Version x.012
Richmond Index -- Infrageneric
Yalavis tenuipes - Zygodactylus ignotus
The essential resource here is the property of the Division of Birds at the National Museum of Natural History, Washingtion, D.C.
Prototype -- under development
- Yalavis tenuipes Shufeldt 1913
- Yanacea alpina Carriker 1933
- Yanacea alpina boliviana Carriker 1935
- Yellow-eared Flycatcher White,J 1790
- Yuhina ampleina Rippon,G 1900
- Yuhina bakeri Rothschild 1926
- Yuhina brunneiceps Ogilvie-Grant 1906
- Yuhina diademata Verreaux,J 1869
- Yuhina diademata delacouri Yen [H.G.D. questions pagination and date of reprints]
- Yuhina diademata delacouri Yen,KY 1934
- Yuhina diademata obscura Delacour & Jabouille 1930
- Yuhina flavicollis Hodgson 1836
- Yuhina flavicollis albicollis Ticehurst,CB & Whistler,H 1925
- Yuhina flavicollis constantiae Ripley 1953
- Yuhina flavicollis rogersi Deignan 1937
- Yuhina gularis Hodgson 1836
- Yuhina gularis Hodgson 1837
- Yuhina occipitalis Hodgson 1837
- Yuhina flavicollis Hodgson 1837
- Yuhina gularis griseotincta Rothschild 1921
- Yuhina gularis omeiensis Riley,JH 1930
- Yuhina gularis sordidior Kinnear,NB 1925
- Yuhina gularis vivax Koelz 1954
- Yuhina nigrimenta Hodgson 1845
- Yuhina nigrimentum intermedia Rothschild 1922
- Yuhina nigrimentum quarta Riley,JH 1930
- Yuhina nigrimentum titania Koelz 1954
- Yuhina occipitalis Hodgson 1836
- Yuhina occipitalis atrovinacea Koelz 1954
- Yuhina occipitalis cobscurior Rothschild 1921
- Yuhina pallida La Touche 1897
- Yuhina yangpiensis Sharpe 1902
- Yphantes solitaria Vieillot 1816
- Yungipicus basilanicus Steere 1890
- Iyngipicus canicapillus suffusus Robinson & Kloss 1919
- Iyngipicus doerriesi Hargitt
- Iyngipicus doerriesi Hargitt 1881
- Iyngipicus frater Salvadori & Giglioli 1885
- Iyngipicus fulvifasciatus Hargitt
- Iyngipicus fulvifasciatus Hargitt 1881
- Iyngipicus fuscoalbidus Salvadori 1874
- Iyngipicus grandis Hargitt
- Iyngipicus grandis Hargitt 1882
- Iyngipicus grandis excelsior Hartert 1898
- Yungipicus hardwickii brunneiceps Baker,ECS 1926
- Yungipicus kizuki amamii Kuroda,N 1922
- Yungipicus kizuki ijimae Taka-Tsukasa 1922
- Yungipicus kizuki harterti Kuroda,N 1923
- Yungipicus kizuki kurilensis Bergman,S 1931
- Yungipicus kizuki kurodae Bergman,S 1931
- Yungipicus scintilliceps kurodai La Touche 1931
- Yungipicus scintilliceps nagamichii La Touche 1932
- Yungipicus siasiensis Mearns,EA 1909
- Iyngipicus wattersi Salvadori & Giglioli 1885
- Yunx: see Jynx
- Yungipicus kizuki kotataki Kuroda,N 1922
- Yungipicus kizuki matsudairai Kuroda,N 1921
- Iyngipicus kizuki nigrescens Seebohm 1887
- Yngipicus kizuki nippon Kuroda,N 1922
- Yngipicus kizuki orii Kuroda,N 1923
- Yungipicus kizuki saisiuensis Momiyama 1926
- Yungipicus kizuki saisiuensis Momiyama 1926
- Yungipicus kizuki shikokuensis Kuroda,N 1922
- Yungipicus kizuki siragiensis Momiyama,T 1927
- Yungipicus kizuki siragiensis Momiyama,T 1927
- Yungipicus kizuki toohokuensis Kumagai,S 1928
- Yungipicus kizuki toohokuensis Kumagai,S 1928
- Yungipicus kizuki wilderi Kuroda,N 1926
- Yunigipicus leytensis Steere 1890
- Iyngipicus menagei Bourns & Worcester 1894
- Yungipicus moluccensis tantulus Riley,JH 1927
