb. Scansor. p. 278, pi, 567. figs. 3866-67 (1854). C. acile of Heuglin. Nectarinia natalensis, Antin. Cat. p. 34 (1864, nee Jardine) ; Heugl. J.f.O. 1867, p. 202; Salvad. AUi R. Ace. Torin. p. 731, pi. 1. fig. 2. 6. cnraTEiH. 95 Nectarinia cruentata (pt.), Meitgl J.f. 0. 18(34, p.*2&2; id. Syst. Uebers. p. 21 (1850). Nectarinia acik, Antin. J.f. 0. 1866, p. 205; Meugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr, i. p. 200 (1871) ; Finsch $ Marti Too. Ost-Afr. pp. 217, 861 (1870). Nectarinia senegalensis vel acik, Meugl Eeise weiss. Nil p. 337 (1869). Cinnyris acik, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 265, pi. 82. Adult male, Closely allied to G. gutturalis, but smaller in size, and the red colour extending beyond the chest over the greater part of the breast, while the metallic bars have a greenish gloss instead of blue in position E; wings and tail golden brown, and much paler than in C.gutturalis; shoulders and least wing-coverts without any metallic colours. Culmen 0*95 inch, wing 2-6-2-7, tail 1*7, tarsus 0-65. Adult female. Fore neck dull blackish; rest of underparts dingy yellow mottled with brown; wing-coverts, and sometimes the tail, edged with white. The female of this species therefore resembles that of G, cruentata in its underparts and G, gutluralis in its upper parts. "Wing 2-5 inches. Obs. Specimens from the "White-Nile district {C. acik) are said to have the wings and the tail as dark as these parts are in G. gutturalis, " the metallic bars on the scarlet feathers being steel-blue, and only slightly glossed with green." In size, in the absence of metallic colours on the shoulders, and in other respects they resemble O. senegalensis perfectly. These specimens appear to be different only if compared with G. cruentata from the neighbouring countries; but if compared with the western form, they prove to be the same. Mab, Soudan, from Senegal to Gaboon, and extending to the White- Nile district. a,bjC. <$ $ ad. st. d, e. <5 ad. sk. West Africa. West Africa. Sir E. Sabine [P.]. Purchased. fg. S $ ad. sk,; h3 i. $ juv. sk. h. <5 ad. sk. 1. $ imm. sk. m. (S ad. sk. Bissao. Oasamanze. Senegal. Gambia, Sept. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. B. B. Sharpe, Esq. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 51. Cinnyris faliginosa, Soui-manga carmelite, Aud. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 42, pi. 20 (1802). Soui-manga vari£, Aud. et TieilL t. c. p. 43, pi. 21. Oerthia fuliginosa, Shaiv, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 222 (1811). Oerthia maculata, Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 223. Cinnyris fuliginosus, Cuv. Regne Anim. p. 412 (1817); Vieill. N. Diet. d'Mist. Nat xxxi. p. 497 (1819); Bonn, et Vieill Enc. Meth ii. p. 584 (1823) j Zess. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 23 (1828) ; id. Traite tfOrn. i. p. 296 (1831) ; id. Descr. Mamm. et Ois. p. 271 (1847) ; JSjp. C. A. I p. 406j id. G. R. 1854, p. 265; Reichenow, J.f O. 1877, p. 25; Shelley, Monogr, Meat p. 275, pi. 86. 9® NEOTAEIlOmZE. Cinnyris maculates, Cuv. Bfo/ne Anim. i. p. 412; Vieill. 2V". Diet. tVIIisL Nat xxxi. p. 514 (1819). Carmelite Creeper, Lath. Gen. Hist. B. iv. p. 250 QS22). Varied Creeper, Lath. t. c. p; 257. Nectarluia fuliginosa, Drapies, Diet. Class, xv. p. 510 (1S29); JarcL Monoqr. Sun-birds, pp. 197, 256, pi. 14 (1842) • Stricld. Contr. Om. 1851, p. 133 • Marti Orn. W.-Afr. p. 43 (1857) ; id. jr. f. O, I860, p. 13(5, 1861, p. 108• Cass. JProc. BUM. Acad. 1850, p. 35 ; SocageSJom. Lisb. 1868, p. 135; Beickenow, J.f.O. 1875, p. 30; Boeage, 0m. d1Angola, p. 163 (1877). Cinnyris aureus, Less. Descr. Mamm. ct Ois. p. 271 (1847). Carmelita fuligmosa, IZeichenb. Handb. Scansor. p. 296, pi. 58. figs. 3947-48 (1854) ; Oust. Bull Soc. Phihm. 7th series, i. p. 106 (1877) ; id. N. Arch. Mm. i. p. 93 (1878). Nectarinia aurea, Hartl Orn. W.-Afr. p. 44 (1857). Adult male. Chin and throat, carpal and upper tail-coverts black metallic in .position A, purplish red in B, coppery green in position C ; forehead metallic dark blue; prseocular region black; largo pectoral tufts of bright yellow colour; all the rest of the body warm velvety- brown, including the under wing-coverts and the edge of the wing, darkest on the wings, tail, and underparts, palest on the hind neck and mantle ; tail-feathers with a purple tinge. Culmen 0#95 inch, wing 2*7-2*8, tail 1*8, tarsus 0*65. Adult female. General colour above brownish buff, varying much in depth; wings and tail dark brown, with pale edges; praeocular region, chin, and throat dark brown, mottled with pale buff; abdomen washed with yellowish. "Wing 2-5-2-6 inches. Eab. Guinea. Obs. The depth of the brown coloration of the mantle and hind neck varies considerably, from fawn-buff to a dark cinnamon-brown. a, b,c. ($;d. J River Volta (UssJim-). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. ad. sk e. <$ juv. sk. River Volta (ITssher). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. /. <$ ad. sk. Lagos ( Ussher). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. g. $ ad. sk. Abeokuta. P. Nicholson, Esq. [P.], \ *• $ [ ? ] a^* sk- Cameroons, Jan. 18, R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 1871 iCrossley). h. $ ad. sk. Kevimba, Gaboon, June R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 8,1870 (SkerteMy). I, m. (S * n. $ ad. sk. Gaboon. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. o. <$ imm. sk. Gaboon. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. (moulting). p. $ ad. sk. Kabinda, August 1872. Commander Sperling [P.], q, r. $ ad. sk. Gaboon. M. Verreaux [0.]. s. <$ ad. sk. "West Africa. Purchased. t. Ad. in spirits. Gaboon. PI. T. Ansell, Esq. [P.]. 52. Cimyris amethystina. Soui-manga a front dor<§, Aud. et Vieill Ois. Dor. ii. pp. 21, 22, pis. 5, 6 (1802). Sucrier velours, Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. vL p. 160, pi. 294 (1808),* Sundev. L&ii. Framst., Levaill p. 5Q (1857). 6. OCOTRIS. CertMa amethystina, Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 195 (1811). Certhia aurifrontalis, Bechst. Kurze Uehers. p. 192 (1815). Clrmyris amethystlnus, Cuv. Megne Anim. i. p. 412 (1817); Less. Traite cTOrn. L p. 294 (1831); Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 134 (1837); Bp. C. A. i. p. 406 (1850); Cab. Mus. BTein. I p. 101 (1850); Sharps, ed. Bayard's B. S. Afr. p. 315 (1877) ; Shelley, Monogr. Sect. p. 269, pi. 84. Cinnyris auratifrons, TieilL K. Diet. $Hist. Nat. xxxL p. 502 (1819) ; Bonn, et TieilL Em. Mith. ii. p. 590 (1823). Meropine Creeper, Lath. Gen. Mist. B. IV. p. 223 (1822). Amethystine-throated Creeper, Lath. t. e. p. 254. Kectarinia auiifrons, Lichi. Verz. Boubl. p. 15 (1823); Less. Man. 42 (1828). Nectarinia auratifrons, Drapiez, Diet. Class, XY. p. 511 (1829). Nectarinia amethystina, Jard. Monogr. Sun-birds, pp. 195, 256, pi. 13 (1*42); "Hartl Orn. W.-Afr. p. 44 (1857); id.J.f.O. 1861, p. 108; Grill, Zool Antechn. pp. 10, 39 (1858) ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 79 (1867); Bocage, Jorn. Lisb. 1869, p. 340, 1877, p. 153, 1878, p. 2 ; id. J.f. 0.1876, p. 419; Finsch $> Hartl. Fog. Ost-Afr. p. 220 (1870). Chalconiitra aniethystina, Reichenb. Handb. Seansor. p. 277, pi. 567. figs. 3861-63 (1854). Smaller Race (C* kirki). Nectarinia arnetliystina, Kirk, Ibis, 1864, p. 320. Cinnyrih kirldi, Shelby, Monogr. Xect, p. 273, pi. 85 ; Sharpe, ed. Bayard's B. S. Afr. p. 317 (lb76); Shelley, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 571. Cinnyris (Chalcomitra) kalkreuthi, Cab. J.f. 0. 1878, pp. 205, 227. Nectarinia kalkreutki, Fibch. fy lleichen. t. \. p. 260. Adult male. The whole bird, as seen in position A, uniform brownish velvety black ; back and underparts with a soft purple hue; centre of crown, throat, part of the bend of wing, and terminal parts of most of the upper tail-coverts metallic, the crown being dark green, the other parts dark purple in position B, coppery red in position C. Calmen 1*15 inch, wing 2*8-2-9, tail 1-9, tarsus 0-66. Adult female. Upper parts earthy brown with an olive tinge; wings and tail dark brown; secondaries and wing-coverts with pale edges; all the underparts mottled with yellowish and dark brown, the dark brown being predominant on the throat, the dingy yellow or dull whitish on the abdomen and under tail-coverts ; edge of wing whitish, inner edges of quills pale. "Wing 2*6 inches, tail 1*8. Immature males have the throat and anterior part of the crown metallic like tho male; rest of fore neck sooty black; all the other parts like the female. In the next stage towards the adult plumage the feathers of the underparts are blackish at base and broadly edged with whitish. Hob. South Africa, from Katal to Angola and Zanzibar. Obs. From the Zambesi to the Zanzibar district the specimens are smaller in size (C. MrJci). VOL. ix. n NHCTABIKIIDJE, ci ad. Mozambique (upper iail-coverts plain). Oulmen 0*95 inch, win<2 2-6, tail 1*7, tarsus 0*62 (Hkolley gives tail 1-85, tarsus 0*65). , x. d $ ad. sk. N.W. Borneo. H. Low, Esq. [0.1 y. d ad. sk. Labuan (Low). E. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.l z. $ ad. sk. Sarawak Jff. Everett, Esq. [P.l a', d ad. sk. Simunjon, Borneo (A. F. B. Godman and 0. Sal- JBvereti). vim Esqrs. [P,]. Subsp, a. Arachnothera flammifera, er Tweeddate, Arachnothera aa flammifera, flammifera,flammifera, Tioeeddale, P PP.. Z. Z.Z. 8. 8.8.1878, 1878,1878, p. 343: Shelley Monogr.MetNectp.p. 3%3% pi pipi.. 115 115115.. *' A. Jiammifera, whkh is most probably nothing but a brighter 105 7 . AKACKNOTHEEA. coloured and smaller race of A. longirostris, rests on a single specimen only, an old male, collected by Mr. Everett in the island of Leyte, in September 1877. It differs from A. longirostris in having the throat and sides of the neck more tinged with pale grey, whilst the centre of the upper breast is white instead of yellow. The pectoral tufts and the rest of the unclerparts are richly coloured, orange and yellow, as becomes an old male in its best plumage. Total length 4 inches (excluding bill), culmen 1*15, wing 2*4, tail 1*75, tarsus 0*6 (Shelley). 4. Aradmothera dilntior. Arachnothera dilutior, Sharps, Nature, 3rd August 1876, p. 296; id. Trans. Linn. Son. new ser. ZooL i. p. 341; Tweedd. F. Z. S. 1878, p. 621; Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 303, pi. 116. This species is closely allied to A. longirostris, "from which it differs in having the breast white, only slightly shaded with pale olive-yellow on the sides of the body, and in the crown being brown with no olive shade ; throat faintly shaded with ashy brown: pectoral tufts bright chrome-yellow. Culmen 1-5 inch, wing 2*7, tail 1*9, tarsus 0-75." (Shelley.) Hah. The only specimen known was collected by Dr. Steere in the island of Palawan (Philippines). 5. Arachnothera magna. Cinnyris magna, Hodgs. Ind. Bev. 1837, p. 272. Arachnothera inornata, Horsf. (nee Temm.), P. Z. S. 1839, p. 167. Arachnothera magna, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1843, p. 981, 1846, p. 43 ; Gray, Gen. B. l. p. 99 (1847); Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. As. Soe. p. 221 (1849) ; Bp. C. A. i. p. 410 ; Cab. Mus. Hein. I p. 106; Meichenb. Handb. Scansor. p. 316, pi. 593.fig. 4023 (1854) ; Horsf. 8f Moore, Cat B. F.I. CO. MUS. ii. p. 727 (1856) ; Jerdon, B. Ind. I p. 360 (1862); Godwin-Austen, J. A. S. B. xxxix. p. 98 (1870) ; Hume, Str. F. 1874, p. 473,1875, p. 85 ; Blyth $ Walden, Cat. Mamm. $ Birds Bur??ia, p. 140 (1875) ; Walden, Ibis, 1876, p. 347 ; Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 347, pi. 112. fig. 1; Gammie, Str. F. v. p. 385 (1877) ; Hume $ Davis. Str. F. 1878, pp. 173, 507 ; Hume, Str. F. 1879, p. 89 ; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 327. Arachnothera chrysopus, Hodgs. in Gray's Zool. Misc. p. 82 (1844); id. J. A. S. B. xxiv. p. 575 (1855). SoutJiem Bace (A. aurata)? Arachnothera aurata, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xxiv. p. 478 (1855); id. Ibis, 1870, p. 164; Ehoes, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 661; Hume, Str. F. 1875, pp. 15, 85; Blyth § Walden, Cat. Mamm. fy Birds Burma, p. 410 (1875); Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 351, pi. 112. fig. 2; Hume §• Davis. Str. F. 1878, p. 174; Hume, Str. F. 1879, p. 89; Oates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 328. Arachnothera magna, Walden (nee Hodgson), P. Z. S. 1866, p. 540; Beamn, Ibis, 1869, p. 418. General colour above greenish yellow, each feather with a blackish- brown central streak; tail greenish yellow, with an irregular 10 6 NECTAEINIID^S. blackish subterminal band; in most specimens the outer pairs of tail- feathers have an indistinct light spot on the inner wob near the tip; quills brown, the outer web of the samo colour as the back, the inner web edged with whitish ; all the xmderparts yellowish white, each feather with a strongly pronounced central streak of dark brown ; under tail-coverts and thighs yellowish brown with light tips; edge of wing yellow; axillaries uniform yellowish white ; bill horny black; legs orange; iris dark brown. The female closely resembles the male in plumage, but is a little smaller. Measurements of type specimens ;—Total length about 6 inches (excluding bill), culmcn 1-5-1'70, wing 1-5-1-65, tail 1'7-2-0, tarsus 0*78-0-82. Bab. Erom Nepal, through Assam, to Tenasserim. Southern Race ( A. aurata). Still more to the southward (in Tenasserim, Burmah and Pegu) the specimens of this species become slightly lighter coloured, as the dark shaft-streaks on the lower back and upper tail-coverts have almost disappeared: on the underparts the streaks are also narrower, and the under tail-coverts are more yellow. As a rule these southern specimens are not quite so large as many of the northern ones. Ad. <$ from Pegu (Oates). Culmen 1*55 inch, wing 1-3, tail 1*7, tarsus 0*75. Ad. $ , Baunee, Pegu (Oates). Culmen 1*4 inch, wing 3, tail 1*5, tarsus 0*75. a. Ad. sk. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [P.]. b, c, d, e. Ad. sk Nepal (Hodgson). India Museum. /. Ad. sk. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [P.], (Type of species.) g, h. Ad. sk. Nepal. B. H. Hodgson, Esq. [PA \ k, I Ad. sk. Sikhira. H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. m. Ad. sk. Darjiling. India Museum. n. Ad. sk. Darjiling. Gould Collection. o. Ad. sk. Assam (McClelland). India Museum. p. Ad. sk. Tipper Assam. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. q, r. Ad. sk. Khasia hills (Griffith). India Museum. s. Ad. sk. Tonghoo. E. W. Oates, Esq. [C.]. t Ad sk. Tenasserim (Heifer). India Museum. Southern Race (A. aurata). a. 2 Baunee, Pegu, April 18, E. W. Oates, ESQ. [0.1. 1880. b, $ ad. sk. Eastern slopes of Pegu E. W. Oates, Esq. fO.l hills, April 27,1878. 6. Arachnothera affinis. A. affinis. Cinnyris affinis, Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soe. xiii. p. 166 (1820); Via. Mem. Bafflesj p. 67*2 (1830); Mjton, P. Z. S.1839, p. 101. 7 . AEACHSTOTHERA. 107 Nectarinia inomata, Temm. PI. Col 84. %. 2 (1823). Cinnyris inornata, Less. TraiU d'Om. p. 292 (1831) ; Blyth, J. A. S. B. xv. p. 43 (1846) ; Mull, § Schleg. Verh. Natuurl Gesc7i., Aves, p. 68 (1846); Blyth, Cat. B. Mm. As. 8oe. pp. 222, 327 (1849); Bp. C. A. i. p. 409 (1850); Reichenb. Handb. Scansor. p. 310, pi. 593. ftgs. 4021-22 (1854); Horsf. % Moore, Cat B. E.I. Co. Mm. ii. p. 729 (1856). ? Arachnothera literata, Lieht. JSfomencl. Av. p. 55 (1854). Arachnothera affinis? Shelley, Monogr. Kect. p. 355, pi. li-3. fig. 2. A, modesta, Anthreptes modesta, Eyion, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 105. Araclmotliera modesta, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 981 (1843), xv. p. 43 (1846); id. Cat Mus. As. Soc. p. 222 (1849); Bp. C. A. i. p. 410 (1850); JSbrsf. $ Moore, Cat B. E.I. Co. Mus. ii. p. 730 (1856) ; Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 460 ; Stoliczha, J. A. S. B. xxxix. p. 302 (1870); 8alvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. v. p. 183 (1874) ; Hume, Str. F. 1874, p. 473, 1875, p. 85 ; Blyth fy Walden, Mamm. 8$ Birds of Burma, p. 140 (1875); Hume \ Davison, Sir. F. vi. pp. 176, 507 • Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, xiv. p. 214 (1879); Shelley, Monogr. Kect p. 353, pi. 113. fig. 1 ; Gates, B. Brit. Burm. i. p. 329. Araclmotliera latirostris. Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 982 (1843), xiv, p. 557 (1845) ^ Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 99 (1847). Araclmotliera afhnis, Belzeln, Kovara JReise, Vog. i. p. 53 (1865). A. Larger Race (A. affinis). All the upper parts uniform dark yellowish olive; the feathers of the crown and forehead with dark brown centres; inner web of quills dark brown, edged with buff; tail with a dark brown subterminal band, inner webs dark brown with white subterminal spots; all the underparts dull whitish grey with a slight olive tinge; the feathers of the throat and breast with dark central streaks, which become more and more obsolete on the abdomen and on the flanks; edge of wing yellow; cheeks and ear-coverts olive- greyish yellow; bill blackish brown; legs and iris brown. Total length 6-7 inches, culmen 1*3-1-5, wing 3*5, tail 2,3-2*4,*tarsus 0-80. Hob. Java and Sumatra. 33. Northern, or smaller Race (A. modesta, Ei/ton), Specimens from Borneo, the Malayan peninsula, and the opposite coast of Sumatra are slightly smaller, and have the shaft- stripes on the throat and breast less distinctly marked, the general colour above more greenish, and the under mandible paler brown than in the southern race. The birds vary jn size, and gradually lead on to the largest specimens of the larger or northern race, as is shown in the following table. Total length about 5-6 inches. Culmen. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. in. in. in. in. Type specimen (Malacca) 1*45 3*1 1*85 0*73 c$. Malacca (Wallace) 1-50 3*4 2*10 0-77 [ $ ]. Malacca (Cantor) 1*35 2*85 2*70 0*70 Sumatra (Wallace) 1*35 2*90 2*70 0*75 Sarawak (Everett) 1'45 3*30 2*0 0*70 NECTAR TNIIDiG. 108 Southern Race (A. afimis). a. Ad. sk. Indian archipelago. Purchased. b, e. tf ? ad. sk. Java. Purchased. d, e. Ad. sk. Java (Horsfield). East India Company. (Types of species.) f. A ad. ak. Java (Diard). F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, J Esqrs. [P.]. & A. c? S ad. sk. East Java. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. Northern Race (A. modesta). a. Ad. sk. Malacca. T. 0. Eyton, Esq. (Type of A. modesta, Eyton.) b. Ad. sk. Malacca (Griffith), India Museum. e, d, e, Ad. sk. Malacca (Cantor). India Museum. /. Ad. sk. Malacca. India Museum. g. 6 ad, sk. Malacca. A. It. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. h. c? ad. sk. Malacca (Wallace). Gould Collection. i. Ad. sk. Sumatra. A. R. Wallace, Esq. fC.]. k Ad. sk. Sarawak. H. Everett, Esq. [C.]. I Ad. sk. [Java.] Gould Collection. 7. Aradmothera chrysoge&ys. Cinnyris longirostra, JSorsf. (nee Lath.), Tr. Linn, Soc. xiii. p. 169 (1820) ; Vig. Mem. Raffles, p. 672 (1831). Certhia longirostra, Raffles, Tr. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 299 (1822). Arachnothera chrysogenys, Temm. PI Col. 388. fig. 1 (1820); Dra pie%, Diet. Class, xv. p. 512 (1829); Blyth, J. A. S. B. xii. p. 981 (1843) ; S. Mull Verh. Natuurl Gesch. Land-en Volkenh. p. 405 (1843); Mull $ Schl. op. cit. Zool Aves, p. 69 (1846) ; Myth, J. A. S. B. xv. p. 43 (1846); Gray, Gen. B. I p. 99, no. 3 (1847); LOID, Sarawak, p. 410 (1848) ; Blyth, Cat. B. Mas. As. Soc. pp. 222, 327 (1849) j Bp. C. A. i. p. 410, no. 4 (1850); Cab. Mus, Hein. i. p. 106 (1850); Reichb. Handb. Scansorice, p. 316, no. 748, pi. 592. fig. 4020 (1854) ; Mors/. $ Moore, Cat. B. E.I. Co. Mus. ii. p. 729, no. 1061 (1856); Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 400; Pelz. Reise Nov., Tog, p. 52 (1865); Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. Ill, no. 1377 (1869) ; Salmd.Ann.Mus. Civ. Genova, v. p. 181(1874) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 107; Hume, Str. F. 1875, pp. 85, 319; Sharpe, Ibis, 1877, p. 18; Tweeddah, torn. cit. p. 301 ; Shelley, Monogr. Meet. p. 365, pi. 117 ; Hume ty Davison, Str. F. vi. p. Yt7 (1878); Sharpe, Ibis, 1879, p. 261; id. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 343; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, xiv. p. 214 (1879); Oates, B, Brit. Burm. i. p. 331. Cinnyris chrysogenys, Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 31 (1828). Arachnotheraflavigenis,Swains. Class. B. ii. p. 829 (1837). Adult male and female. All the upper parts uniform dark olive- green, with a yellowish tinge to the wings and the tail, the latter without any blackish or whitish; inner web of quills edged with, pale buff; prae- and subocular regions and part of the cheeks without feathers; supercilium arid lower half of ear-coverts sulphur-yellow; throat greenish; breast and sides dull olive-yellow, with the shafts of many of the feathers brownish; abdomen and under tail-coverts 109 bright yellow; edge of wing and under wing-eoverfcs mottled 7 . AEACHNOTHEEA. whitish. Culmen, Wing. Tail. Tarsus. in. in. in. in. ("c?"l. Type of A. longirosiris (Riffles) T5tf. Malacca 1-45 3-3 3-2 1-5 1'5 0-76 0-76 Penang[ J ad.]. Borneo 1-52 1-60 34 3'05 V7 1-3 0-75 0-75 Hob. Malacca, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. a. Ad. sk. Indian archipelago. Purchased. b, c, d,e. Ad. sk. Malacca {Cantor). India Museum. f. Ad. sk. Malacca. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [O.]. g. $ ad. sk. Malacca (A. R. Wallace). Gould Collection. Ji. Ad. sk. Singapore. Gould Collection. i Ad. sk. Pinang. E. W. Oates, Esq. [0.]. k. Ad. sk. Sumatra {Sir S. Raffles). Gould Collection. I. Ad. sk. Sumatra {Sir S. Raffles). {A. hngirostris, Raffles.) m. Ad. sk. West Sumatra. Dr. Eaber [C.]. n, o. S $ ^d. st. Borneo. Purchased. p. $ ad. sk. Java. Purchased. q. Ad. sk. Java {Horsfield). (Type of A. longirosiris, Horsfield.) r. [ J ] ad. sk. Borneo. Rajah Brooke [P.]. 8. Aradmothera flaviventris. Anthreptes flavigaster, Fyton, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 105. Arachnothera flavigastra, Blyth, J. A. S. JB. xii. p. 981 (1843); Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 460; JPelzeln, Reise Mvara, Vog. p. 53 (1865) ; Tweeddale, Ibis, 1877, p. 300. Arachnothera flavigaster, Blyth, J. A. S. B. xiv. p. 557 (1845), xv. p. 43 (1846); Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 99, no. 5 (1847); Blyth, Cat.B. Mus. As. Soc. p. 222, no. 1342 (1849); Mors/. $ Moore, Cat B. E.L Co. Mm. ii. p. 728, no. 1058 (1856); Gray, Handrl P. i. p. Ill, no. 1369 (1869) ; Hume, Str. F. 1875, p. 85. Arachnothera latirostris, Reichb. Handb. Scansorice, i 316, no. 747, pi. 593.figs. 4024-25 (1854). Arachnothera eytonii, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genma, v. p. 182 (1874). Arachnothera simillima, Hume, Str. F. 1877, p. 487: id. 1878, p. 171. Arachnoraphis flavigastra, Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 373. pi. 120. In general appearance very similar to A. chrysogenys, but this species is larger; the culmen is rounded; the region round the eye and the lower half of the ear-coverts are sulphur-yellow; cheeks covered with olive feathers; the shafts and centre of the feathers of the throat and breast are pale, not brownish; the sides and flanks have a little stronger tinge of greenish colour. 44 Iris deep brown ; eyelids black; legs and feet reddish ochre; claws horny brown " {Shelley). Total length about 7 inches, excluding bill. 110 NECTAEINirc>.2BL Type specimenS acl. MalaccaS ad. MalaccaAd. MalaccaCulmen. in. 1-6 1*56 1-45 1-7 Wing. in. 4*2 4-4 3-8 4-5 Tail. in. 2*1 2-2 1-8 2-2 Tarsus, in. 0*9 0*01 0'81 0*90 Bab. Malacca, Sumatra, and Borneo. a. [rf] ad. sk. Malacca. T. C. Eyton, Esq. (Type of A.Jlavigaster, Eyton.) b, c, cl. Ad. sk. Malacca (Cantor). India Museum. e,f. Ad. sk.Malacca. India Museum. q*7i. Ad. bk Malacca. W. Harvey, Esq. [P.]. V. <3 ad. sk. Malacca. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. k. <$ ad. sk. Malacca (^4. B. Wallace). Gould Collection. 9. Araciinotiiera novae gtdnese. Cinnyris novas guineae, Less. Voy. Coq., Zool. i. p. 677 (1828); id. Man. dtfOrn. ii. p. 44. Arachnothera novae guineas, 8. Mutter et Sc7ileg.Nataurl. Gesc7i. Zool. p. 70, pi. 9. fig-. 3 (1839-44) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 99; Bp. C. A. i. p. 410; Sdat. Jonrn. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 157; Gray, Cat. B. New Gum. p. 22; id P. Z. S. 1858, p. 173, 1861, p. 434: Rosenberg, Nat. Tijdsc7ir. Nederl. Ind. xxv. p. 237; id. J. f. O. 1864, p. 123; id. Malay. Archip. p. 364; Bernstein, J.f. 0.1864, p. 405 ; linsch, Neu-Guinea, p. 102, Aracbnoiapbis novae guineas, Reichenb. Handb. spec. Orn. p. 314, %. 4030 (1853) ; Gray, Band-l. B. i. p. Ill, no. 1371. Melile&tes novse guineas, Salvad. Ami. Mas. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 951 (1875) ; id. Orn. Papuas. e Molucche, ii. p. 315. Adult male and female. Tipper parts uniform olive-green; inner web of quills and tbe tail dusky brown; ocular region pale yellowish; all tbe -underparts vivid yellow witb a greenish tinge; sides of bead olive-grey; under wing-coverts and inner edge of quills white, the former slightly tinged with yellow; under tail- coverts whitish yellow. Tbe feathers of the hack are fluffy and long; no pectoral tufts ; culminal ridge strong. '. i. p. Q8, no. !:}<><> (1868), Bill of Anthothreptcs fraeeri. Adult male. All the upper parts uniform olive-green ; inner webs of quills brown; tail unci outer webs of quills washed with olivfryellow ; all the underparts yellowish olive; pectoral tufts bright orange-red; edge of wing and under wing-eoverts yellow; bill olive-yellow at base of mandible ; feet olive-green. Female. Like the male, but without tufts. The following measurements of the male are taken from an apparently fully adult, and perfect male (Gaboon). '. Mas. As. Sac. p. 225, DO. 1809 (ISA©), Nectarinia frontalis, Rl>/th, J. A. S. B. xiv. p. 558 (184$). Cinnyris simplex, Bj>. C. A. i. p. 408, no. 39 (1850). Araehnoraphis simplex, lieichb. llandb. Seatworm, p. 813, no. 73t*>, pi. rm. Jig. 4028 (1854). Araelinothera simplex, Grm, Iland-l, B. i. p. HI, no. 1370 (18(>J>). Araclmechthra simplex, Waldeu, Ibis, 1870, p. 31. Ararhnophila simplex, Sah'ad. Ann. Mas. Ctr. (,\nora, v. p. 172 (1874)J Twe). Anthreptes simplex, Hume, Str. F. iii. p. 31*. >, no. S$8 quart. (1875) ; Sharpe, lids, 1877, p. 18; Briiat/. Abhandl. Ver. Bremen, v. p. 468 (1877)1 Hume f Damon, Str. L\ vi. p. 188 (1878); Shelley, Mouof/r. Xeet. p. 300, pi. 100. Anthreptes xanthochlora, Hume, torn. cit. p. 320, no. 2^'J quint. Adult male. Forehead metallic green or blue-black ; rest of upper parts olive-green ; wings and tail brownish olive-yellow ; inner margin of remiges, some of the under wing-coverts, el lin, and throat silky whitish, this colour gradually changing into the pale whitish or yellowish green of the rest of the underparts ; bill blackish brown, 8. ANCTTOIEREPIES. hase of mandible pale. Culmen 0#65 inch, wing 2*25, tail 1*95, tarsus 0-6. The female resembles the male, but wants the metallic colour on the forehead. Hab. Borneo. a. <£ ad. sk, Borneo, Purchased. b, c. S ad. sk. Paku, Sarawak, Dec. 1878. H. Everett; Esq. [0.1 d. 2 ad.; e. Juv. sk. Sarawak. H. Everett, Esq, [O.J. 4. Anthothreptes anchietse, Nectarinia aneMetae, Socage, Jorn. Lish. 1878, p. 1. Antkreptes anckietse, Shelley, Monogr. Ned. p. 329, pi. 100. Adult male. General colour above, including sides of head, wings, and tail, olive-brown; the tail with narrow pale edges; forehead and entire fore neck metallic steel-blue and green; all the rest of the underparts bright yellow; middle of breast and under tail- coverts strongly washed with bright scarlet; bill and feet black. Culmen 0*5 inch, wing 2*4, tail 1*0, tarsus 0*7. (Shelley*) Hab. Benguela. 5. Jaithothreptes loHguemarii. Oinnyris longuemarii, Less. Bull. 8oc. Nat xxv. p. 242 (1831); id* El. Zool. pi. 23 (1831). Antkreptes leucosoma, Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 140, pi. 17 (1837) \ Allen fy Thomson, JBxped. Niger, i. p. 250 (1848). Cinnyricincla leucosoma, Lafresnaye, Mei\ Zool. 1840, p. 272; Eeichb. Handb. Scamoria, p. 305, no. 715, pi. 588. figs. 3093-94 (1854). Nectarinia longuemarii, Gray, Gen. B.i* p. 99, no. 99 (1847); Hartm* J. f. 0.1865, p. 76,1866, p. 207 * Heugl. Orn. MO.-Afr. p. 234 (1871) ; Socage, Jorn. Lish. 1878, p. 2. Anthreptes longuemarii, Bp. C. A. i. p. 409, no. 4 (1850); Hartl Orn. W.-Afr. p. 53 (1857); Heugl J.f O. 1864, p. 263; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 41, no. 386 (1871) ; Ousted. N. Arch. Mas. i. p. 152 (1878) j Shelley, Monogr. Ned. p. 335, pi, 108. Adult male. Grown of head, hind neck, upper throat, entire back, shoulders, and upper tail-coverts brownish black, witb a strong metallic gloss, this gloss being least developed on the tail, where the blackish brown is more predominant: in position B all these parts are beautiful violet or purplish blue, in position C black with a slight greenish-purple lustre; tail, wings, and their coverts, sides of head, ear-coverts, and chin dark brown; all the rest of the underparts pure white. With bright yellow pectoral tufts. Adult female. Upper tail-coverts and tail brownish black and purple as in the male; wings brown, slightly edged with olive; rest of upper parts and sides of head earthy brown; a superciliary stripe and all the underparts pure white, with the exception of the abdomen and under tail-coverts, which are pale yellow. No pectoral tufts, i2 NECTAKINIIDJE. g. Culmen 0-72 inch, wing 3-0, tail 2*1, tarsus 0*7. ? . „ 0-72 „ „ 2-6, „ 1-9, „ 0-7. Hab. Northern half of Ethiopian Begion. a. c? ad. ; h. Imm. sk. Gambia. Purchased. c tf; dy e. J ad. sk. Gasanianze. B,. B. Sharpe, Esq. 6. Anthothreptes aurantia. Anthreptes aurantimn, Verr. Rev. et Mag. Zool. 1851, p. 417; Hartl. J.f O.1854, p. 14, no. 129. Anthreptes aurantius, Strichl. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 133; Oust. Bull. Soc. Philom. 7th series, i. p. 106 (1877) ; id. N. Arch. Mm. i. p. 94 (1878). Cinnyricincla aurantia, HeicJih. Handb. Sccmsorice, p. 306, no. 716 (1854) ; Bp. Comptes Rendus, 1854, p. 265. Nectarinia aurantium, Milll. J. f O. 1855, p. 16, no. 176. Anthreptes aurantia, Hartl 6 m. W.-Afr. p. 53 (1857); Cass. Pr. Philad. Acad. 1859, p. 37, no. 48; JDu Chaillu, JSquat. Afr. p. 472 (1861); Hartl. J. f. O. 1861, p. 110; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 41, no. 387 (1871) ; icl P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 609, 615 ; Shelley, Monogr. Ned. p. 331, pi. 109. Anthothreptes aurantia, Heine, J.f O.1860, p. 138. Araehnothera aurantia, Gray, Hand-l B. L p. 113, no. 1401 (1869), Adult male. All the upper parts, sides of head and neck, and the upper throat black, with a brilliant metallic gloss; wing-coverts and outer edges of secondaries glossy green in position B5 blue in position C. In position B the head all round and the greater part of the back are brilliant dark green, whilst the hind neck, part of the mantlo, and the whole tail are deep steel-blue; in position 0 all these parts change into dark purplish blue. All the underparts, except the metallic throat, are uniform buffy white. Pectoral tufts very well developed and of a rich orange-colour. Culmen 0-72 inch, wing 2-5-2-7, tail 1*8-2, tarsus 0-7. Adult female. "Wanting the pectoral tufts; cheeks, ear-coverts, fore neck, and throat white; rest of underparts, including the chest, pale yellow ; the colour of the tipper parts resembling the male, but with the hind neck green instead of blue. "Wing 2*4 inches. Young. Upper parts olive, inclining to ashy grey on the crown; wings and tail brown, the former broadly edged with, olive ; outer pairs of tail-feathers with large pale tips; sides of head and fore neck dingy white; rest of underparts pale yellow- Wing 2*15 inches, tail 1-4, tarsus 0*67. Hab. West Africa, from Gameroons to Gaboon; Fernando Po. a. 3 ad. sk. Gamer oons (Crossley). B. B. Sharpe, Esq. b. [ $ ] juv. sk. Fernando Po. B. B. Sharpe, Esq. c,d. d $ ad. sk. Gaboon. B. B. Sharpe, Esq. 7. Anthothreptes collaris. A. A. collaris. Le Sucrier gamtocin ou a cordon bleue, Levaill. Ois. dSAfr. vi. p. 174, pi. 299 (1808) 5 Sundev. Krit. Framst., Levaill p. 57 (1857). 8. AtfTHOTHBEPTES. Cinnyris collaris, Vieill N. Bid. d'Hist Nat. xxxl p. 502 (1819); Bonn, et Vieill JEnc. Meth. ii. p. 590 (1823) ; Less. Man. d'Om. ii. p. 42 (1828) ; id. Diet Class. d'Hist. Nat. xv. p. 511 (1829). Cinnyris metalliciis, Less. Traite cVOrn. p. 294 (1831). Nectarinia collaris, Drapiez, Diet. Class, xv. p. oil (1829); Jard. Monoar. Sun-birds, pp. 179, 251, pi. 0 (1848) ; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 9/V1S47) ; Bp. C. A. i. p. 40o,no. 5 (1850) ; Jard. Contr. Orn, 1851, p. 153; MiiU. J, f. O. 1855, p. 13. no. 136; Gurnet/, Ilis, I860, p. 208; id. Ibis, 1864, p. 358; Finsch, J. f. O. 1867, p. 246 ; Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 77, no. 125 (1867) ; id. Ibis, 1869, p. 365; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 108, no. 1314 (1869); Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 41, no. 381 (1871) ; Shelley, Ibis, 1875, p. 70, no. 35. Anthodiseta collar!s, Cab. Mas. Hein. i. p. 100 (1850) ; Beichb. Handh. Scansorice, p. 293, no. 688, pi. 590. figs. 4005-6 (1854) ; Sharpe, ed, Bayard's B. S. Afr. p. 320 (1876) ; Shelley, Monoar. Met. p. 339, pi. 110. Nectarinia gamtoceiipis, Yerr. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 152. B. A. hypodiia. Nectarinia hypodilus, Jard. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 153 ; Hartl. J. f. O. 1854, p. 12, no. 115; Mull. J. f. O. 1855, p. 16, no. 169; Marti. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 52,'no. 149 (1857) ; Socage, Jorn. Lisb. i. p. 135, no. 36 (1866) ; Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 108, no. 1317 (lb69); Beichenow, J. f. O. Lb75, p. 31; Socage, Orn. cT Angola, p. 176 (1877) ; Beichen. J.f.O. Ib77, p. 25. Nectarinia collaris, Verr. in Jard. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 152 (nee Vieill.). Anthodiseta subeollaris, lieich. Ilandb. Scansorm, p. 293, no. 686, pL 590. figs. 4007-8 (1854) ; Outi. Bull. Soc. Philo?n. 7th series, i. p. 106 (1877). Anthodiseta hypodelos, Belch Handh. Scansorice, p. 293, no. 687 (ex Jard.). Nectarinia suhcollaris, Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 52? no. 150 (1857); Cass. Br. PMlad. Acad. 1859, p. 36; Heine, J. f. O. 1860, p. 137; Hartl. I. c. p. 109; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 108, no. 1315 (1869) ; Sharpe, Ibis, 1870, p. 478; id. P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 609, 615; Bouvier, Cat. Ois. Marche Sfc. p. 13 (1875). Cinnyris hypodilus, Sharpe $* Bouvier, Bull. S. Z. France, 1876, p. 41. Anthodiseta hypodiia, Oust. N. Arch. Mtis. i. p. 85 (1878); Shelley, Monogr. Ned, p. 345, pi. 111. figs 1 & 2. C. A. zambesiana. Nectarinia collaris, Kirk, Ibis, 1864, p. 320, no. 43 (nee Vieill); Hartl P. Z. S. 1867, p. 824; FinschtyHartl. Vog. Ost-Afr. p. 223, no. 102 (1870); Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 713, no. 18; Fischer $ Meiehen. torn. cit. p. 260. Anthodiseta collaris, Cab. in Von der Decketfs Beis. Ost-Afr. iii. p. 28, no. 21 (18G9); id. J.f.O. 1878, p. 226. Anthodiseta zanibesiana, Sharpe, ed. LayarcVs B. S. Afr. p. 321 (1876); Nicholson, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 356; Shelley, Monogr. Nect. p. 343, pi. 111. Hg. 3; id. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 571. A. South-eastern Race (A. collaris). Adult male. Head and neck all round and all the upper parts, including the mng«*eoverts and outer webs of the secondaries, 118 NECTAEINIIDJE. brilliant metallic golden green, which colour in position C changes into a deep bluish green; tail blackish green, externally edged with the colour of Hie back; inner webs of quills and of greater coverts blackish brown, with a whitish inner edge; the metallic green on the fore neck separatedfrom the yeUowparts by an irregular purplish-blue band; all the rest of the underparts yellow, the pectoral tufts still brighter; sides and flanks slightly washed with olive ; under wing covcrts, edge of wing, and axillaries white and pale yellow. Culrnen 0-5-0-C inch, wing 2-15, tail 1-4-1-5, tarsus 0-65. Female. Like the male, but with the throat and fore neck pale rhiiish and yellow. "Wing 1-9 inch. Jlab. South Africa. B. Northern Eace (A. hypodila). Adult male. Greater and median wing-coverts and secondary quills externally edged with olive-yellow instead of metallic green; all the other parts as in A. collaris. Wing 1*95-2*1 inches. Immature birds have the fail dark brown, washed with olive. Young birds. Upper parts olive; inner webs of quills and tail brown; nape and hind neck greyish; throat, fore neck, and chest silvery white ; rest of underparts pale sulphur-yellow. Hab. Guinea and Zanzibar district. Obs. Specimens from East Africa (A. zambesiana)^ as was to be expected, have the wings coloured like the Guinean form; the metallic parts in position B are less dark, but more golden green, with sometimes a slight coppery gloss. This gloss, however, varies much in different localities ; the darkest shade of bluish green and least golden gloss is exhibited by specimens from Ashantee and Fantee, while in the Cameroons the gloss is golden. A. South-eastern Specimens (A. collaris). a. d ad. sk. Gamtoos River, Aug. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 1850 (J. Verreaux). b. [ ? ] sk. Buffalo raver, Sept. 1850. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. c. rf ad. &k. Graham's Town R. B. Sharpe, Esq. (Layard). d. c? imm. sk. Uitenlaage, April 26, R. B. Sharpe, Esq 1807 (Richard). e. S ad. sk. King williamstown, June Capt. Trevelyan [P.]. 11,1877. /, 9-6 $ ad. sk. Natal, March 14. Dr. Guehrzius ["CI. h, *'. 6 ? ad. sk. Natal. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. h. <$ ad. sk. Natal. T. Ayres, Esq. [O/l. I $ ad. sk. Natal {Ayres). F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. fp.l m, S ad. sk. Zambesi {Meller). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. B. Western Specimens (A. hypodila). a, b. S $ ad. sk. W. Africa. Purchased. c. d ad. sk. W. Africa. L. Eraser, Esq. [C 1 d. VVAc?;-2 a'. $ ad. sk. 6'. $ c'. Ad.inspirit. Aslianteo. Fantee. Fantee (Ussher). Fan toe. Fantee (Swanzg). River Yolta (Usshcr). Cameroons. Cameroons, Feb. 0, 1871 (Crossleg). Fernando Po. Gaboon (Dw Chaillu). Gaboon. Ebo. Cong'o. W. Africa. J. Gould, Ebq. K.B. Sharpe, Esq. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. R. B. Sliarpe, Esq. R. B. Skarpe, Esq. R. B. Sliarpe, Esq. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. R. B. Sliarpe, Esq. Oapt. Thomson [P.]. Commander Sperling [P.], Purchased. C. Eastern Specimens (A. zambcsiana). a. S ad. sk. Skupariga, Zambesi. Sir J. Kirk [C.]. b,c. $ J ad. sk. cl £ ad. sk. e. c? ad. sk. /2ad.s k #, ft. <$ 2 ad. sk. Zambesi. Dar-es-Salaam, Zanzibar. Mombasa, July 1870. Mombasa (Wakefield). Mombasa. (Type of A. zamhesiana.) Sir J. Kirk [0.]. Messrs. Moir [0.]. J. M. ITildebrandt [0.]. R. B. Sharpe, Esq. Rev.H.Fowell BuxtonfP.]. 8. Anthothreptes rectirostris. Soui-manga a bee droit. Aucleb. et VieilL Ois. Dor. ii. p. 112, pi, 75 (1802). Oerthia rectirostris, Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 246 (1811, ex And. et Vieill) ; Beehst. Kurze TIebers. p. 194, no. 84 (1812). Cinnyris rectirostris, Cuv. Regne Anim. i, p. 412 (1817) j Bp. C. A. i.p. 405, no. 10(1850). Oinnyris elegans, Vieill. K Diet dHist. Nat. xxxl p. 506 (1819) j Bonn, et VieilL Enc. 3Ieth. ii. p. 590 (1823); Vieill. et Oud. Gal Ois. i. p. 292, pi. 178 (1825); Less. Man. dOm. ii. p. 60 (1828); id. Traits, v. 20Q (1831). Strait-billed Creeper, Lath. Gen. Hist. iv. p. 259, no. 61 (1822). Nectarinia rectirostris, Jard. Monoc/r. Sim-birds, p. 271 (1843); Midi J. f. 0. 1855, p. 15, no. 165; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 109, no. 1335'(1869). Euchloridia rectirostris, Reiclib, Ilcmdb. Scansorice, p. 312, no. 730, pi. 590. fig. 4003 (1854). Mangusia rectirostris, Bp. Comptes Rendus. 1854, p. 265. Nectarinia pkeeothorax, Hartl J.f. 0. 1861, p. 108; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 107, no. 1296 (1869); Sliarpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 41, no. 383 (1871). Nectarinia fantensis, Skarpe, Ibis, 1870, pp. 52, 474, and 1871, pp. 441, 470; Hartl op. cit. 1870, p. 443. Nectarinia gabonica (nee Hartl), Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 41 (1871) ; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 70. Nectarinia tephrolsema (juv.), Sharpe, Ibis, 1872, p. 69. Anthodiaeta rectirostris, 'Shelley, Monogr. JSfect, p. 331, pi. 107, l-<> HBOTAUINIin.lO. Adult male. Upper and side parts of head and neok, dkottlden mantle, and le»»er vring-ooverts metallic, golden green in poaitiona A. and B, dark bluish green in position 0 ; on tho lower back and on the upper tail-coverts this colour changes into olive, with no or scarcely any metallic gloss ; wings, greater covorts, and tail brown externally edged with olive-yellow ; chin and fore neck dull yellow • pectoral tufts bright yellow,- across the ohest a broad metaUio crescent of the colour of the hind neck; the collar bordered on its lower margin by a narrow orango band; all tho rest of the undorparts dull whitish yellow. F male. Above dark olive-greenish ; all the nnderparts yellow, with a faint dusky shade; entire tail olivo. Bill of Anthothreptes rectirostris. Hab. West Africa. 9. Anthothreptes tephrolaema. a. Ad. sk. Biver Gambia. B. B. Sharpe, Esq. b] c. $ ad. sk. Bathurst, B. Gamhia B. B. Sharpe, Esq. cl. <$ ad. sk. Ashantee. B. B. Sharpo, Esq. i f. $; ff,h. j Ashantee. J. Gould, Esq. i.' $ ad. sk. Takwa District, Wasa, Capts. Burton and Gold Coast. Cameron [P.]. k. ^0 | mgrivewtrw, p. 130. ¥. Whole back red pukherrima, p. 131. h\ Abdomen dingy grey. c6. Wing-coverts with white edgings sanguinolenta, p. 131. d8. Wing-coverts entirely black .. caledonioa, p. 132. c5. Abdomen yellowish buff chloroptera, p. 132. b\ Chest black. d5. Breast and abdomen greyish white boiei, p. 133. e5. Breast and abdomen black lifuensis, p. 133. br". Middle line of back black; rump red, c4. Underparts greyish brown erytJirocepJiala, p. 133. d\ Underparts yellowish white-\ °**P*™», P-™f V. Centre of crow red. I a*™***, p. 134. c". Rest of plumage black forbesi, p. 135. d". Rump and throat red. cr". Rest of underparts white vulnerata, p. 135. d"'. Fore neck and chest yellow jugularis, p. 136. c\ Whole crown black, e". With red in the plumage. e'". Chin, throat, and breast black rosenbergi, p. 137. f". Chin, throat, and breast red chermesina, p. 137. f". rTo red in plumage j only colours black or black and white. gr". Abdomen and breast white. e\ Fore neck and rump black ........ nigra, p. 138. / 4 . Upper tail-coverts and a pectoral crescent black pectoralis, p. 138. 1. HYZ031ETA.* 129 h'". Abdomen and breast black g4. Under wing-coverts white nigrita, p. 131). 7i4. Under wing-coverts black pammel&na, p. 140. h. Upper aad under parte crimson J ^Si f p.1il. o. Upper and under parts olive- or greyish brown. d'. With red in the plumage. g". Throat and part of fore neck red sclateri, p. 141. X". Bed gular stripe ... . eques} p. 141. ,". Nogularstripe; but wings and tail tinged j^K^ . u, e'. Ko red in the plumage c-ineracea, p. 148, /' . Crown only slightly tinged with red obmira, p. 143. 