Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum Volume XIX 1891 eBooks von / from Digitalisiert von / Digitised by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin /> CATALOGUE BIRDS BRITISH MUSEUM. VOLUME XIX. LONDON: PBINTED BY OEDEE OF THE TRUSTEES. 1891. pa & CATALOGUE OF THE PICARI1 I S THE COLLECTION BRITISH MUSEUM. SCANSORES AND COCCYGES, CONTAINING THE FAMILIES EHAilPHASTIDiE, GALBTJLID^E, AND BUCCONID^E, P. L. SCLATER, AND THE FAMILIES INDICATORIILE, CAPITONID^E, CUCTJLIB^E, AND MUSOPHAGID^E, BY G. E. SHELLEY. LONDON: PEINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. * SOLD BY LONGMANS & Co., 39 PATEENOSTEE EOW; B. QUARTICH, 15 PICCADILLY; ASHEE & Co., 13 BEDEOED STEEET, CO VENT G-AEJDEN; KEGAN PAUL, TEENCH, TEUBNEE, & Co., 57 LUDGATE HILL; AND AT THE BEITISH MUSEUM (NATUEAL HISTOEY), CEOMWELL BOAD, S.W. 1891. PRINTED BY TAYLOB AND FRANCIS, ItED LION COUET, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. THE present volume contains an account of the remaining families of the suborder Scamsores, and of those of the suborder Coccyges, The arrangement of three of these families, which are entirely composed of Neotropical forms, was undertaken by Mr. P. L. Sclater, that of the remainder by Captain Q. E. Shelley. The numbers of species of the several families, and of the specimens at present in the Collection of the British Museum, are aa Species. Types. Specimens. Indicatoridse ... . 12 3 8(3 Capitonidse ... . 112 18 2183 llhamphastidse.... . .. . 59 5 673 Galbulidss .. .. 21 6 243 Bucconidae ... . 43 10 419 Cuculidse ... . 176 28 5423 MusophagidiB ... . 25 3 204 448 73 9231 Of the 448 species recorded, 32 are not represented in the Museum; but besides the 73 types of species admitted as valid, the Collection contains 50 other typical specimens the names of which are now relegated to the synonymic lists. Of donations not already mentioned on former occasions, I have to refer to the two following, which were specially useful in supplementing the series of specimens catalogued in the present volume:— PREFACE. the entire collection of Cuckoos formed by Mr. H. Seebohm, and consisting of 539 specimens ; and a valuable series of South-African birds collected by T. and W. Ayres in Natal and the Transvaal for the late Mr. J. H. Gurney, and presented by his son. ALBERT GUNTHEB, Keeper of the Department of Zoology. British Museum (N. H.), March 28, 1891. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Order PICAKI/E (contin.). Suborder SCANSOKES (contin,). Earn. iNDICATOEIDiB. Page 1. Indicator, Vieill. 2 1. xanthonotus, Blyth .. 3 2. archipelagicus, Temm. 4 3. indicator {Gin.) .. 5; ,457 4. major, Steph 63 457 5. vpjfigatus^ Less 7 a. stictithoraxj Reiche?i, 8 6. maculatus, Gray . 9 7. minor, Steph 9 8. conirostris (Cass.) . 10 9. exilis ( Cass.) 11 2. ProdotiscuSj Sundev. . U 1. regulus, Simdev 11 2. in&igm\( Cats.) ... 12 Fam. CAPiTONiDiE. 1. Pogonorhynchus, Van der Hoeven 15 1. dubius (Gm.) 15 2. Erytlirobucco, Shelley 10 l.rolleti(D^.) 17 3. Melahobucco, Shelley 17 -» 1. bidentatus (Shaw).... 18 2. ajquatoriajisj Shelley .. 19 r,4 3. meMoplerus (Peters). 