- Yungipicus obsoletus batesi Sclater,WL 1921
- Yungipicus obsoletus crateri Sclater & Moreau 1935
- Jyngipicus obsoletus heuglini Neumann,O 1904
- Iyngipicus obsoletus ingens Hartert 1900
- Jyngipicus obsoletus nigricans Neumann,O 1904
- Iyngipicus peninsularis Hargitt
- Iyngipicus peninsularis Hargitt 1882
- Iyngipicus picatus Hargitt
- Iyngipicus picatus Hargitt 1882
- Iyngipicus pumilus Hargitt
- Iyngipicus pumilus Hargitt 1881
- Iyngipicus pygmaeus clementii La Touche 1919
- Yungipicus pygmaeus tonkinensis Kuroda,N 1924
- Iyngipicus ramsayia Hargitt
- Iyngipicus ramsayia Hargitt 1881
- Iyngipicus scintilliceps swinhoei Hartert 1910
- Iyngipicus seebohmi Hargitt 1884
- Zamelodia melanocephala microrhyncha Grinnell 1900
- Zanclostomus calorhynchus Blyth 1842
- Xanclostomus viridirostris Jerdon 1840
- Zanclostomus flavirostris Swainson 1837
- Zanclostomus javanicus natunensis Chasen 1934
- Zanclostomus javanicus pallidus Robinson,HC & Kloss,CB 1921
- Xanthopygia affinis Ogilvie-Grant 1906
- Xanthopygia chrysophrys Blyth 1847
- Xanthopygia leucophrys Blyth 1847
- Zanthopygia narcissina shonis Kuroda,N 1923
- Zanthopygia owstoni Bangs 1901
- Zavattariornis stresemanni Moltoni 1938
- Zapornia flammiceps Hodgson 1844
- Zapornia minuta Forster,T 1817
- Zapornia nigrolineata Hodgson 1844
- Zapornia notata Gould 1844
- Zapornia olivacea Wood,CT 1837
- Zapornia spilonota Gould 1844
- Zapornia thermophila Hodgson 1844
- Zapornia umbrata Gray,GR 1859
- Zapornia umbrata Cassin 1856
- Zapornia watersi Bartlett
- Zapornia watersi Bartlett,E 1880
- Zaratornis stresemanni Koepcke,M 1954
- Zarhynchus wagleri mexicanus Ridgway 1901
- Zarhynchus wagleri ridgwayi Van Rossem [Bull.Mus.Comp.Zool. 77 no.7 p.405]
- Zebrapicus pucherani Malherbe 1849
- Zebrapicus pucherani Malherbe
- Zeafulex novaeseelandiae mani Mathews 1937
- Zeledonia coronata
- Zeledonia coronata Ridgway 1889
- Zeledonia insperata Ridgway 1907
- Zenaida amabilis Bonaparte 1838
- Zenaida asiatica alticola Saunders,GB 1951
- Zenaida asiatica clara Van Rossem 1947
- Zenaida asiatica collina Saunders 1968
- Zenaida asiatica grandis Saunders 1968
- Zenaida asiatica insularis Saunders 1968
- Zenaida asiatica monticola Saunders 1968
- Zenaida asiatica palustris Saunders 1968
- Zenaida asiatica panamaensis Saunders 1968
- Zenaida asiatica peninsulae Saunders 1968
- Zenaida auriculata caucae Chapman 1922
- Zenaida auriculata noronha Chubb 1919
- Zenaida auriculata pallens Bangs & Noble,GK 1918
- Zenaida auriculata vulcania Meyer de Schauensee 1944
- Zenaida bimaculata Bonaparte 1855
- Zenaida bimaculata Bonaparte
- Zenaida bogotensis Lawrence 1885
- Zenaida chilensis Bonaparte
- Zenaida galapagoensis Gould 1841
- Zenaida hypoleuca Bonaparte 1855
- Zenaida hypoleuca Bonaparte
- Zenaida innotata Hartlaub 1851
- Zenaida jessieae Ridgway 1888
- Zenaida jessieae marajoensis Berlepsch 1913
- Zenaida martinicana Bonaparte 1855
- Zenaida martinicana Bonaparte
- Zenaida mexicana Bonaparte
- Zenaida pentheria Bonaparte 1855
- Zenaida pentheria Bonaparte
- Zenaida richardsoni Cory 1887
- Zenaida rubripes Lawrence 1885
- Zenaida ruficauda Bonaparte 1855
- Zenaida ruficauda Bonaparte