1. Myzomela guentheri (Plate III.) Adult male. Head and adjoining part of neck all round brilliant scarlet; all the rest of the plumage, including the under wing- coverts, black, glossy on the upper parts; inner margin of quills pale buff. Adult female. Anterior half of ht*ad all round, including the ear- coverts, scarlet, duller on the upper throat; occiput and re&t of upper parts greyish olive; wings mvl tail blackish brown, externally edged with olive-yellow ; iinderpartb dingy jellowish white, strongly washed with dull buff on the chest and Hanks ; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills white. c?. Culmen 0*55 inch, wing 2*1, tail 2*25, tarsus 0*3,3. $. „ 0*55 „ „ 2-0, „ 2-1, ., 0*54. Hab. ]N"ew Britain. a. S * bf c, $ ad. sk. New Britain, Dec. 18S0. Mr. Eleinschmidt [CJ. 2. Myzomela raliratra* Oinnyris rubrater, Less. Toy. Coq., ZooL p. 078 (1820); id. Man. d'Om. ii. p. 55 (1828); Ktttlitz, Kupfert. Tog. pi. 8. %. 1 • id. Denhw. einer Jtewe7 i. pp. Site, 3bl (lfco8). Myzomela "P. Jour. Myzomela major, ~Bp. C. It £ xxxuii. p. 2t*j f la54). Myzomela sanguinolenta (pt.), Gray (me lath.), Gen. B. i. p. 118; Bp. C. A. i. p. 394. Adult male. Shoulders, wing-coverts and quills, tail, under tail- coverts, lower abdomen, under wing-coverts, and edge of wing blackish brown; all the rest of the body scarlet; pneocular region brown ,* inner margin of quills whitish; bill blackLh; feet horncolour; most of the quills narrowly edged with olive externally. Female* Like the male, but the abdomen, under tail-coverts, and the wing-coverts more olive-brown or greyish brown .; hind neck less red than in the male. Culmen 0*7-0*75 inch, wing 2*85, tail 2*1, tarsus 0-85-0*9. Young birds are dark olive-brown above, paler and more greyish VOL. ix. K * l 130 MELIVKA.GIDM. on the underparts, more or less washed with red o n the various parts of the body. Hal. Caroline Archipelago. a. 6 ad. sk. Carolines. Purchased. b. [ $ ] ad.; c Imm, sk. Pelew Islands. j ^ Q0\lm ^^ 3. Myzomela cardinalis. Cardinal Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. i. pt. 2, p. 733 pi# 33 £ff 2 (1782). Certhia cardinalis, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 472 (1788) ; Zath, Lnd Orn i p. 290. Cardinal Honey-eater, Lath. Nat. Mist. iv. p. 199 pi 71 £0. 2 (1822). * b' Myzoniela cardinalis, Gray, Cat. B. Trop. Isi. p. 10(1859;; Tristram, Ibis, 1876, p. 261 ; Ramsay, Froc. Linn. Soc. JST. 8 W. iii. p. 337; Forbes, P. Z. S.1879, p. 272. Myzomela meknogastra, Bp. C. JR. t. xxxviii. p . 263 (1854). It remains doubtful whether the following references belong to this, or to any real species at all (cf. Forbes, I. cJ) :— Le Kuyameta, Vleill. Ois.Dor. ii. p. 92, pi. 58 (1802;, Certhia cardinalis, Vieill. in texte, op. cit. Myzomela pusilla, Gray, Cat. B. Trop. Isl. p. 10 (1859): Forbes, P. Z. S.1879, p. 276. Myzomela cardinalis, pt., Finsch § Hartl. Orn. Centralpolyn. p. 57 (note). Adult male. Head and neck all round and upper chest, middle line of back, and upper tail-coverts brilliant scarlet; prceoeular region and all the rest of upper and under parts, including edge of wing and under -wing-coverts, black; abdomen an d flanks inclining to brownish black; inner margin of qtiills wliitish • bill and feet black. Culmen 0*8-0-9 inch, wing 2-8, tail 1-8-1-9, tarsus 0*8-0-85. Adult female. Resembles the male in colour. Young birds are olive-brown on the upper parts and dingy- greyish yellow on the underparts; head, fore neck, and back more or less strongly washed or tipped with scarlet; tinder wing-coverts and inner margin of quills white, outer margin olive-yellow. Hal. New Hebrides. a. <$ ad. sk. Erromango. J. Maegillivray, Esq. [O.]. b, c. c? ad, sk. Erromango, Aug. 1865. J. Breiichley, *Esq. [P.]. d, e. c? ? ^d. sk. Aneiteum, Aug. 1853 Gould Collection, (Maegillivray). f) 9-6 l A.?ad. sk. Aneiteum. J. Maegillivray, Esq. [C.]. Subspecies a. Myzomela nigriventris. Myzomela nigriventris, Peale, US, JExpl. Fxp. p . 150, pi. 41. fig. 2 (1848); Cassin, U.S. JExpl Exp. p. 175, pi . 12. -fig. 1 (1858) ; Hartl. fy Finsch, Orn. Centralpolyn. p. 63, pi. 7. figs. 3 & 4 • Layard, Ms, 1876, p. 391; Forbes, P. Z. 8, 1870, p. 271. 1 . MY20MELA. 131 Myzomela rubratra, Marti, (nee Less.), Archiv f. Naturgesch. 1852, p. 130. Myzomela cardinalis, Marti, (nee Gmel), op. cit. p. 109. <« Slyzoniela amouxi, Verr." Bp. C. R. t. xxxviii. p. 263 (1854). Adult male. Closely allied to M. cardinalis, which, it seems to represent in the Samoa Islands. It differs from the latter species merely by the abdomen and breast being deep black without any brownish tinge; the black tipper parts are, as a rule, more glossy than they ever seem to be in 31. cardinalis. Culmen 0*78 inch, wing 2-6, tail 1-75, tarsus 0*75. Young birds are dark greyish brown above; crown of head, upper , throat, and upper wing-coverts strongly washed or tipped with scarlet. Hob. Samoa Islands. a, b. 8 ^d.; c. Juv. sk. Samoa Islands. Rev. S. J. "Wkitniee [C.]. d. <$ ad, sk. Samoa Islands. Rev. J. B. Stair [C.]. a<** sk etf* <$ ? Samoa Islands. J. Brenchley, Esq. [P.]. 4. Myzomela pulcherrima. Myzomela ptilcherrima, Ramsay, Broc. Linn. Soe. N. 8. W. vi. p. 170 (1881); vii. p. 27; Salvad. Orn. Bapuada, iii. p. 542. Aclidt male. Head and neck all round, the whole of the back and upper tail-coverts, chest, and greater part of sides of breast brilliant red; shoulders, wings, and tail brownish black; abdomen, under tail-coverts, flanks, under wing-coverts, and edge of wings sooty blackish brown; inner margin of quills whitish; bill and feet black; iris brown. Culmen 0*77 inch, wing 2-75, tail 1*75, tarsus 0*8. Mab. Ugi, Solomon Islands. * a} b. 8 5 ad. sk. Island of Ugi. Lieut. G. E. Richards [O.]. 5. Myzomela sanguinoleuta. ? Scarlet Creeper, Lath. Gen. 8yn. i. pt. 2, p. 740 (1782). ? Oerthia rubra, Gmel. 8. N. i. p. 479 (1788). Sanguineous Creeper, Lath. Gen. 8yn. 8uppl. ii. p. 1G7, pi. 130 (1801). Cochineal Creeper, id. L c. Red-rumped Creeper, id. op. cit. p. 100. Oerthia sanguinolenta, id. Lid. Om., Suppl. p. xxxvii (1801), Certhia dibapha, id. I. e. Oerthia erythropygia, id. op. cit. p. xxxviii. Certhia australasife, Leach, Zool. Misc. i. p. 30, pi. 11 (1814) Myzomela cardinalis, Via. §* Horsf. (nee Gmel. teste Forbes), Trans. Linn. Boo. xv. p. 310 (1820). Myzomela sanguinolenta, Cab. Mas. Mein. i. n. 116 (1850) • Bp. C. A. i. p. 304 • Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 6f3; id. Ilandb. B. Austr. i. p. 555; Biggies, Orn. Austr. pi. * Ramsay, Ibis, 1865, p. 304; id. Broc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. W. ii. p. 190 (1878)* Forbes, P. Z. S. 187% p. 259. Adult male. Head and neck all round, breast, middle line of back, rump, and upper tail-coverts brilliant scarlet; rest of upper parts, K2 MELIPHAGHDiE. including wings and tail and a praeocular spot, black; quills nar rowly edged with pale buff; greater and median coverts with con spicuous dingy white edges ; sides of breast, flanks, and abdomen dingy yellowish grey, inclining to dull white on the under tail- coverts ; under wing-coverts, inner margin of quills, and edge of wing whito; some of the tail-feathers likewise edged with white on their inner web; bill and feet black ; iris dark brown. Adult female. General colour above greyish brown; wings and tail dark brown; quills externally edged with olive, the wing- coverts with buff; all other parts dull whitish, more or less tinged with buff; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills white; maxilla blackish brown; mandible pale horn-colour ; feet brown. Total length less than 4 inches. S. Culmen O5-0-55 inch, wing 2*35, tail 1-4-1-5, tarsus 0-55. $ . „ 0-5 inch, „ 2-15, „ 1-3, „ 0*55. Hab. Australia. a. S ad. sk. Cape Upstart. J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. b. (S juv. sk. Cape Upstart. J. Macgillivray, Esq. [0.]. c,d.<$% ad. sk. N. S. Wales. Gould Collection. e. $ acl. sk. Queensland. Gould Collection. f. g, h. £ ad. sk. Queensland (Cock- F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, erell). Esqrs. [P.]. %. <$ ad. sk. Queensland. H. Seebohm, Esq. [P.]. k. d iuim. sk. Australia. Purchased. l,m. <$ $ ad. sk. Australia. J. Gould, Esq. Subspecies a. Myzomela cale&onica. Myzomela caledonica, Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 260. Adult male. Very similar to M. sangidnolenta; but the scapulars and wing-coverts are entirely black, without, or with hardly any, paler edgings; the red extends a little further down on the abdomen, which is pale whitish and buff. Culmen 1-57 inch, wing 2*25, tail 1*5, tarsus 0*63. Hob. E"ew Caledonia to New Hebrides. a. <$ ad. sk. Noumea, May 19,1879. E. L. Layard, Esq. [C.]. 6. Myzomela cMoroptera. Myzomela cMoroptera, Walden, Ann. fy Mag. N. H. 1872, ix. p. 399; Saluad. Ami. Mus. Civ. Gen. 1875, vii. p. 662; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 260, pi. xxiv.fig. 1. Adult male. Eesembling M. sanguinolenta in general pattern of colour. Wings, with their coverts, and tail brownish black; the scarlet on the underparts not extending down beyond the chest; rest of underparts dull yellowish buff; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills white; proeocular region blackish. Culmen 0*5 inch, wing 2-2, tail 1*5, tarsus 0-50. Hab. Celebes. 1 . MYZOMELA. 133 7. Myzoinela Iboiei. Myzoinela boiei, 8. Midler, Verh. Land-en Volhenh. p. 172 (183944); id, $ 8chkg. Verh. ZooL, Aues, p. 06, pi. 10. figs. 1 & 2 • Gray, Gen, B., Append, p. 5; Bp. C. A. i. p. 394; Reichenb. Handb.speo. Om., Meropince, p. 112, pi. 484. figs. 3416-17; Gray, 1\ Z. 8. I860, p. :U0; id. Hand-l B. i. p. 154, no. 1994; Bahad. P. Z. & 1878, p. 84; id. Ami. Mus. Civ. Gen. xvi. p. 72; id. Orn. Pajmasia, ii. p. 299. . Myzoinela boicei, Forbes, P. Z. S.1879, p. 262. Adult male. Head all round, middle lino of back, rump, and upper tail-coverts brilliant scarlet; praoocular region blackish; rest of upper parts, including tail and wings, sides of neck, and fore neck, uniform black; rest of unclerparts greyish white ; under wing- coverts and inner margin of quills white; bill black; feet horncolour, with yellowish soles. Total length about 4 inches, culmen 0-5-0-6, wing 2*2, tail 1-5, tarsus 0*65. Female. Above olive-brown, inclining to greyish brown on hind neck and crown; feathers covering the base of the culmen and upper throat washed with dull carmine-red • quills externally edged with olive-yellow; under parts of body greyish white; chest and fore neck strongly washed with grey. Culmen 0*55 inch, wing 2*05, tail 1*4, tarsus 0*65. Hah. JBanda Island. a. S ad. sk. Banda Island. A. K. Wallace, Esq. [O.]. b. $ ad. sk. Banda Island. Voy. of H.M.S.l Challenger.' 8. Myzomela lifuensis. Myzomela lifuensis, E. L. 8? L. C. Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 258 ,* Forbes, P. Z. S.1879, p. 273. ? Myzomela erythrocephala, Marie, Ibis, 1877, p. 362. Adult male. Head and part of neck all round, middle line of back, rump, and upper tail-coverts brilliant scarlet; rest of the upper parts black; loral and prseocular regions and rest of underparts sooty black; some of tho under wing-coverts mottled with grey and black; inner margin of quills whitish • " bill black; feet and iris very dark brown17 {Layard). Culmen 0*65 inch, wing 2-2-2-35, tail 1*5, tarsus 0*7. Hab. Loyalty Islands. a, b. <$ ad. sk, Lifu, Loyalty Islands, E. L. Layard, Esq. [0.]. Aug. 1878. 9. Myzomela erytkrocepMa. Myzomela erythrocephala, Gould, P. Z. S.1839, p. 144; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 64; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 118 ; B]\ C.A. i. p. 395; Reichenb. Vog. Neuholl. no. 50; id. Ilandb. spec. Om., Meropince, p. 113, pi. 485. figs. 4323-25; Gray, P. Z. S.1858, p. 173, 1861, p. 434; id. Cat. B. JSfmo Guinea, p. 23; Bosenh, Tijdsch. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 236; id. J. /. O. 1864, p. 122; Goidd, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 556; Biggies, Orn. Austr. pi,; 8ahad, $ d1 Albert, Ann, Mus, MELIPHAGKTOiB. Civ. Gen, vii. p. 825, xiv. p. 76; Ramsay, Proe. Linn. Soe. N. S. W. ii. p. 100, iii. p. Ill ,* Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 262; Salvad. op. cit. xvi. p. 72; id. Oni. Papuasia, ii. p. 300. Nectarinia erytlirocepliala, Finsoh, Neu-Gidnea, p. 163 (1865). Adult male. Head all round, lower back, rump, and upper tail- coverts brilliant scarlet; a prseocular patch and all the rest of the upper parts, tail, wings, and neck all round uniform blackish brown ; the rich blackish brown on the chest gradually changes into dull brownish grey; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills white ; edge of wing blackish brown; bill blackish, paler at the base of mandible ; feet dark horn-colour. Total length 4 inches, culmen 0*60- 7, wing 2-4, tail 1-6-1-7, tarsus 0-6. Adult female. Above uniform greyish brown; underparts paler; forehead and throat washed with red; wings externally edged with olive. Culmen 0*62 inch, wing 2*2, tail 1*4, tarsus 0-6. Young male. Resembling the female, but has the upper parts darker brown, inclining sometimes to blackish brown. Hal. Northern Australia to Aru Islands and New Guinea. a. S ad, sk. Aru Islands. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.J. b. c?imm. sk. Aru Islands (Wallace). Gould Collection. e, d,e. $ $ ad. Aru Islands (CockereM), F. D. G-odman and O. Salviu; sk. Esqrs. [P.]. fi ffi h* I Si inun. Aru Islands. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, sk. Esqrs, [P.]. 10. Myzomela a&olpMuse. Myzomela adolphinse, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. (1875) p. 976, xvi. p. 72 j Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879; p. 201, pi. xxiv. fig. 3 ; Salvad. Orn. JPapuada, ii. p. 301. Seems to represent If. erytlirocepliala on the Arfak Mountains. It differs from the latter species merely in having the mantle and wings slightly tinged with olive, whilst the underparts are not greyish brown, but dingy yellowish white; the distribution of red is the same as in the latter species. Culmen. 0-45 inch, wing 2-2, tail 1*5, tarsus 0*5. Adult female. General colour above, including the wing-coverts, olive-brown; wings and tail dark brown, externally edged with olive; underparts dingy yellowish white, slightly tinged with grey on the chest and fore neck; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills white; feathers covering base of culmen and upper throat washed with dull carmine-red. Eab. Arfak Mountains. 11. Myzomela aunabellae. Myzomela annabeUae, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 56. Adult male. Black; head and throat all round and lower back crimson; centre of the belly olive, as well as some very narrow 1. HTZ03IEIA. margins to the quills; under wing-coverts and inner webs of the quills -white; bill and feet black. Total length. 3*5 inches, wing 2*0, tail 1-3. (Selater.) Hob. Island of Loetoer, Tenimber group. a. (S ad. sk. Loetoer, Tenimber Islands. H. 0. Forbes, Esq. [0.]. (Type of species.) 12. lEyzomela forbesi Myzomela forbesi, Mamsay, Proc. Linn. Boo. N. 8. W. iv. p. 469 (1880); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xri. p. 71; id. Orn. Pajmasia. ii. p. 293. Adult male. Centre of crown blood-red ; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills pure white; all the rest of the plumage black, more or less glossy on the upper parts, sooty on the underparts. Culinen 0*74: inch, wing 2*25, tail 1*55, tarsus 0*01. Hob. Woodlark Islands. a, 3 ad. sk. Woodlark Islands. Mr. A. Goldie [0.]. 13. Myzomela vrrlaerata. Nectarinia (llvzomela) viilnerata, & Jliill. Katuurl. Gesch. Land- en Volkenh. p. 172 {1S39-U); id. op, cit. ZJOL, Aves, pi, 10. iigs. 8 & 4. Myzomela vulnerata, Up. C. A. I p. :J94 (1&J0); Forbes, P. ZlS. lb/9, p. 263. Adult male. Centre of crown and occiput, rump and upper tail- coverts, and upper throat Hood-red • all the rest of the upper parts, including the wings^ tail, forehead, sides of head, and the neck ail round sooty brownish, black; rest of underparts, Including edge of wing, under wing-coverts, and inner margin of quills, white; bill black ; feet lead-colour. Culmen 0*5-0*6 inch, wing 2*15-2*3, tail 1*6, tarsus 0*65. Female. Coloured like the male, but less distinct, and slightly smaller in its dimensions. Hah. Timor. -a, 5, c. 6 ad. sk. E. Timor. A. JR. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. d. [c?] ad. sk. Timor ( Wallace). Gould Collection. MYZOMELA LAFAEGEI. Myzomela lafargei, Hombr. 4' Jacq. Voi/. Pale Sud, ZooL iii. p. 08, pi. 22. fig. 5 (1853); Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 264; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Hoc. K 8. W. Tii. p. IS. This species still stands on the single type specimen obtained by the French Expedition to the South Pole in the Solomon Islands. It resembles the immature male of M. jugular is, but the red is restricted to tbe occiput, whilst the upper throat and chin are dull black; lower throat or fore neck blackish, mottled with greenish yellow. Hab, Solomon Islands (?), MELIPHAGIJDJ3. 14. Myzomela jugtilaris. Myzomela jugularis, Peale, US. Expl. Exped. p. 151, pi. 41. fig. 2 (1848) ; Camn, U.S. Expl Expect p. 170, pi. 12. %. 2 (1858); Hartlaub §• FinscJi, Orn. Centralpol. p. 54, pi. 7. tigs. 1 & 2 ; Whitmee, Ibis, 1875, p. 447 ; Layard, Ibis, 167Q, p. 391• Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 264. Myzomela solitaria, Ho?nhr. fy Jacq. Voy. Pole Sud, Zool. iii. p. 99, Atlas, pi. 22. fig'. G (1853) ; &to*r, P. Z. S.1869, p. 124; Pamsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. IV, vii. p. 16; Salvad. Orn. Piqnmsia, ii. p. 307 (note). Adult male. Centre of crown and occiput, chin and upper throat, lower rump, and upper tail-coverts brilliant carmine ; forehead and sides of head, mantle and back, wings, and tail sooty black; greater and median wing-coverts with small white tips; quills narrowly edged with yellow ; lower throat, fore neck, and chest yellow; rest of the underparts of the body yellowish white; under wing-coverts, edge of wing, and inner margin of quills pure white; bill black; feet horn-colour. Immature males have the carmine restricted to the occiput and upper throat, whilst the whole back and mantle are sooty olive- brown. Adult female. All the upper parts uniform sooty olive-brown; wings and tail similar to the male; the carmine is restricted to the chin and upper throat, whilst the rest of the throat is more or less mottled with blackish and dull yellow, the yellow being prevalent on the fore neck and chest; rest of underparts yellowish white. In the collection of the British Museum are three specimens, sexed as females, and two others not sexed, which agree with the description given above; whilst two other specimens (Eos. 86 and 60 of the 1 Challenger' Expedition) are likewise marked as females, but have some of the feathers of the occiput and rump red or at least tinged with that colour. As these two specimens therefore agree with an immature bird (marked male by Macgillivray), I have no doubt that the sex of these two ' Challenger' specimens is wrongly determined. o*. Culmen 0*6-0*7 inch, wing 2*3-2*4, tail 1*5, tarsus 0*65. ? . » 0*65 „ „ 2*1-2*3, „ 1*4, „ 0*64. Eab. Piji Islands. a, b. $ J ad. sk. Fiji Islands. Purchased. c. <$ ad. sk. d. 9 ad. sk. e.f. S ad.; g,h. Ovalau. Ovalau. Kandavu. E. L. Layard, Esq. [0.1 J. Brenchley, Esq. [P. J, Voy. of H.M.S. 'Challenger.' [ S ] iitmi. i, h. <$ $ ad. 1. o* num.; sk. sk. m. Matuka. Matuka, August 1855 Voy. of H.M.S. < Challenger.' Voy. of H.M.S.* Herald/ 2 ad. sk. n, $ ad. sk. (JDr. Payner). Moala, Sept. 5, 1854 (Dr. Payner). Voy. of H.M.S.* Herald.' o. [ c? ] ad. sk p. 9 HIV. Taviuni (Zzardet). Molucata. E. D. Godman and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. E. L, Layard; Esq. [C.]. 1 . MYZOMELA. 137 15. Myzomela roseiibergi. Myzonxela rosenbergi, Schleg. Fed. Tijdschr. Dierk. IT. p. 38 (1871) j Bosenherg3 Heist. Geeluink Baai, p. 138, pL XTI. fig. 2 ; Meyer, Sitzungsber. AJcad. Wien, Lrix. p. 211; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. rii. pp. 770, 947, xvi p. 71; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 274; Gould, B. Fete Guinea, pt. x. pi. 8; Mosenh. Malay. ArcMp. pp. 5o3, 586; Salvad. Orn. Papuasia, II. p. 294. Adult male* The whole of tlie back and npper tail-coverts, neck all round, and the whole chest "brilliant scarlet; head all round and all tlie rest of the body jet-black; Inner margin of quills slightly paler. Cnlmen 0*72 inch, -wing 2-45, tail 1*65, tarsus 0*62. Adult female. Rufous-brown, each feather blackish at base with paler shafts; "wings and tail blackish brown, the former externally edged with olive; wing-coverts tipped with rufous-brown; breast, flanks, and abdomen fawn-colour; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills white ; across the fore neck and upper part a brilliant scarlet collar; a few feathers of the lower back and rump (and on tlie forehead?) marked with the same colour; chin and throat dull black, Culmen 0*70 inch, wing 2-25-2*40, tail 1-5-1-6, tarsus 0*61 The yov?ig male resemble^ the female, but ha& the forehead, breast, rump, and throat uniformly coloured with the rest of the upper parts. Rah. Ke w Guinea. a. $ ad. skXew Guinea. Dr. A. B. Meyer [C.]. 6, c. $ ad. sk. Astrolabe Mountains. Mr. A, G oldie [C~]. 16. Myzomela chermesraa. Myzomela chermesina^ Gray, Gen, B. I. pi. 38 (1840); id. Cat. B. Trop. Id. p. 11; Bp. C A. i. p. 394; Gray, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 190; id. Cat. B. New Guin. p. 55; id. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 434; Bosenh. Nat. TijdBchr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 236; id. J.f.O. 1864, p. 122; Grat/; Hand-L B. L p. 154, no. 19b9; Bosenh. Malay. Archvp. p. 653; Forbes, P.Z.tilbTS, p. 352, 1&79; p. 273; Salvad. Orn. Paptmsia, ii. p. 306 {note}. Adidt male. The brilliant scarlet colour in this bird Is restricted to the following parts:—chin, throat, fore neck, breast, and flanks; on the upper parts, the whole of the upper tail-coverts, rump, and middle of trie back. All the other parts are deep black, with a gloss on the upper parts; inner margin of quills whitish; bill black ; feet horny "brown. Culmen 0-7 inch, wing 3-3*1, tail 2-2^ tarsus 0-85. The sexes are alike in plumage. Young birds are dark greyish brown above, slightly washed with olive, especially on the wings; underparts dull brownish grey ; breast and fore neck washed with dull red, wliich colour is more developed on the rump and upper tail- coverts. Hcib. Caroline Islands, Sew Hebrides, and liotumah (north of 138 MELIPHAGIDJE. «,&.[£] ad. sir. Botuniak (Rev. G. Brown). Voy. of H.M.S. < Challenger.' o. [ 6 ] ad, sk. Manikollo, New Hebrides. H. Wickhani Perry, d. $ juv. e. $ ad. sk. Ponape Island. HEsq. [P.]. Museum Godeffroy. Purchased. (Type of species.) 17. Myzomela nigra. Myzomela nigra, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 66; Gray, Gen. B. i. pi. 38. fig. 1; Bp. C. A. i. p. 395; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 116; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 558 {nee Cissomela nigra, Bp. C. R. 1854, p. 201); Biggies, Orn. Austr. pi.; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. JY. 8. W. ii. p. 190; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 275. Adult male. Head and neck all round, mantle, and central line down the breast black ; under wing-coverts, under surface of quills, and the thighs dull black• upper wing-coverts and quills, rest of back, and tail uniform blackish brown; breast and abdomen pure white. Culmen 0*7 inch, wing 2*7, tail 1*6, tarsus 0*53. Female and young birds are dull blackish brown above; underparts dingy white, except the thighs, under wing-coverts, fore neck, and throat, which parts are mottled with dull blackish ; inner margin of quills whitish. Wing 2-6 inches, tail 1*5. Hab. Greater part of Australia. a. r 2 ] ad. sk. Gulf of Carpentaria Gould Collection. (Gilbert). b.[<$~\ ad. sk. Australia. J. Gould, Esq. [P.], c. S ad. sk. Austialia. Zoological Society. d. [S~\ ad.; e. Queensland (CocJcerell). F. D. Godman and 0. Sal- Juv. sk. vin, Esqrs. 18. Myzomela pectoralis. Myzomela pectoralis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1840, p. 170; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. G5; id. Ilandb. B. Austr. i. p. 557; Bp. C. A. i. p. 395; Biggies, Orn. Austr. pi.; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc, N. 8. W. ii. p. 190; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 275. Cissomela nigra, Bp, (nee Gould), C. R. xxxviii. p. 265 (1854). Adult male. Upper parts of head, wings and wing-coverts, mantle, back, tail, and a narrow crescent across the chest black; secondary quills and tail-feathers edged with white; rump, upper tail-coverts, and all the rest of the underparts, including the axillaries, ear-coverts, and sides of neck, pure white; under wing-coverts, edge of wing, and inner margin of quills black; bill and feet black. Females and immature males are coloured like the male, but have the mantle mottled with black and buff. Culmen 0*65 inch, wing 2-5-2*7, tail 1-8, tarsus 0-57. Hab. North Australia. a. [ J ] ad. sk. North Australia. Purchased. b. [$ J ad. sk. Queensland (CockereU). R D. Godman and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. c. Juv. sk. Gulf of Carpentaria (Gilbert). Gould Collection. 1 . MT^OMELA. 139 10. Myzomela nigrita. Myzomela nigrita, Gray, P. Z. S.1858, p. 173 j id Cat. B. Neio Gitin. pp. 23, 55; «& P. Z. S. 1859, p. 115, 1801, p. 434; Posenb. J. f. 0.1804, p. 122; id. Nat. Tijdsclir. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 237; 8almd. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 97; Forties, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 265; JSalvad. fy aVAlbertis, Ann. Mus. Civ, Gen. xiv. p. 75; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. W. iv. p. 100; Posenb. Malay. Arch. p. 553; Salvad. Ami. Mus. Civ. Gen. xvi. p. 71; id. Orn. Papuasia, ii. p. 291. Nectarinia nigri, Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 163. Myzomela erythrocepliala, Meyer (?iec Goidd), 8itzungsber. Ahad. Wien, lxx. p. 204 (1874). Myzomela meyeri, 8alvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 947 (1875). Myzomela pluto, Sahad. in Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 200. Adult male. All the upper and under parts are uniform jet-black, with the exception of the under wing-coverts, axillaries, and inner margin of quills, which are pure white; bill black; feet dark horncolour. Female. Upper parts uniform greyish brown; underparts of body paler; throat, cheeks, and forehead strongly washed with dull carmine; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills pure white; wings and tail externally washed with dull olive. Immature males are dull black above, mottled dark grey and black on the underparts of the body, retaining the dull carmine on the forehead and especially on the throat. These birds do not seem to be subject to much variation in size, as will be seen from the following measurements. Culmen 0*65-0*7 inch, tarsus 0-52-0*6. Specimens with the wing 2*5-2*7 inches in length, from Jobi Island and from Miosnom (cf. Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 206; " If. pluto" Salvadori in litteris), seem to mo to belong to M, pammelcena. Wing. Tail, in. in. d\ Dorey 2'25 1*6 Dorey 2*25 1*6 Axu 2-25 1*6 Ara 2*3 1-02 Aru 2-25 1*5 Am 2-3 1-62 Aru (Wokan) 2*15 1*5 Aru 2-15 1*52 Pt. Moresby 2-3 1*02 East Cape 2*3 1*0 $. Am 2-0 1*4 Am 2-0 1-5 East Oape (New Guinea) ... . 2*2 1*42 Hob. "Western and Southern New Guinea and Aru Islands. a,b.<$) c, d. J Axu Islands. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [O.]. ad. sk. e. $ ad. sk. Axu Islands (Wallace). Gould Collection. /, g. <$ ad. sk.; Aru Islands (Cockerett). F. D. Godman and O. Sal- X S imm. sk. VIE, Esqrs. 268 ; Salvad Orn. Papuasia, ii. p. 303. Ptilotis fumata, S. Mull in Mus. Lugd. (teste Salvad.); Bp, C. A. i. p. 392; Sclat. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 157; Gray,P.Z.S. 1858, 144 MELIPHAGIDiE. p. 190; id. Cat. B. New Ouin. p. 24; id. P. Z. S. 18G1 p. 434 • Rosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. 2nd. xxv. p. 236 j id. Jl f. 0,1864 p. 122: Fimch, Neu-Guin. p. 164; Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 157* no. 2042 ; Rosenb. Malay. Archip. p. 553. ' Meliphaga concolor, Temm. Mus. Lugd. (teste Salvad.). Adult male. All the upper parts uniformly greyish brown • underparts inclining to fulvous or reddish brown ; outer webs of'remises with very narrow whitish edges, giving the wing, when folded* a whitish appearance; under wing-coverts and tail-coverts and inner margin of quills pale fulvous. The sexes are alike in plumage; some specimens have the forehead and upper throat very faintly, or just perceptibly, washed with vinous or dull carmine. Culmen 0-7-0-85 inch, wing 2-4-2-8, tail 2-2*3, tarsus 0-6-0-7. Hub. JSTorth Australia and opposite parts of New Guinea. a. S ad. sk. North Australia. Purchased. b, a. S cad. sk. North Australia. Gould Collection. d. [2 ] ad. sk. ej. Ad. sk. g. [tf] ad. sk. North Australia. Port Darwin. Port Essington. Purchased. Gould Collection. Dr. Sibbald [P.], h} i. dy k. $ ad. sk. I. S ad. sk. m, <5 ad. sk. Cape York. Cape York. Blund's Bay, N.W. F. D. Godmanan'd O. Sal- Tin, Esqrs. [P.], Voy. H.M.S. ' Challenger' J. R. Elsey, Esq. [P.f Australia. n,o. tf',p. J Thursday Island, Torres Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' Straits(Br. Copping'er). q. [c?] ad. sk. East Cape, S.E. New Mr. Hunstein [0.1. Guinea. 2. ACANTHORHYNCHUS. Type. Acanthorhynchus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1837, p. 24 A. tenuirostris. Leptoglossus, Swainson, Classif. of Birds, ii. p. 327 (1837). Bill very long, slender, and curved. Tail square, equal to wings in length. Pattern of colour totally different from that of Myzomela, to which genus it otherwise is closely related. Length of wing 2*42- 8 inches. Bill of Acanthorhynchus superciliosiis. '; Range. Australia. 1. Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris. Certhia tenuirostris, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxxvi. Le Cap noir, Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 94, pi. 60. Slender-billed Honey-eater, Lath. Gen. Hist. iv. p. 194, pi. 62. 2 . ACANTHOEECYKCHUS. Slender-billed Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. Supjpl. ii. p. 16o7 pi. 129. Melipliaga tenuirostris, Vig. fy Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. S17. Acanthorhynerms tenuirostris, Gould, Syn. B. Austr. pt. Ii.; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 61 ; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 551; Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 116; Bp. C. A. i. p. 394; Dixies, Orn. Austr. pi. ; Gray, Gen. B. i. pi. 38. fig. 3 ; Ramsay, JProc. Linn. Soc. K. S. W. ii. p, 190. Acanthorhynchiis dubiusP, Gbw&Z, P.&& 1837, p. 25; JBJJ. C. A, i.p.394. Leptoglossus eucullatus, Swains. Classif. B. ii. p. 827. Adult male* Crown of head black with a slight greenish gloss; praeocular region, ear-coverts, and a crescent on the sides of the neck and chest bronzy black; mantle reddish brown, inclining to chestnut on the hind neck, and passing through olive-grey into bluish grey on the rump, upper tail-coverts, wing-coverts, and the innermost secondaries ; rest of wing and the sis central tail-feathers black, the two outer pairs of the latter with large white terminal tips; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills white ; cheeks, fore neck, and centre of upper chest white, with a dark reddish-brown patch on the centre of the throat; breast, flanks, abdomen, and under tail-coverts reddish fawn-coloured; " bill black ; feet reddish brown; iris red" (Gould). Females resemble the males in coloration, but have the crown dark grey, more or less tinged with olive. Young birds are without the black crescent, having the fore neckk and chest dingy huffish white. c?. Culmeii 1*2 inch, wing 2-4-2-8, tail 2-2-2-5, tarsus 0-080* 73. 5 . Culmen 0-9 inch, wing 2*4. tail 1*2, tarsus 0-66. Hah. Eastern half of Australia and Tasmania. Obs. Tasmania!* specimens are generally somewhat brightercoloured on the underparts. a, b. $; c. 5 &<*-" New South Wales. J. Gould, Esq. [C.]. d. Juv. sk. «>/• 6 S a& sk. Few South Wales. Gould Collection. g, h. <$ $ ad. sk. Australia. E. Butler, Esq. [O.]. i. S ad. sk. Moreton Bay. Gould Collection. k. $ ad. sk. South Australia. Gould Collection. I. (S; m,n. J ad. sk. North Australia. F. D. Godman and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.], o. S ad. sk. Tasmania. Ronald Gunn;Esq_. [P.], 2. Acanthorhynchus sxtperciliosus. Aeantkorhynchiis superciliosus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1837, p. 24 • id. B. Austr. iv. pi. G2; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 558; Cab. Mn$. Hein. \. p. 110; Bp. C. A. i. p. 394; Dir/r/les, Orn. Austr. pi.; Ramsay. Proc. Linn. Soc. K S. W. ii. p. 190. Adult male. Entire crown of head, mantle, back, and upper tail- and wing-coverts greyish olive-brown; wings and six centre tail- feathers blackish brown; the three outer pairs of tail-feathers with large white subterminal patches; a streak behind the eye and VOL. IX. r MELTPIUGIDJE. 14ft bovc tlie car-covorts, chin and cheeks, and a finely developed crescent across the chest white; throat and neck all round chestnut- red ; breast, abdomen, flanks, and under tail-coverts pale buff, this colour being separated from the white crescent by another one of brownish black; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills whitish. Culmen 0-9-1 inch, wing 2-o, tail 2-5, tarsus 0'S5„ If ah Western and South-western Australia. a. explorator, p. 172. gK Sides of body ashy brown ... . ceylonensis, p. 173. h1. Sides of body isabelline brown .imithochroa, p. 174 h"K Yellow confined to the throat; fore neck and chest ashy; abdo men whitish. i1 Throat yellow. e\ Larger: bill brown f5 . Smaller: bill blackkK Throat golden yellow e. Forehead dusky or black. g". Forehead only black; throat oliveyellowh". Whole head black; throat greenish yellow?". Forehead and sinciput black; throat bright yellow k". Forehead dusky brown; throat deep golden yellow C. Throat yellow like the rest of the under surface; flanks yellow like the abdomen, or only a little greener or more olive. /. Quills and tail brownish black. g\ Crown of head black. 1", Ear-coverts olive-yellow ; throat yellow shaded with olivem'K Ear-coverts blackish; throat bright golden yellow like the rest of the under surfaceh', Crown of head like the back. n". "With no black or dusky spot in front of the eye. ?'". Clear olive-yellow above; rump and upper tail-coverts olive- yellowh"K Bull olive-yellow above; rump like rest of under surface, only slightly yellowero". With a black or dusky spot in front of the eye. V", Bill shorter; the culmen not exceeding the length of the hind toe and claw. IK Olive-yellow above. g5. Eyebrows not lighter than crown; ear-coverts golden A0li7e T«. , h\ A bright yellow eyebrow; griseiventer, p. 174. novce guinece, p. 175. aureiguh, p. 176. atrifrons, p. 176. atricapillct) p. 176. delicattda, p. 177. chrysdlcema, p. 177. fiiscicapilla, p. 178. hypoxcmtha, p. 178. Java, p. 179. metjmi, p. 180. siamemis, p. 180. ear-coverts pale olive-yellow senegalensis, p. 181. 1 . ZOSTEROPS. 151 m4-. Olive-greenish above ; ear- coverts also olive-greonish .. hi rid, p, 182. m'". Bill long, but still shorter than the head. ti{. Grass -green above; bright yellow below, with green ^ Hanks virens, p. 182. o4, Olive-yellow or olive-greenish j luiea, p. 183. above; bright yellow below, semperi, p. 183. with olive-yellow or olive-| clitoris, p. 184 greenish iLiiiks P-lb8 *«. Base of forehead uniform \3«n™enwith upper surface; no bright loral spot rendovce, p. 188. f/4. Olive-green above, with no yellow at the base of the forehead ; outer edge of primaries grey griseitincfa, p. 189. g. Quills and tail brownish. i'. Head dusky; above yellowish green; rump yellow uropygialis, p. 190. k'. Forehead like rest of head and back. P. Bill light brown; no dusky spot in front of eye longirostris, p. 189. m5. Bill black; a blackish spot in front of eye brumieicauda, p. 190. D. Throat yellow like rest of under surface; flanks more rufescent than the abdomen, which is yellow. h. Quills and tail-feathers black; flanks chestnut. /'. Forehead like the rest of the crown .. semi/lava, p. 190. m'. Forehead bright yellow mayottemis, p. 101, %. Quills and tail-feathers dusky; flanks pale isabelline brown. «'. NO white tuft on the flanks chlorates, p. 191. o'. A conspicuous white tuft on the flanks minuta, p. 192. E. Throat whitish; chest ashy or brownish; bill black; upper parts uniform, or the head ashy grey or dusky. h. Particoloured above; 'under tail-coverts yellow. p'. Forehead dusky; entire back olive- greenish ; legs dark olivaeea, p, 192. q'. Head and back grey; rump and upper tail-coverts olive-yellowish; legs pale, chloronota, p. 193. I. Uniform clingy olive-brown above; under tail-coverts whitish tinged with dusky.. modesta, p. 194, MELIPHAGTDiE. F. Upper tail-coverts white, contrasting with back (MALACIBOPS.) m. Entire upper surface grey. r'. Delicate grey above ; throat and breast white$'. Dark ashy grey above; chin only white; lower throat and breast ashy grey .. n. Entire upper surface rusty brown o. Back rusty brown; throat and breast grey G. Head bluish grey, contrasting with back, which is olive-yellowish or green p. A broad white eyebrow q. No white eyebrow H. Under surface uniform earthy or reddish brown or grey r. Above and below ruddy brown; throat ashy ftnschii, s. Above dirty ashy grey; under surface pale ashy grey t. Above olive earth-brown; under surface brownish ash-grey I. Under mandible reddish brown, probably reddish in life; under tail-coverts olive- brown or whitish u. Lores black, as also feathers below the mcmritiana $ and $, [p. 194. borhonica S, p- 195. borhonica § , p. 19G. borhonica juv., p. 196. (OBEOZOSTEBOPS.) Javanica, p. 196. fallax, p. 197. (TEPHBAS.) p. 197. ci?ierea} p. 198. ponapensis, p. 198. (SPEIBOPS.) eye ; ear-coverts and throat olive-green melanops, p. 198. v. Lores white. t'. Ear-coverts ashy like the throat ... . lugubris, p. 199. u\ Ear-coverts blackish melanocephala, p. 200. K. Head and nape hoary grey, contrasting with back; forehead, eyebrow, and ear- coverts white; throat and abdomen white, contrasting with ashy-grey breast and hanks (PABINIA.) leucophcea, p. 200. L. Throat white like rest of under surface; under tail-coverts yellow w. A ring of white feathers round the eye. v\ Head and neck dusky blackw\ Sinciput and lores only dusky; occiput and nane yellowish olive x. No white ring round the eye. x'. Entire head olivaceousy\ Head dusky blackish towards the forehead M. Head scaly, the feathers yellow with black centres. y. Larger: wing 2*7 inches 8. Smaller: wing 1-95 inch N. Under surface entirely white with a tinge of yellow ficeoZulina, atiiceps, p. 200. fuscifrons, p. 201. mysoriensis, p. 201. hjpoleuca, p. 202. muelleri, p. 202. "* frigida, p. 203. p. 203. ~-l. Zosterops caerolescens. Cserulean Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl p. xxzviii (1801) Rusty-sided Warbler, Lath. t. c. p. 169 (1801). 1. ZOSTEBOPS. 153 Oertliia csoruleacons, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxxviii (1801). Sylvia lateralis, Lath. t. c. p. lv (IhOl). Zosterops dorsalis, Vit/. &• Jlorsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 235 (1826); Gotdd, B. Austr. fol. iv. pi. Si (1848) ; Hartl.. f. O. 1805, p. 19; Taylor, Ann. $ Mat/. Nat, Hist. (3) xviii. p. 140' (18(50); Mutton, Ibis, 1870, p. 398; yinsch, J. f. O. 1870, p. 108 j ifttf/er, Man. B. New Zealand, p. 12 (1882). Zosterops lateralis, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 198 (1848); Buffer, Trans N. Zeal. Inst. 1870, p. 10, pi. 3 ; Potts, t. c. p. 59, pi. 12,-Puller, B. New Zealand, p. 61 (1872); Hutton, Ibis, 1872, p. 244. Zosterops ccorulescens, Bh/th, Cat B. Mus. As. tioc. p. 220 (1849); JBp. Oonsj). i. p. 398 (1850); Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 587 (1805); fSharpe, Voy. Erebus § Terror, Birds, App. p. 24 (1875); Gray, Iland-l B."i. p. 101, no. 2107 (1809) ; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. Wales, ii. p. 191 (1878). ? Zosterops austrahs, Mamsay, Ibis, 1803, p. 180. Male. General colour above dark ashy grey on the hind neck, mantle, scapulars, and upper part of the back, olive-yellow on the lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts ; wing-coverts ashy brown, broadly -washed with olive-yellow on the outer web; the bastard- wing and primary-coverts more narrowly edged with the latter colour; quills dusky brown, margined with olive-yellow, broader on the secondaries; tail-feathers also dusky brown, edged with olive-yellow; crown of the head and nape dull olive-yellow, with a lighter yellow tint at the base of the forehead; lores blackish, as also a streak below the eye ; a ring of feathers round the eye silvery white ; ear-coverts like the head; cheeks and chin dull olive-yellowish, extending down the sides of the throat, which with the fore neck and chest is ashy, fading off into dull white on the breast and abdomen; sides of the body and flanks deep tawny buff or light chestnut; thighs and under tail-coverts white, the latter washed with yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white; quills ashy brown below, inner edges white; " upper mandible dark brown, under mandible lighter; feet greyish brown; iris greyish brown" (Gotdd). Total length 4-6 inches, culmen 0*45, wing 2*4, tail 1*8, tarsus 0*65. Young. Similar to the adult, but all the colours on the upper surface duller, and on the under surface paler, the grey colour on the throat and the fulvous colour on the flanks. Hal. Australia; New Zealand; Chatham Islands. a. Ad. sk. Moreton Bay. Gould Collection. I. Ad. sk. New South Wales. Gould Collection. c. Ad. sk. Batkurst, N. S. W. Zoological Society. d, e. Juv. sk. South Australia. Sir George Grey [P.], /, g. Ad. et imm. sk. Tasmania. It. Gunn, Esq. [P.], h. Ad. sk. Tasmania. Gould Collection. i. Ad. sk. Australia. Linnean Society. (Type of Z. dorsalis.) k, I Ad. sk. New Zealand. Henry T. Wharton, E.q.[P.]. m, n. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Gould Collection. o. Ad. sk. Wanganui, New Zealand. Bichard Taylor, Esq, p. Ad. sk. South Island, N. Z. J. White, Esq, [P.]. 154 MELIPHAQID^. 2. Zosterops alMgularis. Zostorops albifcularis, Goidd, P. Z. S, 1836, p. 75; id. Syn. B. Austr. I (1837) ; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 198 (1848); Von Peh. Site. h. Akad. Wien, xli. p. 320 (18(50) j Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 222; Gould, B. Austr. fol. Supph pi. 46 (1859) ; id. Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 535 (1865); Hartl. J, f. 0. 