Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum Volume XX 1891 eBooks von / from Digitalisiert von / Digitised by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin %m CATALOGUE OF THti BIRDS BRITISH MUSEUM. VOLUME XX. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1801. CATALOGUE OF THE PSITTACI, OE PARBOTS, IN THE COLLECTION OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. BY T. SALVADOR!, LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONGMANS & Co., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW; B. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY; ASHER & Co., 13 BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN ; KEG-AN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER, & Co., PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHABING CBOSS KOAI>; AND AT THE BRITIS H MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD,\ 1891. PItlNTKD BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PEEEACE THE collection of Parrots in the British Museum is not so extensive or complete as that of the families treated of in the preceding volumes. It was therefore particularly fortunate that for the preparation of the present volume the aid of Count Salvadori was secured, who combines with his great general experience a special acquaintance with the species in the Italian collections, which in borne measure supplement that of the British Museum. I have great pleasure in acknowledging the conscientious care which he has bestowed on this, as on all his previous ornithological publica tions, and the attention which he has given to the purely curatorial part of the work. ALBEET GUNTHER, Keeper of the Department of Zoology. British Museum (N. H.)» Dec. 13, 1891. INTBODUCTION. I N the spring of 1889 I was asked by Dr. Giinther to undertake the volume of the Catalogue containing an account of the Parrots; and now, after more than, two years and a half, my work is completed. The materials I have had to deal with, although very large, and no doubt the most extensive existing in any Museum, are much less complete than those belonging to other groups of birds; and I do not consider them adequate either for affording a solid base to a general classification of Parrots, or for fully illustrating the different stages of many of the species. The number of specimens contained in the British Museum is 5113, belonging to 450 species, whilst 49 are not represented in the Museum; so that the total number of species admitted in the present Catalogue is 499, of which 13 are now described for the first time *. The number of apparently good species represented by their types is 108, besides 47 others now relegated to the synonymy. Out of these 5113 specimens 118 are osteological preparations, be longing to 53 species. Owing to the liberality of Messrs. Hume and Grodman and Salvin, the Indian and Mexican species are very complete; also the South- American series is very rich as regards the number of species; but the African, the Austro-Malayan, and especially the Australian series, are far from being complete, and often insufficient to give an idea of the different stages, of the sexual differences, or of the geographical distribution. Perhaps twice as many specimens are required, properly sexed and from reliable localities; skeletons of each species will also be required before the Collection can be con sidered sufficient for a complete study of Parrots. * There are also about 14 species and subspecies which I have not been able to identify; the descriptions of these will be found in footnotes at their proper places. INTRODUCTION. V1X1 It is well known to Ornithologists that the Classification of Parrots has been a very difficult problem; and I am sorry to say that I cannot offer results which will settle the question. Those at which Mr. Garrod * arrived are far from being satisfactory. The classification I have followed in this volume agrees to a certain extent with that of Sundevallt, who divided the Parrots into Psittaci proprii and Psittaci orthognathi. As to the families, I have found that those admitted by Dr. Eeichenow in his excellent ' Conspectus Psittacorum' J are the most natural and can be defined without much difficulty ; in a few points I had to differ from him: I have withdrawn the genus Nestor from the Cacatuidce, and made it the type of a distinct family, as has been already proposed by others; from the Cacatuidce I have separated also the genus Dasypiilus and united it with the Psittacince (restricted), although I am not quite sure about this being the right place. Moreover, the genera Polytelis, Ptistes, Aprosmictus, and Pyrrhidopsis, having a well- formed furcula, have been separated by me from the Platycercince and arranged with the Palteomith'mce, and the genera Pezoporus and Geopsittacus have been again united with the PZatycercincp, leaving the genus Stringops only in the String opidce. A peculiar feature in my classification is the establishment of the family Cyclopsiitacklce, which is not equivalent with Dr. Eeichenow's 2Iicropsittacirta>. The under surface of the hook of the bill without file-like sculpture in the species of the genera Neopsittacus and Cyclopsittacus separates them from all the other Psittaci proprii and a|3proaehes them to the Psittaci orthognathi; when the structure of their tongue is known, we shall be able to understand better their true affinities. Although I think that the families and subfamilies admitted by me are fairly definable, I must confess that my arrangement does not bring us nearer to an understanding of the mutual or phylogeneti c Xll SYS IE31AIIC INDEX. Page 9. Ptilosclera, Bp 00 1. versicolor ( Viy.) ... Co 10. Glo&sop«ittacu-. Bp 07 1. goktiei (kliarpe) 6^ 2. cLadematu^ (Vtrr. § Debllw*) 03 3. concinnus \hftaw) . . 09 4. porphyrocepbalus (Dfeir.) 70 5. piibillu^ (bhiic) . 71 11. Hypuchainio^na, bullae!. 72 1. -wilhelniiLre {Meyer) . . 73 2. placen-s (Tehim.) ... 74 3. jsiilDplaceii* [Sc'ai.) . . 75 4. lubriaularis {Sriat.) . . 70 5. ruuruliotpta ( JJ all.) . . 70 G. kordoanajMeyer) .. 77 7. aureocincta [Bayard) . 7b 8. palmarum (Gm.) .... 78 9. pygmaea (Gm.) 79 12. Ckarmo^ynopsis, Salvad. . 79 1. puicliella (G. JE. £r.) . 79 2. margaritae (Tristr.) . . 81 13. Cbarmovpa, Wagl 81 1. papuensis (Gm.) 82 2. Stella}, Meyer 63 3. josepliinae (Finscli) . . 84 14. Oreopsittacus, Salvad. . . 84 1. arfaki (Meyer) 85 Fam. 0 Y c L O P S I T T A C I D JE. 1. Neopsittacus, Salvad 86 1. muscIieribroeki(itOSe»5.) 66 2. iris (Zfeww.) 87 3. rubripileum, Salvad. .. 88 2. Cyclopsittacus, Rehab. . . 88 1. sahadorii, Owsf. .. . 89 2. ed\vardsii? Oust 90 3. desrnaresti {Gam.) . . 91 4. occidentals, Salvad. . . 92 5. blythi, JTa// 93 6. cervicalis, Salvad. 4* D'i/^ 93 7. coxeni, Gould 94 8. maecoyi, Goidd ..... 95 9. diophthalmus, fy Jacq 95 10. aruensis (Schleg.) 97 11. guglieliui III. (Schley.) 98 12. suavissimuSj Sclat 98 13. raelanogenjs (JRosenb.) 99 14. nigrifrons,JRchmc 100 15. amabilis, Melmtv 617 Fam. CACATUIDJ. Subfam. CACATTTISJE. Page Lopliop-ittacus; Xeict. . . 102 "1 . mauritiartus {Onen) .. 102 1. ILicroiiL x&us Gcnffr. St. Ma....... 102 1 atenimu-{ Gm.). 103, 017 2. CalvT)tui3i\iiclias; Yiy. ^ " ^HOJ s>. 100 l.Kiudim. Vy 100 2. fiuiereu-{btiov ) . . . . 107 3. xaaliuiiotu-. Gould .. 108 4. bank-i {Lath.) 109 5. niaciorli\nrliii*, Gutdd, 110 0 ^ttiilatus. Wayl Ill 7. -\iridic ( Vitill.) . . 112 3. Calloeepbalon, Le*s 113 1. galeatum (Lath.). 113, 017 4. Cacatua, Vitill 115 1. galerita {Lath.) 110 2. triton (Tamil.) 118 3. par\ula(P/;.) 120 4. sulphurea (Gm.) . .. 121 5. citiinocri-tata {Fras ) . 122 0. leaJbeateri ( Viy.) .... 123 7. alba (P. L. S. Mull.).. 124 8. opbthalmica, Sclat. . . 125 9. moluccenisis (6-f?«.) . . 120 10. gymnopis, Sclat. . . . 127 11. sanjminea. Gould .... 128 12. goffini (Fiasch) 129 13. diicm-pd. Jacq. 6$ Fur htr. 129 14. kaematurc m gia (P. L. S\ Mull).:: 130 15. ro^eicapill a, Vieill, 132, 617 5. Licnaeti^, Wagl 133 1. nasica (Temm.) 133 2. pastinator, Gould .... 134 Subfam. CALOPSITT \ c INJE. 0. Calop^-ittacus. Le*s 135 1 no-vse bollaudiV (Gin.) 135 Fam. PSITTACIDJE. Subfam. NASITEENINJE. 1. Nasiterna, Wagl 138 1. bruijni, Salvad 139 2. -pygmse^QuoyfyGaim.) 140 3. fmschi; Rams 141 * Extinct. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. X1U Page namna, T)*istr 141 4. keiensis, Salvad. .... 142 5. aolas, Grant 142 6. misoriensis, Salvad. .. 142 7. niaforensis, Salvad. .. 143 8. pusio, Sclat 144 9. bfeccarii, Salvad 145 Snbfam. CONUIIIIOE. 2. Anodorhynchus, Spix.... 147 I' £zSS2fe«HW &aih.).. 147 2.1ean^ 148 3. glaucuft ( Vieill) 149 3. Oyanopbittacus, Bp 150 1. spixi(TF^/.) 150 4. Ara, Cuv 150 1. araraima (Linn.) .... 152 2. caninde (Wagl) 153 3. macao (Linn.) 154 4. cKIoroptera, G. R. Gr. 150 5. tricolor (Beclist.) .... 157 6. railitaris (Linn.) .... 158 7. amBigua (Bechst.) 1G0 8. rubrigena (Lafr.) .... 161 9. severa (Linn.) 161 10. maracana ( Vieill.) .... 163 11. couloni, Sclat 364 12. auricollis (Cass.) 165 13. macavuana (Gm.) 165 14. nobilis (Linn.) 167 15. hahni (Souanoe) 168 5. Khynckopsittacus, Bp. .. 168 1. pa^byrhynelms (Sw.) . 169 6. Oonuras,^^ 170 1. acLiticaudatqLg (Vieill). 172 2. hsemorrhous (Spiv) .. 173 3. giiarolitTa (Gm.) 174 4. solstitialis (Linn.) 175 S.jendaya (Gm.) 177 6. aurieapillus (Licht) .. 178^mAVteill.) 179 8. weddejli, Seville .... 180 9. iA£tratus;t Tsch 181 10. ruW%vatws., Mass. fy n $ouanc$ .. * 182 11. frontatus, Cab 183 12. fikseM, Salv 184 13. wagleri, Q. B. Gr. .. 184 14. euops, Wagl 185 15. cbloropterus (Souanci). 186 16. leucopMhalmus(ifefw/Z.). 187 17. callogenys, Salvad. .. 188 18. uaaugei (Souanci) .... 189 19. hplocklorus, Sclat 189 20. brevipeSj iBaird 191 21.pjaua(r%7.) 19J 22. aztec, Souanci J92 23. cactorum (Neuw.) 194 24. aeruginosas (Linn.) ., 195 25. ocularis, Sclat. $ Salv. 197 26. perjioax (Linn.) 197 27. aureus (Gm.) 199 28. canicularis [Linn.) .. 201 7. ConuropsiS; Salvad. 203 1. carolinensis (Linn.) ., 203 8. Oyanolyseus, Bp 205 1. patagpnus (Vieill.) .. 205 2. byronf (Cliildr.) 207 9. Grnathosittaca, Cab 208 1. icterotis (Mass. fy Souanci) 208 10. Henicognathus, G. B. Gr. 209 1. leptorliynclms (King) . 209 11. Microsittace, Bp 210 1. ferrugineus (Mull). .. 210 12. Pyrrkura, Bp 211 1. cruentata (Nemo.).... 213 2. vittata (Shaw) 214 3. leucotis (Licht.)' 216 4. emma ( Verr.) 217 5. picta (Mull) 217 6. luciani (Deville) 219 7. egregia (Sclat.) 221 8. calliptera (Mass. $* Souand) 221 9. melanura (Spiv) .... 222 10. souancei (Verr.) .... 223 11. berlepschi, Salvad 224 12. rupicola (Tsch.) 224 13. rnolinse (Mass. fy Souanci\ 225 14. devillei (Mass. §• Souanci) 226 15. perlata (Sjrix) 227 16. rbodogaster (Natt.) .. 228 17. hsBmatotis, SouancS .. 229 18. rliodocephala (Sclat. $* Salv.) 229 19. hofimmm (Cab.) .... 230 13. Myopsittacus," Bp 231 1. monachus (Bodd.).... 231 2. luchsi (Finsch) 233 14. Bolborhynchus, Bp 233 1. aymara(D'CM>.) ... . 234 2. rubrirostris (Burm.) .. 235 3. orbignyi (Bp.) 236 4. aurifrons (Less.) 236 5. andicola (Finsch) .... 238 6. panychlorus (Salv. fy Godm.) 238 7. lineolatus (Cass.) .... 239 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 15. Psittacula, Cuv 1. ccelestis (Less.) coelestis lucida; Ridgio 2. conspicillata, Lafr. .. 8. sclateri, G. R. Grmodesta, Cab 4. passerina (Linn.) .... 5. cras&irostiis, Tacz 6. flavescens, Sahad 7. cyanopvgia, Souance .. 8. spengefi, Hartl. 9. guianensis (Sio.) 16. Brotogerys, Tigferrugineiirons (Later.). 1. tirica^m.) 2. cliiriri (Vieitt.) 3. vlreseens (G?n.) 4. pyrrhoptems (Lath.).. 5. juguiam (Mill I.) 6. devillei (G. R. Gr.) .. 7. gustavi, Berl 8. tuipara (Gm.) 9. clirysopteras (Linn.) .. 10. cErysosema~(i\"«#.) .. 11. tTii (Gm.) Subfam. PioNIXIE. 17. Ohrysotis, Sw canifrons, Later 1. guildirigi ( Tig.) 2. augusta (Vig.) 3. vinaeea (Max.) 4. versicolor (Mull.) .... 5. bouquet! (Btchst.) .... 6. guatemalse, Hartl. . . 7. viienticeps, Salvacl. . . 8. farinosa (Bodd.) 9. inornata, Sahad. .... 10. mercenaria (Tsch.) .. 11. amazonica {Linn.).... 12. sestiva (Linn.) 13. ocliroptera (Gm.) .... 14. oclirocephala (Gm.) . . 15. panamen&is, Cab 16. auropalliata (Less.) .. 17. levaillanti, G. It Gr. . 18. nattereri, Finsch 19. dufresneana (Shaw) . 20. rliudoeorytha, Sahad.. 21. \ iridigena, Cass 22. tinscln, Sclat 23. diademata (Sjyix) 24. *ahim, Sahad iE 241 242 243 244 245 245 248 248 249 250 251 253 253 254 255 257 258 259 261 262 262 264 265 265 268 272 273 274 275 276 277 279 280 280 281 282 283 285 2b8 2b9 291 291 293 294 295 290 297 298 i'99 300 Page 25. lilacina (Less.) .. ... 301 Iiecki (Rchuu.) 302 26. autumnalis (Linn.) .. 302 27. santhops (Spiv) 304 28. brasiliensis (Linn.) .. 305 29. hodini, Finsch 307 30. festiva (Linn.) 307 31. cliloronota, Souance .. 308 32. vittata (Bodd.) 308 83. pretrei ( Temm.) 310 84. tucumana, Cab. . . 311, 618 35. albifrons (Sparrm.) .. 311 SQ. xantholora, G. R. Gr... 813 87. centralis (Mull.) 314 38. leucocephala (Linn.).. 315 I 39. caymanensis, Cory .. 817 40. baliamen«ifc, Bryant .. 317 41. collaria (Linn.) 318 | 42. agiii* (Linn.) 319 I 18. Pachynin, Ilchuo 320 1. brachvurus (Temm. § Kidil) ' 320 ! 19. Pionus, Wagl 321 i 1. menstruum (Linn.).... 322 1 reicheno"v\ i, Heine .... 324 cobaltinus (Mass. § Souance) 32*5 2. sordidus (Linn.) 82*5 3. coralliniib, Bp 326 4. maximiliam (Kuhl) .. 327 I laeerus, Heine 329 5. bridgesi, Bouc 329 | 6. tuiuultuosus (Tsch.) .. 330 I 7. seniloicles (Mass. $• Souance) 330 8. tenilis (Spiv) 331 9. cbalcopterus (Fras.) .. 833 10. fuscus (Mull) 334 20. Deroptyus, Wagl. 835 1. accipitrinus (Linn.) .. 335 21. Triclaria, Wagl 337 1. c-yauosrAfeter (Tieill.).. 387 22. Pioiiopsittacus, Bp 338 1. melanotis (Lafr.) .... 389 2. i>ileitiib (Scop.) 340 8. pj rrhop-j Salv 841 4. aiuazouiiiiu t DesMurs). 342 5. hitiiifxtotis,Sclat4Sah\ 843 (). eoc,eineicollaris(Zfl«v\). 344 7. cics. (Lath.) 345 8. birrnbandi (Kuhl) 346 9. pirilia (Bp.) 347 23. C-hpopHttactH, Bp 349 L vulturinus (Lll.) 349 24. Uro<*hronia, Bp 350 1. cingtilata (Scop.) .... 851 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 2. wiedij Allen .".. 352 : 3. purpurata (Gm.) .... 353 ; 4. surda (III).......... 354 j 5. iiueti (Temm.) 355 j 8. dilectiasima, Sclat. § I Scdv 356 | 7. stictoptera, Sclat 357 | 8. emmsB, Berl , 357 j 25. Caica, Bp. 358 I 1. melanocephala [Linn.). 358 2. pallida, Berl 360 , 3. leucogaster (III) .... 360 | 4. xanthomera, G. R. Gr. 361 j 26. Pyocephalus, Sw 362 | 1. robustus (Gm.) 363 i 2. fuscicollis (Kuhl) .... 364 ! 3. gulielmi (Jard.) 366 4. aubryanus, Souance .. 367 5. massaicus, Fisch. <§* Rchnio. , 367 6. fuscicapillus (Verr. $* DPS Murs) 3G8 7. cra^biia (Sharpe) .... 309 8. llavifrons {Riipp.) .... 309 9. citrinocapillus, Heugl. 370 10. senegalus (Linn.) .... 371 11. vers-teri {Goffin) .... 372 12. rufiventris (Riipp.) .. 372 13. meyeri (Riipp.) 373 14. rtippelli (G, R. Gr.) .. 375 Subfam. PsiTTACixaE. 27. Psittacus, Linn 377 1. erithacus, Linn, .... 377 2. timneli, Eraser . . 380 28. Coracopsis, Weigh ...... 380 1. vasa (Shaw) 381 2. nigra (Linn.) .... 382 3. comorensv, Peters 383 4. barklyi, K Nevct. .... 384 5. sibilais, Milne-Edw. §• Oust. 384 29. Dasyptilus, Wagl 385 1. pesqueti (Less.) 385 Subfam. PALJEOBXITHESTJE. Kecropsittacus, A. Milne- Edw 387 *rodericanus (^4. Milne- Edio.) 387 30. Eclectm, Wagl 383 1. peetoralls (P. L. S. 3. cardinalis (Bodd.).... 4. riedeli, Meyer ...... 5. "westermanni (Bp.) .. 6. cornelia, BpGeo&ojus, Bp .... sudestiensis, Be Vis .. 1. keyertsis, Sehleg 2. timorlaoensis, Meyer.. 3. personatus (Shaw) 4. aruensis (G. R. Gr.).. 4 bis. orientalis, Meyer .. 5. rhodops(#.i2. Gr.) .. 6. floresianus, Salvad. .. 7. sumbavensis, Salvad... 8. pucberani, Bp 9. jobiensis (Meyer) 10. mysorensis (Meyer) .. 11. dorsalis, Salvad 12. cyanicollis (S. Midi).. 13. obiensis (Finsch) .... 14. beteroclitus (Hombr. 8f Jaeq.) 15. simplex (Meyer) 32. Prioniturus, Wagl 1. platimis (Temm.) .... 2. ilavicans, Cass. 3. discums (Vieill) 4. suluensis, Bias 5. mindorensis, Steere. 419,618 6. cyaneiceps, Sharpe .. 419 7. luconensis, Steere .... 420 < 33. Mascaiinus, Less . . 421 *mascarinus (Linn.) .. 421 34. Tanygnathufl, Wagl 422 1. gramineus (Gm.) 423 2. luconensis (Linn.).... 424 3. megalorkyncbus(Ito$£.) 426 4. affinis, Wall 428 5. subaffinis, Sclat 429 6. miilleri (Temm.) 430 7. everetti, Tweedd 432 8. burbidgei, Sharpe 432 ' 35. Palasornis, Fig. 433 1. eupatria (Linn.) 435 2. nipalensis, Hodgs 437 3. indoburmanica, Hume. 439 4. niagnirostris, Ball .. 440 5. wardi? E. Newt. .... 441 6. eques (Bodd.).. 442 7. torquata (Bodd.) .,.. 443 8. docilis (Vieill) 447 9. cyanocepbala (Linn.).. 448 10. rosa (Bodd.) 453 11. schisticeps, Hodgs. .. 456 Page 394 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 402 404 618 405 406 407 407 409 409 410 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 419 Mull) 389 I 12. finschi, Ilume 458 2. roratus (P. L. S Midi) 393 13. exsul, A. Newt 459 * Extinct. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. XVI Page 14. peristerodes, Viff. ... . 460 3. flosculus, Wall....... 521 15. caltbropse, Layard .. 461 j 4. exilis, Sehleg 521 16. derbvana, Fraser ... . 463 ! 5. chrysonotus, Sclat. .. 522 17. fasciata {Mull.) ...... 464 \ 6. regulus, Souance .... 523 18. alexandri (Linn.) .... 468 \ 7. pbilippensis (P. L. S. 19. caniceps, Blyth ...... 470 * Mull) . 524 20. modesta, Fraser...... 471 | 8. mindorensis, Steere. 526, 619 21. nicobarica, Gould ... . 472 | 9. siquijorensis, Steere .. 526 22. tytleri, JECume 474 i 10. indicus (Gm.)........ 526 23. longicauda (Bodd) .. 475 I 11. apicalis, Souance .... 528 36. Polytelis, Wagl 477 ; sp 530 1. barrabandi (Sw.) ... . 478 j 12. bonapartei, Souance. 530,619 2. alexandrae, Gould ... . 479 13. galgulus (Linn.) 531 3. meIanuraT( Viff.) 479 I 14. selateri, Wall. ' 533 37. Ptistes, Gould 481 I 15. quadricolor, Wold. .. 534 1. erythropterus (Gm.) .. 481 | 16. stigmatus (Mull. § 2. jonquillaceus (Vieill) . 483 Sehleg) 535 3. wetterensis, Salwd. .. 484 17. amabilis, Wall. ...... 536 38. Aprosmietus? Gould ... . 485 18. catamene, Sehleg 537 1. cyanopygius (Vieill).. 486 19. aurantiifrons, Sehleg. . 537 insignissimus, Gould .. 486 20. tener; Sclat 538 2. cbloropterus, Bams. .. 488 3. callopterus, I)1Alb. fy Subfam, PLATYCBBCIN^:. Salvad 489 45. Platycercus, Vig 540 4. amboinensis {Linn.) .. 489 i 1. elegans (Gm.) 541 5. buruensis, Salvad 490 mastersianus,i2«/wjf. .. 541 var. 6. dorsalis (Q. #iq 44. Loriculus, Blyth 515 1. vernaKs (Sparrm).... 517 49. Neopbeuia, Salvad. .... 569 2. pusillus, G. B. Gr. .. 520 1. bourkei (Mitch) 570 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Page 2. venusta (Temm.) .... 570 13. intermedius, Bchmo. .. 589 3. elegans (Goidd) 572 sp 589 4. chrysoprastra (Lath.) . . 573 14. malherbei, Souance .. 590 5. petropbila (Gould) .. 574 51. Nympbicus, Wagl, 590 6. pulchella (Shaw) 575 1. cornutus (Gm.) 591 7. splendida (Gould) . ... •57(3 2. uvseensis, JEJ. L. § E. Cyanorbampbus, Bp 577 L. C. Layard 592 hocbstetteri (Reisch.).. 577 52. Nanodes, Vig. § Horsf. .. 592 1. ulietanus (Gm.) 579 1. discolor (Shaic) 592 2. erytbronotus (Kuhl) .. 579 53. Melopsittacus, Gould ,... 594 3. unicolor (Vig.) 581 1. undulatus (Shaw) .... 594 4. novas zealandias 54. Pezoporus, Ulig 596 (Sparrm.) 581 1. formosus (Lath.) . .. 597 5. rowleyi (Bull.) (?).... 583 QD. GeopsittacuSj Gould .... 597 6. aucklandicus, Bp 584 1. occidentals, Gould .. 598 7. cooki (G. It. Gr.) 584 8. subflavescens, Salvad.,, 585 9. erythrotis (Wagl.) 586 Fain. STRING OPIDJE. 10. fcaisseti, Verr. # Bes jyzurs 580 1. String-ops, G. B. Gr 599 11. cyan urns, Salvad , 587 1. habroptilus, G. B. Gr,. 599 12. auriceps (Kuhl) , 587 2. greyi, G. B. Gr 601 CATALOGUE OF BIRDS. Order IV. PSITTACI. Feet permanently zygodactyle by reversion of the fourth toe, covered with rugose granular scales or plates ; bill short, extremely stout, strongly hooked or epignathous, and furnished with a cere (frequently feathered) as in the Birds of Prey. These are the two most obvious characters which distinguish the Parrots. Other important characters are the following:—Upper mandible movable, being articulated instead of suturally joined with the forehead; its lower surface often with transverse or oblique ridges, producing a file-like surface on the distal palatine portion. Tongue thick and fleshy, in some families peculiarly brushy or fringed. Orbital ring frequently complete by union of the lacrymal bones with postfrontal or postorbital process. Nasal septum extensively ossified. Palate desmognathous. I)orsal vertebrae opisthocoelous. Symphysis of lower jaw short and obtuse. Sternum generally fenestrated posteriorly. Furculum weak, sometimes defective or wanting. Lower larynx with three pairs of muscles. Feathers with aftershafts. Spinal feather-tract on the neck well defined by lateral bare tracts and forked on the upper back. Tail- feathers twelve, only in Oreopsittams fourteen. Oil-gland tufted, or wanting. 'No caeca, and gall-bladder generally wanting. Carotids, right and left both present and running deep in the vertebrarterial canal, or the right one deep and the left superficial, or only the left present (in Oitcatita), as usual in birds. VOL. XX. B TSlTTAei. Ambiens muscle present and normal, or present and incomplete, or wanting altogether. Deep plantar tendons galline. Eggs white. Young helpless, hatched naked, but covered with down before acquiring feathers. The affinities of the Parrots seem to be with the Owls and the Birds of Prey. The Parrots principally inhabit tropical countries ; but a few species extend as far as 40° or even 42° X. lat. and 5o° S. lat. Key to the Families, I, Hook of the bill underneath nearly smooth, or only with some very superficial longitudinal ridges? but with no distinct file- like surface. a. Bill longer than deep, much compressed; under mandible with the gonys nearly straight, or slanting in a gentle curve towards the tip (see figs. 1, 2, p. 3). a. Tongue fringed; culmen of the bill grooved along the middle 1. ^estoiid^ p. 4. V. Tongue furnished with a kind of brush; culmen of the bill smooth, not grooved along the middle 2, Loriidae, p. 23. b. Bill deeper than long, much swollen on the sides; under mandible with the gonys strongly curved and abruptly ascending towards the tip (see fig. 3, [p. 86. p, 3) ; tongue unrecorded 3. Cyclopslttacidse, II. Hook of the bill underneath with two lateral series of ridges, more or less transversal or oblique, producing a filelike surface (see figs. 4, 5, p. 3); tongue simple. a. Sternum complete. a'. Orbital ring complete, with a process bridging the temporal fossa; head [p. 101, always crested 4. Cacattiid®, V. Orbital ring mostly incomplete; if complete, without a process bridging the temporal fossa; head without a crest, except in the genus Nym- [p. 137. phicus 5. Bdttacidae, h. Sternum incomplete, having only a rudi- [p. 500. mentary keel; orbital ring complete . 6. Stringopidas, tSlTtACl. Fig. 1. Nestor notabilis. 2. Lorius lory. 3. Cyclopsittacus occiclentalis. 4. Tanygnathm affinis. 5. Bolbopsittacus lunulatm. v B2 XESTORIUJE. Family I. XESTORIDiE. Bill rather long, longer than deep ; cere partly covered with hairy feathers; tongue with a delicate fringe of hairs at the tip; tail-feathers with the shafts pointed and projecting beyond the webs; feathers soft, those at the base of the lower mandible projecting forward, and hairy; tarbiis rather long, like that of titringops; orbital ring incomplete. Only one genus, confined to the Xew Zealand subregion. (Cf. Gat-rod, P. Z. S. P72, pp. 787-780.) 1. NESTOB. 1} pe. Nestor (subgen.), Lets. Tr. d'Orn. p. 100 (lb31) .. X. niwi'l ouali-. Nestor, Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 505 (1832) X. meridional^. Centrourus, Stv. Class. B. ii. p. 303 (1837) X. meridional!*. Centrums, JStrichl Ann. fy Mag. K. S. vii. p. 34 (1841). Range, Xew Zealand subregion. Keg to the Species. A. Xo mellow band acrobs* the breast. a. Undei parts olive-brown, with no reel tinge whate^ er; bill very long but not much curved notabihs, p. 4. b. Abdomen and under tail-coverta tinged with red meridional^, p. 5. JB. A broad yellowiteh-white band across the breast. a. Bill not more than 2 inches long. a'. Larger; fore neck and upper breast hoary; wing 11*8 inches ".. essli/tgif p. 8. b\ Smaller j fore neck and upper breast light brown, with the feathers tinged with yellow; w ing 10*3 inches productus. p. 9. b. Bill extremely long (3*8 inches) and curved in a semicircle , jiorfoheasib. p. 10. 1. Nestor notabilis. Nestor notabilK Gould, P. Z. />'. L<"A p. i»4; id. B. Au-tr.Suppl pi. 60 (part iii.; 1850); G. P. Gr. JLkf Psitt. Brit. Mu<. p. 100 (1859); id. Ibis, 1802, p. 230; Haist. Verh. z.-b. Geaell. Wiea, 1863, p. 116; id. Ibis, 1864, p. 341; Gould, Eandb. B. Amir. ii. p. 554 (1865) ; Pelz. Verh. z.-b. Gesell Wien, 1867, p. 31S (note); Finsch, Journ. f. Orn. 1867, p. 322 ; id. Papag. ii. p. KW (1868); Eaast, Journ. f. Orn. 1868, p. 242, 1870, p. 331; Bull. Tr. 4- Pr. N. Zeal. Inst iii. p. 52 (1870); Putts, ibid. p. 86 (1870) ; G. P. Gr. Rand-list, ii. p. loS, no.' 8254 (1870); Hutf. Cat. B. New Zeal p. 20 (1X71): Mat P. Z. ti. Ib72. p. 7S»o ; 1, NESTOE. Fimch, Joum. f. Orn. 1872, p. 101; Bull. Birds N. Zeal p. 52, P. PP< 5* fe, jftrtfe, App. p. 24 (1875; ;x G&& Thestdm. it p. 701 (1875); jfcAwa?. Vogelbild. t. xviii. f. 4 (1878-83); 2& *7bwm. / . Orn. 1881, p. 22 {Consp. Psitt p. 22); Lorenz, Sitzb. Ah. Wissmsch Wien, Lxxxiv. p. 630, t. iii. (1881) ; Latoar, P. £. S. 1881, p. 626; Fimch, Ibis, 1882, p. 398; Sclat List Vert An. 8th eel. p. 338 (1883); Ibis, 1884, p. 471; Bias. Joum. f. Orn. 1884, p. 229; Bull. Birds y. Zeal. 2nd ed. i. p. 166, pi. xviii. (1888). Adult Dull olive-green, each, feather edged'with black; ear- coverts dusky; uropygium, under wing-coverts, and axillaries orange-red; quills dusky brown, the primaries with the outer web bluish, largely toothed on the inner web with bright lemon-yellow; secondaries greenish blue on their outer webs, toothed with orange- reel on their inner webs; tail bluish olive, crossed near the extremity by a broad band of blackish brown; tail-feathers toothed on their inner webs with bright lemon-yellow: iris black; bill greyish brown; feet yellowish olive. Total length 19 inches, wing 12*5, tail 7*5, bill 1*75, tarsus 1*5. Female. Similar to the male, but having the tints of the plumage duller, and the dusky marking of the feathers broader. Hab. South Island, New Zealand. a. Ad. si New Zealand. Gould Coll. b. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Gould Coll. c. Ad. sk. New Zealand. — Swinney [C], ac*-s^« d. e. S S Shedmorliek Peaks, S. Island. WellingtonMusJE.]. / . Skeleton. New Zealand. Dr. J. Haast [P.]. 2. Hestor meri&ionalis. Southern brown Parrot, Lath. Gen. Syn. i. p. 264, no. 70 (1781) j id. Gen. Hist ii. p. 211 (1822). Phittacus meridionals, Gm. S. K i. p. 333, n. 98 (1788) (ex Latham); Beehst Lath. Uebers. p. 90 (1811); Strickl. Ann. ty Mag. N. H. vii. p. 34 (1841). Psittaeus nestor, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 110, no. 85 (1790); Shaw, Gen. Zool viii. 2. p. 522 (1811); Vieill. K D. xxv. p. 317 (1817); id. Ene. Mith. iii. p. 1308 (1823); Kuhl, Consp. Psitt. pp. 12, 86 (1820); Steph. Gen. Zool xiv, 2, p. 107 (1826); Less. Compl de Buff. ix. Ois. p. 205(1837); id. 2nd ed. p. 605, pi. =-. f. 2 (1838); Bonrj. Perr. pi. 68 (1838-39). Pteittacus australis, Shaiv, Mm. Lever, i. p. 85, pi. — (1792). Nestor novae zelandise, Less. Tr. d'Om. p. 191 (1831). Psittaeus hvpopolius, Forst. MS.; id. Icon. ined. t. 50; id. Bescr. An. p. 72 (1844). Nestor hvpopolius, Wagl. Mm. Psitt pp. 505, 696 (1832); Goidd, Syn. B. Amir, pi. —. f. 2 (183- ?) ; Selb. Nat Libr., Parrots, p. 121, pi. 12 (1836); Hartl Syst Verz. Ges. Mm. p. 89 (1844); Rchb. Journ.f. Orn. 1853, p. 10; Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool 1854, p. 155, n. 250; id. Naumannia, 1850, Consp. Psitt n. 2G3; Souance, Rev. et Mag. de Zool 1856, p. 223 : G. R. Or. IM Psitt Brit. Mus. NESTOKID^. p. 99 (1859); Gould, B. Austr. Suppl pi. 58 (part iii., 1859); Baast, Journ. f. Orn. 1864, p. 462; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 548 (1865) ; Sclat. P. Z. S.1867, p. 473 ; Finsch, Journ. f. Orn. 1867, p. 322; Garrod, P. Z. S. 1872, pp. 787, 788, ff. 2,3 (tongue), 1873, pp. 4665 633; Sclat P. £. S. 1879. p. 300; ztf. List Vert An. 8th eel. p. 338 (1883). Centrourus australis, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 303 (1837). Nestor meridionalis G. R. Gr. App. JDieff. N. Zeal ii. p. 193 (1843); id. Voi/. Ereb. $ Terr. Birds, p. 9 (1844); Cass. U. St. Erpl Lvp.-p. 234(1858); Elhnan, Zool. 1861, p 7467: Baast, Ibi\ 1862, pp. 103, 104; G. R. Gr. Ibis, 1862, p. 229; Bayard, Ibi\ 1863, p. 241; Baast, Ibis, 1864, p. 345: Schley. Mus. P.-B, Psittaci, p. 156 (1864): Pelz. Terh. z.-b. Gesell Wien. vt ii. p. 318 (1867); Button, Ibis, 1867, p. 379; Finsch, Papag. ii. pp. 892, 961 (1868); Haast, Journ. f. Orn. 1868, p. 242 ; Finsch, ibid.; id. Ibis, 1869, p. 379 (partim ?); Button, Ibis, 1870, p. 394; Potts, Tr. fy Pr. N. Zeal. Inst. iii. p. 81, pi. vii. (nestinsr-places) (1870); G. R. Gr. Band-list, ii. p. 158, n. 82o2 (1870) ^ Finsch, Journ. f. Orn. 1870. p. 327, 1872, p. 98; Sand. Meth. not. av. disp. Tent. p. 72 (1872); Pelzeln, Ibis, 1873, p. 32 (Latham's type) ; Bull B. Neio Zeal p. 39, pi. —. f. poster. (1873) : Finsch, Journ.f. Orn. 1874, pp. 170, 179; Bowleg P. Z. S. 1874, p. 498 ; Garrod, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 587 ; Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 700 (syn. emend. ?) (1875); Rowley, Orn. Misc.^aH i. pi. 4 (albino) (1875); Sharpe, Voy. Ereb. $ Terr., Birds, App. p. 23 (1875) ; Bull Tr. # Pr N. Zed. Inst. ix. p. 340 (1876) ; Hector, P. Z. S. 1876, pp. 2, 3; Moseley, Nat. Chall p. 278 (1879); Rchiw. Togelbild. t. x\iii. f. 3 (1878-83); id. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 20 (Consp. Psitt. p. 20); Finsch, Ibis, 1882, pp. 393, 397, 398; Meyer, Vogel-Skelett. i. Taf. xxiii. (1882); Salvin, Cat. StricM. Coll p. 464 (1882) ; Pelz. # Lorenz, Ann. d. naturh. Bofmus. 1888, p. 40; Bull B. N. Zeal 2nd ed. i. p. 150, pi. x^ii. %. ant. and post, (var.) (1888); Sandager, Tr. S? Pr. N. Z. Inst. xxii. p. 288 (1890). Nestor australis, G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 426, n. 1 (1845) ; Bp. Consp. i. p. 8 (1850) ; Pelz. Novara Reise, Tog. p. 100 (1865). Nestor notabilis, Bp. (nee Gould), Naumannial 1856, Consp. Psitt. no. 262 (teste Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 900). Southern form (N. mo nt anus). Nestor montanus, Baast in litt; Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 961 (1868); Baast, Journ. f. Orn. 1868, p. 242; Bull apud Finsch, Journ. f. Orn. 1870, p.*328; G.R. Gr.Band-list, ii. p. 159, n. 8255(1870); Reisch. Tr. S> Pr. N. Z. List. xvii. p. 195 (1884). Nestor meridionalis, part., Finsch, Ibis, 1809, p. 379 ; id. Journ. /. Orn. 1870, p. 327, 1872, p. 98, 1874, p. 179. Nestor meridionalis, var. y, Bull B. Neio Zeal p. 42 (1873); id. B. Neio Zeal. 2nd ed. i. p. 153 (1888). Nestor occidentalis, Bector (nee Bulhr), fide Bull B. N. Zeal 2nd ed. i. p. 153 (1888). Nestor montana, Reisch. Tr. $ Pr. N. Z. List. xxi. p. 379 (Steward Island) (1889). South-western form (N. occidentalis). Nestor occidental^, Butter, Ibis, 1869, p. 40; G. R. Gr. Band-list, n. p. 59, n. 8256 (1870) ; Buller, Ibis, 1870, p. 457; Butt Cat 1. NESTOR. JV. Zeal. Birds, p. 20 (1871); Bull B. New Zeal p. 50 (1873); Finsch, Tr. $ Br. N. Zeal Inst v. p. 207 (1872); Bull ibid, p. 405 (1872); Huti, Ibis, 1874, p. 35 (=meridionalis); Butter, Ibis, 1874, p. 113 (=meridionalis); S/iarpe, Voy. JEreb. 8f Terr,, Birds, App. p. 24 (1875) j Bchmo. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 392 (Consp. Psitt. p. 227). ? Nestor meridionalis, Finsch (nee Gm. ?), Ibis, 1869, p. 379. Nestor meridionalis, var. /x, Bull B. New Zeal 2nd ed. i. p. 157 (1888). Nestor, sp. n., an occidental^, Beiseheh, Tr. § Br, N, Zeal, Inst, xvii. pp. 194,195(1884). Yellowish-red variety (N. superlms). Nestor esslingi Eaast {nee Souance), Verh, z,-b. Gesell Wien. 1863, p. 110; ^.1^,1864, p. 341. ' Nestor superbus, Bull Essay on the Om. of N. Zeal, p. 11 (1865); Taylor, Ann, § Mag. N. II. (3) xviii. p. 14 (1866); Finsch, Journ. f. Om. 1867, pp. 322, 344; id. Papag. ii. p. 902 (1868); Haast, Jotirn. f. Om. 1868, p. 243; Finsch, Journ. f. Om. 1870; p. 331; G. R. Gr, Sand-list, ii. p. 159, n. 8257 (1870); * Rowley, P. Z.S. 1874, p. 498; Gieb. Thes. Om. ii. p. 701 (1875); Rchno. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 20 (Consp. Psitt p. 20) ; id, Vogelbild., Nachtr. n. 2 (1883). Nestor meridionalis, var. a, Bull. B. Netv Zeal. p. 40 (1873); Kirk Tr. £ Pr. N. Zeal Inst. xvii. p. 62 (1884); Bull B. New Zeal, 2nd ed. i. p. 151 (1888). Nestor meridionalis, Kirk, Ibis, 1888, p. 45. Adult Upper surface olive-brown, each feather margined with dark brown; crown of the head and nape hoary, slightly tinged with bluish and with a narrow edging of brown to each feather; ear-coverts washed with golden yellow; feathers of the cheeks and front of the throat hoary, bordered with brown and washed with red at the base of the bill; below the nape an orange and dull reel band, each feather tipped with three semicircles—dull red, orange, and brown; uropyginm, upper tail-coverts, abdomen, and under tail-coverts dark red; breast-feathers hoary edged with brown; under wing-coverts red, sometimes washed with orange, and crossed with narrow dusky bands; quills toothed on their internal webs with pale red; tail above olive-brown, with an indistinct brown band near the tip; tail-feathers toothed on the inner webs with red : iris dark brown; bill dark bluish grey; feet bluish grey, soles of feet yellowish brown. Total length 18*5 inches, wing 11, tail 7, bill 1*6, tarsus 1-2. Youny. " The scarlet lining of the under surface of the wings is marked by numerous transverse bars of dusky brown, and towards the carpal edges the feathers are olivaceous brown, barred and margined with orpiment-orange ; the long soft feathers underlying the secondaries are dusky grey, with faint bars of scarlet ;^in seme examples the nuchal collar is very indistinct, being simply indicated by a tinge of yellow, while in others it is fully as conspicuous as in the adult." {Puller.) Hab. New Zealand. NEST0BHU3. The bird from South Island has been separated under the name of Nestor montmnis; it was distinguished as being larger and generally much brighter coloured than the bird from North Island. Sir W. Buller does not now recognize it as distinct. Owing to the Ttant of a good series of specimens, properly sesed and from reliable localities, I have not been able to make up my mind on the subject; for this reason I have kept the synonymy of the tw o forms separate. The bird from George Sound to Milford Sound, on the west coast of the South Island, has been separated under the name of Nestor occideatcdis; this form is only known from the two original specimens obtained by Dr. Hector. The characters by which thin form was distinguished from N. meridional Is are the smaller dimension^, the slender bill with the upper mandible produced to a finer point, and the absence of spots on the inner webs of the tail-feathers. The dimensions attributed to it are :—" Total length 16*5 inches, wing 10*5, tail 6, tarsus 1 ; bill, following curvature v "5, along edge of lower mandible 1*5 " (Bailer). Herr Keisehek, 3 advocates very strongly the distinction of the Sextos from the nds, says that while the male is fiery red under the wings, the ale is golden yellow. The validity of this species is now rejected Q by Sir "W. Buller; and not having myself seen a specimen of i form, I have referred it to N. meridionalis, although I have aypt the synonymy separate. Nestor superbus no doubt is a yellowish-red variety of N. meri dlonalis. a. Irani. (?) skb. Ad. sk. c~f. Ad. sk. New Zealand. New Zealand. New Zealand. Capt. Cook's Voyage. Parnplin Coll. Purchased. //, h. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Sir G. Grev TV. i, k Ad. sk. New Zealand. Dr. A. Sinclair, IJ.X. "P.". /, on. 6 $ ad. sk. n, o. Ad. sk. New Zealand. Capt."Stokes rP.". Gould Coll. p. Ad. sk. q. Ad. sk. r. Young sk. Skeleti .or. New Zealand. Dunedin, South Island. South Island, N. Zealand. Tweeddale Coll. Hume Coll. Sir "W. Buller "P.". 3. Nestor esslingi. Nestor novae zelandise, Bp. (nee Less.), Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 155, n. 251 (sine descr.). Nestor esslingi, Souance, Bev. et Mag. de Zool 1856. p. 22$; Bp. Naumannia, 185G, Consp. Bsiti. n. 204; Goidd, B. Austr. Suppi. pi. 59 (part iii., 1859); G. It. Gr. List Psltt. Brit Mm. p. 100 (1869); id. Ibis, 1862, p. 230; Gould, Handb. B. Avstr. ii. p. 552 (1865) ; Finsch, Journ. f. Orn. 1807, p. 322 ; id. Bapaq. ii. p. 896 (1868); 67. JR. Gr. Band-list, ii. p. 158, n. 8253 (1870); Finsch, Journ. f. Orn. 1870, p. 331; Bull. Tr. # Br. N. Zeal. Inst. hi. p. 49 (1870); Butt. Cat B. Neiv Zeal. p. 20 (1871); 1. ffESTOB. Finsch, Tr. # Pr. N. Zeal. Inst v. p. 207 (1872); Rowley, P. Z.S. 1874, p. 498 j Rchmo. Vogelbild. t. xviii. f. 5 (1878-83); id. Joum. f O a 1881, p. 21 (Consp. Psitt. p. 21). Ne&tor meridionalis, vai\, i?w//er, Tr. & P;\ IY. £m/. Z^f. iii. p, 51 (1870;. x Nestor meridionalis, part., Finsch, Journ.f. Orn. 1872, p. 98. Nestor meridionalis, var. ft Bull. B. New Zeal. p. 41 (1873); id. cp. cit. 2nd ed. i. p. 152 (1888). Type. Very much like T. meridionalis, from which it differs principally in having a broad yellowish-white band between the grey upper breast and the dull red abdomen; besides, the ear-coverts behind are of a bright golden yellow, the cheeks below bright red, and the tail-feathers towards the base of the inner web do not show the spots, which more or less are always present in A7", meridionalis. Total length 18 inches, wing 11-8, tail 6'5, bill 2-1, tarsus 1*2. Hah. Unknown. This bird is intermediate between N. meridionalis and< 1 actus; it resembles the first in the dimensions and in the upper parts, and the second in the underparts, especially on account of the broad yellowibh-white band across the breast. Although considered by Sir "W. Bullcr as an individual variety of N. meridionalis. I feel inclined to agree v* itli Gould and Finsch in regarding it as a distinct specie*. a. Ad. sk. Ma&sena Poll. (Type of species.) 4. Hestor productus. Wilson's Parrakeet, Lath. Gen. ffiht ii. p. 170 (1822), Plyctolophus productus, Gould, P. Z. S. 1836, p. 19. Nestor productus, Gould, Sgn. Austr. B. and adj. Isl. pt. i. pi. —. f. 1 (183—?); Bourjot, Pen. pi. 69 (1837-38); Gould, B. Austr. v. pi. 6 (part v., 1841); G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 426, n. 2 (1845) • Rchnb. fog. NeuJioll. n. 187 (1850); Bp. Consp. i. p. 8 (1850); Rchnb. Journ.f. Orn. 1853, p. 10; Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 155, n. 252; Soaance, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 224; Sclat Pr. Linn. Soe. 1858, p. 132; G'. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 100 (1859); Sclat. Journ.f. Om. 1860, p. 34; Pelz. Verh. 7c. Ah Wissensch. Wien, xli. pp. 322-325, Taf. —. ff. 2, 3 (head), 4, 5 (tongue) (1860); Schleg. Joum. f. Om. 1861, p. 377; G. R. Gr. Ibis, 1862, p. 230 (syn. emend.); Schleg. JDierent. p. 84 (with figure) (1864) ; id. Mus. P.-B., Psitt. p. 157 (1864); Gould, Eandb. B. Austr. ii. p. 550 (1865) ; Finsch, Joum. /. Om. 1867, p. 322 ; Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 888 (1868) ; Newt. Ibh, 1869, p. 323; Seh/s-Longch. Ibis, 1870, p. 450 (Mus. of Florence) ; G. R. Gr. 1 Ka vQ Hand-l*'"' ~ " H^TA\ . T>MI*7<», T> 7. ,. body; bill orange-red il PTILOSCLERA, S. First primary equal or a little longer than the second and the third; predominant colour green; bill black; dimensions rather [p. 67. small, 10. GLOSSOPSITTACTTS, /"'. Tail-feathers green, with the tips [p. 72. yellow or red 11. HYPOCHAR^IOSYNA, d". Predominant colour on the head. neck; and lower parts red. g'". The two middle tail-feathers not much longer than the lateral ones j the primaries not abruptly [p. 79. attenuated towards the tips 12. CEARMOSYNOPSIS, ti". The two middle tail-feathers generally much longer than the lateral ones, and very narrow towards the tip ; the primaries, especially the first 4 or 5, abruptly attenuated [p. 81. towards the tips ..." 13. CHARMORYXA, II. Tail-feathers 14 ; point of the maxilla very j>. 84. long and thin; bill black \ 14. OREOPSITTACUS, 1. CHALCOPSITTACUS. Type. Ohalcopsitta, Bp. Consj). Gen. Av. i. p. 3 (1849) .... C. ater. Chalcopsittacus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. ix. p. 15 (187(3) (nomen emend.). Range. Papuan Islands. Key to the Species. . No green colour whatever. a. Black, more or less purple. a'. Abdomen like the breast black. 1. CHALCOP&ITTACtrs. a". Quills with no red on the inner web. a'". TibiaB black ater, p. 13. b"'. Tibiae dark red bernsteini, p. H. b". Quills with the base of the inner web red. insignis, p. 15. b'. AJbdomen red stawrini, p. 15. b. Olive-brown; forehead, a band from the lores encircling the throat, tibiae, and under wing- coverts orange-yellow dnyvenbodei, p. 10. Green, with green and yellow streaks along the shaft of the feathers; forehead (in the adult bird) and tibias red. c'. Under wing-coverts and axillaries red; feathers of the hind neck with the shaft- streaks mostly orange-yellow scintillatus, p. 10. d'. Under wing-covert* and axillaries mostly green and' red, sometimes entirely green; feathers of the hind neck with the shaft- streaks mostly green chlorapterus, p. 17. 1. Chalcopsittacus ater. Le Lori noir de la Nouvelle Guinee, Sonner. Voy, a la Nouv. Guin. p. 175, pi. 110 (1776). Black Lorv, Lath. Syn. i. p. 221, n. 23 (1781) ; id. Gen. Hist ii. p. 139 (1822). Psittacus ater, Scop. Del. Flor. etFaun. 2nsubr. ii. p. 87, n. 29 (178G) (ex Sonner at). Psittacus novas guinea?, Girt. S. N. i. p 319, n. 63 (1788) (ex Sonnerat); Lath. 2nd. Orn. i. p. 91, n. 27 (1790); Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. 2, p. 451 (1^11); BechsL Kurze Uebers. p. 71 (1811); VieilL N. 2). xxv. p. 335 (1817); Kuhl, Consp. Petit, p. 42 (1820); VieilL Mac. Meth. p. 1379, pi. 222. f. 3 (1828); Beam. Bid. So. Nat. xxxix. p. 61 (1826) ; Voigt, Cuv. Uebers. p. 335 (1831); S. Midi. Verh. Land-en Volkerik. p. 107 (1839-1844). Le Lori noir, Levaill. Perr. pi. 49; Less. Compl. de Buff., Ois. 2nd ed. p. 605 (1838). Lorius novas guineas, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 132 (1826). Platycercus novas guineas, Waijl. Mon. Psitt p. 534 (1832). Platycercus ater, G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 408, u. 23 (1846). Chalcopsitta novae guineas, Bp. Consp. Ax. i. p. 3 (1849); id. P. Z. S. 1850, p. 26; id. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 156, &p. 290; id. Naumanma, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 304; G, R. Gr. P. Z.S. 1858, p. 194: id. P. Z.S. 1861, p. 436; Rosenb. Joum. f. Orn. 1862, pp. 63, 67; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. 2nd. xxv. p. 142 (1863). Chalcopsitta atra, Sclat Joum. Pr. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 165, sp. 110 (1858); id. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 227 ; G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 436; Rosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. 2nd. xxv. p. 224, sp. 9 (1863); id. Joum. f. Om. '1864, p. 113, sp. 9; Wall. P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 289, 294; G. R. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, sp. 8191 (1870); Salmd. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 760 (1875) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 73 (1889). Eos ater, G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 53 (1859); id. P. Z. & I860, p. 357. Eos atra, G. R. Gr. Cat. B. New Guin. pp. 40, 59 (1859); Wall Ibis, 1861, p. 291; Schleg. Bierent. p. 08 (1864). Lorius ater, Schleg. Mus. P.-B., i-Vittaci, p. 129 (1864) ; Finsch, Neu~ 14 LOKIID.E. Gum. p. 158 (1865); Schleg. Mw. P.-B., Psittaci, Revue, p. 59 (1874); Gleb. Thes. Om. ii. p. 500 (1875). Do micella atra, Finsch, Papwj. ii. p. 755 (1863); id, P. Z. 8. I860, p. 157; Meyer, Sitzb. k Ah. Wissensch. Wien, kx. p. 237 (1874); id. Sitzb, Isit, Drescl. 1875, p. 78; Rchmo. Joum. f. Or a. 1881, n. 165 {Consp. Psitf. p. 101). (Salwatty, Mysol); Salvad. Ibis, 18^6, p. 155 ; id. Mem. R. Ac. 8c. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 170 (1839). Adult. Black, with a slight tinge of purple ; head black ; uropygium, upper and under tail-coverts dark purple-blue : tail above greyish purple, towards the tip greyish olive, underneath dark red towards the base, golden olive at the tip : bill, cere, and feet black ; iris maroon with an inner ring white. Total length 13*50 inches. wing 7*5, tail 5*3, bill 1*05, tarsus 0*85. Eab. Western New Guinea, from Dorei-Hum and Has {Becmri) to Sorong; Salwatty, Batanta; perhaps also Waigiou. a9 b, c. Ad. sk. New Griiinea. A. It. Wallace Coll. d. <$ ad. sk. New Guinea (Dr. A. B. Meyer). Gould Coll. var. e. Ad. sk. New Guinea. Tweeddale Coll. / . Ad. sk. Sorong, New Guinea. Tweeddale Coll. g. Ad. sk. Salwatty. A. R. Wallace Coll. 2. Chalcopsittacus "bernsteiiiL Chalcopbitta novae guineas (part.), G. R. Gr. P. Z. 8. Ib58, p. 194; id. P. Z. 8. 1861, p. 4:16; Rosenb. Joum. f. Om. 1862, pp. 03, 07; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxy. p. 142 (lb63). Chalcopsitta'atra (part.), Soled. P. Z. 8. 1KJ0, p. 227; G. R. Gr, P. Z. 8.1861, p. 436 ; Rosenb. Nat Tijdschr. Ned, Lid. xxv. p. 224; id. Joum. f. Om. 1864, p. 113; Wall. P. Z. 8. 1864, p. 2^1: G. R. Gr! Hand-list, ii. p. 153, u. 8191 (1870); Salmd. Ana. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 760 (1875). Chalcopsitta bernsteinii, Rose?ib. Joum. f. Or a. 1861, p. 46 (Mysol). Lorius ater (part.), Schleg. Mus. P.-B.\ Psdttaci, p. 129 (1864); id. Mus. P.-B,, Psittaci, Revue, p. 59 ("1874). Domicella atra (part.), Finsch, Papag. ii. p Too (l^%). Chalcopsittacus ater (part.J, Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. x. p. 34, no. 73(1877); id. Om. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 269 (1880); Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 622 (Mysol); Salvad. Ibis, 1886, p. 155 ; id. Mem. R. Ac. 8c. Tor. (2) xl. p. 170 (1889). Adult. Similar to the adult of G. ater. but it differs in having the tibise dark red, and the edge of the forehead usually tinged with the same colour. Hob. Mysol. a, b, c. 6 ad.; Mysol. Wallace Coll. d. Juv. sk. e. Ad. sk. Mysol (.4. R. Wallace). Gould Coll. / . My-ol(.4. R, Wallace), Purchased. #. Ad. sk. Kebim, Mysol. Purchased. 1 . CHALCOPSITTACTTS. 15 8. Chaleopsittacus insignis. Ciialcopsitta insignis, Oust. Assoc. Sc. de France, Bull, no. 538, p. 247 (1878; j Salvad. Atti B. Ac. 8c. Tor. xiii. p. 812 (note) (1878). Ciialcopsittacus bruijnii, Salvad. Atti B. Ac. Sc. Tor. xiii. p. 310 (1878); id. Ibis, 1879, p. 105. Chaleopsittacus insignis, Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol, i. p. 272 (1880) ; id.Mem.^ B. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 171 (1889). Domicella insignis, JRchnw. Journ.f. Orn. 1881, p. 165 (Co?isp. Psitt. p. 101); id. Togelbikl, Nachtr. 39 (1883). Adult. Purple-black; pileum darker, nearly black; forehead and cbeeks tinged with red; concealed part of the feathers of the neck and of the breast red; tibiae red; uropygium dark blue; scapulars purple-brown; the edge of the wing and the under wing-coverts red ; quills with the base of the inner web red; tail above violet, with the base brown, and towards the tip greyish, beneath purple- red, towards the tip golden olive-yellow : bill, cere, naked skin of the chin, and feet black. Total length 11 inches, wing 7, tail 4*87, bill 0-94, tarsus 0-78. Hah. Amberpon Island, Geelvink Bay. • 4. Chaleopsittacus stavorini. Ptoittacus stavorini, Less. Toy. Coq., Zool. i. p. 355 (1826), p. 628 (1828); Desm. Did. Sc. Nat. xxxix. p. 60 (1826) j Salvad. Ibis, 1879, p. 100. Eclectus paragua, part., G. B. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 418, n. 3 (1845). Stavorinius paragnanus, part., Bp. Consp. Av. i. p. 4 (1849). Stavorinus paragua, Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 259. Psittacodis stavorini, Sclat. Jburn. Pr. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 165, n. 114 (1858); id. P. Z.S. 1860, p. 227; Bosenb. Journ. f. Orn. 1862, p. 63; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. pp. 143, 226 (1863) j Bernst Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxvii. p. 296 (1864); Bosenb. Journ.f. Orn. 1864, p. 115, sp. 23. Eclectus paraguanus, G. B. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 67 (1859); id. Cat. B. New Gain, pp. 40, 59 (1859). Eclectus stavorini, Wall. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 286; Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 76 (1875). Lorius stavorini, Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (1865). Domicella stavorini, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 758 (1868); Bchnw. Joum. f. Orn. 1881, p. 165 (Consp. Psitt. p. 101). Psittacodis stavorinus, G. B. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 154, sp. 8197 (1870). Chalcopsittacus stavorini, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 34, no. 74 (1S77) ; id. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 273 (1880); id. Mem. B. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 11 (1889). Gaining black; abdomen red; size of Lorius lory. Hah. "Waigiou. ISio specimen of this species exists in any museum; there is some probability that it was described from memory, as the typical specimen was lost. I have entertained some suspicion as to its hfins: identical with P. insir/im, Oust, 16 LORIIDJE. 5. Chalcopsittacus duyvenbodei. Chalcopsittacus duyvenbodei, Dubois, Bull. Mus. Roy. dJKist. Nat. Belq. iii. p. 113, pi. v. (1884) ; Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. So. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 170 (1889). Adult. Dark brown-olive; forehead, a band starting from the lores, and encircling the naked skin of the cheeks and throat orange- yellow, like the smaller wing-coverts near the bend of the wing, the tibiae, the under wing-coverts, and the inner webs of the quills towards the base ; vertex and occiput dusky olive-brown ; nape and sides of the neck covered with narrow and long feathers, ochre- yellow along the middle ; lower back, rump, and under tail-coverts violet-blue ; ear-coverts, hind part of the cheeks, lower part of the throat, and the whole breast olive-brown, the feathers of the breast yellowish on the edges, and with the hidden part yellow; primaries and their coverts black ; tail dull purple, the feathers with an olive tinge on their edges, underneath golden-olive : bill, cere, naked skin round the eyes, and on the throat and feet black. Total length about 12 inches, wing 7, tail 5*3, bill 0*95, tarsus 0*78. (Rothschild Coll) Hob. New Guinea (Duyvenhode). Only two specimens are known, the type in the Museum of Brussels, received from Mr. Duyvenbode, and the one in the Jtothschild Collection. 6. Ohalcopsittacus scintillates. Amber Parrot, Lath. Syn. i. Suppl. p. 65, n. 144 (1787) ; id. Gen. Hist, ii. p. 252 (1822). Psittacus batavensis (!), Lath, {nee Waql), Ind. Orn. i. pp. 120,128 (1790); BecJist Kurze Uebers. p. 101 (1811); Vieill. N. D. xxv. p. S7o (1817); Kuhl, Consp. Psitt. p. 99 (1820); TieilL Enc. Meth. p. 1406 (1823). Psittacus scintillatus, Temm. PL Col. 569 (juv.) (1835) (tvpe examined) ; id. Tall. Meth. p. 61 (1889). Lorius scintillatus, Bourj. Perr. pi. 51 (1837-38); Hombr. et Jacq. Ann. tic. Nat. xvi. p. 317 (1841); Schleq. yius. P.-B., Psittaei, p. 122 (1864); Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (1865); Schleg. MM. P.-B., Psittaei, Revue, p. 56 (1874) ; Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 502 (1875); Rosenb. Malay. Arch. p. 371 (1879). ^ Psittacus scintillans, S. Mull. Verh. Land-en Volheak. pp. 22,127 (1839-44). Eos scintillate, G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 417, n. 10 (1845); id. Cat B. New Gum. pp. 39, 59 (1859). Ohalcopsitta scintillata, Bp. Consjx Av. i. p. 3 (1849); id. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 156, n. 291; id. Naumamiiaf 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 305; G. R. Gr. P.Z.8. 1858, p. 194, 1861, p. 430; Rosenb. Journ. f. Orn. 1862, pp. 64, 65; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Lid. xxv. pp. 144,145, 225 (1863); id. Journ. f. Ora.'l864, p. 113, sp. 11; Wall. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 289 ; G. R. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, sp. 8192 (1870); Sclat. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 862 ; Garrod, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 692; Sclat. List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 319 (1883) : Tristr. 'V Col J B. p. 73 (1889). 1 . CHALGOPSITTACTJS. 17 Chalcopsitta scintillans, Bp. P. Z. S. 1850, p. 26; Salat Joum. Pr. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 165, sp. Il l (1858) ; id. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 227. Chalcopsitta rubrifrons, G. E. Gr. P. Z. S. 1858, pp. 182,194, pi. 135 (<$ fig. opt.); Sclat. Ibis. 1859, p. 102 (note): G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. • 3861, p. 486. Eos scintillatus, G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 53 (1859). Eos rubrifrons, G. E. Gr. List Psitt Brit Mm. p. 53 (1859); id. Cat. B. New Guin. pp. 39, 59 (1859); Eosenb. Journ.f. Orn. 1864, p. 114, sp. 15; id. Reis naar Zuidoostereil p. 48 (1867). Domicella scintillata, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 752 (1868); Meyer, Sitzb. k. Ah. Wissensck. Wien, Ixx. p. 238 (1874) ; id. Sitzb. Isis Dresd. 1875, p. 78; id. Ibis, 1875, p. 147; Sharpe, Joum. Pr. Linn. Soc, Zool xiii. p. 80 (1878); Rchnio. Journ.f. Orn. 1881, p. 166 (syn. emend.) (Consp. Psitt p. 102); id. Voaelbild. t. xxxi. f. 2 (1878-83). Chalcopsittacus scintillatus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 34, n. 75 (1877); id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 93; D'Alb. et Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. xiv. p. 37 (1879); Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 274 (partim) (1880); id. Voy. Chall, Birds, p. 75 (1881); Sharpe, Goulds B. New Guin. pt. xiv. pi. 2 (1883); Meyer, Zeitschr. f. ges. Orn. i. p. 274 (1884); Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 622 (Am Isl.); Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 171 (1889). Adult. Green, bind neck, upper hack, breast, and abdomen streaked down tbe shafts with yellow ; sinciput, lores, and upper cheeks red ; vertex, occiput, sides of the head and chin black; throat and sides of the breast stained with red ; lower back and rump bright green, with a blue tinge; breast dark green, with orange-yellow shaft- streaks ; tibiae and under wing-coverts red; under tail-coverts green; quills underneath dusky, with a well-defined yellow area towards the base; tail-feathers green above, red for the basal half of the Inner web; the apical part of the tail-feathers underneath yellowish olive: bill, cere, and feet black; iris orange-yellow. Total length 11*8 inches, wing 7% tail 4*5, bill 0-9, tarsus 0-85. Young. The head is entirely dark chestnut, with no red on the forehead. Hab. "Western New Guinea, meeting with O. chloropterus along the Ply River; Aru Islands. a,b: $ $ ad. sk. Aru Islands. Wallace Coll (Types of Chalcopsitta rubrifrons, G. R. Gr.) c. tS ad. sk. Aru Islands. Wallace Coll. d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. Aru Islands {A, R. Wallace). Aru Islands. Purchased. Gould Coll. /, g-d ad. sk. ti,i. Ad. sk. Wokan, Aru Islands. Aru Islands. ' Challenger' Exped. Tweeddale Coll. h. Ad. sk. New Guinea. Wallace Coll. I J ad. sk. New Guinea. Tweeddale Coll. m. Ad. sk. Doktur, N.W. New Guinea. Purchased. 7. Chalcopsittacus chloropterus. Chalcopsittacus chloropterus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. ix. p. 15 (1876) (Hall Bay), x. p. 34, n. 76 (1877); ID'Alb. Sydn.Mail, 1877, p. 248; id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xt p. 8 (1877); Salvad. ibid, (note) c VOL. XX. o 18 L0RIID-3E. (1877); DAlb. Ibis, 1877, p. 366 ; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. X.S. W. iii. p. 106 (1878), iv. p. 96 (Port Moresby) (1879); Finsck u. Meyer, Zeitschr. f. yes. Om. 1886, p. 8; Sahad. Mem. R. AC. Se. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 171 (1889). Eos scintillata, D'Alb. (nee Temm.), Sydn. Mail, 1877, p. 248; id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 8 (1877). Clialcopsittacus scintillatus, cVAlb. (nee Temm.), Ami. Mus. Civ. Gen, x. p. 19 (1877); Skarpe, Journ. Pr. Linn. Soc., Zool xiv. p. 686 (1879) j Salvad. Om. Pap. e Mol i. p. 274 (partim) (1880), iii. p. 519(1882). Clialcopsittacus scintillans, Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soe. JST. S. W. in.. p. 106 (1878) (Hall Sound, Kaiau). Chaleopsitta chloropteras, Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. iii. p. 254 (1878-79). Doniieella scintillata, part., Rchnw. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 160 (Consp. Pdtt. p. 102). Adult. Very similar to C. scintillatus, from which it differs in the under wing-coverts being ordinarily green mingled with red, sometimes entirely green; besides, the hind-neck feathers are generally more green, and the yellow area on the quills beneath is not so well defined. Hab. S.E. Few Guinea and the Ely-Eiver region. Along the Ely River the two forms C. scintillatus and C. cliloro pterus meet. a. Ad. sk. b. Ad. sk. c. Ad. sk. d-y. Ad. sk. Port Moresby. Port Moresby. Port Moresby. S.E. New Guinea (A. Goldie). K. Broadbent ^C.1 . Rev. S. Macfarlane [C.]. Gould Coll. Purchased. 2 E0S --TJT, Eos, Wayl. Mon. Psitt. p. 494 (1832) ,. E. histrlo. Range. Moluccas, Sanghir Islands, Papuan Islands, Tenimber Islands, Solomon Islands and Puynipet of the Caroline Islands. Key to the Species. I. Red; uropygium also red. a. Tail above black; middle tail-feathers entirely black, the lateral ones with the inner web red. a'. Upper wing-coverts black j interscapular region red cyanogenys, p. 19. V. Upper wing-coverts red; hind neck and inter^ scapular region with blue shaft-streaks .. reticulata, p. 20. b. Tail above dark purple; the lateral tail-feathers with the inner web red; interscapular region and nape blue, c'. Larger; the upper part of the breast entirely blue; wing &6 inches, tail 5*3 Mstrio, p. 21. d'. Smaller; the upper part of the breast red, mixed with blue j wing C inches, tail 4 .. eliaUengert, p. 22. 2 . EOS. 19 c. Tail above dull red. e'. No violet collar. a". Almost entirely red; only the wing- coverts along the edge of the wing edged with bluish purple .., cardinalis, p. 22, b". Red ; the scapulars mostly blue. a'". Whole of the face red rubra, p. 23. b'". A blue band through the subocular region ". semilarvata, p. 25. f. A purple collar round the neck. c". Head red; no red spot on the occiput in the adult bird wallacei, p. 2(1 d". Head red; a purple spot on the occiput. insularis, p. 27. e". Hind neck and occiput purple like the collar riciniata, p. 28. d. Tail above olive, yellowish towards the tip; red colour all over the body, except tail and quills, very dark rubiginosa, p. 29. II. Dusky, mingled with red or yellow; uropygium whitish grey, more or less tinged with sulphur- yellow fwcata, p. 30. 1. Eos cyanogenys. Eos cyanogonia, Bp. Consp. i. p. 4 (1850); id, Compt. Mend. xxx. p. 185 (1850); id. P. Z. 8. 1850, p. 27, pi. xiv.; id. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 156, sp. 287; id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 301; Mat. Ibis, 1859, p. 2JJL; G. P. Or. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 51 (1859); id. P. Z. 8. 1859, p. 158; Sclat. P. Z. 8. 1800, p. 227; G. P. Or. P. Z. 8. 1860, p. 357; Rosenb. Journ. f. Om. 1862, p. 65; id, Journ. f. Om. 1864, p. 114, n. 13; Wall. P. Z. 8. 1864, pp. 290, 295; 8c£leg. Dierent. p. G8 (1864); Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 395 ; G. P. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 154, sp. 8200 (1870). Lorius cyanogenia, SchUg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 128 (1864); id. Mus. P~B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 58 (1874); Gieb. Thn. Om. ii. p. 500 (1875); Rosenb. Peist. mar Geelvinkb. pp. 36, 47 (1875). Lorius cyanogenius, Finsch, New-Gum. p. 157 (1865). Domicella cyanogenys, Finsch, Pajpaq. ii. p. 796 (1868); Meyer, Sitzb. h. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. pp. 234, 235 (1874) ; id. Ms, 1875, p. 147; id. Sitzb. Isis Dresd. 1875, p. 78; Pchmo. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 167 (Consp. Psitt. p. 103); id, Vogelbild. t. xxxi. f. 6 (1878-83). Eos cyanogenys, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 33, n. 65 (1877); id. P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 86; id. Om. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 24(5 (1880); id. Mem. R. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 168 (1889); Meyer, Vogel- Skelett t. xlvi. (1879-89). Adult. Bed, with, a purple gloss ; ear-coverts and feathers round the eyes purple-blue : upper wing-coverts, scapulars, outer web and tip of the quills, two middle tail-feathers, and outer web of the lateral ones black: a black spot on the flanks above the thighs; the primaries have the inner web, near the black tip, yellow ; inner web of the lateral tail-feathers red ; bill orange-red; feet black ; iris red. Total length 11*5 inches, wing 6-3, tail 4-2, bill 0-85, tarsus 0'7. e2 20 LOKIID^E. Young. Crown, neck, lower back, and underparts red with purple- black irregular cross lines. Hab. Mafor Island, Pulo Manin, and Mysore Island in Geelvink Bay. a. Ad. st. b. $ ad. st. c. Ad. sk. No locality. No locality. Mafor Island. Zoological Society. Zoological Society. Gould Ooll. d. Ad. sk. e. $ juv. sk. [Wrongly labelled] New Guinea. Mafor Island. Tweeddale Coll. Wallace Coll. 2. Eos reticulata. Blue-necked Lory, Lath. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 136 (1822). Lorius borneus (!), Less, (nee Steph.) Tr. d'Orn. p. 192 (1831); id. Compl. de Buff., Ois. 2nd ed. p. 606 (1838) ; Saluad. Cat Ucc. di Borneo, p 27 (note) (1874). Psittacus reticulatus, S. Mull. Verh. Land-en Volkenk. pp. 107, 108 (1839-1844) (type examined); Wiegm. Arch. f. Naiurg. 1842, ii. p. 29 ; G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 421, n. 24 (1846). Eos cyanostriata, G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 417, n. 9, pi. 103 (1845); Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. B. p. 11 (1849); Bp. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 29 ; Hartl. Journ. f. Orn. 1854, p. Ixiii; Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 156, n. 288; id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. p. 303 ; Sclat. P. Z. S. I860, p. 226; Wall Ibis, 1861, p. 311; id. P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 290, 295. Eos bornea, Souance, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 226 ; G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 52 (1859). Psittacus cyanostictus, Schleg. Sandl. i. p. 184 (1857). Eos reticulata, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 226; Wall. Ibis, 1861, p. 311; Rosenb. Journ. f. Orn. 1862, p. 61; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. 2nd. xxv. pp. 140, 141 (1863); Schleg. Dierent p. 68 (1864); Sclat. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 62; Garrod, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 692 ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 33, n. 65 (1877); id. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 245 (1880); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 73 (1889); Meyer, Verh. z.-b. Gesellsch. Wien, 1881, p. 771 (Babbar); Sharpe, Gould?$ B. New Guin. pt. xv. pi. 2 (1883) ; Sclat P. Z. S. 1883, pp. 51, 58,194, 200; id. List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 318 (1883); Meyer, Sitzb. u. Abh. Gesellsch. Isis, 1884, Abh. i. p. 15 ; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1884, p. 421 ; Meyer, Zeitschr. f. ges. Orn. i. p. 196 (1884); Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. So. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 168 (1889). Eos sp. (ex Ins. Tenimber), Rosenb. Journ. f. Orn. 1862, p. 65. Psittacus (Eos) guttatus, Rosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 145 (1863). Lorius reticulatus, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 128 (1862); Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 157 (1865); Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 58 (1874); Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 501 (1875) ; Buttik. Notes Leyd. Mus. viii. p; 62 (1886). Domicella reticulata, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 797 (1868) ; Rcfomu. Journ, f. Orn. 1881, p. 168 (Consp. Psitt p. 104) : id. Vogelbild., Nachtr. 40 (1883). Eos reticulatus, G. R. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 154, sp. 8203 (1870). Adult. Bed; underparts mottled with darker red; ear-coverts blue; hind neck and interscapular region "with bright blue shaft- streaks ; uropygium and upper tail-coverts with dull purple shaft- streaks ; smaller and median wing-coverts red with the hidden base 2 . EOS. 21 black; greater wing-coverts black, with, the tips red; primaries black, with the base of the inner web red; secondaries red, with the tip black; scapulars black, outwardly edged with red ; taii above black, with a slight tinge of purple ; inner web of the lateral tail- feathers red: tail underneath red ; the outer web of the lateral tail- feathers golden-olive : " bill scarlet with the tip orange; cere, naked skin round the eyes, and feet black; iris rich brown " (Forbes). Total length 11*5 inches, wing 6*3, tail $-2, bill 0*8, tarsus 0*7. Hah. Tenimber Islands. a, b. Ad. st. Timor-laut. Capt. W. Chambers [P,], (Types of JSos cyanostriata, Gray.) c. Ad. st. Timor-laut ? Zoological Society. d. Ad. sk. Tenimber Isl. Wallace Coll. e. Ad. sk.. Timor-laut. Wallace Coll. / . d ad. sk. Larat, Timor-laut. H. 0. Forbes [0.]. g. S ad. sk. Larat, Timor-laut (H. 0. Tweeddale Coll. Forbes). h. 2 ad. sk. Maroe, Tenimber Isl. H. 0. Forbes [0.]. i\ ? ad. sk. Maroe, Tenimber Isl. {H. Tweeddale Coll. 0. Forbes). 3. Eos histrio. Psittaca indica coccinea, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 376, pi. xxv. f. 2 (1760). Perruche des Indes Orientales, D'Aubent. PL Enl 143 (17-?). Psittacus histrio, Mull. S. N. Suppl. p. 76 (1776); Cass. Pr. Ac. Philad. 1864, p. 239. Lori Perruche violet et rouge, Buff. Hist Nat Ois. vi. p. 138 (1779); Levaill. Pen: pi. 53 (1801-1805). Indian Lori, Lath. Syn. i. p. 217, n. 19 (1781) ; id. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 128 (1822). Psittacus indicus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 318, n. 58 (1788); Bechst. Kurze Ueb. p. 69 (1811) ; Vieill Erie. Meth. iii. p. 1383 (1823). Psittacus coccineus, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 89, n. 22 (1790) ; Shaw, Nat. 737 (1789-1813); Bechst. Kurze Ueb. p. 69 (1811); Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. 2, p. 461, pi. 68 (1811); Kuhl, Consp. Psitt. p. 42 (1820) j Mull, et Schley. Verh. Land-en Volhenh. p. 182 (1839-1844) ; Buss, Papag. p. 760 (1881). Indian Loii, var. A, Lath. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 128 (1822). Lorius coccineus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 2, p. 132 (1826); Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 128 (1864) ; id. Ned. Tijdschr. JDierh. iii. p. 186 (1865); G.B. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, no. 8190 (1870); Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 58 (1872); Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 500 (1875); Gulliv. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 489; Bosenb. Zool. Gart. 1878, p. 346. Eos indica, Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 557 (1832); G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 417, no. 1 (1845); Bp. P. Z. 8. 1856, p. 28; id. Mev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 156, no. 286 ; SouancS, Bev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 226; Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. no. 297 ; G. B. Gr. List Psitt. Brit Mus. p. 51 (1859); id. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 357; Wall. P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 290, 295; Garrod, P. Z. S. 1873, pp. 465, 634,1874, p. 587 ; Sclat. List Vert An. 8th ed. p. 318 ; Hkkson, Natural, in N Celebes, p. 155 (1889) {Ibis, 1890, p. 249). Eos coccinea, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 227 ; Bosenb. Journ. f. Orn. 1862, p. 63; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 142 (1863); Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol i. p. 268 (1880). 22 LOBIIBJE. Lorius indicus, Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 157 (I860). Domicella coccinea, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 800 (1868;; Bowl. § Meyer, Orn. Misc. iii. p. 123, pi. 98 (1878) ; Meyer, Ibis, 1879, p. 55: Platen, Gefied. Welt, 1887, JJ. 263. Eos histrio, G. It. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 154, n. 8199 (1870); Meyer, Sitzb. u. Abh. Gesell. Isis, 1884, Abh. i. p. (5; Bias. Omis, iv. p. 563 (1888). Lorius histrio, Koch, Verz. Sa?nml. Vogelb. aus Celeb, u. Sanghir, p. 1 (Febr. 1876); Bruqqem. Abh. naturiv. Ver. Brem. y. pp. 41, 100 (1876) ; Fischer, ibid. p. 538 (1878). Domicella histrio, ItcJinw. Journ.f. Orn. 1881, p. 167 (Consp. Psitt. p. 103); id. Voyelbild. t. xxxi. f. 1 (1883). Adult. Bed; vertex, ear-coverts, nape, interscapular region, and breast blue; flanks and vent purple-blue; under tail-coverts red, with purple-blue tips ; scapulars and tips of the upper wing-coverts and of the quills black; base of the inner web of the quills red ; tail above dull purple, with the inner web of the lateral feathers red: bill orange-red ; feet blackish. Total length 12*6 inches, wing 6-6, tail 5*3, bill 0*9, tarsus 0*75. Hal. Sanghir and Talaut Islands. a. Ad. at. Zoological Society. b. J ad. st. Purchased. c. Ad. sk.; d. $ Sanghir Isl. Wallace Coll. ad. sk. e. § ad. sk. Sanghir Isl. Gould Coll. /. 2 ad. sk. Siao, Sangi Isl. {Dr. A. B. Tweeddale Coll. Meyer), g. tf ad. sk. Salia Isl. J. Hickson, Esq. [C. \ 4. Eos challenger! Eos indica, Sclat. (nee Gm.) P. Z. S. 1878, p. 578 ; id. Voy. Chall, Birds, p. 115 (1881); Murray, Voy. Chall, Narr. i. 2, p. 669 (1885); ? Hickson, Natural, in N. Celebes, p. 155 (1889). Very much like K histrio, but much smaller, and with the blue colour on the breast less extended and more or less mingled with red: " bill orange; feet black ; eyes red, or light brown in the male " (Murray). Total length 9:8 inches, wing 6, tail 4, bill 0-S, tarsus 0*68. Hal. Meangis or Fanusa Islands, north-east of the Talaut Islands. a. S ad. j b, c. 5 Meangis Isl., 10th February. * Challenger' ExpecL ad. sk. (Types of species.) 5. Eos cardinalis. Lori cardinal, Hombr. et Jacq. Voy. Pole 8ud, Atlas, pi. 24 bis. f. 2 (1845). Lorius cardinalis, G.R. Gr. Gen. B., App.p. 20 (1849); Jacq. et Pucher. J/^„, T>AJ* ,Q»,J r/,.nj ;;: « IA*> ziot-n. TT^.J.T T,......, J? r\.... 101*1 P- lit 2 . EOS. 23 Eos cardinalis, Bp. Compt Rend. xliv. p. 539 (1857); G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit Mus. p. 53 (1859); id. Cat B. Trop. Isl p. 31 (1859) j Sclat. P. Z. S. I860, p. 228, 1869, pp. 122,124; G. R. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 154, sp. 8205 (1870) j Bayard, Ibis, 1880, p. 307; Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. I p. 249 (1880), iii. p. 518 (1882) ; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. 8. W. vii. p. 34 (1882); Grant, P. Z. 8.1887, p. 330, 1888, p. 190; Woodford, P. Z. 8. 1888, p. 249; Salvad. Mem. P. Ac. 8c. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 168 (1889); Tristr. Cat Coll. B. p. 78 (1889). Eos unicolor, Wall (nee Shaio), P. Z. 8. 1864, pp. 291, 295. Domicella cardinalis, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 185 (1868); id. P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 128, pi. xi.; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N.8. W. i. p. 67 (1876); Rchnw. Vogelbild. t. xxxiii. f. 4 (1878-83). Trichoglossus cardinalis, Rchnw. Journ.f. Orn. 1881, p. 162 (Consp. Psitt. p. 98). Domicella (Eos) cardinalis, Rchnio. Journ.f, Orn. 1882, p. 232. Adult. Red, rump and upper tail-coverts darker; back and wings dull red ; feathers of the breast and abdomen edged with whitish ; bend of the wing and metacarpal edge have the feathers edged with dull purplish blue ; quills and tail-feathers brown-red, with an olivo tinge ; bill dusky orange ; feet blackish ; iris reddish brown. Total length about 13 inches, wing 7*3, tail 6*3, bill 0-95, tarsus 0*70. Female. Like the male, only smaller. Total length 12 inches, wing 6-9, tail 5-9, bill 0*85, tarsus 0-69. Bab. Solomon Islands. a. S ad.; b. $ ad.; Guadalcanal', Sept. 1865. J. Brenchley, Esq. c. Ad. sk. [P.]. d. Ad. sk. Solomon Islands. Tweeddale Coll. e. $ ad. sk. Guadalcanar, Sept. 1880 (G. Tweeddale Coll. JB. Richards), f. Ad. sk. [Duke of York Islands *.] P. L. Sclater, Esq. [P.]. 6. Eos rubra. Long-tailed scarlet Lory, Fdw. Birds, iv. pi. 173 (1751); Lath. Syn. i. p. 216, no. 18 (1781); id. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 127 (1822). Psittaca coccinea Bonarum fortunarum insulae, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 273 (1760). Psittacus borneus, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 141, no. 11 (1766); Gm. 8. N. i. p. 318 (1788); Lath. Ind. Orn. I p. 89, no. 21 (1790); Bechst. Kurze TIebers. p. 69 (1811) ,• Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 460, pi. 67 (1811); Kuhl, Consp. Psitt p. 40 (1820); VieiU. Enc. Mtth. p. 1382 (1823); Wall. P. Z. 8.1863, p. 21; Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 911 (1868); Salvad. Cat. TJcc. Bom. p. 27 (note) (1874). Lory de la Chine, D'Aubent. PL Enl. 519. Lori de Gilolo (!), Sonn. Voy. Nouv. Guin. p. 177, pi. 112 (1776). Psittacus chinensis (!), Mull. S. N. Suppl. p. 77 (1776); Cass. Pr. Ac. Nat Sc. Philad. 1864, p. 240. Lory rouge, Buff. Hist Nat. Ois. vi. p. 134 (1779). * Specimen / is the one mentioned by Mr. Sclater (P. Z. S. 1873, p. 3), who received it from Dr. Bennett as from the Duke of York Islands ; but I feel pretty sure that the locality given is erroneous. 24 LOEIIDJE. Molucca Lory, Lath. Syn. i. p. 274 (1781); id. Gen. Hist ii. p. 122 (1822). Psittacus ruber, Gm. S. N i. p. 335, no. 101 (1788) j Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 115, no. 100 (1790) ; Bechst. Kurze Uebers. p. 92 (1811) ; Euhl, Consp. Psitt. p. 38 (1820); Vieill Enc. Meth. p. 1380, pi. 227. f. 4 (1823) ; Zees. Voy. Coq., Zool. i p. 627 (1828); Hahn, Orn, Atl, Papag. t. 49 (1836) ; Temm. Tail Meth. p. 60 (1839); S. Mull. Verh. Land-en Volkenk. pp. 107, 110 (1839-44). Psittacus moluccensis, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 116, no. 101 (1790); Bechst. Kurze Uebers. p. 93 (1811); Vieill Enc. Meth. p. 1379 (1823). Peiruche Scarlate, Levaill. Perr. pi. 44 (1801). Lori a franges bleues, Levaill. Perr. pi. 93 (1805). Perroquet Lori a queue bleue, Levaill. Perr. pi. 97 (1805) (artificial bird). Psittacus cseruleatas, Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 937 (1789-1813); id. Gen. Zool viii. p. 539 (1811); Bechst. Kurze Uebers. p. 93, pi 16 (1811); Vieill. N. D. xxv. p. 336 (1817); id. Enc. Meth. p. 1379 (1823). Psittacus cyanurus, Shaw, Gen. Zool. \m. p. 538 (ex Levaill. pL 97) (1811); Kuhl, Consp. Psitt p. 41 (1820); Brehm, Mon. Papag. t. 68 (1855). Psittacus cyanonotus, Vieill. N. D. xxv. p. 334 (ex Levaill. pi. 93) (1817); "id. Enc. MSth. p. 1378 (1823). Blue-fringed Lory, Lath Gen. Hist. ii. p. 227 (1822). Blue-tailed Lory, Lath. ibid. Eed Lory, Lath. op. cit. p. 229 (1822). Lorius ruber, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1, p. 132 (1826) ; Less. Tr. oVOrn. p. 192 (1831); Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 123 (1864); Einsch, Neu-Guin. p. 157 (1865) ; Schleg. Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk. iii.pp. 332, 334 (1866) ; id. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Pevue, p. 56 (1874) ; Gieb. Thes. p. 502(1875). Lorius borneus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 1, p. 132 (1826). Lorius cyanurus, Steph. ibid.; Wall P. Z. S. 1864, p. 289 (note). Eos rubra, Waql. Mon. Psitt. p. 558 (1832) ; G. P. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 417, no. 2 (1845); Bp. P. Z. S. 1850, p. 23; id. Per. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 156. no. 289; id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 298; Souance, Pev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 226; Horsf. 8f Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E. Ind. * Co. ii. p. 629 (1856); Wall. Ann. 8r Mag. N H. (3) iii. p. 147 (1859) ; G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit Mus. p. 51 (1859); Selat. P. Z. S. I860, p. 226; G. P. Gr. P. Z. S. * 18C0, p. 356; Wall. Ibis, 1861, p. 284 ; Posenb. Joum f. Orn. 1862, pp. 61, 66; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. pp. 140, 141 (1863); Einsch, Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk. i. Berigt. p. xviii (1863); Wall. P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 290, 295; Pelz. Novara Rets., Vog. p 98 (1865) ; G. P. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 154, no. 8201 (1870); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 33, no. 69 (1877); id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 86; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, pp. 170, 173, pi. xvi. ff. 7, 9 (skull and lower mandible) ; Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol I p. 251 (1880); id. Voy. Chall, Birds, p. 68 (1881); Bias. v. Nehrh. Verh. z.-b. Gesellsch. Wien, 1882, p. 416; Bias. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 701; Sclat. List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 319 (1883); Salvad. Mem. P. Ac. Se. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 168 (1889); Tristr. Cat Coll. B. p. 73 (1889). Psittacus guebuensis, part., S. Mull Verh. Land-en Volkenk. p. 107 (1839-1844). l Lorius cseruleatus, G. It G?\ Gen. B. ii. p. 416, no. 4 (1845) ; id. List Ptitt Brit Mus. p. 50 (1859); Wall. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 289 (note) 2. EOS. 25 ?Eos squamata, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 2t>Q (Ceram); G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. I860, p. 357 (Bourou). Eos sp. (ex Ins. Kei), Rosenb. Journ.f. Om. 1862, p. C5. Eos rubra, var., Wall P. Z. S. 1863, p. 21. Psittacus (Eos) bernsteinii, Rosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 146 (1863). Lorius squamatus, Schlep, {rite Bodd.), 3£us. P.