- Zenaida ruficauda antioquiae Chapman 1917
- Zenaida ruficauda robinsoni [Original description]
- Zenaida ruficauda robinsoni Ridgway 1915
- Zenaida spadicea Cory 1886
- Zenaida stenura Bonaparte 1855
- Zenaida stenura Bonaparte
- Zenaida vinaceorufa Ridgway 1884
- Zenaida virgata Bertoni 1901
- Zenaida yucatanensis Salvadori 1893
- Zenaida zenaida lucida Noble,GK 1915
- Zenaida zenaida salvadorii Ridgway 1916
- Zenaidura clarionensis Townsend 1890
- Zenaidura graysoni Lawrence 1871
- Zenaidura macroura bella Palmer,W & Riley,JH 1902
- Zenaidura macroura caurina Ridgway 1916
- Zenaidura macroura peninsulari Bailey,HH 1923
- Zenaidura macroura tresmariae [Original Description]
- Zenaidura macroura tresmariae Ridgway 1915
- Zenaidura macroura turturilla Wetmore 1956
- Zenaidura yucatanensis Lawrence 1869
- Zenophasia platyryncha Swainson 1838
- Zenops see Xenops
- Zeocephus see Xeocephus
- Zeocephus cinnamomeus Sharpe 1877
- Zeocephus cyanescens Sharpe 1877
- Zeocephus talautensis Meyer & Wigglesworth 1894
- Zeocephus talautensis Meyer & Wigglesworth 1894
- Xestospiza James & Olson 1991
- Zephyritis elvirae Mulsant,E, Verreaux,J & Verreaux,E 1866
- Xestospiza conica James & Olson 1991
- Xestospiza fastigialis James & Olson 1991
- Xiphocolaptes major estebani Silva & Oren 1991
- Zodalia thaumasta Oberholser 1902
- Zonaeginthus bellus flindersi Mathews 1923
- Zonaeginthus bellus rosinae Mathews 1923
- Zonaeginthus bellus samueli Mathews 1912
- Zonaeginthus bellus tasmanicus Mathews 1923
- Zonaeginthus castanotis alexandrae Mathews 1912
- Zonaeginthus castanotis mouki Mathews 1912
- Zonaeginthus castanotis mungi Mathews 1912
- Zonaeginthus castanotis rosbucki Mathews 1913
- Zonaeginthus castanotis wayensis Mathews 1912
- Zonaeginthus guttatus philordi Mathews 1912
- Zonaeginthus oculatus gaimardi Mathews 1923
- Zonifer tricolor gwendolenae Mathews 1912
- Zonogastris melba affinis Elliot 1897
- Zonogastris soudanensis Sharpe 1890
- Zonophaps poliocephala nobilis Hachisuka 1931
- Zonotrichia africana Smith,A 1836
- Zonotrichia aureigula Bonaparte 1850
- Zonotrichia aureigula Sclater 1856
- Zonotrichia aureigula
- Zonotrichia bairdii Ross,BR 1861
- Zonotrichia botterii Sclater,PL 1858
- Zonotrichia boucardi Sclater 1867
- Zonotrichia canicapilla Gould 1839
- Zonotrichia capensis antofagastae Chapman 1940
- Zonotrichia capensis carabayae Chapman 1940
- Zonotrichia capensis costaricensis Allen 1891
- Zonotrichia capensis huancabamba Chapman 1940
- Zonotrichia capensis illescasensis Koepcke,M 1963
- Zonotrichia capensis markli Koepcke,M 1971
- Zonotrichia capensis novaesi Oren 1985
- Zonotrichia capensis orestera Wetmore 1951
- Zonotrichia capensis sanborni Hellmayr 1932
- Zonotrichia capensis septentrionalis Griscom 1930
- Zonotrichia capensis tocantinsi Chapman 1940
- Zonotrichia capensis venezuelae Chapman 1940
- Zonotrichia cassinii Woodhouse 1852
- Zonotrichia fallax Baird 1854
- Zonotrichia galapagoensis Bonaparte 1850
- Zonotrichia hyperborea Giglioli 1874
- Zonotrichia leucophrys aphaea Oberholser 1974
- Zonotrichia leucophrys intermedia Ridgway 1873
- Zonotrichia leucophrys nigrilora Todd 1948
- Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttali Ridgway 1899
