Version x.003
Richmond Index -- Infrageneric
Albellus maculosus - Alcedo azureus
The essential resource here is the property of the Division of Birds at the National Museum of Natural History, Washingtion, D.C.
Prototype -- under development
- Albellus maculosus Wood,CT 1837
- Alca alce Gmelin,JF 1789
- Alca alle Linnaeus 1758
- Alca antiqua Gmelin,JF 1789
- Alca arctica Linnaeus 1758
- Alca arctica Linnaeus 1758 (2)
- Alca aretica Linnaeus 1776
- Alca balthica Pontoppidan 1763
- Alca balthica Brunnich 1764
- Alca baltica Gmelin,JF 1789
- Alca borealis Forster,T 1817
- Alca camtschatica Lepechin 1801
- Alca candida Brunnich 1764
- Alca canogularis Meyer,B 1810
- Alca cirrhata Pallas 1769
- Alca cirrhatha Boddaert 1783
- Alca clupea "S.D.W" 1836
- Alca cristata Muller,PLS 1776
- Alca cristatella Pallas 1769
- Alca deleta Brunnich,MT 1764
- Alca glacialis Brehm,CL 1824
- Colymbus grylle
- Alca grylle Linnaeus 1758
- Alca hoieri Merrem 1819
- Alca impennis Linnaeus 1758
- Alca islandica Brehm
- Alca islandica Brehm,CL 1831
- Alca kamtschatica Lepechin 1801
- Alca kamtschatica Lepechin
- Alca labradorica Gmelin,JF 1789
- Alca lomvia Linnaeus 1758
- Alca maior Merrem,B 1819
- Alca mansfieldi Seebohm 1890
- Alca mansfieldi Seebohm 1890
- Alca microrhynchos Brehm 1855
- Alca minor Merrem,B 1819
- Alca monocerata Pallas 1811
- Alca monochroa Cook 1784
- Alca pica Linnaeus 1766
- Alca psittacula Pallas 1769
- Alca pygmaea Gmelin,JF 1789
- Alca stuttnefia Borowski 1782
- Alca stuttnefia Borowski,GH 1782
- Alca tetracula Pallas 1769
- Alca torda Linnaeus 1758
- Alca unisulcata Brunnich,MT 1764
- Alca vulgaris Wood,CT 1837
- Alcedo advena Brehm,CL 1828
- Alcedo advena Brehm,CL 1831
- Alcedo aegyptia Hasselquist
- Alcedo aegyptia Linnaeus 1762
- Alcedo aenea Pallas 1764
- Alcedo aenea Pallas
- Alcedo aenea Hermann 1804
- Alcedo aenea (2) Hermann 1804
- Alcedo affinis Kreling,W 1851
- Alcedo afra Shaw,G 1812
- Alcedo albirostris Shaw,G 1812
- Alcedo albiventris Scopoli 1786
- Alcedo alcyon Linnaeus 1758
- Alcedo amazona Latham 1790
- Alcedo americana Gmelin,JF 1788
- Alcedo americanus MacGillivray 1840
- Alcedo americanus MacGillivray 1840
- Alcedo anomala Macklot 1830
- Alcedo arabica Cabanis & Heine 1860
- Alcedo asamensis McClelland 1837
- Alcedo asiatica Meuschen 1787
- Alcedo asiatica Swainson
- Alcedo asiatica Swainson 1821
- Alcedo atricapilla Gmelin,JF 1788
- Alcedo atthis corsicana Laubmann 1920
- Alcedo atthis formosana Laubmann 1920
- Alcedo atthis gotzii Laubmann 1923
- Alcedo atthis goetzii Laubmann 1923
- Alcedo aurea Muller,PLS 1776
- Alcedo aureata Meuschen 1787
- Alcedo australasia Vieillot 1818
- Alcedo australasia Vieillot 1818
- Alcedo azurea Latham 1801
- Alcedo azureus Lesson 1830
- Preliminary scans 2007.10.11-19
- The sequence here reflects the sequence of cards as encountered, and thus there may
be irregularities of sequence, and neighboring cards should be examined.
- Some scans may be incomplete (but most should be interpretable).
- Some material will require "flat-bed" scanning and is not included here;
the current list should not be consdidered to be complete.
- The support of the Bird Division, as well as the contributions and hard work
by Missy Peterson, Laurel Peterson, Mercedes Foster, Roy McDiarmid, T. Chad Walter,
Fiona Wilkinson, and Craig Ludwig were essential.
- Special Thanks to Michael Rieser for the heroic job adding the taxon names
and authorities to this index.
- The Bird Division is in no way responsible for the deficiencies seen here
(incomplete scans, or problems with the organization and presentation
of the material).
Comments & Suggestions
to Data Steward
: Alan P. Peterson,
M.D., POB 1999, Walla Walla,
WA 99362-0999,
Last updated 2015.01.29