19 4. levaillanti(F«.).... 20 5. leucocepbalus (JDe/il.) . 21 6. albicauda (Shelley) . . 21 7. senex (Reichen.) 22 8. leucogaster (Bocage) . 22 9. abyssinicus (Lath.) .. 22 \ ^10. torquatus (Dumont) 24,457 '11 . irroratus (Cab.) 25 . 12. \ieilloti (Leach) 26 13. undatus (Rujip.) .... 27 Page 4. Tricholaema, J. $ B. Verr. 28 1. birsutum (Swains.) .. 28 2. stigmatothorax, Cab,.. 29 3. melanocephalum (CV.) 30 4. lachrymo&um, Cab. .. 31 5. affine [Shelley) 31 6. leucomelan (Bodd.) .. 31 7. diadematum ( Seugl.) . 33 8. frontatuin (C«5.) 34 9. masaicum (Reichen.).. 34 5. Gymnobucco, Bp 34 1. calvus (Lafr.) 34 6. Heliobncco, Shelley 36 1. bonapartii (Ilartl) ., 36 7. Smilorhis, Sundev 36 h 1. leucotis (Sundev.) .... 37 2. kilimensis, Shelley 37 8. Barbatula, Zm. .., 38 <\ 1. duchaillui, Cass 38 2. pusillla (Drnnont) .... 39 3. minuta, Bp 40 * 4. afiinis, Meichen 41 5. uropygialis, Heugl .. 41 6. chiysocoma (Temm.) . 42 7. extoni, Layard .. 43, 457 h 8. erytlironota (Cuv.) .. 43 * 9. bilineata (Sundev.) 44,457 10. cbrysopyga, Shelley .. 45 11. leucolsema, /. Sf E. Verr 45, 457 12. subsulphurea (Fraser). 46 13. scolopacea (Temm.) .. 47 14. fiscberi, Reichen 46 9. Stactolaama, Marshall .. 48 1. ancbietse (Bocage).... 48 2. olivaceum (Shelley) .. 49 3. simplex (F ty R.) ..,. 49 10. Calorhamplms, Less 49 1. bayi (Gray) ... .... 50 1 2. fuliginosus (Temm.) .. 51 11. Megalasma, Gray 52 1. virens (Bodd.) ^2 2.riiarshallorum,Sit ink, . 53 Vlll SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 3. equamatus, Salvin . . 110 4. quinticolor, Elliot .... Ill & mgex(P. L. 8. Mull.) . Ill 6. punctatus, Less 112 7. auratus (Dumont) .... 113 \ 8. rKKa^.soni, Gray .... 114 9. gyanacUsnsig, Shelley . . 115 10. aurantiicollis (Scl.) . . 115 11. steerii, Scl # Salu 116 12. versicolor, Mull 116 13. glaueogularis, Tschudi. 117 H±. bourcien (Xfl/r.) ... . 118 15. saJgn£C2ge% 119 19. Tetragonops, Jard 120 1. rbamphastinus, Jard. . 120 2. frantzivS'c/ 121 Fain. RHAMPHASTIDJE. 1. Rhamphastos, Linn 124 L toco, Mull 124 2. carinatus, Sw 125,458 3. brevicarinatus, Gould . 126 4. tocard, Vieill 127 5. ambiguus, Sw 128 6. erythrorhvnchiib, Gmel. 128 7. irica, Gould 129 8. cuvieri, Way 1 130 9. culminatus, Gould .... 130 10. citreolaemtis, Gould .. 131 11. oseulans, Gould 131 12. ariel. Viy 131 13. vitellines, Lichi 132 14. dlcolprus, Linn 133 2. Andigena^ Gould 133 1. hyjposrlaucus, Gould . . 134 2. cucutfatus, Gould .... 134 3. lamimrostri>, Gould . . 135 >4. nigrirostris, Waterh... 135 5. spilorbvnchus, Gould . 136 6. baigoni, Yieill 130 3. Pteroglossus, III. 137 1. aracarij Linn 138 2. wledi, Sturm 139 3. formosus, Cab 139 4. ^TaEcaSqtus, Gould . . 139 % 5. castanotis, Gould .... 140 6. iorquatus, Gm. .. 141,458 7. frantzii^ Cab 142 & erjthrop_Y&ius, Gould. . 143 9. sanguineus,*7roM&7.... 143 10. tnjbrquatus, Viy 144 11. sturmiT2rfl# 144 12. tlavilSStris, Fraser 144 13. azarae, Vieill. 145 12. Ckotorhea, Bp 1. corvina (Temm.) .... 2. jaTensis (Mors/.) .... 3. ehrysopogon (Temm.) . a.*cbrysopsis (Go/fin). . 4. ve^^lpr (Raffl.) 13. Oyanops, Bp^ 1. a&iatica (Lath.) 2. daviboni {Hume) .... 