Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum Volume XI 1886 eBooks von / from Digitalisiert von / Digitised by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin CATALOGUE OF THE BIRDS 15 THE BKITISH MUSEUM. VOLUME XL LONDON: PKLNTED £ ! ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1886. CATALOGUE or THE PASSEKIFOEMES, OS PERCHING BIRDS, IN TOTE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. FRIXGILLIFORMES: PABT IL COSTAIXIXG THE FAMILIES CCEREBIDJE, XAXAGBIDiE, AND ICTERIDJS. BY PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER. LONDON; FEINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES, 1886. PRINTED BY TAYLOB AND FBANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. ORNITHOLOGISTS will perceive with pleasure that full justice has been done to the unrivalled series of South-American Passerine Birds which the British Museum now possesses by securing the aid of Mr. Selater, who for many years has been the principal authority on the subject, and who has also undertaken to prepare one of the succeeding volumes. The New-World Passerine Birds were but poorly represented in the British Museum before the acquisition of the Salvin-Godman and Selater Collections; and only a few of the specimens of the old collection, viz. those of which the precise origin is known, or to which some special interest is attached, have been retained and are recorded in the present volume. ALBERT GOTTHER, Keeper of the Department of Zoology. British Museum, N. H., May 7, 1886. INTRODUCTION. THE Tanagers were the subject of some of my earliest studies in the class of Birds. After writing many preparatory papers and notes on this group, I communicated, in 1856, to the Zoological Society of London a Synopsis of the whole family, which appeared in their c Proceedings ' for that year; and in the following year I published an Illustrated Monograph of one of the most extensive and brilliant genera. I may add that I have never lost sight of the subject since that period, but have always taken special interest in the group. It was therefore with great pleasure that I acceded to Dr. Giinther's request that I should prepare the Catalogue of the specimens of Tanagridm in the British Museum, to which my own series, the result of some thirty-five years' assiduous collecting, has been recently added. The two families Coerebidce and Icteridm, with which I had also a considerable previous acquaintance, were likewise assigned to me to make up the volume. The species of Coerebidae recognized in the present Catalogue are 70. Of these 63 are represented in the Collection by 672 specimens, 15 of which are types. Thus only 7 species of Ccerebidse have no representatives in the National Collection. The Tanagridce are a much more extensive family, no less than 377 species being acknowledged as valid in the present volume. Only 20 of this number have no representatives in the Collection. The remaining 357 are very fully represented by 3413 specimens, of which 74: are actual types or typical specimens. Of the remaining family, Icteridae, the number of valid species INTRODUCTION. vm accepted in tlie present work is 128. Of these 3 only are unrepresented in the National series, while the remaining 125 species are well represented by a fine series of 1409 specimens, amongst which are 12 types of species. Putting the three families together, it will be found that the total number of species treated of in the present volume is 575, represented in the British-Museum Collection by 5494 specimens, referable to 545 species, leaving only 30 species deficient to the Collection, whilst the series of specimens in most cases are very extended, and serve admirably to show the geographical distribution of the species. The Coerebida3, Tanagridse, and Icteridse are three families of nine-primaried Oscines, restricted to the New World, and especially- characteristic of the Neotropical Eegion. The Ccerebidse I consider to be nearly allied to the Tanagrida3; and it is indeed somewhat difficult to separate them by external characters. They appear to perform the same functions in Nature in the Neotropical Eegion as the Nectariniidse and Dicseidaa in the tropics of the Old World. The Tanagridse are also very closely allied to the Fringillidaa, and are in fact fruit- and insect-eating Pinches, They come in very naturally between the Mniotiltidae and Ccerebidse on the one side, and the Fringillidse on the other. But whether the Icteridse should immediately follow the Tanagridse in a natural series is, I think, a little open to question. To my mind, the Icteridse, although their outer primary is entirely aborted, present many points of alliance with the Sturnidse ; and it would therefore be better, I think, to place them after the JMngillidae, and in the immediate neighbourhood of the former family. But, under Mr. Wallace's system of arrangement of the Oscines according to the number of their primaries, which has been adopted in this part of the Catalogue of Birds *, the Icteridse do very well in their present situation. Many valued friends and correspondents have rendered me material assistance in the compilation of this volume by the loan of * See Mr. Sharpens remarks on this subject, Cat. Birds, yol. x. p. 1. INTRODUCTION. specimens. Amongst these I particularly wish to record my thanks to:—Herr August von Pelzeln, of Vienna; Prof. Baird and Mr. Eidgway, of the U.S. National Museum, "Washington; M. L. Taczanowski, of "Warsaw; Hans, Graf von Berlepsch, of Muenden ; and Mr. G. N. Lawrence, of New York. Finally, I must ask to be allowed to express my admiration of the noble gift made to the Nation by Messrs. Osbert Salvin and F. DuCane Godman of their unrivalled series of New-World Birds, the accession of which has enormously increased the wealth of the National Collection as regards the families treated of in the present volume. I must also ask these gentlemen to accept my grateful acknowledgments of the liberal manner in which they have given me unrestricted access to their specimens, so that I was enabled to catalogue them before their transfer to the British Museum. The facilities thus generously afforded have greatly lessened my labours on the present Volume. PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATEE. 3 Hanover Square, W., 19th April, 1886. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Order PASSERIFORMES. Suborder PASSEEES. SECTION ERINGHLLIFORMBS. Fain. OCEREBID-®. Subfam. I. DiGLOSsiNiE. Page 1. Diglosea, Wac/ler 2 1. bj^tiila, WagL 3 2. sittoides, cTOrb. et Lafr.. 4 3. glonosa, Scl et Salv..... 5 4. brunneiventriB, Lafr 5 5. pectoraFs," Cab 6 . mystaealls, Xer/r 6 7. carbonaria^, <# Or5. e£ Xa//\ 6 8. major, C«& 7 9. lafresnayit JJoiss 7 10. lilimeralis, Fraser 8 11. aferrlma, Xfl/r 8 2 12. aftilateralis, Xq/r 9 13. ptumbea^CaS 9 14. personata, Fraser 10 15. iiEtigofica, Scl 10 1(5. glauca, Scl et Salv 11 2. Diglossopis, Scl 11 1. eseruleseens, Scl. ...... 11 Subfam, II. DACNIDIKZB. 3. Oreomanes, Scl 12 , - *H. frajjgjk Scl 12 4. ConTrostrum, $ Orb. et Lafr. 13 1. sitticplory Lafr 13 2. cjaneiini, Tacz 14 3. xufum, Lafr 14 4. ferrugineiventre, Scl 15 5. fTggsxi+JSfcl 1^ 6. cmer^mj d'Orh et Lafr. 15 7. albifrons; Lafr 16 8. atrocyaneum, Lafr 16 5. Xenodacnis, Cab 17 1. parina; Cab 17 0. Hemidacnis, Scl 17 1. albiventris, Scl 17 7. Dsocms'^Cuv 18 1. cayana. Linn 19 2. coerebicolor, Scl 21 . nignpes, refoeln 21 4. angelica, De Filippi .... 22 <~. e£E2& ^ *" 6. viguien, $afo. £tf Godm.. 23 J 7.flaviventrijs,cTOrb. et Lafr. 23 H4 8. vemista, lawr 24 9. puIcEemma, Scl 24 *" 10. I^icogenygj Lafr 25 11. analis, aOrb. it Lafr. .. 25 12. speciosa, Max 26 13. plurobea, Lath 26 14. salmoni, Scl 27 8. Oerthidea, Gould 27 " 1. olivacea, Gould 28 •, 2. fus^ Scl. et Salv 28 Subfam. III. OCEBEBIN^. 9. Chlorophanes, Meichenb. .. 29 ' . 1. spiza* Linn. 29 2. punmrascens, Scl et Salv. 31 JO. Coereba, Vieill. 31 1. cyanea^ Linn 32 2. cgrulea, Linn 33 3. lucBIa, Scl et Salv 35 vs 4^g^Earfl 35 11. Cerlliiola, Sund. 36 H 1. babameoasis, Reichenb. .. 37 % 2. caEbtij, faird 38 * 3. SScoIor, Hidgw 38 "', 4. mexicana,, Scl 38 5. litej&lv Cab. 40 6 bananivoraj Gm 40 Orb. 208 3. p^gemceus, Sw 208 4. xanttopygius, Scl 209 Page 5. chrysomelas, Scl et Salv. 210 6. cri&fcaiais* Gm 210 K 7. surinaraus, Linn 211 8. nattereri, Peh 213 9. rufiventris, Spix 213 10. coronatus, Vieill 213 11. niSHissfmus, Salv 214 12. dgattrii, Lafr 215 31. Oreurgops, Scl 215 1. verticalis, Scl 215 32. Malacotbraupis, Scl et Salv. 216 1. dentata, Scl et Salv. .. 216 33. Eucometis, Scl # 217 1. pqpicillata, Spix 217 2. albicollis, Lafr. ettfOrb. 217 3. cristata, Du Bus ...... 218 4. spodocephala, Bp 219 5. cassiul.Xawr. ........ 219 34. Trichothraupis, Cab 220 1. quadricolor, Vieill .... 220 8. Tanagrinm debilirosfres. 35. Cypsnagra, Less 221 Lruficollh, Licht 221 36. Pyfrliocoma, Cab 222 I."rufifigps,i5'nc7j/ 222 37. Nemosia,Jleill 222 1. pileata, Bodd 223 2. rjouriij Cab 224 r 3. guira, Linn 224 4. rSficapilla, Vieill...... 225 * « 5. flajjeoEis,. Vieill 225 6. peruana, Bp. 227 7. albigularis, Scl 227 38. TblfpSpSSS^Cab 22^ 1. sord^da^ Lafr. etcFQrb.. 228 2. m^xaosm^Scl 229 3. cnrysopis, Scl et Salv... 229 4. fulvjceps, Cab 229 5. inomata, Tacz 230 6. ornata, Scl 230 7. pectoralis, Tacz 230 8. ruficegsj a?Orb. el Lafr,.231 Subfani. IV. LAMPKOTINJE. 39. Lamprotes, Sw 231 1. loncatusy Licht. 231 40. SerTcoSypha, Less. ...... 232 1. albicrlstata, Lafr 232 Subfam. V. PHQENICOPHILINJE. 41. Plioenicopbilus, Strickl .. 233 1. palmarum^ Linn 234 2. poHgc^piaJus, Bp 234 42. Calyptopnilus, Cory 235 1. frugivoraa, Cory ...... 235 SlbimiUIC INDEX, Page Pa$e j 10. melanocephalus, Salv. et Subfain. YI. PITYLES-E. Gochn 261 a. Pifi/Unce pari irostres. 11. leucopib, Scl. et Salv. .. 261 12. castaneiceps, ScL 261 43. Chlorospingus, Cab 237 | 13. crassirostris, Cass 262 1. ophthalmicus, Du Bus. .. 233 j 14. tibialis. Later 262 2. aiBfrenpiaSfc &*• •••• 239 j 15. nSanoiaemus, ScL et Salv. 202 3. oEvaceii^ Bp 240'Otb.etLafr. 263 4. p6&toctdaiis, Cab 240 I 17. melmo^Sj Salv. et ScL.. 263 5. signatus. Tacz.etBerl.. 241 1 18. latinucha..J)?* Bits .... 264 6. punctulatub, ScL et Salv. 241 ^- spodionotits,^/. et Salv.. 264 7. pileatus, Sail 241 20. comptus, ScL et Salv. .. 264 8. ig^Stus, Lafr 242 21. elffloprorus, ScL et Salv.. 265 9. cnnlgulaiT^ Lafr 242 22. aXj^eae&y&^Boiss 205 10. ^imoc^hplu^^ScLetSalv. 243 2o. menclas, Sol. et Salv. .. 2(56 11. flaTj^uIa1^,~/Sfc/ 243 24. leucoptems, Jard 266 12. hypopliseua, &tf. et Salv. 243 25. dresseri, Tacz 266 244 18. fla\o\ireiK, Later. ... . 26. seebohmi, Tacz 267 14. benrifu^cus, &?/. Tacz 277 /3. Piiylince fringillirostres. 11. wuchereri, ScL et Salv. . 278 12. policmoto Bp 278 46. Pezopetes, Cab. 253 13. afieillsei, Less 278 1. eapitalis, Cab, 254 14. saftSgyj, Bp 279 47. Buarremon, Bp 254 50. Diucopis, Bp 279 1. torquatus, d7 Orb. et Lafr. 256 1. fasciata, Licht 279 2. phseopleurus, ScL....*.. 256 51. Oonothraupis, Tacz 280 3. assimilisj Baits 257 1. speeuligera, Gould 280 4. viranficegs, Bp 257 5. branneiiiiieha, Lafr. .. 258 $. Pityliruz validirobtres. <>. Inonktu^m et Salv... 259 7. atrieapilhiN, Lawr 259 62. Psittospiza, Bp 281 8. crutturalis. Lafr 259 1. riefferi, Boiss 281 0. ll^mmli^T Orb. et Lafr. 260 2. elegans, Tsch 282 53. Saltator, Vieill> 1. a triceps, Less' 2,riBfgHoides,Lap 3. magnus, Gm 4. atripeiiliis, Scl 5. simajs, cVOrb. et Lafr. 6. maxiUo&us, Cab 7. gj^w4 Licht 8. plumbeiceps, Lawr «. 9. oji^^cens, "Cab - 10. c^ruTescens, Vieill 11. superciliaris, Spix 12. ofenocensis, Lafr 287 288 289 289 290 .... 291 291 13. aiirantiirostris, Vieill... 292 14. laticlavius, Set et Salv.. 292 15. ^^pmj^rieill. 16. mffventris, dyOrb. ' XafFZ: 17. flavidicollis, Scl}: 18. ajbjcollis, Vieill. 19. guadalupensis, Lafr. 54. Lainprospiza, Cab 1. melanoleuca, Vieill. 55. Orchesticus, Cab1, abeillii, Less 293 et 293 294 294 .. 295 296 .. 290 297 297 €. Pitylince tumidi?'ostres. 56. Oreothraupis, Scl 1. arremonops, Jard 57. Cissopis, Vieill 1. leverj^ma, Gm 2. SaJQr; Cab 298 298 299 299 300 58. Schistochlamys, Meichb... 301 1. capistratus, Max. 2. aSS^Wn. 59. PilJItfe, Cuv 1. grossus, Linn 2. fuliginosus. Baud. 3. erythromelas, Gm 4. cSseno, Licht 5. virtdis, Vieill 6. brasiEensiSj Cab 301 301 303 303 .... 304 7. poUogasfev, JDu Bus 8. tmi5era]SpX«wr Fam. ICTERID^:. Subfain. I. OASSICINJE. 1. Clypeicterus, Bp 1. qfaeryij JDeville 2. Ocyalus, * Waterh 1. latirostris, Sw 3. Eucorystes, Scl. 1. wagleri, Gray 4. Gymnostinops, Scl. 1. montezTimas, Less SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 2b2 ^8;j 284 285 28(5 . 287 305 305 306 306 .. 307 307 310 310 311 311 311 312 312 313 Page 2. bifasciatu&j Spw 313 3. gmlTiSozmiis. Bp 314 4. yiiracarium, cPOrb. et zspr:.. sw 5. Oatinops, Cab 315 „ 1. decumanus, Pall. 315 2. yjiadja, Mutt 316 3. ^oxiyn^^V Orb. et Lafr. 317 4. toalmoiiijjS'c/. 5. alfredij Ses Mars& sin^ipitalis, Cab 7. oleagineus, Scl. 8. angiistifrons; Spix 6. Cassicus^ Cuv J -1. persicus, Linn 2. ffimrlssus, Scl. 3. chrysonotus, ffOrb. Lafrr 4. leucqrhamphus, Bp. j 5. affiS5s£rjs, Vieill 6. haemorrhous, Linn 7. &mmsxSw 8. uropygialis, Lafr 317 318 318 319 319 320 321 322 et 322 .. 323 323 324 325 325 9. nilcrorJhynchus, Scl. et Sab 7. Amblycercus, Cab 1. solitarius, Vieill 2. holosericeus, Licht 8. Cassiculus, Sw. _ 1. melanlcterusj Bp 9. Cassidix, Less 1. oryzivora, Gm Subfam. II. AGKEI^BINJE. 10. Doliclionyx, Siv 1. oryzivorus, Linn 11. Mofotliriis, Sw 0 1. pecoris, Gmf, ;_2. seneus, Wagl 3. armenti, Cabr} 4. bonariensis, Gm 5. piirpurascens, Cassin .. 337 6. ajronitens, Cab 337 „ 7. ea^sini, Fimch 337 ^ 8. rufo-axillaris, Cassin .. 338 1 9. baHlus, Vieill 10. fringillarius, Spix 12. Agelseus, Vieill 0 1. phceniceus. Linn 2. assimllls; GundlI %3. guBemator, Wagl. 4. tricolor, Aud. ^ 5. humeralis, Vig 6. xaniEomus, Scl. * 7. tMlitts;~M>/. 325 326 326 327 328 328 329 329 331 331 332 333 334 335 335 338 339 33$) 340 341 341 342 342 343 343 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. XVll Page tt. iaithurmi, Scl 344 9-hmmm v^m ^u 10. forbesi, Scl 343 11. icterocephalus, Linn. .. 345 12. navus, Gm 346 Z 13. frontalis, Vieill 347 14. ruficapillus, Vieill 347 13. Leistes, Sic 348 1. guianensis, Linn 348 2. sujerciliaris, Bp 349 14. Xanthocephalus, Bp 349 \ 1. lomnpes, Sw 350 15. Amlrfymartiphus, Leach .. 350 1. holoserios&s, Scop 351 16. Pseudoleistes, Scl 351 1. guirahuroj Vieill. 352 2. virescens* Vieill 352 17. Nesopsar, Scl 353 1. nigerrimus, Osbam 353 18. Curlus/^T. 354 1. aterrimuSf Kittl 354 Subfam. III. STUBNELLIN-E. 19. Trupalis, Bp 356 " 1. militarj^ Linn. ...... 356 2. bellicosa, Be Filippi .. 357 3. (fefilfppii, Bp. .... 357 20. Sturnella, Vieill 358 e 1. magna^ Linn 358 Subfam. IV. ICTEBINJE. 21. Gynmomystax, Reichenb. . 361 1. melanicterus, Vieill .. 362 22. Icterus, Brisson 362 ' 1. baltimore, Linn 364 2. bullacW, Sw 365 3. abeilUi^Xe^ 366 0 4. spuriuSj, Linn. 366 5. bonana, Linn 368 L 6. pyrrnopterus, Vieill .. 368 7. chrysocGphalus, Linn... 309 8. caTaueagis, Linn 369 9. tibialis, Sw 370 ^ 10. hy^omalas, Bp 370 r \ll . domTnicensis, Linn 371 12. porforicengip, Cassin .. 371 13. laucEEIIis, Scl 372 14. oben/Kwr 372 15. wagleri, Scl 372 16. pf^Hemdas, StncM... 373 17. mjculi-4latus, Cassin .. 373 18. pansorum, Bp 374 VOL. XI. Paco 19. inelanocepbalus, Wagl. 375 °>20. cucullatus| Sw 376 21. auncapillus, Cassin 377 22. hauXWH, Scl 377 23. grace-annoe, Cass 378 24. mesomelas, Wagl .... 378 % 25 Gass -g^SS3ii 379 26. xanthornus, £m 380 27. curasoensis, Midgw 381 28. duBuapSS?. 381 29. auratus, Bp 382 '% 30. vulgaris, Baud. 382 31. jamacaii^Gtoi 383 32. crficoriQtus, Wagl 383 33. gulajig, Wagl 384 34. sclateri, Cass 385 35. pectoralis, Wagl 385 Q36. pustulous, Wagl 386 37. grpysoniA Cass. .* 387 *\ 38. leueapteiyx, Wagl.... 387 Subfam. V. QUISCALINJE. 23. Lampropsar, Cat 388 1. tanagrinugj Spix 388 24. ScolecopHagus, Sw 390 1. ferrugineus, Gm 390 J 2. cyanocepbalus, Wagl.. 390 25. Bhe^Cass 391 1. sumiehrasti, Be Saus... 392 2. wa^cewiezi, Cab 392 3. atroyiolaceus, $Orb. .. 393 26. Quiscalus, Vieill ...... 393 1. versicolor, Vieill 394 2. major, Vieill 395 3. raacrurus, Sw 396 4. assimilis, Scl 396 5. graysoni, Scl. 397 ' 6. tenuirostris, Sw 397 7. gundlaclu, Cass. 398 • 8. niger, Bodd. 398 9. crassirostris, Sic 39K , 10. brachygterjjs, Cass 399 11. forffi'oatrS, Lawr 400 12. inflexirostiis, Sw 401 13. gimdelqupensis, Lawr... 401 14. luminosus, Lawr 402 15. lu£ubr}sA Sw 402 27. Maeragelseus, Cass 403 1. subalaris, Boiss 403 28. Hypopyrrhus, Bp 403 1. pyrvpogaster. Be Tarr. 403 29. ApfioEus, Cab. 404 1. chopi, Vieill 405 CATALOGUE OF BIRDS. Order II. PASSERIFOR5IES (Cat. B. vol. iii. p. 1). Suborder I. PASSERES (Cat. B. vol. iii. p. 1). Section B. FRIXGILLIFOR2IES (Cat. B. vol. x. p. 1). Family CCEREBIDJE. The Ccerebidce, or Guit-guits, are a group of nine-primaried Oscines peculiar to the Neotropical Region, and, indeed, to the forest-covered portion of that region, which extends from the tierra ealiente of Southern Mexico on the north to the Gulf of Guyaquil on the western coast of South America, and to the southern limits of the wood- region of S.E. Brazil and the great Amazonian valley on the eastern side of the Andes. The Ccerebidce are all of small size: they have typical Oscinine tarsi, with the posterior face smooth, and with indications of several scutes more or less obsolete on the anterior face. The wings are of moderate length, without any indication of the first or external primary, and with the second, third, and fourth primaries usually nearly equal and longest. The hill is small and slender and without any notch at the extremity of the upper mandible, but varies in structure in the four Subfamilies. The tongue is pencilled at the extremity. The members of this family are mostly of brilliant colour, and when such is the case the plumage of the male is usually quite distinct from that of the female. It is in some instances difficult to distinguish the Ccerebidce from the Tanagridce on the one side and from the Mniotiltidce on the other; but the more slender unnotched bill and filamentous termination of the extensile tongue, when the latter character is discernible, will usually serve to indicate a Coerebine bird. VOL. XI. B CCEREBIDiE. Key to the Subfamilies. a. Bill straight; upper mandible lengthened and curved over the tip of the lower.. 1. DIGLOSSINJE, p. 2. b. Bill straight; mandibles equal in length and pointed at the ends 2. DA CN1DINJE, p. 12. c. Bill lengthened; both mandibles incurved 3. CCERJSBINsE, p. 29. d. Bill short, thick, conical, slightly incurved 4. GLOSSIPTILIN2E, [p. 47. Subfamily I. DIGLOSSIN^E. Key to the Genera. a. Bill strongly hooked at the extremity 1. DIGLOSSA, p. 2. b. Bill very slightly hooked at the extremity .. 2. DIGLOSSOPIS, p. 11. 1. DIGLOSSA. Type Diglossa, Wagler, Isis, 1832, p. 280 D. baritula. Agrilorhinus, Bp. Nnov. Ann. Sc. Nat. Bologna, i. p. 408 (1838) D. baritula. Uncirostrum, Lccfr. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 100 D. carbonaria. Serrirostrum, d'Orb. etLafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 24 (1838) . D. carbonaria. Campylops, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 56 (1854) D. baritula. Tephrodiglossa, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 273 . D. carbonaria. Pyrrhodiglossa, Cassin, op. cit. p. 274 D. mystacalis. Cyanodiglossa, Cassin, ibid D. personata. Melanodiglossa, Cassin, ibid, D. lafresnayi. Structure of Diglossa major. 1 . DIGLOSSA. The genus Diglossa contains about sixteen species of small Tit-like birds easily recognized by their peculiar hooked bill. They arc diffused over the more northern portion of the Neotropical Region, from Southern Mexico to Bolivia, and are confined nearly entirely to the upland forests above 6000 feet in altitude. They are said to frequent the bushes and trees at the edges of the forests, and to be usually found in small parties, ever active in search of insects. The nests of two of the species taken by Salmon in Antioquia (cf. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 496) were open and cup-shaped. The eggs (pp. cit. pi. xlii. iig. 1) are spotted with brown on a greenish ground. Key to the Species. Sect. i. Plumage more or less varied with rufous. a. Abdomen and crissum alike rufous; f throat plumbeous 1. baritula, p. 3. J throat rufous like the belly 2. sittoides, p. 4. ) throat black all over 3. gloriosa, p. 5. [ throat black in middle, sides rufous ... . 4. brunneiventris, p. 5. b. Abdomen black; crissum rufous; I pectoral band rufous 5. pectoralis, p. 6. f no pectoral band 6. mystacalis, p. 6. c. Abdomen cinereous; crissum rufous; \ breast black 7. carbonaria, p. 6. j breast cinereous like the belly 8. major, p. 7. Sect. ii. Plumage uniform or nearly so. d. Black above and below; 'bend of wing bluish 9. lafresnayi, p. 7. bend of wing greyish 10. humeralis, p. 8. bend of wing black 11. aterrima, p. 8. bend of wing white 12. ulbilatemhs, p. 9. e. Plumbeous above and below 13. plumbed, p. 9. / . Bluish above and below. a'. Face black 14. personata, p. 10. b'. Face like the body : i brighter, purplish blue 15. indigoticd, p. 10. darker, with only a bluish wash ... . 16. glauca, p. 11. 1. Diglossa baritula. Diglossa baritula, Wayl. Isis, 1832, p. 281 j Hahn, Orn. Atl. xii. tab. 1 et 2; Hartl, Rev. Zool. 1842, p. 56; Gray et Mitch. Gen. B. i. p. 157, pi. 42 ; Bp. Comp. i. p. 401 ; ScUder, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 286, 1859, pp. 364, 376, et 1864, p. 173 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 48 ; id. Ibis, 1875, p. 207 ; Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 97 ; Mater et Saluin, Ibis, 1859, p. 14 ; Belch. Handb. p. 233, t. dliv. ff. 3762, 3763 ; Cass. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 273; Sumichr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. II. i. p. 548; Gray, Hand-L l. p. 118; Set. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 15; Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 174 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 242. Campylops hamulus, Zicht. Nomencl. Mus. Berol, p. 56 (descr. nulla). Agrilorhinus sittaceus, Bp. Nuov. Ann. Sc. Nat. Bologna, i. p. 408 C(1838). Uncirostrum brelayi, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 100. Uncirostrum sittaceum, %Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 292. Agrilorhinus olivaceus, Fraser, P. Z. S. 1840, p. 22. B A CGZEEBID33. Above plumbeous, head, wings, and tail darker; below ferruginous red ; throat plumbeous like the back ; under wing-coverts red like the belly; upper inaudible dark, lower and feet cameoas: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2*4, tail 1-9. Female. Olive-green ; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive ; secondaries broadly edged with pale fuscous ; below pale yellowish olive. Hal. S. Hexico and Guatemala. Guatemalan specimens have less plumbeous on the throat, thereby approaching D. sittoides. a. S ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. h, c. <3 ad. sk. d. $ F-sk- e. 5 ad. sk. Mexico- Mexico. Mexico. Gould Coll. Gould Coil. ZooLSoc. Coli.^ (Type of Ayrihrhinm olivacetos.) / . ? ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. g. S ad. sk. h, $ ad. sk. Xear the City of Mexico. Jalapa, South Mexico \de Salvin-Gudman Coll. Salvin-Godoian Coil. i. <$ jr. sk. j . c? ad. sk. Oca). Jalapa, South Mexico (de Oca). Que.-*altenango, Guatemala Sclater Coil Salvin-Godman Coil. k,l. m. 5 ad. sk. (Salvin). Caldera*, Vulcan de Fm*go {Salvin K Coban, Vera Paz {Sain a). Salvin-ttodmau Coll. Salvin-Gtvinuin Cull. n. 2 Santa Cruz Mto., Vera Paz Haiviii-lpidiOiti! Coll. (Sal tin}. o. cS ad. sk. G uatemala (Cwmitiniiu), Sclater Coll. 2. Biglossa sittoides. Serrirostram sittoides, d'Ork ei Lafr. Syti. Aw. ii. p. 25 (1838); £Ork Voy., Ois. p. 374, t. 68. fig. 3. Diglossa sittoides. Bridge*, P. Z. S. 1847, p. 29; Gray ef Mitch. Gen. B. i. p. 137; Reich. Handb. p. 2S% t dliv. f. S766; Casein, Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil 1864, p. 273: Graft Hand-l. L p. 118; Bel ei Salv. Ntmmal. p. 15 ; iid. P. Z, 8.1879, pp. 406 (Anfioquiaj, 506 (Bolivia); Tacz. P.Z.8. 1874, p. 511, et 1862, p. 8; id. Orn. Peru*, I p. 417; ScL Ibis, 1875, p. 208. Diglossa bimilis, Lafr. Rev. ZooL 1846, p. 318; Sclater, R Z. S. im?}} p. 138, et 1808, p. 170; id. Cat A. A p. 48; Bp. Conep. i. p. 401; Reich. Handb. p. 233, L dliv. f. 3704; Cam. Pr. Ac, PML ltf64, p. 273; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 118; ScL et Salv. ISfmnmel p. 15. Diglossa hyperythra, Cab. Mus. Mem. i. p. 97 (1850) (ex Venezuela). Uncirostrum d'orbignii, Bcms. Rev. ZooL 1840, p. 5. Diglossa d'orbignyi, Reich. Hamlb. p. 233; Gray, Hand-L i. p. US. Above plumbeous, front and bides of head darker : below uniform ferruginous red; upper mandible dark, lower and feet caraeous : whole length 4-4 inches, wing 2-25, tail 1*8. Female. Olive, wings and tail blackish with olive edgings ; below pale yellowish olive. Bab. Highlands of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. Lafresnaye has been followed by other authors in separating the 1. DIGLOSSi. Colombian form of this species as D.sihiilis, but I cannot agree with this view (see 'Ibis/ 1875, p. 209). Ecuadorian specimens are rather paler below. «. cJ ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela ((roe- Salvin-Godman Coll. ring). k c. dT $ ad.< 4-. Bogruta. Salvin-Godman Coll. ej\.*k. d. d "* 0 ad, Bogota Selater Coll. fiad. sk. San Sebastian, Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. ll. cTad. 4 . Vicinit} of Quito,Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. i. o ak. Pallatanga, Ecuador Selater Cull. (Preiser). ./• e ad. ~k. Jima, Ecuador {Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. k. o ad.*k. Ecuador. Gould Coll. j-j* 1 ad. 4;. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. m. d ad- -k. Yungas,Bolivia{D.Forbes). Selater Coll. a*o. D. c^erulescens. The single species of this genus somewhat resembles Diglossa per- sonata in plumage, but is at once distinguishable by its more slender and less hooked bill, the upper mandible being but just incurved over the lower. It is found in the higher Andes from Venezuela through Colombia and Ecuador to Central Peru. The nest and eggs obtained by Salmon in Antioquia in 1877 resemble those of Diglossa. 1. Diglossopis caerulescens. Diglossopis caerulescens, Scl Ann. fy Mag. N. B. ser. 2, xvii. p. 467 id. Cat. A. B. p. 40 ; id. Ibis, 1875, p. 219; Qray> BancU i. p. 119 Scl HSalv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 627, 1879, p. 496; iid. Nomencl p. 15 Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 324; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 225, 1882, p. 8 id." Orn. Perou, i. p. 422. Diglossa caerulescens, JBerl J. f. 0. 1884, p. 286 (Bucaramanga). Diglossa personata J , Beich. Bandb. p. 231, t. dlii. f. 3752. Bluish cinereous, below paler; belly and crissum more ashy; wings and tail black with margins similar to the back; front, lores, C0EREBID2G. and chin black: whole length 6 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2*3. Female similar to male. Bab. Andes of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. a. Ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela (Salle). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. S ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela. P. L. Sclater, Esq. HP.]d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. ftff-(52 Santa Elena, Antioquia,U.S.C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon), h. § ad. sk. Tarnbillo, Peru (Stohmann). Sclater Coll. Subfamily II. DACNIDINiE. Key to the Genera. a. Bill thin, elongated, about as long as the head; ( wings rather long, tail short 3. OREOMANES, p. 12. I wings shorter, tail longer 4. CONIROSTRUM,P. 13. b. Bill short, thick, Parine in form 5. XENODACNIS, p. 17. c. Bill short, stout, rather widened at base. , m -i A . f bill very short 6. HEMIDACNIS, p. 17. «. Tail moderated -.-n T J, „ -n ^XTT„ -,'Qr 1 bill short 7. DACNIS, p. 18. b'. Tail short 8. CERTHIDEA, p. 27. 3. OREOMANES. Type. Oreomanes, Sclater, P. Z. S. I860, p. 75 0. fraseri. Bill and foot of Oreomanes. (P. Z. S. 1860, p..75.) This is an exaggerated form of Conirostrum, distinguished by its larger size, longer wings, and shorter tail. Only one species is known. 1. Oreomanes fraseri. Oreomanes fraseri, Sol P. Z. S. 1860, p. 75, pi. 159; id. Cat. A. B. p. 49; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 15; Tacz. et Perl P. Z. S. 1885, p. 76. Conirostrum (Oreomanes) fraseri, Gh-ay, Hand-l i. p. 119. 4 . CONIROSTRUM. 13 Above cinereous; wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts and secondaries margined with cinereous; ear-coverts white ; superciliaries and body below deep chestnut; under wing-coverts and thighs white : whole length 6*3 inches, wing 3"5, tail 2*4. Hah. Andes of Central Ecuador, alt. 14,000 feet. Discovered on Chimborazo by Eraser in 1859, and occasionally since brought in collections from Quito. In 1876 Mr. C. Buckley obtained a single specimen at Sical in Eastern Ecuador. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. Panza, Ecuador (Frascr). Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Pasto, Ecuador (Lehmann). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) Salvin-G-odman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Purchased. 4. COEIROSTBUM. Type. Conirostrum, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 25 (1838).. C. cinereum. This genus contains a group of about eight small species, distin guished by their straight, pointed, conical bills, and found only in the higher Andean forests from Colombia to Bolivia. The sexes are similar, except in G. alh'frons and C. atrocyanemn. Key to the Species. A. Abdomen rufous. a Throat black \ suPerciliai'ies blaek .... 1. sitticolor, p. 13. a. lMoat Diacis j superciliaries blue . _ 2. cyaneum, p. 14. b. Throat like the belly • J superciliaries rufous 3. rufimi, p. 14. I superciliaries white 4. ferrugineivenfre, p. 15. B. Below uniform pale fuscous 5. fraseri, p. 15. C. Below uniform cinereous 6. cinereum, p. 15. D. Below black; j back bluish; cap white 7. aJbifrom, p. 16. j back black ; cap blue 8. atrocyanemn, p. 16. 1. Conirostrum sitticolor. Conirostrum sitticolor, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 102; Sel. P. Z. S. 1855, pp. 75, 138; id. Cat A. B. p. 40; Gray et Mitch. Gen. B. i. p. 102, pi. 34 ; Bp. Consp. I p. 402 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 272 ; Gray, Hand-L i. p. 119 : ScL etSah. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 780 (Venezuela) ; iid, Nomencl. p. 15 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 193 ; id, Orn. Perou, i. p. 423 ; Tacz. etBerl P. Z. S. 1885, p. 75 (Ecuador). Conirostrum bicolor, Less. Descr. d. Mamm. et Ois. p. 275. Above dull purple; head, wings, and tail black; wing-coverts and secondaries edged with purple; below deep rusty red; throat and neck black like the head; under wing-coverts red; inner margins of wing-feathers cinerascent; bill and feet black : whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2*6, tail 2*1. Female similar. Bab. Andes of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and 1ST. Peru. CCEKEBIM. Originally described from Bogota skins, but extends into Ecuador and N. Peru on the one side and Venezuela (Andes of Merida) on the other. a. J ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. ( Goering). b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk.; e. Jr. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. /, g. Ad. sk. San Lucas, Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. {Buckley). L Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Cull. 2. Conirostnun cyaneitia. Couirostrani cvaneum, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 512 j id. Orn. Perou, i. p. 423; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 500. Above dark purple: head black, with broad superciliaries and sides of neck purple like the back; wings and tail black, wing-coverts and secondaries edged with purple; below deep ferruginous red ; throat and fore neck black with a strong purplish gloss; under wing-coverts rufous; inner margins of wing-feathers cinerascent: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2-0, tail 2-1. Female similar. Hah. Andes of Central Peru and Bolivia. This species only differs from 0. sitticolor in its purple superci liaries and the bluish gloss on the fore neck. «, h. Ad. sk. Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Cull. 3. Conirostrimi rufum. Conirostrum rufum, Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1843, sub tab. 35 (1843); ScL P. Z. S. 1855, pp. 75,138 • id. Cat. A. B. p. 50 ,• Camn, IV. Ac. Sc% Phil. 1864; p. 272 j JScL et Salv. JSTomencl. p. 15; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, pp. 128, 324. Dacnis rufo-cinerea, JBjp. Atti Scienz. It 1845, p. 404; id. Consp. i. p. 401. Above cinereous ; wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts edged with grey and secondaries with whitish; front, superciliaries, and body beneath deep chestnut-red ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers whitish ; bill and feet dark brown : whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2*3, tail 2*2. Female similar. Hah. Andes of Colombia. Not uncommon in "Bogota" collections, and recently obtained by Mr. Simons on the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, at 9200 feet altitude. a. Ad. sk. Sierra Nevada de Santa Sclater Coll. Marta (Simons). b, o. <$ $ ad, sk Sierra Nevada de Santa Salvin-Godman Coll. Marta (Simons). d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. e,f. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godmau Coll. g, h. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. 4 . CONIEOSTRUM. 15 4. Couirostrum ferrugiueiveutre. Oonirostrum ferrugineiventre, Scl. P. Z. S.1855, p. 74, Ave% pl.lxxxv.: Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 678, 1870, p. 506; iicl Nomencl. p. 15; Gray, IIand4. i. p. 110; Tacz. P. Z. S.1874, p. 511 ; id. Orn. Perou, i. p. 424. Above plumbeous, wings and tail blackish, edged with plumbeous ; cap blackish; superciliaries white; beneath bright ferruginous brown; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; bill and feet blackish. "Whole length 5*2 inches, wing 2*8, tail 2-L Hah. Andes of Bolivia and Southern Peru. Easily known from 0. rufum by its white superciliaries. a. Ad. sk. Cackupata, Peru ( Wldtely). Sclater Coll. 5. Conirostrum fraseri. (Plate II. fig. 1.) Oonirostrum fraseri, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 452,1860, p. 65; id. Cat. A. B. p. 50; Gray, Hand-l i. p. 110; Scl et Salv. Nomencl p. 15; Bed. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 288 (Ecuador) ; iid. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 76. Above cinereous, somewhat rufescent; wings and tail blackish ; tips of greater wing-coverts, edges of secondaries, and speculum at the base of the primaries white; superciliaries and body below pale fuscous; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white; bill and feet dark brown : whole length 4*2 inches, wing 2*3, tail 2'2m Female similar. Hah. Andes of Western Ecuador. Discovered by Fraser in Ecuador, and not yet obtained elsewhere. a.; h. Jr. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e,f. (S 2 ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador(Buckley). Cuenca, Ecuador (Fraser). Ecuador (Fraser). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.)' Purchased. h. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Purchased. 6. Couirostrum cinereum. Oonirostrum cinereum, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 25; d?Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 374, t. 40. fig. 1 ; Tack. F. P., Orn. p. 236; Cab. J. f. O. 1873, p. 64; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 102; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 984, 1868, p. 569, 1879, p. 506; iid. Nomencl p. 15; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1864, p. 272,- Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 119; Scl P. Z. S. 1873, P/ 780; Tacz. P. Z. S. '1874, p. 511,1879, p. 225; id. Orn. Perou, i. p. 425. Above pure cinereous; wings and tail blackish, tips of greater wing-coverts, edges of secondaries, and a small speculum at the base of the primaries white; superciliaries white; body below pale cinereous ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers COSREBIDJE. white ; bill and feet dark brown: whole length 4 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1-9. Female similar, but body beneath tinged with rufous. Eab. Andes of Bolivia and Peru. A southern representative of C. fraseri; always distinguishable by its greyer tinge above and much paler colour below. a9b. <$ $ ad. sk. Arequipa, S.W. Peru Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). c. Ad. sk. Arequipa, S.W. Peru Purchased, (Whitety). d. Ad. sk. S.W. Peru (Whiteh/). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Maraynioe, Peru (Jelskz). Sclater Coll. /. Ad. sk. Lima, Peru {Nation). Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. Bolivia (D. Forbes). Sclater Coll. 7- Conirostrum albifrons. Conirostrum albifrons, Lafr. Rev. ZooL 1842, p. SOI; id. May. de ZooL 1843, Ois. t. 35; Bp. Consp. i. p. 4D'2; Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 102; ScL P. Z. S. 1855, pp. 75, 133, et 1859, p. 138; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1804, p. 272; Gray, Hand-L i. p. 110; ScL Cat A. B. p. 50; ScL et Sah. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 496; iid. Xomencl p. 15. Conirostrum cssruleifrons, Lafr, Rev. ZooL 1842, p. 302; ScL Cat. ^.P.p.50($). Above black, strongly glossed with purplish blue except on the back and sides of the neck; cap pure white ; wings and tail black, slightly edged with purplish blue; below black ; bill and feet black: whole length 5 inches, wing 2*9, tail 8*4. Yoiunj male. Like the adult, but with the cap blue, or blue mixed with white. Female. Above bright green, wings and tail blackish edged with green ; sides and back of neck dark cinereous; cap blue; throat and breast cinereous; belly pale green ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of remiges whitish. Hah. Andes of Colombia and Ecuador. The sexes of this bird were originally described by Lafresnaye as distinct species, but I find a nearly perfect series of specimens connecting the two plumages. a, b. 6 5 a<^-; e, Bogota. Sclater Coll. d. $ jr. sk. e,f. d $ ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. <$ 2 a(i y, k- *&. Santa Elena, U. S.C.(Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. ijj. <$ ad. sk. Vicinity of Medellin, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). k,l b. <$ ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Q-odman Coll. c <$ ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Purchased. 5. XENODACNIS. Typ a Xenodaenis, Cab. J.f. 0.1873, p. 311 X. parina. This peculiar form is, as Dr. Cabanis has well observed, hard to place satisfactorily, but is better referred to the neighbourhood of Dacnis than to any other position. The bill is very Parine in form, but without any nasal bristles. There is no tenth primary apparent. The feet are strong. 1. Xenodacnis parina. Xenodacnis parina, Cab. J. f. 0.1873, p. 312, tab. iv. %>. 1, 2* Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 510; id. Orn. Perou, i. p. 434. Uniform dull purplish blue, rather paler on the belly, brighter on the head and rump; wings and tail-feathers ashy black edged with blue; bill dark brown ; feet black: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2*5, tail 2*1. Female (according to Cabanis) above brownish, cap blue; lesser wing-coverts and rump bluish; beneath reddish brown, middle of belly whitish. Hab. Central Peru. a. $ ad. sk. Maraynioc, Peru (Jelshi). Sclater Coll. (One of the typical specimens.) 6. HEMIDACOTS. Type. Hemidacnis, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 50 (1862) H. albiventris. This is again a monotypic form, but much more nearly allied to Dacnis, from which it scarcely differs except in its shorter bill. 1. Hemidacnis albiventris. Piprseidea albiventris, Sclater, Pev. Zool 1852, p. 8; id. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 131, pi. 100.fig. 1. Diva albiventris, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 158. Hemidacnis albiventris, Scl Cat A. B. p. 50 • Cassm, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 271 ,* Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1807, p. 749, et 1873, p. 259; iid. Nomencl p. 16; Tacz. Orn. PSrou, i. p. 427. Dacnis albiventris, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 118. Above bright purplish blue; front, lores, and ear-coverts black; VOL. xi. ° CGBKJBBID.3E. wings and tail black, the wing-coverts and secondaries with edgings like the back; below as above, but the middle of the abdomen and crissum pure white ; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing- feathers white ; bill and feet black : whole length 4*1 inches, wing 2-4, tail 1-6. Female. Above green, brighter on the rump; wings and tail blackish, edged with green; below greenish yellow, brighter on the middle of the belly. Hob. Colombia, Ecuador, and Eastern Peru. a. $ ad. sk. Chamicuros, Peruvian Arna- Salvin-Godman Coll. zons (Bartlett). h. tf jr. sk. Xeberos, Peru (Bartlett). Salvin-Godman Coll. c, d. <$ $ ad. sk. Xeberos, Peruvian Amazons Sclater Coll. {Bartlett). e. S ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. /. S ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. g. (S ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. h. 6 jr- sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. 7. DAOTIS. T, pe. Dacnis, Cm. Regn. An. L p. 395 (1817) D. cayana. Cyanodacnis, Casein, Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil. 1864, p. 266 .. 1). cayana. Polidaenis, Cassin, op. cit. p. 209 I), angelica. Eudacnis; Cassin, op. cit. p. 270 D. flaviventris. Ateleodacnis, Cassin, ibid 1). leueogenys. This genus contains about thirteen species extensively distributed in the Neotropical Eegion from Nicaragua down to the southern limits of the Brazilian wood-region. They are forest-loving birds, and occur at low rather than at high elevations, though some of the species are certainly met with only in the higher Subandean valleys. In the first nine or ten, more typical, members of the group the males are clad in very brilliant plumage, and differ much from the sombre females ; but, as is often the case, in some of the more aberrant species the plumages of the two sexes are nearly similar. Keg to the Species. A. Head blue: interscapulium black. a. Throat black. a'. Feet red. Body bright blue 1. cayana, p. 19. Body purplish 2. ecerebieolor, p. 21. V. Feet black 3. nir/ripes, p. 21. l ' F b. Throat blue c'. Sides of head black j J* middle of belly white 4. angelica, p. 22. 1 middle of belly yellow .j. egregia, p. 22. d\ Sides of head blue 0. mgicieri, p. 23. B. Plead green; abdomen yellow 7. Jlcwiventris. v>*23. C. Head blue; abdomen black 8. venusta, p. 24. D. Head black j abdomen silvery green 9. pidchermna, p. 24. 7 . DACNIS. 19 E. General plumage grey. e'. Crissuin chestnut. a". Cap black; "back grey 10. leucogenys, p. 25. b". Cap grey like the back; J below bluish grey 11. analis, p. 25. 1 below whitish grey 12. hpeciosa, p. 26. /' . Crissuin like the belly 13. plwnbea, p. 26. F. Male unknown ; female above dark yellowish olive 14. salmoni, p. 27. 1. Dacnis cayana. Sylvia cayanensis cserulea, JBriss. Orn. iii. p. 534. Blue Manakin, Edwards, Birds, pi. 263. Motacilla cayana, Linn. S. N. i. p. 336. Le Pipit bleu de Cayenne, Daub. PI Mnl 669. fig. 1 (tf). Grrimpereau verd de'BrSsil, Daub. PI Mil. 578. fig. 1 ($). Fringilla cyanomelas, Gm. S. 2V. i. p. 924. Motacilla cyanocephala, Gm. S. N. i. p. 990 (J). Nectarinia bicolor, Beckl. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Mosc. i. p. 378, pi. xxiii. Nectarinia cyanocephala, Sw. Zool.Hl. ser. i. pi. 117 (§). Ccereba cserulea, Max. Beitr. ii. p. 7^6. Dacnis cyanater, Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 458; oVOrb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 21. Dacnis cyanomelas, Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 153; JReichenb. Handb. p. 227; Berlepsch, J.f. 0. 1873, p. 235. Dacnis cayana, Strickl. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 15; Bp. Consp. i. p. 400; ScL Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 106; id. Cat A. B. p. 50; id. P. Z. S. 1854, pp. 110, 252, 1855, p. 137, 1858, p. 452; id. Ibis, 1863, p. 313; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 268 j Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 81 (Trinidad); ScL et Sato. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 179,1867, pp. 570, 749, 977, 1873, p. 259, 1875, p. 237, 1879, pp. 496, 597; iid. Komencl p. 16; Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 185; id. Ibis, 1872, p. 313; Layard, 1Mb, 1873, p. 378 (Lower Amazons) ; Leotaud, B. of Trinidad, p. 124; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 510,1882, p. 9; id. Orn. Perou, i. p. 428; Salv. et Godm. Biol. C.~A., Av-es, i. p. 244; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 207 (Brit. Guian.). Dacnis C} anocephala, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 102; cP Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 221; Cab. m Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 675. Dacnis nigripes, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1864, p. 269. Dacnis coerebicolor, Later. Ann. L. N. T. vii. p. 291. Dacnis ultramarina, Laiur. Pr. Ac. Se. Phil. 1864, p. 106; id. Ibis, 1865, p. 106; id. Ann. Lyc. K Y. viii. p. 179, ix. p. 97; Sol et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 348; iid. Nomencl p. 16; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1864:, p. 269; Salv. et Godm. Biol C.-A., Aces, i. p. 244. Shining blue, with a greenish tinge ; interscapulium, front, lores, and throat black; wings and tail black; wings edged with blue; under wing-coverts and underside of wings cinereous; bill horncolour ; feet flesh-colour : whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1-6. Female. Bright green; head blue ; throat cinereous. Hob, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, and South America down to S. Brazil and Bolivia. In some specimens from Panama and northwards (B. tdtramarina of Lawrence) the male is distinguishable by its deeper shining blue colour, with less greenish tinge. But I can only regard this form c 2 CCEBEBIDJE. as a subspecies, especially as some of the Chiriqni specimens agree completely with Guianan skins*. a. 8 jr. sk. I. 8 ad. sk c, d. 8 2 ad. sk. «>/. cJ jr. sk j ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. /. S ad. sk. Bemedios, Antioquia (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. mon). b. Subsp. cequatorialis, a, b. c? ad. sk. Napo, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. c, d. <5 § ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. $ ad. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Salvin-Godman Coll. f, g. d> $ ad. sk. Esmeraldas, Ecuador (Fra~ Sclater Coll. sei%). 6. Dacnis viguieri. Dacnis viguieri, Sak. et Godm. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 246, tab. xv. a, fig. 3. Greenish blue; lores, interscapulium, and tail black; wings black; secondaries edged externally with greenish blue; under wing- coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 24, tail 2. (Oustulet.) Hal. Isthmus of Darien. Only known from the single specimen in the Paris Museum. a. Drawing from the typical specimen (Keulemans). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Dacnis flaviventris. Dacnis flaviventris, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. AD. i. p. 21; Bp. Consp. I p 400 ; Scl Contr. Orn. 1851, pp. 108,114; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 252, 1857, p. 263; id. Cat. A. B. p. 51; id. Ibis, 1863, p. 316; Cmvn, Pr. Ac. So. Phil 1864, p. 270; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 25; Gray et Mitch. Gen. B. i. p. 102; Gray, Hand-l i. p. 117 ; Scl et Sal v. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 179,1867, p. 977, 1873, pp. 185 et 259, 1879, p. 597 ; iid. Nomenel p. 16 ; Tacz. Orn. Perou, i. p. 431. Oonirostrum! flaviventre, Reichenb. Handb. p. 229. CCEBEBID2E. Bright yellow; front, sides of head, int erseapulium, throat-patch, wings, and tail black; cap bright green; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1*5. Female. Olive-brown; beneath paler, somewhat ochreons; wings and tail dark brown. Hal. Eastern Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. A very distinct species, originally obtained by d'Orbigny in the forests of Yuracares, Bolivia; since received in several collections from Upper Amazonia. a. S ad. sk. b. $ ad. sk. c. $ ad. sk. d. <$ jr. sk. e. cS ad. sk. Ucayali. Lower Ucayali {JE. Bartlett). Pebas, E. Peru {Hauxwell). Yquitos, Upper Amazons {Whitely). Peruvian Amazons (Hauzwell). Purchased. Sclater CoU. Salvin-Godroan CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater CoU. / , g. . 771. Bacnis spiza, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 95; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 152. Ohlorophanes spiza, Cassin, Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil 1864, p. 267; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y.viii. p. 174,* Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 177; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 206 (Brit. Guiana); Salvin # Godman, Biol. CA., Aves, i. p. 247; Berlepsch, Ibis, 1881, p. 242; id. J.f. 0. 1884, p. 286 (Bucaramanga). Ccereba atricapilla, Yieill. Nouv. Diet. xiv. p. 50 (1817). Dacnis atricapilla, Set. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 108; id. P. Z. S.1854, p. 110; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 560; Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 20. Ohlorophanes atricapilla, Peichenb. Handb. p. 234; Scl. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 252, 1857, p. 263, 1861, p. 129; id. Cat. A. B. p. 52; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 349, 1866, p. 179,1867, p. 749 et p. 977,1868, p. 166, 1873, p. 260, 1879, p. 497; iid. Ibis, 1859, p. 14,1860, p. 32 ; iid. Nomencl p. 10; Taijlor, Ms, 1864, p. 81; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 324; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 9; id. Orn. PSrou, i. p. 435. Nectarinia mitrata, Licht. Doubl. p. 15. Ohlorophanes guatemalensis, Sol. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 129; id. Cat A. B. p. 52; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 349,1870, p. 836; Salvin, Ibis, 1866, p. 203,1872, p. 315; id. P. Z. S.1867, p. 137, 1870, p. 185. Ohlorophanes spiza, var. guatemalensis, Lazvr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 97 ; Frantzws, J.f. 0.1869, p. 297. Ohlorophanes spiza exsul, Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 543. Bright shining green, with a bluish tinge, more especially below, in some specimens; cap and sides of head black; wings and tail blackish edged with green; under wing-coverts blackish- beak yellow, the upper portion of the upper mandible and feet black; whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2'9, tail 1*5. Female. Uniform grass- green, paler medially below; upper mandible blackish, lower yellowish.; feet brown. Hab. Prom Guatemala southwards throughout Central America, and all over South America down to S.E. Brazil and Bolivia. 30 CCEREBIDJB. This widely distributed species is subject to considerable local variation, and at one time I thought it possible to separate the Central-American form as G. guatemalensis ; but Messrs. Salvin and Godman (I. s. c.) have shown that examples from Guatemala and Guiana cannot always be distinguished. Most specimens from Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru have a strong bluish cast on the body below. Cassin (Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, pp. 267, 268) has described four " varieties v of this species from different localities under the names "spiza" "guatemalensis" "ccerulescens" and umelrmojms." I cannot myself recognize more than three local forms :—(1) guatemalensis, extending from Guatemala to Panama and Western Ecuador—a larger bird, of a lighter green; (2) cmrule$ee?is. with a strong bluish tinge, from Colombia, Eastern Ecuador, and Peru; and (3) typica, from Trinidad, Guiana, and S.E. Brazil, rather smaller, and intermediate between the two. But I confess that I could not undertake to separate some of the third series from those of the first. a. Subsp. guatemalensis. a. 6 jr-sk.; Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. 5 ad. sk. c. 6 ad. sk. Sources of Bio de la Pasion, Salvin-Godman Coll. Vera Paz (Salvin). d. 6 ad. sk. Yaxcanmal, Vera Paz (Salvin Salvin-Godman Coll. fy Godman). e,f, 6 $ ad. sk. Guatemala (Salvin). SclaterColl. (Types of Chi. guatemalensis.) g. 6 ad. sk. San Pedro, Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. ( Whitely). h, i 6 5 ad- sk. Chontales,' Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. j, k. 6 J ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. I. 6 ad. sk. Cordillera de Tole, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). m. 6 jr. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. n, o. 6 2 ad- sk. Bugaba, Ckiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. p, q. 6 2 ad. sk. Lion Hill, Isthmus of Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. r. 6 ad. sk. Balzar Mountains, Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. (lllingioorth). b. Subsp. ccerulescens. a,h. 6 2 ad. sk. Bogota, Sclater Coll. c,d. 6 2 ad. sk. Bogota, J. Gould, Esq. e. 6 ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. f-6 ad. sk. Medellin,Ax&oqti&(Sahnori). Salvin-Godman Coll. g,k 6 ad. si i. Rio Napo (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. t. 6 ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. Yquitos, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). *.? ad. sk. Nairapi, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 16 ad. sk. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Subsp. tyjpica. 6 ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. 6 ad. sk. Trinidad. Purchased. 10 . CCEREBA. 31 c,d. <$ $ Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiaua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wliitely). e,f. <$ 5 ad. sk. Rorainia, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. {Wliitely). g. $ ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. h, i. <$ 2 ac**sk* Pernanibuco, Brazil (W. A. Salvin-Godman Coll. Forbes). j. 2 ad- sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. k, <£ ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). 1. ^ ad. sk. South America. Prof. Lichtenstein [P.], m. $ ad. sk. South America. Hardwick Bequest. n. J ad. sk. South America. Major Finch [P.], 2. CMoropha&es purpurascens. (Plate IV.) Chlorophanes purpurascens, Scl. et Sah. Nomencl. pp. 1G, 167. Dullish purple-blue, with, the lower "black colour of the feathers showing through in places; front space round the eyes, wings, and tail black; wing-coverts and secondaries with slight blue edgings; lower mandible yellow, upper black; feet brown. "Whole length 4*9 inches, wing 2*8, tail 1*7. Hah. Venezuela. This species, described from the only known specimen, has quite the habit of C. spiza, but is at once distinguishable by its colour. a. (3 sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 10. CCEREBA. Type. Coereba, Vieill Ois. Am. Sept. ii. p. 70 (1807) C. cyanea. Arbelorhina, Cab. Arch.f. Nat. p. 325 (1847) C. cyanea. The brilliant group of "Blue Creepers" which constitute this genus pervades the tropics of America from Cuba and Mexico to Southern Brazil and Bolivia. Four forms only seem to me worthy of specific separation, and two of these are but slightly different representatives of the same structure. The Coerebce are at once known from their relatives of the same group by the deep blue colour of the males and the slender Creeper-like bill. They are low- ranging birds, not apparently ascending to high elevations, and frequent the edges of the forests and the trees and shrubs of the more open districts, where they arc perpetually in search of their insect food among the branches; but they also eat ripe fruit. Key to the Sj>eeies. A. Interscapulium black j throat blue; inner webs of primaries yellow 1. cyanea, p. 32. B. Interscapulium blue; throat black; inner webs of primaries blackish. a. Bill longer. General colour deep purple 2. ccerulea, p. 33. General colour brighter purple 3. lucid a, p. 35. b. Bill shorter 4. nitida, p. 35. CCEREBIM. 1. Coereba cyanea. Certkia cayana, Linn. S. K i. p. 187 ( $ ) ? Certkia cyanea, Linn. S. N. i. p. 188 (<$)> Grinrpereau de Br&il, Baub. PI Eril. 83. %. 2. Certhia cyanogastra, Lath. 2nd. Orn. i. p. 295. Le Guit-guit, Aud. et Vieill Ois. Dor. ii. p. 69, tt. 41, 42, 43. Coereba cyanea, Vieill. Fnc. Meth. p. 610; id. Gal. Ois. i. p. 288, pi. 176; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 761; Bp. Consp. i. p. 399 ; id. Notes Orn. p. 50 ; cPOrb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 24; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 25 ; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. is. p. 97; Cassin, Br. Ac. So. Phil 1864, p. 26G; Bitrm. Syst. TJeb. iii. p. 150; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 140, 286, 1857, p. 263; id. Cat. Am. B. p. 52; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 81; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S.1866, p. 179,1867, pp. 570, 749, 1868, pp. 166, 627, 1870, p. 836,1873, p. 260,1879, p. 597; iid. Nomencl. p. 16; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 561; Salvin, Ibis, 1872, p. 315, 1885, p. 207 (Brit. Guian.); id. Cat. Strickl. Coll p. 177; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 199, 1880, p. 119; iid. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 248; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 378; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 330; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 9; id. Orn. Perm, i. p. 436. Arbelorhina cyanea, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 675; id. Mus. Hein. i. p. 96; Gundl Orn. Cuba, p. 105. Coereba carneipes, Scl. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 376, 1864, p. 173; id. Cat. A. B. p. 52; Scl et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 32; iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 349; Lawr, Ann. L. N. Y. vi. pp. 291, 318, viii. p. 175; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 137, 1870, p. 185 ; Sumichr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. H. i. p. 548. Arbelorhina brevipes et A. eximia, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 96. Coereba cyanea, C. eximia et C. brevipes, JReich. Hando. pp. 230-7. Coereba cyanea eximia, Berl J.f. 0.1884, p. 287 (Bucaramanga). Above and below bright purple-bine ; lores, space round the eyes, interscapulium, wings, and tail velvety black; cap pale blue; under wing-coverts and inner webs of wing-feathers sulphur-yellow ; bill black; feet flesh-colour: whole length 4*4 inches, wing 2-5, tail 14. Female. Above dark green, superciliary stripe whitish; wings and tail blackish, edged with green; below paler, yellowish green, obsoletely striated; under wing-coverts and inner webs of wing- feathers yellow; bill Lorn-colour; feet brown. Hab. Prom Southern Mexico over Central and Southern America down to S.E. Brazil and Bolivia. Also found in Cuba. The varieties of this species differ principally in the length of the bill and in other dimensions. But although I formerly separated the form from the north of Panama as C. carnevpes, I now agree with Messrs. Salvin and Godman (op. s. c), that neither this nor the other forms can be satisfactorily arranged as species or even as subspecies. a-b. $ ad. sk. Oaxaca, Mexico (Boucard). Sclater Coll. c. <$ ad. sk. Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. d-e. $ ad. sk. Cozumel I., Yucatan (G. F. Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. § ad. sk. Belize (Blancaneaux). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. 3 ad. sk. Corosal, (Boe). Brit. Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. 10 . CCEREBA. h, $ ad. sk i. cJ jr. sk. j. <$ ad. sk. k. <$ ad. sk. 1 2 ad. sk. m,n. $ ad.,et<5 jr. sk. o,p. § ad. sk. q. (S ad. sk. ?*. c? ad. sk. s. S ad. sk. f. c? jr. sk. u. J v. $ ad. sk. MJ. <$ jr. sk. ff,#. cT ? ad. sk. s. c? ad. sk. a'. S ad. sk. V. 8 ad. sk. c'. <$ ad. sk. d'. c? ad. sk. e'J'. 6 $ ad. sk. g'. <$ ad. sk. ti. S ad. sk. i',f. S $ ad. sk. k'\ § ad. sk. Z\ 2 ad- sk. w',w'. cJ ? ad. sk. o', y. cJ ad. sk.; ^'. § ad. sk. r'. J ad. sk. $'. <$ jr. sk. 2'. tf ad. sk. u\ c? jr. st. ?/, c? jr. st. Medio Monte, Guatemala (Salvin). Duenas,Guateui &\&(Salvin). Vera Paz. Lanquin, Vera Paz (Salvin). Retaleuleu, Guatemala (Salvin) . Bebedero, Nicoya, Costa Pica (Arce). Costa Bica. Chontales,Nicaragua(2?e#). Chitra, Veragua (Arci). Santa Fe\ Veragua (Arci). Santiago de Veragua(-4m?). Castillo, Veragua (Arci). Cordillera de Tole, Veragua (Arce). Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arci). Lion Hill, Panama (Mc- Leannan). Manaure, Santa Marta, Colombia (Simons). Minca, Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Gorgona L, U. S. C. N.W. coast of S. America. Venezuela. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Camacusa, Brit. Guiana (WJritely). ^ Roraima, Brit. Guiana (WMtely). Cayenne. Lower Amazons( Wallace). Ega, Amazons (Bates). Pernambuco, Brazil (W. A. Fo?*bes). Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Eio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil (Joyner). Brazil. Brazil. S. America. S. America. 2. Ccereba caerulea. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 0. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [P.] Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [P.]. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Purchased. Purchased. Certhia cserulea, Linn. S. N. i. p. 185. Grimpereau verd tachete* de Cayenne, Daub. PL JEJnl. 682.fig. 2 ( $ ). Certhia ochrochlora, Gm. S. N. i. p. 472. Certhia surinamensis, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 295. Le Guit-guit noir et bleu, Aud. et Vieill. Ois. Dor. ii. p. 74t 44, 45,46. VOL. XI. D 34 CCEEEBID^:. Coereba casrulea, Vieill JEnc. Meth. p. 610; Sdat. P Z. S. 1855, p. 137,1857, p. 263; id. Cat. A. B. p. 53 ; Taylor, Ms,1864, p. 81; Sclat. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, pp. 570, 74% 977,1868, p 167,187S, p. 185, 1879, p. 497 (Antioquia), p. 597 (Bolivia); iid. Komencl. p. 16 j Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 378; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 119 : Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 207 (Brit. Guian.); Pehdn, Orn. Bras. p. 25; Tacz. Orn. Perou, i. p. 437 j Perl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 543. Arbelorhina cserulea, Cab. m Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 675; id. Mvs. Rein. i. p. 96; Peichenb. Handb. p. 235. Arbelorhina brevirostris, Cab. Mas. Hein. i. p. 96. Arbelorhina longirostris, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 96, Ccareba longirostris, Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 501; Scl. Cat A. B. p. 53 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. PM. 1864, p. 267. Coereba brevirostris, Sol. Cat. A. B. p. 53; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. PML 1864, p. 267. Coereba casrulea microrhyncha, Berl. J.f. 0. 1884, p. 287 (Bucaramanga). Above and below purple-bine; lores, throat, wings, tail, and tinder wing-coverts velvety black ; bill Mack; feet flesh-colour; whole length 3*7 inches, wing 2*2, tail 1*1. Female. Above dark green; lores rufous * below pale yellowish, with dark green striations ; throat rufous ; bill blackish ; feet brown. Hab. South America, from Colombia down to Amazonia, Eastern Peru and Bolivia; to the north of Colombia replaced by the next species. This is also a somewhat variable species; but after examining several large series, I think it better to keep all the specimens from countries to the south of Panama under one specific name. This bird does not seem to occur in South-east Brazil, but extends all over Amazonia. The descriptions are taken from Cayenne skins. a, b. c? $ ad. sk. Ilhica, SantaMarta,U.S.C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simons). c. £ ad. sk. Bemedios, Antioquia, Salvin-Godman Coll T. S. C. {Salmon). d. S ad. sk. Venezuela, Purchased. e. d ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. /. S ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. <$ $ ad. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. i. S jr. sk. Bogota. Purchased. j, h <$ 2 ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). I. S ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. m. $ ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. n. <$ jr. sk. Gorgona I, U. S. C. Cap! Kellett& Lieut. , , WoodfC.l o,p. 6 2 ad. sk. Pebas, E. Peru (Hauxwell). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. S ad. sk. Ega, Amazons (Bates). Purchased. r. $ ad. sk. Santarem,Ama,zona(Bates). Purchased. s. 6 ad. sk. Eastern Peru (Farm). Salvin-Godman Coll t. $ ad. sk. Eastern Peru. Sclater Coll. u. <$ ad. sk. 3NTairapi, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. v. J ad. sk. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 10 . COEEEBA. 3 5 w. d1 ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. k. (McLeannan). /. $ ad. &k. Central America. J. Gould, Esq.. 4. Coereba nitida. Coereba nitida, Earil Rev. Zool 1847, p. 84; Strickl Contr. Orn. Ib50. -n. 147. r>L 00. f. 1: Bn. Comv. i. p. 400; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, VScl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1807, pp. 749, W7, 1*573, p. Tacz. Orn. p. 10; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 25; Gratj, KandA. i. p. 117; Perou, i. p. 439. CCEREBIDJ3. Arbelorhina nitida, Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 96; JReicherib. Handb. p. 235. Bright bluish purple-blue ; lores, throat-patch extending over breast, wings, tail, and under wing-coverts velvety black; bill black; feet pale flesh-colour: whole length 3-5 inches, wing 2, tail 1. Female. Dark green ; throat and middle of belly pale ochraceous; sides of body striated with whitish; crissum yellowish. Hah. Colombia and Upper Amazonia. This is a well-marked species, easily known by its small size, short bill, the extension of the black of the throat over the chest, and the brighter tint of the blue, especially above. a. <$ ad. sk. b. c? ad. sk. c. Bogota. Amazons (Gotdd). Pebas, Eastern Peru (HaiixSclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. J ad. sk. well). Xeberos, Eastern Peru ISclater Coll. e. J jr. sk. / . $ ad. sk. g. c? ad. sk. (Bartlett). Ega; Amazons {Bates). Ucayali, Peru. S. America. Purchased. Purchased. Sclater Coll. 11. CEETHIOLA. Type. Certhiola, Sund. CEfvers. Vet.-Ak. Handl. 1835, p. 99 .. 0. flaveola. The group of little Flower-peckers comprised in this genus comprehends about eighteen or nineteen local forms all moulded and coloured exactly on the same type. Some of them, especially the continental representatives, present but slight points of difference and run one into the other. But as Mr. Ridgway has lately published a synopsis of this genus, drawn up upon the large series in the United States National Museum, I have thought it best to follow his system as nearly as possible, and to consider all the fairly separable forms as specific. The nests of Certliiola are constructed of moss and silk-cotton, and placed in low trees and shrubs; they are domed over. The eggs are two, of a dull white spotted with reddish brown. (Cf. Gosse, B. Jam. p. 85, and Euler, J. f. 0. 1867, p. 406.) Key to the Species. A. Above olivaceous or blackish; below yellow. a. Alar speculum distinct. a'. Throat greyish white. a2. Yellow below confined to breast ... . 1. bahamensis} p. 37. b2. Yellow extending over abdomen j J back lighter % cahoti, p. 38. I back darker 3. tricolor, p. 38. V. Throat ashy grey. e2. Back brownish slate 4. mexicana, p. 38. d2 . Back blackish. a3. Rump bright yellow; {speculum elongate 5. htteola, p. 40. j speculum quadrate 6. lananivora, p. 40. 11 . CERTHIOLA. a4. Throat lighter. a5. Wing-spot distinct; ) back darker 7. portoricensis, p. 41. j back lighter 8. sancti-thomcs, p. 42. ¥'. Wing-spot very small 9. bartholemica, p. 42. ¥. Throat darker. c\ Throat rather darker 10. saccharina, p. 42. cP. Throat much darker. | wing-spot extended 11.flaveola, p. 43, j wing-spot restricted 12. newtorii, p. 43. b. Alar speculum obsolete. c'. Throat uniform. e2. Throat dark ash; ( superciliary stripe white 13. dominicana, p. 44. ( superciliary stripe yellowish ... . 14. sundevalli, p. 44. f2. Throat light ash 15. chloropyga, p. 44. d'. Throat particoloured; g2. Throat blackish, with a white central spot 16. barbadensis, p. 46. k2 . Throat blackish, with a white me dian line* j superciliary stripe white 17. martinwana, p. £6. j superciliary stripe yellowish 18. JinscM, p. 47. B. Above and below black 19. atrata, p. 47. 1. Certhiola bahamensis. Bahama Titmouse, Catesby, Car. i. t. 59. Certhia bahamensis, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 620. Oerthiaflaveola, var. |3, Linn. S. N. i. p. 187. Certhiola bahamensis, Reichenb. Handb. p. 253 (1853); Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 271; Baird, Ibis, 1867, pp. 264,276, et N. A. B. i. p. 427; Gray, Hcmd-L i. p. 120; Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. 327; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 752 ; Scl. et Sah. Nomencl. p. 16 ; Cory, B. of Bahamas, p. 76 ; Bidgw. Proc. U.S. 2V. M. 1885, pp. 27, 29. Certhiola flaveola, Baird, B. N. A. p. 924, et Ail. t. lxxxiii. fig. 3; id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 612; Bryant, Proc. Boston Soc. JSF. II. vii. p. 117 (1861). Certhiola bairdi, Cab. J.f.O. 1865, p. 412; Sund. (Efv. Vet-Ah. Fork 1869, p. 621. Above dark slaty blackish; rump yellow; broad superciliarics from front to neck white; white wing-spot distinct and rather elongated; below pale ashy white, with a broad yellow band across the belly; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing- feathers white; tail black, tipped with white; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 4*4 inches, wing 2*4, tail 1*6. Female similar, but slightly paler. Eab. Bahama Islands. This at least is a perfectly distinct species, immediately recognizable by the pale white colour of the throat. a. Ad. sk. Inagua, Bahamas (Bryant). Mrs. H. Bryant. b. Ad. sk. Inagua, Bahamas (Bryant). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Inagua, Bahamas (Bryant), Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Nassau, Bahamas (Cory). Salvin-Godman Coll. COGREBIDiE. 2. Certkiola caboti. Certkiola cshotl, Baird, Am. Nat. vii. p. 612; id. N. A. B. i. p. 427; Fmsch, Verh. z.~b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 790; Salvin, Ibis, 1874, p. 327, et 1875, p. 189 ; Sah. et Godm. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 251; Ridgw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 27. Above slaty blackish ; rump rellow; superciliaries white ; white wing-spot distinct, rather square; below, throat pale ashy white, abdomen yellow; flanks cinerascent; crissum yellowish; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet dark brown : whole length 4*2 inches, wing 2'b, tail 1*6. Hub. Island of Cozumel, Yucatan (Cabot). Similar to C. bahamensis, but " the yellow of the underparts is darker and more extended, the alar speculum squarer, and the tail less conspicuously tipped with white." a. Ad. sk. b~i. Ad. sk. Cozumel Island, W. I. (Devis). Cozumel Island, W. I. (G. F. Gaumer). Salvin-Godrnan Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Certkiola tricolor. Certkiola tricolor, Ridgw. Pr. TJ. S. JY. M. 1884, p. 178, et 1885, pp. 27, 29. " Similar to 0. bahamensis, but larger, upper parts darker; yellow on rump more extended, and posterior lower parts pale yellowish." (Ridgwag.) Hah. Old Providence Island, W. I. Examples of the adult and young of this species are in the U.S. National Museum. 4. Certkiola mezicana. Certkiola mexicana, ScL P. Z. S. 1856, p. 286,1859, pp. 364, 376; id. Cat. A. B. p. 54; Salvin, Ibis, 1861, p. 352; ScL et Sah. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 349, 1879, p. 497 (Antioquia) et p. 597 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl p. 17 ; Cassin, Proc. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 271; Lawrence. Ann. L. N. T. ix. p. 98 (Costa Rica) ; Sund. (Eft. K. Vet.-Ah. Forh. 1869, p. 623 ; Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 120; Finsch,Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 772; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 428; Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 543; Berl. J.f. 0. 1884, p. 288 (Bucaramanga); Ridgw. Pr. U.S. N. M. 1885, p. 27. J J Certkiola luteola, ScL P. Z. S. 1855, p. 138 (Bogota), 1858, p. 452, 1860, pp. 85,292 (Ecuador); Salvin, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 137 (Veragua); Lawrence, Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 291 (Panama), et viii. p. 174 (Veragua). Certkiola columbiana, Cab. J.f. 0.1865, p. 412; Sund. (Efv. K. VeL- Ak. Forh. 1869, p. 622; Gray, HarnU. i. p. 120. Certkiola peruviana, Cab. J. f 0. 1865, p. 413; Baird, iV. A. B. L p. 428 ; Sund. (Efv. K. VeL-Ak. Forh. 1869, p. 623 : Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 120; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 512, et 1879, p. 225; id. Orn. Perou, i. p. 439 (Peru). Certkiola, sp., Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 225. Certkiola magniro&tris, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 193; id. Orn. Perou, p. 441 (?). 11 . OERTHIOLA. 39 Above dark grey, with olive tinge on the back; head black ; rump olivaceous yellow; superciliaries from front to neck white; wing- spot square, white, distinct; below, throat light ashy, belly yellow, sides olivaceous ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white; tail black, outer rectrices slightly tipped with white: whole length 3*7 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1*3. Female similar. Hah. South Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. I cannot agree with Prof. Baird and Mr. Eidgway in keeping G. colombiaua distinct from G. memcana. As regards the rump- patch (the point of difference given by them), I find Mexican and Peruvian specimens quite similar. But in Peruvian specimens the wing-spot is decidedly smaller, and shows a deviation towards G. chloropyga, to which I have actually referred the Bolivian examples. I have before me two examples of the form called by M. Taczanowski G. magnirostris; but I doubt their distinctness, though the beak is decidedly longer than in normal specimens. a. Ad. sk. Mexico (Salle). Purchased. b. Ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sclater Coll. c. d. Ad. sk. Choctuim Vera Paz Sclater Coll. (Salvin). e. Ad. sk. Choc-turn, Vera Paz 0. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. (Salvin), f-h. Ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salv. Salvin-Godman Coll. et Godman). i,j. Ad.; k. Jr. sk. Turrialba, Costa JUca Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). I Ad. &k. Costa Rica (Arce). 0. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. $ ad. sk. Cordillera del Ckucu, Ve-Salvin-Godman Coll. n, o. <$ ad. et jr. sk. ragua (Arce). p-s. <$ $ ad. Lion Hill Station, Istlim. of Salvin-Godman Coll. Panama (McLeannan). t, u. <$ $ sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. v* Ad. sk. Paraiso Station, Isthm. of Salvin-Godman Coll. Panama (Hughes). to. Ad. sk. Gorgona I., U. S. C. Capt. Kellett & Lieut. Wood [C.]. x, y. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. z. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. ar,b'. <$ $ Medellin,U.S. C. (SalSalvin- Godman Coll. man). c'. Ad. sk. Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. d'. Ad. sk. Intaj, Ecuador (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. e\ § ad. sk. Esm'eraldas, Ecuador Sclater Coll. (Fraser). fd-63r-5 ? Zamora, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. ti, $ ad. sk. Gualaquiza, Ecuador Sclater Coll. (Fraser). i\ cf ad. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. / . Ad. sk. Ecuador. Purchased. '#, V. Ad. et jr. sk. Ecuador. Gould Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll, m'. Ad. sk. Ecuador. CCEREBID^E. ri. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador Salvin-Godrnan Coll. {Buckley), o'. Jr. sk. Sarayacu, Peru (Whitdy). Sclater Coll. p\ Ad. sk. Pacasrnayo, Peru (Stolz- Sclater Coll. mami). q\ Ad. Callacate, Peru {Stolz- Sclater Coll. mann). ( C. magnirostris, Tacz.) r'. Ad. Guajanja, Peru (Stolz- Sclater Coll. mann). ( C. magnirodris, Tacz.) 5. Certhiola luteola. Certhiola luteola, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 96 (Puerto Cabello) ; Suncl (JEfv. K, Vet.-Ah Fork 1869, p. 621; Cousin, Pr. Ac. So. Phil. 1864, p. 271; Reichenb. Randb. p. 251; Sclat. Cat. A, B. p. 53; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 179 (Trinidad); Scl et Salt). P. Z. S. 1866. p. 179, 1868, p. 167; iid. Nomencl. p. 16; Gray, Rand-l. i. p. 120 Finsch, P. Z. S\ 1870, p. 561; id. Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 767 Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 324; Salu. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 119 ; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427; id. Am. Nat, vii. p. 612; Ridgw. Pr. U. S. K M. 1885, p. 28. Certhiola flaveola, Leotaud, Ois. Trinidad, p. 126. Above sooty black : rump bright yellow: superciliaries from front to neck white* white wing-spot large and distinct; below, throat ashy (as in C. jportoricensis); belly bright yellow; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white; tail black, tipped with white, which in outer web of outer tail-feather is but slightly apparent; bill black ; legs and. feet dark brown: whole length 4-3 inches, wing 2*3, tail 1*5. Female similar. Hab. Trinidad, Venezuela, and north coast of Colombia. This species was established by Cabanis upon a specimen from Puerto Cabello, and I have taken my description from a female from Carupano, Venezuela (Goering). It seems to me rather difficult to say whether the Guianan form (C. major, Cab.) should be referred here or to G. chloropyga; but as the wing-spot is almost, and in some skins quite, obsolete, I place it under the latter head. Eor am I quite satisfied as to the Bogota form ( G. columUana, Cab.) ; but, on the whole, I prefer to follow Finsch in uniting it to G. meadcana, rather than to the present species. * a. Ad. sk. Santa Marta, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simons), b. c. Ad. sk. S ad. sk. Santa Marta, U. S. C. Valle Dupar, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. $ ad. sk. Carupano, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. /• 2 ad. sk. Ad. sk. Venezuela ( Goering). Trinidad. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. 6. Certhiola banarrivora. Bananiste, Buff. R. N. Ois. v. p. 332. Motacilla bananivora, Gm. S. N. i. p. 951. 11 . CERTMOLA. Certhiola clusiae, Hartl. Naumamiia, ii. pt. 2, p. 56 (1852); Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 771 j Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 17. Certhiola, sp. inc., Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 233. Certhiola bananivora, Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427 * id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 612 j Ridgw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28. Above sooty black; rump yellow; superciliaries from front to neck white; wing-spot white; below, throat ashy, rather darker than in G. portoricensis; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white; tail black tipped with white, which is but very slightly apparent on the outer web of the outer tail-feathers; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1-5. Hah. S. Domingo. Dr. Finsch speaks of the wing-spot being very small in this species. But although this is the case in the example in the collection of Messrs. Salvin and Godman (Hearne) which he examined, the wing-spot is large and well-developed in another example in the same collection, received from Mr. Cory, from which my description is taken, and I regard the former specimen as immature. Prof. Baird correctly gives the wing-spot as like that of G. flaveola, but less extended. The form comes very near G. portoricensis, but the throat is rather darker, and the outer web of the outer rectrix has hardly any white on it. a. <$ ad. sk. Samana, San Domingo, W. I. Salvin-Godman Coll. {Cory). b. S ad. sk. San Domingo (McGregor). Salvm-Godrnan Coll. c. Ad. sk. San Domingo (Gould). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7. Certhiola portoricensis. Certhiola flaveola, Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 166. Certhiolaflaveola, var. portoricensis, Bryant, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H. x. p. 252 (1866). Certhiola portoricensis, Sund. CEfv. Vet-Ah. Fork. 1869, p. 622; Finsch, Verh. z.-h. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 760; Gundl. J. f. 0. 1874, p. 312, et 1878, p. 170; id. An. Soc. Bsp. II N. vii. p. 216 (1878); Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427; id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 611; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 16. Above sooty black; rump yellow; superciliaries from front to neck white; wing-spot white, conspicuous; below, throat ashy, contrasting with black sides of head; belly yellow ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; tail black tipped with white, which is broad on both webs of outer tail- feathers ; bill black, feet dark brown: whole length 4 inches, wing 2f5, tail 1*6. Female similar. Hah. Porto Eico. On the nesting of this species ef. Gundlach, J. f. 0. 1878, p. 179. a. Ad. sk. Porto Eico (Bryant). Mrs. H. Bryant. b. Ad. sk. Porto Eico (Bryant). Sclater Coll. 42 CCEREBIDiE. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e-g. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. Porto Rico {Latimer). Porto Pdco (Bryant). Porto Rico (Latimer). Porto Rico (Gimdlach). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 8. Certhiola sancti-thomaB. Certhiola portoricensis, Finsch, Verlu z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 760 (part.) ; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427 (part.). Certhiola sancti-thoma3, Ridgw. Br. U. 8. N. M. 1885, p. 29. Similar to G. portoricensis, but throat (perhaps) rather darker grey. Hah. St. Thomas, W. I. I confess I should hardly have separated this form, as far as my specimens go, from G. portoricensis, but I follow Mr. Ridgway's lead. a. Ad. sk. St. Thomas (E. Newton). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. St. Thomas \JS. Newton). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. c. Ad. sk. St. Thomas (Stoifi). Sclater Coll. d. e. Ad. sk. St. Thomas (O. Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. / . Ad. sk. St. Thomas (Akhurst). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. Certhiola bartholemica. Certhia bartholemica, Sparrm. Mus. Ca?*ls. t. 57 (1788)• Sund. K. VetrAJc. Handl. n.f. ii. 3, p. 10 (1857). Certhiola bartholemica, Reichenb. Handb. p. 253; Sund. (Efv.K. Vet.Ah. Fork. 1869, pp. 584, 622 ; Finsc/i, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 763; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 428; id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 612 ; Ridgw. Br. II. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28. " A peculiar species, distinguishable by the greyish-white forehead, the slight olivaceous yellow uropygial band, and the very small wing-spot." (Finsch.) Hob. St. Bartholomew, W. I. I am not sure that the white front is a very reliable character, as it appears in one specimen of G. newtoni and not in another. 10. Certhiola saccharina. Certhiola saccharina, Lawr. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. i. p. 150 ; id. Broc. U. S. N. M. 1878, pp. 190,487; Ridgw. Br. U. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28. Above sooty black ; rump bright yellow; superciliaries from front to neck white; wing-spot white; below, throat dark ashy, belly bright yellow; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; tail black, tipped with white; bill black; feet dark brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2*3, tail 1*4. Hob. St. Vincent and Grenada, W. I. The description is from a Grenada skin kindly lent by Ifr. Lawrence. The species seems nearest to G. netvtoni, but has a broad yellow rump and more yellowish belly. 11 . OERTHIOLA. 43 11. CertMola flaveola. Black and Yellow Creeper, Edwards, Birds, iii. t. 122. Certhia flaveola, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 187. Oerthiola flaveola, Gray, Gen. B. i. p. 102; Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 84, et lllustr. t. xvi.; Bp. Consp. i. p. 402 ; Peichenb. Ilandb. p. 250; Scl. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 73 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 54 (part.); Cassin, Br. Ac. 8c. Phil 1864, p. 271 j Cab. J.f. 0. 1865, p. 412; Sund. CEfv. IC Vet-Ah. Fork 1869, p. 621; Gray, Iland-l i. p. 120; Finch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 756; Scl. et Sah. Nomencl. p, 16; Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427; id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 611 j Bidgw. Pr. U. 8. N 31. 1885, p. 28. Adult male. Above sooty black; rump bright yellow; superciliaries from front to neck white; broad wing-spot and outer margins of primaries white; below, throat dark ashy, belly yellow ; erissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white; tail black, tipped with white, which is broad on both webs of the outer tail-feathers; bill black; feet dark brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2*3, tail 1*4. Female similar. Hob. Jamaica. The extension of the white of the wing-spot over the outer edges of the primaries and the bright yellow of the rump are the leading characteristics of this species. a. S ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. <$ ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Bryant). Jamaica (Bryant). Jamaica (Bryant). Moncague, Jamaica (Salv. et Godm.). Jamaica. Salvin-Godman Coll. Mrs.H, Bryant [_P.]. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. /, g. Ad. sk. Jamaica. Sclater Coll. 12. Certhiola newtoni. Oerthiola flaveola, A. § E. Newton, Ibis, 1859, p. 67. " Oerthiola sti.-tliomae, Neioton," Sund. CEfv. K. Vet.-Ak ForklSQd, p. 622. Oerthiola bartholemica, Finseh, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 763 (part.). Oerthiola newtoni, Baird, N. A. B. i. p. 427 (1874); id. Am. Nat. vii. p. 611. Above sooty black; rump olivaceous yellow ; superoiliaries from front to neck white; wing-spot white; below, throat dark ashy, belly yellow; erissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white; tail tipped with white, which is broad on both webs ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1*4. Fern a le similar. Young. Above dark olive-brown; superoiliaries yellowish; rump yellowish; below, throat pale ashy, belly yellowish. Hob. St. Croix, West Indies. The quadrate wing-spot and more olivaceous rump separate this form from C. flaveola. Dr. Finsch has referred it to C. bartholemica, 44 CGEJtEBID^:. but in that species the white wing-spot would appear to be almost obsolete; in the bird from St. Croix it is well marked. a} b. Ad. sk.; St. Croix (Newton). Sclater Coll c, d. Jr. sk. 13. Certhiola dominicana. (Plate Y. fig. 2.) Certhiola dominicana, Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 167 ; Sund. CEfv. K. Vt?t- Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 623 ; Gray, Hand-l i. p. 120; Finscfi, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 787; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 765 (Montserrat) ; Grisdale, Ibis, 1882, p. 486 (Montserrat) ; Set. et Satv. Nomenel p. 17 ; Baird, Am. Nat. vii. p. 612; Lawrence, Proc. U. S. N. M. 1878, p. 56 (Dominica); id. op. cit. p. 233 (Antigua) et p. 239 (Barbuda). Certhiola frontalis, Baird, Am. Nat. vii. p. 612 ; id. N. A. B. i. p. 428 (Antigua). Above dark ashy black; uropygial band slight, olivaceous yellow ; superciliaries elongated, white; no wing-spot; below, throat ashy black, paler than head; breast and belly yellow; erissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white; tail black tipped with white; bill black, feet dark brown: whole length 4*5, wing 2*5, tail 1*6. Female similar. Hab. Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, and Barbuda. Like C. martinioana, this species has the uropygial band very slightly marked; but there is no trace of white on the throat, which is of a uniform dark ashy colour. According to Mr. Lawrence, 0. frontalis was based upon a young bird of this species. a,b. <$ 5 ad. sk. Dominica, West Indies Salvin-Godman Coll. (Ober). c, d. J $ ad. sk. Dominica, West Indies Sclater Coll. (Ober). e. Ad. sk. Dominica, West Indies Sclater Coll. (Type of the (Taylor). species.) f. Ad. sk. Montserrat, West Indies Sclater Coll. (Sturye). 14. Certhiola sundevalli Certhiola sundevalh; Ridyiv. Pr. U. S. N 31. 1885, p. 26. Similar to C. dominicana, but superciliary stripe with at least the anterior half yellow, and the back rather more slaty (Bidcjway). Hab. Dominica and Guadeloupe. I agree with Mr. Eidgway that this is probably only a phase of C. dominicana. The yellowish superciliaries I have found in young examples of other species, e. g. C. sancti-thomce. 15. Certhiola chloropyga. Nectariniaflavicola,Licht. Doiibl. p. 15. Ccereba flaveola, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 774. Certhiola flaveola, Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 155; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 675 ; Euler, J.f. 0.1867, p. 406 (nest). 11 . CERTHIOLA. 45 Oerthiola chloropyga, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 97 (1851); Reichenb. Randb. p. 252; 8cl. Cat. A. B. p. 53 ; Gray, Rand-l i. p. 120; Cassin, Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil. 1864, p. 272 ; 8c!. § 8ab. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 570 (Lower Amazons) ; iid. Nomencl p. 17; Pekeln, Orn. Bras. p. 26; Bernhardt, Fuglef. Camp. Bras. p. 244; Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 779; 'JBaird, Am. Nat 1873, p. 613; id. N. A. B. I. p. 428 • Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 330 (Pernambuco); Ridqio. Pr. XT. S. N. M. 1885, p. 28; Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 207 (Brit. Gfuian.). Oerthiola guianensis, Cab. Mm. Rein. i. p. 97; Reichenb. Randb. p. 252; Gray, Rand-l i. p. 120. Certliiola raajuscula, Cab. J. f. O. 1865, p. 413 • Gray, Rand-l i. p. 120. Above dark ashy grey; head black, rump olivaceous yellow; superciliaries from the front to the neck white; no visible wing- spot ; below, throat pale ashy, abdomen yellow, flanks olivaceous ; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; bill black, feet dark brown: whole length 4 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1*8. Female similar. Young. Above dark slaty olive, with the white superciliaries and yellow rump only faintly indicated • below medially yellowish, passing into cinereous at the sides. Rah. Cayenne, Lower Amazonia, S.E. Brazil and Bolivia. This species presents transitional forms in Bolivia to C. mexicana and in Guiana to C. luteola, as already remarked under the heads of these species. Some Bolivian skins show a small white alar speculum, in others this is obsolete. * a. 3 ad. sk.; b, Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. c. § ad. sk. (Whitely).^ d. S ad. sk. Roraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. (Whitely). e. J ad. sk. R. Atapurow, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). f,ff-<$ $ ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). < h, i. <$ J ad. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll {Whitely). ^ ;'. <3 jr. sk. Camacusa, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll, (Whitely). k. Ad. sk. British Guiana (Spence), Sclater Coll. I Ad. sk. Oyapok, Cayenne. Purchased. m. Ad. sk. Oyapok, Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. 7i. Ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. 2 a(i-sk« Cobati, Rio Negro Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wallace). o. p. 3 ad. sk. Para, Lower Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wallace). q. A d. sk. Para, Lower Amazons. Sclater Coll. r. <$ jr. sk. Island of Mexiana, Lower Salvin-Godman Coll. Amazons (Wallace). s. $ ad. sk. Lower Amazons (Wallace). Salvin-Godman Coll. t, u. Ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (W. A. Salvin-Godman Coll. Forbes). v. 3 ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil ( W. A. Sclater Coll. Fo?%bes). w-z. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. CCEEEBTBm. a', b'. Ad. sk. Rio, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. <$ ad. sk. 5 d'. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. Brazil (Joyner). d. Ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godrnan Coll. (Joyner). f. Ad. sk.; g\ Baganti, Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. sk. ti. Ad. sk. Baganti, Bolivia (Buckley). Sclater Coll. i',f. Ad. sk. S. America. Purchased. 16. CertHola barbadensis. Certliiola barbadensis, Baird, Am. Nat. vii. p. 612; id. N. A. B. i. p. 428 (1874); Salvin, Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 178; Pddgw. Pr. U. S. JV.JkT.1885,p. 28. Certliiola martinicana, Scl. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 174. Above ashy black, with a very faint olive uropygial "band; super ciliaries white• sides of head and throat black, with a small median white blotch on the latter; breast and belly yellow; crissum, under wing-coverts, and inner margin of wing-feathers white; tail black, tipped with white : whole length 4*5 inches, wing 1*5, tail 1*5. Hob. Barbadoes. a. Ad. sk. Barbadoes (Schomburgk). Purchased. b. Ad. sk. Barbadoes (Briggs). Sclater Coll. 17. CertMola martinicana. (Plate V. fig. 1.) Certhia martinicana sive saccharivora, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 611. Certhiola martinicana, Beicftenb. Handb. p. 252 (1853) ; Casein, Pr. Ac. So. Phil 1864, p. 271; Gray, Hand4. i. p. 120; Sclat. P. Z. tf. 1871, p. 269 (St. Lucia); Finsch, Verh. z.-b. Ges. Wien, 1871, p. 788; Semper, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 640 ; Lawrence, Pr. U. S. N M. 1878, p. 354 (Martinique) ; Baird, Am. Nat. vii. p. G12; id. N.A.B.i.^.m. Certhiola flaveola, Scl. Ibis,l862, p. 288. Certhiola albigula, Bp. C. B. xxxviii. p. 259 (1854); id. Notes Orn. p. 51; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 167 ; Simd. (Efo. K. Vet.-Ak. Fork. 1869, p. 624. Above ashy black, with a faint olive-yellow nropygial band; superciliaries white; below, middle of throat white, chin and sides of throat black; breast and belly yellow; crissum, tinder wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers white; tail black, tipped with white ; bill black, feet dark brown : whole length 4*5 inches, wing 1*5, tail 1*5. Female similar. Hah. Martinique and St. Lucia. This is a distinct species, having the rump-band almost obsolete, and a pure white patch in the middle of the throat. a. Ad. sk. Martinique. Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Santa Lucia, "West Indies Salvin-Godman Coll. (Semper). e~e. Ad. sk. Santa Lucia, West Indies Sclater Coll. (Semper). 12 . GLOSSIPTILA. 18. Certhiola finschi. Certhiola finschii, Ridgw. P\ II. 8. N. M. 1885, p. 25. Similar to G. martinicana, but 'back slate-colour; superciliary stripe mostly yellow; a small white spot on each side of nape. (Ridgway.) Bah. Dominica (?). My impression is that these yellow-browed birds are in young- plumage. 19. CertMola atrata. Certhiola atrata, Lawr. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sri. i. p. 150 j id. Proc. U. 8. Nat. Mus. 1878, pp. 190,269, 487; Lister, Ibis, 1880, p. 40; Ridgw. P. U. 8 N. M. 1885, p. 30. Dicseum aterrimum, Lesson, TraitedOm. i. p. 303 (1831); Puckeran, Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 134; 8aZv. et Godm. Biol C.-A., Aves. I p. 251(f). Uniform dull black; slightly olivascent on the rump and abdomen; bill and feet black: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1*5. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hab. St. Yincent and Grenada, W. I. a. Ad. sk. St. Vincent, W. I. {Bailey). Sclater Coll. b, c. (S ad. sk.; d. Grenada, W. I. (J. Grant Sclater Coll. 2 ad. sk. Wells). Subfamily IV. GLOSSIPTILINJE. The correct position of the monotypic form Glossiptila is, perhaps, still a little uncertain. It was formerly placed with the Tanagers in the genus Tanayrdla. Bonaparte in his * Conspectus' associated it with the Finches of the genus Loxigilla. But the structure of the tongue, as described by Gosse, led me in 1856 to isolate it under the generic name Glossvptila, that of Neomis (previously suggested by Hartlaiib) having been already appropriated. I now propose to raise this curious Antillean type to the rank of a subfamily among the Goerebidce. 12. GLOSSIPTILA. T Type. Neornis, Marti Nachtr. z. Verz. Mus. Brem. p. 8 (1846), nee Hodgson G. ruficollis. Glossiptila, 8cl P. Z. S.1856, p. 269 G. ruficollis. The nesting of Glossiptila is described by Gosse (B. Jam. p. 236). The nest is cup-shaped; the eggs white, spotted with dull red. CKEKEBID2E. 1. Glossiptila ruficollis. Motacilla campestris, Linn. AS'. iV^ i. p. 329 (J) ? American Hedge-Sparrow, Edwards, Nat. Hist. B. iii. pi. 122. Rufous-throated Tanager, Lath. Syn. ii. pt. 1, p. 241. Tanagra ruficollis, Gm. 8. N. ii. p. 894. Structure of Glossiptila. Tanagrella ruficollis, Gray et Mitch. Gen., App. p. 17 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 236; Gosse, B. of Jam. p. 236; id. Lll. B. Jam. pi. 58. Tachyphonus rufigularis, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 320. Pyrrhulagra ruficollis, Bp. Consp. p. 493 {excl. syn.). Neornis cserulea, Hartl. Nachtr. z. Verz. Mus. Brem. p. 8 (descr. nulla). Rufous-chinned Finch, yar. A, Lath. Gen. Hist. vi. p. 126. Glossiptila ruficollis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 269, 1861, p. 73; id. Cat. A. B. p. 54; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 17. Certhiola ruficollis, Gray, Hand-l. i. p. 120. Above and below dull plumbeous blue ; lores black ; throat chestnut- red ; wings and tail dull black, slightly edged with blue ; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 4-8 inches, wing 2*8, tail 1*8. Female. Dull grey, beneath paler ; with a brownish tinge on the back; wings and tail brownish. Hah. Jamaica. a, b. $ 5 ao^-s^« Moncague, Jamaica {Bryant). Mrs. Bryant [P.]. c,d. $ 2 ad. sk. Moncague, Jamaica (Brya?it). Sclater Coll. e,f. Procnias occidentalis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 240, 1855, p. 153 I85g 1 . PKOCNIAS. pp. 74, 452, I860, p. 375; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55; Gray, Hand-l. i p. 77; Scl. et Sah. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 566 (Ucayali), 1867, p 749 (E. Peru) et p. 977 (Pebas), 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela), 1869, p. 597 (W. Peru), 1873, p. 260 (E. Peru); iid, Nomencl p. 17; Pelz. Orn Bras. p. 132 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 518 (Central Peru) ; id. Orn. Perou, ii. p. 437. Procnias caerulea occidentalis, Berl. J. f. 0. 1884, p. 288: Bed et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 76. Structure of Procnias. Bright turquoise-blue ; wings and tail black, edged with, similar blue ; front, sides of the face, and throat jet-black; middle of belly and crissum pure white; sides of belly blue, traversed by narrow black cross bands; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 3-7, tail 2-2. Female. Above bright green; wings and tail brownish black, edged with similar green : below green, crossed by narrow yellowish transverse bars; middle of belly and crissum pale yellow; throat greyish brown, minutely freckled ; bill plumbeous; feet brown. Hah. South America from Colombia down to Eolivia and S. Brazil. Specimens of Procnias, except those from S.E. Brazil, seem rather referable to the smaller subspecies, occidentalis. But some of them are certainly intermediate in size; I therefore now quite agree with Messrs. Salvin and Godman (Ibis, 1879, p. 199) that the smaller form is untenable as a species, the difference being solely one of dimensions, in which also there is considerable variation. E2 TANAGRID.E. a. Subsp. ti/pica. Salvin-Godman Coll. a} b. cJ ? ad. sk.; Pernambuco, Brazil (W. A. c. tf jr. sk. Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll. roventriculus (p), the narrow zone representing the gizzard (#), and the commencement of the small intestine (sm.i) The liver and spleen are also seen, as is the end of the oesophagus, which is opened up. 2. CHLOROPnONIA. 5 3 several small serrations, situated behind the normal notch; but these are barely discernible even in some species of true Euphoria, and in Pyrrhuphonia and Hypoplicm seem to be altogether obsolete. The very peculiar structure of the digestive tube of the Euphonias was first pointed out by Lund. Porbes's article (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 144) contains an account of all that we yet know upon this interesting subject. Key to the Genera, A. Upper mandible -with a terminal notch. [p. 53. a. Plumage bright green 2. CHLonopiioisriA, b. Plumage mobtly black and yellow 3*. EUPHONIA, p. 58. B. Upper mandible without any terminal notch. c. Tail rather long ; 4. HYPOPIOSA, p. 84d. Tail short (as in Euphonia) 5. PYBBHUPHONIA, [p. 85. 2. CHLOBOPHOIOA* Type. Chlorophonia, Pp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 137 C. viriclis. Triglyphidia, JReieh. Av. Syst. Nat. pi. Ixiii. (1850) No type given. Acrocompsa, Cab. J.f. 0. 1861; p. 88 0. calloplirys. This group of nine species is, as Messrs. Salvin and Gfodman have lately pointed out (Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 252), barely separable from Euphonia in structure, although their bright grass-green colour renders them easily recognizable. The area occupied by the group extends from South Mexico to Southern Brazil and Bolivia, being nearly the same as that of Euphonia. Key to the Species. A. Cap bright green. a. Bill black. a'. Front green. a". Rump blue: J belly pale yellow I. m'ridis, p. 54. j belly dark yellow 2. longipennis, p. 54. b". Rump green 3. torrejoni, p. 55. b'. Front yellow: j interscapulium green 4. frontalis, p. 55. | interscapulium blue 5. roraimce, p. 56. b. Bill yellow C.flavirostris, p. 5Q. B. Cap bright blue 7. pretrii} p. 56. C. Cap green, with a bright blue nuchal spot. c. Superciliaries green 8. occipitalis, p. 57. d. Superciliaries yellow 9. calloplirys, p. 68. * Euphonia cyanodorsalis, Dubois, Bev. Zool. 1859, p. 49, tab. 2, from Guatemala, is a very doubtful species of this genus (cf. Berlepsch, Ibis, 1881, p. 379). The type is lost. TAN'AGBID.E. 1. Chloropho&ia viridis. Tanagra viridis, Vieill Nouv. Diet, xxxii. p. 426 • id. Fnc. Meih. p. 784: Tenun. PI. Col. 36. fig. 3. Pipra cklorocapilla, Shaio, Zool. xiii. p. 255. Euplionia viridis, Bp. Cotisp. i. p. 233; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851; p. 88; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 107. Procnias viridis, Cab. in Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 197. Chlorophonia viridis,Bp. Bev. Zool 1851, p. 137; id. Notes.l. Taw/. p. 12; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 269 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 95; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55; Scl. et Salv. JEv. Orn. p. 81 ; iid. Nomencl. p. 17 5 iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 598 (Bolivia); Pelz. Orn. JBras.ip.2Q2. Bright grass-green ; whole back and tail-coverts and eye-circlet shining "blue; wings and tail black, edged with green, the wing- coverts suffused with blue; abdomen bright yellow; under wing- coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white; bill dark plumbeous ; feet brown : whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2'6n tail 1'5. Female. Similar, but not so bright, and with the blue of the back only on the back of the neck and rump ; abdomen yellowish green. Ilab. S.E. Brazil. a, b. cf ? ad. sk.; c. d1 jr. Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. <$ jr. st. e. 2 ad. st. fyff-6 ? ad- sk. k. S ad. sk. *. 5 ad. sk. S. America. Eio. ^ Itio Janeiro, Brazil (Yoitds). Baliia, Brazil (Wucherer). Pelotas, Hio Grande do Sul Purchased. IULWood,Esq.[P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. j . J ad. sk. (Joyuer). Brazil (Natterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Chlorophonia longipeimis. Euplionia longipennis, JDu Bus, Bull. Acad. Brux. xxii. pt. i. p. 156 (1855). Chlorophonia longipennis, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 158,1856, p. 270; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 96; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55 ; Scl. et Salv. JEx. Orn. p. 82, t. xli. Hg. 2; iid. Nomencl. p. 17. Similar to G. viridis, but with the abdomen brighter yellow, and more clearly defined in contrast with the green of the breast; wing perhaps rather longer. Hob. Colombia and Ecuador. I look upon this as a very doubtful species, but am unwilling to unite it with G. viridis without access to a fuller series of specimens from intermediate localities. a. S ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. b. S ad. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. e, d. <$ $ ad. sk, Bogota. Sclater Coll. e,f. <$ Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. g. S ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). 2. CHLOKOPHONIAr 3. Chlorophonia torrejoni. Chlorophonia viridis, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 225. Chlorophonia tonejoni, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 9. pi, i.fig. 1; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 438. Bright grass-green, rump rather brighter; broad patch on the back of the neck and eye-circlet shining blue; abdomen greenish yellow, brighter in the middle; tinder wing-coverts and inner margins of the wing-feathers white; bill dark horn-colour; feet brown: whole length 3*7inches, wing 2-4, tail 1*3. Female similar, but less bright in colours (Tacz.). Hob. Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. Had not M. Stolzmann obtained examples of both sexes of this species, I should have taken it for the female of 0. viridis or 0. Iongipennis, which it nearly resembles, except in the rump being bright green without any trace of blue. A skin from Bolivia (BucJcley) and another from Ecuador both appear to belong to this species, as does one skin from Bogota. a. c? ad. sk. b. <5 ad. sk. Chirimoto, Peru (Stofemann). Ecuador. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. $ ad. sk. d. S ad. sk. Bogota. Bolivia (Bucldey). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Chlorophonia frontalis. Euphonia frontalis, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 89. Chlorophonia frontalis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 270 ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 96; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55; Scl. et Salv. Ev. Orn. p. 81, t. xli. tig. 1; iid. Nomencl. p, 17; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 199. Bright grass-green : broad collar on nape, eye-circlet, rump, and upper tail-coverts bright blue • wings and tail black, edged with green ; front yellow; abdomen bright yellow; under wing-coverts pale yellowish; inner margin of wing-feathers white; bill dark horn-colour; feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2'6, tail 1-5. Female. Like the male, but not so bright; blue collar on nape less distinct; rump green; yellow front less evident; abdomen greenish yellow. Hob. "Venezuela and Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta. This species was originally based on a specimen obtained from Verreaux, of Paris, and labelled " Ecuador." But I have little doubt this locality was an error, and that the skin was really from Venezuela, wThence specimens of the same species were transmitted by Lovraud to the Paris Museum. Examples from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (Simons) seem to be similar to the Venezuelan bird. a. <$ ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. (Type of F. frontalis, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 88.) b. $ ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. c. 6 ad. sk. Caracas (Dyson). Purchased. d. J ad. sk. Sierra Nevada de Santa Salvin-Godman Coll. Marta, Colombia (Simons). e. $ Valley of Chinchichua, Santa Salvin-Godman Coll. Marta, Colombia (Simons). TA^AGItlD^. 5. Chlorophonia roraiinse. (Plate YI. fig. 1.) Chlorophonia roraiinae, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1884, p. 444; Salvin, Bin, 1885, p. 208. Bright grass-green; nuchal collar, eye-circlet, rump, and upper tail-coverts bright blue : interscapulium strongly glossed with the same colour; wings and tail black, edged with green ; front yellow : abdomen bright yellow; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white, axillaries pale yellow ; bill dark horn-colour ; feet brown : whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2*3, tail 1*4. Feuiale similar, but colours not so bright • interscapulium wholly green abdomen greenish yellow. Hah. Eoraima Mountains, British Guiana. Rather smaller than C. frontalis, and with the interscapulium in the adult male strongly washed with blue. The female also differs from C. frontalis $ in having the rump blue. a-c. <$ ad. sk.; Eoraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Grodman Coll. d-e. J ad. &k. {Whitehj). (Types of the species.) fjff, $ 5 ad. nk. Eoraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. {Whitehj). 6. CMorophonia flavirostris. (Plate YI. fig. 2.) Chlorophonia flavirostris, Sclat P. Z. S. 1801, p. 120; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55 j Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 84 ; iid. Romencl p. 17. Uniform bright grass-green; wings and tail black, edged with similar green: below rather paler; middle of belly and orissum pale yellow; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white; eye-circlet and slight chin-spot pale yellow; bill and feet yellow: whole length 4 inches, wing 2*3, tail 1*2. Hal. Ecuador. The type specimen, which is at present unique, is probably a female. It is at once distinguished by its yellow bill and "the narrow circlet of yellow feathers round the eye. a. $ (?) sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 7. Chlorophonia pretrii. Tanagra (Euphonia) pretrei, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 97; id. Maa. Zool 1843, Ois. pi. 42(d). Euphonia pretrei, JBp. Consp. i. p. 23S; Sclater. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 89. Chlorophonia pretrei, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 138; id. Fofes. I Tang. p. 12; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 159, 1856, p. 270; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 96; id. Cat A B. p. 55; Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 84; Ud. Nomenel p. 17; Ud. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 780 (Merida), 1879, p. 498 (Antioquia). Euphonia pyrrhopkrys, Scl Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 89, t. 75. fig. 2 (J ). Above dark green; cap bright blue; front green, divided from 2 . CHLOROPHOtflA. 57 the blue cap by a dark red line, which is continued over the eyes; rump yellow; wings and tail black, edged with green: below, throat and neck bright grass-green, bordered below by a narrow dark maroon band ; middle of belly and crissum dark chestnut; sides of belly bright yellow; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white: bill black; feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 1*5. Female. Above dark green; cap blue; front and superciliaries chestnut: below, throat and neck bright green ; abdomen greenish yellow. Hah. Colombia, and Andes of Merida, Venezuela. This splendid species is easily recognizable by its blue cap and the chestnut in the middle of the belly. Evphonla pyrrhoplirys was based on the female. a. $ ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b. $ ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of E. pyrrhophrys.) c. (5 ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. o ad. • Bogota. Gould Coll. /, g. ? ad. sk. h, i. S ? ad, sk. Vicinity of Medellin, Salvin-Godman Coll CJ. S. 0. (Salmon). /. S ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goering). 8. Chlorophonia occipitalis. Euphonia occipitalis, Du Bus, Esq. Orn. pi. 14 ($); Jard. Ibis, I860, p. 103 ; Bp. Consp. i.p. 233 ; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 90. Chlorophonia occipitalis, Bp. Bev. Zool 1851, p. 138; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 12; Cass. Bep. U.S. Astr. Edp. ii. p. 182, pi. 20. f. 2 (<$): Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 270, 1857, n. 205, 1850, p. 364, 1864, p. 173 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 06; id. Cat. A. B. p. 55; Sclat. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 17 ; iid. Ex. Orn. p. 83, t. xlii.; iid. No-mend. p. 17; Simiichr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. II i. p. 550• Lawr. Bull. U. S. N M. no. 4, p. 18 j Salv. et Godm. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 253. Acrocompsa occipitalis, Cab. J. f. 0. 1861, p. 80. Above bright grass-green ; wings and tail black, edged with similar green; large occipital spot and narrow neck-band brilliant pale blue: below, throat and breast bright green, bordered below by a narrow band of dark maroon ; centre of belly and crissum yellow ; sides of belly and flanks bright green; tinder wing-coverts whitish; inner margins of wing-feathers pale cinereous; bill dark slatecolour ; feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 3*1, tail 1*8. Female. Above like the male, but with the blue collar less strongly marked; below rather duller green, centre of belly and crissum 3Tcllowish. Hah. Southern Mexico and Vera Paz. The bright occipital spot distinguishes this species from all others except C. callojphrys, from which it differs in the want of the yellow superciliaries. 58 TAN^GEIDJS. a. b. S 9. ad. sk. Near City of Mexico Salvin-Godinan Coll. c. S ad. sk. d. <$ ad. bk. {White). Jalapa, Mex. (de Oca). Coban, Vera Paz (Salv. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. $ ad. sk. / . 2 ad. sk. g. 2 ad. sk. et Godm.). Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Choctum, Vera Paz Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. <$ J a(h st. (Salvin). Cohan, Guatemala. Purchased. 9. CMorophonia callophrys. Triglyphidia callophrys, Cab. J.f. 0. 1800, p. 331. Acrocompsa callophrys, Cab. J.f 0. 18(31, p. 88. CMorophonia callophrys, Laicr. Ann. L. X. Y. ix. p. 08; Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 8-1; iid. Nomencl. p. 17; Frantz. J. f. 0. 18U9, p. 297 ; Salvin, F. Z. S. 1870, p. 185; Boacard, F. Z. S. 1878, p. 54 ; Salv. et Godm. Biol. C.-A., Aves, i. p. 254 Above bright grass-green; wings and tail blackish, edged with similar green; broad superciliaries, widened on the nape, golden yellow; whole of occiput bright turquoise-blue, passing into a narrow posterior neck-collar of more greenish blue: below, throat and breast bright green, bordered below by a narrow dark maroon band; abdomen bright yellow; sides of belly and flanks bright green; inner margins of wing-feathers pale cinereous; bill black ; feet dark brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 3, tail 1*8. Female. Eright green, nape turquoise-blue; below rather paler, centre of abdomen yellow. Hob. Mountains of Costa Rica and Veragua. Eeadily known from the preceding by its yellow superciliaries and the turquoise-blue of the occiput. The female is much like that of C. occipitalis, but is also distinguishable by the (liferent blue on the head. a. $ Costa Pica (CarmioT). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c} d. <$ J ad. et Irazu distr., Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. sk. (Rogers). e)f-6 $ ad.; g, h. Calovevora, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. <$ 2 P* sk. (Arce). i, j. 6 $ ad. sk. Volcan de Ckiriqui, south- Salvin-Godman Coll. era slope (Arce). k,l. <$ $ ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Sclater Coll. 3. EUPHORIA. Type. Enphonia, Besm. Hist. Nat. d. Tang, sub tab. 19 (1805) E. musica. Cyanophonia, Bp. Fev. Zool. 1851, p. 138 E. musica. Acroleptes, ( Bp. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4, vol. i. p. 127 Iliolopha, | (1854) No types given. Phonasca, Cab. J.f 0.18C0, p. 330 E. violacea. Acroleptes, Cab. j.f O. 1861, p. 90 E. chlorotica. 3 . EUPHONIA. This rather extensive genus is widely diffused in the Neotropical Region, from Southern Mexico to Bolivia and Paraguay, It is represented by a small group of three species in the Antillean Subregion, but in the Patagonian Eegion is absent, except that one species occurs in the Sierra of Cordoba and probably in other northern wooded districts of the Argentine Republic. The true Euphonies are all of small size, and as regards the male sex mostly of brilliant colours. They are arboreal in their habits and fly little, but are said to congregate in considerable numbers in fruit-bearing trees, eating incessantly. Little is known of their nesting; but eggs of E. elegantissima, taken at Juquila in Oaxaca, in May, were of a creamy white with a few scattered spots and blotches, principally at the larger end, of two shades of brown (P. Z. S. 1859, p. 378). Key to the Sections of Euphonia. A, Cap blue SECT. I., p. 59. R. Cap not blue. a. Plumage above glossy black ; front of head yellow : I throat black; belly yellow SECT. II., p. 63. ( whole under surface yellow SECT. III., p. 73. b. Plumage above uniform glossy black SECT. IV., p. 79. c. Plumage above olive-green SECT. V., p. 81. SECT. I. Species with cap blue : allied to E. musica. (EUPHONIA.) Key to the Species of Sect. I. A. Back glossy black; rump yellow. a. Front yellow, bordered with black. a'. Throat black, abdomen yellow : abdomen orange-yellow 1. musica, p. 59. abdomen golden yellow' 2. imigniSj p. 60. br. Throat orange-yellow, uniform with abdomen ; 3. selaterij p. 60. b, Front black in $, orange-yellow in § 4. nigricollis, p. 61. R. Back and rump alike glossy black 5. elegantissima, p. 62. C. Back yellowish green 6. JiavifronSj p. 63. 1. Euphonia musica. L'Organiste, Buff. JET. N. Ois. iv. p. 290. L'Organiste de S. Domingue, Daub. PL Enh 809.fig. 1. Pipra musica, Gm. S. N. I p. 1004 (1788). Tanagra musica, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 783. Euphonia musica, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 367; id. Hand-L ii. p. 77; JBp. Consp. i. p. 232 ; Mat Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 82; id. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 271, 1857, p. 231; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 97; Scl et Salv Nommcl. p. 17; Tristram,, Ibis, 1884, p. 168. Euphonia eseruleocephala, 8io. Class, B. ii. p. 286 (1837). TANAGEIDJE. Above purplish black ; broad front yellow, bordered behind by a black line; cap blue; rump and upper tail-coverts orange-yellow : below orange-yellow; throat glossy black; axillaries pale yellow ; •under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white ; bill and feet black : whole length 4*4 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1-5. Female. Olive-green, below rather lighter and yellowish ; cap blue ; front tinged with orange-yellow. ffab. San Domingo. The statement of Lembeye that this species occurs in Cuba is an error. (Cf. Gundlach, J. f. 0. 1855, p. 476, and 1801, p. 4u9.) a. S jr. ; b. 5 ad. sk. San Domingo (McGrigor). Sclater Coll. c-e. / . <$ ad. sk. 3 ad. sk. San Domingo (Salle). Samana, San Domingo (Cory). Purchased. Salvin-Godman Cull. 2. Euphonia insignis. Euphonia insisrnis, Scl. et Sal v. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 521, pi. 52. fig. 1; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 10. Glossy black; cap and nape blue; front chestnut-yellow, bordered behind by a black Hue; rump yellow, upper tail-coverts glossy black like the back; below bright yellow, throat black: whole length 4*6 inches, wing 2-6, tail 1*6. Ifab. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Besides the two male specimens of this fine Euphonia from Messrs. Salvin and Godman's collection, I have seen but one other, from Ecuador also. The species is very near E. musica* but distinguishable by its narrower and more chestnut-yellow front, the Math upper tail-coverts, and brighter yellow under-plumage. The female is not known. a, h. S ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Types of the species.) 3. Euphonia sclateri Euphone organiste, Desm. Tmig, t. 19 (J) et 20 ( $ ) ; Vieill Gal. Ois. Suppl. pi. s. n. (c? et $). Cyanopkonia musica, Pp. Pev. Zool. 1851, p. 188; id. Kate s. I. Tang. p. 12. Euphoniaflavifrons, Scl P. Z. S. 1856, p. 271 ; id 8yn. Av. Tan. p. 97 (nee Sparrm.). Euphonia sclateri, Pp. in Mus. Parr, Sund. CEfv. Vet.-Ah. Forfr. 18(59, p. 596; Sclat. et Salv. Nomencl p. 17; Gundl J.f. 0. Ib74, p. 311, 1878, p; 169; id. An. Soc. Fsp. H. K. Ib78? p. 191. Euphonia bryanti, Paird, MS. Above purplish black ; cap blue; front orange-yellow, bordered behind by a black line; rump and body below orange-yellow : whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2-4, tail 1-4. Female. Olive-green, rump rather lighter ; cap blue; front red ; below yellowish olive-green. Eab. Porto Rico. 3 . EUPHONIA. 61 . Mange's specimens of this species are still in the Paris Museum, and were formerly confounded by me(Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 82) with EupliQiiia musica. Bonaparte (Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 138) also fell into the same error, but on discovering the mistake designated the species in MS. E. sclaitri, which name was adopted by Sundevall. The Porto-Rico bird is clearly distinguishable by the absence of the black throat. a. o bk Porto Rico (Oilman). Sclater Coll. b,c. d ? ad. Porto Rico (Staid). Sclater Coll. 4. Euphonia nigricollis. Lindu azul y oro cabeza celeste, Azara, Apunt i. p. 390. Eupbone musica, 31a r. Beitr. iii. p. 443. Pipra cyanocephala, Yieill Nouv. Bid. xix. p. 165 (J). Tanasra nigrieolrL, Yieill. Nouv. Bid. xxxii. p. 412 ; id. Enc. Mttk. p. 7-2. Tanagra aureata, Yieill. Enc. Metli. p. 782. Tanagra chry^nga^tra, Cuv. Regn. Anim. i. p. 3G6 (1829). Euphonia nigricollis, tTOrb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. in May. de Zool. 1837, p. 30; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 83, pi. 75. fig. 1; 'id. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 159, 185(1, p. 272,1858, p. 551, et 1860, pp. 65, 87; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 98; id. Cat. A. B. p. 50; Barm. Si/st. JJeb. iii. p. 193; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 202; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. Iu7 (Venezuela), 1870, p. 780 (Merida), 1873, p. 260 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 49S (Antioquia); iid. Nomencl p. 17: Flnsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 579 (Trinidad); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 518 (Centr. Peru), JL&79, p. 225 (X. Peru), 1880, p. 194 (N. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 439; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 288 (Ecuador) ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 208 (Brit. Guian.). Euphonia aureata, d?Orb. Yoy. p. 2G7; Bp. Consp. i. p. 233; Ilartl. hid. Az. p. 7. Ovaiiopnonia aureata, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 138; id. Note s. I. Tang. "p. 13. Above glossy purplish black; rump yellow; cap and nape blue ; front black: below orange-yellow, throat and sides of the bead black; axillaries pale yellow ; under wing-coverts whitish, inner margins of wing-feathers pale cinereous; bill black; feet pale brown: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 1*5. Female. Above olive-green, rather lighter on the rump; cap blue; front chestnut, with a narrow dark margin between it and the blue cap ; below yellowish olive-green, brighter on the belly. Hah, South America from Colombia down to Paraguay and Central Peru. Specimens from Western Ecuador (subsp. pehdui, v. Berlepsch) are of a paler (less orange) yellow on the rump and below. a, b. ad. sk. Tnrrialba, Costa Rica{Arce). Calovevora,Verag-Lia(^4r6^), Yeragia (Arce), Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Solater Coll. 6. Euphouia flavifrons. Emberiza fiavifrons, Sparrm. Mus. Carls, iv. no. 92 (1788). Tana°*rafiavifrons, Lath. Ind. Orn. SuppL p. 47,• Vieill. Euc. MSfk p. 773. Enphonia fiavifrons, Suncl (Efv. Vet-Ah Forh. 1809, p. 583 (S. Bartholomew) ; Lawr. Proc. U. S. JV". M. 1878, p. 56 (Dominica), p. 190 (St. Vincent), p. 209 (Grenada), p. 354 (Martinique), p. 455 (Guadeloupe), et p. 487 ; Sol. Cat A. B. p. 56; id. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 14 (S. Lucia) j fccl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 17. Above dark olive-green, rump rather more yellowish; cap and nape blue ; broad front yellow, bordered posteriorly by a black line: below olive-green, rather yellowish on the throat, darker on the sides of the head ; axillaries pale yellow; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers whitish ; bill dark plumbeous, feet brown: whole length 4*2 inches, wing 2-4, tail 1*4. Female similar but rather paler in colour. Bab. Lesser Antilles: S. Bartholomew, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Lucia, and Grenada. I formerly confounded this species with the female of E. sclater i, which it somewhat resembles ; but it may be at once distinguished on comparison by the broad well-defined frontal band. a, b. Ad. sk. Martinique, W. I. Sclater Coll. c, d. Ad. sk. St. Lucia, West Indies. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. A d. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. (Semper). Sclater Coll. / . Ad. sk. West Indies. * Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. d ? ad. sk. Guadeloupe, W, I. (Ober). Sclater Coll. SECT, II. Species with cap and belly yellow or red • throat black: allied to E. chlorotiea. (ACROLEPTES, Cab.) Key to the Species of Sect. II. A. Crissum yellow or orange, like the belly. a. Tail below marked with white. a'. Front half of cap only yellow: j back purplish black 7. chlorotiea, p. G4. I back bluish black 8. qffinis, p. 65. b'. "Whole cap yellow 9. trinifatis, p. 66. c'. Whole cap orange-yellow 10. xanthoffastra, p. 07. d'. Whole cap red 11. ritficeps, p. 68. b. Tail below black. e'. Belly yellow. Whole cap yellow 12. luteicapilla^ p. 68, TANAGKIDJE. 04 Front of cap only yellow: J black throat far extended 13. gracilis, p. 69. I black throat restricted 14. concinnu, p. 09. /'. Belly deep orange. "Whole cap orange-yellow 15. Jimchi, p. 70. Front of cap only orange-yellow ... . 10. satwata, p. 70. B. Orissum white, distinct from belly. Front of head yellow 17. minuta, p. 71, Whole cap orange-red 28. anna, p. 72. C. Crissum fulvous, distinct from belly ..... . 19. fulvwrissa, p. 73. 7. Euphonia chlorotica, Tanagra chlorotica, Linn. 3. N. i. p. 317 ; Tieill. Ene. Meth. p. 782. Tanagra violacea, var. jS. chlorotica, Gm. S. N. i. p. 890. Euphonia chlorotica, Licht. Doitbl. p. 29; Sund. Vet. Ah. Ilandl. 1833, pi. x. figs. 2, 3; Bp. Consp. i. p. 232; id. Rev. ZooL 18ol, p. 130; w?. iVoife s./. Tang. p. 10; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1^51, p. 84 ; i'd P. #.& 18-56, p. 273 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 99; /£ Cat A. B. p. 57; Burin. Syst. TJeb. iii. p. 194; Sal. et Sah. Xvmtncl. p. 17; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 598 (Bolivia) ; Bete. Orn. Bras. p. 202. Phonasca chlorotica, Cab. J. f. O. 1800, p. 330. Acroleptes chloroticus, Cab. J.f.O. 1801, p. 91. Acroleptes violaceicollis, Cab. J. f O. I860, p. 409. Euphona (Acroleptes) violaceicollis, Cab. J.f.O. 1878, p. 195. Euphonia serrirostris, of Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 30; d'Orb. Voy. p. 267, t. 21. fig. 2; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. ;jU7; Bp. Consp. i. p. 233; Sel Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 90; id. P. Z. S. 1850, p. 273 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 99 ; Pete. Orn. Bras.%. 202; Tacz. P. Z. $. 1880, p. 194; id. Orn. Per. i. p. 440. Phonasca serrirostris, Cab. J.f.O. 1800, p. 330. Acroleptes serrirostris, Cab. J.f.O. 1801, p. 91, 1805, p. 409. Lindo azul y oro, Azara, Apimt. i. p. 393. Above dark purple-black; front half of the cap yellow: below yellow, throat purple-black; tail beneath, "black, with, a large white patch on the inner webs of the two exterior tail-feathers; under surface of wings black, with a large white patch on the inner webs of the remiges; bill and feet black: whole length 3*3 inches, wing 2-1, tail 1*2. Female. Above greyish olive-green, with a yellowish tinge on the front and rump: below rather more yellowish, with the centre of the breast and belly pale ashy, flanks and erissum pale yellow• under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers whitish. Bab. Guiana, Brazil, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Eastern Peru. This widely diffused bird varies considerably in different localities ; but, so far as I can tell from available materials, the differences are hardly sufficient for specific separation. The bird described above is the typical Guianan form. The Brazilian form (E. violaceicollis, Cab.) is larger (whole length 3*5 inches, wing 2*2, tail 1*3) and has more violet-purplish sheen on the fore neck. The Bolivian form (upon the female of which I believe E serrirostris, d'Orb. & Lafr., to have been established) is again rather larger (whole length 3*7 inches, wing 2*4, tail 1*5), but scarcely otherwise separable 3 . ETTPHOHTA. from the Brazilian race. In Peru, however, a form occurs which is certainly rather strikingly different in the pale tint of the yellow crown and abdomen• this is the Euphonia serrirostris of Taczanowski^ but not, I believe, of Lafresnaye and d'Orbigny. I call it subspecies taczanowskii. a. Subsp. typica. a. 3 jr. st. Cayenne. Purchased. b. $ st. S. America. Purchased. c. d. 3 ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. e. § ad. sk. Demerara. Gould Coll. b. Subsp. violaceicollis. a. $ ad. sk. Pernambuco (Forbes). Sclater Coll. b. 3 ad. sk. S.E. Brazil (NaU.). Sclater Coll. c. 3 jr. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. J ad. sk. Catamarca, rep. Arg. Sclater Coll. (Wliite). e,f. 3 ? ad. sk. Tilotilo, Bolivia (Buckley). Sclater Coll. g, Ji. 3 2 &&' s^* Bolivia (Buckley). Salviu-Godman Coll. i. 3 ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. c. Subsp. taczanowskii. a, b. 3 2 ad. sk. Callacate, Peru (Stohmann). Sclater Coll. c. $ ad. sk. E. Peru (Farm). Sclater Coll. d. 3 ad. sk. E. Peru (Farm). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 3 ad. sk. Peru. Salvhi-Godraan Coll. /. 3 ad. sk. Peru. Purchased. 8. Euphonia affinis. Tanagra (Euphonia) affinis, Less. Bev. Zool. 1842, p. 175. Euphoria affinis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 233 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 274, 303; id. Syn. AD. Tan. p. 100; id. Cat. A. B. p. 57; Sclater et Salvin, 2525,1859, p. 18,1800,p. 33; iid. No-mend p. 17 ; Lawrence, Ann. Lye. N.Y. ix. pp. 98, 200; id. Mem. Boston Soc. K E. ii. p. 273 ; zd. Bidl. U.S. Nat. Mm. no. 4, p. 18; v. Frantz. J.f. 0.1869, p. 297; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 442 (Yucatan); Sumichr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. S. i. p. 550* Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 257. Phonasca affinis, Cab. J.f 0.1860, p. 332. Acroleptes affinis, Cab. j.f 0.1861, p. 91. Above bluish black, with purplish tinge on the neck; front half of cap yellow: below yellow, throat bluish black ; tail below black, with white patches on the inner webs of the two outer rectrices; wings below black, under wing-coverts and a large patch on the inner webs of the wing-feathers white; bill black, feet dark brown : whole length 3*8 inches, wing 2*1, tail 14. Female. Above greyish olive, with a yellowish tinge on the rump and forehead; below pale yellowish. Eab. S. Mexico and Central America down to Costa Eica. VOL. XI. £ TANAGffilM. Closely allied to E. chlorotica, but without the purplish tinge on the back, and with the yellow head and abdomen of a paler tint. The female differs from the corresponding sex of K eMorotica in being nearly of a uniform greyish, tinged with yellowish green below. a, b. d $ ad. sk. c. J ad. sk. d, e. $ J ad. sk. /. ? ad. sk. g, d ad. sk. h. <$ ad. sk. i. J ad. sk. j, h. d ad.; I, m. d jr.$ n, o. J ad. sk, p. d ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Mexico (Boucard). Northern Yucatan (Ganmer). Belize, Brit. Honduras (Blan caneaux). Calderas, Volcan de Fuego (Salvin). Buenas, Guatemala (Sah. # God?n.). Savana Grande, Guatemala (Salvin). Retalkuleu, Guatemala (Salv. $ Godm.). Central America (Delattre). Sclater Coll. Sclater CoU. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salyin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 9. Euphonia trinitatis. Eupkonia trinitatis, Strickl. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 72; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 84 ; id. P. Z. S.185G, p. 274 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 100; id. Cat. A. B. p. 67-, Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 107 (Venezuela), 1879, p. 498 (Antioquia) ; iid. Komencl. p. 17. Phonasca trinitatis, Cab. J. f. 0. 1860, p. 31)0. Acroleptes trinitatis, Cab. J. f. 0. 1861, p. 91. Above steel-bluish black, whole summit of cap yellow: below yellow, throat blue-black• tail beneath black, with white patches on the inner webs of the two outer rectrices; under surface of wings black, with white patches on the inner webs of the wing- feathers • bill black, feet dark brown: whole length 3*8 inches, wing 2*1, tail 1*3. Female. Above yellowish green; below brighter, middle of breast and belly cinereous. Hah. Trinidad, "Venezuela, and .Northern Colombia. This species may be distinguished from E. ehlorotiea by the extension of the yellow over the whole top of the head, where it is rounded behind, and by the steel-blue-black of the back, with a slight purplish tinge only on the nape of the neck. a, b. $ ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. c. d~f. d jr. sk. Trinidad. Purchased. ad. sk. Trinidad. Salvin-Godman Coll, h. d ad. sk. Caracas,Venezuela ( Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. i d ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela. Purchased. h d ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. k. d ad. sk. Kemedios, Antioquia (SalSclater Coll. mon). I d ad.; m. d ir. sk , Santa Marta. Sclater Coll. n. $ sk. Colombia. Purchased. 3 . ETTPHOOTA. 67 10. Euphonia xauthogastra. Euphonia xauthogastra, Sund. Vet-Ah. Handl. 1833, p. 310, pi. 10. f. 1 • Bp. Consp. i. p. 233; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 85; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 115, 1855, p. 159,1856, p. 275,1858, pp. 74, 452,1859, p. 140, et 1860, pp. 87, 275; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 101; id. Cat. A. B. p. 57; Sol et Salv. P.Z.S. 1886, p. 179 (Ucayali), 1868, p. 627 (Venezuela), 1873, p. 780 (S.W. Peru), 1879, p. 498 (Antioquia); rid. Xomencl. p. 17; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 518 (O. Peru), 18^2, p. 10 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 444; Bert, et Tacz. P. Z. S. l&aS, p. 544, 1834, p. 288 (Ecuador); Tacz. et Berl P. Z. S. 1885, p. 77 (Ecuidor); Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 208 (Brit. Guiari.). Plionasca xantkogastra, Cab. J.f.O. 1860, p. 330. Acroleptes xantliogaster, Cab. J.f.O. 1861, p. 91. Euphonia oclirascens, Peb. Orn. Bras. p. 328. Euphonia brevirostris, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 136; id. Notes. I Tang, p. 10. Acroleptes brevirostris, Cab. J.f.O. 1865, p. 408. Above glossy purplish black ; whole summit of head and abdomen deep orange-yellow; throat purplish black like the back; tail beneath black, with a white patch on the inner web of the outer feather; under wing-coverts and inner margins of wing-feathers white; bill black, feet dark brown: whole length 4 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1*4. Female. Darkish olive-green, nape more cinereous, front yellowish ; below yellowish; throat, breast, and middle of the belly burly cinereous, with a strong rufescent tinge in some specimens. Hah. S.E. Brazil, Amazonia, Gfuiana, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. This species, originally described from Brazil, is widely diffused, as will be seen by the list of localities below. It is easily distinguished from E. clilorotica by its deep orange-yellow colour and larger size, and by having only one of the external rectrices marked with white. I cannot separate the Colombian form, E. brevirostris of Bonaparte. a. cS sk. S.E. Brazil Sclater Coll. b. S ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Janeiro (Youds). Salvin-Godinan Coll. c. S ad. sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. de $ ad. sk. r? ad sk R. Atapurow, Brit. Guiana(Whitehj). Meruine* Mts., Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll f rf ad skJ ' (Whitely). Camacusa, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Sclater Coll. a 9 ad sk. y# + ' Camacusa, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. h i <$ $ ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. j\h. 6 ad.; Bogota. Sclater Coll. m. 's ad. "sk. * Antioquia, Colombia (Salmon), Salvin-Godman Coll. n! 6 ad.' sk. Napo, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. o $ ad." sk. Napo, Ecuador (Jameson). Sclater Coll. v 2 ad. sk. Napo, Ecuador. Sclater Coll. p 2 68 TANAGKRIDiE. q, r. $ ad. • Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvm-Godman OoIL t tf ' Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. u, v. <$ $ ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater OoIL w. x. 2 ad. sk. Yquitos, Upper Amazons ( Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. 11. Euphonia ruficeps. Euphonia ruficeps, Lafr. et cVOrh. Syn. Av. in Mag. de Zool 1837, p. 30; d'Orb. Voy. p. 268, pi. 22. f. 2; Bp. Consp. i. p. 202; id. Mev. Zool. 1851, p. 136; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 10* Sclater, Cmitr. Orn. 1851, p. 85; id. B. Z. 8. 1856, p. 276; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 102 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 58; Scl. et Sah. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 598 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 17. Phonasca ruficeps, Cab. J.f. 0. 1860, p. 380. Acroleptes ruficeps, Cab. J.f 0.1861, p. 91, Above purplish black, with violaceous tinge at the back of the head; crown of head dark chestnut-red : beneath orange-yellow, with a slight rufous tinge in the middle of the abdomen; throat black• tail beneath black, the external feather with a white patch; under wing-coverts white; bill black, feet dark brown: whole length 4*2 inches, wing 2*4, tail 1*3. Female. Above olive-green, nape plumbeous, anterior half of crown tinged with rufous; below yellowish olive, throat and middle of abdomen ochraceous, with a strong rufous tinge on the middle of the belly and crissum. Hah. Bolivia and Yenezuela. This well-marked species was discovered in Bolivia by d'Orbigny. I have also seen specimens from Yenezuela, but not as yet from intermediate localities. The female is much like that of E. xanihogastra; but the front of the head is rufous instead of yellowish, and there is a stronger rufous tinge on the middle of the abdomen. a. $ ad. sk. Bolivia (d'Orbigny). Selater Coll. 6, c. (S ad. sk. Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. $ ad. sk. Bolivia (Buckley). Sclater Coll. e. $ ad. sk. Bolivia. Salvin-Godman Coll. / . $ ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goering). g. 5 ad. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. h, *". 3 $ ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll, 12. Euphonia luteicapilla. Phonasca luteicapilla, Cab. J.f 0.1860, p. 332. Euphonia luteicapilla, Salvin, P. Z. S.1870, p. 186 (Chiriqui); Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. ix. p. 98 (Costa Rica) j v. Frantz. J.f.O. 1869, p. 297 (Costa Bica) ; Scl. et Sah. Nomencl. p. 17; Sah. et Godm. Biol Cmtr.-Am.y Aves, i. p. 260, tab. xvi. fig. 1. Acroleptes lutexcapillus, Cab. J.f. 0. 1861, p. 91. Above steel-blue; whole cap of head bright yellow; below bright yellow, throat steel-blue • tail beneath black • under wing-coverts and inner webs of wing-feathers white; bill black, plumbeous at 3. EKTHOiaA. the base; feet Hack: whole length 4 inches, wing 2-2, tail 1-3. Female. Above olive-green; beneath yellowish, brighter in the middle; under wing-coverts white. Hah. Costa Eica and Veragua. Easily known from its immediate congeners by the wholly yellow cap, which extends down to the nape. a, b. tf ad. sk. Costa Rica. Sclater Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Eica (CarSalvin- Godman Coll. miol). d. c? ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). e,f. S ad. sk. Boquete de Chitra, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). g. S jr. sk. Cordillera del Chucu, VeSalvin- Godman Coll. h. £ ad. sk.; ragua (ArcS). Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Salvin-Godman Coll. j . i. $ ji\ sk. 2 a. Front*. J. f. 0. I860, p. 298 (Costa Rica); Sumichr. Mem. Post. Soc. N. E. i. p. 550 (Vera Cruz) ; Lawr. Ann. L. N. T. ix. p. 98 (Costa Rica); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 54 (Costa Rica); Salv. et Godm. Biol Centra Am., Aves, i. p. 263. VOL. xi. TANAGBIM. Above shining bronzy green; anterior half of head yellow: below olive-green, middle of belly and crissum chestnut, sides of belly slightly freckled with yellow; under wing-coverts white; bill dark plumbeous, feet brown : whole length 3*10 inches, wing 2*3, tail 1*1. Female, Above bronzy green like the male; front dark rufous ; below yellowish olive; crissum chestnut. Hab. Southern Mexico and Central American isthmus down to Costa Rica. a,b. o*$ d. 3 ad. sk Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Choctum, Vera Paz (Sal- Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. f. ff< JJ ad. sk. $ ad. sk. cJ ad. sk. i. <3 ad. sk, <$ ad. sk. h. § ad. sk. vin). Kainkhal, Guatemala (Salvin). Belize, Brit. Hondurab (Blancaneaux). Chontales, Nicaragua {Belt). Angostma, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Valza, Costa Ptica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 31. Euphonia mesochrysa. Euphonia inesochrysa, Salvad. Atfi B. Accad. Sc. Tor. viii. p. 193 (1873) ; id. Ihis,"l87S, p. 200. Euphonia chalcopasta, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. pp. 18, 157 (1873); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 10; id. Oni. Fir. ii. p. 449. Above bronzy green, nape darker; wings and tail blackish, edged with green; broad front yellow : below yellowish green ; centre of belly and crissum orange-yellow; wings and tail below dark cinereous ; under wing-coverts white; bill plumbeous; feet pale brown: whole length 3*7 inches, wing 2*3, tail 1*3. Female. Like the male, but without the yellow front and with the centre of the belly pale buffy cinereous instead of yellow. Hab. Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The male of this species is not unlike the male of E. gouldi, but has no chestnut on the belly. I believe Count Salvadori's name, founded on a specimen in the Turati Collection, has a slight precedence over mine. The female is described from a specimen from Huambo, Peru (Stolzmanri), in Count Salvadori's Collection. a. <$ ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of E. chalcopasta.) b. <$ ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. e. $ ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. $ ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. /. S ad. sk. CMrimoto, Peru (Stoh-Sclater Coll. mami). 32. Euphonia chrysopasta. Euphonia chlorotica, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 202 (partim). Euphonia chrysopasta, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 438, pi. 3 . mTPHONIA.. figs. 1, % 1873, p. 261 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 5i)S (Bolivia); W. Nomencl. p. 18 ; Tacz. Orn. PSr. ii. p. 448. Above dark bronzy green ; nape dark cinereous; front, sides of the head, and rump tinged with yellow: below golden yellow, brighter in the middle, and slightly freckled on the breast and flanks with green ; under surfaces of wings and tail dark cinereous; under wing-coverts white ; bill plumbeous• feet brown: whole length 4*3 inches, wing 2-3, tail 1*5. Female. Above like the male ; below pale cinereous, whiter on the middle of the belly; flanks and crissum pale yellow ; under wing-coverts white. Hah. Amazonia, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia. Examples of this species were obtained by batterer on the Eio Negro in 1830, and referred by v. Pelzeln to the young male of K chlorotica. E. chrysopasta may be easily distinguished from E. mesochrysa by the absence of the distinct yellow forehead. a. c? ad. sk. Lower Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. c? ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ucayali. E. Bartlett [C."]. c. £ ad. sk. Upper Ucayali. E. Bartlett [C.]. d,e. <$ §> ad. sk. Eio Napo. Sclater Coll. /, g. § ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. h. c? ad. sk. Eio Negro (JSfatterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. i,j. 6 $ ad. sk. Siniacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. $ ad. sk. Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 33. Euphonia plumbea. Euphonia poliocephala, Natt. in Mus. Vindob. Euphorda plumbea, .Dit Bus,Bull. Acad.Brux. xxii. pt. i. p. 156 (1855); Pete. Orn. Bras. p. 205 • ScL P. Z. S. 1856, p. 280; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 106 j Scl et Salv. Nomenel. p. 18 5 Bah. Ibis, 1885, p. 208 (Brit. Guian.). Body above and throat dark plumbeous, with a slight olive tinge on the back; abdomen and crissum golden yellow; wings and tail below dark cinereous; under wing-coverts white; bill dark plumbeous ; feet brown: whole length 3*3 inches, wing 1*8, tail 1. Female. Above paler, and whole back tinged with olive; below, throat pale cinereous; belly pale yellow. Hab. Lower Amazonia and British Guiana. This is the smallest species of the genus, and easily recognizable by its distinct colouring. a,b. <5 $ ad, sk. Bartica Grove, British GuiSalvin- Godman Coll. c d. <$ $ ad. sk. ; " e r? ad sk. m& (Whitely). Merume* Mountains, British Guiana (Whitely). Eoraima, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. fah y r? 9. ad. sk. (Whitely). Eoraima, British (Whitely). Guiana Sclater Coll. &2 TANA.l<:. SI 4. HYPOPHiEA. Type. Yp.inh.Ta, />>. Ann. Sc. Nat. 6&. 4, vol. i. p. 127 (|S54) CNo tyP* given.) Hypophaui, Cfo&./. /*. O. 1861, p. 01 H. chalybea. Structure of Hypophaa. The longer tail and thickened and swollen bill, which shows no traces of dentations in its upper mandible, may allow us to keep the Tanatjra chahjhea of Mikan separate from the other Euphonias, as proposed by Bonaparte and Cabanis. The home of JSypophom is in the southern portion of the great Brazilian wood-region in the provinces of Sao Paulo, Sta. Catharina, and llio Grande do Sul. 1. Hypophaea chalybea. Tanagra chalybea, Mikan, Faun, et Flor. Bras. tab. 3. fig. 1 <$, 2 $> (1820), Euphonia oenea, Sund. Vet.-Akad. HandLlSS^ p.309,pi. 11. f. 4; Bp. Consp. i. p. 233; id. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 186; id. Note *. I. Tang. p. 11. Tanagra (Euphonia) pardalotes, Less. Echo d. M. S. 1844, p. 31. Euphonia chalybea, ticlater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 85; id. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 276) id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 102; id. Cat A. B. p. 58 ; Burm. Syst. I;eh. hi. p. 11)4; l\h. Orn. Bras. p. 204; Scl. et Salv. Nommcl. p. 18. Phonusca clialybea, Cab. J.f.O. I860, p. 330. IJypoplnca clialybea, Cab. j.f. 0. 1861, p. 91. Above dark bronzy bluish green ; front yellow: beneath yellow ; upper part of throat green like the back; under surfaces of wings and tail dark ashy ; under wing-coverts white; bill dark plumbeous ; feet: brown whole length 5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 1*6. Female. Above olive; front, rump, and margins of wings and tail rather 5. PYPtTurupnoNrA. S3 more yellowish; below cinereous; sides of breasi, Hanks, nnd crissum yellowish olive; under wing-coverts white. Hub. S.E. Brazil. a, b. 3 $ ad. sk. S.E. Brazil. Selater Coll. c. $ ad. &k. S.E. Biazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Pipraeidea, Sw. Zool. Jour. iii. p. 173 (1827) P. melanonota. Procnopis, Bp. C. B. xxxii. p. 80 (1851), nee Cab. .. P. melanonota. This rather widely distributed form varies slightly in different localities, and at one time I thought it was possible to discriminate two species. The examination of specimens from intermediate localities has led me to reduce this supposed species to the rank of T12S\G~R1D^. subspecies. Pipridea ranges from Venezuela into Paraguay, and is also found in Western Ecuador and Peru. If M. Stolzmann's account of its internal anatomy is correct (ef. Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 226), Pipridea may have to be removed to the EuphonUm*. 1. Pipridea melanonota. mnt. "iPico de punzon azul y canela, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 413. Tanagra melanonota, Vieill. Xouv. Diet, xx: Tanagra nielanotha, Vieill. Enc. Jleth. p. 773. Tanagra vittata, Temm. PL Col. 48. Piprasidea cyanea, Sw. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 174; Pp. Camp, i. p. 231. Aglaia vittata, Danu. Voy. Beagle, Zool. iii. p. 98. Callibte vittata, Gray, Gen. B. p. 306; Hartl. 2nd. Az. p. 7. Procnopis melanota, Bp. Compt. Rend. xxxii. p. 80; id. Ilev. Zool. xxxii. p. 407. p. 134; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 8. Calliste melanonota, Sclater ^ Contr. Orn. 1851. p. 60. Pipridea melanonota, Sctater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 2Uo ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 91; id. Cat. A. B. p. 61; Sclat. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1&79, p. 508; iid. Komencl. p. 18; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. ±>0, 1S82, p. 10 (Peru;. Pipridea venezuelensis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1850, p. 205, IbOO, p. 03; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 91; id. Cat. A. B. p. 01 ; iSd. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 780; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 325 (Colombia). Pipridea melanonota venezuelensis, Tacz. et Bert. P. Z. S. 1G84, p. 289 j Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. 450. Above violaceous blue; whole interscapular region darker, blackish; wings and tail black, edged with blue; narrow front, lores, and sides of the head deep velvety black, well defined: body beneath and under wing-coverts clear ochraceous ; under surfaces of wings and tail blackish ; bill black ; feet brown : whole length 5-8 inches, wing 3*1, tail 2'2 Female. Above dark brown, tinged with blue on the head and rump; below like the male. Hal. Paraguay, S.E. Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, and Venezuela. The differences upon which I established P. venezuelensis in 1856 do not seem to be constant in the same locality. a. Subsp. typica. a. <$ ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. b-d. S ad. sk.; e. 2 ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Sabin-Godman Coll. / . $ ad. sk. g. $ ad, sk. h, i <$ $ ad. sk. Eio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil(Joyner). Pelotas, Eio Grande doSul, Brazil {Joyner). Brazil. ' Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. j . $ ad. sk. Tilotilo, Bolivia (Buckley). Sclater Coll. 'k. $ ad. ,sk. Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. 9. PROCNOPIS. Typo. Procnopis, Cab. Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. i. p. 284 P. atrocsemlea. Diva, Sclater, Tan. Cat. Specif, p. 16 (1854) P. vassori. This little group of three species comes very close to Galliste, but has a shorter and wider bill and rather longer wings in proportion. Its range embraces the elevated districts of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Key to the Species. A. Interscapulium blue. Nape blue like the back 1. vassori, p. 93. Nape pale silvery grey 2. branickii, p. 94. B. Interscapulium black 3. atroccerulea, p. 94. 1. Procnopis vassori, Tanagra (Euphone?) va&sorii, Boiss. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 4; id. Maq. de Zool 1841, pi. 23. Tanagra (Aglaia) diva, Less. Echo d. M. S. 1844, p. 57 j id. Descr. d. Mamm. et Ois. p. 347. Calliste vassorii, Bp. Consp. i. p. 235; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 60. Procnopis vassori, Bp. Co?npt. Bend. x\xii. p. 80; id. Ber. Zool 1851, p. 184 ; id. Note s. I Tany. p. 9. Diva vassori, Sclater, P.Z.S. 1855, p. 158,1856, p. 264, et I860, p. 87 ; id. Syn. Av. Tern. p. 90; id. Cat A. B. p. 62; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 234 (Venezuela), 1879, p. 498 (Antioquia); iid. Nomencl p. 18 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 226 (N. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 454; Berl.J.f. 0.1883, p. 289 • Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 77. Above and below nearly uniform shining deep purple-blue; narrow front, lores, wings, and tail black; wing-coverts edged with blue like the back; bill and feet black: whole length 4*6 inches, wing 2*7, tail 1*9. Female similar, but less bright in colour. Younq. Cinereous, washed with blue ; wings and tail blackish. Hob. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. a. $ ad. sk. Sierra Nevada, Venezuela Salvm-Godman Coll. (Goeriny). b. <$ ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. c. d. S 2 ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. e. <$ ad. sk. - Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. / . Jr. sk. ad. sk. Rio, Brazil. Sclater Coll, h, i d ? ad. sk. Rio, Brazil (Youds). Salvin-Godman Coll. H2 100 TAtfAGKIDJS. j . 2 ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). h, I S $ ad sk. Rio Claro, (xoyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). m. J ad. sk. S. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 5. Calliste festiva. Tanagra tricolor; var. ft Gm. S. N, i. p. 892. Tanagra festiva, Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 537. Tanagra cyanocephala, VieilL Noui: Diet, xxxii. p. 425; id. Eac. Meih. p. 780; Temm. PL Col. 215. f. 2 ( $). Tanagra trichroa, Liclxt. Donbl. p. 80. "Tanagra rnbricollis, Temm.!' Mac. Beit/: iii. p. 450. Aglaia cyanocephala, Sw. Orn. Dr. pi. 5. Calliste festiva, Bp. Consp. i. p. 234; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 188; Sclater, Contr. Orn, 1851, p. 51; id. P. Z. S. 1650, pp. 10, 240; id. Mon. Callist. p. 11, pi. 5 ; id. Syn. At: Tan. p. 72 ; zV/. Cat. A. B. p. 03; 3d. et Salv. Nomeucl. p. 19; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 206 ; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 302; Forbes, Ibis, Lvsl. p. 332. Callispiza festira, 6fe&. Jfw*.-He/w. i. p. 20; id.J.f. 0.1874, p. 83 (Rio). Tatao festiva, ^p. -Key. Zoo/. 1851, p. 141; id. Note s. 1. Tang. p. 10. Tang, varie a tete bleue de Cayenne, Daub. PL Enl. 33. tig. 2. Tang, tricolor, femelle, Desm. Tang. t. 4. Green-headed Tanager, Tar. A, Lath. Gen. Hist. vi. p. 25. Above and below bright grass-green; front, chin, and upper back black, cap and throat blue, sides of the head and broad neck-collar behind scarlet; wings and tail black, edged with green like the back, lesser wing-coverts black, with a slight orange bar across the tips : under surface of wings and tail cinereous, under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2*5, tail 1*9. Female similar, but rather less bright, and the interscapulium variegated with green. Hob. S.E. Brazil: provinces of Pernambuco, Bahia, Rio, and S. Paulo. Though confounded by the older authors with C. tricolor this is a most distinct species, easily known from every other Calliste by the conspicuous red collar on the back and sides of the head. a. S ad. sk. S. America. Purchased, o. $ ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil. Sclater Coll. c, d. tf 2 ad. sk, Rio, Brazil. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro (Youds). f, g. Ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. S $ ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. 6. Calliste cyaneiventris. Tanagra cyanoventris, VieilL Nouv. Diet xxxii. p. 426 (1819) • id Enc.M4thv.781. Tanagra elegans, Max. Beise n. Bras. i. p. 187 (1820). Tanagra citrinella, Temm. PI CoL 42. f. 2 (1823); Max. Beitr. iii. p. 464. 10 . CALLISTE. 101 Calliste eitrinella, Bp. Consp. I p. 234; Burm. 8i/st Uek iii. p. 184 Chrysothraupis citrinella, Bp. Itev. Zool. 1851, p. 142; id. Note s.1 Tang. p. 17. Calliste cyaneiventris. Scl. Conir. Orn. 1851, p. 52; id. P. Z. S.1850, pp. 19, 247; id. Mon. Callist. p. 13, pi. 0; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 78; id. Cat. A. B. p. 63 j Scl. et Salv. Nommcl. p. 19; Pelzeln. Orn. Bras. p. 206. Aglaia citrinella, Sw. Orn. Dr. pi. 6. Above golden yellow, variegated, especially on the interscapulium, with black; broad front black; wings and tail black, broadly edged with bright green; upper tail-coverts bright green: below turquoise- blue, passing into in the middle of the belly; crissum fulvous; throat black, divided from the black chin by a yellowish line ; under wing-coverts white• bill black; feet dark brown : whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2*1. Female similar. Hob. S.E. Brazil: provinces of S. Espiritu, Rio, and S. Paulo. A very isolated species, easily distinguished by its golden head and back, variegated with black between the wings. a. Ad. sk. Brazil. Lord Stuart de Rothesay [P.], b. Ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Brazil. Gould Coll. d. Ad. sk. Brazil. 4Sclater Coll. e. Ad. skB Eio, Brazil. Sclater Coll. / . Ad, sk. Ypanema, Brazil (Natterer), Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll, 7. Calliste tiioraeica. Tanagra thoracica, Temm, PI Col. 42. f. 1 (1823). Calliste thoracica, Bp. Consp. i. p, 234; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, n. 54; id. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 247; id. Mon. Callist. p. 15, pi. 7 • id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 73; id. Cat. A. B. p. 63; Scl. et Salv. J\To?nericl. p. 19; Burm. Syst. Tleb. iii. p. 186; Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 206. Callispiza thoracica, Cab. Mas. Nein. i. p. 26. Chrysothraupis thoracica, Bp. Bev. Zool. 1851, p. 143; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 17. Above bright grass-green, variegated with triangular black striations; front black* a slight band above the front and feathers round the eye bright turquoise-blue; wings and tail black, edged with bright green like the back; the lesser wing-coverts edged with o-olden yellow: below bright green, large circular pectoral patch orange-yellow; middle of the belly, crissum, and under wing- coverts pale yellow; a small gular patch black, separated from the narrow black chin by a yellowish line, which is connected on each side with the yellow breast • bill blackish ; feet pale brown: whole length 5-4 inches, wing 2-8, tail 2*4. Female similar to the male, but not quite so bright; gular patch blackish. Hal. S.E. Brazil: prov. of Rio, Minas, Goyaz, S. Paulo, and Rio Grande do Sul. Another distinct species, readily known by its conspicuous orange- yellow pectoral patch. 102 1ANAGB1DJE. a. $ ad. sk. S. America. Purchased. 6. Ad. sir. Brazil, Salvin-Godman Coll. c, d. $ ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Salvin-Godman Coll. Sul, Brazil (Joyner). e. tf ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). f> 9- d 2 &&• fek- Brazil. Sclater Coll. h, i> d S ad. sk. Brazil Purchased. ;. Skel. Brazil. Eyton Coll. 8. Calliste gouldi. Calliste gouldi, Scktier, P. Z. S. 1885, p. 849 Above shining green; interseapulium varied with black; front and lores black; forehead and ocular region blue : wings and tail black, edged with bright green, smaller wing-coverts tinged with golden : below bright green, passing into bluish green on the sides of the belly ; chin black; a large throat-patch bluish black; middle of lower belly and crissum pale fulvous ; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet pale brown: whole length 4*8 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2. Hal. S.E. Brazil. The single specimen from the Gould Collection is apparently of Brazilian " make." The species is very like 0. thoracka in its upper plumage, but at once distinguishable by the large bluish- black guttural patch. a. Ad. sk. S.E. Brazil. Gould Coil. (Type of the species.) 9. Calliste schranM. Tanagra schrankii, Spix, Av. Bras. ii. p. 38, pi. 51; d'Orb. Voy. p. 270, pi. 24. f. 1, Aglaia schrankii, Lafr. et d* Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 31; Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 122. Aglaia melanotis, Szo. An. in Menag. p. 355 ( $ ). Calliste schrankii, Bp. Consp. i. p. 235, sp. 18 ; Sclaier, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 54; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 115, 1850, pp. 19, 248, 1857, p. 264, et 1858, pp. 74, 453 ; id. Mon. Callisi. p. 17, pi. 8 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 74; id. Cat A.B. p. 04; 8cl. et Salo. P.Z.B. 1S6G, p. 180,1867, pp. 749, 977, 1873, pp. 185,2(31 (Peru), 1879, p. 598 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 19; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (Central Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 459. Callospiza schrankii, Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 201. Chrysotkraupis schrankii, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 143; id. Note s. I Tang. p. 17. Above golden yellow; front of head up to eyes and sides of head black; interseapulium black, variegated with bright green ; wings and tail black, edged with greenish blue; secondaries and scapulars edged with green like the back : below bright green, middle of breast and belly golden yellow; chin black; crissum yellowish: under surface of wings and tail dark cinereous; under wing-coverts 10 . CALLISTE. 103 whitish.; bill black; feet brown : whole length 4*6 inches, wing 2-7, tail 1-7. Female similar, but not so bright; head green; rump green, slightly tinged with yellow. Hah. Eastern Ecuador, Upper Amazonia, Peru, and Bolivia. a. <$ ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. b,c. $ $ Napo, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. $ ad. sk.; Pebas, Eastern Peru (Ham- Salvin-Godman Coll. /. <$ jr. sk. well). g. tfad. sk. Eastern Peru (Fams). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. $ $ ad. sk. Ucayali (Hauxwell). Gould Coll. j. <$ ad. sk. Peruvian Amazons (Haux- Sclater Coll. well), k $ ad. sk. Central Peru (Jelski). Sclater Coll. l} m. <$ ad. sk, Nairapi, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. n, o. c? 2 Bolivia. Purchased. ad. St. p. (S ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclater Coll. q, r. J ad. sk. S. America. Purchased. 10. Calliste ilorida. Calliste florida, JScl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 416, pi. 28; iid. Nomencl p. 19; Sdlrin, Ibis, 1870, p. 114; Sclater, Ibis, 1876, p. 409; Sabin et Godm. Biol. Gentr.-Am,, Aves} i. p. 267, t. xvii. %• 1. Above bright grass-green, nape and rump washed with golden yellow; interscapulium black, variegated with green; wings and tail black, edged with green; front and auricular region black: below bright green, middle of the belly and crissum yellow; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2*5, tail 1*7. Female similar, but not quite so bright, and no golden colour on the nape. Hah. Costa Eica and Yeragua. a. § ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. $ ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Sclater Coll. c. <$ ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. SECT. III. Group of C. punctata. General plumage green ; breast more or less spotted with rounded black spots. Key to the Species. A. Throat white, slightly spotted. Superciliaries whitish. Outer edges of wing-coverts green 11. punctata, p. 104. Outer edges of wing-coverts golden 12. puncttdata, p. 104. Superciliaries golden 13. guttata, p. 105. B. Throat green, slightly spotted. Middle of belly yellow 14. xantJiogastra, p. 106. Middle of belly green 15. graminea, p. 106. C. Throat red, unspotted 16. rufigularis, p. 107. TA2TAGEIDJE3. 11. Calliste punctata. Tanagra punctata, Linn. S. N. i. p. 316. Calliste punctata, Bp. Consp. i. p. 234; Mat. Conir. Orn. 1851, p. 55; id. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 248 ; id. Mon. Callist. p. 19, pi. 9 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 74; id. Cat. A. B. p. 64; ScL et Salv. Nomencl. p. 19; Beh. Orn. Bras. p. 206 (Rio Negro) ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 460; Tacz. et Berl. B.Z. 8. 