Version x.004
Richmond Index -- Infrageneric
Acanthiza albifrons - Acanthylis sylvatica
The essential resource here is the property of the Division of Birds at the National Museum of Natural History, Washingtion, D.C.
Prototype -- under development
- Acanthiza albifrons Jardine & Selby 1828
- Acanthiza albiventris hamiltoni Mathews 1911
- Acanthiza apicalis Gould 1847
- Acanthiza apicalis erema Campbell,AG 1922
- Acanthira archibaldi Mathews 1910
- Acanthiza arrogans Sundevall 1837 (1)
- Acanthiza arrogans Sundevall 1837 (2)
- Acanthiza buchanani Vigors & Horsfield [Trans.Linn.Soc.London(1) 15(1826)]
- Acanthiza chrysorrhoa addenda Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza chrysorrhoa leachi Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza chrysorrhoa multi Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza chrysorrhoa perksi Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza chrysorrhoa sandlandi Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza diemenensis Gould 1838 [Syn.BirdsAustr.]
- Acanthiza diemenensis Gould 1838 [PZS]
- Acanthiza dovei Mathews 1922
- Acanthiza flavigasta Diggles 1876
- Acanthiza flaviventris Ashby 1910
- Acanthiza flavolateralis Gray,GR 1859
- Acanthiza frontalis Vigors & Horsfield [Trans.Linn.Soc.London(1) 15(1826)]
- Acanthiza halmaturina Campbell,AG 1906
- Acanthiza inornata Gould 1841
- Acanthiza inornata carnarvoni Mathews 1913
- Acanthiza inornata strellyi Mathews 1913
- Acanthiza inornata submastersi Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza iredalei Mathews 1911
- Acanthiza iredalei hedleyi Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza iredalei winiamida Wilson,FE 1917
- Ancathiza katherina De Vis 1905
- Acanthiza leighi Ogilvie-Grant 1909
- Acanthiza lineata Gould 1838 [Syn.BirdsAustr.]
- Acanthiza lineata Gould 1838 [PZS]
- Acanthiza lineata alberti Mathews 1920
- Acanthiza lineata chandleri Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza lineata clelandi Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza lineata goulburni Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza lineata whitei Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza lineata whitei Mathews 1920
- Acanthiza magnirostra Gould 1838 [Syn.BirdsAustr.]
- Acanthiza magnirostra Gould 1838 [PZS]
- Acanthiza magnirostris Campbell,AJ 1903
- Acanthiza marianae White,SA 1915
- Acanthiza mastersi North 1901
- Acanthiza modesta De Vis 1905
- Acanthiza morgani Mathews 1911
- Acanthiza nana Vigors & Horsfield [Trans.Linn.Soc.London(1) 15(1826)]
- Acanthiza nana belltrees Campbell,AG 1922
- Acanthiza nana burtoni Mathews 1920
- Acanthiza nana clelandi Mathews 1920
- Acanthiza nana dawsoniana White,HL 1918
- Acanthiza nana dorotheae Mathews 1914
- Acanthiza nana flava White,HL 1922
- Acanthiza nana laetior Mayr & Serventy 1938
- Acanthiza nana mathewsi Hartert,E 1910 (1)
- Acanthiza nana mathewsi Hartert,E 1910 (2)
- Acanthiza pallida Milligan 1903
- Acanthiza papuensis De Vis 1894
- Acanthiza pusilla arno Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza pusilla bunya Mathews 1920
- Acanthiza pusilla cambrensis Campbell,AG 1922
- Acanthiza pusilla cobborensis Mathews 1922
- Acanthiza pusilla consobrina Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza pusilla dawsonensis Campbell,AG 1922
- Acanthiza pusilla dundasi Mathews 1922
- Acanthiza pusilla jayi Mathews 1914
- Acanthiza pusilla leeuwinensis Campbell,AG 1922
- Acanthiza pusilla lingerandi Mathews 1922
- Acanthiza pusilla mcgilli Boles 1983
- Acanthiza pusilla northi Mathews 1922
- Acanthiza pusilla nullarborensis White,HL 1922
- Acanthiza pusilla peroni Mathews 1918
- Acanthiza pusilla samueli Mathews 1913
- Acanthiza pusilla venus Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza pygmea Milligan 1913
- Acanthiza pyrrhopygia Vigors & Horsfield [Trans.Linn.Soc.London(1) 15(1826)]
- Acanthiza reguloides Vigors & Horsfield [Trans.Linn.Soc.London(1) 15(1826)]
- Acanthiza reguloides connectens Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza reguloides grampianensis Ashby 1927
- Acanthiza robustirostris Milligan 1903
- Acanthiza rosinae Mathews 1913
- Acanthiza rufifrons Campbell,AJ 1903
- Acanthiza squamata De Vis 1889
- Acanthiza tanami Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza tenkatei Buttikofer 1892
- Acanthiza tenuirostris Lafresnaye 1841
- Acanthiza tenuirostris Zietz,AHC 1900
- Acanthiza trochiloides Sundevall 1837 (1)
- Acanthiza trochiloides Sundevall 1837 (2)
- Acanthiza trochiloides Sundevall 1837 (3)
- Acanthiza uropygialis Gould 1838 [Syn.BirdsAustr.]