- Zonotrichia leucophrys oriantha Oberholser 1932
- Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis Grinnell 1928
- Zonotrichia melanotis Lawrence 1867
- Zonotrichia musica Kittlitz 1858
- Zonotrichia musica Kittlitz 1858
- Zonotrichia mystacalis Hartlaub 1852
- Zonotrichia mystacalis Hartlaub 1852
- Zonotrichia quinquestriata Sclater & Salvin 1868
- Zonotrichia strigiceps Gould 1839
- Zonotrichia strigiceps dabbenei Hellmayr 1912
- Zonotrichia subtorquata Swainson 1837
- Zonotrichia vulcani Boucard,A 1878
- Zonotrichia whitii Sharpe 1888
- Zoonava fransica oberholseri Mathews 1918
- Zosteropisylvia uterovirens Wurt,P
- Zoothera cinclops Bonaparte 1850
- Zoothera imbircata Layard,EL 1854
- Zoothera guttata lippensi Prigogne & Louette 1984
- Zoothera kibalenis Prigogne 1978
- Zoothera margaretae turipavae Cain & Galbraith 1955
- Zoothera marginata Blyth 1847
- Zoothera marginata parva Delacour,J & Jabouille,P 1930
- Zoothera marginata tenebrosa Koelz 1952
- Zoothera melanoleuca Hartlaub 1844
- Zoothera melanoleuca Hartlaub 1844
- Zoothera monticola Vigors 1832
- Zoothera monticola atrata Delacour,J & Greenway 1939
- Zoothera monticola tenebricola Koelz 1954
- Zoothera piaggiae ruwenzorii Prigogine 1984
- Zoothera superciliaris Brandt 1843
- Zoothera talaseae atrigena Ripley & Hadden 1982
- Zorca arborea "S.D.W." 1836
- Zorca arborea Wood,CT 1837
- Zosteropisylvia icterovirens Heuglin 1867
- Zosterops abyssinica Guerin-Meneville 1843
- Zosterops abyssinica socotrana Neumann 1908
- Zosterops abyssinica socotrana Neumann,O 1908
- Zosterops admiralitatis Rothschild & Hartert 1914
- Zosterops admiralitatis Rothschild & Hartert 1914
- Zosterops aignani Hartert 1899
- Zosterops aignani Hartert 1899
- Zosterops alberti Rothschild & Hartert 1908
- Zosterops alberti Rothschild & Hartert 1908
- Zosterops alberti hamlini Murphy,RC 1929
- Zosterops alberti oblita Hartert 1929
- Zosterops albiventer Jacquinot,H & Pucheran,J 1853
- Zosterops albiventris cairncrossi Mathews 1916
- Zosterops albiventer minor Meyer,AB 1874
- Zosterops albogularis Gould 1837
- Zosterops albogularis Gould 1837
- Zosterops aldabrensis Ridgway 1894
- Zosterops ambigua Swainson 1838
- Zosterops andersoni Shelley 1892
- Zosterops angasizae Milne-Edwards & Oustalet 1885
- Zosterops anjuanensis Newton,E 1877
- Zosterops anomala Meyer & Wigglesworth 1896
- Zosterops arabs Lorenz von Liburnau,L & Hellmayr 1901
- Zosterops atmorii Sharpe 1877
- Zosterops atricapilla Salvadori
- Zosterops atricapilla Salvadori 1879
- Zosterops atricapilla wetmorei Deignan 1943
- Zosterops atriceps Gray,GR 1861
- Zosterops atrifrons Wallace,AR 1864
- Zosterops atrifrons sulaensis Neumann,O 1939
- Zosterops atrifrons surda Riley,JH 1919
- Zosterops aureifrons Wallace,AR 1864
- Zosterops aureigula Salvadori 1878
- Zosterops aureiventer joannae La Touche 1921
- Zosterops aureiventer media Robinson,HC & Kloss,CB 1923
- Zosterops aureiventer parvus Hachisuka,M 1926
- Zosterops aureiventer sumatrana Kloss,CB 1931
- Zosterops aurifrons Heuglin 1862
- Zosterops auriventer Hume 1878
- Zosterops aureiloris Ogilvie-Grant 1895
- Zosterops austeni Walden
- Zosterops australis Ramsay,EP 1863