1885, p. 77 (Ecuador) ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 209 (Brit. Guian.). Ixotkraupis punctata, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 143• id. Note s. I Tang. p. 18. Above bright green; feathers of bead, upper back, and wing- coverts black, edged with green, and thus snowing rounded black spots : below white tinged with green, especially so on the flanks, and spotted down to the middle of the belly with rounded black spots, which occupy the centres of the feathers; middle of the belly white, unspotted; crissum greenish white, slightly spotted; under surface of wings and tail ashy black ; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet bluish black: whole length 4*6 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1-6. Female similar, but rather smaller, and the black spots smaller and more faint. Hah. Cayenne, British Guiana, and Eio Negro. a. S ad. sk.; Cayenne. Sclater Coll. b, c. J ad. sk. d. <$ ad. sk. Oyapoc, Cayenne (JelsM). Salvin-Godman Coll. e,f. <5 ? ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. {Wkitehj). g,h. <$ § ad. sk. Merume* Alts./ Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wliitely). i,j- 8 ad. sk; Eoraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. h. ? ad. sk. (Whitely). 1. <$ ad. sk. S. America. Purchased. 12. Calliste punctulata. Calliste punctulata, ScL et Sab. B. Z. S. 1876, p. 353, 1879, p. 598 ; Sclater, Ibis, 1876, p. 408. Similar to O. punctata, but larger, brighter, and more strongly marked; sides of neck and breast and wing-coverts washed with golden yellow: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 2. Hah. Bolivia and Ecuador. The specimens from the collection of Messrs. Salvin and Godman, obtained by Mr. Buckley at the two localities below mentioned, are the only examples I have seen of this not very distinct species. a. <$ ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia (Buck- Salvin-Godman Coll. ley). (Type of the species.) b. 8 ad. sk» Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 8 ad. sk. San Jos£, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll, 10 . CALLISTE. 105 13. Calliste guttata. Spotted Emerald Tanager, Lath. Gen. Hist. vi. p. 10, Callospiza punctata, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 009. Callispiza guttata. Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 20. Calliste guttulata, Bp. Compt. Rend, xxxii. p. 70; Sclater. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, et 1850, p. 19. Calliste chrysophrys, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 24, pi. 09. f. 2, et p. 54 Ixothraupis guttulata, Bp. JRev. Zool. 1851, p. 144; id. Note s.l Tang. p. 18. Calliste guttata, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 249 ; id. Mon. Callist. 1870, p.- 579; Taylor, Ibis, 1804, p. 82 (Trinidad); Lazor. Ami. Z. N. Y. ix. p. 98 (Costa Rica) ; v. Frantz. Jour. f. O. 1809, p. 298 (Costa Rica); Wt/att, Ibis, 1871, p. 325 (Ocana, Col); Salvia, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 187 (Cliiriqui) ; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 209 (Brit. Guian.); Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.~Am,, Ams, i. p. 207 ; Berl.J.f.O. 1884, p. 289. Above bright green ; feathers of head, upper back, and wing-coverts black, edged with, green, and thus showing rounded black spots; lores black; narrow front and feathers round the eye golden yellow : below white, tinged with green on the flanks; sides of the throat and breast spotted with well-defined oval black spots; middle of belly and under wing-coverts white; erissum yellowish; bill blackish, lower mandible plumbeous; feet dark brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2*1. Female similar, but less distinctly marked, and slightly smaller in size. Hah. British Guiana, Venezuela, Trinidad, Northern Colombia, and Isthmus of Panama north to Costa Rica. The larger size and golden-yellow front and eye-region appear to distinguish this species very satisfactorily from tho two preceding. As regards its alleged occurrence in Ecuador (upon which Messrs. Salvin and Godman, I. s. c, have lately cast some doubt) we have only Bourcier's authority, and there was probably some error. a, b. c? ad. sk.; Roraima,Brit.Guian.(Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. d. S ad. sk. Venezuela {Dyson). Sclater Coll. (Type of C. chrysopJmjs.) e. <$ ad. sk. Puerto Cabello. Sclater Coll. /, g. cS ad. sk. Caracas. D. Dyson [C.]. h. S ad. sk. San Cristobal, Venezuela (Goe- Salvin-Godman Coll. ring), i. S ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. j,h. <$ $ sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. /. tf ad. sk.; m, Bogota. Gould Coll. n. $ ad. sk. o. S ad. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. p. (S acl. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. q. w. S 2 ad*gk. Ocana, Magdalena valley Salvin-Godman Coll (Wyatt). x>y-S2 ad. sk. Puerto Oabello, Venezuela. Sclater Coll. h «'• (S ? ad. sk. Eastern Peru (Farris). Sclater Coll. br, c'. <$ ad. sk. Eastern Peru (Farris). Salvin-Godman Coll. 10 . CALLISTE. 113 24. Calliste versicolor. Calliste versicolor, Lawr. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sc. i. p. 152 (1878) ; id. Proo. U. S. N. M. I. p. 190 (St. Vincent), p. 269 (Grenada) et p. 487. Above and below saining ochraceous yellow, with slight violaceous reflections below ; sides of head blackish: cap dark coppery chestnut ; wings and tail blaeKish, edged with bluish green ; under wing- coverts pale ochraceous; bill black, under mandible paler; feet dark brown: whole length 5*7 inches, wing 3, tail 2'2. Female. Above pale greenish mixed with cinereous; head as in male, but rather darker ; wings and tail black with greenish edgings : below buffy cinereous; middle of the belly and crissum rather more ochraceous; under wing-coverts white. Hob. St. Yincent and Grenada, W. I, At one time Mr. Salvin and I were inclined to believe that this species was the same as G. cacullata, Sw. (of. Ibis, 1879, p. 357), and that there might have been some error in the statement that Bwainson's species comes from Venezuela. a. <$ ad. sk. St. Vincent, W. I. {Oher). Sclater Coll. b. 2 ad. sk. Grenada, W. I, (Oher). Sclater Coll. c. 9 ad. sk. Grenada, West Indies Salvin-Godrnan Coll. (Oher). d}e. ($2 ad. sk. Venezuela (?). Salvin-Godman Coll. 25. Calliste cncullata. Aglaia cucullata, Sw. Orn. Dr. pi. 7. Calliste cncullata, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 366; Bp. Camp. i. p. 234; id. JRev. et Mag. de Zool. 1851, p. 140 j id. Note s. I Tang. p. 14; Sclater, Cmitr.'Om. 1851, p. 63; id. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19,253; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 79 ; id. IbiSj 1876, p. 410; Scl. et Salv. Nbmencl. p. 19. Above shining greenish ochraceous; wings and tail black, edged with bluish green; cap very dark chestnut or cinnamon-colour; ear-coverts black: below ochraceous, washed with bluish, crissnm rufous; under wing-coverts white; bill dark horn-colour, paler below ; feet blackish : whole length 5-3 inches, wing 2-2, tail 2. Eab. Interior of Venezuela. The present species is closely allied to G. versicolor, but apparently recognizable by the extremely dark colour of the cap, which is also smaller and more restricted to the top of the head. a. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. 26. Calliste flava. Yellow Tanager, Lath. Syn. ii. p. 244. Tanagra flava, Gm. S. N. i. p. 896^; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 467. Lindo bello, Azara} Apunt, 387, VOL. Hi. * TAFAGRID-ffi. 114 Panagra formosa, Vieill Nmv. Diet. xrriL p. 407; id. Fne. Meth. P- 773. .. Atw Tanagra chloroptera, Vieill Nouv. Diet. xsxn. p. 4U/. Aglaia flava, £20. -2"ooZ. I E n. s. pi. 31. Calliste flava, J?p. Cfaws^. i p. 234; id. Bev.ZooI.l8ol, p. 140; id. Note s. I Tang. p. 14; Sclater, Contr. Orn.; id. P. Z. S. 1856,pp. 19, 253; id. Man. Callist. p. 4*, pi. 21. tig. Id1, 2 P ; *tt Sun. Av. Tan. p. 79; id. Cat. A. B. p. Go; Pehxln, Dm. I5 ^ 3fcbl Bras. p. 207; && «* S5&. Aiwwac*. p. 19; ^fto*> p. 332 (Pernambuco) ; Parm. %?£. Ueb. in. p. lbl. CaHispiza flava, Cab. Mus. Kern. i. p. 27. Above clear fulvous yellow; wings and tail black, edged with bluish; lores, sides of the head, chin, throat, breast, and middle of the belly black; rest of plumage below fulvous^yellow like the back, but rather darker ; under wing-coverts blackish; bill and feet blackish: whole length 5*8 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2'2. Female. Greenish fulvous; wings and tail black, edged with greenish; below paler, middle of throat and belly whitish; sides of throat and breast slightly varied with dark markings; flanks and crifesum ochraceous. Hob. S.E. Brazil, from Pernambneo to Bio Grande do Sal. a,b. p. 63; id. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 19. Calliste pretiosa. Bp. Eeo. Zool. 1861, p. 130; id. Note s. I Tang. p. 14; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 254; id. Mm. CaLlid. p. 50, pi. 22; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 80; id. Cat. A. JB.-p.06; Scl et ISalv. Nomencl n. 19; Peh. Orn. Bras. j>. 207. Calliste preciosa, Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 182. Tanagra ochronota, Natt. MS. {teste PeheM). Above, whole head, neck, and middle of back dark coppery chest 10 . CALLISTE, 115 nut; wing-coverts and lower back bright oehraeeous ; wings and tail Mack, edged with bluish: below greenish bine, middle of belly brighter and more bluish ; lower flanks, thighs, and crissum chestnut; bill black; feet brownish black: whole length 6*3 inches, wing 3-3, tail 2*3. Female, Above dark green: wings and tail blackish, edged with green; head and upper back suffused with coppery ehebtnut: below paler and less pure, middle of belly whitish ; crissum tinged with rufous. Hah. Soathern Brazil and Paraguay. A larger species than C.flava, and easily known by its deep chestnut head and back. a} I. <$ ? ad. sk. Bio Grande do Sul (Plant). Sclater Coll. c. <$ ad. sk. Curytiba, Brazil (flatterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. S ad. sk. S. Brazil. P. L. Sclater [P.], 28. Calliste melanonota. Taaagia peruviana, Desm. Tan. pi. 11 ( $ ) ; Vieill. Enc. MStk p. 778. Tanagra gyrula, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 471 (partim) $ Dubois. Orn. Gall. p.lSl,pL87(?). Aglaia nielanota, Sw. Orn. Dr. pis. 31 (<5), 43 ($). Callihte peruviana, Bp. Comp. i. p. 2o4; id. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 140; id. Nvte s. I. Tang. p. 14 j Sclater, Contn Orn. 1851, p, 04; id. 2>#.&18o0,p. ID. Calliste melanonota, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 254; id. Mon. Calli&t. p. 51, pi 23. %s. U,2$; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 80 ; id. Cat A. B. p. 67 ; Beheln} Orn. Bras. p. 207 ; Sal. et Salv. Nomenel, p. 19. Above, head and neck dark coppery chestnut; interscapulium deep black; wing-coverts and lower back clear ochraceous; wings ana- tail -black, narrowly edged with bluish: below nearly uniform greenish blue; lower flanks and crissum chestnut; under wing- coverts white; bill and feet brownish black: whole length 5*8 inches, wing 3, tail 2*2. Female. Above dark green, darker on the interscapulium, lighter on the rump; head and neck tinged with coppery chestnut; wings and tail blackish, edged with green: below paler; middle of belly whitish ; crissum pale rufous. Hah. Southern Brazil (Sao Paulo, Goyaz, and Panama). This species is at once recognizable by the well-denned black back of the male. In O. pretiosa, its near ally, the interscapulium is of the same chestnut as the head. afh <$% ad. sk. S. Brazil. Sclafcer Coll. e. 2 ad. sk. Sao Paulo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. <$ jr. sk.; e. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. 9 ad. sk. (Joymr)* f. <$ ad. sk. Santa Catarina, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll* g. 2 ad. sk. (Rodgers). Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (JoyTier). hf i $ ad. sk. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. 116 TAKAGRIP^!. SECT. YI. Group of G. gyrola. General colour bright green; cap bright rufous. Key to the Species. A. Middle of belly bright blue. a. Bunip green like the back. j Wing-coverts green 29. gyrola, p. 116. | Wing-coverts chestnut SO. lavinia, p. 116. b. Rump bright blue. j Wing-coverts green 31. ggroloides, p. 117. ) Wing-coverts chestnut 32. albertinm, p. 118. B. Middle of belly green 33. desmaresti, p. 118. 29. Calliste gyrola. Tanagra gyrola, Linn. S. N. i. p. 315. Tangara du Pe*rou, Dauh. PI. BJnl. 133. &g. 2. Tangara rouverdin, JDesm. Tang. p. 6. Aglaia chrysoptera, Sic. An. in Menag. p. 356. Calliste gyrola, Bp. Consp. i. p. 234; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 67; id. P. Z.S. 1856, pp. 19, 255; id. Mon. Callist. p. 55, pi. 25 j id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 81; id. Cat. A. B. p. 07; Scl. et Sail). Nomencl, p. 19,* Salv. Bis, 1885, p. 209 (Brit. Guiana). Callispiza gyrola, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 28. Gyrola chrysoptera, Bp. Pev. Zool. 1851, p. 139; id. Mote s. I. Tang, p. 13. Shining grass-green; head chestnut; slight line round the nape and bend of wing golden; middle of belly bright blue; thighs rufous; bill and feet dark brown: whole length 4*8 inches, wing 2*7, tail 1*8. Female similar, but colours duller. Hob. Cayenne and British Guiana. a. Ad. sk.; b} c. Jr. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. d, e. $ $ ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Salvin-Godman Coll. Guiana (Whitely). f. Ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Sclater Coll. Guiana (Whitely). g. S ad. sk. Gamacusa,Brit.Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). h. d ad. sk. Merume* Mts., Brit. Salvin-Godman Coll. Guiana (Whitely). ijj. $ ad. sk.; k. $ Koraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. ( Whitely). I, m. Ad. sk. British Guiana. Salvin-Godman Coll. 30. Calliste lavinia. Calliste lavinia, Cassin, Pr. Ac. So. Phil. 1858, p. 178, et 1860, p. 142, t. 1. fig. 1; Salvin, Ibis, 1872, p. 315 (Nicaragua); Scl. Ibis, 1863, p. 451, et 1876, p. 409 ; Scl. et Salv. Momend. p. 19; Sak. et Qodm. Biol. Centr.-Am.j Aves, i. p. 271. Shining grass-green; head and edgings of wing-coverte and 10 . CALLISTE. 117 primaries dark chestnut; back of neck glossed with golden yellow; middle of belly bright blue• thighs rufous ; bill horn-colour; feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 3, tail 1-9. Female similar, but colours less bright. Hab. Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and Darien. a, b. Ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Sclater Coll c. Ad. sk.d. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. sk. e. Ad. sk. / . Ad. skff9 h. Ad. sk.; Nicaragua (Jansen). Costa Eica (Van Patten). Teragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Jr. sk. 31. Calliste gyroloides. Aglaia gyrola, Lafr. et d'Orh. Syn. Av. I p. 32. Tanagra gyrola, d'Orh. Voy. p. 272. Aglaia peruviana, Sw. An. in Menag. p. 356 (1838). Calli»piza gyrola, Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 202. Aglaia gyroloides, Lafr. Rev. Zool 1847, p. 277. Calli*te-gvroIoidt*s; JSp. Consp. i. p. 234; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 67; id. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 115, 1855, p. 158, 185C>, pp. 19, 255, 1857, p. 204, 1K3H, pp. 74, 453, 1859, p. 139, et 18G0, pp. 87, 292; id. Man. Callist. p. 57, pi. 26 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 81 • id. Cat. A. B. p. 07 ; Later. Ann. L. K T. vii.'p. 332 (Panama) ; Frantz. J. f. 0.180% p. 298 (Costa Eica) ; Cass. Rep. U.S. Astr. Exp. ii. p. 182, pi. Hi f. 1 ; Salr. P. Z. S. 1807, p. 138, et 1870, p. 186 (Teragua) ; Scl et Salr. P. Z. S. 1804, p. 350 (Panama), 1867, p. 749, 1873. pp. 1&3,261 (E. Peru), et 1879, pp. 499 (Antioquia), 599 (Bolivia) : tid, Kmneml p. 19 ; lacs. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514, et 1882, p. 11; id. Orn. IW. ii. p 403 (Peru) ; Wi/att, Ik's, 1871, p. 325 j Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 207 Qlarabitdnaa); Bert J.f.O. 1883, p. 289 (Buearamanga); Sah. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 270; Tacz. et Bert P. Z. S. 1885, p. 78 (Ecuador). Calliste cyanoventris, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 366 (1844). Gyrola eyanoventris, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 139; id. Note s. I. Tang. *p. 13. Shining grass-green ; head bright rufous; rump and body below bright blue, passing into green, on the flanks and crissum; thighs rufous; bill and feet brown: whole length 5*2 inches, wing 3*1, tail 2*2. Female similar, but not so bright. Hab. Costa Eica, and southwards over Colombia, Ecuador, and Pern to Bolivia ; also Amazonia as far down as Rio Negro. 1 should have supposed that Rio-Negro specimens would have belonged to C. gyrola, but Herr v. Pekeln (Ibis, 1877, p. 338) refers them to this species. In some specimens (especially those from Eastern Peru and Ecuador) the nape and bend of the wing are strongly washed with golden yellow. a. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Arce). Sclater Coll. b. 2 ad. sk. Guiatil, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. e, d. Ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arce). Sabin-Godman Coll. «,/. <$ 2 ad. sk. Santa F6, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. <$ ad. sk.; L Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 jr. sk. 118 TAKAGRID^;. i. Ad. sir. Veragua (Aree). Sclater Coll. j. Ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godrnan Coll. h. J ad. sir. Lion Hill, Ibthmus of Panarnj Salvin-Godman Coll. (McLeannun). I ( Istlim. of Panama (JMcLeminan) Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk.; n. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. sk. o, p, Ad. sk. Colombia. Gould CoH. q. Ad. sk. Bogota, Purchased. r. Jr. sk. Bogota. Sclater CoH. s. $ ad. sk. Keniedios, Antioquia, U. S. C Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmoii). t. Ad. sk. Concordia, Antioqnia (Salmon) Sclater Coll. u. Ad. sk. San Jose, Ecuador (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. v. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. w. Jr. sk. Rio Napo. Gould CoH. .r. Ad. sk. Ecuador (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. y. Jr. sk. Ega, Amazons, Purchased. a. Ad. sk. Eastern Peru (Farris). Salvin-Godman Coll. a'. Ad. sk. Eastern Peru (Fajris). Sclater Coll, 32. Calliste albertinse. Calliste albertinse, Pelz. Ibis, 1877, p. 337. Calliste gyroloides (part.), Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 207 (1871). Head, cheeks, and chin rufous chestnut, upper surface generally green; neck yellowish green, but without a distinct collar; shoulders bright reddish chestnut; rump and under surface blue; under tail- coverts green; thighs pale reddish: whole length 5 inches, wing 2*8, tail 1-10. Rah. Madeira river, near Salto de Girao (batterer). I transcribe Herr v. Pelzeln's description of this species, of which the only known specimen is in the Imperial Cabinet at Yienna. It resembles C. lavinia in its chestnut shoulders, but has a blue rump like C. gyroloides. 33. Calliste desmaresti. Tangara rouverdin, femelle, Desm. Tan. pi. 7 (?). Tanagra gyrola, Sta. Zool. Ill n. s. pi. 28. Calliste desmaresti, Gray, G. B. ii. p. 866 (1844); Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 67 ; id. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 25Q; id. Mm. Callist. p. 59, ipl 27 ; id. St/n. Av. Tan. p. 82 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 68; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 82; Scl et Salv. PZ.S. 1868, p. 627 (Venezuela); itd. Nomencl p. 19; Cass. Pep. U.S. Astr. Exp. ii. p. 182, pi 19 fig. 2; Finsch, P.Z.S. 1870, p. 579 (Trinidad); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 120 (Sierra Nevada of S. Marta). Aglaia viridissima, Lafr. Pev. Zool 1847, p. 277. Gyrola viridissima, Bp. Pev. Zool 1851, p. 139; id. Note s. I Tang. p. 13. Calliste viridissima, Bp. Consp. i. p. 234. Bright grass-green ; wings and tail blackish, edged with green ; 10 . CALLISTE. 119 head chestnut; bill and feet brown: whole length 5*3 inches wing 3-3, tail 2*1. ' Ilab. Venezuela, Trinidad, and northern littoral of Colombia. a. Ad. sk. S. America. Purchased. b. Ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. / . Ad. sk.; g. Jr. sk. Venezuela (Dyson). Venezuela (Spence). Trinidad. Sclater Coll. Salvin-G-odman Coll. Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk.; Trinidad. " Purchased. i. Jr. sk. j . d Mmca,SantaMarta,U.S.C.(&morcs). Salvin-Godman Coll. SECT. VII. Group of G. brasiliensis. Black and blue ; interscapulium black; bend of wing blue. Key to the Species. a. Belly white 34. brasiliensis, p. 119. h. Belly pale yellow. Bend of wing thalassine blue 35.flaviventris, p. 120. Bend of wing blue like the throat 36. boliviana, p. 121. 34. Calliste brasiliensis. Tanagra brasiliensis, Linn. S. N. i. p. 316; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 477. Calliste brasiliensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 234; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 68; id. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19,256 • id. Mori. Callist. p. 61, pi. 28; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 82; id. Cat. A. B. p. 68; Burm. Syst. TJeb. iii. p. 180; Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 207 • Set. et Sah. Nomencl p. 19. Callospiza brasiliensis, Bp. Bev. Zool 1851, p. 468 • id. Note s. I Tang. p. 19 • Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 27. Tangara barbadensis cserulea, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 8 (?). Tangara bleu de Cayenne, Buf, PI. Mil. 155. fig. 1; id. Hist. Nat. iv. p. 282 (?). Tanagra barbadensis, Kxihl, Ind. PI Bnl p. 3; Temm. Tdbh MStk p. 41. Calliste albiventris, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 366; Scl. Cat A. B, p. 68; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. x>. 19. Callospiza barbadensis, £p. Compt. Rend, xxxii. p. 80. Above black; fore part of cap (except narrow front), sides of neck, wing-coverts, narrow margins of primaries, rump, and upper tail-coverts bright blue : below bright blue, neck and flanks varied with black; middle of abdomen, crissum, and under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 3*4, tail 2*3. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hob. S.E. Brazil. In some former articles upon this genus, I have recognized Calliste albiventris of Cayenne as distinct, having been induced to do so from the fact of having a skin, apparently of " Cayenne" make, which is smaller in dimensions than the typical C. brasiliensis; 120 TANAGRID-E. but there is no recent authority for the occurrence of this form in Cayenne. a. Ad. st. b-d. Ad. sk. Brazil. Baliia, Br&zil (Wucherer). J. Gould, Esq. Salvin-Godman Coll. e,f. Ad. sk; g. Brazil. Sclater Coll. Jr. &k. h, i. Ad. sk. ./. Brazil. Cayenne (:j). M. Claussen [P.]. Sclater Coll. (C.albiventris, Sclater, olim.) 35. Calliste flaviventris. Tanagra mexicana, Linn. S. N. i. p. 315. Tanagra flaviventris, Yieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxii. p. 410; id. Ene. Meth. p. 774. Calliste mexicana, Bp. Consp. i. p. 235. Callospiza mexicana, Cab. in Schomb. Girian. iii. p. 670. Calliste flaviventris, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 69; id. P. Z. S. 1S56, pp. 19,257 • id. Mon. Cailist. p. 03, pi. 29 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 83; id. Cat. A. B. p. 68: Scl ef Sah. P. Z. S. lbG7, p. 571 (Lower Amazons) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 19; Bayard, Ibis, lb73, p. 379 (Para); Sah. Ibis, 1885, p. 210 (Brit. Guiana); Pelzela, Orn. Bras. p. 207 (partim). CalkVpiza flaviventris, Cab. Mas. Hein. i. p. 27. Callospiza cayanensih, Bp. lieu. Zool. 1651, p. 169; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 20." Callospiza mexicana, Bp. Compt. Rend. xxxii. p. 80; id. Bev. Zool. 1851, p. 1G9; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 20. Calliste vieilloti, Sclater, P.Z.S. 1856, p. 257; id. Mon. Cailist. p. 65; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. SS ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 69 ; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 82 (Trinidad); Scl. et Sah. Nomencl. p. 19 ; Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 579 (Trinidad), Above black; fore part of cap (except narrow front), sides of head, margins of larger wing-coverts, and rump bright blue; smaller upper wing-coverts bright turquoise-blue, narrow outer margins of primaries bright greenish blue: below blue, varied on the throat and flanks with black; middle of abdomen and crissum pale sulphur- yellow ; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 5*4 inches, wing 2*7, tail 1*8. Female like the male. Eab. Lower Amazonia, Cayenne, Guiana, Venezuela, and Trinidad. In former writings I have kept a form of this species distinct as O. vieilloti; but the difference (consisting merely in the stronger tinge of the yellow belly) is so slight that I have now united the two forms as subspecies. a. Subsp. tyjpica. a. Ad. sk. Cayenne. Purchased. b, o. Ad. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. British Guiana (Spence). Sclater Coll. Ad. sk. Barra do Rio Negro (Wal- Sclater Coll. lace). 10 . CALLISTE. 121 b. Subsp. vieilhti. a,b. $ ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. {WJritehj). c. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk.; / . Jr. g. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. (Type of C. vieilhti.) sk. Trinidad. Purchabed. Trinidad. P. L. Sclater [P.]. Trinidad. Purchased. 36. Calliste boliviano Aglaia rnexicana, Lafr. et cVOrl. Syn. At. i. p. 32. Tanagra flaviventris, d'Orb. Voy., Ois.-p. 270. Callospiza boliviana, Bp. Compt. Rend, xxxii. p. 80; id. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 1G9; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 20. Calliste boliviano Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 69; id. P. Z. S.1830, pp. 19, 258, et 1857, p. 264; id. Mon. Callist. p. 07, pi. 30; id. Syn. Au. Tern. p. 84; id. Cat. A. B. p. 69; Sd. et Sab. P. Z. S. 1660, p. 180 (Ucayali), 1867, p. 571 (Lower Amazons), 1867, p. 977 (Pebas), 1873, p. 261 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 599 (Bolivia) ; iid. No- mend. p. 19; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p, 464. Calliste flaviventris, Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 207 (partim). Above black, fore part of cap (except narrow front), sides of head, margins of wing-coverts, and rump brighjfc blue ; narrow margins of primaries greenish blue: below blue, thrfeat and flanks varied with black; middle of abdomen and crissum pale sulphur-yellow; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 5'2 inches, wing 2*8, tail 1*9. Female similar. Hab. Colombia, Eastern Ecuador, Amazonia, and Bolivia. Exactly like O. flaviventris, but without the turquoise-blue on the bend of the wing, and of a deeper yellow below. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk, Bogota. Purchased. c. d. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. / . Ad. sk. Pebas, Eastern Peru (Hauxwell). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. Ucayali (Eauxwell). Gould Coll. h. Ad. sk. Upper Amazons. Purchased. L Ad. sk. Ega, Amazons (Wallace). Sclater Coll. j. Ad. sk. Capim r.; L. Amazons (Wallace). Sclater Coll. SECT. VIII. Group of O. inornate. General colour cinereous; bend of wing bright blue. Of this group only one species is at present known. It is probably a development of the immature form of the ancestor of the group of 0. brasiliensis. 37. Calliste inornata. Calliste inornata, Gould, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 158; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 258; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 84 ; id. Mon. Callist p. 103, pi. 45 j 122 TANA.6ffiID.ffi. Lawrence, Ann. Lyc. N, T. vii. p. 298 (Panama) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1860, p. 142 (Turbo) ; Sol et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 350 (Panama), 1879, p. 499 (Antioquia) j iid. JSfomencl. p. 19j Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 273 ; JBerl J.f. 0.1884, p. 291 (Bucaramanga). Above dusky cinereous; wings and tail blackish, small upper coverts of the wing bright shining blue: below paler, middle of belly and crissum almost white; under wing-coverts white; bill blackish : feet dark plumbeous: whole length 4*7 inches, wing 2*6, tail 2. Female similar. Hcib. Veragua, Panama, and Colombia. This is quite a peculiar species as regards its colours. The bright spot on the upper wing-coverts induces me to place it near the group of G. brasiliensis. a. Ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Panama (Markham). Salvin-Godman OolL d. <$ J ad. sk. Lion HilljPsLiiSim^McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. c> e. Ad. sk. Paraiso Station, Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad, sk. (Hughes). Panama (MeLeannan). Sclater Coll. 9h. i. h k. 1. m Ad. sk. Ad. sk. Ad. sk. Jr. sk. Ad. sk. Ad. sk. . Ad. sk. Panama. Bogota. Bogota. Bogota. Bemedios, Antioquia (Salmon). Nichi, Antioquia (Salmon). Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gould Coll. (Type of the species.) Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. SECT. IX. Group of 0. nigriviridis. jNTeck- and breast-feathers black edged with green or blue, forming squamulations ; rump shining green or blue. Key to tlie Species, A. Cap-feathers black, broadly edged with blue. Interscapulium black 38. nigriviridis, p. 122. Interscapulium green 39. cabanisi, p. 123. B. Cap black; nuchal spot rufous 40. dowi, p. 124. 38. Calliste nigriviridis. Tanagra nigroviridis, Lafr. Rev. ZooL 1843, p. 69; id. Mag. de Zool. 1843, pi. 43. Calliste nigro-viridis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 235 ; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 18*51, p. 56; id. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 158, et 1856, pp. 19, 260; id. Won. Callisi p. 77; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 86; id. Cat. A. B. p. 69; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 237 (Venezuela), et 1879, p. 499 (Antioquia); iid. Mmencl p. 19; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (Centr. Peru), 1879, p. m (N. Peru), et 1880, p. 194 (N. Peru) ; Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 289 (W. Ecuador). 10 . CALLISTE. 123 Callispiza nigroviridis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i, p. 27. Ohalcothraupis nigro-viridis, Bjp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 145: id. Note s. I Tang. p. 19. Calliste* eyanescens, Sclater, P. Z. S. 18/56, p. 260; id. Mon. Callist. p. 79, pi. 35 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 80; id. Cat. A. B. p. 70. Calliste nigriviridis berlepschi, Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 469. Above, front, sides of the head, and interscapulium black; cap- feathers black, broadly edged with shining greenish blue; rump greenish bine; wings and tail black margined with blue ; bend of wing bright blue : below black, all the feathers broadly terminated with greenish blue ; middle of belly and under wing-coverts whitish ; bill black, pale at the base: feet dark brown: whole length 4-8 inches, wing 2*8, tail 2. Female similar. Hcib. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, I formerly separated the larger and more bluish Venezuelan form specifically as C. eyanescens, but a fuller series of specimens has convinced me that I was wrong in doing so; nor can I keep distinct IE. Taezanowski's C. nigriviridis berlepschi of Peru, in which the terminal spots of the feathers have a rather more greenish tinge. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. b, c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. / . Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. g. Ad. sk. Bogota. Gould Coll. h. St. Helena, Antioquia (/Siafowora). Sclater Coll. i. Ad. sk. Medellin, Antioquia {Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. $ ad. sk. Envigado, U. S. of Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. {Salmon), k. Ad. sk. Envigado, U. S. of Colombia Sclater Coll. (Salmon). I. Ad. sk. Pasto, Ecuador (Lelimann). Salvin-Godman Coll. 77i,n. Intaj, Ecuador (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. o. Ad. sk. Ecuador (Jameson), Sclater Coll. p. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Gould Coll. q. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. (Type of C. eyanescens.) r, s. Ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. t. $ ad. sk. San Cristobal, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. (Goering). u. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. v. Ad. sk. Aragua, Venezuela. D. Dyson [C.]. Gould Coll. w. Ad. sk. Venezuela. 39. Calliste cabanisi. Calliste (sive Callispiza) sclateri, Cab. J. f. O. 1866, p. 163. Calliste cabanisi, Scl Ibis, 1868, p. 71, t.iii., et 1876, p. 407; Solet Salv. Nomencl. p. 12 j Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, I. p. 271. Above greenish blue ; wings and tail black margined with blue; interscapulium green; cap black margined with blue: beneath pale 124 TANAGEIDJE. greenish blue, middle of belly whitish; breast-feathers spotted with black; bill black, at base plumbeous• feet black: whole length 5*7 inches, wing 8"4, tail 2*3. IIah. Costa Cucu district of Guatemala. The characters are taken from the unique specimen in the Museum of Berlin which I examined in 1868. 40. Calliste dowi. Calliste dowi, Salv. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 168, et 1870, p. 187 ; Scl. Ibis, 1803, p. 451, t. xii., et 1876, p. 407; Lawr. Ann. L. K. T. ix. p. US ; Fronts, J.f. 0. 1869, p. 208 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 19 j Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 272. Above black ; slight nuchal spot rufous• feathers of back of neck and sides of head terminated with pale silvery green ; rump greenish blue ; wings and tail black with slight blue edgings ; bend of wing bright blue : below, throat black ; breast-feathers black with pale silvery-green edgings* whole abdomen rich rufous* under wing- coverts pale rufous : whole length 4*8 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2. Female similar. Bab. Costa Bica and Yeragua. A species very easily known by its rich rufous abdomen, apparently coming nearest to G. nigriviridis. a, b. Ad. sk. Irazu dist., Costa Itica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers). c. Ad. sk. Bancho Bedondo, Costa Salvin-Godman Coll. Bica (Dow). d. Ad. sk. Navarro, Co&taItica (Cooper). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. $ ad. sk. Quebrada Honda, Costa Salvin-Godman Coll. Bica (Zeledon). fi9> 6 $ ad. sk. Cordillera del Chucu, Vera- Salvin-Godman Coll. gua (Aree). h. Ad. sk. Veragua (Aree). Sclater Coll. SECT. X. Group of G. larvata. Interseapulium and chest black; rump shining blue or green. Key to the Species. A. Middle of abdomen white. Nape coppery yellow 41. larvata, p. 124. Nape liliac-blue 42. nigricineia, p. 120. B. Middle of abdomen black or slightly glossed with purple. Bump green 43. cyaneicollis^. 127. Bump blue 44. cyanopygia, p. 128. 41. Calliste larvata. Calliste larvata, JDu Bus, Esq. Orn. pi. 9; Bp. Consp.i.y. 236; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 64 • id. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 260 • id, Mon. 10 . CAXLISTE. 125 Callist. p. 81, pi. 36; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 86; id. Cat. A. B. p. 70: Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. i(5, i860, p. 33 j iid. JP. Z. S. 1870, p. 830, et 1879, p. 499 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl p. 19; Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 467, et 1872, p. 316; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am.. Aws, i. p. 274. Tatao larvatus, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 142: id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 16*. Aglaia fanny, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1847, p. 72.' Oalliste fanny, Bp. Comp. i. p. 236; Des Murs, Icon. Orn. pi. 56. fig. 1. Calliste francisae, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 142, 261; id. Mon. Callist. p. 83 j id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 87; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. T. vii. pp. 298, 332, viii. pp. 175,179, ix. p. 98; Scl. et Sah. P. Z. S. 1804, p. 350; Salv. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 169, 1867, p. 138, 1870 p. 187: v. Front*. J.f. 0.1869, p. 298. Above, front, lores, line round the eye, upper back, and scapularics black : nape and sides of neck brilliant pale golden-copper colour'; sides of face bluish ; whole lower back bright blue ; wings and tail black ; remiges and rectrices narrowly margined with greenish blue; wing-coverts margined with bright blue; bend of wing purplish blue : below black; throat bright golden-copper colour; middle of abdomen white, sides glossed with purple or blue; under wing- coverts white ; bill black; feet dark brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-9, tail 1*9. Female similar, but rather less brilliant. Hab. S. Mexico and Central America, southwards to Panama and Northern Colombia. The South-Mexican and Guatemalan form of this species (Calliste larvata typica) was long kept distinct from the more southern form {Calliste larvata francescce) ; but I agree with Messrs. Salvin and Godman (Biol. Centr.-Am. I. s. c.) that the differences are not sufficient for specific distinction: they consist mainly in the darker shade of the nape and throat in the northern form. a. Subsp. typica. a. Ad. sk. Honduras. Purchased. b. Ad. sk. Belize, British Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. (Blancaneaux). e. d ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin Salvin-Godman Coll. 8$ Godman). d. <$ ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. /. $ ad. sk. Sources of River de la Pa- Salvin-Godman Coll. sion, Vera Paz (Salvin ty g. Ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. (S ad. sk. Yzabal, Guatemala (Salmi). Salvin-Godman Coll. z9 /. Jr. sk. Ohisec, Guatemala. Salvin-Godman Coll. h Ad. sk. San Pedro, Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wliitely). b. Subsp. francescce. a. Ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, e. Ad. sk, Turrialba, Costa Rica (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Turrialba, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Cooper). 126 TAJSAGBIDM. e. te s. L fang. p. 17. Above, cap black; front and ear-coverts bright shining green glossed with golden chestnut; snpereiliaries, sides of neck, and lower back bright shining green ; interscapulium black, varied with bright green; wings and tail black, edged with bright green: below bright shining green ; middle of belly and crissum chestnut-brown; under wing-coverts blackish; bill black; feet brown: whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2*9, tail 1-9. Female similar. 10 . CALLISTE. 135 Hab. Eastern Ecuador and N. Peru. The black head and rather chestnut golden ear-coverts at once separate this well-marked species from its allies. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. Upper Amazons. Rio Napo. Machay, Ecuador (Btohmann). Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Ooll e. Ad. sk. / . Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador (Bruce). Ecuador, Salvin-Godman Ooll. L. Fraser [0.]. SECT. XII. Group of C. cyanoptera. Cap black; back silvery green. Eemale different from male. Key to the Species. A. Throat "black, like the head; belly silvery green : j wings black, edged with blue .. 57. cyanoptera, p. 135. (wings black 58. whitelyi, p. 136. B. Throat and chest green; belly purplish.. 59. atricapilla, p. 136. C. Belly black: J throat shining fulvous 60. argentea, p. 137. (throat green 61. argyrophenges, p. 137. 57. Calliste cyanoptera. Aglaia cyanoptera, Sw. Orn. Dr. pi. 8 (1841). Tanagra argentea, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1843, p. 69. Calliste cyanoptera, Bp. Consp. i. p. 234; id. Rev. Zool. 1851,p. 140; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 15; Sclat. Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 64; id. P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 19, 254; id. Won. Ccdlist. p. 53, pi. 24; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 80; id. Cat. A. B. p. 67; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Caracas) ,* iid. Nomencl. p. 19; Bah. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 200, et 1880, p. 120 (Sierra Nevada of S. Marta). Callispiza cyanoptera, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 27. Silvery green; head and neck all round and wings and tail black; remiges and rectrices narrowly edged with blue; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet brown: whole length 5*5 inches, wing '3, tail 2. Female. Above green, brighter on the rump ; wings and tail black edged with green : below paler, ashy on the throat and breast, buffy white in the middle of the belly, and greenish on the flanks. Hab. Venezuela and N. Colombia. a. 3 ad. sk. Venezuela. Purchased. be 6 £ ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. d. S ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. e 6 ad. sk. Venezuela. Gould Coll. f,g. sk ad. sk.; Minca, Santa Marta, TJ. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. ? h <5 ir. sk. (Simons). i d ad sk. San Jbs<§, Santa Marta, Salvin-Godman Ooll. U. S. 0. (Simons). 136 TANA GRIDM. 58. Calliste wMtelyi. Calliste wkitelyi, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1884, p. 445, t. xiii.; S 9-d ad. sk. * Eetiro, Antioquia, Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. h. $ ad. sk. {Salmon). I $ ad. sk. Frontino, Colombia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman ColL j. d ad. sk. * Frontino, Colomhrn (Sahwn). Sclater Coll. h, I. S ad. sk. * Venezuela. D. Dyson [6.1. fn, n. 2 ad. sk. 10 . CALLISTE. 137 60. Calliste argentea. Procnopis argentea, Tsch. Wiegm. Arch. 1844, p. 285; id. F. P.. Aves, p. 199, pi. 14.fig. 2. Calliste argentea, Gray, Gen., App. p. 14; Bp. Consp. i. p. 235; Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 60 ; id. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 250; id. Sgn. Av. Tan. p. 85; id. Mon. Cattist. p. 75, t. xxxiv.; Scl. ot Salv. Nomencl. p. 19; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (Oentr. Peru), 1879, p. 226 (N. Peru), 1882, p. 11 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 466. Clialcotliraupis argentea, Pp. It Z. 1851, p 145; id. Note s, I Tang. p. 19. Calliste argentea viridicollis, Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 468. Above greenish silvery grey; cap black; -wings and tail black, with edgings like the back but darker: below black; flanks silvery grey like the back; throat and sides of head of a dark golden strawcolour ; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 3*1, tail 2*3. Female. Above bright green, wings and tail darker ; cap dark brown: beneath cinereous, breast and flanks rather greenish; throat as in the male, but rather paler. Hah. Peru and Ecuador. In the form from Southern Peru (0. argentea viridicollis) the back and flanks have a much more bluish tinge, and the throat is more of a greenish yellow. But some of the North-Peruvian skins are rather intermediate between this form and Ecuador specimens, in which the throat is almost of a bright copper-colour. a. Subsp. typica. a,b. c? ? c. <$ ad. &k. d, e. $ ad. sk. Tambillo, Peru (Stolztnann). Jima, Ecuador {Buckley). Jima, Ecuador {Buckley). Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Subsp. viridicollis. a,b. $ $ ad. sk. Huero, valley of Urubamba, Peru (Orion). Salvin-Godman Coll. 61. Calliste argyrophenges. Calli&te argyrophenges, Sol. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 354, t. xxx. iig. 2, 1879, p. 599 (Bolivia) ; Scl. Ibis, 1876, p. 408; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 12 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 468. Abovo of a bright silvery ochre; cap, wings, and tail black: telow, middle of body black, flanks silvery ochre like the back; throat green; under wing-coverts black; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2*8, tail 1-9. Female. Back greenish ochre ; head, wings, and tail blackish, feathers edged with green: below cinereous, throat greenish ; flanks ochraceous. (Mas. Varsov.) Hob. Peru and Bolivia. The bright ochreous hue of the silvery back and the green throat 138 TANAGRID^. at once distinguish this fine species from G. argentea. The female is only known to me from a specimen in the Warsaw Museum. a. 6 ad. sk. Bolivia (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) b. tf ad. sk. Huambo, Peru. Sclater Coll. 11. PSEUDODACNIS, gen. nov. Bill and foot of Pseudodacnis. General characters of Calliste, but bill rather longer and more slender. Wings rather long, first four primaries equal and longest. Plumage of Dacnis. 1. Pseudodacnis hartlaubi. Dacnis hartlaubi, Scl. P. Z. S. 1854, p. 251. Callispiza hartlaubi, Cab. J.f. 0. 1861, p. 88. Calliste hartlaubi, Scl. Ibis, 1863, pp. 312, 452, 1876, p. 410j Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20. Above and below bright shining turquoise-blue; lores, broad line through the eyes, and interscapulium black ; wings and tail blackish; scapularies and tips of the outer secondaries turquoise-blue ; under wing-coverts cinereous; bill and feet black: whole length 4*5 inches, wing 2-6, tail 17. Hah. Colombia (Bogota). This bird, originally described by myself as a Dacnis, was subsequently referred by Dr. Cabanis to the Tanagers. I am at present not sure which view is correct, but at all events I do not think that the species can remain under Calliste, a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. 12 . IRIDOENIS. p. TANAGRDLE FORTIROSTKES. As Tanagrinm fortirostres I propose to arrange the various genera, allied to typical Tanagra, with, stronger bills than in the last section, and a generally well-marked tooth in the upper mandible. They embrace altogether 57 species, divided into 12 genera. In the first part of the series blue is the prevailing colour, only varied •with yellow. In JRhamphoeoelus this is replaced by bright scarlets and marroons. These birds are spread over the whole Tanagrine area of the Neotropical Eegion. Key to the Genera. A. Bill short, much compressed: | very short; terminal notch distinct 12. IRIDORNIS, p. 139. "j longer; terminal tooth less distinct 13. DELOTHRAUPIS, p. 142. B. Bill short, much widened at the base; head crested 14. STEPHANOPIIORUS, C. Bill longer, slightly widened at the [p. 143. a. Gonys nearly straight. a'. Bill broader at base : r bill thinner; size small 15. PCECTLOTHRAUPIS, p. 144. \ bill thicker; size large 16. BUTHRATTPIS, p. 147. I'. Bill more constricted : J terminal notch obsolete ... . 17. COMPSOCOMA, p. 150. \ terminal notch distinct 18. DUBUSIA, p. 152. b. Gonys slightly ascending : J upper mandible slightly swollen 19. TANAGRA, p. 153. \ upper mandible much swollen.. 20. SPINDALIS, p. 165. D. Bill longer, much widened at the base. c'. Lower mandible naked at base .. 21. RHAMPHOCGELUS, p. 169. d'. Lower mandible feathered: f tail longer 22. PHLOGOTHRAUPIS, p. 178. L tail shorter 23. OALOCHJETES, p. 179. 12. IKIDOENIS. Type< Iridosornis, Less. Echo du Monde Savant 1844, p. 80 I. dubusia. Poecilornis, Hartl Bev. Zool 1844, p. 369 I. dubusia. Euthraupis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 30 (1850) I. dubusia. This brilliant little group contains five species, inhabitants of the remote Andean valleys of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, and remarkable for their short stout bill, which bears a well-marked terminal notch. Their structure is otherwise typical. Key to the Species. A. Throat black; nuchal spot yellow. a. Belly black: J middle of cap orange; front black .. 1. dubusia, p; 140. I cap black; large nuchal spot yellow . 2. reinhardti, p. 140. b. Belly chestnut , 3. jektei, p. 141. 140 TANAGKRID-E. B. Throat yellow ; no nuchal spot: j belly purple 4. porphyrocephala, p. 141. I belly rufous 5. analis, p. 141. 1. Iridornis dubusia. Arremon ruflvertex, Lafr. Rev. ZooL 1842, p. 385 (err.). Iridosornis rufivertex, Less. Echo d. M. S. 1844, p. 80; id. Rev. ZooL 1844, p. 431; id. Descr. d. Mamm. et Ois. p. 350. Poecilomis rufivertex, Hartl. Rev. ZooL 1844, p. 369. Tanagra dubusia, lip. Consp. i. p. 239. Euthraupis dubusia, Cab. Mm. Sein. i. p. 30. " Tanagra chrysolopha, auct.," Bp. Rev. ZooL 1851, p. 131; id. Note s. L Tang. p. 6. Iridosornis dubusia, StriehL Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 127. pi. 94. Iridornis dubusia, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, 1856, p. 242; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 68; id. Cat. A. B. p. 72; Set et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 500 (Antioquia) j Tacz. etBerL P. Z. S. 1885, p. 80 (Ecuador). Above and below black, strongly glossed with purple on the back and abdomen ; large vertical crest orange; crissum and lower belly chestnut; wings and * tail black; greater coverts, secondaries, and tail-feathers margined with blue; lesser coverts purple like the back; bill black, under mandible whitish at the tip; feet dark brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3*2, tail 2*8. Female similar. Hob. Colombia and Ecuador. a. Ad. sk. Colombia. Purchased. b, c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. /. <$ ad. sk. Santa Elena, U. S. 0. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Jr. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Quito. J. Gould, Esq. i,j. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Iridornis reinhardti. Iridornis reinhardti, Scl. Ibis, 1865, p. 495, pi. 11 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20; Tacts. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (Centr. Peru); id. Orn. Fir. ii. p. 477. Above black, strongly glossed with purple on the back; lower back and margins of the wing- and tail-feathers greenish blue; a large and conspicuous broad band on the back of the neck golden yellow: below black, glossed strongly with purple on the breast and with greenish blue on the belly and crissum; bill black, tip of lower mandible whitish; feet dark brown : whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3-2, tail 2-®. & Hah. Central Peru. At once distinguishable from J. dubusia by its golden-yellow nuchal plaque. 12 . IR1D0RN1S. 141 3. Iridornis jelskii. Iridornis jelskii, Cab. J. f. 0. 1873, p. 316, pi. v. fig. 1 • Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (Periri ; id. Oni. Per. ii. p. 478; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 590 (Bolivia). Above black; interscapulium, seapularies, and lesser wing-coverts purple; lower back and edges of wing- and tail-feathers greenish blue ; back of head and sides of neck occupied by a bright golden- yellow patch, which leaves the face black: below chestnut, throat black; bill black, tip of under mandible whitish; feet dark brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2-4. Female similar. Hab. Peru and Bolivia. The large nuchal patch and chestnut belly at once distinguish this fine species. a, b. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Ytmgas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). 4. Iridornis porphyrocephala. Iridornis porphyroeephala, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 227, pi. 110 1850, p. 243; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 69; id. Cat. A. B. p. 72; Scl et Salv, Nomencl. p. 20; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 500 (Antioquia). Above dark purple, passing into greenish blue on the rump ; sides of head black; wings and tail black, edged with greenish blue: below purple, passing into greenish ashy on the sides; whole throat bright yellow ; middle of belly fulvous ; crissum chestnut; bill pale plumbeous; feet brown: whole length 5-6 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2*3. Female similar. Hah. Ecuador and Colombia. a. Ad. sk Ecuador. Sclater Coll. (One of the types of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Quito. J. Gould, Esq. c. Ad. sk. Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon), Sclater Coll. d. $ ad. sk. Medellin, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). e. Ad. sk. Antioquia, U. S. 0. (Sahnon). Salvin-Godman Coll. /-/*. Ad. sk. Intaj, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Iridornis analis. Tanagra analis, Tsch. in Wiegm. Arch. 1844, pt. i. p. 287 ; id. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 205, pi. 18. f. 1; Lap. Bev. Zool 1847, p. 71. Calliste analis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 236. Euthraupis analis, Cab. Mus. Kein. I. p. 30 (note). Iridornis analis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 227, 1856, p. 243; id. Syn. Av Tan. v. 69; id. Cat. A. B. p. 72; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20; iid. P. Z S. 1873, p. 185 (S. Peru); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514 (0. Peru), 1882, p. 12 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 479. Above dark cinereous, strongly glossed with purple on the head, 142 TANAGEIDJE. and with, greenish blue on the lower back and margins of the wing- and tail-feathers ; lores and sides of head black: below rufous, passing into cinereous on the sides; whole throat bright yellow; crissum chestnut; under wing-coverts rufous; bill plumbeous; feet dark brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3*2, tail 2-5. Female similar. Hah. Peru. Closely allied to /. porpliyrocepliala, but distinguished by the rufous under surface and under wing-coverts. a. Ad. sk. Peru (Tschudi). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. San Antonio, Peru {Whitely). Salvin-Godman ColL 13. DELOTHEAUPIS*. Bill of Delothratijjis. Under this name I propose to separate the species until lately called Pipridea castaneiventris, which cannot certainly go along with P. rnelanonota, and seems more nearly allied to Iridomie, from which it differs in its longer and more compressed bill. 1. Delothraupis castaneiventris. Calliste castaneoventris, Sclater, Contr. Orn. 1851, p. 61. Pipridea castaneiventris, Sclater, Tan. Cat. Sj). p. 13; id. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 266; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 92 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 518 (Centr. Peru): id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 451: Scl. et Salv. NomencL p. 18; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 598 (Bolivia).' Above dark greyish blue ; front and sides of head black ; wings and tail black, edged with greyish blue; beneath bright chestnut; chin paler, with a slight black rictal stripe on each side ; bill blackish, lower mandible paler ; feet dark brown : whole length 5*8 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2*8. Hah. Bolivia and Peru. a. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley). Sclater Coll. bj c. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. * Delothraupis, genus novum (£f/\os, manifestus, et 6pav7r'i$, tanagra), 14 . STEPHANOPHOETJS. 143 14. STEPHANOPHOKUS. Type. Stephanophorus, Strickl P. Z. S. 1841, p. 30 S. leucocephalus. Structure of Stephanophorus. This is a curious monotypic form, at once distinguishable by its short, swollen, almost pyrrhuline bill and elevated crest. It is peculiar to Southern Brazil, Paraguay, and the northern part of the Argentine Eepublic. 1. Stephanophorus leucocephalus. Tanagra leucocephala, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxii. p. 408; id. _EW. Meth. p. 774. Tanagra diademata, Mikan, Del. Fl. et F. Bras, pi.; Temm. PL Coll. 243. Pyrrhula caerulea, Vieill. Gal. Ois. i. p. 61, pi. 54. Nemosia diademata, Steph. Zool. xiv. p. 5. Stephanophorus cseruleus, Strickl. P. Z. S. 1841, p. 31; Bp, Consp.i. p. 238 j Burm. SysL Ueb. iii. p. 205. Stephanophorus leucocephalus, Hartl. Ind. Az. p. 6; Sclater, P. Z. S. 144 TAXAGHIDJB. ISm, p. 241; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 67; id. Cat. A. B. p. 73; Scl et Salv. Nomencl. p. 20; iid. P. Z. S. 1SC9? p. 101 et p. 632 (Rep. Arg.); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 208; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 114. Black with a strong bluish tinge, especially on the rump and sides of the head; lesser wing-coverts blue; back of head silky white, with a small crimson vertical crest in front of it ; forehead, lores, and chin black; feathers of forehead short and erect: bill brownish black, below paler; feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 3*3. Female similar, but not quite so bright in colour; and red in crest barely apparent. Hah. Southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and X. of Argentine Republic. a. Ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. b, c Novo Fribourffo, Rio de Salvin-Godznan Coll. cS 2 ac^ s^' Janeiro (Touds). d. J ad. sk. Curytiba, Brazil (Xatterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. e,f. 6, p. 235. Compsocoma sumptuosa cyanoptera, Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 546, et 1884, p. 289 (W. Ecuador). Above black, passing more or less into olivaceous green on the rump; wings and tail black; lesser wing-coverts and outer margins of the wing- and tail-feathers blue; head black; a broad stripe from the vertex to the nape and the body beneath bright yellow; bill and feet black ; whole length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 3-2. FemaU similar. Hob. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In examples from the vicinity of Quito the blue edgings to the wing- and tail-feathers are of the same hue as the shoulders (C. cyanoptera); in Venezuelan, Eastern-Ecuador, and Peruvian skins the blue edgings are much brighter in hue; but examples from Antioquia are more or less intermediate. (Cf. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 500.) a. Subsp. typica. a. Ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela. D. Dyson [C.]. b. S ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. San Lucas, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. San Jose", Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. $ ad. sk. Marca, Peru (JelsJci). Sclater Coll. / . Ad. sk. Peruvian Amazons. Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. Eastern Peru (Tschudi). Sclater Coll. a'. Intermediate between subsp. tijpica and subsp. cyanoptera. a. Ad. sk. St. Helena, Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Retiro, Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. Cjd. $ % ad. sk. Retiro, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Subsp. cyanoptera. a. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. b. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. „ „ d e. Ad. sk. Baisa, Ecuador {BueJdey). Salvm-Godman Coll. / Ad sk Pasto, Ecuador (Zehmann). Salvin-Godman Coll. TANAGRID^. 3. Compsocoma flaviaxiclia. Tacbvphonus flavinucha, d?Orb. etLafr Syn. Av. i. p. 29; dtOrb. Voy. p. 279, pi. 21; Gtoy/, Gen. B. ii. p. 365. Tanngra flavinucha, i?/>. Ctowp.. i- p. g*?-. Compsocoma flavinucha, CM. #»«. ^n. i p 140; &7.P.Z.5r 18o6, p 9.38 • id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 64; &?/. e* Salv. ^omencl. p. 20; ltd. ?.Z. S. 1879, p. 000 (Bolivia). Above black; rump, lesser wing-coverts, and edgings of tail- feathers blue, edgings of primaries lighter Hue ; broad nuchal band and body below bright yellow ; bill and feet black: whole length 6 inches, wing 3*5, tail 2-7. Female similar. Hab. Bolivia. At once recognizable by its blue rump. a Ad. sk Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad.' sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godinan Coll. (Buckley). c Ad. sk. Bolivia (Buckley). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [0.]. 4. Compsocoma notafcilis. Tanagra notabilis, Jard. Edinb. N. Phil. Journ. n. s. ii. p. 119; Scl. P.Z. & 1855, p. 84, pi. 91. Compsocoma notabilis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1850, p. 239; id. Syn. Av, Tan. p. 65; id. Cat. A. B. p. 74; Scl. et Salv. Xotnencl. p. 20. Above yellowish olive; wings and tail black, larger wing-coverts edged with blue, the smaller yellowish olive like the back; whole head and chin black; large nuchal spot yellow ; body below orange- yellow ; bill and feet black; "whole length 7 inches, wing 3*6, tail 2-8. Hab. Western Ecuador. Yery distinct, from its black chin and yellowish-olive back. a. Ad. sk. Quito (Jameson). Sclater Coll. by c. Ad. sk. Intaj, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. e, f. Ad. sk. Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. 18. DUBUSIA. Dubusia, Bp. CM. xxxi. p. 424 (1850). The single species of this genus is allied to G&mpsowma, but distinguished by its more compressed bill with a more rounded culmen, and the longer tail. It is peculiar to the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador. 1. JMrasia tseniata. Tanagra (Tachyphonus) taeniatus, Boise. Bet. ZooL 1840, p. 67. Tachyphonus toniatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 287. Amnion tceniatus, Gray, Gen. B.} App. p. 16. Dubusia tamiata, && P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157,1856, p. 237 j id. Syn. Av Tan. p. 63 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 74; Scl et Salv. JSfomenel p. 21; iid. 19 . TANAGRA. 153 P. Z. & 1879, p. 500 (Antioquia) ; Bed. et Tacz. P. Z. 3. 1884, p. 289 (Ecuador) ; Tacz. et Bed. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador). Tanagra selysia, Bp. Consp. i. p. 239. Dubusia selysia, Bp. Compt. Rend. xxxi. p. 424 (1850), et xxxii. p. 81; Set P. Z. S. 1856, p. 2-37; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 63 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 74; ScL et Salv. NommcL p. 21. Above "black, more or less tinged with bluish ; lesser wing-coverts light greyish blue ; wings and tail black, margined with dull blue ; whole head and nape black; the points of the feathers on the front and sides of the head and neck light blue, forming long well-marked superciliaries ; breast-band and crissum pale buff; belly yellow; bill and feet black : whole length 7*3 inches, wing 3*7, tail 3*5. Ftmah similar. Bah. Colombia and Ecuador. Some examples from Ecuador (perhaps not quite adult) have the back olivaceous instead of bluish. Upon such Bonaparte established his B. selysia. Others agree well with Bogota skins. a, b. Acl. bk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. /», d. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 2 ad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). f} g. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. J. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. 19. TANAG-EA. Type. Tanagra, Linn. S. N. i. p. 313 (1766) ... . Type not given, but Tanagra episcopus by general consent. Thraupis, Bote, l$i$, 1826, p. 974 T. archiepiscopus. The fourteen species comprehended in this genus are all of moderate size and typical structure. They are distributed throughout the Neotropical Eegion from Southern Mexico to the southern limit of the forests in Bolivia and the Argentine Republic, but do not intrude on the Pampas. The species of the blue-grey section of this genus allied to T. episcopus are very difficult to distinguish, and even with the large series before mo I do not pretend to have been able to arrange them satisfactorily. The nesting of several species of this genus is known to us. They build an open nest, like our Einches, and lay spotted eggs. (Of. Euler, J.f. 0. 1867, p. 410.) Key to the Species. A. Rump uniform with back: sexes similar: A. Plumage above and below of a bluish grey. a. Lesser coverts silvery white: greater coverts slightly edged with white 1. episcopus, p. 154. greater coverts broadly edged with white., *. 2. coelestiSf p. 155. 154 TANAGKID-E. b. Lesser coverts violet 3-sciatert, p. 155. c. Lesser coverts blue : j smaller : head greyish 4. carta, p. 156. 1 larger: head greenish white 5. cyanoptera, p. 157. d. Lesser coverts greenish : J breast grey 6. sayaca, p, 158. | breast violet .,. . 7. glaucocolpa, p. 159. B. Plumage above and below of an olive- green. e. No yellow on wings 8. palmarum, p. 159. f. Wings ornamented with yellow : (tips of lesser wing-coverts yellow .. 9. ornaia, p. 161. < yellow speculum at the base of the ( primaries 10. abbas, p. 162. c. Plumage above yellowish olive; head blue: abdomen cinereous 11. cyanocepkala} p. 162. abdomen blue 12. olivicyanea, p. 163. |: B. Bump yellow, distinct from back: sexes different :* I interscapulium black 13. bonariensis, p. 164. [ interscapulium olive 14. darwini, p. 165. 1. Tanagra episcopns. Episcopus avis, Briss. Orn. iii. p. 40. Tanagra episcopus, Linn. S. N. I. p. 316; Sirickl Ann. Nat. Hist. acx. p. 332 (1847) ; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 670; Bp. Mev. ZooL 1851, p. 170 ,* id. Note s. 1. Tang. p. 21; ScL P. Z. S, lb557 p. 157, 1856, p. 231; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 58; id. Cat. A. B. p. 74; ScL et Sfdv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 571 (Para); iid. Nomenel. p. 21; Layardt Ibis, 1873, p. 379 (Para); Teh. Orn. Bras. p. 206; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 210 (Brit. Guian.). Tanagra glauca, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 364. Tanagra serioptera, SID. An. in Menag. p. 313 ; Cab. in Sckomb. Guian, iii. p. 670. Thraupis serioptera, Cab. Mus. Hdn. L p. 28. Tanagra leucoptera, G. M. Gray, in Mus. Brit. (Bogota); ScL Cat. A. B. p. 74. Pale bluish, grey, rather darker on the interscapulium, and tinged with violet on the rump and breast; wings and tail blackish margined with blue; lesser wing-coverts clear bluish white; bill dark horn-colour; feet brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3*5, tail 2*5. Female similar, perhaps rather duller in plumage. Hob. Guiana, Lower Amazonia, and Colombia. Bogota skins show slight indications of bluish-white edgings to the larger wing-coverts, and are thus varying towards T» ccelestw. They have been designated Tanagra leucoptera in G. It. Gray's MS. a. Sabsp, typica. a, b. <$ ad. sk.; Bartica Grovejferit. Guiana Salvin-Godman OoJL c. 2 ad. sk. (WTiitely). W d. l; Ztos. P. Z & 1874, p. 513 (C. Peru), 1879, p. 227, 1880, p. VM (X. Peru), 1882, p. 13 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Pir. ii. p. 4b5 ; Tacz. et BerL P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (-Ecuador). Tanagra epifccopus, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 185 (S. Peru). Pale bluish grey, rather darker on the interscapulium; rump and body below more or less tinged with violaceous; wings and tail blackish, margined with blue ; lesser wing-eoverts and broad margins of the greater wing-eoverts clear bluish white; bill dark horncolour; feet brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 3*6, tail 2*6. Female, similar. Hah, Upper Amazonia and Ecuador. The amount of the white on the larger wing-coverts varies slightly, but the conspicuous white wing-band renders this form generally well distinguishable. ^g . Ad. sk. Eastern Peru (Tschudi). Sclater Coll. OL Ad. sk. j c. Jr. sk. Eastern Peru (Fams). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk.; e. Jr. Eastern Peru (Farris). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. Yquitos, U. Amazons (White-Salvin-Godman Coll. f,ff- d2 A, i. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (BucMey). Salvin-Godman Coll. jf k. Ad. sk. Monji, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. I <$ ad. sk. Gualaquiza, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. m. $ ad. sk. Bio Napo. J. Gould, Esq. 3. Tanagra sclateri. Tanagra glauca, LSotaud, Ois. Trinidad, p. 293. Tanagra glaucocolpa, Scl Cat. A. B. p. 75 (err.). Thraupis cana, Mmch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 580 (Trinidad). Tanagra sclateri, Berlepsch, Ms, 1880, p. 112; Bidgw. Pr. U.S. & Jf. 1884, p. 173 (Trinidad). 156 TANAGRIDJE. Pale bluish grey, rather darker on the mterscapulium, more violaceous on the rump and chest; wings and tail blackish, edged with blue; lesser wing-coverts bright shining violet; bill dark horncolour ; feet brown : whole length fro inches, wing 37 , tail 2*7. Female similar. Bab. Trinidad. This species in the colour of its upper wing-eoverts is intermediate between T. episcopus and T. carta. a, b. Ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. &k. Trinidad , w. d 2 ad. sk. #, y. Ad. sk.; Jr. sk. z. 2 a'. 2 ad. sk. h', c\ c? S ad. sk. ^'. <$ ad. sk. 6'. Ad. sk. /'. Ad. sk. g'. Ad. sk. h\ i'. Ad. sk. j'. Ad. sk. V, V. Ad. sk. tri. ri. Ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico. Orizaba, Mexico. Mexico. Belize, Brit. Honduras (Blancamaux). British Honduras. Retalkuleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Daenas, Guatemala (Salvin). Yaxcamnal, Guatemala (Salvin). Lanquin, Guatemala (Salvia). San Pedro, Honduras ( Whitely), Irazu Distr., Costa Rica' (Roger8). Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arce). Punta Arenas, Costa Rica (Salvin). Bebedero, Nicoya, Costa Rica (Arce). Costa Rica (Qarmiol). Santa F6, Veragua (Arci). Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Veragua (Arce). Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Panama (Hughes). Panama (McLeannari), Santa Marta. Santa Marta, Colombia {Simons)* Santa Marta, Colombia (Simons). Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon), Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon). Bogota. Bogota. San Esteban, Venezuela (Hanke)* Venezuela. Trinidad. Tobago (Kirk). Tobago ? o',V'. d 2 Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). a\ r'. rf 2 ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). V. Quito. t% u'. Ad. sk. Puna Island, Guyaquil (Villa gomez). n'. Ad. sk. Loja, Ecuador. w'. Ad. sk. Choco Bay, Pacific coast of Colombia. 5. Taaagra cyanoptera. Lindo saihobi, Azar. Fax. i. p. 370. Saltator cyanopterus, Vieill. Nouv. Bid. xiv. p. 104 ; id. Erie. Meth. p. 790. 158 TANAGRIDiE. Tanagra sayaca, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 484; Burm. Syst. TIeh. iiL p. 176 (<$)\ &£ et Salv. P. Z. S. 3879, p. 600 (Bolivia). Tanagra virens, Sticld. Ann. Nat. Hist. xx. p. 332 (1847). Aglaia episcopus, dOrb. etLafr. St/n. Av. i- p. 33. Tanagra episcopus. Hartl Lid. Az. p. 6; d'Orb. Voy. Ois. p. 274; Sw. Orn. Dr. pi.'89 (adult). Tanagra inornata, Sw. Orn. Dr. pi. 40 (jr.) ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 238. Tanagra argentata, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 364. Tanagra proelatus, Less. Tr. dOrn. p. 402. Tanagra cyanoptera, Bp. JRev. Zool. 1851, p. 170; id. Note s. I Tang. p. 21; Sclater, P. Z.S. 185G, p. 233; id. St/?i. Av. Tan. p. 59; id. Cat. A. B. p. 75; && et Salv. P. Z. & "1868, p. 139 (Buenos Ayres); iid. Nompncl. p. 21 ; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 114; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 303 ; Berl J. f. O. 1873, p. 240. Thraupis cyanoptera, Cab. Mas. Hein. i. p.* 29 ; id. J.f. 0.1866, p. 305. Bluish grey with a greenish tinge above ; below much paler, especially in the middle of the belly ; wings and tail blackish, edged with greenish blue ; lesser wing-coverts bright shining blue (nearly as in T. cana); bill dark plumbeous; feet brown: whole length 6-Q inches, wing 3*9, tail 2-8. Female similar, but rather less brilliant in colour, and lesser wing-coverts greenish blue. Hab. Southern Brazil, Paraguay, Buenos Ayres, and Bolivia. The large size and greenish tinge on the head render this species readily distinguishable from T. cana. It is, howTcver, very difficult in some cases to decide whether specimens should be referred to this species or to T. sayaca. This is specially so in Bolivian and Argentine examples, where the blue of the lesser wing-coverts is not so bright as in specimens from Southern Brazil. a,b. J1? Bio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Jbyner). c,d. d ? ad. sk. Sao Paulo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. d ad. sk. Pelotas, Bio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). f. Ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Bio de Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro (Youds). g. Ad. sk. Bio Grande do Sul (Plant). Sclater Coll. h, i. <$ $ ad. sk. S. Brazil. Sclater Coll. j't k. 6 ? ad. sk. Brazil. M. Claussen (P.}. I, m. Jr. sk. Uruguay. Allan Peel [C.]. n. c? ad. sk. Oran, Salta, rep. Arg. (White). Salvin-Godman Coll. o,p. S $ ad. sk. Oran, rep. Arg. (White). Sclater Coll. q. ^ Misiones, rep. Arg. (White). Sclater Coll. r. Jr. sk. Buenos Ayres (Haslehust). Salvin-Godman Coll. &. Jr. sk. Belgrano, Buenos Ayres. H. Durnford [C.]. t. Ad. sk. Sorata, Bolivia (Buckley). Sclater Coll. u} v. Ad. sk. Sorata, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. w. Ad. sk. Bolivia (Forbes). Sclater Coll. x. Skel Brazil. Purchased. 6. Tanagra sayaca. Tanagra sayaca, Linn, 8. N. i. p. 316; Burm. Syst. Tfeb. iii. p. 170 ($); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 208; JEuhr}J.f.O. 1867, p. 410 (nest and eggs). 19 . TANAGEA. 159 Tkraupis sayaca, Cab. Mus. Bein. i. p. 28 j id. J.f.O. 1866, p. 305. Tanagra cselestis, Sw. Orn. Dr. t. 41. Tanagra swainsoni, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 364. Bluish, grey, paler below; wings and tail blackish, edged with greenish blue; lesser wing-coverts dull greenish blue like the edgings of the wings; bill plumbeous; feet brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 3*6, tail 2*7. Female similar. Bab. Eastern Brazil; Pernambuco (Forbes). ^ Br. Cabanis, in 1866 (J. f. 0. 1866, p. 305), first pointed out the distinctness of this species from T. cyanoptera, and soon afterwards obligingly furnished me with specimens. Although I am disposed to agree with his views, I find much difficulty in deciding to which form to refer some of the skins before me. Probably the young of T. cyanoptera closely resembles T. sayaca adult. a. Ad. ak. Ceara, N. Brazil (Jesse). Salvin-Godman Coll. b} c. Ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (W. A. Salvin-Godman Coll. Forbes). d. <$ ad. sk. Pernarnbuco, Brazil (W. A. Sclater Coll. Forbes). e. Bania, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. / . $ ad. sk. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (NatSabin- Godman Coll. terer). g>h. (S 2 ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. i,j. Ad. sk. Brazil {Sello). ^ Sclater Coll. (Re ceived from the Berlin Mus.) 7. Tanagra glaucocolpa. Thraupis glaucocolpa, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 28 (1850)* Finschj P. Z. S. 1870, p. 580; id. Orn. Delattre, p. 62. Tanagra cyanilia, Bp. CompL Bend, xxxviii. p. 383 (1854). Above bluish grey, darker on the head and back, lighter on the rump* wings and tail blackish, edged with greenish blue; lesser wing-coverts slightly more bluish : below paler; throat greyish white; breast and flanks glossed with violet-blue ; middle of belly, crissum, and under wing-coverts white; bill corneous • feet dark hazel: whole length 6*2 inches, wing 3*6, tail 2*5. Bab. Yenezuela. Apparently quite distinct, as pointed out by Cabanis, and easily recognizable by its violaceous breast and the greenish-blue lesser wing-coverts. a. Ad. sk. Yenezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Purchased. ^ (Type of T. cyanilia.) 8. Tanagra palmaram. Tanagra palmarum, Max. Beise, ii. p. 76 (1821); id. Beitr. iii. p. 489 * Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 234; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 60 j td. Cat. A. B. p. 76; Scl. et Sab. P. Z. S. 1807, p. 571 (Lower Amazons), 1873, p. 185 (S. Peru) et p. 262 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 600 (Antioquia) et p. 600 (Bolivia) • iid. Nommcl p. 21*. 160 TA.NAGRID2D. Pelz. z. Orn. Bras. p. 209 ; Lai/ard, Ibis, 1873, p. 379 (Para) ; Bon- JZ, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 55 (Costa Rica) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 13 card, _ (N.E. Peru); ^/ym, ito, 1885, p. 210 (Brit. Guiana). Thraupis palmarum, Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 580 (Trinidad). Tanagra olivascens, Licht. BoubL p. 32 (1823); d*Orb. Voy.,Ois. p. 274 ; Sw. Orn. Br. pi 38; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 670; Burm. Syst. TJeb. iii. p. 175; Leotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 205; Tsch. Faun. Per., Ave*, p. 204. Thraupis olivascens, Cab. Mm. Rein. i. p. 28. Tanagra melanoptera, Rartl. MIS.; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 235, 1858, p. 74 (Rio Napo; et p. 453 (Ecuador), 1860, p. 292 (Ecuador); id. Si/n. Ao. Tan. p. 61; id. Cat. A. B. p. 76; Pelz. Om. Bras. p. 20J; Sol et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 350 (Panama), 1866, p. 180 (Ucayali), 1367, p. 749 (E. Peru), 1^68, p. 627 (Venezuela) ; Salv. P Z.S. 1867, p. 133 (Verasma); Frantz. J. f. 0.1369. p. 298 (Costa Rica) ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 32 J (Colombia); Berlepsch, J. f. O. 1873, p. 243 (S. Oatharina) ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 (C. Peru) ; Laior. Ann. Lyc. K T. ix. p. 99 (Verasrua). Tanagra p ilmaram viohlavata, Bert, et Tajz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 546 (Ecuador). Tanagra palmarum melanoptera, Berl. J.f. 0.1^84, p. 291 (Ecuador) ; Taez. Orn. Per. ii. p. 486. Tangara e^eque, femelle, Desm. Tang. pi. V>. Olive-green, lighter on the head and darker on the back ; wings and tail brownish black: wing-coverts edged with olive like the back; bastard wing, remiges, and rectrices more or less margined with darker olive; under wing-coverts pale olive; tinder surface of wing-feathers towards their bases creamy white; bill dark horn colour ; feet brown: whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3. Female similar, but rather smaller. Bab. From S. Brazil and Bolivia northwards to Trinidad, Vene zuela, Colombia, Panama, and Costa Bica. The western form (T. melanoptera) is hardly distinguishable as a species, as there are many intermediate grades ; but in general there are no olive-green edgings to the wing- and tail-feathers in western specimens. In Guianan skins these edgings are slightly manifest." a. Subsp. typica. a,b. S S Pernambuco (Forbes). Sclater Coll. c, d. Ad. sk. Pernambuco (Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll. e,f. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wueheret*). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Sk. Brazil. ' M. Claussen [P.], h, i. S ad. sk.; Brazil. Sclater Coll. j. 2 ad. sk. (Varieties from captivity.) b. Subsp. melanoptera. a. Ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (ArcS). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Sclater Coll. c. J ad. sk. Santiago de Veragua (Arab\ Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad.*sk. Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Salvin-Godman Coll. Panama (Rughes). ej. d $ ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. £ $ ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Sclater Coll. 19. TASTAGRA. 161 L 2 ad. sk. Minca, U. S. of Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Simons). /. Ad. bk. Santa Marta, Colombia. Sclater Coll. #. $ ad. sk. Bernedios, U. 8. of Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. /. Ad. sk. Bogota, Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. Bogota, Colombia. Sclater Coll. n. Ad. sk. Bio Xapo. Sclater Coll. o. Ad. sk. Bio xsapo. Salvin-Godman Coll. p. q. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. r. ($ ad. sk. Esmeralda's, Ecuador {Frater). Sclater Coll. s. (S ad. sk. Yquitos, E. Peru ( Uliitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. *. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Peru (JVfiitely). Sclater Coll. 2(, v. Ad. sk. Cangalli, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. u\ Ad. sk. Bolh ia. Sclater Coll. c. Intermediate forms. a. Ad. .k. Biiti^k Guiana (WJiitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. S 2 ac*-s^« Bartica Gro^e, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (TJlntely). d,e. cJ $> ad. bk. Boraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whittly). /. $ Maroni 11., Surinam (Kappler). Salvin-Godman Coll. Island of Mexiana, Lower Salvin-Godman Coll. y. Ad. sk. Amazons (Wallace). Island of Mexiana, Lower Sclater Coll. A. Ad. *k. Amazons (Wallace). Trinidad (?). Sclater Coll. i. Ad. sk. 9. Tanagra ornata. Tanagra ornata, Sparrm. Mus. Carls, pi. 95; Sw. Orn. Br. pi. 42; Bp. Consp. i. p. 238; id. Rev. Zool. 1651, p. 170; id. Note s. I. Tang. p. 21 (partim); Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 234; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 00; id. Cat. A. B. p. 76; ScL et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21; Burm. iSyst. TJeb. iii. p. 174; Hamilton, Ibis, 1871, p. 303 (S. Paulo); Bed. J.f.O. Ib73, p. 242 (S. Catliarina) ; Feb. Orn. Bra&.y. 200. Tanagra archiepiscopus, Besm. Tan. pis. 17 et 18 ; Spi.r, Av. Bras. ii. p. 42, pi. 55. f. 1; Mew. Beitr. iii. p. 481 j Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 070. Thraupis ornata, Cab. Mus. Bern, i. p. 28. ** Above olive-green, interscapulium darker, bead blue : wings and tail blackish, margined with olive ; lesser wing-coverts bluish, with bright yellow edgings : below grey, strongly washed with blue on the throat, breast, and flanks; under wing-coverts creamy white; inner margins of wing-feathers ashy ; bill black, feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3. "Female similar, but rather paler. Hah. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Kio de Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro (Touds). b, c. $ ad. sk. Sao Paulo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. Pelotas, Bio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Brazil {Joyner). Bio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. e. $ ad. sk. {Joyner). M VOL. XI. 162 TANAGRIDJE. /. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. CJJ h. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. i. Ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. j) h. Ad. sk. Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. 10. Tanagra abbas. Tanagra abbas, LicH. Preis-Verz. p. 2, no. 70 (1831); Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 235, 303, 1858, p. 358,1&59. pp. 3U4, 378,1864, p. 173; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 61; id. Cat A. B. p. 7iJ; Sclater et Sakin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 836 (Honduras); hi. Xomend. p. 21; Smnichrast, Mem. Post. 8. N. H. i. p. 550 : Lmcr. Bull. V. S. Nat 31m. no. 4, p. 19; Salv. Cat Strichl. Coll. p. 189; Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 278. Tanagra (Aglaia) yicarius, Less. Cent. ZooL pi. G8. Tanagra -ucarius, Bp. Consp. i. p. '238; id. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 11C: id. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 171; id. Note s. I. Tang. p."J.2;Set et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 16 (Guatemala); Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 59 (Honduras); Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. Il l (Hondurasj. Thraupis vicarius, Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 29. Olive-green; inrerscapulinm darker, slightly variegated with black ; head blue ; wings and tail black; wing-coverts olive : primaries and secondaries crossed by a bright yellow band: below brighter and rather more yellowish ; throat tinged with bluish ; bill dark horn-colour, feet brown : whole length 0*5 inches, wing 3*9, tail 2*8. Female similar, but rather duller in colour. Hah. South Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras. a, b. Ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico. Purchased. d. Ad. sk. e,f. Ad. sk. Jalapa, South Mexico (de Oca). Mexico. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 9-6 ?-l&olft). Smiths. Inst. [P.]. 3. Spindalis multicolor. Tanagra multicolor, Vieill. Enc, Meth, p. 775; id. Gal. Ois. i. p. 100, pi. 76. Spindalis multicolor, Bp. Consp. i. p. 240; Mater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 230; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 57; Salle, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 231; Cory, Bull. Mutt. Orn. Chb, vi. p. 152; id. B. of Haiti, p. 54, tab. 7 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 21. Tanagra dominicensis, Bryant, Proc. Bost. Soc. N. H. xi. p. 92 (I860). Above olive, rump chestnut, nape yellow; head black, with long white superciliaries; wings black, with white edgings to the greater coverts and secondaries and a dark chestnut spot on the bend of the wing; tail brownish black : below, chin and broad mystacal stripe on each side white; middle of throat yellow; sides of throat black; breast chestnut; belly yellow; flanks grey; crissum and under wing- coverts white; bill and feet plumbeous: whole length 6 inches, wing 3-4, tail 2-8. Female. Above olive; back slightly striated; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive; outer margins of wing-coverts whitish: beneath greyish white, clearer on the belly ; with blackish shaft-stripes on the breast. Hah. San Domingo. Easily known from its allies by the yellow belly. ad sk San a,h. 6 2-- Domingo. M. SallS [O.]. o, d. 6 jr. sk. San Domingo (McGregor). Salvin-Godman Coll, 1GS TAXAGBID-3E. 4. Spindalis pretrii. Tanagra zena, cV Orb. La Sagrcfs Cuba, Zool. p. 74, t. si. Tanagra pretrei, Less. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 103 ; id. Cent. Zool. p. 122, t. xlv. j 6V«y, Gen. B. ii. p. 30o. Spindalis pretrei, Bp. Consp. i. p. 240 ; Gundl J. f. O. 18oo, p. 476. 1861, p. 858, 1802, p. 1&9, 1872, p. 410; Set et Salv. KomencL p. 21; Brewer, Proc. Bust. Soc. N. M. vii. p. 307. Spindalis zena, ScL P. Z. IS. 18-56, p. 231; id. Syu. Av. Tan. p. 57. Tanagra (Spindalis) pretrei, Gundl. J.f. 0. 1871, pp. 2G0; 275. Above olive, nape and rump orange ; head black, with long white snpereiliaries; wings black, with broad white margins to wing- coverts and secondaries, and a white speculum on the primaries ; spot on bend of the wing chestnut; tail black, the three outer rectrices with a large part of the terminal halves white, but tipped with black: below reddish orange: chin and broad my&tacal stripe on each side white; middle of throat yellow, bordered on each side by a distinct black line; flanks greyish; lower belly, cris&um, and under wing-coverts white; bill plumbeous; feet blackish: whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2-3. Female. Above dirty olive • head blackish, with white superciliaries; wings black, edged with white; tail black, with a large part of the terminal halves of the outer rectrices white : below wThite, breast suffused with olivaceous • flanks greyish. Hah. Cuba. This fine species is nearest to S. zena, but distinguishable at onee by its olive back. a, b. <5 ad.; c, d. J ad. sk. San Cristobal, Cuba (G. F. Gaumer). Salvia-Godman Coll. e. <$ ad. sk. Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. f. $ ad. sk. Cuba. Sclater Coll. 5. Spindalis benedicti. Spindalis benedicti, Ridgw. Pr. Biol. Soc. Washington^ ill, (March 18/d). Spindalis exsul, Salvin, Ibis, 188o, p. 189, pi. v. (April 1875). Above dark olive; nape and rump dark chestnut; head black with long white superciliaries ; wings black, wing-coverts and secondaries margined with white; a white speculum on the primaries and a dark chestnut spot on the bend of the wing; tail black, lar«-e portion of the terminal halves of the three outer rectrices white chin and broad mystacal stripe white; middle of throat yellow' bordered on each side by a black patch; breast chestnut, upper part of belly yellow; flanks cinereous; middle of lower part of belly erissum, and under wing-coverts white ; bill dark plumbeous • feet blackish: whole length 6* inches, wing 3*4, tail 2-0. Female. Above cinereous olive : wings and tail blackish, wing-coverts margined with whitish; speculum white; beneath much paler, middle of the belly whitish. Hub. Cozumel I., coast of Yucatan. 21. RHiMPHOCCELUS. A very distinct species, which may be known from 8. zena by its dark olive back, and from S. pretrii by its dark chestnut nape*and rump, besides other characters. a. $ ad. sk. Cozumel Island, Yucatan Salvin-Godman Coll. (Devis), (Type of Spindalis exsvl.) b-e. <5 ad. sk.; Cozumel Island, Yucatan Salvin-Godman Coll. f-L J ad. sk. (G. F. Gaumer). 6. Spindalis zena. Fringilla bahamensis, Briss. Orn. iii. 108 ; Caieshy, Car. i. pi. 42. Fringilla zena, Linn. 8. N. i. 820. Tanagra zena, Bryant, JProc. JBost. Soc. K H. vii. p. Il l (1859). Spindalis zena, Bp. Consp. i. p. 240 5 Peheln, Ibis, 1873, p. 29 ; Cory, B. of Bahamas, p. 92, cum tab. Above black ; nape-band and rump chestnut; long superciliaries, broad margins of wing-coverts and secondaries, and narrow edgings to primaries white; tail black, with a large portion of the terminal halves of the outer remiges and the tips of the others white; chin and broad mystacal stripe on each side white; centre of throat yellow, bordered on each side by large black patches which nearly meet below ; breast and tipper belly yellow, passing into chestnut on the upper part below the yellow throat; lower belly, crissum, and under wing-coverts white; flanks cinereous ; bill plumbeous, paler below; feet blackish : whole length 5*8 inches, wing 2-9, tail 2*4. Female. Above olivaceous grey, wings and tail brownish black with white edgings : beneath paler; lower belly, crissum, and under wing- coverts white. Hal. Bahama Islands. The black back at once distinguishes this species from its five congeners. #; &• 6 $ Bahamas {Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. ac*.sk* c, d. S 2 Bahamas {Bryant), Sclater Coll. e,f. S $ ad. sk. Bahamas {Bryant). Mrs. Bryant [P.]. g* $ ad. sk. Nassau, New Providence, Salvin-Godman Coll. Bahamas {Cory). 21. RHAMPHOCCELTTS. Type. Ramphoeelus {corr. Rhamphocoelus*), JDesm. Tang, et Man. sub tabb. 28, 29 (1805) R. brasilius, Ramphopis, VieilL Analyse, p. 82 (181G) R. jacapa. Jacapa, Bp. Bev. Z00L 1851, p. 178 R. jacapa. The Elmmphomli form a group of about 12 species, readily known by the brilliant scarlet- or yellow-and-black plumage of the males, and by the peculiar enlargement and coloration of the naked base of * I presume that the etymology of this term is pafios and KOTAOS, from the widening out of the base of the lower mandible. TANAGETDJE. the lower mandible, which is also most developed in the male sex. The sexes are always different. The BJwnipJiocceU are distributed through the forests of the Neotropical Eegion from Guatemala to Bolivia and Southern Brazil. B. hrasilius breeds among the grass in low swampy places and makes a flattish open nest. The eggs are greenish, spotted with red. The egg of E. flammic/erus is figured, P. Z. S. 1879, pi. xlii. fig. 3. Key to the Species. A. Lower surface uniform scarlet: j interscapulium scarlet 1. braszliits, p. 170. (interscapulium darker 2. dorsalis, p. 171. B. Lower surface scarlet, middle of belly black. a. Throat black 3. nigrigularis, p. 171. b. Throat dark scarlet. a\ Interscapulium dark scarlet 4. dimidiatvs, p. 172. b'. Interscapulium black: j lower back scarlet 5. luciani, p. 173. (only upper tail-coverts scarlet 0. nropyyialis, p. 173. C. Lower surface dark maroon: j belly like breast but darker 7. jacapa, p. 174. (belly black 8. afrosn-keus, p. 175. D. Lower surface shining black. c. Rump scarlet: i smaller, wing 3*0 0. passeriuv, p. 170. | larger, wing 3*5 10. flammiyerus, p. 177. d» Rump orange . = 11. chrysouotus, p. 177. e. Rump sulphur-yellow 12. icteronotu$7 p. 177. 1. Rhamphocoeliis hrasilius* Tanagra brasilia, Linn. S. K i. p. 314; Gm. S. N. i. p. 888; Lath. hid. Orn. i. p. 420 j Max. Beitr. iii. p. 515: Dubois, Orn. Gal. pi. 124. Ramphocele scarlatte, Desm. Tang. tabb. 28, 29. Ramphocelus coccinem,, Vieill Ene. Meth p. 797: id. Gal. Ok. i. p. 106, pi. 79. Ramphopis coecinea, Sw. Orn. Dr. pis. 18,19. Ramphopis brasilia, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 303. Ramphocelus brasilius, Bp. Consp. i. p. 242; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1850, p. 127 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 51; id. Cat A. -5. p. 78 ; Burm. tiysf. Ueb. iii. p. 173; Scl et Salt. JVotnencL p. 21; Forbes, Ibis, 1^1, p. 333 (Pernambuco); Euler, J.f. 0.18(57, p. 409 (nest and e*w >; Cab. J.f. 0.1874, p. 83 (Rio). Brazilian Tanager, Lath. G. IE. vi. p. 3. Tangara du Bresil, Daub. PI FnL 127. fig. 2. Bright scarlet; wings, tail, and thighs dull black; bill black, base of lower mandible white; feet dark brown : whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3-3, tail 3-3. Female. Brown; ramp and abdomen rosy rufous. Sab. S.E. Brazil, 21 . RHAMPHOCCELXTS. 171 a. S ad. sk. Brazil. Lord Stuart deRotheb. J ad. st.; c. $ Brazil. say [P.]. Purchased, jr. st. d,e. $ § a&-s^-? Pernanibuco, Brazil (TF. Salvin-Godman Coll. / . d* jr. sk. j #. $ ad. sk. .4. Forbes). A,«. 6s ad sk.; /. $ ad. sk. h. $ ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Bahia, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. Goxild Coll. /. d ad. sk. m. S ad. sk. n. $ ad. sk. o. 2 ad. sk. Santa Fe, Minas Geraes(Rogers), Rio Clam, Goyaz, Brazil(Joyner). Novo Fribourgo, Eio deJaneiro (Touds). Sao Paulo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Ebampboecelus dorsalis. Ramphocelus dorsalis, Scl. P. Z. S.1854. p. 97,1856, p. 127: id. Sim. Av. Tern. p. 51; id Cat A. B. p. 78. Ramphocelus ephippialis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 130 j id. Cat. A. B. p. 78; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 210 j Scl et Salv. Nbmencl. p. 21. Bright scarlet, interscaptdium darker, purplish ; wings and tail dull black; bill black, base of lower mandible white; feet dark brown: whole length 7inches, wing 3*4, tail 3-8. Female. Brown; rump and abdomen rosy rufous. Hah. South Brazil (prov. Parana, Watt). I think that MM. Yerreanx were in error as to the supposed locality of R. ephippialis^ and that this bird is the same as R. dorsalis, i. e. a southern form of B. hrasilius, of which batterer appears to have obtained specimens in the province of Parana. (Cf. Pelzeln, I. s. c.) c?,b. <$ $ sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. (Types of R. dorsalis.) Ci d. $ $ sk. Upper Amazons (?). Sclater Coll. (Types of R. ephippialis.) e. (S Brazil. P. L. Sclater, Esq. 170 3. Rhamphocoelus nigrigularis. Tanagra nigrogularis, Spix, Av. Bras. ii. p. 35, pi. 47 (1825). Tanagra (Ramphopis) ignescens, Less. Cent. Zool. pi. 24. Ramphocelus ignescens, Lafr. Mag. de Zool. 1837, Ois. t. 81. amphopis nigrigularis, Sw. Orn. Dr. pi. 17; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 363. Ramphocelus nigrigularis, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 121; id. Consp. i. p. 242; Selat P. Z. S. 1856, p. 128; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 52; id. Cat A. B. p. 78 : Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 173; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 210; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 180, 1867, pp. 571,593,977 (Amazonia); iid. Nornencl. p. 21; Tacz. Orn. Per. i. p. 494. Bright scarlet; front, sides of head, throat, interscapulium, wings, 172 TANAGEIDiE. tail, middle of belly, and lower half of crissum jet-black; bill black ; base of lower mandible bluish white; feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3*4, tail 3-2. Female similar, but of a duller red, and black portions of plumage tinged with brown; middle of abdomen brown. Ifab. Upper Amazonia and Western Ecuador. a. 2 Barra do Rio Negro (WalSclater Coll. lace). b. J ad. sk. Barra do Rio Negro. Purchased. c. d. <5 2 a<*. gk. Pebas, Eastern Peru Salvin-Godman Coll. (Ilauxwell). e. $ ad. sk. Ucayali (ffauxwell). Gould CoU. f. Jr. sk. Yquitos, E. Peru (Whitehj). Sehter Coll. g. 2 ad. sk. Yquitos, Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. h. cS ad. sk. i. S ad. sk. (Whitely). Sarayaru, Peru ( Wlii Rio Javari. tely). Sclater CoU. Purchased. j> k-50, pp. 129, 142 (Veragua), 1858, p. 73 (Rio Napo); id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 53; id. Cat. A. B. p. 79; Cassin, Br. Ac. Sc. BInl. 1800, p. 141 (Turbo); Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N.H. N. Y. vii. p. 831 (Panama), viii. p. 175 (David) ; Sol et Sah. B. Z. S. 1864, p. 350 (Panama;, 1808, p. 627 (Venezuela), 1870, p. 780 (Venezuela), 1879, p. 501 (Antioquia); ihl Nomencl p. 21; Sah. B: Z. S. 1807, p. 138, 1870, p. 187 (Veragua); id. Cat. Strichl. Coll. p. 191; Sah. et Godm. Ibis, 18N0, p. 120 (S. Marta); Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 320 (Colombia); Sah. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aces, i. p. 283; Ben •, J- /• o. 1884, p. 291 (Bucaramanga). Ramphopis dimidiatus, Gray, Gen, B. ii. p. 363, Head and neck all round, with interscapulium and scapularies, dark crimson ; lower back bright scarlet; abdomen scarlet, with a blackish patch in the middle of the belly; thighs black; bill black, base of lower mandible bluish white; feet brown : whole length 6*4 inches, wing 3*2, tail 3. Ftmale. Head and neck brown; interscapulium dull crimson; lower back and abdomen dull red; wings and tail blackish. Hab. Veragua, Colombia, and Venezuela. a. 2 ad. sk. S. America. Purchased. b. cf ad. sk. Mina Ohorcha, Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. <5 ad. sk. Cordillera del Cliucu, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). d. 2 ad. sk. Calovevora, Verairua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. (S ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua {Arce). Salvin-Godman CoIL f. S ad. sk. Santa F£, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. *g. $ ad. sk. Clnxiqui. Kellett & Wood [P.l. h, $ ad. sk. Isthmus of Panaum (Arce'). Salvin-Godman Coll 21 . RHAJ>IPH0C7, 1872, p. 316 (Ckoutales); id. P.Z.S. 1*07, p. 138, et 1870? p. 187 (Veragua); Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 50 (Honduras): Cab. J. f. 0, 1860, p. 330 (Costa Rica); Taylor, Ibis, 1^50, p. 111 (Honduras) ; Frantz. J. f. 0. 1869, p. 299 (Costa Rica); Salt, et Godm. Biol. Cenbr.-Am.) Aves, i. g."261 • Laicr. Ann. L. X. T. viii. p. 175 (Chiriqui) et p. 179 (Mcaragua), ix. p. Ud (Costa Rica). Rampkopis passerinii, Bp. Xotes Orn. p. o± Rampkopis nammigerus, Baird7 Stambury's Frp. to Gt. Salt Lake, App. p. 330 ? Velvety black; louver half of back and tipper tail-coverts bright crimson-red; bill bluish lead-colour, darker at tip: feet black: whole length 6*2 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2*7. Female. Above yellowish olive, darker on. the interscapulium; wings and tail brownish black ; head and neck all round greyish brown ; abdomen yellowish olive tinged with grey. Hab. Central America, from Honduras and Guatemala to Chiriqui. a,b. c$2 ad. sk. Coban, Guatemala. Purchased. c, d. 2 a(*-sk* Ckoctura, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. (S ad. sk. Sources of Rio de la Pasion, Salvin-Godman Coll. Vera Paz,Guatemala (Sabin). /. <$ ad. sk. Belize (Blancaneaux). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. 3 jr. sk. Honduras. E. L. Layard [C.]. h. <$ ad. sk. San Pedro, Honduras (Wliiiely). Salvin-Godman Coll. ij. $ ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. k,l d 2 ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arci). Salvin-Godman Coll. m, n. <$ 2 ad. sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Car-Salvin-Godman Coll. miol). o, p. $ 2 &<*• &k.La Barranca, Nieoya, Costa Salvin-G* dman Coll. Rica (ArcS). q. 6 jr. sk. San Carlos, Costa Rica (Car-Salvin-Godma i Coll. miol). 21 . BHAXPHOCCELITS. 177 r. Costa Tdcs, (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. s. $ ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. t. S ad. sk. Nicaragua (Nutting). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. u. (S jr. sk. Minca Chorea, Chiriqui (ArcS). Salvin-Godman Coll. %w. 6 ? Chiriqui (Arce). Sclater Coll. 10. Ebampboccelns flanrmigerus, Eamphopis flammigerus, Jard. et Selh. III. Orn. iii. pi. 131 (1835); Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 803. Ramphocelus flammigerus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, et 1856, p. 131; del. Syn. Ar. Tan. p. 55; id. Cat. A. B. p. 79 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 501 (Antioquia) ; ild. Xomencl. p. 21. Ramphocelus varians, var. 3, Lafr. R. Z. 1847, p. 217. Yeivety black ; lower back and upper tail-coverts bright crimson- red ; bill bluish, lead-colour ; feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-7, tail 3-2. Female. Above brownish black; lower back crimson- red, not so bright as in male : below yellow, passing into crimson on breast and crissum; throat greyish. Eab. Colombia. The larger size distinguishes this species from B. passerinii. a, b. <$ &&. sk . j Colombia. Sclater Coll. c. <$ ]r. sk. d, e. & 2 ad. Colombia (Belattre). E. "Wilson, Esq. [ P.]. f,g. (S ? ad. &k. Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. J ad. sk.; Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. S jr* sk. /, h. (S J ad. sk. Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. 1. $ ad. &k. Antioquia (Salmon). Gould Coll. 11. Rhamphoecelus chrysonotus, Ramphocelus varians, var. 2, Lafr. It. Z. 1847, p. 216. Ramphocelus chrysonotus, Lafr. R. Z. 1853, p. 246; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 157, et 1856, p. 131; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 55 ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 501 (Antioquia). Yeivety black ; lower back and tipper tail-coverts bright orange- red ; bill plumbeous; feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3*4, tail 3. Uab. Colombia. This may possibly be only a variety of B. chrysonotus, from which it differs merely in the colour of the lower back. a. S ad. Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. b, c. (S 2 ad. Antioquia (Sahnon). Salvin-Godman Coll. 12. Rfcamphocoelus icteronotus. Ramphocelus icteronotus, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 121; id. Bev. Zool. 1838, p. 8; Sclater, B.Z.S. 1855, p. 157, 1856, p. 131, 1859, p. 139, et 1860, pp. 05, 66, 274, 292; id. Syn. Av. Tern. p. 55; id. Cat A. B. p. 80; Cassin, Br. Ac. Sc. Bhl 1860, p. 141; Later. Ann. Lyc. iV. Y. vii. p. 297 (Panama) ; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864 VOL. xi. ^ TABTAGRIDiE. (0. Peru); Berl. et Tacz. r. Z. &. ia&3, p. o-io, eE ico^t, p. zuu (W. Ecuador); /Sir/fo. £z5 6W;». i?*o/. Centr.-Amer., Ave$9 i. p. 282. Eampliopis icteronotus, JDuBus, JEsq. Orn. t. xv. ; Gray, Gen. B. il. p. 3(53. Ramphocelus varians, var. 1, Lqfr. R. Z. 1847, p. 216. Yelvety black : lower back and upper tail-coverts sulphur-yellow; bill plumbeous : feet black; whole length 7 inches, wing 3*6, tail 3*2. Female. Blackish brown; lower back and body beneath pale sulphur- yellow. Hah. Yeragua, Western Colombia, and "Western Ecuador. a. S ad. sk. Santiago de Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. S ad. sk. Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Sah in-Godman Coll. Panama (Hughes). c. d. 3 2 ad. sk. Isthmus of Panama (Arce), Salvin-Gnflman Cull. euf. cS $ ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. gl S ad. sk. Choco Bav, Colombia. Capt. Kdlett n\A Lieut. Wood T.]. h. (S ad. sk. Sallango, Colombia. Capt. KJdiett " and Lieut. Wood ~C.]. i. (S ad. sk. Guayaquil (Capt. Belcher, Gould Coll, R.N.). j. (S jr. sk. • k, I Pallatanga, Ecuador. L. Fraser l"C.\ " "* m, n. 6 $ ad. sk. Santa" Rita, Ecuador (Villa- Salvin-Godman Coll. gomez). a. 2 ad. sk. Remedios, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. r. $ ad. sk. Medellin, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. s. d ad. sk. Bogota. Gould Coll. 22. PHLOGOTHEATTPIS. T Phlogothraupis, Sel et Sah. Nomencl. p. 155 (1873).. P. sanguinolenta. This monotypic form, of Central America, is allied to RJiamjJioccehis; but the sexes are coloured alike, and there is no denudation or enlargement of the base of the lower mandible. 1. PMogothraupis sangninolenta. Tanagra (Tachyphonus) sanguinolentus, Less. Cent. Zool. p. 107, pi. 39. Tackyphonus sanguinolentus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 365. Ramphocelus sanguinolentus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 242 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 132, 303, et 1859, p. 377 ; id. Si/n. Ai\ Tan. p. 50; ?V7. Cat. A. P. p. 80 j Sclat. et Sah. Ibis, 1859, p. 16; w& P. Z. S. 1867, p. 278 (Mosquitia), 1870, p. 836 (Honduras); Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 99 (Costa Rica); Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 59 (Peten); Salvin, Ibis, 1872, p. 316 (Ohontales); Frantz. J.f. 0. I860, p. 199 (Costa Rica); Sumichr. Mem. Boston Soc. 2V". JS. L p. 549 (Vera Cruz). Phlogothraupis sanguinolenta, Sel. et Sah. Komencl. p. 21; Sah. et Godni. Biol Centr.-Am., Axes, i. p. 285. 23 . CAL0CH2ETES. Dull black ; back of bead and neck behind united to a broad band on the breast, and upper and under tail-coverts and under -wingcoverts scarlet; bill uniform plumbeous; feet dark brown: whole length 7*2 inches, wing 3*7, tail 3-5. Female similar. Hob. Central America, from Southern Mexico to Costa Rica. a. Ad. sk. S. Mexico. Sclater Coll. b, c. S ad. si d. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvi?i). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 ad. sk. e. Jr. sk. Vera Paz (Salviri). Salvin-Godman Coll. / . Ad. sk. Belize (Blcmcaneaux). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. San Pedro, Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. (WMtely). h. Ad. sk. Honduras. D. Dyson [C.]. i,j. Ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. h'. S ad. sk. Angostura, Costa Rica (Car-Salvin-Godman Coll. miol). I. Ad. sk. Navarro, Costa Rica (Cooper). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 7i. Ad. sk. Central America. Purchased. 23. CALOCILETES. Type. Euchates, Scl. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 73 C. coccineus. Calochretes, Scl Ibis, 1879, p. 388. C. coccineus. Structure of Calochates. This is another monotypic form, of brilliant scarlet plumage, only N 2 180 TAffAGBIDJE. yet met with, in Eastern Ecuador. The bill is shorter and stouter than in Rhamphoccelus, and the terminal notch in the upper mandible more developed. The tail is short and rather squared. 1. Calochsetes coccuiens. Euchastes coccineus, ScL P. Z. S. 1838, p. 73, t. cxxxii. fig. 1; Scl et Salt). Nomencl. p. 22. Calochsetes coccineus, ScL Ibis, 1879, p. 388. Brilliant scarlet; lores, line round the eyes, sides of face anterior to eyes, throat and neck in front, and wings and tail black ; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 3*7, tail 2-5. Hal. Eastern Ecuador; Bio Eapo. a. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. b. Ad sk. Eastern Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. c-e. Ad. sk. Chi^uinda, Ecuador (Buck- Salvin-Godman Coll. ley). y. TArTAGRINJE SETIROSTRES. Although there are bristles at the gape of all or nearly all the Tanagrincs, more or less manifest on close inspection, the rictal setce are more developed in this section of the Tanagrbw than in the others. In TricJiothraupis this is especially the case, as its name indicates. The median notch of the upper mandible which prevails in many genera is another sign that these birds much affect an insect diet. The present section embraces 55 species of Tanagers, which I refer to 11 genera. They are spread over the whole Tanagrine area of the Neotropical Region, and four or five members of the genus Pyrcmga have become more or less permanent denizens of the Nearctic Region. Key to the Genera. A. Culmen slightly inflexed; terminal hook slight; gonys slightly ascending 24. PYBANGA, p. 181. B. Culmen much inflexed; terminal hook distinct. a. Gonys quite straight. a'. Bill longer 25. CYANICTEKUS, p. 193. V. Bill shorter: l: l: j commissure regularly curved 26. OKTHOGONYS, p. 198. J commissure festooned 27. CHLOEOTHKAUPIS, b. Gonys more or less ascending. [p. 194. c'. Bill moderately long, broad at base . 28. PHCBNICOTHBAUPIS, d'. Bill slender,lengthened, compressed: [p. 195. gonys ascending rapidly at the tip 29. LANIO, p. 201. gonys slightly ascending through out 30. TACHYPHONTJS, p. 205. 24 . PYRANGA. 181 . Bill short, stout. a". Median tooth distinct: J bill widened at base 31. CRETTBGOPS, p. 215. {bill not widened 32. MALACOTHBAUPIS, b". Median tooth obsolete ; [p. 216. | rictal bristles slight 33. EUCOMBTIS, p. 217. } rictal bribtles strong 34. TBICHOTJIBAUPIS, [p. 220. 24. PYEAHGA. Type. Piranga, Vieill Ois. de VAm. Sept. vol. i. pref. p. iv (1807) .. P. rubra. Pyranga, Vieill Analyse, p. 32 (1816) P. rubra. Phoenisoma, Sw. Class. Bii*ds, ii. p. 284 (1837) P. rubra. Phcenieosonia, Cab. Mm. JZein. i. p. 24 (1850) P. rubra. The genus Pyranga contains a series of about 16 species, the males of which are known by their brilliant scarlet dress, which in the females is replaced by yellow or olive. Three of the species visit the North-American continent for breeding-purposes, and thus attain a more northern range than any other members of the family. The others are distributed through Central and South America down to the Argentine Republic. In some species of Pyranga the tooth in the middle of the commissure is very prominent (P. bidentata), in others (P. erythrocephala) it is almost or quite obsolete. The Pyntngce of the United States build in trees, making an open nest, and lay bluish eggs spotted with reddish. Key to the Species. A. General plumage, including wings, red. a. Interscapuliuni red. a!. Bill pale brownish; commissure not toothed. i Head red, uniform with back 1. c&stiva, p. 182. t Head lighter than back 2. cooperi, p. 184. b'. Bill dark, commissure toothed. a". Commissure strongly toothed; colour above uniform. a"'. Above rich brick-red: I below similar, but lighter 3. testacea, p. 184 | below rosy on throat and belly .. 4. hamalea, p. 185. b'". Above darker brick-red 5. fiylina, p. 185. b". Commissure indistinctly toothed; head and rump lighter than back.. 6. saira, p. 185. b. Interscapulium more or less cinereous. c'. Auriculars reddish 7. .azarce, p. 186. d'. Auriculars greyish . 8. hepatica, p. 186. B. General plumage ashy; wings and tail reddish 9-roseigwlaris, p. 187 C. General plumage red j wings black. a Wings uniform black 10. rubra, p. 188. 182 TANAGKID^). d. Wings barred with white. e'. Interscapulium red: [p. 189. J front black 11. erytkromel&na, ( front scarlet 12. ardens, p. 100. /'.. Interscapulium spotted with black 13. bidentata, p. 190. D. Sody yellow; head more or less red. e. Interscapulium black 14. ludomciana, p. 191. / . Interscapulium green: J lesser wing-coverts yellow 15. riibriceps, p. 192. 1 lesser wing-coverts green 16. erythrocephala, [p. 192. 1. Pyranga aestiva. Muscicapa rubra, Linn. S. N. i. p. 326. Tanagra sestiva, Gm. S. N. i. p. 889 • Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 422; Wilson, Am. Orn. i. p. 95; t, vi. figs. 3, 4 ; Aud. Om. Biogr. i. p. 232, v. p. 518, t.xliv. Tangara du Missis&ipi, Daub, PL JSnl. 741 (?). Tanagra mississipensis, Gm. S. N. i. p. 889. Le Tangara du Missis&ipi, Desm. Tang. tt. 32, 33. Tanagra coccinea, JBodcl Tall. d. PL JEnL p. 46. Summer Tanager, Lath. G. II. vi. p. 8. Tanagra variegata, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 421. Variegated Tanager, Lath. G. H. vi. p. 9, t. xeiii. Pyranga sestiva, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxviii. p. 291; id. Ene. Meth. p. 799; Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 117; id. Consp. i. p. 241; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 156,1856, pp. 123,142, 303, 1858, pp. 73, 358, 1859, p. 364, et 1860, pp. 65, 293 (Ecuador); id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 47; id. Cat. A. B. p. 80; Sclat. et Salt. Ibis, 1859, p. 15 (Guatemala) ; iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 350 (Panama), 1867, p. 278 (Mosquitia), 1870, p. 836 (Honduras), et 1879, p. 502 (Antioquia) ; iid. NomencL p. 22; Gundl.J.f.O. 1859, p. 298, 1861, p. 328, 1872, p. 421 (Cuba); Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. Ill; Jones, Nat. Bermud. p. 31; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1860, p. 140 (Turbo) ; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 479 (Texas); Frantzius, J. f. O. 1869, p. 299 (Costa Rica); Salvin, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 139 (Veragua), et 1870, p. 187 (Veragua); id. Ibis, 1872, p. 316 (Nicaragua) ; id. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 191; ffidgw. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1869, p. 130 ; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Kvii. p. 297 (Panama), viii. p. 175 (Ghiriqui). et ix. p. 99 (Costa Rica); id. Bull. U. S. N. M. no. 4, p. 19 (S.W. Mexico); Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 326 (Colombia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 227 (N. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii p. 494; Leotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 290 (Trinidad); Sumichr. Mem. Bost S. K H. i. p. 550 (Vera Cruz); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 200, et 1880, p. 121 (S. Marta) ; iid. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aces, i. p. 289; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 443 (Costa Rica); Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 546 (W, Ecuador); Berlepsch, J.f.O. 1884, p. 292 (Bucaramanga); Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador) ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 210 (Brit. Guian.). Phoenicosoma sestiva, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 25: id. J. f. O. 1855. p. 477 (Cuba). ' Phoenisoma sestiva, Cab. J.f.O. 1860, p. 329 (Costa Rica). Pyranga estiva, var. sestiva, Baird, Breio., et Ilidyta. N. A. B. i. p. 441. Nearly uniform rosy scarlet, rather lighter below, and rather 24 . PYKANGA. 183 darker on the interscapulium; wings ashy, with margins abovo like the back; under wing-coverts rosy; tail-feathers ashy, strongly tinged with scarlet; bill pale horn-colour, without any well-marked tooth on the commissure; feet brown: whole length (yo inches, wing 3-8, tail 2-8. Female. Above olive, wings and tail blackish, margined with olive ; below yellowish. Hub. N". America (as a summer visitant), and southwards throughout the Antilles, Mexico, and Central America, to Colombia, Ecua dor, and Peru (in winter). N. America. a. S jr. st. b. $ ad. sk. l. $ jr. bk.; d. J ad. sk. e. d jr. sk. /. 2 ad. sk. (/. $ ad. sk. h, i. <$ § ad. sk. ; j. S jr. sk. k-o. $ ad. sk.; p. 2 ad. sk. q. $ ad. sk. r. S ad. sk. s. 2 ad. sk. t. S jr. sk. u. <$ jr. sk. v. 2 ad. sk. w. <$ ad- sk. x. $ ad. sk. y. S jr. sk. z. S ad. sk. a\ b'. $ 2 a(l-sk* c', d. S 2 ad- sk e'. <$ ad. sk. f. S ad. sk. g\ 2 ad. sk. h\ a. <$ 2 ad-sk* f. $ ad. sk. k'. tf ad. sk. I', tf ad. sk. m'. $ ad. sk. n'. S jr. sk. o\ $ ad. sk. p\ $ ad. sk. q', r'. S 2 ad. sk. s\ $ ad. sk. t'. 2 ad. sk. N. America. Illinois (Coale). Philadelphia (Krider). Texas (Coale). Mexico. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Cozumel Island, Yucatan (G. F. Gaumer). Duenas, Guatemala (Salvin). Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Tactic, Vera Paz (Salvin). Savana Grande, Guatemala (Salvin), Livingston, Guatemala (Salvin). San Pedro, Honduras (Whitely). Ohontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Nicoya, Costa Rica (Arce). A tiro, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Irazu, Costa Rica (Rogers). Chiriqui, Veragua {Arce). Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Santa F<5, Veragua (Arce). Chepo, Panama (Arce). Panama (McLeannan). Santa Marta (Simons). Medellin, U. S. C. {Salmon). Antioquia (Salmon). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Bio Napo. Ecuador (Buckley). Ecuador. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Bogota. Roraima, British Guiana (Whitely). Purchased. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godrnan Coll. Sclater Coll. J. Taylor, Esq,. [P.]Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 184 lANAGBLDJS. 2. Pyranga cooperi Pyranga cooperi, Ridgw. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1869, p. ISO; Salv. et Goclm. "Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 290. Pyranga sestiva, var. cooperi, Baird, Breic, et Rldr/w. X A. B. i. p. 444; Lator. Mem. Bost. Sac. N, H. ii. p. 273 (Mazatlan). Pyranga sestiva, Finsch, Abh. not. Ver. Bremen, ii. p. 338 (X.W. Mex.). Like P. cestlva, but rather larger in size ; bill longer ; bead, rump, and body below rather brighter: whole length 8 inches, wing 4-2, tail 3*5. Female. Similar to P. cestlva, but paler in colour. Hob. Western Mexico, and Rio Grande and Colorado districts of the United States. I consider this barely more than a subspecies of P. cestlva, but I follow Messrs. Salvin and Godman in allowing it the higher rank. a. S ad. sk. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman . Coll. b. S ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. c. J ad. sk. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. 3. Pyranga testacea. Pyranga testacea, Set et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 388 (Veragua), et 1879, p. 502 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 22 ; Ridgw. Pr. Ac. Se. Phil. 1869, p. 133; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 187 '(Verasrua); Zekdon, Cat. Aves Costa Rica, p. 7; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.Am., Aves, i. p. 292, t. xix. %g. 1, 2. Pyranga hepatiea, Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 139 (Veragua). Phoenisoma azarse, Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 206. Pyranga azarse, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 514, 1877, p. 332, 1879, p. 227, 1880, p. 195, et 1882, p. 14; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 495 (Peru). Above nearly uniform dark testaceous red; wings dark ashy, with margins like the back: below brighter, almost scarlet, rather darker on the sides; under wing-coverts rosy ; tail testaceous red throughout ; bill dark, with a strong median tooth on the commissure ; feet brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3*6, tail 3-1. Female. Yellowish olive ; below yellow, more cinereous on the flanks. Eab. Prom Nicaragua and Costa Eica southwards to Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia. Southern males (from Bolivia and Peru) are rather brighter in colour, but not otherwise distinguishable. a. tf jr. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll b. 2 ad. sk. Costa Rica (Van Patten). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. J ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Aree). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. e. tf ad. sk. OMtra, Veragua (Aree). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. <$ jr. sk. Santa F6, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. (/, h. 3 2 ad. sk. Concordia, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. *. § ad. sk. Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. ;. $ ad. sk. Concordia, U. S. C. (Sal- Sclater Coll. mo?i)t 24 . PYRANGA. 185 h. <$ ad. sk. I S ad. sk. m, ?i. S ad. sk. o. $ ad. sk. Jiina, Ecuador (Buckley), Chiriraoto, Peru (Stohmann). Cinti, Bolivia (Buckley). Cangalli, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 4. Pyranga kaemalea. Pkcenisonia azarae, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. G68. Pyranga hepatica, Leotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 291. Pyianga lisemalea, Salv. et Godm. Ibis, lSSo.-p.20o; Salv. IbisASSo, p. 211 (Brit. Guian.). ' 9 Above dark testaceous red, nearly as in P. testacea ; below rather more of a blood-red than in P. testacea, and lighter on the throat and belly : whole length 7 inches, wing 3*7, tail 3*1. Female. Above olive; below yellow, passing into olivaceous on the breast and flanks. Mob, Guiana, Yenezuela, and Trinidad. A very close ally of P. tatacea, and, in my opinion, a rather doubtful species. a, h, c. <$ ad. sk.; Horaima, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. 2 ad. sk. (Whifely). (Tvpes of P. hcemalea.) f. 2 ad. sk. Trinidad. Salvin-Godman Coll. y. tf jr. sk. Trinidad. Salvin-Godman Coll. h. J ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. 5. Pyranga figlina. Pyranga saira, var. testacea, Baird, Brew., et Ridyw. N. A. B. i. p. 434. Pyranga figlina, Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 293. Similar to P. testacea, but red colour not so bright and of a browner tint; ear-coverts brown. Female. Like the female of P. testacea, but duller in colour. Hah. British Honduras and pine-ridges of Guatemala. a. 2 Pine-ridge of Poctum, Guate- Salvin-Godman Coll. mala (Salvin). b. 2 ad- sk- Guatemala. J. Gould, Esq. 6. Pyranga saira. Tanagra mississipensis, Licht. DouU. p. 30; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 521. Tanagra saira, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. pi. 48. %.!($). Pyranga saira, Sclater, P. Z. S, 1856, p. 124; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 48; id. Cat. A. B. p. 80; Salv. Cat Strichl. Coll p. 192; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 211; Sol et Salv. Komencl. n. 22. Pyianga coccinea, Burm. Sy&t. Veb. iii. p. 171; id. J. f. 0. 1860, p. 253. Phoenicosoma azarae, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 25. Bright rosaceous scarlet above and below ; interscapulium and margins of wings and tail darker; under wing-coverts rosy red; bill dark plumbeous, commissure indistinctly toothed; feet dark 186 TAtfAGKID-E. brown: whole length 7 inches, wing 3*8, tail 3. Female. Olive, front and sides of head and body beneath yellow. Hob. S.E. Brazil. There is a considerable contrast between the bright head and rump and the darker back in this species, and the red is much brighter than in P. teskwea and its allies ; but the back is not cine reous as in P.azarce and P. liepatica. a, b. <$ ad. sk.; c. J Bakia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk.; d. tfjr.&k. e. $ jr. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Salvin-Godman Cull. Sul (Joytier). f. $ ad. &k. Rio, Brazil. SeLtter Coll. g. <5 jr. sk.; h. $ ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 7. Pyranga azarse. Saltator ruber, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 792 ($), et S. flavus, ej. p. 791 ($), ex Azara. Pyranga mississippien&is, cVOrb. et Lafr. Si/n. Av. i. p. 31. Pyranga azarse,d Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 204 ; Bp. Convp. i. p. 241; IZidr/iv. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1869, p. 13:2; Set. et 8alv. P. Z. S. Ib79, p. (501 (BoMvia) ; White, P. Z. S. 18bS, p. 37 f Arg. Rep.): 8akia7 Ibis, 1880, p. 3o3 (Arg. Rep.); id. Cat, Strickl Coll p. 192. Pyranga coccinea, Buna. La Plata Reibe, ii. p. 479. Above dull rosy red; in terse apulium and wing-edgings with a decidedly cinereous tinge: below much brighter, nearly uniform rosy red, rather duller on the sides; biE dark plumbeous, with a very slight commissural tooth; feet; dark brown : whole length 7"2 inches, wing 3*8, tail 3*1. Female. Greyish olive; beneath yellow, passing into cinereous on the flanks and belly. Hab. Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentine Republic, and Bolivia. Apparently quite distinct from P. saira, as above pointed out, and most nearly related to P. liepatica, but of smaller size. a. S ad. &k. Uruguay. Alan Peel rC.]. b3 c. <$ ad. sk.; d} Cordova, Arg. Rep. Sclater Coll. e. 2 (White), f. $ ad. &k.$ g. <$ Cordova, Arg. Rep. Salvin-Godman Coll. (White), h. $ ad. sk. Salta, Arg. Rep. (Bum- Purchased. ford). I <$ ad.; J. $ ad.; Salta, Arg. Rep. H. Dun-ford [C.]. k. <$ jr. sk. I S jr.; m. 2 ad. sk. Tucuman (Durnford). Purchased. n, o. S ad. sk. Cinti, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. p, q. d ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. 8. Pyranga liepatica. Pyranga liepatica, Sio. Phil Maq. n. s. i. p. 488 (1827); Sclater, PZ.S. 1856, p. 124, 1857, p. 213, 1858, p. 803, 1859, pp. 304, 377, 1864, p. 373 (Mexico); id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 48; id. Cat. A. B. p. 81 j Sclat et Salv. Ibis, lfco9, p. 15 j iid. A amend p. 22 j Baird, 24. PY1UNGA. 187 B. N. Am. p. 30:2; 8mnichr. Mem. Bod. Soc. N. II. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz); Bidyio. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1809, p. 132; Later. Mem. Bost. Soc. K K. ii. p. 274 (N.W. Mexico); id. Bidl. U. 8. N. M. no. 4, p. 19; Ridgw. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1869, p. 132 ; Baird, Brew., et Ridgw. N. A. B. i. p. 440,-Salv. Cat. 8trickl. Coll p. 192; Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.-Am., Aves, I p. 291. Plicenicosoma hepatica, Cab. Mm. Bern. i. p. 25. Plicenisoraa dentata, Licht. in Mus. Berol Pyranga azaras, Sitgreave's Bep. p. 82 (New Mexico). Above dull rosy red, with a strong cinereous tinge on the back (except the rump), cheeks, and scapularios; wings dark cinereous, edged with dull rosy red; tail dull cinereous tinged with rosy red, with brighter margins : below bright rosy red, flanks washed with cinereous; bill dark plumbeous, with a slight median notch; feet clear brown: whole length 8 inches, wing 4*1, tail 3-3. Female. Above olive, front yellowish, lores blackish; beneath yellowish olive. Hub. Arizona, Mexico, and Guatemala. Nearest to P. azarce, but of larger dimensions, and with greyish cheeks and a more decidedly cinereous tinge on the back. a, b. c? jr. sk. Arizona (Henshaiv). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. <$ ad. sk. Villa Alta, Mexico {Boucard). Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. ($2 ad. sk. Mexico City. Salvin-Godman Coll. /. <$ ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sclater Coll. V? &• 9 (1831). Pyranga leucoptera, Trudeau, Jouvn. Acad. Philad. viii. p. 1G0 (1837); Bp. Consp. i. p. 241. Pyranga bivittata, Lafr. Bev. Zool. 1842, p. 70. Pyranga erythromelsena, Sdater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 126,303, 1859, "p. 364, et 1864, p. 173 (Mexico); id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 50 ; id. Cat A, B. p. 81; Set et Salv. Ibis, 1850, p. lo (Guatemala); iid. Mmenel. p. 22 ; Salv. Ibi% 1860, p. 100,1801, p. 147 (Guatemala) ; id. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 87 (Chiriqui); id. Cat. Sfrichl. Coll. p. 102; Later. Ann. L. N. T. ix. p. 99 (Costa Rica) ; Frantz. J. f. 0.1869, p. 299 (Costa Rica); Sumichr Mem. Bost. Soc. N. II. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz); Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 295. Phoenieosoma bivittata, Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 24. Scarlet; front, lores, space round the eyes, chin, wings, and tail black ; mterscapulram more or less varied with black; tips of greater and lesser wing-coverts white, forming two white bars ; bill and feet black: whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2*2. Female. Olive, beneath yellowish; wings and tail brownish black; wing-coverts with white spots as in male. Hah. Southern Mexico and Central America down to Panama. a, h. <$ J ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sdater Coll. c. $ ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (Hoge). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. <$ ad. sk. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Purchased. e. c? ad. sk. Volcan de Agua, Guatemala Salvin-Goclman Coll. (Salvin). /. <$ ad. sk. Savanna Grande, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). g. S jr. sk. Retalhuleu, Guatemala(Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. S ad. sk. Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. <$ ad. sk. Rastiche, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. J ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 'h. (S ad. sk. Barranco Hondo, Guatemala Sclater Coll. (Salvin). I. (J ad. sk. Belize, British Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. (Blancaneaux). m. S ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. ? ad. sk. Dota, Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad sk o,p. S 2--Volcano of Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. 2 ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 190 TANAGBTD-aE. 12. Pyranga ardens. Phceniaoirm ardens, Tsch. Wiegm. Arch. 1844, i. p. 287. Pkoenisoma bivittata, Tsch. Faun. Per., 0J*. p. 207. Pyranga erytaromelas, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 156. Pyranga nixW Sclater, P. Z. >$. 1856, p. 12(3, 1859, p. 139 (W. Ecuador) ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 50; id. Cat A. B. p. 81; Sd. et Salv. J\ z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela) ; iid. Komenel. p. 22; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 820 (Colombia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 14 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 497; Bed. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p . 546 (W. Ecuador); Tacz. et Berl P. Z. S. 1885, p. 18 (Ecuador) ; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 211 (Porainia). Scarlet; lores , scapularies, wings, and tail black ; tips of greater and lesser wing-coverts white, forming two white cross bars; bill and feet blac k ; whole length 5*5 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2*2. Female. Olive ; wings and tail blackish, with two white cross bars on the wing-coverts ; beneath yellowish. Hal. Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Eoraima, British Guiana. Closely allied to P. erythromela-na, but distinguishable by the black colour on the face being confined to the lores. a, h. (S 2 a(^- s&- Bogota. Sclater Coll. c, d. $ 2 ad. sk . Bogota. Purchased. e. S ,F- sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. ft 9; <$ 2 a^. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Prase?-). Sclater Coll. h, i. <$ ad. sk. Imtac, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. <$ ad. sk. Peru (Stolzmann). ' Sclater Coll. 'k. $ ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela. D. Dyson [C."|. I. o* ad. sk. CaripS, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-G*oaman Coll. m, n. $ 2 a^-* s&* Poraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). o. <$ ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. 13. Pyranga Tbi&entata. Pyranga bldentata, Sw. Phil. Mag. 1827, p. 428; Bp. Consp. i. p. 241 - Sclater, _P. Z. S. 1856, p. 126,' 1857, p. 205, et 1859, p. 364; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 50; id. Cat. A. B. p. 82; ScL et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 32 (Guatemala); iid. Nomencl. p. 22; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1865, p. 171 (Costa Pica) -Salvin, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 187 (Chiriqui); Lawr. u&nn. L. N. Y. ix. p. 99 (Costa Pica); id. Mem. Bost. Soc. iV". H.n. -p. 274 (Tres Marias I.) * Sumichr. Mem. Bost. Soc. K H. i. p. 549 ("Vera Cruz); Frantz. J.f.O. 1869, p. 299 (Costa Pica); FinscJi, udLbh. not. Ver. z. Bremen, ii. p. 388 (N.W. Mexico); Grayson, Fr. Bost. Soc. N. H. xiv. p. 281 (Tres Marias I.) ; Salv. et Godm. JBiol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 296. Pyranga sanguinolenta, Lafr. Bev. Zool 1839, p. 97; Bp. Consp, i. p. 241. Phoenicoso:ma bidentata, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 24. Rosy scarlet ; interscapulram yellowish brown variegated with black; wings brownish black; tips of greater and lesser wing- coverts and of outer secondaries white; tail brownish black, three 24 . PYEANGA. 101 outer rerniges tipped with white; bill corneous ; feet brown : whole length 7*3 inches, wing 4, tail 3*2. Female. Olive, beneath yellowish olive : interscapulium variegated with black; wings and tail brownish black; greater and lesser wing-coverts tipped with white. Hah. Mexico and Central America, south to Chiriqui. a. $ ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. b. $ ad. sk. Jalapa, S. Mexico (de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. S ad. sk. Jalapa, S. Mexico (de Oca), Sclater Coll. d. 3 jr. sk.; e. $ Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Purchased. ad. sk. f, g. <$ 2 a&- sk. Tres Marias I., W. Mexico Salvin-Godman Coll. (Forrer). h, i. z P* &k. ?ao Paula, Brazil (Joi/ner). Peiota^j Bio Grande do Sul Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. ( Joy iff r). h. 2 ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. 2. PhcBnicothranpis iriiiacea. , p. I \ -w/wa»; &/. tt 8ate. !SomencL p. ±2; Sah. et Godm. Biol. Otttr.-Am.. An s *• p- #01. Plm*m<'sthzaiLpi* rubles, 8alr. P. Z. S. 1507, p. 139. Abort* testaceous red ; bead dark cinereous brown, with a scarlet Hii flijfii citHt; \vinjr*> taw n. with edgings like the back; tail nearly uniform t* -tae*»ou.s n4y lib* the back: below brighter testaceous rv'U villi a iIriiT^w^ tlfige on the flanks; under wing-coverts and inner margins of \\ injr-ieathers dull rosy red; bill dark horn-colour; f* et ffilf brown: whole length 7 inches, wing 3*7, tail 3*5. F*mnh* Ihtik olive-brown, beneath paler, especially on the throat aw! iiiitblle of tin* belly : median head-erebt yellowish brown. Hatk V Ma ltka» Veratrua, and Panama. This In a very dcwi* ally of P. ntlku, and in some cases it would tie difficult to separate male specimens without knowing the localities Tkm sex appeara, however, usually to be distinguishable by the tail in the present species being of the same testaceous red as the back, instead of brighter as in Ph. tubkoides. On the back it Is al*o nightly darker. The female is quite distinct from that of Ph. milrmi^ being of an olive-brown, with a yellowish tinge below. a, if fci- «k.: k Grecia, Costa Rica (CarmioT). Salvin-Godman Coll. > jr. *k. <%<£ c 2 ad. *k. Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. K f. c; § ad- fk. Oalovevora, Veragua (Arci). 0. Salvin, Esq. [P.], g*h. c 2 ad. frk. Baata F6f Veragua (Arce). Sabin-Godman Coll. i," /. c 2 ad. sk Veragua {Arct). Sclater Coll. I-.* ff ad. a*k. Volcano of Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Phcmncothranpis rubicoides, Baltator roHcoideft, Lafr. Mev. ZooL 1844, p. 41; Cassin, Proc. Acad. &. Jftftrf. iv. p. 90. ^4 Ptottlcothranpis rubicoides, Cab. Mm. Hem. i. p. 24; Sclater, Ann. m, jar. »•. P. &">; «*- P. & & itso, pp. 120,303,180% PP. 364, 877. I8W> p. 17S (Citv of Mexico); id. 8yn. Av. Tan. p. 44; id. CM. A. It p. 8»; 8d. e* &/r. Ibis, 1859, p. 15, lb60, p. 32; iid. P. Z. & 1870, p. 836 {Honduras); iid. Somencl p. 22; Moore, li sL 8. 1860, p. 68 (Honduras); Sumitkr. Mem. Bast Soc. JV .H". 198 TANAG-EtD^TT. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz); Later. Bull U. S. Wat Mus. no. 4, p. 19; Salv. Cat. Sfrickl. Coll. p. 193; Sato, et Godm. Biol Centr.-Am., Avesj i. p. 300. Pyranga ignicapilla, Licht. in Mus. Berol, <$. Pyranga quajaeina, Licht. in Mus. BeroL, J. Pkcenieotliraupis ignieapilla, Fi?isc7if P. Z. S. 1870, p. 581. Above testaceous red; median crest scarlet, bordered on each side by a veil-marked dark blackish margin; outer margins of wings like the back; tail throughout reddish testaceous ; below more rosy testaceous red, and throat considerably brighter than belly; flanks much tinged with cinereous; under wing-covcrts and inner margins of wing-feathers dull rosy : beak dark horn-colour; feet pale brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3*9, tail 3*3. Female. Above olive- brown ; median crest yellowish brown, bordered by blackish ; below yellowish brown, darker on the sides. Hah. Southern Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras. This species may be distinguished from P. ruhka and P. vinacea by the much brighter throat, the general colour of the abdomen being nearly the same in all three species. a. 2 ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. b. S ad. sk. Jalapa (de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. $ ad. sk. Volcano de Agua, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). d. $ jr. sk. Alotenango, Guatemala (Salmi). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. f. 2 ad. sk. Barranco-Hondo, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). g. cJ ad. sk. Barranco-Iiondo, Guatemala Sclater Coll. (Salvin). h. $ ad. sk. Betalhuleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. hj> d $ Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. 2 ad. sk. Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. (S ad. sk. Savana Grande, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). m. c? ad. sk. ,* Sources of P. de la Pasion, Gua- Salvin-Godman Coll. n. <$ jr. sk.; temala (Salvin). o. 2 ad. sk. p. S jr. sk. Vera Paz (Constancia). 0. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. 4. Pkenicothraupis rubra. Tachyphonus ruber, Vieill Wouv. Diet, xxxii. p. 359 j id. JEnc. Metk p. 804; LSotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 297. Phoenicothraupis rubica ex ins. Trinit., Sclater, Ami. W. JS. xiv. p. 24. Phoenicothraupis rubra, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1850, p. 120; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 44,-id Cat A. B. p. 83; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 212; Set et Salv. Mmencl. p. 22 $ Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 581 (Trinidad). Above testaceous red, tail rather brighter; median crest scarlet, bordered on each side by dark cinereous; below nearly uniform dull rosy red, passing into cinereous on the flanks ; bill dark brown ; feet pale brown: whole length 6'8 inches, wing 3*5, tail 3. 28. pnccNicoTnEiuPis. Female, Olive-brown, wings and tail-margins rather more yellowish ; median crest yellowish huff; below pale fulvous. Hah. Trinidad and Venezuela. This is a smaller species, recognizable by its rosy red colour below and the pale colour of the female. a, h. $ ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. c. J ad. sk. Venezuela, Sclater Coll. d, e. S ? ad. sk. Venezuela. Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Phoenicothraupis rho&iiiolsema. Phoenicothraupis rubica, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1807, p. 740, et 1873. p. 262 (E. Peru); Tacz. P.Z.S. 1874, p. 513 (0. Peru), 1882, p. 14 (KE. Peru). Phoenicothraupis rhodinolsema, Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 300 (18h3). Phoenicothraupis peruvianus, Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 498 (1884) ; Scl. Ibis, 1883, p. 272. Above dull brownish red, tail brighter; median crest scarlet; below cinereous, throat and upper part of breast bright testaceous red ; centre of belly, crissum, inner wing-coverts, and inner margins of wing-feathers rosaceous ; bill hazel-brown, paler below; feet pale brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 3*6, tail 2*7. Female. Brown, wing and tail-margins rufous; median crest yellowish fulvous ; below pale ashy brown, 03. Phoenicothraupis rubicoides, Boucard, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 443 (Yucatan). Above testaceous red; crest scarlet, the feathers slightly tipped with brown, which is the colour of the front and sides of the head ; wings ashy brown, with margins like the back; tail like the back but rather duller: below rosy red, with a strong cinereous tinge on the abdomen; under surface of wings ashy, of tail reddish ashy; bill dark plumbeous; feet pale brown: whole length 7*2 inches, wing 3'9, tail 3-6. Female. Above brown, without signs of any median crest; below brighter brown, yellowish on the throat and middle of the belly. Hah. S. Mexico, Yucatan, Honduras, and Guatemala. I follow Graf v. Beriepsch and Messrs. Salvin and Godman in placing this species as distinct and as the northern form of P. fuscicauda. But I must say I find some difficulty in distinguishing the males of P. ntbicoides and P. salvini in some cases, although the females (if correctly understood) are obviously different. The male of P. salvini seems distinguishable from that sex of P. fuscicauda by the reddish tinge of its tail below. a. $ ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. b. S jr. sk.; c. Mexico. Sclater Coll. $ ad. sk. d. c? ad. sk. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. e. <$ ad. sk.; / . Tehuantepec (Sumichrast). Salvin-Godman Coll. 29. 1ANI0. 201 g. S ad. sk. h. S ad. sk. Tzalam, Northern Yucatan( Gaumer). Belize (Blancaneaux). Salvin-Grodman Coll. Salvin-Grodman Coll. i. S ad. sk. Corosal, British Honduras {Roe). Salvin-G-odman Coll. $ ad. sk.; k, Chisec, Vera Paz (Saloin). Salvin-Grodman Coll. I. $ ad. sk. 8. PlKBaicothraupis cristata. Phoemcothranpis cristata, Laivr. Ann. L. N. Y. xi. p. 70 (Bogota): Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 582 (Antioquia). Above dull brownish testaceous; wings dark brown with external testaceous edgings; tail nearly uniform testaceous red; elongated vertical crest scarlet: below slightly paler ; sides of head, throat, and upper breast bright red, almost rosaceous; under surface of wings and under wing-coverts cinereous ; bill dark horn-colour; feet brown : whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3*7, tail 3*4. Female similar, but rather smaller, not so bright, and wings externally brown. Hab. Colombia. Tory easily distinguished from all the preceding species by its long projecting crest. a, b. $ J ad. sk. Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. c. <$ ad. sk. Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. Phceuicothraupis guttuxalis. (Plate XI.) Phoenicothraupis gutturalis, Scl Ann. N. II 1854, xiv. p. 25; id. P. Z. S. 1855,p. 156,1856, p. 120 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 44; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 326; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 582 (Antioquia) j iid. Nomencl p. 22. Nearly uniform blackish grey above and below; projecting vertical crest bright scarlet; throafi scarlet, paler in the centre ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 7'3 inches, wing 3*9, tail3'6. Female similar, but rather smaller, and paler in colour. Hab. Colombia. a. $ ad. sk. Colombia. Purchased. (Type of the species.) b. $ ad sk. Remedios, Antioquia (Salmoyi). Sclater Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. S ad. sk. Nichi, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Codman Coll. e. J ad. sk. Naranjo; U. 8. C. (Wyatt). Sclater Coll. 29. LANIO. Type • Lanio, Vieill Analyse, p. 40 (1816) L. atricapillus. Pogonothraupis, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 669 L. atricapillus. In typical Lanio the curious commissural tooth of this section of the Tanagrince takes its greatest development, and the upper man 202 TANAGRID2E. dible has also a strong terminal hook. The feet are weak, the tail long and rather squared at its extremity. The Laniones are mostly clad in yellow and black, with black heads, black wings, and a more or less pronounced white scapular patch. They range from South Moxico to Bolivia, but are not found in South-eastern Brazil. Structure of Lanio aurantius. Key to the Species. A. Size large ; rump yellow or black. a'. Throat black 1. aurantius, p. 202. b'. Throat white : j rump yellow 2. leucothorax, p. 203. j rump black 3. melanopygius, p. 203. B. Size small; rump orange : \ throat black ; gr. wing-coverts black. 4. atricapillus, p. 204. j throat olive ; gr. wing-coverts white. 5. versicolor, p. 204. C. (Only known in immature dress) 6. lawrencii, p. 205. 1. Lanio aurantius. Lanio aurantius, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1846, p. 402 ; JDu Bus, JEsq. Orn. t. 21; Bp. Camp. I p. 240 ; Sclater, T. Z. S. 1856, pp. 119, 303, et 1857, p. 229; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 43 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 83 ; Sclat. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 15 (Guatemala) ; iid. JEx. Orn. p. 61, t. 31; iid. Nomencl. p. 22 ; Sumichr. Mem. Bost. JSoc. N. .27. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz) ; Lawr. Bull. U. S. N. M. no. 4, p. 19 (N.W. Mexico) j Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 304. Above and below bright yellow; head and neck all round and 29. LANIO. 203 -wings and tail black; lesser upper wing-coverts and under wing- coverts white; breast stained with orange; thighs black; bill black; feet brown: whole length 7'5 inches, wing 4*2, tail 3*8. Female. Above dark olive-brown; rump yellowish brown; head greyish olive: beneath greenish yellow, throat grey; crissum stained with orange; under wing-coverts whitish. Eab. Southern Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras. a. $ ad. sk. S. Comapan, South Mexico(Salle). Sclater Coll. b, c. d. $ d ? ad. sk. ad. sk. British Honduras (Blancaneaux). Guatemala (Salvm). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. e. <$ Cohan, Vera Paz (Constancia). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. J ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. (/. $ Chisec, Vera Paz (Salvm). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. J Kamkkal, Guatemala (Salvm). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. <$ ad. sk. Honduras (Dyson). Purchased. 2. Lanio leiicothorax. Lanio leucothorax, Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 581 (Veragua) ; id. Ibi% 1872, p. 317 (Nicaragua); Casein, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1865, p. 171 (Costa Pica); Franiz. J. f. 0. 1869, p. 299 (Costa Pica); Scl et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 03 (part), t. 32 ($); iid. Nbmmcl. p. 22. Above and below bright yellow; head, wings, and tail black; lesser upper wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, and middle of throat white; thighs black; bill black; feet brown: whole length 7*3 inches, wing 4*1, tail 3*8. Female. Above olive-brown, head greyish: beneath orange-brown; throat greyish; middle of belly yellow. Eab. Nicaragua and Costa Pica. The white throat at once distinguishes this species from L. aurantius, which it otherwise closely resembles. a, b. <$ ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. Angostura, Costa Pica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Carmiol). d,e. (S 2 ad. sk. Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arc§). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Lanio melanopygius. Lanio leucothorax, Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 139, et 1870, p. 188 (Veragua); Scl. et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 63 (part.), t. 32 (tf); iid. Nomencl. p. 22. Lanio melanopygius, Pidgw. Pr. U. S. N. M. 1883, p. 412 (Costa Rica); Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am.7 Aves, i. p. 305. Above bright yellow; head, wings and tail, and lower half of back black; lesser upper wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, and throat white; thighs and crissum black, the latter sometimes slightly tipped with yellow; bill black: feet brown: whole length 7*8 inches, wing 4*1, tail 3*8. Female. Above olive-brown, head greyish; beneath orange-brown; throat greyish, middle of belly yellow. Eab. Costa Rica and Veragua. 204 TANAGEID^. A representative form of L. leucoikorax, distinguishable by the black lower back. The crissum is also black, but in some specimens the feathers are slightly edged with yellow. a. <$ ad. sk. Calovevora, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. Cordillera de Tole, Yeragua Salvin-Godman Coll. b. <$ ad. sk. {Arce). c. $ jr. sk. Santiago de Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. e. <$ $ ad. sk.; f. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. cS jr. sk. g. $ ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Sclater Coll. h. J ad. sk. Veragua. Arce "C.i. 4 lanio atricapillns. Tangara jaune a tete noire, Daub. PL Enl. 809. fig. 2 Tanagra atricapilla, Gm. S. N. i. p. 899; Lath. Lid. Orn. i. p. 224. Lanio atricapillus, Vieill. Nouv. Diet. xvii. p. 305; id. Enc. Meth. p. 741; id. Gal Ois. p. 223, pi. 138; Bp. Camp. i. p. 240; ttd. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 156, 1856, p. 118, et lfe58, pp. 72, 454; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 42; id. Cat. A. B. p. 83; Scl et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 04; iid. Nomencl. p. 22; Salv. Cat. Strichl Coll. p. 193; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 211 (Brit. Guian.). Pogonothraupis atricapilla, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. G09. Black-headed Tanager. Lath. G. H. vi. p. 14. Above and below orange-yellow, passing into dark orange-brown on rump and fore neck ; head all round and wings and tail black; a portion of scapularies white: under wing-coverts white stained with ferruginous; bill black; feet brown : whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3*6, tail 3*1. Female. Brown ; rump and body below paler ; throat washed with cinereous; under wing-coverts pale fulvous. Hab. Cayenne, Guiana, Colombia, and Ecuador. a. $ ad. sk. S. America. Purchased. sk, b. $ ad. sk, c. $ ad. sk. d. e. S2 ad. / . S ad. sk. g. c? ad. sk. h, i. <$ ad. sk. /. (S ad. sk. k, I. $ § ad. sk. m. <$ ad. sk. n. $ ad. sk. Cayenne. Cayenne. Bartica Grove, British Guiana (WMtety). Merunie Mts., British Guiana (Whitely). R. Atapurow, British Guiana ( White!y). Bogota. Monji, Ecuador (Buckley). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Ecuador (Buckley). Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. H. C. Rothery, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. 5. Lanio versicolor. Tachyphonus versicolor, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. i. p. 28. Pyranga versicolor, d'Orb. Voy. p. 262, pi. 19. fig. 1. Lanio versicolor, Lafr. P. Z. 1840, p. 203; Gray, Gtn.B. ii. p. 364; Bp. Consp. i. p. 240; Scl P. Z. S. 1856, p. 119; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 43; 30. TACHYPHONUS. 205 Scl. et Sah. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 185 (S. Peru) et p. 262 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 601 (Bolivia) ; iid. Ex. Orn. p. 64: iid. Nomtncl p. 22 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 j id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 500. Above bright yellow, passing into orange on the upper back; head black, the feathers of the vertex slightly tipped with olivaceous yellow; wings and tail black, wing-coverts white: below yellow, passing into orange on the breast; throat greenish olive; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet brown: whole length 6*3 inches, wing 3-4, tail 3. Female. Above orange-brown, brighter on the rump, more olivaceous on the head: below bright brownish orange, middle of belly yellow; under wing-coverts ashy white. Bab. Bolivia and South Peru. The large expanse of white on the wing-coverts and the olive throat render this species readily recognizable. The tooth on the commissure is but slightly apparent. a. S jr. sk.; b. $ ad. sk. Cosnipata, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. c. <$ ad. sk. d. <$ ad. sk. Cosnipata, Peru (Wliitely). Bio Javari. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. e. (S ad. sk. Bolivia. Purchased. 6. Lanio lawrencii. Tachyphonus atricapillus, Laior. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1868, p. 360. Lanio lawrencii, Sclater, Ibis, 1885, p. 272, t. vi. fig. 2. Above olive-green, with indications of black coming out on the interscapulium; wings and tail brownish black edged with olive; upper surface of head and nape black; sides of head brownish; throat greyish white ; middle of abdomen ferruginous orange; sides passing into olive; under wing-coverts white; bill blackish, pale at the base below ; feet clear brown: whole length 4*8 inches, wing 2-4, tail 2-2. Bab. Trinidad (Alexander). Mr. Lawrence having kindly sent me his unique example of this species for examination, I have come to the conclusion that it is a young male of a species of Lanio, allied to L. versicolor, and remarkable for its small size. 30. TACHYPHONUS. Type. Tachyphonus, Yieill. Analyse, p. 33 (1816) T. melaleucus. Pyrrota, Vieill. Analyse, p. 45 (1816) T. melaleucus. Comarophagus, Bote, Isis, 1826, p. 074 T. melaleucus. Jn the smaller and weaker Tachyphoni the dental tooth is hardly apparent, but the general conformation is that of Lanio. The genus consists of twelve or thirteen species, which do not range higher in Central America than Costa Kica, but extend southwards to Paraguay and Bolivia. The nesting of T. melaleuats has been well described by Euler 206 TAN-AGKIDJE. (J. f. 0. 1867, p. 408). The nest is placed in thick bushes near the ground, and is open and cup-shaped. The eggs are fLebh-eolour, marked and spotted with dark reddish. See also a figure of the egg of this species, P. Z. S. 1879, pi. xlii. fig. 5. Key to the Species. A. Head without a vertical crest. a. Head Mack. a'. Hump black. a". Bend of wing pure white : (larger : lesser wing-coverts J black 1. melaleucus, p. 206. 1 smaller: lesser wing-coverts { white 2. luctuosus, p. 208. b". Bend of wing white, with a red spot 3. phceniceiis, p. 208. b'. Rump yellow 4. xanthopygiw, p. 209. b. Head yellow 5. chrysomdas, p. 210 B. Head with a median vertical crest. c. Lower back pale fulvous. c'. Belly black. c". With a fulvous throat-spot G. eristatm, p. 210. d". Throat uniform-black, vv ithout any spot j J crest fulvous 7. surinamus, p. 211. j crest orange 8. nattereri, p. 213. d'. Belly rufous 9. rufiuentris, p. 213. d. Lower back black. e'. Under wing-coverts white : j crest scarlet 10. coronatu% p. 213. j crest yellow 11. nitidibsiums, p. 214. f. Under wing-coverts black 12. delattrii, p. 215. 1. Tachyphoiras melaleucus. (Mollis melaleucus, Sparrm. Mus. Carls, no. xxxi. (1787). Tangara noir d'Arnerique, Daub. PL Enl 170. fig. 2 (J). Le Tangaroux de Cavenne, Daub. PI. Enl. 711 (5). Tanagra rufa, Bodd^Tabl d. PL Enl p. 44 (1783). Giiolus leucopterus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 392 (part.) (1788). Tanagra nigerrima, Gm. S. K. i. p. 899 ; Desm. Tang, tt. 45, 40; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 534. Tachvphonus leucopterus, Vieill. Kouv. Diet, xxxii. p. 358; id. Enc. Mkh. p. 803; id. Gal Ois. p. 113, pi. 82; D'OrL Voy., Oh. p. 277. Pyrrota leucoptera, Bp, Consp. i. p. 238. Tachyphonus nigerrimus, Sic, Quart. Jouni. Sc. 1820, p. 62; Lafr, et d'Orb. Syn. Av. i. p. 29; Cab. in Schotnh. Guian. iii. p. 6*69; id, Mm. Hein, i.Tp. 22; Burm. Syst.'Ueb. iii. p. 160. Tachyphonus melaleucus, Sdater, P. Z. S 1856, p. 113; id. Syn, Av, Tan. p. 37; id. Cat. A. B. p. 84; Sab. Cat Strichl Coll. p. 194; Sol et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 351 (Panama), 1867, p. 571 (Lower Amazons), 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela), 1876, p. 16 (S. Peru); 1879, p. 503 (Antioquia); Ud. Ex. Orn. p. 68; iid. Nomencl p. 23; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. S2 (Trinidad); Wyaii, Ibis, 1871, p. 327 30 . TACHYPHONTTS. 207 (Colombia) ; Layard, Ibis, 1873, p. 379 (Lower Amazons); Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 333 (Pernambuco); Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 212; Later. Ann. L. N. T. vii. p. 331 (Panama); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882. p. 15 (N.E. Peru); Finsch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 582 (Trinidad); Zeledon, Cat. Aves Costa Pica, p. 7; Sah. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 309; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 501; Berl J.f. 0. 1884, p. 292; Salv. Ibis, l&So, p. 211 (Brit. Guiana). Pyrrota valerii, J. # E. Verr. P. Z. 1855, p. 351. Tacliyplionus valerii, 8cl. P. Z. S. 185(3, p. 114; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 38. Tachyphonus beauperthuyi, Bp. C. P. xxxii. p. 82 (1851); Sol Cat. A.B. p. 85; Leotaud, Ois. Trin. p. 299. Uniform silky black ; upper lesser wing-coverts and under wing- coverts pure white; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3*6, tail 3-2. Female. Eusty brown, below rather paler; bill dark horn-colour; feet brown. Hab. Costa Eica, Panama, and S. America down to S.E. Brazil and Peru. a. <$ ad. sk. Costa Eica ( Van Patten), Salvin-Godman Coll. b. <$ ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. d. <$ 2 ad. sk-Panama (Arci). Salvin-Godman Coll. e,f. d ? Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-•Godman Coll. g. J ad. sk. Medellin, Colombia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. <$ ad. sk. Eemedios, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). i. tf ad. sk.; j. S Bogota. Purchased. jr. sk. h. S ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. /. $ ad. sk. Venezuela. D. Dyson [0.1 m. § ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela. D. Dyson [0.]. n. S a5, p. n;]f |,i; $K> < d ), et 1856, p. 11(5; itf. >%m. ^ . Tan. p. 40; »VW. ^ *Wr. P. #. *Sf. 18H4, p. 351 (Panama), 1879, p. 503 (Antiuqiua); iitl. FJC. Orn. p. G^; «V. Nomencl. p. 23; Cassin, Pr. Jc, *S>. P/tf7. 1HJ0, p. 142 (Xraando); Later. Ami. L. K Y. viii. p. 3^1 (Panama): Hah. Ibis, 1870, p. 109; Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1&&, p. 547 (\Y. Ecuador); Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.-Am.,Aves, I p. 811. Laaio auritus, DuBus* Bull. Ac. B?nx. xxii. p. 153 (1855). Tachypfconus rabiifrons, Later. Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil. 1865, p. 106 (Panama); Set if Salv. Fx. Orn, y.68.^ Tachvpiionus propinquus, Lawr. Pr. Ac So. Phil 1867, p. 94; id. Ann. JL N. Y. ix, p. 101 (Costa Rica); Franfz. J.f.O.1869, p. 299. Black; lower back and lesser wing-coverts bright lemon-yellow; a slight white superciliary stripe developing into a scarlet band behind the eye: under wing-coverts white; bill and feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing e3*6, tail 2*8. Female. Dark cinereous; beneath paler; rump yellow ; under wing-coverts white. Hab, Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia. The bright red post-superciliary stripe of the male renders this species very easily distinguishable. a. >>>> Tanagra eristatella, Watt. MS. Black; median head-crest orange; rump fulvous; lesser upper wing-coverts and under wing-coverts white : whole length 5*4 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-4. Female. Eufous, below paler. Hal. Matto Grosso, Brazil. Only known from batterer's specimens : nearest to T. chlattrii, but recognizable by its fulvous uropygium and white lesser wing- coverts. 9. Tachyphoips rufiventris. Tanagra rufiventer, Spix, Av. Bras. ii. p. 37, pi. 50.fig. 1. Tachyphonus rufiventer, StricU. Contr. Orn. 1850, p. 49, pi. 50 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 115,1857, p. 264 (Rio Javari) ; id. Syn. Av. Tern. p. 39 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 86; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1806, p. 188 (Ucayali), 1867, p. 749, 1878, p. 185 (S. Peru) et p. 262 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 601 (Bolivia) ; iid. Ex. Orn. p. 68; Hi. Nomencl. p. 23 : Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 (C. Peru), 1882, p. 14 (N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 503. Above black; median crest pale yellow; lower back fulvous ; lesser upper wing-coverts white : below dark chestnut-red; flanks paler, fulvous; middle of throat fulvous; sides of throat and breast, nearly uniting in the middle line, black; under wing- coverts white ; bill black; feet dark brown ; whole length 6 inches, wing 3*1, tail 2*8. Female. Olive-green, rump yellowish; throat cinereous ; abdomen fulvous yellow ; under wing-coverts white. Bab. Upper Amazonia, Peru, and Bolivia. The chestnut abdomen immediately distinguishes this species. a. c? ad. sk. b. $ ad. sk. c. d. <$ ad. sk. Upper Amazons. Upper Amazons (Bates). Charnicuros, E. Peru (HauxSclater Coll. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. e. $ ad. sk. / . ? ad. sk. g, h. <$ ad. sk. well), Ucayali (Hauxwell). Rio Napo (?). Nairapi, Bolivia (Buckley). J. Gould, Esq. Sclater ColL Salvin-Godman Coll. 10. Tachyphonus coronatus, Agelai'us coronatus, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxiv. p. 535; id. Enc. Meth. p. 711 (ex Azara). Tanagra coryphaeus, LicM. Doubl. p. 31. Pyrrota coryphaeus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 23$. Tachyphonus vigorsi, Sw. Quart. Jour. Sc. 1826, p. 63; Jard. III. 36.fig. 1. Tachyphonus coronatus, Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 22; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 114; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 38; id. Cat A. B. p. 85; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 213; Satv. Cat. StricU. Coll. p. 195 ; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 166; Scl et Salv. Ex. Orn. p. 68; iid. Nomencl. p. 23; Berl. J. TA:NTAGRTD,E. 214 f. 0. 1878, p. 244 (St. Catkarina); Cab. J. f. 0. 1874, p. 82 '(Bio). Taclrypkonus cristatus, White, P. Z. S.1882, p. 597 (Mi&iones) (?). Above and below shining black ; small median head-crest crimson; lesser upper wing-coverts and under wing-coverts white ; bill dark plumbeous; feet brown : whole length 6*8 inches, wing 3*4, tail 3. Female. Above ferruginous brown, head slightly tinged with cinereous; below paler, throat and breast freckled with cinereous ; crissum like the back. Hab. S.E. Brazil. The bill is rather strong in this species, but there is very little trace of any commissural tooth, and the terminal hook is also almost obsolete^ a. (S ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. b. $ ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. c. ? ad. sk, Santa Fe, Minas, Brazil (Rogers). Sclater Coll. d. <$ ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Bio de Janeiro Salvin-Goclman Coll. (Youds). e. S ad. sk. Begistro do Sai, Brazil (Nat- Salvin-Godman Coll. terer). i g. $ ad. sk. Sao Paulo, Brazil {Joyner). Ralvin-Godman Coll. $ ad. sk. Pelotas, Bio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). i. ? ad. sk. Bio Grando de Sul (Plant). Sclater Coll. 5 ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. k. 6 jr. sk. Brazil. Purchased. 11. TaclrypitoiiTis Bitidissimus. Tachyphonus nitidissimus, 8ah\ P. Z. S. 1870, p. 188 (Veraoua^* id. Ibis, 1874, p. SOS; 8cl et Sab. Nomencl p. 23; Pidqw. P. V. 8. N. M. 1883, p. 142 (Costa Bica) ; JSalv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.Am., Aves, i. p 312, t. xxi. figs. 2, 3. Clilorospingus axillaris, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. x. p. 395 (<$ jr., cf. Salvin, L s. c). Tacbyphonus luctuosus, Cassm, Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil 1805, p. 171. Shining black : crest orange; lesser upper wing-coverts and under wing-coverts white; bill black, whitish at the base ; feet brown : whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2*5. Female. Olive-green ; beneath lighter, more yellowish; under wing-coverts white. Hal. Costa Bica and Veragua. A small but very distinct species, most like T. luctuosvs, but dis tinguished by its crest, which in some individuals (apparently not quite mature) is yellowish, in others deep orange-red. a, h. $ ad. sk.; c. $ Bugaba, CMriqui, Veragua Salvin-Godman Coll. jr. sk. j d. $ ad. sk. (Arce). (Types of the species.) e,f. <$ ad. sk. Bibalaz, CMriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. e ad. sk. Chiriqtii (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, i. d $ fld. sk. Chiriqui (Arce). Sclater Coll. j. 2 ad. sk. Valza, Costa Bica (Car- Salvin-Godman Coll. -ninl), 215 81 . CKEURGOPS. 12. Tachyphoiras delattrii. 1800, p. 142 (Truando), 1865, p. 171 (Costa Rica) ; Lawr. Ann. L. K Y. Tii. p. 331 (Panama), ix. p. 180 (Costa Rica); ScL et JSalv. P. Z. S. 1804, p. 351 (Panama), 1870, p. 503 (Antioquia) ; iid. Ex. Orn. p. 67, t. 34; iid.Nomencl. p. 23; Frantz. J.f.O. 1809, p. 299 (Cobta Rica) ; Salvin, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 740, et 1870, p. 180 (Veragua); Boitcard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 55 (Costa Rica); 8alv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 312. Chloro&pingus brunneus, Lawr. Ann. L.N. Y. x. p.395 (2,cf. 8ak\ Ibis, 1874, p. 308). Uniform Mack; crest orange; under wing-coverts dull black; bill and feet black: -whole length 5*5 inches, wing 3, tail 2'5. Female. Above black; head and neck and body beneath dark oli vaceous brown, rather lighter on the throat; flanks and crissum blackish. Bab. Costa Rica, Yeragua, Panama, Colombia, and K Ecuador. The black under wing-coverts isolate this species. Eraser's female from Pallatanga, Western Ecuador (j), may possibly belong to another species, but the bird certainly reaches as far south as Pasto (see specimen h). a. 9' <$ 2 a<^*sk« Remedios, Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. h. S ad. sk. Remedios, Antioquia {Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. <$ ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. ?j. $ ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador {Fraser). Sclater Coll. h. <$ ad. sk. Pasto, Ecuador {Lehman). Salvin-Godman Coll. 31. CREURGOPS. T Creurgops, Scl P. Z. S. 1858, p. 75 C. verticalis. The median commissural notch is well developed in this form, and there are scarcely any signs of rictal bristles. In other respects Creurgops comes" near to the preceding genus. The type is only known from Colombia and Ecuador. 1. Creurgops verticalis. Creurgops verticalis, Scl P. Z. S. 1858, p. 73,1.132,1866, p. 180, et 1873, p. 262; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 513 ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 501; Scl et Salv. P.Z. S. 1879, p. 583 (Antioquia); iid. Nomencl p. 23; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z.S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador). Above slaty grey, wings and tail rather blacker ; head blackish, 21 6 TANAGRJDiE. with a half-concealed median crest of pale fulvous mixed with ferruginous : below uniform reddish ochraceous ; under wing-coverts like the belly ; bill dark plumbeous, pale at the base; feet pale brown: whole length 6'5 inches, wing 3*6, tail 2*8. Female similar, but head uniform grey like the back. Hab. Colombia and Ecuador. a. $ ad. sk. St. Elena, Antioquia {Salmon). Sclater Coll. hrc. tf § ad. sk. St. Elena, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. S &d. sk. Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. 32. MALACOTHRAUPIS. Type. Malacothraupis, Scl, et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 353 ... . M. dentata Structure of Malacothraupis. This is a much weaker form, of abnormal colouring of grey and rufous, but with a distinct commissural notch. The single species known is Bolivian. 