1865, p. 17 j Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 162, no. 2111 (1869). Male. General colour above dull olive-brown, a little greener on the rump and upper tail-coverts; wing-coverts greener than the back; bastard-wing and primary-coverts dusky blackish, edged with green externally; quills dusky brown, externally ashy grey tinged with green, the inner secondaries washed with green on the outer web; tail-feathers dusky brown with greenish margins, ashy whitish along the edge of the inner web ; crown of the head a little greener than the back and slightly tinged with grey; lores black, extending in a narrow streak under the eye; eyelid silky white; ear-coverts ashy grey, extending onto the sides of the neck and having a faint tinge of green; cheeks and throat white; lower throat, breast, and abdomen white, a little greyer on the fore neck and chest; sides of body and flanks light cinnamon ; thighs white with a slight tinge of yellow ; under tail-coverts pale yellow, a little more dingy at the ends of the long coverts; under wing-coverts and axillaries pure white; quills dusky below, inner edges white; "bill and legs leadcolour " (Gould). Total length 5*8 inches, culmen 0-65, wing 3*0o, tail 2-15, tarsus 0'84. Female. Similar in colour to the male. Total length 5*5 inches, culmen 0*7, wing 2*95, tail 2*1, tarsus 0*85. Hah. Norfolk Island. a, b. Ad. sk. [Norfolk Island.] Sir T. Mitchell [O.]. o, d. <$ 9. ad. sk. Norfolk Island, Julius Brenchley, Esq. fP.l June 1865. , 3. Zosterops teuuirostris. Zosterops tenuirostris, Goidd, P. Z. S.1836, p. 76; id. Syn. B. Austr. pt. 1 (1838); id. B. Austr. fol. Suppl pi. 47 (1859) ; Von Peh. Sitz. h. Ahai. Wien, Ixi. p. 320 (I860) ; Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 222; Gould, Handh. B. Austr. ii. p. 536 (1865); Hartl. J. f. 0.1865, p. 18; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 162, no. 2110 (1869). Zosterops lateralis, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 198 (1848) (nee Lath.). Adult male. General colour above sombre brown; rump and upper tail-coverts olive-green ; lesser wing-coverts like the back; median and greater coverts ashy with green margins; bastard-wing black; primary-coverts blackish, edged with olive-green; quills dusky, edged with olive-green, yellowish on the primaries: tail-feathers dusky, margined externally with olive-green, internally with a narrow whitish border ; crown of head olive-greenish, a little yellower on the sides of the nape; lores slightly yellower than the crown • feathers round the eye white, with a blackish spot in front of the eye extending backwards below the latter; ear-coverts olive-green; cheeks, throat, and fore neck brighter yellow* with a few dusky tips to the anterior 1 . ZOSTEBOrS. 155 feathers of the cheoks ; broast and abdomen duller yollow; sides of body and flanks dusky olive-brown, lighter brown on the latter; thighs olive externally, yellow on tho inner sido ; under tail-covorts pale yellow, olive in the centre of the feathers ; inner wing-eovorts and axillaries dull white, slightly washed with yellow, with pale dusky bases; quills below dusky ; inner edge of quills ashy whitish; " iris reddish brown " (BrencMeif). Total length 5 inches, culmen 0-65, wing 2-Q, tail 2, tarsus 085. Female, Like male. Total length 5 inches, culmen 0-65, wing 2*6, tail 2, tarsus 0*8. Hab. Norfolk Island* a. Ad. sk. [Norfolk Island." Zoological Society. b. Ad. sk. [Norfolk Island; Gould Collection. c. Ad. sk. [Norfolk Island." Gould Collection. d. e. 6 ? ad. sk. Norfolk Island," Julius Brenchley, Esq. [P.], June 18G5. 4. Zosterops strenua. Zosterops strenuus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 100; id. B. Austr. Suppl. pi. 48 (1869); Gray, Ibis, 1802, p. 222 ; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 537 (1865) ; Marti J.f. 0. 1805, p. 18; Gray, IIand4. B. i. p. 162, no. 2108 (1869). Adult female. General colour above light ashy grey on the mantle, scapulars, and upper back; lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts olive-green; wing-coverts olive-green; bastard-wing feathers and primary-coverts blackish, the latter with olive-green margins; quills dusky brown, edged with olive-green, yellower on the primaries ; tail-feathers dusky brown, edged with olive-green; crown of head, nape, and hind neck lighter olive-green, with a line of bright yellow above the lores; lores blackish, as well as a line below the eye; feathers round the eye white; ear-coverts olive-green; cheeks, throat, and fore neck brighter yellow; chest light ashy, tinged on the sides with isabelline brown; breast and abdomen white; sides of body and flanks isabelline brown; thighs white, washed yellow; under tail-coverts a little brighter yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white; edge of wing yellow; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills whitish. Total length 5*7 inches, culmen 0*85, wing 2-75, tail 2-15, tarsus 0-85. Hab. Lord Howe's Island. a. ? ad. sk. Lord Howe's Island (J. Voyage of II.M.S. Herald.' Macgillivray). 5. Zosterops westernensis. Zosterops annulosa, var. /3, Swains. Zool.fflustr% 1st ser, iii. p. 139 (c. 1824). * Not only* in the British Museum, but in others on tho continent are found Specimens said to have been procured in Australia. One bird in the British Museum is labelled u Moreton Bay;" but I do not know if there are any really authentic instances of its occurrence in Australia itself. 156 MELIPHAaiDiE. Dacnis westernensis, Quoy et Gaim. Voy. deVAstroli. p.215,pi. 11 • %. 4 (1830). Zosterops westeniensis, Beiclienb. Ilandb., Merop. p. 93, pi. 402. &g. 3302 (c. 1852) ; Hartl J. f. 0. 1865, p. 20; Gray, Hand-l B. I p. 163, no. 2136 (1869). Zosterops flayiceps, Peak, U.S. Fospl Fvped. p. 95, pi. 25. fig. 5 (1848); Cass. U.S. Fxpl Rvped. p. 167, pi. 10. fig. 4(1858); Gray, Cat. B. Trop. Id. Pacific Ocean, p. 15 (1869); Hartl J. f. O. 1865, p. 21; Finseli fy Hartl Faun. Centralpolyn. p. 52, pi. i., pi. vi. fig. 7 (1867) ; Gray, Iland-l B. i. p. 16$ no. 2142 (1869) ; Bayard, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 430 ; id. Ibis, 1876, pp. 153, 392 ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 733 ; id. Voy.' Challenger] ii. p. 48, pi. xiv. fig. 1 (1881). Zosterops tepliropleura, Goidd, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 160; id. B. Anstr. Sappl pi. 49 (1859) • id. Ilandb. B. Austr. i. p. 538 (1865); Hartl J.f.O. 1865, p. 18; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 162, no. 2109. Zosterops griseonota, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 161; id. Cat. B. Trop. Isl Pacific Ocean, p. 15 (1859) ; Verr. JRev. et Mag. de Zool. 1860, p. 435; Gray, Ibis, 1862, p. 222; Hartl J. f. 0. 1865, p. 20; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 162, no. 2113 (1869) ; Marie, Actes Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, xxvii .p. 327 (1870); JE. L. § L. C. Layard, Ibis, 1878, pp. 259, 270, 280. Adult. General colour above ashy grey on the mantle, upper back, and scapulars; lower back, rump, and upper tail-covcrts olive-yellow, a little brighter on the latter ; wing-coverts, bastard-wing feathers, and primary-coverts dusky ashy brown, edged with olive-yellow; quills dusky, also narrowly edged with olive-yellow; tail-feathers ashy brown, edged on the outer webs with olive-yellow, and along the inner webs with whitish; crown of head and nape dull olive-yellow; hind neck like the back, as also the sides of the neck; lores yellow ; in front of the eye a dusky spot, extending in a blackish line back below the eye* round tho eye a ring of silvery white; ear-coverts dull olive-yellow like the crown• cheeks and throat a little brighter yellow, the throat sharply defined; fore neck and chest ashy grey, shading off into dull white on the breast and abdomen; sides of body and flanks very pale tawny brown; thighs and under tail- coverts white, the latter with a faint tinge of yellow; under wing- coverts and axillaries white; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills white. Total length 4*5 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2*4, tail 1*8, tarsus 06. Obs. An Australian specimen has been, described, and it is extraordinary that a bird which seems to be widely distributed on that continent should so much have escaped notice, the only allusion to the species that I can find in Mr. Gould's work being a passage where he mentions that some specimens of Z. ccerulescens have the " throat wax-yellow." It seems to be the Z. westernensis (Q. & G.), a species re-instated in the system by Dr. Hartlaub (J. f. 0. 1865, p. 20). I believe that Z. ramsayi of Masters is the same species, as I cannot find in the description any character wherein it differs; and with regard to Mr. Masters?s remark that " the very large zone of white feathers round the eye will always serve to distinguish this from all 1. ZOSTEEOPS. other Australian species," I would observe that this is an uncertain character in Zosterops, so much depending on the preparation of the specimen. Mr. Bamsay, however, informs me personally that he believes this white eye-ring to be a character in this species. Z. griseonota from Eew Caledonia cannot, in my opinion, be kept distinct from the Australian bird, which it resembles in its paler under tail-coverts. The types measure as follows:— 0ulmen Win lSgth.-g- Tail. Tarsus. in. in. in. in. in. a. c?. Nu (J. Maegillivray) 4'7 0-5 2-45 1-9 075 h. $. Nu (J". Maegillivray) 4*5 0*5 2*45 1*9 0*7 Z. tep7irop>leura, from Lord Howe's Island, is a slightly larger race, with brighter yellow under tail-coverts; the paler colour of the flanks is matched by many specimens from the continent of Australia. The type measures :— a. <5 ad. Lord Howe's Island. Total length 4*8 inches, culroen 06, wing 2-4, tail 1*95, tarsus 0*75. Two specimens from Erromango are referred to Z. tephropleura by Mr. G. B. Gray. They measure;— a, b. <$. Erromango («J. Brenchley). Total length 5 inches, oilmen 055 0*6, wing 2*55-2-6, tail 2*1, tarsus 0-8. Though even exceeding the type of Z. tephropleura in size, they are somewhat intermediate between it and the Australian specimens, having the yellow under tail-coverts not so bright as in Z. tephrojphura, and yet more yellow than in the continental bird. Concerning the Eijian birds, Dr. Finsch writes that the only difference he could discover between them and examples of Z. ivesternensis lay in the brighter yellow under tail-coverts. As our series does not confirm this character, I have been compelled to add Z. Haviceps as a synonym of the present species. I give the description of an old bird:— Adult male. General colour above bluish grey on the mantle and upper back; the lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts olive- yellow ; the lesser wing-coverts, median and greater coverts olive- yellow ; bastard-wing feathers blackish; primary-coverts and quills dusky brown, externally margined with olive-yellow, a little lighter towards the ends of the primaries* tail-feathers light brown, externally edged with olive-yellow, internally with white; crown of the head, nape, and hind neck olive-yellow, with a narrow line of brighter yellow above the lores; lores blackish, as well as a streak below the eye; ring round the eye silky white ; ear-coverts dull olive-yellow; cheeks and throat brighter yellow, a little tinged with olive on the lower throat* fore neck and breast ashy grey, darker on the sides of the breast• abdomen white, tinged with yellow* sides of the body and flanks clear isabelline brown; thighs white; under tail-coverts yellow * under wing-coverts and axillaries white, the edge of the wing yellow* quills below dusky* inner edge of quills whitish. Total length 4*5 inches, culmen0*5, wing 2*35, tail 1-85, tarsus 0*7. 158 MELIPHAOTL-E. Adult female. Similar to the male in colour. Total length ^*£> inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2-35, tail 1-75, tarsus 0*7. Hah. Australia, JNTew Caledonia, Now Hebrides, Lord Howe's Island, Piji Islands *. a. Z. ivesternensis. a. Ad. ski Adelaide, S. Australia, Gould Collection. Oct. 10,1870 (White). b, c. Ad. sk. New South Wales. Gould Collection. d, e. Ad. sk. Richmond River. A. P. Goodwin [0.]. f, g. Ad. sk. Moreton Bay. Gould Collection, h, i, h. Ad. sk. Brisbane, Queensland P. D. Godruan and 0. Sal (/. T. Cocherell). vin, Esqrs. [P.], L Ad. sk. Cape Upstart (J. B. Voyage of li.M.S. 'Fly.' Jukes). „ /3. Z» tej)Jiroj)hura. m. tfad. sk. Lord Howe's Island, J. Macgillivray, Esq. [C.]. (Type of Z. tephropleura.) yt Z. griseonota, 71,0. <$ $ ad. sk. Nu, Port de France, J. Macgillivray, Esq. [C.]. New Caledonia. (Types of Z. griseonota.) p.q. c?ad. sk. Erroniango, New Julius Brenchley, Esq. Hebrides, Aug-. 1865. [0.]. . Z, Z.Jlavicejps. r} s. (S 2 a^L s^- Levuka. Yoyage of H.M.S. * Challenger.' t. 6 ad. sk. Ovalau, May 18,1875. E. L. Layard, Esq. [0.1. u. Ad. sk. Taviuni, Fiji (i. F. D. Godman and 0. Sal- Liardet). vin, Esqrs. [P.]. -' 6. Zosterops vatensis. Zosterops vatensis, Tristr. Ibis, 1879, p. 4-14. This species may be discriminated from Z. griseonota by its very strong bill, the much greater extent of yellow on the throat and neck, and the absence of yellow on the lower tail-coverts. Total length 5*3 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2-55, tail 2, tarsus 0-85. {Tristram, Z. c.) Hob* Yate, New Hebrides. * Probably identical is:— «... ZOSTEBOPS RA.MSAYI. Zosterops ramsayi, Masters, JProc. Linn. Soc. Nk 8. W. i. p. 56 (1877); Ramsay, op. tit. ii. p. 191 (1878). Crown of the head, neck, throat, wings, rump, and under tail-coverts greenishr yellow; lores and a line beneath the eye black; back and chest bluish, grey; abdomen light grey, passing into very light buff on theflanks ; primaries and secondaries brownish black, margined on their outer webs with yellow, beneath on their inner webs with white; tail brown, margined with yellow; legs and feet bluish grey; upper mandible brownish black, under mandible horn-colour; iris brown. Total length 44 inches, wing 2*4, tail 1*75, tarsus 0*65, bill from forehead 0*5, from gape 0*6. (Masters.) Hob. Palm Island, Torres Straits. 1 . ZOSTTCROPS. 159 Canon Tristram very kindly lent me one of tlio types of this species. I cannot attach much, importance to the stoutness of the bill or the extent of yellow on the throat; but the under tail- coverts are certainly white, while in all our specimens of Z. yriseonota they are more or less yellow. Considering, however, how even this character varies in specimens from different localities, I anticipate that Z. vatensis may he matched in this respect with skins from the other islands of the Now Hebrides group. - 7. Zosterops inornata. Zoster ops inornata, E. L, § C. L. Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 259 ; Trisir. Ibis, 1870; p. 186, pi. 4. f. '2;E.L. # L. Q. Layard, Ibis, 1880, p. 224. Adult male. General colour above dull ashy grey on mantle, scapulars, and upper back ; rump and upper tail-coverts dull olive- green; lesser wing-coverts olive-greenish, a little more yellowish olive on the median and greater coverts; bastard-wing feathers dusky blackish; primary-coverts and quills dusky, edged with dull olive-yellow, a little brighter on the primaries; tail-feathers dusky, with olive-green margins; crown of head, nape, and hind neck dull olive-yellow; lores dull white• round the eye a very narrow ring of whitish feathers ; ear-coverts, cheeks, and throat dull olive-yellow, a little clearer on the latter* fore neck and breast dull ashy grey ; abdomen ashy whitish; sides of body and flanks dusky isabelline brown; thighs ashy whitish, tinged yellow; under tail-coverts pale olive-yellow ; under wing-coverts and axillaries ashy whitish • quills below dusky• inner edge of quills ashy white; " bill corneous ; legs pale salmon-colour; iris drab " (Layard). Total length 5-3 inches, culmen 0*75, wing 2*75, tail 1*9, tarsus 0*8. Female. Like the male in colour, but the breast slightly overshaded with olive-green. Total length 5-3 inches, culmen 0-8, wing 2-9, tail 1*9, tarsus 0*5. Hah. Loyalty Islands. a. <$ ad. sk. Lifu, Loyalty Islands, E. L. Layard, Esq. [C], Aug. 18,1878. b. $ ad. sk. Lifu, Jan. 13,1878. E. L, Layard, Esq. [C.]. - *8. Zoster ops aureifrons. Zosterops aureifrons, Wallace, P. Z. S.1868, p. 493 ; Marti J.f. 0. I860, p. 24; Finsch, Neil-Guinea, p. 164 (18G5) ; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 162, no. 2125 (1869). Male. General colour above olive-yellow, with slightly indicated paler yellow shaft-lines; the rump and upper tail-coverts bright golden yellow • wing-coverts like the back; edge of the wing bright yellow; quills dusky brown, externally olive-yellow, a little brighter on the primaries ; tail-feathers dusky brown, washed with olive and edged with olive-yellow; crown of the head golden olive, the forehead brighter orange-yellow; lores and feathers round the eye golden 160 MELIPHAGIDJG. yellow ; in front of the eye a dusky spot; ear-coverts golden olive ; cheeks and throat golden yellow; fore neck, breast, sides of body, and flanks light bluish grey; the abdomen white; thighs olive- yellow ; under tail-coverts golden yellow ; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, the edge of the wing golden yellow; quills light brown below, inner edges ashy whitish. Total length 4*5 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 2*15, tail 1*65, tarsus 0*7. Ilab. Elores and Sumbawa. a, b, c. Ad. sk. Flores. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. (Types of species.) 9. Zosterops pallida. Zosterops pallida, Swains. Anim. in Mcnacj. p. 294 (1837); Gray, Gen, 2?.i.p. 108 (1848): Bp. Comply. 309 (1850); Ileugl. Ibis, 1861, p. 859 j Hartl.bis, 1862, p. 147 ; Layarcl, B. S. Afr. p. 117 (1807); Gray, HancU. B. i. p. 163, no. 2155 (1869). Zosterops lateralis, Stmdev. (Efv. K. Vet.-Akad. Fork. SfocJch. 1850, p. 101 (nee Lath.) ; Bp. Consp.i. p. 899 (1850); Ileugl Ibis, 1861, p. 358 j Layard, B. S. Afr. p. 117 ; id. Ibis, 1869, p.*867. Zosterops sundevalli, Ilartl. J. f. O. 1865, p. 8; Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 162, no. 2132 (1869); Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 36 (1871) ; Ayres, Bis, 1879, p. 404. Zosterops capensis, Gtimey, Ibis, 1869, p. 292,1873, p. 280. Adult male. General colour above olive-green, decidedly clearer and more yellow on the upper tail-coverts• forehead and lores bright yellow; in front of the eye a black spot, extending in a line under the eye; round the eye a ring of silvery-white feathers ; sides of face and ear-coverts olive-green; cheeks and entire throat bright yellow, ending abruptly on the fore neck; centre of the body whitish, slightly washed with tawny ; sides of upper breast greyish brown; the flanks pale isabellino brown ; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts dull white, washed with yellow on the edge of the wing; upper wing-coverts green like the back; quills dark brown, the primaries externally margined with yellowish green, the secondaries with olive-green; tail-feathers brown, with olive-green edgings. Total length 4*7 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 2-35, tail 1*9, tarsus 0*7. Ilab. South Africa, along tho Orange Eiver and extending into the Transvaal, a. Ad. sk. Oolesberg (Ortlepp). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. b. S ad. sk. Potchefstroom, June R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 1871 (T. Ayres). c. Ad. sk. Transvaal (T. Ayres). E. B. Sharpe, Esq. d. Ad. sk. Orange River. Dr. R. F, Bradshaw [P.]. 10. Zosterops japonica. Zosterops japonica, Temm. <§* Schley. Fauna Japon., Aves, p. 57, pi. 22 (1850) ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 899 (1850) ; Beicheub. Handb., Merop. p. 92, pi. 461. fig.3296 (1852); Cass, in Perry's Ejcp. p. 221 (1856): Ilartl. J. f. O. 1865, p. 14; Gray, Iland-l B. I p. 162, no. 2124; Blakist. & Fryer, Ibis, 1878, p. 230; id. List B. Japan, p. 153. 1. ZOSTEROrs. 101 Adult General colour above grass-green; wing-coverts like the back; median and greater coverts dusky, externally grass-green like the back; bastard-wing feathers blackish; primary-coverts and quills dusky brown, edged with grass-green ; rump and upper tail- coverts like the back; tail-feathers dusky, margined with grass- green ; crown of (he head like the back; lores and base of (he forehead a little yellower than the back; ring of feathers round the c}e silky white ; in front of the eye a dusky spot extending in a narrow line below the eye; car-coverts grass-green; throat and foie neck bright sulphur-yellow; breast, sides of bod}, and Hanks ruddy or palo vinous brown; abdomen whiter; thighs pale yellow; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts and axillarics white, tinged with yellow on the edge of the wing; quills below dusky ; inner edge of quills white. Total length 4 inches, culmen 0*6, wing 2*35, tail 1*65, tarsus 0*7. Hab. Japan. a. Ad. sk. b, c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. Japan. Japan. Nagasaki, Japan. Hakodadi. Eyton Collection. Gould Collection. Purchased. II. Pryer, Esq. [0.]. 11. Zoster ops erythroplenra. Zosterops chloronotus, Schrenk, Reis. Amurl. ii. p. 365 (nee K, nee Gould). Zosterops japunica (nee T. # &), Swinh. Ibis, 1861. pp. 35, 331, 1862, p. 318. Zosterops erythropleura, Swinh. Ibis, 1803, pp. 204, 208; IlartL J. f. 0.1865, p. 13 ; Gray, Iland-l B. i. p. 103, no. 2152 (I860); Siuinh Ibis, 1870, p. 448; id. P. Z. tf. 1871, p. 350; Gould, B. Asia, part xxiii. (1871); Taczan, Bull. Soc. Zool. France, i. p. 135 (1875) ; David $ Oustakt, Ois. Chine, p. 85 (1877). Adult female. General colour above palo grass-green, a little brighter and more yellowish green on the rump and upper tail- coverts ; lesser wing-coverts like the mantle; median and greater coverts ashy brown, externally edged with yellowish greon; bastard wing dusky; primary-coverts dusky, with narrow greenish edges; quills dusky, edged with yellowish green, a little paler on the primaries; tail-feathers dusky, with yellowish-green margins; crown of the head like the back, but a little yellower; feathers round the eye silky white; in front of the eye a dusky spot, running back in a narrow line below the latter; ear-coverts like the crown ; cheeks and throat bright sulphur-yellow; fore neck and chest light bluish grey; breast and abdomen pure white, as well as the sides of the body; flanks with a patch of vinous chestnut; thighs white, dusky behind; under tail-coverts bright sulphur-yellow; under wing- coverts and axillaries white, with a slight tinge of yellow; quills below dusky ; inner edge of quills white; "bill brown above, bluish below; legs bluish grey; iris hazel" (David). Total length 3-5 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 2*35, tail 1°45, tarsus 0-6. VOL. IX. M 162 3tfEI.IPHAGI-rD.2E. IFab. From Southern Ainoorland, extending throughout China to Moupin. a. $ ad. sk. Pekin, October 9, 1868. B. Swinkoe, E^q. [C.]. 12. Zosterops gonl&i Zosterops chloronotus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1840, p. 165 ; id. B. Audr. fol. iv. pi. 82 (1848) ; Cab. Mus. Eein. i. p. 115 (1850). Zosterops sp., Gray, Gen.B.i. p. 198 (1848). Zosterops g'ouldij Bp. Consp. i. p. 398 (1850) ; Gould, llandb. B. Austr. i. p. 389 (1865); Earth J. f. 0. 1865, p. 19; Gray, Eandrl. B. i. p. 163, no. 2134 (1869) ; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. 8oc, N. 8. TF.ii. p. 191(1878). Adult male. General colour above olive-green, a little lighter on the lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts; lesser wing-coverts like the back; median and greater coverts ashy, edged with olive-green like the back; bastard-wing feathers blackish brown; primary- coverts ashy, edged with olive-green; quills dusky, edged with olive-yellow, greener on the secondaries; tail-feathers dusky, with olive-yellow edges to the outer webs, white along the inner webs ; head like the back, with a slight tinge ox brighter yellow above the lores ; lores dusky blackish, extending below the eye; ring round the eye silky white; ear-coverts olive-green; cheeks and throat pale olive-yellow, brighter yellow on the throat; fore neck and breast pale ashy grey, inclining to dull whitish on the abdomen, which is slightly washed with yellow; sides of the body and flanks pale cinnamon-brown; thighs white, tinged with yellow; under tail- coverts brighter yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, with a slight yellow tinge ; quills below dusky ; inner edge of quills white ; " bill brown, lighter on the under mandible; legs and feet dark grey; iris wood-brown ° (Gould). Total length 4*3 inches, culmen 0*45, wing 2-15, tail 1-65, tarsus 0*6. Adult female. (Similar to the male, but the colours much paler, the sides of the body being ashy with a slight isabelline tinge; throat much paler yellow than in the male. Total length 4*3 inches, culmen 0-45, wing 2*15, tail 1*7, tarsus 0*65. Hab. Western Australia. a. $ ad. sk. Perth, W. Australia, April 27, Eyton Collection. 1843 (J. Gould). b. 2, Perth, May 17, 1839 (J. Gould Collection. Gould). ~ 13. Zosterops grayi. Zosterops citrinella, Wall (nee Mull), Ami. § Mag. Nat Mist. (2) xx. p. 473 (1857) j Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 175; 'id. Cat. Mamm. § Birds New Guin. p. 25 (1859); id, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 434; Mosenb, Nat. Tifdschr. Ned. 2nd. xxv. p. 237 (1863) : 8harpe. Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv. p. 211, note (1879). Zosterops grayi, Wall. P. Z. & 1803, p. 494; Mnsch, Neu-Guinea. p. 164 (1865); Earth J.f.O. 1865, p. 23; Gray, Eand-l. B. i. p. 163, no. 2137 (1869); 8ahad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. xiv. 1 . ZOSTEROPS. 163 p. G54 (1870), xvi. p. 81 (1880); id. Orn. Pammia etc. ii. p. 360 (1881). Acanthiza citrinella, Gray, Eand-L B. 1. p. 220, no. 3145 (1860). Adult male (typo of species). General colour above olive-yellow, brighter and more golden yellow on tlio rump and upper tail-coverts; wing-coverts golden yellow; bastard-wing leathers olive-brown; primary-coverts olivo-yellowish; quills blackish, externally olive- yellow ; tail-feathers dusky, with dull olive-yellow margins; crown of head a little more dingy than the back, dull goldon olive; lores and oxtremo base of forehead golden yellow ; ring of feathers round the eye silky white ; in front of the eye a blackish spot extending below the latter; ear-coverts dull olive-yellow; cheeks, throat, and fore neck bright golden yellow; remainder of under surface very pale ashy, white on the abdomen, which is faintly tinged with yellow; thighs and under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing- coverts and axiUaries white, slightly washed yellow ; edge of wing brighter yellow; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills whitish. Total length 5 inches, culmen 0*6, wing 2-5, tail 1*95, tarsus 0*8. Hab. Ke Islands, Moluccas. a. Ad. sk. Ke Islands. A. It. Wallace, Esq. [O.]. (Type of species.) - 14. Zosterops aureiventer. Zosterops lateralis (nee Lath.), Ilartl. J.f. 0.1865, p. 15 (ex Temm. 3188.); Gray, Iland-l. B. i. p. 163, no. 2150 (1809); Tweedd. Ibis. 1877, p. 30o; Hume # Damon, Str. F. 1878, vol. i. p. 452; Hume, Str. F. 1879, pp. 65, 104, 497. Zosterops auriventer, Hume, Str. F. 1878, p. 519 ,* Nicholson, Ibis, 1880, p. 152. Zosterops buxtoni, Nicholson, IMs, 1879, p. 167. Adult male. Similar to Z. palpebrosa, but smaller ^and rather greener above, and having a very black wing and tail; sides of breast very clear grey ; centre of breast and abdomen washed with bright yellow; " bill black; legs and feet slaty blue; iris grey " (H. O. Forbes). Total length 3*4 inches, culmen 0-45, wing 1 -95, tail 1*1, tarsus 0*55. Hab. From Southern Tenasserim down the Malayan peninsula to Sumatra, Java, and Timor. a b. Ad. sk. ' " * W. Java (F. C. Buxton). F.Nicholson, Esq. [P.]. (Types of X. buxtoni.) c c? ad. sk. Java. F.D.GodmanandO.Sal' ' vin, Esqrs. [P.]. d. Ad. sk. Pulo Pinang. M. Verreaux. •• 15. Zosterops everetti. Zosterops everetti, Tweedd. P. Z. S. 1877, pp. 762, 829; id. ibid. 1878, pp.111, 950; Wardlaw Bamsay, Orn. Works Tweedd. p. 658 (1881). Adult male (type of species). General colour above dark olive- yellow, rump and upper tail-coverts scarcely lighter; wing-coverts like back, a little yellower on edge of greater coverts ; bastard-wing and primary-coverts blackish, the latter edged with olive-yellow; quills blackish, externally olive-yellow, brighter on edge of primaries; i2 MELIPHAGIDiE. centre tail-feathers dull olive-brown, remainder dusky olive-yellow on outer web; crown of head scarcely yellower than back; lores dusky, with a large spot of bright yellow above; ring of feathers round eye silky white, with a broad line of black below; ear-coverts like the head ; cheeks, throat, and fore neck bright yellow; breast, sides of body, and flanks clear ashy grey, with a broad wash of yellow down the centre of the body; lower abdomen whitish• thighs yellow, olive behind; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing- coverts and axillaries whitish, washed with yellow, quills below blackish, ashy on their inner edge ; " bill—maxilla blackish, mandible and legs pale grey; iris yellowish brown " (A. Everett). Total length 4\5 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 2-1, tail 1*5, tarsus 0*65. The female is like the male, but not quite so yellow on the abdomen. Total length 4'2 inches, culmen 0-5, wing 2, tail 1-5, tarsus Q'65. Hob. Philippine Islands. a. S Dinagat,JU&Q (A. Everett). Capt.E.Gf.WardkwBamsay, — 16. Zosterops albiventer. Zosterops a ventre blanc, Hombr. et Jacq. Voy. Pole Such Atlas, pi. 19. tig. 3 (1842-53). Zosterops sp.; Gray, Gen, B. i. p. 198 (1848) ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 398 (1850). Zosterops albiventris, BeicJienb. JELandb., Merop. p. 92, sp. 195, Taf. 461. rig-. 3298 (1852); Jacq. et Bucher. Voy. Pole Sad, Zool texte, iii. p. 95 (1853); Hartl.. f. 0. 1854, p. 164; Bosenb. J.f.O. 1864, p. 123 j Ilartl. J.f 0. 1865, p. 21; Gray, Iland-l B. i. p. 163, no. 2138 (1809) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. xvi. p. 81 (1880) ; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. p. 366 (1881). Zosterops flavogularis, Masters, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 3. IV. i. p. 56 (1877); Bamsay, op. cit. ii. p. 191 (1878). Zosterops luteus (nee Gould), Forbes, P. Z. S. 1878; p. 125 : id. Voy. ' Challenger; ii. p. 89 (188J). Adult female. General colour above olive-yellow, a little brighter on the rump ; lesser wing-coveits like the back ; median and greater coverts ashy brown, externally like the back; bastard-wing feathers blackish; primary-coverts and quills ashy brown, externally olive- yellow, a little brighter on the primaries, which are ashy whitish towards the tip of outer webs; inner secondaries externally like the back; tail-feathers dusky brown, with olive-yellow margins, and whitish edges along the inner webs ; lores brighter yellow, running from the base of the forehead to above the fore part of the eye; feathers round the eye silvery white, with a dusky blackish spot in front running below the eye ; ear-coverts olive-yellow; checks, throat, and fore neck bright yellow; remainder of the under surface pale ashy, whiter in the centre of the breast and abdomen, the latter faintly washed with yellow; sides of the body and flanks light ashy like the breast; thighs yellow, externally dusky olive; under tail-coverts bright yellow: under wing-coverts and axillaiies white, faintly tinged with yellow ; edge of the wing bright yellow ; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills white. Total length 4*6 inches, culmen 0-5, wing 2-3, fail 1*75, tarsus 0-7. 1 . ZOSTEROPS. 165 Adult male. Similar to the fcmalo described, but a little brighter; more washed with yollow on the breast; and the ilanks with a very faint isabollino tinge. Total length JhS inches, oulmon 0*55, wing 2'45, tail 1-7, tarsus 0*7. TIah. Cape Gronvillo and islands of Torres Straits. a. S ad. sk Eaole Islet, August 1, 1848 Gould Collection. (J. MacgilUvray). b. $ ad. sk. Murray Island. Ilov. J. Maofarlane [0.]. c $ ad. sk Booby Island {J. Murray), Toy. of IT.M.H. 4 Challenger.' d. $ ad. sic. West IsJ., Torres Straits, Sept. 1881 (Dr. Coppinger). Voy. II.M.S. 'Alert' L7. Zosterops ciissalis. Adult. General colour above yellowish green, the rump scarcely yellower than the back ; wing-coverts liko the back; bastard-wing feathers black ; primary-coverts and quills black, externally edged with yellowish green, a little brighter on the primaries ; upper tail- coverts dull olive-yellow; tail-feathers black, edged with dull olive- yellow ; crown of the head like the back, with a little brighter and more orange shade on the lores ; ring of feathers round the eye silky white; in iiont of the e} e a spot of dusky blackish, extending backwards below the eye ; ear-coverts yellowish green ; cheeks brighter yellow, posteriorly tinged with green ; throat and fore neck bright sulphur-yellow, yellowish green on the sides of the neck and sides of the breast; remainder of the under surface whitish, the breast slightly tinged with isabelline brown like the sides of the body and ilanks; centre of the abdomen washed with clear yellow; thighs yellowish, rather greener behind; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, the latter slightly tinged with yellow; edge of the wing brighter yellow; quills dusky below, inner edges ashy whitish. Total length 4 inches, culmen 0v>, wing 2-2, tail 1-6, tarsus 0-6. Hah. South-eastern New Guinea. a, b, Ad. sk. Astrolabe Mountains, Mr. A. ({oldie [C.]« S.E. New Guinea. *:.-18. Zosterops palpebrosa. Sylvia palpebrosa, Temm. BL Col. 293. fig. 3 (1824). Zosterops maderaspatensis, Jerd. 3Iadr. Journ. xi. p. 7 (1840). Zosterops nicobarica, Blyth, J. A. S. Beng. xiv. p. 503 (1845); Gray. Gen. B. i. p. 198 (1848); Bp. Consp. i. p. 390 (1850); Gray, Iland-l B. i. p. 163, no. 2149 (1809). Zosterops palpebrosus, BIt/th, J. A. S. Beng. xiv. p. 41 (1840); Gray. Gen. B. i. p. 198 (1848); Blyth, Cat B. Mm. As. 8oc. p. 220 (1849> • Bp. Cony. i. p. 398 (1850); Kelaarf, Ptodr. Cat. p. 121 (1852); Layard, Ann. § 31af/. Nat. 7/^^.-1853, p. 207; Jlorsf. ensls is a race of Z. madagascariensis, and not easily separable • it is, however, a generally darker bird. Hob. South Africa. a, b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. J ad. sk. e. S ad. sk. South Africa. South Africa (B. B. Bayard). Table Mountain; Nov. 30,1861 (C.J.Andersson). Knysna, Jan. 6, 1866 Sir A. Smith [O.]. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. (O. J". Andersson). f Ad. sk. Kingwilliamstown. Oapt. H. Trevelyan [P.]. g. Ad. sk. Port Elizabeth. E. B. Sharpe, Esq. - 26. Zosterops explorator. Zosterops explorator, Bayard, P Z. S. 1875, p. 29; id. Ibis, 1876, pp. 140,153, 392; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 734? id. Report Voy. < Challenger; ii. p. 48, pi. 14. fig. 2 (1881). Adult female (type of species). General colour above olive- yellow, a little brighter on the rump and upper tail-coverts, greener on the mantle, upper back, and lesser wing-coverts; median and greater coverts dusky, with olive-greenish margins ; bastard-wing feathers black; primary-coverts dusky, edged with olive-greenish; quills dusky, margined externally with olive-green, yellower on the primaries ; tail-feathers dusky brown, edged externally with olive 1 . ZOSTMltOPH. 173 yellow, and narrowly fringed with whitish along the inner web; crown of the head a little yellower than the hack; lores and base of the forehead bright yellow; a ring of feathers round the eye silky white, with a dusky spot in front extending backwards below the eye; ear-coverts olive-yellowish, with paler shaft-lines; cheeks, sides of the neck, throat, fore neck, and breast brighter yellow; abdomen ashy white, with a slight yellowish wash ; sides of the body and flanks light ashy brown; thighs yellow, externally dusky greenish; under tail-coverts brighter yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, slightly washed with yellow ; edgo of the wing yellow; quills dusky below, inner edges white; " bill livid dark blue, tip black, base of lower mandible white; legs and feet dark bluo; iris brown " (E. L. Layard). Total length 4*5 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2*35, tail 1-55, tarsus 0*75. Hab. Piji Islands. a, b, $ ad. sk. Kandavu, Fiji Islands Voy. of H.M.S.'Challenger.5 (J. Murray). (Types of species.) c. Ad. sk. Levuka? Ovalau, July Julius lirenchley, Esq. [P.], ,- 27. Zosterops ceyloneasis. Zoslerops annulosus (nee Sio.), Kelaart, Frodr. Cat. p. 121 (1822); Layard, Ann. §• Mag. Nat. Hist. xii. p. 207 (1853) * Leyye, J. As. Soc, Ceylon Branch, 1870-71, p. 29. Zosterops ceylonensis, Iloldsw. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 459, pi. 20. fig. 2 • Sioinh Ibis, 1873, p. 228 • Layard, P. Z. 3. 1873, p. 205 • Let/ye, Ibis, 1874, p. 22 ; Iloldsw. t. c. p. 123; Leqqe, Ibis, 1875, p. 410; Hume, Str. F. 1879, p. 104; Leyye, B. Ceylon, p. 585 (1880). Male. General colour above dull olive-green, scarcely lighter on the rump and upper tail-coverts; wing-coverts like the back, the median and greater coverts a little yellower on their edges; bastard-wing feathers dusky; primary-coverts dull olive-green; quills dusky, oxtornally olive-green, rather yellower on the edges of the primaries; tail-feathers dusky brown, edged with olive-green externally, and whitish along the edgo of the inner web; crown of the head rather more dusky than the back; lores not brighter than the crown; a ring of feathers round the eye white; in front of the eye a dusky spot, extending below the latter; ear-coverts olive-green, as well as the cheeks; throat, fore neck, and chest bright olive-yellow, greener on the sides of the breast; breast light ashy grey, as also the sides of the body and flanks; abdomen whiter, with a slight yellow tinge ; thighs yellow, dusky behind; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, tinged with yellow ; quills dusky below, inner edges white; " bill blackish, with the base beneath bluish or pale slaty; legs and feet bluish or pale leaden; iris yellowish brown, reddish brown, or pale brownish yellow (variable)" (Legge). Total length 4-5 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2-25, tail 1*8, tarsus 0*65. Female, Similar to the male in colour, but has the yellow of the MELlPHAG-IDiE. 174 throat grcenor as a rale than the male, and appears to have the eye reddish at times. (Legge.) Eab. Hills of Ceylon. a. Ad. sk. Nuwara Eliya, Ceylon. E. W. H. Holdsworth, Esq. fP.]. b. i ad. sk. Diniboola, Nov. 15, 1870. Capt. "W. Vincent Legge [P.]. 28. Zosterops xanthochroa. Zosterops xantliochroa, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 101; id. Cat. B. Trop. IsL Pacific Ocean, p. 16 (1859) ; Verr. Rev. et Mag. de Zool 1800, p. 435 ; llartl J.f.O. 1805, p. 25; Gray, Hand-L B. i. p. 162, no. 2114 (1869); Marie, Acies 8oc. Linn. Bordeaux, xxvii. p. 327 (1870) ; Gray, in BreneMey's Cruise 'Cwaeoa,' p. 300. pi. 7. tig. 2 (1873) ; E. L. # X. C. Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 259. Adult male, (type of species). General colour above grass-green; wing- coverts like the "back; bastard-wing feathers black; primary- coverts dusky, externally grass-green; quills dusky, edged with grass- green, yellower on primaries, inclining to ashy wThitisli towards the ends of the latter; tail-feathers light brown, edged with grass- green ; lores paler yellow, forming a short streak; feathers round eye silky white; in front of the eye a black spot, extending in a narrow line below the eye; ear-coverts and cheeks grass-green; throat and fore neck bright yellow ; breast pale ashy; abdomen white ; the middle of the breast washed with yellow; sides of body and flanks isabelline brown ; thighs pale yellow, white at base, externally ashy green; under tail-coverts pale sulphur-yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, edge of wing bright yellow ; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills white. Total length 4-3 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2*3, tail 1*8, tarsus 0*75. Female. Like the male, but a little paler. Total length 4*6 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 24, tail 1*9, tarsus 0*7. Hob. New Caledonia. a. <$ ad. sk. Nu, Port de France, New J. llacgillivray, Esq. [O.]. Caledonia. (Type of species.) 5. o* ad. sk. Port de France. Julius BrencMey, Esq. [P.]. c. $ ad. sk. Me of Pines, Sept. 25, Gould Collection. 1853 (J". Macgillivray), *™-r29. Zosterops griseiventer. Zosterops griseiventris, Sclater, P. Z. S.1883, p. 199. Adult male (type of species). General colour above clear olive- yellow, a little duller on the head, rump, and* upper tail-coverts ; wing-coverts like the back; quills blackish brown, externally olive- yellow like the back, the primaries narrowly edged with brighter yellow; tail-feathers blackish brown, edged externally with olive- yellow and internally with whitish ; forehead not perceptibly lighter than the head; a dusky spot in front of the eye extending a little way backwards underneath; above this dusky spot a slightly indi 1. ZOSTEBOPS. 175 cated loral streak of brighter yellow; ear-coverts and sides of face a little more dingy olive-yellow than the crown; cheeks and throat bright yellow; fore neck, breast, and entire sides of body light ashy grey ; centre of breast and abdomen whitish; thighs whitish, washed with yellow; under tail-coverts yellow; under wiug-coverts and axiilaries white, washed with yellow, the edge of the wing bright yellow; quills dusky below, whitish along the edge of the inner web; " upper mandible pale homy, lower mandible pale horn-colour; iris reddish brown" (£/". 0. Forbes). Total length 4*5 inches, cuhnen 0*05, wing 2*30, tail 1*75, tarsus 0*75. Adult female. Like the male in colour, but deeper ashy on the flanks. Total length 4*7 inches, culmen 0*65, wing 2-5, tail 1*75, tarsus 0*8. Obs. It will be noticed that the female is larger than the male described. The flanks and sides of the body are decidedly greyer and have not the slight ibabelline tint which distinguishes the males from Moloe and Loetoer. It may be that in Larat the species is slightly modified. Hah. Tenimber Islands. a. 6 ad. f«k. Loetoi r, Timor Laut, Sept. Brit. Assoc. Oomm. [P.]. l^t'2 (H. O. Forbeb). (Type of species.) b. g ad. s»k. Moh e Lland, Sept. 18b2 Brit. Assoc. Oouim. [P.], \JI. O. Forbes). e. 2 &&• &^* Lai at, Aug. 15 (II". O.Forbes). Brit. A&>oc. Oomm. [P.]. 30. Zosterops HOVSB guineas. Zoaterrpt, sp., Sakad. Ann. 3Ttis. Civic. Genov. vii. p. 954 (1875). Zosterops now guinea}, Sakad. Ami. Mm. Civic. Genov. xii. p. 341 (IfcTfaJ, xvi p. SI (lfefcO) ; id. Oni. Fapuasia etc. p. 307 (1881). Adult nude (Arfak Mountains; Bruijn). General colour above uniform dull olive-yellow, very little brighter on the rump and upper tail-coverts; wing-coverts like the back, a little brighter yellow on the edges of the median and greater coverts; bastard- wing feathers and primary-coverts blacki&h, the latter slightly edged with olive-yellow; tail-feathers blacki&h, slightly margined with olive-yellow; crown of the head like the back; lores not per ceptibly lighter than the head; in front of the eye a dusky spot, extending backwards below the eye; ring of feathers round the eye silky white ; ear-coverts dull olive-yellow; cheeks and throat brighter yellow ;ifore neck, sides of the body, and flanks dull ashy, with a slight isabelline tinge on the flanks; breast and abdomen whiter; thighs yellow, white at base; under tail-coverts golden yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, washed with yellow; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills ashy whitish. Total length 4*2 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 2% tail 1*55, tarsus 0*7. (Mm. H. B. Tristram.) Hab. Kew Guinea and Aru Islands ; Amboina and Coram. a. Ad. sk. Am Islands (J. T. Cocherell). F.D. Godman andO. Salvin, Esqrs. 