- Zosterops australasiae edwini Mathews 1923
- Zosterops babelo Meyer & Wigglesworth 1895
- Zosterops balstoni Ogilvie-Grant 1909
- Zosterops basilanica Steere 1890
- Zosterops bassetti Sharpe 1894
- Zosterops batanis McGregor,RC 1907
- Zosterops bayeri Lonnberg 1917
- Zosterops boholensis McGregor,RC 1908
- Zosterops borbonica alopekion Storer & Gill 1966
- Zosterops borbonica xerophila Storer & Gill 1966
- Zosterops borbonicus Blyth 1845
- Zosterops bowiae Horne,G 1907
- Zosterops bayeri Lonnberg 1917
- Zosterops brunneicauda Salvadori 1881
- Zosterops brunneicauda Salvadori 1880
- Zosterops buruensis Salvadori 1878
- Zosterops buxtoni Nicholson,F 1879
- Zosterops caerulescens kandavensis Ramsay 1876
- Zosterops capensis Sundevall 1850
- Zosterops capensis Sundevall 1850
- Zosterops capensis Bonaparte
- Zosterops capensis basuticus Roberts,A 1936
- Zosterops capensis haigamchabensis Bradfield,RD 1944
- Zosterops ceylonensis Holdsworth
- Zosterops ceylonensis Holdsworth 1872
- Zosterops chlorates Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops chlorates kornichi Kloss,CB 1931
- Zosterops chlorates origenes Stresemann,E 1938
- Zosterops chlorates oriochares Stresemann,E 1938
- Zosterops chloris Bonaparte
- Zosterops chloris majauensis Jany 1955
- Zosterops chloronotus Gould 1841
- Zosterops chlorophaea Hartlaub 1877
- Zosterops chrysolaema Salvadori 1875
- Zosterops chyuluensis Someren 1939
- Zosterops cinerea Swainson 1838
- Zosterops citrinella Bonaparte
- Zosterops citrinella intercalata Stresemann 1931
- Zosterops clara Sharpe 1888
- Zosterops clara Sharpe 1888
- Zosterops comorensis Shelley 1900
- Zosterops consobrinorum Meyer,AB 1904
- Zosterops conspicillata saypani Dubois,A 1902
- Zosterops crassirostris Hartert
- Zosterops crassirostris Hartert 1897
- Zosterops crassirostris Hartert 1897
- Zosterops crissalis Sharpe 1884
- Zosterops cuicui De Vis 1898
- Zosterops cuicui De Vis 1897
- Zosterops curvirostris Blyth 1845
- Zosterops delicatula Sharpe
- Zosterops delicatula pallidogularis Stresemann 1931
- Zosterops dehaani Van Bemmel 1939
- Zosterops delicatula Sharpe 1882
- Zosterops demeryi Buttikofer,J 1890
- Zosterops deserticola Reichenow 1905
- Zosterops dorsalis Vigors & Horsfield
- Zosterops difficilis Robinson & Kloss 1918
- Zosterops enewtoni Hartlaub 1877
- Zosterops egregia Madarasz 1911
- Zosterops eichhorni Hartert 1926
- Zosterops elgonensis Someren 1922
- Zosterops erythropleurus Swinhoe 1863
- Zosterops erythropleura Swinhoe 1863
- Zosterops erythropleurus melanorhyncha La Touche 1921
- Zosterops eurycricotus Fischer & Reichenow 1884
- Zosterops eurycricotus Fischer & Reichenow 1884
- Zosterops euryophthalamos Heuglin 1856
- Zosterops euryophthalamos Heuglin 1857
- Zosterops euryophthalama Heuglin 1862
- Zosterops everetti Tweeddale 1878
- Zosterops explorator Layard 1875
- Zosterops explorator Layard,EL 1875
- Zosterops explorator Finsch 1877
- Zosterops fallax Sharpe 1884
- Zosterops feae Salvadori 1901
- Zosterops ficedulina Hartlaub 1866
- Zosterops flava Swainson 1837
- Zosterops flaviceps Peale 1848
- Zosterops flavifrons Schlegel 1866
- Zosterops flavifrons brevicauda Murphy,RC & Mathews 1929