1. Malacothraupis dentata. Malacothraupis dentata, Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 353, pi. xxxi., 1879, p. 601 (Bolivia). Above cinereous, rather darker on the head; narrow superciliaries prolonged to the nape, white; sides of head and body below clear chestnut; chin, middle of abdomen, and under wing-coverts white ; crissum white, tinged with cinereous; bill above blackish, below brown; feet dark plumbeous : whole length 5'5 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2-7. Hab. Bolivia. a. Ad. sk. Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 33. Erco^iETis. 217 33. EFCOMETIS. Type. Eucometi*, Scl P. Z. S. 1856, p. 117 E. penicillata. ^ EncomHis consists of four representative species, and a single divergent form. They range from Southern llexico southwards to Bolivia. The {structure is intermediate between Pymnga and Tachif jjhjutis; it is weaker than in Pgraaga, and the coloration is generally duller. The sexes are similar. The short nuchal crest is a special ehaiacter, and there is a slight development of rictal setas. Key to the Species. A. Body above yellowish olive. a. Throat white, with a bliarht greyish tinge. Crtst longer, white tipped with gre\r °. . 1. penicillata, p. 217. Ct&t shorter, uniform grey "..... 2. albicollis, p. 217. b. Throat cinereous C'rewt longer, jrrey like the throat 3. cribtuta, p. 218. Tivnt tfhoit, darker than the throat ... . 4. sjwdocephala, p. 219. B. PM fly abu\e blacki&h. 5. camni, p. 219. 1. Encometis penicillata, Tannjrra penicillata. Spix, Jr. Bras. ii. p. 36, pi. xlix. &g. 1 (1825). Tac4i)jiln n?H penicillatus Up* Conbp. i. p. 237. EueJiuefh penicillata, ScL P. Z. S. IboU, p. 117; id. Syn. Ac. Tan. p. 41; id. Cat. A. B. p. 84; Pete. Orn. Bras. p. 212; Scl. et Sab. P. Z.S. 1HH3, p. 1MJ (Ucavali), lfcC7, p. 571 (L. Amazons), lb73, p. 2!J2 IE. Peru); ml Xohvmcl. p. 23; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 500. Above yellowish olive ; wings blackish, with margins like the back; tail pale brown, with yellowish-olive margins; head grey, with a projecting crest of white feathers tipped with grey: below bright brownish yellow, throat pale cinereous white; under wing- coverts yellowish; bill hazel, whitish below; feet pale brown: whole length 7**3 inches, wing 3-8, tail 3*5. Female similar. Hub. Cayenne, Amazonia, W. Ecuador, and E. Peru. a. Ad. sk Cayenne. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. bt Para. K. Graham, Esq. [P.]. c. Ad. sk Lower Amazons (WalSclater Coll. lace), d. cf *d. sk Mexiana, Lower Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. /• cf?ad . sg,h. 6 $ ad- & i. Ad. sk. j . Ad, sk. k. Ad. sk* (Wallace). k. Yquitos, Peru (Wk Yquitos, Peru ( W Upper Amazons. Rio Xapo. Bogota. h'tely). hitehj). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Pin-chased. Sclater Coll. Purchased. 2. Eucometis albicollis. Pyiwga albicollis, Lafr. et tfOrb. Syn. An. i. p. 33 (1837); $Orb. Voym p. 265? pi xxvi. %. 2; Bp. Consp. i. p. 241. 218 TANA GRID JB. Tricliotliraupis albieollis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 23 (note). Eucometis albicollis, Scl P. Z. S. 1856, p. 117; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 41; id. Cat A. B. p, 84; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 212; Scl et Salv. iXomencl p. 23; iid. P. Z. S. 1879; p. C01 (Bolivia). Above yellowish, olive ; wings blackish, with margins like the back; tail pale brown tinged with olive and with olive margins; head subcrested, brownish cinereous: below yellow, throat dirty white; ear-coverts brownish cinereous ; under wing-coverts creamy white tinged with yellowish; bill pale horn- celour; feet pale brown : whole length 6-2 inches, wing 3'3, tail 3. Hab. Bolivia and interior of Brazil. The description is from one of batterer's skins from Goiaz. It is possible that the Bolivian bird may be different; at any rate it requires comparison. But the present species is, I think, separable from E. penicillata, having a shorter uniform crest, brownish ear- coverts, and a paler throat. a. § ad. Goiaz (Katterer). Sclater Coll. 3. Eucometis cristata. Pipilopsis cristata, JDuBus, Bull. Acad. Brtix. xxxii. p. 154 (1855). Trichothraupis penicillata, Scl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 15G (err.). Eucometis cristata, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 118; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 42; id. Cat. A. B. p. 84; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Se. Phil. 1H50, p. 141; Zazrr. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 208 (Panama) ; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1804, p. 350 (Panama), 1868, p. 627 (Venezuela) ; iid. Xomencl p. 2tf; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 121 (S. Marta); iid. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 306. Above yellowish olive; wings blackish, with margins like the back; tail brownish olive; head crested, cinereous : below bright yellow ; throat pale cinereous; under wing-coverts yellowish; bill black : feet pale brown : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 34, tail 3. Female similar. Hob. Pauama, Colombia, and Venezuela. a, 5. (S J ad. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. c, d. Ad. sk. e. A.d. sk. Panama (McLeannan). Paraiso Station, Isthmus of Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. / . cj ad. sk. Panama (Hughei*). Arihueca, Colombia Salvin-Godman Coll. g. h. <$ ad. sk. $ ad. sk. (Simons). Santa Marta, Colombia. Minca, Santa Marta Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. i. Jr. sk. /. Jr. sk. k. Ad. sk. (Simons). Bogota. Bogota. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coll. 1 $ ad. sk. San Esteban, Venezuela Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Ad. sk. (Gomng). Venezuela. Sclater Coll. 33 . EUCOMETIS. 219 4. Eucometis spodocephala. Chlorospingus spodocephalus, Bp. Compt. Rend, xxxix. p. 922; id. Notes Or?i. p. 22; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 91 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 29. Eucometis spodocepliala, Scl et Salv. Ibis, 1800, p. 274 (Guatemala); iid. P. Z, S. 1870, p. 83G (Honduras); iid. Nomencl p. 23 ; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 84; Salv. P. Z. S. 1807, p. 139, 1870, p. 188 (Veragua); id. Ibis, 1872, p. 310 (Nicaragua); Lawr. Ann. L. N. T. ix. p. 130 (Costa Rica); Frantz. J. f. O. 180% p. 299 (Costa Rica); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 443 (Costa Rica); Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.- Amer., Aves, i. p. 307, t. xx. fig. 2. Above yellowish olive; wings blackish., margined with yellowish olive; tail yellowish olive; head slightly crested, dark cinereous : beneath bright yellow, inclining to orange; throat cinereous; under wing-coverts tinged with yellowish : whole length 6-7 inches, wing 3*6, tail 3*1. Female similar. Hob. South Mexico and Central America southwards to Chiriqui. This form is distinguishable from its southern ally E. cristata by its shorter and much darker crest. a, b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaunter). Yucatan. British Honduras (Blancaneaux). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Constancia). Salvin-Godman Coll. / . Ad. sk. Virgin Bay, Lake of Nicaragua Salvin-Godman Coll. (Bridges), g. Ad. sk. Nicaragua (Salle). Sclater Coll. h. $ ad. sk. Nicaragua (Nutting). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. i. Ad. sk. Nicoya, Costa Rica (ArcS). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. 2 ad. sk. Santa P6, Veragua (Arte). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Jr. sk. Mina Chorcha, Chiriqui, Ve- Salvin-Godman Coll. ragua (Arce). I $ ad. sk. Bugaba, Ckhiqni (ArcS). Salvin-Godman Coll. m. Jr. sk. Chiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 5. Eucometis cassini. Tachyphonus cassini, Lcnor. Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 297 (Panama); Frantzim, J.f. 0.1869, p. 299 (Costa Rica). Eucometis cassini, Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 351, t. 30 (Panama), 1879, p. 503 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencly. 23; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 139 (Veragua); Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.-A?n., Aves, I-p. S07. Tachyphonus, sp.; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1860, p. 142 (Rio Truando). Above dark blackish grey, wings and tail rather darker; head black, with a large triangular patch of yellowish olive on the nape and vertex: below yellowish olive-brown, crissum tinged with fulvous ; throat and under wing-coverts cinereous ; bill plumbeous, lower mandible whitish ; feet brown: whole length 6*7 inches, wing 3*4, tail 3*1. Female similar. TANAGRIBJE. Hah. Costa Eica, Veragua, Panama, and Colombia. An aberrant species, with stronger feet than in typical Eucometis, and of peculiar coloration. a. Ad. sk. b. $ ad. sk. c. 2 ad. sk. jJr. sk. d. Costa Rica (Canniol). Santiago de Yeragua (Arce). Panama (McLeannan). Salvin Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. $ ad. sk.; f. Panama (McLea?man). Sclater Coll. g. J ad. sk. h, i. $ J ad. sk. Nicki, Antioquia (Salmon). Nichi, Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 34. TEICHOTHEAUPIS. Type. Trickothraupis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 23 (1850) T. quadricolor. This monotypic Brazilian form is at once recognizable by the well-developed rictal setae and concealed yellow crest, which give it a superficial resemblance to some of the Tyranniche. This is, however, no doubt its proper place, and it is nearly allied to Tachyphonus, but it has a weaker, broader bill, and no signs of the commissural tooth. 1. Trichothraupis quadricolor. Tachyphonus quadricolor, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxii. p. 359; id. JEnc. Meth. p. 803; Bp. Consp. i. p. 237; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 164. Muscicapa melanops, Vieill. Nouv. Diet. xxi. p. 452 ; id. Enc. Meth. p. 827 (ex Azara). Tanagra aiiricapilla, Spix^Av. Bras. ii. pi. Iii. p. 39; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 538. Muscicapa galeata, Lieht. Doubl. p. 56. Tachyphonus suchii, Sw. Quart. Jour. Se. 1826, p. 66. Trichothraupis quadricolor, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 23; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 117; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 41; id. Cat. A. B. p. 84; Pete. Orn. Bras. p. 212; Berl. J.f. 0.1873, p. 244 (S. Catharina); Sri et Salv. Mmencl p. 23; Salv. Cai.Strickl Coll. p. 194; Tacz. P.Z.S. 1874, p. 513 (C. Peru), 1882, p. 14 ^N.E. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 506. Above greyish olive; a large recumbent vertical crest bright yellow ; sides of the head and wings and tail black ; below pale fulvous ; under wing-coverts and a cross-bar near the base of the wing- feathers white; bill whitish, plumbeous at the base; feet pale brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3'3, tail 2*9. Female similar, but without the vertical crest. Hab. Southern Brazil, Paraguay, and Misiones, Arg. Eep. a, b. <$ J ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. c. (S ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro (Youds). , d. (S ad. sk. Ypanema, Brazil (Nat- SaW-Godman Coll. terer). 35 . CYPSNAGRA. 221 e, f. d S ad. ak. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Saivin-Godman Coll. Sul, Brazil {Joyner). ff. S ad. sk. Brazil. Saivin-Godman Coll. h, i. S ? ad. sk.: j. Brazil. M. Olausacn [P.! <$ jr. sk. L J h. S ad. sk. San Javier, Misiones, rep. Saivin-Godman Coll. Arg. (TFMte). 3. TANAGRDLE DEBILTROSTRES. In the genus Nemosia and its allies the bill becomes much weaker and the terminal notch almost obsolete. The group thus constituted is a small one, embracing only 17 species referable to 4 genera. None of these species occur north of Panama, but southwards they range down to the edge of the Brazilian and Bolivian wood-regions. They are mostly of dull or not very bright colours. Key to the Genera. A. Bill rather long; -wings lengthened,* feet stronger 35. CYPSNAGRA, p. 221. B. Bill short; wings shorter; feet weaker. a. Bill stouter 36. PYRRHOCOMA, b. Bill weaker. [p. 222. Rictal bristles obsolete 37. NEMOSIA, p. 222. Rictal bristles present 38. THLYPOPSIS, p. 228. 35. CYPSKAGEA. Type. Cypsnagra, Less. Man. d'Orn. p. 460 (1831) , C. ruficollis. Leucopygia, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 285 (1837) C. ruficollis. In this monotypic Brazilian form the commissure is incurved, but there. is no trace of any tooth. The bill is rather more produced and the wings longer than in Tachyphonus, to which it otherwise approximates. 1. Cypsnagra ruficollis. Tanagra ruficollis, Lioht Boubl. p. 30 (1823). Tanagra hirundinacea, Less. Tr. d1 Orn. p. 460. Leucopygia ruficollis, Sw. An. in Menag. p. 312; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 137; Burnt. Syst. Ueb. iii, p. 162. Tachyphonus ruficollis, d'Orb. Voy. Ois. p. 277. Cypsnagra ruficollis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 232; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 112; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 36; id. Cat. A. B. p. 86; Pelz. Orn. Bras p 214; Salv. Cat. Strichl Coll. p. 195 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 23; iid. P. Z S. 1879, p. 601. Tanagra fumigata, Temm. in Mm. Litdg. Above black; bar across the wing-coverts, wing-speculum, and lower back white: below white, throat ferruginous red; under TANAGR1DJE. wing-coverts white; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 3*2, tail 2*7. F&nvde similar. Bab. Southern Brazil and adjoining districts of Bolivia. a, b. (S $ ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Dr. LuschSalvin- Godman Coll. naih). c. ^.d. sk. L e. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wuclwer). Bio, Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. f. Ad. sk. S. America. Purchased. 36. PYRRHOCOMA. Type. Pyrrhocoma, Cab. Hits. Rein. i. p. 138 (1851) P. ruficeps. This form has a stoutish bill like TachjpJionvs, but without any trace of a commissural tooth. In coloration it rather approaches Nemosia, and may be conveniently placed next to it. 1. Pyrrhocoma ruficeps. Tackyphonus ruficeps, StricH. Ann. N. II. xiv. p. 410 (1844) ; Bp. Camp. i. p. 237. Pipilopsis ruficeps, Bp. Consp. i. p. 48-5; Bes Murs, Zool. Voy. Casteln., Ois. p. 69, pi. 20. fig. 2. _ Nemosia ruficeps, Burm. Si/st. TJeb. iii. p. 159. Pyrrhocoma ruficeps, Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 138 ; Sclater* B.Z. S. 18o6, p. 108; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 32 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 88 ; Feb. Orn. Bras. p. 216; Sah. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 19o ; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24 Bark cinereous, rather paler below; whole head and throat chestnut; front, sides of head, and chin black; bill plumbeous, lower mandible paler: whole length 5-6 inches, wing 2*6, tail 2*5. Female. Pale cinereous, washed with olive, below lighter; head and neck fulvous, throat paler. Hah. S.E. Brazil. a. c?ad. st. S. America. Purchased. b. $ ad. sk. Rio. Sclater Coll. c. S ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. 2 ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. e,f. <$ $ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq, r/. $ ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. h. S ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). 37. NEMOSIA. T Nemosia, Vieill. Analyse, p. 32 (1816) N. pileata. Hemithraupis, Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 21 (1850;. N. ruficapilla. In Nemosia, of which the seven species here recognized are distributed over South America from Colombia to Brazil, the commissural tooth is wholly lost, and the terminal notch is but very 37 . NEMOSIA. 223 slightly indicated. Otherwise the structure is not essentially different from that of Tacliyphonus. The sexes are distinct in colour. Key to the Sj>eGies. A. Plumage grey and black, no yellow. I Throat white 1. pileata, p. 223. I Throat red 2. rourii, p. 224. B. Plumage varied with yellow. a. Throat black 8. guira, p. 224. I. Throat red 4. rujicapilla, p. 225. 6'. Throat yellow. \ Wings uniform black 5. Jtavicollis, p. 225. (AYing-coverts spotted with yellow 6. peruana, p. 227. d. Throat white 7. albigularis, p. 227. 1. Eemosia pileata. Tang, a coiffe noire de Cayenne, Daub. PI. Fnl. 720.fig. 2. Tanagra pileata, Bodd. Tabl. d. PL Fnl. p. 45 ; Gm. S. N. i. p. 898. Nemosia pileata, Vieill. Nouv. Diet xxii. p. 490; id. Fne. Meth. p. 787; a" Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 201; Bp. Consp. i. p. 230; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 109; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 33; id. Cat A. B. p. 86 ; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 158; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 214; Scl. et Sah. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 180 (Ucayali), 1867, p. 571 (Para) et p. 977 (Pebas), 1873, p. 263 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia); iid. Komencl. p. 23; Sah. Cat Stricld. Coll. p. 195; Tacz. Orn, Per. ii. p. 513; Sah. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 121 (Santa Marta) ; Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 334 (Pernambuco). Hylophilus eyanoleucus, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 734 (<$), Hylophilus cgeruleus, Max. Beitr. hi. p. 731 (5). Hooded Tanager, Lath, G. PI. vi. p. 13. Tang, a coifTe noire, Desm. Tang, t. 41. Pico de punzon negro azul y bianco, Azara} Apunt. i. p. 414 (<5) et p. 423(?). Above bluish grey; lores white; head above and band passing down the neck on each side black; inner webs of wing- and tail- feathers blackish ; beneath white ; bill black ; feet yellow : whole length 5 inches, wing 2*8, tail 2. Female above bluish-grey ; lores and body below white; breast tinged with ochreous ; bill brown ; lower mandible and feet yellow. Hah. Littoral of Colombia, Venezuela, Cayenne, Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. a, b. S 2 Valencia,U.S.C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. c $ ad. sk, Mexiana, Lower Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wallace). d. J ad. sk. Mexiana, Lower Amazons Sclater Coll. ( Wallace). e, 3 ad. sk. Lower Amazons. Purchased. fi(J- c? ¥ Pernambuco, Brazil (W. Salvin-Godman Coll. A. Forbes). It <$ ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (IV. Sclater Coll. A. Forbes). TANAGKRID-aJ. i,j.; h, L Bahia, Brazil ( Wucherer). Salvin-Godrnan Coll. $ ad. sk. Araguay, Brazil (batterer). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2, Nemosia rourii. Nemosia rourei, Cab. J.f. 0.1870, p. 459, et 1872, t. i. fig. 1. xlbove cinereous, beneath white; throat scarlet; front, sides of head, wings, and tail black; feet pale: whole length 5'5 inches, wing 3-2; tail 2-3. Bab. S.E. Brazil. A very peculiar species, distinguished by its bright red throat; and only known from the specimens (procured by Euler on the Rio Parahyba do Sul, in S.E. Brazil) in the Berlin Museum. 3. Nemosia gtdra. Sylvia "brasiliensis viridis, Ms . Orn. iii. p. 553. Motacilla guira, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 335. Hylophilus guira, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 736. 8alv. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 180 (Ucayali), 1873, p. 269 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia); iid. NomencL p. 23; Sate. Cat. StrickL Coll. p. 195; id. Ibis, 1885, p. 212 (Brit. Guian.); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 744 (N.W. Peru), 1882, p. 15 (N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 510. Nemosia guirina, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 110; id. 8yn. Av. Tan. p. 34; id. Cat A. B. p. 87 ; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 554; Bed. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 547 (W. Ecuador); Berl J.f 0. 1884, p. 292 (Bucaramanga). Tang, olive a gorge noire de Cayenne, Daub. PL JSnl. 720. fig. 1. Tanagra nigrigula, Bodd. Tabl d. PL JSnl, p. 45. Tanagra nigricollis, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 894. Nemosia nigrigularis, ScL Cat. A. B. p. 87. Guira Warbler, Lath G. H. vii. p. 193. Pico de punzon amarilla barba negra, Azara, Apuni. i. p. 400. Above yellowish olive-green; superciliary stripe yellow; lower back reddish orange, passing into yellow on the upper tail-coverts ; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive; sides of head and throat black; sides of neck yellow ; breast rufous-orange; belly greenish ; flanks cinereous; crissum yellowish; under wing-coverts white; bill reddish; culmen dark brown ; feet brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2*1. Female. Above olive-green, beneath yellowish ; flanks cinereous ; under wing-coverts white. Hab. S. America, from Colombia to Paraguay and Bolivia. The various geographical forms of this species are, I now think, scarcely separable, even subspeciflcally. The Cayenne form (olim N. nigricollis, mihi) is rather smaller in dimensions. a. 3 ad. sk. S. America. Baron Laugier s Coil. b. d ^d. sk.; c. <$ Cayenne. Sclater Coll. jr. sk. 37 . NBMOSIA. 225 d, e. <$ ad. sk.; / . Roraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk. (WhMy). g> h-6 ? ad. sk. Eoraima, B. G. (Whitely), Sclater Coll. i. %n. Av. Ttta. p. 34 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 87; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 215. Above dull sooty black: wing with a slightly concealer! wilte speculum; lower back bright yellow: below white, with slight cinereous frecklings; throat and crissum yellow: under win#coverts white ; upper mandible dark, lower whitish ; feet brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2*1. Ftmale. Abovo brownish olive; rim round the eye and edgings of wings and tail yellow: below dull yellow ; under wing-coverts white. Hob. Guiana, Cayenne, Brazil, and Bolivia. Specimens from Cayenne are the smallest, tho^e from S. Brazil (Nemosia insignh) largest in size, and in the latter the yellow back extends further up. Skins from Bolivia seem to be inter mediate. a. Subsp. ti/pica. a,b. J 5 a(l-s*c. $ ad. sk. d, e. $ § ad. sk. / . $ ad. sk. g, h. $ ad. sk. i. c? ad. sk. j . £ ad. sk. 'k, L S ad. sk. S. America. Cayenne. Gyapock, Cayenne. Cayenne. Merume Mts., Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Ucayali (Ilauxieell). Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Pernambuco, Brazil Purchased. Sclater Coll (Type of JVT . (MricfiHis. I Salvin-GofInum Coll. P. L. Sclater. I&*q, r P.]. Salvin-Gudman C»>11. J. Gould, Esq. Salvin-Godman ColL Salvin-Godman Cull. m-o. <$ ad. sk. p ,5 ad. sk. q. 5 r. 5 ad. sk. s. 2 ad. sk. (Forbes). Bahia, BrazilBio, Brazil. Brazil. Brazil. Brazil. (Wuchertr). Salvin-God man Coll. Salvin-Godniaii Coll. Salvin-God raan Cull. J. Gould, Esq. Sclater Coll. t. Skeleton. S. America. Purchased. b. Subsp. insignis. a, b. c? $ ad. sk.; South Brazil. Sclater Coll. (Types of c. <$ jr. sk. IV". insignia.) 37 . NE2I0SIA. 6. Eemosia peruana. Hemitkraupis peruana, Bp. Rev. Zool. 1851, p. 173; id. JSTote s. I Tang. p. 24. Nemosia peruana, Sclater, P. Z.S. 18o6, p. Ill; id. Sijn. Av. Tan. p. So; ScL et Sate. KomencL p. 23 ; Tacz. Orn. Per. il p. 512. Above Mack; lower back and spot on the wing-coverts bright yellow; a concealed alar speculum white: beneath white, slightly variegated with ashy on the breast; sides of neck, throat, and crissum yellow; under wing-coverts white; bill horn-colour, lower mandible at base whitish; feet brown : whole length 4-5 inches, wing 2*0, tail 2. Female. Above brownish olive; wings and tail blackibh with olive edgings; beneath yellow, cinerascent on the flanks. link Colombia, Upper Amazonia, Peru, and Bolivia. Similar to N.jlaiimllis, but known by the yellow wing-spot. ft, h. rf O ad. >-k. Upper Amazons. Sclater Coll. v. J jr. -k. Pebas, Peru (Ilauxicell). Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. d 2 ad. hlz. Sarayacu, Ee. (Buckley). Sclater Coll. /i ih d 2 ak. Sarnyacu, Ec. (Buckley). Salvin-Godnran Coll. h. d ad. sk. Peru (?}. Purchased. 7. Memosia alMgralaris. (Plate XII.) Nemosia albigularis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 100, pi. 99, et p. 155, Ib&O, p. Ill; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 35; id. Cat. A. B. p. 87; ScL et Sab. Xumencl. p. 23; iid. P. Z.S. 1870, p. 50o (Antioquia); Berl. J,f. 0.1884, p."202 (Bucaramanga). Above black; hinder back yellow; concealed alar speculum white: below white, slightly varied with cinereous; patch on each side of the neck and crissnm yellow ; under wing-coverts white; bill pale horn-colour, lower mandible whitish : whole length 4-2 inches, wing 2-5, tail 1*8. Female. Above yellowish olive; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive; rump bright yellow; below white, throat and crissum pale yellow. IJaL Colombia. The white throat at once distinguishes this species. a. d ad. sk, Bogota. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b, c. d 2 Bogota. Sclater Coll. a^-s^4 e. d 2 &&- *&• ? Bogota. Purchased. q*L d ad. bk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. I d ad. sk. Bogota. J. K Elsey, Esq. [PJ. j\ d &&-s&* Remedios, Antioquia Salvin-Godman ColL (Salmon), TA3TAGBIBJE. 38. THLYPOPSIS. lype. Thlypopsis, Cab. Mus. Mein. i. p. 138 (1851) T. fulveseens. la Thlypopsis the bill is more slender and more elongated than in Nemosia,'m& the general form comes very near to that of some of the Mniotiltklce (Basileuterus) ; but the rictal bristles are shorter and less conspicuous than in the last-named genus. The sexes are coloured nearly alike. The area of the genus is confined to South America from Venezuela and Colombia to Bolivia and Brazil. Key to the Species. A. Abdomen pale, cinereous or fulvous. a. Head orange-red; throat yellow. \ Flanks fulvous ." ...... 1. sordid a, p. 228. 1 Flanks cinereous 2. amazmivn^ p. 22(1. b. Head yellowish; throat yellow ..... . 3. chrytopis, p. 22lk c. Head bright rufous. (Abdomen cinerous 4. fuhicepn, p. 22!I | Abdomen fulvous o. "zmmaia, p. 2*40. B. Abdomen more or less dark rufous. Breast and flanks dark rufous. (I ornata, p. 231). Breast rufous, flanks grey 7. peeturdm, p. 2.10. C. Abdomen yellow ". 8. rvfieep*, p. 2S1. 1. Thlypopsis sordida. Nemosia sordida, Lafr. et dfOrh. Si/x. An. i. p. 28; d%Orb. Vmfm p. 261, pL 18. fig. 2; Gray, Gen. ii p. 3M; Bp. Consp. I p. 236; ScL et Sato. Nomend. p. 24; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia). Nemosia fulvescens, StrieTd. Ann. M H. xiv. p. 420; Bp. Consp. i. p. 236; ScL et Sab. Nomencl. p. 24; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 215 (part.); Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 196; Forbes, J&fo, 18£L, p. 334 (Pernambuco). Thlypopsis fulveseens, Cab. 3£m. Mein. L p. 138; id. J.f.O. I860, p. 232. Nemosia blanda, Licht in Mus. BeroL Nemosia fulvieeps, Burm. Syst Web. iii. p. 159. Nemosia sordida, ScL P. Z. S. 1850. p. 119; id. Stjn. At. Tan. p. SB; id. Cat A. B. p. 88. Above cinereous; head and neek orange-red, yellowish on the front and sides of the head: below pale ochraceous, middle of belly passing into white; throat yellow; under wing-coverts white; bill plumbeous; feet cinereous: whole length 4-7 inches, wing 2*6, tail 2*1. Female similar. Hah SJE. Brazil and Bolivia. I can find no difference between Brazilian specimens of this species and a Bolivian example obtained by Bridges. I have therefore reunited T. fulvescens to T. sordida. But the Upper-Amazonian bird (T. sordida of Cab., and olim of ScL and Salv.) seems to differ 38 . THLYPOPSIS. 229 constantly In the cinereous (not pale fulvous) colour below; I have therefore kept It separate as T. amazonum. a-d. Ad. sk. S.E. Brazil. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Pemambuco. Sclater Coll. f. S ad. sk. Pemambuco (Forbes). Sclater Coll. g. S ad. sk.; h. <$ Pemambuco (Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll jr. sk. *,> Ad. sk. Babia {Wuclierer). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad. sk. Bolivia, T. Bridges [0.]. /. Ad. sk. S. America. Purchased. 2. Thlypopsis amazonum, sp. nov. Nemosia sordida, ScL et Sate. P. Z. S. 18G6, p. ISO (Ucayali) ; Ta. Forbes). Tueuman, rep. Arg. (Sthidz). Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Subfamily IV. LAMPROTDOE. The genera Lamprotes and 8ericossyp7ia stand apart from the other Tanagers in possessing large feet, armed with sharp curved claws, and may, I think, be most conveniently arranged as forming a peculiar subfamily. The bill is straight and stout, and carries a strong terminal hook. But one species of each genus is yet known. Of the two species, one is found only in the forests of S.E. Brazil, the other in those of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. Key to the Genera. a. Nostrils naked; wings short 39. LAMPBOTES, p. 231. b. Nostrils almost covered "by frontal plumes ; wings long .... , ,. 40. SERICOSSYPHA, p. 232. 39. LAMPEOTES. Typ a Lamprotes, 8w. Class. B. ii. p. 283 (1837) L. loricatus. The peculiar long and sharpened claws and glossy black plumage at onee distinguish this Brazilian type. 1. lamprotes loricatus. Tanagra loricata, LicM. Doubl p. 31 (1823), $ ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 237. Tanagra rubricollis, Spix, Av. Mras. ii. p. 43. Tanagra rubrigularis, 8piv} Av. Bras. ii. tab. Ivi. fig. 1. 232 TA£rA; Ck/v/, Bull. Xvtt. Orn. Club, vi. p. 152; 2(t7. J5//Y& of San Domingo, p. 5'>. Arremon palmarum, G-'JYH/, 6^ . Z?. Suppl. p. IIJ; Bryant, Pr. Bust. 8oc. X. IL xi. p. 0i> (1BJ0). Above bright olive; head black, a spot above the Ions on each side, another (larger) above the eye, and a narrow stripe below the eye pure white ; neck cinereous : beneath white, M<1CS pacing into cinereous; bend of wing yellow; under wing-curerta white; bill black; feet plumbeous : whole length 7*3 inches, wing 3*7, tail 2-7. Female similar, but slightly smaller. Hah. San Domingo. a-c. Ad. sk. San Domingo (SalM). Purchased. d. Ad. sk. San Domingo (Salle), Selatt'f Coll. e. Ad. sk. San Domingo. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Phoeiticopliiliis polioceplialiis- Dulus polioeephalus, Bp. Bev. ZooL 1851, p. 78; id. Xaie s. I. Tang. Phoemcophilns poliocephalus, Strickl. Contr. Orn. If 51, p. 104. Plicenicopkilus palmarum § , Sdaterf P. Z. S. iboiiy p. 84; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 22. Pkoenicophiltis dominlcensis, Cory, Bull Xuit. Orn. Club, vi. p. 129 (1881); id. Birds of San Jhmingo, p. 5^, pi viii. Like P. palmarum, but with the cap greyish plumbeous like the neck. Female similar. Hab. Western coast of San Domingo. This species was first characterized by Bonaparte, hut subsequently generally supposed to be the female of P. palmarum. There can be no doubt, however, from Mr. Coiy*s observations, that it is distinct. 42 . OALYPTOPHILTTS. 235 42. CALYPTOPHILUS. Calyptophilus, Cory, Auk, i. p. 1 (1884) Type. C. frugivorus. Structure of Calyptophilus. This singular genus, also peculiar to Sau Domingo, is evidently allied to Fhoenico^liilus, but easily distinguished by its much more compressed bill and much rounded tail. 1. Calyptophilus frugivorus. Phoenicophilus frugivorus, Cory, Journ. Host. Zool. Soc. ii. p. 45 (1883). ^ Calyptophilus frugivorus, Cory, Auk, 1884, p. 3; id. Birds of San Domingo, p. 59, pi. ix. Above olive-brown; head dark cinereous, with a slight yellow loral spot: below white, flanks and crissum passing into brownish cinereous ; axillaries and under wing-coverts pale lemon-yellow; bill above plumbeous, below whitish; feet hazel: whole length 7'3 inches, wing 3-6, tail 3-5. Female similar, but rather smaller and duller in colour. Bab. San Domingo. a, b. Ad. sk. Arenoso, San Domingo Salvin-Godman Coll. {McGregor). 23(5 TANA.GEID-3E. Subfamily VI. PITYLIN^. In the Pitylince we have the most Pringilline of Tanagers, and in some cases I find it impossible to draw any line between forms assigned to the present subfamily and the true Fringillidce. Dr. Cabanis has, in fact, placed the whole series of Pitylince in the last- named family; and Bonaparte, apparently following his lead, has done the same. But to adopt this course is merely to shift the difficulty from one place to another ; for it is by no means easy to decide whether to place such forms as Schistochlamys with the Pitylince or with the typical Tanagrince, Again, in other points some of the Pitylince approach nearly the Mniotiltidce, some of the more slender-billed Chlorospingi being very likely to be mistaken for Basileuteri and allied forms. On the whole, therefore, it seems to be best to retain the Pitylince within the limits of the Tanagriclce, placing them at the end of the series, where Carclinalis and such-like forms among the Fringillidce would naturally follow them. To divide the Pitylince into genera is not difficult; but to arrange these genera in a form adapted for explanation by a key seems to be well-nigh impracticable without bringing them into an unnatural series. The only way to get over the difficulty is to divide the subfamily into sections, as follows :— a. Bill short, pointed, subcorneal^ in some cases almost Mniotiltine; feet moderate or weak; wings short Pitylince parvirostres, p. 236. /3. Bill longer, stronger, in some cases almost Fringilline ,* feet large and strong Pitylince fringillirostres, p. 253. y. Bill conical; culmen slightly incurved; wings short; feet weak Pitylince conirosti-es, p.,272. S. Bill larger, stronger; culmen more incurved; feet larger Pitylince validirostres, p. 280. e. Bill very strong; upper mandible swollen; culmen much incurved .. Pitylince tu?nidirostre$, p. 297. a. PITYLDL3E PARVIEOSTKES. This section embraces Chhrospingus and the allied genera, in which the beak varies much in thickness, and in the extreme forms comes very near that of some of the Mniotiltince. These are all arboreal birds, clad in dull olives and browns. Key to the Genera. Bill thicker. Tail moderate, more or less squared.. 43. CEXOROSPINGTJS, p. 237. Tail lengthened, much rounded 44. UnoTHRAUPis, p. 251. Bill very thin and slight 45. MICBOSPINGUS, p. 26% 43. CHLORosriNGus. 237 43. CHLOROSPINGUS. Type. Cklorospingus, Cab. Mm. Jlehi, i. p. 139 f 1861).. C. ophthalmicus. Hernispingiis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 139 (1851) . . C. superciliaris. Dacnidea, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 131 C. leucogaater. Structure of Chlorospiitgus ophthalmicus. This genus has an extensive range in the Neotropical Region, from Southern Mexico to Bolivia. The species are clad in sober hues of olive and brown, and are mostly found in the elevated regions of the Andes. The hill, rather stout in the typical forms, becomes much weaker in the more aberrant species, and approximates these latter to some of the Mniotiltidce so much that it is difficult to draw the line in some cases. The eggs of C. fiavijpectus were obtained by Salmon in Antioquia, and are figured, P. Z. S. 1879, pi. xlii. fig. 6. They are of a pinkish white, spotted with grey and brown. Key to the Species. Sect. A. Bill shorter, thicker, more Fringilline. (CHLOROSPINGIIS.) a. With a white postocular spot. a'. Without white superciliaries. a . Cap dark brown, without a mesial ) hand : throat white 1. ophthalmicus, p. 238. throat brownish white, speckled with blackish 2. albitemporalis, p. 239. I2. Cap dark brown, with a pale mesial hand 3. olivacens, p. 240. 238 TANAGBIDJE. cK Cap uniform greyish browndK Cap greya3. Cap black Jf. With white superciliaries J. Without a white postocular spot. c'. With a pale yellowish breast-band: j throat brownish white, speckledUhroat clear greyish white(throat brownish, imspeckled d'. Without a yellowish breast-band. f'2. Head yellowish olive : throat and chin yellowthroat yellow; chin white ; . whole under surface yellowish olive g2. Head dark cinereous : J throat cinereous} throat whitish Sect. B. Bill longer, thinner, more Sylviine. c. JBack olive. e'. Cap black. h2. Superciliaries white : I cheeks olive j cheeks black i2. Superciliaries reddish yellow ... . /' . Cap grey. # j 2. Throat cinereous; abdomen yellow: I bill red) bill dark corneous k2. Whole under surface yellow: j superciliaries whiteI superciliaries olive g\ Cap olive, like the back : ) abdomen yellow ) abdomen olive d. Back grey or olive-brown. ti. Under surface grey. P. No white superciliaries : ( head black, vertex rufous ... . ] head uniform cinereous , m2. Superciliaries white i'. Under surface rufous. n2. Head black; superciliaries white : (chin black; breast redI chin red like breast o2. Head plumbeous; superciliaries indistinct. az. Sides of head black: 1 superciliaries whitish/superciliaries obsolete b3 , Sides of head fuscous 4. posfoculans, p. 240. & signatus, p. 241. 6. punctulatm, p. 241. 7. pileatus, p. 241. 8. favijpectus, p. 242. 9. canigularis, p. 242. 10. pjiceocephalus, p. 243. 11. ftavigularis, p. 243. 12. hypophcens, p. 243. 13. flavovirens, p. 244. 14. semifums, p. 244. 15. cinereocepftalus, p. 244. (HEMISPINGUS.) 16. atripUeus, p. 243. 17. auricularis, p. 245. 18. calophrys, p. 245. 10. rtibrirostris, p. 246. 20. cliry$oga$ter9 p. 246. 21. supe7*ciliaris7 p. 246. 22. reyi, p. 247. 23. chrysophrys} p. 247. 24. ignahilis, p. 248. 25. wrticalis, p. 248. 26. xanihophthalmm^. 249. 27. leucogaster, p. 249. 28. cmtaneicolUsf p. 249. 29, goeringi, p. 250. 30. melanotic p. 250. 31.fterlepschi, p. 251. 32. ochraceus, p. 251. 1. CMorospingus ophthalmicus. Arremon ophthalmicus, Du Bus, Btdl Acad. Brux. xiv. pt 2, p. 106 (1847) j id. Bev, Zool, 1848, p. 247. 43. cnLOEOsrix&TJs. 239 'Chlorospingus leucopkrys, Cab. Mas. Rein. i. p. 139. Pipilopsis ophthalmicus, Bp. Comp, i. p. 485 (partim). CHorospingus ophthalmicus, JSclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 89, 302, et 1859, pp. 364, 377; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 27 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 88 ; Cab. J. /. 0. 1866, p. 162; Smnichr. Mem. Bost. Soc. N. K. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz) ; Sclat. et Salv. Ibis, I860, p. 32 ; iid. Nomencl p. 24 ; Salv. Cat. Strickl Coll p. 196; Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.-A?n., Aies7 i. p. 314 Above olive-green; cap and sides of head dark brown, beneath the eve blackish; postoeular spot white : below yellowish olive, throat and middle of belly greyish white ; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet hazel: whole length 5-8 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2*4. Female similar. Ilab. Southern Mexico. a. Ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. b. Ad. bk. Orizaba {Botteri). Purchased. c. Ad. fek. Orizaba (Botteri). Sclater Coll. d. 5 ad. bk. Valley of Mexico (Le Strange). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. isk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. / . Ad. hk. Jalapa, Mexico (iZof/e). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad. bk. Mexico. Purchased. 2. CMorospingus albitemporalis. Tachyphonus albitempora, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 12; Bp. Consp. i. p. 237. Chloio^pingxis albitemporalis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155,1856, p. 89, et lb58, p. 293 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 28; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89; Cassin, Pn Ac. So. Phil. 1865, p. 171 (Costa Rica) • Later. Ann. L. N. Y. ix. p. 101 (Costa Rica); Salv. P.Z.S. 1870, p. Ib8 (Chiriqui) ; id. Cat Strickl Coll. p. 196; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 186*, p. 630 (Venezuela), 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomencl p. 24; Wt/aftf Ibis, 1871, p. 327 (Colombia) ; Tacz. Orn. Pir. ii. p. 513; Bed. J.f. 0.3884, p. 293 (Bucaramanga). Chlorofrpinprus flaviventris, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 91 (cf. Salv. Cat. Strickl CUl p. 197). Above olive-green; cap and sides of the head dark brown; postocular spot white: beneath yellowish olive ; throat dirty white, slightly speckled with blackish points; middle of belly greyish white; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet hazel: whole length 5'8 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2-3. Female similar. Hub. Costa Rica, Veragua, Colombia, Venezuela, and Bolivia. A close ally of 0. ophthalmicus^ but distinguishable by its more brownish throat, the brighter yellowish olive below, the smaller postoeular spot, and the lighter colour under the eye. a, b. £ ad. sk. Costa Rica {Carmiol). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (Frantzius). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Volcano de Cartago, Costa Salvin-Godman Coll. Rica (Arce). e. Ad. sk. Irazu distr., Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Rogers), 240 TANAGBIBiE. / , ff. cS ad. sk. Southern slope of Volcan Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. st. «. j , k. Ad. sk. de Oliiriqui (Arci). Caraccas (jbysori). Venezuela (Goer'mg). Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Purchased. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. /, m. Ad. sk. n. d ad. sk. o. $ ad. sk. p. Ad. sk. (Buckley). Bolivia (Bridges). Sorata, Bolivia (Buckley). Nairapi, Bolivia (Buckley). Bolivia (Buchley). Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 3. Chlorospingus olivaeeus. Poospiza olivacea, Bp.y Consp. i. p. 473. Chlorospingus olivaceus, Set. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 90; id. Syn. Ac. Tan. p. 28 j Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 315. Above olive-green; cap and sides of the head dark brown, with a slight cinerascent occipital band; postocnlar spot white: "below yellowish olive, throat and middle of the belly greyish white; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet hazel: whole length 5-5 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2*3. Female similar. Hah. Yera Paz, Guatemala. Yery closely allied to (7. ophthalmicus, but distinguishable by its greyish occipital band. a. Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salvin). Sclater Coll. Kamkhal, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. Central America. Sclater Coll. e,f. Ad. sk. Guatemala. Purchased. g. Ad. sk. Guatemala. J. Gould, Esq. 4. Chlorospingus postocularis. Chlorospingus postocularis. Cab. J. f. 0.1866, p. 163 * Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am.) Aves, i. p. 314. Above olive-green; cap and sides of the head uniform greyish brown; postocular spot white: below yellowish olive, throat and middle of the belly greyish white ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black; feet hazel: whole length 5*9 inches, wing 3*7, tail 2*5. Female similar. Hob. Guatemala, Yolcan de Puego and Volcan de Agua. Another very close ally of C. ophthalmicus, apparently only distinguishable by the greyish tint of the brown cap. a. Ad. sk. Duenas, Guatemala {Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. b, e. $ ad. sk. Volcano de Fuego, Calderas Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). d. $ ad. sk. Volcano de Fuego (Salvin). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Volcano de Agua; San Diego Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin), 241 43 . CHLOROSPINGTTS. 5. Chlorospingus signatus. Chlorospingus signatus, Tacz. et Bed. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 82. Above olive-green; cap and sides of the head uniform dark grey; postocular spot white: below pale greyish white, clearer in the middle of the belly; a narrow pectoral band and the crissuni pale yellowish; flanks yellowish olive ; under wing-coverts white ; bill black, paler beneath; feet slaty : whole length 5*1 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2-3. Bah. Ecuador, Eastern slope. This species is quite distinct, and easily recognized by its grey head. It is much like G. canigidaris, but has a well-marked pObtocular spot. a. S ad. sk. Ecuador (Stofcmann). Sclater Coll. (One of the types of the species.) h. O ad. sk. Mapota, Ecuador (Stolzmami). Sclater Coll. 6. Chlorospingus punctulatus. Chloros*pingus punctulatus, Scl. et Salv. P. Z, 8 1809, p. 440; iid. So?neneC-p. 24; Salvin, P. Z. S.1870, p. 188 (Yeragua) j Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 316, t. xxii. fig. 1. Above olive; cap and sides of head black; postocular spot white; beneath yellowish olive; breast tinged with orange; throat yellowish, finely pointed with black; middle of belly white; under wing- coverts white tinged with yellow; bill black; feet brown: whole length 5'2 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2-2. Female similar. Hah. Yeragua. Easily known by its black head and punctured throat. a-c. S ad. sk.; d. J Cordillera del CIiucu, Salvin-Godman Coll, ad. sk. Yeragua (Arce). (Types of the species.) e,f. Ad. sk. Yeragua (Arce). Sclater Coll. 7. Chlorospingus pileatas. Chlorospingus pileatus, Salv. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 581 (Costa Eica) ; Later. Ann. L. JV. Y. 101 (Costa Eica) ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 24; Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 316, t. xxii. fig. 2 ; liidgw. Pt\ U. 8. N. M. 1883, p. 412 (Costa Eica). Above olive ; cap and sides of the head dull black; long super ciliary stripe and postocular spot running into it white; beneath yellowish olive, throat and middle of the belly greyish white; under wing-coverts white : bill black; feet pale brown: whole length 5*4 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2'6. Female similar. Young. Above like the adult but duller; beneath yellowish, with slight blackish sagittate spots ; lower mandible yellowish. Bab. Costa Eiea and Chiriqui. Readily known by the long white superciliary stripe. The space just above the eye is black, above which is the white stripe. VOL. xi. B TANAGKIDJE. a) b. Ad. sk. Volcan de Cartago, Costa Salvin-Godman Coll. Eica (Arce). (Tyj>es of the species.) c. Ad. sk.; d. Jr.ak. Irazu, Cobta Kica (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Irazu, Costa Kica (Rogers). Sclater Coll. /. Ad. sk. Ckiriqui (Arce). Salvin-Qodman Coll. 8. Chlorospingns flavipectus. Arremon flavipectus, Zafr. Rev. Zool 1840, p. 227. Taohyphonub flavipeclns, Zafr. Rev. Zool. 1848, p. 11; Bp. Camp. i. p. 237. Pipilopsis flavipectus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 485. Chlorospingus flavipectus, Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 139 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1655, p. 155, et 1856, p. 90; id Syn. Av. Tan. p. i>8 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89; Scl. et Salv. Komencl. p. 24; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 503 (Antioquia); Salv. Cat. Strickl. Coll. p. 197. Above olive; cap dark cinereous, sides of the head blacker: beneath yellowish olive, brighter on the breast; throat greyish white, with slight black punctulations; middle of belly white ; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 5*8 inches, wing 2*8, tail 2*4. Female similar. Hah. Colombia and Ecuador. a, b. Ad. sk. Bogota, Colombia. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bogota, Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. d, e. $ J ad. sk. Santa Elena, Antioquia, Salvin-Godman Coll. U.S. C. (Salmon). f. (S ad. sk. Eetiro, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). g. Ad. sk. Medellin, u. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon), h. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman ColL 9. Chlorospingns canigularis. Tachyphonus canigularis, Zafr. Rev. Zool 1848, p. 11; Bp. Consp. i. p. 237. Pipilopsis canigularis, Bp, Cmisp. i. p. 485. Chlorospingus canigularis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 139; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 90, et 1859, p. 138; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 28 • id. Cat. A. B. p. 89; Scl et Sah. Nomencl p. 24; Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 547 (Ecuador); Sah. Cat. Strickl. Coll p. 197. Hemispingus veneris, Bp. Notes Orn. p. 22. Above olive • cap and sides of the head cinereous: beneath yellowish olive, throat and middle of the belly pnre greyish white; under wing-coverts white • bill black; feet brown: whole length 4*8 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2-2. Female similar. Hah. Colombia and Ecuador. Very like C. Jlavijoectus, but smaller, and always recognizable by its lighter grey head and purer greyish-white throat. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. $ ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Purchased. 43 . CEXOKOSPINGRJS. 24 3 10. CMorospingus pyocephalus. CMorospingus pyocephalus, Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 521, pi. 52. fig. 2; Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S.1884, p. 290. CMorospingus albitemporalis, Sel Cat A. B. p. 89 (517, c.) Above olive-green; cap and sides of head dark cinereous; throat pale brownish; breast, flanks, and crissum olive-green; middle of belly cinereous; under wing-coverts whitish; bill dark corneous; feet brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2*2. Female similar. Hah. Western Ecuador. Nearest to G. flavijpeatt^, but distinguishable by its darker unspeckled throat, and much less bright breast and flanks. a. J ad. sk. Ecuador (Stohmami). Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Chillanes, Ecuador {Preiser). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 11. CMorospingus flavigularis. Pipilopsis flavigularis, 8cL Hev, Zool 1852, p. 8; id. Contr. Orn. 1852, p. 131, pi. 98. CMorospingus flavigularis, 8cl. P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155,185G, p. 91, et 1800, p. 86: id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 29; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89; Sol et Salv. P. Z. S. 1807, p. 750, 1873, p. 185 (S. Peru) et p. 263 (E. Peru), 1879, p. 002 (Bolivia); iid. Nomencl. p. 24; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z.S. 1883, p. 547, et 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador); Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 514. Above yellowish olive; wings and tail brown edged with olive: beneath pale cinereous, almost white in the middle of the belly; throat yellow; crissum yellowish; under wing-coverts white, slightly tinged with yellow; bill dark plumbeous, paler below; feet plumbeous: whole length 5*9 inches, wing 3*4, tail 2-b. Female similar. Hob* Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. a, h. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. SaMn-Godrnan Coll. d. Ad. sk. Vicinity of Quito, Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. e. Ad. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Praser). Sclater Coll. / . $ ad. sk. Chayavetas, Eastern Peru Salvin-Godman Coll, (Bartktt). a. Q ad. sk. Chayavetas, Eastern Peru Purchased. (BartleU). h. Cosnipata, Vem (Whitefo/). Sclater Coll. L Ad, sk. Sima@u, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 12. CMorospingus hypopliasus. CMorospingus hypophseus, 8cl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 389; iid. Nommcl p. 24; Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 188; Salv. et Qodm. Biol Centr.-Am., Aves, I p. 317, t. xxii. fig. 3. Above uniform yellowish olive; throat yellow, growing paler, K2 TAXAGBXDM. almost white, on the chin; abdomen pale cinereous, white in the middle, with a tinge of brown on the breast and of olive on the crissum; nnder wing-coverts dirty white, with a slight tinge of yellow ; bill dark horn-colour, paler below; feet brown: whole length 5'5 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2. Female similar. Hab. Yeragua. Nearest to G. flamgtdaris, but easily distinguished by its whitish chin and the brownish tinge of the breast. a, h. § ad. sk. Calovevora, Yeragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Types of the specie*.} c. Ad. sk. Calovevora, Yeragua (Arce). O. fealvin, Esij. "P.". d. $ ad. sk. Ckitra, Yeragua (Aj-ce). ' Salvin-Gudnian Coll. €}f. $ ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Sclater Coll. 13. Chlorospingus flavovirens. Buarremon flavovirens, Later. Ann. L. Y.^I" viii. p. 4137 (1807). Chlorospingus flavovirens, Sclater, Ibis, 1&!?5; p. 274. Above clear yellowish olive; below brownish yellow; flanks somewhat cinereous; under surfaces of wings and tail brownish cinereous; bill dark horn-colour; feet brown: whole length 0 inches, wing 3*5, tail 2*5. Hab. Ecuador. Only known from a single skin (apparently of Quito make) in Mr. Lawrence's collection. Upper surface like that of 6r. %|/u~ tphoeus, lower clear uniform brownish yellow. 14. Chlorospingus semifHscns. Chlorospingus semifuscus, ScL ei Sain KomencL pp. 24f 157, Above olive-green; cap, nape, and sides of the head dark brownish cinereous: below rather paler Brownish cinereous, lighter in the middle of the belly; lower flanks, erissum, and under wing-coverts dull olive: whole length 5*5 inches, wing 3*1, tail 2*5. Hah. Yicinity of Quito, Ecuador. a. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 15. Chlorospingus cinereocepiialTis. Chlorospingus cinereoeephalus, Tacz, P, Z* S. 1874, pp. 132, 51IX Above olive-green; head and neck cinereous ; below pale whitish cinereous, throat with a slight fulvous tinge : middle of bellv almost white ; flanks and erissum yellowish olive; under wing-coverts white tinged with yellow; bill blackish, paler below; feet brown: whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2*6, tail 2*2. Hab. Central Peru. A distinct species, recognizable by its pale colour below and by the slight fulvous tinge on the throat. The specimen kindly lent 43 . CHL0E0SPI3TGUS. 24:0 to me by M. Taezanowski had slight traces of white on the cilise o£ tiie eje: hut as this is more apparent on one side than the other, it may be due to individual variation. 10. CMorospingns atripileus, Arremon atrijrileus, Zafr. Met. Zool 1842, p. 335. Pipilopsis atripileus. Bp. Consp. i. p. 485. CMorospinous atripileus, Scl P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 91, et 1800, pp. 76,60; id. Syn. An. Tan. p. 29; id. Cat. A. B. p. 89 ; Scl. et Salv. XomfficL p. 24; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 504 (Antioquia) ; Sale. Cat. Strickl. Coll p. 197; Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador). Above olive-green; cap Hack; sides of head dark olive; long superciliary stripe white: beneath yellowish olive, brighter in the middle; bill horn-colour, paler below; feet pale brown: whole length 5*9 inches, wing 2-8, tail 3. Female similar. llfjb. Colombia and Ecuador. ay h. Ail. hk. Colombia. Purchased. e. rf ad. di. ('olombia. Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Bojrota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad, 4%. M*'tl«*llin, U.S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. % at I. -k Lh mf KmrnloT {Fra^r). Sclater Coll //. Ad. tok. Jima, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 17. Chlorospingns auricularis. Chlorospingus (Ilemispingus) auricularis, Cab. J. f. O. 1873, p. 318; Tacz. P. Z. & 1874, p. 51G; id. Dm. Per. ii. p. 519. Above olive-green; cap and sides of head black; long and broad superciliary stripe* white : beneath yellow, throat tinged with orange, flanks and lower belly more olivaceous ; bill plumbeous ; feet pale brown: whole length 5*5 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2-8. Female similar, but throat not so bright. Ilab. Peru. Closely allied to C, atripileus, but with the sides of the head decidedly black like the cap, and more brightly coloured below. a. Central Peru (Jehfa). Sclater Coll. 18. Chlorospingns calophxys. CMowpingiis calophiys, Scl. et Sab, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 354,1879, p. tm (Bolivia). Above olive-green, cap and sides of head black; broad superciliary stripe bright orange-rufous : below yellow, passing into orange- rufous on the throat; flanks and crissum yellowish olive; bill pale plumbeous, lower mandible whitish; feet pale brown : whole length 5*5 inches, wing 2*G. Ilab. Bolivia. TA3$A.&R1I)M. 246 This is another representative of 0. airqnlem, but quite distinct with its orange-rufous eyebrows and throat. a Ad sk Tilotilo, Yumras, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type (Buckley). of the species.) 19. Chlorospingus rubrirostris. Arremon rubrirostris, Zafr. Mev. Zool 1840, p. 227. Nemosia rubrirostris, Zafr. Rev. Zool 1648, p. 11. Pipilopsis rubrirostris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 485. _ Hemispingus rubrirostris, Cab. Mm. Hem. i. p. 138. Chlorospingus rubrirostris, Selater, P. Z. S. 1*55, p. 1*55, 1850, p, 92; id. Si/n. Ao. Tan. p. W; id. Cat A. B. p. <0; Set et Sate. Nomencl p.*24; iicl P. Z. S. 1670, p. 504 (Antinquia): Salv. Cat. StricU. Coll. p. 197. Above olive-green: head and neck cinereous; beneath yellow, throat and upper breast pale cinereous ; flanks and crik. Bogota. Bogota. Sclater Coll. Purchased. dr e. Ad. 4i. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1). Subsp. nigrifrons. a. Ad. «k. Ecuador. Purchased. k AiL »k. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. d. Ad. ^L ftk. Ecuador. Ecuador (Fraser). J. Gould, Esq. Sclater Coll. enf. Ad. 4c. gJ Ad. »nk. Mcalj Ecuador (Buckley). Jlnia, Ecuador {Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 22. CMorospingns reyi. ('hlorospingus reyi, Berlepsch, Ibis, 188o, p. 288. Above olive; cap cinereous; below yellow; flanks olivascent; under wing-coverts yellowish ; beak plumbeous; feet pale brown : whole length (about) 5*5 inches, wing 2*7. Hah. Merida, Venezuela. Nearest to C mperciliaris^ but without any white superciliaries. A single, not quite perfect, skin is in Graf v. Berlepseh's collection: 1 am greatly indebted to him for the loan of it. 2& CMorospiBgus chrysoplirys. Chlorospngus xanthophrys, Bel et 8alv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 780 (nee Chloiuspingus chrysoplirys, ScL et Sab. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 235. * Above olive-green; superciliary stripe yellow : beneath yellow ; under wing-coverts whitish; bill plumbeous; feet brown: whole length 5*5 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2*3. Mak ICerida, Venezuela. Of the same structure as 0. superciliaris, but distinguishable by its yellow supereiliaries. 248 TA^AGBIBM. a. Q ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). SclaterColl. ^ (Type of the species.) h J ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering), Salvin-Godman Coll. 24. CMorospingns ignobilis. Sphenop^ ignobilis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 379; id. Cat. A. B. p. 1130. Sphenopsis ignobilis, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. xvi. Chlorospingus ignobilis, Scl. et Sate. P. Z. S. 1870. p. 754 'Venezuela), 1879, p. 504 (Antioquia). Chlorospingus oleasineus, Scl. P.Z.S. ISO:?, p. 110; ifl Cat A. B. p. 339; Scl. et Salv. Nommcl p. 24; Tacs. P. Z. S. 1-74, p. 317 (C. Peru), 1879, p. 229 (X. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 316? TVKK. ^ Per/. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 81 (Ecuador). Above olive-green ; wings and tail brownish ; win'JM-orerts edged with olive; slight superciliary stripe yellowish; beneath jellowi^h olive with a slight rufeseent tinge ; hill and feet pale* brown : whole length 5'o inches, wing 2-8, tail 2*7. Ftinah similar. Hub. Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, a, h. Ad st. Venezuela (Dyson). Pureluwd. South America. HrktiT Gll.^lT w of Spkimjm vjnMliSt Setater.) d. d" ad. sk. Merida, Venezuela (Goering). Vulval A hnhtmn Coll. e. Bogota. Hekter Cull. fl\pe of Ch. ohagint i«f Sclater.) f. Ad. sk. Bogota, Colombia. $ahin~(vodman Coll. g. Santa Elena, Colombia (Sal- Salwn-({odu*an ColL ?nan). 25. CHorospiagns verticals, Nemosia verticalis, Lqfr. jRev. Zool. 1840, p. 227; Bp. Connp. L p. 230. Chlorospingus verticalis, Sctater, P. Z. S. 1^33, p. 15**5, I*3ti, p, (j;j ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 31; id. Cat. A. B. p. JK); *Sc/.^ Sale. Xttmenel. p. 24; iid. P. Z. S. 1379, p. £04 (Antiuquia); Sttlv. Cat Sitkkl Coll.-p. 197. Chlorospingus lichtensteini, Sclafer, P. Z. S. 1836, p. 30; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 31; ScL et Salv. Xurnencl. p. 24. Above cinereous ; wings and tail dark brown.; head black, broad vertical stripe pale rufous: below pale cinereous, middle of belly whitish ; throat black; under wing-coverts white ; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 5 inches, wing 2*8, tail 2-b. Young like the adult, but throat white. Hub. Colombia and Ecuador. I am not quite sure whether the female resembles the male in this species or has the throat white. There are several transitional specimens in the series between the young white-throated bird (C. Uchtemteini, mihi, olim) and the adult. a. Ad.; b, c. Jr. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman ColL d. Ad.; e,f, g. Jr. Bogota. Sclater CV>1L sk. 43 . CBXGKOSPrXGITS. A, L Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. > Ad. fcL Medellin, U.S.C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. A". Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 26. CMorospingns xanthopMhalmus. Dacnis xanthophthalma, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 510, 1882, p. 9. Chlorospingus xantkopiitlialmus, Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 522. Female. Above nearly uniform brownish grey, with a very slight tinge of chocolate-brown on the head : below pale whitish cinereous, clear in the middle and more cinerascent on the sides; under wing- coverts white ; erissum slightly tinged with fulvous; bill blackish ; feet brown: whole length 5*5 inches, wing 2*6, tail 2*5. Huh. Northern and Central Peru. My characters are from one of the two only known examples of this species, kindly lent to me by the Warsaw Museum. In accordance with M. Taczanowski's latest view, that this is probably the female of a Chloeo^phtgus allied to C. verticalis, I place it here, but I am not at all sure that the discovery of the male may not result in causing the species to be moved back into the Coerebidce. 27- ChlorospiiLgus leucogaster. Dacuidea leucogaster, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 131, pL xix. fig. 2. 1 >acnidea albiventria, Tacz. P. Z, 8. 1874, p. 510. t'klorohpingus leucogaster, Tacz, P. Z. S.1882, p. 15 ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 516. Above cinereous; head rather darker, superciliary stripe from the front to beyond the eye white; lower back slightly tinged with olive; wings arid tail blackish, edged with olivaceous cinereous: beneath white, breast and flanks cinerascent; erissum and flanks slightly tinged with fulvous; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet plumbeous; whole length 5 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2*4. Female similar. Habm Peru. 1 agree with II. Stolzmann's opinion, recorded by M. Taczanowski (Om. Pen ii, p. 519), that this is a Chlorospingus, and that the genus Dacuidea may be suppressed. a. J ad. sk. Chachapoyas, Peru (Stolzmann). Sclater Coll. 28. Chlorospingus castaneicollis. t'hloiwpmgufl castaneicollis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 293: id. Cat. A. B. p. 00, pi. x.; 8cL et Salv. XomencL p. 24; iid. P.Z.8. 1870, p. 602 (Bolivia); Tacz. P. Z. S. Ib74, p. 517 (C. Peru), 1879, p. 229; id. Orn. PSr. ii. p. 520. Above olive-brown; head dark greyish black; sides of head 25 0 TAETAGKIDJB. black, bordered above by distinct white superciliaries ; wings and tail dark brown, with olivaceous edgings on the wings: below chestnut-red, much paler and more fulvous on the middle of the belly; chin and upper part of throat black; under wing-coverts rufous; bill black; feet pale brown: whole length 5-3 inches, wing 2-4, tail 2*4. Hal. Poru and Bolivia. a. Ad. sk. Peru. Sclater Coll. ^ (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Buckley). Sclater Coll. c~e. Ad. sk. Ramosani, Bolivia (Biickley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 29. (Morospingus goeringi. Chlorospingus goeringi, Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 784, pi. xlvi. rig. 1; ikl. Nomencl. p. 24. Above dark slate-colour, head black; long and broad superciliaries white; wings and tail brownish black: below chestnut-red, flanks brownish; bill dark plumbeous; feet pale brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 2-5^ tail 2-Q. Hal. Andes of Merida, Venezuela. This is a very well-marked species, with its broad white superciliaries and chestnut under surface. a. Ad. sk. Paramos of Merida, Venezuela Sclater Cull. (Type (Goering). of the species.) 30. Chlorospingus melauotis. Chlorospingus melanotis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1854, p. 157, pi. 68,1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 92; id. 8yn. Av. Tan. p. 30; 8cl. ettialv.Nomencl. p. 24; Tacs. et Berl P. Z. S. 1885, p. 82 (Ecuador). Above dark plumbeous, lower back tinged with olive; wings and tail brownish black, with olivaceous edgings; lores and sides of head black, bordered above by slight whitish superciliaries : below reddish ochraceous, brighter in the middle, and passing into brown on the flanks; under wing-coverts fulvous ; bill dark plumbeous; feet pale rufous: whole length 5-2 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2-6. Female similar, but above paler and more olivaceous. Hab. Colombia. Only known to me from specimens received in " Bogota " collections ; but the two following species, from Ecuador and Peru, are very closely allied. «, b. Ad. sk. Bogota, Purchased. (Types of the species.) c, d. Ad. sk. Bogota, Sclater Coll. e,/. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. 44 . TTROTHRAirPIS. 31. CHorospiugus Tberlepscld. Clilorospingus berlepschi, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 195 j id. Orn. Pir. ii. p. 521. Female. Above olive-brown, wings and tail more rufescont; cap plumbeous; sides of head black : below chestnut-red, passing into fulvous on the middle of the belly and into brownish on the flanks; under wing-coverts pale fulvous: whole length 5*2 inches, wing 2-7, tail 2 5. Hah. Central Peru. Yery closely allied to the preceding, but without any traces of superciliaries, and with the plumbeous cap well defined. I am much indebted to the "Warsaw Museum for the loan of the typical specimen. It is a female, but the male will probably not differ materially. 32. Chlorospingus ochraceus. Chlorospingus ochraceus, Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S.1884, p. 291, pi. xxiv. fig. 1. Similar to C. melanotis, but with the sides of the head brown instead of black, middle of belly darker, and crissum more rufous. Hah. Western Ecuador. Described from female examples in Graf v. Berlepsch's collection, obtained by Siemeradzki. Possibly not different from Q. melanotis. 44. UBGTHRAUPIS. Type. Urothraupis, Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 83 U. stokmanni. The single species of this genus from Western Ecuador might almost be placed along with the more slender-billed Ohlorospingi, from which, however, it differs in its longer and much rounded tail, 1. Urothraupis stokmanni. Urothraupis stokmanni, Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 83, pi. viii. Above black; rump and edges of wing-coverts slightly olivaceous: below white, varied on the breast and belly with schistaceous; flanks, crissum, and under wing-coverts schistaceous, with slight olivaceous tinge; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 0 inches, wing 3*1, tail 3-2. Female. Nearly similar, but not quite so dark in colour. Hah. Eastern slope of Andes of Ecuador. a. (5 ad. sk. San Rafael, Ecuador (IStob- Sclater Coll. (One of the mann). tyPes °f ^Q species.) 25 2 TA^AGRID^. 45. MICROSPINGUS. _ Microspingus, Tacz. P. Z & 1874, p. 132 M. trinisciatus. Structure of Microspingus trifasciatus. This little bird, with its short, straight, and slender bill, is, perhaps, better placed in this position than in any other that I can at present suggest for it. But it is certainly a very abnormal Tanager, as evidenced not only by its structure but also by its style of coloration. It is peculiar to the Andes of Peru and Bolivia. 1. Microspingus trifasciatus. Microspingus trifasciatus, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 132, pL xix. g et p. 517; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 523; Sel et Salv. P.Z.3. 1879, p. 602. Above brownish olive ; cap blackish, with a broad vertical olivaceous band slightly indicated, and a well-marked fulvous superciliary stripe on each side, carried on to the nape; wings and tail 46. PEZOPETES. 253 brownish black, edged with olivaceous; tips of greater and lesser wing-coverts pale fulvous, forming two irregular wing-bands : beneath bright fulvous, paler on the chin ; bill dark brown; feet reddish brown : whole length 5 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2'5. Hob. Peru and Bolivia. a, b. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godrnan Coll. (Buckley). /3. PITYLIXJE FEETOILLIKOSTEES. Under this head I place the most Finch-like of the Tanagers and their near allies. As already stated, it is very difficult to decide where to draw the line between some of these forms and the Ground- Finches allied to Pijjilo. A. Bill more conical, culmen straight. \ Feet very large 46. PEZOPETES, p. 253. | Feet large 47. BTJARHEMON, p. 254. B. Bill larger, culmen much incurved 48. NESOSPINGUS, p. 271. 46. PEZOPETES. Type. l\zi petes, Cab. Journ.f, Orn. 18G0, p. 415 P. capjtalis. Foot of Pezopetes capta-lis. Pezopetes has most of the general characters of Buarremon, but is distinguishable by its very large feet, in which respect it comes near the Ground-Finches (Pijnlo). It is peculiar to the highlands of Costa llica and Yeragua. TAffAG&nxai. 254: 1. Pezopetes capitaiis. Pezopetes capitalis, Cab. J.f.O. 1860, p. 415; Salv. P.Z.S. 1670, Buarremon capitaiis, Scl et Salv. XommcL p. 24: Boveardt, P. Z, 8. 1878, p. 55 (Costa Rica) ; Sale, et Godm. Biol Centr.-Am^ Ares, I. p. 322, t. xxiii. Hg. 1. Above dark olive-green; wings and tail blackish, wlngs^ edged with, olive-green; cap black; a sKght occipital stripe and Mas of head dark cinereous : beneath olive-green, paler In the middle of the belly, and slightly tinged with brown on the flanks and eris^um ; chin black, passing into dark cinereous on the upper throat: bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 7*5 inches, wing o% tail 3*4. Female similar. " Hob. Costa Rica and Chiriqul. a, h. Ad. sk. Volcan de Cartago, Coata Rica >Sah in-Godinau Coll. (Arce). c, d. Ad. sk. irazn district, Costa Rica Jjalviu-Uodraan Cull. (Rogers), e. Ad. sk. S. slope of volcano of Chiriqui Salvin-Godmaa Coll (Arce). 47. OTABBEKMr. r Buarremon, Bp. Comp. i. p. 483 (1850) . .... . J), torquitlu*, Chrysopoga, Bp. Consp. i. p. 480 (18501 II fnitturulis. Pipilopsis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 485 (1850) 11 Miiiilrtifag, Carenochrous, ScL P. Z. S. 1856, p. 87 .......... 11 ktiuueha. Under the head of Buarremon, I place a series of about thirty- five species, generally recognizable by their rather elongated conical bill, with the tip pointed and the culmen slightly incurred, short wings, and only moderately strong feet. The plumage is generally dull, of olive-grey and yellowish, and the sexes are alike. Buarremon ranges over the whole Tanagrine area of Central and South America, from Mexico to Bolivia and Southern Brazil, but is especially an Andean type. The eggs of B. elctoprorus obtained by Salmon in Antioquia are of a reddish white, thickly blotched and spotted with reel and Mac. I will treat of this extensive group under two subgenera;— L BUABBEMOK. This section embraces the larger and stronger species, with a larger and more elongated bill, longer tail, aaid stronger feet, to suit their terrestrial habits. II . PlPILOPSIS. The members of this group, distinguished by their shorter bill and smaller feet, are said by M. Stolzmann (P. Z. S. 1880, p. 197) to be exclusively arboreal in their habits. 47 . BXTAEKEM03ST. 255 Key to the Species. A . BUAEEEMON. A. Throat white; middle of belly white; flanks cinereous or olive. a. Head black, with well-marked superciliaries and vertical stripe. a'. With a black pectoral collar : ) flanks olive 1. torquatus, p. 256. I flanks brown 2. plueopleurits, p. 250. b'. With no pectoral collar: l vertical stripe grey S. am milt's, p. 257, J vertical stripe olive 4. wenticeps, p. 257. h. Front black, with three white points; crown chestnut: j with a black pectoral collar 5. hnmneinucha, p. 258. I without a black pectoral collar 6. inovnatm, p. 250. c. Whole head black 7. atricapiUu^, p. 251). B. Throat yellow; belly yellow or white. d. Head black, with a white vertical stripe: j throat yellow; belly white 8. gutturalis, p. 259. I whole under surface yellow 9. alhinucha, p. 260. e. Head uniform black 10. melanoeephahts, p. 261. C. Throat blackish ; abdomen dark olive. /. Back blackish ; eye-region white 11. leucopis, p. 261. g. Back olive; eye-region black. c'. Middle of belly olive 12. castaneiceps, p. 261. d\ Middle of belly yellow 13. cmssirostris, p. 262. D. Under surface black; thighs yellow ... . 14. tibialis, p. 262. B. PIPILOPSIS. A. Sides of head black; cap red; abdomen yellow. a. With no white mystacal stripe. a'. Throat black .". 15. melanolcemm, p. 263. b'. Throat yellow like the belly. a2. Back black. d\ No alar speculum: j lores yellow 16. rufinwha, p. 263. | lores black 17. melamps, p. 2<>3. ft\ With a white alar speculum 18. latinucha, p. 264. b2 . Back cinereous : j lores black 19. sjwdionotas, p. 264. ) lores yellow 20. comptus, p. 2(54. c\ Back olive 21. eUeoproms, p. 265. b. With a white mvstacal stripe : j throat white .." 22. albifrenatm, p. 265. [ throat yellow 23. mende, p. 266. B. Sides of head black; occiput red or fulvous ; abdomen white: i front red 24. leucopterm, p. 266. j front black.'."..'.'.* 25. dresseri, p. 266. C. Sides of head black: cap red; abdomen more or less cinereous. c. Middle of belly white; crissum ochra-# ceous 26. seebohmij p. 267, TJLXAGKIDJS. d. Whole under surface cinereous. c\ Narrow front Mack: J alar speculum white 27. schistactm, p. 2b.. I no alar speculum 28. taesaiwwsFm, p. 207. d'. Front chestnut like cap 29. castatteifrons, p. 268 D. Sides of head black; front and broad occipital stripe white or fulvous; abdomen yellow: j nape whitish 30. paHidinncha^ p. 2C8. | nape yellow 31. tricolor, p. 2lU E. Sides of head chestnut like the cap. e. Breast chestnut 32. stmirnfin, p. 2 *0. /*. Breast yellow: j back slaty 33. pmmatn^ p. 270. ] back light olive-green _. 34. fidvit eF% p. 271). F. Sides of head yellow, with an olive auricular patch So. eiirihilbs; p. 270. A. Subgenus BrAEEinios. 1. BuarremoB torquatns. Embernagra torquata, cTOrh, et Lafr. St/n. Ai\ pt i. p. 3i (1S37|. Arremon affinis, d'Orh. Voy., Ois. p. 2S2, pi. xwii. iitr- I. Buarremon torquatus, Bp. Uomp. i. p.45.**; 8el. 1\ Z, S. l^lil, p. M; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 22 ; ScL et Snlv. Xumtnd. p. 24; iul J> Zr *S. 1879, p. 602 (Bolivia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1^74, p. olZ i I Viitral Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 530. Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive; bead black; vertical band cinereous ; supercilmriets, !>etrinnini$ above the eye, white: below white, "with a well-defined Hack pectoral collar; flanks and crissum olive; bene! of wing yellow; bill black; feet brown: whole length 6-3 inches, wing 3, tail 3*2. Female similar. Bab. Bolivia. a, h. Ad. etjr. sk. Bamosani, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-fJotlman Coll. c. Ad. sk Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Buckley). d. Ad. sk. Bolivia (Buckley). Fk-later Coll 2. Buarremon phaeoplenrns. Buarremon phasopleurus, Sdaier, P. Z. S. 1833, p. &5; id. Si/n, Ac Tan. p. 23; id. Cat A. B. p. 90; ScL et 8alv. SmmMcl p. 24. Above olive-green * wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive-green; head black; vertical stripe cinereous ; superciliaries, commencing on the front, white; below white, with a well-defined black pectoral collar ; flanks and crissum fuscous; bend of the wing yellow : whole length 7 inches, wing 8% tail (rather worn) & Hah. Venezuela. This is a close ally of B. torquatns, but may be distinguished by its brown sides and crissum. The white superciliarics commence 47. BUAEBEXOX. 257 &OHL the front, instead of beginning over the eye, and the raider surface of the tail is much browner. a. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Goll. (Type of the species.) 3. Buarremon assimilis. Tanasrra assiniilis, Boiss. Bev. Zool. 1840, p. 07. Buarremon absiniiiis, Bp. Omsp. i. p. 484; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. So, 1859, p. 441, 1800, p. 76 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 23; id. Cat. A. B. p. 90; Sah. Ibis, 1874, p. 308 (Costa Rica); id. Cat StrickL OAL p. 107; Scl. ef Sah. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 234 (Meiida), 1^7a p. 504 (Antiuqufa); iid. Xomencl p. 24; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 100 (X Peru), 1--2, p. 15 (XE. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 531; Lawr. Ann. L. X Y. is. p. 101 (Costa Rica) ; Sah. et Godm. Biol. Gntr.-Am., Ares, i. p. 318; Berl et Tacc. P. Z. S. 1-84, p. 291 (W. Ecuador); Tacz. et Bert P. Z. S. 1885, p. 84 ^ Ecuador J. Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive; head Hack ; supercili lrics and broad vertical stripe cinereous : beneath white, sides cinereous, tinged with olive on the flanks and criasunt; bend of the wing yellow; bill black; feet brown: whole length 7*4 inches, wing Jj-4, tail 3-5. Ftmah similar. Hah. Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Peru. a. Ad. hk. Venezuela, Sclater Coll. h. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. ft Ad. -k. Bugota. Purchased. df e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. /• 5 ad. &k. iledellin, Antioquia, U. S. C. Salvin-Grodman Coll, (Salmon), ffj h. Ad. dc Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. i,J. Ad, sk. Quito. Gould Coll. kl Ad. sk. Cuterro, Peru (Siolzmami). Sclater Coll. I. Ad. sk. Callacate, Peru (Stokmann). Sclater Coll. 4. Bnarremon wenticeps. Fringiila quadrhittata, Liehi. in Mm. Berol BuaiTemon \irenticep-<, Bp. Compt. Rend. xli. p. G57; Sclater, P. Z. S. IfroO, p. 65; id, Spi. Av. Tan. p. 23; id. Cat A. B. p. 90 ; Scl. et Salv. Xommicl. p. 24; Sah. et Godm. Biol. Cenir.-Am., Aves, i. p. 319. Above olive-green ; wings and tail brown, edged with olive-green; head black; superciEaries and vertical stripe commencing at forehead whitish, then passing into yellowish olive: beneath white; sides cinereous, passing into olivaceous on flanks and crissum; bill Mack ; feet brown : whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3*1, tail 3*4. Hub. Mexico. This is a close ally of B. ammilis, but distinguishable by its yellowish-green superciliaries and vertical stripe. &. Ad. sk. Mexico (Sumichrast). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Southern Mexico (Boucard). Salvin-Godman Coll, c. Ad. sk. La Puebla, Mexico. Purchased. VOJG. XI. s 258 TANAGRlD-aE. 5. Baarremon "bnemeiauclia. Embernagra brunneinucha, Lafr. Rev. Zool 1839, p. 97. Tanagra (Embernagra) brunnei-nucha, Bolss. Her. Zool. 1840, p. 88. Arremon frontalis, Tsch. in Wtegm. Arch. 1844, p. 589; id. Faun. Per., Ois. p. 212. Buarremon brunneinucha, Pp. Consp. I. p. 484; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1S55, p. 155, 1856, pp. So, 302, 185b, pp. 72. 30% 1**>9, pp. 304, 3??, 3b64, p. 174 (Mexico); zVZ. %/*. Av. Tan. p. 23: iV/. Cat A. B. Phil. 1865, p. 170 (Costa Rica); Sumkhr. Mtm. Lust *V. X If. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz); Later. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. i\. p. 101 iCcnta Rica); Franks. J. f. 0. 1*00, p. 300; Cab. J. f. O lN'0, p. 414 (Costa Rica); Teres. P. Z. A 1*74, p. 515 <('entr. IVIUJ, W9 , p. 228 (N. Peru), 1880, p. 197 (X Peru), 1^82, p. 15 f X.E. Peru i ; id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 529; Tuez. tt Perl P. Z. & lt on the inmt ; crown dark chestnut: below white, with a wcll~d< fined black pectoral collar; sides cinereous, flanks and eri^im* tinged "\\itli olive; bend of wing yellowish ; bill black ; feet ele ir brown: whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3*4, tail 3*4. Funnh* simil ir. Hah. Southern Mexico, and throughout Central America to Vene zuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. a. Ad. sk Jalapa (de Oca). Sclater Coll b. Ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sah in-Godman Coll. c. d. Ad. sk. Tolean de Euego, Guatemala Salvm-Godman ColL (Salvin). e. J jr. sk. Calderas, Tolean de Fuego, Sah in-Godman Coll. Guatemala (Sakm). f. Jr. sk. Vera Paz, Guatemala {Hague). Sah in-Godman Coll. g. S ad. sk. Dota, Costa Rica (Carmwl). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Irazudistr., Costa Rica (Rogers). Salrin-Godinan ColL i. Jr. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Cull. j. <$ ad. sk. Santiago de Teragua (Arce). Sah in-Godman Coll. Jc. Ad. sk. Southern slope, Tolean de CM-Salvin-Gijdman ColL riqui (Arce). I 5, p. 155,1856, p. 86,1857, p. 2C% 1*59, pp. :&*, ^77, at 3*84, p. 17,1 (Mexico); «YJ. %/*. ^t». TAJI. p. 1*4; id. Cat A. B. p. 91; tiel ei Salv. Nomend. p. 24 ; Salvin7 Cat. SirickL CW/. p. l*fe; Sunnchr. Mem. JBost. Soc. W. JEL. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz); Sale, ei Godm, Bird* Centr.-Am^ Aves, i. p. 321. Buarremon vitellinus, Licht in Mu^. BeroL Atlapetes albinucha, Cab. Mm. Mein, i p. 140. Embernagra mexicana, Less. Rev. Zvol. !»#$*, p. 42. Above dark ashy; bead black, with a broad white vertical stripe : below yellow, flanks and erissum greyish ; bill dark horn-colour; feet hazel-brown : whole length 7 inches, wing 3, tail 3-M. Female similar. Nestling. Above brownish grey; beneath with longitudinal blackish shaft-stripes. Hah. Southern Mexico and Colombia. The distribution of this bird is very curious, as it occurs in Southern Mexico (where the preceding species is not found) and again in Colombia, but appears absent throughout Central America. As in B. gutturalis (from which B. albmmha m at once distinguished by its yellow belly) the throat in some specimens is of a bright orange. 47. BUAHEE3I0B-. 261 «- Ad, sk. Jalapa. SclaterColl. (Variety b. Ad. sk. c. Pull. sk. d. d ad. sk. Jalapa {Edge). Jalapa (\5 inches, wing 3*1, tail 2*6. Hab. Ecuador and Colombia. TANAG-EID^. Easily known by its nearly uniform olive colouring and chestnut head. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. a. Ad. sk. (Type of the species.") Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. c. $ ad. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. sk. Ecuador. J. Gould, Esq. d. Ad. e. $ a< Frontino, Antioq[uia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. 13. Buarremon crassirostris. Buarremon crassirostris, Cass. Fr. Ac. Sc. Phil I860, p. 170; Salvin, P.Z.S. 1867, p. 140, pi. xiv., et 1870, p. 188 (Yeragua); Set. et Sah. Nomencl. p. 2; Lawrence, Ann. L. N. Y ix. p. 101 (Costa Rica) • Salv. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. S2S. Above olive-green; cap chestnut; sides of the head blackish; throat black, the feathers barred with white ; abdomen olive-green, middle of belly yellow; bill plumbeous; feet dark brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 3, tail 2*6. Female similar. Hob. Costa Rica and Yeragua. This is rather an aberrant species of Buarremon^ with a stout bill and short tail. It may be distinguished from B. castaneiceps (which it generally resembles in colour) by the throat-feathers being barred with white, and by its yellow belly. a. 5 ad. sk. Buena Vista, Costa Rica (Car-Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. c. $ ad. sk. mioT). Costa Rica (Carmiol). Cordillera de Tol£, Yeragua Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. e. c? ad. sk. f. £ ad. sk. g. $ ad. sk. (ArcS). Cordillera del Chucu, Yeragua (Arce). Yeragua (Arce). Yeragua (Arce). Yeragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. O. Salvin, Esq. [P.]. 14. Buarremon tibialis. Tachyphonus tibialis, Later. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 41, ix. p. 101; Frantz. J.f.O.1869, p. 299. Buarremon tibialis, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 25 ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 56; Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.-Am., Aves, L p. 322, t. xxiii, fig. 2. Above and beneath slaty black, with a slight olivaceous tinge below; ear-coverts shining slaty; thighs yellow: whole length 7*4 inches, wing 3*4, tail 3*5. Female similar, but not quite so dark. Hah. Costa Rica and Yeragua. a. $ ad. sk. Rancho Redondo, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. ( Carmiol). h. Ad. sk. Yolcan de Cartago, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce'). 47 . BUiLRKEBfON". 263 c. cJ ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. / . Ad. sk. g, h Ad. sk. *. Ad. sk. Parita, Costa Uica (Car Irazu district, Costa(Rogers). Costa Rica (CarmtoQ. Costa Rica. Chiriqui (Arce). Chiriqui (Arce). miol). Baca Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. B. Subgenus PIPILOPSIS. 15. Buarremon melanolsemus. Buarremon melanolsemus, Sol et Salv. Ibis, 1879, p. 425, pi. x. fig. 2. Carenoclirous melanolsBmus, Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 526. Above sooty black; cap chestnut; throat black ; abdomen yellow, with slight blackish margins to some of the feathers; flanks cinereous; bill and feet black: whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3*1, tail 3. Hob. Southern Pern. ^ The single specimen is not quite adult, but the species is at once distinguishable by its black throat. a. Jr. sk. Knack upata, South Peru (Wliitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. (Type of the species.) 16. Buarremon rufinucha. Embemagra rufinucna, Lafr. et cPOrb. Syn. Av. i. p. 35, Arremon rufinucha, tfOrb. Voy., Ois. p. 2833 pi. 27. fig. 2. Buarremon rufinuclia, Bp. Consp. i. p. 484 (partim) ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 87; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 25 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 91 ^ ScL et Salv. Ifomencl. p. 24; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 603 (Bolivia) ; iid. Ibis, 1879, p. 427. Body above and sides of head black; cap chestnut; loral spot yellow: body below clear yellow; bill dark brown; feet clear brown : whole length 5*5 inches, wing 2, tail 2*5. Hab. Bolivia. a. Ad. sk. Bolivia {Bridges). Sclater Coll. h, c. Ad. sk. Bolivia (Bridges). Purchased. d. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Boh via (Buckley), Salvin-Godman Coll. 17. Buarremon melanops. Buarremon rufinuchus, Scl Cat. A. B. p. 91 (err.). Buarremon melanops, Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 253,1879, p. COS (Boliva); iid. Ibis, 1879, p. 427. Body above and sides of head black ; cap chestnut: below yellow; flanks and crissum passing into olivaceous ; bill black; feet dark flesh-colour: whole length 6 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2-6. Hab. Bolivia. Very similar to the preceding species, but without the yellow loral spot, and of a brighter yellow below. 264 TA2STAGBIDJB. 0, h. Ad. sk.; c, d. Simacu, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. sk. (Types of the species.) e,f. Ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclatep Coll. 18, Buarremon latinucha* Carenochrous ktmuchus, Tacz. Orn, Per. ii. p. 524. Buarremon specularis, Tacz. P. Z.S. 187% p. 22S. Above slaty black; sides of head Mack; cap chestnut; a well- developed alar speculum white: beneath yellow; slightly olivaceous on the flanks and crissum; bill Mack; feet dark brown; whole length G inches, wiug 2-9, tail 2\9. Hah. Pern and Eastern Ecuador. The well-marked speculum distinguishes this form among the black-backed species of this group. B. rlfeojtjrOfvs has also a white speculum, but an olive back. a. Ad. sk. Tambillo, Peru (Sidzmaim). Sdatc-r Cull. b. Ad. sk. Peru (Stvlsmann). 8rkt«r Coll. c. Ad, sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). fcJah in-Godman Coll. 19. Buarremon spodionotus. Buarremon latinuchus, Set P. Z. S. 1856, p. f*77 ei 186% pp. 76, 85; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 25; id. Cut. A. B. p. ill. Buarremon spodionotu^ StL et Saiw. Mis, 1870, p. 425. Carenochrous spodionotu% BerL ei Tacz. P, Z* & 1N84? p. 292. Above cinereous ; sides of head blaek ; cap chestnut; wings and tail blackish: beneath yellow; bill dark corneous; feet brown : whole length 6S inches, wing S'2f tail 3*2. Frmale &imilar. Hab. "Western Ecuador. The ashy back and want of any visible alar speculum distinguish this species. a. S ad. sk. Guapulo, Ecuador (Fraser). Selater Coll* 1. S pull- sk. Calacali, Ecuador (Fraser). (Type of the species.) Selater Coll. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. Above Puellaro, Ecuador. Ecuador. L. Fra*er FC.]. Selater Coll e. Ad. sk. Ecuador. J. ftould, Esq. / . Ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. Quito, Ecuador. Sical, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-^fodman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Ji. Ad. sk. Maravina, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclafer Col. 20. Buarremon coiuptus. (Plate XT.) Buarremon comptus, Scl et Salv. This, 187% p. 426. Above cinereous, wings and tail blackish, slightly edged with cinereous; crown light chestnut-red;. sides of the head deep black; 265 47 . BTTAKHE1I03-. lores yellow: beneath, clear yellow; under wing-coverts white; bill dark corneous; feet clear brown: whole length 7 inches, wing 3*3, tail 3*3. Hah. Eastern Ecuador. Allied to B. spodionotus, but distinguished by its bright yellow lores, and the lighter colour of the chestnut head. a7b. Ad. sk. Maravina, Ecuador (Buckley), Salvin-G-odman Coll. (Type of" the species.) 21. Buarremon. elseoprorus. Buarremon elseoprorus, Bel et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 504 (Antioquia); iid. Ibis, 187% p. 427. Above dark olive; wings and tail black, with a well-defined white akr speculum; crown of head and nape chestnut; sides of head black, with a .small } ellow loral spot: below yellow; flanks and crissum passing into olivaceous; bill horn-colour; feet hazel: whole length 7 inches, wing 2*8, tail 3. Female similar. Hah. Antioijuia, U.K. Colombia. The dark olive back distinguishes this form of the group of B. rffjiwtfhff. There is a slight spot of yellow on the lores, and a well-marked white alar speculum. <*» h* S ? ad. tsk. Santa Elena, Antiuquia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salmon). (Types of the species.) e. Ad. sk. Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. 22. Buarremon. albifrenatus. Tanagra (Arremon) albofrenatns, Baiss. Rev. Zool 1840, p. 68. Buarreroon albifrenatus, Bp. Consp* i. p. 484; Sclater, B. Z. S. 1855, p. 155, et mm, p. SB; id. Spi. Ao. Tan. p. 26; id. Cat A. B. p. 92: Set et Sab. Womencl p. 25; Berl J.f. 0. 1884, p. 293 (Bucaramangra). Arremon mvstacalis, Sclater, Bev. Zool. 1852, p. 8; id. Conir. Orn. 1852, p. 131, pi. 00. Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive; cap chestnut; narrow front and sides of head black, with a well- defined white mystacal stripe separated from the throat by a black line ; throat white; abdomen clear yellow, slightly olivaceous on the flanks and crissxrai; ME horn-colour; feet pale hazel: whole length 0-7 inches, wing 2*0, tail 2*9. Hah. Colombia. a. Ad. sk,; h. Jr. sk Colombia. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Ad", sk Ocana, Magdalena Valley Salvin-Godman Coll. (Wyatt). TANAG-KIDJE. 266 23. Bnarremon meridae. Buarreroon meridse, Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 785; iid. Nomencl p. 25. Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish edged with olive; whole cap pale chestnut, sides of head black; mystacal stripe white, separated from the throat by a black line; under surface clear yellow, slightly olivaceous on the flanks and crissum; bill horn-colour; feet hazel: whole length 6*5 inches, wing 2'8, tail 3*2. Hah. Vicinity of Merida, "Venezuela. Closely allied to B. albifrenatxts, but distinguished by the yellow throat and the want of the black front. a. S ad. sk. Merida (Goering). Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) 24. Buarremon leucopterus. Arremon leucopterus, Jard. Fdinb. N. Phil. Jour. n. s. iii. p. 92. Buarremon leucopterus, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 214, pL 109,1856, p. 87, et 1859, p. 138; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 25; id. Cat. A. B. p. 91; id. Ibis, 1859, p. 114; Scl et Salv. Komencl. p. 24. Carenochrous leucopterus, Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 548, et 1884, p. 292. Above slaty black; sides of head black; cap chestnut; lores white; wings black, with a large white alar speculum; tail black: beneath white, sides passing into cinereous; slight mystacal stripe black; under wing-coverts white; bill dark corneous; feet brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 2*7, tail 2*7. Female similar. Hab. Ecuador. a, b. $ $ ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Purchased. d. Ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador (Fraser). Eyton Coll. e,f. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 25. Buarremon dresseri. Carenochrous dresseri, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 70 • id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 528. Above brownish cinereous; broad front and sides of head black; lores white ; nape ochraceous brown ; wings dark cinereous, with a well-defined white alar speculum: beneath white, a well-defined mystacal stripe on each side black; sides and crissum somewhat ochraceous; under wing-coverts white; bill and feet dark brown: whole length 5*8 inches, wing 2-5, tail 2-5. Hah. Peru. The description is taken from the typical specimens from Paucal, Montana de Naucho (JelsM), kindly lent by M. Taczanowski. The species is allied to B. leucopterus, but qmite distinct, having a broad black front, and the nape of an ochraceous brown. 267 47 . BTTAKKEMOtf. 26. Buarremon seebohmi. Carenoelirous seebohmi, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 70: id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 527. Above cinereous; sides of head and narrow front black; loral spot whitish; cap dark chestnut: beneath cinereous, throat and middle of belly white, throat with a black mystacal stripe on each side; crissum pale ochraceous; under wing-coverts white; bill pale corneous, below whitish ; feet flesh-colour : whole length 6'5 inches, wing 3, tail 3. Hah. Peru, province of Cajatambo. I am again indebted to M. Taczanowski for the privilege of examining the type of this species, also discovered by Jelski. In plumage it forms a passage between the group of B. leucopterus with white under surface, and that of B. schistaceus with cinereous under surface. The breast and sides are cinereous, the throat and middle of the belly white, and the crissum ochraceous. There is no alar speculum. 27. Buarremon schistaceus. Tanagra (Arremon) schistaceus, Boiss. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 69. Buarremon schistaceus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 484; Sclater, Jr. Z. 8.1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 88, et 1858, p. 551; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 26; id. Cat. A. B. p. 92 ,* Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 25; Salv. Cat. Strichl. Coll. p. 198. Atlapetes schistaceus, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 140. Carenochrous schistaceus, Tacz. et Berl P. Z. S.1885, p. 84 (Ecuador). Above blackish cinereous; wings and tail black, with a well- marked alar speculum; sides of head black, loral spot whitish; cap dark chestnut: beneath cinereous, paler on the middle of the belly; throat whitish, with a black mystacal stripe on each side ; bill dark corneous; feet brown: whole length 6*5 inches, wing 3, tail 3*1. Female similar. Hah. Colombia and Eastern Ecuador. a, l. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. c. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. d. Ad.; e. Jr. sk. Colombia. Sclater Coll. /. Ad. sk. Colombia. J. Gould, Esq. g. Ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Jr. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. i,j. Ad. sk. Intaj, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. 28. Buarremon taczanowskii. Buarremon mystacalis, Tacz. P. Z. S.1874, p. 515. Buarremon taczanowskii, 8cl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 236, pi. xxxv. fig. 2. Carenochrous taczanowskii, Tacz. Orn. Pir. ii. p. 526. Above dark cinereous; sicles of head and frontal spot black; lores 268 TA]STAGBXD^E. white; cap chestnut; wings and tail black: below cinereous, in the middle of the belly paler; throat whitish, with a broad black mystacal stripe on each side ; bill black; feet clear brown : whole length $•2 inches, wing 3, tail 3. Hah. Peru. Closely allied to B. schistaceus, but distinguishable by its black frontal spot, lighter coloured cap, and the want of the alar speculum. a. <$ ad. sk. Higos, Central Peru (Jelski), Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.*) b. J ad. sk. Sillapata, Peru (Jelski), Salvin-Godman Coll. 29. Buarremon castaneifrons. Buarremon schistaceus, ScL et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 781. Buarremon castaneifrons, ScL et Salv. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 235, pi. xxxv. fig. 1 (Merida). Above dark cinereous ; sides of head black; whole front and rap bright chestnut; wings and tail blackish: beneath pale cinereous, darker on the flanks and crissum; throat whitish, with a black mystacal stripe on each side; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 6*4 inches, wing 3, tail 3. Hah. Andes of Merida, Venezuela. This is another representative form of B. sclikiaccus. The front is chestnut like the cap, which distinguishes it from B. taczaaowsMi. From B. schistaceus it may be recognized by the absence of the alar speculum, and by the lighter chestnut colour of the head. a. <$; I. $ Sierra Nevada, Merida, Yene- Sclater Coll, (Types ad. sk. zuela (Goering). of the species.) c, d. $ ad. sk. Merida,Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. 30. Buarremon palHdiMLcha. Tanagra (Arremon) pallidinucha, Boiss. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. G8. Arremon pallidinucha, Less. Descr. d. Mamm. et Ois. p. 351. Buarremon pallidinucha, Bp. Consp. i. p. 484. Atlapetes pallidinucha, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 140. Buarremon pallidinuchus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 4b4; Selater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 155,1856, p. 87, et 1858, p. 551; id. Sijn. Ac. Tan. p. 25; id. Cat A. B. p. 92; ScL et Salv. NomeneL p. 24; Salv. Cat. StriekL Coll. p. 198; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, pp. 128, 327 (Colombia); Berl J.f. 0. 1884, p. 293 (Bucaramanga). Buarremon sordidus, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. x. p. 138 (1871) (jr.). Oarenochrous pallidinuchus, Tacz. et Berl P. Z. S. 1885, p. 84 (Ecuador). Above dark greyish olive; wings and tail blackish; sides of head black; large frontal patch reddish ochraceous, passing over the vertex into a broad whitish nuchal stripe : beneath yellow, passing into olivaceous on the sides and crissum; bill dark plumbeous ; feet 47 . BXTAREEMOK. clear brown: whole length 6m5 inches, wing 3, tail 3. Female similar. Hob. Colombia and Ecuador. a. Ad. sk,; b. Pull, sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. c Ad. sk.; d. Jr. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Jr. sk. Matos, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. f,g. Ad. sk. Sical, Ecuador {Buckleij). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Ecuador. Salvin-Godman Coll. 31. Buarremon tricolor. (Plate XVI.) Arremon rufinuclia, TscJi. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 212. Buarremon tricolor, Tacz. P. Z. S.1874, p. 510, pi. lxv. (Centr. Peru). Carenochrons tricolor, Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 525. Above dark brownish olive; wings and tail brownish; sides of head black; a broad vertical stripe from the front to the nape orange- yellow : beneath yellow, passing into olivaceous on the flanks and crissum; bill dark horn-colour; feet clear brown: whole length &5 inches, wing 3, tail 3, Hat. Central Peru. At once separable from B. jpcdlidinucJia by its conspicuous orange- yellow vertical stripe. a, b. S ad. sk. Pumamarca, Peru {Jehhi). Sclater Coll, c. Ad. sk. Tanibapata, Peru (Jekki). Salvin-Godman Coll. 32, Buarremon semirufus. Tanagra (Arremon) semirafus, JBoiss. Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 69. Pipilopsis semiruf us, JBp. Consp. i. p. 485; Cab. Mm. Mein. i. p. 139. Buarremon semirufus, Sclater, P.Z.8. 1855, p. 155, 1856, p. 88; id. 8yn. Av. Tan. p. 26; id. Cat. A. B. p. 92; M et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela) ; itd. Nomencl p. 25. Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive; whole head and neck above and below and breast down to the middle of the belly bright chestnut-red; middle of belly yellow; flanks and crissum olive-green; bill flesh-colour; feet clear brown: whole length 6'5 inches, wing 3, tail 2*8. Female similar. Hah. Venezuela and Colombia. a. Ad. sk. Caracas, Venezuela (Salle). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Caracas. D. Dyson [C.]. 0. <$; Caracas (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. J jr. sk. e. Ad. sk. Puerto Cabello. Sclater Coll. f. Ad. sk. Caracas. Purchased. Y Ad. sk.; ti. i. Jr. sk. Bogota, Sclater Coll. j \ Ad. sk.; Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1, m. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. 270 Ti^TAG-BIDJE. 33. Buarremou personatns. Arrenion personalis, Cab. in Sekomb. Guian. in. p. 878. PipHopsis personatus, Bp. Consp. L p. 485. Pvrrhocoma personata, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 138. Buarremon personatus, Scl. T. Z. S. 1856, p. 89; id. Syn. As. Tan p. 27; Salvin, Ibis, 1885, p. 212. Above olive-green, tinged with cinereous; wings and tail slaty black; whole head and nape chestnut-red: below yellow, chin chestnut; flanks and crissum olivaceous; bill and fet*t dark horncolour: whole length 6*7 inches, wing 3-1, tail 3*2. Ftmale similar. Eab. Eoraima, British Ghiiana. Somewhat resembling B. semirufus, but with the bill not quite go strong, and very distinct in colour, from its yellow under surface. a, b. $ ad. sk.; Eoraima, Brit Guiana »Sah in-Godman Cull. c.; d. $ ad. sk. (Whitely). e,f. <$ $ ad. sk.; Eoraima, Brit. Guiana Kelatwr Cull. g. <$ (Whttehj). 34. Buarremon fulviceps. Emberiza Mviceps, Lafr. ei cTOrb. Syn, Av. L ix 77; dOrb. Vw Ois. p. 362, pi. 46. fig. 2. 3"f Pipilopsis fulviceps, Bp. Consp. i. p. 485. Buarremon fulviceps, Scl et Salo. Xommit p.%j; ml. P. Z. S. 1879 p. 603 (Bolivia); Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 532. * Above olive-green, wings and tail blackish, edged with nitre ; head and nape bright chestnut: lores yellow: beneath yellow; throat with a slight red mystacal stripe on each &lde; flanks sue! crissum olivaceous; bill horn-colour; feet brown: whole length 5*8 inches, wing 3, tail 3. Eab. Bolivia. Apparently allied to B. personatus, but with the bill rather weaker, and readily known by its olive back, yellow lores, and red mystacal stripe on each side of the throat. a. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman Coll. (Bucldey}. 35. Buarremon citrinellng. Buarremon (Atlapetes) citrmellus, Cab. J.f.O. 1883, p. 109, t. i fig. 2. Above olive-green, darker on the head; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with olive; a broad superciliary stripe, commencing on the front on each side, and another commencing at the gape* bright yellow, leaving in the middle a broad patch of dark olive ; beneath yellow, breast and flanks olivaceous; throat yellow, bordered 48 . tfESOSPISTGUS. on each side by a dark olive mystacal stripe ; bill black; feet brown : whole length 6-5 inches, wing 2*8, tail 2. Hab. Tucnman, rep. Argentina. A rather aberrant species, with short wings, which should, perhaps, be separated generically. The yellow on the sides of the head, surrounding the dark olive auricular patch, makes it easily recognizable. a. $ ad. sk. Tucuman (Schuk). Sclater Coll. (One of the types of the species.) 48. NESOSPINGUS. Type. Nesospingus, Sclater, Ibis, 1885, p. 273 N. specuiiferus. Structure of Nesospingus specuiiferus. (Ibis, 1885, p. 274.) This peculiar form is distinguishable from Chlorospingus (to which genus it has until recently been referred) by its stouter bill, with the culmen more incurved, and large Fringilline feet. I have some doubts whether it would not be better placed with the Ground- Finches. 272 TAmaBma;. 1. Kesospiagus specuHfertis. Chlorospingus speculiferus, Laicrence, Ibis71875, p. 383, pL ix. fig. 1 - Gundl J. f. 0.1878, p. 168,1882, p. 161 (nest); id. Anal Sue. Bsp. m K 1878, p. 190. Nesospingus speculifertis, Sclater, IMs? 188-5, p. 273. Above nearly uniform dark earthy brown; bead rather darker, and with indications of longitudinal striations on the cap; a small white speculum on tbe fourth, fifth, and sixth primaries; under surface white, slightly varied with grey ; bill, upper mandible brown, lower white; feet brown: whole length 6*5 inches, wing 3*4, tail 2%5. Eah. Porto Eico. a. S ad. sk. Porto Rico {Staid). Sclater Coll. y. PITYLmjE COMR0STEES. Under this head I propose to place Arremon and Its allies, in whieli the bill is shorter and nearly conical, and the feet are much weaker than in the last section. Key to the Genera. Bill rather longer, narrower at the base ... . 40. ABHEMOX, p. "27± Bill rather shorter, expanded at the base: j gonys nearly straight. 50. DIUCOPIH, p. %27tk \ gonys ascending...... . ... 51. CONOTHBACPIS, p. 2dO. 49. AEEEKOH. „ Type. Arremon, VieilL Analyse^ p. 32 (1816) .................... A. silens. The shorter and more conical biH distinguishes this genus from Buarremon; the tail is also shorter and but sightly rounded. The coloration is mostly olive above and white below, with a more or less evident black gorget; the head is black, often with a white or greyish superciliary and mesial stripes. The fourteen species of Arremon range from Southern Mexico to Northern La Plata. Key to the Species. A. Head black j superciliaries wMte; vertical stripe cinereous. a. Pectoral collar complete. a'. Bill black , L silem, p. 273, l\ Bill yellow, cuhnen black: ) superciliaries begin on front ... . % orbtVr/. &/». Cfe£. tifrickl. Coll, p. 198: &/. Ms, 1885, p. 212. Anvmon torquatUi*, Vieill JSnc. Meth p, 794; id. Gal. Ois. p. 105, pi. 76; tiel. Cat. A. £.ip.Q$. Silent Tanager, Lath G. M. vi. p. 22. Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish, edged with, olive; head Hack, superciliarieb white, vertical stripe cinereous: beneath white, with a well-defined black pectoral collar; sides cinereous; bead of wing yellow; bill black; feet ashy brown: whole length om5 inches, wing 3, tail 2*0. Female. Above like the male; below tinged with ochraceous, and with the pectoral collar blackish and but slightly marked. Hah. Trinidad, Guiana, Lower Amazonia, and S.E. Brazil. a, b. J ad. sk. South America. Purchased. e. $ tid. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. d. d a Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. e. *$ jr. *&. / . <5 ad. »k. g, 0 ad. sk { Whitely). Camaeuhaj Brit. Guiana(\\ liiiely). R. Attapurow, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. h cJ a$*s&( Wfatety). 31 erame' Mts.? Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll, (WMtely). I $ ad. sk. lioraima, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. jf k. d 2 ad* sk. (Whitely). lioraima, Brit. Guiana Sclater Coll. {Whitely), i,m. d 2 ad* sic. »,* a. c? S ad. sk. Oyapock, Cayenne. Cayenne. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. VOL. XI. £ 274 TANAGKID-2E. p. J ad. sk. Maroni Biver, Surinam Salvin-Godman Coll. q. J ad. bk. (Sappier). Bio Oapim, Lower AmaSalvin- Godman Coll. r. 9 ad. sk, zons (Wallace). Pemambuco, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. s} t. S ad. sk.; u. $ (W.A.Forbes). Bahia, Brazil ( Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. ad. sk.) v. (S jr. sk. 2. Arremon orbignii. Tordo de bosque torqtiato, Azara, Apunt i. p. 331. Em"bernagTa silens, Lafr. et d'Orb. Syn. Ai\ i. p. 34 (partim). Arremoii silent, d'Orh. Voy. p. 581 (partim) ; HartL Ind. Az. p. 5. Arremon d'orbignii, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 81; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 19; Bel. et Salo. Nomencl. p. 25; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 603 (Bolivia); White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 597 (Catamarca). Above olive-green; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive; head black, superciliaries white, vertical stripe and nape cinereous: beneath white, with a narrow but distinct black pectoral band; sides cinereous; bend of wing yellow ; bill yellow, with the upper half of the upper mandible black ; feet pale brown ; whole length 5*7 inches, wing 2*8, tail 2*6. Hah. Argentine Eepublic and Bolivia. This species resembles A. silens, but may be distinguished by its partly yellow bill, only the upper half of the upper mandible being black, and by its narrow pectoral collar. a. Ad. sk. Catamarca, rep. Arg. {White'). Sclater Coll. 3. Arremon flavirostris. Arremon flavirostris, Sw. An. in Men. p. 347; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 361 j Bp. Comp. I p. 488; Scl. P. Z. S. 18567 p. 81; id. Syn. Av. Tan, p. 19 ; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl p. 25. Of this species I have seen specimens in the Museum of Berlin, and in the Derby Museum, Liverpool. It is like A. silens, but distinguishable by the bill being yellow with only a black line along the culmen, and by the shortened superciliaries, which commence only above the eye instead of on the front. Hah. Cametd, Brazil. 4. Arremoii devillii Arremon devillii, Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 81; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. Id; JDes Murs, in Castelnau, Voy. Ois. p. 69. t. xx. %. 2 j Scl. et Sab. Nomencl. p. 25. Of this species I have examined the typical specimens in the Paris Museum. It seems to be intermediate between A. fiaviro$ti*is and A. polionotus, being distinguishable from the former by having the upper mandible entirely black and the back cinereous only 49 . A.EEEMON. 275 tinged with olive, and from the latter also by the colour of the back and the bill. The figure above quoted is not very correct, and might be taken for A. jpolionotus. Hah. Province of Goyaz, Brazil. 5. Arremon spectabilis. Arremon spectabilis, Sclater, P. Z. S.1834, p. 114, pi. 67,1856, p. 82, et 1858, p. 72; id. Syn. AD. Tan. p. 20; id. Cat. A. B. p. 93; Set. et Sab. Mmencl. p. 25; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 505 (Antioquia): Tacz. R.Z.S. 1877, p. 332 (N.W.Peru); Berl. et Taca. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 548 (W. Ecuador). Arremon erythrorhynchus, Sclater, R. Z. 8. 1855, p. 83, pi. 89, et p. 154, 1856, p. 83; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 21; id. Cat. A. B. p. 93. Above yellowish olive ; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive; head black, superciliaries white, vertical band and nape cinereous : below white, with a well-defined black pectoral collar; sides cinereous ; bend of wing bright yellow or orange; bill yellow; feet pale yellowish brown: whole length 6 inches, wing 3*1, tail 2*5. Female nearly similar to the male, but brownish below, and the pectoral collar not so well defined. Hah. Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The examination of a large series of this species has convinced me that A. erytlirorlipiclius (based on Bogota skins) may be safely united to A. spectabilis of Ecuador. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. J. Gould, Esq. (Type of A. eryth?*o?'7iynchus.) h. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. Bogota. Remeclios, Antioquia Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. (Salmon). d. S ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. Reniedios, Antioquia. Eio Napo. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. (Type of A. spectabilis.) f. Ad. sk. y. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Rio Napo {Jameson). Sarayacu, Ecuador J. Gould, Esq. Sclater Coll, Salvin-Godman Coll. i}j. Ad. sk. k. § ad. sk. lym. $2 ad. sk. n. Diucopis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 491 (1850) D. fasciata. This Brazilian form has a rather short and stout conical bill, short wings, and rather large feet. It may come in here, or be placed almost equally well among the typical Tanagers. 1. Diucopis fasciata. Tanagra fasciata, LicU. Doubl p. 32; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 493; Bp. Consp. i. p. 238. Tanagra axillaris, Spit, Av. Bras. ii. p. 41, pi. 54.fig. 2. Diucopis fasciata, Bp. Consp. i. p. 491; Sclater, P. Z. S. Ib50, p. bb; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 6; id. Cat. A. B. p. 97; Peh Orn Bras. p 219 j Scl et Sah. Nbmencl p. 26; Salv. Cat. Stnckl Coll p. 201. Above grey; lores and sides of head black; wings brown, coverts black, crossed by a broad white band; tail blackish, edged with brown: beneath white, sides passing into cinereous; under wmg 280 TAJXkGKLDM. coverts white ; bill plumbeous, beneath whitish; feet clear brown: whole length 6*7 inches, wing 2*9, tail 2*7. Young. Above brown; lores and sides of the head rather darker; below not so clear. Hal. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. b. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bahia (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. e. S j r - sk. Pelotas, Eio Grande do Sul Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). 51. CONOTHRAUPIS. m Type. Conothraupis, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 198 .. C. speculigera. I am a little uncertain about the correct position of this Peruvian monotype, but on the whole I think it is best placed next to Dhicojns. It is, however, distinguishable by its larger wings, weaker feet, and rather longer and weaker bill. 1. Conothraupis speculigera. Schistochlamys speculigera, Gould, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 69; id. Ann. K. JEC. ser. 2, xv. p. 345. Diucopis speculigera, ScL P. Z. S. 1850, p. 68; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p 6 * ScL et Sab. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 2QS ; iid. Nomend. p. 20. ' Conothraupis speculigera, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1880, p. 198, t. xxi.; id. Orn. PSr. ii. p. 546. Above shining black, rump greyish; a concealed nuchal patch and alar speculum white : below white; throat and upper breast shinin^ black; under wing-coverts white; bill dark plumbeous, whiter below \ feet brown : whole length 6 inches, wing 3-1, tail 2-7. Hah. Eastern Peru. a. Ad. sk. Ucayali (JELauxwett). J. Gould, Esq. (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk. Upper Amazons. J. Gould, Esq. e. Ad. sk. Callacate, Peru (Stohmann). Sclater Coll. I PITYLIME VALIDIEOSTEES. In Saltator and its allies the bill becomes much stronger, but still preserves its conical outline; the feet are large and strong. ' But Orchesticus, in its shorter and somewhat swollen bill, shows signs of transition towards Pitylus. Key to the Genera. A. Bill longer; upper mandible not swollen. a. Bill shorter; culmen less incurvedj tarsi longer , 52, PSITTOSPIZA, p. 281, 281 52. PSITTOSPIZA. k Bill longer; oilmen more incurved; tarsi shorter. \ Tail somewhat rounded 53. SALTATOB, p. 282. I Tail squared 54. LAMPHOSPIZA, p. 206. B. Bill shorter; upper mandible slightly swollen ". 55. ORCHESTICUS, p. 297. m. PSITTOSPIZA. Type. Psittospiza, Bp. Co?npt. Rend. xxxi. p. 424 (1850) P. riefferi. Chlorornis, Reich Av. S. JV. tab. 77 (1850) P. riefferi. This brilliant grass-green form has the general structure of Saltator, but the bill is rather shorter and the tail more squared. It is confined to the Andes of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The sexes are similar in colour. The nest is open and cup-shaped. The eggs (see P. Z. S. 1879, pi. xlil fig. 8) are of a pale grey thickly freckled. Key to the Species. Chestnut of the face restricted and only extending oyer the chin below 1. riefferi, p. 281. Chestnut of the face more diffused and extending over the throat below 2. elegans, p. 282. 1. Psittospiza riefferi. Tanagra riefferi, Boiss. Rev. ZooL 1840, p. 4. Saltator riefferi, Gray, Gen. ii. p. 303, pi. 89; Tsch. Faun, Per.,Aves} p. 210. Tanagra prasina, Less. Echo d. M. S. 1843, p. 947. Psittospiza prasina, Bp. Consp. L p. 492. Chlorornis prasina, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 141. Chlorornis riefieri, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1855, p. 154. Psittospiza riefferi, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 78, et I860, p. 76; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 16; id. Cat A. B. p. 94; Scl. et Sah. Nomencl. p. 26; iicl P. Z. S. 1879, p. 505; Sah. Cat. Strichl. Coll. p. 199; Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1884, p. 292 (W. Ecuador) ; Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 84 (Ecuador). Brilliant grass-green, upper wing-coverts brighter; lores, sides of the face, chin, and lower part of belly chestnut; bill orange; feet yellow: whole length 8 inches, wing 4*5, tail 3*5. Female similar but rather smaller. Hal. Colombia and Ecuador. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Purchased. I. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. BogotL J. Gould, Esq. d. S ad. sk. Colombia. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. / . Ad. sk. Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. g. 9 ad. sk. Envigado, Colombia (Salmon). Sclater Coll. k $ ad. sk. Santa Elena, U. S. C. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. *, /. Ad. sk. San Lucas, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. hi Ad. sk. Ecuador. Sclater Coll. 282 TAITAG-EIDJE. 2. Psittospiza elegans. Saltator elegans, Tsch. Wiegm. Arch, 1844, i. p. 288. Saltator riefferi, Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 210. Psiitotpiza elegans, Set. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 603 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomencl p. 26; Tacz. P. Z. S.1874, p. 518 (Centr. Peru), 1882, p. 1G (N.E. Peru); id Orn. Per. ii. p. 538. Bright grass-green; front, lores, sides of face, chin and throat, and middle of the belly chestnut; bill orange ; feet yellow : whole length 7*8 inches, wing 4*5, tail 3*5. Ilab. Peru and Bolivia. This form is not very distinct from its northern representative, but may he recognized by the greater extension of the chestnut on the front above and over the throat below. In P. riefferi this colour merely just covers the chin. a, b. Ad. sk Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia (Buckley). Sclater Coll. 53. SALTATOR. Saltator, Vieill Analyse, p. 32 (1816). The genus Saltator embraces about 19 species, diffused over the whole Tanagrine area in the Isfew World as far north as Mexico and Yucatan, but not intruding into the U.S. or West Indies. They are for the most part dressed in sober hues of olive, grey, and brown, and of rather larger size than the average of Tanagers. The bill is short, strong, and provided with a terminal hook and slight notch. The feet are strong and claws sharp. The tail is rather long and squared. The Saltators keep to the bushes and smaller trees outside the dense forests, build open cup-shaped nests, and lay bluish-green eggs streaked with black round the larger end. (See Euler, J. f. 0. 1867, p. 411; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 505 ; and Nehrkorn, J", f. O. 1881, p. 68.) Key to the Species. A. Abdomen not striated; plumbeous, whitish or ochraceous. a. Back bright olive-green. a'. "Wings olive-green like the back. a2. Cap black: (larger: head black t. J. atriceps, p. 283. < smaller: head cinereous mixed ( with olive 2. magnoides, p. 284. I)1. Cap olive like the back 3. magnus, p. 285. b\ Wings black 4. atripennis, p. 286. b. Rack grey, wings and interscapuHum washed with green: I bill normal 5. similis, p! 287. I bill very thick 6. maxiUosus, p. 287. 53 . SAI.TATOE. 283 e. Back uniform grey or plumbeous; superciliary stripe whitish j middle of throat white, with a black line on each side. e'. Bill dark plumbeous. o~. Sides of head grey. «3. Breast pale cinereous. a4. Crissum rufous 7. grandis, p. 288. 54. Crissum. ochraceous. a5. Lower belly less ochraceous: I breast slightly tinged i with fulvous 8. plumbeieeps, p. 289. j breast pure cinereous .. 9. olivascens, p. 289. ¥. Lower belly more ochraceous 10. ccerulescens, p. 290. ^ b*. Breast dark cinereous 11. supercMaris, p. 291. d1 .Sides of head black 12. orenocensis, p. 291. d'. Bill orange ; a black guttural collar : i guttural collar narrow 13. aurantiirosfi'is, p. 292. j guttural collar broad 14. laticlavius, p. 292. d. Back fuscous ; no superciliaries ; front, sides of head, and throat black 15. atricollis, p. 293. B. Abdomen not striated, uniform dark chestnut 10. mfimnfris, p. 293. C. Abdomen not striated, yellowish white .. 17. Jiavidicollis, p. 294 1). Abdomen striated : j rump olive 18. albicollis, p, 294. I: ) rump grey 19. guadalupensis, p. 295. 1. Saltator atriceps. Tanagra (Saltator) atriceps, Less. Cent. Zool. p. 208, t. 69 (1830). Saltator atriceps, Bp. Consp. i. p. 488; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 142; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 69, 302, 1858, p. 358, 1859, pp. 58, 364, 377, et 1864, p. 174; id. 8yn. Av. Tan. p. 7 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 95; 8cl. et Sate. Ibis, 1859, p. 14 (Guatemala); iid. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 351 (Panama), 1870^ p. 836 (Honduras); iid. Nomencl. p. 2(5 j Moore} P. Z. S. 1859, p. 53 (Honduras) ; Taylor, Ibis, 1860, p. Il l (Honduras) ; Lawrence, Ann. L. N. Y. vii. p. 297 (Panama), ix. p. 102 (Costa Rica) et p. 200 (Yucatan) j id. Bull. U. 8. K M. no. 4, p. 19 (S.W. Mexico); Sumickr. Mem. Post. 8oc. N. II i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz); Sate. Cat. Stridtl. Coll p. 199; id. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 421 (Panama); Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 443 (Costa Bica); Sate, et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 325. Arremon giganteus, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 117. Pyrrhula raptor, Cabot, Boston Journ. v. p. 90, pi. xii. Tanagra gnatho, Licht. Preis-Verz. p. 2; cf. Cab. J.f. 0.1863, p. 5G. Above yellowish olive-green; cap black; sides of head cinereous or mixed with black or blackish; a slight white superciliary stripe : "below cinereous; a large white (sometimes dark chestnut) guttural patch, bordered above by the black chin and sides of the throat, and below by a more or less developed black guttural collar; crissum chestnut or ochreous red; bill black, lower mandible sometimes whitish; feet brown: whole length 10 inches, wing 5, tail 5. Female similar. Eah. Southern Mexico and Central America down to Panama. TANAG-BrMI. This Solicitor, one of the largest birds of tlie Tanagrine family, is very variable in parts of its plumage. The throat-spot, clear white in most specimens, is dark chestnut in some Mexican examples, and in others tinged with rufous. The sides of the head vary from cinereous to nearly pure black. The guttural collar is sometimes broad and distinct, sometimes almost obsolete. The under mandible is sometimes yellowish instead of black, as is also occasionally the tip of the upper mandible. a. Ad. sk. Mexico. Purchased. b. Ad. sk Mexico. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Vera Cruz (Salle). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Jalapa, S. Mexico (de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll e9f. Ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Gaumer). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. Belize (Blancaneaux). Salvin-Godman Coll. li. Ad. sk. Ohisec, Vera Paz (Salmn). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Ad. sk. Coban, Vera Paz (Salmi). Salvin-Godman Coll. j. Ad. sk. Vera Paz (Salvm). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. cf a-cL sk. Retalhuleu, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. I. c? ad. sk. Volcan de Agua, S. Diego (Salvin). Sclater Coll. m. <$ ad. sk. Volcan cle Agua, S. Diego (Salmn). Salvin-Godman Coll. w, $ ad. sk. San Pedro Martyr, Guatemala Sdlvin-Godman Coll (Salvm), o. Ad. sk. El Zapote, Costa Grande, GuateSalvin- Godman Coll. mala (Salvm). p. Ad. sk. Costa Rica (CarmioT). Salvin-Godman Coll q. 2 ad. sk. Costa Rica (Carmiol). Sclater Coil r. <$ ad. sk. Nicaragua (Nutting). R. B. Sharps, Esq. [P.]. s. $ ad. sk. Lion Hill Station, Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. (McLeannan). t. S ad. sk. Panama (McZeamian). Salvin-Godman Coll u. Ad. sk. Panama (Ma?'kha?n). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Saltator magnoi&es. Saltator magnoides, Lafr. Rev. Zool. 1844, p. 41; Bp. Consp. i. p. 489; Sdater, P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 69, 142, 302, et 1850, pp. 3U4, 377, et 18G4, p. 174; id. Sijn. Ac. Tan. p. 7 ; id. Cat A. B. p. 95; Set et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 14 (Guatemala); iid. P. Z. S. IBM, p. 351 (Panama), 1870, p. 836 (Honduras) ; iid. MomencL p. 26 ; Cab. J.f. 0. 1860, p. 416 (Costa Rica); Lawr. Ann. Z M. F. viii. p. 179 (Nicaragua), ix. p. 102 (Costa Rica); Salv. P.Z. S. 1867, p. 140 (Veragua), 1870, p. 189 (Veragua) ; Sumickr. Mem. Bost. Soc. W. B. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz); Frantz, J.f.O. !&% p. 300 (Costa Rica); Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.-Am^ Aves, i. p. 327. Saltator gigantodes, Cab. Mus. Hem. L p. 142. Saltator magnus, Lawr. Ami. Z. N. Y. vii. p. 297 (Panama), Saltator intermedins, Lawr, Br. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1864, p. 106 (Panama) ; id. Ann. Z. N. Y. viii. p. 175 (Chirio;ni). Above clear olive-green; cap cinereous, more or less mixed with olive; slight white supereiHaries: beneath cinereous; chin white, middle of throat rufous, bordered on each side and below by a broad black guttural band; crissum ochraceous; bill plumbeous; 53 . SA.LTATOB. 285 feet brown: whole length. 8 inches, wing 3*9, tail 3*8. Female similar. Hah. Southern Mexico and Central America, down to Panama. This is likewise a variable species. In one Mexican specimen (Jalapa. de Ota) the head is nearly black; but it is generally cinereous, mixed more or less with olivaceous, whereas it is deep black and well-defined from the back in the larger 8. atricejps. The black gorget aLo tails, or nearly so, in some specimens, when the bird becomes very like Mediator magnus. a. Ad. bk. b. Ad. sk. e. Ad. *k. Jalapa ( ^ Oca). Vera Quiz (Salle). Belize, Biit. Honduras Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godrnan Coll. d. Ad. «k. e. Ad- Or. f9g. Ad. st k Ad. sk. (Blancaneaux). Cohan, Yeia Paz (Salvia). Choctum, Yeia Paz (Salvin). ChLec, Vera Paz (Salvin). San Pedro, Honduras Salvin-Godrnan Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. Ad. 4i. /. Jr. bk. '&. Ad. -k. (Wiiiely). Irazu, Costa Eica (Rogers). Turrialba, Costa Rica (ArcS). Bebedero, Xicoya, Costa Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. /. cJ &d* *>k. ;«. c? ad. sk. ?i. , $. (J ad. sk. r. *. $ ad. sk.: i. de Chiriqui (AreS). Santa Fe, Veragua (Arce), Veragua (Arte). Panama (McLeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2 jr. -t. ' 3. Saltator magnus. Tangaia des grands bois, Daub. PL Mil. 205. Tanagra magna, Gm. S. 2V. i. p. 890; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 422 ; Ma v. Beitr. iii. p. £25. Saltator olhaeeus, VieilL Nouv. Diet xiv. p. 108; id. Em. Meth. p. 794; id. Gal. Ois. p. 103, pi. 77; Tsch. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 200. Saltator magnus, Bp. Cmisp. i. p. 489; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 142; Sduter. P. Z. S. 18-35, p. 154, 1856, p. 70, 1&58, p. 72, 1859, p. 1-18, lbOO, pp. 274, 293; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 8; id. Cat A. B, p. 95; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 218; Salv. Cat. Stricll. Coll. p. 199; id. Ibis. 1885, p. 218 (Brit. Guiana); Laijard, Ibis, 1873, p. 380 (Para); Euler7J.f.O. 1867, p. 411 (S.E.Brazil); ScL et Salv. P. Z. S. 1807, p. 750 (E. Peru) et p. 977 (Pebas), 1873, p. 185 (S.Peru) et p. 263 (E.Peru), 1875, p. 237 (Venezuela), 1876, p. 16 (S. Peru), 1879, p. 505 (Antioquia) et p. 603 (Bolivia); tid. Nommcl p. 26; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 327 (Colombia); Tacz. P. Z.8.1874, p. 517 (Central Peru), 1877, p. 332 (N.W. Peru), 1882, p. 16 0N.E. Peru) ; id. Orn. Per. li. p. 539; Berl. J.f. 0. 1884, p. 293 ; Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 548 (W. Ecuador) ; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 121 (Santa Marta); Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 334 (Pemambuco); Tacz. et Berl. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 84 (Ecuador). 286 Grand Tanager, Lath. G. S. vi. p. 10. Le Griverd de Cayenne, Daub. PL JBnl 616 (?). Coracias cavanus, Bodd. Table d. PL Enl. p. 38. Comciaa cayana, Gm. S. K i. p. 381; Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 172. Saltator cayana, d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 290. Cayenne Boiler, Lath. G. H. iii. p. 85. Above olive-green; sides of head cinereous * slight supereiliaries white: beneath pale cinereous, more or less mixed with fulvous; chin white, bordered on each side by a black stripe ; middle of throat and crissum fulvous; bill blackish; feet brown: whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3*7, tail 3'5. Female similar. Ifab. From Panama southwards to Bolivia and South Brazil. The absence of any appearance of the black gorget distinguishes tis bir dfrom its northern representative S. magnoides. a. <$ ad. sk. b. <$ ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e,f. cS $ad. sk. Minca, U. S. C. (Si?no?is). Manaure, U. S. 0. (Simons). Bogota. Boguta. Bemedio«, Antioquia, U. S. 0. Salvin-Godman Coll. Safrin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. g, h. Ad. sk. i Ad. sk. j . Ad. sk. k. Jr. sk. l} m. Ad. sk. n. Ad. sk. °iP* c? $ ad. sk. g. S ad. sk. r. Ad< sk. {Salmon). Sta. Itita, Ecuador (Buckley). Sarayacu, Ecuador {Buckley). Quito. m Chamicuros, E. Pefu (llauxivell). Mirkimarca, Bolivia (Buckley). Tilotilo, Yungas, Bohvia (Buckley). Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Boraima, Brit. Guiana (Whitely). Cayenne. Para, Lower Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. J. Gould, Esq. J. Gould, E^ . Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. s. <$ ad. sk. t. Ad. sk. u. J ad. sk. ?;, w. Ad. sk. x} y. Ad. sk. j z. Jr. sk. (Wallace). Para ( Wallace). Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Bakia, Brazil (Wucherer). Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. a'. 2 ad. sk. b'. Ad. sk. Bio Olaro, Goyaz, Brazil (Joyner). Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. c'. Skeleton. Eyton Coll. 4. Saltator atripennis. Saltator atripennis, Sclater, Pr. Ac. Sc. PMlad. viii. p. 261 (1856); id. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 6,1859. p. 138, 1860, p. 85; id. Cat. A. B. p. 95; Scl. et Sah. Nomencl. p. 26; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 505 (Antioquia); Berl. et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 548 (W. Ecuador). Above olive-green; head, wings, and tail black; well-marked supereiliaries, carried down to a patch on the side of the neck 53. SALTAT0K. 287 behind the ears, white: below pale cinereous; throat pure white, bordered with black on each side ; crissum ochraceous; bill black; feet brown: whole length 8 inches, wing 3*8, tail^*7. Sab. Ecuador and Colombia. a, <$ ad. sk. Pallatanga, Ecuador SclaterColl. • (Fraser). 6. $ ad. sk. Nanegal, Ecuador (Fraser). Purchased. c Quito. J. Gould, Esq, d. Ad. sk. Antioqnia (Salmon). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 2 ad. Medellin, Antioqnia (Salmon). Salvin-Godinan Coll. / . Ad. sk. Medellin, Antioquia, U. S. 0. Sclater Coll. (Salmon). g. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. 5. Saltator simHis. Tanagra superciliaris, Max. JBeitr. iii. p. 518 ? Saltator similis, Lafr. et (TOrb. Syn. Av. i. p. 36; cPOrb. Voy. p. 290, pi. 28. f. 2 ;" Bp. Consp. i. p. 489; Cab. Mus. Rem. i. p. 143 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 71; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 9; id. Cat. A. B. p. 95 ; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 218; Sol. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 26; Salv. Cat. Stricld. Coll. p. 200; Cab. J.f. 0.1874, p. 84. Saltator gutturalis, IAckt. in Mus. Berol. Above cinereous; inters capurium and greater wing-coverts and becondaries suffused with olive-green; superciliaries white : below pale fulvous; throat white, bordered on each side by a black line ; flanks passing into cinereous ; under wing-coverts pale fulvous ; bill plumbeous; feet brown: whole length 8-5 inches, wing 4, tail 4. Female similar. Bab. Southern Brazil arid Corrientes, rep. Arg. Ad. sk. Bakia, Brazil ( Wncherer). Santa ¥6, Minas Geraes Salvin-Godman Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. o. S ^d. sk. d,e. . 26. "Saltatorcaerulescens, Vieill." Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 142. * Saltator superciliaris, Licht. in Mus. Berol. p. 44. Saltator gularis, Lafr. in mus. suo; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 74; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 12; id. Cat. A. B. p. 96. * Above cinereous; superciliaries long and distinct, white; sides of the head blackish: below pale fulvous, mixed with cinereous, 288 TASTAGRIDJ!:. especially on the flanks ; middle of throat and belly whitish; the throat bordered on each side by a rather broad black stripe; bend of wing and under wing-coverts white ; bill thick and swollen at the base, black, with a large yellowish blotch at the base of the upper mandible : whole length 8 inches, wing 4, tail 4. Young similar, but upper surface and wings tinged with olive, and bill black. Hob. S.E. Brazil and Uruguay. This species is at once recognizable by its massive bill, which has also a peculiar swelling at the base of the upper mandible, just below the nostril. In my American Catalogue I entered the young as 8. mcLvillosus, as agreeing best with Dr. Cabanis's description, and the adult as 8. gularis. But the olive back and dark bill of the former are, I now think, probably due only to immaturity. a. Ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. b, c. Ad. sk.; d. Brazil. Sclater Coll. Jr. sk. e. Ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. 7. Saltator grandis. Tanagra grandis, LicM. Preis-Vep. p. 2 (1831); cf. Cab. J.f. 0. 1863, p. 57. * Saltator rufiventris, Vig. Beecheifs Voy. p. 19. Saltator vigorsi, Gray, Gen. ii. p. 363; Bp. Consp. i. p. 489; id. Notes Orn. p. §3: Cab. Mus. Hem. i. p. 143. Saltator icterophrys, Lafr. Bev. Zool. 1844, p. 41. Saltator grandis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 72, 1857, p. 205, 1859, pp. 58, 364,377,1864, p. 174 (Mexico); id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 10; id. Cat. A. B. p. 96* 8el. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 14 (Guatemala) ,* iid. P.Z.8. 1870, p. 836 (Honduras); iid. Nomencl. p. 26; Moore, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 58 (Honduras) j Gab. J.f O. 1860, p. 416,18(51, p. 1 (Costa Rica); Sumichr. Mem. Bost. 8. N. II. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz) j Laior. Ami. L. N. Y. ix. p. 102 (Costa Rica) et p. 200 (Yucatan); id. Bull. U. 8. N. M. no. 4, p. 19 (W. Mexico) ; Fmniz. J.f. 0.1869, p. 300 (Costa Rica); Sato. Cat Strickl. Coll. p. 200; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 443 '(&$& Rica) ; Salv. et Godm. Biol Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 828. Above cinereous, wings and tail blackish; superciliaries white; ,sides of head black : below pale cinereous; middle of throat white, with a broad black stripe on each side ; crissum rufous; lower belly and under wing-coverts ochraceous; bill blackish, paler at the base of the lower mandible ; feet dark brown: whole length 8-5 inches, wing 4*1, tail 4*1. Female similar. Young. Above olive-green, superciliaries yellowish; below suffused with olive-green, crissum rufescent. Eab. Southern Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America south to Costa Rica. a. Jr. sk. Orizaba (Botteri). Sclater OolI# b. Ad. sk. ; e~e. Orizaba (Botteri). Purchased. Jr. sk. 53 . SALTATOR. 289 / . Ad. sk. Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico (Sumi-Salvin-Godman Coll. chrasf), g. Ad. sk.; h. Mexico. Sclater Coll. Jr. sk. i. Ad. sk. ; J. Jr. Northern Yucatan (Gatimer). Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. k. d jr. sk.; Dueiias, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. I $ Ad. sk. m. Ad. sk. San Pedro,Honduras (WMtehj). Salvin-Godman Coll. ?i. Ad. sk. Honduras. D. Dyson [C], o. Ad. sk. Irazu, Costa Rica (Rogers). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. Ad. sk. San Jose, Costa Rica ( CarmioT). Salvin-Godman Coll. q, r. Ad. sk. Tempate, Nicoya, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). s. Ad. sk. Volcan de Cartago, Costa Rica Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). £. cJ ad. sk. Nicaragua (Nutting). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. 8. Saltator pliimbeiceps. Saltator plumbeiceps, Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y. viii. p. 477; id. Mem, Bost. S. N. H. ii. p. 274: Salv. et God?n. Biol. CentraAm.. Aves, i. p. 329. Above cinereous; superciliaries white : below pale cinereous; throat white, with, a black stripe on each side; middle of belly- lighter ; crissum ochraceous; bill and feet dark plumbeous: whole length 8*4 inches, wing 4*1, tail 4*1. Female similar. Young. Above olivaceous, with yellowish superciliaries; beneath pale yel lowish ; rictal stripe blackish. Hab. Western Mexico. Yery closely allied to 8. grandis, of which it is, no doubt, the western form, but not so dark above and much paler below. a, b. Ad. sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. Ad. sk. Mazatlan, Mexico (Xantus). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. S jr. sk. Putla, S. Mexico (Boiward). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. 2 a& sk-; Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. f. $ g. Jr. sk. Mexico. Purchased. 9. Saltator olivascens. Saltator olivascens, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 676; id. Mus. Hein. i. p. 142 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 490; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1850, p. 71,1857, p. 19; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 9; id. Cat A. B. p. 95 ; Feb. Orn. Bras. p. 218; Bel. et Salv. F. Z. S. 1868,p. 167 (Venezuela) ; iid. Nomencl p. 26; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 83 (Trinidad); Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 327 (Colombia); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 121 (Santa Marta"). Saltator icterophrys, Leot. Ois. de Trin. p. 285. Saltator plumbeus, Bp. Notes Orn. p. 23; id. Compt. Fend, xxxvii. p. 923 (Santa Marta). Above cinereous; wings and tail blackish, edged with cinereous; short superciliaries white: below pale cinereous ; middle of throat VOL. xi. v 290 TANAGRIDJE. white, with a broad blackish stripe on each side; middle of belly whitish; flanks, lower part of belly, and crissum oehraceous; under wing-coverts white; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3*7, tail 3*5. Female similar. Young, llore or less tinged with olivaceous above and below; superciliaries yellowish ; sometimes with slight striations on the breast. Hob. Guiana, Trinidad, Venezuela, and northern coast of Colombia. Some specimens of this species resemble examples of 8. plumbekeps so closely that it is very difficult to distinguish them. In general, however, the present bird may be recognized by its more cinereous breast, and darker, more plumbeous upper surface. a. Ad. sk. Trinidad. Sclater Coll. b, c. Ad. sk. Trinidad. Zool. Soc. Coll. d. $ ad. sk. Carupano, Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Jr. sk. Venezuela {Goering). Sclater Coll. / . Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. g. Ad. sk. Venezuela. Sclater Coll. %. Ad. sk.; Santa Marta, IT. S. C. (Wyatt). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Jr. sk. j. tf ad. sk.; Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. $ jr. sk. I, Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. m. Ad. sk. Venezuela (?). Purchased. n. Ad. sk. Venezuela (?). P. L. Sclater, Esq, [P.]. 10. Saltator cserolescem Habia de ceja blanca, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 344. Saltator caerulescens, Vieill. Nouv. Diet xiv. p. 105; id. Ene. Meth. p. 791; Hartl Ind. Az. p. 6; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 287: Sclater. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 73; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 11; id. Cat. A. B. p. 9fJ ; Sd. et Sah. Nomencl. n. 26; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 603 (Bolivia}; Burm. La Plata Beise, ii. p. 480 (Parana); Dumford, Ibis. 1878 p. 59 (rep. Arg.) ; Sah. Ibis, 1880, p. 353 (Salts): White, PZ. si 1882, p. 597 (Salta); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1882. p. 16: id. Orn. Per. ii p.544(N.E. Peru?). Above cinereous, wings and tail ratber darker; short snperciliaries white : beneath, pale cinereous; throat white, with a blaekiaL rictal stripe on each side; fore neck slightly tinged with fulvous • middle of belly whitish; lower belly and crissum strongly suffused with fulvous; under wing-coverts pale fulvous ; bill blackish ; feet dark brown: whole length 8*5 inches, wing 4*3, tail 4*1. Female similar to the male, but slightly smaller. Eab. Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentine Republic, and Bolivia. This specie^ is very like 8. olivascew, but is rather larger in size, and has the fulvous colour below extended further over the lower belly. a. Ad. sk. Argentine Republic. Sclater Coll. b. 2 ad. sk. Oran, Salta, Arg. Rep. ( White). Sclater Coll.* c. $ ad. sk. Oran, Salta, Arg. Rep. ( White). Salvin-Godman Coll d. tf, e. 2 sk. Salta, Arg. Rep. H. Durnford fc.l f. Skeleton Eyton Coll. 53 . SALTATOE. 11. SaJtator superciliaris. Tanagra superciliaris, 8pix, Av. Bras. ii. p. 44, pi. 57. Saltator superciliaris, Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 142 ,* Salv. Cat. Strichl Coll p. 200; Scl et Salv. P.Z.S. 1873, p. 263 (E. Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 26; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 541; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 597 (Corrientes) (?). Saltator ceeruleseens, Tseli. Faun. Per., Aves, p. 209. Tanagra muta, Licht. in Mus. Berol. Saltator irtutus, Mater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 72; id. Sun. Av. Tan. p. 10; ttf.Orf.2l 2?. p. 96. Saltator azarae, cTOrb. Voy. p. 287; Bp. Consp. i. p. 490; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 73, 1858, p. 72; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 11; id. Cat. A. B. p. 96; Scl et Sah. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 181, 1867, p. 977 (E. Peru), 1809, p. 597 (S. Peru); Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 219; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 540. Saltator aibicollis, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 517 (Lima). Above dark cinereous, rather blacker on the wings and tail; short superciliary stripe -white: beneath pale cinereous; middle of throat white, with a broad blackish rietai stripe on each side; lower belly and erissum pale fulvous; under wing-coverts white, some times tinged with fulvous; bill blackish ; feet dark brown: whole length 8*5 inches, wing 4*3, tail 3*8. Female similar. Young more or less tinged with olive above and below. Hub. Lower Amazonia, Peru, and Ecuador, The Lower Amazonian skins are mostly rather paler in colouring, "but cannot, I think, be separated from the Peruvian bird, which Mr. Salvin and I have sometimes referred to as S. azarce. The species also comes very near to 8. olivascens^ but may be distinguished by its darker cinereous colour above and on the breast. a, h. Ad. sk.; JMexiana, Lower Amazons Sclater Coll. c. Jr. sk. {Wallace). d. Ad. sk. ^TPPer Ecayali {Bartlett). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. Lower Ucayali. E. Bartlett [C.]. fyff-<5 2 ^ S^* Pebas, E. Peru {Hauxwell). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Jr. sk. Eastern Peru {Farris). Salvin-Godman Coll. L Ad. sk. Cosnipata, South-western Peru Sclater Coll. ( WJdtehj). j. Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk, Samyacu, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. I. Ad. sk. Jima, Ecuador {Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. m, w. Ad, sk. Bolivia, T. Bridges [0.]. 12. Saltator orenocensis. Saltator orenocensis, Lafr. B. Z. 1846, p. 274; Gray, Gen.^ App. p. 16; Bp. Consp. I p. 490; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 143; Scl P. Z. S. 185(5, p. 77; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 15; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl p. 26; Sah. Cat. Strichl. Coll p. 200. Saltator genalis, LicU. in Mus. Berol Above plumbeous; wings and tail blackish, edged with plumbeous ; superciliaries distinct, and commencing on the front, white sides of head and neck black, with a square white spot adjoining v2 292 TA3STAGRIDJE. the baso of the lower mandible: beneath white, passing into clear ferruginous on the flanks and crissum; under wing-coverts white ; bill black; feet dark brown: whole length 7*3 inches, wing 3*4, tail 3-2. Hob. Venezuela. A very distinct species, easily known by the well-defined black of the sides of the head, and the small white spot at the base of tho lower mandible. a. Ad. sk. Angostura, Venezuela. Sclater Coll. 13. Saltator aurantiirostris. Habia pico naranjado, Azara, Apwit. i. p. 349. Saltator aurantiirostris, Vieill Nouv. Diet xiv. p. 103; id. Mic. Meth. p. 789 ; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 288; JBp. Consp. i. p. 490; Scl. P. Z. S. 1856, p. 74; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 12; id. Cat. A. B. p. 96; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl p. 26 ; White, P. Z. S. 1882, p. 598 (Salta) ; Burm. J.f. 0.1858, p. 160 (Mendoza), 1860, p. 253; id. La Plata Beise, ji. p. 481. Above cinereous, with a slight olivaceous suffusion ; head rather darker; sides of head and throat black ; superciliary stripe, commencing above the eye, white r^^^^ e cinereous mixed with fulvous, a well-marked guttural collar joining the sides of the throat black; ends of the outer rectrices more or less varied with white; bill clear orange; feet greyish brown: whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3*6, tail 3-5. Female and Young not so brightly coloured, and with the guttural collar almost or altogether absent; no white on the outer tail-feathers ; superciliary stripe fulvous. Hab. Paraguay, Uruguay, and northern and western portions of Argentine Republic. a,b. $ $ ad. sk.; c. S jr. sk. Cosquin, Cordova, Arg. Rep. ( White). Salvin-Godman Coll. d,e. $ $ ad. sk. Mendoza, Arg. Eep. (Burmeister). Salvin-Grodman Coll. f. Ad. sk. g. <$ ad. sk. h. $ ad. sk. i. $ ad. sk. Argentine Republic. Pampas Argentinas (Leybold). Paraguay. Monte Video (Sello). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman ColL Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. j . Ad. sk. k,l. Ad. sk. Paysandu, Uruguay. Bolivia (?). " A. Peel [C.]. T. Bridges [C.]. 14. Saltator laticlavius. Saltator aurantiirostris, d'Orb. etLafr. Syn. i. p. 35; o?Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 288 (partim). Saltator laticlavius, Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1869, p. 151,1873, p. 780 (S. Peru), 1879, p. 603 (Bolivia) ; iid. Nomencl p. 26: Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 517 (Centr. Peru), 1880, p. 198 (N. Peru), 1882, p. 16 (K.E. Peru); id. Orn. Per. ii. p. 545. V Above cinereous, with a slight olivaceous tinge; superciliary stripe, 53 . SALTATOR. 293 from above the eye backwards, white ; sides of head joined together by a very broad guttural collar, wtiich encircles the whole throat, black; abdomen greyish, with a strong fulvous tinge in the middle; two outer rectrices with strongly marked terminal white patches on their inner webs; bill clear orange ; feet brown: whole length 8-5 inches, wing 4, tail 4*2. Female and Young. More olivaceous, and with the guttural collar almost or entirely absent. Hal. Bolivia and Peru. Closely allied to S. aurantiirostris, but distinguishable by the enlarged guttural collar and the more extended and more distinctly marked white tips to the outer rectrices. a. <$ ad. sk. Tinta, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. (Type b. S ad. skc. Jr. sk. d} e. & $ ad. sk.; / . 6 jr. sk. g, h. Ad. sk. Tinta, Peru {Whitely). Tinta, Peru \Whitely). Sorata, Bolivia {Buckley). Bolivia (D. Forbes). of the species.) Salvin-Godman CoU. H. Whitely [0.]. Salvin-G-odman Coll. Sclater Coll. 15. Saltator atricollis. Habia gola negra, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 349. Saltator atricollis, Vieill. JVouv.Diet. xiv. p. 104; id. Fnc. Mith. p. 790; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 288; Bp. Consp. i. p. 490; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 77; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 15; id. Cat. Am. B. p. 97; Felz. Orn. Bras. p. 219; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 26 ; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 604 (Bolivia) ; Salv. Cat. Strickl. CoU. p. 200. Tanagra atricollis, Spiv, Av. Bras. ii. p. 43, pi. 56.fig. 2. Saltator validus, Vieill. Nouv. Bid. xiv. p. 106. Tanagra jugularis, Zicht. Doubl. p. 31. Fringilla iugularis, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 558. Saltator sordidus, Less. Echo d. M. S. 1845, p. 295. Tanagra personata, Natt. MS. (teste Felzeln). Above cinereous brown; wings and tail blackish, edged with cinereous ; front and sides of the head, with the throat and fore neck, black; abdomen bufTy white, flanks and crissum rufescent; bill orange, with a line along the culmen blackisb ; feet reddish: whole length 8 inches, wing 3*6, tail 3*6. Female similar. Hob. South Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia. a. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil ( Wucherer). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Kio. Sclater Coll. c. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. d. e. Ad. sk. Brazil. J. Gould, Esq. 16. Saltator rufiveiitris. Saltator rufiventris, Zafr. et oVOrb. Syn. Av. i. p. 35; ffOrb. Voy., Ois p. 289, pi. 28. fig. 1; Gray, Gen. ii. p. 363; Bp. Consp. l. p. 489 ; Ac*. P Z S 1856, p. 74; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 12; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl p." 26; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 603 (Bolivia). Above dark plumbeous; superciliaries white: below chestnut 294 TASTA.GRIMJ. red; throat and upper breast like the back ; bill horn-colour; feet brown : whole length 9 inches, wing 4*4, tail 4. Female and Young more obscure, washed with olive; abdomen paler. Hab. Bolivia. a. Ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [C.]. 17. Saltator flavidieoHis. Saltatorflavidicollis,Scl P. Z. S. I860, p. 274 ; id. Cat A. B. p. 96; Berl et Tacz. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 548; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 548. Saltator olivascens, Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1871, p. 327 ; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 320 (err. ?). Above cinereous, washed with olive-green, short superciliaries white: below dirty white, tinged with yellowish; under wing- coverts white ; bill horn-colour, tip yellow ; feet dark brown: whole length 7 inches, wing 3*7, tail 3*7. Young with breast striated, much resembling S. alhicollis (!). Hab. Western Ecuador. I am much perplexed about this bird, which, in 1871, llr. Salvin and I agreed to regard as the young of 8. olivascens. But MIT. Berlepsch and Taczanowski are quite opposed to this view, and certainly, judging from the specimens in Messrs. Salvin and Godman's series from Puna, it would seem to be more correct to place this species next to 8. alhicollis. In fact it is difficult to detect much difference between specimen "h of the subjoined list and some examples of 8. alhicollis. a, h. Ad. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador (Fraser). Sclater Coll. (Types of the species.) c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e,f. Ad. sk. g. Ad. sk.; h. Jr. sk. Babahoyo, Ecuador. W. coast of S. America. Guayaquil (Barclay). Puna I., Guayaquil (Villagomez). L. Fraser J"0.]. J. Gould, Esq. G.Barclay,Esq.[P.]. Salvin-Godrnan Coll 18. Saltator alhicollis. Saltator alhicollis, Vieill Nouv, Diet xiv. p. 107; id. Em. Mith. p. 793 ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 489; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 75; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 13; id. Cat A.B. p. 97; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 327; Scl etSalv. Nomencl. p. 26; iid. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 505 (Antioquia); Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 517 (Lima), 1879, p. 229 (N. Peru), 1880, p. 198 (N. Peru),- id. Orn. PSr. ii. p. 542; Salv, et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 122 (S. Marts); id. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, L p. 330; Salvin, P. Z. S.1883, p. 421 (Panama); id. Cat Strickl Cot p. 200: Berl J.f. 0.1884, p. 293 (Bucaramanga). Saltator maculipectus, Lafr. Rev. Zool 1847, p. 73; Bp. Consp. i. p. 489; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1856, p. 76; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 14; id. Cat A. B. p. 97; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 83 (Trinidad) ; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S.1868, p. 167 (Venezuela). Saltator striatipectus, Lafr. JRev. Zool 1847, p. 73; Bp. Consp. I p. 489 ; Sclatw, P. Z. S.1855, p. 154,1856, p. 76,1866, p. 97; id. Syn. Av. 53. SALTATOE. 295 Tan. p. 14; id. Cat. A. B. p. 97 ; Lawr. Ann. L. N. Y vii. p. 331 (Panama), viii. p. 175 (Chiriqui). Saltator isthmicus, Sclater, P. Z. S.1861, p. 130; id. Cat. A. B. p. 97; Scl et Sab. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 351 (Panama) ; Salv. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 141,1870, p. 189 (Veragua). Above ashy grey, more or less suffused, except on the ends of the primaries and tail, with olive-green; sides of head cinereous; short supereiliaries in front of the eye, sometimes almost obsolete, whitish: beneath white; breast more or less marked with longitudinal olivaceous striatums; under wing-coverts white; bill plumbeous, or with a yellowish tip ; feet brown: whole length 7 inches, wing 3*6, tail 3*6. Female similar. Hah. Veragua, Panama, and west coast of S. America down to Lima; also Colombia, Yenezuela, and Trinidad. This is a wide-ranging and variable species, of which I was formerly inclined to make several species. The examination of the large series enumerated below has convinced me that it is not possible to distinguish the various forms, even as subspecies, satisfactorily. I have examined the type of S. albicollis of Yieillot at Paris, and believe it to be an immature bird of this species. a. 5 ad. s*k„ Santa F6, Veragua (AreS). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. J ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. c7. d. £ Q ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. / . Ad. sk. Panama {Hughes). Sclater Coll. . gf h. Ad. sk. Panama [Belt). Sclater Coll. (Types of S. isthmicus.) i7j. S 5 ad. sk. Panama (McZeannan). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ii»; ill. Ene. mth. p. 1016. Pitylus caerulescens, Cab. Mus. JS&n. L p. 143. Friiigilla gnatho, Licht. D&M. p. 22; Max. JBeitr. Hi. p. Sw2. Pitylus gnatliOj iJJp. Cmsp. L p. 603. Pitylus atrocbaiybeusj Jard. et Sdb. Ill Orn, t. pi. *1 Tanagra psittaclna, 8pix, Ai\ Bras, ii. p. 44, pL 67. fig. 2. » Raltator psittaelnusy* JSp. Cmsp. i. p. 4w. Pitylus ervthrorhyncnus, Sw. dam, ii. p. 282. Sooty Grosbeak, lath. G. H. v. p. 2611. Above and below bluish Hack; sides of the bead, throat, mi breast black; under wing-coverts white ; bill orange ; feet black: whole length 9 inches, wing 4*1, tail 4-4. Female similar, but scarcely darker on the throat and breast, and not quite so bright. Rah. South-east Brazil. 59. PITYLtJS. 305 a. 3 ad. sk Bahia, Brazil (Wuclierer). Salvin-Godrnan Coll. k d1 ad. sk. Bio, Brazil. Sclater Coll. c. d ad, sk. Xovo Fribourgo, Rio de Salvin-Godrnan Coll. Janeiro (Youds). d. Ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. e. Ad. sk. Brazil. Lieut Maw [P.l f7g, h. Ad. sk Brazil. Sclater Coll 2. Skeleton. Eyton Coll. 3. Pitylus erytliromelas. Loxia erytliromelas. Gnu S. JV. ii. p. 859. LueeotliKiiiHtes ervthromelas, YieilL Nouv. Diet xiiL p. 547 ; id. Enc. Metk. p. 1017 lid. Gal des Ois. i. p. 70, pi. 59. Pitvlus eiTtlirumelas, Sdater. P. Z. S. 1856, p. Q6 ; id. Si/n. Av. Tan. p. 3; id. Cat A. B. p. 98; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 18(57, p. 572 < Lower Amazon.-) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 20; Salv. Ibis, 1885, p. 213 (Br. Guiana}. Periporphyrus erytliromelas, Bp. Consp. i. p. 503. Scarlet; whole bead and throat black; under wing-coverts rosy red; hill dark plumbeous; feet brown : whole length 7*5 inches, wing 4, t'lil *i">» Ft male. Yellowish olive, more yellowish below; head and throat black. Hah. Guiana, Cayenne, and Lower Amazonia. n. e? ad. A. South America. Purchased. h, J jt*L *k. l)pnierara (Bruwri). Salvin-Godman Coll. *, d. S Z i&*s^- L'amaciwi, British Guiana Salvin-Godrnan Coll. { TUdtvhf). *. ? ail 4 Iloraima, Brit. Guiana (TF7tiY^). Sclater Coll. /. £ ttd. sk. Cayenne. Sclater Coll. y. 9 ad. sk. Cayenne. Purchased. %, £ ml. hk. Capim River, Lower Amazons Sclater Coll. < Wallace). 4. Pitjlus cateno. F»H*rftfe frlffino, Zicht. Preis-Verz. p. 2 (1831); cf Cab. J.f. 0. lHt$$ p. 57. Pitvlus atro-purpuratus, Lafr. Pev. ZooL 1838, p. 224 (<£). Pitylus atro-olivaceus, Lafr. Pev. ZooL 1838, p. 224 ($ ). Pyranjfa mwrieana, Less. Pen. ZooL 1839, p. 41. Oarvothraustes atro-olivaceus, Bp. Consp. L p. 503. IVriporphvrus atro-purpuratus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 503. Pitvlus eeteno, Sclater, P.Z.8. 1856, p. 05, 1864, p. 174; id. St/n. jiv. Tan. p. 3; id. Cat. A. B. p. 99; Sel. et Salv. Nomencl p. 26 ; Stdi\ ei Godm. Bid. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 332, t. xxiv. Above black; cervical collar purplish red: below, throat and breast black; abdomen purplish red, slightly variegated with black ; under wing-coverts rosy red; bill dark plumbeous; feet dark brown : whole length 3*4 inches, wing 4*1, tail 3*5. Female. Olive ; beneath yellowish; head and throat black. (Lafr.) link Sfexico. a. d «h .4t. Mexico (Write). Salvin-Godman Coll, hi 3 ad. nk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. vor-xu ' x 306 TANAGKRIDJE. 5. Pitylus viridis. Loxia canadensis, Linn. S. JY*. i. p. 304. Pitylus canadensis, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 687. Coccothraustes viridis, Vieill. Enc. Meth. p. 1017. Caryothraustes viridis, Cab. Mus. JSein. i. p^ 144 Caryothraustes cayanensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 514 (partim). Pitylus personatus, Less. Rev. Zool. 1839, p. 42; id. Descr. d. Mamm. et Ois. p. 344. Canada Grosbeak, Lath. Gen. Hisf. v. p. 3S2. Pitylus viridis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 65 ; id. Syn. Av. Tan. p. 3 ; id. Cat. A. B. p. 99 ; Scl. et Solo. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 572 (Para); iid. Nomencl. p. 26; iid. Ev. Orn, p. 167; Sain. Ibis, I860, p. 213. Pitylus cayanensis, Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 221. Above yellowish olive, beneath yellow; lores, line round the eye, and throat black; under wing-coverts yellow ; bill dark plumbeous ; feet dark grey: whole length 6 inches, wing 3*5, tail 2*7. Fatwle similar. Hah. Guiana, Cayenne, and Lower Amazonia. a. b. $ Q ad-s^* Bartica Grove, Brit. Guima( WJiitehf). Sah in-Godnaan Coll. c. $ ad. sk. Merume Mts., Brit. Guiana Sulvin-Godman Coll. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. / . Ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. h. Ad. sk. ( Wliitely). Cayenne. Cayenne. Oyapock, Cayenne. Para (Wallace). S. America. Sclater Coll. bah in-Godmart Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coil. Sclater Coll 6. Htylus fcrasiliensis. Fringilla viridis, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 555. Fringilla cayanensis, Licht. Verz. p. 22 (excl syn.). Caryothraustes brasilien&is, Cah. Mus. Hein. i~p. 144. Pitylus brasiliensis, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1850, p. 06; id. Syn. Ai\ Tan p. 4: id. Cat. A. B. p. 99; Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 221 { Sri. et Sah. Nomencl p. 26; iid. Ex. Orn. p. 168; Sah. Cat Stride!. Coll. p. 202. Yellowish olive, beneath yellow; front, sides of head, and throat black; under wing-coverts yellow; bill dark plumbeous; feet brown: whole length 6-6 inches, wing 3*6, tail 2*9. Female similar. Hob. S.E. Brazil. Yexy similar to P. viridis, but rather larger in size, and with the front black. a, b. Ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Salvin-Godraan Coll. c. Ad. sk. Bahia. J, Gould, E&q, d. Ad. sk. Bahia. Ld. Stuart de Rothesay fP.]. e. Ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Salvin-Godman Coll. Janeiro (Youds). f. Ad. sk. Brazil. Salvin-Godman Coll. g} h. Ad. sk Brazil. M. Claussen [P.]. i. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll. 59. PITTLUS. 7. Pitylns poliogaster. Pitylus poliogaster, Du Bus, Bull. Ac. Brux. xiv. pt. ii. p. 105; id. Bev. Zool 1848, p. 245; id. Esq. Orn. t. 22: Sclater, B. Z. S.1856, p. 168 ; wdf. Nomencl. p. 20; Sato. P. J£ 511867, p. 141 f Veragua); id. Ibis, 1872, p. 317 (Nicaragua); Sumichr. Mem. Bost. S. N. II. i. p. 549 (Vera Cruz) ; Laior. Ann. L. N. Y ix. p. 102 (Costa Rica); Sab. et Godm. Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, i. p. 383. Pitylus flavocinereus, Cassin, Br. Acad. Sc. Bhilad. 1848, i. p. 47. Caryothraustes episcopus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 504. Above yellowish olive, head yellow; lower back cinereous ; sides of head and throat black; breast yellow; belly cinereous ; under wing-coverts sulphur-yellow; bill dark plumbeous; feet dark grey: whole length 6S inches, wing 3-8, tail 3. Female similar. Bah, Southern Mexico and Central America down to Panama. a. Ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. h. <$ ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvm). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. 2 ad. sk. Kamkhal, Vera Paz (Salvm). Salvin-Godrnan Coll. d. $ ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. Yaxcamnal, Guatemala (Salvin). Belize, Brit. Honduras (BlancaSalvin- Godman Coll. Salvin-Godrnan Coll. f.. Ad. sk. «/, h. Ad. sk. i. Ad. sk. j . Ad. sk. k, L $ 5 ad. sk. neaux). Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Tucurriqui, Costa Rica (Arce). Santiago dft Veragua (Arce). Santa Fe\ Veragua (Arce). Panama (McLeannaii). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godrnan Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godrnan Coll. 8. Pitylus humeralis. Pitylus (Caryothraustes) humeralis, Lawr. Ann. L. JST. Y. viii. p. 467. Pitylus humeralis, Set. et Salv. Bx. Orn. p. 167, pi. lxxxiv.; iid. Nomencl. p. 26. Above yellowish olive-green ; wings and tail blackish, edged with olive-green; smaller wing-coverts and bend of wing yellow; cap cinereous ; sides of head black; rictal stripe on each side white varied with black; throat on each side black, varied more or less with white in the middle; abdomen cinereous, flanks olive, crissum yellow ; under wing-coverts and axillaries pale yellow; bill plumbeous, paler beneath; feet dark grey: whole length 6'2 inches, wing 3*4, tail 3 8. Hah. Colombia and Ecuador. In this very distinct species the bill is rather more compressed and slightly more incurved than in P. poliogaster. But that bird is, apparently, its nearest ally. a. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. h Ad sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godrnan Coll. c Ad. sk. Rio Napo. Sclater CoU. d e. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Coll. f Ad sk Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. J' x 2 308 ICTERIDJS. Family ICTERIDiE. The Ictericlce represent the Starlings (Sturnidas) in the New World, from which the latter are altogether excluded. They are typical 0seines, and bearing no trace of the outer or tenth primary (which has become altogether aborted), must, according to the arrangement adopted in this work, be placed in the series of " Frin gilliformes," or " nine-quilled Passeres/ in which this wing-forma tion prevails. The Ictericlce are generally of a rather large size for typical Passeres, some of the larger Cassiques rivalling even the Crows in stature, and the majority of them being of considerably greater average bulk than the Tanagers. The bill is long, equal to or longer than the head, straight or gently curved, more or less conical, without any terminal notch, and unprovided with any rictal bristles. The tarsi are covered in front with divided scutes, behind with one undivided plate, as in other typical Oscines. The wings are long or of moderate length, and contain 0 primaries and 9 secondaries, altogether 18 remiges. The tail varies much in length and shape, but is usually long or of moderate length; and always contains 12 reetriccs, of which the two central are the longest. The Ictericlce are as a rule strictly monogamous, and builders of elaborate nest-structures. But an extraordinary exception takes plaee in some species of the genus Molothrus, in which the polygamous and parasitic habits of some of the Cuckoos of the Old World are repeated. The Ictericlce are strictly confined to the Nearetic and Paliearctic Regions, in which they are distributed from the Arctic Circle to Patagonia, being most plentiful in Central America and in the northern parts of South America. Key to the Subfamilies. A. Nostrils naked, exposed: mesorhinium more or less expanded into a frontal shield I. CAS&ICIWM, p. 509. B. Nostrils more or less covered with a membrane; mesorhinium elevated but not expanded. a. Culmen straight or nearly so j mesorhinium more or less flattened. a!. Outer secondaries normal II. AGELMIWJE^ p. $30. V. Outer secondaries elongated .. III. ST'URWBLLINJB, p."