-P. Psittaci, p. 124, nos. 1,2 (types examined) (1864); Fimch, Nen-Guin. p. 157 (1865) j Rosenb. Rets naar (1864); Sclat P. Z. S.1873, p. 697; Salvad. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen, vii. p. 760 (1875), x. p. 34, n. 72, p. 122 (1877); D'Alb. Sydn. Mail, 1877, p. 248; id. Ann. Mm. Civ. Gen. x. p. 19 (18*77); Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. iii. p. 253 (1878), iv. p. 90 (1879); D'Alb. e Saload. Ann. Mm, Civ. Gen. xiv. p. 37 (1879); Sharpe, Journ. Pr. Linn. Soc. xiv. pp. 628, 086 (1879); Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 263 (1880); Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 622; Sharps, Gould's B. New Guin. pt. xxi. pi. 3 (1886) ; Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. So. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. Iu9 (1889); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 73 (1889). Eos (Ohalcopsitta) torrida, G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mas. p. 102 (1859). Eos leucopygialis, Rosenb. Journ. f> Orn. 1862, p. 64. Ohalcopsitta leucopygialis, Rosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. pp. 144, 224 (1863) ; id. Journ. f. Orn. 18(34, p. 113, sp. 10. Lorius fuscatus, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 122 (1864); Finseh, Neu-Guin. p. 157 (1865); Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 55 (1874); Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 501 (1875); Rosenb. Reist. naar Geehinkb. p. 113 (1875). Domicella fuscata, Finseh, Papaq. ii. p. 807, t. 6 (1868); Meyer, Sitzb. k. Ak. Wissensch. Wien, Ixx. p. 236 (1874); id. Sitzb. Ms Dresd. 1875, p. 78 ; id. Ibis, 1875, p. 147; Rclmw. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 164 (Consp. Psitt. p. 100); id. Voyelbild. t. xxxi. f. 9 (1878-83). Ohalcopsitta fuscata, G. R. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, sp. 8194 1870). Chalcopsittacus fuscatus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. viii. p. 397 (1876). Eos incondita, Meyer, Zeitschr. f. yes. Orn. 1886, p. 6, Taf. 1. f. 2; Sharpe, Nature, vol. 34. p. 340 (1886); Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. Sc. Tor. (2) xl. p. 169 (1889). • Adult. Dusky brown; vertex and a band on the nape reddish orange; a band across the throat and another across the breast, middle of the abdomen and tibiae red; feathers of the hind neck, interscapular region, and lower throat edged with reddish or greyish, or 3 . L0KITJS. even with olive colour; lower back and uropygium yellowish white ; under^ tail-coverts purple-blue; the wings show a purple tinge on the primary-coverts and on the anterior great coverts ; the innermost great coverts and the inner secondaries have a tinge of chestnut; primaries with a slight tinge of olive on the outer edges, and with the inner web red towards the base; under wing-coverts partly red; tail above greyish purple, the central tail-feathers towards the base reddish; tail-feathers beneath red at the base of the inner web, reddish olive towards the tips: bill red or orange-yellow; feet dusky; iris red. Total length 10*5 inches, wing 6-3, tail 3*5, bill 0-88, tarsus 0-69. Young. Yellow where the adult bird is red. Hob. New Guinea, Jobi, Salwatty. a. Ad.; b, c. tf § Dorey. Wallace Coll. imm.; d. $ (Types of Eos torrid a, Gr.) juv. e. 2 ad.;/, c? Dorey. Wallace Coll. imm. r/, h. Ad.; $ imm. Dorey (A. M. Wallace). Gould Coll. i. Ad. sk. Amberbaki. L. Laglaize [C.]. k, I. Imm. & juv. New Guinea. Tweeddale Coll. m. 2 ad. S.E. New Guinea {JR.. Hunstein).Tweeddale Coll. n. $ imm. Mount Owen Stanley. C. Hunstein [0.]. o. Ad. Astrolabe Mountains. Hon. Ii. Romilly [P.]. p, q. Imm. Port Moresby. Gould Coll. r. Imm. Port Moresby. K.Broadbent[C.]. 3. LOBIFS. Type. Lorius* Vig. Zool. Jown. ii. p. 400 (1825) L. domicella. Domicella, Wagl Mon. Psitt. p. 49o (1832) L. domicella. Range. From the Moluccas to the Solomon Islands. Keg to the Bjpecies. , Pileum black. a. No yellow band across the crop region. a'. Under wing-coverts red. a'\ Abdomen purple ?iypoenochrous, p. 32. b'r. Abdomen blue. a"\ Breast dark blue; the blue colour joining in the adult birds with the blue of the nape lory, p. 33. b"f. Breast red erythrothorax, p. 35. b'. Under wing-coverts blue, c". A band below the occiput red jobiensis, p. 35. d'f. No red band below the occiput cyanauchen, p. 36. b. A yellow band across the crop region. c. tjuills with the base of the inner web yellow domicella, p. 37. * The genus Lorius is generally attributed to Brisson, who did not use the name in a generic sense. 32 LORIIDJE. d'. Quills with the base of the inner web red chlorocercus, p. 38. II. Pileum like the rest of the head red. a. Under wing-coverts light blue; tibiae of a brighter blue tibialis, p. 39. b. Under wing-coverts yellow. a'. Interscapular region red, often with a few yellow feathers in the middle .. garrulus, p. 39. b'. Interscapular region yellow fiavopalliatus, p. 41. 1. Lorius hjrpoenochroiis. ? Psittacus lory, Less, {nee Linn.), Voy. Coq. Zool. i. p. 342 (1826) (Nouvelle Irlande). Lorius tricolor, part.', G. R. Gh\ P.Z. 8. 1858, p. 194. Lorius hypoinochrous, G.R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 49 (1859); id. Cat. B. New Gum. p. 39 (1859); id. P. Z. 8. 1861, p. 436, id. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, sp. 8185 (1870) ; id. Cruise Curaeoa, Birds, p. 380, pi. 14 (1873) ; Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 501 (1875). Lorius hypoenochrous, Wall. P. Z. 8. 1864, p. 289 ; 8clat P. Z. 8. 1869, pp. 122, 124; id. P.Z. 8. 1876, p. 460 (East New Guin.); id. Ibis, 1876, p. 364; id. P.Z, 8. 1877, p. 108, 1878, p. 289; 8alvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 32, n. 55 (1877) ; 8clat. P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 447; 8alvad. Ibis, 1879, p. 365; id. Orn. Pap. e Mol i. p. 221 (1880); Layard, Ibis, 1880, pp. 300, 806 (Admiralty Isl.!) ; Tristr. P. Z. 8. 1881, p. 996; id. Ibis, 1882, p. 143 (Solomon Islands!); Sliarpe, Journ. Linn. 8oc., Zool. xvi. p. 426 (1882) ; Ramsay, Ibis, 1882, p. 473; Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. iii. p. 518 (1882) ; Ramsay, Pr. Linn. 8oc. N. 8. W. vii. p. 43 (1882) ; Sahad. Mem. R. Ac. 8c. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 166 (1889); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 73 (1889). Domicella hypoinochroa, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 768 (1868); id. P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 17. Domicella hypoenochroa, Finsch, P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 127, 1879, p. 17 ; Rchmo. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, pp. 172, 396 (Consp. Psiit. pp. 108, 229); id. Vogelbild. t. xxxi. f. 5 (1878-83). Lorius hypoenochroa, Cab. u. Rchnw. Journ. f. Orn. 1876, p. 324, n. 73. Adult. Red ; interscapular region with a cross band dark purple- red ; pileum black : lower abdomen, tibieo, and under tail-coverts purple; wings green ; under wing-coverts red; basal part of the inner web of the quills yellow* base of the tail red, the apical half purple tinged with greenish above, golden olive-yellow underneath ; bill orange-red; feet blackish; iris scarlet. Total length 11 inches, wing h'S, tail 3*6, bill 1*05, tarsus 0*8. Hah. Louisiade Archipelago, New Guinea near East Cape, New Ireland, New Britain, and New Hanover. a. tf ad. sk. Louisiade Archipelago, 30th Voyage of H.M.S. b. J ad. sk. c. d. S ad. sk. June, 1849. St. Aignan, Louisiade Apelago, 10th Oct., 1879. East Cape. rchi'. Rattlesnake.' (Type of species.) Capt. G. E. Richards [P.]. C. Hunstein [O.]. 3 . 10KITJS. 33 e,f. g. h. Ad. sk. J ad. sk. Ad. sk. Possesion Bay, April 1874(Comrie). New Britain. New Britain (Rev. G. Brown). Tweeddale Coll. Rev. G. Brown [ Tweeddale Coll. 0.1 2. Lorius lory. P Psittacus orientalis exquisitus Loeri dictus, Seba. Thes. i. p. 37. f. 4 (1734). F First black-capped Lory, Edw. Birds, iv. pi. 170 (1751). ? Ara moluccentds varia, Briss. Om. iv. p. 197 (1700) (ex Seba). Lorius philippensis, Briss. Om. iv. p. 225, pi. xxiii. f. 2 (17G0); Hartl. Syst Verz. Ges. Mus. p. 86 (1844) ; Mors/. $ Moure, Cat. B. Mus. JE. I. Camp. ii. p. 629 (1858). Psittacus lory, Linn. S. N. i. p. 145 (1766); Gm. S. N. i. p. 335, n. 27 (1788) ; Lath. hid. Om. ii. p. 155, n. 98 (1790); Shaw. Nat. Misc. pi. 633 (1803?); id. Gen. ZooL viii. p. 534 (1812); Bechbt. Kurze Uebers. p. 92 (1811); KuM, Consp. Psitt. p. 41 (1820); Vieill. JEnc. Meth. p. 1380 (1823); Lets. Toy. Coq. i. p. 628 (1828); Voigt, Cuv. Uebers. p. 745 (1831); Temm. Tabl. Meth. p. 60 (1839) ; 8. Mull Verh. Land- en Volkenk. p. 107 (18391844). Lory des Philippines, D'Aub. PL Enl. 168. Lory tricolor, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. vi. p. 132 (1779). ? Giand Perruclie a bandeau noir, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. -\i. p. 158 (1779). ? Black-crowned Parrot, Lath. Syn. i. p. 213 (1781); id. Gen. Hist ii. p. 125 (1822). Black-capped Lory, Lath. Syn. i. p. 273, n. 78 (1781). Psittacus atricapillus, Gm. S. N. i. p. 317 (1788); Lath. hid. Om. i. p. 88, n. 18 (1790); Bechbt. Kune Uebers. p. 03 (1811) j VieilL JEnc. Meth. p. 1387(1823). Lory a scapulaire bleu, Lemill. Perr. pis. 123,124 (1805). ^P&ittacus sebanus, Shato, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 459 (1812). Lorius tricolor, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 132 (1826); Less. Toy Coq., Zool. i. p. 628 (1828); id. Tr. aVOm. p. 192 (1831); G. It Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 416, n. 2 (1845); Bp. Rev. et May. de ZooL 1854, p. 156, sp. 282 j id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp.295; SouancS, Rev. et Maq. de Zool. 1856, p. 22b; Sclat. Journ. Pr. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 165* sp. 108 (1858); G. P. Gr. P.Z.S. 1858, p. 194 (partim); id. Cat. B. New Guin. pp. 39, 59 (partim) (1859); id. P.Z.S. 1859, p. 158; Sclat. P.Z.S. 1860, p. 227; Wall. Ibis, 1861, p. 311; G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 436; Rosenb. Journ. f. Om. 1862, pp. 63, 64; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Lnd. xxv. pp. 142, 143, 147, 22o, sp. 17 (1863); Benibt. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Lnd.xxvl p. 297 (1864); Rosenb. Journ. f. Om. 1864, p. 114, sp. 17; Schley. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 118 (1864); Finsch, Neu- Gain. p. 157 (1865); Schleq. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 54 (1874); Garrod, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 587 ; Sclat P. Z. S. 1874, p. 684 ; Gieb. Thes. Om. ii. p. 503 (1875); Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 174, pi. xvi. f. 11; Sclat. List Vert An. 8tk ed. p. 318 (1883). Domicella lorv, Wagl. Mon. Psitt p. 568 (1832); Wall. Ann. <$• Mag. N. H. (3) iii. p. 147 (1859). Psittacus lorius, WeinL Journ. f. Om. 1854, B. p, Ixxv. Lorius lorv, Wall. Ami. % Maq. N. II. (3; iii. p. 148 (1859); id. P. 2. & 1864, p. 288; Salmd. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 759 (1875), x. p. 32, n. 56, p. 122 (1877); id. Om. Pap. e MoL i. VOL, XX. D 34 LORIIILi:. p. 223 (1880); Nehrk. Joum. f. Orn. 1885, p. 31; Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 621 ; Salvacl Ibis, 1886, p. 154; id. Mem. P. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, si. p. 167 (1889); Meyer, Vogel-Skelett. t Ixix. (1878-89). Lorius cyanauchen, Hosenb. (nee Mull), Xat, Tijdsehr. Xed. Ltd. xxv. pp. 143, 225, sp. 18 (1863) ; id. Joum. f. Orn. 1804, p. 114, sp. 18; Bernst Dagboek, pp. 82, 126, 151 (1883). Domicella lori, Finsch, Papay. ii. p. 769 (1868); Meyer, Sitzb. Is. Ah. Wissensch. Wien, Ixx. pp. 233, 23S (partim) (1874); id. tiitzb. Jsis JDresd, 18757 p. 78 (partim); id. Ibis, lfc75, p. 147 ; JRchmc. Fogelbild. t. xi. f. 2 (1878-83). Lorius lori, G. M. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, sp. 8187 (1870) ; Garrod, P. Z. 8. 1874, p. 5S7; Salv. Cat. B. Strickl. Coil. p. 455 (18b2) : Tristr. Cat Coll B. p. 73 (1889). Domicella tricolor, Hchmv. Vogelbild. t. xi. f. 2 (1878-83) ; id. Joum. f. Orn. 1881, p. 172 (Consp. Psitt. p. 10a). Eos (!) tricolor, Sclat. List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 318 (1883). Adult. Crown black; sides of the head, throat, sides of the breast and of the abdomen, lower back, uropygium and upper tail- coverts red ; a band below the occiput and sometimes another across the interscapular region pale red; hind neck, interscapular region, and breast blue ; the blue of the breast is joined with that on the hind neck; abdomen, tibice, and under tail-coverts brighter blue; wings green, some of the upper wing-coverts and of the inner quills tinged with golden olive ; under wing-coverts red ; the base of the inner web of the quills yellow; tail above dark red at the base, greenish in the middle, dark blue at the apical half, underneath bright red at the base, golden-olive towards the tip : bill red; feet black ; iris pale yellow. Total length 12 inches, wing 6*4, tail 4-1, bill 1, tarsus 8. Imm. The blue of the breast is not joined to that of the hind neck. Young. No red band below the occiput; interscapular region greenish; a blue collar round the neck; the upper breast red ; the greater under wing-coverts yellow7 with black tips, the smaller and median ones mingled with green, blue, and red; the middle part of the tail above greenish. Hab. North-western New Guinea, Salwatty, Batanta, Waigiou, and Mysol. a. cS ad.; 5. ? Dorey. A. E. Wallace Coll. Juv.; c. Juv. sk. d. S ad. sk. Salwatty, July. Tweeddale Coll. e. £ ad. sk. Waigiou. A. R. Wallace Coll. / . 2 ad. sk. Waigiou (A. P. Wallace). Gould Coll. V/. $ ad. sk. Mysol, July (von Rosenlerg). Tweeddale Coll. h. $ ad. ? sk. New Guinea. Dr. A. B. Meyer [C.]. i. Ad. st. [Philippine Isl., wrong locality.] Laugier Coll. h. Ad. var. st. No exact locality, * Purchased. /. 1mm. st. No locality. " Purchased. 3 . LOKIUS. 35 3. Lorius erythrothorax. Domicella lorv, part, Meyer, Sitzb. k. Ah. Wissemeh. Wien, kx. p. 227 (Rubi) (1874). Lorius lory, Saivad. # PA lb. (nee Linn.), Ann, Mus. Civ, Gen. vii. p. 812 (1875); I)"Alb. Sydn. Mail 1877, p. 24.8: id. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 19 (1877). Lorius erythrothorax, Saivad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen, x. p. 32, n. 57 (1867); DP All. fy Saivad. op. cit. xiv. p. 39 (1879); Saivad. Ibis, 1879, p. 320; id. Om. Pap. e Mol i. p. 230 (1880),-Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xvi. p. 420 (1882); Saivad. Om. Pap. e Mol. iii. p. 518 (1882); Fimch u. Meyer, Zeitschr. f. ges. Om. 1886, p. 5 ; Saivad. Ibis, 1886, p. 154; id. Mem. P. Ac. So. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 167 (1889) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 73 (18S9): Meyer. Ibis, 1890,*p. 413. ^ k \ J> J , Lorius hypoenochrous, var., Ra7?isay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. iii. p. 72 (1878); Pchnw. $ Schal Journ.f Om. 1880, p. 208. Lorius guglielmi, Ramsay, I. c. p. 73 (1878); Pchnw. § Schal Journ.f, Om. 1880, p. 208; Rchnv. Journ.f. Om. 1881, p. 397 (Consp. Psitt. p. 229). Lorius hypoenochrous, var. guglielmi, Ramsay, I. c. p. 106 (1878). Lorius hypoenochrous, Ramsay (nee Gray), I. c. p. 254 (1878), iv. p. 90 (partim) (1879). Domicella eiythrothorax, Rchnio. Journ.f Om. 1881, p. 173 (Consp. B>itt p. 109); id. Vogelbild. Nachtr. 43 (1883). Adult. "Very much like the adult of L. lory, from which it differs in having the upper breast entirely red, so that the blue of the underparts is not joined to the blue of the hind neck and interscapular region; it seems also that in the present species the red band across the blue interscapular region is constant. Dimensions as in L. lory. Hab. New Guinea, from Port Moresby, through the Fly River region to Rubi district in the southern part of Geelvink Bay. a. Ad. sk. Goldie River. A. Goldie [C.1 b. Ad. sk. Astrolabe Mts. A. Goldie [O.J. c. Ad. sk. S.E. New Guinea (A. Goldie). Tweeddale Coll. d. e,f. Ad. sk.; Astrolabe Mts. lion. II. Romilly g. Juv. sk. [0.]. h. Juv. sk. S. New Guinea. Purchased. 4. Lorius jobie&sis, Domicella cyanauchen, part., Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 54 (1854). Domicella Ion, var. jobiensis, Meyer, Sitzb. h. Ah. Wissenseh. Mien, Ixx. pp. 229,231,233 (1874) (type examined); id. Ibis, 1875, p. 147. Lorius tricolor, Rosenb, {nee Steph.), Reid. naar Geehinhb. p. 56 (1875). Lurius jobiensis, Saivad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 759 (1875), x. p. 32, n. 58 (1877); id. Om. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 232 (1880); id. Mem. M. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 167 (1889). Domicella jobiensis, Meyer, Sitzb, Ms Lresd. 1875, p. 78; Rehmv. Juum, f.'Orn. 1881, p. 173 (Consp. Psitt. p. 109) ; id. Vogelbild. Nachtr. 43 (1883). 36 LOBIIDJB. Adult. Very much like L. lory, from which, it differs in having the under wing-coverts blue, except the greater ones which are black, more or less mingled with yellow at the base; the upper breast is constantly red; the blue colour of the nape extends on the sides of the neck in a sort of an incipient collar; on the interscapular region there is constantly a red band across; size generally larger than in L. lory. Total length 12-9-11-18 inches, wing 7-07-6-68, tail 4-71-4-12, bill 1-18-1*10, tarsus 0-90. Eab. Jobi and Miosnom. 5. Lorius cyanauchen. Psittacus cyanauchen, S. Mull Verh. Land-en Vo!ke?ik. p. 107 (1839-1844) (type examined); Wiegm. Arch. f Naturg. 1845, 2, p. 79 ; G. B."Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 421, n. 33 (1846). Lorius superbus, Fras. P. Z. S. 1845, p. 16; G. JR. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 416, n. 6 (1845); Fras. Zool Typ. pi. 55 (1849) • Bosenb. Joum.f. Om. 1862, pp. 6o, 68. Lorius cyanauchen, SouancS, Bev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 225; Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 296; Blyth, Jonrn. As. Soc. B. xxvii. p. (1858); Ibis, 1859, p. 201; G. B. Gr. Lid Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 50 (1859); id. P.Z.tS. 1859, p. 158; Sclat. P. Z. S. I860, p. 227; Wall. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 289 ; Schley Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 50 (18C4); Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 395; Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 157 (1865); G. B. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, sp. 8188 (1870) ; Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Bemie, p. 54 (partini) (1874); Gieb. Thes. Om. ii. p. 500 (1875); Bosenb. Beist. naar Geehinkb. p. 47 (1875) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 759 (1875), x. p. 32, n. 59 (1877); id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 79 (note) ; id, Om. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 234 (1880); id. Voy. ChalL, Birds, p. 60 (1881) ; id. Mem. B. Ac. So. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 16*7 (1889); Meyer, Vogel- SkeUtt. t. Ixviii. (1879-88). Lorius speciosas, Bosenb. Nat Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. pp. 144, 225, sp. 19 (1863); id. Joum.f. Om. 1864, p. 114, sp. 19. Lorius cyanocinctus, Bosenb. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 14-5 (1863). Domicella cyanauchen, Finsch, Papao. ii. p. 773 (1868); Meyer. Sitzb. h. Ah. Wiss. Wien, lxx. pp. 229, 232 (1874) ; id. Ibis, 1875, p. 147; id. Sitzb. Isis JDresd. 1875, p. 78; BeMw. Vogelbild. t. xi. f. 1 (1878-83); id. Joum.f. Om. 1881, p. 173 (Consp. Psitt. p. 109). Domicella lori mysorensis, Meyer. Sitzb. h. Ak. Wiss. Wien. Ixx. p. 233 (1874). Adult. Very much like L.jobiensis, only wanting the red band below the occiput. Eab. Mysore. a. Ad. st. ? Zoological Society. (Type of Lorius superbus, Fras.) b. Ad. sk. ?. Purchased. c. d. c? ? ad sk. [Mafoor.J Wallace Coll. e. Ad. sk. [MafoorJ (A. B. Wallace). Gould Coll. * /. J ad. sk. No exact locality. < Challenger' Exped. g. Imm. sk. Mysore (Dr. A. B. Meyer). Tweeddale Coll. 3. I0BIT7S. 37 6. Lorius domicella. Second black-capped Lory, Edio. Birds, iv. p. 171 (1751). Lorius orientalis indicus, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 222, pi. xxiv. f. 1 (1760). Lorius torquatus indicns, Briss. Om. iv. p. 230 (1760). Psittacus domicella, Linn. S. N. i. p. 145 (1766); Gm. S. N. i. p. 334, XL 26 (1788); Lath. Lid. Om. i. p. 114, n. 97 (1790) : Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 535, pi. 81 (1811); Bechst Kurze Uebers. p. 92 (1811); KuM, Consp. Psitt p. 40 (1820); Vieill. Bnc. MM. p. 1377 (1823); Less. Voy. Cog., Zool. i. p. 627(1828); Voigt, Cuv. Uebers. p. 744 (1831); Balm, Orn. Atlas, Papag. t. 42 (1834); Temm. Tabl. Meth. p. 60 (1839); S. Mull. Verh. Land- en Volhenh p. 107 (1839-44); Weinl. Joum. f. Orn, 1854, B. p. Ixxv; Brehm, Man. d. Papag. t. 67 (1855). Lory des lades Orientales, D'Aub. PI. Enl. 84 (var.). Lory male des Indes Orientales, D1Aub. PI. Enl 119. Lory a collier, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. vi. p. 130 (1779), Purple capped Lory, Lath. Sun. Av. i. p. 271 (1781) ; id. Gen. Hist ii. p. 225(1882). Perroquet Lori Radhia, Levaill. Perr. pi. 94 (var.) (1801). Perroquet Lori a collier jaune, Levaill. Perr. pi. 95 (1801). Perroquet Lori a collier (var.), Levaill. Perr. pi. 95 bis (1801). Psittacus rex, Bechst. Kurze Uebers. p. 92 (1811). Psittacus raja, Shaiv, Gen. Zool. viii. p. 537, pi. 82 (1811), Psittacus radliea, Vieill. N. D. xxv. \\ 337 (1817) ; id. Enc. MSth. p. 1380 (1823). Hajah Lory, Lath. Gen. Hist, ii, p. 226 (1822). Lorius domicella, Vkj. Zool. Joum. ii. p. 400 (1825) ; Steph. Gen. Zool xiv. p. 132 (1826) ; Less. Voy. Coq., Zool. I p. 627 (Dorey!) (1828); id. Tr. d'Om. p. 192 (1831); Lear, lllustr. Parr. pi. 37 (1832); Selb. Nat. Libr., Om. vi. p. 146, pi. 18 (1836); Thienem. Fortpflanz. d. ges. Vog. p. 76 (1845); G.R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 416, n. 1 (1845); *Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. 8. B. p. 10 (1849); Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool 1854, p. 156, n. 281; id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp.'Psitt. sp. 292; Bolle, Joum. f. Orn. 1855, p. 170; Cassin, Narr. Exp. Perry, ii. p. 241 (1856); Joum. f. Orn. 1858, p. 449 (Singapore!); Horsf. fy Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E. J. Comp. ii. p. 630 (1858) ; Sclat. Joum. Pr. Linn. Soc. ii. p. 165* (1858) ; G. P. Gr. List Psitt Brit. Mus. p. 49 (1859); id. Cat. B. New Guin. pp. 39, 59 (1859); Wall. Ibis, 1860, p. 306; G. P. Gr. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 356, 1861, p. 436; Wall. Ibis, 1861, pp. 286, 311; Rosenb. Journ.f. Om. 1862, p. 61 ; id. Nat Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. pp. 140, 141 (1863) ; Finsch, Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk. i. Berigten, p. xviii (1863); Wall. P.Z.S. 1864, p. 288; Schley. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 120 (1864); Finsch, Neu~Gain. p. 156 (1865); Peh. Verh. z.~b. Gesellsch. Wien, 1865, p. 923 (var.) ; G. R. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, sp. 8184 (1870); Schleg. Mas. P.B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 55 (1874); Gieb. Thes. Om. ii. p. 500 (1875); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. x. p. 32, n. 60 (1877); Garrod, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 692; Salvad. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 79 ; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 170 (note); Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 236 (1880); id. Voy. Chall, Birds, p. 60 (1881); Bias. u. Nehrh. Verh. z.-b. Gesellsch. Wien, 1882. p. 416; Sclat. List Vei*t An. 8th ed. p. 317 (1883); Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 564; Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 167 (1889); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 73 (1889). Domicella atricapilla, Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 597 (1832); Nifzsch, Pterylogr. Engl ed. p. 100 (1807); Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 763 (1808); Lenz, Joum. f. Orn. 1877, p. 364 ; Rclimo. Vogelbild. 38 L0RI1DJE. t. iii. f. 7 (1878-83); id. Journ.f. Orn. 1881, p. 171 (Consj). Psitt. p, 107). Doraicella domicella, Wall. Ann. $ Mag. K. JS. (3) in. p. 148 (1859). Lorius domicellus, Gulliv. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 489. Adult. Red, the back and the scapulars a little darker; pileum black, occiput violet, a yellow band, somewhat hidden, across the crop region ; wings green ; wing-coverts and quills next to the back olive-green; bend of the wing and under wing-coverts blue, with whitish tips; tibiae blue ; quills with the base of the inner web yellow; tail red, with a band at the tip, above dark purple-red, below golden red : bill orange-red : feet black ; iris brown, with an inner ring yellow. Total length 12 inches, wing 6*9, tail 4, bill 1*1, tarsus 0*8. Young. Has the interscapular region partly tinged with green, and the feathers of the tibiao mostly dull green. Bab. Ceram and Amboyna. a. Ad. st. Moluccas. Zoological Society. b, e. Ad. sk. Ceram. A. E. Wallace Coll. d. Var. sk. Ceram. A. R. Wallace Coll. e. Ad. sk. Ceram. Gould ColL /. S ad. sk. %y. Ad. sk. Amboina. No locality. Wallace Coll. Tweeddale Coll. h. Juv. sk. [Waigiou *.] Wallace ColL i. Var. sk. Moluccas. Laugier Coll. k. Skeleton. 7. Lorius chlorocercus. Lorius chlorocercus, Goidd, P. Z. 8. 1850, p. 137 • G. P. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 49 (1859); id. Cat. B. Prop. 1st. p. SI (1859); Sclat. P. Z. S. I860, p. 228; Wall. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 289 ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1867, p. 183, pi. xvi., 1869, pp. 118, 122, 124; G. P. Gr. Hand-lbt, ii. p. 153, sp. 8185 (1870); Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 500 (1875); Ramsay, Pr. Linn. 8oc. N. 8. W. i. p. 67 (187C); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. S3, no. 61 (1877), iv. p. 68 (1879); id. Nature, xx. p. 125 (1879): Layard, Ibis, 1879, p. 365 ; Tristr. Ms, 1879, p. 442; Layard, Ibis, 1880, p. 293; Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 239 (18fc0); Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N.8. W. vii. p. 33 (1882); Tristr. Ibis, 1882, pp. 138, 143; Sclat. List Vert An. 8th ed. p. 318 (1883); Grant, I\ Z. 8.1888, pp. 187, 190; Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl, p. 167 (1889); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 73 (1889). Lorius chloronotus (errore), Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 293. Domicella chlorocerca, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 767 (1868); id. P. Z. 8. 1869, p. 127; Rehiw. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 171 (Consp. Psitt. p. 107); id. Voyelbild. t. xxxi. f. 8 (1878-83). Adult. Red; pileum as far as the occiput black ; a wide yellow band across the crop region; on each side of the neck a"black * Evidently a cage-bird; the locality is certainly wrong; perhaps "Wallace bought it in Waigiou. 3 . LORIUS. patch, i wings green ; under wing-coverts and tibiae blue; bend of the wing bluish white; the base of the inner web of the primaries red ; tail red at the base, the apical half green above, golden olive below: bill orange-red; feet black ; iris bright red or pale orange. Total length 11 inches, wing 6*7, tail 3*9, bill 0-95, tarsus 0-72. Hab. Solomon Islands. a. tf ad. sk. San Cristoval, 10th Dec, 1854 Voyage of H.M.S. (MacGillivray). < Herald,' (Type of species.) b. Ad. st. Solomon Isl. Zoological Society. c. Ad. sk. UJaua, Aug. 1805. J. Brenchlev, Esq. [P.l. d. Ad. sk. Uffi, Sept. 1865, J. Brenchley, Esq. [P.l e. J ad. sk. Ulaua, Aug. 1865. Tweeddale 'Coll. /. 3 ad. sk. Ugi, 12th Sept., 1880. Tweeddale Coll. g. <$ Guadalcanal^ March. Purchased. h. Sternum. 8. Lor ins tibialis. Lorius tibialis, Selat. P. Z. S. 1871, pp. 499, 644, pi. xl.; id. Ibis, 1871, p. 372; Garrod, P. Z. S. 1872, p. 788 (cum iigura capitis et linguae) ; Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 503 (1«75); Select. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 62 ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 33, n. 62 (1877); Forbes, Ibis, 1877, p. 278; Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol i. p. 240 (lfcSO); Sclat. List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 318 (1883;; Sharpe, Gould's P. New Guin. pt. xxv. pi. 3 (1888); Salvad. Mem. P. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 167 (1889). Domicella tibialis, Pchnw, Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 170 (Consp. Psitt. p. 106); id. Vogelbild. t. xxxi. f. 7 (1878-83). Adult. Eed, a yellow band, somewhat hidden, across the crop region; wings green, some of the upper wing-coverts and of the quills next to the back stained with, dull red; bend of the wing and under wing-coverts blue, with whitish tips; tibioe blue; quills with the base of the inner web yellow ; tail red, with a dark purple band at the tip : bill orange ; feet pale. Total length 11*5 inches, wing 6*6, tail 3-8, bill 1, tarsus 07. Hob. Unknown. The only specimen known is the type. This bird is very much like L. domicella, fro'm which it differs especially in the head, which is entirely red and has no black cap. Ad. sk. Zoological Soc. Gardens. (Type of species.) 9. Lorius garrulus. Scarlet Lory, Bdw. Birds, iv. pi. 172 (1751). Lorius ceramensis, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 215 (1760) (var.) j Gulliv. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 489. Lorius moluccensis, Briss. Orn. iv. p. 219, t. xxiii. f. 1 (17G0). Psittacus garrulus, Linn. Mus. Ad. Fr. ii. p. 14 (1764) ; id. 8. N. i. p. 144 (1706); Gm. S. N. i. p. 333 (1788) ; Lath. Lid. Orn. I. ]). 113 (1700); Shaw, Nat, Misc. pi. 925 (17b0--1813) j id. Gen. Hist. 40 LOEIIDJS. viii. p. 530(1812); Bechst Kurze Uebers. p. 91 (1811); Knhl, Consp. Psitt p. 41 (1820) ; Jleill. Bnc. Meth. p. 1377 (1823) ; Less. Voy. Ooq., Zool. i. p. &28 (1828); Vo'yt, Cuv. Uebers. p. 745 (1831) ; Meyen, Nova Act. Leop.-Car. Acad. Suppl. i. d. 16'ten B. p. 95 (1834); Temm. Tail. Meth. p. 60 (1839); 8. Mull Verh. Land- en Volkenk. p. 107 (1839-44); Weinl. Joum.f. Orn. 1834, B. p. Ixxv. Psittacus garrulus, var. (3. Psittacus aurorse, Linn. S. N. i. p. 144 (1766); Gm. S. N, i. p. 333 (1788); Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 113 (1700). Lory des Moluques, JDauh. PL Fnl. 216. Lory-noira, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. vi. p. 127 (1779). Vari6t6 I. du Noira, Buf. ibid. p. 129. Variety II. da Noira, Buff. ibid, p, 129. Ceram Lory, Lath. Syn. i. p. 269, no. 76 (1781). Oeram Lory, var. A. Noira Lory, Lath. Syn. i. p. 270 (1781); id. Gen. Hist ii. p. 224 (1822). Ceram Lory, var. B. Scarlet Lory, Lath. Sy?i. i. p. 270 (1781) ; id. Gen. Hist ii. p. 225 (1822). Lory Nouara, Levaill. Perr. pi. 96 (1801). Psittacus Noira, Vieitt. Enc. Meth. p. 1378 (1823). Lorius garrulus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 132 (1826) ; Sio. Zool. III. 2nd ser. pi. 12 (1829) (var.); Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 192 (1831); Hartl. Syst Verz. Ges. Mus. p. 86 (1844); G. B. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 416, n. 5 (1845) ; Bp. Bev. et May. de Zool 18-54, p. 15"), n. 280 ; WeinUmd, Joum.f. Orn. 1854, B. p. Ixxi, Taf. ii. ff. 1-9 (tongue); Bp. Namnannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 294; G. B. Gr. List Psitt Brit. Mzis. p. 50 (1859); Wall. Ibis, 1860, p. 198; Sclat P. Z. S. 1860, p. 226; Bosenb. Joum.f. Orn. 1862, p. 62 (partim); id. Nat Tijdschr. Ned. Lid. xxv. pp. 141, 142 (1863); Wall. P. Z. S. 1864, p. 289 (partim); Schley. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 120 (partim) (1864); Bernst. Nat. Tidjschr. Ned. Ind. xxvii. p. 295 (1864) ; id. Ned. Tijdschr. Bier'k ii. p. 825 (1865); Finsck, Neu-Guin. p. 157 (partim) (1865); Pelz. Novara Beis.f Toy. p. 98 (1865); G. B. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, sp. 8189 (partim) (1870); Schley. Mm. P.-B. Psittiei, Bevue, p. 55 (partim) (1S74); Gieb. Thes. Orn. ii. p. 501 (partim) (1875); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Oiv. Gen. vii. p. 759 (1875), x. p. 33, n. 63 (1877); Forbes, P. Z. S. 1829, p. 170 (note); Salvad. Orn. Pap. e MoL i. p. 241 (1880); Sclat List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 817 (1883); Bias. Zeitschr. f yes. Om. 1886, p. 84 ; Sahad. Mem. B. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 168 (1889); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 73 (1889). Domicella garrula, Wayl. Mon. Psitt p. 570 (1832); Wayl. Ann. 8c May. (3) iii. p. 147 (1859j; Nitzsch, Pteryloyr. (Engl, ed.) p. 100 (1862); Finsch, Papaq. ii. p. 776 (partim) (1808); Bchmu. Voyelh'ld. t. iii.f. 5 (1878-83) ; id. Joum.f. Orn. 1881, p. 170 (Consp. Psitt p. 108). Lorius garrulus, var., G. B. Gr. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 356 (partim). Adult. Bed; interscapular region red, with small yellow spGts, sometimes with no spots at all; tibia dark green ; wings green, with an olive tinge on the upper wing-coverts; bend of the wing and under wing-coverts yellow; base of the inner webs of the primaries red; tail with the basal half red, and with the apical half dark purple tinged with green above, golden red underneath ; bill red ; feet dusky; iris dark yellow, with an inner ring brighter 4 . CiXLIPTILUS. yellow. Total length 12 inches, wing 7*2, tail 4*5, bill 1*05, tarsus 0-8. ffab. Halraahera. a7 b. $ ad. sk. Gilolo. Wallace Coll. c, d. Ad. sk. [(Celebes.] Gould Coll. e. Ad. sk. l Menadof] Gould Coll. / . Ad. sk. ^Xew Guinea.] Tweeddale Coll. g. JUT. sk. Bought alive at Ternate. 1 Challenger' Erped. k. Ad. st. Moluccas. Purchased. ijkjl. Skeletons. 10. Lorius flavo-palliatus. Lorins gamilas, Sclut P. Z. 8. 1860, p. 226 (nee p. 227) (ex Batjan); Rosenh. Journ. f. Orn. I860, p. 62 (partim); id. iW. Tijdsrir. Ned. Lid. xxiii. p. 141 (nee p. 142) (1862); Wall. P. Z. 8. 1864, p. 280, n. 05 (partim) ; Sckleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 121 (partim) (ex Batjan, Morotai, et Raou); Fimch, Neu-Guin. p. 157 (partim) (ex Batjan, Morotai, Obi) (1865); G. P. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 153, sp. 8189 (partim) (1870); Schleg. Mas. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 55 (partim) (1874) (ex Batjan, Morotai, Obi); Gieh. The*. Orn. ii. p. 501 (partim) (1*75). Lnrius sairulus, G. II. Gr. P. Z. 8. I860, p. 856 (partim, ex Batjan). Domicell.i jrarrula, part., Finsck, Papag. ii. p. 776 (1868) (ex Batjan, Morotai, Itacu). Loriti.H ila\opal!iatUH, 8alrad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 33, n. 64 (1.^77); id. Dm. Pap. e MoL i. p. 243 (18&0); Sciat List Vert. An. Hh e&. p. 31** (1H63); Gintlrm. P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 564; SJiarpe, Gould's B. Xew Gain. pt. xxiv. pi. 5 (1888); Sahad. Mem. Ii. Ae. 8c. Tor. sw. 2, xl.p. B>8 (1889). Donricella fiavopalliuta, Meknw. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 170 (Consp. Psift. p. 106); id. Vogethild. Xachtr. 42 (1883). Adult. Very much like L. gatndm, from which it differs in having a broad yellow patch on the interscapular region. Hah. Obi, Batchian, Morotai, Raou. a, b. Ad. st. Moluccas. Purchased. c, d. $ ad. sk. Batchian, Wallace Coll. e. Ad. sk. Batchian. Wallace Coll. f. $ ad. sk. Ratehiau {A. P. Wallace). Gould Coll. g. J ad. sk. TGiloIo.] A. R. Wallace. h. Ad. sk. Batchian. Zoological Society. t. Ad. sk. [Amboina.] Tweeddale Coll. 4. CALLIPTILUS. Type. Phigys* O. P. Gr. RandJibt, ii. p. 154, n. 2043 (1"S70) C. solitarius. Calliptilus, 8und. Meth. rial. av. disp. Tent. p. 71 (lb72) ...» C. solitarius. Range. Fiji Islands. * The term Phigys, generally attributed to Lesson (Tr. d'Orn. p. 193, 1831), was not used by him as a generic name, but as a French name for the second tribe of the s»ube:*»nus Loriub. 42 lOKIULE. 1. Calliptilus solitarius. Solitary Parrot, Lath, Syn. Suppl. i. p. 65 (1787); id. Gen. Hid, ii. p. 190 (1822). La Perruche Phigy, LevailL Terr. pi. 64 (1801). Psittacus solitarius, Lath. Lid. Orn. Suppl. ii. p. xxxii, n. 12 (1802) ; Vieill. N.B. xxv. p. 377 (1817); Kuhl, Camp. Psitt. p. 101 (1820;; Vieill. Enc. MSth. iii. p. 1408 (1823). Pfaittacus vaillanti, Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 909 (1800). Psittacus coccineus, Shato, Gen. ZooL viii. 2, p. 472 (1811); Vieill. N. B. xxv. p. 355 (1812) ; id. Enc. M&th. iii. p. 1391 (1823); Less. Voy. Coq. i. p. 029 (1828). Psittacus phigy, Bechst. Kurze Ueb. p. 81, pi. 9. f. 2 (1811); Kukl, Consp. Psitt. p. 09 (1820); Voigt, Ctiv. Uebers. p. 748 (1&31). Brotogeris ? phigy, Steph. Gen. ZooL xiv. 2, p. 133 (1820). Lorius phigy, Less. Tr. d'Om. p. 193 (1831). Coriphilus solitarius, Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 565 (1832); G.R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 417, n. 4 (1845); Hartl. Wiegm. Arch. 1852, p. 132; id. Journ.f. Orn. 1854, p. 168; Bp. Rev. et Mag. de ZooL 1854, p. 157, n. 313 ; id. Naumannia, 1856, Camp. Psitt. p. 327; Cass. V. St. Expl. Exp., Orn. p. 240 (1858); G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mm. p. 51 (1859) ; id. Cat B. Trop. 1st. p. 32 (1859) ; G. P. Gr. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 357; Rchnw. Journ.f Orn. 1881, p. 175 {Consp. Psitt. p. Ill); id. Vogelbild. text of pi. xxi. f. 5 and pi. xxx. f. 8 (1878-83); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. pp. 74, 75 (1889). Brotogeris coccineus, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 363 (1837). Vini coccineus, Less. Compl. de Buff. ix. p. 207 (1837) ; id. op. cit. 2nd ed. p. 606, n. 2 (1838). Trichoglossus coccineus, Peak, U. St. Expl. Exp. p. 129 (1848), fide Hartl. Wiegm. A?-chiv, 1852, p. 106. Lorius solitarius, Schleg. Bierent. p. 68 (1864); Finsch § Hartl. Orn. Centr.-Polyn. p. 23 (1867); Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Heme, p. 59 (1874); Layard, Ibis, 1875, p. 4 36 ; id. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 426, 1876, p. 501; id. Ibis, 1876, pp. 141, 391; Rowley, Orn. Misc. ii. pi. xli. (1876); Cab. $ Mchnw. Journ.f. Orn. 1876, p. 324; Laijard, Ibis, 1878, p. 274; Nehrk. Journ. f Orn. 1879, p. 394 (egg)- Nanodes solitarius, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 116 (1864). Domicella solitaria, Fi?isch, Papag. ii. p. 760 (1868); id. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 729; Moseley, Not. Chall. pp. 295, 309 (1879): Finsch, Voy. Chall., Birds, p. 42 (1881). Phigys solitarius, G. M. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 154, n. 8198 (1870). Calliptilus solitarius, Sund. Meth. not. at. disp. Tent. p. 71 (1872); Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 326 (1880). Trichoglossus solitarius, Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 659 (1877). Adult. Pileum, lower abdomen, flanks, and tibiae very dark purple-blue ; back and wings green ; the upper feathers of the hind neck very long, light green, like the lower back, the uropj-gium, the upper and the under tail-coverts; the lower feathers of the hind neck also very long, but red, like the lores, the cheeks, the throat, and the breast; under wing-coverts green, the inner ones red; quills underneath dusky; tail green, the two central tail-feathers have an orange-yellow spot towards the middle of the inner web, the lateral ones have the base of the inner web orange-red : apical part of the tail underneath golden green ; bill orai'ge ; feet orange 5. YIXJ. 43 or red ; iris orange. Total length 7'5 inches, wing 5, tail 2-5, bill 0*65, tarsus 0*55. Young. Has the green and the red feathers of the hind neck much shorter; the occiput is tinged with green ; the red feathers of the lower breast are edged more or less with dark purple; there are no yellow-orange spots on the two middle tail-feathers, and the lateral ones have the red marks at the base of the inner web much smaller than in the adult birds. Eab. Fiji Islands. a. Ad. sk. [Moluccas.] Laugier Coll. b. S -d. sk. Fiji. Purchased. c. d, e. Ad. sk. Fiji. Sir A.B. Gordon [P.]. f,ff. $ ad. sk. Ovalau (E. L. Layard). Tweeddale Coll. h. J ad. sk. Ovalau (E. L. Layard). Tweeddale Coll. i. $ imm. sk. Ovalau (E. L. Layard). Tweeddale Coll. k. $ juv. sk. Ovalau (E. L. Layard). Tweeddale Coll. l> m. <$ J ad. sk. Wakaia (E. L. Layard). Tweeddale Coll. n. $ ad. sk. Levuka (JE. L. Layard). Tweeddale Coll. o. Ad. sk. Taviuni. Salvin-Godman Coll. p. $ ad. sk. Matuka. ' Challenger' Exped. q, r. § ad. sk. Matuka. * Challenger' Exped. s, t. d S ad. sk. Kandavu. 1 Challenger' Exped. u, 2 juv. sk. Viti-levu (H.M.S. 'Herald'). The Admiralty [P.]. v. $ juv. sk. Ovalau, July (JE. L. Layard). Purchased. 5. VINI. Type. Vini, Jjess. Illustr. de ZooL pi. xxviii. (1831) Y. Imhli. 'Bioto<*QnarIlchnb.(nec Viy.) Syst.Av. t. lxxxii. (1850). Range. Samoa, Friendly, and Fanning Islands. Key to tlie Species. a. Forehead green, vertex and occiput bright blue.... australis, p. 43. b. Forehead and vertex green, occiput dark blue ... . fathli, p. 45. 1. Viai australis. Blue-crested Parrakeet, Lath. Syn. i. 1, p. 254, n. 58 (1781); id. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 190 (1822). Psittacus australis, Gm. 8. K. i. p. 329, n. 90 (1788) (ex Latham); Bechst. Kurze TJeb. p. 80 (1811). Psittacus fringillaceus, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 337, n. 107 (1788) (ex MaeHer, Phys. Arb. der eintr. Fr. zu Wien, i. 2, p. 47, Taf. i. f. 1, 1784, Siidsee); Lath. Lad. Orn. i. p. 112, n. 92 (1760) ; Bechst. Kurze Ueb. p. 81, pi. 6. f. 2 (1811); Vieill. N. D. xxv. p. 379 (1817); Kuhl, Consp. Psitt. p. 69 (1820); Vieill. Eric. Meth. iii. p. 1409 (1823); Yoigt, CM. Uebers. p. 748 (1831). Psittacus porphyreocephalus, Shaiu, Nat. Misc. pi. i. (1789). P.sittacus pipilans, Lath. Lnd. Orn. i. p. 105, n. 69 (1790); Shaw, Gen. ZooL vii. 2, p. 472, pi. 69 (1811); Vieill N. D. xxv. p. 375 (1817). 44 L0KIIDJ5. Sparrow Parrakeet, Lath. Syn. Suppl. ii. p. 93 (1802); id. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 220 (1822). La Perruche ftingillaire. Levaill Perr. pi. 71 (1801). Brotogerib fringillaceus,'$fepA. Gen. Zool. xiv. p. 133 (1823). Lorius fringillaceus, Less. Tr. cWm. p. 194 (1831). Psittacus euchloris, Forst MS. (teste Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 565); id. Descr. An. p. 160 (1844). Coriphilus euchloris, Wagl. Mon. Psitt pp. 495, 564 (1832); Haiti Wiegm. Archiv, 1852, p. 132; id. Journ. f. Om. 1854, p. 169. Brotogeris porphyreocephalus, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 303 (1836). Yini fringillaceus, Less. Compl de Buff. 2nd ed., Ois. p. 506 (1838). Coriphilus pipilans, G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 417, n. 3, pi. 103. f. 9 (1845). Triclioglossus pipilans, Peak, U. St. Expl Exp. p. 129 (1S48), Jide Hartl Wiegm. Arch.f. Naturg. 1852, p. 106. Coriphilus fringillaceus, Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 151, n. 312; Souance, Rev. et Mag. de Zool 1856, p 226; Bp. 2faumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. n. 326; G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 58 (1859); id. Cat. B. Trop. Lsl p. ^3 (1859); Schley. Dierent. p. 79 (1864); Hartl Ibis, 1864, p. 232 ; Finsch $ Hartl Orn. Centr.-Polyn. p. 25 (1862); Hartl. § Finsch, P. Z. S. l&ll, p. 22 (Tavai, Samoa, Uea); Whitmee, Ibis, 1875, p. 436; Layard, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 491 (Futuria, Vavati), p. 501 (Eova, Tavau, Tonga Tabu); Garrod, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 692; Cab. $ Rchnw Journ. f. Om. 1876, p. 325 (Samoa, Vavao) ; Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 170 (note); Moseley, Not. Chall p. 292 (Tonga) (1879); Rchnw. Vogelbild. t. xxi. f. 7 (1878-83); Salv. Cat B. Strickl Coll p. 456 (1882); Bias. Jouni.f. Om. 1884, p. 229; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 74 (1889). Coriphilus australis, Cass. U. St. Expl. Exp., Orn. p. 241 (1858) j Rchnw. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 174 {Consp. Psitt. p. 110). Nanodes fringillaceus, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 117 (1864); id. op. cit., Revue, p. 53 (1874). Domicella fringillacea, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 747 (1868); Finsch § Hartl Journ. f. Orn. 1870, p. 122 ; Graeffe, ibid. pp. 402, 416 ; Finsch, Journ. f. Orn. 1872, pp. 32, 33; Finsch, P.Z.S. 1877, pp. 772, 783. Vini fringillaceus, G. R. Gr. HancUist, ii. p. 154, n. 8196 (1870). Coiiophilus fringillaceus, Sundev. Meth. nat. av. disp. Tent. p. 71 (1872). Trichoglossus fringillaceus, Gieb. TJies. Orn. iii. p. 657 (1877). Adult. Green; forehead green, vertex and occiput with long, narrow, blue feathers; back tinged with olive; lores, cheeks, and throat red; in the middle of the lower breast a red patch, followed by a purple-blue patch in the middle of the abdomen ; under fail- coverts green; tibiae purplish blue in front, green behind; quills underneath dusky; tail-feathers green, the tips and the inner web yellow, underneath greenish yellow, with an orange tinge at the base of the inner web: bill orange-red; feet red (Forster); iris yellow. Total length 7 inches, wing 4*7, tail 2*7, bill 0*5, tarsus 0*49. Young. The blue feathers on the head are shorter, the red on the throat less extended, the red patch on the lower breast only incipient, and no purple patch on the middle of the abdomen. Hal. Samoa and Friendly Islands. 5. VINI. 45 a. Ad. st. South Sea Islands. Purchased. h Ad. sk. c, d. Ad. sk. e. Ad. sk. / . . Psittacus porphyrio, Shaw, Nat. Misc. pi. 7 (1789); id. Gen. Jlisf viii, 2, p. 413, pi. 70 (1811). Psittacus taitianus, var. £, Lath. Ind. Orn. I. p. 105 (1790). Varied Parrakeet, Lath. Syn. Sunpl ii. p. 93 (1802) ; id. Gen. IL\t ii. p. 219 (1822). 6. CORIPHILUS. La Perruche Arimanon, LevailL Per?: pi. 65 (1801). La Perruche Sparman, LevailL Perr. pi. 66 (var.) (1801). Psittacus sparmanni, Bechst. Eurze TJeb. p. 80 (1812); JKM/J, Consp, Ptitt p. 68 (1820) ; Voigt, Cuv. Uebers. p. 748 (1831). Otaheite Parrakeet, var. A, Lath. Gen. Hist ii. p. 189 (1822). Trickogiossus ? taitianus, Steph. Gen. ZooL xiv. 2, p. 100(1826); Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 659 (1877). Brotogeris sparmanni, Steph. I. c. p. 133 (1826). Lorius Tini, Zess. TV. ^'Om. p. 194 (1831). Psittacus sapphirinus, Forst. 3IS.; id. Icon. ined. t. 49 (teste Wagl. lion. Psitt p. 563); id. Descr. An. p. 201 (1844). Coriphilus sapphirinus, Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 56S (1832); IlartL Wiegm. Archiv, 1852, p. K>2 • ?^. Jbwrw. f. Orn. 1854, p. 169. Coriphilus evaneus, Wagl Mon. Psitt. p. 564 (1832) ; G. P. Gr. Gen. P. ii. p. 417, n. 2 (1845); Cass. U. St. Expl. Exp., Orn. p. 240 (1858); G. P. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. litis, p. 57 (1859). Brotogeris sapphirinus, Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 308 (1837); Hartl. Syst. Verz. Ges. Mm. p. 86 (1844). Coriphilus notatus (Bodd.) (err.), G. P. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 417, n. 1 (1845) ; Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S. B. p. 13 (1849). Coriphilus taitianus, Bp. Pev. et Mag. de ZooL 1854, p. 157, n. 315; Souance, Pev. et Mag. de ZooL 1856, p. 226; Bp Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. n. 329 ; G. P. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 57 (1859); id. Cat. B. Trop. Isl. p. 31 (1859); Schleg. JDierent. p. 79 (1864); G. P. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 151, n. 8167 (1870); Pclmw. VogdUld. t. xxi. f. 1 (1878-83); id. Joum.f. Orn. 1881, p. 175 (Consp. Psitt. p. Ill) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 75 (1889). Nanodes taitianus, Schleg Mus. P.-B. Phittaci, p. 117 (1864); id. op. cit., Pevue, p. 53 (1874). Domicella taitiana, Fi?zsch, Papag. ii. p. 742 (1868); Pelz. Ibis, 1873, p. 117. Coriophilus taitianus, Sund. Meth. nat. av. disp. Tent. p. 71 (1872). Adult. Dark blue; the feathers of the head rather stiff and pointed; cheeks, fore neck, and upper part of the breast white; quills and tail-feathers underneath black: bill, feet, and iris red. Total length 7-5-8 inches, wing 4-3-4-45, tail 2-7-2-9, bill 0-42, tarsus 0*4. Young. Has the white feathers of the throat and upper breast edged with dusky. Hah. Society Islands. Sparrman (L c.) has described and figured a bird entirely blue, with no white on the cheeks, face, and neck; I have never seen one like it. According to Dr. Pinseh, it is the very young bird of the present species ! a. Ad. sk. No locality. Gould Coll. b. Ad. st. Huaheine. Gould Coll. c. Ad. st. No locality. Zoological Society. d. Ad. st. Tahiti. Purchased. e. Imm, sk. Tahiti. Tweeddale Coll. 48 L0RIIDJ3. 2. Coriphilus ultramariaus. Pihidi aus Nukahiwa, Krusenst. Voy. pi. 17. f. 2 (1814) (inltus^an). Psittacus ultramarinus, Xuhl^ Consp. Psitt. p. 49 (1820); Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 564(1832), Psittacus safErinns, part., Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 563 (juv.) (1832). Psittaculus smaragdinus, Mombr. § Jacq. Ann. Sc, Xat. xvi. p. 318 (1841). Coryphilus dryas, Gould, P. Z. S. 1842, p. 165 ; id. Voy. of Sulph. p. 44, pi. 26 (1844); G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 417, n. 6 (184-3) ; Marti. Wiegm. Archiv, 1852, p. 133; id. Journ. f. Orn. 1854, p. 170; Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157, n. 314; id. Compt. Bend. xli. p. 1111 (1855). Psittacula lessoni, Less. Echo du Monde Sav. 1843, p. 944. Coryphilus °-oup^lii, Uombr. fy Jacq. Voy. Pole Sud, pi. 24 Lis. f. 3 (1846) ; Jacq. et Pucker. Voy. Pole Sud, iii. p. 103 (1853); HartL Journ. f. Orn. 1854, p. 165; Souance, Rev. et May. de Zool. 1856, p. 226 ; Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. n. 328. Psittacula smaragdinis, G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 323, n. 20 (1840). Vim dryas, Less. Baser, des Mamm. et des Ois. p. 191 (1847). Coriphilus smaragdinus, G. R. Gr. List. Psitt. Brit. Mm. p. 57 (1859); id. Cat. B. Trop. Isl. p. 32 (1859); Schler/. Dicrent. p. 79 (1864) • Finsch, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 407; Rchmc. Voyelbild. t. xxi. f. 2 (187883); id. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 176 (Consp. Psitt p. 112); Tristr. Ibis, 1881, p. 249 ; Bias. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 702. Nanodes smaragdinus, Schley. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 217 (1864); id. op. cit Revue, p. 54 (1874). Domicella smaragdina, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 745 (1868). Coriphilus smaragdinis, G. R. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 151, n. 8168 (1870); Tristr. Cat. Coll B. p. 74 (1889). Trichoglossus smaragdinus, Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 659 (1877). Coriphilus ultramarinus, Salvin, Cat, B. Strickl. ColL p. 456 (1882). Adult. Upper parts light blue, uropygium and upper tail-coverts paler, forehead brighter; vertex and occiput deep blue ; the feathers of the pileum long, pointed, and with brighter shaft-streaks; cheeks and front of the neck deep blue, each feather with a whitish spot at the tip; breast covered by a band of deep blue.- abdomen blue, each feather largely tipped with whitish; middle of the lower abdomen and thighs deep blue ; under tail-covcrts pale blue; quills black, with the outer webs blue; tail whitish blue, the inner web of the feathers white, edged with blue at the tip : bill black, except at the base of the upper mandible, which appear^ light horn-colour; feet dark yellowish; iris dark. Total length 7 inches, wing 4*6, tail 2-9, bill 0-45, tarsus 0*49. Young. Much duller than the adult; the blue colour is more greenish; there are no whitish spots on the cheeks, throat, and abdomen. Hab. Marquesas Islands. a. Ad. st. Marquesas Isl. (Voy. ofH.M.S. J. Gould, Esq. [P.]. i Sulphur'). (Type of Coryphilus dryas, G ould.) b. Ad. sk. No locality. Gould ColL c. Ad. sk. Marquesas Isl. Purchased. d. Ad. sk. Marquesas Isl. (Rev. J. Green)* Tweeddale Coll. e. "Juv. st. Noukaiva. Purchased. / . TRICffOGLOSSUS. 