3. flay if pons {CM v.) 4. ar miliaria (Temm.) . . \ 5. henrici (Temm.) 6. incognita (Hume) .... 7. pulcherrima (Shnrpe) . 8. franklini (Blyth) .... 9. ramsayi ( Wald.) 10. oorti (S. Mull.) 11. mystacophanes^TVwim.) 12. monticola, Sharpe .... 13. Buciialis (Gould) 14. fab&r^(8ioinh.) 15. lagrandieri (Verr.).... 16. phasostriata (Bp.) 76,458 17. zeylonica (Gm.) .... 18. caniceps (Frankl.) 19. lineata (Vieill.) 20. viiidis (Bodd.) 14. Mesbbtrcco, Shelley^ 1. duvauceli (Less.) * 2. cyanotis (Blyth) 15. Xantholsema, BpK 1. bsernatocephala (P. L. S. Milll.) 2. rttbricapilla (Gm.) .... 3. austraUs (Horsf.) 4. malabarica (Blyth) .. 5. rosea (Dumont) 6. intermedia, Shelley 16. P&ilopogon, 8. Mull ^ 1. pyrpioplius, 8. Mull... 17." TracBypnonus, Ranzani .. 55 56 56 57 59 59 61 62 05 65 6Q 67 68 69 69 70 71 j 72 74 74 75 75 1. cater (Vieill.) ... . 100,45b 2. suabelicus, Reichen. .. 102 j 3. versicolor, Hartl 102 4. erythrocephalus, Cab.. 102 I 5. shelleyi, Hartl 103 I 6. margaritatus (Rupp.) . 103 7. boehmi, Fischer # Reichen 104 * la. eraini, Reichen 458 8. arnaudi (JDes Murs) .. 105 76 J 78 80 83 | 85 i 85 87 88 | 89 : 93 94 j 95 j 96 97 98 98 99 9. piirpuratus, Verr 10. goflini (Schley.) 18. Capito, Vieill 1. auroyirens (Cttv.) % macullcoronatus, Lawr. 106 10b 107 108 109 j SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 4. Jacamaralcyon, Less 174 \ 1. tridactyla, Vieill 174 5. Galbaltfyrbynebus, Bes Murs 175 1. leucotis, Bes Murs .. 175 Sllbfam. Ji,CAMEEOPINiE. 6. Jacamerops, Less 176 1. grandis, Gm 176 Fam. BTJCCONIDJE. 1. Bucco, Briss 179 1. collaris, Lath 180 2. macrorkynckus, Gm... 181 3. djsqui, Scl 182 4. kyperrkynckus, Scl .. 183 5. swainsoni, Gray 183 6. pectoralis, Gr.fy Mitch. 184 7. ordi, Cass 184 8. tectus, Bodd. 185 9. picatus, Scl 186 10. subtectus, Scl 186 11. inacrodactylus, Spiv .. 186 12. ruficolKs, Wagl 187 13. bicinctus, Gould 188 14. tamatia, Gm 188 y 15. pulmentum, Bp 189 16. rnaculatus, Gm 190 17. striatipectus, Scl. .... 190 18. ckacuru, Vieill 191 19. striolatus, Pels 192 20. radiatus, Scl. 192 2. Malacoptila, Gray 193 1. feqa, Gm .. 193 2. rafa, Sjwar 194 3. torqujtaj, Hahn u. iS. 195 f, 4. panamensis, Lafr. .... 196 5. iriShiata, Bn Bus..... 197 6. fuTflgularis, Scl 198 7. sufetrlata, Scl 198 3. Micromonacka, Scl 199 1. lanceolata, Beville 199 4. Nonnula, Scl 199 1. rubecula, Spiv 200 2. cmeracea, Scl 200 3. ruficapilla, Tsch 200 4. frontalis, Scl 201 5. brunnea, Scl 201 5. Hapaloptila, Scl. 202 1. castanea, Verr 202 b 14. humbpldti, Wagl 15. mscri£tu8? Swains 16. viridiSj Linn 17. dHymus, Scl 18. beaukarnaisi, Wagl .. 4. SeleniSera," GouB 1. maculir<>tris, Licht. .. 2. goildi, Natt 3. langsdorffi, Wagl 4. reinwardtii, Wagl.... 5. nattereri, Gould 6. piperivora, Linn7". spectabilis, Cass 5. Aulacorkampkus, Gray .. 1. sulcatus, Sw 2. erytbrognatbus, Gould. 154 3. calorbyncbus, Gould.. 155 4. derbianus, Gould 155 5. wMtelyanus, 8. fy G. 156 6. pragmas, Licht. .. 156, 458 7. wagleri, Sturm 157 8. albivittato? Boiss 157 9. baematopygiuS; Gould. 158 10. c^aalsiciBSS^8; $Orb. . 159 11. cseruleigularis, Gould . 159 Page 146 146 147 147 148 148 149 150 150 151 151 152 153 153 154 12. cyanolssmus, Gould .. 