176 MELIPHAGIDJE. 31. Zoster ops aureigula. Zoslerops albivcnter minor, Meyer, Sits. K. Ahacl. Wien, lxx. p. 115 (1874). Zosterops aureigula, Salvad. Ann. Mas. Civic. Genov. xii. p. 340 (1878), xvi. p. 81 (1880); id. Oni. Papuasia etc. p. 368 (1881). Above greenish yellow; lores dusky : eye-ring white, not very conspicuous ; throat very brilliant yellow; under tail-coverts yellow, rather paler; breast and abdomen white; thighs white ; quills and tail dusky, externally margined with the same colour as the back; bill dusky ; feet lead-colour. Total length 5*3 inches, wing 2*2, tail 1-3, bill 0'4, tarsus 0*55. (Salvadori.) Hob. Island of Jobi, in the Bay of Geelvink, KW. Few Guinea. ,. 32. Zosterops atrifrons. Zosterops atrifrons, Wallace, P. Z. S, 1863, p. 493; Finsch, Neu- Guinea, p. 164 (1865); Gray, JSand-l B. i. p. 162, no. 2121 (1869),Walden, Trans. Z. S. viii. p. 72, pi. 9. fig. 3 (1874). Zosterops nigrifrons, Marti. J, f. O. 1865, p. 22 (ecc Temm. MS. in Mus. Lugd.). Male (type of species). General colour above olive-green, yellow on the rump and upper tail-coverts; lesser wing-coverts green like the back, the median and greater coverts a little yellower on the outer margins; bastard-wing feathers blackish• primary-coverts olive-green; quills blackish, externally olive-yellow; inner secondaries like the back; tail-feathers blackish, fringed with ashy brown along the inner web ; crown of the head like the back; forehead black, as also are the lores and feathers below the eye; round the eye a ring of silky white feathers ; ear-coverts olive-green; cheeks and throat yellowish green, clearer yellow in the middle of the throat; fore neck, chest, sides of body, and flanks light bluish grey, whiter on the abdomen ; thighs white, washed with yellow; under tail-coverts sulphur-yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries and the adjoining flanks white* quills dusky below, inner edges ashy. Total length 4*6 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 2*05, tail 1-5, tarsus 0-55. Female. Similar to the male in plumage. Total length 4*2 inches, culmen 0*45, wing 2*05, tail 1*45, tarsus 0*55. Ilab. Celebes. a. , wing 2*3, tail 1-05, tarsus 0*6. Ilab. Island of Bouru, Moluccas. a. $ ad. 8k. Bourn. A. It. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. (Type of species.) x- 48. Zosterops intermedia. Zosterops chloris (nee BJK), Gray, P. Z. S. 1800, p. 350; Wall. P. Z. S. 1803, p. 31 (pi); Hartl..f. O. Ih(j0,p. 24; Fmseft,Neu- Guinea, p. 163 (1865, pt.) ; Gray, Iland-l. B. i. p. 102, no. 2117 (1809, pt.); Rosenb. Malay. Arch. p. 406 (1870). Zosterops intermedia, Wallace, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 486; Hartl..f. O. 1865, p. 16; Fimch, JVeu-Guinea, p. 164 (1865); Gray, IIand4. B. i. p. 162, no. 2118 (1660) ; Wald. Trans. Z. 8. tiii! p. 72, pi. 9. fig. 2 (1872); Rosenb. Malay. Archip. p. 416 (1879); Meyer, Ibis, 1879, p. 132; Salmd. Ann. 'Mm. Civic, Genov. xvi. p. 81 (1880); id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 370 (1881). Adult male. Similar to Z. chloris, but of a greener shade, with the underparts purer and more sulphur-yellow; " upper mandible dark, the lower one pale ; feet dusky lead-colour; iris olive-brown1? ( Wallace) ; " iris yellow " (Meyer). Total length 4*6 inches, culmon 0*5, wing 2-25, tail 1*6, tarsus 0*7 Ilab. Celebes ; Lombock ; Ternate. a. $ ad. sk. Makassar, Celebes. A. R. Wallace, Esq. (Type of species.) b, c, d. S ad. sk. Lombock. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [CI e. 6 ad.; /. Ad. sk. Ternate. A. Ii. Wallace, Esq. [O.]. ^49. Zosterops gallio. Zosteropsflava(nec&or&f.), Sahad.Orn.Papuasia etc. ii.p. 370 (1881). Adult female. General colour above olive-yellow, brighter on tho i ump and upper tail-coverts; lesser wing-coverts like tho back; modian and greater coverts ashy, externally olive-yellow; bastard- wing feathers blackish; primary-coverts ashy, externally washed \s ith olive-yellow; quills blackish, externally edged with olive-yellow, brighter on the primaries; tail-feathers blackish, edged with olive-yellow near the base; crown of head like the back, brighter yellow on tho lores and base of forehead; feathers round the eye silky whito, wish a black spot in front of tho eye, running in a narrow line below the latter; ear-coverts olive-yellow; cheeks, throat, and underparts bright yellow, a little washed with green on tho sides of the body and flanks ; thighs yellow, externally greenish; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts white, washed with yellow; axillaries bright yellow ; quills below dusky blackish; inner edge of quills white. Total length 4-1 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 1*95, tail 1-3, tarsus 0*65. Of the same group as Z. chloris and like that species, but smaller, 186 MELIPHAGID2E. and having a much smaller bill; the general colour above also rather greener, the rump and upper tail-coverts brighter yellow, in strong contrast. It is further distinguished by its black wings and tail, the feathers of the latter having no green edges to the outer web or whitish ones to the inner web. Hah. Java. a. 2 ad. sk. E. Java. A. E. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. - 50. Zosterops nigrorum. Zosterops nigroriun, Ttveedd. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 286; Wardlaw Mammy, Om. Works Tweedd. p. 60S. Male. General colour above dull olive-green, slightly paler on rump and upper tail-coverts; wing-coverts like back; bastard-wing and primary-coverts ashy brown, edged with olive; quills dusky brown, edged with olive greenish, a little brighter on primaries; tail- feathers dusky, washed with olive-green on outer web; crown of head scarcely lighter than the back; lores dusky, surmounted by a spot of bright yellow, which extends onto the forehead; ring of feathers round eye white, with a dusky streak underneath; ear-coverts olive greenish like head; cheeks, sides of breast, flanks, and under surface of the body sulphur-yellow; thighs yellow, olive behind; under tail-coverts sulphur-yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, washed with yellow; quills below dusky, with their inner edge ashy, tinged with yellowish. Total length 4 inches, culmen 0-5, wing 2-2, tail 1/5, tarsus 065. (Mus. R. G. Wardlaw Ramsay.) The female is like the male. Total length 4 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 2-15, tail 1-5, tarsus 0-65. (Mm. 11. G. W. E.) This species is very like Z. gallio, but much greener above and scarcely any lighter on the rump; ear-coverts green, and the under surface of the body pale sulphur-yellow. Hah, Island of Negros, Philippine archipelago. -- 51. Zosterops hypolais. Zosterops hypolais, Marti §• Finscli, P, Z. S. 1872, p, 95. Upper parts of a pale greyish green; throat and under tail-coverts a pure, but very palo, whitish yellow; breast and abdomen of a mixed pale grey and pale yellow; wing- and tail-feathers pale blackish, margined with the greenish colour of the back; under wing-coverts and inner margins of the remiges white; eye-ring indistinct; beak fuscous, the under mandible paler, except at the tip; feet plumbeous. Total length about 4", bill from front b'"9 wing 26'", tail 18'". tarsus 9'". (Hartlaxih and Finsch.) Hah. Island of TJap, Mackenzie group. 1 . ZOSTEBOPS. 187 - 52. Zosterops oleagina. Zosterops oleagina, IlartL $ Finsch, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 95. General colour a deep oil-green, with a decided fulvous hue; undcrparts a little paler and a little more yellowish; eye-ring satin- white; cars blackish; upper and under tail-coverts with a slight rufous tinge; wing- and tail-feathers blackish, with oil-green margins; undor wing-coverts whitish grey; Leak fulvous, under mandible, except at the tip, yellowish; feet pale, probably yellow; iris roddish white. Total length about 4" 7'", bill from front 6-J-'", wing 2" 7"\ tail 1" 8'", tarsus 10'". (llartlauh and Pinseh.) Hal. Uap, hi the Mackenzie group of islands. 53. Zosterops conspicillata. Dictum con^picillatum, Kitth Kupf, Tog. pi. 19. fig. 1 (1832); id. Mem. Acad. St. Peters!), ii. pi. 4 (1835). Zosteropb conspicillata, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 198 (18481; Bp. Consp. i. p. 898 (1850); Beichcnb. Ilandb., Merop. p. 92, pi.'401.fifif. 3295 (c. 1852) ; Gray, Cat. B. Prop. Isl. Pacific Ocean, p. 10 (1859) ; id. Hand4. B. {. p. 103, no. 2141 (1809). Bill horn-grey; feet flesh-colour; iris dark brown ; feathers of the upper surface greyish olive-green, on the abdomen somewhat clingy yellow ; throat yellowish white *, on the fore part oC the forehead a white cross band, which is lengthened into a Zosterops-like eye-ring; wing and tail-feathers dark brown, with greenish-yellow edging. (KlttlHz.) Bab. Island of Guam, Ladrones. <~- 54. Zosterops flavifrons. Yellow-fronted Flycatcher, Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. p. 842 (ex Forster, Icon. ined.). Muscicapa flavifrons, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 479 (1790). Muscicapa heteroclita, Forster, Icon. ined. no. 158; id. Bescr. Anhn. p. 271 (1844). Zosterops flavifrons, Gray, Cat. B. Prop. Isl. Pacific Ocean, p. 15 (1859); Ilartl. J. f. O. 18(tf>, p. 23; Gray, Hand-I. B. i. p. 152, no. 2110 (1809); id. in Brenchleifs Cruise of 'Curacoa; p. 300, pi. 7. fig. 1 (1873); Layard, Ibis, 1876, p. 140; Tristr. t. c. p. 202; Laijard, Ibis, 1878, pp. 270, 280. Adult male. General colour above olive-yellow, a little brighter on tho rump and upper tail-coverts; lessor wing-coverts olive- yellow ; median and greater coverts dusky ashy, edged with olive- yellow : bastard-wing feathers blackish; primary-coverts like the greater series; quills dusky brown, edged with olive-yollow, a little brighter on the primaries; tail-feathers dusky ash-brown, edged with olive-yellow, whitish along the edge of the inner web; crown of head like the back; lores and base of the forehead golden yellow, 188 MELIPHAGKTDJE. extending above the fore part of tho eye; in front of the eye a blackish spot, oxtencling below the eye in a narrow streak; feathers round the eye silky white ; ear-coverts olive-yellow; cheeks, throat, and underparts bright yellow ; sides of the body and flanks a little tinged with olive; thighs yellow, externally olivo; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts whitish, washed with yellow; axillarios palo yellow; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills ashy white. Total length 4*8 inches, oilmen 0-65, wing 2'5, tail 1-9, tarsus 0-8. Adult female. Like the male, but a little paler. Total length 4*9 inches, culmen 0*7, wing 2*5, tail 1-8, tarsus 0-8. Hah. New Hebrides. a. <$ Erromango, New Hebrides. J. Macgillivray, Esq. [0.]. h. <$ ad. sk. Aneiteuin, August 1805. Julius Brenehley, Esq. [P.]. o. § ad. sk. Erromango, Sept. 18G5. Julius Brenehley, Esq. [P.], cl. <$ ad. sk. Aneiteuin, June 14,1859 Eyton Collection. (/. Macgillivray). e. $ ad. sk. Aneiteurn. J. Macgillivray, Esq. [0.]. -55. Zosterops rendovse. Tephras olivaceus, Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, vi. p. 180 (1881, nee Z. olivacea (£.)). Zosterops ramsayi, Salvacl Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. xviii. p. 425 {nee Masters)*. Zosterops rendovse, Tristram, lUs^ 1882, p. 135. Adult (type of Z. rendovce). General colour above uniform olive- yellow, a little brighter across the rump; wing-coverts like the back, a little yellower on the median and greater coverts ; bastard- wing feathers dusky, washed with olive ; primary-coverts and quills blackish, externally olive-yellow, brighter on the edge of the primaries ; upper tail-coverts olive-yellow; tail-feathers blackish, washed with olive-green near the base; crown of head and lores like the back ; no ring of white feathers round the eye; in front of the eye a dusky spot; ear-coverts, cheeks, and throat olive-yellow, scarcely brighter than the upper surface; fore neck, breast, and abdomen bright yellow, greener on the sides of the body and flanks; thighs and under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, washed with bright yellow; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills ashy white tinged with yellow. Total length 4*6 inches, culmen 1-65, wing 2'55, tail 1*8, "tarsus 0*7. (Mus, E. B. Tristram.) Hah, Island of Eendova, Solomon group. ^ 56. Zosterops gulliveri. Zosterops (Tephras) gulliveri, Casfeln.fyRamsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. 2V". S. TV. i. p. 383. * Count Salvaclori (Orn. Papuasia etc. iii. App. p. 540) considers that the descriptions of Z. rendovce and T. olivaceus, Ramsey, differ so much that it is probable that they are not identical. 1 . 250ST1KOPS. 189 Zostorops gulliveri, Ramsay. Proc. Linn, 8oc, 2V. 8. W. ii. p. 101 (1878). The general colour above is of a light ashy brown, darker on the quills and tail, all the feathers washed with pale olive-yellow, which shows more conspicuously on the outer webs of the wing and tail- feathers ; the forehead and throat of a little brighter yellow; lores blackish, the wholo of the under surface and the under wing- and tail-coverts very pale citron, with a slight wash of bull on the flanks: legs light grey ; bill dark lead-grey above, lower mandible paler. Total length 4*2 inches, wing 2-25, tail 1*8, tarsus 0*7, bill from forehead 0*55. (Gastelnau and Ramsay.) Eab. Norman Kiver, Gulf of Carpentaria. •" 57. Zosterops griseitincta. Zosterops griseotincta, Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 175; id. Cat. Mamm. # Birds Neio Gum. p. 25 (1859); id. P. Z. S. 1861, p, 434; Finsch, Neu-Guinea, p. 164 (1805); Hartl J.f. 0. 1805, p. 25; Gray) Hand4. B. i. p. 102, no. 2112 • 8alvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. xvi. p. 82 (1880) • id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 371 (1881). Adult male (type of species). General colour above olive-greenish; lesser wing-coverts like the back • median and greater coverts ashy, externally olive-greenish; bastard-wing feathers blackish; primarycovorts dusky, externally ashy grey; quills dusky brown, margined with ashy grey, tinged with olive-yellow, especially on some of the secondaries; upper tail-coverts olive-green; tail-feathers light dusky brown, edged with olive-green externally, and with a narrow margin of white along the inner webs; crown of heacl like the back, with obscure pale shaft-lines; the base of the forehead and lot es brighter yellow; feathers round the eye silky white *. ear-coverts olive-greenish • cheeks, throat, and under surface of the body bright sulphur-yellow; sides of body and flanks washed with ashy olive; thighs and under tail-coverts pale yellow, the former externally olive; under wing-coverts and axillaries whitish, washed wiih yellow ; the lower series of wing-coverts pale ashy; quills below dusky, and inner edge of the quills whitish. Total length 4*5 inches, culmen 0*6, wing 2*45, tail 1*7, tarsus 0*75. Hob. Louisiade Islands. a. S ad. sk. Louisiade archipelago. J. Macgillivray, Esq. [O.]. -^ 58. Zosterops longirostris. Zosterops longirostris, Bamsay, Proc. Linn. 8oo. N. 8. W. iii. p. 288 (1870), iv. p. 100 (1879) * 8alvad. Ami. Mm. Civic. Genov. xvi. p. 82 (1880); id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 372 (1881). Adult male. All the upper surface greenish yellow ,* wings and tail dark brown, outwardly margined with greenish yellow; under wing-coverts white, tinged with yellow on the shoulders; inner 190 MELIPHAGIDiE. webs of the quills, except at the tips, white; all tho under surface yellow, brightest on the throat; abdomen and under tail-coverts slightly tinged with greenish yellow on the sides and Hanks; lores yellow; narrow ring round the eye white; bill yellow, tinned with brownish at tho tip ; feet olive-grey. Total length 4 inches, wing 2*5, tail 1*45, tarsus 0*7, bill from forehead 0*7, from gape' 0*75, from nasal groove to tip 0*4. (Ramsay.) Hah. Heath Island. - 59. Zosterops brunneicauda. Zosterops rufifrons, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic, Genov. vi. p. 79(1874). Zosterops brunneicauda, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. xvi. p. 82 (1880, no?n. emend.) * ; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 373 (1881).' Adult. Above yellowish green, conspicuously yellowish; under surface of body deep yellow, the sides of the body greenish; eye-ring snow-white, below surrounded by dusky black; quills and tail-feathers brown, margined with the same colour as the back; under wing- coverts and inner edge of quills whitish yellow; bill dusky, the lower mandible paler at the base; feet apparently lead-colour. Total length 4-75 inches, wing 2-45, tail 1-65, bill 0*5, tarsus 0'65. (Salvadori.) Hah. Islands of Ckrani Laut, Choor, and the Aru Islands ; ? Mysol. 60. Zosterops uropygialis. Zosterops uropygialis, Salvad. Ami. Mus. Civic. Genov. vi. p. 78 (1874), xiv. p. Q55 (1879), xvi. p. 82 (1880) ; id. Orn. Papuasia * etc. ii. p. 373 (1881). Adult. Above yellowish green, the head tinged with dusky, tho rump yellower; entire under surface yellow, the under tail-coverts and throat brighter; quills and tail-feathers dusky, margined with the same colour as the back, the former margined internally with yellowish white; under wing-coverts mixed yellow and ashy; bill dusky; feet lead-colour. Total length 4*4 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1-8, bill 0*5, tarsus 0*65. (Salvadori.) Hah. Little Ke Island, Moluccas. - -61. Zosterops semiliava. Zosterops semiflava, P. Newton, Ibis, 1867, pp. 354, 359; Gray, Iland4. B. i. p. 163, no. 2160 (1869); Hartl. Vog. Madag. p. 104 (1877) ; Oustalet, Bull. Soc. PMlom. 1878, p. 170. Adult. General colour above clear olive-yellow, clearer yellow on the upper tail-coverts, with a reddish-brown shade on the lower * Count Salvador! has changed the name of rufifrons, as the rufous forehead of the type specimen was found to be clue to a blood-stain. 1. ZOSTEROPS. 191 back and rump; wing-coverts dusky, externally dull olive-yellow; bastard-wing feathers "black; primary-coverts black, with narrow olive margins ; quills blackish, margined olive-yellow, a little brighter on the primaries ; tail-feathers black, margined with dull olive-yellow; crown of head like the back or very slightly yellower ; lores dusky, surmounted by a streak of bright yellow ; ring of feathers round the eye silky white, with a dusky streak underneath ; ear-coverts dull olive-yellow ; throat and under surface of body golden yellow; sides of breast and flanks chestnut-brown; thighs and under tail- coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts white, washed with yellow, axillaries yellow ; quills below blackish; inner edge of quills yellowish white. Total length 4 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2-25, tail 1-55, tarsus 0*7. Hob, Seychelles. a. Ad. sk. Marianne Island; Seychelles H. L. Warry, Esq. [C.]. archipelago. 62. Zosterops mayottensis. Zosterops flavirostri^ ScJtleyel, Ned. Tijdschr. 1800, p. 87. Zo.storops niayottensis, Schlegel, P. Z. S. 18G0, p. 422 ; id. SfPoll. Faun. Madag., Ois. p. 73, pi. 19. fig. 2 (18G8) ; Gray, lland-l. B. i. p. 163, no. 2154 (1869) ; Ilartl. Vog. Madag. p. 103 (1877). Forehead, lower part of the body, and under wing-coverts bright citron-yellow, passing on the flanks into a brownish red; rest of the upper parts greenish yellow; tail-feathers and wing blackish, but edged with greenish yellow on the outer web; the quills, on the other hand, are broadly edged with yellowish white on the inner webs; lores black; ring of feathers round the eye white; iris brown ; feet lead-colour; bill indigo-blue in the living specimei, black after death. Wing 2% tail 12'", bill from forehead 4f", tarsus 6|'", middle toe 4|" \ (Sehlegel and Pollen.) Hab, Island of Mayotto. - 63. Zosterops chlorates. Zosterops chlorates, PPartl.J. f. O. 1805, p. 23; Gray, Hand-L B. i. p. 108, no. 2148 (1869) ; 8ahad. Orn. Papimsia etc. ii. p. 374 (1881). Adult male. General colour above olive-yellow, a little paler on the rump and upper tail-coverts; wing-coverts rather greener than the back, a little more yellow on the edges of the median and greater coverts; bastard-wing feathers blackish; primary-coverts and quills blackish, externally olive-green, yellow on the edge of the primaries; tail-feathers black, edged with olive-greenish, ashy whitish along tho inner web ; crown of the head like the back, base of the forehead and lores golden yellow; in front of the eye a dusky spot, extending in a narrow line below the latter; ring of feathers round the eye silky white ; ear-coverts olive-yellow like the crown; 192 MELIPHAGXDiE. checks, throat, and fore neck golden yellow; breast and abdomen a little paler goldon yellow ; sides of the body and Hanks with somewhat of a ruddy tinge; thighs pale yellow, olive behind ; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts and axillarics pale yellow, white at base; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills ashy whitish; " bill black; legs dirty slate-blue; iris pale grey " (//. 0. Forbes). Total length 4 inches, culmen 0-5, wing 2*25, tail 1*55, tarsus 0-65. Female. Like the male, but a little greener. Total length 4*5 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2*35, tail 1*65, tarsus 0-65. Hab. Sumatra. a. P ad. sk. Mount Dempo, Sumatra, 8000 feet, F. Nicholson, Esq. May 1, 1881 (H. O. Forbes). [P.]. • 64. Zosterops minuta. Zosterops nimuta, B. Z. fy L. C. Lmjard, Ibis, 1878, p. 259; Tristram, Bis. 1879, p. 186, pi. iv. fig. 1; JR. Z. $ L. C. Zaijard, Ibis, 1880, p. 225. Male. General colour above dull olive-yellow; lesser wing-coverts like the back; median and greater coverts ashy, externally olive- yellow ; bastard-wing feathers dusky brown; primary-coverts and quills dusky brown, externally olive-yellow, a little brighter on the primaries; rump and upper tail-coverts a shade lighter yellow than Lhe back; tail-feathers dusky, externally olive-yellow; crown of head like the back, with obsolete pale-yellow shaft-lines to the feathers ; lores and base of forehead bright sulphur-yellow; feathers round eye silky white; in front of the eye a dusky spot, extending in a lino below the eye ; ear-coverts olive-yellow; cheeks, throat, fore neck, and breast sulphur-yellow; abdomen whiter, washed with yellow; sides of body and flanks washed with isabelline brown, with a large tuft of silky-white plumes on the latter ; thighs yellow, externally dusky; under tail-coverts bright olive-yellow; under wing-coverts and axillarics white, washed with yellow ; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills white ; " bill corneous; legs blue-brown; iris drab" (Layard). Total length 4*2 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 2*1, tail 1-55, tarsus 0*7. Female. Similar in colour to the male. Total length 4 inches, culmen 0*5, wing 2-05, tail 1'55, tarsus 0*7. Hab. Lifu, Loyalty Islands. a, b. <$ $ ad. sk. Lifu, Aug. 1878. E. L. Layard, E,sq. [O.]. c. 9); Finsch, Ibis, 1880, p. 109. Zosterops kittlitzi, Finsch, J.f. 0.1880, p. 300. Adult male. Above dirty ashy grey, the cheeks a little paler than the sides ; rest of underparts pale ashy grey ; a narrow, not strongly pronounced, ring round the eye and lores grey; quills dark brown, edged with brownish grey ; tail dark brown; bill dark brown; feet yellowish grey; toes and soles o£ feet dirtier brown; iris hazel to reddish brown ; claws dark. Total length 4" 6'", wing 2" 4'", tail 1" 6'", culmen about 5"', tarsus 8'". (Finsch.) Adult female. Like the male. (Finsch.) Hah. Kushai and Ualau Islands. - 74. Zosterops ponapensis. Zosterops ponapensis, Finsch, Jour. Mm. Godeffr. Heft xii. p. 27, Taf. 2. fig. 1 • id. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 778; id. Ibis, 1881, p. llo. The whole of the upper parts olive earthy brown; wings and tail darker, deep umber-brown, narrowly edged with eaithy brown ; forehead somewhat paler than rest of upper parts ; a narrow ring surrounding the eye silvery grey; lores, sides of head, and underparts brownish ashy grey; flanks inclining to earthy brown : bill horny black ; feet dark leaden grey, black in the skin. (Finsch.) Hah. Island of Ponape. -~ 75. Zosterops melanops. Zosterops melanops, Gray, Cat. B. Trop. Isl. Pacific Ocean, p. 15 (1859) ; Hartl. J.f. 0. 1865, p. 21; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 162, no. 2115 (1869); F. L. $ L. C. Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 259; Tristr. Ibis, 1879, p. 186; Layard, JBfc/l880, p. 225. Adult General colour above dull slaty grey; the lower back, rump, and upper tail-coverts olive-green ; scapulars and lesser wing-coverts like the back; median and greater coverts dusky, edged with olive- green ; bastard-wing feathers blackish; primary-coverts dusky, with 1. Z0STER0PS. 199 narrow olive-green edges; quills dusky, externally margined with dull olive-yellow; tail-feathers dusky, edged with olive-green; crown of head sooty black, washed with olive-green; lorob black, as also a patch of feathers below the eye and the fore part of the cheeks ; ring round the eye silky white ; ear-coverts olive-green; cheeks and throat dull olive-yellow; fore neck and breast ashy grey; abdomen whiter ; sides of body and Hanks ashy grey ; thighs white, externally ashy; under tail-coverts ashy whitish; under wing- coverts and axillarics white, the lower series ashy; quills below dusky ; inner edge of quills whitish ; " bill corneous; lower mandible whitish; legs and feet pale greenish brown; iris yellow or brown drab *' (Laijard). Total length 4-8 inches, culmen 0-55, wing 2-35, tail 1-9, tarsus 0*75. Hal. Loyalty Islands. a. Ad. sk. Loyalty Islands. Sir George Grey [P.J. (Type of species.) . 76. Zosterops lugubris. Zosterops lugubris, Hartl."Rev.Zool. 1848, p. 109; id. Beitr. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 28 (1848); id. Abhandl not. Ver. Hamburg, ii. p. 49, pi. 2/fig. infer. (1848); Gray, Gen. B. I p. 198 (1848); Bp. Camp. i. p. 098 (1850); Hartl. Orn. W.-Afr. p. 72 (1857); Heuc/l Ibis, 1861, p. 301; Gray, Iland-l. B. 1 p. 164, no. 2710 (1869). Speirops lugubris, Reichenb. llandb., Merop. p. 93, pi. 462, fig, 8306 (c. 1852); Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1869, p. 564. Adult male. General colour above dull olive-green, the mantle and sides of the neck more ashy; lesser wing-coverts and median coverts olive-green; greater coverts dusky, externally olive-green like the back ; bastard-wing and primary-coverts dusky blackish ; quills dusky, externally olive-green like the back; upper tail- coverts a little clearer olive than the back; tail-feathers dusky, edged with olive-green ; crown of head blackish ; base of forehead olive-yellow ; nape and hind neck olive-green like the back; loros and feathers round the eye white; ear-coverts pale ohve, with whitish shaft-streaks; sides of hinder crown ashy grey ; cheeks and throat ashy grey, slightly tinged with olive ; breast and abdomen ashy olive, greyer on the flanks ; thighs white ; under tail-coverts deep olive with a fulvous tinge; under wing-coverts and axillaries pure white; quills ashy brown below ; inner edges of quills white. Total length 4*8 inches, culmen 0'55, wing 2-8, tail 1-9, tarsus 0*85. Hah. "West Africa : Island of 8. Thomas in the Bight of Benin. a. d ^d. sk. R. Thomas. J. J. Monteiro, Esq. [0.]. ^00 MELIPnAG-IO/E. 77. Zosterops melanocepliala. Zosterops (Speirops) nielanoceplialus, Gray, Ann. fy Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) x. p. 444(1802). Zosteropa melanoceplialus, Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 104, no. 2169 (1869). Speirops melanoceplialus, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1871, p. 615; Reichen. J.f. 0.1875, p. 50. Adult (type of species). General colour above dull ashy brown, a little lighter on the rump and upper tail-coverts; wing-coverts like the back; bastard-wing and primary-coverts uniform dusky brown; quills and tail-feathers dusky brown, externally like the back ; crown of head and nape blackish brown; lores white : ear- coverts and cheeks blackish brown; throat white; remainder of under surface light ashy brown; breast, centre of abdomen, and thighs dusky ashy brown; under tail-coverts ashj^whLJtish; under wing-coverts and axillaries ashy, with whitisrTena^Tqmlls below dusky brown; inner edge of quills ashy whitish. Total length 4*7 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2*45, tail 1*8, tarsus 0*85. Hah. West Africa : Oameroons district. a. Ad. sk. Mountains of Oameroons, Oapt. R."F. Burton [P.]. 7000 feet. (Type of species.) ... 78. Zosterops leucopliaea. Parinia leucopheea, Hartl. Oni. W.-Afr. p. 71 (1857) ; Dohm, P. Z. S. 1860, p. 327; Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 36 (1871). Thamnobia leucopliaea, Gray, Hand-?. B. i. p. 212, no. 3000 (1869). Adult. Crown of head whitish with a grey tinge, this tinge becoming more and more pronounced towards the hind neck, where the coloration gradually changes into the greyish brown of the mantle and back, with a dash of olive • wing-coverts, quills, and tail-feathers dark brown, their edges narrowly washed with olive; ear-coverts, cheeks, and under wing-coverts almost pure white ; all the rest of the underparts greyish white; bill brown, mandible paler; legs lead-colour, with pale claws. Total length 5 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 2-6-2-75, tail 1*8-2, tarsus 0-8. Hab. West Africa : Grahoon, Prince's Island. a, b. Ad. sk. Prince's Island, W. Africa. Dr. Dohm [O.]. ' 79. Zosterops atriceps. Zosterops atriceps, Gray, P. Z. S.1860, p. 350; Hartl. J.f O 1865 p. 22; Finsch, Neu-Guinea, p. 164 (1865); Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 163, no. 2145 (1869); Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civic. Genov. xvi. p. 80 (1872) ; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 364 (1881). Adult male. General colour above dull yellowish olive, a little clearer on the rump and upper tail-coverts • lesser wing-coverts dusky brown; median and greater coverts like the back; bastard-wing 1 . ZOSTEROPS. 201 feathers blackish; primary-coverts and quills dusky brown, externally olive-yellowish; inner secondaries like the back; tail- feathers dusky brown, with narrow olive-yellow margins near the bases; crown of head, nape, and hind neck sooty brown, blacker on the forehead, and extending a little onto the mantle, but somewhat mixed with ashy; fore part of head with scarcely perceptible paler shaft-lines; lores black; round the eye a small ring of white feathers; ear-coverts sooty brown like the head ; cheeks pale sooty, with white bases to the feathers; sides of the neck sooty brown ; throat and underparts ashy white, purer on the breast and abdomen ; sides of the body and flanks washed with ashy ; thighs white, dusky behind; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white; quills dusky below, inner edges abhy whitish. Total length 4*7 inches, culm en 0*55, wing 2*25, tail 1*05, tarsus 0-65. Hah. Island of Batchian, in the Moluccas. a. $ ad. sk. Batchian. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. (Type of species.) b. Ad. sk. Batchian. Gould Collection. -- 80. Zosterops fuscifrons. Zosterops fuscifrons, Sahad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. xii. p. 339 (1878), xvi. p. 80 (1880); id. Orn. p. 305 (1881). Adult. Very similar to Z. atriceps of Gray, from Batchian, but having only the sinciput and the lores dusky; the occiput, hind neck, and cheeks yellowish olive, uniform with the back, and not dusky at all; wings and tail dusky, margined with yellowish olive ; under surface of body white, with the exception of the under tail- coverts, which are yellow; round the eye a conspicuous ring of white feathers. Total length 4*25 inches, wing 2*1, bill 0*8, tarsus 0*6. Bab. Island of Gilolo or Halmahera, in the Moluccas. —« 81. Zosterops mysoriensis. Zosterops mysoriensis, Meyer, Sitz. K. Ahad. Wien, lxx. p. 116 (1874); Sahad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. xvi. p. 81 (1880); id. Om. JPqpuasia etc. ii. p. 365 (1881) . Adult. Above olivaceous, the rump brighter; under surface white; npper breast tinged with grey; under tail-coverts pale yellow; sides of neck and cheeks tinged with grey; lores dusky; quills blackish, externally margined with clear greenish olive, internally with white; edge of the wing yellow; under wing-coverts white mixed with yellow ; tail blackish above, below greyish; tail-feathers externally margined with greenish olive; bill black, the lower mandible pale at the base; feet black. Total length 4-25 inches, wing 1*9, tail 1-5, bill 0*4, tarsus 0*7. (Sahadori.) Female. Like the male. (Sahadori.) Hab. Island of Misori, in the Bay of Geelvink, KW. New Guinea. 202 MELIPHAGIDJE, * 82. Zosterops hypoleuca. Zosterops liypoleuca, Sabad. Ann. Mas. Civic. Genov. xii. p. 340 (1878); xvi. p. 81 (1880) j id. Orn. Papuasiaetc. ii. p. 305 (1881). Adult. General colour above dull olive-green; lesser wing-coverts like the back; median and greater coverts dusky brown, edged with olive-green like the back; bastard-wing and primary-coverts dusky brown, the latter edged with olive-green towards their ends ; quills dusky brown, edged with olive-green, yellower on the primaries; rump and upper tail-coverts slightly yellower than the back; tail-feathers dusky brown, edged with olive-green ; crown of head like the back ; forehead and sinciput sooty brown, with indistinct paler shaft-lines ; occiput, nape, and hind neck like the back, but a little overshaded with dusky; lores black, extending below the eye; round the eye a narrow ring of whitish; ear-coverts olive-green, as also the cheeks, the fore part of which is dusky; throat and underparts white, washed with ashy on sides of body and flanks; thighs white; under tail-coverts bright yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries white, with yellow on edge of the wing; quills below dusky; inner edge of quills ashy. Total length 4 inches, culmen 0-55, wing 2*15, tail 1-6, tarsus 0*65. Hal. New Guinea. a. Ad. sk. New Guinea. Purchased. species.) (Type of ^ 83. Zosterops muelleri Zosterops frontalis, Miill in Mus. Ltigd. (nee Meichenh.); Gray Kand4. B. i. p. 164, no. 2174 (1869). Heleia muelleri, Marti. J. f. O. l&m, p. 26. Adult. General colour above ashy olive-greenish; wing-coverts dusky brown, washed or edged externally with ashy olive; quills dusky brown, edged with dull olive-yellow, the inner secondaries with ashy-olive margins like the back; ujyper tail-coverts olive- brown; tail-feathers brown, edged with olive-brown; crown of head scaly, the feathers being brighter olive-green, with black centres; occiput, nape, and hind neck like the back; lores golden yellow, continued in a stripe over the eye, fading into olive-yellow over the ear-coverts; in front of the eye a large black spot; round the eye a narrow ring of whitish; ear-coverts olive-yellow; feathers below the eye, cheeks, and throat pale yellow; remainder of the under surface yellowish; the fore neck and breast streaked with blackish brown; sides of the body and flanks with a few dusky streaks, scarcely perceptible; thighs dull olive-green; under tail- coverts pale yellow, with dusky centres; under wing-coverts and axillaries yellowish white, brighter yellow on the edge of the wing • quills below dusky; inner edge of quills yellowish white. Total length 5*3 inches, culmen 0*6, wing 2*7, tail 2*15, tarsus 0*7, Female. Like the male. (Eartlaub.) 1 . ZOSTEEOPS. 203 Young I With the head scarIlab. Island of Timor. cely spotted at all. (Hartlaub.) a. Ad. sk. Timor. Purchased. 84. Zosterops frigida, Zosterops frigida, Mull. MS. in Mm. Zut/d.} wide Heleia frigida, Rartl J.f. 0. 1803, p. 27. Zosterops frigida, Gray, Hand~l. B. i. p. 164, no. 2175 (1869). Of small size; upper surface brownish olivaceous; ground-colour of crown dull yellowish, longitudinally spotted with blackish; forehead yellow, with an orango tinge; ring of feathers round the eyo not very conspicuous; throat dull yellowish; breast, abdomen, and under tail-coverts dull yellowish; an obscure moustachial streak; under wing-coverts pale isabelline; wings and tail uniform with the back; bill pale brown, paler at the tip and base of under mandible; feet pale. Total length 4", bill from forehead 4"', wing L" 9£"', tail 1" 7'", tarsus 7£"'. (Eartlauh.) Ecib. Sumatra. . 85. Zosterops ficedalina. ZosteropsficeduHna,Rartl. P. Z, S. 1806, p. 327 ; Gray. Hand-l B. i. p. 162, no. 2127 (1869). Adult General colour above olive-green, a little brighter and more yellowish green on the rump; the lesser wing-coverts and the median coverts like the back; greater coverts dusky, edged with the same colour as the back; bastard-wing and primary-coverts dusky brown, very narrowly edged with green ; quills dusky brown, externally edged with olive-green; upper tail-coverts rather more dingy olive-green; tail-feathers dusky, with olive-green edges, the two outer feathers with a small longitudinal spot of white at tho tips; crown of head a little more dusky than the back, and washed with olive-green, tho forehead with small and narrow streaks of white ; lores pale yellow; eyelid whitish; car-coverts light dusky olive, with an ashy shade above them on the sides of the hinder crown; cheeks and the under surface of the body pale yellow, a little brighter yellow on the fore neck, breast, and abdomen; flanks with a slight fulvescent tinge; thighs yellowish white ; under tail- coverts decidedly brighter yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries whitish, washed with pale yellow; quills below brown ; inner edge of quills whitish. Total length 4-5 inches, culmen 0*45, wing 2, tail 1*55, tarsus 0*05. Hub. Prince's Island, in the Eight of Benin, West Africa. a. Ad. sk. Prince's Island. Dr. Dolmi [C] 204 MELIPHAGIDiE. 2. MELITHREPTUS. Type. Melithreptus, Vieillot, Analyse §c. p. 46 (1816) M. lunulatus. Hajmatops, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1886, p. 144 . .. 3VI. validirostris. Cxyninophrys, Swainson, Classif. of Birds, ii. p. 327 (1837) ..'...I M. lunulatus. Eidopsarus, Swaimon, he. cit M. validirostris. Idopsarus, Ar/assh, Nomencl. Zool. Lid. p. 194 (1846). Bill shorter than rest of head: operculum partly covered with feathers. First primary about one third the length of the very long- second primary; tip of wing formed by primaries 3, 4, 5; secondaries very short, being only two thirds the length of the wing. Tail slightly emarginated, five sixths of the wing m length. Pattern bright olive, yellow, white, and black. Sexes alike in plumage. Length of wing 2-3-3*45 inches. Range. Australia. Key to the Species. a. Crown of head black. «'. White band across the occiput. (f e d 2Q a". Ohm pure white < ,, • , l* Xn~ b". Chinkckish. _ }albVulans,V.20o. a'". Length of cuhnen 05-06 inch ...... gularis, p. 205. b'". Length of culmen 0*75 inch validirostris, p. 206. b'. Occiput without a white band melanocephalus, p. 207. b. Crown of head grey, with a cream-coloured occipital band brevirostris, p. 207. 1. Melithreptus lunulatus. Oerthia lunulata, Shaio, Gen Zool. viii. p. 224. La Fuscalbin, Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 95, pi. 61. Eed-eyed Honey-eater, Lath. Gen. Hist. iv. p. 203. Meliphaga lunulata, Vig. Sf Morsf. Linn. Tram. xv. p. 315. Black-crowned Honey-sucker, Leioin, Birds Neio Holl. pi. 24. Meliphaga atricapilla, Temm. PL Col. 335. jig. 1. Meliphaga torquata, Swains. Zool. III. 1 ser. pi. 116. Hoematops lunulatus, Gould, Synops. B. Austr. pt. i. Gymnophrys torquatus, Swains. Class. B. ii. p. 327. Melithreptus lunulatus, Gray, List of Gen. Birds, p. 21 (1841); Goidd, B. Austr. pi. 72; id. JELandb. B. Austr. i. p. 568; Bp. C. A. i. p. 395; Gray, Eand-l B. i. p. 161, no. 2099 ; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 190. Melithreptus chloropsis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 220; id. B. Austr. pi. 73; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 570; Bp. C. A, i. p. 395 ; Cab. Mus. Kein. i. p. 115; Gray, Kand-l. B. i. p. 161, no. 2105. Adult. Crown and sides of head, including the ear-coverts and cheeks, a few feathers at the angle of the chin, and a few feathers on the sides of the chest near the shoulder jet-black; all the upper parts uniform rich olive-yellow; wings and tail brown, externally washed with the colour of the back; lesser wing-coverts greyish; a narrow band across the occiput, and all the underparts, including the under wing-coverts and inner margin of remiges, pure white; "the 205 2 . MELITHEEPTTTS. small bare space above the eye scarlet; feet olive; bill blackish brown; iris very dark brown" (Gould), Culmcn 0*55-0*6 inch, wing 2-85-3-1, tail 2% tarsus 0-05. The sexes are alike in plumage. Hah. Australia. #» &• 6 S ad. sk. 0, d. Ad. sk. e [ $ ] iinm. sk. / , g, h. Ad.; i. Imm. sk. South Australia. South Austialia. South Australia. New South Wales. Sir George Grey [P.]. Gould Collection. Gould Collection. . Gould Collection. h. Ad. sk. Australia. F. D. Godman and O. I [rf]ad. sk. w, w. $ ad. sk. o,jp. tf ? ad. sk. sq. e. Ad. sk. New South Wales. Gould Collection. 5. Melithreptus melanoceplialus. Meliphaga atricapilla, Jarcl $ Selb. Ill Orn. pi. 134. fig. 1. Meliphaga affims, Less. Rev. Zool 1839, p. 107. Melithreptus inelanuceplialuH, Gotdd, P. Z. S. 1845, p. G2 • id, B. Austr. pi. 75; id. Ilmulb. B. Ansfr. i. p. 573; B]>. C. A. i. p. 395; Gray, Iland-L B. i. p. 161, no. 2104 j Ramsay, Proc. Linn. 8oc. N. 8. W. ii. p. 190. Adult. Head all round jet-black, without an occipital band; hind neck, mantle, back, and upper tail-coverts olive-yellow; wing-coverts, wings, and tail greyish browu, with narrow greyish edges* a few feathers along the sides of the neck and uppor chest black; all the rest of the underparts, including the under wing-coverts and inner margin of the remiges, white, tinged with grey on the flanks; "bill black; iris reddish brown ; feet brown ; bare skin over the eye pearlv white, slightly tinged with green' (Gould). Culmen 0-45-0-52"inch, wing 3-3*05, tail 2*3-2*5, tarsu 0*7. 208 MELIPHAGIDiE. Young hirds have the upper throat yellowish white instead of black ; bill yellowish at the base. Hah. Tasmania. a. S ad. sk. b, c, d, e. Ad. sk. f. Ad. sk. \j, h. Ad. st. i. Juv. sk. % x [Tasmania.] [Tasmania.] Tasmania. Tasmania. Tasmania. J. B. Jukes, Esq. [0.1 F. D. Goclman and 0. Sab in, Esqrs. [P.], Antarctic Expedition. R. Gunn, Esq. |~P.l R. Gunn, Esq. [P.J. 3. PLECTRORHYNCHTJS. Type. Plectorhyncha, Gould (nee LaoSpede), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 153 P. lanceolate. PlectrorhynchuS; Wiegmann, Arch.f. Xaturg. 1838. Plectorhamphus, Gray, List of Genera of Birds, 1840. P. lanceolatus. Plectrorhanrphus, Strickland (1841) P. lanceolatus. Bill slightly shorter than rest of head, quite straight and much pointed, culmen rounded. Secondaries above five sixths the length of the wing. Tail square, and nine tenths the length of the wing. Pattern plain: underparts white ; upper parts brown, mottled with whitish on the head. Length of wing about 4*5 inches. Range, Australia. 