- Acanthiza uropygialis Gould 1838 [PZS]
- Acanthiza uropygialis augusta Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza uropygialis condora Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza uropygialis kycheringi Mathews 1922
- Acanthiza uropygialis mellori Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza uropygialis murchisoni Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza uropygialis nea Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza uropygialis ruthergleni Mathews 1912
- Acanthiza whitlocki North 1909
- Acanthopneuste floris Hartert,E 1898 (1)
- Acanthochoera fusca De Vis 1897
- Acanthogenys flavacanthus Campbell,AJ 1899
- Acanthogenys rufogularis woolundra Mathews 1920
- Acanthopneuste everetti Hartert,E 1899 (1)
- Acanthopneuste everetti Hartert,E 1899 (2)
- Acanthopneuste floris Hartert,E 1898 (2)
- Acanthopneuste ijimae Stejneger 1892
- Acanthopneuste klossi Riley 1922
- Acanthopneuste nitidus saturatus Baker,ECS 1924
- Acanthopneuste puella Madarasz 1901
- Acanthopneuste trochiloides claudiae La Touche 1922
- Acanthopneuste trochiloides disturbans La Touche 1922
- Acanthopneuste trochiloides harterti Baker,ECS 1913 (1)
- Acanthopneuste trochiloides harterti Baker,ECS 1913 (2)
- Acanthopneuste trochiloides ogilviegranti La Touche 1922
- Acanthorhynchus dubius Gould 1837 [Syn.BirdsAustr.]
- Acanthorhynchus dubius Gould 1837 [PZS]
- Acanthorynchus halmaturina Campbell,AG 1906
- Acanthorhynchus superciliosus Gould 1837 [Syn.BirdsAustr.]
- Acanthorhynchus superciliosus Gould 1837 [PZS]
- Acanthorhynchus superciliosus stirlingi Mathews 1924
- Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris regius Salomonsen 1966
- Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris trochiloides Salomonsen 1966
- Acanthorhynchus superciliosus wilsoni Mathews 1912
- Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris cairnsensis Mathews 1912
- Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris loftyi Mathews 1912
- Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris victoriae Mathews 1912
- Acanthornis gouldi Mathews 1916
- Acanthurus microrhynchus Bertoni 1901
- Acanthylis saxatalis Woodhouse 1853 (1)
- Acanthylis brachyura Jardine 1846
- Acanthylis cinereocauda Cassin 1850
- Acanthylis coracinus Bonaparte 1850
- Acanthylis leucopygialis Blyth 1849
- Acanthylis saxatalis Woodhouse 1853 (2)
- Acanthylis semicollaris Saussure 1859
- Acanthylis sylvatica Tickell [J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 15 p.284]
- Preliminary scans 2007.10.11-19
- The sequence here reflects the sequence of cards as encountered, and thus there may
be irregularities of sequence, and neighboring cards should be examined.
- Some scans may be incomplete (but most should be interpretable).
- Some material will require "flat-bed" scanning and is not included here;
the current list should not be consdidered to be complete.
- The support of the Bird Division, as well as the contributions and hard work
by Missy Peterson, Laurel Peterson, Mercedes Foster, Roy McDiarmid, T. Chad Walter,
Fiona Wilkinson, and Craig Ludwig were essential.
- Special Thanks to Michael Rieser for the heroic job adding the taxon names
and authorities to this index.
- The Bird Division is in no way responsible for the deficiencies seen here
(incomplete scans, or problems with the organization and presentation
of the material).
Comments & Suggestions
to Data Steward
: Alan P. Peterson,
M.D., POB 1999, Walla Walla,
WA 99362-0999,
Last updated 2015.02.01