Version 1.00 (2009.04.07).
Richmond Index -- Infrageneric
Allotrius flaviscapis - Alphapuffinus assimilis glauerti
The essential resource here is the property of the Division of Birds at the National Museum of Natural History, Washingtion, D.C.
Prototype -- under development
- Preliminary scans 2007.10.11-19
- The sequence here reflects the sequence of cards as encountered, and thus there may
be irregularities of sequence, and neighboring cards should be examined.
- Some scans may be incomplete (but most should be interpretable).
- Some material will require "flat-bed" scanning and is not included here;
the current list should not be consdidered to be complete.
- The support of the Bird Division, as well as the contributions and hard work
by Missy Peterson, Laurel Peterson, Mercedes Foster, Roy McDiarmid, T. Chad Walter,
Fiona Wilkinson, and Craig Ludwig were essential.
- Special Thanks to Michael Rieser for the heroic job adding the taxon names
and authorities to this index.
- The Bird Division is in no way responsible for the deficiencies seen here
(incomplete scans, or problems with the organization and presentation
of the material).
Comments & Suggestions
to Data Steward
: Alan P. Peterson,
M.D., POB 1999, Walla Walla,
WA 99362-0999,
Last updated 2009.04.07