13. apaagailajis, Sturm,... 14. dimidiatus, Midgw. .. Fam. GALBTTLID2E. Subfam. GcAJvsuvmm. 1. Urogalba,.% 1. paradise% Linn 2. amazormnijj Scl 2. Galbula, Briss. ........ 1. viridis, Lath * 2. rufo-viridis, Cab ""3. ruficauda, Cuv 4. melanogeBia, Scl .... 5. tomlalcea, Spix6- pastafrge, Tacz. et Berl. 7. albirosSis, Lath 8. qvffiicollis, Cass 9. XeSeo^Ber, Vieill.... 10. clalcotborax, Scl.... 3. Brachygalba, Bp 1. lugubris, Sw 2. Mviventris, Set. 3. goeringi; Scl $ Salv... 4. sSCteofi, Scl $ Salv... 5. albigularis, Spiv 6. melanosteraa, Scl.... VOL. XIX. 160 160 160 162 162 163 163 164 165 166 166^ 167 168 168 169 170 171 171 171 172 172 173 173 174 SYSIEMATI 3 INDEX, Fag# Page 10. sonnerati, Lath....... 262 6. Monacba, Vieill 202 -7. Cercococcyx, Cab. . 265 n1. mecbowi, Cab. 265 1. nigra, Miill 203 2. &wostris, JSSKCK . . 204 3. morpbeus,iT'Orb 870 4. babamensis, Bryant .. 371 5. vieilloti, Bp 371 Page 20. Hyetomis,#c/ 372 1. pluvialis (Gm.) 372 21. Kaya,Xm 373 . 1. cayana(X.) ... . 373,460 X melanogastra (F.) ... . 377 3. minuta(F.) 378 22. ZarjcTostomus, Swains. .. 380 *., 1. javanicus (Horsf.) 380 23. Taccocua, Less 381 1. sirkee (Gray) 381 24. Bbopodytes, Cab. $ Rein. 384 1. viridirostris (Jerd.) .. 885 2. tristis (Less.) 386 S.elongatus (S. Mull.) .. 389 4.*borneensis (Bp.) 389 5. diardrCX^s.) 390 6. sumatranus (Baffl) .. 391 25. Kbinortba, Vig 392 *• 1. cbloropbcea, (Baffl.) .. 393 26. Pbcenicophaes, Vieill. 395 1. pyrrbocephalus (Forst.) 395 27. Kbampbbeoccyx, Cab. fy Heine 396 . 1. calorbynchiis (Temm.) 396 28. Bbino coccyx, Sharpe 397 1. curvirostris (Shaw) .. 897 29. Urococcyx, Shelley 398 1. erytbrognathus (Hartl) 398 2. eeneicaudus (Verr.) .. 400 30. Dryococcyx, Sharpe 400 1. barringtoni, Sharpe .. 400 31. Oeutbmocbares, Cab. $• Heine 401 • 1.flavirostris(Swains.) .. 401 * 2. aereus (Vieill.) 402 3. australis, Sharpe 403 32. Dasyloplius, Swains 403 1. superciliosus (Cuv.) .. 404 83. Lepidbgramrnus, Reichenb. 404 1. cumingi (Fraser) 404 34. Coua, Cuv 405 1. caexulea (X.) 406 2. reynaudii, Piich 407 3. serriana, Buch 408 4. cristata (X.) 409 5. pyropyga, Grand 410 6. verreauxi, Grand 410 7. ruficeps, Gray 411 8. olrvaceiceps (Sharpe) . 411 9. cursor, Grand 412 10. coquerelli, Grand..... 412 11. gigas (Bodd.) 412 12. deialandii (Temm.) .. 413 SYSTEMATIC Subfam. NEOMOBPHINJS. 35. Carpococcyx, Gray.. . 414 1. radiatus (Temm.) . 415 36. Neomorphus, Gloger . 415 1. geoffroyi (Temm.) . 416 2. salvini, Scl . 417 3. puclierani (Beville) . 417 4. rufipennis (Gray) . 418 5. radiolosus, Salv., . 418 37. Geococcyx, Wagl. . . 419 1. mexicamis (Gm,) . 419 2. affinis, Hartl. ... . 421 38. Morococcyx, Scl . 422 y^ 1. erythropygus (Less. . 422 Subfam. DIPLOPTERINJE. 39. Diplopterus, Boie 423 1. neevius (L.) ^ 423 40. Dromococcyx, Wied .... 425 1. phasianellus (Spix) .. 425 2. pavoninus (Pete.) 426 Subfam. CBOTOPHAGIN2B. 41. Crotophaga, ZMMZ. ..... . 427 1. major, Gm 428 2. ari,X 429 3. sulcirostris, Sw 432 42. Guira, less 433 1. guira (Gm.) 434 INDEX. Fam. MusopiAGiDiE, Page 1. Turaeus, Cuv 435 1. leucotis (Rupp.).. 436 2. persa (L.) 437 3. buffoni(F.) 438 4. schalowi, Reichen 439 5. livingstoni, Gray .... 