1. PlectrorhyncliTis lanceolatus. Plectorhyncha laneeolata, Gould, P. Z. S. 1837, p. 153; id. B. Austr, iv. pi. 47; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 525; Beiclienb. NattirL Si/st. Vbg. pi. 35: id. Handb., Meropina, p. 127, pi. 493. figs. 3470-71 ; Diggles, Orn. Austr. pi.; Bamuty, Proc. Linn. Soc. iV". 8 W. ii. p. 189. Melithreptus lanceolatus, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 128; id. Hand-l. B. i. p. 101, no. 2106, Plectrorhyncha laneeolata, Bp. C. A. i. p. 393. Adult Crown of head, ear-coverts, sides of neck, and hind neck mottled with blackish brown and white; centre of back greyish brown, each feather darker at the centre; rest of upper parts, including the wing-coverts, greyish brown; wings and tail light brown, with pale external margins to most of the feathers ; cheeks and all trie underparts, including under surface of the wings, pure white, except some feathers on the sides of the fore neck, which are mottled black and white; " bill dark bluish horn-colour ; feet light blue; iris brown?J (Gould). Ad. <$ . Culmen 0*8 inch, wing 4*7, tail 4-4, tarsus 1*1. Ad. ?. „ 0-75 „ „ 4-4, „ 4-2, „ 1*0. Females and young birds resemble the male exactly in coloration. Hah, Australia. a, b. [ c? $ ] ad. sk. Murray River. Gould Collection. c. Ad. sk. New South Wales. Gould Collection. d, e. Ad. sk. New South Wales. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.l / g, Ad. sk. N.E. Australia. Sir T. Mitchell [P.], METJPHAGINiE 209 Subfamily III. MELIPHAGINiE. I have been unable to arrange the genera referred to this Subfamily, according to the plan of this work, in a Key which would afford assistance to the student in determining them. Each genus, however, will be found to be properly denned by its diagnosis. 1. GLYCYPHILA. Type. Gliciphila, Swains. Class. B. ii. p. 320 (1837) G. fulvifrons. Glyciphila, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 1/5 (1840). Glycyphila, Agassiz, Nomencl Zool. hid. Univ. p. 103 (1840). Stigmatops, Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 500 (1805) (sine diagnosi!) ; G. ocularis. Glycichsera, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii. 1.335 (1878) G. fallax. Glycychaera, Salvad. Orn. Papuas. e Molucche, ii. p. 311 (1881). Bill a little longer than, or equal to, the rest of the head, broad at base. Nostrils operculated,_not covered by the feathers. Eirst primary comparatively long; tip of wings formed by the third to fifth primaries ; secondaries three fourths the length of wing; tail square or slightly emarginated, and a little longer than the wings ; inner web of quills fulvous. Anterior toes short. Tarsus comparatively long and covered with many transverse scales. Head of Glyeyphila ocularis. Range. Australia, New Caledonia, Loyalty Islands, New Guinea, Aru Islands, Waigiou. Key to the Species. a. Feathers behind the eye of normal shape; inner web of quills edged with fulvous; breast and abdomen white / (Subgenus GLYCYPHILA.) a'. Throat white, forehead fulvous fulvifrons, p. 210. b\ Throat blacfch, forehead white albifrons, p. 211. c'. Dark-brownjcrtss markings to feathers of under pays. a". Chest only cvoss-barred fasciata, p. 212. b". Bars extending over most of underparts... . undulata, p. 212. b. Feathers behind the eye of normal shape; flanks very fluffy; inner edge of reniiges white; abdomen dull yellow. Tail slightly emarginate. (Sub-, xQ^ax 213 genus GLYCYCH^RA.) j poliocephala,V. 213. VOL. 3X. P 210 MELIPHAGTDJE. c. Feathers behind the eye generally peculiar in shape, being short, blackish at base, silky white or yellow at terminal half, giving the postocular region a spotted appearance (Subgenus STIGMATOPS.) cT. Wings not edged with white. c". Ear-coverts brown j upper parts uniform olive-brown. a"'. Postocular feathers glossy yellow j underpays dingy brownish white or grey .. ocularis, p. 213. b'". A white subocular spot; underparts white, faintly barred with brownish .. modesta, p. 215. d". Ear-coverts silky or silvery white; under parts brownish, mottled grey and white. c'". Crown ashy grey inca?ia, p. 216. d'". Crown olive-brown poliotis, p. 217. e". Ear-coverts and subocular region with silvery white spots. er". Feathers of breast brownish, edged with white albiauricularis, f". Feathers of breast pale olive, with pecu- [p. 217. liar scale-shaped cross markings squamata, p. 217. e. Wings edged with white; underparts white, upper parts fuscous nisoria, p. 218. 1. GlycypMla fulvifrons. ? Black-eyed Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl. ii. p. 165. Certhia raelanops, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxxvi. Certhia melivora, Shaw, Gen. Zool, viii. pt. 1, p. 245. Certhia fulvifrons, Lewin, B. New S. W. pi. 22 (1838). Meliphaga albiventris, Steph. in Skald's Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 261. Philedon rubrilrons, Less. Voy. Coq. i. p. 646 (1826). Meliphaga fulvifrons, Vig. $• Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 317 (1827). Glyciphila fulvifrons, Swains. Class. B. ii. p. 326 (1837) ; Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 117 ; Bp. C. A. i. p. 393; Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 28 ; id. JECandb. B. Austr. i. p. 495; Reichenb. Meropinm, no. 268, pi. 487. figs. 3439-41; Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 155, no. 2002 ; Ramsay) P. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 188. Glyciphila melanops, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 119, pi. 38. fig. 2 (1847). Adult male. Forehead, under wing-coverts, and inner margin of quills rich reddish fulvous; a whitikh streak extending from the nostrils over the eye; prseocular region and ear-coverts dark brown; hinder margin of ear-coverts pale fulvous or whitish; feathers of the mantle and hind neck dark brown, each feather with a paler streak down the centre and slightly washed with olive ; lower back and upper tail-coverts greyish brown ; wings, wing-coverts, and tail blackish brown, the quills externally edged with olive-yellow or pale brown; some of the innermost secondaries edged with whitish; throat, cheeks, centre of breast and abdomen, and under tail-coverts dull white; flanks washed with pale brownish grey; feathers of the chest and sides of neck dull blackish brown edged with whitish, giving these parts a somewhat mottled appearance; " bill blackish brown; feet greenish grey; iris brown ,? (Gould). The female resembles the male in coloration, but is smaller. 211 1 . GLYCYPITITA. S. Culmen 0-8-0-9 inch, wing- 3-2-3-3, tail 2-9, tarsus 0-9. 2 . „ 0-8 „ „ 2«9~3*0, „ 2-Q5, „ 0-85. Young birds are dark brown above, streaked with bufFy white ; crown of head like the back; throat dull yellow; sides of neck, fore neck, and upper breast mottled with brown and whitish, the central parts of the feathers being whitish; under surface of wings and rest of undorparts as in the adult. Immature birds still retain the yellowish throat after they have acquired the rich fulvous colour on the crown. Eab. Australia and Tasmania. a,b. d 2 ad. sL South Australia. Sir G. Grey [P.]. c, cl [ tf J ad. sk. South Australia. Gould Collection. e. c? ad.; / . Juv. sk. West Australia. Gould Collection. (h Ad. sk. N. S. Wales. Gould Collection. h, i. Ad. sk. N. S. Wales. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. TP.]. k, I. Ad. sk. N. S. Wales. Lirmean Society [P.]. m. 5 ad.; n. $ Tasmania. J. Gould, Esq. "[0.]. imm. sk, o, p. Ad. sk. Tasmania. Ronald Gunn, Esq. [P.]. 2. Glycyphila albifrons. Glyciphila albifrons, Gould, P. Z. S. 1840, p. 1G0; id. B. Austr. iv, pi. 29; id. JEtandb. B. Austr. i. p. 497; ^ Cab. IIiis. Hein. i. p. 117 j Bp. C. A. i. p. 393; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 11; Meichenb. Mero~ pints, no. 269, pi. 487. figs. 3442-43; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 155, no. 2003; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. 2?. S. W. ii. p. 188. Adult Forehead, lores, a narrow ring round the eye, and a narrow line running from the angle of the lower mandible white; crown of the head black, each feather slightly margined with whitish ; ear-coverts silvery blackish grey, behind which is an irregular line of white; all the npper surface brown, irregularly margined with white, producing a mottled appearance; rump and npper tail- coverts rufous-brown; wings and tail brown, the primaries margined externally with yellowish, green ; chin, throat, and fore neck brownish black, some of the feathers of the throat with small white tips ; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills fulvous; breast and abdomen white, striped with blackish, brown on the flanks ; " irides dark brown, bill black; feet blackish brown " (Gould). Culmen 0*8 inch, wing 3-2, tail 3, tarsus 0*8. The female is like the male in plumage, but smaller in size. Eab. Greater portion of Australia. a, b. [ $ J ] ad. sk. South Australia, Sir G. Grey [P.]. c, d. Ad. sk. South Australia. J. Gould, Esq. [C.]. e \d sk. South Australia. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Eeqrs. [P.]. P2 212 MELIPHAGIDJS. 3. G-lycyphila fasciata. Glyciphila fasciata, Gould, P. Z. S. 1842, p. 137 ; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 30; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 119; Bjp. C. A. i. p. 393; Gould, Randb. B. Austr. i. p. 499 j Reieherib. Meropinc?, no. 266, pi. 487. %s. 3437-38; Bamsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 188. Glyciphila pectoralis, Gray, Iland-l. B. i. p. 155, no. 2004 (1869). Adult male. Crown of head and nape blackish brown, each feather narrowly edged with white; mantle and the wing-coverts brown, each feather edged with pale buff; rest of back and upper tail- coverts bufTy brown, inclining to rufous ; wings and tail dark brown, externally edged with whitish buff; under wing-coverts, inner margin of quills, lower abdomen, and under tail-coverts pale creamy buff; chin, cheeks, ear-coverts and throat, centre of breast and abdomen white; feathers of chest and sides of breast also white, but with a broad subterminal blackish-brown bar to each feather ; flanks whitish, washed with pale buff, the feathers with dark- brown streaks down the centre; a narrow streak of blackish brown extending backwards along the inner margin of the cheek on each side; "bill greenish grey; feet aurora-red ; iris reddish brown " (Gould). Culmen 0-55-0-65 inch, wing 2*6-2-75, tail 1*8-2*0, tarsus 0*7. Female. Resembles the male, but is slightly smaller. Young birds have the crown and hind neck uniform dull brown ; chest and fore neck brownish white, without the dark bars ; under wing-coverts blackish brown. Fab. Australia, excepting the north-eastern and north-western portions. a, b, c. 2 ad. sk. d, e,f. Ad. sk. N.W. Australia. North Australia. J. R. Elsey, Esq. [P.]. F. D. Grodinan and O Salvin, g, h. Ad. sk. *'•[?] Juv« &k« North Australia. Goill d Island (J. Esqrs. [P.]. Gould Collection. Voy. H.M.S. < Rattlesnake.' Macgillivray). (Type of G. peotoralis, Gray.) k. Ad. sk. Port Essington. J. Gould, Esq. [C.]. 4. Glycyphila nndxilata. Certhia undulata, Sparrman, Mus. Carls, i. pi. 34 (1786). Certhia fasciata, Forster, Descr. Animal, p. 263 (1844). Gliciphila fasciata (JPorstf.), Gray, Handr-l B. i. p. 155, no. 2010. Glycyphila fasciata, Layard, Ibis, 1877, p. 302,1880, p. 224, 1881, p. 133, 1882, p. 505; Tristram, Ibis, 1879, p. 182. Adult Upper parts, including the wings and tail, brown; feathers of mantle and hind neck with whitish shafts; feathers of occiput and sides of head brown, edged with white ; underparts of body white, with numerous brown bars; flanks and abdomen washed with brownish grey; under wing-coverts and inner edge of quills fulvous; bill black. Culmen 1-15 inch, wing 3*4, tail 3*1, tarsus 0*8. Mab. New Caledonia. a. Ad. sk. New Caledonia. Purchased. 1. QLYCYVUIXA. 213 5. GlycypMla fallax. Euthyrhynchus ? s^., Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen, vii. p. 0-53 (1873), ix. p. 23. Glycichosra fallax, Salvad. op. cit. xii. p. 335 (1878), xvi. p. 74; cFAlbertis et Salvad. op. cit. xiv. p. 78. Glycycksera fallax, Salvad. Orn. Pajmana etc. ii. p. 310 (1881), iii. App. p. 542. Tephras whitei, Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 357 ; id. Ami. Mas. Civic. Genov. xviii. p. 422, note. Adult. Upper parts olive, the head tinged with grey; abdomen dull yellow; chest and throat faintly mottled with olive; flanks very fluffy, washed with olive-grey; wings and tail brown, externally edged with olive; remiges with whito margins to the inner web; under wing-coverts pale yellowish ; bill and feet brown. Culm en 0-48 inch, wing 2-3-2-5, tail 1-65, tarsus 0*7. Eab. New Guinea and Aru Islands. (Salvador!.) 6. GlycypMla poliocephala. Euthyrhynchus, sp., Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. x. p. 34 (1877). Glycichasra poliocephala, Salvad. op. cit. xii. p. 336 (1878), xvi. p. 74. Glycychsera poliocephala; Salvad. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 311 (1881). Head and neck ashy grey; rest of upper parts greyish olive; wings and tail brown, externally edged with olive ; inner web of remiges edged with white; under wing-coverts pale yellow and greyish; underparts pale yellowish; throat and flanks slightly mottled with grey. Culmen 0*6 inch, wing 2'5, tail 1*95, tarsus 0*7. Hah. ISFew Guinea. Obs. The two type specimens of this species are in the Museum of Genoa, preserved in spirit of wine. Salvador! remarks that they differ from G. fallax in having the upper parts more greyish and the culmen less curved towards the tip. Both species are remarkable for the fluffy feathers on their flanks. 7. Glycyphila ocularis. Meliphaga indistincta, Vig. fy Horsf. Linn. Tram. xv. 182G, p. 317. Glyciphila (?) ocularis, 4ould, P.Z. S. 1837, p. 154. Glyciphila ocularis, Gould, B. Ausfr. iv. pi. 31; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 113; Bp. C. A. i. p. 393; Reichenh. Voq. Neuholl. no. 346; Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 174; id. Cat. B. New Gmn. p. 23; id. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 435; Wallace, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 486; Rosenberg, J.f.O. 1864, p. 122; id. Malay. Archip. p. 364. Lichmera ocularis, Cab. Mus. Hein. l. j>. 118 (1850). Stomiopera ocularis, Reiclmib. Meropince, p. 109, pi. 479.figs. 3399 4000 (1852). Ptilotis ocularis, Finsch, Neu-Guinea, p. 163, partim (1865). Sti&matops ocularis, Gould, Ha?idb. B. Austr. i. p. 500; Gray, Hand4. B. i. p. 155, no. 2011; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. K S. W. ii. p. 189; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xvi. p. 75. Stigmatops ocularis, var., Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 155, no. 2011. Stigmatops argentauris, pt, Sahadori, Ann. Mus. Civic. Gen. xii. p. 336 (1878). 21 4 MELIPHAGIDJE. Race G. chloris. Sligmatops chloris, Salvad. in Mm. Luyd.; id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii. p. 337 (1878), xvi. p. 76; id. Orn. Papuas. e Molucche, ii. p. 325. Stigmatops argentauris (pt.), Salvad. Ami. If us. Civ. Gen. xii. p. 336 (1878). Eace G. subocularis. Glyciphila (?) subocularis, Gould, P. Z. S. 18-°>7, p. 154. Glycipliila ocularis, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 31 (partim). Stigmatops subocularis, Gould, Hdndb, B. Austr. i. p. 501; Mamsay, JProc. Linn. Soc. JST. S. W. ii. p. 189. Glyciphila subocularis, Gray, lland-l. B. i. p. 155, no. 2012. Adult male. Upper parts of bead, hind neck, mantle, and back uniform dark olive-brown, changing into yellowish brown on the rump and upper tail-coverts; wings and tail dark brown externally, strongly washed with greenish yellow; all the underparts dull yellowish white, strongly washed with brownish grey on the breast and fore neck; behind the eye a small patch of peculiar, glossy yellow feathers; the feathers below the eye very short, blackish at base, with glossy silvery tips; bill dark brown; feet grey; iris light red. Culmen 0*7 inch, wing 2*6-2-8, tail 2-2, tarsus 0'65. The sexes are alike in plumage. Hab. North Australia. In the Aru Islands, Lombok, and Timor G. ocularis seems to be represented by a larger and slightly more greyish race, with whitish- yellow ear-coverts (67. Moris); adult male—culmen 0*8-0*83 inch, wing 2-8-3*0, tail 2-2-2-3, tarsus 0*7. In North-western Australia G. ocularis is partly replaced by a smaller and slightly more yellowish- tinted race (G. subocularis): culmen 0*6-0*7 inch, wing 2*3-2*5, tail 2, tarsus 0*61. Intermediate forms, however, frequently occur. a. Island Eace (G. chloris). ®} b, c. S 2 ad. sk. Aru Islands. F. D. Godman and O. Salvin, Ebqrs. [P.]. d, e. (S ad. sk. Aru Islands. A. K. Wallace, Esq. [CI. /.[tf l ad. sk. Lombok. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [O.J. g, k Ad. sk. Mysol (Iloedt). Gould Collection. 0. Continental Eace (G. ocularis), a. d ad, sk. Percy Island (Dr. Cop- Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' pmyer). b. [ § ] ad. sk. * Australia. Linnean Society [P.]. (Type of Melipli. indistincta, "Vig. & HorsfMd.) c. ch Ad. sk, Australia. Gould Collection. e, Queensland. F.D. Godman and O. Salvin. Esqrs. [P.]. f, g. <$ ad. sk. Port Essington. Capt. W. Chambers [P.]. i h. [ 6) ad. sk. Port Essington. Dr. Sibbald [P.]. I fcfj ad. sk. Port Essington. Gould Collection, h. 1mm. sk. Australia. Gould Collection. 1. GLruiPHlIA, 215 I. Ad. sk MoretonBay(&/yw^). Gould (Collection. m, n. Ad. sk. Liverpool Plains. J. Gould, Esq. [0,1. o, p. Ad. sk. Webt Australia. J. Gould, Esq. [O.J. 7. G. subocidaris. a, b, c. Ad. sk. Queensland. F. D. Godman and 0. JSah in, Esqrs. [P.]. d. [ d ] ad. sk. Port Easington. Dr. Sibbald [P.J. e Interior of 8. Australia. Cnptaui Sturt [6.]. /. <$ ad. sk. Port Darwin, Nov. 1881 Voy. I1.M.8. 'Alert.' (Dr. Coppinqer). g. Ad. sk. N.W. Australia. Gould Collection. (Type of r.w.A species.) Subspecies a. Glycyphila argentatiris. Ptilotis argentauris, Finsch, AbhandL naturwiss. Verehi zu Bremen, ii. p. 364 (1870). Stigmatops argentauris (pt.); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii. p. 336 (1878), xvi. p. 76; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 325. General colour greyish, olive; wings and tail inclining to yellowish; underparts grey; the feathers of the breast and abdomen margined with yellow; ear-coverts silvery white; subocular region with brownish spots; bill and feet brown ; base of mandible pale. Culmen. 0*6 inch, wing 2*62, tail 2*1, tarsus 0*71. (Salvador!.) Hab. "Waigiou. 8. G-lycypMla modesta. Glyciphila modesta, Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, pp. 174, 190 (nee 1859, p. 160); id. Cat B. New Guin. p. 23; id. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 434; Rosenb. Nat Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 236; id. J.f. 0. 1864, p. 122; Finsch, Neu-Gnin. p. 164; Gray, Mand-L B. i. p. 155, no. 2006; Meyer, Sitzber. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 215; tSharpe, Proc. Linn. 80c. xiii. pp. 316, 496; Salvad. Ami. Mus. Civ. Gen. xiv. p. 73; Rosenbergr, Malay. Archip. p. 364; Sahad. Orn. Papuasia eta. 11. p. 307. Glyciphila subfasciata, Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 385, 1875 p. 594; Grayy Hand-l. B. i. p. 155, no. 2007; Gould, B. New Guin. iii. pi. 13; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. See. N. 8. TV, ii. p. 188, iii. p. 286, iv. p. 100; Salvad. Ibis, 1879, p. 325. Adult male. All the upper parts uniform brown, slightly paler on the outer webs of the wing- and tail-feathers and on the upper tail-coverts; sides of head dirty brown, feathers with whitish shafts; part of the lores, a spot under the eye, cheeks, and all the rest of the underparts white; feathers of the fore neck and chest and the under wing-coverts faintly barred with pale brownish; inner margin of quills and part of the flanks pale fulvous; bill and feet reddish brown. The female resembles the male, but is slightly smaller. Young birds have the breast marked with longitudinal dusky spots. 216 MELIPHAGIDJ3. Ad. (J . Culmen 0-58 inch, wing 2-65, tail 1*7, tarsus 0*61. Ad. ?. „ 0*6 „ „ 2*5, „ 1*55, „ 0*61. Sab. New Guinea, Aru Islands, and Cape York district in Australia. a. J ad. sk. Rockingham Bay, Feb. 18G8 Gould Collection. (Co-type (F. P. Ramsay). of G. subfasciata, Ramsay.) b, c. Ad. sk. Somerset, Cape York. Gould Collection. d Ad sk. Cape York. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. e. Ad. sk. Aru Islands. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.], /. J Aru. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. (Type of species.) g, tf S,E.NewGuinea(I)r. James). Gould Collection. 9. G-lycyphila incana. Certhia incana, Latham, Ind. Orn. i. p. 296 (1790). Certhia chlorophsea, Forster, Desc?\ Anim. p. 264 (1844). Gliciphila modesta, Gray, P. Z.8.1859, p. 160 {nee 1858, p. 174); id. Cruise of the ' Curaqoa] pi. iv. fig. 1. Glyciphila chlorophaea, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 160. Gliciphila flavotincta, Gray-, Ann. fy Mag. Nat. Mist. 1870, v. p. 331. Gliciphila caledonica, Gray, Sand-l. B. i. p. 155, no. 2005 (1869). Gliciphila incana, Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 155, no. 2009. Glyciphila incana, Layard, I6/s, 1877, p. 362. Glycyphila modesta, Layard, Ibis, 1877, p. 362. Glycyphila flavotincta, Layard, Ibis, 1878, pp. 270, 280 • Tristram, Ibis, 1879, p. 191, 1880, p. 291. Glycyphila satelles, Tristram, Ibis, 1879, p. 185 ; Layard, Ibis, 1880, p. 381. Glycyphila incana, Tristram, Ibis, 1880, p. 381. Glycyphila chlorophsea, Layard, Ibis, 1882, p. 505. Adult female (typo of G. modesta, Gray, 1859). General colour above dull olive-brown, inclining to ashy grey on the head,* wings, wing-coverts, and tail dark brown, strongly washed with olive- yellow; part of cheeks and ear-coverts shining silvery grey; throat, fore neck, and chest brownish grey varied with ashy white, inclining to dull whitish on the abdomen and under tail-coverts, tinged with yellowish brown on the flanks; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills dull whitish; bill black. Culnien 0*8 inch, wing 2*95, tail 2*4, tarsus 0*76. The adult male closely resembles the female in the coloration of the upper parts; the only difference is that the olive-yellow colour is slightly more pronounced, whilst the edge of the wing, the axillaries, and nearly all the undcrparts of the body are washed with dingy brownish yellow. Culmen 0-85-0-95 inch, wing 3*05, tail 2'6, tarsus 0*83. Sab. Few Caledonia and New Hebrides. a. <$ ad. sk. Nu, New Caledonia. J. Macgillivray, Esq. [0.1. (Type of G. modesta, Gray!) b,c.[<$] ad. sk. Erromango, Aug. 1865. J. Brenchley, Esq. [P.]. 1. GLYCYPIIILA. 217 10. Glycyphila poliotis. Gliciphila poliotis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859; p. 100; id. Iland-l. B. L p. 135, m. 2013. Glycyphila poliotis, Layard, Ibis, 1877, p. 30:2, 1880, p. 381. General colour above olive-brown; wings and tail strongly washed with yellowish green on their outer webs; the small and peculiar feathers beneath the eye black at base, silvery white at their tips; a spot behind the eye and upper margin of ear-coverts blackish ,* ear-coverts silvery grey; all the underparts pale brownish grey, slightly washed with dingy yellow, palebt on the abdomen, under tail-coverts, and inner margin of quills; bill black; iris yellowish white; feet horn-colour. Cultnen 0*8-0*9 inch, wing 2*7o, tail 2-4, tarsus 0*75. Bab. Loyalty Islands. a, b. Ad. sk. Loyalty Inlands. Sir George Grey [P.]. (Types of species.) 11. Glycyphila albiauriciilaris. Stigmatops albo-auricularis, Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. W. iii. pp. 75, 285 (1878), id. iv. p. 100; Salvador!, Ibis, 1870, p. 325; id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xvi. p. 70; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 324. Adult. Upper parts dingy fuscous, with slightly darker centres to the feathers ; remiges externally edged with olive, internally with white; axillaries white; sides of head, neck, breast, and abdomen mottled with white and brownish, the feathers being brown and edged with white; under tail-coverts and flanks white, inclining to fuscous toward the centre; subocular region and ear-coverts with silvery white spots; bill black; feet lead-colour. Culmen 0*9 inch, wing 2-7, tail 2-4, tarsus 0*7. (Ramsay.) Hab. South-eastern New Guinea. 12. Glycypliila squamata. ? Glyciphila nov. spec, Rosenberg, Reis. naar ZuidoostereiL p. 86 (1807). Stigmatops squaniata, Sahad. Ann. 3fus. Civ. Gen. xii. p. 337 (1878), xvi. p. 70 (1880) ; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 326; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 198. Nectarima, sp. incogn. J , Sclater, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 51. Adult. Upper parts olive, paler on the rump and upper tail-coverts; underparts pale olive; throat yellowish; feathers of breast olive, broadly edged with greenish white; subocular region brown, with white spots; cheeks greyish; ear-coverts whitish grey; wings brownish grey, washed with greenish; tail olive; bill black; feet lead-colour. Culmen 1-2 inch, wing 3, tail 2-4, tarsus 0*9. Young birds have the peculiar scale-shaped cross markings on the breast less developed. Hab. Molucca Islands. 218 MELIPHAGIDJG. a. <$ ad, sk. b. 2 ad. sk. Larat, Timor Laut, Aug. (H. 0. Forbes). Loetoer, Timor Laut, Sept. 1(II 0. Forbes). 1882882 Brit. Aasoc. [P.]. Brit. Assoc. [P.]. 13. Grlyeyphila nisoria. Meliphaga nisoiia, Mutter, Mus. Lugd., J (teste Salvad.). Glyciphiia nisoria, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii. p. 335 (1878), xvi. p. 74 (1880); id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 309, This species is based upon a single female specimen in the Leiden Museum, from New Guinea. Upper parts greyish fuscous, underpays white; middle of neck pale fuscous; remiges externally edged with white; bill and feet fuscous (Salvadori). Culmen 0-68 inch, wing 2-6, tail 1*45, tarsus 0*56. Hab, New Guinea. 2. EOT0M0PHILA. Type. Certhionyx, Lesson, TraiU cPOm. i. p. 306 (1831) (diagnosis incorrect) E. leucomelas. Entomophila, Gould, P. Z. S. 1837, p. 354 E. albigularis. Melicophila, Gould, B. Anstr. iv. pi. 49 (1848) E. leucomelas. Lithotentha, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 116 (1851) E. leucomelas. Conopophila, Peichenb. Ilandb. spec. Orn. i. p. 119 (1852) E. albigularis. Bill shorter than, or equal to, the rest of the head, broad at base. Nostrils not beset with feathers • operculated. First primary varying in length. Tip of wing formed by third and fourth primaries; secondaries short (two thirds the length of wing) in E. leucomelas and E. jpicta, long (five sixths of wing) in the rest. Tail square, shorter than wing. Tarsus anteriorly scutellated. Wings, except in E. leucomelas, edged with wax-yellow. Length of wing from 2*5 to 3*5 inches. Mange. Four species in Australia. Key to the Species, a. Wings edged with wax-yellow ; bill shorter than head. a\ First primary extremely short; secondaries about two thirds of whole wing in length. (Subgenus ENTOMOPHII A.) picta, p. 219. ¥' First primary about one third the length of the second primary; secondaries five sixths of whole wing. (Subgenus CONOPOPHILA.J a". Throat reddish rufigularis, p. 219. b'. Throat white albigularis, p. 219. b. Only colours of plumage black and white; bill equal to rest of head in length; first primary not so short as in the foregoing. (Subgenus CERTHIONYX.) leucomelas, p. 220. 2. BNTOMUPHIJLA. 21 0 1. EntomopMla picta. Entomophila picta, Gould, P. Z. S. 1838, p. 154; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 50 j Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 118, pi. 38. %. 4; Bp. C. A. I p. 394j Reichenb. Si/4. Av. pi. 35,- id. Ilamlb. Meropince, pi. 480. figs. 3451-52; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 530; Gray, IlamU B. i. p. 154; no. 1997 ; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. K 8. TV. ii, p. 189. Adult. Cheeks, ear-coverts, and all the upper parts of the body uniform brownish black; most of the primaries and secondaries rather broadly edged with bright yellow, like most of the tail-feathers ; the terminal third or half of the inner webs of most of the tail-feathers white, the rest being brownish black• a small spot on the chin blackish; all the rest of the underparts, including most of the under wing-coverts and the basal half of the inner webs of the quills, pure white ; flanks with a few longitudinal central streaks of blackish brown; bill deep pink-red; iris and eyelash hazel j feet purplish load-colour. Culmen 0*63 inch, wing 3*5, tail 2-2, tarsus 0*7. Female much less brilliant than the male, but having the same pattern of coloration. Hab. New South "Wales and Richmond-River district. a, b. Ad. sk. New South "Wales. J. Gould, Esq. [O.]. 2. EntomopMla rufigularis. Entomophila rafogularis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1842, p. 137 ; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 52; Bp. C. A. i. p. 394; Gray, Eand-l B. i. p. 154, no. 1999; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. TV. i, p. 383; ii. pp. Ill, 190. Oonopophila rufigularis, Reiclienb. Ilandh. spec. Orn. p. 120 (1852) ; id. Handb. Meropince, pi. 489. figs. 3448-49; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 533. Head brown like the back; throat rusty red; sides of head and rest of under surface pale brownish; bill and feet dark purplish brown; in tho other parts resembling E. albigularis. Culmen 0*5 inch, wing 2*6, tail 2*15, tarsus 0*6. Hab. North Australia, from Port Darwin to Cape York. 3. Entomophila albigularis. Entomophila ? albigularis, Gouldx P. Z. S. 1842, p. 137. Entomophila albigularis, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 51. Conopophila albigularis, Reichenb. Handb. spec. Orn. i. p. 119 (1852) ; id. Handb. Meropince, pi. 4b9. fig. 3450; Gotdd, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 532; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. TV. iv. p. 100. Entomophila albogularis, Bp. C. A.i.-p.394; Gray, Hand-l.B.i. p. 154, no. 1998 (I860; j Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc.JSf. S. W. ii, p. 190. Adult male. Crown and sides of head ashy grey; revt of upper parts brown; reraiges and tail-leathers with conspicuous yellow edges; chin and throat, abdomen and under tail-coverts white; chest and part of the fore neck rufous-brown, forming a con 22 0 MELIPHAGID.E. spicuous collar on the chest; flanks, under wing-coverts, and inner margin of quills whitish, more or less washed with pale brown; " bill blackish grey ; feet bluish grey ; iris bright reddish brown " (Gould), Culmen 0*5 inch, wing 2-5, tail 1*7, tarsus 0*7. Th.Q female resembles the male, but is slightly smaller. Young birds hare the head more or less brown like the back, and the brown crescent on the chest is merely indicated by pale brownish. Hal. New Guinea, Aru Islands, and Northern Australia. a. cT juv. sk. N.W. Australia. J. R Elsey, Esq. [P.], b. Ad sk. Port Essington. Gould Collection. o. [2 ] ad. sk. Port Essin "-ton. Captain W. Chambers [P.1 d. $ ad. &k. Port E«bington. Dr. Sibbald. e, f. Ad. sk. Cape York. F. J). Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.], 4. Entomophila leucomelas. Certhia leucomelas, Cuv., teste Bonap. et Gray. Entomophila picata, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 118 (1840). Certhionyx variegatus, Lesson, Traite cFOrn. i. p. 306 (1831). Lichnotentha picata, Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 116 (1850); Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 529. Melicophila picata, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 49; Bp. C. A. i. p. 394; Biggies, Orn. Audr. pi. Certhionyx leucomelas, Bp. C. B. xxxviii. p. 263 (1854); Banibay, Froc. Linn. 8oc. N. S. W. ii. p. 190. Entomophila leucomelas, Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 154, no. 2001. Adult male. Only colours black and white; head all round, upper throat, sides of neck and hind neck, mantle, and centre of back black; primaries and their coverts entirely brownish black on both webs; median and lesser wing-coverts and a great part of the outer and inner webs of the secondaries pure white, producing a very conspicuous white band on the wing when folded; centre pair of tail-feathers and terminal quarter of the others pure white like the upper tail-coverts, rump, and the underparts of the body; under wing-coverts, axillaries, and inner margin of most of the quills dull black; " iris reddish brown; bill bluish grey; naked skin and a small fleshy appendage beneath the eye ash-grey; legs and feet greenish grey" (Gould). Female. Light brown above, each feather darker in the centre; tail and wings uniform pale brown, only a few of the secondaries and of the greater wing-coverts being broadly edged with white; under surface of wings, fore neck, and throat buSy; rest of the underparts white; feathers of the chest, breast, and flanks with a brown subterminal spot. Immature male. Intermediate between the adult male and female in coloration; but having the greater part of the wing-coverts and upper tail-coverts and the inner web of the tail-feathers pure white, like all the underparts of the body; throat and fore neck also white; only a few feathers showing the brown subterminal spots, 3 . MJJL1P1IAGA. 221 Ad. tf. Culmen 0-7-0-8 inch, wing 3-4, tail 2*5, tarsus 0*78. Ad.?. „ 0-75, „ „ 3*25, „ 2*5, „ 0*76. Hab. Southern and Western Australia. a. S ad. • b. Juv. sk. South Austialia. F. I). Godman and 0. Salvin, E,sUrs. [P.]. c. S imm. sk. South Australia. Sir T. Mitchell [P.]. d. [ <$ ] ad. sk. South Australia. Gould Collection. 3. JYCELIPHAGA. Type. Bill equal to the rest of the head in length, broad at base, curved; culmen -with a prominent ridge. Tail much rounded, five sixths the length of the wing. Pattern of colour very bright yellow and black, much spotted and barred ; inner webs of remiges grey, without paler or fulvous edges. All the rest as in Ptilotis. Length of wing 4*2-4*5 inches. Range. Australia. 1. lEeliphaga phrygia. Merops pkrygius, Lath. Ind. Oni., Suppl. p. xxxiv; Shaw. Zool. Keio Holl. p. 13, pi. 4 (1704). Black and Yellow Bee-eater, Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl, ii. p. 154; id. Gen. Hist. iv. p. 165. Le Merle £caill£, Levaitt. Ols. d'Afr. iii. pi. 110. Meliphaga phrygia, Lewin, B. New Hollandy pi. 14 (1808); Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 119* Bp. C. A. I p. 391; Gould, Hanoi). B. Austr. i. p. 527 ; Grayy Hand-l. B. i. p. 156, no. 2016; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Sac. M S. IV. ii. p. 189. ^ ? Turdus squamatus, Vieill. N"ouv. Diet, (teste auctt). Philemon phrygius, Bonn, et Vieill. Encycl, Meth. ii. p. 617* id. JVouv. Diet xxvii. p. 428. Anthochsera phrygia, Vig. § Horsf. Linn. Trans. 1826, p. 322. Zanthoniiza phrygia, Swaiw. Class. B. ii. p. 326 (1837). Zanthomyza phrygia, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 48. Xanthomyza phrygia, Reichenb. Handb. spec. Ornith.figs. 3467-09; Diggks, Orn. Austr. pi. & text. Adult. Head and neck black, with the exception of the ocular region and the cheeks, which are bare and covered with wart-like excrescences: mantle, back, and wing-coverts black, each feather broadly edged with whitish yellow ; wings and tail black, with large edges, tips, or subterminal patches of pale yellow; the three or four outer pairs of tail-feathers entirely yellow at their terminal half; feathers of breast and flanks black, with a very distinct subterminal arrow-shaped bar of yellowish white; abdomen and under tail-coverts more uniform whitish yellow; axillaries and under 222 MELLPHAOID-ffi. wing-coverts black, edged with yellowish white; inner web of quills black, without paler margins; "bill black; feet blackish brown; iris reddish brown; warty excrescences covering the face dirty yellowish white" {Gould). Cnlmen 0*84 inch, wing 4*2-4*5, tail 3-8-4-2, tarsus 0-85. The female resembles the male in coloration, but is smaller. "Wing 4*15 inches. Obs. A few feathers on the sides of the upper chest are longer than the others and fluffy, coloured yellow—a curious indication of the relationship of this species. Hub. Prom .Rockingham Bay to New South Wales. a. Ad. sk. New South Wales. J. Gould, Esq. [C.]. b. <$ ad. sk. South Australia. Sir George Grey [P.]. c. Ad. sk. New South "Wales, Gould Collection. d. e. Ad. sk. New South Wales. F. I). Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. / . $ ad. sk. New South Wales. Major-Gen. Hardwicke. g. $ ad. sk. Haitland, Australia. J. (Jould, Esq. [C.]. A. Ad. sk. Australia. Sir D. Cooper [P.]. 4. PTILOTIS*. Type. Myzantha, Lesson (nee Vig. fy Horsf), Traits cFOm. i. p. 302 (1831) P. chrysotis. Ptilotis, Swainson, Classify of Birds, ii. p. 326 (1837) . P. lewinii. Lichenostornus, Cab. 3Ius. Hem. i. p. 119 (1851) P. cratifcia. Stomioptera, JReichenb. Handb. spec. Orn. i. p. 109 (1851) P. unicolor. Foulehaio, Reichenb. op. tit p. 110 P. earunculata. Xanthotis, JReichenb. op. cit. p. 139 P. chrysotis. Bill equal to, or slightly longer than, the rest of the head; culmen ridged, slightly curved. Tip of wing formed by primaries 3, 4, 5, and G. Secondaries varying between four fifths and five sixths of the length of the wing. Tail square or slightly rounded, generally a little shorter than the wing (in P. auricomis slightly longer). Pattern of colour very plain, mostly olive above, dingy yellowish below; inner web of remiges invariably broadly margined with fulvous or yellowish. Skin on sides of head frequently bare of feathers and transformed into wattles. Parotic feathers often stiff, and most frequently coloured yellow or white. No other colours * The following species I do not know where to place in this genus :— PTILOTIS IXOIDES. Ptilotis? ixoides, Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. xii. p. 338 (1878), xvi p. 77. Ptilotis ixoides, Salvad. Orn. JPapuasia etc. ii. p. 339. " "Upper parts reddish brown, tinged with olive; feathers of the crown edged with olive-grey, fuscous towards the centre ; feathers of the back fuscous, edged with olive; feathers of the lower ba'ck -s ery fluffy, dark olive; wings and tail brown, narrowly edged with olive; inner margin of remiges and under wing- coverts rufous ; underpays of the body olive-grey, with faint fuscous bars; bill brown; feet lead-colour. Culmen 0*62 inch, wing 3*25, tail 2*65, tarsus 092. (Salvation.) Bah, Xew G-ninea, 4. PTILOTIS. than olive, yellow, white, and brown (with their combinations) in the plumage. Ear-coverts always differently coloured from the rest of the head, frequently silky grey. P. unicolor is not separable from the genus, except by its uniform dull-brown coloration. Length of wing 2-45-4*5 inches. Head of Ptilotis sonora. Range. Austro-Malayan, Australian, and Polynesian Regions. Key to the Species. a. No pronounced yellow ear-patches; all the underparts rich yellow, including under surface of wing; upper parts rich greenish yellow flam, p. 246. b. Throat gamboge-yellow; crown and fore neck ashy grey ; mantle dark yellowish olive ... . fiavigularu) p. 239. c. Bright yellow postauricular tut'ts, followed by elongated feathers on sides of neck; throat ashy brown, much barred with yellow; upper parts ashy brown fasciogtdaris, p. 240. d. Ear-coverts pure white; throat black; crown ashy grey leucotis, p. 240. e. Ear-coverts forming a bright orange patch; feathers of underparts bright yellow, with darker centres; cheeks with dull whitish stripes maculata, p. 232. /. With a small, white, postauricular patch; ear- coverts yellow; a black streak through the eye; underparts with dull sLreaks. a'. Crown and mantle earthy brown; upper half of ear-coverts dark grev; underparts of body dingy yellow, with dull whitish jsonor„ p. 034. streaks < • f «,« V. Cheeks, ear-coverts, and underparts yellow; ' ' P' the latter with dull streaks; upper parts brownish olive versicolor, p. 234. c'. Cheeks black; upper parts earthy brown . . chrysops, p. 230. g. Ear-coverts and ocular region yellow ; feathers of neck lanceolate; upper and under parts with dusky streaks provocator, p. 230. h. Yellow feathers on sides of head forming a conspicuous patch; ocular, or auricular, region bare. d'. Mantle and breast spotted; ocular region bare polygramma, p. 233. e'. Mantle and breast not spotted; ocular region bare; on hinder corner of eye a few short white feathers; a golden-yellow supraauricular patch; ear-coverts blackish brown; i frenata « OQ1 underparts ashy grey , \Js>lbfremta^. 231. 22 4 MEIIPHAGIDJS. f. Feathers on upper and hinder margin of ear golden yellow ; ears bare, with a short wattle; mantle spotted; breast striated . . flamstriata} p. 232. i. Yellow colour confined to postauricular feathers ; ocular and auricular region not bare. g'. Underparts striated reticulata, p. 233. h'. Underparts not striated; with a postauricular yellow patch. a". Cheeks with bare, short wattles; ear- coverts dull olive canoiculata, p. 22o. b". Cheeks without wattles, not bare. a'" Upper parts olive . ? 22~_ a\ ]ia.-coverte dusky dive-grey; under-I aBfa ^ 229. parts dull yellowish grey \flavirictvs, p. 228. a1. Ear-coverts silky leaden grey; under-(fusca, p. 220. parts ashy olive lewini, p. 229, b'". Upper parts brown; ear-coverts brown-/fii;ae.a B oo-? ish; a golden-yellow postauricular ( .•'?"oiq' stripe ; underparts fulvous brown .. j^% V. 238. k Yellow colour confined to a few small feathers {fusciventris, p. 239. just behind the eye; ear-coverts grey or brownish. Upper parts dull olive-brown .. limbata, p. 236. I. Postauricular feathers forming decidedly elongated tufts. i', Tufts pure white ; ear-coverts dull yellow; upper parts dull earthy brown peniczliata, p. 244. h\ Tufts yellow. c". Feathers of fore neck hairy or lanceolate, white; underparts dull white; crown dark brown; median wing-coverts tipped with white cocJcerelli, p. 241. d". Feathers of throat not lanceolate. c'". Ear-coverts and ocular region black ; crown and underparts yellow. c4. Mantle olive-grey auricomis, p. 242. di. Mantle blackish brown cassidix, p. 243. d"\ Ear-coverts not black; crown not yellow. e*. Underparts dull whitish, with broad brownish shaft-streaks; mantle pale brownish grey; ear-coverts brownish o?,nata, p. 244. /*. Underparts without shaft-streaks. a5. Ear-coverts yellowish brown, with a narrow, black, transverse stripe bordering the yellow; mantle pale olive-grey. a6. Underparts dingy yellowish white plumula,^. 245. b\ Underparts yellow (/Zavescens, p 245. C germana, p. 246. b5. No black stripe bordering the ear- coverts. c6. Crown grey; underparts dull yellowish white oratitia, p. 243. d\ Crown, upper and under parts dull olive; ear-coverts dull olive aurkulata, p. 228. 4 . PTILOTIS. 225 m. Auricular region without any yellow or white patches; plumage uniformly dull-coloured. V. Inner web of remiges edged with fulvous; without any wattle at gape. , . oj/7 7# e". Underpaid and crown grey, mottled .... L^ U mnerea P' 247' /' . Underpays not mottled '> e'". Length of bill about 0*8 inch ; upper parts dull green virescens, p. 248. /"'. Length of bill about 1-5 inch; upper parts olive-brown megahrhynchtts, m!. Inner web of quills whitish; small wattle at [p. 248, gape; plumage uniform dull brownish grey wiicolor, p. 249. n'. Inner web of remiges edged with white; no wattles; sides of breast and flanks rufous , erythropleura} p. 249. 