7. TRICHOaLOSSUS. Type. Trichoglossus, Tig. § Eorsf. Trans. Irinn. Soc.xv. p. 287 (1820) T.haaniatodes. Australasia, Less. Tr. d'Oni. p. 209 (1831) T. novas hollandiae. Range. Australia, Timor group, Celebes, Amboyna group, Papuan Islands, ISTew Hebrides, and New Caledonia. Key to the Species. I. Quills underneath with a coloured band towards the base. a. Band towards the base of the quills underneath yellow. a\ Band on the nape greenish yellow. a". Middle of the abdomen not blue. a'". Breast mostly yellow; occiput bright green JitBniatodes, p. 49. b'n. % Breast red, a. Head not entirely blue. d\ Breast-feathers red, with no tinge of yellow towards the edges. ab. No dark cross bands on the breast forsteni, p. 51. If. Breast with dark cross bands. a7. Dark cross bands on the breast much broader and very conspicuous cyanogrammus, p. 51. b7 . Dark cross bands on the breast much narrower. ciB. Upper parts grass-green, massena, p. 53. ¥. Upper parts olive-green, flavicans, p. 55. b5. Breast-feathers red, slightly tinged with yellow towards the edges. c6. Larger: wing 6 inches; forehead and cheeks blue ... . nigroguhris, p. 55 cP. Smaller: wing 5'2 inches; very little blue on the forehead and cheeks ... . mitchelli, p. 57. bK Head entirely blue cceruleieeps, p. "57. b'\ Middle of the abdomen blue ; head entirely blue nova IwllandicB, p. 57. b'. Band on the nape orange rubritorques, p. 60. b. Band towards the base of the quills underneath red rosenbergi, p. 61. II. Quills with no coloured band beneath; cheeks and breast red ornaitts, p. 61. 1. Trichoglossus lisematodes. The Red-breasted Parrakeet, JSdio. Glean, v. pi. 232 (1758). Psittacus haematodus, Linn. Mant. Plant, p. 524 (part.) (1771)j Lath. Ind. Om. i. p. 87, n. 17 (syn. emend, et excl. var.) (1790); Shaw, Nat Misc. pi. 917 (1809?) (ex Edw.); Tieill. Em. Meth. VOL. XX. E 50 LOKIIDJE. iii. p. 1386 (young male) (1823) ; Hahn, Om. Atl, Papag. p. 81 (syn. emend.), t. 61 (1836). Psittacus hsematotus, part., Gm. S. N. i. p. 316, n. 50 (1788) (syn. emend.). La Perruclie a face bleue, Levaill Perr. pi 47 (1801). - Psittacus lisematodes, Shaw, Gen. Zool viii. 2, p. 415 (1811) (syn, emend.). Psittacus capistratus, Beckst, Lath. TJeb. p. 68, pi. 3 (1811): .EwA/, Mb*. Psitt. p. 35 (1820); Voigt, Cuv. Uebers. p. 734 (1831) ; Miill $ Sehleg. Verh. Land-en Volkenh. p. 108 (1839-1844) ; Weinl, Journ, f. Om. 1854, Per. p. Ixxv. Red-breasted Parrot, Lath. Gen. Hist, ii. p. 122 (excl. syn.) (1822). Trichoglossus capistratus, Vig. et Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 2(.>0 (1826) ; Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 2, p. 130 (partim) (1826); ? Bolle, Journ. f. Om. 1856, p. 170; Sehleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 100 (syn. emend.) (1864) ; G. P. Gr. Sand-list, ii. p. 155, n. 8219 (1870); Sehleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 48 (1874): ? Gidliv. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 489. Tricboglosstis hsematodus, Wagl Mon. Psitt. p. 350 (1832) ; G. JR. Or. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, n. 1 (1846); Bp. Consp. i. p. 3 (1850); id. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157, n. 295; id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. n. 309; ? Blyth, Journ. A. 8. B. xxvii. p. 279 (1858); G. P. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 60 (1859) ; id. R Z. S. 1860, p. 357; Wall. Ibis, 1861, p. 350; Posenb. Nat. Tijdsehr. Ned. 2nd. xxv. pp. 145,147 (1862); id. Journ. f. Om. 1863, pp. 60, 67; Wall P. Z. S. 1863, p. 484, 1864, pp. 291, 295; Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (1865) ; G. P. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 155, n. 8209 (1870). Psittacus (Trichoglossus) capistratus, Miill. fy Sehleg. Verh. Land- en Volkenh. p. 107 (1839-1844). Tricboglosstis hseniatodes, Uartl. Syst. Verz. Ges. Mus. p. 85 (1844); Nitzsch, Pterylogr. (Engl, ed.), p. 100 (1867); Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 827(1868); Gieb. Thes. Om. iii. p. 657 (1877); ? Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 170 (note); Pchmv. Vogelbild. t. viii. f. 6(187883); id. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 162 (Consp. Psitt. p. 98) ; Meyer, Verh. z.-b. Gesell. Wien, 1881, p. 762 (Sumba); Sclat. List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 319 (1883). Trichoglossus cyanogramrnus, Sclat. (nee Wagl), P. Z. S. 1860, p. 226; Finsch (nee Wagl), Ned. Tijdsehr. Dierk. i. Berigt. p. xviii (1863); Sehleg. JDierent. p. 77 (1864). Trichoglossus hamatopus, Cab. § Pchnw. Journ. f, Ch*n. 1876, p. 324. Adult. Back, wings, and tail green ; forehead, cheeks, and chin blue; occiput, ear-coverts, and throat green; a greenish-yellow band on the nape; the interscapular feathers have concealed yellow spots, in some specimens tinged with red; breast yellow, more or less tinged with orange, the feathers with vanishing green edges ; middle of the abdomen dark green; flanks yellow, more or less tinged with red: lower abdomen, thighs, and under tail-coverts greenish yellow, spotted with green; under wing-coverts yellow, tinged with red; quills beneath dusky, with a yellow band; tail beneath oily yellow; inner web of the lateral tail-feathers yellow; bill red; feet dark grey; iris yellow or red. Total length 11 inches, wing 4*90, tail 4*40, bill 0*80, tarsus 0*55. Hob. Timor. 7. TRICKOGLOSSTJS. 5 1 a, b. Ad. st. c. Ad. st. d. Ad. sir. e. Ad. sk. No locality. No exact locality. No locality. Timor Belli, April 1861. Purchased. Zoological Society. Gould Coll. Wallace Coll. 2. Trichoglossus forsteni. Psittacus forsteni, Temm. in Mus. Lugd. Tricliogiossus forsteni, Bp. Consp. i. p. 3 (1850) (Sunibawa); id. Compt. Rend. xxx. p. 134 (1850) ; id. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157, no. 296 j id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. no. 310; G. R. Gr. List Psitt Brit Mus. p. 60 (1859); Sclat P. Z. S. 1860, p. 226; Wall. P. Z.S. 1863, p. 484, 1864, pp. 29], 295 ; SoMeg. Dierent. p. 77 (with figure) (1864); id. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. Il l (1864); Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (1865); id. Papag. ii. p. 826 (1868); G. P. Gr. Sand-list, ii. p. 156, no. 8220 (1870) ; Schleg. Mus, P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 46 (1874); Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 657 (1877); Rchnw. Journ.f. Om. 1881, p. 157 (Consp. Psitt p. 93) (partim) ; id. Vogelbild. Nachtr. Bericht. (part.) (1883); Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 502 (Bima, Sumbawa). Tricliogiossus immarginatus, Blyth, Journ. A. 8. B. xxvii. p. 279 (1858); G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 436. Psittacus (Trichoglossus) forsteni, Rosenb. Journ.f. Orn. 1862, p. 66; id. Nat Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. p. 146 (1863). Adult male. Back, wings, and tail green; head purple-brown, front and lores slightly tinged with blue, vertex with a faint tinge of green; a greenish-yellow band on the nape; the interscapular feathers have concealed red spots, and are edged with brown-purple; throat and middle of the abdomen dark purple; breast pure bright red, with no dark cross bands ; flanks, vent, and under tail-coverts yellow, with the feathers broadly tipped with green; under wing-coverts red ; the quills beneath dusky black with a yellow oblique band; tail-feathers underneath oily, with a very narrow yellow edge on the inner web: " bill red, yellow at tip; feet olive-green " (Guillemard). Total length about 10 inches, wing 5-3, tail 4*2, bill 0-8, tarsus 0-61 (Rothschild Coll). Hab. Sumbawa. I have described an adult male, collected by Dr. Guillemard, now in the collection of Mr. "Walter Eothschild. T. forsteni appears to me to be quite different from T. mitehelli, with which it has been associated by Dr. Eeichenow. T. forsteni is a larger bird, with a stronger and larger bill, has the head more decidedly purple, and no green colour on the throat, which is purple ; the breast pure red, with no yellow tinge towards the edges of the feathers; the middle of the abdomen is brownish-purple, with no green whatever. I cannot understand what considerations have induced Dr. Eeichenow to unite T. forsteni and T. mitehelli in one species. 3. Trichoglossus cyanogrammus. Psittaca Amboinensis varia, Briss. Om. iv. p. 364 (1760). Perruche d'Aruboina, Baubent. PI. Enl 61 (fig. bona). La Perruche a face bleue, Buff. Hist. Nat. Ois. vi. p. 150 (1779). Bed-breasted Parrot, Lath. Syn. i. p. 212 (sine var.) (1781). E 2 52 LOKIID^. Psittacua haematodus, Bodcl (nee Linn.), Tall. PI. JEnl. p. 4 (ex PL JEnl. 61) (1783); Gm. S. N. i. p. 316, n. 50 (syn. emend.) (1788) ; Lath. Lid. Om. i. p. 87, n. 17 (sine Tar.) (1790); VieilL JSnc. Meth. p. 1386 ( $ ?) (1823); Temm. Tall Meth. p. 60 (partim) (1839). La Perruche a tete bleue ( $ )> LevailL Perr. pi. 25 (fig. bona) et pi. 27 (var.) (1801). Psittacus hcematopus (!) (av. jun.), Kuhl, Consp. Psitt. p. 35 (1820). Australasia nova>hollandia3 ($) , Less, (nee Gm.), Tr. d'Om. p. 210 (1831). Triclioglossus cyanogrammus, Weigh 3Ion. Psitt. p. 554 (1832) (ex Brisson); GJR. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, n. 4 (lb46); Bp. Itev. et Mag. de Zool 1854, p. 157, sp. 297; id. Naiuuannia, 1>16, Cony). Psitt sp. 312; Sclat. P. Z. S. 185s, p. 164, n. 104; G. R. Gr. Cat. B. New Gum. pp. 41, 59 (1859); id. LUt Psitt. Brit. 31 vs. p. 61 (1859)j id. P.Z.S. 1860, p. 357, 18<>1, p. 43(5; Rosenb. Nat. Tifdschr. Ned. Pad. xxv. p. 224, n. 6 (1863); id. Jovrn. f. Om. 1864, p. 112, n. 6; Wall. P. Z. S. 1863, p. 20, 1864, pp. 291, 295; Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (1805); id. Papaq. ii. p. 830 (partim) (1808) ; G. P. Gr. Sand-fat, ii. p. 155, sp.*8213 (1870); Meyer, Sitz. k. Ah. Wissensch. Wien, Ixx. p. 225 (1874); Sclat. P. Z. S. 1873, p. 697; Meyer, Sitzb. Isis Bread. 1875, p. 78 ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. \ii.-p. 760 (1875), viii. p. 371 (1876), x. p. 35, n, 77, p. 112 (1877); Lenz, Journ. f. Om. 1877, p. 364; Sclat P. Z. S. 1878, p. 570 (Humboldt Bay) ; D'Alb. %' Salvad. Ann. 3Ius. Civ. Gen. xiv. p. 40 (1879); Salvad. Om. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 279 (1880); Rehuc. Vogelbild. t. viii. f. 1 (1*7883) ; id. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 158 (Consp. Psitt. p. 94); Bias. u. Nehrh. Verh. z'.-b. Gesellsch. Wien, 1882, p. 477; Sclat. List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 319 (1883); Nehrk. Journ. f. Om. 1885, p. 31; Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 622; Meyer, Zeitschr. f. ges. Om. 1886, p. 33 (KafiO; Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. Sc. Tor.'ser. 2, si. p. 172 (1889) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 74 (1889). Trichoglossus haematodus, Jard. &; Selb. (nee Linn.), III. Om. iii. pi. Il l (1825-39); Sclat P. Z. S. I860, p. 226. Psittacus capistratus, var., Mull. Verh. Land-en Volkenk. pp. 107, 108 (1839-44). ? Psittacus haeniatodus, Weinl. Journ. f. Om. 1854, Bericht, p. Ixxv. Triclioglossus capistratus, var., 6% P. Gr. P. Z. S. 1858, p. 194,1801, p. 436. Triclioglossus nigrogularis, var., G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 159 (ex Dorei). Triclioglossus nigrogularis, G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 436 (partim) (nee 1858); Rosenb. Journ. f. Om. 1802, pp. 63, 64, 67 ; id. Nat Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. pp. 143, 144, et 223 (partim) (nee p. 144) (1863); id. Journ. f. Om. 1864, p. 112, n. 5 (partim) ; Bermt. (nee G. R. Gr.), Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxvii. p. 297 (1864): id. JDagboek, pp. 116,123,143, 146, 151, 154 (1883). Triclioglossus capistratus, Rosenb. Journ. f. Om. 1862, pp. 60, 61, Q6, 67; id. Nat Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. pp. 140, 141 (1863). Triclioglossus hsematotus, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 109 (1804) ; id. Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk. iii. p. 336 (18.'G), iv. p. 10 (1871); id. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 43 (partim) (1874); Rosenb. Reist. naar Geekinkb. pp. 36 (Mafor!), 56, 83, 113 (1875). Adult Back, wings, and tail green; forehead and cheeks blue ; vertex greenish; occiput, ear-eoverts, and throat purple-black ; a 7. TKICHOGLOSSUS. yellowish-green band on the nape, the feathers of this band have a concealed red band in the middle; the interscapular feathers have each a concealed red band: lower throat and upper breast bright red, with purple-black cross bands at the edges of the feathers; middle of the abdomen green; lower abdomen and flanks yellow, with green cross bands ; under tail-coverts yellow, with green tips; sides of the breast red, with the feathers edged with green ; flanks and under wing-coverts red; quills beneath dusky, with a very broad yellow band at the base ; on the inner secondaries the yellow band is stained with red; tail underneath olive, inner web of the tail-feathers yellow: bill orange-red; feet lead-colour; iris red. Total length from 12-10-60 inches, wing 5-70-5-20, tail 5-30-4-70, bill 0-95-0-85,* tarsus 0-68-0-66. Young, Has the occiput greenish; the interscapular feathers green without the concealed red spots, the red of the breast paler; the feathers of the breast with a narrow yellowish line before the green edge. Ilab. The Amboyna group and "Western Papua—Amboyna, Ceram, Bouru, Gorani, Western New Guinea, eastwards as far as the upper part of the Ely Iliver, Mysol, Salwatty, Batanta, Waigiou, Miosnom, and Jobi. a. Ad. st Amboyna. Massena Coll. b. Ad. sk. Amboyna (A. R. Wallace). Gould Coll. c. Ad. sk. Amboyna (Roedt). Leyden Museum. d. Ad. sk. Ceram (A. R. Wallace). Tweeddale Coll. e. y ad. sk. Bouiu. A. R. Wallace [C.]. / . Ad. sk. Bouru (A. R. Wallace). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. Ad. sk. Gorani. A. E. Wallace [C.]. h. Ad. sk. Goram {A. R. Wallace). Tweeddale Coll. A. E. Wallace [0.]. i. Ad. sk. Dorey. k. Ad. sk. New Guinea. 1 Ad. sk. New Guinea. Tweeddale Coll. m. $ ad. sk. Humboldt Bay. ' Challenger' Exped. n, o. $ ad. et ad. sk. Amberbaki, May. L. Laglaize [0.1. p. Ad. sk. Waigiou. A. E. Wallace {C.]. q~t. Ad. sk. u. Juv. sk. * Mysol. A. E. Wallace [C.]. Purchased. ID. Skeleton. New Guinea. v. Ad. var. st. Moluccas. 4. Trichoglossus massena. Trichoglossus massena, Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157 (type examined) ; id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 313; G. R. Or. List Psitt. Brit. Mm. p. 61 (1850); id. Cat. B. Trop. IsL p. 33 (1859); Sdat. P. Z. S. I860, p. 228; Wall. P. Z. S. 1864, pp. 292, 205; Schleg. Mm. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 110 (1804); Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 834 (1868) ; Sdat. P. Z. S. I860, pp. 119, 123, 124; G. R. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 155, sp. 8214 (1870); id. Ann. 8? Mag. N. II. (4) v. p. 330 (1870) ; id. Cruise of Curacoa, Birds, p. 382, pi. 15 (1873) ; Salvad. § If Alb. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 813 (1875); Tristr. Ibis, 1876, p. 263; Salrad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. Ix. p. 16 (1876), x. p. 30, n. 78 (1877); Sdat. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 108; L0&IIDJE. Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. xiii pp. 80, 309 (1877), p. 491, sp. 13 (1878), xiv. p. 586 (1879) ; Layard, Ibis, 1878, pp. 253, 274. 280; Ramsay, Proe. Linn. Soc. K 8. W. iii. p. 255 (1878), iv. p. 96 (1879); Tristr. Ibis, 1879, pp. 18o, 191, 442 ; Sclat. P. Z. 8. 1879, p. 447; Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol i. p. 288 (1880) ; Imjard, Ibis, 1880, pp. 230 (Lifu), 300, 307; Rchnw. Voqelbild, t. viii. f. 2 (1878-83); id. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 157 (Oonsp. Psitt. p. 93); Finsch, Ibis, 1881, p. 538; Ramsay, Pr. Linn, Soc. N. S. W. vii. p. 34 (1882) (Solomon Islands) ; Tristr. Ibis, 1882, p. 143; Layard, P. Z. 8. 1882, p. 408 (Lifu); Sharpe, Journ. Linn, Soc, Zool. xvi. p. 426 (1882) ; Finsch, Tog. d. Siidsee, p. 18 (New Britain, Laloki) (1884) ;' Finsch u. Meyer, Zeitschr. f. yes. Orn. 1886, p. 9 (Horseshoe Mountains) ; Schal. Journ. f. Orn. 1887, p. 246 (New Caledonia); Grant, P. Z. 8. 1887, p. 330, 1888, pp. 187, 191; Pelz. u. Lor. Ann. d. naturh. Hofmus. 1888, p. 39 (typical specimen of T. deplanchei); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 74 (1889); Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. Sc. Tor. sex. 2, xl. p. 172 (3889); Meyer, Ibis, 1890, p. 413. Trichoglossus hseniatotus, part., Schley. Mus. P.-B. Pattaei, Revue, p. 43 (1874). Trichoglossus deplanchei, Verr. fy Des Mars, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1860, p. 388 (New Caledonia); Marie, Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xxvii. p. 327 (1870) j Ibis. 1877, p. 362; Oust. Bull Soc. Philom. Paris, 1878, p. 218. Adult. Yery much like T. cyanogramnms, but generally smaller, or at least with a shorter tail; the red on the breast generally paler; the principal and more constant differences are the much narrower dark cross hands on the breast, and the slight tinge of green on the ear-coverts and cheeks. Total length 10 inches, wing 5-5, tail 4*10, bill 0-85, tarsus 0-61. Hab. S.E. New Guinea, Duke of Tork Islands, New Ireland, New Britain, Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, New Caledonia, and Loyalty Islands. I cannot find that the New Caledonia specimens differ in any way from those of the other localities mentioned above. a. Ad. sk. Port Moresby. Bey. S. Macfarlane [C.]. b. Ad. sk. S.E. New Guinea. Tweeddale Coll. c. Ad. sk. S.E. New Guinea, Jan. 1876. Tweeddale Coll. d. Ad. sk. S.E. New Guinea, Feb. 1876. Tweeddale Coll. 6,/. Ad. sk. Astrolabe Mountains. Hon.H.Bomilly[C.]. g.' (S ad. sk. New Britain, August (G. K Purchased. Richards), h. Ad. sk. New Britain. Purchased. i. Ad. sk. New Ireland (Rev. G. Brown). Tweeddale Coll. h. Juv. sk. New Ireland. Bey. G. Brown [C.]. /. (S ad. sk. San Cristoyal, Solomon Isl. Cuuiing Coll. m,n. <$ ; o. § San Cristoval, Jan. 8,1855 Gould tloll. ad. sk. (Voyage of H.M.S.< Herald.') p, $ ad. sk. San Cristoyal, Sept. 1865. J. Brenchley, Esq. [P.]. q. Juv. sk. Solomon Islands. P. L. Sclater, Esq. [P.]. r. $ ad. sk. Port Besolution, Tanna, New Purchased. Hebrides, July (G. E. Richards). 7 . TKICHOGKLOSSUS. 55 s,t. $ % ad. sk. Erroniango, New Hebrides, Purchased. Sept. 10,1858. u, v. 2 ad. et <$ Havannali Harbour, Vati, Purcliased, juv. sk. New Hebrides, June, Nov. (G. E. Richards), to. Juv. sk. Vanua-Lava, Banks Group, J. JBrenchley, Esq. Aug. 1865. [P.]. x. J ad. sk. New Caledonia (F.ZtZayard). Seebohm Coll. y. Inim. sk. New Caledonia. Maison Verreaux. z. $ juv. sk. New Caledonia (Verreaux). Tweeddale Coll. a'. Juv. sk. New Caledonia (F. L. Layard). Purcliased. 5. Trichoglossus flavicans. Trichoglossus raassenas, Earth (nee Bp.)} P. Z. S. 1867, p. 828 (Eehiquier Isl.). Trichoglossus -flavicans, Cab. fy Rchnw. Sitzb. Geselkch. naturf. Freunde zu JBerl. p. 73 (1876) (type examined) ; iid. Journ. f. Orn. 1876, p. 824; Salvad. Ann. Mni. Civ. Gen. x. p. 35, n. 79 (1877); Cab. Journ. f. Orn. 1877, t. v. f. 1; Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 290 (1880) ; JRehnw. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 158 (Consp. Psitt. p. 94); id. Vogelbild. Nachtr. 35 (1883); Salvad, Mem. P. Ac. Se. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 172 (1889); Stilder, ForscJiungsreise Gazelle, p. 237, t. x. f. 1 (1889). Triclioglossus cyanogramnius, Sclat. (nee Wagl), P. Z. S. 1877, p. 544, sp. 9 (Admiralty Isl.); Selat. Voy. ClialV,Birds, p. 30 (1881). Adult. Very much like T. cyanogrammus and T. massena, but the green colour of the upper parts has a decidedly olive tinge; the dark purple colour of the occiput, sides of the head, and throat more conspicuous; the red of the breast is very bright, but not so dark* the black bands across the breast are very narrow, as in T. massena; the green on the middle of the abdomen is more or less tinged with dark purple. Total length 10 inches, wing 6, tail 4*1, bill 0*95, tarsus 0*65. Hab. New Hanover, Admiralty Islands, Eehiquier Islands. a-e. S; f. 9 ad. sk. Admiralty Islands. (Challenger 'Expedition. g. 2 ad. sk. [New Ireland.*] Dr. O. Einsch [C.]. 6. Trichoglossns nigrogtilaris. Triclioglossus nigrogularis, G. R. Gr. P. Z. 8. 1858, pp. 183, 195 id. Cat. B. New Guin. pp. 41, 60 (1859); id. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 61 (1859); Sclat. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 227; G. R. Gr. P. Z. S. 1861, p. 436 (partim); Rosenb. Journ. f. Orn. 1862, p. 65,1864, p. 112, sp. 5 (partim); Schleg. Dierent. p. 77 (1864) id. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 110 (1864); Fmsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (1865); Rosenh. Reis naar de Zuidoostereil. pp. 48, 80,100 (1867); G. R. Gr. Eand-Ust, ii. p. 155, sp. 8212 (1870); Sclat P. Z. S. 1873, p. 697; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 35, n, 80 (1877); id. P. Z. S. 1878, p. 93; I)1Alb. 8f Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. * I greatly doubt whether Dr. Finseh's specimen is really from New Ireland, where T. massena is certainly found. 56 ZGRllBJ:. Gen. xiv. p. 40 (1879) (Fly River); Sahad. Orn. Pap. e Mol I p. 292 (1880); id. Toy. CJicdL, Birds, p. 75, pi xx. (1881); RcJimc. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, pp. 159, 3915 (Cmsp. Psitt. pp. 95, 228); id. Vogelbihl Nachtr. 30 (1883); Meyer, Zeitschr. f. yes. Orn. i. p. 274 (1884); Gvillem. P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 623; Sahad. Mem. R. Ac. 8c. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 172 (1889). Triclioglossus cyanogranrmus, pait., Wall. P. Z. 8. 1861, p. 291; FinscJi, Papay. ii. p. 830 (partim) (1868). Trichoglossus haematotus, pait., Schleq. Ned. Ttjdschr. Dierk. iii. p. 336 (partim) (1866), ir. p 10 (18*71); Id. Mm. P.-J5. P*ittaci, Revue, p. 43 (partim) (1874).* Adult. Very much, like T. cyanogrctmtio's, but the head has only two colours, blue on the forehead and cheeks, green on the veitex and occiput; there is scarcely any or no dark purple tinge on the occiput; throat pnrple ; the red colour of the breast is paler than in T. cyanogrammuS) and the breast-feathers have an orange tinge near the dark edges; the dark bands on the edges of the breast- feathers are narrower than in T. cyanogrammiis; the middle of the abdomen is more or less mixed with black. Total length 11 Inches, wing 6, tail 5-50, bill 0-90, tarsus 0*65. Hah. Am Islands, Southern Xew Guinea, along the middle part of the Fly River, and Ke Islands. a,b. S $ ad. sk. Am Islands. Wallace Coll. (Types of species.) * The following refers to a bird which was collected by Wallace in the Am Islands, and which most likely is a hybrid between T. nigrogularis and Chalcopsittacus scintillatus. TRICHOGLOSSUS COCCINTIFKONS, G. B. Gr. Trichoglossus coccineifrons, 67. R. Gr. P. Z. 8. 1838, pp. 183, 194; id. Cat.B. New Guin. pp. 41, 60 {1859); id. Libt Psitt. Brit. Mm. p. 62 (1859); Mat. P. Z. 8. I860, p. 227; 67. R. Gr. P. Z. 8. 1861, p. 436; Ro&enb. Joum. f. Orn. 1862, pp. 6o, 67, 1864, p. 112, n. 7; Wall. P. Z. 8. 1SG4, pp. 291, 295; Finsch, Ncu-Guin. p. 158 (1865); Rosenb. Reis oiaar de Zvidoodtreil. p. 48 (1867); 8(hleg. Ned. Tijdschr. PierJc. iii. p. 336 (1806;; JF>;^, Papay. ii. p. 845 (*1868) ; 67. R. Gr. Hand-lht, ii. p. 150, sp. 8222 (1870); SiJikg. Ned. Tidj&chr. PierJc. iv. p. 10 (1871); Meyer, kiizb. l\ AJcad. Wihbimeh. Wien, Ixx, pp. 226, 227 (1874); Salvai. Ann Mvs. Civ. Gen.^. p. 35, n. 81 (1877); id. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 296 (1880); Rcfaiw. Jovm. f Orn. 18S1, p. 160 (Comp. Psitt p. 96); id. Voyelbild. Xachtr. 37(1883); Salvad. Mem. R. Ac. So. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 172 (1889). Male. Green ; head purple: forehead and some scattered feathers on the pileum red; a red collar round the hind neck; breast red, with purple cross bands; abdomen blue ; flanks green and j ellow; thighs green; under tail-coverts orange, green in the middle; smaller upper \-\iiig-co\erts with orange-red irregular spots and edges; under wing-coverts red ; inner webs of the quills towards the base orange-red ; tail-feathers green, the lateral ones with the inner webs golden red towards the bases; bill orange ; feet plumbeous. Total length about 11 inches, wing 6, tail 4-3, bill 0*85, tarsus 0 6. Hob. Aru Islands. a. <$ ad. sk. Aru Islands; ( A. B. Wallace [C.]. (Tjpe of Trv hogfows coccineifrons Gr.) 7. TRICHOGLOSSUS. 57 e. J acL sk. Aru Islands. Wallace Coll. & ? ad. sk. Am Islands (A P. JT«JGould Coll. e. £ ad. sk. / , #. Ad. sk. lace), Aru Islands. Aru Islands (J. T. Cock< Challenger' Expedition. Salvin-Godman Coll. erell). 7. Trichoglossus mitchelli. Trichoglossus mitckellii, G. P. Gr. ListPsitt. Brit. Mus. p. 62 (1859); Fimch, Papag. ii. p. 838 (1868); Sclat. P. Z. S. 1871, p. 490, pi. xli.; G. P. Gr. ibid.; Sclat. op. cit. p. 544; Salv. Ibis, 1871, p. 372 ; Sclat P. Z. 8. 1880, p. 420: id. List Vert, An. 8th ed. p. 320 (1883). Psittacus (Trichoglossus) f orsteni, Bosenb. Journ. f. Orn. 1862, p. 66; id. Naturk. Tifdschr. Ned. hid. xxv. p. 146 (1863). Adult female. Back, wings, and tail green ; Bead purple-brown ; front and lores scarcely tinged with blue; vertex and cheeks with a faint tinge of green; a yellow-green band across the nape; the interscapular feathers have concealed red spots; a green band on the throat; breast bright red, with a faint tinge of orange towards the tip of the feathers, which are more or less faintly edged with green; abdomen green, tinged with dark brown-purple; vent and under tail-coverts green, with the feathers yellow at the base; thighs yellow ; under wing-coverts red ; quills beneath dusky black with a yellow band; tail underneath oily, with the inner web of the tail-feathers edged with yellow: bill red; feet dark grey; iris red. Total length 9 inches, wing 5*2, tail 3*5, bill 0*7, tarsus 0*51. A second specimen has the yellow tinge near the edges of the breast-feathers more distinct. Hal. Unknown. a. J ad. st. Locality unknown. Zoological Society. (Type of T. mitc/iellii, Gr.) b. 2 ad. sk. Locality unknown. Zoological Society. c. Sternum of spec. a. 8. Trichoglossus caeruleiceps. Trichoglossus casruleiceps, I?Alb. 8r Sahad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xiv. p. 41 (1879); Rclvnw. $* Schal. Journ. f. Orn. 1879, pp. 313, 427; Sahad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 295 (1880) ; Rchnw. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 159 (Consp. Psitt. p. 95); id. Vogelbild. Nachtr. 36 (1883); Salvad. Mem. P. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 172 (1889). Adult. Very much like T. nvjrogularis, but with the head entirely blue. Total length 10 inches, wing 5*4, tail 4, bill 0-85, tarsus 0*61. (Museo Civico of Genoa.) Hah. Southern New Guinea, near the Xataw Biver. 9. Trichoglossus novae hollau&ise. White-collared Parrot, Penn. Gen. of B. p. 59, pi. 2 (1773); Lath. Syn. I. 1, p. 251, n. 53 (1781); id. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 177 (1822). LORIIDJB. Blue-bellied Parrot, Brown, Ilkistr. p. 14, pi. 7 (1776); White, Voy. N. 8. W. pi. at p. 140 Phill. Voy. Bot. Bay, pi. p. 152 (1781) ; Lath. Syn. i. p. 213, 1 4 B (1781). Perruclie des Moluques, Daubent. PI. Fnl 743 ; Buff. Hist Nat. Ois. vi. p. 150 (1779). Orange-breasted Parrot, Lath. Syn. i. p. 212,14 A (1781). Psittacus moluccanus, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 316 (1788) (ex PL JEnL 743). Psittacus novse bollandiae, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 316 (1788) (ex Brown). Psittacus multicolor, Gm. op. cit. p. 328, n. 86 (1788) (ex Pennant); Bechst. Lath. Ueb. p. 79 (1811). Psittacus baematodus, var. /5, Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 87 (1790). Psittacus baematodus, var. y, Lath. I. c. (1790). Psittacus semicollaris, Lath, Ind. Orn. i. p. 103, n. 6'2 (1790) ( = multicolor, Gm.); Vieill. N. D. xxv. p. 343 (1817) : Kuhl, Consp. Psitt p. 97 (1820) ; Vieill. JEnc. Meth. iii. p. 1384 (1823). Perrucbe a tete bleue (male), Levaill. Perr. pi. 24 (1801) (ad.). ? Perrucbe a tete bleue, dans son jeune age, Levaill. Perr. pi. 2G (1801) (variety?). Psittacus cyanogaster, Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. 2, p. 413, pi. 59 (1811) (syn. emend.). Psittacus bgematopus (!), Bechst. Lath. Ueb. p. 67 (1811); Ktihl, Consp. Psitt. r>. 34 (1820) (descr. of tbe ad. bird onlv) ; Less. Voy. Coq.l pp. 40l, 631 (1828); Voigt, Cav. Uebers, p. 729 (1831); Hahn, Orn. Atl, Papag. p. 13, t. 3 (1834) ; Dubois, Orn. Gal. pi. 102 (1839). Psittacus bsematodus, part., Vieill. JEnc. Meth. iii. p. 1386 (1823) (male parfait). Tricboglossus bsematodus, Vig. §* Horsf. (nee Linn.), Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 289 (1826); Le Maout, Hist. Nat. Ois. p. 99 (1853); Licht. Nomencl. AD. p. 72 (1854). Tricboglossus bsematopus, Steph. Gen, Zool. xiv. p. 129 (1826). Australasia novae-bollandice, Less. TV. d'Om. p. 209 (1831). Tricboglossus multicolor, Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 553 (1832); Hartl. Syst. Verz. Ges. Mns. p. 85 (1844); G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, n. 3 (1846); Bp. Mev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157, n. 300; Souance, Bev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 226; Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. p. 314; G. B. Gr. List Psitt. Bint. Mus. p. 60 (1859); Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci,p. 108 (1864); Gould, Handb. B. Ausir. ii. p. 93 (1865); Ramsay, P. Z. 8.1864, p. 293; Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Berne, p. 47 (1874); Ramsay, P. Z. 8. 1875, p. 602. Tricboglossus swainsoni, Jard. fy Selb. III. Orn. iii. pi. 112 (1825-39); 8w. Zool III 2nd ser. iii. pi. 92 (1832-33); Selb. Nat. Libr., Orn. vi. p. 153, pi. 20 (1836); Sw. Class. B. ii. p. 304 (1837); Gould, B. Austr. v. pi. 48 (pt. ix., 1842) ; Rchnb. Yog. Neuholl. n. 170 (1850); Sclat. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 372 ; Ramsay, Ibis, 1865, p. 305 ; Diggl. Syn. Austr. B. ii. pi. %o. f. 2 (1877); Forbes, P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 126, 1879, p. 170 (note); Moseley, Not. Chall. p. 352 (1879); Forbes, Voy. Chalk, Birds, p. 90 (1881). Tricboglossus novse bollandiae, Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A, 8. B. p. 11 (1849); Jfforsf. $ Moore, Cat. B. Mus. E. I. Co. ii. p. 630 (1858); Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 820 (1868); G. B. Gr. BCand-list, ii. p. 155, n. 8211 (1870); Garrod, P.Z.8. 1874, p. 587; Cab. % Rchmo. Journ. f. Orn. 1876, p. 324; Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 658 (1877); Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 194, n. 504 (1878); Rchnw. Vogelbild. t. viii. f. 4 (1878-83); id. Journ. /. Orn. 1881, p. 161 (Consp. Psitt. p. 92); Saloin, Cat. B. Strichl. Coll. p. 455 (1882); 7. TEiCHoeiossxTs. SclaL List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 319 (1883); Sharpe, lleport 'Alert; p. 25 (1884),• Bamsag, Tab. List, p. 17, n. 518 (1888); Tristr. Cat. Coll B. p. 74 (1889); North, Descr. Cat. Nests & Lags, p. 266 (1889).* * ^ Adult Back, tail, and wings green, the whole of the head and the middle of the abdomen bine; a yellowish-green band on the nape; breast yellow, more or less stained with red along the middle, sometimes almost entirely red, except on the sides; some very narrow cross lines of a blue colour, nearly vanishing, on the breast; flanks green, with the base of the feathers yellow, stained with red ; under tail-coverts yellow at the base, green at the tip; under wing- coverts red; a yellow band on the under surface of the wing; inner web of the lateral tail-feathers yellow: bill red with yellow tip; feet dark ; " iris reddish brown, with a narrow ring of dark brown next the pupil" (Gould). Total length 12 inches, wing 6*7, tail 5*5, bill 0-7, tarsus 0*5. Young. Breast yellow, with scarcely any red colour; yellow- green band on the nape scarcely visible. Hob. Eastern Australia from Cape York to Yictoria, and Tasmania (Ramsay). a. Ad. st. Australia. Zoological Society. b-e. Ad. sk. Australia. Gould Coll. f9g. Ad. sk. Australia (J. T. Cocherell). Salvin-Godman Coll. h. Ad. sk. Australia. Mrs. Mauger [P.]. i. Ad. sk. Australia Sir D. Cooper [P.]. k. Ad. sk. Australia. J. E. W. Kishton, E«i. [P.]. I. <$ ad. sk. Prince of Wales Isl., Torres Str., e Alert' Expedition. July 1881. m. 2 ad. sk. Cape York. ' Challenger' Exped. n. Ad. sk. Cape York. Purchased. o. Ad. sk. Somerset, Cape York. Tweeddale Coll. * TRICHOGLOSSUS VERREAUXIUS. Trichoglossus verreauxius, Bp. Bev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157, n. 352 (Australasia); (r. E. Or. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 61 (1859); id. Handlist, ii.p. 156, n. 8221(1870). Trichoglossus verreauxi, Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Oonsp. Psitt. n. 315; Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 846 (1868); Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 660 (1877); Bchnw. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 155 (Oonsp. Psitt. p. 91); id. Vogelbild. Nachtr. 33. Bright green; cheeks and throat bluish; breast, abdomen, and sides with irregular yellow and orange cross bands ; forehead and eyebrows red ; middle of the back with yellow spots (Bonaparte). Hab. Unknown. This bird, which, according to Bonaparte, is a large and true Trichoglossus, was only known from Bonaparte's original and incomplete description: the type specimen is in the Museum of Paris; but there is a second specimen in the British Museum, which has been labelled by Dr. Finsch as T. verreauxius; it agrees pretty well with Bonaparte's description; it is not symmetrical, and after some consideration I have arrived at the conclusion that most likely it is a hybrid between T. nova hollandics and Qlossopsittacus concinnus. a. Ad. sk. Melbourne. Gould Coll. GO LOR11DJC. p. Ad. sk. Puit Albany, N. Australia (C. Tweeddale Coll. Coven), q. <$ ad. sk. Port Molle, Queensland, May 'Alert' Expedition. 1881. r~-y. Ad. sk. Cape Upstart, Queensland, April J. B. Jukes [P. . Ib48. s. Clarence River, New South Waie^. Tweeddale ColL a\ Ad. sk. S. Australia. Sir G. Grey P.~. b'. Ad. sk. S. Australia. C. D. Foitnuoi "P.". J. efe i?^. ix. p. 22(J (lb37); #. op. cit. 2nd ed. p. 613 (1838); Gould, B. Austr. v. pi. 40 (pt. ix., 1842); G. R. Or. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, n. 2 (184G); Rchnb. Yog. Xeuholl n. 171 (1850) ; Bp. Rev. etMag. de Zool 1854, p. 157, n. 301; Weinland, Journ. f. Orn. 1854, Ber. p. lxxv; Souance, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1^56, p. 226 ; Bp. Xaumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. n. 316; Elsey, P. Z.&. 1857, p. 27 ; G. R. Gr. Lid Psitt. Brit Mus. p. CO (lb59); Gould, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 232; Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 108 (18C4) ; Rosenb. Journ. f. Orn. 180*4, p. 112; Gould, Bandb. B. Austr. ii. p. 95 (1865) j Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158(1865); Miill. P.Z.S. 1869, p. 279; G. R. Gr. Band-list, il p. 155, n. 8210 (3>7G) ; Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 48 (1874) ; Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 602; Diggl Syn. Austr. B. ii. pi. 85. f. 1 (1877); Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. K. S. W. ii. p. 195, n. 505 (1878); Sahad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 299 (1880); Ramsay, Tab. List, p. 17, n. 519 (1888); Sahad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (2) ix. p. 493 (1890). Trichoglossus rubritorquatus, Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 824 (1868); Gieb. Thes. Om. iii. p. 659 (1877); Rchmo. Yogelbild. t viii. f. 5 (187883); id. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 161 {Consp. Psitt. p. 92). Adult. Back, wings, and tail green; the whole head and throat blue ; breast and a band on the nape orange-red ; a blue cross band on the hind neck; interscapular feathers with the base orange-red; sides and under wing-coverts vermilion; middle of the abdomen dark green; flanks yellow, with the edges of the feathers green; under tail-coverts greenish yellow, tipped with green : the base of the inner web of the quills yellow ; lateral tail-feathers with the inner web yellow : bill red ; feet ashy grey : " iris red, with a narrow ring of yellowish round the pupil" ( Gould). Total length 12 Inches; wing 6*3, tail 6, bill 0*85, tarsus 0*65. Bab. N.W. Australia. a. Ad. sk. Australia. Linnean Society. b. Ad. sk. c. d. Ad. sk. N.W. Australia. N.W. Australia. (Type of species.) Sir G. Grey [P.]. Capt. Bowyer Bower eKf. d ad.; g, N.W. Australia.I?" J. R. Elsey^q . [P.\ h, i $ ad. sk. / . TRICKOtfLQSSUS. 61 k, I Ad. sk. N.W. Australia (J. T. Cockerel!). Salvin-Godman Coll. ?n, n. Ad. st. Port Essington. Capt. W. Chambers [P.l o. Ad. sk. Port Essington. Gould Coll. p, q. Ad. sk. Gulf of Carpentaria. Gould Coll. 11. Irichoglossus rosenbergi. Trichoglossus rosenbergii, Schleg. Ned. TijdscJir. Bierh. iv. p. 9 (1871); id. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue', p. 47 (1874); Bosenb. Beist. naar GeelvinU. p. 136, t. xv. f. 2 (1875); Meyer, Sitzb. Isis Bresd. 1875, p. 78 ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 36, n. 82 (1877); Bosenb. Malay. Archip. p. 591 (1878-79); Salvad. Om. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 298 (1880) j Bchnw. Journ.f. Om. 1881, p. 159 (Consp. Psitt. y. 95); id. Vogelbild. Naclitr. 37 (1883); Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 632; Salvad. Mem. B. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 173 (1889). Adult. Back, wings, and tail green; head "blue, towards the occiput purple; a narrow red band on the occiput; another yellowish- green band, sometimes mingled with red, on the nape ; interscapular feathers with concealed red bands ; breast and lower abdomen red, with dark blue bands on the edges of the feathers; middle of the abdomen dark blue; flanks yellowish green, with dark green bands; under tail-covTerts yellowish green, with green spots at the tip; under wing-coverts and quills at the base of the inner web red; inner web of the lateral tail-feathers yellowish green: bill orange- red ; feet dark. Total length 11 inches, wing 4*80, tail 4*12, bill 0-85, tarsus 0-65. Hah. Mysore Island, in Geelvink Bay. a. <$ ad. sk. Mysore Isl. (Br. A. B. Meyer). Tweeddale Coll, b. Ad. sk. Mysore Isl. Gould Coll. 12. Trichoglossus ornatus. Avis paradisiaca orientalis elegantissima, Seba, Mus. i. t. 60. ff. 2, 3. The Long Parrakeet, Bdw. Birds, iii. pi. 174 (1750). Psittacus minor e coccineo viridis, JSdtv. op. czt. iii. p. 247 (1750). Psittaca indica varia, Briss. Om. iv. p. 366 (1760). Psittacus ornatus, Linn, S. N. i. p. 143, n. 19 (1766); Gm. S. N. i. p. 324, n. 19 (1788); Lath. Lnd. Om. i. p. 91, n. 28 (1790) ; Bechst Lath. Uehers. p. 70 (1811); 8haw, Gen. Zool viii. 2, p. 416, pi. 60 (1811) ; Kuhl, Consp. Psitt. p. 35 (1820); Baffl. Trans. Linn. Soc. xiii. p. 281 (1821) (Malay Peninsula!); Vieill. Bnc. Meth. iii. p. 1390 (1823); Voiqt, Cuv. Uehers. p. 734 (1831); Midi. § Schleg. Verh. Land-en Volhenh. pp. 90, 182 (1839-44). La Perruche variee des Indes orientales, Bauhent. PI. JEnl. 552. Psittacus inquinatus, Miill. S. JSf. Suppl. p. 79 (1776); Cassin, Pr. Ac. Philad. 1864, p. 240. La Perruche Lori, Levaill. Perr. pi. 52 (1801). Lorius omatus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 2, p. 132 (1826). Australasia malaisice, Less. Tr. d'Om. p. 210 (1831). Eos ornata, Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 562 (1832); G. B. Gr. Gen. B. ii. 62 LOEITDJE. p. 417, n. 8 (1845); Blyth, Cat. B. As. Soc. Beng. p. 11, n. 52 (1849) ; id. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. xix. p. 237 (1850); Bp. P. Z. 8. 1850, p. 27. Psittacus (Trichoglossus) ornatus, Midi. $ Schleg. Verh. Zand-en Folkenk. p. 472 (1839-44); JRosenb. Journ. f. Om. 1862, p. 60; id. Natuurk. Tijdsehr. Ned. Inch xxv. p. 139 (Celebes, Buton, and Sula Isl.!). Triclioglo&bus ornatus, G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, n. 6 (1846); Hartl. Erst. Nachtr. Tens. p. 15 (1846) ; Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157,ii. 299; id. Namnannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. n. 311; Horsf. $ Moore, Cat. B. Mus. F. I. Co. ii. p. 631 (1858) ; Blyth, Journ. A. 8. B. xxvii. p. 280 (note) (1858); Wall. Ibis, 1859, pp. 112, 113; G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 62 (1859) ; Sclat. P. Z. 8. 1861, pp. 226, 417 ; G. R. Gr. ibid. p. 357 ; Wall. P.Z.8. 1864, pp. 291,295; Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 112 (1864) ; Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (1865) ; id. Papag. ii. p. 842 (1868); G.R.Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 155, n. 8216 (1870); Wald. Trans. Zool. Soc. viii. p. 32 (1872); Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Revue, p. 49 (1874); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 645 (1875) ; Bruggem. Abh. naturw. Ver. Brem. v. p. 42 (1876) ; Letts, Journ. f. Om. 1877, p. 364; Gieb. Thes. Om. iii. p. 658 (1877); Rosenb. Malay. Archip. p. 274 (1878); Meyer, Ibis, 1879, pp. 53,145; Forbes, P.Z.S. 1879, p. 170 (note); Salvad. Om. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 299 (1880); Tweedd. Om. Works, p. 136 (1881) ; Rchnw. Vogelbild. t. viii. f. 7 (1878-83); id. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 160 (Consp. Psitt. p. 160); Sclat. List Vert. An. 8tli ed. p. 320 (1883) ; Bias. Journ. f. Om. 1883, pp. 115,134; id. Zeitschr. f. ges. Om. 1885, p. 220; Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 544; Bias. Zeitschr. f. ges. Om. 1886, pp. 85, 206; Meyer, Vogel-Skelett. t. lxii. (1879-88) ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 74 (1889). Adult. Back, hind neck, wings, and tail green; pileum and ear- coverts purple-blue• a red band with dark blue cross lines on the occiput; a yellow band on each side of the neck; concealed bands on the interscapular feathers also yellow; cheeks and chin red; rhroat and breast also red, but with blackish-blue bands; middle of the abdomen green; sides yellow; vent and under tail-coverts yellowish green, the feathers edged with green; under wing-coverts yellow; quills underneath dusky black, without coloured band ; lateral tail-feathers yellowish, with the base of the inner web red. Total length 9*8 inches, wing 5*1, tail 3*2, bill 0*8, tarsus 0-6. Young. Differs from the adult in having the colours, and especially the red on the cheeks and breast, paler. Hal. Celebes, Buton, and the Togian Islands. a. Ad. sk. Celebes ? Sir Stamford Raffles b. Ad. sk. Celebes ? Laugier Coll. c. Ad. sk. Menado, N. Celebes. Wallace Coll. d. $ ad. sk. Makassar, S. Celebes. Wallace Coll. e. <$ ad. sk. Makassar, S. Celebes (A. R. W.). Gould Coll. / . Juv. sk. Celebes. Wallace Coll. g, h. Ad. sk. Celebes. Tweeddale Coll. i. Ad. st. Celebes. Baron A. von Hug-el [P.]. k. $ ad. st. Celebes ? Zoological Society. I. Ad. var. sk. Celebes ? Tweeddale Coll. * 8. PSITTEUTELES. 63 8. PSITTEUTELES. Type, Psitteuteles, Bp. Pev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157; id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. gen. 80 P. euteles. Range. Australia, Tenimber Islands, Timor, Celebes, and Sula Islands. Key to the Species. a. Underside of the quills with no coloured band. a'. Larger ; breast bright yellow flavoviridis, p. 63. V. Smaller,- breast greenish yellow \ ^f7rh P-6.3' n. 7 ° J \ oonthamemis, p. 64. b. Underside of the quills with a coloured band. d. Band on the underside of the quills yellow . euteles, p. 64. V. Band on the underside of the quills red ... . chlorolepidotus, p. Q^. 1. Psitteuteles flavoviridis. Trichoglossus flavoviridis, Wall. P. Z. 8. 1862, p. 337, pi. xxxix., 1864, pp. 292, 295 (partiin) ; Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (18G5); & Papag. ii. p. 849 (1868); G. P. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 155, n%218 (1870); Wald. Ann. $ Mag. N. H. (4) viii. p. 281 (1871); 8chleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Pevue, p. 49 (1874); Gieb. Tlies. Orn. iii. p. 657 (1877) ; Posenb. Malay. Archip. p, 275 (1878); Pchnw. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 156 {Consp. Psitt. p. 92); id. Vogelbild. Nachtr. 34 (1883) ; Bias. Journ. f. Om. 1883, p. 125. Adult. Green; bead olive-yellow; nape with a dusky collar; face, cheeks, and chin dusky green, each feather margined with yellow; fore neck, breast, and upper part of the belly bright yellow, each, feather narrowly margined with, dark green, producing a regular scaly appearance; belly, vent, and under tail-coverts yellowish green, with green edges to the feathers ; the interscapular feathers with concealed yellow bands ; quills dusky black underneath; tail- feathers beneath ochre-yellow : bill orange-red; orbits bare, yellow; feet lead-colour; iris orange. Total length 8*50 inches, wing 4-80, tail 3-20, bill 0*72, tarsus 0*51. Hab. Sula Islands. a. Ad. sk. Sula Isl. Wallace Coll. (Type of species.) b. $ ad.; e. Sula Isl. Wallace Coll. Ad. sk. d. <$ ad. sk. Sula Isl. (A. P. Wallace). Gould Coll. e. Ad. sk. Sula Isl. (A. P. Wallace). Tweeddale Coll. 2. Psitteuteles meyeri. Trichoglossus flavoviridis, part, Wall. P. Z. 8. 1862, p. 337, 1864, pp. 292, 295 (Menado). Trichoglossus meyeri, Wald. Ann. §* Mag. N. IS. (4) viii. p. 281 (1871) ,* id. Trans. Zool 8oc. viii. p. 32, pi. iv. (1872); 8chleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, Peme, p. 50 (1874); Salvad, Ann. Mus. Civ. 64 LORIIDJS. Gen. vii. p. 646 (1875); Briiggem. Abh. naturiu. Ver. Brem. v. p. 42 (1876); Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 658 (1877); Rosenb. Malay. Arc/tip. p. 275 (1878); Meyer, Ibis, 1879, p. 54 ; Tweedd. Orn. Works, pp. 113, 136 (1881) ; Wardl Ramsay, Tweedd. Om. Works, p. 670 (1881): Rchnw. Voc/elbild. t. xv. £ 3 (1878-83); id. Joum. f. Orn, 1881, p. 156 (Consj). Psitt. p. 92): Bias. Joum. f. Orn. 1883, pp. 125, 134; Guillem. P. Z. 8. 1885, p. 544; Meyer, Togel- Skelett. t. xxiv. (1879-8S). Adult. Green ; pileum olive-brown, tinged with golden, especially on the forehead ; cheeks, lores, and throat brown-green, each feather with a yellow border ; a bright yellow patch on the ear-coverts; interscapular region with the feathers yellow at the base; under surface of the body greenish yellow, each feather bordered with green; abdomen and under tail-coverts more greenish and less yellowish; quills underneath dark grey: tail-feathers green, the lateral ones with the inner web and the underside yellowish : " bill orange-red; feet greyish blue; iris cherry-red " {Meyer). Total length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 2-70, bill 0*60, tarsus 0*41. Young. Duller; the pileum nearly green; the breast more green and less yellow. Hob. Celebes; according to Dr. Meyer confined to the northern part. a. Ad. sk. Menado. Tweeddale Coll. (Type of species.) b. Ad. sk. Menado. Tweeddale Coll. c. Ad. sk. Gorontalo, N. Celebes. Tweeddale Coll. d. Juv. sk. N. Celebes. Tweeddale Coll. e,f. Ad. sk. Celebes. Gould Coll. g, h. Ad. et Celebes. Dr. A. B. Mever juv. sk. [Cf .* 3. Psitteuteles euteles. Psittacus euteles, Temm. PL Col. 068 (Timor) (1835); id. Toll Mtth. p. 61 (1839); S. Mull. $ Sclileg. Verh. Land-en Tolkenh. p. 209 (1839-44). Conurus euteles, Bourjot, Perr. pi. 43 {$) (1837-38). Pemiehe iris fenielle, Bourjot, Perr. pi. 446 (J ) (1837-38). • # I am not acquainted with the following subspecies:— TEICHOGLOSSUS MEYERI, Tar. BOXTILIIXEXSLS, Meyer, Sits. v. Abh. Ges. Isisf 1884, Abh. i. p. 16. (Bonthain, S. Celebes.) Like T. meyeri, Wald., but differs in the following particulars:—1. The yellow colour of the head is les3 apparent, and not so sharply separated from the green colour of the neck. 2. The green colour of the back of the neck is brighter and makes a kind of collar. 3. The throat, the cheeks, and the sides of neck are not undulated with reddish yellow, but more bluish green ; the underside of the feathers of those parts is blue and not yellow. 4. The green bands of the underparta are broad. 5. The wings underneath are more blackish. 6. The yellow colour on the lower back is less apparent. Length of the wing 4-12 inches, tail 2*83, bill 0"66, tarsus 0*47. (Meyer.) Hab. Bonthain Mountain, S, Celebes. 8. PSITJUUTELES. Psittacus (Trichoglossus) euteles, 8. MillL § Schleg. Verhand, Zand-en Volhenh. p. 472 (1839-44). Coriphilus euteles, G. R. Gr. Gen. B. iii. p. 417, n. 8 (184,5); id. List Psitt Brit. Mm, p. 59 (1859); Schley. Bierent. p. 78 (1864). Psitteuteles euteles, Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157; id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt n. 318; G. It Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 157, n. 8233 (1870). Trichoglossus ochreocephalus, Blyth, Joxtrn. A. 8. B. xxvii. p. 279 (1858); G. R. Gr. P Z. 8.1861, p. 436. Trichoglossus euteles, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 226 ; Wall. Ibis, 1861, p. 349; id. P.Z.8. 1863, p. 484 (Flores), 1864, pp. 292,295; Finseh, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (1865); id. Papag. ii. p. 850 (1368); Gieb. Thes. Om. iii. p. 657 (1877); Meyer, Verh. «.-6. Geseltsch. Wien, 1881, p. 769 (Lettie), p. 772 (Babbar); Rchmo. Joam. f. Om. 1881, pp. 156, 396 (Consp. Psitt. pp. 92, 228); id. Vogelbild. t. xxx. f. 5 (1878-83); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 74 (1889). Psittacus (Belocercus) euteles, Rosenb. Joum. f. Om. 1862, p. 66 ; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Lid. 1863, p. 146. Nanodes euteles, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 112 (1864); «7. op. eit. Berne, ii. p. 56 (1874). Neopsittacus euteles, Meyer, Zeitschr. f. yes. Om. 1884, pp. 195,196 (Timor-laut); Salvad. Mem. B. Ac. 8c. 'Tor. ser. 2, xl, p. 173 (1889). Adult. Green, underneath yellowish green ; bead entirely yellowish olive; quills underneath blackish, with tbe inner-webs towards the base yellow ; tail-feathers on the inner webs and underneath yellowish green: bill yellow ? ; feet dark. Total length 10*50 inches, wing 5*30, tail 4*20, bill 0*65, tarsus 0*54. Young. Has the head more greenish, and less distinctly separated from the green body. Hah. Timor, Mores, Wetter, Lettie, Babbar, and Timor-laut. Specimens from Flores have greener and darker heads ; the under side of the body also is of a darker green. a. Ad. st. Timor. Purchased. b. Ad, st. Timor. Zoological Society. c-f. Ad. sk. E. Timor. Wallace Coll. g] $ imm. sk. E. Timor ( Wallace). Gould Coll. h. Ad. sk. E. Timor (Wallace). Tweeddale Coll i-l. Ad. sk. Flores. Wallace Coll. m. Ad. sk. Flores. Wallace Coll. 4. Psitteuteles chlorolepidotus. Psittacus chlorolepidotus, Kuhl, Consp. Psitt. p. 48 (1820); Vig. & Horsf. Trahs. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 291 (note) (1826); We'ml. Joam. f. Om. 1854, B. p. xxv. Spotted Parrot, Lath. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 197 (1822). Trichoglossus matoni, Lath. M88.; Vig. $ Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 291 (1826) ; Lear, Parrots, pi. 35 (1832) ; Less. Compl. de Buff., Ois. ix. p. 226 (1837) ; id. op. cit. 2nd ed. p. ^13 (1838). Trichoglossus? chlorolepidotus, Steph. Gen. Zool. xiv. 2, p. 130 (1826) ; Wagl. Mon. Psitt. p. 550 (1832); Jard. # Sell. III. Om. iii. pi. ex; Gould, B. Austr. v. pi. 50 (pt. x., 1843); G. B Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, n. 5 (1845); JRcJmb. Vog. Neuholl. n. 172 (1850) ; Blyih, Cat. B. As. Soc. Beng. p. 12 (1849) ; Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157, n. 303 ; Souance, Rev. et Mag. de Zool 1856, p. 226; Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. u. 317; G. II. VOL. xx. *' 66 L0RIIDJE. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 02 (1859); Schleg. Mm. P.-B. Psittaci, p. Il l (1864); Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 96 (1865) ; Bamsay, Ibis, 1865, p. 305; Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 847 (1868); G. B. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 155, n. 8217 (1870); Sckleg. Mus. P.B. Psittaci, Bevue, p. 49 (1874); Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 656 (1877) ; Biggl. Sijn. B. Austr. ii. pi. 86. f. 1 (1877J ; Broadb.Pr. B. Soc. Queensl. iv. p. 27 (1877); Bamsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 195, n. 506 (1878); Bchnw. Vogelbild. t. viii. f. 3 (1878 -83); id. Joum.f. Orn. 1881, p. 156 {Consp. Psitt. p. 92) ; Salt. Cat. B. StricM. Coll. p. 455 (1882) ; Sclat. List Vert. An. 8th ed. p. 320 (1883) ; Sharpe, Beport' Alert/ p. 25 (1884) ; Broadb. Pr. B. Soc. Queensl (2) ii. p. 124 (1885); North, Pr. Linn. Soc. N S. W. (2) ii. p. 986 (1887), iii. p. 1777 (1888); Bamsay, Tab. List, p. 17, n. 520 (1888); Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 74 (1889); North, Descr. Cat. Nests $ Eggs, p. 267 (1889). Australasia viridis, Less. Tr. dJOrn. p. 210 (1831); id. Compl. de Buff., Ois. ix. p. 226 (1837); id. op. cit. 2nd ed. p. 612 (1838); Pucher. Bev. et Mag. de Zool 1853, p. 159; Kaiil. Joum.f. Orn. 1855, p. 422. Adult. Green; on the crown a bluish-green tinge; the feathers of the interscapular region, throat, and breast yellow, margined at the tip with a crescent of green ; on the throat and on the sides some feathers have the yellow base tinged with red; axillaries, under wing-coverts, and the inner webs of the quills towards the base red; tail beneath ochre-yellow: bill red, inclining to orange at the tip ; cere and orbits olive; feet lead-colour (?) ; iris scarlet, with a circle of buff round the pupil, in some specimens buffy yellow. Total length 10 inches, wing 5'50, tail 4*20, bill O-70, tarsus 0*50. Hab. Australia, from Rockingham Bay, through the Interior, to Southern Australia. a. Ad. st. Australia. Linnean Society. (Type of T. maioni.) b. Ad. sk. Australia. Gould Coll. c. Ad. sk. Somerset, Cape York (?) (J. B. Tweeddale Coll. Cocker ell). d. Ad. sk. Clarence Biver. Tweeddale Coll. e. Ad. sk. Queensland. Tweeddale Coll. /, g. Ad. sk. N.E. Queensland (Cavin fy Gi*ant). Sydney Museum [P.]. h. $ ad. sk. Port Curtis, Queensland, April. EQ1.S. 'Alert.' i. Ad. sk. Queensland (E. Waller). Salvin-Godman Coll. h, I. Ad. sk. Australia (J. T. Cocherelt). Salvin-Godman Coll. 9. PTILOSCLERA. Type. Ptilosclera, Bp. Compt. Bend. xliv. p. 597, gen. 66 (1857); G. B. Gr. List Psitt. Brit Mus. p. 59 (1859) ........ P. versicolor. 1. Ptilosclera versicolor. Trichoglossus versicolor, Vig. in Lear's III. Parr. pi. 36 (1832); Selb. Nat. Libr. vi. p. 157, pi. 21 (pessima) (1836) ; Gould, B. Austr. v. pi. 51 (pt. ix., 1842) ; G. B. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, n. 9 (1846); Gould in Voy. Beag. i. App. p. 481 (1846); Leich. Joum. Overl. Exp. to Port Essington, p. 441 (1847) ; Bchnb. Vog. Neuhott. n. 173 (1850); Jacq. et Pucher. Voy. Pole Sud, Zool. iii. p. 102 (1853) j 10 . GLOSSOPSITTACUS. Wartl. Journ. f. Orn. 1854, p. 165; Ekey, P. Z. 8. 1857, p. 27; Zuchold, Joum. f. Orn. 1858, p. 39; Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 853 (1868); Gieb. fhes. Orn. iii. p. 660 (1877); Pchnw. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 155 (Consp. Psiti. p. 91); Salvin, Cat. B. Strickl Coll p. 456 (1882); Pchnw. Vogelbild. t. xxx. f. 4 (1883) ; Tristr. Cat Coll B. p. 74 (1889). Ocmurus lori scintillatus, Bourj. Pen. pi. 52 (1837-38). Trichoglosse versicolor, Hombr. et Jacq. Voy. Pole 8ucL Atlas, pi. 24 bis, f. 1 (1845). ^ ' * Psittenteles versicolor, Pp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157, n. 304; $ouanc$, Pev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 226 ; Bp. Namnanma. 1856, Consp. Psitt. n. 319. Coriphilus versicolor, G. P. Gr. List Psitt. Brit Mu$. p. 59 (1859); Schleg. Bierent. p. 78 (1864); Finsch, Neu-Guin. p. 158 (1865). Nanodes versicolor, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 115 (1864); id. op. cit. Pevue, p. 53 (1874). Ptilosclera versicolor, Gould, Handb. B. Aiistr. ii. p. 98 (1865); G. P. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 156, n. 8224 (1870); Masters, Pr. Linn. Soc. 2T. S. W. ii. p. 274 (1877). Trichoglossus (Ptilosclera) versicolor, Pamsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. ii. p. 195, u. 507 (1878); id. Tab. List, p. 17, n. 521 (1888). Neopsittacus versicolor, Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. iii. p. 519 (1882). Adult male. Green, with yellow-green streaks nearly all over the body, more yellowish on the underside; crown and lores red; ear-coverts and a hand on the occiput yellowish green; cheeks and a collar on the nape bluish ; breast vinous red, brighter on the sides; quills underneath blackish; inner web and underside of the tail-feathers yellowish green : bill red, cere and naked space round the eyes greenish white; feet light ash-grey; iris brown. Total length 8 inches, wing 4*80, tail 3, bill 0-60, tarsus 045. Immature bird. Differs from the adult in being smaller, paler, and in having the red on the crown confined to the forehead; the rest of the crown is greenish blue with yellow streaks. Young. Pale dull green, with scarcely any streaks; the forehead pale red. Hah. Northern and Western Australia. a, b. Ad. st. Port Essington. Capt. W. Chambers [P,]. c. J ? ad. sk. Port Essington. Capt. O. Stanley [P.t d-h. S ? ad. et Depot, N.W. Australia, J. R. Elsey, Esq. [Pi]. imm. sk. Dec. 1855. i, h. Ad. sk. N.W. Australia. Capt. Bowyer Bower [P.]. I. Ad. sk. Australia. Purchased. m,n. Ad.etimm. N. Australia (J". T. Cock- Salvin-Godman Coll. sk. erell). o,p. Ad. et juv. Cape York (J. T. Cock- Tweeddale Coll. sk. erell). 10. GLOSSOPSITTACUS. Type> Centrourus, G. P. Gr. (nee Sw.), List Gen. B. p. 51 (1840) G. concinnus. Glossopsitta, Bp. Pev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157 G. concinnus. Glossopsittacus, Sundev. Meth. Nat. Av. Bisp. Tent. p. 71 (1872) • • Gr concinnus. Range. Australia, New Caledonia, and S.E. New Guinea. p 2 88 LOEIIDiE Key to the Species. I. Underparts with shaft-streaks goldiei, p. 68. II. Underparts witli no shaft-streaks. a. A red spot on the erissuai diadematus, p. 68. b. No red spot on the crissum; hind neck olive. a'. Cheeks with no red. a". Larger; ear-coverts red, like the forehead . concinnus, p. 69. b". Smaller; ear-coverts yellow mixed with red, like the forehead paiphyrocephalus, V. Cheeks, as well as the forehead and chin, all [p. 70 round the base of the bill, red pusittus, p. 72. 1. Glossopsittacus goldiei Trichoglossus goldiei, SJiarpe, Joam. Linn. Soc, Zool xvi. pp. 318, 426 (1882); Rchnio. Vogelbild. Naehtr. n. 29 (1883"); Sharpe, Gould's B. New Guin. pt. xiv. pi. 3 (1833); RcJimc.fy Sckal. Journ. f. Orn. 1883, p. 416. Neopsittacus goldiei, Salvad. Ann. yius. Civ. Gen. xviii. p. 419, n. 11 (1882); id. Orn. Pap. e Mol iii. p. 519 (1882); id. Mem. R. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 173 (1889). Adult male. Green, pileum crimson; from behind the eye a broad purplish-blue band extends to the occiput; lores, sides of face, and ear-coverts lilac-red; the upper ear-coverts and feathers of the nape washed with lilac-blue, the last are faintly edged with dull red; hind neck mottled with yellow-green edges to the feathers; under surface of body and under wing-coverts yellowish green, streaked with darker green down the centre of the feathers ; quills dusky below, with an oily yellow spot on the inner web, forming a diagonal band across the underside of the wing; tail green, underneath oily green : bill black ; feet dark. Total length 7 inches, wing 4*20, tail 3*10, culmen 0*55, tarsus 0*50. Female or immature bird. Similar to the adult, but the red on the head confined to the forehead; the vertex and the occiput have the feathers purplish blue towards the tip and green at the base. Eab. Astrolabe Mountains, S.E. jSTew Guinea. a. (S ad. sk. Astrolabe Mountains. A. Goldie "O.1. b. $ or imm. sk. Astrolabe Mountains. A. Goldie [C.]. (Type of species.) 2. Glossopsittacus diadematus. Psitteuteles diadema (!), Terr, et O. JDes Murs, Rev. et Mag. de Zool I860, p. 390, 1862, p. 132; Marie, Act. Soc. Linn. Bord. xxvii. p. 327 (1870) ; id. Lbis, 1877, p. 302 ; Layard, Ibis, 1878, p. 253 ; Oust. Bull Soc. PMom. Paris, iii. p. 218 (1879). Trichoglossus diadema, G.E. Gr. Hand-list, ii, p. 157, n. 8232 (1870) : Laijard, Ibis, 1882, pp. 526, 543. Trichoglossus diadematus, Finsch, Papxg. ii. p. 867 (1868); Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 657 (1877); Rchnw. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 147 (Consp. Psitt p. 83); id. Vogelbild. Nachtr. n. 28 (1883). Female. Green, lighter on the forehead, lores, below the eyes, on the ear-coverts, sides of the neck, and under surface; crown blue; 10 . GLOSSOPSITTACUS. cheeks and throat yellowish; a red spot on the vent; tail-feathers green, the four lateral ones yellowish green towards the tips, and with the inner webs red at the bases, and with a black band between the yellow and the red: bill long, much arched and pointed; feet dark. "Total length 200 millim., wing 93, tail 90, bill 14, tarsus 10 " (Verreauz). Hah. New Caledonia. Only the type, a female, of this bird is known; it is pre served in the Colonial Collection in the Palais de ^Industrie in Paris. I have to thank M. Salle for a sketch of the type. The green forehead, the blue crown, the yellow cheeks and throat, and the red spot on the vent distinguish at a glance this species from any other. I am not at all sure about its generic characters, and it may possibly belong to the genus Hypocliarmosyna. 3. Grlossopsittacus coucinnus. Pacific Parrot (var.), Fhitt. Voy. Bot. Bay, p. 155, pi. 21 (1789). Psittacus australis, Lath, (nee Gm.) Ind. Orn. i. p. 104, n. 66 (1790); Bechst Lath. Ueb. p. 80 (1811-12); ? Vieill. N. D. xxv. p. 342 (1817); ? id. Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1384 (1823); Halm, Orn. Atl., Papag. p. 03, p. 48 (1830); Thienem. Fortpfianz. d. yes. Voy. p. 74 (1840). Psittacus concinnus, Shaw, Nat. Misc. iii. pi. 87 (1791); Kuhl, Consp. Psitt p. 40 (1820); Voigt, Cuv. Uebers. p. 735 (1831); Weird. Joum.f. Orn. 1854, B. p. lxxv. Crimson-fronted Parrot, Lath. Gen. Syn. SuppL ii. p. 87 (1802); id. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 181, with var. A, B, C (1822). La Perruche a bandeau rouge, Levaill. Perr. pi. 48 (1801). Psittacus pacificus, Shaw, Gen, Zool. viii. 2, p. 419 (1811). Paittacus rubrifrons, Bechst. Lath. Ueb. p. 84, pi. 11 (1811) ; Hahn, Orn. Atl, Papag. p. 24, pi. 10 (1834). Psittacus velatus, Vieill. N. D. xxv. p. 373 (1817); id. Enc. MUh. iii. p. 1405 (1823). Trichoglossus concinnus, Vig. Sf Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 292 (1826); Steph. Gen. Zool xiv. 2, p. 130 (1826); Jard. <$• Selb. III. of Om. i. pi. 34 (1839); Less. Compl de Buff., Ois. ix. p. 220 (1837); id. op. tit2nd ed. p. 612 (1838); Fraser, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 113 ; Gould, B. Austr. v. pi. 52 (pt. xiii., 1843); Rchnb. Yog. Neuholl. ii. 174 (1850) ; Sclat. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 371; Pamsay, Ibis, 1865, p. 305 ; Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 857 (1868); Garrod, P. Z. S. 1873, pp. 465, 634, 1874, p. 587; Pelz. Ibis, 1875, p. 117; Gieb. Thes. Orn. iii. p. 056 (1877); Diggl Syn. B. Austr. ii. pi. 86. f. 2 (1877); Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 170, figs. 5, 0, pi. xvi. tigs. 5, 6 ; Pchnw. Journ. f. Om. 1881, p. 148 (Consp. Psitt. p. 84) ; Salv. Cat. B. Strichl. Coll. p. 456 (1882); Pchnw. Vogelbild. t. xxx, f. 3 (1883); Sclat. List Vert. An. 8th ed. p 320 (1883); Legge, Pr. P. Soc. Tasm. 1886, p. 238; Cox $ Ham. Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. (2) iv. p. 418 (1889). Lathamus concinnus, Less. Tr. d'Orn. p. 206 (1831). Trichoglossus australis, Wagl. Mon. Psitt p. 549 (1832); Marti. Si/st. Verz. Ges. Mus. p. 85 (1844); G. M. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, n. 8 (1846); Blyth, Cat. B. Mus. A. S B. p. 12 (1849); G. P. Gr. List Psitt Brit. Mus. p. 63 (1859). 70 L0R1IDJE, Centrourus australis, G. R. Gr. List Gen. B. p. 51 (1840). Glossopsitta australis, Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157, n. 308; SouancS, Rev. et Mag. de Zool 1856, p. 226; Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. n. 322; Gould, Kandb. B. Ausir. ii. p. 100 (1865); Ramsay, P. Z. 3. 1875, p. 602 ; North, Descr. Cat Nests # Fgp, p. %®8 (1889). Coriphilus australis, ScTiley. Dierent. p. 77 (1864). Nanodes australis, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaei, p. 214 (1864) ; id, op. cit. Revue, p. 53 (1877;. Glosopsitta concinna, G. R. Gr. lland-l ii. p. 156, n. 8226 (1870) ; Tristr. Cat Coll. B. p. 74 (lt>89). Glossopsittacus concinnns, Sural. Meth. Nat. Av. Disp. Tent. p. 71 (1872). Trichoglossus (Glossopsitta) concirmus, Ramsay, Pr. Linn. See. N. S. W. ii. p. 195, n. 508 (1878); id. Tab. List, p. 17, n. Q'22 (1888). Glossopsitta concinnus, North, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. (2) iii. p. 1778 (1888). Adult male. Green: forehead, lores, and ear-coverts bright red; pileum more or less tinged with blue; cheeks with narrow lines of bright green; hind neck and upper part of the back olive-brown; sides of the breast yellow ; inner webs of the lateral tail-feathers yellowish, writh the base red: " bill blackish brown, passing into reddish orange at the tip;" feet dark; " iris buff, surrounded by a narrow circle of yellow " (Gould). Total length 8*60 inches, wing 4-9, tail 3-50, bill 0-70, tarsus 0*51. Female. Similar to the male, but with mucb less blue on the head. Bab. Australia, from Rockingham Bay to S. Australia, and Tasmania. a. Ad. sk, Australia. Linnean Society. h. Ad. st. Australia. A. Cunningham, Esq. [P.]. e. d ad. sk. S. Australia, 1841. Sir G. Grey [P.]. d. Ad. sk. Australia. Gould Coll. e. Ad. sk. Paver Darliner, Nov. Ib03. Gould Coll. /. Ad. sk. New HollancL Sir J. Mitchell ~?.\ y. Ad. sk. Cape Upstart, April 1843. J. B. Jukes ~P.~T h,i. Australia (J. TJ'oclcereU). Salvin-Godman Cull. &. Ad. sk, Aubtralia. Tweeddale Coll. \ m. Ad. sk. Ashfield, July 1863. Hume Cull. n. Ad. st. Tasmania. * E. Gunn, Esq. [P.". o} p. Ad. sk. * Tasmania. P. Gunn, Esq. ^P/. q} r. Ad. sk. Tasmania. Antarctic Exped. "" s. Ad. var. sk. Tasmania. Antarctic Exped. t Ad. var. sk. Tasmania Purchased. u. (S ad.; v, w, a\ J Tasmania. C. G. H. Lloyd [P.]. ad. sk. y. Ad. sk. Tasmania, April 1867. Hume Coll. 4. Grlossopsittacus porphyrocephalns. Psittacus purpureus, Dietriehsen (nee Mull., Gm.9 Less.), PMlos. Mag. xi. p. 387 (1832); Wagl Man. Psitt p. 747 (1832) j 'Thienem. Fortpfig. d. ges. Vog. p. 74 (1846). Trichoglossus porphyrocephalus, Dieir. Trans. Linn. Soc. xvii. (part 4) p. 553 (1837 *) ; Gould, B. Austr. v. pi. 53 (pt. i., 1840; ; G. R. * The description was read March 20, 1832, 10 . GLOSSOPSITTACTJS. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, no. 12 (1846) ; Ilartl Erst. Nachtr. Verz. p. 15 (1844); Sturt, Exp. Centr. Austr. ii. App. p. 41 (1843); Rehnb. Vog. Neuholl no. 176 (1850); Blyth, Cat. B. Mm. As. Soc. Beng. p. 12 (1849) ; G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit, Mus. p. 04 (1859); Etnsch, Papag. ii. p. 862 (1868); Gieb. Thes. Om. iii. p. 659 (1877); Rchnw. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 147 (Consp. Psitt. p. 83); Sahin, Cat. B. Strichl Coll p. 456 (1882); Rchnw. Vogelbild. t. xxx. f. 1 (1883). Psittacula florentis, Bourj. Perr. pi. 84 (1837-38). Trichoglossus purpureus. Eraser. P. Z. S. 1839, p. 113; Licht. Nomencl. Av. p. 72 (1854). Glossopsitta porphyrocephala, Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854, p. 157, n. 310; Souance, Rev. et Mag. de Zool 1856, p. 226; Bp. Nauwiannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. no. 324; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 102 (1865); G. R. Gr. Sand-list, ii. p. 156, no. 8228 (1870); Tristr. Cat. Coll B. p. 74 (1869). Nanodes porphyroeephalus, Schleg. Mus.P.-B. Psittaci, p. 115(1864); id. op. cit. Revue, p. 53 (1874). Trichoglossus (Glossopsitta) porphyroeephalus, Ramsay, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. ii. p. 195, no. 509 (1878) ; id. Tab. List. p. 17, no. 523 (1888). Adult, Green, interscapular region olive; throat, breast, and middle of tlie abdomen bluish; forehead and ear-coverts yellow, intermingled with red; crown of bead deep purple-blue; lores red ; sides green, mixed with red; under tail-coverts yellowish green; bend of the wing* light blue ; under wing-coverts crimson ; primaries blackish brown, margined externally with green ; tail green above, with the inner web yellow, towards the base red: bill black ; feet bluish ; " iris brown, with a narrow ring of orange round the pupil" (Gould), Total length 6-75 inches, wing 4-20, tail 2*50, tarsus 0*39. Hah. West and South Australia. a, h. Ad. st. S. Australia. Gould Coll. c. Ad. sk. S. Australia. Gould Coll. d, e. Ad. sk. W. Australia (J. T. Cocherell). Salrin-Godman Coll. / . 2 ad. st. S. Australia. Sir G. Grey [P.]. q. Ad. sk. S. Australia. Sir G. Grey|P.j. >i. Ad. sk. S. Queensland. Tweeddale Coll. i. Ad. sk. Swan Eiver. R. B. Sliarpe, Esq. [P.]. 5. Glossopsittacus pusillns. Psittacus pusillus, Shaw, in White's Journ. of a Vog. to Neiv South Wales, p. 262, pi. 48 (1790); Lath. Ind. Orn. i. p. 106, no. 71 (1790) ; Shaw, Gen. Zool. viii. 2, p. 471 (1811); Bechst. Lath. TJebers. p. 82 (1811); Vieill. N. D. xxv. p. 376 (1817); Kuhl, Consp. Psitt. p. 47 (1820); Vieill Enc. Meth. iii. p. 1407 (1823); Less. Voy. Coq., Zool p. 630 (1828); Voigt, Cuv. TJebers. p. 735 (1831); Weinl Journ. f. Om. 1854, B. p. lxxv. Small Parrakeet, Lath. Gen. Syn. Suppl. ii. p. 88 (1802); id. Gen. Hist. ii. p. 194, with var. A (1822). La Perruche a face rouge, Levaill Perr. pi. 63 (1801). Psittacus nuchalis, Bechst. Lath. TJebers. p. 81, pi. 9. f. 1 (1811); llahn, Orn. Atl, Papag. t. 36 (1835); Dubois, Om. Gal pi. 65 (1839). 72 LORIIDJE. TrichoglobMis piibillus, Vig. §• Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. xv. p. 293 (1826); Steph. Gen. ZooLxiv. 2, p.' 130 (1826) ; Tragi. Mon. Psitt. p. 548 (1832) ; Gould, B. Austr. v. pi. 54 (pt. xiii., 1843); Hartl Si/st rerz. Ges. Mus. p. 85 (1844); G. R. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 411, no. 7 (1846); Thienom. Fortpflanz d. ges. Vocj. p. 75 (1846) ; Blgth, Cat. B. MILS. A. S. B. p. 12 (1849);*Rchnb. Vdg. Neulwll. n. 175 (1850); G. R. Gr. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 64 (1859); Finsch, Papag. ii. p. 8« 0 (1868); Mull P. Z. S. I860, p. 279; Pelz. Ibis, 1873, p. 117; Gieb. The*. Om. id. p. 659 (1877); Ramsay, Pr. Linn. See N. S. W. ii. p. 195, no. 510 (1878); Forbes, P. Z. S. 1879, p. 170; Bchnw. Journ. f. Om. lfr^l, p. 148 (Consp. Psitt. p. 84) ; Salvia, Cat. B. Strickl Coll p. 43(5 (lfcb2); Rrhniu VoqelbildX xxx. f. 2 (1*83) ; Legge, Pr. R. Soc. Tasm. 1886. p. 238; Ramtag. Tab. List, p. 17, no/524 (188S); Cov $ Ham. Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. 11. (2) iv. p. 418 0889). Lathamiib pu&illus, Less. Tr. aVOrn. p. 20G (1831). Glossopsitta pusilla, Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. lfe54, p. 157, n. 309; Souance, Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1856, p. 220 ; Bp. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. n. 333; Gould, Handb. B. Austr. ii. p. 103 (1865) ; G. R. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 156, n. 8227 (1870) ; Ramsay, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 602 ; Tristr. Cat. Coll. B. p. 74 (1889); North, Pr. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. (2) iii. p. 1778 (1883); id. Deser. Cat. Nests § Eggs, p. 268 (1889). Coriphilus pusillus, Schleg. Dierent. p. 78 (1864)* Nanocles pusillus, Schleg. Mus. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 115 (1864) ; id. op. eit. Revue, p. 53 (1874). Adult male. Green ; face red; hind neck and interscapular region olive-brown; tail above green; inner webs of the lateral feathers fine red at the base, yellow towards the tip : bill black; feet brown ; " iris orange, surrounded by a narrow line of yellow." Total length 6*60 inches, wing 4, tail 2-40, bill 0*45, tarsus 0-35. Female. Similar to the male, but smaller and with the red on the face less extended. Ilab. Australia, from Rockingham Bay to South Australia, and Tasmania. a. Ad. &t. Australia. Australian Hus. [P.". b. Ad. st. Australia. Purchased. c. d. Ad. sk. Australia. Sir B. Cooper fP.l e,f. Ad. sk. Australia (J. T. Cockerell). Salvin-Godman Coll. g. <$ ad. sk. S. Australia. Gould Coll. h. 3 ad. sk. S. Australia. Sir G. Grey HP.l. i. 2 ad. sk. S. Australia, Mav. Sir G. Grey [Pf. k. Ad. sk. N. S. "Wales. " Gould Coll. " I, m, Ad. sk. Cape Upstart, April. J. B. Jukes [P.], n. Ad. sk. Sydney. Tweeddale ColL o. <$ ad. sk. Ipswich, Sept. Hume Coll. 11. HYP0CHAEM0SYETA. Type. Hypocharmosyna, Salvad. MS. H. placens. Range. Prom the Moluccas, through the Papuan Islands and New Hebrides, to the Fiji Islands. 11 . HYrOCHABMOSOTA. 73 Key to the Species. I. Inner web of the quills red toilhelmince, p. 73. II. JNo red on the inner web of the quills. a. A yellow band on the underside of the quills. a1. Cheeks and throat red in the males. a". No red patch on the upper tail-coverts. «"'. Rump blue placens, p. 74. b"'. Hump green, without any blue subplacens, p. 75. b". A red patch on the upper tail-coverts. c'". Tied patch on the upper tail-coverts duller; the female with yellow streaks on the ear-coverts rubronotata, p. 76. d'". Bed patch on the upper tail-coverts brighter; the female with bright green streaks on the ear-coverts.. kordocma, p. 77. b'. Only the upper part of the throat red rubriyularis, p. 77. b No yellow baud on the underside of the quills, which are entirely dusky. c'. Thighs red ; face and throat red aureocincta, p. 78. d'. Thighs green. c". Very little red round the base of the bill palmamm, p. 78, d". No red round the base of the bill pygmcea, p. 79. 1. Hypocliarmosyna wilMmmse. Trichoglossus wilhelminse, Meyer, Journ. f. Orn. 1874, p. 56 (type examined); id. Sitzb. k. Ah. Wissensch. Wien, lxix. pp. 74, 100 (1874); Sclat. Ibis, 1874, p. 419 ; Meyer, Sitzb. Ms JDresd. 1875, p. 78; Mchnw. Journ. f. Orn. 1881, p. 151 (Consp. Psitt. p. 87) ; id. Vogelbild. t. xxix. f. 4 (1878-83). Psitteuteles wilhelminas, Gould, B. New Guin. pt. iii. pi. 6 (1876). Coriphilus wilhelroinas, Sahad. Ann. Mtis. Civ. Gen. x. p. 36, sp. 84 (1872); id. Orn. Pap. e MoL i. p. 302 (1880); Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc, Zool. xvi. p. 427 (1882); Sahad. Orn. Pap. e MoL iii. p. 519 (1882); Guillem. P. Z. S. 1885, p. 623; Sahad. Mem. R. Ac. So. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 174 (18S9). Adult male. Green, underparts lighter, crown tinged with purple; nape purple, with narrow blue feathers; lower back red, succeeded by a patch of purple, blending into green on the upper tail-coverts; breast with narrow streaks of yellow, each streak being margined with dark green; on the flanks a small patch of yellow; axillaries, under wing-coverts, and inner web of the quills red; middle tail- feathers green at the base, dark purple at the tip ; the lateral tail- feathers red at the base, and with a dark purple band near the tip, which is green: bill yellow-red; feet dark grey; iris yellow. Total length 4*75 inches, wing 2*75, tail 2, bill 0-47, tarsus 0-38. Adult female. Differs from the male in having no red on the lower back, which is green *, no yellow spot on the flanks, and no red on the axillaries, under wing-coverts, and inner web of the quills, which are green. Total length 4*50 inches. * Dr. Meyer describes the lower buck of the female as green, but in a specimen, apparently of that sex, in the British Museum collection from S.E. New Guinea the lower back is purple. 74 LOEIID.ZE. Hob. New Guinea, from Andai on the western coast of Geelvink Bay to the Astrolabe Mountains in the south-eastern part. a. <$ ad.; b, c. Astrolabe Mountains, S.E. New A. Goldie [C.]. Imm. (S sk. Guinea. cl $ ? ad. sk. S.E. New Guinea. H. 0. Forbes, Esq. [0.]. 2. HypochariiiQsyna placens. Psittacus placentis (!), Temm. PL Col. ooS (1835) (types examined); Less. Compl. de Buff., Ois. p. 600 (1888); Temm. PL Col. i. Tail. Meth. p. 61 (1839); S. MiilL Verh. Land-ea Volkenk. pp. '23, 107 (1839-44). Conurus placens, Bourjot, Perr. pi. 46 ( £ et 5 , ex Temm.) (1837-88). Psittacus (Trichoglossus) placentis, 8. Mull. Verh. Land-en Volkenk. p. 472 (1839-1844). Coriphilus placentis, G. B. Gr. Gen. B. ii. p. 417, no. 7 (1845); id. P. Z. 8. 1858, pp. 182, 194; id. Cat. B. New Guin. pp. 41, 59 (1859) 5 id. List Psitt. Brit. Mus. p. 59 (1859); id. P. Z. 8. 1800, p. 357,1801, p. 436 ; Bosenb. Beis naar de ZuidoosttreiL^. 48, 80, 87,100 (1867). Psitteuteles placens, Bp. Bev. et Mag. de ZooL 1854, p. 157, sp. 307 ; id. Naumannia, 1856, Consp. Psitt. sp. 821; Gould, B. of New Guin. pt. in. pi. 7 (1876) ; Tristr. Cat Coll. B. p. 74 (1889). Trichoglossus placens, Sclat. Journ. Pr. Linn. Soe. ii. p. 104, sp. 105 (1858); id. P. Z. S. 1800, pp. 220, 227; Finseh, Papag. ii. p. 872 (1808); Meyer, Sitzb. k. Ak. Wissensch. Wien, lxix. pp. 400, 401 (1874); id. Sitzb. Isis Dresd. p. 78 (1875) ; Bc/mw. Journ./. Orn. 1881, p. 150 {Consp. Psitt. p. 80); id. Vor/elbild. t. xxix. f. 4 (1878-83); Meyer, Zeitschr. /. ges. Orn. i. p. 275 (1884). ? Trichoglossus versicolor (!"), Wall. Ibis, 1801, p. 284 (Ceram). Trichoglossus placentis, Bosenb. Journ. / Orn. 1802, pp. 61, 62, 65, 67 ; id. Nat. Tijdschr. Ned. Ind. xxv. pp. 140, 141,142,145 (1868). Charmosyna placentis, Wall. P. Z. 8. 186-t, p. 292 (cum var. a et b), p. 295. Coriphilus placens, 8chleg. Bierent. p. 78, with rig. (1864); Finseh, Neu-Gnin. p. 158 (1865); Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. x. p. 30, sp. 85 (1877); D1 Alb. e Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xiv. p. 42 (1879); Salvad. Orn. Pap. e Mol. i. p. 303 (1880); Bias. P. Z. S. 1882, p. 702; Pleske, Bull. Acad. Petenb. xxix. p. 524 (1884); NehrJc. Journ./ Orn. 1885, p. 31; Guillem. P. Z. 8. 1885, pp.565, 623; Salvad. Mem. B. Ac. Sc. Tor. ser. 2, xl. p. 174 (1889). Nanodes placens, Schleg. MILS. P.-B. Psittaci, p. 113 (1804); id. Ned. Tijdschr. Bierk. iii. p. 336 (1866); id. Mus. P.-B. Pattaci, Bevue, p. 50 (1874); Bosenb. Beist. naar Geehinkb. pp. 0, 118 (1875). Psitteuteles placentis, G. B. Gr. Hand-list, ii. p. 157, sp. 8235 (1870). Charmosyna (?) placens, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vii. p. 760 (1875). Charmosyna sp., D'Alb. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. ix. p. 9 (1877). Yery much like H. subplacens, from which it differs in having a large blue spot on the uropygium. Adult male. Green ; crown yellow-green ; tmderparts paler; cheeks, throat, sides of the breast, and under wing-coverts bright red; ear-coyerts blue ; a large patch of blue on the uropygium; a yellow band on the underside of the wii