439 6. reicbenowi (Fischer) .. 440 7. corythaix (Wagl) 440 8. schuetti (Cab.) 441 9. rajcrorbynckus (Frase?*) 441 10. meriani (Rupp,) 442 11. fiscberi (Reichen.) 443 12. erytbrolopbus (V.) .. 444 13. leucolopbus, lleugl. . . 444 14. bartlaubi (Fischer fy Reichen.) 445 2. Gallirex, Less 446 1. porphyreolophus (Vig.) 446 2. chlorochlamys, Shelley 447 3. Musopbaga, Isert 447 1. violacea, Isert 448 2. rossse, Gould 448 4. Corythaeola, Heine 449 1. cnstata(F.) 449 5. Scbizorbis, Wagl 450 1. ajricana (Zatk) 450 2. zonura, Rupp 451 3. leucogaster, Rupp 453 4. concolor (Smith) 455 6. Gymnoscbizorbis, Schalow 455 1. personata (Rupp.) .... 455 2, leopoldi, Shelley 426 CATALOGUE OF BIRDS. Order PICARLE. (See vol. xvi. p. 1.) Suborder SCANSORES. (See vol. xviii. p. 1.) Family INDICATORID^E. (By G. E. SHELLEY.) Bill stout and Einch-like in the typical genus Indicator, the maxilla swollen laterally, with the culminal ridge well marked, the culmen and the genys meeting at the tip with a precisely similar curve; nostrils oval, exposed, with a narrow superior membrane. In Prodotiscus the bill is much more slender and pointed. Palate segithognathous. Tomer single, bifurcate. Manubrial process of the sternum pointed. Femoro-caudal and accessory semitendinosus muscles |>resent; ambiens and accessory femoro-caudal absent. Tail-feathers twelve (in Prodotisms ten). Pterylosis: ventral feather-tract forked on throat, but not on each side of breast. Oil-gland tufted. Caeca none. Ranging over the whole of the ^Ethiopian Eegion, re-occurring in the Himalayas, the mountains of the Malayan Peninsula and of Borneo. (Cf. Garrod. P. Z. $. 1878, pp. 930-935; S7iar/• Senegambia. Seebohm Coll. y. is ad. sk. 7i. c?ad.; i,k ad. sk. . $ Casamance. Logos Land (Esler). Sharpe Coll. Sharpe Coll. 1 $ ad. sk. m. <$ ad. sk. Maragaz, July (W. Jesse). Limpopo R., Transvaal, Nov. (T. JE. Buckley). Tweeddale Cull. Shelley Coll. n, o. S ? ad. p. § ad. sk. sk. Holfontein, Transvaal [F. Oates). Newcastle, Natal, Oct. (JE. A. Butler). "W. E. & C. G. Oates. Esqrs. rP.n . Shelley (?olL q. $'. 1^73, p. 711 ; Bouvier, Cat, Ois.Marche §-c. p. 30 (1875); Sharpe in Lloicleifs Orn.Misc. i.p.204 (1870) ; Bocage, Orn. Angola,^. 1315 (lb77) ; Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 795 ; Garrul, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 930 ; Ay res, Ibis, 1879, p. 297; Sharpe, ed. Zayard's B. S. Afr. pp. 108, 810 (1875-84) ; Fisch. Zeitschr. ges. Orn. 1884, p. 365; Bohm, J. f. O. 1885, p. 57; Fisch t c. p. 124; JDuhoi*, Bull. Mies. Hist. Xat. Btlg. 1880, p. 147 ; Shelley, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 43,1889, p. 350. Indicator levaillantii (nee Temm.), Leadb. Trans.Linn. JS'OC.XYI. p. 85 (1829). i- 'VUA.'W>f { Indicator bupliagoides, Jktfd&.jk-£. p. 91. Indicatorflavicollis,Swains. B. W. Afr. ii p. 198 (1837), 1. INDICATOR. Prodotes proditor, Nitwh, PterylograpMe, p. 131 (1840). Indicator proditor, Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 78 (1850). Indicator archipelagicus (nee Temm.), Ileiujl Myst. Uebers. p. 47 (1856). j-xcttyt. o.j. \J. xou-ij |j. <•>_>, louttj JJ. ^ut> , jjutsva, J. runs. /J. o. vii. p. 287(1870); «?. # #«;•#. ToV/. CU-4/r. p. 518 (1870); Gray, Hand-IB. ii. p. 205, no. 8857 (1870); Heugl Orn. N.O.