1. Ptilotis caruECTilata. Wattled Creeper, Lath. Gen. 8yn. i. p. 732 (1781) , id. op. cit. Sitppl i. p. 129; Cook's Last Voy. i. p. 834 (1784); Forster, Cook's dritte Entd. Meise, i, p. 238 (1787). Certhia carunculata, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 472 (1788); Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 295; Bechst. Lath. Uebersicht, i. p. 598 (1793), iv. p. 180 ; Forster, JDescr. Anim. p. 105 (1844). Le Foulehaio, And. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 131, pi. 69 (<5), pi. 70 Oreadion muaicus, Vieill. Nouv. Diet. 8c. Nat. xxxix. p. 480. Oreadion labuensis, Steph. (fide Gray). Foulehaio musicus, Reichenb. Handb. Meropince, i. p. 110, pi. 497. fig. 3550. Meliphaga carunculata, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 122; Peak, U. 8. Expl. Exp. p. 144, pi. 42. fig. 2 (1844); Marti. Wiegm. Arch. f. Naturg. 1852, p. 108; Gray, B. Trop. Isl p. 12; id. Iland-l k L p. 157, no. 2051, Ptilotis carunculata, Cass. XI. 8. Expl Exp. p. 173 (1858); Finsch & Hartl. Faun Centralpolyn. p. 58, pi. 5, fig. 2; Layard, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 432; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 732; id. Voy. K.M.8. i Challenger] Zool. ii. p. 45. Myzanthe carunculata, Marti. J. f. 0.1854, p. 108. Ptilotis analoga, Godefr. Cat. i. & ii. {Jide Finsch § Earth). 'Challenger; Zool. ii. p. 40, pi. 12. fig. 2. Ptilotis flavo-aurita, Layard, Ibis, 1870, p. 147, Adult. All the upper parts of the body olive-green, with darker brownish centres to the feathers; wings and tail dark brown, externally edged with olive-yellow; inner margin of quills inclining to silky white; edge of wing yellowish; all the underparts of tho body dingy olive-grey, more or less tinged with yellow: the chest and fore neck showing slight mottlings, these produced by the feathers being slightly darker towards the tip. The skin of tho cheeks is transformed into a largo wattle, which in young birds is almost entirely covered with short dull blackish feathers, whilst in immature birds only the anterior and upper half is covered with VOL. ix. Q 226 MELIPHAG-ID2E. leathers; in adult birds the feathers are restricted to the sides of the mandible, just below the gape and the lores. Lores, feathers bordering the upper margin of the wattle, and feathers behind the ear-coverts bright yellow; ear-coverts olive-grey ; bill and feet dark brown; iris whitish. Immature birds have the cheeks dull black, and no yellow colour on the sides of the head or behind the oar-coverts, these parts being olive-grey; the fore neck, chest, mantle, hind neck, and crown present a considerably mottled appearance ; iris dark buff or brown. This species varies considerably in its dimensions, as will be seen from the measurements given in the following table. P. p*ocerior is undoubtedly nothing but the immature or young- bird of P. carunculaia ; the figure of P. jprocerior, as given in Finsch and Hartlaub, Faun. Centralpolyn. pi. 5. fig. 3, is misrepresented; moreover, the diagnosis given by Finsch in the Eeport of the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Challenger,' p. 46, is totally different from the description originally given by him. Oulmen. in. Wing. in. Tail, in. Tarsus. in. c? adult (Samoa) cJ „ „ (Upolu) S immat. (Levuka) ? ad. (Tutuila) tf immat. (Ovalau) 0 adult (Tongatabu) J „ „ c? immat. (Levuka) J „ (Ovalau)., $ adult (Matuka) $ immat. (Ovalau) $ „ (Bua,Fiji) .. 095 0-9 TO 1-0 1-02 1-03 1-0 1-0 0-81 0-81 0-83 37 3*7 2-6 3-95 3-95 4-2 4-4 3*75 S'65 3*4 3'5 3*25 2*9 3*0 3*1 3*2 3*4 3-7 3*05 3*3 2-9 2*9 2*7 1*01 1*1 1*06 1*2 1*15 1*25 1*19 M 1*0 1-05 1*1 1*0 Hah. Samoa, Friendly, and Fiji Islands. a, b. Ad. sk. Upolu, Samoa Islands. Eev. S. J. Whitmee [C.]. c. Ad. sk. Upolu, July 1805. J. Brenchley, Esq. [P.], V > J> Ptilotis auriculata, S. Milll. in Mus. Lugd. (teste Salvad.); Scl. Pr. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 157 (1858), &ine dtvscript.; Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 191; id. Cat. B. New Guin. p. 24; id. P.Z.S. 1861, p. 434; Rosenberg, Nat Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 326; id. J.f.O. 1864, p. 122; Finsch, Neil-Gum. p. 165; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 157, no. 2044; Scl.P^ZJ$A873,-p. 157; Meyer, Sitzb.Ah Wiss. Wien,\sx. p. 207; Ros&nbTMalay. Arch. p. 553. Ptilotis similis, var.. Gray, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 428; id. Hand~l. B. i, p. 156, no. 2032. Ptilotis gracilis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1866, p. 227; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W.ii. pp. 189, 207. Ptilotis notata, Gould, Ann. 8f Mag. N. If. xx. p. 269 (1867); id. B. Austr. Suppl. pi. 41; Masters, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. i. p. 55; Ramsay, op. cit. ii. pp. 189, 207; Salvad. e dAlbert. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. xiv. p. 80. Melipliaga auriculata, S. Milll. in Mm. Lugd.; Scl. P. Z, S. 1873, p. 094, note. MelrfEagaT similis, Giebel, Thes. Orn. ii. p. 557 (1875); Rosenb. Malay. Archip. pp. 364, 395, 553 (1879). Ptilotis fiavirictus, Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. xvi. p. 76 (1880); id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 332. Adult. All the upper parts, including the outer webs of the wings and tail, uniform olive; a small spot beneath the oar, ear-coverts, and feathers behind the ear palo yellow; nnclerparts of the body pale olive-grey; centre of abdomen, edge of wing, under wing-coverts, and inner margin of quills } ellowish ; the feathers of the lower back and rump very fluffy, those nearer to the flanks with concealed terminal spots of whitish; bill and iris black* feet lead-colour• skin of the gape swollen, and forming something like a small yellow wattle. Obs. The bill of this species is subject to much variation in size, independently of geographical distribution: the specimen in the National Collection with the longest culmen (0*92 inch) is a male from the Aru Islands ; another, with culmen 0*85 inch, is from Cape York; and a third, with culmen 0*86 inch, is from East Qape, New 0,2 228 MELIPHAG-IJ)^). Guinea. The shortest and broadest bill, 0*7 inch, is seen in a male specimen from Dorey. We may distinguish three races of this species as follows:— A. North-western Race (P. auriculata).—The yellow feathers on the hinder margin of the ear-opening are very well developed, forming a tuft of about 0*4 inch in length. The females are smaller than the males, and have the ear-tufts less developed. Oulmen 0-75 inch, wing 3-3-3-6, tail 2-8-3*2, tarsus 0-75-0-8. Hal. Mysol, Dorey, and "Waigiou. B. Southern Race.—The yellow feathers on the hinder margin of the ear are very short, about 0*2 inch in length, and form an oval patch together with the ear-coverts: wing 3* 1-3*5 inches, tail 2*5-2*8. Hah. Aru Islands, Cape York, and New Guinea. C. South-eastern Race (P. flavirictus).—Like the Southern race, but considerably smaller: " bill brown ; feet yellowish brown; iris chestnut" (Salvadori). <3 . East Cape. Culmen0*85 inch, wing 3*25, tail 2-55, tarsus 0*86. 5 (?). Astrolabe Mountains. Culmen 0*7-0*8 inch, wing 2-8-2*9, tail 2*4, tarsus 0*81. Hah. South-eastern Few Guinea. a. Southern Race, a, b. (S; c $ ad. Aru Islands. A. E. Wallace, Esq. [O.]. d. § ad. sk. Aru Islands (Wallace). Gould Collection. *,/. 6 2 Brown'b River, N. Austr., Gould Collection. June 7, 1848 (J. Macgillivray). (/, h. tf; i. P ad. Cape York. Voy. li.M.S. < Challenger.' 6k. 1,1 . Godiaan and 0. JlJt Salvin,Esqrs.[P.]. 16. Ptilotis limbata. (Plate YIL fig. 2.) Meliphaga (Ptilotis) limbata, & Mutter; Ferh. Nat. Gesch. Land-en VoVkmk. p. 1C2 (1839-44). Ptilotis limbata, JBp. C. A. i. p. 392; Wall P.Z.S. 1863, p. 486; Finscli, New-Gum. p. 164. Meliphaga limbata, Gray, Gen. B, i. p. 122 (1846); id. JBand-l B. i. p. 157, no. 2045. Ad/itlt Upper parts pale greyish brown, tinged with olive-yellow on the mantle and back; tail light brown, wings darker brown, both 4 . PTILOTIS. 237 boiii* strongly washed with olive-yellow on the outer webs ; a small space behind the eye bare ; the skin below this part covered with very short feathers, which are blacHsh brown at the base, silky white towards the tip • a few feathers at the upper corner of the ear-coverts bright yellow', forming a small patch; ear-coverts dull greyish; throat fore neck, and chest whitish grey, slightly washed with yellowish, this colour becoming predominant on the breast; abdomen and under tail-coverts whitish yellow; under wing-coverts and axillaries pale brownish grey, washed with yellow; inner margin of remigos silky whitish ; bill and feet blackish brown. Culmen 0-75-0*8 inch, wing 2-7-2-85, tail 2-1-2*4, tarsus 0*75-0#8. Hab. Bali, Lombock, Flores, and Timor. a. 6 ad. sk. Bali ( Wallace). Gould Collection. h c. ($ ad. sk. Lombock. A. R. Wallace, Esq. i A ad sk * Sernao, Timor. A. R. "Wallace, Esq. e. Juv. sk. " Flores. A. R. Wallace, Esq. 17. Ptilotis filigera. Ptilotis filigera, Gould, P. Z. S. 1850, p. 278, pi. 34,-Macgilliv. Karr. Voy. Rattlesn. ii. p. 357 • Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, pp. 174, 190; id. Cat. B. New Gum. pp. 23, 55 ; Rosenberg, Nat. Tijdschr. JVed. Ind. xxv. p. 286 j id. J.f.O. 1864, p. 122;' Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 522 j id. B. Austr. Sujipl. pi. 42; Meyer, 8itzb. Ak. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 290 ; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. 8oc. N. 8. W. iii. p. Ill; 8harpe, Journ. Linn. Soc. xvi. p. 440 (1882). Ptilotis flaviventris, Gray, P. Z. S. 1861, p. 484 (pt.). Tropidorkynchus chrysotis (pt.), Finsch, Neii-Gitin.^. 165 (1865). Xanthotis filigera, (rray, Hand-l B. i. p. 159, no. 2071 ,• Salvad. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 92 j id. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. xvi. p. 78; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 344. Anthocheera fihgera, t\ Pelzeln, Verhandl. zool.-bot. Gesellsch. Wien, 1872, p. 427. Ptilotis (Xanthotis) filigera, Ramsay,Proc. Lmn. 8oc. N.8. p. 129. Meliphaga filigera, Rosenberg, Malay. Archip. p. 365 (1879). Adult. Feathers of crown of head and hind neck ashy brown washed with olive, with darker centres; feathers of hind neck with narrow grey tips ; feathers of the mantle and back brown, edged with olive; wings and tail "brown, with paler edges ; ear-coverts silky grey; suboeular region and feathers above the ear-coverts white, those behind the ear-coverts golden yellow, forming a narrow streak; throat whitish grey; rest of underparts pale rusty buff, each feather faintly tipped with whitish ; chest tinged with olive; flanks, under wing-coverts, and inner margin of quills rich fulvous; " bill olive-black; naked space beneath the eye yellow ; feet slate-colour " (Gould). Culmen 1—1*1 inch, wing 3*5-4*1, tail 3-3*2, tarsus 1-1-05. Young birds have the feathers of the hind neck not- tipped with light grey, the underparts strongly washed with rufous, and the wing-coverts broadly edged with this colour. Hab. Australia from Rockingham Bay to Cape York and the Gulf of Carpentaria ; New Guinea and Aru Islands. 238 MELIPHAG-TD2E. a, b. d',c. $ ad. sk. Am Mauds. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. d. <$ imm. sk. Aru Islands. Voy. H.M.JS."' Challenger.' e. Ad. sk. Saibai. Rev. J. Macfarlane [0.]. f. a. Ad. sk. Astrolabe Mountains. Mr. A. Goldie [0.1. ii. Ad. sk. Port Moresby. Mr. A. Goldie [0.]. i. <$ ad. sk. Cape York. Voy. H.M.S.* Challenger,' h. Ad. sk. Cape York. J. Gould, Esq. (Type of species.) /, m, n, o. S $ ad. Cape York. F. 1). Godman and 0. Sal- sir, vin, Esqrs. [P.]. p. Ad. sk. Somerset, Cape York. F. D. Godman and O. Sal- Tin, Esqrs. [P.]. q, r. Ad. sk. Port Albany. Purchased. 18. Ptilotis chrysotis. Philedon chrysotis, Less. Voy. Coq., Zool. i. p. 645, pi. 21 (1826); Rosenberg, Malay. Arclrip. p. 395. Myzantha flaviventer, Less. Man. cVOrn. ii. p. 67 (1828). Myzantha chrysotis, Less. TraiU d'Orn. i. p. 302 (1831); id. Compl, Buff., Ois. p. 594 Tropidorhynchus chrysotis, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 125 (1846); Bp. C. A. I p. 390 j Sclat. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 158 (1858); Gray, Cat. B. Neio Gfuin. pp. 25,55; Flnsch, Neu-Guin. p. 165. Xanthotis flaviventris, Reichenb. Handb. Merop. p. 139, fig. 3512 (1852). Xanthotis chrysotis, Bp, C. R. xxxviii. p. 2Q2 (1854) ; Gray, Mand-l B. i. p. 159, no. 2070; Meyer, Sitzb. Ak.Wiss. Wien, lxx. pp. 113, 207; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. viii. p. 401, x. p. 147, xvi. p. 78; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 347. Ptilotis flaviventris, Gray, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 190; id. Cat. B. New Guin. p. 55; id. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 429. Ptilotis clirysotis, Gray, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 155. Antkochsera chrysotis, Giebel, Thes. Orn. i. p. 375 (1872); Rosen berg, Malay. Archip. p. 553. Adult Closely allied to P. filigera, from which it mainly differs as follows :—Mantle, hind nock, and crown strongly washed with olive; the feathers of the hind neck and occiput generally not lipped with grey; chest and breast rufous, strongly washed with olive- yellow ; abdomen, flanks, and under tail-coverts inclining to rufous- brown. "Wing 3*7-4 inches. Obs. Specimens from Dorey are somewhat intermediate between this species and P. filigera, having the feathers of the hind neck slightly tipped with grey. The specimens from "Waigiou are the most richly coloured. Hob. New Guinea, Salwati, Mysol, and "Waigiou. a,b. c? $ ad. sk. Dorey. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C] c. S ad. sk. Salwati. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0, d. $ ad. sk. Waigiou. A. R. Wallace, Esq. I C.j e. Ad. sk. Mysol. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [O.J /'. Ad. sk. Mysol (Wallace). Gould Collection. 4 . PTILOTIS. 239 Subspecies a. Ptilotis fasciventris. Ptilotis flaviventris, Gray, P. Z. S.1801, p. 429 (pi.). Xanthotis f uscivontris, 8ahad. Ann. Mm. Cio. Gen. vii. p. 947 (1875), xvi. p. 79 ; id. Orn. Pajmasia etc. ii. p. 848. Adult Closely allied and very similar to P. chn/sotis, but with the uuderparts less rufcseent, the throat clearer grey, the whole breast greenish olive, and the abdomen mottled with brownish grey. Hal. Batanta and Waigiou. 19. Ptilotis meyeri. Ptilotis pyrrhotis, Meyer (nee Less. Eev. Zool. 1840, p. 271), Sitzb. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 206 (1874). Xanthotis meyeri, Saluad. Ami. Mtis. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 947 (1875), xvi. p. 79 ; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 349. 44 Upper parts ashy brown (fuscous grey), paler on the underparts; behind the ear-coverts a small band of rich golden yellow; throat grey; upper wing-coverts faintly edged with rufous• under wing- coverts rufous-grey; inner margin of quills rufous; shafts of the remiges and rectrices dark brown above, white below ; bill and feet black. Culmen 1*1 inch, wing 4*1, tail 3*4, tarsus 0*9." Hal. Jobi Island. (Salvadori.) 20. Ptilotis flavigularis. Melithreptes flavicollis (with M. flavigula), VieilL Nouv. Diet. Hint. Nat. xiv. p. 325 (1817). Ptilotis flavigula, Gould, P. Z. S. 1838, p. 24 • id. B. Amir. iv. pi. 35 ; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 508-Bp. C. A. i. p. 392; Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 118, Meliphaga flavigula, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 122. Meliphaga flavicollis, Gray, Hrnid-l. B. i. p. 150, no. 2021. Ptilotisflavicollis,Bam&ay, Proc. Linn. Soc. JV. 8. W. ii. p. 189. Adult. Entire crown, occiput, and sides of head blackish silky grey, with dark central streaks; a few feathers behind the ear-oponing pale yellow ; the whole chin, throat, edge of wing, and part of the under wing-coverts bright gamboge-yellow; all the upper parts, including the tail and the outer webs of" the remiges, uniform rich olive-yellow; inner web of the remiges brown, broadly edged with pale fulvous yellow * under surface of tail-feathers silky yellow ; sides of neck, fore neck, and chest dull smoky grey, changing into dull greyish yellow on the abdomen and flanks; under tail-coverts and thighs brown at base, broadly edged or tipped with yellow; " bill black; interior of the bill, and the throat and tongue rich olive; iris wood- brown; feet brownish lead-colour " (Gould). Culmen. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. in. in. in. in. Ad. 8 0*7-0-8 4-0-4-4 4-2-4*4 1-0 Ad. ? 0*7 3-65 3-6 0*9 Hah* South Australia, Victoria, New {South Wales, and Tasmania. 240 HELIPHAGID2E. a,b. [tf?] c. 2] ad. sk. Cape York (Cockerell). Gould Collection. (Types of species.) c. <$ ad. sk. Cape York. Gould Collection. d. Imm. sk. Cape York. Purchased. 24. Ptilotis auricomis. Muscicapa auricomis, Lath, Ind. Orn. Suppl. i. p. xlix. Muscicapa mystacea, Lath. op. cit. p. li. Muscicapa novae hollandiae, Lath. Ind. Orn. ii. p. 478. Yellow-tufted Flycatcher, Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl. ii. p. 215. Certhia auriculata, Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 236. L'He*orotaire a oreilles jaunes, Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 123, pi. 85. Tufted-eared Honey-eater, Lath. Gen. Hist. iv. p. 197. Meliphaga auricomis, Swains. Zool. III. i. pi. 43; Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 156, no. 2023. Philemon erythrotis, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxvii. p. 429. Ptilotis auricomis, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 37 ; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 511; Cab. Mm. Hem. i. p. 118; Bp. C. A. i,.p. 392; Bosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 236 (New Guin.); id. J.f.O. 1864, p. 122 j Ramsay', Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p, 189 j Salvad. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 339. Adult. This species represents P. cassidix in New South Wales ; it is much smaller than that species, and has the hind neck, mantle, and back pale olive-brown instead of dark brown ; the wings and tail are pale brown, externally strongly washed with yellowish olive; the tail-feathers with rather wide tips on the inner webs. The feathers of the crown lie flat, and do not form a crest or helmet-like elevation as in P. cassidix. Coloration of head and all the underpays as in the latter species. Culmen 0-7 inch, wing 3*2-3*5, tail 3-3-5, tarsus 0*8-0-9. The sexes are alike in plumage. Hab. Prom Port Denison to New South Wales and Yictoria. a. $ ad. sk. Moreton Bay. Gould Collection. b. 2 ad. sk. Queensland. Purchased. c. [S] ad. sk. Queensland (Cockerell). P. D. G-odman and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. d. Ad. sk. N.E. Australia. Gould Collection. e. (S ad. sk. N.E. Australia. J. Gould, Esq. /. Ad. sk. N.E. Australia. . W. MacLeay, Esq. [P.]. 4 . PTILOTIS. 243 25. Ptilotis cassidix* Ptilotis cassidix, Jctrd. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 558; Gould, B, Austral Suppl pi. 39 ; Ilammy, Proc. Linn. 8oc. N. 8. W. ii. p. 189. Ptilotis leadbeateri, MCoy, Ann. § May. N. II 1867, xx. p. 442. Meliphaga cassidix, Gray, Iland-l B. i. p. 156, no. 2030. Adult Entire crown of head and nape dull yellow; sides of head, including the lores and ear-coverts, jet-black ; the feathers on the hinder margin of the ear-opening prolonged, forming a long tuft on each side of the neck, rich gamboge-yellow; hind neck, mantle, and back dark olive-brown, slightly paler on the upper tail-coverts; wings and tail blackish brown, externally narrowly edged with olive- yellow ; some of the primaries very narrowly, the tail-feathers broadly, tipped with yellowish white; under surface of tail silky yellow ; inner margin of quills yellowish buff; sides of the throat rich gamboge-yellow ; the feathers in centre of throat with blackish bases ; fore neck and rest of underparts, including edge of wing, rich yellow, shaded with olive-grey on the breast and flanks. Culmen 0-7 inch, wing 3-8-4*1, tail 4-4-2, tarsus 1-1*5. Females have the mantle and back slightly paler brown, and are a little smaller than the males. "Wing 3*5 inches. Hab. Victoria, South Australia, and interior of Australia. «--/. [ tf $ ] ad. sk. 9) h-[ 6 ] ad. sk. Victoria. Western Port Bay, Victoria. Gould Collection. Gould Collection. i. (S ad. sk. k, t m, n. (S $ ad. sk. S. Australia. S. Australia, F. Nicholson, Esq. [P.]. P. D. Godman and 0. Salyin, Esqrs. [P.]. 26. Ptilotis cratitia. Ptilotis cratitius, Gould, P. Z. S.1840, p. 160. Meliphaga cratitia, Gray, Gen. P. i, p. 122 • id. Handrl B. i. p. 157, no. 2049. Lichenostomus cratitius, Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 119, note. Lichenostomus occidentalis, Cab. Mus. Sein. i. p. 119, note. Ptilotis cratitia, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 88; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 513 ; Pp. C A. i. p. 392; Bamsay, Proc. Linn. 8oc. N. 8. W. ii. p. 189. Ptilotis occidentalis, Gray, ffand-l. P. i. p. 157, no. 2050. Adult All the upper parts of the body uniform olive-green, inclining to grey on the crown ; a line from the lores through the eye and above the ear-coverts dull black; ear-coverts dark silky grey ; feathers behind the ear, cheeks, and part of the upper throat bright yellow; wings and tail light brown, strongly washed with olive- yellow ; under wing-coverts and inner margin of quills pale fulvous yellow; all the underparts of the body greyish yellow; "from the gape down each side of the throat, for Ave eighths of an inch, a naked fleshy appendage, free at the lower end, of a beautiful lilac colour and very conspicuous in the living bird; iris and eyelash black; bill black; feet blackish brown tinged with olive" (Gould). B2 244 MELIPHAG1DJ3. Ad. 6. Culmen 0*7 inch, wing 3*4 *, tail 3*3, tarsus 0*85. Ad. J. „ 0-62 „ „ 3-1, „ 3-0, „ 0-82. Hab. Victoria, South and West Australia. Ad. &k. South Australia. Gould Collection. 5.a, f d1] ad. sk. South Australia. Sir George Grey [P.]. c 121 imm, sk. South Australia. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, ' L"fJ Esqrs. [P.]. d. Imm. sk. [N. Australia.] Gould Collection. 27. Ptilotis penicillata. Meliphaga, penicillata, Gould, P. Z. S. 1836, p. 143; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 122; id. Hand4. B. i. p. 156, no. 2027. Ptilotis penicillata, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 43 ; id. Handb.B. Austr. i. p. 519; Bp. C. A. I p. 392; Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 119 ; Bamsay, Froc. Linn. JSoc. N. S. W. ii. p. 189. Adult General colour above pale greyish brown with a tinge of olive; crown slightly washed with yellow ; wings and tail brown, strongly washed with olive-yellow, sometimes slightly tipped with whitish; nnder wing-coverts and inner margin of quills whitish buff; sides of head, including the region ronnd the eye and ear-coverts, dull yellow; behind the ear-coverts a patch of pure silky white tufted feathers; all the underparts whitish buff, slightly washed with yellowish brown on the throat, fore neck, and chest; " iris dark brown ; bill black; feet purplish flesh-colour" (Gould), . 156, no. 2026. Adult. All the upper parts are entirely uniform rich olive-yellow; all the underparts, including the under wing-coverts and the inner margin of the quills, lemon-yellow, slightly duller on the flanks and chest; ear-coverts of the same colour as the crown; a few feathers above the eye lemon-yellow; a spot in front of the eye slightly duller than the crown*. "Billblackish brown ; feet reddish flesh-brown" (Gould). * G-ould's description as given in his 'Handbook' is incorrect, whilst the original description is correct. 4 . PT1L0TIS. 247 Culmen. Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Ad. 51 wing; quills internally celled with while. Tail rounded, a little longer than the wins, each feather pointed. Hange, Few Zealand. 1. Pogonornis cincta. Meliphaga cincta, Dubus, Bull Ac. So, JBrux. vi. p. 295 (1839). Ptilotis auritus, Lafr. Bev. Zool. 1839, p. 257. Ptilotis cincta, Gray, Voy. 'JErelms ' and * Terror} Birds, p. 4 (1844). Pogonornis cincta, Gray) Gen. B. i. p. ILM, pi. 39. lig. 4 (1846) j id. Hand-l. B. i. p. 159, no. 2073 j Reichen.. Ilandb. Meropina, pi. 491. figs. 3464-65 $ Bidler, B. Kew Zeal p. 98, pi. 10. Adult male. Head and neck all round, chest, and part of the mantle velvety Mack; on each side of the head a little behind the eye a few pure white feathers, forming an erectile tuft; lesser wing- coverts and a narrow baud across the chest rich yellow; mantle and back blackish brown, with yellowish edges to the feathers; rump and upper tail-coverts olive-brown ; wings and tail blackish brown, externally edged with dull yellow or whitish ; basal half of some of the innermost secondaries and their coverts pure white ; breast and abdomen pale yellowish brown, with darker centres to the feathers; flanks slightly washed with olive; under wing-coverts whitish and grey ; inner margin of remiges white ; " iris black ; bill brownish black; feet pale brown " (Bidler), Culm en 0*8 inch, wing 4, tail 3*2, tarsus I'l. Adult female. Dull brownish olive above, inclining to pale brown on the underparts ; wings and tail edged with pale brownish olive ; white patch on the wings and the tufts on the head far less developed than in the male. Wing 3-75 inches. Bab. Few Zealand. a, b. S ? ad. sk. New Zealand. Oapt. Stokes [P.]. c. Ad. sk. New Zealand. New Zealand Co. [P.J. d. 2 ad. sk. New Zealand. Miss P. Stone [P.]. e. cS ad. sk. New Zealand. New Zealand Co. [P.], 6. MELIOEOTS. Type. Meliornis, Gray, List of Genera of Birds, p. 19 (1840) M. novas hollandife, Phylidonyris, Lesson (pt.), TraiU d'Orn. i. p. 298 (1831) M. australasiana. Lichmera, Cabanis, Mus. Beineanum, i. p. 118 (1850) M. australasiana. Melisympotes, Reichen.ach, Naturl. System d. Vogel (fide Gray's Band-l. B.) M. australasiana. Bill about as long as the rest of the head. Nostrils operculated, not covered with feathers. First primary comparatively long. Tip of wing formed by the third to sixth primaries. Quills internally edged with fulvous. Tail rounded, and a little longer than the wing. Range. Australia. 252 MELIPHAGID.2E. Key to the Species, a. Mantle uniform, ashy grey australasiana, p. 252. b. Feathers of mantle blackish brown, edged with whitish and brownish grey. a'. Feathers of fore neck hairy, black, edged . nQV(B UUandi _ %5S. and tipped with white j longirostris, p. 254. V. Feathers of fore neck short, entirely black j*jJHi , p. 255. 1. Meliornis australasiana. L'He*orotaire noir et blanc, Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 89, pi. 55. Certhia australasiana, Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 226. Oerthia pyrrhoptera, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxxviii (?). Melithreptus nielanoleucus, Vieill. Nouv. Diet. xiv. p. 328 (1817). Meliphaga australasiana, Vig. § Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 813 (1826) ; Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 27 ,* Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 157, no. 2053. Meliphaga inornata, Gould, P. Z. S. 1837, p. 152. Lichmera australasiana, Cab. Mus. Sein. i. p. 118 (1850); Gould, Randb. B. Austr. i. p. 493. Meliornis australasiana, Bp. C. A. i. p. 393 (1850) ; Reichenb. JSandb. Meropince, p. 121, pi. 490. figs. 3453-55; id. Vog, Keuholl. no. 66 j Bamsay, Broc. Linn. Soc. 2VT. S. W. ii. p. 188. Adult male. AIL the upper parts of the body and the crown ashy grey, with a slight olive tinge; wing-coverts, remiges, and tail black, the outer webs of the remiges and of most of the tail-feathers golden yellow, the terminal third of the inner web of the two outer tail-feathers white ; prseocular region and a short stripe through the eye, and a semilunar bar on each side of the chest, dull black, a few feathers on the sides of the occiput brighter ; ear-coverts brownish grey; chin, throat, cheeks, and fore neck white, with dark central streaks to the feathers; rest of underparts dull grey, inclining to whitish down the centre of the breast and abdomen ; under wing- coverts and inner margin of remiges silky grey; " bill and feet black; iris red" (Gould). The female has the upper parts uniform olive-brown; wings and tail externally strongly washed with dull wax-yellow ; underparts dingy brownish grey, paler towards the central line; the crescent on the chest dull brown; sides of head like the upper parts ; tail- feathers without the white tips. Ad. 7 and neck, especially 1 he crown, strongly washed with metallic purple ; bill black ; feet brown ; iris golden, yellow. Oilmen 0*9 inch, wing 4*2, tail 4*6, tarsus 1*5. Hub. Chatham Islands. a. <$ ad. sk. Chatham Islands. New Zealand Co. [P.]. (Type of species.) 8. PROSTHEMADERA. Type. Prosthemadera, Gray, List of Genera of Birds, p. 3 (1840) P. novoe zealandi®. Bill slightly longer than rest of head; oilmen, curved; operculum partly covered with feathers. Pirst primary longer than half the second. Tip of wing formed by primaries 4, 5, 6. Tail slightly rounded and, like the secondaries, equalling five sixths of the wing in length. Tarsus cpmparati\ ely short, scutellated in front. Plumage black, glossy, peculiar. Length of wing 5-® inches. Range. New Zealand. 1. Prosthemadera novae zealandisB. New Zealand Creeper, Brown, Illustr. Zcol. pi. ix. (1776). Poe Bee-eater, Lath. Gen. Syn. ii. p; 682 (1782). Merops novse seelandise, Gm. S. N. i. p. 464 (1788). Merops circinnatus, Lath. 2nd. Orn. i. p. 275 (171)0). La Cravate frisee, Levaill. Ois. d'Afr. ii. pi. 92 (1800). Sturnus crispicollis, Band. Traits d'Om. ii. p. 314 (1800). Philemon circinnatus, Bonn, et Vieill. Eno. Meth. p. 613 (1823). Prosthemadera conchmata, Gray, List Gen. B. p. 3 (1840). Certhia circinnata, Forst. JDescr. Anim. p. 78 (1844). Prosthemadera cbdm^t^JReichenb. Hondo. MeropincB, p. 127, fig. 3466 (1852). Meliphaga novse zealandiee, Ellmann, Zoologist, 1861, p. 7406. Lamprotornis noves zealandise, Schkgel, Jaarboeh Gesellsch. Nat. Art. Mag. 1865. Prosthemadera novse seelandise, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 119; Bp. C. A. i. p. 891; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 122, pi. 39.fig. 3 j id. Hand-l. B. i. p. 158, no. 2058. Prosthemadera no^ce sealandios, Bulkr, Birds New Zeal p. 87, pi. 11. Adult. About a dozen feathers on the sides of the throat very long and filamentous, pure white, and curled in upon each other, so as to form two large globes on the fore neck • the feathers of the sides of the neck, and especially those of the hind neck, also long and filamentous, but narrow and soft, more or less lanceolate in shape, with narrow white shaft-streaks. General colour of the head and neck all round, and the chest, the wings, the tail, the npper and under tail-coverts, and the edge of the wing metallic black in position A, bluish green in position B, changing into purplish, blue in position C ; mantle and back, breast, abdomen, and flanks dark brown, with a strong metallic coppery greenish gloss, especially on the upper parts; inner margin of quills and under VOL. ix. 253 MELIPHAGID^E. wing-coverts black ; the median wing-coverts pure white at their terminal half, thus forming a conspicuous band across the shoulders; " bill and feet blackish brown ; iris dark brown " (Bidler). The female resembles the male, but is slightly less metallic and smaller. Young birds. " Uniform black, with a broad undefined patch or circlet of greyish white on the throat, varying in extent and sometimes spreading all round the neck; median wing-coverts white, as in the adult; iris black; rictal membrane yellow." (Bailer.) Ad. S. Culmen 1-2-1-35 inch, wing 5'5-6'D, tail 5-5*5, tarsus 1-5-1-65. Ad. J . Culmen 1-1 inch, wing 5, tail 4*6, tarsus 1*4. Hab. New Zealand and Auckland Islands. a.<$m }b,c. $ ad. sk. d. $ ad. sk. e. $ ad. sk. f,g. h, i [ S ] ad. sk. k. <$ ad. sk. /, m. Ad. sk. n, o. $ $ ad. sk. New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand (Antarctic Exped.). New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand Co. [P.], Capt. Stokes [P.]. Capt. Stokes [P.]. The Admiralty [P.]. Sir George Grey [P.]. Sir E. Home [P.]. Miss R Stone [P.]. F. D. Godman and 0. Sal- p. Juv. sk. q,r. 2 ad.; s. 2 imm. sk. New Zealand. Auckland Islands. vin, Esqrs. [P.]. E. Wilson, Esq.JP.]. Antarctic Expedition [P.]. t Ad. sk. New Zealand. Purchased. 9. MANORHINA. T^pe Manorina, Vieill. Nm.iv. Diet. xix. p. 236 (1818) M. melanophrys. Manorhina, Vieill. Galerie des Ois. pi. 149 (1825) .. M. melanophrys. Myzantha, Vig. # Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 319 (1826) . , M. garrula. Manorrhina, Reichenb. Syst. Av. pi. 35 (1850) ., M. garrula. Head of Manorhina garrula. Bill equal to (Myzantlia) or a little shorter than the rest of the head; laterally compressed and high (Manorhina), or slightly curved and serrated (Myzantha). Nostrils operculated and partly beset with feathers. Pirst primary comparatively long. Tip of wing formed by the third to fifth primaries. Secondaries four fifths (Mariorhina) or two thirds (Myzantha) the length of the wing. Tail rounded, slightly shorter (Manorhina) or slightly longer than wing 9. MANORHIJ^A. 250 {Myzantha). Anterior toes and claws short, especially the outer toe. Tarsus short, covered with many scales, which are .sometimes fused. Postocular region bare of feathers. In spite of the differences mentioned above, the genus Myzantha is only subgenerically distinct from Maw* him, and is here united to it. Range. Australia. Key to the Species. a. General colour of plumage olive-green above; underparts yellowish melanophrys, p. 259. b. Mantle brownish grey ; abdomen white. a'. Bump and upper tail-coverts like rest of back. a". Forehead whitish, crown black garrula, p. 200. b". Forehead and crown grey obseura, p. 260. V. Bump and upper tail-coverts white l^t^^^ 1. Manorhina melanophrys. Turdus melanophrys, Lath. Ind, Orn. Suppl. p. xlii. Manorina viridis, Bonn, et Vieill JEnc. Meth. pt. ii. p. 692; Vieill. Gal. des Ois. pi. 149 ; Jard. # Selby, III. Orn. ii. pi. 78. Hanoi hina viridis, Vieill. Gal. des Ois. pi. 149. Myzantha flavirostris, Vig. Sf Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 819 (1826). Myzantha melanophrys, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 80 j Diggles, Orn. Austr. text. Manorhina melanophrys, JBp. C. A. i. p. 395; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 579; Gray, JIand-l. B. i. p. 160, no. 2094 ; Bamsay, Broc. Linn. Soc. N. S. TV. ii. p. 191. Adult. All the upper parts uniform yellowish olive-green; wings and tail brown, the latter and the secondaries strongly washed with yellowish olive; primaries with slightly paler edges; under surface of tail-feathers with a peculiar strong yellow gloss; under wing- coverts and under surface of quills brownish grey; all the rest of the underparts dull greenish yellow ; cheeks, eyelids, a few feathers above the eye, and some of the nasal plumes dull blackish; lores and praeocular region rather bright yellow; " bill and feet yellow ; eye brownish, eyelash leaden grey; bare space below and behind the eye orange-red" (Gould). Culmen 0-7 inch, wing 3-5-3-8, tail 3-3-4, tarsus 0-8-0-9. Young birds are like adults, but have the yellow in front of the eye less developed. Bab. Victoria and New South Wales to the Wide-Bay district. (T3Tpe of M.flavirostris, Vig. & Horsf.) a. Ad. sk. New South Wales. Purchased. b. Ad. st. c. d. $ ad. sk. New South Wales. New South Wales. J. Gould, Esq. Gould Collection. e,f, g. Ad. sk. h. [d]ad. sk. Queensland (Cockerell). Australia. ¥. D. Godman and O, Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. Linnean Society [P."|. s2 260 MELIPHAG1DJB. 2. ManorMna garrula. Merops garrulus, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl p. xxiv. Gracula melanocepkala, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxviii. Philemon garrulus, Vieill. N. Diet, xxvii. p. 427 (1818). Myzantha garrula, Vig. <§* Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 319; Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 76; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 574• Diggles, Orn. Austr. pi.; Reichenb. Handb. Meropincs, p. 129, pi. 494. figs. 347677; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 8. W. ii. p. 191. Manorhina melanocephalus, Waglei^ Syst. Av., Manorhina, sp. 1. Manorhina garrula, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 127, pL 38. fig. 7 (1847); id. Hand-l B. i. p. 160, no. 2095; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 120; Bp. C. A. i. p. 395. Adult. The forehead, loral and preeocular regions, and part of cheeks greyish white; crown of head dull black; ear-coverts and part of the sides of the upper throat black with silky gloss; all the upper parts light greyish brown; the feathers of the hind neck with a narrow subterminal margin of whitish; mantle slightly, most of the webs of the secondaries strongly, washed with olive-yellow; rest of wings brown, the primaries with whitish margins towards their tips ; tail greyish brown, the terminal third inclining to brownish white; angle of chin lemon-yellow; an indistinct longitudinal streak down the centre of the upper throat dusky grey; rest of underparts of the body greyish white; feathers of the fore neck and breast with a narrow subterminal crescent-shaped mark of dusky brown* under wing-coverts, axillaries, and flanks pale greyish brown ; inner margin of quills white; " iris dark hazel; naked space beneath the eye, bill, and feet yellow " {Gould). Young and immature birds resemble the adult, but have the white subterminal bars on the feathers of the upper parts much more pronounced. Ad. c?. Culmen 0-9-1-1 inch, wing 5*5-6*0, tail 5-6, tarsus 1*3. Ad.? . „ 0-9-1-0 „ „ 5-1-5-5, „ 5-0, „ 1-1-1*25. Hah. Prom the Wide-Bay district to New South Wales, Southern Australia, and Victoria; Tasmania. a. [ S ] ad. sk. b. <$ ad. sk. c. [ (5~\ ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. Melbourne. South Australia. New South Wales. New South Wales. Gould Collection. Sir George Grey [P.]. Gould Collection. Purchased. e. Ad. st. /, g. Ad, sk. h. i, To. Ad.; I. $ ad. sk, New South Wales. Queensland (Cockerett). Tasmania. Maj.-Gen. Hardwicke [P.], F. D. Godman and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. J. B. Jukes, Esq. rP.l m. Ad. sk. Tasmania, October 29, Gould Collection. 1843. 3. Manorhina obscura. Myzantha obscura, Gould, P. Z. S. 1840, p. 159 • id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 77 ; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 576; Reichenb. Handb. Meropincz, p. 129, pi. 494. figs. 3474-75,- id. Vbg. Neuholl. no. 78; Biggies, Orn. Austr. text * Ramsay, Froc. Linn. Soc. 2V. 8. W. ii. p. 191. 9 . MANORHWA. 201 Manorhinaobscura, Gray, Gm. B.I p. 127 (1847) j Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 120; Bp. C. A. i. p. 395 ; Gray, IIand4. B. i. p. 101, no. 2097. ^ AM . Begion "behind the eye and lower border of base of inaudible naked and of a yellow colour; forehead and nasal region, a few feathers at the sides of tho base of the mandible, the angle of the chin, and the tips of a few feathers on the sides of the neck wax-yellow; prooocular region and ear-coverts silky black ; all the rest of the plumage very much as in M. yarrula, but the feathers of the mantle, entire back, hind neck, and crown greyish brown, each feather being broadly margined with grey; rump and upper tail- coverts whitish brown • tail brown, with small whitish tips, the outer webs strongly edged with wax-yellow ; throat dull grey ; the feathers of the fore neck and breast with a crescent-shaped subterminal patch of brown, and tipped with greyish white ; abdomen and under tail-coverts dull white, as in M. garrula ; inner web of quills without lighter margins ; " bare skin round the eye and bill bright yellow; legs and feet dull reddish yellow; claws dark* brown" (Gould). Culmen 1 inch, wing 5*3, tail 4-5, tarsus 1*25. Young birds have the sides of the head and the throat washed with fulvous. Hob. Western Australia. a. Imm. sk. West Australia. Gould Collection. b. Ad. sk. West Australia. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. 4. ManorMna fLavigula. Myzantha flavigula, Gould, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 143; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 79; id. Handh. B. Austr. i. p. 578 ; JReichenb. Handb. Meropin<%, p. 130, pi 495.figs. 3480-81; Ramsay, Proc. Idnn. Soc. N. & W. ii. p. 191. Manorhina flavigula, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 127; Bp. C, A. i. p. 395; Gray, Hand4. B. i. p. ±61, no. 2098. This species closely resembles M. obsmra in general coloration, differing from it chiefly as follows:—Cheeks, throat, lower rump, and upper tail-coverts white, instead of grey or brownish ; the tail largely tipped with white; ear-coverts washed with silky white, and the yellow on the sides of the neck more developed than in M. obseura, whilst on the fore neck and chest the whito colour is predominant, the brownish subterminal bars being only faintly dove- loped ; inner web of remiges with narrow whitish edges. Culmen 0*8-0-9 inch, wing 4-8-5-5, tail 4-3-4*7, tarsus 1*1. Hab. From New South Wales to South Australia; Gulf of Carpentaria. a. Ad. sk. South Australia. Sir T. Mitchell [P.]. b. Ad. sk. South Australia. F. D. Godman and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. c. Ad. fak. New South Wales. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. d <$ ad. sk. New South Wales. Maj.-Gen.Hardwicke [P.]. e. Ad. sk. Biver Darling. J. Gould, Esq. [0.]. MELIPHACflDiE. Subspecies a. Manorlmia lutea. Myzantha lutea, Gould, B. Z. S. 1839, p. 144 ; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 78; id. BLandb. B. Austr. i. p. 577 j Biggies, Orn. Austr. text; Reichenb. Handb. Meropincs, p. 130, pi. 495. figs. 3478-79; id. Vdg. JSTeuholl. no. 77; Ramsay, Broc. Binn. Soc. N.S.W. ii. p. 191. Manorhina lutea, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 127; Bp. C. A. i. p. 395; Gray, Iland-l B. i. p. 161, no. 2096. Adult. Closely allied to 31. Jlavigula, but slightly brighter coloured and larger; rurnp, upper tail-coverts, and underparfs creamy white ; the feathers of the fore neck and chest edged with grey, each feather with an arrow-shaped mark of brown ; the wax-yellow on the fore head aud on the sides of the neck perhaps a little more developed, whilst the mantle and back are more brownish grey or paler than in 31. Jlavigula. Wing 5*8 inches, tail 5*25. (Gould.) Hal. West Australia. a, b. Ad. sk. West Australia. J. Gould, Esq. 10. ACANTHOCJLERA. Type. Creadion, Bonn, et Vtetll. Enc. Meth. ii. p. 873 (partim) (1823) Acanthoebsera, "Fig. 8f Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 320 (1826) ; A. mellivora. Creadion, Less. Traite d'Orn. i. p. 359 (1837) A. carunculata. Anthochsera, Gould et auct. plurim. Acanthogenys, Gould, B. Z. S. 1837, p. 146 A. rufigulaiis. Acanthogenys, Gray, List Gen. B. Q 840). Anellobia, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 120 (1850) A. mellivora. Melichasra, Reichenb. Handb. spec. Orn. i. p. 152 (1852) A. lunulata. Bill of about the same length as rest of head, curved; culmen ridged. Nostrils longitudinal, operculated. First primary long. Tip of wing formed by primaries 4, 5, 6. Tail of nearly the same length as the wing, and graduated or much rounded. Tarsi scutellated in front and comparatively short. Principal colours grey and brown, with white and yellowish • sometimes with wattles, or witb bare cheeks. Length of wing from 5-1 to 7 inches. This genus is intermediate between Ptilotis, Melitograis, and Leptomis. Range. Australia. Key to the Species. a. Wattles on sides of gape. Tail strongly graduated, longer than wing; feathers of breas^ lanceolate. (Subgenus ACANTHOCHJERA.) a'. Length of wattles less than 0-5 inch carunculata, p. 263. b'. Length of wattles more than 1 inch inauris, p. 263. b. No wattles. Tail equal to, or shorter than, wing. c'. Tail strongly graduated. (Subgenus ANELLOBIA.) a". Feathers of man tie with white central streaks mellivora, p. 264. 