*365 CAssicmas. 309 b. Culmen more or less Incurved; mesorhinium rounded. c. Tarsi short; feet insessorial ; tail rounded IV. ICTERINJE, p. 361. d'. Tarsi long ; feet gressorial; tail generally much graduated .. V. Q TJISOALINM, p. 388. Subfamily I. CASSICBOE. The naked exposed nostrils and expansion of the mesorhinium Into a frontal shield sufficiently characterize this subfamily. The Omskinm are mostly of large size, the larger Cassiques being among the most bulky of Passerine birds. They are, so far as we know their habits, builders of elaborate purse-like nests, which are suspended from the branches of lofty trees, and lay spotted eggs. The Qassicirue are forest-loving birds, and inhabit the tree-clad portions of the New World, from Southern llexico to Paraguay and Bolivia; but do not extend into the Patagonian and Antillean Subregion. Key to the Genera. A. Frontal shield much expanded, and much elevated at the back. a. Bill short and broadened at base; no occipital cre&t. TVinjrs shorter than tail; bases of lowertnaiidlble swollen, homy .. 1. CLYPEICTEKTTS, p. 310. Wings longer than tall; lower mandible normal 2. OCYALUS, p. 311. b. Bill lengthened and compressed; a slight occipital crest. a*. Frontal shield extending back behind the eye 3, ETJCORYSTES, p. 311. Vm Frontal shield terminating in front of the eye. j Base of lower mandible naked., 4. GYMNOSTTNOPS, p. 312. | Base of lower mandlhle feathered 5. OSTINOPS, p. 315. B. Frontal shield slightly expanded and but little elevated at tWback, c. Neck-feathers normal. e'. Posterior end of mesorhiniumrounded; slight or no occipital crest. j Culmen slightly Incurved 6. CASSICTJS, p. 320. f Culmen quite straight 7. AMBLYCEBCTJS, p. 326. d*. Posterior end of mesorhinium angular; a well-developed crest 8. CASSICULTJS, p. 328, i, Neck-feathers developed into a frill 0. CA&SIDIX, p. 329. 310 ICTERID^. 1. CLYPEICTERUS. Type. Clypeicterus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 426 (1850) C. oseryi. tow '.....>> LiM ! Frontal shields of Cassiques.—1. Clypeictems oseryi; 2. Ocyalus latirostris; 3. Eucorysfes wagleri. This remarkable monotypic form is confined to Upper Amazonia. It is at once distinguishable by the enormous development of its frontal shield, and the swollen horny bases of the lower mandible. The bill is short and wide at the base. 1. Clypeictems oseryi. Cassicus oseryi, Devifl-e, Rev. Zool. 1849, p. 57; DesMurs, Voy. de Casteln., Ois. p. 66, t. 18. fig. 3; Casein, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1807, p. 72. Clypeictems oseryi, Bp. Consp. i. p. 426; Scl. et Salo. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 755, 1873, p. 265j iid. Nomencl p. 35 j Scl. Ibis, 1883, p. 146; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 402. Above chestnut; wings black, coverts and secondaries edged with chestnut; tail yellow, four middle rectrices and outer webs of the external pair brownish olive: beneath greenish yellow, more ashy on the throat; belly, flanks, and crissum dark chestnut; bill greenish white, passing into horn-colour at the apex; feet black: whole length 14*5 inches, wing 8*5, tail 5'5. Female similar but much smaller : whole length 11 inches, wing 6, tail 4*3. Hah. Upper Amazonia. 2 . OCTAITJS.—3. EUCOKYSTES. 311 a. b. 3 jr. sk. ? ad. sk. Charnicuros, E. Peru (Bartlett). Charnicuros, E. Peru (Bartlett). Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. c. d. e. cT ad sk. 2 jr. sk. <$ ad. sk. Huallaga, E. Peru (Bartlett). Pebas, E. Peru (Ham well). Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. f. 2 ad. sk. 9-? ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Andoas, Ecuador (Buckley). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 2. OCYALTJS. T Ocyalus, Waterhouse, P. Z. S. 18£0, p. 183 0. latirostris. This is another monotypic form, likewise peculiar to the forests of Upper Amazonia, and remarkable for its long wings, of which the outer primaries are much attenuated towards the tips. 1. Ocyalus latirostris. Cassicus latirostris, Sw. An. in Menaq. p. 858; Cassin, Br. Ac. 8c. Phil 1867, p. 71. Ocyalus popayanus, Waterh. P. Z. S. 1840, p. 183. Ocyalus latirostris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 427; Scl. Cat. A.B. p. 127; id. ihzs, 1883, p. 34G; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 402 ; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. I860, p. 182, 1807, p. 749,1873, p. 265; iid. Nomencl p. 35. Above and below velvety black; wings externally shining black ; whole head above and upper back dark brownish chestnut; tail shining black, the four lateral rectrices golden yellow, broadly tipped with black; bill plumbeous; feet black: whole length 12 inches, wing 9*2, tail 5. Female similar, but smaller: whole length 9*2 inches, wing 6, tail 3*8. Hah. Upper Amazonia. a. <$ ad. sk. Popayan, Colombia (?). J. Gould, Esq. (Type of the species.) " " Yquitos, Peru. Ii. Whitely [0.]. b. (51 ad. sk. c. 2 ad. sk. Yquitoa, Peru (Whitely). Sclater Coll. e. <$ 2 a^* s^' Upper Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll. i i g.$2 ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ucayali (Bartlett). Salvin-Godman Coll. tf ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ucayali (Bartlett). Sclater Coll S ad. sk. Nauta, Upper Amazons Salvin-Godman Coll. i i i. (Bartlett). 2 ad. sk. Upper Amazons (Bartlett). Sclater Coll <$ ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-G odman Coll. 3. EUCORYSTES. Type > Eucorystes, Sclater, Ibis, 1883, p. 147 E. wagleri. This form is easily distinguishable from Ocyalus, with which it has been usually united, by the much shorter wings, and the totally different shape of the bill and frontal shield. The bill is much produced and compressed towards the apex: the frontal shield is enormously developed, covering the whole front of the head up to the vertex. 312 ICTEEIDJB. Eucorystes extends from Southern Mexico through Central America to Colombia and Ecuador* 1. Eucorystes wagleri. iid. NomeneL p. 85; Salv. Ibisi 1861, p. 141, 1*72, p. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 142,1870, p. 190; Cab. J.f. 0. lfctil, p.O; Sumichrast, Mem. Boston S. K J2". i. p. 553 (Yefa Cruz), Eucorystes wagleri, ScL Ibis, 1883, p. 147. Above and below smoky brown with a chestnut tinge; intersea pulium, wings externally, middle of belly, and under -wing-coverts bronzy black ; tail yellow, outer web of the outer rectrix and whole of middle pair of rectrices blackish ; bill whitish grey; feet black ; a thin occipital crest coloured like the head : whole length 14 inches, wing 8, tail 5. Female similar, but smaller; whole length 10**5 inches, wing 5*6, tail 4. Bab. South Mexico and Central America down to Panama; also Western Ecuador and Northern Colombia. a, b. S 2 ad, st. Coban, Guatemala* Purchase!, c. <$ ad. sk. Coban, Guatemala. K. Wilson, K«q. [P/L dj e. $ $ ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz Salvin-Godiuau Coll. (SaMn). f. <$ ad. sk. Guatemala (Skinner). Sclater Coll. g. $ ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua Salvin-Godinan Coll. (Belt), h i< d 2 ad. sk. Tuciirriqui, Costa Eica Salvin-Godman CoD. (Arce). j. J ad. sk. Santa "F6, Yeragua (Aree). Salvin-Godman ColL k. (S ad. sk. Chitra, Veragua (Arei). 8alrin-Godman ColL I, m. S 2 ad. sk. CkhiquL Capt Kellett k Lt Wood [C.I. n, o. S 2 ad. sk. Lion Hill, ML of Panama Salvm-Godinan ColL (McZeannari). p. $ ad. sk. Balzar Mis., Ecuador Salvin-Godman ColL (IHingworfK). g^r. $ 2 ad. sk. Pocune, AntioquIa,TJ.S.C. Salvin-Godman ColL (Salmon). s. 6 ad. sk. Piura, N.W. coast of S. Capt. Kellett & Lt. America. wood [C] , 4. OTOTOSTIHOPS*, gen. nov. The naked space at the base of the mandible is such a trenchant character that I have felt compelled to separate the four species that possess it from their fellows. Gymnostimjps thus embraces the four largest and finest species of the Cassiques, and ranges from Southern Mexico down to Amazonia. * Gymnostinwps, gen. nov., from yvpvos naked, 6, 1873, pp. 185, 265, 1879, p. 608; iid. NomencL p. 35; Tttcz. Orn. P&r. ii. p. 403. Cassicus devillii, Bp. Consp. i. p. 427; De$ Murs, Voy, Casteln., Ois. p. 67, pL 19. %.!(?). Ostinops devillh; Sclater, Cat A. B. p. 128. Bright yellowish olive-green; whole of lower ba-ck, wings externally, lower part of belly, thighs, and crissum dark chestnut; tail bright yellow, two middle tail-feathers brownish green; bill black, point yellow; naked skin at base of lower mandible fleshcolour : whole length 18 inches, wing 10, tail 7. Female similar but smaller: whole length 13-5 inches, wing 8-5, tail 6'5. Hab. Boh via, Matogrosso (Brazil), Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. a. <$ ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [O.]. b. tf ad. sk. Eng. do Gama; Matogrosso SaMn-Grodraan Coll. (Natterer). c,d. $ $ ad. sk Sarayacu, Ecuader (Buckley). Salvin-Godman ColL e. $ ad. sk. Santa Cruz, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.1 / . $ jr. sk. Barra (Wallace). Sclater Coll. g, A. 6 S ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater ColL i. <$ ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godxnan Coll. 5 . OSTIXOPS. 315 5. OSTBTOPS. -TA Type. Prturocolius, TTagl Syst. Av. (1827), partim. Ostinops, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 187 (1851) 0. decuniatms. The typical Osihwpes, which, have the base of the lower mandible feathered, are merely larger and stronger forms of Cassicus. They range from Panama to the extreme south of the South-American forests in Brazil and Bolivia. Ostinops decumanus, the "Jajm" of the Brazilians, builds, in colonies, its purse-like nest suspended from the branches of trees over water, and lavs two eggs, white, with pale violet-red markings. (Cf. ^ied, Beitr. iii. p. 1228.) Key to the Species. A, Body Mack 1. decumanus, p. 315. B. Bxly green. , « • t a. Frontal shield much expanded 2. viridis, p. 316. b. Frontal shield narrower. a'. Bill yellow. a". Four middle roc trices green 3. atrovirens, p. 317. b". Two middle rectrices and inner webs of next pair green. fBelly Maekibk olive; thighs I black , 4. salmonij p. 317. { Belly and thighs greenish chest| nut 5. alfredi, p. 318. { Belly and thighs yellowish olive 6. smcipitalis, p. 318. b\ Bill plumbeous, tip white 7. oleagineus, p. 319. c*. Bill blackish 8. angustifroiis, p. 319. 1. Ostinops decumanus. Xantkomus decumanus, Pall Spic. Zool. fasc. vi. p. 1 (1769). Cassique hupp<§ de Cayenne, Daub. PL Enl 344. Oriolus citrius, Mull. Katursyst. Suppl p. 87 (1776). Oriolus cristatus, Bodd. Table d. PL Enl p. 21 (1783); Gm. S. iVr. i. p. 387. Cassicus cristatus, Vieill Nouv. Diet. v. p. 302; id. Enc. Meth. ii. p. 721; Sw. Birds Brazil, pi. 32; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 1220; Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 232; Bp. Consp. i. p. 427; Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 680 ; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii p. 275. Psarocolius cristatus, Wagl Syst. Av. sp. 3. Ostinops cristatus, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 187; Scl P. Z. S. 1855, p. 153, 1858, p. 455; id. Cat. A. B. p. 127; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1800, p. 138; Meinh. Fuglef. Bras. Camp. p. 211; Scl et Salo. P.Z.S. 1864, p. 354, I860, p. 182, 1867, pp. 750, 978, 1873, p. 265,1879, p. 608; iid. Nommel p. 35; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 83; Sah. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 190; Mnsch, P.Z.S. 1870, p. 578; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 328; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 101. Ostinops decumanus, Sah. et Godman, Ibis, 1879, p. 200; Scl Ibis, 1883, p. 151; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 404; Scl et Sah. P. Z. S.1879, p. 508; Salr. Ibis, 1885, p. 217 (Brit. Guian.). Cassicus citreus, Cass. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 68. 316 ICT2JKIDJE. Black; rump and crissum dark chestnut; tail yellow, two middle rectrices black; bill white; feet black: whole length 16-5 inches, wing 8-5, tail 7. Female similar, bat smaller: whole length 13 inches, wing 7, tail 6. Ectb. Chiriqui, Panama, and all South America down to Southern Brazil and Bolivia. a, b. S 2 ad. sk. Bugaba, Chiriqui (Arce). Palvin-C-rorlman Coll. Lion Hill, Ibtkm. of Panama Salvin-Gudman Coll. Chepo, Isthm. of Panama c. <$ acl. sk. (3fcLeamian). d. $ ad. sk. (Aree). Salvin-Godman Cull. Near A ttanques, Santa Maria, e. J ad. sk. U. S. C. {Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. f,g. 6 2 Bogota. Sclater ColL h, I S S ad. sk. Antioquia, U. S. 0. (Salmon). Salvin-Godman ColL J, k. 6 ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godmtai Cull. I. 6 ad. sk. Pebas, Peru (JEatixivell). Salvin-Godman C* *IL m. $ ad. sk. Sta. Cruz, E. Peru (Bartlett). Sclater ColL n, o. 6 $ ad. sk. Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia Salvin-Godman ColL (Buckley). p. 6 ad. sk. Barra do Kio Xegro, Brazil Salvin-Gudman Cull. (Xatterer). q, r. 6 5 ad. sk. British Guiana. Chov.Schombiirtrk T\ s,t 6 2 ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Biit. Guiana Sah in-Gudman Cull. (WMtely). u. 2 ad. sk. Tobago. Dr. \V. F. Brehaf 1 \ v. 6 ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Witcherer). Salviii-GiMlmaii ColL w. 2 ad. sk. Ypanema, S.Brazil(.^tf fcrer). Salvin-Godman Cull. x. 6 ad. sk. Brazil. Mrs. Graham ~ JL\j. y. 6 ad. sk. Purchased. 2. Ostinops vMdis, Cassique vert de Cayenne, Daub. PL JBni. 323. Oriolus viridis, Mult Natursyst. SuppL p. 87 ; Bodd. Table d. PL Enl p. 20. Oriolus cristatus, var., Gm. S. W. i. p. 387. Cassicus viridis, Vieill Erie. Ileth. ii. p. 723; Cab. in Sckomh. Oman. iii. p. 680; Bp. Consp. i. p. 427 ; Cass. Pr. Ac. Se. Phil. 1807, p. m, Ostinops viridis, Cab. Mm. Eein. L p. 187; Set et Sale. P. Z. S, 1867, pp. 573, 750,1873, p. 265; nd. WommcL p. 35; Zauard, IhX 1873, p. 381; Scl Cat. A. B. p. 128; id. Mis, 1883, p. 151; Tacz. Orn. PSr. ii. p. 405; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 192 j Salv. 2hu9 lS3of p. 217 (Brit. Guian.). Psarocolius viridis, Way!. Syst. Av. sp. 1. Olive-green; lower back, lower part of belly, thighs, and crissum dark chestnut; tail yellow, two middle rectrices blackish olive; bill yellow; feet black: whole length 17 inches, wing 10*3, tail 7*& Female similar, but smaller: whole length 13*5 inches, wing T-U, tail 5*5. Bob. British Guiana, Upper and Lower Amazonia, and Eastern Ecuador. O. OSTIXOPS. 317 «. J ad. sk. Cayenne. Purchased. &>>; Bp. Omsp. i. p. 428; 8cl Cat. A. B. p. 129; id. Ibis, 1*83, p. 100; JBurm. fytt. Ueh. iii. p. 274; 8eL et Salv. KomencL p. &>. Icterus hseinorrhotis, 8w. Birdt of 'Brazil\ pi. 1, Psarocolius haemorrnous, Wagl. 8ysL Av. sp. <>. Dull brownish black; rump scarlet; bill greenish white; ftvf black: whole length 11 inches, wing (5-9, tail 4-CL FtMtde himilar, but smaller : whole length U inches, wing 5*3, tail 3*7. Hah. S.E. Brazil I agree with Mr. Cassin (7. s. c.) that the distinctness of the Brazilian form of this bird from that of the Guianan and Amazonian districts is rather questionable. But in the series of specimens before me, all of the latter series (C\ affinis) agree in having the plumage in both sexes of a deeper and more shining black, and in the males there is the additional character of the larger and thicker hill, specially alluded to hy Bonaparte(C. IL xxxvii. p. Stitii. It may be noted that Linnaeus based his Oriolus Juimorrhmm mainly on Brisson's Cassicus ruber, which = Cmmms affinis. Luckily, however, Linnaeus put Brazil first in his list of localities; so I think (as he comprehended both forms under one name) we are justified in following the general practice of retaining the name hcmorrTious for the Brazilian form, and calling the G-nianan form affinis. a,b. £ $ ad. sk. Pernamhuco, Brazil (Forbes). Salvin-Goclman Coll. c-e. Ad. sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wueherer). Salvin-Ciodman Coll. /. <$ ad. sk. Tybaya, Sao Paulo, Brazil Sclater Coll. (Natterer). g, h. S J ad. sk. Sao Paulo, Brazil (Joyner). Salvin-Godman Coll. S3* 6 ? ad. sk. Santa Fe, Minas (Bogern). Sclater Coll. k. Ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner). I S ad. sk. Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Salvin-Godman Coll. Brazil (Joyner). m. $ ad. sk. Rio, Brazil. Burnett and Pitzrov [P.]. n. Skeleton. Purchased. 6. CASSictrs, 32o 7. Cassicus affirris. Cassicus ruber, Briss. Orn. ii. p. 98. Caucus aifinis, Sw. Birds of Brazil, pi. 2; jfy. C. 12. xsxvu. p. 833 fl&53); Gttssin, Pr. Ac, Sc, PEL 1867, p. 64; ScL Ibis, 1883, p. 161; ScL et Salv. Nomencl. p. 36; Pet. Orn. Bras. p. 193; Tacz. Orn. Per. ii. p. 414; &*fo. Ibis. 1885, p. 218 (Brit. G-man.). Caucus ciassirostris, Bp. C. P. L s. c. Cas-icus hsemorrhous, Cab. m Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 681; Sel. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 2m. Glossy black; ramp scarlet; bill greenish white; feet black: whole length 10 inches, wing 7-3, tail 4. Female similar, but smaller: whole length 8*5 inches, wing 5-2, tail 3-5. Hah. Guiana, Cayenne, and Lower and Upper Amazonia. a. $ ad. sk. Demerara. Purchased. b, c. f J ad. sk. Bartica Grove, Brit. Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll d. S ad. Amblycereus, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 100 (1831) ... A. Iiolti^rketH* The strong straight bill with its straight calmen and the shorter wings seem to distinguish this little group of two species from typical Gassicus. Range. Prom Southern Mexico to Paraguay and Bolivia. Key to the Species, A. Larger: bill stronger L mlitmim, p* 326. B. Smaller: bill weaker 2. k&hmrkm$f p. *M7» 1. Amblycereus solitarins. Yapii negro, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 2®8. Gassicus solitarius, VieilL Kouv. Diet. v. p. 364; id, Btic* 3Iitk„ih p. 723 j JZartl. Syst. 2nd. p. 4; ScL ei Satr. Nomend, p. 811; iid« P. Z. S. 1879, p. 60S; ScL Ibis, 1883, p. 162 ; Tacz. Orn. Pin ii. p. 415. Gassicus nigerrimus, Spiv. Av. Bros, i. p* 00, pi, 03. f, 1 ; *S#if, JE?. o/ Brazil, pi. 4. Amblycercus solitarius, Pp. C. P. xxxvii. p* 832: id. Xotm Om« p. 10. Japus bursarius, Menem, Frsck u. Grub. Alkf. JBrne* xv* p. 277. Gassicuius solitarius, ScL Cat. A. B. p. 136; 8d* et Salv* P. Z. S* 1860, p. 182, 1867, p. 978, et 1873, p. 266 $ PA. Om P#m p. 194. Psarocolius nigerrimus, WagL Syst. An. sp. 7. Uniform black; bill whife ; feet Mack: whole length 11 inches, •wing 4*8, tail 4*5. Female similar, but smaller; whole length 8'5 inches, wing 4*4, tail 4*3. 7 . AJUBLYCEECTTS. Hah. Eastern Peru, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentine Kepublic, and Southern Brazil. a. S ad. sk. Upper Ucayali. E. Bartlett [C.]. k 6 ad. sk. Pebas, E.Peru (Hauxwell). Salvin-Godman Coll. Ad. sk. Bogota. Sclater Coll. v, 2 ad. sk. Aragua, Venezuela. Purchased. 8. CASSJCtTLtFS. x Cassiculus, Sic. Zool. Journ. iii. p. 852 (1827) ...... C. mtlaAci^Tua, The single form upon which Swainson based the genus Cmsicvlm ib distinguished readily by its well-developed crest. The mefeorhiiiium is scarcely enlarged, but projects into the forehead, and terminates in an angular, not rounded shape. The sexes are rather differently coloured. Range. Western Mexico. 1. Cassiculus meknictexns. Icterus melanicterufa, Bp. Journ. Acad UiUad. i\, p. i,hti {IcM}* Icterus diadematus, Te?mn, 11. C'J. 4**2 (1M9). Cassiculus coronatus, SID. Zool Journ. iii. p. t»->i; id. 1lML May, 1827, i. p. 436. Xanthonms coronatus, Jard. et Selb. Zil Onu pi. 4*>. Cassiculus nielanicterus, Bp. C'm&p. L p. 4i&; Cab. JIvs. Ilrin. i. p. 186 5 Sclater, Cat. A. B. p; 120; id IK Z. S. 1859, p. rfcJO; id IbUy 1883, p. 156; Baird, Ibis, lHiS37 p. 476; 6c/. et bah. JSvmtnd. p. 35; Salv. P. Z. & IgbS, p. 452. Cassicus melanicterus, Casbitij Br, Ac. &c. BML 1807, p. CO. Glossy black; rump, lesser wing-coverts, and criestim yellow; tail yellow, two middle reetriees and external edges of iha otliere black; bill white, plumbeous towards the base; feet blackish: whole length 10-5 inches, wing 5*8, tail 4*8. Female biniilarly marked, but general colour dark cinereous; ^hole kugth ii-o inches, wing 5, tail 4*2. Hab. "Western Mexico. «; b. <5 $ ad. &k. Oaxaca (Boucard). Sclater Coll. o-f. <$ ad. sk. j g. ad. sk. Mexico, Gould Coll 9 . C1SSTDIX. as$ 9. CASSIDIX Type. Scaphidurus? Sw. Faun. Bor.-Am., Aves, p. 494 (1831, nee Sw. 1827) C. oryzivora. Casadis, Less. Trait d'Orn. i. p. 438 (1831) C. oryzivora. Scapkidura, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 272 (1837) 0. oryzivora. The single species of this genus is subject to considerable variation, and Gassin (Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 415) has endeavoured to divide it into several local forms, which 1 have not been able to substantiate. Oassidix is sometimes placed with the Quiscalince, but the expanded mesorhinium induces me to consider that it is better referred to the Cassicinrp, amongst which the curious elongated feathers of the neck of the adult male, which form a kind of ruff, and the uniform black plumage render it easily distinguishable. Range. From Southern Mexico southwards through Central America and JSoutb America down to Paraguay. 1. Cassidix oryzivora, OrioliiN oryzivorus, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 380. Ca^sidix oryzivora, Cab. Mm. Rein. i. p. 194 ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. lfcOO, p. 416; Scl. P. Z. S. 1858, p. Ob (Mexico), 1859, p. 57 (Honduras) et p. 140 (Ecuador); id. Cat. A. B. p. 142; id. Ibis, 18&4, p. 165; Scl. et Sah. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 354 (Panama), 1807, p. 279 (Mosquitia), p. 573 (Para), et p. 978 (Pebas), Ifcljti, p. 252 (Venezuela), 1873, p. 185 (S. Peru) et p. 267 (Upper Amazons), 1879, p. 510 (Antioquia) ; iid. Nomencl. p. 39 ; Salvin, Ibis, 1861, p. 353 (Centr. Am.) ; id, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 191 (Yeragua); Salv. et Godm. Ibis, lb79, p. 201, et 1880, p. 123 (Santa Marta); Berkpsch, J.f.O. 1873, p. 251 (South Brazil) j Taez. Dm. Per. ii. p. 435; Sah. Ibis, 1885, p. 219 (Brit. Guian.). Tord« grande, Azara, Ajnmt. 1. p. 273. Cassicutf ater, Vieill Kouv. Diet. v. p. 363 ; id. Enc. Meth. ii. p. 723. Cassicub niger, Licki. Doubl. p. 19; Max. Beitr. iii. p. 1241, Psarocolius palliatus, IVagl. 8yd. Av. no. 4. Caarieus palliatus, Tsch. Faun. Per. p. 229. Corvus (ua&sidix) mexicanus, Less. Tr. d'Orn. i. p. 433. Cassidix mexicanus, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 416. Cassidix ater, Cassin, Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil. 1866, p. 415; Pels. Orn. Bras. p. 201; Tacz. P. Z. S.1877, p. 323 (W. Peru). SeapMdum barita et S. crassirostra, Sw. An.^ in Men. p. 3018 Bcaphidura atra, Cab. in Sckomb. Guiana, iii. p. 683. Scaphidurus ater, Bp. Consp. i. p. 426; Burnt. Sijst. Ueb. iii. p. 278. Cassidix vieiHoti, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 417. Uniform glossy violaceous black; bill and feet black: neck- feathers lengthened and expanded : whole length 14 inches, wing 7*8, tail 6-1. Female similar, but not so bright, and much smaller ; no expanded neck-feathers. Nab. Central and South America, from S. Mexico to Peru and Paraguay. 330 a. <$ ad. at. b. <$ ad. sk. ad. st< c. J d. Ad. sk. «,/. d ? <7. <£ ad. sk. X, e. c? $ ad. sk. y. S ad. s^» ft. d ad. sk. 1 § ad. sk. m. J ad. sk. n. J ad. sk. o. <$ ad. sk. p. cJ ad. sk. q. $ ad. sk. r. tf ad. sk. 5. g ad. sk. t. J ad. sk. u. 2 ad-sk* v. $ ad. sk. 20. $ ad. sk. x. Consp. i. p. 4371 Gosse, 2?» Jam. p. 229; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 522; Aud. Birds Am. iv. p. 10, pi. 211; Sclater, F.Z.S. 1858, p. 72 (Rio Napo), 1861, p. 74 (Jamaica); id. Cat A. B. p. 134; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 2; ScL et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 781 (Merida), 1876, p. 16 (Peru); iid. Nomencl. p. 37; OundLJ. f. O. 1874, p. 129 (Cuba); Salvin, Ibis, 1866, p. 194 (Behze), 1885, p. 191 (Cozumel) et p. 218 (Brit. Guian.); Baird, Brew., et Bidgw. B. N. A. ii. p. 149; Felz. Orn. Bras. p. 199 (Mato-Grosso); Tacz. Orn. Pir. ii. p. 421; Gould, Zool. Voy.i Beagle, iii. p. 106 (Galapagos); Ooues, Key N.A.B. (1884) p. 400. Male in breeding-plumage. Black; nape pale'buff; interscapulium varied with brown; scapularies and lower back ashy white; wings lOTEKIDiB. 332 more or less edged externally with brown; thighs brown; bill dark horn-colour; feet flesh-colour: whole length 7 inches, wing 3*8, tail 2-8. Male out of breeding-jrtumaye. Above pale yellowish brown varied with blackish, principally on the head and interscapulium; wings and tail blackish brown, edged with pale yellowish brown; beneath pale yellowish buff, with longitudinal blackish stripes on the flanks; bill and feet pale flesh-colour. Female similar, but rather smaller. Ilab. Northern and Middle America in summer, and south through Central America and West Indies to Panama, Venezuela, Guiana, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, Bolivia, and Galapagos. a. $ ad. sk. N. America. J. Gould, Esq. N. America. Zool. Soe.'ts Gardens. b. S jr. st. N. America. J. G. Denny, E^q. [P.], c. Jr. st. N. America. 0. Russell, Esq. [P.]. d. <$ ad. sk. Fort Duiferin, N. America. N.W. Boundary (Jomm. e. $ ad. sk. /. S ad. sk. Pembina, Dacota, (Coues). . m g (S ad. sk. Mt. Carmel, Illinois, U. S. tealvin-Godman Coll. (Ridgway), Saivin-Godman Coll. h. tf ad. sk, Washington, D.C., II, S. (Dre,iler). Salvin-Godman Coll. i J ad. sk. Meridian Hill, Colombia, U. S. (Coues), Salvin-Godmau Coil. j. $ ad. sk. District of Colombia, U.S. (Coues). Salvin-Godman Coll. k. $ ad. sk. United States (Bell). Sclater Coll. I. Jr. sk. Nevis, W. I W. Cottle [G.J. m,n.($ Cozumel Island (Bevis). Salvin-Godman Coll. o. (S ad. sk. Northern Yucatan (Devis). Salvin-Godman Coll. P&d $ British Honduras (tialvin). Salvin-Gudman Coll. ?\ J ad. sk. Chepo, Isthm. of Panama Salvin-Godman Coll. (Arce). s. $ ad. sk. Paraiso St., Isthmus of Salvin-Godman Coll. Panama (Ifuyhes). t $ ad. sk. Santa Marta, U. S. 0. Sclater Coll. u. S ad. sk. Bogota. Salvin-Godman Coll. v. Jr. sk. Caracas. D. Dyson [C.]. w, J ad. sk. Camacusa, British Guiana Salvin-Godman Coll. (Whitely). x. J ad. sk, Cayenne. Sclater Coll. y,z.c?$ad. sk. Eio Javari, Amazons. Purchased. #', V. <$ ad. sk. Bolivia. Sclater Colh d, Jr. sk. James Island, Galapagos Gould Coll. (Darwin). 11. MOLOTHEUS. type. Molothrus, Sw. Faun. Bon-Am. ii. p. 277 (1881) .. M. pecoris. Hypobletis, Gloger, Rand- u. Hilfsb. d. Mat p. 200 (1842) < M. pecoris. Callotlirus, Cassin, Ft\ Ac. So. FMl. 1866, p. 18 .... M. ameus. Cyanothrus, Cassin, ojp. cit. p. 19 ... . „ M. bonariensis. Agelaioides, Cassin, op. cit, p. 15 . M. badius. 11 . MOLOTHBXJB. 333 The bill of Molothrus is much like that of Dolklwnyw, but not quite so short, and the tail-feathers have the normal structure. The group is composed of at least six well-marked species, distributed from the prairies of North America to the pampas of Buenos Ayres, most of -which are known to have the parasitic, Cuckoo-like habit of employing other birds to hatch their eggs. (See Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway, 3ST. A. B. ii. p. 155 ; Owen, Ibis, 1861, p. 61; Hudson, P.Z,S. 1874, p. 153.) Key to the Species. A. Colour uniform ; win^s black. a. Shining black; head brown 1. pecoris, p. 333* h. Shining dark greenish black : ) uniform 2. emeus, p. 334. j with a brownish lustre 8. armenti, p. 335. c. Shining purplish black, uniform. a'. Middling size. j Female darker ,. 4. bonariensis, p. 335. | Female paler 5. purpuraseens, p. 337, h'. Smaller 6. atronitens, p. 3&7. cf . Larger 7. cassini, p. 837. (I. Shining purplish black, axillaries red .. 8. rufo-axillaris, p. 338, B. Colour varied : ^ ingp rufous.i J Cinereous; paler below ,.,, . 9. badius, p. 338. j Sandy colour; paler below 10. frinyillarius, p. 330. 1. Molothrus pecoris*. Troupiale de la Caroline, Daub. PI. Enl 606. fig. 1. Fringilla pecoris, Gm. S. N". i. p. 910. Emberiza pecoris, Wits. Am. Orn. ii. p. 145, pi. 18. f. 1, 2, 3. Agelam pecoris, SID. Phil. May. 1827, i. p. 436 (Mexico). Molothrus pecoris, Sw. Faun. Bor.-Am. ii. p. 277 (Mexico) ; Bp, Comp. i. p. 436; Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 192; Baird, B. M. Am, p. 524; Sclafer, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 213 (Mexico), 1859, p. 365 (Vera • Cruz), 1860, p. 252 (Orizaba); id. Cat. A. B. p. 134; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 3; Scl et Salv. Ntmencl. p. 37; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 492 (Texas); Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1866, p. 17; Baird, Brew., et Bidgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 154; Coues, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 90 (Arizona) • id. B. N.-W. p. 180. Molothrus ater, Gray, Hand-l ii. p. 36 j Coues, Check-list (1882), p. 62 ; id. Key JV. A. B. (1884) p. 402; Bidgw. P. U. S. N. M. iii. p. 182. Molothrus obscurus, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1866, p. 18. Molothrus pecoris, var. obscurus, Coues, Key, p. 155. Molothrus ater obscurus, Bidgw. P. U. S. JV". M. iii. p. 182; Sennett, Bull U. S. Geol Surv. iv. p. 22 et v. p. 396 (Rio Grande); Merrill, Pr. U. S. N. M:i. p. 130 (Texas); Coues, Key K A. B. (1884) p. 402. Black, with purplish reflections* whole head, and body beneath down to the middle of the breast, smoky brown ; bill and feet black; whole length 7 inches, wing 4*2, tail 3*2. Female. Smaller; brown, paler below and with slight darker shaft-spots. * For reasons for not adopting the specific term " ater," see Ibis, 1883, p. 583. 334 ICTJBKIDiE. Eab. N. America, and southwards throughout Mexico to Vera Cruz and Oaxaca. The resident form in Texas, Lower California, Arizona, and Western Mexico is smaller in dimensions. But some examples from Yera Cruz appear to be nearly as large as the northern bird. a. Subsp. tyjpica* a,b.d g ad. sk. Port Dufferin, N. America. N. A. Bound. Comm. [P.]. c. Jr. sk. Platte Payer, N. A. U.S. Nat. Mas. [P.]. Illinois (Nelson). R. B. Sharpe's Coll. d. S ad. sk. Illinois (Code). R. B. Sbarpe [P.]. (?,/.c?$ ad. sk. Indiana. R. B. Sharpe's Coll. ff. $ ad. sk. )i, i. <$ $ ad. sk. Oyster Bay, Long* Island. U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.l j, jr. sk. Distr. Colombia, U. S. A. (Cones). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. %k. $ ad. sk. Distr. Colombia, U.S.A. (Cones). Salvin-Godman Coll. I, $ ad. sk. Fort Bridger, Utah, U. S. (BrevSalvin- Godman Coll. ier). m. c? ad. sk. North America (Bell). Sclater Coll. n. 5 ^d. sk. North America. Sclater Coll. o. J ad. sk. Kendall Co., Texas (K C. R. B. Skarpe, Esq. Broiun). [P.J. j5. J ad. sk. Jalapa (de Oca). Sclater Coll. q-t. Ad. sk. Cozumel I., Yucatan (G. F. Salvin-Godman Coll. Gaunter). b. Subsp. obscura. «, $ ad. sk. City of Mexico. Salvin-Godman Coll. &, c. c? ? ^d. sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico (Forrer). Salvin-Godman Coll. dj e. <$ $ ad. sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico (Fairer). Sclater Coll. 2. Molothrus aenem Psarocolius ssneus, Wagl. Isis, 1829, p. 7*58; JBp. Cotisp. i. p. 426. Molothrus asneus, Cab. *Mus. Hein. i. p. 192 ; Sclater, P. Z. S. 18-56, p. 300 (Cordova, Mex.*), 1859, p. 365 (Jalapa) et p. 391 (Oaxaca); id. Cat. A. B. p. 135; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 4; Scl et Salv. Ibis, 1860, p. 34 (Guatemala) ; iid. Nbmencl. p. 37 ; Cassm, Fr. Ac. Sc. Fhil. 1866, p. 18; Owen, Ibis, 1861, p. 61 (eg^s) ; Cab. J. f. O. 1861, p. 81 (Costa Rica); Merrill, Bull. Nutt. Orn. CI. 1877,* p. 85 (Rio Grande); Se?mett, Bull. U.S. Geol Surv. vol. iv. p. 23 (Rio Grande); Corns, Chech-list (1882), p. 02; id. KetjN.A.B. (1884) p. 403; Lawr. Mem. Bost Soc. N. H. ii. p. 281 (N. W. Mexico) ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 445 (Yucatan). Molothrus robustus, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 193. Bark greenish satiny black; wings and tail purplish; bill and feet black: whole length 8-3 inches, wing 4#8, tail 3*4. Female. Smaller; blackish ; wings and tail glossed with purplish, and with slight purplish reflections on the back. Hub. Mexico, Yucatan, Guatemala, and south to Yeragua. The females from Western Mexico appear to be much paler in colouring than the normal birds, but I do not find much difference in the adult males. 11 . MOLOTHRUS, 335 a, b. J ad. sk. j Mexico. Purchased. c. J ad. sk. d, e. S ^d. sk. Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Purchased. f. 3 ad. sk. Mexico (de Saitssure). Sclater Coll. 9< S ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. A, h i. J jr. sk. k. $ $; Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Presidio (Forrer). Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 1. cJ jr. sk. m 0. p. $• •. <$ jr. sk.; 2 ad. sk. 6 jr. Jt. $ ad. sk. <3 ad. sk.; d jr. sk. 7i. r. Mazatlan, W. Mexico(Forrer). Oaxaca, S. Mexico (Fenochio). Southern Mexico (Boitcard). Northern Yucatan (Gamner). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll Salvin-Godman Coll. s. t, 6 jr. sk. «. 6 ? ad. sk. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Duefias, Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll Salvin-Godman Coll. %w. 6 $ ad. sk. Calobre, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll X.. <$ ad. sk. Orosi, Costa JRica (Kramer). Salvin-Godman Coll. y>2. cJ ad. sk. CMtra, Veragua (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 3. Molothrus armenti, Molothrus armenti, Cab. Mus. Jlein. I p. 192: id. J.f. 0. 1861, p. 82 ; Cassin, Fr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 18; Sol Ibis, 1884, p. 5. Smaller than M. omens; bill more slender; entire plumage black; head and body with a rich, silky, yellowish-brown lustre. (Cassin, I. c.) Bah. Coast-region of Colombia and Venezuela. I have not seen the adult of this bird, and am not sure that the single skin registered below belongs to it. But it appears to be a young male or female of some species of the genus. a. $ jr. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. 4. Molothrus bonariensis *. Tangavio, Daub. PL Bnl. 710. Tanagra bonariensis, Gm. S. JSf". i. p. 898. Molothrus bonariensis, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 193; Sol. Ibis, 1884, p. 5 j Scl et Salv. P. Z. S.1868, p. 140 (Arg. Rep.) j iid. Mviencl. p. 37; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Se. Phil. 1866, p. 19; Hudson, P. Z. S. * When at Philadelphia in 1884,1 took the opportunity of examining the so-called Cyrtotes ^axillaris, and came to the conclusion that the specimens so named are only males of Molothrus bonariensis with the beak deformed. As, however, my examination was a haaty one, and it is still possible that I may have been mistaken, I add the synonymy of this (supposed) genus and species. CTRTOTES MAXILLAKIS. Icterus masillaris, tfOrb. et Lafr. Sy?i. Av. ii. p. 6; d'Orb. Voy., Ois. p. 367, tab. hi. fig. 2: Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1870, p. 643. Molothrus maxillaris, Cass. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 186(5, p. 21, Oyrtotes maxillaris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 437; Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 9. Sab. Oochabamba, Bolivia (d'Orb.). There is no specimen of this bird in European collections, so far as I know. 330 ICTEK1D.E. 1872, p. 809, et 1874, pp. 153 et seqq. (Buenos Ayres); Berlepsch, Journ. f. Orn. 1873, p. 249 (Santa Catharina); Durnford, Ibis, 1877, pp. 33, 174 (Ohupat); Forbes, Ibis, 1881, p. 330 (Pernambuco) -WMte, P. Z. S. 1882, p. G01 (Aig. Rep.). Tordo comun, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 275. Icterus sericeus, Licht. Boubl. p. 19 ; Tsch. Faun, Fen p. 225. Molothrus sericeus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 437 ; Newton, Ibis, 1S60, p. 308 ; Feb. Orn. Bras. p. 200 ; Scl. Cat A. B. p. 135. Molobrus sericeus, Bunn. Syst. Ueh. ill. p. 279; id. La-Flat a Heist, ii. p. 494; Sternb. J.f.O. 1809, p. 125. Seolecopkagus sericeus, SID. An. in Menag. p. 301. Icterus minor, Spix, Av. Bras. L p. 67, pi. 03. %. 2 (?). Icterus violaceus, Max. Beiir. ill. p. 1212. Molothrus niger, Gould, Zool. Voy. l Beagle* iii. p. 107. Pas.serina discolor, VieilL N. B. cPH. N. xxxiv. p. 5o2; id. Em. 3lith. p. 939. Uniform shining purplish Hack ; on wings and tail not BO bright; bill and feet black: whole length 7*o inches, wing 4%>, tail 3. Female. Bark ashy brown, beneath paler; bill and feet black; slightly smaller in size. Hal. Argentine Republic, Patagonia, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Brazil. a, h. <$ ad. sk.; Conchitas, Buenos Ayres ScIattT ColL c, d. $ ad. sk. (Hudson). e}f. d 2 ad. sk. Buenos Ayred (Hash-hirst). Saivin-Godmnn ColL y. $ Jr. sk. Punta Lara, Arpr. Rep. II. Durnford JC.\ //. <$ jr. sk.; i Pampas of Arg. Rep. (Leybftld) Salviu-Godman C< >IL 2 ad. sk. h &• 6* 2 ad. sk. Mendoza, Arg. Rep. Purchased. I, J ad. sk. Maldonado, Uruguay Sir W. Burnett and (Banoln), » Capt. Fitzrov ~P~„ m, n. $ ad. sk. Uruguay. Alan Peel rC^. " o. $ ad. sk. Straits of Magellan (King). Salviu-GocTman Coll. p. $ jr. sk. Rio Negro of Patagonia Purchased. (Hudson). q,r, s. <$, $ jr., Ohupat, Patagonia. EL Durnford [GJ. et J sk. t. $ ad. sk. Xikuasa, Bolivia (Fearce). Salvin-Godman Coll. u. $ ad. sk. Bolivia. T. Bridges [0.". Df w. S ad. sk. Ceara, N. Brazil {Jesse), Salvin-CTiidman Coll. x. c? ad. sk.; y. Ceara, N. Brazil (Jesse). Sclater Coll. 6 jr. sk. z,a'. <$ ad. sk.; Pernambuco, Brazil {Forbes). Salvin-0odman ColL 6'. J c'. $ ad', sk. Bahia, Brazil (Wucherer). Salvin-Godman ColL d', e'. <5 ad. sk. Novo Fribourgo, Rio de Sfdvin-Godinan ColL Janeiro (Youds). f. $ ad. sk. Joanna Leite, S. Brazil Salvin-Godman ColL (Natterer). gf. S ad. sk. Rio Claro, Goyaz, Brazil Salvin-Godman Coll. (Joyner)* ft, *'• 6 S ad- sk. Brazil Setafer ColL f. § ad. sk. Brazil. M. Clauesen [P.]. h'. $ ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. l\ Skeleton. Buenos Ayres (?). Purchased* 11 . MOLOTHfttJS. 337 5. Molothrus purpurascens. Xanthomas purpurascens, JSalin u. Kilster, Voq. aus Asien. Lief. v. t.4{?). Molothrus purpurascens, Cte?sm, Pr. ^c. £c. PM. 1866, p. 20; &?/. P. Z. S.1869, p. 148 (Lima); id. Ibis, 1884, p. 7 ; £L et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 140; iid. Xommcf. p. 37; IIud*,n% P. Z. S. 1874, p. 161; Durnford, Ibis, 1877, p. 174; White, P. Z, S. 1882, p. 001; Scl Ibis, 1884, p. 7. Silky black, washed with purple; wings and tail with a slight greenish gloss; a chestnut spot on the axilkries; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4#o, tail 3*3. Female similar, but rather smaller. Young. Pale brown, wings margined with chestnut. Hah. Argentine Republic, from Catamarca to the Bio Eegro of Patagonia. a. $ ad. sk. Conchitas, Buenos Ayres (Hud-Salvin-Godman Coll so?i). b. (J ad. sk. c. $ ad. sk. d-i Jr. sk. j . $ ad. sk. h. § ad. sk. Buenos Ayres (Hudson). Quilmes, Arg. Kep. (Hudson), Quilmes, Arg. Kep. (Hudson). Rio Negro of Patagonia (Hudson), Rio Negro of Patagonia (Hudson). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Purchased. Sclater Coll. 9. Molothnis badius. Tordo pardo-roxizo, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 200. Agelaius badius, Vieill. Nouv. Diet xxxiv. p. 536"; id. Enc. Iliik. p. 711. Icterus badius, d'Orl. et Lafr. Syn. Ai\ ii. p. 7 (Bolivia). Molothnis badius, Cab. litis. Hem. i. p. 193; Sel Cat A. B. p. 135 • id. Ibis, 1884, p. 8; Hudson, P. Z. S. 1874; p. 103 (nesting)": Set. et Salv. P. Z. S 1868, p. 140 (Buenos Ayres), et 1879, p! €08 (Bolivia) j iid. Nomencl. p. 37 ; Durnford, Ibis, 1877. p. 174 Bolichonyx badius, Casein, B\ Ac. So. Phil 1866, p. 15. Agelaius frirtgillarius, Gould, Zool. Voy. t Beagle? Birds,'-p. 107 12. AGEL^US. 339 Brownish cinereous, beneath rather paler; wings chestnut; tips, of primaries, Inner portions of secondaries, and tail blackish ; bill black ; feet dark brown : whole length 7'6 inches, wing 3*5, tail 3 Female similar. Hal. Argentine Republic, Paraguay, and Bolivia. a. o Conchitas. Buenos Ayres(Hudson), Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Ad. sk. Conekita>, Buenos Ayres Sclater Coll. (Hudson), e. 2 ad. «.& d. 2 ad. sk. **/• Ad - ^k. ff, h. Ad. sk. i. Ad. st Quilmes, Arg. Bep. (Hudson). Quilmes, Arg. Hep. (Hudson). Tilotilo, Yungas, Bolivia(Buckley), Bolivia. Brazil (?). Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. T. Bridges [C.l. Purchased. 10. Molothras fringiHarins. Icteric frinjrillariim, Spix, Av. Bras. i.p.68,t.65 (1824). Dolifhonvx funcipennis, Crmht, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 10. Molothrus fringilkrius, Scl Ibis, 1884, p. 8. Above cinereous, with a strong rufeseent tinge, space round the eye and ear-coverts darker; wings blackish, with bright rufous margin^ : below paler, rather more cinereous ; tail blackish brown, with slight rufeseent edgings; bill and feet black: whole length Irb inches, wing 3*5, tail 2-6. Jfab. Campos of Brazil. Although closely allied to M. badins, this species is at once recognizable on comparison by its pale sandy colour, brown tail, and the lesser amount of rufous on the wings. a. Ad. sk. Pemambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Sclater Coll. 12. AfflELBUS. Type. Apreiaius, Vieillot, Analyse, p. 33 (1816) A. phoeniceus. Chrysomus, Sw. Class. Birds, ii. p. 274 (1837) A. icterocephalus. Xanthosoiuus, Cab. Mm. Hem. i. p. 180 (1851) A. icterocephalus. Airelasticus, Cah. Mm. Ilein. i. p. 188 (1851) A. thilitxs. Tli iliIK, Bp. Coynpt Bend, xxxvii. p. 833 (1853) .. A. thilius. Erythropsar, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1866, p. 17 .. A. ruficapillus. As here arranged Agelmts embraces some 14 species distributed throughout the Nearctic and Neotropical Eegions, generally of moderate size and black plumage, more or less varied with reds or yellows. Agelmw has a longer bill than the two preceding genera, and the culmen is always quite straight, with the mesorhinium occasionally slightly flattened. The Agelm nest generally in society, and build open cup-shaped nests in marshy places in the reed-beds or dwarf shrubs. The eggs are usually pale bluish, spotted with various shades of red. z 2 340 ICTEE1DJ?. Key to the Species. A. Black, bend of wing brightly coloured. a. Bend of wing red. a'. With ochraceous margin. f Female striated 1-pJiamieeus, p. 340. t Female like male 2. assimilis, p. 341. b'. Without oohraceous margin 3. gnbernator* p. 841, c'. With white margin 4. tricolor, p. 342. b. Bend of wing fulvous 5. humeralU, p. 34± e. Bend of wing yellow : j under wing-coverts- black 6. xanthotma, p. 348. ] under wing-coverts yellow 7. thiliiis, p. 343, B. Black, with yellow axillary tuft _..». . 8. imtlmrmi, p. 344. 0. Uniform black: j rnesorhinium slightly flattened 9. cyanopm, p. 344. J mesorhinium more flattened 10. forbesi, p, 345. J). Black and yellow: | abdomen black 11. ictemeephalm, p. 345. {abdomen yellow „ 12. flams, p. 340. E Black and chestnut: I crown bright chestnut 13. frontalis, p. 347. | crown dark chestnut 14. ricficapillitx, p. 347. 1. Agels&us pkBniceus. Oriolus phceniceus, Linn. S.M i. p. 1G1; Gm. S. JY1 i. p. 380; Lath, Ind. Orn. i. p. 178. Troupiale a ailes rouges de la Louisiane, Daub. PL JB/d. 402. Agelaius phoeniceus, Sw. Faun. Bor.-Am. ii. p. 280; Bp. Omsp.i* p. 430; Baird, B, N. Am. p. 526 ; Baird, Brew,, et Ridffic. X A. B. ii. p. 159; Lawrence, Ann. L. J\T. T. ix. p. 104 (Oo4a Rica). Sturnus predatorius, Wife. Am. Orn. iv. p. 30, pi. 30. -%s. 1,2. Agelseus phceniceus, Sdater, P. #. S. 1857, p. 205 (Mexico)f 1859, p. 58 (Peten) et p. 381 (Oaxaca); id. Cat. A. B. p. 135; id. lbkf 1884, p. 10 ; Scl et Salv. Ibis, 185% p. 19; nd. Xomencl p. 91; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 492 (Texas); Corns, Br. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 90 (Arizona); id. Key N. A. B. (1884), p. 404; id. B, N.-W. p. 186; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, g. 446- (Yucatan). Bed-winged Oriole, Lath. Q. BE. iii. p. 180. Glossy black; smaller wing-coverts crimson, with a more or less well-defined ochraceous border below ; bill black ; feet hazel: whole length 8*5 inches, wing 4*6, tail 3*5. Female much smaller; above black, irregularly marked with whitish ; ill-defined superciliaries white; beneath ochraceous white, with distinct black striatlons. Hah. North and Central America down to Costa Rica. a. S ad. sk. Arctic America. Capt. Back [P.X b. <$ jr. st.; c. 2 N. America. Purchased. ad. st.; d7 e. Pull. st. /. iL p. 163; Coues, B. N.-W. p. 186. Agelseus phceniceus gubernator, Coues, Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 404. ICTEEIDJE. Glossy black; lesser wing-coverts crimson, without or with scarcely any oehraceous border; bill and feet black. Eab. Pacific coasts of N. America, and south to Southern Mexico. a rf ad st. h 8 ad* sk. c. tf ad. skd. 6 jr. sk. California. San Francisco, Cal. (Cutis). California (Bell). Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. (HenSir E. Belcher [P.]. U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. Sclater Coll. U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. e. Ad. sk. f. a. Ad. et jr. sk. h Ad. sk. i. ? ad. st. sliaio). Jalapa, Mexico (efe Oca). Jalapa, Mexico (<& Oc«). Orizaba, Mexico (Botteri). Mexico. Salvin-Godman Coll Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. J. Gould, Esq. 4. Agelsens tricolor. Icterus tricolor, And. Orn. Biogr. v. p. 1 (1839); Niittatt, Man. i. (2nd edit.) p. 186. Cooper, Orn. Cal i. p. 265 (1870) j Scl Ibis, lb84, p. 11; Cones, Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 404. Agelaius phoeniceus, var. tricolor, Cones, Key, p. 150; id. B. A7".-W. p. 186. Glossy black; lesser wing-coverts blood-red, with a distinct white border below; bill more slender than in A. phosniceus: whole length 8*5 inches, wing 4*9, tail 2*5. Bab, Coast-district of California and Oregon. a. <$ ad. sk. California (Hepburn). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. >2; ul Em. 12 . AGELJEUS. 345 Metli. p. 719; Marti Ind. Azara, p. 5; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 12; Pelz. Orn. Bras. p. 196: Sol et Salv. Nomencl p. 37; Scl Ibis, 1884, p. 13, pi. i. Icterus cyanopus, d'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 5. Leistes unicolor, Sw. An. in Menag. p. 304 (1838). Uniform Mack; bill black; feet dark brown : whole length 7"5 inches, wing 3-7, tail 3. Female. Above brown, with obscure black stiiations; below yellowish fulvous, with slight blackish stiiations ; crissum brown ; wings narrowly edged with rufous. Bab. South Brazil and Paraguay. a. . Agelaius militaris, VieilL Gal Ois. £ p. 128, pi. &*. Triipialis guianensis; Bp. Camp. I p. 4*il>; iterwi. %#t Uek iii. p. 260. (Para) et p. 750 (Xeberos), 180(1, p. Sri (Venezuela), I»7#, p. #J7 (Xeberos); w& Nomencl p. 3^; kkikmf Ii %.*%*. 1*70, pp. 170, 191 (Veragua); Fiyi&cJt, P. X *Sf. 1870, p. 570 (Trinidad;; Zayard, Ibis, 1873, p. 381 (Para); ZVKB. Or». PA-. ii. p. 4i7;' &fo. Mist 1885, p. 218 (Brit. Guian.). Leistes militaris, Cassin, Pr. Ac, Sc. PML 1806, p. 14. Leistes erythrothorax, Peh. Orn. Bras. p. 1117 (1871); *&£ «l &ifo. JYomencl. p. 38. Brownish black; bend of the wing and body beneath down to the middle of the belly scarlet; bill black; feet clear brown; whole length 6-5 inches, wing 3*2, tail 2*3. Female* Above \mh brown, variegated with black; beneath pale brown, tinged with scarlet on the middle of the belly; flanks, lower belly, and crissuiD with black striations ; tail pale cinereous brown, with Mack cross bands. Hab. Veragua, and southwards over Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Gniana, and Amazonia. a, I. $ ad. sk. • c, Mirta Chorcha, Chlriq*4 Salvin-Godman Cull. d. J ad. sk. e. d1 ad. sk. Veragua (Arce). Panama (McLeannan). Salrin-Godman Coll. / . $ ad. sk. g. Pseudoleiates, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 137 (1862) P. guirahuro. Southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the Argentine Republic are the home of the two nearly allied species of Pseud oleistes, distinguished by their rather lengthened sharp-pointed bill and flattened mesorhinium. Pseudoleistes nests in reed-beds like most of the Agelcei, and lays white eggs spotted with purplish red (cf Durnford, Ibis, 1878, p. 59). 352 ICIERID-E. KeA. Hinder back yellowB. Hinder back browny to the Species. . 1. guirahuro, p. 352. 2. virescens, p. 352. 1. Pseudoleistes guirahuro. Tordo guirahuro, Azara, Apnnt. i. p. 291. Agelaius guirahuro, VieilL Nouv. Diet xxxiv. p. 545 ; id. JEnc. Meth. p. 717. Icterus guirahuro, cV Orb. et Lqfr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 4. Icterus dominicensis, LicM. Doubl. p. 19. Leistes suchii, Vig. Zool. Journ. ii. p. 192, pi. suppl. x. Xanthornus gasqiiet, Q. et G. Voy. Uran., Zool. p. 110, pi. 24. Leistes oriolides, Sio. An. in Me nay. p. 303. Leistes viridis, Hartl. Syst. Ind. Azara, p. 5; Bp. Consp. i. p. 436 ; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 189; Burm. Syst Ueb. iii. p. 204; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 14; Bernhardt, Fuglef. Bras. Camp. p. 205. Pseudoleistes viridis, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 137"; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 19; Sel. et Solo. Nomencl. p. 37; Pelzeln, Orn. Bras. p. 198. Icterus atro-olivaeeus, Max. Beitr. iii. p. 1216. Above dark olive-brown, lower back and lesser wing-coverts bright yellow: below bright yellow; throat and breast blackish brown like the body above; under wing-coverts yellow ; bill black ; feet dark brown: whole length 9-5 inches, wing 4*6, tail 3*8. Female similar. Hah. South Brazil, Paraguay, and Corrientes. a. Ad. sk. South America. Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. South America. J. Gould, Esq. 2. Pseudoleistes virescens. Tordo Dragon, Azara, Apunt. i. p. 296. Agelaius virescens, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxiv. p. 543; id. Bine. Meth. p. 716. Leistes virescens, Hartl. Syst. Ind. Az. p. 5 ; Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 190; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1866, p. 15. Icterus virescens, cPOrb. et Lafr. Syn. Av. ii. p. 4. Icterus anticus, Licht. Doubl. p. 19. Leistes anticus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 436; Darwin, Zool. 'Beagle,' iii. p. 107; Burm. Syst. Ueb. iii. p. 265. Pseudoleistes virescens, Scl Cat. A. B. p. 137; id. Ibis, 1884, p. 20 ; Scl. et Sab. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 140 (Buenos Ayres); iid. Nomencl p. 37 : Hudson, P.Z.S. 1870, p. 549, et 1874, p. 156,-Zee, Ibis,'187S, p. 132 (Buenos Ayres); Dumford, Ibis, 1877, p. 175, et 1878, p. 59 (Buenos Ayres) ; Gibson] Ibis, 1880, p. 31; White, P. Z, S. 1882, p. 602 (Punta Lara). Above and below dark olive-brown ; lesser upper wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, and middle of the abdomen yellow ; bill black ; feet dark brown: whole length 9*5 inches, wing 4*6, tail 3*8. Female similar. Young. Not so dark brown, and with a yellowish patch on the throat. 17. NESOPSAR. Hah. Southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the Argentine Republic. Easily distinguished from the preceding species by the absence of the yellow rump, and by the brown flanks, the yellow colour below being confined to the middle of the abdomen and the under wing- coverts. a, b. Ad. et jr. sk. Lago dos Patos, Rio Grande Salvin-Godman Coll. do Sul, Brazil (Rogers). c. Ad. sk. South Brazil. Sclater Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. Uruguay. Alan Peel [C.]. / . $ jr. sk. Puuta Lara, Buenos Ayres Salvin-Godman Coll. {White), (j. $ jr. sk. Punta Lara, Buenos Ayres Sclater Coll. (White). h. Ad. sk. Buenos Ayres (Haslehurst): Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Ad. sk. Buenos Ayres (Haslehurst). Sclater Coll. /. Ad. sk. La Plata. Cant. Burnett and Sir J. Fitzroy [P.]. k. Ad. sk. La Plata. M. Bravard [P.]. /, m. Ad. sk. S. America. Zool. Soc. Coll. 17. NESOPSAR. Type. Nesopsar, Sclater, Ibis, 1859, p. 457 N. nigerrimus. Head of Nesopsar nigerrimus (P. Z. S. 1861, p. 75). In my recent review of the Icteridce (Ibis, 1884, p. 14) I have followed Cassin in uniting this form to Agelcms. A careful examination has convinced me that I was wrong in doing this. Besides the much elongated and pointed bill and flattened mesorhinium, Nesopsar is peculiar for its short squared tail and short stout tarsi, indicating a more arboreal habit, and must, I think, stand alone, though I am not at all sure that this is the best position for it. Nesopsar is, so far as is yet known, restricted to Jamaica. 1. Nesopsar nigerrimus. Icterus nigerrimus, Osburn, Zoologist, 1859, p. 6662. Nesopsar nigerrimus, Sclater, Ibis, 1859, p. 457; id. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 74; id. Cat. A. B. p. 139 ; Scl. et Salv. Noniencl. p. 38. VOL. xi. 2 A 354 ICTEEIBJE. Agelaius nigerrimus, Casnn, Pr. Ac. Sk. Phil. 1860, p. 12; Peheln} Bis, 1873; p. 28; ScL Ibis, 1884; p. 14. Uniform black, with slight purplish lustre : wings and tail black ; tail square; tarsi short and thick: whole length 3 inches, wing 4, tail 2-8. Female similar, but rather smaller. Bab. Jamaica. a. <$ ad. sk. Jamaica (Oshtrn). Selater CMIL (Tyjeof the ppf*cips. I b,c. (S $ ad. sk. Jamaica. Selater Coll. d. S ad. sk. Jamaica { Oshurn). P. L.Sclat*-r, E^f. "T.\ e. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Obhurn). Salvin-Godmaii C* 11. is. cuEanors. Tjpa Cuweus, JSW. CW. -4. B. p. 139 (1862) C. at* rriiui>. The much elongated and pointed fill, with the flattened mehorhi nium and lanceolated head-feathers, distinguish this xnonotypic form, which is peculiar to Chili and Patagonia. 1. Cursens aterrimns. Tnrdus cuweus, Mol Hist. Nat Chili, p. 343 (17*21, Sturnus aterrimus, Kitil Mhn. Ac. A/. Pit. lrilo, p. 4<»7, pL 2. Leistes niger, Sw.An. in Menag. p. 304 {18#M, Leistes curaeus, Ca5. Mm, Mem. L p. If 0; Oi«, IV. ^Ir. #r. JftiT, 1866, p. 15. Psarocolius curarns, J?jp. Comp. i. p. 425; €tmmn7 OUlMs T. S*A*trm Exp. ii. p. 178, pi. xv. Curseus aterrimus, ScL Cat. A. B. p. 139; id. Ik\ Jf^4» P. 21 ; &L etSah. Ibis, 1869, p. 283 (Cape Negro, Patagonia): & k I t Z. & 1883, p. 423 (Chili). Uniform black, with lighter shaft-stripes above and slight metallic reflections; feathers of head lanceolate and rather rigid ; bill and feet black: whole length 11 inches, wing 5-4, tail 4-5. Female similar. Hub, Chili and Western Patagonia down to Magellan Straits, a. Ad. &t. Chili. Mrs. Graham fP.\ b. Ad. sk. Chili. T. Bridges [C.J-" c. Ad. sk. Chili. Lordu €\tinitilwiciti«% of the Admiralty P.\ a. Ad. sk. Chili. Capt. King [P.J, " e,f. Ad. sk. Chili. Selater Colt r/. S ad. sk. Chili (Ojpfc Markhmn). Salvin-Godman Coll. A. Arequipa), 18(58, p. 569 (Peru); iid. Nomencl p. 38; Tacz. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 523 (Lima); 8ah: P. Z. S.1883, p. 423 (Payta) j P«-/. 8 c d S ad. '*• Argentine Republic. Sclater Coll. e. Jr t*k. Monte Video. Sclater Coll. f, #. Ad. sk. S. America. Zool. Soc. Coll. 20. STURHELLA. Type > Sturnella, Vie ill Analyse, p. 34 (1816) S. ludoviciana. Pedopbaria, Gloyer, Ilandb. p. 292 (1842) S. ludoviciana. The northern yellow form of the Sturnellince is extended over a wide area, embracing the whole of North America with the exception of the Arctic Region, Cuba, and Central America, as also the grassy llanos of Colombia, Venezuela, and Guiana. It varies much according to locality in size and in minor particulars of colour, but seems to present only one specific type. 1. Sturnella magna. Alauda magna, Linn. S. N. i. p. 289. Sturnella magna, Baird, B. N. Am. p. 535; Caws, Key K A. B. (1884) p. 406; id, B. A7".-IF. p. 100; Baird, Brew., et Ridyw. N. A. B. ii. p. 174. Cacicus alaudarius, Band. Tr. tTOm. ii. p. PjQo (1800). Sturnus ludovicianus, Linn. S. N. i. p. 290; Gm. 8. 2V. L p. 802; Lath. Ind. Oni. i. p. 323. Sturnella ludoviciana, Stu. Faun. Bor.-Am. ii. p. 282; Bp. Consp. i. p. 429; Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 192; ScL P. Z. S. 1856, p. 29 (Bogota) et p. 142 (David); id. Ibis, 1861, p. 178 (England), et 1884, p. 25 ; Sah. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 142 (Veragua); id. Ibis, Ibbo, p. 219 (Brit. Guiana); ScL et Sale. KomencL p. 38 ; Later. Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. p. 104 (Costa Rica) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Se. Phil. lb(5G, p. 23 ; Sah. et Godm. Ibis, 1879, p. 201 (Santa Marta) ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 446 (Yucatan)^ Sturnella collaris, Vieill. Gal. Ois. L p. 134, pL 90. Sturnella neglecta, And. B. Am. vii. p. 339, t. 487 (1843); Sc!aferf Ibis, 1861, p. 179; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 492 (Texas) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1866, p. 23; Cooper, B. Cal p. 270. Sturnella magna, var. neglecta, Cows, Key Is. A. B. (1884), p. 406 ; id. B. K-W. p. 190; Baird, Brew., et Ridyw. JSl A. B. ii. p. 176. Sturnella ludoviciana neglecta, ScL Ibis, 1884, p. 25. Sturnus hippocrepis, Way!. Isis, 1832, p. 281. * Sturnella hippocrepis, Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. vii. p. 2&>; ScL P. Z. S. 1856, pp. 30, 301,1859,pp. 58, 365, 381 (Guatemala); id. Ibis, 1861, p. 179; id. Cat. A. B. p. 139; ScL et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 19, et 1860, p. 34 (Guatemala) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. PML 1866, p. 24; Gundl. J. f. 0.1856, p. 14, 1861, pp. 332,413,1862, p. 189, 1871, p. 276,1874, p. 133,- Mnsch,P. Z.S. 1870, p. 575 (Trinidad). Sturnella magna, var. hippocrepis, Baird, Brew., et Ridyw. N. A. B. ii. p. 172. Sturnella ludoviciana hippocrepis, ScL Ibis, 1884, p. 25. Sturnella mexicana, Scl Ibis, 1861, p. 179; id. Cat. A. B. p. 139; id. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 175 (Mexico); Lawr. Ann. hue. N. Y. viii p. 176 (Veragua). Sturnella magna, var. mexicana, Baird, Brew., et Ridaw, N. A B ii. p. 172 ; Coues, B. N.-W. p. 190. Sturnella ludoviciana mexicana, ScL Ibis, 1884, p. 26. Sturnella magna mexicana, Coues, Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 406. 20. STUR^ELLA. 359 Stumella nieridionalis, Sol Ibis, 1861, p. 179; id. Cat. A. B. p. 130 j Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela); Pete. Orn. Bras. p 198 (Rio Brancho) ; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1806, p. 24. Stumella magna, var. meridionals, Baird, Brew., et Pidgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 172; Coues, B. iY.-TF. p. 191. Stumella ludoviciana meridionalis, Scl. Ibis, 1884, p. 26. Lousiane Stare, Lath. G. IT. v. p. 6. Above brown, variegated with black and pale buff; bead blackish, with a distinct median btripe and supereiliaries pale buff; the superciliaries in front of the eye and bend of the wing yellow: below bright yellow, with a well-defined black gorget more or less enlarged on the middle of the breast; flanks and crissum pale buff striated with black; under wing-coverts white; bill horn-colour, paler at the tip; feet clear brown: whole length 9 inches, wing 4-5, tail 3. Female similar, but smaller and not quite so bright. Hah. Grassy plains of America, from the Saskatchewan down to Colombia and Guiana ; also Cuba. The " Meadow-Lark," as the Americans call the Stumella, occupies an extensive range in the New World, occurring wherever prairies or such-like open spaces suitable to its terrestrial habits are met with, from the Dominion of Canada down to Colombia and Guiana. It has been divided into five subspecies, amongst which many less marked and mere local varieties are to be found. But so much individual variation occurs that it would be very difficult, if not in impossible in some cases, to refer specimens to their correct subspecies without previous knowledge of their locality. The five subspecies under which I have arranged the Sturnellce are:— 1. Subsp. typica, of the Eastern United States. Generally the largest form, and with a wide black throat-gorget. 2. Subsp. neglecta, of the Western United States and Canadian North-west, Very nearly similar, but generally paler, and said to be different in habits and song. $. Subsp. mexiccuia, of Mexico and Central America down to Yeragua. Smaller, and with the black throat-gorget narrow. 4. Subsp. liippocrepis, from Cuba; like Si. meccicana, but still smaller. 5. Subsp. meridionalis, from Colombia and Guiana. Almost as large as St. magna typica, but with a narrow throat-gorget and shorter wings. a. Subsp. typica. a. Ad. sk. N. America. Hardwicke Bequest. b. Jr. st. c Ad. sk. L 8 ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. f. Ad. sk. a Ad. sk. h Ad. sk. N. America. Washington, D.C. (Falls). District of Colombia {Bean). New York (Koebele). Illinois, U. S. A. (Peed). Illinois, U. S. A. (Code). South Chicago, III, U. S. A. J. Gould, Esq. Salvin-Godman Coll. U. S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. U. S. Nat. Mus. [P.], Salvin-Godman Coll. RJB.Sharpe,Esq. [P."|. B.JB.Sharpe,Esq. [P.]. i (Coale). United States (Bell). Sclater Coll. 360 a. Ad. sk. k Ad. sk. c. <5 ad. sk. d. Jr. sk. e. Ad. sk. /. Jr. sk. g. Ad.; h. Jr. sk. V. Ad. sk. /. Ad. sk. A;. Ad. sk. I Pull. st. w. $ jr. sk. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. e. $ ad. sk. /. c? ad. sk. ffj h. Ad. sk. V. c? ad. sk. jj k. c$ ad. sk. 7. Ad. sk. m. Ad. sk. n. Ad. sk. o. tf ad. sk. p. £k. Jalapa {de Oca), Sclater CoU. q. j ud. sk. British Honduras (Bhm caneaux). Salvin-Godman Coll. /-. (J ad. sk. Chuctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. &. o tid. 6>k. Callahan, Guatemala {ChamSalvin- Godman Coll. pion). f. d jr. sk. Cuban, Vera Paz {Salvin <§* Salvin-Godman Coll. Godman). u. S ad. sk. San Pedro Martyr, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. {Hair in). v. <*-6 F* Illinois (Coale). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. d. $ jr. sk. Michigan. Prof. Steere [P.]. e. o ad. sk. Missouri. U.S. Nat. Mus. f P.]. f. $ ir. &k. Distr. Colombia (Prentiss). US. Nat. Mus. [P.J. //. S ad. *&. Distr. Colombia {Coues). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. h. <$ ad. sk.; Pennsylvania. Sclater Coll. i. (S jr. sk. J» (J p\ sk.; Pennsylvania. Salvin-Godman Coll. k.*? ad. sk. I J ad. sk. New Haven, Conn., U. S. A. Sclater Coll. {Merriam). m. S ad. sk. Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Salvin-Godman Coll. n. 2 ad. s^« Jalapa, Mexico (de Oca). Sclater Coll. o,jp. d $ Presidio, Mexico (Forre?*). Salvin-Godman Coll. q. S ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. r. d1 ad. sk. Belize, Brit. Honduras (Bhoi- Salvin-Godman Coll. eaneaux). s-i\ 6 Q-n Duenas, Guatemala (Safoin). Salvin-Godman Coll. change) sk. wy x. S aa. sk. Cahabon, Guatemala (Cham- Salvin-Godman Coll. pion). tj. £ ad. sk. Retalhuleu, Guatemala (Salvin Salvin-Godman Coll. fy &adman). z. S ah-£d -fk-'•> Cuba. Sclater Coll. c. Jr. sk. d.# ad. sk Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. e,f. Ad. sk. San Cristobal, Cuba. Salvin-Godman Coll. 11. Icterns dominicensis. Oriolus dominicensis, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 163. Caroug-e de St. Doniingue, Daub. PL Enl. 5. fig. 2. Pendulinus Ifavigaster, Vieill, N. D. v. p. 317; id. Enc. Mith. p. 705. Icterus dominicensis, Baud. Tr. d'Orn. ii. p. 335; SalU, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 232; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 131; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 3G1; Scl. et Salv. Nomencl p. 36; Cory, B. of San Domingo, p. 71, t. xii. Pendulinus dominicensis, Cass. Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil. 1807, p. 58. Black; lower back, lesser wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, crissum, thighs, and flanks yellow; bill and feet black: whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3-6, tail 34. Female similar. Hal. San Domingo. Very like I. hjpomelas, but in the present bird the yellow covers the whole of the crissum and the lower portion of the flanks. a. Ad. sk. San Domingo (Salle). Purchased. b, c. Ad. sk. San Domingo. Salle* [C.]« d. Ad. sk.; San Domingo. Zool. Soc. Coll. e. Jr. sk. / . Ad. sk. San Domingo (Salle). Sclater Coll. '(/. Ad. sk. San Domingo (Sail/). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. $ ad. sk. Puerto Plata, San Domingo (Cory). Salvin-Godman Coll. i. Ad. sk. Hayti (Cory). Sclater Coll. 12. Icterus portoricensis. Icterus dominicensis, var. portoricensis, Bryant, Pr. Boston Soc. N. H. xi. p. 94; Sund. K. Vet-Ak. Pork 1869, p. 597. Icterus dominicensis, Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 167. Pendulinus portoricensis, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 58. Icterus portoricensis, Scl. et Salv. Nomencl. p. 36; Scl. Ibis, 1883, p. 361. Xanthornus portoricensis, Gundl. An. de Hist. Nat. Madrid, vii. p. 210 (1878). Black; lower back, lesser wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, thighs, lower belly, and crissum yellow; bill and feet black : whole length 7*6 inches, wing 3*6, tail 34. Female similar. Young. Brownish olive, beneath yellow; wings brown. Bab. Porto Eico. Yery near to I dominicensis, but distinguishable by having the yellow colour confined to the lower belly and crissum, and not extending over the flanks. a. Ad. sk.; North side of Porto Eico (Latimer). Salvin-Godman Coll. b. Jr. sk. c Jr. sk North side of Porto Eico (Swift). Salvin-Godman Coll. 2B2 372 ICTEBIDJE. d. Ad. sk.; e. Jr. sk. Porto Rico (Latimer). Sclater Coll. f. Ad. sk. 'g. Ad. sk.; h. Jr. sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Porto Rico (Bryant). Sclater Coll. Mrs. Bryant [P.]. i. Ad. sk. Porto Rico (Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. 13. Icterus laudabilis. Icterus laudabilis, Scl. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 270, pi. xxi.; 1872, p. 649; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 361. Black ; rump, lesser wing-coverts, under wing-coverts, and lower part of belly and crissum orange-yellow; bill and feet black: whole length. 8-5 inches, wing 4*3, tail 5-2. Female similar. Young. Olivaceous brown; rump and body below yellowish ; throat black. Bab. Island of St. Lucia. The large size and orange-yellow rump and belly render this fine species easily distinguishable. a. Ad. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. (Semper). Sclater Coll. (Ty]e of the species.)* b. Ad. sk.; c, St. Lucia, W. I. (Semper'). Sclater Coll. d. Jr. sk. e, f. Ad. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. (Semper). Salvin-Godman Coll. fffh. Jr. sk. St. Lucia, W. I. Salvin-Godman Coll. 14. Icterus oberi. Icterus oberi, Lawr. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. iii. p. 351 (1880); Grisdale, Ibis, 1882, p. 487, pi. xiii.; Scl Ibis, 1883, p. 362. Black; rump, belly, and crissum orange-yellow; under wing- coverts yellow; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 3-6, tail 4. Female similar. Young. Above brownish olive, beneath yellowish. Hah. Montserrat, W. I. Allied to /. laudabilis, but distinguished by the black upper wing-coverts and the greater amount of orange on the belly. a, I. $; Montserrat (Grisdale). Sclater Coll. c. Jr. sk. 15. Icterus wagleri. Psarocolius flavigaster, Wagl. Ms, 1829, p. 756 (nee Vieill.). Pendulinus dominicensis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 432 (nee Linn.). Icterus wagleri, Sclater, P. Z. S. 1857, p. 7, et 1859, p. 381; id. Cat. A. B. p. 131; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 362; Sumichrast, Mem. Bost. Soc. N. K. i. p. 552; Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 20; iid. Komencl. p. 36; Baird, Birds Mex. Bound. Surv. p. 19, t. xix.fig. 2; id. B. iv. Am. p. 545. , Pendulinus wagleri, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 55. Icterus dominicensis var. wagleri, Baird, Brew., etMidgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 182 (pt). Above deep black; lesser wing-coverts and lower back yellow: 22 . ICTERUS. 373 below down to the middle of the breast black: belly yellow, crissum black; bill Hack, bluish, at the base; feet black: whole Gg£h 0 inches, wing 4-2, tail 4*5. Female similar. Young. Above olive ; beneath yellow, with more or less black on the throat. Bab. South. Mexico and Guatemala. a. Ad. sk. Mexico. Sclater Coll. (Type of the species.) b. Ad. sk Mexico. Sclater Coll. c z ad. fc.k. Oa.\aea, W. Mexico {FenocMo). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. Jr. .4c. Oa\aea, W.Mexico (Boucard). Sclater Coll. *. c ad. bk. Pre-idio, Mexico (Fo?-rer). Salvin-Godman Coll. /*£/* € ad. sk. Bueaa-, Guatemala (Salvia). Salvin-Godman Coll. A. Jr. &k.; i- Pull. fck. k. Jr. 0k. Guatemala (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. /. 2 ad. sk. Calderas, Volcan de Fuego, Sclater Coll. Guatemala (Salvin). 10. Icterus prosthemelas. Xanthoma proftthemela*, Strkld. Cmitr. Orn. 1850, p. 120, pi. 62. iViicltiliniLs it"*.soiiiT lip. Cvn&jh L p. 482 (?). Icterus pr«fSthwii*4a^ Sclater, P. 2. S. Ib0t>, p. 301, 1857, p. 7; id. Vat. A. B. p. l;il>; id. Hi*, h*b3, p. aOS; &/. P. X S. ltef>7, p. 270 (Mobquitia), 1870, p. 8:i7 (Honduras ); iid. yomencL p. 36; Jkwrr. I>^//. £7 S. iV. Si. no. 4, p. 23 (Tt'huantt'pt'C). Pendulumi* pK^theinelas, Camn, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 56. Deep black; lower back, upper lesser wing-coverts, lower wingcn verts, lieliy, and crissum yellow; bill black, plumbeous at the ba*e; feet Mack; whole length 7*7 inches, wing 3*5, tail 3*8. FanaU similar. Bab. Tehuaatepec, British Honduras, Guatemala, and southwards to Costa Rica. a, k Ad. &t Britihh Honduras. D. Dyson [C.]. «\ d. Ad. sk Corosal, Brit. Honduras (Roe). Salvin-Godman Coll. €. Ad. sk-Belize, Brit. Honduras (Plan-Salvin-Godman Coll. caneaux). Ad. ak. Choctum, Vera Paz (Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. //« Jr. sk. Vera Paz (Hague). Salvin-Godman Coll. A. Jr. sk. Sources of Kio de la Pasion, Salvin-Godman Coll. Vera Paz (Salvin tjr Godman). t. Jr. sk. Guatemala (Boucard). Sclater Coll. Ad. *k. San. Pedro, Honduras (Whitely). Salvin-Godman Coll. i- Jr. sk San Pedro, Honduras (JlHiitely). Sclater Coll. 1/ . Ad. sk. Honduras ( Whittly). Sclater Coll. m» 2 ad- sk. Peje, Costa Pica (Carmiol). Salvin-Godman Coil. n. Jr. ak. Tucurriqui, Costa Pica (Arce). Salvin-Godman Coll. 17. Icterus maculi-alatus. Icterus maculi-alatus, Cas&in, Jottrn. Acad. Philad. ser. % i. p. 137, pi 16. %. 1; ScL Cat A. B. p. 132; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 363; ScLet Sola. Ibk91860, p. 398; iid. Nomenel p. 36. ICTERIDiE. Pendulums maculi-alatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 433 ; Casszn, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1867, p. 56. Above deep black; lower back and lesser wing-coverts yellow; a row of spots on the tips of the greater wing-coverts, and slight external edgings to the five or six outer primaries about halfway down the quills white : beneath orange-yellow ; sides of head, throaty and upper breast black ; bill black, bluish at the base; feet black: whole length 7 inches, wing 3-9, tail 3*3. Young. Above olive; wings and tail brownish, with slight white spots on the greater wing-coverts : below yellowish ; front, sides of the head, and throat down to the middle of the breast black. Eab. Pacific coast of Guatemala. This is a local species, confined, so far as we know, to the Pacific coast of Guatemala, but weE marked by the white spots on the greater wing-coverts. a. Ad. sk.; Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. I. 5 jr. sk. e. c? ad*, sk. d. Jr. sk. (Salvin). Volcan de Agua, above SanDiego (Salvin). San Pedro Martyr, Guatemala(Salvin). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. e. cJ ad. sk. /. Jr. sk. Escuintla, Guatemala (Fraser). Aguna, Guatemala {Fraser), Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. 18. Icterus parisornm. Icterus parisorum, Bp. P. Z. S. 1837, p. 110; Sclater, P. Z. S. 1858, p. 303 (Oaxaca), I860, p. 251,1804, p. 175; id. Cat. A. B. p. 132; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 365; Vomit, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 54; ScL et Salv. Nomenel. p. 36; Sumiekrast, Mem. Bast S. N. IL i. p. #5# (Orizaba); Baird, Brewer, et Ridgw. iVL A. B. ii. p. 188; Baird, B. JUT. Am. p. 544; Owes, Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 400. Icterus melanockrysurus, Less. Rev. ZooL 183% p. 105. Icterus scottii, Couch, Pr. Acad. Philad. vii. p. t$6 (1854). Xanthornus parisorum, Bp. Consp. I. p. 434. Above black; lesser wing-coverts and lower back sulphur-yellow; wings black, greater wing-coverts tipped with white: below down to the middle of the breast black; belly and basal half of tail yellow; apical half of tail black, the black extending further up on the central tail-feathers; bill and feet black: whole length 7*5 inches, wing 4, tail 3-4. Female. Above olivaceous, slightly varied with black on the interscapularies; wings blackish, wing-coverts terminated with white; below yellowish. Eab. Lower California, Arizona, Texas, and Mexico. The male of this species is easily known by the yellow basal portion of the lower surface of the tail being divided in a straight line, about halfway between the crissum and the end, from the Mack apical portion. a, <$ ad. sk. Cape San Lucas, Lower Call- Salvin-Godman Coll. forma (Xantus). 22. ICTEEUS. 375 h. d &d. sk. Cape San Lucas, Lower Cali- Ibmia {Xcmtus). Sclater Coll. c. S jr. sk. d7e, $ 2 / . . Ad. sk. /. tf ad. sk. #\ $ jr. sk. A. $ ad. sk. £ Ad. sk. y. Ad. sk. 7s. $ ad. sk. J. Ad. sk. m. Ad. sk. ». Jr. sk. o. Jr. st. p. J ad. sk. q. Ad. sk. r. Ad. sk. 5. c? ad. sk. *. Ad. sk. ICTERIDJ3. Tactic, Vera Paz (£a/mi).Salvin-Godman Coll. Volcan de Fuego, Guatemala (Salviri). Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Boquete de Chitra, Vera gua (Arce). Cliitra, Veragua {Arce). Santa Fe; Veragua (Arce). Veragua (Arce). Chepo, Isthm. of Pana ma {Arce). Lion Hill, Isthm. of Panama (Arce). Paraiso Station, Isthm. of Panama (Hughes). Panama. Panama. Colon, Panama. Medellin, Antioquia (Salmon). Bogota. Bogota. Colombia. Venezuela (Goering). Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Capt. Kellett and Lt. Wood Capt. Kellett and Lt. Wood fP.]. Purchased. Salvin-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salviu-Godman Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. 26. Icterus xanthomas. Oriolus xanthornus, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 391. Carouge de Mexique, Daub. PL Enl. 5. fig. 1. Xanthornus linnsei, Bp. Consp. i. p. 434. Icterus xanthornus, Baud. Tr.cTOrn. ii. p. 334; Cab. in Schomb. Gaian. iii. p. 680; id. Mus. Hem. i. p. 185 ; Burm. Syst. TJeb. iii. p. 269 j Bel Cat A. B. p. 133; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 368; Cassin, Br. Ac. 8c.Phil 1867, p. 50; Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela); iid. Nomencl. p. 36 ; Taylor, Ibis, 1864, p. 84 (Trinidad) ; Wyatt, Ibis, 1871, p. 329 (Santa Marta) ; Salv. et Godm. Ibis, 1880, p. 123 (Santa Marta); Fmseh, P.Z.8. 1870, p. 578 (Trinidad); Pet. Orn. Bras. p. 195. Icterus auratus, Cassin, Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil. 1867, p. 50. Icterus xanthornus, var. |3. marginalis, Dubois, Bull. Ac. Belg. ser. 2, vol. xl. p. 800 (1875). Xanthornus nigrigularis, Hdhn, Fog. aus Asien, v. p. 1, t. i. (1820). Icterus nigrogularis, Laior. Ann. L. N, Y. ix. p. 273. Above bright yellow, with a more or less perceptible olivaceous tinge on the interscapulium ; lores and wings black; lesser wing- coverts yellow ; greater wing-coverts, secondaries, and primaries at their bases edged more or less distinctly with white : below yellow, middle of throat, extending on bo the breast, black ; tail black, but yellow at the base beneath the tail-coverts; bill and feet black: whole length 7*5 inches, wing 3*6, tail 35. Female similar. 22. ICTEHTJS. 381 Hah. Northern Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guiana, Cayenne, and Upper Rio Negro. I have no evidence of the occurrence of any form of this species at Panama or anywhere to the north of it (except the distinct /. auratus of Yucatan), and there is much individual variation in the amount of the white edges to the wing-coverts and secondaries, as also in the slight white alar speculum at the base of the primaries. Under these circumstances I have not adopted Mr. Bidgway's recently proposed division of this species into two subspecies, u xantlionms" and " tinned" (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1884, p. 176). The example that best accords with his character of J. scanthornus (tyjricus) is perhaps that from Santa Marta (Jc), which has a white speculum. But this feature is also slightly shown in some skins from Venezuela, Trinidad, and Cayenne, and does not seem to be constant. a, h. Ad. st. c. Ad. sk. d. Jr. sk. e. Ad. sk. f. Ad. sk. g. Ad. sk. X. Ad. sk. British Guiana. Cayenne. Cayenne. George Town, Demerara(Brown). George Town, Demerara(Brown). Demerara. Venezuela. Chev. SchoiiLburgk [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. J. R. Jackson, Esq. [P.]. Salvin-Godman Coll. t. $ ad. sk. j . cS ad. sk. Carupano, Venezuela(Goering). Trinidad. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. 'k. 2 *"*• sk* Santa Marta, U. S. C. Salvin-Godman Coll. I Ad. sk. (Simons). South America. Sclater Coll. m. Ad. sk. South America. Purchased. 27. Icterus curasoensis. Icterus curasoensis, Bidgw. P. TI. S. N. M. 1884, p. 174. Similar to I. ccanihomus, but bill longer, more attenuated, and more acute, the white markings of the wings much broader, and the yellow colour paler. Bah. Island of Curacoa, *W. I. Only known to the author from the original description. The points of difference from L xanthomas do not seem to be very strong. 28. Icterus dubusi. Icterus xanthornus, var. a. dubusi, Dubois, Bull. Ac. Belg. sex. 2, xl. p. 799. Above yellow ; interscapulium slightly marked by narrow black shaft-spots; wings black; lesser coverts black, with broad yellow margins ; greater coverts and secondaries slightly edged with white: beneath yellow ; middle of throat, extending to the breast, black ; 382 ICTERID33. under wing-coverts pale yellow; tail black, at the base beneath, the coverts yellow; bill and feet black : whole length 7*2 inches, wing 2-5, tail 3. Hab. Panama (?). I bought the skin above described at Southampton in 1846, and have never yet seen a second example. It appears, however, to agree with Dubois's description of two specimens in the Brussels Museum, said to be from Panama (?), and seems to be sufficiently different from/, ccanihomus to require recognition. The two points of difference are the striations on the interseapulium, of which there is no sign in I. xanthomas, and the colour of the lesser wing-coverts, which are black at their bases and broadly margined with yellow. In /. xanthomas these coverts are wholly yellow. a. Ad. sk. S. America. Sclater Coll. 29. Icterus auratus. Icterus auratus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 435; Lawr. Ann. Lyc. N. Y. -ix. p. 271 (Yucatan) ; Sclater, Ibis, 1883, p. 369 ; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 445. Above and below bright orange ; lores, space at the base of the lower mandible, throat, extending down to the middle of the breast, and wings black; lesser wing-coverts black mixed with yellow; middle wing-coverts with broad white ends, forming a conspicuous white cross band ; edgings of greater wing-coverts and remiges also white; tail black, with the base beneath the coverts pale orange, and slight whitish tips; bill and feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 3-7, tail 3*6. Bab. Yucatan. The intense reddish-orange colour, the black space at the base of the lower mandible, which unites the lores and the throat, and the conspicuous white terminations of the middle wing-eoverts render this fine species easily distinguishable from I. xanthomus. a, b. Ad. sk.; c, d. Northern Yucatan Salvin-Godman Coll. Jr. sk. (Gaumer). 30. Icterus vulgaris. Oriolus icterus, Linn. S. K i. p. 161. Icterus vulgaris, Baud. Tr. d?Or?i. ii. p. 340; Bp. Consp. i. p. 434 ; Baird, B. K Am. p. 542; Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 133; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 369; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 167 (Venezuela); iid. Mmencl. p. 36; Fmch, P. Z. S. 1870, p. 578 (Trinidad); Cassin, Pr. Ac. So. Phil 1867, p. 46; Salv. et Godm.Jbis, 1879, p. 200 (Santa Marta). Agelaius longirostris, Vieill. Nouv. Diet, xxxiv. p. 547. Icterus longirostris, Bp. Consp. i. p. 435; Cassin. Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 1867, p. 46. Icteric Oriole, Latham, Gen. H. B. iii. p. 114. Above and below brilliant orange; whole head and neck and elongated feathers of the throat, broad interseapulium, and tail 22 . ICTERUS. 383 black; wings black, lesser coverts orange, middle wing-coverts and broad outer margins to secondaries, forming together a large and conspicuous bar, white; under wing-coverts yellow; bilfblack, plumbeous at the base ; feet dark brown: whole length 10 inches, wing 4-6, tail 4. Female similar. Hab. Coast-region of Colombia and Venezuela and Trinidad. The guttural feathers are still more elongated in this species than in the two next. The conspicuous white wing-patch also renders it easily distinguishable. a. Ad. sk. Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta Sclater Coll. (Simons). b. tf ad. sk. Valle Dupar, Santa Marta, U. S. C. (Simons). Salvin-Godman Coll. c. S ad. sk. d. Ad. sk. Campano, Venezuela (Goering). South America. Salvin-Godman Coll. Sclater Coll. e. Ad. sk. South America. Zool. Soc. Coll. 31. Icterus jamacaii. Oriolus jamacaii, Gm. S. N. i. p. 391. Icterus jamacaii, Baud. Tr. cCOm. ii. p. 335 ; Max. JBeitr. iii. p. 1199; Bp. Consp. i. p. 435; Cab. Mus, Hein, i. p. 185 ; Burm. Si/st. TJeb. iii. p. 268; ScL Cat. A. B. p. 133 ; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 370 j Sel. et Salu. NomencL p. 36. Xanthornus aurantius, Hahn u. Kiister, Vog. ausAsien, Lief. vi. p. 1, t. i. (1850). ^ Icterus aurantius, Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. PJiil. 1867, p. 47. Jamacii Oriole, Lath. Gen. H. B. iii. p. 123. Bright reddish orange; whole head and throat, interseapulium, and tail black; wings black, lesser coverts orange, middle and greater coverts black; external margins of the secondaries white, forming a conspicuous white patch; bill black, at the base plumbeous; feet black: whole length 8*5 inches, wing 3*9, tail 3*8. Female similar, but rather smaller, and not quite so bright. Hob. S.E. Brazil. a. Ad. sk. Ceara, N. Brazil (Jesse). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Ceara, N. Brazil (J&sse). Salvin-Godman Coll. Cjd. Ad. sk. Pernambuco, Brazil (Forbes). Salvin-Godman Coll. e. Ad. sk. Brazil. Sclater Coll, / . Ad. sk. Brazil. Purchased. 32. Icterus croconotus. Psarocolius croconotus, Wagl Isis, 1829, p. 757. Icterus croconotus, Gray, Gen. £. ii. p. 343; Bp. Consp. i. p. 435; Sel. Cat A. B. p. 133; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 370; Cassin. Pr. Ac. Sc. PML 1867, p. 47 ; Sel et Salv. P. Z, S. 1873, p. 266 (Upper Amazons'), 1879, p. 608 (Bolivia) j iid. Nomenel p. 36; Zayard, Ibis, 1873, p. 381 (Para) ; PehOrn. Bras. p. 195 iTacz. Orn. P£r. ii.p. 420. Icterus jamacaii, Cab. in Schomb. Guian. iii. p. 679. Bright orange ; front, sides of head, throat, and tail black ; wings black, lesser coverts orange, middle and greater coverts black; a 384 ICTERIDJE. white patch formed by the white outer margins of the secondaries • bill black, plumbeous at the base; feet black: whole length S inches, wing 3*8, tail 3*9. Female similar. Eab. Guiana and Amazonia to Ecuador and interior of Brazil. A close ally of I. jamacaii, but easily known by the orange extending over the interscapuiium and the head, except the front. a, b. Ad. &t. British Guiana. Sir K. SchomLurgk c. Ad. sk. Guiana (Brown). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Sarayacu, Ecuador (Buckley). Salvin-Godman Cull. e. /. ffh. Ad. sk. Ad. sk. Ad. sk. Ad. sk. Peruvian Amazons {Bartlett). Upper Amazons (Bates). Uuyaba, Brazil (batterer). Bolivia. Salvia-G» dman Cull. Sclater Coll. ISalvin-Godman Coll. J. Gould, Erq. 33. Icterus gularis. Psarocolius gnlaris, Wagl. Isis, 1820, p. 754. Icterus gularis, Bp. Consp. i. p. 435 ; ScL P. Z. S. 1857, pp. 205, 228, 1858, p. 358 (Honduras), et 1859, p. 3bV>; id. Cat. A. B. p. W4; id. Ibis, 1883, p. 371 • ScL et Salv. Ibis, 1850. p. 19 {Guatemala 1; iid. NomencL p. 3(>; Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 408, et 181**0, p. lift; Taylor, Ibis, 1800, p. Ill (Brit. Hond.); Cassin, Pr. At. Se. Phil. 1867, p. 49; Owen et Salv. Ibis, 1881, p. &2; Lawr. Bull. U. S. JV. 4, p. 23; Des Murs, Icon. Orn. pi 0. Icterus mentalis, Less. Cent. ZooL p. Ill, pi. 4L Orange-yellow; interscapuiium, lores, throat extending down to the breast, and tail black ; wings black, margined with white, lesser wing-coverts yellow; thickened bill and feet black ; whole length 10 inches, wing 4-7, tail 4*5. Female j^ilow; throat Mack; inter scapuiium and tail olive; wings brown edged with whitish. Eab. Southern Mexico, Yucatan, British Honduras, and Guatemala. a. Ad. sk. Mexico. Baron Lau^rier Coll. b. Ad. sk. Mexico. J. Gould, &q. rp.]. c. $ sk. Jalapa, Mexico (Edge). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. S'e/. Ibis, 1883, p. 372, Bright reddish orange; interscapulium, lores, sides of face, and throat extending on to breast black: wings black, margined with white, lesser wing-coverts yellow ; tail black, slightly tipped with white ; bill black, plumbeous at the base ; feet black : whole length 8 inched, wing 4*3, tail 4. Female similar but yellow, and the interscapulium black variegated with yeEow. Hah. Guatemala and Southern Mexico. This species closely resembles /. r/ularis in general colour, but is at once recognizable by its more slender bill, and in this respect comes nearer to L pvstulatus, from which it is distinguishable by its black inta^capnlium. a. S ad. sk. San Geronimo, Guatemala Salvin-Godman Coll. h. J jr. "k.; r. $ hk, (Salmn). Fan Geronimo, Guatemala ( Owen). Salvin-Godman Coll d. <$ ml* 4i. San Geronimo, Guatemala Sclater Coll, (Salvin). e. c? ad. j*kf. 2 a(h *s^- *g- 5 ad- sk. Guatemala. Guatemala (Skinner). Tonala (Chiapas), Mexico(Sumickrast). Sclater Coll. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman Coll. k. Ad. sk. San Juan, S. Mexico (PeboucJi). Salvin-Godman Coll. 35. Icterus pectoralis. Pfearocohus pectorals, WagL Isis, 1829, p. 755. Icterus pectoralis, Pp. Consp. i. p. 435; Scl. P. Z. S. 1857, p. 205 ; id. Ms, 1873, p. 373 (Nicaragua); id. (at. A. P. p. 134; id. Mis. 1883, p. 372; ScL et Salv. Ibis, 1859, p. 20; iid. Nomencl. p. 30; Lawn Pull. U. 8. N M. no. 4, p. 23; Cassin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil 1867, p. 48; Pes Murs, Icon. Orn. pi. 10. Icterus guttulatus, Zafr. May. de Zool. 1844, pi. 52; Cab. J.f.O. 1861, p. 9 (Costa Bica). Icterus pectoralis espinachi, Nutting, Proc. IT. S. Nat. Mus. 1882, p. 392 (Costa Rica). Above bright orange-yellow, ruddier on the head; lores and apace round and in front of the eye and upper back deep black; wings black, lesser wing-coverts orange, outer margins of the secondaries white, forming an elongated white patch; narrow edgings on the ends of the secondaries and primaries also white: below orange-yellow; throat down to centre of breast black; breast marked with numerous black spots, chiefly at the sides ; tail black, slightly tipped with whitish; under wing-coverts yellow ; VOL. XI. ^ C 386 ICTEEID^. bill black, plumbeous at the base; feet black: whole length 8"5 inches, wing 4*3, tail 3*9. Female similar, but not so bright; with the interscapulium varied with olivaceous, and without the black pectoral spots. Hob. Western Mexico and Guatemala, and south to Costa Rica. The so-called subspecies from Costa Eica is stated by Mr. Eidg way to differ from northern examples In its smaller size; but one of the Nicaraguan specimens before me ( $ ) Is hardly Inferior In dimensions to the Mexican examples. a, b. Ad. sk. Central America. Purchased. c. $ ad. sk. Putla, "W. Mexico (Bebomk). Salvin-Godman Coll. d. (S ad. sk. Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico Sarrin-Godinaii ColL (Sumickra&t). e. Jr. sk. Savana Grande, Guatemala Salvin-Godmaii Coll( Salvin). f. 3ad.; g. San Geronimo, Vera Paz Salvin-Godman Coll. (Salvin). h. Jr. sk. Eetalhuleu, Guatemala (Sal- Salvin-Godman Coll. vin §* Godman). i. S ad. sk. Nicaragua. Sclater ColL j. 6 ad. sk. Chontales, Nicaragua (Beit), Salvin-Godman Cull. k. Jr. sk. Central America. F. Grtiber [C.]. 36. Icterus pustulatus. Psarocolius pustulatus, Wagh Ims71820, p. 757. Icterus pustulatus, Bp. Consp. i. p. 435; 8cL P. Z. S. 1858, p. .'50*3 (Oaxaca); id. Cat. A. B. p. 134; id.^Ibu, lfc83, p. 373; Set. et Sab. NomencL p. 36 , iid. JExotic Ornith. p. 47, pL xxw.; €fmm\ Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil. 1867, p. AS; Sumichrmtj Mem. Bout. Sue. JV. 1L L p. 552 (Vera Cruz); Sab. P. Z. S. 1883, p. 4'2'2 (Acapulco). Pendulinus californicus, Less. Mev. Zml. 1844, p. 436; t& lh$cr» d, Mamm. et Ois. p. 333. Bright reddish orange; lores and throat, extending to the middle of the breast, black ; Interscapulium yellow, distinctly marked with large oval black spots ; wings black, broadlj margined with white; lesser coverts orange ; tail black, with slight white tips; under wing-coverts yellow; bill black, plumbeous at the base; feet Mack: whole length 8'5 inches, wing 4, tail 3*8. Female. Somewhat similar, but yellow ; back olivaceous, distinctly spotted with black; tail olivaceous. Hah. "Western and Southern Mexico. The oval spots on the interscapulium are present in both sexes at all ages, and render this species easily distinguishable. a. 6* ad. sk. Cape San Lucas, Lower Cali- Salvhi-Godiiian ColL forma (F. Grtiber), b, c. $ $ ad. sk. Mazatlan, W. Mexico Salvin-Godman ColL (Forrer). d, e. <$ jr. et $ ad. Presidio, Mexico (Forrer). Salviu-Godmaii Coll sk. f} g. c? ad. sk,; h Acapulco, Mexico {Mark- Salvin-Godman Coll. <$ jr. sk. ham). 22. ICTERUS. 38/ L d a i sk. Puebla, Mexico (Boucard). Salvin-Godman Coll 3,k. d jr. sk. Tonala, Chiapas, S. Mexico Salvin-Godman Coll (bumichrast). L d ad. sk. Atlisco, Mexico (Boucard). Sclater Coll. ~%«. 2 ad. sk Mexico. Sclater ColL o. $ ad. sk. Mexico. J. Gould, Esq. 37. Icterus graysoui. Icterus STaysoni, Caasin, Proe. Ac. &>. Pliilad. 1867, p. 48: 8cl et bate. Jsommcl p. 30; Scl. Ibis, 1883, p. 374. Yellow, slightly tinged with orange on the head, clearer beneath ; lores and middle of the throat black, slight traces of black spots on the interseapulium; wings black, broadly margined with white; lesser eoTerts yellow ; tail black, external rectrices tipped with yellowish; bill black, plumbeous at the base; feet black: whole length 7*5 inches, wing 4, tail 3-4. Female. Above yellowish olive, beneath yellow; throat black; wings brown, edged with white ; tail olivaceous. Hahm Tres Marias Islands, west of Mexico. Apparently a modified descendant of I. pustulatus, with the interscapular spots obsolete. a, b. cf 2 afL &k; Tres Marias Islands, "W. Salvin-Godman ColL c. d jr. »k. Mexico (Forrer). d, e. d ? ad. &k. Tres Marias Islands, W. Sclater Coll. Mexico (Forrer). 38. Icterus leucopteryx. Psaroeolius leucopteryx, Wagl. Syst. Av. sp. 16. Icterus leucopteryx, ~Gosse} B. Jam. p. 226,* Bp. Consp. i. p. 436; Set P. Z. S. 1861, p. 74 j id. Cat. A. B. p. 134; id. Ibis, 1883, p. $74; ScL et Sab. Nomend. p. 36. Pendulinus leucopteryx, Cassin, Br. Ac. Se. PIizl 1867, p. 59. Icterus personatus, Temm. PL Col sub tab. 482; Bp. Consp. L p. 435. Yellowish olivaceous, beneath yellow; lores and throat, extending down to the breast, black ; wings black; lesser coverts yellow ,* middle coverts and broad outer margins of secondaries white; under wing-coverts yellow; bill plumbeous; feet black: whole length 8 inches, wing 4*2, tail 3*6. Female similar, but not quite so bright. Hah. Jamaica. a. Ad. st Jamaica. J- Gould, Esq. b. Ad. sk. Jamaica. Purchased. c. d ad. sk. Jamaica (Osbum). Sclater Coll. d. Ad. sk. Jamaica (Bryant). Sclater Coll. e. Q Jamaica (Bryant). Mrs. Bryant [P.]. / . Pad.s k Moneague, Jamaica (Bryant). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. It. sk. Moneague, Jamaica (Salvin Salvin-Godman Coll. fy Godman). k. Jr. *»k. Jamaica. Purchased. 2c 2 IOTERID-E. Subfamily V. QUISCALINJS. After the elimination of Cassidlv, the Quisealince form a more natural group, characterized by their rather attenuated bill, which has an incurved culmen and a rounded and unexpanded mesorhiniurn, and by their long and generally graduated tail, -which in the typical genera is carried in life in a boat-shaped fashion, so that the side feathers are brought up together above the median rectrices. The legs are stout, and the tarsi long and ambulatorial. The coloration is mostly uniform black, only relieved by metallic glosses in some genera, and by scarlet and brown patches in others. The nests of the Quiscalinre, so far as known to us, are open and cup-shaped, and placed in bushes or trees. The eggs are variously spotted on a lighter ground. Hange. Whole of the Nearctie and Neotropical Eegions. Key to the Genera, A. Head-feathers normal. a. Frontal plumes erect 23. LAMPBOPSAR, p. 388. b. Frontal plumes recumbent. d. Tail slightly rounded. j Bill thin, compressed 24. SCQLECOPHAGUS, p. 300. | Bill stout, thick 25. DIVES, p. 391. b\ Tail much graduated. (Bill longer, thinner 26 QUISCALUS, p. 393. I Bill shorter, broader 27. MACBAGELZEUS, p. 403. B. Head-feathers lanceolate. Tail graduated; bill smooth 28. HYPOPYBBHUS, p. 403. Tail slightly rounded j bill rugose 29. APHOBUS, p. 404. 23. LAMPEOPSAE. Type. Lampropsar, Cab. Mm. Hein. i. p. 194 (1851) L. tanagrinus. Potamopsar, Scl. Cat. A. B. p. 141 (1802) JL. tanagrinus. The peculiar structure of the short erect frontal feathers characterizes this genus. The tarsi are rather short, and indicate arboreal habits; the tail is long and much rounded; the mesorhinium is lineiform, and the culmen slopes but very slightly. Range. Guiana, Venezuela, and Amazonia. 1. Lampropsar tanagrinus. Icterus tanagrinus, Spiv, Av. Bras. i. p. 67, pi. 64. f. 1. Lampropsar tanagrinus, Cab. Mas. Hem. i. p. 194; ScL et Salt. No- mend. p. 38 ; Feb. Orn. Bras. p. 200; ScL Ibis, 1884, p. 149 j Tacz. Om. PSr. ii. p. 433; Scl. et Salv. P. Z. S.1873, p. 207 (CJcayali). Lampropsar guianensis, Cab. in ScJwmb. Guian. iii. p. 082; id. Mm. Hein. i. p. 194; Scl et Salv. P. Z. S. 1808; p. 167 (Venezuela); iid. Nomencl. p. 38. 23 . LAMPROPSAK. Quiscalus (Potamopsar) minor, Set. Cat. A. B. p. 141. Potamopsar minor, Castin, Pr. Ac. Sc. Phil. L866, p. 4.15. Quiscalus, sp., Sol et Sah. P. Z. S. 1866, p. 182. Structure of Lampropsar tanagrinus. Uniform black, slightly shining; bill and feet black : whole length 8 inches, wing 4*5, tail 4*1. Female similar, but rather smaller. Hah. Guiana, Venezuela, and Amazonia. As regards the identification of Icterus tanagrinus with Larn projpsar guianensis, see my remarks, Ibis, 1884, p. 149. a. <$ ad. sk. Venezuela (Goering). Sclater Coll. b. Ad. sk. Trinidad, Zool. Soc. Coll. c. J ad. sk. Barra do Rio Negro (Natterer). Sclater Coll. d. Peruvian Amazons (Bartlett). Salvin-Godmau Coll. e. c? ad. sk. Bio Javarri (Bates). Sclater Coll. f. Ad. sk. Rio Javarri (Bates). Purchased. g. 2 ad. sk. Upper Ucayali. E. Bartlett [CI. h. $ ad. sk. Santa Cruz, E. Peru. E. Bartlett [C.J. ICTEBIDJE. 390 2 4 SCOLEC0PHAGHS, Type. Scoleeophagus, Sw. Faun. Bor.-Am., Aves, p. 494 (1831) S.«^«~ r. . Euphagus, Cassia, Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil 1886? p. 413 ..fc>. cyanocephalu?. In ScolecoplMfus the bill is slender and the cuimen incurved, the tip "being decidedly bent down. The tail is longer than the wings and graduated, but not so much as in Lampropsar. The tarsi are long, and indicate terrestrial habits. The Marsh Blackbirds nest upon trees usually in colonies, mate open cup-shaped nests, and lay spotted eggs. The two known species are only found in the Nearetic Region. Key to the Species. A. With slenderer bill j head like the bod? .. 1. fermginms, p. 390. B. "With stouter bill; head purplish, different from the greenish back 2. cyanocephalu,% p. :W. 1. Seoleeophagns ferrnginexis. Oriolus femigineus, Gm. 8. AT. L p. 303. Gracula ferruginea, Wils. Am. Orn. iiL p. 41, pi. 21. f. 3. Seolecophagus ferruaineus, Sw. Faun. Bm\~Am. IL p. i¥i#; Baird, B. JST. Am. p. 551J SoL Cat. A. B. p. 140; id. Ibk% 1^4, p. l?A); Cassin, Br. Ac. 8c. Phil 1800, p. 412; Baird, Brewerf H Midy way ^ K A. B. ii. p. 203; Blahiston, Bus, 1803, p. &2 (Saskatchewan I; Corns, Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 411. Scoleeophagus niger, Bp. Consp. 1. p. 423; Cab. 31m. Ilein. L p. 10.>. Bice Oriole, Latham, Gen. H. B. in. p. 98. Black, with slight purple reflections; wings and tail washed with green ; in autumnal plumage all the feathers margined with ferruginous ; bill and feet black: whole length 9*5 inches, wing 4*tit tail 3*5. Female similar, but smaller. Eab. Eastern States of N. America to the Missouri a. Jr. st. Arctic America. Cap! Back [P.], b. Ad. sk. Arctic America. Dr. Eae. c. Ad. sk. Fort Simpson, KA. B. R. Row, Esq- [R> d. e,f. Ad. sk. Forty-ninth Parallel, N.A, N. A. Boundary Commission [P.I. g. Ad. sk. Illinois (Code). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. Tl\\ A. Illinois (Coale). U.S. Nat. Mua [IV). *. § ad. sk. New Brunswick (Osburn). Sclater Coll. j. d ad. sk Albany, New York (Burst). Sclater ColL *. $ ad. sk. Carlisle, Pa., U.S Salvin-Godman Coll. I, m. e ad. sk. Distr. Colombia (Corns). U.S. Nat Mus, [El 2. Seolecophagns cyanocephalns. Psaroeolius cyanocephalus, Wagl. Isis, 1829, p. 758. Scoleeophagus cyanocephalus, Cab. Mut. Hem. L p. 195; Baird, B. N. Am. p. 552; 8cL Cat A. B. p. 140; id. Mw, 1884, p„ hll: 25. DIYES. 391 Cassin, Fr. Ac. Se. Phil. I860, p. 413; Sel et Sah. NornencL p. 38; Baird, Brew., et Ridgw. Ar. A. B. ii. p. 206; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 493 (Texas); SumieJirast, Mem. Bost. Soc. N. II. vol. i. p. 553; Bhkiston, Ibis, 1803, p. 82 (Saskatchewan); Corns, Key N. A. B. ^1884) p. 411, Soleeophagus mexicanus, Sw. An. in Menag. p, 302; Bp. Consp. 1. I>. 423. Quiscalus breweri, Ami B. Am. vii. p. 845, pi. 492. _ Black, -with green reiiections ; head and neck all round purplish ; bill and feet black : whole length 9 inches, wing 5, tail 4. Female. Hull cinereous blackish; wings, tail, and rump washed with greenish black ; a slight superciliary line rather lighter. Bab. Western and Central States of N. America and south to tableland of Mexico. a9b. d"7e,d. 2 West slope of Eocky J. K. Lord, Esq. [P.]. ad. sk. Mountains. e. <$ ad. sk. Fort Bridger, Utah, U.S. Salvin-Godman Coll. (Drexler). /. § ad. sk Fort Vancouver, N. Pacific Salvin-Godman Coll. E.1L Survey, U.S. ( Cooper). 9* 6 ad. sk. Pembina, Dakota (Cones). Salvin-Godman Coll. L J ad. sk. California (Bridges). Sclater Coll. L $ ad. sk. California (Boucard). Sclater Coll. /. <$ ad. sk. San Francisco, California. Capt. ikellett and Lt. Wood [P.]. A, /. 6 2 ad. sk. Reel Bluff, N. California U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. (C. II. Townsend). m. 2 ad* sk Fort Whipple, Arizona U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. {Cozies). n. S ad. sk. Nebraska (Reldmg). U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. o, p. d* 2 &d. sk. Ciudad Durango, Mexico Salvin-Godman Coil. (Forrer). q. J ad. sk. Near City of Mexico. Salvin-Godman Coll. r. 2 ad. sk. Oaxaca, S. Mexico (Fenochio). Salvin-Godman Coll. s. 2 ^d. sk. Mexico (Boucard). Sclater Coll. t. j ad. sk. Central America ? Sir E. Belcher [P.]. 25. DIVES. Type. Dives, Cassin, Fr. Ac. So. Fhil 1866, p. 413 D. sumichrasti. The two larger species assigned to Lampropsar by Cabanis appear to me to go better near the true Quiseali, to which they have both been referred by other authors. Cassin has placed them in Scolecojpkagua under the subgeneric designation Dives, whieb I retain as a genus in its present position, adding thereto the so-called Scolecophagus atroviolaceus of Cuba, wbich agrees with them in most points of its structure. The bill is shorter and stronger than in Quiscalus and Bcolecophagxts. Range. Mexico, Cuba, Central America, and North-western portion of South America. 392 ICTERTDM, Key to the Species. A. Uniform shining black / Larger- wings longer 1-sumzcArash, p. 392. I Smaller; wings shorter 2. icarcewtesi, p. 3ll± B. Uniform purplish black 3. afrovmlaeeus, p. f$M. 1. Dives stinrichrasti. - Lampropsar dives, Bp. Consp. i. p. 425 ; Cab. Mm. Hem. i. p. 104 : id. J.f. 0. 1861, p. 83; Boucard, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 440 {Yucatan 1; ScL et Salv. NomencL p. 38. Quiscaius sumichrasti, Be Sauss. Rev. ZooL 1850, p. 110; Srlatrr, P. Z. S. 1859, p. 305 (Jalapa) et p. 381 (Oaxaea), 1864. p. 1751 Citv of Mexico) ', id. Cat. A. B. p. 140; ScL et Salv. Ibi\ IHJO, p. 3U5 (Guatemala),* Sumichrastj Mem. Post. S. K.II. TOL i. p.553 (Vera Cruz). Scolecophagus dives, Cassin, Pr. Ac. 8c. Phil. 1866, p. 413. Dives sumichrasti, ScL Ibis, 1884, p. 152. Uniform black, slightly shining; bill and feet black; whole length 10*5 inches, wing 5, tail 4*7. Female similar, "but smaller. Hah. Mexico and Guatemala. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. c. d. . Quiscalus versicolor, F«V//. iViwy.-Diicrf. xx\iii. p. 4^8; «/. 6-W. cles Ois. i. p. 171, pi. 108; Bp. Comp. i. p. 4'M; 8w. Faun. Bor.-Am. ii. p. 285 j id. An. in Mmiag. p. 208; Baird, B, JY1 -«&«. p. 7M; SW. Cta. A B. p. 1405 «/. Ibis, 18*4, p. 134. Quiscalus purpuratus, $w. -iw. m Menug, p. AW (?). Quiscala nitens, LicU. JDoubl. p. 16. Quiscalus purpureus, Cassin, Br. Ac. 8c: Phil. IHfJG, p. 40"$; Bmtdf Brew., et Ridgw. N. A. B. ii. p. 214; C'outs, Key JV. A. It {Im4} p. 413. Quiscalus asneus, Ridgw. Pr. Ac. 8c. PML 18110, p. 1*14 Quiscalus purpureus, vax. asneus, Baird? Brew., et BMgw. JF. A. B, ii. p. 218. Quiscalus versicolor seneus, 8cL Ibis, 1884, p. 154. Quiscalus purpureus seneus, Cones, Key N. A, B. (1884) p. 413. Quiscalus baritus, Baird, B. JV. A. p. 556. Quiscalus aglseus, .BmVtf, -4m. /ojfm. 8c. ser. 2, xB. 18C69 p. M; Cassin, Br. Ac. Sc. PML 1806, p. 404 : Midgw.Pi: Ac. Si: PML 1869, p. 135. Quiscalus purpureus, var. aglseus, Baird. Brew?., ei Ridgw. X A. B, ii. p. 221. Quiscalus ver&icolor aglseus, Sol Ibis, 1884, p. 154. Quiscalus purpureus aglseus, Coues, Key iV. A. B. (1884) p. 414. Purple Grakle, Lath. Gen. H. B. iii. p. 174. ^ Black; whole body more or less glossed with green, purple, and violet of varying tints; head and neck all round glossy purplish; bill and feet black: whole length. 11-5 inches, wing 5-7, tail 5. Female similar, but smaller. Eab. Atlantic slope of M". America, from Saskatchewan to Texas. The American ornithologists divide tMs species into three subspecies, namely:— 1. Q. versicolor typirns. Bather larger; the underparts with violaceous tints. From the Atlantic-coast States north of Florida. 2. Q. versicolor aylceus. Generally similar, but smaller. From South Florida. 26. GTTISCALITS. 395 3. Q, yerskohr emeus. Bather larger, the underparts uniform bronzy olive. From the interior Atlantic States and Saskatchewan. a. Subsp. tyjpica. a* d ad. sk. L Ad. sk. c. d" ad. sfc. North. America. North America (albino). Pennsylvania, U. S. A. (TownsPurchased. Purchased. Salvin-Godman ColL (I. Jr. sk. <. Ad.&k **. 3 ad. >k. end). Philadelphia, U.S.A. (Krider). Maryland (1 'at/lor). Alexandria, Va. (If. Palmer). Salvin-Godman ColL Sclater Coll. U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.]. b. Subsp. cenea. >/. *. c? ? ad. sk. /'. <$ ad. sk. '/. tj1 *td. &k. t, rf ad.bk. / , J* ad. sk. //, * ad. hk. IilinoL, U. S. A. Knox Co., Ind. (Ridgway). Wheatland, Indiana (Ridgway). Mount Carmeljlll (S. Turner). Pembina, Dakota (Cams). Fort Uutlerin, N. A. Sclater Coll. Salvin-Godman ColL U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.], U.S. Nat. Mus. |P.J- Salvin-Godman Coll. U.S. Bound. Comm. A. i. ,f J ad. sk. Fort Simpson, N. A. B. H. Ross, Esq. /. * ad, sk. A. Ad. ak. Arctic America. North America. Dr. llae [P.]. Sclater Coll. 2* Quiscalus major. Qutecalus major, TieilL Kouv. Diet, xxviii p. 487 (1819); id. JEnc. MSfk. ii. p. 900 ; Bp. Consj). i. p. 424 ; Sclater, P. Z. S.1859, p. 58 (Omoa); id. Cat. A. B. p. 141; id. Ibis, 1884, p. loo; Baird, B. W,Am.ip.5oo; Dresser, Ibis, 1865, p. 494 (Texas); Salv. Ibis, mm, p. 194 (Belize) ; Cumn, JPr. Ac. Sc. Phil. 18G6, p. 409; Baird, Brmv., et Ridgw. X. A. B. ii. p. 222; Lawr. Mem. Boston Soc. 2VT. II ii. p. 281 (N.W. Mexico) -7 Cbues, Ibis, 1870, p. 367; id. Key N. A. B. (1884) p. 412. Quibcalus corvmus, &w. An. in Menag. p 300. Chalcophanes major, Cab. Mus. Hein. i. p. 196. Blackish, with shining green reflections ; head and neck all round passing into purplish ; bill and feet black: whole length 15 inches, wing 7 ; tail, middle rectrices 7, external 4*5. Female. Above smoky brown, with slight metallic reflections; head brown ; below brown, middle of the belly dirty white; crissnm blackish: whole length 11 inches, wing" 5*3, tail 5. llab* Coast-region of South Atlantic States of North America. a. t? ad. sk. N. America. M.-Gen. J. Hardwicke [P." N. America. Duke of Sussex [P.]. b. 5 ad- st. N. America. Duke of Sussex [P.l. c. <£ ad* fife- Charlotte Harbour, U.S. Nat. Mus. [P.J. d. <$ ad. sk. Florida (J. Bell). r,f. 6 2 ad. sk. Florida. Sclater Coll. N. America. Sclater Coll. //. . AcSc. Phil. 1866, p. 407; Scl. P. Z. S. 1874, p. 175; id. Ibis, 1884, Proc U S N Ml P-355> et % , 5 , tWA. Baltimore Oriole, -364. b lltiinore (Oriolus), 364. baltimore (Tphautes), :m. baltimorensis (Hyphanfariltsiiiorei'His (Icteras), :]ii4. buiianiTora (Certliiola), m, 40. bmanirora (llotacllla), 40. BwiiiniTOriis, 3$*2. hirh%(htidM (Callospiza), na b trftfttkwls (Certliiola), 37, HI bartiMierwis (Tanagra), llll. b i rbuden*is eserulea (Tanagra), 111). barita (draeula), 39.S. barita (Quiscalus), 401, 4fFZ barita (Scaphidura), 329. baritula (Diglossa), 2, 3. barifcos (Chaleophanes), 39a baritus (Quiecalns), 394, 396,309. baritua, v&r. brachypterus (Quise&lus), 399. baritus, var. gundlachii (Quiacalus), 398. baritus, var. niger (Quiscalus), 398. bartbolemica (Certhia), 42. bartholemica (Certbiola), 37, 42, 43. be&upertbuyi (Taehypbonus), 207. bcfiieon (Trupialis), 356, 357. boincclteti (Spindalis), 166, i«;s. berfepscfai (Chlorospingi »)f2»a251. Bethylu* 209. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. bicolor (Amblyramphus), 351. bicolor (Conirostrum), 13. bicolor (Dacnis), 27. bicolor (Bendroeca), 27. bicolor (Euphonia), 79. bicolor (Neetarinia), 19. bicolor (Saltator), 299. bicolor (Sylvia), 27. bidentata (Plicenicosonia), 190. bidentata (Pyranga), m 182,190. bifasciatus (Cassicus), 313. bifasciatus (Gymnostit nops), 313. bifasciatus (Ostiuops), 313. bifasciatus (Psarocolius), 313. bilineatus (Spindalis), im. bivitfcata (Phcenicosoma), 189. bivittata (Phcenisoma), 190. bivittata (Pyranga), 189. Black-crowned Oriole, 362. Black-faced Tanager, 302. Black-beaded Tanager, 204. blanda (jSfemosia), 228. Blue-bird (Bed-bellied), 87. boliviana (Calliste), 119, 121. boliviana (Callospiza), 121. bonana (Icterus), 363, 368. bonana (Oriolus), 308. bonana (Pendulinus), 368. bonana (Xanfchomus), 368. bonapartii (Agrilorbinus), 7. bonariensis (Loxia), 164. bonariensis (Molothrus), 332, 333, 335. bonariensis (Tanagra), 154,164, 232, 335. bourcieri (Calliparcea), 90. bourcieri (Calliste), 90. bourcieri (Chlorochrysa), 90. brachypterus (Chalcophanes), 399. brachypterus (Phonasea), 74. braehypterus (Quiscalus), 394, 399. m braniekii (Diva), 94. branickii [Proeno]>is), 93, 94. brasilia (Ramphopis), 170. brasilia (Tanagra), 170. brasiliensis f Calliste), 95, 96,119. brasiliensis (Callospiza), 119. brasiliensis (Oaryothraustes), 306. brasiliensis (Pitylus), 303, 306. brasiliensis (Tanagra), 119. brasiliensis viridis (Sylvia), 224. brasilius (Ramphocelus), 170. brasilius (Rhamphoccelus), 169, 170. Brazilian Tanager, 170. brelayi (Uncirostrum), 3. brevipennis (Dacnis), 20. brevipennis (Helinaia), 26. brevipes (Arbelorhina), 32. brevipes (Ccereba), 32. brevirostris (Aeroleptes), 67. brevirostris (Arbelorhina), 34. brevirostris (Ccereba), 34. brevirostris (Euphonia), 67. brevirostris (Icterus),338. brevirostris (Pezites),357. breweri (Quisealus), 391. brunnea (Tanagra), 210. brunneinucba (Buarremon), 255, 258, 259. brunneinucba (Emberna gra), 258. brunneinucba (Tanagra), 258. br mmeiventris(Diglossa), 3,5. brunneus (Chlorospingus), 215. bryanti (Buphonia), 60. Buarremon, 253, 254. bullocki (Hypbantes), 365. bullocki (Icterus), 363, 365 bullocki, var. abeillei (Icterus), 366. bullocMi (Xanthornus), 365. bullocMi (Yphantes), 365. bursarius (Japus), 326. Butbraupis, 139, 147. cabanisi (Oalliste), 122, 123 caboti*(Certhiola), 36,38. Cacicus, 320. caelestis (Tanagra), 156, 159. cserulea (Arbelorliina), 34cserulea (Certhia), 33. cserulea (Coereba), 19, 31. 33,35. cssrulea (Neornis), 48. cserulea (Pyrrbula), 143. cserulea (Tersina), 50. cseruleifrons (Conirostrum), 16. cseruleocepbala (Aglaia), 127. caerulescens (Coccothraustes), 304. caerulescens (Diglossa),ll. caerulescens (Diglossopis), 11. caerulescens (Pitylus), 304. cssrulescens (Saltator), 283, 287, 290, 291. casruleus (Hylophilus), 223. csBruleus (Stephanophorus), 143. califor nicus(Pendulinus), 386. Calliparasa, 89. calliparsea (Oalliste), 90. calliparsea (Oallospiza), 90. calliparia (Oblorochrysa), 89,90. J Oalliste, 86, 95. Callitbraupis, 193. callophrys (Acrocompsa), callophrys (Chlorophonia), 53, 58. callophrys (Hypotblypis), 89. caHophrys(Triglypnidia), 58. Oallotbrus, 332. Oalocbsetes, 139, 179. calopbrys (Ohlorospingus), 238, 245. ALPHABETICAL IKDIX. calopbrys (Tanagrella), 87,89. Oalospiza, 95. Calyptopbilus, 233, 235. campestris (Motacilla), 48. cana (Tanagra), 154,156. cana (Tkraupis), 155,156. Canada Grrosbeak, 306. canadensis (Loxia), 306. canadensis (Pitylus), 306. canigularis (Clalorospingus), 238, 242. canigularis (Pipilopsis), 242. canigularis (Tacbyphonus), 242. capistrata (Dmcopis),30L capistrata (SchistocMamys), 301. capistrata (Tanagra), 301. capistratus (Orcbesticus), 301. capitalis (Buarremon), 254. capitalis (Pezopetes), 253, 254. earbonaria (Diglossa), 2, 3,6. carbonarium (Serrirostram), 6. Oarenocbrous, 254. carmioli (Cblorofcbraupis), 194. carmioli (Phoenicothraupis), 194. carneipes (Ocereba), 32. Oarouge, 3ti8. Carouge de Mexique, 380. Oarouge de St. Doraingue, 371. Oaryotbraustes, 303. Oassieuloides, 362. Oassiculus, 309, 328. Oassicus, 309, 320. Oassidix, 309, 329. cassini (Eucometis), 217, 219. cassini (Molothrus), 333, 337. cassini (Tachyphonns), 219. Cassique bupp6 de Cayenne, 315. Cassique rouge de Br6sil, 324. Cassique yert de Cayenne. 316. castaneiceps (Buarremon), 255, 261. castaneieoHis (Cblorospingus), 238, 249. castaneifrons (Boarremon), 256, 268. castaneiyentris (Oalliste), 142. eastaneiventris (Delothraupis), 142. castaneiventris (Pipridea), 142. castanonota (Oalliste), 114. caudacutus (Psarocolius), 331. cayana (Aglaia), 114 eayana (Oalliste), 111, 114. cayana (Oalospiza), 112, cayana (Certma I, 32. cayana (Dacnis), IB. 19. cayana (Eupbonia), 79, 81. cayana (Motacilla), 19. cayana (Saltator), IMS. cayana (Sjhia), 22. cayana (Tanagra), 81,111, 114. cayanensis (Oallospiza), cayanensis (Caryothraustes), 306. cayanensis (Frusgilla), 3011 cayanensis (Icterus), 3158, *3n0,37O. cayanensis (Oriolus), 369. cayanensis (Penduliuus), 369. cayanensis (Pitylus), 300. cayanensis cserulea (Salvia). 19. cayanub (Coracias), 286. Cayenne Roller, 280. cayennengis (Euplionia), 81. cayenneiDsi8(TaQagra},8l celano (Fringiila), 30,1. celseno (Pitylus), 303*300. Certhidea, 12, 27. Certhiola, 29, 50. chalcopagfca (XSaphoraa), 82. Ohalcopbanus, 393. Chaieotfaranpis, 95. chalybea (Buphonia), 84. chalybea (Hypopli«a),84, chalybea (Pbonasea), 84. chalybea (Tanagra), 84. ehapoul (Aglaia), 90. cMensis (Aglaia), 97. cHorieterus (TachyDhonns), 193. J F ^oroeapffia (Pipm), 54. CMorochrysa, 86, 89. eHoroeyanea {Tanagra), 80. chloronota (Buthraupis), 147,148. Cblorophanes, 29. CHorophonia, 53. chloropfera (Tanagra), chioropyga (Certhiola), -37,4-1. Chlorornis, 281. ChloroBpingns, 236, 237 CMorotbraupis, 180,194. chlorotica (Eupbonia) ,58 63, 64, 82. h ' chlorotica (Phonasca), 64. chlorotica (Tanagra), 64. chloroticus (Acroleptes), 04. chopi (Agelaius), 404. chopi (Aphobus), 345,405. clirjsocarpus (Cacieus), chrvsocarpus (Xanthornusj, 343. ehrysoeephalus (Icterus), 3112, 363, 369. chrysooephalus (Oriolus), chrysocephalus (Pendulinus), 369. chrysocephalus (Xanthoma), 369. ehrysogsster (Chloro- Bpingus), 238, 246. chrysogaster (Ixothraupis), 106. chrysogaster (Tanagra), 79,164. cbrysogasfea (Tanagra), 61. ehrysolopha (Tanagra), 140. cbrvsomeks (Tachyphonus), 206, 210. Chrysomus, 339. chrysonota (Oalliste),! 12. chrysonotus (Cassiculus), 322. chrysonotus (Cassicus), 321,322. chrysonotus (Bamphocelufl), 177. chrysonotus (Bhamphoecelus), 170,177. chrytfopaeta (Euphonia), 81,82. ALPHABETICAL OTOEX. cbrysopbrys (Oalliste), clirysopbrys (Chlorospingus), 238, 247. chrysopis (Nemosia), 229. cbrysopis (Thlypopsis), 228,229. Cbrysopoga, 254. ehrysopogon (Atlapetes), 259. ebrysopogon (Buarremon), 259. chrysoptera (Aglaia), 116. chrysoptera (Gracula), 369. h chrysoptera (Gyrola), 116. chrysopterus (Agelaius), 343, 369. chrysopterus (Agelasticus), 343. chrysopterus (Icterus), 343. chrysopterus (Xanthornus), 323, 343, 369, 370. Chrysothraupis, 95. chrysotis (Oalliste), 129, 133, 134. chrysotis (Ohrysothraupis), 134. cinerea (Euphonia), 85. cinereoeephalus (Chloro_ spingus), 238, 244. cinereran (Conirostrum), 13,15. Cissopis, 298, 299. Cissurus, 303. citreus (Cassicus), 315. citrinella (Aglaia), 101. citrinella (Buarremon), 256, 270. citrinella (Oalliste), 101. citrinella (Ohrysothraupis), 101. citrinella (Tanagra), 100. citrinus (Icterus), 362. citrius (Oriolus), 315. clusiae (Certhiola), 41. Clypeicterus, 309, 310. coccinea (Pyranga), 185, 186. coccinea (Eampkopis), 170. coccinea (Tanagra), 182. coccineus (Oalochaetes), 179,180. coccineus (Euchsetes),! 80. coccineus (Raniphocelus), 170. eoelestis (Euphonia), 62. eoelestis (Tanagra)5 153, 155. coelicolor (Oalliste), 96. Ocereba, 29, 31. coerebicolor (Arbelorbina), 21. coerebicolor (Dacnis), 18, 19, 21. coerulea (Proenias), 50. coerulea microrhyncha (Ocereba), 34. coerulea occidentalis (Proenias), 51. coeruleocepbala (Oalliste), 127. coeruleocephala (Euphonia), 59. coeruleocepbala granaclensis (Oalliste), 127. collaris (Sturnella), 358. collurio (Corvus), 299. columbiana (Oertbiola), 38. columbiana (Tanagra), 191. Comarophagus, 205. Oompsocoma, 139, 150. comptus (Buarremon), 255,264. concinna (Euphonia), 64, 69,70. concinna (Phonasca), 69. concinnus (Acroleptes), 69. Conirostrurn, 12, 13. Oonotbraupis, 272, 280. constantii (Tanagra), 144. cooperi (Pyranga), 181, 184. coronatus (Agelaius), 213. coronatus (Cassiculus), 328. coronatus(Tacbyphonus), 206,213. coronatus (Xanthornus), 328. corvinus (Quiscalus), 395. coryphseus (Pyrrota), 213. coryphseus (Tanagra), 213. coztototl (Psarocolius), 366. crassirostra (Seaphidura), 329. crassrrostris(Buarremon), 255, 262. crassirostris (Cassicus), 325. crassirostris (Euphonia), 76,77. 412 crassirostris (Quiscalus), 393, 394,398,399. Creeper, Black-and-Yel low, 43. Crested Tanager, 210. Oreurgops, 181, 215. cristata (Eucometis), 217, 218. cristata (Phcenieothraupis), 196, 201. cristata (Pipilopsis), 218. cristata (Tanagra), 210, 212. eristatella (Tanagra), 213. cristatellus (Tachyphonus), 210. cristatus (Cassicus), 315. cristatus (Lanio), 212. cristatus (Oriolus), 315, 316. cristatus (Ostinops), 315. cristatus (Psarocolius), 315. cristatus (Tachyphonus), 206, 210,214." croconotus (Icterus), 362, 364,3S3. croconotus (Psarocolius), 383. oucullata (Aglaia), 113. cucullata (Buthraupis), 147,148. cucullata (Calliste), 111, 113. cucullatus (Icterus), 363, 376. cucullatus (Pendulinus), 376. cucullatus (Pyranga), 192. cucullatus igneus (Icterus), 376. cucullatus nelsoni (Icte rus), 376. Ouraeus, 331,354. cura3us (Leistes), 354. CUMBUS (Psarocolius).354. curseus (Turdus), 354. curasoensis (Icterus), 363, 381. cyanater (Daenis), 19. cyanea (Arbelorhina), 32. cyanea (Certhia), 32. cyanea (Coereba), 31, 32. cyanea (Diglossa), 10, cyanea eximia (Coereba), 32. cyanea (Piprseidea), 92. cyaneicollis(Calliste), 124, 127,128. cyaneiventris (Calliste), 98,100. ALPHABETICAL INBEX. cyanescens (Calliste), 123. cyanescens (Xanfcliornus), 343. cyaneurn (Conirostrum), 13,14. cyaneurn (Uncirostrum), 10. cyanicollis (Aglaia), 127. cyanicollis (Callospiza), 127. cyanicollis (Tanagra), 127. cyanietera (Pyranga), 193. Cyanicterus, 180, 193. cyanicterus (Callithraupis), 193. cyanicterus (Orthogonys), 193. cyanilia (Tanagra), 159. cyanoeephala (Aglaia), 100,162. cyanoeephala (Daenis), 19. cyanoeephala (Dubusia), 163. cyanoeephala (Tanagra), 100,154,162. cyanoeephala (MotaciUa), 19. cyanoeephala (Xeetarinia), 19. cyanoeephala (Pipra), 61. cyanoeephala (Thraupis), 162. cyanocephalus (Psarocolius), 390. cyanocephalus (Scoleeopbagus), 390. Cyanodacnis, 18. Cyanodiglossa, 2. cyano-dorsahs (Eu phonia), 53. cyanogastra (Certhia), 32. cvanohema (Calliste), 112. cyanolaima (Calliste), 112. cyanoleucus(Hylophiius), 223. cyanomeleena (Tanagrella), 87, 88. cyanornelas (Bacnis), 19, cyanomelas (Fringilla), 19. cyanomelas (Tanagra), 88. cyanomelas (Tanagrella), Cyanophonia, 58. cyanoptera (Aglaia), 135. cyanoptera (Cailispiza), * 135. cyanoptera (Calliste), 96, * 133. cyanoptera (Compsocoma). 151. cyanoptera (Tanagra), 154. 156.. 157. cyanoptera (Thraupis), " 158. cyan jpterus (Saltator), cvanopus (Agelseus;, 340, cyanopus (IcteruA 345, cvariopvgia X"aliistt> 124, "12S/ Cyanothru*. 532. evanotis (Calliste j, 120, " 131. evanoveiitris (Calliste), "117. c ya M veil tri * < G v r A&), * 117. evano veneris {TdntitiTd), * ion. Cypsnagra, 221. DaenicVa. 237. Dacnis, 12, I.* darwmi (Tciiiagm). L>4S im, if>r». decuman us (Ostinojw), 315. deeumanub (Xanthomas), 315. defilippii (Sturnella), 357. defilippii (Trupialis L 35G, 357. m delattrii (Tachyphonua), 20l>, 213. Delothraupis, 13i*. 142. dentata (Malaeo thraupis), 210. dentata (Pliceni.s min).f 187. desniaresti (Callistf), 1 IB, 118. desmare-ti (T&iiagrn), 212. devillii (Arremon), 272, 274. devillii (Cassicus). 314. devillii (Osiinop?), M4, diaconus (Tanagra), IfMl diademata (Xemosia), 143. diademata (Tanagra), diadeznafcus (Icterus), 328. Biglossa, 2. "Diglossopis, 2,11. dimidiate (Eampbo_ celus), 172. dimidiates (Eamphopis), dimidiatns (Rhamphocce lus), 170, 172. discolor (llolothrns), 337. discolor (Passerina), 336. Diucopis, 272, 270. Diva, 93. diva (Tanagra), 93. Divaricated Tanager, 296. Dirc% 338, 391. dire* (Lamprupsar), 302. dives (Scoleeophagus), 392. Dolichonyx, 331. dominicana (Certbiola), 37, 44. dominicensis (Icterus), 352, 3113, 370, 371. dominicciisifl (Oriohis), 371. dominicensis (Pendu- Jinus), 371,372. dominicensis (Phcenicophiliw), 234. dominicensis (Tanagra), 167. dominicensis (Xanthornus), 370. dominicensis,var. portoricensis (Icterus), 371dominioensis, var. wagleri (Icterus), 372. d'orbignii (Uncirostrum), 4. d'orbignyi (Diglossa), 4. dorsalis (Bamphocelus), 171. dorsali»(Elmraphoccel us), 170, 171. dowi (Oalliste), 122,124. dresseri (Buarremon), 255, 266. dresseri (Carenochrous), 2136. dubius (Japus), 323. dubusi (Icterus), 363, 381 Dubusia, 139,152. dubusia (Euthraupis), 140. dubusia (Iridornis), 139, 140. dubusia (Iridosornis), 140. dubusia (Tanagra), 140. dubusii (Tanagrella), 90. ALPHABETICAL I^LEX. dupHcata (Tanagra), 296. edwardsi (Buthraupis), 147,150. egregja (Dacnis), 18, 22. egregia aequatorialis (Dac nis), 23. ©lseoprorus (Buarremon), 255, 265. elegans (Compsocoma), 151. elegans (Psittospiza), 281, 282. elegans (Saltator), 282. elegans (Tachyphonus), 151. elegans (Tanagra), 100. elegantissima (Euphonia), 59, 62. elegantissima (Pipra), 62. elegantissima (Tana grella), 88. ephippialis (Eamphoce lus), 171. episcopus (Aglaia), 158. episcopus (Caryo thraustes), 307. episcopus (Tanagra), 153, 154, 155, 156, 158. erythrocephala (Pyranga), 182, 192. erythrocephala (Spermagra), 192. erythrolsema (Phcenieothraupis), 199. erythromelasna (Pyranga), 182,189. erythromelas (Oocco thraustes), 305. erythromelas (Loxia), 305. erythromelas (Periporphyrus), 305. erythromelas (Pitylus), 303,305. erythromelas (Pyranga), 188. erythromelas (Tanagra), 189,190. erythropis (Pyranga), 191. Erythropsar, 339. erythrorhynchus (Arremon), 275. erythrorhynchus (Pitylus), 304. erythrothorax (Leistes), 348. erythrotis (Aglaia), 145. eryfchrotis (Tanagra), 145. Etourneau des terres Ma gellaniques, 356. EuchsBtes, 179. Eucometes, 181,217. Eucometis, 217. Eucorystes, 309, 311. Eudacnis, 18. Euo]>sar, 362. Euphagus, 390. Euphone organiste, 60. Euphone a ventre mar ron, 80. Euphonia, 53, 58. Euprepiste, 25. Euschemon, 95. Euthraupis, 139. eximia (Arbelorhina), 32. eximia (Buthraupis), 147, 149. eximia (Coereba), 32. eximia (Tanagra), 149. exsul (Spindalis), 168. fanny (Aglaia), 125. fanny (Oalliste), 125. fasciata (Diucopis), 279. fasciata (Tanagra), 279. fastosa (Oalliste), 98. fastuosa (Tanagra), 98. fastuosa (Tatao), 98. ferruginea (Gracula), 390. ferrugineiventre (Conirostrum), 13,15. ferrugineus (Oriolus), 390. ferrugineus (Scolecophagus), 390. festiva (Callispiza), 100. festiva (Oalliste), 98, 100. festiva (Tanagra), 100. festiva (Tatao), 100. figlina (Pyranga), 181, 185. Finch, Eufous-chinned, 48. finschi (Certhiola), 37, 47. finschi (Euphonia), 64, 70. flammiceps (Tanagra), 196. flammigerus (Eamphocelus), 177. flammigerus (Ramphopis), 176,177. flammigerus (Ehamphocoelus), 170, 177. {lava (Oallispiza), 114. flava (Callisto), 95, 90, 111, 113. lla\a (Tanagra), 113. flavaxilla (Xanthomus), 370. flaveola (Oerthia), 37, 43. flaveola (Oertliiola), 36, 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46. flaveola (Ooereba), 44. flaviceps (Psarocolius), 34G. flavicola (Nectarinia), 44. flavicollis (Hemithraupis), 226. flavicollis (Nemosia), 223, 225. flavicrissus (Oassiculus), 322. flavicrissus (Cassicus), 320. flaviclicollis (Saltator), 283, 204. flavifrons (Ernberiza), 63. flavifrons (Euphonia), 59, 60, 63. flavifrons (Tanagra), 63. flavigasler (Pendulinus), 371. flavigasier (Psarocolius), 372. flavigularis (Ohlorospingus), 238, 243. flavigularis (Pipilopsis), 243. flavinucha (Compsocoma), 150, 152. flavinuoha (Tachyphonus), 151, 152. flavinucha (Tanagra), 152. flavipectus (Arremon), 242. flavipectus (Chlorospingus), 238, 242. flavipectus (Pipilopsis), 242. flavipectus (Tachyphonus), 242. flavirostris (Arremon), 272, 274. flavirostris (Chlorophonia), 53, 56. flaviventre (Oonirostrum), 23. flaviventris (CaUispiza), 120. flaviventris (OaUiste), 119,120,121. flaviventris (Ohlorospingus), 239. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. flaviventris (Dacnis), 18, 23. flaviventris (Tanagra), 120,121. flavocinereus (Pitylus), 307. flavovirens (Buarreraon), 244. flavovirens (Chlorospingus), 238, 244. flavus (Agelasus), 340, 346. flavus (Ohrysomus), 346. flavus (Icterus), 346. flavus (Leistes), 346. flavus (Oriolus), 346. flavus (Xanthomus), 346. flavus (Xanthosomus), 346. florida (OaUiste), 98, 103. forbesi (Agel^us), 340, 345. forinosa (Tanagra), 114. formosus (Icterus), 385. fortirostris (Quiscalus), 394,400. franciscse (OaUiste), 125. frantzii (Oallispiza), 110. frantzii (OaUiste), 110. fraseri (Conirostrum), 12, 13,15. fraseri (Oreomanes), 12. fringillarius (Agelaius), 338. fringillarius (Icterus), 339. fringillarius (Molothrus), 333,339. frontalis (Agelaius), 340, 347. frontalis (Arremon), 258. frontalis (Oertliiola), 44. frontalis (Chlorophonia), 53, 55. frontalis (Ohrysomus), 347. frontalis (Dolichonyx), 347. frontalis (Euphonia), 55. frontalis (Xanthosomus), 347. frugilegus (OaUiste), 165. frugilegus (Chrvsothraupis), 165. frugilegus (Tanagra), 165. frugivorus (Oalyptophilus), 235. frugivorus (Phcmicophilus), 235. fuliginosa (Loxia), 304. f uliginosus (Pitylus), 303, 304. fulvescens (Nemosia), 228, 229. fulvescens (Thlypopsis), 228. fulviceps (Buarremon), 256,270. fulviceps (Emberiza), 270. fulviceps (Nemosia), 228, 230. fulviceps (Pipilopsis), 270. fulviceps (Thlypopsis), 228, 229. fulvicervix (OaUiste), 129, 130. fulvicrissa (Acroleptes), 73. fulvicrissa (Euphonia), 64,73. fulvicrissa (Phonasca), 73. fumigata (Tanagra), 221. fusca (Oerthidea), 28. fuscicauda (Phoenicothraupis), 196, 199. fuscipennis (Dolichonyx), 339. galbula (Icterus), 364. galeata (Muscicapa), 220. galericulata (Pipra), 62. gasquet (Xanthornus), 352. genalis (Saltator), 291, giganteus (Arremon), 283. gigantodes (Saltator), 284. giraudi (Icterus), 363, 379. glauca (Diglossa), 3,11. glauca (Tanagra), 154, 155. glaucocolpa (Tanagra), 154,155,159. glaucocolpa (Thraupis), 159. gloriosa (Diglossa), 3, 5. G-lossiptila, 47. gnatho (Euphonia), 73, 76. gnatho (Fringilla), 304. gnatho (Phonasca), 76. gnatho (Pitylus), 304. gnatho (Tanagra), 283. goeringi (Ghlorospingus), 238,250. Gold-headed Oriole, 369. gouldi (Calliste), 98,102. gouldi (Euphonia), 73, 81. grace-aanse (Icterus), 363, 378. gracilis (Aeroleptes), 60. gracilis (Euphonia), 64, 69. gracilis (Phonasca), 69. Grakle, Purple, 394. graminea (Calliste), 103, 106. gramiuea (Tanagra), 106. Grand Tanager, 286. grandis (Saltator), 283, 288. grandis (Tanagra), 288. graysoni (Icterus), 364, 387. graysoni (Quiscalus), 393, 397. Grimpereau de Bresil, 32. Grimpereau a tete noirde Bresil, 29. Grimpereau Terd de Bresil, 19. Grimpereau verd de Cayenne, 29. Grimpereau verd tachete de Cayenne, 33. Griyerd de Cayenne, 286. Grosbeak, Canada, 306. Grosbeak, Grey, 85. Grosbeak, Sooty, 304. Grosbeak, White- throated, 303. Grosbec bleu d' Anaerique, 303. grossa (Loxia), 303. grossus (Pitylus), 303. guaclalupensis (Saltator), 283, 295. guadeloupensis (Quiscalus), 394, 401. guatemalensis (Chlorophanes), 29. guatirnozinus (Cassicus), 314. guatimozinus (Gymnostinops), 313,314._ guatimozinus (Ostinops), 314. gubernator (Psarocolius), 341. gubernator (Agelaaus), 340,341. gubernatrix (Tanagra), 210. guianensis (Oerthiola), 45. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. guianensis (Lampropsar), 38b. guianensis (Leibtea), 348. guianen&is (Oriolus), 348. guianensis (Pedotnbes). 348. guianen&is (Trupialis), 348. guira (Hylophilus), 224. guira (Motacilla), 224. guira (JSeraosia), 223, 224. Guira Warbler, 224. guirahuro (Agelaius),352. guirahuro (Icterus), 352. guirahuro (Pseudoleistes), 351, 352. guirina (Nemosia), 224. Guit-guit, 32. Guit-guit noir et bleu, 33. gularis (Icterus), 362, 364, 384. gularis (Psarocolius), 384. gularis (Saltator), 287. gundlaehi (Chalco phanes), 398. gundlaehi (Quiscalus), 394, 398. guttata (Callispiza), 105. guttata (Calliste), 103, 105. guttulata (Calliste), 105. guttulata (Ixothraupis), 105. guttulatus (Icterus), 080. guttoalis (Arrernon),259. gutturalis (Buarremon), 254, 255, 259. gutturalis (Phoenico thraupis), 196, 201. gutturalis (Saltator), 287. Gynmomystax, 361. gymnops (Psarocolius), 362. Gymnostinops, 309, 312. Gyrola, 95. gyrola (Aglaia), 117gyrola (Callispiza), 116, gyrola (Calliste), 95, 96, 116. gyrola (Tanagra), 114, 115,116, 117,118. gyroloides (Aglaia), 117. gyroloides (Calliste), 116, 117,118. habia (Lamprospiza), 296. habia (Psaris), 296. habia (Tityra), 296. Habia de ceia blauca, 290. Habia goia uegra, 293. Habia pico imraniado, 292. hoamalea (Pyranga), 181, 185. hflsmorrhouB (Cacicus), 324,325. hasmorrhous (Cassicus), 320, 321, 324. hasmorrhous (Icterus), o24. hsamorrhous (Oriolus), 324. hocinorrhous (Psarocolius), 324, hamulus (Oampylops), 3. hannahire (Calliste), 127. hartlaubi (Callispiza), 138. hartlaubi (Calliste), 138. hartlaubi (Daonis), 138. hartlaubi (Pseudodacnis), 138. hauxwelli (Icterus), 363, 377. Hedge-Sparrow, American, 48. heinei (Procnias), 136. Hemidacnis, 12, 17. Hemispingus, 237. Hemithraupis, 222. hepatica (Phoenicosoma), 187. hepatica (Pyranga), 181, 184, 185, 186. hippoerepis (Stuniella), 358, 360. hippoerepis (Sturnus), 358. hirundinacea (Euphonia), 69, 73, 75,70. hirunclinacea (Phonasca), 75. hirundinacea (Procnias), 50. hirundinacea (Tanagra), 221. ^ h h Holoquiscalus, 393. holosericeus (Amblycercus), 326. holosericeus (Amblyrhamphus), 350, 351. holosericeus (Cacicus). 327. holosericeus (Cassicus), 327. holosericeus (Sturnella), 351. 416 holoserieeus (Sturaus), 327. holoserieeus (Xanthornus), 351. Hooded Tanager, 223. humeralis (Agelasus), 340, 342. humeralis (Agrilorhinus), 8. humeralis (Diglossa), 3, 8. humeralis (Icterus), 342. humeralis (Leistes), 342. humeralis (Pitylus), 303, 307. humilis (Acroleptes), 71. humilis (Euphonia), 71. humilis (Phonasca), 71. hyperyfchra (Diglossa), 4. Hypobletis, 332. hypomelas (Icterus), 363, 370. hypomelas (Pendulinus), 370. Hypophosa, 53, 84. hypophaus (Chlorospingus), 238, 243. Hypopyrrhus, 388, 403. Hypothlypis, 87. hypoxantha (Euphonia), 74, 77. Icteric Oriole, 382. Icterioides, 362. icterocephalus (Agelseus), 339, 340, 345, 350. icterocephalus (Oalliste), 108,110. icterocephalus (Chrysomus), 345. icterocephalus (Leistes), 346. * icterocephalus (Oriolus), 345. icterocephalus (Psarocolius), 3G9. icterocephalus (Xanthocephalus), 349, 350. icterocephalus (Xanthosomus), 345. icteronotus (Oacicus), 321. icteronotus (Oassieus), 321. icteronotus (Bamphoeelus), 177. icteronotus (Ramphopis), 178. icteronotus (Ehamphoeoelus), 170, 177. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. icteronotus (PsarocoliuB), 321. icterophrys (Saltator), 288, 289. icteropus (Pyranga), 193. Icterus, 361, 362. icterus (Oriolus), 382. ignescens (Bamphocelus), ignescens (Tanagra), 171. ignicapilla (Phcenicothraupis), 198. ignicapilla (Pyranga), 198. ignicrissa (Poecilothraupis), 145. igniventris (Aglaia), 145. igniventris (Ansiognathus), 145. igniventris (Pcecilothraupis), 144, 145. igniventris (Tanagra), 145. ignobilis (Chlorospingus), 238, 248. ignobilis (Sphenops), 248. ignobilis (Sphenopsis), 248. Iliolopha, 58. imthurmi (Agelseus), 340, 344. indigotica (Diglossa), 3, 10. inflexirostris (Quiscalus), 394,401. inornata (Buarremon), 255,259. inornata (Oalliste), 96, 121. inornata (Ifemosia), # 230. inornata (Tanagra), 158. inornata (Thlypopsis), 228/230. insignis (Euphonia), 59, 60. insignis (Nemosia), 226. intercedens (Tachyphonus), 210. intermedia (Diglossa), 7. intermedins (Saltator), 284. inter*upta (Tanagra), 277. iridina (Hypothlypis), 87. iridina (Tanagra), 88. iridina (Tanagrella), 87, Iridornis, 139. isthmicus (Saltator), 295. iugularis (FringiUa), 293. Ixothraupis, 95. Jacapa, 169. jaeapa (Bamphocelus), 174. jacapa (Ramphopis), 174. jacapa (Bhamphoecelus), 169,174. jacapa (Tanagra), 174. iaroaeaii (Icterus), 304, 383. m jamacaii (Oriolus), 383. Jamacii Oriole, 383. Jamaica (Euphonia), 85. Jamaica (Frirgilla), 83. j amaica (Pyrrhuphonia), 85. jamaicensis (Chalcophanes), 402. jamaicensis (Euphonia), 8a jamaicensis * (Sturaus), 398. jelskii (Iridornih), 130, 141. jugularis (Tanagra), 293. labradorides (Calliste), 95, 129, 130. labradorides (Ohaleothraupis), 13(3. labradorides (Tanagra), 130. lacrimosa(Anisognathus), 146. lacrimosa (Tachyplionus), 146. laerymosa (Dubasia), lacrymosa (PoBcilothraupis), 144, 346, lafresnayi (Dielossa), 2, 3,7. lafresnayi (Uncirostrum), Lampropsar, 388. Lamprospiza, 281,296. Laoaprotes, 231. lamprotis (Oalliste), 134. laniirostris (Euphonia), 74, 70. laniirostris (Phonasca), 76. Lanio, 180, 201. larvata (Calliste), 96,124, 128. larvatus (Tatao), 125. laticlavius (Saltator), 283, latinueha (Buarremon), 254, 255, 264. latlrtiichus (Oarenochrous), 264. latirostris (Cassicus), 311. latirostris (Ocyalus), 310, oil. laudabilis (Icterus), 363, 372. lavinia (Calliste), 116. lawrencii (Lanio), 202. 205. Leistes, 331, 348. les*oni (Pendulinus), 373. leucocampter (Tanagra), 209. leucoeephala (Tanagra), 143. leucocephalus (Stephanophorus), 143. leucogaster (Gklorospingm), 237, 249. leucogaster (Dacnidea), 249. leueogenys (Dacnis), 18, 19,25. leucophaea (ScMstochlamys), 301. leucophaea (Tanagra), 301. leucoplirys (Ohlorospingus), 239. leucoplirys (Hylophilus), 240. leucopis (Buarremon), 255,261. leueopterus (Arremon), 266. leueopterus (Buarremon). 255, 266. leueopterus (Carenochrous), 266. leueopterus (Oriolus), 206. leueopterus (Pyranga), 189. leueopterus (Pyrrota), 206. leueopterus (Tanagra), 154. leueopterus (Tachypho- HUB), 206. leucopteryx (Icterus), 364, 387. YOL XI. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. leucopteryx (Pendulinus), 387. leucopteryx (Psarocolius), 387. leucopyga (Euphonia), 71. Leucopygia, 221. leucorhamphus (Cassiculus), 323. leucorhamphus (Xanthornus), 323. leucothorax (Lanio), 202, 203. leucotis (Calliste\ 129. leveriana (Cissopis). 299, 300. leverianus (Lanius), 299. liehtensteini (Chlorospingus), 248. liehtensteini (Buphonk), 74. liehtensteini (Phonasca), 74. Lindo azul y oro, 64. Lindo azul y oro cabeza celeste, 61. Lindo bello, 113. Lindo celeste oro y negro, 164. Lindo precioso, 114. Lindo saihobi, 157. linnaei (Xanthornus), 380. longipennis (Chlorophonia), 53, 54. longipennis (Euphonia), 54. longipes (Agelaus), 350. longipes (Icterus), 350. longipes (Xanthocephalus), 350. longirostris (Agelaius), 382. longirostris (Arbelorhina), 34. longirostris (Coereba), 34. longirostris (Icterus), 382. loricata (Tanagra), 231. loricatus (Laniprotes), 231. loricatus (Tachyphonus), 232. Lousiane Stare, 359. loyca (Pezites), 356. loyca (Sturnella), 357. loyca (Sturnus), 356. loyca (Trupialis), 357. luciani (Eamphocelus), 173. luciani (Kamphopis),173. luciani (Rhamphocoalus), 170,173. luciela (Ocereba), 31, 35. luetuosa (Pyranga), 208. luctuosus (Tachyphonus), 206, 208, 214. ludoviciana (Pyranga), 182,191. ludoviciana (Sturnella), 358. ludoviciana (Tanagra), 191. ludoviciana hippoerepis (Sturnella), 358. ludoviciana meridionalis (Sturnella), 359. ludoviciana mexicana (Sturnella), 358. ludoviciana neglecta (Sturnella), 358. lugubris (Ohaleophanes), 399,402. lugubris (Quiscalus), 394, 401,402. lmninosus (Quiscalus), 394, 402. lunigera (Calliste), 129, 133. lunulata (Pceeilothraupis), 144. lunulata (Tanagra), 144. lunulata atricrissa (Pceei lothraupis), 145. luteicapilla (Acroleptes), 68. luteicapilla (Euphonia), 63,68. luteicapilla (Phonasca), 68. luteola (Oerthiola), 36, 38,40. luteus (Cassicus), 321. Macragelasus, 388, 403. macrourus (Ohaleophanes), 396. macrurus (Quiscalus), 393,396. maculi-alatus (Icterus), 363,373. maculi-alatus (Pendulinus), 374. macuhpectus (Saltator), 294. Magellanic Stare, 356. magna (Alauda), 35S. magna (Sturnella), 358. magna (Tanagra), 285. magna, var. hippoerepis (Sturnella), 358. 2E ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 418 magna, var. meridioualis (Slurnolla), 359. magna, tar. mexicana (Sturnella), 858. magna, vai*. neglect a (Stumella), 858. magnirostris (Oerthiola), 38. uiagnirostris (Rainpkocelus), 174. mtxo, noidcs (Saltat or), 282, 284. magnus (Saltator), 282, 284,285. Magpie Shrike, 299. major (Ohalcopkanes), 395. major (Cissopis), 299, 300. major (Diglossa), 2, 3, 7. major (Quiscalus), 393, 395. major (Thilius), 344. major, var. niaerurus (Quiscalus), 390. major, var. palustris (Quiscalus), 397. majuscula (Oerthiola), 45. Malacothraupis, 181, 210. Manakin, Blue, 19. Manakin, 0 old-breasted, SO. marginalia (Icterus), 380. marlialis (Tanagra), 212. martinicana (Oerthiola), 37,40. martinicana sive &aecharivora (Oerthiola), 4G. m martinieensis (SaltatOP), 290. maxillaris (Cyrtolis), 335. maxillaris (Icterus), 335. maxillaris (Molothrus), 335. maxillosus (Saltator), 282,287. maximiliani (Tanagra), 1(52. media (Cissopis), 299. medius (Bethylus), 299. Megaquiscalus, 393. melaleucus (Oriolus), 206. melaleucus (Tachyphonus), 205, 200. melanicterus (Agelaius), 8U2. melanicterus (Cassiculus), 328. melanicterus (Oassicus), 328. melanicterus (Gymnomystax), 361, 302. melanicterus (Icterus), . 32S. melanicterus (Leistes), 362. melanicterus (Pseudoleistes), 362. melanocephalus (Buarremon), 255, 261. melanocephalus (Icterus), 362, 368, 375. melanocephalus (Psarocolius), 375. melanocephalus (Xanthornus), 375. melanocephalus, var. auduboni (Icterus), 375. melanochrysurus (Icterus), 374. Melanocliglossa, 2. melanogaster (Eampho pis), 173. nielanogenys (Pcecilo thraupis), 144, 147. melanolasmus (Buarre mon), 255, 203. inelanolaemus (Oarenochrous), 263. melanoleuca (Lamprospiza), 296. inelanoleucus (Saltator), 296. melanonota (Calliste), 92, 111,115. melanonota venezuelensis (Pipridea), 92. melanopis (Saltator), 302. melanopis (Tanagra), 302. melanops (Buarremon), 255,263. melanops (Diglossa), 10. melanops (Muscicapa), 220. Melanopsar, 362. melanopsis (Psarocolius), 370. melanoptera (Tanagra), 160. melanopterus (Icterus), 379. melanopterus (Xanthornus), 379. melanopygius (Lanio), 202,203. melanota (Aglaia), 115. melanota (Pipridea), 91. melanota (Procnopis), 92. melanota (Tanagra), 92. melanofha (Tanaera). 92. melanotis (Aglaia), 102. melanotis (Calliste), 129, 131. melanotis (Cklorospmgus), 238, 250. melanotis (Dacnis), 22. melanoxantha (Heini thraupis), 226. melanoxantha (H\lophilus), 220. melanoxantha (Sylvia), V J h 226. melanura (Euphonia), 70, 74, 78. melanura (Phonasca), 78. mentalis (Icterus), 384, 385. niericke (Buarremon), 255,2G6. meridionalis (Sturnclla), 359,300. ine&ochrysa (Euphonia), 81,82. mesomelas (Icterus), 303, 378. mesomelas (Psarocolius). 378. mesomelas (Xanthornus), OiO. mexicana (Aglaia), 121. mexicana (Oallibte), 120. mexicana (Callospiza), mexicana (Oerthiola), 30, 38. mexicana (Embernaara), 260. mexicana (Pyranga), 805. mexicana (Sturnella), 358,360. mexicana (Tanagra), 120. mexicanus (Cassidix), 329. mexicanus (Oorvus), 329. mexicanus (Gymnomystax), 362. mexicanus (Oriolus), 362. mexicanus (Scolecopkagus), 391. ALPHABETICAL INDEX, mierorhynchus (Oaoicus), 325. mierorhynchus (Cassiculus), 825. mierorhynchus (Oassicus), 321, 325. Microspingus, 236, 252. militaris (Agelaius), 348. militaris (Leistes), 348. militaris (Pezites), 357. militaris (Sturnella), 857. militaris (Sturnus), 356. militaris (Tanagra), 848. militaris (Trupialis),356, 357. minor (Bethylus), 299. minor (CisbOpis), 299. minor (Icterus), 336. minor (Potaniopsar), 389. minor (Quisealus), 389. minuta (Acroleptes), 71. minuta (Euphonia), 04, 71. minuta (Phonasca), 71. roisbissipensis (Tanagra), 182,185. mississippiensis (Pyran ga), 186. mitrata (Nectarinia), 29. modesta (Dacnis), 26, Molothrus, 331, 332. montana (Bnthraupis), 147,148. montezuma (Cacicus), 313. montezuma; (Oassicus), OlO. moiitezumse (G-ymnostinops), 313. montezumsB (Ostinops), 313. multicolor (Spindalis), 166,167. multicolor (Tanagra), 167. multicolor (Tanagrella), 88. musica (Cyanophonia), 60. musica (Euphone), 61. musica (Euphonia), 58, 59. musica (Oriolus), 378. musica (Pipra), 59. musica (Tanagra), 59. mixta (Tanagra), 291. , mystacalis (Arremon), 265. mystacalis (Buarremon), 267. mystacalis (Diglossa), 2, 3,6. mystacea (Diglossa), 6. napensis (Tachyphonus), 212. nattereri (Tachyphonus), 206, 213. neglecta (Sturnella), 358, 360. Nemosia, 221, 222. Neornis, 47. Nesopsar, 331, 353. Nesospingus, 253, 271. newtoni (Oerthiola),37,43. niger (Oassicus), 329. niger (Leibtes), 354. niger (Molothrus), 336. niger (Oriolus), 398. niger (Quiscalus), 394, 398. niger (Scolecophagus), 390. nigerrimus (Agelaius), 854. nigerrimus (Amblycercus), 327. nigerrimus (Oassicus), 326. nigerrimus (Icterus), 353. nigerrimus (Wesopsar), 353. nigerrimus (Psaroeolius), 826. nigerrimus (Tachyphonus), 206. nigerrimus (Tanagra), 206. nigricephala (Spindalis), 165,166. nigricephala (Tanagra), 166. nigrieeps (Arremon), 273, 277. nigricincta (Oalliste), 124, 126. nigricollis (Euphonia), 59, 61. nigricollis (Tanagra), 61, 224. nigrifrons (Ohlorospmgus), 247. nigrigula (Tanagra),< 224. nigrigularis (ISemosia), 224. nigrigularis (Rarnphoeelus), 171. nigrigularis (Raurphopis), 171. nigrigularis (Rhamphocoelus), 170,171, nigrigularis (Xanthornus), 380. nigripes (Dacnis), 18, 19, 21. nigrirostris (Arremon), 273, 276. nigriviridis (Oalliste), 96, m. nigriviridis berlepschi (Oalliste), 123. nigro-cincta (Aglaia), 126. nigro-cincta (Calhste), 126. nigro-cincta (Chalcothraupis), 126. nigrogularis (Icterus), 380. nigrogularis (Tanagra), 171. nigroviridis (Oallispiza), 123. nigroviiidis(Chalcothraupis\ 123. nigroYiridis (Tanagra), 122. nitens (Quiscala), 394. nitida (Arbelorhina), 36. nitida (Ooereba), 31,35. nitidissima (Ohloroohrysa), 90, 91. nitidissimus (Tachyphonus), 206, 214. notabilis (Oompsocoma), 150, 152. notabilis (Tanagra), 152. oberi (Icterus), 363, 372. obscurus (Molothrus), 833. occidentalis (Procnias), 50,51,52. occipitalis (Acrocompsa), 57. occipitalis (Chlorophonia), 53, 57occipitalis (Euphonia), 57. occipitalis (Orchesticus), 297. occipitalis (Tanagra),297. ochraceus (Chlorospingus), 238, 251. ochrascens (Euphonia), 67. ochrochlora (Certhia), 33. ochrogastra (Euphone), 79. ochronota (Tanagra), 114. ochropygos (Tachyphonus), 212. ALPHABETICAL DTD EX. Ocyalus, 309, 311. oleagineus (Chlorospingus), 248. oleagineus (Ostinops),315, 319. olivacea (Oerfchidea), 27, 28. olivacea(Chlorothraupis), 194,195. olivaeea (Euphonia), 71. olivacea (Poospiza), 240. olivaeea (Tanagra), 71. olivaceus (Agrilorhinus), 3. olivaceus (Cblorospingus), 237, 240. olivaceus (Orthogonys), 195. olivascens (Saltator), 283, 285, 289, 294. olivascens (Tanagx*a), 100. olivascens (Thraupis), 160. olivicyanea (Dubusia), 163. olivicyanea (Tachyphonus), 163. olivicyanea (Tanagra), 154, 103. olivina (Tanagra), 302, ophthalmicus (Arremon), 238. ophthalmicus (Cblorospingus), 237,238.^ ophthalmicus (Pipilopsis), 239. orbignii (Arremon), 272, 274. Orchesticus, 2S1, 297. orenocensis (Saltator), 283, 291. Oreomanes, 12. Oreotliraupis, 298. Organiste, 59. Organisfce de S. Bonain gue, 59. Oriole, Baltimore, 364. Oriole, Black-crowned, 362. Oriole, Gold-headed, 369. Oriole, Icteric. 382. Oriole, Jamacii, 383. Oriole, Rice, 390. Oriole, Yellow-winged, 369. oriolides (Leistes), 352. ornata (Nemosia), 230. ornata (Tanagra), 154, 161. ornata (Thlypop&is), 228, 230. ornata (Thraupis), 161. Orthogonys, 180, 193. oryzivora (Cassidix), .329. orvzivora (Passerina), 331. oryzivorus (Doliclionyx), 331. oryzivorus (Emberiza), 331. oryzivorus (Oriolus), 329. oseryi (Oassicus), 310. oseryi (Clypeieterus), 310. Ostinops, 309, 315. palliattis (Ca^sleus). 329. palliatus (Psarocolius j , 329. pallidinucha (Arremon), 2CS. pallidinucha (Atlepetes), 2(\S. pallidinucha (Buarremon), 256, 268. pallidinucha {Tanagra), 2(R pallidinuchus (Carenochrous , 2(58. palmarum (Arremon), 234. palmarum (Pkcemcopkilus), 233. palmarum (Tachyphonus), 234. palmarum (Tanagra), 154, 159. palmarum (Thraupis), 160. palmarum (Turdu*), 234. palmarum melanoptera (Tanagra), 160. palmarum viohlavata (Tanagra). 160. palpebrosa (Pcecilothraupib), 144, 140. palpebrosa (Tanagra), 146. ^ palustris (Quiscalus), 397. palustris (Seaphidurus), 397. paradisea (Aglaia), 96. paradiseus (Tatao), 96. pardalotes (Tanagra), 84. parma (Xenodaenis), 17. parisorum (Icterus), 362, 363, 374. parisorum (Xantnorntis), 374. parzuclakii (Oalliste), 129, 132. parzudaKi (Clirysothraupis), 132. parzudakii (Tanagra), 132 -. .. passerinii (Eamphocelus), 170. passerinii (Rainphopis), 176. passerinii (Ehamplioccelus), 170, 176. pecoris (Agelans), 333. pecoris (Emberiza\ 333. pecoris (Fringilla) 333. pecoris (llolothru-. . 332, hob. pecoris var. obscurus (MoMhrus%333. pectorab's (Dig'oss'i ,3.6. pectoralls (Liipliouia , 79, 8o. peetoralis (Icterus), 364, 3S"l peetoralis (Xemo4 L). 231 *. pectorali- (Pipra). HI. peetoralis (P-an roLui*), 3^5. pc -»*oram (Thivpop-ist. 22^,230. peetoraii* t^piiiaelii (Icte rus/, 3*M. Pec opKiris, 35S. Pendulinm 302. peiiifillata {EtieoiaetiA 217. peiiifillata (Taeln phonuA 217. penifiilatd (Tanagra), 217. penirillata (Triehothraupis), 218. Periporphyrus, 303. periporj ik\ rus f Pendu linus), 36S. perslcus |Cadcus.\ 321, 322. ppr*ieus (Cassicus), 320, 321. persieus (Oriolus), 321. personatus (Agrilurkiiiu?), 10. personatus (Arremon), 270. personatus (Buarremon), 256, 270. personatus (Diglossa), 2, 3, 10, 11. personatus (Icterus), 3b7. personatus (Pipilopsis), 270. personatus (Pitylus),306. ALPHABETICAL HSTDEX. personatus(Pyrrhocoma), personatus (Tanagra), 29a perspicillatus (Psaroeo- Iius), 350. perspicillatus (Xanthoeephalus), 350. peruana (Hemithraupis), 227. peruana (Kemosia), 223, 227. peruviana (Aglaia), 117. peruviana (Calliste), 115. peruviana (Certhiola), 38. J peruviana (Phcenicothraupis), 199. peruviana (Quiscalus). 308. peruviana (Tanagra), 115. Pezites, 350Pezopetes, 253. pyocephalus (Chloroppingus), 238, 243. phajopleurus (Buarremou), 255, 256. Phlogothraupis, 139, 178. pliceniceus (Agelseus), 339, 340, 34(1 phccniceiLs (Agelaius), 340. pliceniceus (Oriolus), 340. pliceniceus (Taehyphonus), 206, 208. pliceniceus, var. assiniilis (Agelaius), 341. pliceniceus, var. guberaator (Agelaius), 341. pliceniceus, var. tricolor (Agelaius), 342. PhcenicopMlus, 233. Phcenicosoma, 181. Phcenicotbraupis, 180, 195. phcenicotis (Calliparaea), 90. phcenicotis (Calliste), 90. phtenieotis (Chlorochrysa), 89, 90. Phcenisonia, 181. Phonasca, 58. picatus (Bethylus), 299, 300. picatus (Lanius), 299. ^ Pieo de punzon amarilla b&rba negra, 224. Pico cle punzon azul y canela, 92. Pieo de punzon negro azul y bianco, 223. Pie Pie-grieche, 300. pileata (Hemosia), 222, pileata (Tanagra), 223. pileatus (Chlorospingus). 238,241. Pipilopsis, 254. Pipit bleu cle Cayenne, .19,22. Pipit bleu cle Surinam, 87. Pipriclea, 86, 91. Piranga, 181. Pitylus, 298, 303. plumbea (Dacnis), 19/26. plumbea (Dhlossa), 3, 9. plumbea (Euphoria), SI, 83. plumbea (Sylvia), 26. plumbeiceps (Saltator), 283, 289. plumbeus (Saltator), 289. Pceeilomis, 139. Pcecilotbraupis, 139,144. Pogonotliraupis, 201. Polklacnis, 18. poliocephalus (Dulus), 234. poliocephalus (Euphonia), 83. poliocephalus (Phcenicophilus), 234. poliogaster (Pitylus), 303, 307. polionotus (Arreruon), 273, 278. Poliopsar, 362. popayanus (Ocyalus), 311. porphyrio (Tanagra), 196. porphyrocephala (Iridornis), 140,141. portoricensis (Certhiola), 37, 41, 42. portoricensis (Icterus), 363, 371. portoricensis (Spinclalis), 166,167. portoricensis (Tanagra), 167. portoricensis (Xanthornus), 371. postocularis (Ohlorospingus), 238, 240. Potainopsar, 388. prselatus (Tanagra), 158. prasina (Chlorornis), 281. prasina (Psittospiza), 281. prasina (Tanagra), 281. preciosa (Callispzia), 114. preciosa (Calliste), 114. predatorius (Sturnus), 340. pretiosa (Calliste), 111, 114. pretrei (Euphonia), 56. pretrei (Tanagra), 56, 168. pretrii (Chlorophonia), 53, 56. pretrii (Spindalis), 165, 166, 168. prevosti (Cassicus), 327. prevostii (Amblyram phus), 327. prevostii (Cassiculus), 327. Procnias, 50. Procnopis, 86, 91, 93. propinquus (Tachyphonus), 209. prosthemelas (Icterus), 363, 373. prosthemelas (Pendulinus), 373. prosthemelas (Xanthor nus), 373. x Psarocolius, 315. Pseudodacnis, 86, 138. Pscudoleistes, 331, 351. psittacina (Tanagra), 304. psittacinus (Saltator), 304. Psittospiza, 280, 281. pulcherrima (Dacnis), 18, 24. pulcherrima aureinueha (Dacnis), 25. pulchra (Calliste), 108, 109. pulchra (Calospiza), 109. pulchra gequatorialis (Calliste), 109. pumila (Euphonia), 71. punctata (Calliste), 95, 103, 104. punctata (Callospiza), 105. punctata (Ixothraupis), 104. punctata (Tanagra), 104. punctulata (Calliste),103, 104. punctulatus (Chlorospingus), 238, 241. 4:22 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Purple Oraklo, 394. purpurasccns(Chlorophanes), 31. purpurascens (Molothrus), 333, 337. purpurascens (Xanlhormts), 337. purpuratus (Quiscalus), 30 k purpureus (Euplionia), purpureus (Quiscalus), 394. purpureus (Ramphocelus), 174. purpureus, var. AMICUS (Quiscalus), 394. purpureus, var. aglseus (Quiscalus), 394. pusilla (Ixothraupis), 106. pustulatus (Agelaius), 345. pustulatus (Icterus), 364, 386. pustulatus (Psarocolius), 386. Pyranga, 180,181. pyrohypogaster (Cassicus), 403. pyrohypogaster (Quiscalus), 403. pyrrhocephala (Pyranga), 192. pyrrhocephalus(Sturnus), 351. Pyrrhoeoma, 221, 222. Pyrrhocliglossa, 2. pyrrhogaster (Hypopyrrhus), 403. pyrrhogaster (Quiscalus), 403. pyrrhophrys (Euphonia), 56. pyrrhopterus (Agelaius), 368. pyrrhopterus (Hyphantes), 308. pyrrhopterus (Icterus), 362, 363, 368. pyrrhopterus (Psarocolius), 368. pyrrhopterus (Xanthornua), 368. Pyrrhuphonia, 53, 85, Pyrrota, 205. pyrypogaster (Hypo pyrrhus), 403. quadricolor (Tachyphonus),^. quadricolor (Trichothraupis), 220. quadmittata (Fringilla), 257. quajacina (Pyranga), 198. Quiscalus, 388, 393. quiscalus (Chalcophanes), 394. quiscula (Gracula), 394. Eamphocele bec-d'argent, 174. Eamphocele scarlette,l70. Earnphorelus, 169. Eaiuphopis, 169. raptor (Pyrrhula), 283. rectirostris (Quiscalus), 400. Eecl Tanager, 1S8. Bed-breasted Tanager, 174. reinhardti J(Iridornis), 139, 140. reyi (Ohlorospingus), 238, 247. Ehamphoccelus, 139,169. rhodinolcema (Phoenico thraupis), 196, 199. Eiee Oriole, 390. riefferi (Chlorornis), 281, riefferi (Psittospiza), 281. riefferi (Saltator), 281, 282. riefferi (Tanagra), 281. robustus (Molothrus), 334, 337. Eoller, Cayenne, 2SG. roraimre (Oklorophonia), 53, 56. roseigularis (Pyranga), 181, 187. rourii (Keniosia), 223, 224. romerditi (Tangara), 116, 118. ruber (Agelaius), 351. ruber (Amblyrhamphus), 351. ruber (Oassicus), 325. ruber (Oriolus), 351. ruber (Saltator), 186. ruber (Tachyphonus), 198. rubica (Phcenicothraupis), 195,196,198,199. rubica (Pyranga), 196. rubicoides (Phcenieo thraupis), 196,197,199, 200. rubicoides (Saltator), 197. rubious (Saltator), 196. rubious (Tachyphonus), 196. rubra (Muscicapa), 182. rubra (Phcenicosorua). 188. rubra (Phcenicothraupis), 196, 197, 198. rubra (Pyranga), 181. rubra (Sturnella), 351. rubra (Tanagra), 188. rubricapillus (Japus), 351. rubriceps (Pyranga), 182, 192. rubricollis (Tanagra), 100,231. rubrifrons (Tachyphonus), 209. rubrigularis (Tanagra), 231. rubrirostris (Arremon), 246. rubrirostris (Ohlorospingus), 238, 246. rubrirostris (Hemispingus), 246. rubrirostris (Nemosia), 240. rubrirostris (Pipilopsis), 246. rufa (Tanagra), 206. ruficapilla (Calliste), 111. ruficapilla (Hemithraupis), 225. ruficapilla (Nemosia), 222, 223, 225. ruficapilla (Sylvia), 225. ruficapillus (Agelteus), 339, 340, 347. ruficapillus (Doliehonyx), 347. ruficapillus (Xanthosomus), 347. rufieeps (Aeroleptes), 6S. ruficeps (Euphonia), 63, 68. ruficeps (Hemithraupis), 225. ruficeps (Hylophilus), 225, 231. ruficeps (Hemosia), 222, 229, 231. ruficeps (Phonasca), GS. ruficeps (Pipilopsis), 222. ruficeps (Pyrrhoeoma), 222. ruficeps (Sylvia), 231. ruficeps (Tachyphonus), 222, 229. ruficeps (Thlypopsis),228, 231. ruficeps (Trupialis), 347. ruficer\ix (Oalliste), 06, 129,130. ruficervix (Clialcotlirau pis), 129. ruiiceiTix (Tanagra), 129. ruficollis (Agelaiua), 347. ruficollis (Oerthiola), 48. rufioollis (Oypsnagra) 221, ruficollis (Grlossiptila), 47, 48. ruficollis (Leucopygia), 221. ruficollis (Pyrrhulagra), 48. ruficollis (Tanagra), 48, 221. ruficollis (Tanagrella), 48. rufi-dorsalis (Arremon), 2715. rufigenia (Oalliste), 129, 132. rufigula (Oalliste), 107. rufigula (Tanagrella), 107. rufigularis (Oalliste), 103, 107. rufigularis (Tachyphonus), 48. rufinuclia (Arremon), 263, 269. rufinuclia (Buarremon), 253, 263. rufinuclia (Embernagra), 263. rufiventer (Tanagra), 213. rufiventris (Euphonia), 79, SO. rufiventris (Saltator), 283, 285, 293. rufiventris (Tachyphonus), 206, 213. rufiventris (Tanagra), 79. rufivertex (Arremon), 129, 140. rufivertex (Euplionia), 72. rufivertex (Iridosornis), 140. rufhertex (Poecilornis), 140. rufo-axillaris (Molothrus), 333, 338.# vufo-cinerea (Dacnis), 14. rufuin (Oonirostruin), 13,14. ALPHABETICAL IlffDEX, saccharina (Oerthiola), 37, 42. saira (Pyranga), 181, 185, saira (Tanagra), 185. saira, var. testacea (Py ranga), 185. salmoni (Dacnis), 19, 27. salmoni (Ostinops), 315, 317. Saltator, 281, 282. salvini (Icterus), 378. salvini (PlioDiiicothraupw), 196, 200. sanctas-tbomae (Oerthiola), 37, 42, 43. sanguinolenta (Phlogothraupis), 178. sanguinolenta (Pyranga), 190. sanguinolentus (Eamphocelus), 178. sanguinolentus (Tachyphonus), 178. sangumolentus(Tanagra), 178. saturata (Euplionia), 64, 70. saturata (Phonasca), 70. saturatus (Acroleptes), 70. saucius (Tachypbonus), 209. savaca (Tanagra), 154, "166, 158. sayaca (Thraupis), 159. Scaphidurus, 329, 398. schistaceus (Atlapetes), 267. schistaceus (Buarremon), 256, 267, 268. schistaceus (Oarenochrous), 267. schistaceus (Tanagra), 267. Sehistocblamys, 298, 301. schlegeli (Arremon), 273, 279. schrankii (Aglaia), 102. schrankii (Oalliste), 98, 102. schrankii (Oallospiza), 102. schrankii (Ohrysothrau> pis), 102. schrankii (Tanagra), 102. sclateri (Oalliste), 108, 123. sclateri (Euphonia), 59, 60. sclateri (Icterus), 364, 385. sclateri (Tanagra), 154, 155. iScoleeophagiib, 388, 390. bcottii (Icterus), 374. seebohmi (Buarremon), 255, 267. seebohmi (Oarenochrous), 267. selysia (Dubusia), 153. selysia (Tanagra), 153. bemifubous (Chlorospingus), 238, 244. semirufus (Buarremon), 254, 256,209. semirufus (Pipilopsis), 269. semirufus (Tanagra),269. semitorquatus (Arremon), 273, 277. septicolor (Tanagra-), 97. sericeus (Icterus), 336. sericeus (Molobrus), 336. sericeus (Molothruh), 336. sericeus (Scolecophagus), Serieossypha, 231, 232. serioptera (Tanagra), 154. serioptera (Thraupis), 154. serrirostris (Acroleptes), 64. serrirostris (Euphonia), 64. serrirostris (Phonasca), 64. Serriroslrum, 2. Shrike, Magpie, 299. signatus (Ohlorospingus), 238,241. failens (Arremon), 272, 273,274,276. bilens (Embernagra), 274. silens (Tanagra), 273. Silent Tanager, 273. similis (Biglossa), 4. similis (Saltator), 282, 287. sincipitaiis (0*tinops), 315, 318. sittaceum (Uncirostrum), 3. sittaceus (Agrilorhinus), 3. sitticolor (Oonirostrum), 13. sittoides (Diglossa), 3, 4. sodiroi (Chlorochrysa),91. solitarius (Amblycercus), 326,327. 424 solitarius (Cassiculus), 320. solitarius (Caswcus), 326. Sooty Grobbeak, 304. sordida (Buarremon), 208. sordida (Nemosia), 228, 229. sordida (Saltaior), 21)3. sordida (Tblypopsis), 228, 229. spcciosa (Dacnis), 19, 2(5. speoiosa (Nyhia), 26. spcciosa (Syhicola), 26. spectabilis (Arrenion), 272, 275. spocularis (Buarremon), 264. speculiferus (Chlorospingus), 272. speculiferus (Nesospingus), 271,272. speculiferus (Tanagra), 226. speculigera (Conothraupis), 280. speculigera (Diucopis), 280. speculigera (Sehistochlamys), 280. Spindalis, 139,165. spiza (Oerthia), 29. spiza (Chlorophanes), 29. spiza (Ooereba), 29. spiza (Dacnis), 29. Spizampelis, 105. spodionoius (Buarremon), 255,264. spodionotus (Garcnoclirous), 264. spodocepliala (Eucometis), 217, 219. spoclocephalus (Chlorospingus), 219. spurius (Icterus), 362, 303, 366. spurius (Oriolus), 360. spurius (Pendulinus), 367. spurius (Xanthornns), 367. spurius (Yphantes), 367. spurius affinis (Icterus), 367. Stare, Lousiane, 359. Stare, Magellanic, 356. Stephanophorus,139,143. sto&uamu (Chlorotbraupis), 194, 195. stolznianni (Phcenicothraupis), 195. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. stolzi nanni (Urothraupis), 251. striata (Ae>laia), 164, 165. striata (Tanagra), 164, 105. striatipectus (Saltator), 294. strictifrons (Acroleptes), strictifrons (Euplionia), 71. Sturnella, 355, 358. subalaris (Agelaius), 403. subalaris (Maeragekeiib), 403, subalaris (Quiscalus), 403. subcinerea (Tanagra), 163. suchii (Leistes), 352. suchii (Tachyphonus), 220. suicirostris (Agelaius), 405. suicirostris (Icterus), 405. sumiehrasti (Dives), 391. suniichrasti (Quiscalus), 392. Summer Tanager, 182. sumptuosa (Conipsocoma), 150, 151. sumptuosa(Sericossypha), 232. sumptuosa (Tachyphonus), 151. sumptuosa (Tanagra), 151. sumptuosa cyanoptera (Oompsocoma), 151. sundevalli (Certhiola), 37,44. superciliaris (Arremon), 246. superciliaris (Ohlorospingus), 237, 246. superciliaris (Hemispingus), 246. superciliaris (Leistes), 349. superciliaris (Nemosia), 246. superciliaris (Pipilopsis), 246. superciliaris (Saltator), 283, 287, 291. superciliaris (Tanagra), 287,291. superciliaris (TrupialisV 349. superciliaris nigrifrons (Ohlorospingus), 247. surinamensis (Oerthia), 33. surinamensis (Merula), 211. surinamensis (Tachyphonus), 211. surinamensis oserulea (Sylvia), 88. surinamus (Tachyphonus), 206, 211. surinamus (Turdus), 211. surinamus uapensis (Tachyphonus), 212. swainsoni (Tanagra), 156, 159. Tachyphone a epaulettes bleues, 193. Tachyphonus, ISO, 203. taczanowskii (Buarremon), 256,267. taczanowskii (Carenochrous), 267. tseniata (Arremon), 152. teniata (Dubusia), 152. tamiatus (Tanagra), 152. * h Tanager, Black-faced, 303. Tanager, Black-headed, 204. Tanager, Brazilian, 170. Tanager, Crested, 210. Tanager, Divaricated, 296. Tanager, Grand, 2S6. Tanager, Green-headed, 99,100. Tanager, Hooded, 223. Tanager, Bed, 188. Tanager, Red-breasted, 174. Tanager, Rufous- throated, 48. Tanager, Silent, 273. Tanager, Spotted Emerald, 105. Tanager, Summer, 182. Tanager, Variegated, 182. Tanager, Yellow, 113. Tanagra, 139, 153. Tanagrella, 8(J, 87. tanagrinus (Icterus), 388. tanagrinus (Lampropsar), 388. Tangara bleu de Cayenne, 119. Tangara du Bresil, 97, 170. Tangara du Canada, 188. Tangara a coiffe noire, 223. Tangara a coiffe noire de Cayenne, 223. Tangara a cravatte noire de Cayenne, 301. Tangara eveque, 160. Tangara des grands bois, 285. Tangara de la G-uyane, 273. Tangara hupo* de Cayenne, 210. Tangara hupe do la Guiane, 212. Tangara jaune a tete noire, 204. Tangara du Missisaipi, 182. Tangara noir d'Amerique, 206. Tangara olive a gorge noire de Cayenne, 224. Tangara du Perou, 116. Tangara petit Syacou, 106. Tangara pourpre de Cayenne, 174. Tangara tachete" de Cayenne, 106. Tangara varie a tete bleuo de Cayenne, 100. Tangara varie" a tete verte de Cayenne, 99. Tangaroux de Cayenne, 206. Tangavio, 335. Tatao, 95. tatao (Callispiza), 96. .tatao (Calliste), 95, 96. tatao (Tanagra), 90, 99. taylori (Calliste), 129, 130. tenuirostris (Lanio), 208. tenuirostris (Quiscalus), 393,397. tenuirostris (Tanagrella), 88. Tephrodiglossa, 2. Tersa, 50. iersa (Ampelis), 50. tersa (Procnias), 50. Tersina, 50. testacea (Pyranga), 181, 184. thalassina (Calliste), 126. thalassina (Chrysothraupis), 126. Thilius,389. tbilius (Agolasus), 339, 340,343. VOL. XI, ALPHABETICAL INDEX. tbilius (Agelasticus), 343. tbilius (Turdus), 343. Tblypopsis, 221, 228. tboracica (Calliste), 98, 101. thoracioa (Chrysothraupis), 101. tboracica (Tanagra), ]01. tboracica (Callispiza), 101. Tbraupis, 153. tibialis (Buarreinon), 255,262. tibialis (Icterus), 363, 370. tibialis (Penclulinus), 370. tibialis (Tacbypbonus), 262. tibicen (Eupkone), 62. Titmouse, Bahama, 37. Tor do de bosque torqiiato, 274. Tordo cabeza amarilla, 346. Tordo cbopi, 405. Tordo comun, 336. Tordo corona de canela, 347. Tordo degollado tercero, 349. Tordo Dragon, 352. Tordo grande, 329. Torclo guiraburo, 352. Tordo negro cabeza roxa, 351. Tordo negro cobijas amarillas, 343. Tordo negro cobijas de canela, 368. Tordo negro y vario, 344. Tordo pardo-roxizo, 338. torquatus (Arremon), 273. torquatus (Buarremon), 254, 255, 256. torquatus (Embernagra), 256. torrejoni (Cbloropbonia), 53, 55. Tricbotbraupis, 181, 220. tricbroa (Tanagra), 100. tricolor (Agelsaus), 340, 342. tricolor (Buarremon), 256, 269. tricolor (Callispiza), 99. tricolor (Calliste), 95, 98, 99. tricolor (Carenochcous), 269. tricolor (Oertbiola), 36, 38. tricolor (Icterus), 342. tricolor (Tanagra), 99, 100. tricolor (Tatao), 99. trifasciatus (Microspingus), 252. Triglyphidia, 53. trinitatis (Acroleptes), 66. trinitatis (Euphonia), 63, 66. trinitatis (Pbonasca), 66. Troupiale a ailes rouges de la Louisiane, 340. Troupiale de la Caroline, 333. Troupiale jaune a calotte noire de Cayenne, 362 Troupiale noire de St. Domingue, 398. Troupiale rouge, 351. Troupialis, 355, 356. typica (Cbrysopoga). 259. ultramarina (Dacnis), 19. ultramarina (Tanagra), 88. umbilicalis (Euphonia), 80. umbilicalis (Tanagra), 80. Uncirostrum, 2. unicolor (Icterus), 405. unicolor (Leistes), 345. unicolor (Psarocolius), • 405. unicolor (Eamphocelua), 174. uropygialis (Cassicus), 321,325. uropygialis (Eamphocelua), 173. uropygialis (Rbamphocoelus), 170, 173. Urothraupis, 236, 251. valorii (Pyrrota), 207. valerii (Tachyphonus), 207. validus (Saltator), 293. varians (Ramphocelus), 177,178. variegata (Tanagra), 182. Variegated Tanager, 182. vassori (Diva), 93. vassori (Procnopis), 93. vaosorii (Tanagra), 93. vegeta (Tanagra), 194. velia (Motacilla), 87, 88. velia (Tanagra), 87. 2F ALPHABETICAL INDEX. velia (Tanagrella), 87, 88. veneris (Hemispingus), 242. venezuelensis (Pipndea), 92. venezuelensis (Bamphocelus), 174. venfralis (Procnias), 50. venusta (Oalliste), 129, 133. venusta (Dacnis), 18, 24. venustus (Oyanicterus), 193. versicolor (Oalliste), 111, 113. versicolor (Lanio), 202, 204. versicolor (Pyranga), 204. versicolor (Quisealus), 393,394. versicolor (Taebyphonus), 204. versicolor asneus (Quiscalus), 394. versicolor aglseus (Quiscalus), 394. verticalis (Chlorospingus), 238, 248. verticalis (Oreurgops), 215. verticalis (Nemosia), 248. vicarius (Tanagra), 162. vicarius (Thraupis), 162. victorini (Oompsocoma), 150. victorini (Tacbyphonus), 150. victorini (Tanagra), 150. vieilloti (Oalliste), 120. vieilloti (Cassidix), 329. vieilloti (Lanio), 210. vigorsi (Saltator), 288. vigorsi (Tacbyphonus), 213. viguieri (Dacnis), 18, 23. vinacea (Phoenicothraupis), 196,197. violacea (Euphonia), 52, 58, 73, 74. violacea (Icterus), 336. violacea (Phonasca), 74. violacea (Tanagra), 74. violacea, var. chlorotica (Tanagra), 64. violacea, var. minor (Euphone), 74. violaeeieollis(Acrolepies), 64, yiolaceicollis (Euphonia), 64. virens (Tanagra), 158. virenticeps (Buarremon), 255, 257. virescens (Agelaius), 352. virescens (Oalliste), 106. virescens (Icterus), 352, 370, 375. virescens (Leistes), 352. virescens (Pseudoleistes), 352. viridis (Caryothraustes), 306. viridis (Oassicus), 316. viridis (Ohlorophonia), 53, 54, 55. viridis (Coecothraustes), 306. viridis (Euphonia), 54. viridis (Pringilla), 306, viridis (Leistes), 352. viridis (Oriolus), 316. viridis (Orthogonys), 193, 194. viridis (Ostinops), 315, 316. viridis (Pitylus), 303, 306. viridis (Procnias), 54. viridis (Psarocohus), 316. viridis (Pseudoleistes), 352. viridis (Tanagra), 194. viridissima (Aglaia), 118. viridissima (Oalliste), 118. viridissima (G-yrola), 118. vitellinus (Buarremon), 260. vitellinus (Oassicus), 322. vitriolina (Callispiza), 111. vitriolina (Oalliste), 111. vittata (Aglaia), 92. vittata (Oalliste), 92. vittata (Euphonia), 79, 80. vittata (Tanagra), 92. vulgaris (Icterus), 362, 364, 382. wagleri (Cacicus),312. wagleri (Eucorystes),310, 311, 312. wagleri (Icterus), 362, 363, 372. wagleri (Pendulinus), 372. Warbler, Guira, 224, warcewiezi (Dives), 392. warcewiezi (Lampropsar), 392. whitelyi (Oalliste), 135, 136. White-throated Grosbeak, 303. wilsoni (Aglaia), 126. wilsoni (Oalliste), 126. wuchereri (Arrenion), 273,278. xanthocarpus (Agelaius), 343, 350. xanthoeephala (Oalliste), 129,134. xanthoeephala (Callospiza), 134. xanthocephala (Chrysothraupis), 134. xanthocephala (Icterus). 350. Xanthoeephalus, 331,349. xanthogasier (Aeroleptes), 67. xanthogastra (Oalliste), 103,106. xanthogastra (Euphonia), 63,67. xanthogastra (Phonasca), xanthogenys (Buarremon), 258. xanthomus (Agelaeus), 340, 343. xanthomus (Hyphantes), 343. xanthomus (Icterus), 343. xanthophrys (Ohlorospingus), 247. xanthoplithalma (Dacnis), 249. xanthophthalmus (Chlorospingus), 238, 249. xanthopygius (Chrysomus), 346. xanthopygius (Tachy phonus), 206, 209. Xanthomus, 362. xanthomus (Icterus), 363,380. xanthomus (Oriolus), 380. xanthornus, var. dubusi (Icterus), 381. Xantbosomus, 339. Xenodacnis, 12, 17. Yapu negro, 326. Yapii negro y amarillo, o2o. Yellow-winged Oriole, 369. yeni (Aglaia), 97. yeni (Calliste), 96, 97. yeni (Callospiza), 97. yeni (Tanagra), 97. yeni (Tatao), 97. Yphantes, 392. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Ypophasa, 84. yuracares (Cassicus), 314. yuraoarium (Cassicus), 314. yuraoarium (Gymnostinops), 313, 314. yuraoarium (Ostinops), 314. zena (Fringilla), 169. zena (Spindalis), 166, 168,169. zena (Tanagra), 166,168, 169. zenoides (Tanagra), 166. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. PLATE I. Page Biglossa mystacalis 6 PLATE IT. Fig. 1. Conirostrum fraseri, <£ 15 Fig. 2. Bacnis salmoni, $ 27 Both from the typical specimens. PLATE III. Fig. 1. Bacnis ccerebicolor, <$ Kg. 2. „ „ ? } 2i From the typical specimens. PLATE IV. Chlorojphanes jpurjourascens, 3 31 From the typical specimen. PLATE V. Fig. 1. Certhiola martinicana , 46 Fig. 2. dominicana (from the typical specimen) 44 PLATE VI. Fig. 1. Chlorojyhonia rorawice, <$ 56 jPig, 2. «• flavirostris (from the typical specimen) ....... . 56 EXPLANATION" OF THE PLATES. 430 PLATE VII. Pa^e Fig. 1, Extphonia concinna, $ Kg. 2. „ „ 2 } From the typical specimens. PLATE VIII. Fig. 1. Euphonia finschi, c$ (from the typical specimen) ... . 70 Fig. 2. saturate, <$ 70 PLATE IX. Fig. 1. Euplionia melanura, S \ ^o Fig. 2. „ „ ? j From the typical specimens. PLATE X. Eiiphonia vittata (from the typical specimen) 80 PLATE XI. Phcenicothraupis gutturalis 201 PLATE XII. Fig. 1. Nemosia albigularis, <$ } 227 Pig. 2. „ „ $ From the typical specimens. PLATE XIII. Fig. 1. Thlypopsis omata, £ (from the typical specimen).... 230 Fig. 2. inomata, <$ 230 PLATE XIV Buarremon leucopis (from the typical specimen) ... . 261 EXPLANATION OF TEE PLATES. 431 PLATE XV. Buarremon comptus (from the typical specimen) Page « .. 204 PLATE XVI. Buarremon tricolor 269 PLATE XYII. Arremon ivuchereri (from the typical specimen) 278 PLATE XYIII. Icterus Kauawelli (from the typical specimen). Seduced | ... , 377 PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, TWEET STREET. Birds B.M.Vcl.M. PL. I. J. Smit del et Ktti Mintain Bros yg&cu trvystoucaJjia Birds B.M.Val.M PI . II J. Strut &A etlith-. Mintem. Br 1. Corus>ostrtxm> fhaseri,. . Birds B.M.Vcl.JH. PI. XVIII. J. Strut del at litlt MinterYL Brc ZA Ictejixs haxuKweJJdj. Digitalisiert von / Digitised by eBooks von / from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin eBooks on Demand