-A/r. ii. p. 771 (1871); Sharpe in Rowley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 20*3, pi. upp. fig. (1876); id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 795. Adult male. Similar to I. indicator, but with barely a trace of yellow on the wing, and further differing in having no pale margins to the wing-coverts, and some of the feathers of the rump and upper tail-coverts entirely white, forming a patch of uniform white; chin and upper throat black, with some yellow on the base of the feathers ; chest partially washed with yellow. Total length &8 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 4*3, tail 3*2, tarsus 0*7. Adult female. Differs in having the bill darker,- no trace of a yellow patch on the wing; the edges of the feathers of the erown, mantle, and wings washed with yellow • cheeks, ear-coverts, and sides of neck dark dusky brown • chin, throat, and fore part of chest washed with bright yellow : " bill black ; iris red; bare skin round the eyes leaden grey • feet dusky" (Emin Pasha). Total length 7*3 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 4, tail 2*7, tarsus 0*65. Hah. The greater portion of Tropical Africa, excepting the forest- region of the West Coast. a, b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d, e. Ad. sk. /. 2 ad. sk. Senegambia. Casamance. Bejook, Bogos-Land (Ester). Wadelai, Equatorial Africa, Old Coll. Sharpe Coll. Sharpe Coll. Emin Pasha [P.]. a. £ imm. sk. yk. Sept. Teita, E. Africa, Aug. Hornby (Wakefield). II. G. V. Hunter, Esq. [P.]. P. B. Sharpe, Esq. i, h, I, m. Ad. sk. Makalaka Country (BradShelley Coll. n. S ad. sk. o. $ p. Ad. sk. q. shaid). Rustenberg, Jan. (W.Lucas). Limpopo River, Aug. (W. Lucas), Cape Colony (Butler). South Africa. , Shelley Coll. Shelley Coll. Shelley Coll. Sharpe Coll. 5. Indicator variegatus. Grand Indicateur, femelle, Lemill. Ois. Afr. v. p. 104, pi. 241. fig. 2, $; Simdev. Krit. Framst. om Lemill. p. 50 (1857). Indicator maior, 2, SFeph. Gen. Zool ix. p. 139, pi. 27. fig. 2; Guer. Icon. Megne An., Ois. pi. 32. %. 2 (1829-38). Indicator variegatus, Less. Traite, p. 155 (1831); Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 451 (1847); Pitcher. Bev. et Mag. Zool 1853, p. 71; Grill, Zool INDICATORTDiE. Anteckn. p. 43 (1857); Cab. § Heine, Mm. Rein. iv. p. 6 (1862;; Sell Mm. Pays-Bas, i. Ouculi, p. 2 (1864); Zmjard, B. S. Afr. p. 242 (1867) ; Gray, Hand-L B. ii. p. 204, no. 8854; Ifeugl. Orn. N.O.-Afr. ii. p. 773, note (1871); Sliarpe, in Rowley's Orn. Misc. i. p. 190 (1876) ; id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 795 ; id. ed. Bayard's B. S. Afr. pp. 167, 810 (1875-84) ; Fisch. & Beichen. J. f. 6. 1879, p. 342 ; Fisch. J. f. 0. 