203 10 . ACANTHOCnjBRA. b". No white streaks to feathers oi" mantle ... . lunulafa, p. 205. d'. Tail square, equal to wing. (Subgenus ACANTHQGENYS.) ruftgularix, p. i20o. 1. Acanthocliaera carunculata. Merops caruuculatus, Lath. Inch Dm. i. p. 270 (17i)0). Corvus paradoxus, £af#. hid. Oni. tiuppl. p. 2t> (1801). Corvus caruuculatus, $&««•-, 6rd?;/. Zoo!, vii. p. 378 (1800-20). Pie a pendeloques, l)«w7. 0;vi. ii. p. 246, pi. 1(5. Wattled Crow, Lath. Gen.tit/n.Muppl. ii. p. 110. Wattled Bee-eater, Lath. ibid. p. 130. Crearlion cirimculatus, Bonn, el VieilL Envye. Meth. ii. p. 874 (1823); Tieill. Gal. Ois. i. pi. 04; Lesson, Traite cfOrn. i. p. 330. Anthoekoera lewini, Vig. § Ilorsf. Trans. Linn. tiov. xv. p. 322, note. AntlioeliDera carunculata, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 55; Bp. C. A. i. p. 389; Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 120; Gould, Ilandb. B. Amtr. i. p. 538; Biggies, Oni. Austr. pi.; Gray, Iland-l. B. i. p. 158, no. 2003; Ramsay, JProc. Linn. tioc. j\r. & IF. ii. p. 100. Adult. Yery closely resembling J., inauris in the pattern of coloration, although each of the brown and white feathers is tho exact reverse in pattern to those of the other species. It differs from the latter as follows:—The ear-wattle is less than half an inch in length; the forehead and part of the crown are uniform blackish brown, with hardly any pale central streaks; the feathers of the hind neck, mantle, and whole back are greyish brown, each feather with a conspicuous white central streak; upper tail-coverts brown, with broad white margins ; centre of breast and abdomen bright yellow; the feathers of the rest of the underparts of the body are white, broadly margined on each side with pale brown; throat uniform with the rest of the fore neck, not differing from tho latter as in the other species ; loral and subocular regions silky white; base of mandible dull brown; " iris bright hazel-red; feet brownish flesh-colour; inside of mouth yellow" (Gould), Ad. (S . Culmen 1*1-1*3 inch, wing G*0-0*4, tail 7*0-7*5, tarsus 1*3. Ad. $ . „ 1*1 „ „ 5*2-5*8, „ 0-0, „ 1*25. Hub. From the Wide-Bay district to New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia ; Tasmania. a, b. $ ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. S. Australia. S. Australia. Australia. Sir George Grey [P.]. Sir 1). O. Cooper [P.]. Gould Collection. ej,g,h. 6 $ i Ad. sk. S.E. Australia. N. S. Wales. F. D. Godrnan and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. J. Gould, Esq. [C.], 2. AcantnochsBia inauris. Anthochsera carunculata, Vig. § Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 321. Creadion carunculatus, Bonn, ei VieilL Hue. Meth. ii. p. 874 (1823, pt.) ; VieilL Gal. Ois. i. pi. 94 (1825). MJDLirHAGIDJR. Anthochaera inaiiris, Gould, B. Attstr. iv. pi. 54; id. Ilandh. B. Austr. i. p. 436 ; Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 120 ; Bp. C, A. i. p. 389 ; Bamsay, Broc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 190. Adult. Crown of head and hind neck dark brown, each feather with a broad greyibh-white margin ; wing-coverts and mantle dark brown, with greyish edges and whitibh shafts ; rump and upper tail-coverts brownish grey; greater wing-coverts and remiges blackish brown, externally edged wdth greyish white ; central pair of tail-feathers brownish grey, the others blackish brown with large white tips ; the lores and the subocular region covered with very small feathers, which are blackish at their bases and whitish at their tips; supercilium, cheeks, upper throat, and a patch on each side of the neck white; centre of breast and abdomen bright yellow; the feathers of the chest, breast, and under wing-coverts dull white, with broad brown subterminal patches; flanks, under tail-coverts, and thighs brownish white; inner margin of quills isabelline; the feathers of the throat and fore neck lanceolate, blackish at base, whitish at their terminal half, and with a silky white subterminal patch; the bare region between the eye and ear orange-yellow, like the long pendulous wattle into which the skin beneath the ear- opening is transformed; "bill black; iris black-brown; feet light flesh-colour ; claws black " (Gould). Culm en 1-1-1 inch, wing 6*2-7, tail 8-9, tarsus 1*6. The ear-wattle is about one inch or more in length. Hah. Tasmania. a. $ ad. sk. Tasmania. Purchased. b, c Ad. sk. Tasmania. Antarctic Expedition. d. Ad. sk. Tasmania. Antarctic Expedition. e. Ad. sk, Tasmania. F. D. G-odman and 0. Salvin, Esgrs. [P.]. 3. Acanthochsera mellivora. Certhia mellivora, Lath. Lnd. Orn. S?/ppl. p. xxxvii (1801). Goruck Creeper, Shaw, Gen. Zool, viii. p. 243. Mellivorons Creeper, Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl ii. p. 166. Merops chrysopterus, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl p. xxxiii. Mellivorons Honey-eater, Lath. Gen. Hist. iv. p. 161. Anthocksera mellivora, Vig. fy Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv, p. 321 (1826) ; Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 56; Bp. C. A. i. p. 389; Biggies, Orn. Austr* pi.; Gray, Hand4. B. i. p. 159, no. 2065. Anellobia mellivora, Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 120 (1850); Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 541; Bamsay, Proc. Linn. Soe. M 8. W. ii. p. 190. Melichaera mellivora, Reichenb. Handb. spec. Orn. p. 130. Adult. All the upper parts, including the head, blackish brown, each feather with the shaft and small tip white, and towards the margin washed with olive-grey; wings and tail dark brown; most of the primaries and tail-feathers with white tips ; secondaries and central tail-feathers washed with olive-grey; basal half or two thirds of the inner web of the primaries rich fulvous ; all the underparts 10 . ACANTiroCHiTCTU. 20 5 mottled with, white and dark brown, tlio white becoming more prevalent on the abdomen, Hanks, and under tail-coverts ; the feathers of the chest and sides of the neck lanceolate with a white central streak, those of the throat dull blackish brown with triangular subterminal whitish spots ; axillaries uniform whitish ; bill black; iris grey; feet vinous brown; ear-coverts and sides of head inclining to silky white. Oilmen 1-1-1-2 inch, wing 5*1-5*6, tail 5'5~fr$, tarsus 1-05-1-2. Sexes and young birds are alike in plumage. Bab. Tasmania; and Australia, from the Wide-Bay district to New South Wales and South Australia. a. 2 ^d. sk. b. Ad. sk. South Australia. South Australia. Sir George Grey [P.], Gould Collection. c. Ad. sk. N. S. Wales. Gould Collection. d. e. Ad. sk. / , g. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. Queensland (Cockerel!). Tasmania. Australia. F.D.Godmanand0,Salvia, Esqrs. [P.]. Ronald Gunn, Esq. [P.]. Major-Gen. Hardwicke [P.]. 4. Acanthochsera limulata. Anthocheera lunulata, Gould, P. Z. S. 1837, p. 153; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 57 ; Bp. C. A. i. p. 389. Anellobia limulata, Cab. Mus. Bern, i. p. 120 (1850); Gould, B. Austr, iv. pi. 57 \ id. Bandb. B. Austr. i. p. 543; Ramsay, JProc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 100. Melichsora lunulata, Reichenb. Ilandb. spec. Orn. p. 132. Adult Differs from A. mellivora in the following points :—The feathers of the head, hind neck, and mantle are without the white central streaks ; the ear-coverts and sides of the neck are glossy silky white ; inner web of primaries rich rusty brown, inclining to pale chestnut; " iris light hazel; bill blackish brown; feet yellowish grey" (Gould). Culmen 1-25 inch, wing 5*3, tail 6, tarsus 1-1. The female, according to Gould, is considerably smaller than the male. Bab. Western Australia. a. Ad. sk. "West Australia. F.D.Godman and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. b. Ad. sk. West Australia. J. Gould, Esq. [0.]. 5. Acanthochsera rufigularis. Acanthogenys rufigularis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1837, p. 153. Meliphaga xufogularis, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 122 (1847). Acanthogenys xufogularis, Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 53 j Bp. C. A. i. p. 391; Gray, Band-l. B. i. p. 159, no. 2072 j Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. AT". S. W. ii. p. 190. Acanthogenys rufigularis, Gould, Bandb. B. Austr. i. p. 534. Adult male. Crown of head, hind neck, mantle, and back dark 266 MELIPHAGIDiB. brown, each feather broadly margined with brownish grey ; feathers of the rump and the upper tail-eoverts, breast, flanks, abdomen, and under tail-coverts dirty yellowish white, each feather with a longitudinal, broad, central streak of dark brown, darkest on the breast, more diffused on the upper tail-coverts; wings dark brown, the innermost secondaries and the wing-eoverts margined with whitish, rest of the secondaries and some of the primaries with yellowish margins; a subocular line, upper half of the ear-coverts, and part of the sides of the neck blackish brown ; rest of the sides of the neck white or yellowish white, each feather with a sharply marked blackish- brown central streak; the bristle-like feathers on the cheeks and beneath the ear-coverts w hite; chin, throat, fore neck and upper chest, edge of wing, under wing-coverts, and inner margin of quills rufous buff or fulvous; tail dark brown, with large white tips; the bare part of the face (viz. the part between the eye and the cheeks) and base of the bill soft, pulpy, and of a pinky flesh-colour; iris bluish lead-colour ; feet olive. The female resembles the male exactly in coloration, but is smaller in size. Young birds are like the female, but want the bristles on the cheeks. Ad. £. Culmen 0-9-1 inch, wing 4*4-4*7, tail 4-4-4*8, tarsus 1-0. Ad. $. „ 0-9 „ „ 4*2-4*4, „ 4-1, „ 0-95. Obs. Half the number of the specimens examined by me have the terminal, half of the bristles on the cheeks and ear-coverts foxy yellow; this cannot, however, be a sexual character, as it is independent of size and age. Hob. Prom rlew South Wales to South and West Austral . a. Ad. sk. h,c,d,e, [ (S $ ] ad. sk. / . Ad. st. <7. Ad. sk. h. <$ ad. sk. South Australia. South Australia. South Australia. Port Lincoln. N. S. Wales. Sir T. Mitchell [P.]. Capt. Stmt [P.]. Sir George Gfrey [P.]. Sir George Grev [P.]. Gould Collection. i, Jc, I. Ad. sk. South Australia. F. D. Grodman and O. Sal- vim Esqrs. [P.]. 11. LEPTOENIS. Type. Leptornis; Somh\ et Jacq. Voyage Pole Sud, Ois. pi. 17. fig- 1 L. samoensis. Philedon (pt), Eeichenbach, Handbueh spec. Orn. i. * p. 141 (1852). Bill longer than the rest of head and slender. First primary long. Tip of wing formed by primaries 4-6. Tail slightly rounded, nine tenths of the length of the wing. . Tarsus scutellated in front and comparatively long. Plumage soft and very plain, dusky or dull yellowish olive. Length of wing 5-7*2 inches. Range, Polynesia. 11. LBTORNIS. 207 1. Leptornis samoensis. Merops samoensis, Ilomhr. et Jacq. Ann. Sci. Nat Paris. 1841, p. 314. Eutomiza? olivacea, Peak, U. 8. Erpl. Exped., Mamm. & Omith. p. 145(1848). Leptornis sylvestris, Ilomhr. et Jacq. Voi/. Pole 8ud, Oix. pi. 17. fig. 1 (1853);"Jacq. et Pack. Voy. Pole Sad, iii. p. 80 (18>3). Philedon leptornis. Reiehenb. Ilandb. spec. Omith. i. p. 141, pi. 504. %. 3517 (1852). Leptornis samoensis, Cassin, TJ. 8. Eipi Evp. p. 172, Atlas Omith. pi. xi. fig. 2 (1858). Anthocheera samoensis, Gray, Iland-l B. i. p. 151), no. 2008. Adult, Ground-colour of the upper and under parts olive-brown, inclining to sooty brown on the breast and fore neck ; all the upper and under parts strongly washed with dull olive ; outer webs of wings and tail more inclining to olive-yellow; head and neck all round darker than the rest of the body, being almost black with only a slight olive tinge, except the ear-coverts and stripe beneath the eye, which are olive ; under wing-coverts, under surface of quills, thighs, and under tail-coverts brown; " iris pale lead-colour " (Peale\ "dark reddish brown " {Graffe); bill, feet, and claws black ; soles yellow. Culmen 1*4-1*6 inch, wing 5-5*9, tail 5-6, tarsus 1*^5-1*7. The smaller measurements refer to the female, which otherwise resembles the male. Hab. Samoa Islands. a. [ Zool. vii. p. 474. Meliphaga cyanops, Lewzn, B. New Soil. pi. 4. Turdus cyaneus, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. slii (1801). Merops cyanops, Lath. Ind. Orn. Suppl. p. xxxiv (juv.). Tropidornynchus cyanotis, Vig. 8f Sorsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 325. Entomyza cyanotis, Swains. Classif. B. ii. p. 328 (1837) j Gray, List Gen. B. p. 16; Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 68 j Bp. C. A. i. p. 391; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 121; Eeichenb. Yog. Neuholl. no. 72 • id, Handb. Meropince, i. p. 138, pi. 502. figs. 3508-09 j Gould, Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 560; Biggies, Orn. Austr. pi.: Ramsay, Broc, Linn. Soc. JST. S W. ii. p. 190. Philemon cyanotis, Gray, Hand-l. B. L p. 160, no. 2092. Adult male. Crown of head, hind neck, ear-coverts, lores, and subocular region black; greater part of the sides of the head, including the ocular region, bare of feathers and rich greenish blue; mantle and all the rest of the upper parts rich golden olive; inner webs of quills and terminal half of the primaries dark brown; basal half of inner web pale fulvous; tail like the back, but with whitish tips; edge of wing and under wing-coverts blackish brown : chin, throat, fore neck, and centre of chest blackish; all the rest of the 13 . PHILEMON. 269 underparts pure white, including the line along the sides of the neck, and passing over the cheeks to the base of the mandible; sides of occiput also pure white, forming an incomplete crescent; " iris yellowish white; eyelash jet-black; feet bluish grey " {Gould), Culmen 2 inches, wing 5-5-6-2, tail 5'2-6, tarsus 1-2. Females and young birds resemble the adult male, but the young have the naked face and the base of the bill pale yellowish olive (Gould). JIab. From Eockingham Bay to New South Wales and Victoria. a. S ad. sk. North-east Australia. Sir T. Mitchell [P.]. b. Ad. sk. N. S. Wales. J. Gould, Esq. [0.1 c. Ad. sk. Queensland. J. Gould, Esq. [O.J. d. e,f. Ad. sk. Queensland (Coc7%erell). F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. 2. Entomyza albipennis. Entomyza albipennis, Gould, P. Z. S. 1840, p. 169; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 69; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 563; Bp. C. A. i. p. 391• JReiclienb. Handb. Meropines, i. pi. 502. figs. 3510-11; niggles, Orn. Austr. pi.; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 190. Philemon albipennis, Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 160, no. 2093. Adult. Like E. cyanotis, but having the basal half or two thirds of the inner web of the primaries pure white instead of fulvous. Culmen 1-4 inch, wing 5*8, tail 4*5, tarsus 1-3. Hab. North Australia. a. Ad. sk. North Australia. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.l. b. Ad. sk. Port Essington. Oapt. W. Chambers [P.]. 13. PHILEMON. Type. Philemon, Vieillot, Analyse, p. 47 (1816) P. moluccensis. Philedon, Cuvier, Regne Animal, i. p. 375 (1817).... P. moluccensis. Tropidorhynchus, Vigors fy Horsfkld, Linn. Trans. xv. p. 323 (1826) P. corniculatus. Philemonopsis, Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civic, Genov. xvi. p. 79 (1880) P. meyeri. Head of Philemon corniculatus. 270 MELIPHAGIM:. Head of Philemon inornatus. Bill longer than rest of head, curved; culmen with prominent ridge, frequently with a hump on its base. No bristles. Nostrils either operculated and more longitudinal, or oval and non-opereu lated, always with a coriaceous large groove behind, never beset with feathers. First primary very long. Tip of wing formed by third to fifth primaries. Secondaries four fifths to &ve sixths of the length of the wing. Tail square, or very slightly rounded. Tarsus covered with scales in front. Claws and toes short. Whole bird very dull brown in colour; inner edge of quills fulvous; parts of head frequently bare. Length of wing about 4*5-6 inches. Range. Australian and Austro-Malayan Eegions. Key to the Species. a. Base of culmen with a large hump; feathers of fore neck and chest lanceolate in shape; nostrils oval or round, open. a'. Whole crown, sides of head, and neck all round bare- feathers of chest very lanceolate corniculatus, p. 271. V. Centre of crown covered with feathers. a". Sides of neck covered with feathers. I novce guinea, p. 27A. a"'. Crown brown Ijobiensis, p. 275. [ timoriensis, p. 273. b'". Crown silky brownish white argenticeps, p. 272. b". Sides of neck bare buceroides, p. 272. b. Culmen not humped. c'. Nostrils oval, open. c". Feathers of fore neck and chest lanceolate; frequently also those of the crown. c'". Lanceolate feathers short • remiges without pale edges. a4. Sides of head covered with feathers. . inornatus, p. 275. i bl. Sides of head bare; plumage uniform \ brown moluccensis, p. 275. d"'. Lanceolate feathers very long and pecu liar; wings and tail externally edged with bluish white lessoni, p. 276. d". Feathers of fore neck and chest short and rounded. e'". Wings not washed with olive-yellow. c4. Feathers of chest with peculiar small I citreogtdaris, p. 277. white tips ] sordi'dm, p. 277. d*. Feathers of chest of usual shape. a5. Upper parts dark brown, underparts pale brownish grey, not striated; length of wing 6'5 inches cocker elli, p. 278. 13 . PHILEMON. 271 b\ Feathers of chest with dark brown streaks; wing* 5*4 inches sdateri, p. 270. e\ White collar on hind neck joining the underparts, which arc yellowish white; wing 7*3 inches albitorques, p. 278. /'". Wings washed with olive-yellow. eK Back dark brown; breast and abdomen Urtumigenis, p. 270. pale brown \fu8cicapillu8, p. 270. fK Upper parts brown, strongly washed with olive-yellow; underparts light brown, washed with wax-yellow.... subcomiculatus/p.280. d'. Nostrils formed by a longitudinal slit, semi- operculate; length of wing 4*5 inches meyeri, p. 281. 1. PMlemon corniculatus. Merops corniculatus, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 276. Merops monachus, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 276, and Suppl p. 34 (juv.), Corbi-calao, Levaill. Ois. Amir, et des Indes, i. p. 60, pi. 24. Knob-fronted Honey-eater, Lath. Gen. Hist, iv. p. 161. Gymnops corniculatus et monachus, Cuv. Heytie Anim. i. p. 381. Philemon monachus, Tieill. Enc. Math, p. 0l0 (1823). Tropidorhynchus corniculatus, Vig. §* Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 324; Gould, B. Austr. iv. pi. 58; 'id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 545; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 121; Bp. C. A, i. p. 300; Biggies, Orn. Austr. pi. Philemon corniculatus, Gray,Hand-IB. i. p. 160, no, 2084; Mammy, JProc. Linn. Sac. JV. S. W. ii. p. 100. Adult. The following parts are bare of feathers:—Head and hind neck, sides of neck, with the exception of a few very small feathers on the nasal and superciliary regions, the feathers of the occiput and cheeks degenerating into a few hairs. General colour above uniform pale greyish, brown; wings and tail slightly darker, the latter with whitish tips; chin and upper throat and the lanceolate feathers on the chest silky brownish white, with dark brown shaft-streaks; centre of fore neck blackish brown and almost bare; feathers of the rest of" underparts, including the under wing-coverts, pale brownish at base, with faintly paler margins; abdomen and under tail- coverts almost clear wbito; inner margin of quills whitish; " iris red; feet lead-colour" (Gould). Culmen 1-3 inch, wing 5*7-6*2, tail 5*1-5*8, tarsus 1*2. Young birds have the head less denuded of feathers ; the lanceolate feathers on the chest slightly washed with yellow, and the feathers of the mantle, back, and upper tail-coverts tipped with greyish white. Hab. From Wide-Bay district to New South Wales and Yictoria. a. 6 ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. c. Imm. sk. Upper Gilbert River. Melbourne. N. S. Wales. J. R. Elsey, Esq. [P.]. J. Gould, Esq. [O.J. Gould Collection. L Ad. st. e f Ad. sk. ,J N. S, Wales. Queensland (Cockerell). A. Cunningham, Esq. [P.]. E. D. Godman and O. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.]. 272 MELIPHAGHD-E. g. Ad. skh. 9 ad. sk. Port Bowen. Port Curtis, Queensland, April 1881 (Dr. Cop- pinger). J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.], Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.' 2. Philemon argenticeps. Tropidorhynchus monachus, Vig. $• Horsf. Linn. Trans, xv. p. 324 (nee Merops monachus, Lath). Tropidorhynchus argenticeps, Gould, P.Z.S. 1839, p. 144; id. B. Austr. iv. pi. 59; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 548 ; Hombr. et Jacq. Voy. Bole Sud, pi. 18. %. 2; Bp. C. A. i. p. 390; Biggies, Orn. Austr. pi. Philemon argenticeps, 6rrtfy, Hand-l. B. i. p. 160, no. 2085; Ramsay, Broc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 190. Adult. Differs from P. cornimlatus as follows:—The bill is ranch more slender throughout, and the whole bird is smaller. The feathers of the head, throat, and fore neck are silky white, with brown shaft-streaks, and of a very lanceolate shape, especially the feathers on the chest; the rest of the underparts are a little paler than in P. comiculatus. Culmen 1*3-1-4 inch, wing 5-5*4, tail 4*244, tarsus 1-1-1-2. Young birds are paler in coloration; the feathers of the mantle are edged with white, the feathers of the throat are white washed with yellow, without showing any shaft-streaks; the feathers of the fore neck and chest have not yet attained the lanceolate shape. Hab. North. Australia, from Port Darwin to Cape York. a. Juv. sk. North Australia. Linn. Soc. [P.], (Type of Tropidor. monachus, Vig. & Horsf.) b. Ad. sk. N. Australia. Sir George Grey [P.]. c. Ad. sk. Cape York. F. D. Godman and 0. Salvin, Esqrs. [P.], d. Ad. sk. N.W. Australia. Purchased. e. S ad. sk. N. Australia, Sir George Grey [P.]. f. Ad. sk. Port Essington. Gould Collection. g. Ad. sk. Port Essington. Dr. Sibbald [P.]. h. <$ ad. sk. Port Darwin, Oct. 1881 Voy. H.M.S. 'Alert.? (Br. Coppinger). 3. Philemon bnceroides. Philemon buceroides, Swains. An. in Menag. p. 325 ; id. Classif. B. v. pt. p. 68. Tropidorhynchus buceroides, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 125 (1847) ; Gould, B. Austr. Suppl. pi. 44; id. Handb. B. Austr. i. p. 547-, Bp. C. A. i. p. 390. Philemon buceroi'des, Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 160. no. 2089 ; Ramsay, Broc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 190. The following parts are bare:—The greater portion of the sides of the head and sides of the neck, and in very old birds part of the hind neck also. The forehead, crown and occiput, throat, and fore neck are covered with lanceolate but short feathers, which are 13 . PHILEMON. 273 pale silky brown with dark brown shafts, tips of the shafts "bristlelike ; all the upper parts uniform light brown ; tail-feathers with hardly any paler tips; shafts above dark brown, white below ; undcrparts uniform, Tory pale brown ; ear-coverts blackish brown. Young birds have the feathers of the upper parts slightly edged with whitish grey, and the pale margins of the inner webs of the quills are slightly more developed than in the adult. Culmen. Wing, Tail. Tarsus, in. in. in. in. Ad. J. 6-0 5 5 . 2-0 1-5 Ad. ?. 5*7 5-1 1-4 . 1-7 Bab. North Australia, from the Gulf of Carpentaria to Cape York, and south to Rockingham Bay. a. $ ad. sk. Cape York. J. Gould, Esq. b. J ad. sk. Cape York. Voy.H.M.8.'Challenger.' C ape York (Cockerell). F.D.GodmanandO.Sal c-h. 6; *,M9] vin, Esqrs. [P.]. ad. sk. Cape York (Cockerel!). F. D. Godman and 0. Sal , m} n. $ 2 imm. sk. via, Esqrs. [P.]. o. Ad. sk. Cape York. J. Gould, Esq. 4. Philemon timoriensis. Tropidorhynchus timoriensis, Midi. Verhandl. Land-en VolhenK p. 153; Gray, Gen. JB. i. p. 125; Bp. 0. A. i. p. 390: Gray, Band-l. B. i. n. 160, no. 2088. Philedon timoriensis, JReichenb. Bandb* Meropince, i. pk 142 (1852). Closely resembling P. buceroides, from which it differs, however, besides the shape of the culmen, in having the forehead, crown, and occiput covered with feathers, which are uniform reddish brown, and not lanceolate at all or only slightly pointed; the very light brown of the underparts frequently inclining to whitish on the abdomen and under tail-coverts. Culmen 1-8 inch, wing 5*8-6, ail 5-2-5-5, tarsus 1-4-1*5. Young birds have the mantle tipped with whitish, and the remiges externally washed with olive. Bab. Flores, Lombock, and Timor. Obs. Two malo specimens in the British Museum, collected by Mr. Wallace in Eastern Timor, are in every respect intermediate between P. buceroides and this species. a, b, c. 3 ad-; d. Lombock. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. $ imm. sk. e. $ ad. sk. f]g. J ad sk. A, i cS $ ad.; h, I Lombock (Wallace). Flores. Eastern Timor. Gould Collection, A. R Wallace, Esq. [0.]. A. JR. Wallace, Esq. [0.]. ^ imm. sk. m, n. <$ ? ad. sk. o. tf ad. j p. 6 juv. Timor. Semao (Timor), Purchased. A. R. Wallace, Esq. [C.]. sk. VOL. IX. 274 MELIPnAGID^. 5. Philemon novae gninese. Merops monackus, Quoy et Gaim. (nee Lath.) Voy. de VAstrol be, Zool. i. p. 193 (1830). Tropidorhynchus monacbus, Less. Compl. Bujf., Ois. p. 595 (1838). Meliphaga comiculata, S. Mull. (?iec Lath.) Verh. Land- en Volkenk. p. 21 (1839-44). Tropidorhynchus novae guinese, S. Hull. Verh. Land-en VolkenJc. p. 153 (1839-44); JBp. C. A. i. p. 390; Scl Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 158; Gray, P. Z.S. 1858, p. 174, 1859, p. 155, 1861, p. 434; id. Cat. B. NewGuin. p. 24; Posenb. J.f. 0. 1864, p. 122; Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 165 ; Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 160, no. 2086; Meyer, Sitzb. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. pp. 113, 214; Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 775, viii. p. 401, x. p. 146; Cab. Sf Peichenozv, J.f.O. 1879, p. 321; d1 Albert. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 20; Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. iii. pp. Ill , 287 (1879); Sharpe, Proc. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 497, xiv. p. 687 (1879) ; Posenb. Malay. Archip pp. 365, 553; Salvad. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 357. Philedon novse guinese, Peiehenb. Handb. spec. Orn. p. 142 (1852). Tropidorhynchus mitratus, S. Midi. (31S.); Scl. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 158 (1858) ; Gray, Cat. B. Km Guin. p. 24 ; id. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 434; Finsch, Neu-Gtdn. p. 165; Gray, Hand-l. B. i. p. 160, no. 2090; Meyer, Sitzb. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 114; Rosenberg, Malay. Archip. p. 553. Tropidorhynchus coroiculatus, Gray (nee Lath.), P. Z. S. 1858, p. 101; Posenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. hid. xxv. p. 236 ; id. J. f. O. 1864, p. 122. Tropidorhynchus margin atus, Gray, P. Z.S. 1861, p. 429; Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 165; Gray, Hand-l B. i. p. 160, no. 2087; Meyer, Sitzb. Ah Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 114. Philemon novas guineas, Pamsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W, i. p. 390 (1876), iv. p. 100 (1879). Philemon marginatum, Posenb. Malay. Archip. p. 395 (1879). Adult. Like P. tirnoriensis, but the hump on the culmen is generally more developed, and the breast, abdomen, flanks, and under tail- coverts are uniform very light brown; the throat and fore neck are darker than in P. timoriensis, the brown central streaks being a little more developed. I am unable to perceive any other differences between these two supposed species, after an examination of about twenty-five specimens. Ad. tl. N. Diet. xxxi. p. 510 (1819). Nectarinia caffra, Liclit. Verz. Doubt, p. 15 (1823). Palcinellus griseus, Bonn, et Vieill. Bnc. Metlx. ii. p. 580 (1823). Cinnyris capensis, Less. Man. d'Orn. ii. p. 49 (1828). Promerops capensis, Less. TraiU, p. 322 (1831). Ptiloturus cafer, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 104, no. 566 (1850). Ptilurus cafer, Licht. Nom&ncl, p. 55 (1854). Adult male. General colour above uniform dark brown, most of the feathers with, pale olive margins; the lanceolate feathers of the crown with pale shafts and tips; the lower back and upper tail- coverts dull yellowish olive; throat and part of the cheeks dingy white; ear-coverts pale brown, a brownish streak running down the base of each mandible• fore neck and chest rufous-brown, each feather with paler tips; feathers of breast, abdomen, and flanks dull whitish, with broad dusky brown central streaks• lower flanks and under tail-coverts bright yellow; under surface of wings dark brown; bill and feet black. Culmen 1-3-1*4 inch, wing 3*7, tail between 11 and 14 inches, tarsus 0*87. The female is paler and has a much shorter tail than the male. Wing 3 inches, tail 4*25. Hab. South Africa. a. 2 ad. sk. Table Mountain, Dec. 7, 1861 R B. Sharpe, Esq. {Andersson). b. 9 ad. sk. Table Mountain, Nov. 30, R. B. Sharpe, Esq. 1861 {Andersson). c,d.$2 ad. sk. South Africa (Layard). B. B. Sharpe, Esq. e. (S ad. sk. S. Africa {MeLeannan). R B. Sharpe, Esq. f, 9-\ 6 2 ] Cape. J. B. Jukes, Esq. [P.]. h. [ ™^ m > P- breast and throat rufous; Hanks, abdomen, and under tail-coverts olive fidviyularis, p. 287. c'. All the upper parts olive-brown; imderparts fulvous; flanks, abdomen, and under tail- coverts brownish fulvimntm, p. 288. b. Sides of head, including auricular region, bare * and slightly wattled. (Subgenus MELIPOTES.) gynmops, p. 288. 1. Euthyrhyuclius griseigularis. Euthyrhynchus griseigula, Schley. Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk iv. p. 39 (1871); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii. p, 342, xiv. p. 78; JRosenb. Malay. Archip. p. 553; Salvad. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 841.m Timeliopsis trachycoma, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ, Gen. vii. p. 963 (1875). " Upper parts olive-brown ; imderparts pale rufous; forehead and crown covered with short bristly feathers, the shafts of which are fuscous; wings and tail pale brown inclining to rufous, edged with olive; inner margin of remiges fulvous; bill and feet brown. Oulmen 0-72 inch, wing 3*6, tail 2*75, tarsus 0-93." (Salvadori.) Hcib. New Guinea. Subspecies a. Euthyrhyuclius flavigularis. Euthyrhynchus flavigula, Schley. Ned, Tijdschr. Dierk iv. p. 40 (1871); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii. p. 343, xvi. p. 78; Rosenb. Malay. Archip. pp. 553, 586; Salvad. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 341. Timeliopsis, nov. spec.?, Sahad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 964 (18>5). Closely resembling K yriseigularis but slightly smaller^ and with the abdomen slightly tinged with olive. Culmen 0»68 inch, wing 343 , tail 2-7, tarsus 0'9. (Salvadori.) Hab. North-western New Guinea (G-eelvink Bay), 2. Euthyrhynchus Mvigularis. Euthyrhynchus fulvigula, Schley. Ned. Tijdschr. Bierk iv. p. 40 (1871); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii. p. 343, xvi. p. 78; Rosenb. Malay. Archip. pp. 553, 586 ; Salvad. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 342. Adult " Upper parts pure olive; crown and ear-coverts inclining to grey; wings and tail fuscous, externally edged with olive; inner margin of remiges pale fulvous ; under wing-coverts fulvous; throat 288 MELIPHAGID2E. and breast rufous; flanks, abdomen, and under tail-coverts olive; bill and feet brown. Culmen OG3 inch, wing 2-7-3*1, tail 2*05-2*22, tarsus 0*81 J' (Salvadori.) Eab. Arfak Mountains. 3, Euthyrhynclms Mviventris. Plectorliyncha fulviventris, Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Sac. K S. W. 1882, p. 718 • Sharpe, Journ. Linn, Soc. xvi. 1882, p. 439. Eiitlryrkynchus ? fulviventris, Salvad. Ann. Mus, Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 425 (1882); id. Orn. Papuasia etc. iii. p. 545 (1882). Adult. All the upper parts uniform rusty olive-brown; wings and tail reddish brown, externally washed with the same colour as the back; sides of head and ear-coverts slightly paler than the crown; all the underparfcs, including the edge of the wing and the wing-coverts and the inner margin of the remiges, uniform fulvous, slightly darker, inclining to brownish, on the flanks, thighs, and under tail- coverts ; bill dark brown; feet and claws pale brownish in the skin. Culmen 0-9 inch, wing 3*6, tail 2-5, tarsus 0*98. Eab. South-eastern New Guinea. a. Ad. sk. Astrolabe Mountains. Mr. A. Goldie [C.J 4. Euthyrhynciras gymnops, Melipotes gymnops, JScl P. Z. S. 1873, p. 695, pi. 56; Meyer, Sitzb. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 19, note (1874) j Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 776, x. p. 145, xvi. p. 75; Gould, B. New Guinea, pt. iv. pi. 8 • Salvad. urn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 317. Adult. Sides of head bare, orange-yellow in the flesh; crown of head and occiput blackish brown, rest of upper parts dark brown, with slightly paler greyish edges to the feathers; wings and tail dark brown, externally edged with dull olive ; edge of wing, under wing-coverts, and under tail-coverts pale fulvous; inner margin of quills whitish buff; throat, fore neck, and chest uniform dull blackish brown; the feathers of the breast and flanks more greyish, each feather with an oval terminal patch of cream-colour, this colour becoming predominant on the centre of the abdomen; ^bill and iris black; feet lead-colour" (Salvadori)* Culmen 0*8 inch, wing 4*1, tail 3*5, tarsus 1*15. Eab. North-eastern New Guinea. a, b. $ ad. sk, Arfak Mountains, January 1876. Mr. Bruijn [C], 19. MELIEEHOPHETES. Type. Melirrhophetes, Meyer, Sitzb. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 110 (1874) M. leucostephes. Bill slightly longer than the rest of the head; culmen prominent, slightly curved. Nostrils longitudinal, operculated, quite uncovered 19. MELIRRHOPEETES. by feathers or bristles. Sidos of head bare ; long wattle extending backwards from the check. (For the other characters cf. the description of the species.) Range. New Guinea. Head of Mtlirrhophetes 1, Melirrhophetes leucostephes. Melirrhophetes leucostephes, Meyer, Sitzher. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. 110 (1874); Sahad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 776, xvi. p. 75; id. Orn. Tapuasia etc. ii. p. 320; Gould, B. New Guinea, iv. pL 5. Adult. Forehead, cheeks, and the feathers behind the bare ocular region white; the skin in prolongation of the gape bare and forming a little elevated ridge; the underside of the base of the mandible and the sides of the throat naked, flesh-colour, the skin forming a large and broad wattle on each side; lores and ear-coverts, crown of head, and throat dull black; feathers of the mantle dark brown, broadly edged with pale fawn-colour or whitish; lower back and upper tail-coverts rusty brown; wings and tail brown, externally slightly washed with olive, most of the primaries with narrow whitish tips; feathers of the fore neck and chest white at base, blackish brown towards the tip ; breast blackish brown, the sides with broad creamy tips ; under tail-coverts creamy ; inner margin of remiges pale fulvous; under wing-coverts and edge of wing mottled blackish brown and fulvous; bill and feet whitish blue. Culmen 1*5 inch, wing 5-2-5-4, tail 4*6, tarsus 1-15-1-2. Ilab. New Guinea. a. [ S ] ad. sk. New Guinea. Purchased. b. d ad. sk. Arfak Mountains Mr. Bruijn [0.]. (Jan. 1876). 2. Melirrhophetes ochromelas. Melirrhophetes ochromelas, Meyer, Sitzb. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. p. Ill vou ix. tf 290 MELIPHAeiTXaS. (1874) j Gould, B. New Guin. pt. iv. pi. 4; Sahad. Ann, Mus. Ck. Gen. xvi. p. 75; id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 321. Adult. Crown of head black ; a narrow superciliary stripe and the tips of the ear-coverts rufous, rest of ear-coverts silvery grey; ocular region naked, the skin and a wattle near the angle of the mouth yellow; wattles on the throat orange-red; mantle brownish; the feathers of the back edged with white; underparts black, a few feathers of the abdomen edged with white ; wings and tail brown, externally edged with olive, internally with rufous; bill lead-colour, paler at the tip; feet pale flesh-colour. Culmen 1*35 inch, wing 5-1, tail 4*9, tarsus 1-28. Eab. New Guinea, Arfak Mountains (Salvadori). 20. PYOT0PYG1TJS. Type, Pycnopygius, /Sahad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xvi. p. 78 (1880) P. stictocephalus. Having the appearance of a Bulbul (Pycnonotus). The bill rather short, the culmen curved; the wings and tail moderate and equal; feet small. Plumage loose and copious. (Scdvadori.) Range. New Guinea. 1. Pycnopygros stictocephalus. Pycnopygius ? stictocephalus, Sahad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. ix. p. 34 (1876), xii. p. 342. Plectorhyncha stictocephalus, Mammy, Proo. Linn. Soc. N. 8. W. iii. p. 304, iv. p. 100. Hemixos bemsteinii, FinscJi in Mus. Lvgd. (teste Sahadori). Pycnopygius stictocephalus, Salvad. op. eit. xvi. p. 78 (1880); id, Om. Papuas. e Molueche, ii. p. 340. Adult. " Upper parts earthy brown, underparts paler; wings and tail slightly darker; head blackish brown, the feathers of the crown tipped with bluish white; a white, rather broad moustachial streak extending backwards from the angle of the mouth; throat greyish white; inner webs of the remiges and rectrices margined with fulvous, the shafts of these feathers white below; bill and iris black; feet ashy. Culmen 0*64 inch, wing 4*2, tail 3*6, tarsus 0-9." (Salvadori.) Eab. New Guinea and Salwatti. ADDENDA. Add:— Page 8. Kectarinia pulchella. d'. 3 ad. sk. Lokoja, River Niger. W. A. Forbes, Esq. [P.1 e'. (S ad. sk. Rabba, River Niger. W. A. Forbes, Esq. [P.J. Page 31. Insert:— 5 a. DREPAWORHYlSrCHUS. Drepanorhynchus, FischerfyJReichen. J.f. 0. 1884, p. 6. The two central tail-feathers decidedly elongated and narrowed in old males ; remainder of tail square ; bill longer than tarsus and strongly curved. (Fischer Sf Heichen. t. c.) This genus I have not seen, but it seems to approach JEthopyga or at least the Urodrepanis section of that genus. The type is described as:— DrepaEorhynchus reichenowi. Drepanorhynchus reichenowi, Fischer, J.f. 0. 1884, p. 6. Head and entire under surface black; neck and mantle dark brown ; lower back and rump and lesser wing-coverts coppery red and greenish ; quills, greater wing-coverts, and tail-feathers dark brown with yellow margins. Total length 8*75 inches, wing 3-05, tail 2-4, centre tail-feathers 5'5, culmen 1*15, tarsus 1*05. Bob. Naiwascha Lake, Massai, East Africa. Page 42. Cionyris venusta. Add:— q, r. (S ad. sk. Lokoja, Eiver Niger. W. A. Forbes, Esq. [P.l. s, t. $ ad. sk. Shonga, River Niger. „ W. A. Forbes, Esq. [P.J. Page 43. Add :— 4 a. Ciimyris falkensteini. Cinnyris falkensteini, Fischer § JUkhen. J.f 0. 1884, p. 6. Very similar to C. affinis, Eiipp., but with the upper surface, especially the crown, middle of back, and rump, more blue instead of greenish • lower throat deep violet instead of violet-blue; upper throat velvety black, and not the chin only ; breast and abdomen 29 2 ADDENDA. orange instead of pale yellow ; pectoral tufts orange-red instead of orange; rump and under tail-coverts pale yellow. Total length 4*2f> ineh(H, culmon 1*65, wing 2*2, tail 1*05, tarsus 1*1. Hub. jNaiwa^elia Lake, Ma&bai, East Africa. Page 48. Cinnyris niicrorlrynelia. Add:— uv ft 9-<$ ? J ?L d j -8^« Zambesi. Sir John Kirk [P.J. Page 51. Cinnyris splendida. Add:— c'. $ ad. sk. Shonga, River Niger. W. A. Forbes, Esq. [P.]. d\ <5 ad. sk. Lokoja, River Niger. W. A. Forbes, Esq. [P.]. Page 56. Cinnyris cuprea. Add:— h'} i'. c? ad. sk. Lokoja, ,, Rive RiveRiver rr Niger NigerNiger. ..iokoja W WW. .. A. Forbes, Esq. [P.], Page 93. Cinnyris gntturalis. Add:— g\ h'. tf ? ad. 5 Zambesi ZambesiZambesi.. Sir John Kirk [P.]. i', S juv. sk. Page 98. Cinnyris Mrki. Add:— h. <$ ad. sk. Zambesi. Sir John Kirk [P.]. Page 118. Insert:— Anthothreptes orientals. Anthreptes orientalis, Hartl. Abliancll. Nat. Ver. Bremen, 1881, p. 109. Distinguished from A. longuemarii by its smaller size and by the large metallic green patch on the bend of the wing (Ilartlaub). Hah. Lado, Equatorial Africa. Page 119. Anthothreptes hypodila. Add:— d'. <$ ad. sk. Onitscha, River Niger. W. A. Forbes, Esq. [P.] Page 161. Zosterops japonica. Add:— /, g, k Ad. sk. Nagasaki. F, Ringer, Esq. [P.]. Page 182. Add :— Zosterops eurycricotus. Zosterops eurycricotus, FischerfyEeichen. J.f.O. 1884. p. 6. Yellowish green, with an extraordinarily broad girdle round the ADDENDA. 29;* eyes, consisting of three or four rows of silky-white feathers ; lores black; quills greyish black, with yellowish-green edges; tail black. Total length 4*75 inches culmon * 0*45, wing 2*3, tail 1*75, tarsus 0-7. ffafh Foot of Maeru Mountain, Massai country, East Africa. From this short description it is not possible to insert the species in the "Key." Page 190. Zosterops brtiimeicatida. Add:— a. Ad. sk. Choor (von Rosenberg.). Leiden Museum [P.]. Page 190. Zosterops uropygialis. Add:— a. Ad. &k. Little K£ Island (von Rosenberg). Leiden Museum [P.]. CEDISTOMA. Type. CEdistoma, Salvadori, Ann. Mas. Civic. Gmov. vii. p. 952 (1875) 0. pygmaoum. Allied to Melilestes, but with the bill small, slender and sharp, equalling the length of the head; culmen rather curved, the edges of the mandibles swollen near the angle of the mouth; wings rounded; tail small; tarsi moderate. (Salvadori.) 1. CEdistoma pygmsBiun. (Edistoma pygmseum, Sahad. Ann. Mm. Civic. Genov. vii. p. 952 (1875), xvi. p. 74 (1880); id. Orn. Papuasia etc. ii. p. 312. Above olivaceous, the sides of the head greyish olive; fore neck whitish grey; upper part of breast tinged with greyish olive; centre of the abdomen and under tail-coverts pale olive-yellow; lateral plumes dense, pale yellow in colour; wings and tail dusky, with olivaceous edges to the feathers; quills margined with whitish internally; under wing-coverts whitish yellow; bill dusky, white at the lower base of the under mandible ; feet leaden grey. Total length about 3*1 inches, culmen 0-6, wing 1-75-1'85, tail 0-8-Q-9, tarsus 0*55. Hob. N.W. New Guinea. Count Salvadori has placed this genus between his genera Glycicliwra (Om. Papuasia, ii. p. 310) and Melilestes (t. c. p. 312). Not having seen a specimen, I have not been able to place it systematically, but it probably comes near Glyevphila. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. abessinica (Cinnyris), 52. abrii (iEthopyga), 28. abyssinica (Nectarinia), 52. abyssinica (Zosterops), 168. abyssinicus (Cinnyris),52. Acanthochsera, 262. Acanthogenys, 262. Acanthorhynchus, 144. acik (Cinnyris), 94, 95. acik (Nectarinia), 95. Acrulocercus, 284. adelberti (Ohalcomitra), 100. adelberti (Cinnyris), 99. adelberti (Nectarinia), 100. Adelimi3, 31. adolpjninaa (Myzomela), 134. JSthopyga, 13. affinis (Arachnothera), 103,106,107,108. affinis (Certhia), 63. affinis (Cinnyris), 40,41, 106, 291. affinis (Cyanomitra), 40. affinis (Melilestes), 111. affinis (Meliphaga\ 207. affinis (Nectarinia),39,63. affinis (Neetarophila), C3. afra (Certhia), 35,44. afra (Cinnyris), 35. afra (Nectarinia), 36. Aidemonia, 31. Aitbopyga, 13. albiauricularis (G-lycypjhila), 217. albifrons (G-lyciphila), 211. albigularis (Entomophila), 219. albigularis (Conopbila), 219. albigularis (Zosterops), 154. albinotata (Ptilotis), 229. albipennis (Entomyza), 269. albipennis (Philemon), 269. albitorques (Philemon), 278. albiventer (Zosterops), 164. albiventer minor (Zosterops), 176. albiventris (Cinnyricincla), 40. albiventris (Meliphaga), 210. albiventris (Nectarinia), 40, 43. albiventris (Zosterops), 164. albo-auricularis (Stigmatops), 217. albogularis (Entomophila), 219. albogularis (Melithreptus), 205. amasia (Nectarinia), 69, 70. amasia (Prom erops), 69. amethystina (Certhia), 97. amethystina (Ohalcomitra), 97. amethystina (Cinnyris), 96. amethystina (Nectarinia), 97. amethystinus (Cinnyris), 97. analoga (Ptilotis), 225, 297. analogue (Ptilotis), 227. anchietse (Anthreptes), 115. anchietse (Anthothreptes), 115. anchietse (Nectarinia), 115. andamanica (Arachnechthra), 83. andamanica (Cinnyris), 83. anderssonii (Nectarinia), 40. Anellobia, 262. Angala-dian, 54. Angaladiana, 31. angaladiana (Certhia), 54. angolensis (Chalcomitra), 99. angolensis (Cinnyris), 98, 99. angolensis (Nectarinia), 99, 100. anjuanensis (Zosterops), 170. annabellse (Myzomela), 134. annulosa (Zosterops), 155,171. annulosus (Zosterops), 173. Anthobaphes, 10. Anthoehsera, 262. Anthodiseta, 112. Anthomiza, 255. Anthornis, 255. Anthothreptes, 112. Anthreptes, 112. apicalis (Moho), 285. Arachneehthra, 31. Arachnocestra, 100. Axachnophila, 112. Arachnoraphis, 100. Araohnothera, 100,101, 103. argentauris (Glycyphila),, 215. argentauris (Ptilotis), 215. argentauris (Stigmatops)y 213,214,215. argenticeps (Philemon), 272. argenticeps (Tropidorhynchus), 272. armata (Arachnoraphis), 102. armata (Arachnothera), 101 29(> ALPIIUJTCTICAL INITIO, arnouxi (Myzomola), 131. asiat iea ( Arachnechthra), 57. asiatica (Araehuothera), 57. asiatica (Oortliia), 50. asiatica (Nectarinia), 57, 58. asiatieus (Cinnyris), 57, 50, 00. aspasia (Ohaleostetha), 09. aspasia (Cinnyris), 68, 70, 74. aspasia (Hermotiniia), 00. aspasia (Nectarinia), 69, 70, 74. aspasia (Prornerops), 69. aspasia (Ptiloturus), 69. aspasiss (Cinnyris), 08, 09, 71, 73. aspasinoides (Nectai*inia), 70. aspasinoides (Prornerops), 70. aspasioides (Chalcostetha), 70. aspasioides (Herrnotimia), 70. aspasioides (Nectarinia), 70. aspasioides (Ptiloturus), 70. assamensis (Cinnyris), 15. atmorii (Zosterops), 109. atrieapilla (Meliphaga), 204,207. atrieapilla (Zosterops), 170. atriceps (Zosterops), 200. atrifrons (Zosterops), 17(1 aubrvanus (Antkoehsera), 207. aubryanus (Leptornis), 2(57. aurantia (Anthotkreptes), 110. aurantia (Aracknotkera), 110. aurantia (Certliia), It. aurantia (Cinnyris), 11. aurata (Aracknotkera), *05,100. •uirata (Certhia), 55. auratiIrons (Nectarinia), 97. auroa (Nectarinia), 96. aiuvifrous (Zosterops), 159. aureigula (Zosterops), 170. auroiventer (Zosterops), 103. aureus (Cinnyris), 90. auriceps (Clialcostetha), 70. auriceps (Cinnyris), 70, 71. auriceps (Ilermotimia), 70. auriceps (Nectarinia), 70. auriceps (Promerops), 70. aurieomis (Meliphaga), 242. t aurieomis (Muscieapa), 242. aurieomis (Ptilotis), 242. aurieulata (Certhia), 242. aurieulata (Meliphaga), 227. aurieulata (Ptilotis), 227. aurifrons (Cinnyris), 97. aurifrons (Nectarinia), 97. aurifrons (Zosterops), 181. aurifruntalis (Certhia), 97. auriocula (Antliornis), 250. auritus (Ptilotis), 251. aurora (Cinnyris), 88. aurora (Cyrtostomus), 88. austeni (Zosterops), 180. australasias (Certhia), 131. australasiana (Certhia), 252. australasiana (Lickmcra), 252. australasiana (Meliomis), 252. australasiana (Meliphaga), 252. australis (Arachnotkera), 80. australis (Cyrtostomus), 80. australis (Nectarinia), 85. australis (Zosterops), 153. balfouri (Cinnyris), 76. balgon era (Meliphaga), barbata (Meliphaga), 253. becearii (iEthopyga), 23. Bee-eater, XSlack-and-Yellow, 221. Bee-eater, Poe, 257. Bee-eater, Yellow-tufted, 284, 2S5. Bee-eater, Wattled, 263. bella (iEthopyga), 29. bernsteinii (Ilemixos), 290. bianconii (Cinnyris), 92. bianconi (Nectarinia), 92. bicinctus (Eidopsarus), 206. bifaseiata (Certhia), 47. bifaseiata (Cinnyris), 44, ^47. bifaseiata (Nectarinia), 44,47. bifaseiatus (Cinnyris), 47. boeagei (Nectarinia), 4. boiiei (Myzomela), 133. bombicinus (Cinnyris), 50. borbonica (Malacirops), 195. ^ borbonica (Zosterops), 194, J 95. bouruensis (Tropidorkynckub), 270. bomieri (Cinnyris), 53. braeeata (Moho), 28 L braccata (Mohoa), 284. brastiliana (Certhia), 07. brasiliaua (Leptoeoma), brasiliana (Nectarophila), 07. biMsilianus (Cinnyris), 67. braziliaua (Leptoeoma), 07. bre\ irobtria (Araekneekthra), 57, 59. brevirostris (Cinnyris), 59, 00. brevirostris (Melitkreptus), 207. breviroslris (Nectarinia), 59. brunneicauda (Zosterops), 190, 293. buceroides (Philemon), 272. buceroides (Tropidorhynclius), 272. buruoiittis (Zosterops), L84. buxtoni (Zosterops), 10*3. eimilooecphala (Anthom^ za), 250. cwruleseens (Certhin), cairuloscons (Zosterops), 152, 1,%. cafer (Merops), 283. cater (Promoropto), 283, 284. cafer (Ptiloturus), 283. cafer (Pt ilurus), 283. caflhi (Certhia), 283 eaifra (Nectarinia), 283. Calao-Corbi, 271. calcostetha (Nectarinia), 12. caledonica (Glicipbila), 210. caledonica (Myzoniela), 132. canora (Certhia), 35. canora (Cinnyris), SG. canora (Nectarinia), 30. Cap noir, 144. capensis (Cinnyris), 37, 283. capensis (Promerops), 283. capensis (Trochilns), 5. capensis (Zosterops), 100, 108,171. cara (^Ethopyga), 10. cardinalis (Certhia), 130. cardinalis (Myzomela), 130,131. Oarmelita, 31. caruncujata (Antbo chaora), 2(53. carunoulata (Certhia), 225. carunoulata (Meliphaga), 225. caruuculata (Myzanthe), 225. carunoulata (Ptdotis), 225. carunculatus (Corvus), 203. carunculatus (Creadion), 203. carunculatus (Merops), 203. cassidix (Meliphaga), 243. cassidix (Ptilotis), 243, caudata (Nectarinia), 7. caudatus (Oinnyris), 7. VOL. IX. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. coloboiisis (AntUreptes), 123. Oerfhiouyx, 218. ceylonoiiisih (Zosterops), 173. clialcoa (Nectarinia), 55. Ohalcomitra, 31, 91. Chalcoparia, 112. chal copogon (/Ethopyga), 21. chalcopogon (Promerops), 21. Chalcobtotha, 12. chalcostetha (Anthr eptes), 13. chalcostetha (Arachnechthra), 13. chalybea (Certhia), 37, 63. chalybea (Cinnyris), 34, 37. chalybea (Nectarinia), 37. chalybeus (Cinnyris), 37, 38. Cheric, 170. chermesina (Myzomela), 137. chlorates (Zosterops), 191. chlorigaster (Anthreptes), 123,125,120. chloris (ytigmatops), 214. chloris (Zosterops), 184. chlorocephala (Chalco stetha), 09. chlorocephala (Ilermotimia), 09. chlorolsema (Chalcostetha), 74. chloroltema (Nectarinia), 120. chloronota (Zosterops), 193. chloronothos (Dicseum), 193. chloronotus (Cinnyris), 80. chloronotus (Cyclopterops), 193. cliloronotus (Zosterops), 101,102, 193. cklorophaa (Certhia), 216. chlorophaea (C-liciphila), 210. chlorophoaa (Grlycyphila), 216. chlorophcea (Zosterops), 193, ehloropsis(Melithreptus), 204. chlovoptera (Myzomela), 132. chloropygia (Anthodiaia), 34chloropygia (Cinnyris), 34. chloropygius (Cinnyris), 34. Christina} (JEthopyga),30. Christinas (Urodrepanis), 30. chrysogenys (Arachnothera), 108, 109. chrysogenys (Cinnyris), 108. chrysolsema (Zosterops), 177. chrysops (Meliphaga), 230. chrysops (Ptilotis), 230. chrysops (Sylvia), 230. chrysoptera (Certhia), 56. chrysoptera (Nectarinia), 57. chrysopterus (Cinnyris), 57. chrysopterus (Merops), 204. chrysopus (Arachnothera), 105. chrysotis (Anthochoera), 238. chrysotis (Meliphaga), 229. chrysotis (Myzantha), 238. chrysotis (Ptilotis), 229, 238. < chrysotis (Tropidorhynoluis), 237, 238. chrvbotis (Xanthotis), . ~ 38* cincta (Certhia), 50. cincta (Pogonornis), 251. cineta (Ptilotis), 251. cineracea (Myzomela), 143. cineracea (Tropidorhynchus), 275. cineraseens (Philedon), 275. cinerea (Certhia), 11. cinerea (Brepanis), 198. cinerea (Nectarinia), 11. cinerea (Ptilotis), 247. cinerea (Zosterops), 194, 198. oinereioollis (Cinnyris), 103. cinereum (Dicasuin), 198. x J298 cinercus (Cinnyris), 11. cinorous (Philemon), 275. cingalensis (Chalcoparia), 121. cingalensis (Nectarinia), 121. Ciiinyricinclus, 112. Cinnyris, 21, 31, 44. circinnata (Certhia), 2f)7 circinnata (Prosthemaclera), 257. circinnatus (Merops), _ 257. circinnatuR (Philemon), 257. cirrhata (Certhia), 90. cirrhatus (Cinnyris), 90. Oissomela, 128. citreogularis (Philemon), 277. eitreogularis (Tropidorhynchus), 277. citrina (Zosterops), 181. citrinella (CerUiia), 65. citrinella (Acanthiza), 163. citrinella (Zosterops), 162, 168. dementias (Cinnyris), coeemea (Myzomela), 140. coccinigaster (Cinnyris), 50. coccinigaster (Nectarinia), 51. coccinigastra (Certhia), 50. ooccimgastra (Cinnyris), coccinigastra (Nectarinia), 63. coccinigastra (Nectarophila), 63, cockerelli (Meliphaga), 241. cockerelli (Philemon), 278. cockerelli (Ptilotis), 241. collaris (Anthodisata), 117. collaris (Anthothreptes), 115. collaris (Cinnyris), 117. collaris (Nectarinia), 117. comorensis (Cinnyris), 48. comorensis (Nectarinia), 48. ALPHAIIDTI(' \L INDEX. concinnata (Prosthemaclera), 257. eoneolor (Cinnyris), 18. eoneolor (Meliphaga), 144. Conopophila, 218. conspicillata (Zost crops), 187. < conspicillatum (Dicamm), 187. coquereli (Cinnyris), 30. coquereli (Nectarinia), 39. corinna(Hennotimia\ 09. corinnoe (Cinnyris), 09, 73. cornclia (Hermotimia), 09. cornelioa (Cinnyris), 69. corniculata (Meliphaga), 274. corniculatus (Gymnops), 271. corniculatus (Merops), 271. corniculatus (Philemon), 269,271. corniculatus (Tropidorhynchus), 271,274. eoruscans (Neodrepanis), 2. Cosmeteira, 128. crassirostris (Arachnocestra), 102. crassirostris (Arachnoraphis), 102. crassirostris (Arachnothera), 102. cratitia (Meliphaga), 243. cratitia (Ptilotis), 243. craiitius (Lichenostomus), 243. cratitius (Ptilotis), 243. Cravate friseo, 257. Oreadion, 262. Creeper, African, 35, 44. Creeper, Amethystine- throated, 97. Creeper, Ash-bellied, 80. Creeper, JBand-breasted, 39. Creeper, Beautiful, 7. Creeper, Bifasciatecl, 30. Creeper, Black and Violet, 67. Creeper, Black-eyed, 210. Creeper, Blue-headed, 80. Creeper, Blue-rumped, 35, 50. Creeper, Cacrulean, 152. Creeper, Cardinal, 130. Creeper, Carmelite, 90. Creeper, Ceyloneso, 64. Creeper, Cinereous, 11. Creeper, Cochineal, 131. Creeper, Collared, 37. Creeper, Comyiis, 10. Creeper, Crimson-bellied, 50. Creeper, Eastern, 57. Creeper, Famous, 5. Creeper, Glossy, 50. Creeper, Goruck, 204. Creeper, Goulpourah, 18. Creeper, Green, 35. Creeper, Green-faced, 91. Creeper, Green Gold, 01. Creeper, Grey, 56. Creeper, Grey, \ar., 85. Creeper, Javan, 122. Creeper, Leona, 59. Creeper, Long-billed, 102. Creeper, Loten's, 54, 60. Creeper, Mahratla, 5Q» Creeper, Mellivorous, 264. Creeper, Meropine, 97. Creeper, Mocking, 255. Creeper, New-Holland, 253, 254. Creeper, New-Zealand, 277. Creeper, Orange-breasted, 11. Creeper, Pectoral, 88. Creeper, Philippine, 85. Creeper, Polished, 60. Creeper, Purple Indian, 56. Creeper, Bed-banded, 57. Creeper, Bed-breasted, 63. Creeper, Bed-Breasted Green, 35. Creeper, Bed-gilt, 55. Creeper, Bed-rumped, 131. Creeper, Saccharine, 10. Creeper, Sanguineous, 131. Creeper, Scarlet, 131. Creeper, Senegal, 94. Creeper, Sickle-billed, 60. Creeper, Slender-billed, 145. A LPJIABKTIC I L INDEX. 29& Creeper, Smiff-eoloured, 5. Creeper, Splendid, 4. Creeper, Straight-billed, uo. Creeper, Sugar, 50. Creeper, Tufted, 90. Creeper, Varied, 96. Creeper, Violet, 43. Creeper, Violet-breasted, 47. Creeper, Violet-headed, U,48. Creeper, Violet-tailed, 40. Creeper, Wattled, 225. Creeper, Yellow-bellied, 121,122. Creeper, Yellow-rumped, 195. Creeper, Yellow-winged, 5f5. erispieollis (Sturnus), 257. crissalis (Zosterops), 105. crooahi (Certhia), 11. croceus (Cinnyris). 11. Crow (Wattlecl), 263. cruentata (Glialeomitra), 92, 93. eruentata (Cinnyris), 93. cruentata (Myzomela), 140. cruentata (Nectarinia), 93, 95. cucullatua (Leptoglossus), 145. cuprea (Aiclemonia), 55. cuprea (Certhia), 55. cuprea (Cinnyris), 55, 292. cuprea (Nectarinia), 55. cuprconitens(Nectarinia), 6. eupreus (Cinnyris), 55. currucaria (Arachneehthra), 57. currucaria (Certhia), 56. currucaria (Cinnyris), 56,57. currucaria (Cyrtostomus), 57. currucaria (Nectarinia), 57. curvirosl ris (Zosterops), 193. eyaneuri (Cinnyris), 57. cyaneus (Turdus), 268. cyanocephala (Nectarinia), 80. cyanoeephalus (Certhia), 80. cyanoeephalus (Cinnyris), 80. cyanokema (Anthodia}ta), 78. oyauoleeuia (Cinnyris), 78. eyanolauna (Nectarinia), 78. Cyanomitra, 31. eyanops (Meliphaga), 268. eyanops (Merops), 268. oyanopygos (Nectarinia), * 10. _ cyanotis (Entomyza), 268. cyanotis (Gracula), 268. cyanotis (Philemon), 268. cyanotis (Tropidorhynchus), 268. Cyclopterops, 146. Cyrtostomus, 31, 82. dabryi (JEthopyga), 28. dabryii (Nectarinia), 28. dabryii (Promerops), 28. debrii (iEthopyga), 28. delicatula (Zosterops), 177. dibapha (Certhia), 131. diemenensis (Tropidorhynchus), 270. dilutior (Arachuothera), 105. discolor (Cinnyris), 92, 94. dorsalis (Zosterops), 153. Drepanorhynchus, 291. dubia (iEthopyga), 31. clubia (Certhia), (\5, 80. dubia (Eudrepanis), 31. dubius (Acanthorbynchus), 145. dubius (Cinnyris), 80. dumerilii (Philedon), 255. dussttmieri (Cinnyris), 79. diibsumieri (Nectarinia), 79. duvvenbodei (/Ethopyga), 30. duy venbodei (Eudrepanis), 30. duy venbodei (Nectarinia), 30. eboeusis (Cinnyris), 100. eboensis (Nectarinia), 100. Eclatant, 50. edeni (Arachnechthra), 58. Etdopsarus, 204. Eia3oecrthia, 31. elegans (Cinnyris), 38, 119. E. newtoni (Zosterops), 195. Entomophila, 218. Entomyza, 2(58. Entoinyzon, 208. epauletta (Cinnyris), 57. epinucurus (Cinnyris), 25. eques (Cinnyris), 141. eques (Cosmeteira), 142. eques (Myzomela), 141, 142; eques (Nectarinia), 142. eques (Phylidornis), 142. erikssoni (Cinnyris), 38. crythrina (Myzomela), l140. erythroeephala (Myzomela), 133, 139. erythroeephala (Nectarinia), 134. erythroceria (Nectarinia), 44. erythrocerius (Cinnyris), 45. erythrogastra (Certhia), 36. erythronotus (Cinnyris), 55. erythropleura (Ptilotis), 249. erythropleura (Zosterops), 161. erythropygia (Certhia), 131. erythrotis (Philemon), 242. Euchloridia, 112, Eudrepanis, 13. eupogon (iEthopyga), 21. eupogon (Promerops), 21. eurycricotus (Zosterops), 292. euryophthalma (Zosterops), 169. Euthyrhynchus, 213, 28l everetti (Zobterops), 163. eximia (iEthopyga), 17. eximia (Anthrepfes), 17. eximia (Cinn\ m), 17. JJOO eximia (Nectarinia), 17, 80, 88. eximia (Promerops), 17. eximius (Cyrtobtomus), hi), expectaia (Antbreptes), Co. evplorator (Zosterops), 172. eytouii (Aracbnothcra), 109. falcata (Certbia), (50. falcatus (Ciimyris), 61. falkenstcini (Cinnyris), 201. fallax (Glyciphila), 213. fallax (Glycichasra), 213. fallax (Gl)cycha'ra), 213. fallax (Zosterops), 197. famosa (Certbia), 5. iamOha (Ciimyris), 5. famosa (Nectarinia), 5, 6. famosa (Cinnyris), 5. fantensis (Nectarinia), 119, fasciata (Certbia), 212. fatoiata (Cinnyris), 9. fasciata (Glyeiphila), 212. fasciata (Glycyphiia), 212. fasciata (Nectarinia), 49. iasciculata (Meliphaga), 284. fascieulata (Merops), 284. fasciculata (JMohoa), 284. fasciculatus (Moho), 284. fasciculatus (Ptiloturus), 284. fasciogularis (Ptilotis), 240. fazoglensis (Nectarinia), 40. ficeclulina (Zosterops), 203. Figuier bleu, 194. Figujler de i'isle de Bour^ bon, 195. Figuier de l'isle de France, 194. filigera (Anthocha3ra), 237. filigera (Meliphaga), 237. filigera (Ptilotis), 237. filigera (Xanthotis), 237. finsehii (Tephras), 197. finschii (Zosterops), 197. fisohori (Cinnyris), 75. flagrans (JEthop^ga), 88. flagrans (Cinnyris), 88, ALPHABETICAL INDEX. flammaxillaris (Ar.ichnecbthra), 83. flamuiaxillaris (Aracbnothcra), 83. flamuiaxillaris (Cinnyris), 83. flammaxillaris (Cyrtostomus), 83. flammaxillaris (Nectarinia), 83. flammifera (Araehnothera), 104. flava (Meliphaga\ 246. flava (Ptilotis), 246. flava (Sylvia), 180. flava (Zosterops), 179, 181. fiavescens (Ptilotis), 245, 246. flaviceps (Zosterops), 156. flavicollis (Meliphaga), 239. flax icollis (Melithreptes), 239. flavicollis (Ptilotis), 239. flavifrons (Muscicapa), 187. flaviiVons (Zosterops), 187. fla\igastor (Antbreptes), 109. flavigaster (Arachnotbera), 109. flavigastra (Arachnoraphis), 109. fla\ igastra (Arachnothera), 86, 109. flavigastra (Nectarinia), 85. flavigenis (Arachno tbera), 108. flavigula (Euthyrhyncbus), 287. flavigula (Manorhina), 261. flavigula (Meliphaga), 239. flavigula (Myzantha), 261. flavigula (Zosterops), 171. flavigularis (Euthyrhyncbus), 287. flavigularis (Ptilotis), 239. flavirictus (Ptilotis), 227. flavirostris (Myzantha), 259. flavirostris (Zosterops), 101. flavistriata (Ptilotis), 232. flaviventer (Cinnyris), 39. flaviventris (Aracbno tbera), 109. flaviventris (Certbia), (55. flaviventris (PtiLotih), 237, 238, 239. flaviventris (Xanthotis), 238. flavo-aurita (Ptilotis), 225. fla-\ ogularis (Zosterops), 164. fiavostriata (iEthopyga), 23. fkuostriata (Nectarinia), 23. flavobtriata (Promerops), 23. flavotincta (G-liciphila) 216. flavotincta (Glycyphiia), 216. flavuni (Dicseum), 179, 180. Flycatcher, Yellow- eared, 236. Flycatcher, Yellow- fronted, 187. Flycatcher, Yellow- tufted, 242. forbesi (Myzomela), 135. formofca (jNectariina), 5. Foulebaio, 222, 225. fraseri (Anthoihreptes), 113. fraseri (Antbreptes), 113. fraseri (Araehnothera), 114. fraseri (Elasocertbia), 114. fraseri (Mangusia), 114. frasei'i (Nectarinia), 77, 113. frenata (Arachnechthra), 83, 86. frenata (Araehnothera), 86. frenata (Nectarinia), 85. frenata (Ptilotis),, 231. fronatus (Cinnyris), 86. frenatus (Cyrtostomus), 86. frigida (Heleia), 203. ffigida (Zosterops), 203. frontalis (Nectarinia), 114. frontalis (Zosterops), 177, 197. fulgens (Nectarinia), 55. fuliginosa (Cinnyris), 95. fuliginosa (Nectarinia), 90. fuliginosa (Cortina), 95. fuliginosa (Carinehta), 96. fuliginosus (Cinnyris), 1)5. fulvifrons (Certhia), 210. f ul\ ifrons (Glieyphila), fulvirions (Glycyphila), t 210. fulvifrons (Meliphaga), 2R). fulvigula (EuthyrhynciiuB), 287. fuhigularis (Euthyrhyn^ chus),287. fulmentris (JEuthyrhynchus), 2SS. fulvivontris (Plectorhyn eha), 288. fumata (Ptilotis), 143. fusca (Adelma), 75. fusea (Cmnyrieinela), 75. fusca (Cmnyris), 75. fusca (Meliphaga), 229. fusca (Nectarinia), 75. li^ca (Ptilotis), 229. fusca (Zosterops), 146. Eusealbin, Le, 204, fuscicapilla (Zosterops), 178. fuscicapillus (Philemon), 279. fuscicapillus (Tropidorhynchus), 279. fuseil'rons (Zosterops), 201. fusciventris (Ptilotis), 239. fusciventris (Xanthotis), 239. gabonica (Nectar inia), 119,120. gallio (Zostei'Ops), 185. gamtoceusis (Nectarinia), 117. garrula (Manorhina), 258, 260. garrula (Myzantha), 260. garrulus (Merops), 260. garrulus (Philemon), 260. Gliciphila, 209. Glycichsera, 209. Glyeiphila, 209. Glycycbicra, 209. Glycyphila, 209. germana (Ptilotis), 246. gilolensis (Molidipnus), 282. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. gilolensis (Meliphaga), 282. gilolensis (Molilograis), 281, 282. gilolciihis (Tropidorhynebusj, 282. gilvicapillus (Melithreptus), 236. goalpariensis (iEthopyga), 19. goalpariensis (Anthreptes), 19. goalpariensis (Corthia), 18. goalpariensis (Nectarinia), 18, 19. goalpariensis (Promerops), 19. gonzenbaehii (Nectarinia), 45. goramensis (Chalcostetha), 70. gouldi (Zosterops), 162. gouldite (JEthopyga), 27, 28. gouldia3(Oinnyris), 27,28. gouldiie (Nectarinia), 27, 2S. gouldias (Promerops), 28. gracilis (Ptilotis), 227. Gracula, 284. Grand Soui-manga a longue queue, 5. Grand Suerier ou Suerier du Protea, 283. grayi (Cinnyris), Q6. grayi (Hermotiiuia), 66. grayi (Nectarinia), C>C). grayi (Neetaropliila), CS. grayi ( Promerops), 66. grayi (Zosterops), 162. Grimpereau a collier du Gap de Bonne Esp6rauce, 37. Grimpereau a longue queue du Cap de Bonne Ebperanee, 5. Grimpereau a longue queue du Senegal, 7. Grimpereau brun du Bresil, 91. Grimpereau de Malacca, 122. Grimpereau des Philippines, 63, 84. Grimpereau du Cap de Bonne Espei'ance, 37. Grimpereau noir de Madagascar, 54. Grimpereau noira&tre du Bresil, 91. Grimpereau olbe de Madagascar, 192. Grimpereau Petit a longue queue du Cap do Bonne Esperance, 11. Grimpereau pourpre des Philippines, 63. Grimpereau vert du Cap de Bonne Esperance, 35. Grimpereau violet du Senegal, 94, ^ Grimpereau violet do Madagascar, 43. v Grimpereau -violet du Bresil, 67. griseigula (Euthyrhynohus), 287. griseigularis (Anthotlireptes), 126. griseigularis (Authreptes), 126. griseigularis (Eutky rbynehus), 287. griseitinota (Zosterops), 189. griseu enter (Zosterops), in. griseiventris (Zosterops), 174. griseonota (Zosterops), 156. griseotincta (Zosterops), 189. griseus (Falcinellus), 283. guentlieri (Myzomela), 129. ^ Ghiit-guit noir et violet, 07. gularis (Certhia), 85. gularis (Cinnyris), 52. gularis (Cyrtostomus),85. gularis (Hamiatops), 205, gularis (Melithreptus), 205. gularis (Nectarinia), 52. gulliveri (Tephras), 188. gulliveri (Zosterops), 174. gurneyi (Promerops), 284. gutturalis (Certhia), 91. gutturalis (Chalcoraitra), 92. gutturalis (Cinnyris), 91, 92, 292. gutturalis (Coereba), 92. gutturalis (Nectarinia), 92. Gymnophrys, 204. gymnops (Eulhyrhyn- CIIUH), 280, 288. gymnops (Melipotes), 288. habeesinica (Nectarinia), 52. habessiniea (Zosterops), 1(>8. liaboshinicus (Oinnyris), 52. liabyBHinica (Nectarinia), 52. habyssinicu3 (Oinnyris), 52. Hajmatops, 204. lia'sitata (Zosterops), 102. hartlaubi (Oinnyris), 70. kartlaubi (Nectarinia), 70. hasseltii (Antlireptes), 67. hasseltii (Arachnothera), 67. hasseltii (Oinnyris), 67. hasbeltii (Nectarinia), (57. hasseltii (Nectarophila), 67. hasseltii (Leptocoma), 67. Hedydipna, 3. Heleia, 146. ^ Heorotaire a oreillos jaunes, 242. Heorotaire noir, 254. Heorotaire noir et blanc, 252. Heorotaire taehete, 253. Itermoiimia, 31, 68. heteroclita (Museicapa), 187. heuglini (Oinnyris), 40. heuglini (Zosterops), 181. hoclgsoni (Nectarinia), 15. hoclgsonis (Nectarinia), 15. Honey-eater, Black- cheeked, 236. Honey-eater, Cardinal, 130. Honey-eater, Knob- fronted, 271. Honey-eater, Mellivorous, 264. Honey-eater, Slender- billed, 144. Honey-eater, Tufted- eared, 242. Honey-eater, White- eared, 240. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Honey-sucker, Black- crowned, 204. horsiieldi (Oinnyris), 26. horsfield! (Nectarinia), 26. horsCicldii (iEthopyga), 26. horslieldii (Promerops), 26. hypodelos (Anthodia? la), 117. hypodila(Anthothrcpt es), 202. hypodilus (Oinnyris), 117. hypodilus (Nectarinia), 117. Iljpogramma, 112. hypogrammica (Anthothroptes), 112. hypogrammica (Anthrep' tes), 113. hypogrammica (Arachnechthra), 113. hypogrammica (Arachnothera), 113. hypogrammica (Nectaxmiia), 113. hypolais (Zosterops), 186. hypoleuca (Zosterops), 202. hypo\antha (Zosterops), "178. ieterovireus (Zosterops), 181. Idopsarus, 20-1. ignica nda (JKthopyga), 25. ignicauda (Nectarinia), 25. ighicauda (Promerops), 25. ignicaudus (Oinnyris), 25. iliolophus (Araclmothera), 111. iliolophus (Melilestes), 111. inauris (Acanthochasra), 263. inauris (Anthochtera), 264. incana (Oerthia). 216. incana (G-liciphila), 216. iucana (Glyciphila), 216. incana (G-lycyphila), 216. iudicus (Oinnyris), 57. indistincta (Meliphaga), inornata (Arachnothera), 103,105. inornata (Oinnyris), 107. inornata (Meliphaga), 252. inornata(Nectarinia),l 07. inornata (Zostorops),159. inornatus (Philedon), 275. inornatus (Philemon), 270,275. inomat us (Tropidorhynolms), 275, 281. insignis (Arachnothera), 13. insignia (Chalcostetha), 12,13. insignia (Nectarinia), 12, 13. insperata (Chalcostetha), 13. intermedia (Arachnechthra), 57. intermedia (Nectarinia), 37. intermedia (Zosterops), 185. iodeus (Cinnyrih), 57. ixoides (Ptilotis), 222. japouica (Zosterops), 160, 161, 202. japonicus (Zosterops), 166. jardmei (Oinnyris), 47. jardinei (NecUrinia), 44, iavanitu (Anthreptes), 1-23. K L javanica (Otrthia), 122. jaranica (Oreosterops), 107. javaniea (8ylvia), 106. javanica (Zosterops), 196, 107. javanicus (Oinnyris), 122. jananicus (Phylloseopus), 107. jobiensis (Oinnyris), 69, 71. jobiensis (Hermotimia), 60. jobiensis (Philemon), 275. jobiensis (Iropidorhynchus), 275. johannse (Oinnyris), 40. johannoe (Nectarinia), 49. jugularis (Arachnechthra), 85. jugularis (Arachnothera), 85. jugularis (Oerthia), 63,, jugularis (Cyrtostomus), 85. jugularis (Myzomela), urn. jugularis (Nectarinia), 83 85. julias (Oinnyris), 64. julis.13 (Nectarophila), 64. kalkreuthi (Oinnyris), 07. kalkreuthi (Nectarinia), 97. kirki (Oinnyris), 292. kirki (Zosterops), 182. kittlitzi (Zostcrops), LOS. kuhlii (Oinnyris), 17. kubh (Nectarinia), 17. Kuyaineta, Le, 130. labecula (Oinnyris), IS. labecula (Nectarinia), 19. laetior (Melitlireptus), 205. lafargei (Myzomcla), 135. lanceolata (Plectorhyncba), 208. lanceolata (Plectrorhyncba), 208. lancoolatus (Melithreptus), 208. lanceolalus (Pleetrorylmchus), 208. lateralis (Sylvia), 153. lateralis (Zosterops), 153, 154, 160, 103, 168. lathami (iEthopvga), 19, 21. lathami (Nectarinia), 21. latirostris (Arachnothera), 107, 109. leadbeateri (Ptilotis), 243. lepida (Authreptes), 123. lepicla (Oertbia), 05, 121, 122. lepida (Oinnyris), 65. lepida (Nectarinia), 123. lepidus (Oinnyris), 123. Leptoconia, 31. Leptoglossus, 144, Leptornis, 266. leptornis (Pbileclon), 267. lessoni (Philemon), 276. lessoni (Tropidorhyncbus), 27i\ Jjeueocbloridia, 31. leucogaster (Oinnyris), 40,41. leucomelaa (Certhia),220. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. leueomelas (Cert hionyx), 220. leucomelaa (Entomopbila), 220. leucophcea (Parinia), 200. leuoopliaaa (Thanmobia), 200. leucophsea (Zosterops), 200. leueops (S}hia), 171. leueosoma (Antbreptes), 1J5. leucosoma (Cinnyricincla), 115. leueobt(»phes (Melirrhophetes), 289. leucotis(Meliphaga), 240. leucotis (Ptilotis), 240. leucotis (Turclus), 240. letaillanti (Zosterops), 172. lewini (Anthocha3ra).263. lewinii (Meliphaga), 229. lewini (Ptilotis), 229. Lichenostomus, 222. Lichmera, 251. Licbnotentba, 218. liiuensis (Myzomela), 133. limbata (Meliphaga), 236. limbata (Ptilotis), 236. literata (Aracbnothera), 107. lodoisia) (iEthopyga), 23. longicaudatus (Oinnyris), 283. longirostra (Aracbnothera), 103. longirostra (Certhia),103, 108. longirostra (Oinnyris), 108. longirostra (Nectarinia), 103. longirostratus (Oinnyris), 103. longirostris (Aracbnothera), 103. longirostris (Oinnyris), 103. longirostris (Meliornis), 264. longirostris (Meliphaga); 254. longirostris (Zosterops), 189. longuernarii (Anthothreptes), 115,292. longuernarii (Anthrepi es), 115. longuernarii (Oinnyris), 115. longuernarii (Nectarinia), 115. lotenia (Araehneehthra), 61. lotenia (Aracbnothera), 61. lotenia (Corthia), 60. lotenia (Oinnyris), GO. lotenia (Nectarinia), 61. lotenius (Oinnyris), 54, 60. lucida, (Nectarinia), 52. lueidus (Oinnyris), 51. ludovicensis (Nectarinia), 36. lugubris (Spirops), 199. lugubris (zosterops), 199. limulata (Acanthocbflera), 265. limulata (Anellobia), 265. limulata (Anthochcera), 2< 5. limulata (Oertbia), 204. limulata (Melichaera), 265. limulata (Meliphaga), 204. lunulatus (XIa?matops), 204. lunulatus (Melitlireptus), 204. lutca (Manorbina), 262, lutea (Myzantha), 262. lutea (Zosterops), 183. luteoventer (Oinnyris), 88. luteus (Zosterops), 164. macassariensis (Oinnyris), macklotii (Chalcostetha), macklotii (Oinnyris), 12. macklotii (Nectarinia), 13. maeleayana (Ptilotis), 235. macularia (Anthothreptes), 112. macularia (Araehneehthra), 113. niaculata (Oertbia), 95. maculata (Meliphaga), maculafa (Ptilotis), 232. maculatus (Oinnyris), 9(L madagascariensis (Angaladiana), 54. A LP IT A BBXICAL 1 N1)KX, 304 mailagascarionsis (Oorthia), 4& mjwlugaHcarionaia (Cinnyrw), 43. madagasciriensis (Molaeilla), 170. madugasra riensis (Neclarinia), 43. uia(Ug{tscarionsid(Sylvia), 1(58. maclagaseariensis (Zosterops), 108, 170, 171, 172. madoraspatana ( Motacilla), 170. madcraspaiana (Zosterops), 170. maderaspatensis (Zosterops), l()0. mafbreusis (Cinnyris), 09. maibrensis (Hermotimia), 69. magna (Arachnothera), 105. magna (Cinnyris), 105. magnifica (iEthopyga), mahrattensis (Anthreptea), 57. mahrattensis (Arachnothera), 57. mahrattensis (Certhia), 56. mahrattensis (Cinnyris), 51). mahrattensis (Nectarinia), 57. major (Myzomela), 129. malaocensis (Antho threptes), 122, 123. malatsoensis (Anthreptes), 123. malaocensis (Arachnothera), 123, 125. malaocensis (Certhia), 122. malaocensis (Nectarinia), 123. malaocensis (Neetarophila), 123. Malaoirops, 146. Mangusia, 112. Manorhina, 258. Manorina, 258. Manorrhina, 258. marginatum (Philemon), 274. marginatus (Tropidorhynohus), 274, mariquoiibis (Cinnyris), 44. marmorata (Ptilotis), 247. nmuritanica (Zosterops), 193. mauritiana (Motacilla), 194. mauritiana (Zosterops), 194. iuayottensis (Zosterops), 191. mcgalorhynchus (Ptilotis), 248. megarhynchus (Melidipnus), 24S. megarhynchus (Melilestes), 248. megarhynchus (Meliphaga), 248. nielainpogon(Nectarinia), 7. melanocephala (Anthornis), 256. melanocephala(Grraeula), 260. melanocephala (Zosterops), 200. melanoeephalus (Manorhina), 250. melanoeephalus (Melithreptus), 207. melanoeephalus (ftpeirops), 200. melanogastra (Alyzomcla), 130. melanoieueus (Melithrepfus), 252 melanophrys (Manorhina), 259. melanophrys ^Myzantha) melanophrys (Ptilotis), melanophrys (Turdus), melanops (Certhia), melafiOjps (Grlyciphila), melanops (Zosterops), 198. melanura (Anthornis), 255, 256. melanura (Certhia), 255. melanura (Zosterops), 179. MelicWa, 262. Melipophila, 218. Melidectes, 285. Melilestes, 100. Meliornis, 251. Meliphaga, 221. Melipotes, 280. Melirrhopheles, 288. Melisympotes, 251. Melithreptus, 140, 204. Melitograis, 281. molivora (Certhia), 210. Melliphaga, 221. mellivora (Acantho chacra), 204. mellivora (Anellobia), 264. mellivora (Certhia), 204. mellivora (Melichaera), 264. Merle ecailie, 221. me tallica (Hedydipna), metalliea (Neetannia), 8. metallicus (Cinuyris), 9, 117, meyeni (Zosterops), 180. meyeri (Myzomela), 139. meyeri (Philemon), 281. meyeri (Philemonopsis), 2S1. miororhyncha (Cinnyris), 47,48,292. mierorhynchus (Cinny ris), 47. miles (iEthopyga), 19. miles (Cinnyris), 18. minima (Arachnothera), 62. minima (Cinnyris), C>2. minima (Leptocoma), 62. minima (Nectarinia), 62. minima (Neetarophila), &2. miuuta (Nectarinia), 62. minuta (Zosterops), 192, mitratus (Tropidorhynchus), 274. modesta (Anthreptes), 107. modesta (Arachnothera). 107,108. modesta (Glyciphila), 215,216. modesta (Grlycyphila), 215,216. modesta (Zosterops), 194. Moho, 284. Mohoa, 284. moluccensis (Meliphasra), 276. inolummais (Merops), 27f>. jnuJuceeiwib (Pbiledon), 270. moluecensis (Philemon), 275, 270. moluceensib (Tropidorbynchus) 276. molueeensis (Turdus), 270. mouaehus (Merops), 271, 272, 274. monaohub (Philemon), 271. monaehus (Tropidorh} n- elms), 272, 274. montana (Oreobteropb), 197. montana (Ptilotis), 221). montann (Zosterops),179, 197. morotensis (Cinnyris), 70. muelleri (ITeleia), 202. muelleri (Zosterops), 202. musicus (Creadion), 22"). musicus (Foulehaio), 225. mysorensis (Cinnyris), 69, 71. mysoriensis (Zosterops), 201. mystaealis (iEthopyga), 23. mystaealis (Ciimyris), 18, 23. mystaealis (Mch'phaga). 255. mystaealis (Nectarinia), 21,23. mystaealis (Meliorais), 255. mystacea (Museicapa), 242. niysticalw (Cinnyris), 19. Myzantba, 222, 258. Mjzomela, 128. natalensis (Ghalcomitra), 02. natalensis (Cinnyris), 02. natalensis (Nectarinia), 91,03,94,95. Nectarinia, 3. Neetarophila, 23, 31, 62. Ncodrepanis, 2. nibnrns (Ciimyris), 55. nibarus (Neefarinia), 55. nieobariea (Ti-Ct hopyga), 22. V>U IX. kLPIIAUETI0.1 h IN UFA. nieobariea (Zosteron*), 105. mcobariensis (Zostorops), 166. nigor (Aerulocercus), 284. miger (Merops), 284. niger (Moho), 284. nigra (Cissomela), 138. nigra (Myzomela), 138. nigralba (Arach nothera), 05. nigralba (Cinnyrieiuela), 65. nigralba (Nectarinia), (>5. nigri (Nectarinia), 130. nigri irons (Zosterops), 176. nigriseapulai'is (Cinnyris), 71. nigriscapularis (llermotimia), 71. nigrita (Mjzomela), 139. nigriventris (Myzomela), 130. nigroalbns (Cinnyris), 65. nigrogaster (Cinnyris), nigrorum (Zostcrops), 186. nipalensis (iEthopyga), 26. nipalensis (Cinnyris), 26. nipalensis (Nectarinia), 26. nipalensis (Prornerops), 26. nisoria (Glyciphila), 218. nisoria (GHyeyphila), 218. nisoria (Melipbaga), 218. nitens (Certbia), 56. nitens (Cinnyris), 47. nitons (Nectarinia), 47. nitida (Certbia), 50. nitida (Nectarinia), 51. nobilis (Gracula), 384. nobilis (Moho), 284. nobilis (Mohoa), 284* notata (Certbia), 54. notata (Cinnyris), 54. notata (Nectarinia), 54. notata (Ptilotis), 227. notatus (Cinnyris), M. novae guinea* (Araelmorapbis), 110. novai guinea51 (Araehno* fhera), 110. nova* guinea* (Uinmris), 110. novai guineas (Melilestes), 110. novai guinea (Pbiledon), 274. novai guinea? (Pbiletnon), 274. nouia guinea! (Tropidorhynchus), 274. nova1 guinea? (Zosterops), 175." nova) bollantl ia?(Certhia), 253. nova? bollandia? (Meliornis), 253. novai bollandias (Melipbaga), 253. novai bollandiaj (Melitbreptus), 253. nova? hollandia? (Muscieapa), 242. nova? sealandise (Prostheinadera), 257. nova? suelandia?(Merops), 257. nova?, scelandia? (Prosthemadera), 257. nova zealandia?(Lamprotornis), 257. nov& zealandia? (Melipbaga), 257. nova) zcalandiui (Prostbemadera), 257. nuchalis (Antbrcptes), 113. nuebalis (Hypogramina), • 113. obscura (Adelina), 77. obscura (Cinnyris), 77. obseura (Maocerthia), 77. obseura (Manorbina), 260, 261. obseura (Myzantba), 260. obscura (Myzomela), 143. obseura (Nectarinia), 77. obseura (Zosterops), 147. obscure (Zosterops). 147. obscurus (Adelinus), 77. obseurus (Zosterops), 147. occidentals (Lichenostomus), 243. oecidentalis (Ptilotis), 243. oebromelas (Melirrbophetes), 289. ocularis (Olyriphila), 213,214." T lM) ocularis (n\'. simplex (Zos! crops), 100. singaleubis (Anthreptes), L2I. simraloiisi*5! (Clia leoparia), 121. sim-aleuhis (MolaciUa), m 121. singalensis (Promerops), _ 121. siparaja (-Ethopyga), 21, 22 23. siparaja (Certhia), 21. siparaja (Noctarinia), 21. siparaja (Promerops), 21, smaragdina (Nectarinia), 30. smaragdinus (Cinnyris), 30. sola (Cinnyris), 65. sola (Nectarinia), 57, 05. Solaris (Anthreptes), 82. sola ris (Araehneehthra), 82. Solaris (Araehnothei*a), 82. Solaris (Cinnyris), 05, 82. Solaris (Cyrtoslomus), 82. Solaris (Nectarinia), 82, 00. solitaria (Myzomela), 130. sonora (Meliphaga), 234. sonora (Ptilotis), 234. sonoroides (Ptilotis), 235. sordidus (Philemon), 277. sord idus (Tropido rhynchus), 277. Sougnimbmdou, 48. Soui-manga, 43. soui-manga (Certhia), 43. soui-manga (Cinny ris) ,43. soui-manga (Nectarinia), 40, 43. Soui-manga a bee droit, 119. Soui-manga a capuchon violet, 11. Soui-manga a collier, 37, 52. Soui-manga a collier noir, 34. Soui-manga a cravatte bleue, 56. Soui-manga a cravatte violotto, 56. Soui-manga a ceinture bleue, 35. Soui-manga a ceinture marron, 65. Soui-manga a ceinture orange, 50. Soui-manga a front, dove, 00. Soui-manga a gorge pourpt'te, 85. Soui-manga a, gorge violette, 03. Soui-manga a long bee, 103. Soui-man^a a longue queue, 0, 7. Sow-manga a longue queue et capuchon violet, 11. Soui-manga a plumes soyetiBCS, 5t>. Soui-manga a poitrine ensanglanttfe, 03. Soui-manga a tote bleue, 80. Soui-manga ait bee en faucille, 60. Soui-manga aux ailes jaimes, 56. Soui-manga brun et blanc, 05. Soui-manga carmelifce, 95. Soui-manga couleur do tabac, 5. Soui-manga cuivre, 60. Soui-manga de l'isle de Bourbon, 105. Soui-manga de Malacca, 122. Soui-manga de Sierra Leone, 30. Soui-manga de toutes couleurs, 60. Soui-manga gris, 103. Soui-manga, Jeune. 5, 37. Soui-manga marron pour- pre a poitrine rouge, 63. Soui-manga metalliquo, 9. Soui-manga Namaquois ou a cale^on blanc, 75. Soui-manga noiratre, 91. Soui-manga orange, 11. Soui-manga pourpre, 00. Soui-manga rouge dore, 55. Soui-manga tricolor, 55. Soui-manga varie, 05. Soui-manga vert a gorge rouge, So. Soui-manga vert a longue queue, 5. Soui-manga vert dore etc., 7. Soui-manga vert et brun, 47. Soui-manga vert et grin, 80. Soui-manga violet, 50, 07. Soui-manga violet a poitrhio rouge, 94. Spcirops, 140. spcrata (Anthreptes), 63, 05. sperata (Arachuothera), 03. sperata (Oerthia), 03, 07, 85. sperata (Cinnyris), 03. sperata (Loptocoma), 03. sperata (Nectarinia), 03. sperata(Nectarophila),03. speratus (Cinnyris), 03. splendons (Cinnyris), 50. splendens(Nectarinia),51. splendida (Certhia), 50. spleudida (Oinnyris), 50, 292. splenclida(Nectarinia),50. splendidus (Cinnyris), 50. squamata (Glycyphila), 217. squamata (Stigmatops), 217. squamatus (Turdus), 221. stictocephalus (Pleetorhyncha), 290. stictocephalus (Pycno pygius), 290. Stigmatops, 209. Stomiopera, 222. stranger! (Chaleomitra), 99. strangeri (Cinnyris), 99. strangeri (Nectarinia), 99. strenua (Zosterops), 155. strenuus (Zosterops), 155. striata (Mclitograis), 282. striata (Ptilotis), 235. fetrigula (Cinnyris), 57. striolata (Ptilotis), 235. stibcollaris (Anthodissta), 117. subeollaris (Nectarinia), 117. subcorniculatus (Merops), 280. subcorniculatus (Philemon), 280. subcorniculatus (Tropidorhynque), 280. subcorniculatus (Tropidorhynchus), 280. subcornutus (Philedon), 280. subcornutus (Philemon), 280. XMMIAIiTJTIOU, lNOlVX. subcormtt us (Tropidorhynchus), 2SO. sub fascial a (Glyciph il a), suMava (Nectarinia), 2& subflavus (Cinnyris), 28. subirenata (Ptilotis), 231. subocularis (Glyoipliila), 214. subrosea (Zosterops), 107. Suerier, 10. Sucrior a double collier, 37 -: Sucrier a plastron rouge, 35. Sucrier cossu, 7. Soucrier ebloui&sant, 50. Sucrier gamtocin ou a cordon bleue, 110. Sucrier malachite, 5. Sucrier orange, 11. Sucrier Protee, 91, 94. Sucrier velours, 9(5. sugnimbindou (Certhia), 48. sugnimbindou (Cinnyris), 48. sundevalli (Zosterops), 100. superba (Certhia), 48. superba (Chromatophora), 49. superba (Cinnyris), 48. superba (Nectarinia), 48. superbus (Cinnyris), 48. superciliosus (Acantbo rhynchus), 145. sylvestris (Leptornis), 267. syhiella (Nectarinia), 10. sylviellus (Cinnyris), 10. tabacina (Certhia), 5. tabuensis (Creadion), 225. tacaziena (Nectarina), 4. tacazze (iEthopyga), 4. tacazze (Aidemonia), 4. tacazze (Certhia), 4. tacazze (Cinnyris), 4. tacazze (Nectarinia), 4tacazziana (Aidemonia), 4. tacazziana (Nectarinia), 4. talatala (Cinnyris), 40. talatala (Nectarinia), 40. Tcheric, 171. temmincki (iEthopyga), 10. M) temmincki (Arachuo thera), 102. temmincki (Oinnyris), 10. temmincki (Nectarinia), 10. temmincki (Promorops), 10. tonella (Zosterops), 181. tenuirostris (Acanthorhynchus), 144, 145. tonuirostris (Certhia), 144. tonuirostris (Zosterops), 154, Tephras, 140. Tephrolflema, 112. tephrolamia (Antho diasia), 120. tephrolamia (Anthothreptes), 120. tephrolasma (Nectarinia), 119,120. tephropleura (Zosterops), 156. theresai (Cinnyris), 74. theresia (Hemiotimia), 74. ^ thoracicus (Cinnyris), 40. Thrush, White-eared, 240. Timoliopsis, 286. timoriensis (Philedon), 273. timoriensis (Tropidorhyn chus), 273. torquata (Meliphaga), 204. torquatus (Gynmophrys), 204. torquatus (Melidoctes), 285. traehycoma (Timeliopsis), 287. tricollaris (Oerthia), 85. tricolor (Cinnyris), 55, tricolor (Nectarinia), 55. tristrami (Myzomela), 140. trivirgata (Meliphaga), 236. Troisieme Grimpereau de l'lsle de Lucon, 63. Tropidorhynchus, 269. undulata (Certhia), 212. undulata (Glycyphila), 212. unicolor (Meliphaga), unicolor (Ptilotis), 249. 310 unicolor (Slomiopora), 249. Urodrepanis, 13. uropygialis (Arachnocestra), 102. uropygialis (Arachnothera), 101. uropygialis (Zosterops), 190, 293. vagans (Araohnorapliis), 248. vagans (Arachnothera), 248. validirostris (Haematops), 206. validirostris (Melithreptus), 206. variegatus (Certhionyx), 220. vatensis (Zosterops), 158. venusta (Oerthia), 39. venusta (Chalcomitra), 39. venusta (Cinnyris), 34, 39,291. venusta (Nectarinia), 39. venustus (Oerthia), 39. verreauxi (Adelinus), 75. verreauxi (Cinnyris), 74, 75. verroxii (Oinnyris), 74. verroxii (Nectarinia), 75. versicolor (Moliphaga), 235. versicolor (Ptilotis), 234, 235. vorticalis (Oerthia), 80. verticalis (Cinnyris), 80, 81. verticalis (Cyanomitra), 80. verticalis (Leucochloridia), 80. verticalis (Nectarinia), 80. A LPHA1*13X10 VL INDEX. vigorsi (/Ethopyga), 18. vigorsii (Oinnyris), 18. vigorsii (Nectarinia), 18. vigorsii (Promerops), 18. violacea (Anthobaphes), 11. violacea (Anthreptes), 11. violacea (Oerthia), 11. violacea (Neetarinia), 11. violacea (Promerops), 11. violaceofrons (Oinnyris), violaceus (Oinnyris), 11. virens (Zosterops), 182. virescens (Cinnyris), 57. virescens (Melithreptus), 206. virescens (Ptilotis), 248. virescens (Sturnus), 206. viridis (Oerthia), 35. riridis (Oinnyris), 36. viridis (Leptornis), 268. viridis (Manorina), 259. viridis (Tatare), 268. vittata (Meliphaga), 234. vulnerata (Myzomela), 135. vulnerata (Nectarinia), 135. vulturin (Philedon), 275. vulturinus (Philemon), , 276,279. vulturinus (Tropidorhynchus), 275. wakoloensis (Myzomela), 141. waldeni (iEthopyga), 27. Warbler, Bourbon, 195. Warbler, Cingalese, 121. Warbler, Green, 121. Warbler, Maurice, 194. Warbler, Busty-sided, 152. Warbler, White-eyed, 170. westernensis(JDacnis),156. westernensis (Zosterops), 155,156. whitei (Tephras), 213. xanthochlora (Anthreptes), 114. xanthochroa (Zosterops), 174. Xanthomyza, 221. xanthophrys (Ptilotis), 230. Xanthotis, 222. xanthotis (Oerthia), 229. zambesiana (Anthodiseta), 117,118. Zanthomiza, 221. Zanthomyza, 221. zenobia (Arachnechthra), 90. zenobia (Arachnothera), 90. zenobia (Ohalcostetha), 90. zenobia (Oinnyris), 90. zenobia (Cyrtostomus), 90. zenobia (Nectarinia), 86, 90. zeylonica (Anthreptes), m. zeylonica (Oerthia), 63, 64, 65. zeylonica (Cinnyris), 64. zeylonica (Leptocoma), 65. ^ zeylonica (Nectarinia), zeylonica (Nectarophila), zeylonicus (Oinnyris), 65, 85. Zosteropisylvia, 146. Zosterops, 146. Zosterops a ventre blanc, 164. HUNTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. LIST OE PLATES. Aracanothcra polioptera, p. Il l ) » ilioloplms, p. Il l J Philemon cockerelli, p. 278 II. Myzomela guentheri, p. 129 III. Ptilotis marmorata, p. 247 IV. megalorhynchus, p. 248 V. polygramma, p. 233 ^ YI. virescens, p. 248 \ Yjj limbata, p. 230 J PI. I. Birds BM.Yol.IK. J .Smit del etlrth. Mintern Bros. imp. 1. Arajckrwthercupcliopiera2.Arouchiwtkercu ilwlop/wus. Birds P.M. Vol.IX. PI. II. J.Smit del.etlitli. MircteniBros. imp. Philemon cockerML. Fi.m. Birds B.M.Vob. IK. Mmtern Bros. imp. J Smxt iel. etlith. Myzorrteloy guentherv. Pl.N. Birds B.MVol. IX. 0k J. Smit del. etlith. Mintern Bros. imp. PfzLotLe rruzrnwratcu. Pl.V. Birds B.M.Vol-K. J Smit del etlith.. MmiernlBios- urno PtiZotis megalorkynckus. Bwdj.BM.VoUX. PI. W |^**** %&?'* J.Smit del.etlith. Mmtern Bros • imp Ptilotos pob/granunaj Ph.VII . Smit de /. PhLoi^s vire*sc&n&. 2. PixLoiLs Urnbaico Digitalisiert von / Digitised by eBooks von / from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin eBooks on Demand