Version x.004 (2015.01.26).
species & subspecies
Richmond Index -- species & subspecies
Acrocephalus affinis - Actidurus naevius
The essential resource here is the property of the Division of Birds at the National Museum of Natural History, Washingtion, D.C.
Prototype -- under development
- Acrocephalus affinis
- Acrocephalus agricola haringtoni Witherby 1920
- Acrocephalus agricola haringtoni Witherby 1920
- Acrocephalus albotorquatus Hartlaub
- Acrocephalus albotorquatus Hartlaub 1880
- Acrocephalus arabicus Heuglin 1869
- Acrocephalus arundinaceus zarydnyi Hartert 1907
- Acrocephalus arundinaceus zarydnyi Hartert 1907
- Acrocephalus australis carterae Mathews 1912
- Acrocephalus australis mellori Mathews 1912
- Acrocephalus australis melvillensis Mathews 1912
- Acrocephalus babylonicus Ticehurst 1920
- Acrocephalus baeticatus avicennae Ash, Pearson, Nicolaus & Colson 1980
- Acrocephalus baeticatus hopsoni Fry, Williamson & Ferguson-Lees 1974
- Acrocephalus baeticatus nyong Bannerman 1936
- Acrocephalus baeticatus quiersi Colston & Morel 1984
- Acrocephalus baeticatus suahelicus Grote,H 1926
- Acrocephalus bistrigiceps Swinhoe 1860
- Acrocephalus bistrigiceps Swinhoe 1860
- Acrocephalus boeticatus Lynes,H 1923
- Acrocephalus caffer garretti Holyoak & Thibault 1978
- Acrocephalus calamoherpe Kleinschmidt 1903
- Acrocephalus celebensis Heinroth 1903
- Acrocephalus cervinus De Vis 1897
- Acrocephalus cinnamomeus Reichenow 1908
- Acrocephalus cinnamomeus fraterculus Clancey 1975
- Acrocephalus concinens hokrae Whistler,H 1930
- Acrocephalus concinens stevensi Baker,ECS 1922
- Acrocephalus dumetorum Blyth 1849
- Acrocephalus dumetorum affinis Zarudny 1890
- Acrocephalus dumetorum affinis Zarudny 1890
- Acrocephalus dumetorum gabrielae Neumann,O 1934
- Acrocephalus dybowskii Ridgway 1883
- Acrocephalus familiaris Rothschild 1892
- Acruloocephalus familiaris Rothschild 1893
- Acroocephalus fasciolatus Gray,GR 1861
- Acroocephalus frumentarius Kleinschmidt 1903
- Acrocephalus fulvolateralis Sharpe 1877
- Acrocephalus fulvolateralis Sharpe
- Acrocephalus gouldi Dubois 1901
- Acrocephalus horticola Naumann
- Acrocephalus ilensis Severtzov 1883
- Acrocephalus inexpectatusBerezowski & Bianchi 1900
- Acrocephalus inexpectatusBerezowski & Bianchi 1900
- Acrocephalus insularis Wallace 1862
- Acrocephalus lacustris Naumann 1811
- Acrocephalus lacustris Naumann 1811
- Acrocephalus longirostris Brehm,AE 1858
- Acrocephalus luscinia astrolabii Holyoak & Thibault 1978
- Acrocephalus macrorhynchus Hume 1871
- Acrocephalus magnirostris Swinhoe 1860
- Acrocephalus magnirostris Swinhoe 1860
- Acrocephalus mariannae Tristram 1883
- Acrocephalus mendanae Tristram 1883
- Acrocephalus obscurus Finsch & Hartlaub 1870
- Acrocephalus orientalis celebensis Meyer,AB 1903
- Acrocephalus orinus Oberholser 1905
- Acrocephalus pistor Tristram 1883
- Acrocephalus rufescens senegalensis Colston & Morel 1985
- Acrocephalus sogdianensis Dresser 1874
- Acrocephalus stagnatilis Naumann 1811
- Acrocephalus stentorius amyae Baker,ECS 1922
- Acrocephalus stentorius harterti Salomonsen 1928
- Acrocephalus stentorius lentecaptus Hartert 1924
- Acrocephalus stentorius seibersi Salomonsen 1928
- Acrocephalus stentorius sumbae Hartert 1924
- Acrocephalus stentorius toxopei Hartert 1924
- Acrocephalus strepera blanfordi Zarudny 1911
- Acrocephalus streperus
- Acrocephalus streperus intermedius Stantschinsky,WW 1913
- Acrocephalus taiti Ogilvie-Grant 1913
- Acrocephalus tangorum La Touche 1912
- Acrocephalus tenuirostris Brehm,AE 1855
- Acrocephalus tenuirostris Brehm,AE 1855
- Acrocephalus turdoides minor Radde 1884
- Acrocephalus turdoides minor Radde 1884
- Acrocephalus vaughani kaoko Holyoak 1974
- Acrocephalus vaughani kerearako Holyoak 1974
- Acrochordopus zeledoni bunites Wetmore & Phelps 1956
- Acrochordopus zeledoni viridiceps Zimmer & Phelps 1944
- Acroleptes violaceicollis Cabanis 1866
- Acropternis infuscatus Salvadori & Festa 1899
- Acrorhilus erythrops griseigularis Ridgway 1909
- Acrulocercus bishopi Rothschild
- Acrulocercus bishopi Rothschild 1893
- Actenoides hombroni Bonaparte 1850
- Actenoides moseleyi Steere 1890
- Actenoides variegata Jacquinot & Pucheran 1853
- Actidurus naevius Heermann 1854
- Preliminary scans 2007.10.11-19
- The sequence here reflects the sequence of cards as encountered, and thus there may
be irregularities of sequence, and neighboring cards should be examined.
- Some scans may be incomplete (but most should be interpretable).
- Some material will require "flat-bed" scanning and is not included here;
the current list should not be consdidered to be complete.
- The support of the Bird Division, as well as the contributions and hard work
by Missy Peterson, Laurel Peterson, Mercedes Foster, Roy McDiarmid, T. Chad Walter,
Fiona Wilkinson, and Craig Ludwig were essential.
- The Bird Division is in no way responsible for the deficiencies seen here
(incomplete scans, or problems with the organization and presentation
of the material).
Comments & Suggestions
to Data Steward
: Alan P. Peterson,
M.D., POB 1999, Walla Walla,
WA 99362-0999,
Last updated 2015.01.26