1885, p. 124; Biittik. Notes "Beyden Mus. 1885, p. 249. Indicator maculicollis, Simdev. (Efv. K. Vet,~Ah Fork. 1850, p. 109. Indicator levaillantii (nee Temm.), Bp. Consp. Av. i. p. 100 (1850). Adult male, Porehead and anterior half of crown mottled, the centres of the feathers heing black, their sides buff, and the tip olive; nape and back of neck ashy olive; back and wings brown, the feathers generally rather broadly edged with olive-yellow, and with narrower partial buff edges to some of the wing- and tail- coverts ; tail similarly marked with black and white as in /. indicator, but the dark centre feathers narrowly edged with olive- yellow ; sides of the head ashy grey, slightly streaked with white ; chin and upper throat white, with dusky grey shafts ; lower tbroat and fore part of chest dusky grey, with broad buff margins' to the feathers, giving a spotted appearance ; remainder of the breast buff, fading almost into white on the under tail-coverts : feathers of the sides of body, thigh-coverts, and under tail-covcrts with rather broad dusky shaft-stripes; under wing-coverts white, partially mottled with dusky near the edge of the wing; under surface of the quills brown, with whitish inner edges : " upper mandible horny brown, lower one pale; iris greyish brown" (Fischer). Total length 7*3 inches, culmen 0*55, wing 4*5, tail 3J4, tarsus 0-7. Hah. South Africa? extending into East Africa. a. Ad. sk. South Afiica. Sliarpe Coll. b. $ Knysna, Jan. (C.J.Anderssmi). Sliarpe Coll. c. George (T. C.Atmore). Sliarpe Coll. d\ <$ ad. sk. Beaufort (T. C. Atmore). Shelley ColL e. Ad. sk. Usunibara mils, Pangani River Shelley ColL (Sir J. Kirk). f. Ad. sk. Mombasa (Wakefield). R. B. Sharpe, Esq. [P.]. Subsp. a. Indicator stictithorax. Indicator stictithorax, Beichen. J.f.O. 1877, p. 110, no. 3. Indicator variegatus, Beichen. J.f O. 1875. p. 6; Shelley, P. Z. S. 1881, p. 593. Adult female. Differs from / . variegatus in being brighter, the yellowish-olive edges to the feathers of the back and wings broader and brighter, and the breast slightly yellower: " bill black; iris hazel; feet plumbeous " (Schluss). Total length 7 inches, culmen 0-55, wing 4, tail 2*7, tarsus 0*65. Hah. Cameroons, "West Africa. a. 2 ad. sk. Cameroon Mountains, 7000 H. H. Johnston, Esq. [P.]. feet, 1. INBICATOE. 6. Indicator maculatus. Indicator sparrmanni (nee Steph), Leadbeater, Trans. Linn. Soc. xvi. p. 91 (1833). Indicator maculatus, Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 451, pi. 113 (1847) ; Bp. Consp. Av. i. p. 100 (1850); Cats. Proc. Ac. N. 8c. Philad. 1859, p. 142 ; Seine, J.f.O. I860, p. 192; Sfiarpe in Roivlei/s Orn. Misc. i. p. 200 (1876); id. P. Z. S.1878, p. 795 • Socage. Jorn. Lisb. 1880, p. 54 ; id. Orn. Angola, p. 542 (1881). Indicator major (juv.), HartL Orn. W.-Afr. p. 183 (1857). Adult male. Similar to I. varlegatus in the colouring of the back, wings, and tail, but differing in the upper half and sides of the head being dusky blackish; chin, throat, and body dusky brown, with subterminal twin-spots of yellowish white on each feather; under tail-coverts white, with elongated dusky shaft-spots. Total length 6-6 inches, culmen 0-5, wing 4, tail 2*8, tarsus 0-7. Adult female. " Similar in plumage to the male " (Gassin). Hab. West Africa, from Senegambia to Gaboon. a. Ad. sk. River Gambia. F. Campbell, Esq. [?.]. 7. Indicator minor. Le Petit Indicateur, Levaill. Ois. Afr. v. p. 137, pi. 242 (1806) ; Sundev. Krit. om Levaill. p. 50 (1857). Indicator minor, Stepft. Gen. Zool. ix. p. 140 (1815); Vieill. Nouv. Diet x\i. p. 155 (1817); Bonn, et Vieill. Fnc. Metli. p. 1351 (1823) ; Lets. Man. Orn. p. 125 (1828); id. Traite, p. 155, pi. 22. rig. 1 (1831); Swains. B. W. Afr. ii. p. 190 (1837); Rupp. Neue Wirb., Vocj. p. 61 (1835-40) ; Temm. TaM. Meth. p. 51 (1838) ; Rupp. Syst. Uebers. p. 96 (1845) ; Gray, Gen. B. ii. p. 451 (1847) ; Bp. Consp. Av. i. p. 100 (1850); Ilniyl. Syst. Uebers. p. 48 (1856); HartL Orn. W.-Afr. p. 184 (1857); Grill, Zool. Antechi. p. 43 (1857); Gumey, Ibis, 1859, p. 247, 1860, p. 205 ; HartL J. f. O. 1861, p. 264; Cab. $ Heine, Mm. Hein. iv. p. 3 (1862) ; llenyl. J.f. 0.1862, p. 33, 1864, p. 267 ; Kirk, Ibis, 1864, p. 327 ; 8c)d. Mas. Pays-Bus, i. Cuculi, p. 2 (1864) ; Layard, B. 8. Afr. p. 243 (1867) ; Finsch # HartL Vog. Ost-Afr. p. 515 (1870) ; Pbisch, Tr. Z.8. vii. p. 287 (1870) ; Heugl Orn. N.O.-Afr. ii. p. 771 (1871); Sharpe, Cat. Afr. B. p. 14 (1871); Gtimey in Anderss. B. Damara- Land, p. 223 (1872); 8harpe in Roivleifs Orn. Misc. i. p. 194 (1876) ; id. ed. LayanTs B. 8. Afr. pp. 169,811 (1876-84) ; Bocage, Om. Angola, p. 137 (1877) ; Cab. J. f. O. 1878, p. 237 ; Sharpe, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 795; Fisch. # Reichen. J. f O. 1879, p. 341; HartL Abhandl. nat. Ver. Brem. viii. p. 209 (1882) ; Fisch. J.f.O. 1885, p. 124; Dubois, Bull. Mm. Bog. Hist. Nat. Belg. iv. p. 147 (1886); Oust. Bibl. Hautes Etudes, xxxi. Revoil, p. 3 (1886). Indicator buphagoides, Leadbeater, Trans. Linn. Soc. xvi. p. 85 (1829). Indicator minimus, Temm. PL Col. 542. fig*. 1 (1822). Indicator diadematus, Rupp. Neue Wirb. p. 61 (1837). Indicator apivorus, Krebs, Mus. BeroL,fideLicht. Nomencl. Av. p. 78 (1854). Melignothes pachyrhynchus, HeugL J. f O. 1864, p. 266; id. Orn. N.O.-Afr.ii p. 773 (1871); Finsch § HartL Vog. Ost-Afr. p. 517, note (1870) ; Sharpe in Rowley's Orn. Misc. i, p. 197, note (1876). 10 INDICATOTtTPJE. Adult male. Upper half ot the head and back of neck ash} brown, with a Plight yellow wash and a broad white band from the nostril to the check ; back and wings brown, washed with deep yellow on the edges of the feathers; tail with the four centre feathers blackish brown, narrowly edged along their outer sides with olive-yellow : remaining tail-feathers white, with broad dark-brown ends; underparts ashy, fading into white on the chin, centre of abdomen, and under tail-coverts, and a broad dusky band below the cheeks and ear-coverts; thigli-eoverts with broad, somewhat obscure, dusky shaft-stripes ; under wing-coverts and inner edges of the quills whitish: "iris brown; bill—upper mandible black, lower one brown, flesh-colour at base ; legs dull olive 1J (T. L. Ay res). Total length 6 inches, culm en 0*4, wing 3*5, tail 2-5, tarsus 0*6. Adidt female. Similar in plumage to the male. Total length 5*1 inches, culmen 2*4, wing 8*4, tail 2*5, tarsus 0*6. Ilab. The greater part of Tropical Africa, except the forest-region of the West Coast. a, b. Ad. sk Cape Colony. Shelley Coll. c.