- Zosterops flavifrons efatensis Mayr 1937
- Zosterops flavifrons gauensis Murphy,RC & Mathews 1929
- Zosterops flavifrons majuscula Murphy,RC & Mathews 1929
- Zosterops flavifrons perplexa Murphy,RC & Mathews 1929
- Zosterops flavigula Blanford 1870
- Zosterops flavilateralis Reichenow 1892
- Zosterops flavilateralis tongensis Roberts,A 1931
- Zosterops flavirostris Sharpe 1884
- Zosterops flavissima Hartert 1903
- Zosterops flavissima Hartert 1903
- Zosterops flavissima McGregor,RC 1904
- Fiche 107
- Zosterops flavogularis Masters,G 1876
- Zosterops floridana Rothschild & Hartert 1901
- Zosterops floridana Rothschild & Hartert 1901
- Zosterops forbesi Bangs 1922
- Zosterops frontalis Salvadori 1878
- Zosterops frontalis Reichenbach 1852
- Zosterops fusca Bernstein
- Zosterops fusca Bernstein,HA 1864 [APP:=1865]
- Zosterops fusca Bernstein,HA 1864 [APP:=1865]
- Zosterops fuscifrons Salvadori 1878
- Zosterops fuscicapilla Salvadori 1875
- Zosterops gallio Sharpe 1884
- Zosterops genderuensis Reichenow 1910
- Zosterops glaucura Reichenbach 1857
- Zosterops goodfellowi Hartert 1903
- Zosterops goodfellowi Hartert 1903
- Zosterops goodfellowi malindangensis Mearns,EA 1909
- Zosterops gouldi Bonaparte
- Zosterops gouldi warreni Mathews 1916
- Zosterops grayi Wallace,AR 1864
- Zosterops griseiventris Sclater,PL 1883
- Zosterops griseonota Gray,GR 1859
- Zosterops griseotincta Gray,GR 1858
- Zosterops griseovirescens Barboza du Bocage 1893
- Zosterops gulliveri Castelnau & Ramsay,EP 1877
- Zosterops haesitata Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops halconensis Mearns,EA 1907
- Zosterops halmaturina Campbell,AG 1906
- Zosterops hueglini Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops hovarum Tristram 1887
- Zosterops hypolais Hartlaub & Finsch 1872
- Zosterops hypolais Hartlaub & Finsch 1872
- Zosterops hypoleuca Salvadori 1878
- Zosterops hypoxantha Salvadori
- Zosterops hypoxantha Salvadori 1881
- Zosterops icterovirens Heuglin
- Zosterops icterovirens Heuglin 1862
- Zosterops icterovirens Neumann,O 1904
- Zosterops incerta Meyer 1884
- Zosterops incerta Salvadori 1892
- Zosterops inornota Layard
- Zosterops inornota Layard,EL 1878
- Zosterops inornata Layard,EL & Layard,ELC 1878
- Zosterops intermedia Wallace,AR 1864
- Zosterops intermedia erwini Meise 1941
- Zosterops intermedia kalaotuae Meise 1929
- Zosterops intermedia mentoris Meise 1952
- Zosterops intermedia periplecta Hartert
- Zosterops intermedia periplecta Hartert 1920
- Zosterops jacksoni Neumann,O 1899
- Zosterops japonicus dageleticus Momiyama 1930
- Zosterops japonicus insularis Ogawa 1905
- Zosterops japonicus insularis Ogawa,M 1905
- Zosterops javanica Swainson 1831
- Zosterops javanica Hartlaub 1844
- Zosterops japonicus ohsimensis Momiyama 1930
- Zosterops jubaensis Erlanger 1901
- Zosterops kaffensis Neumann 1902
- Zosterops kaffensis Neumann,O 1902
- Zosterops kikuyuensis Sharpe 1891
- Zosterops kirki Shelley
- Zosterops kirki Shelley 1880
- Zosterops kittlitzi Finsch 1880
- Zosterops kuhni Hartert 1906
- Zosterops kuhni Hartert 1906
- Zosterops kulambangrae Rothschild & Hartert 1901
- Zosterops kulambangrae Rothschild & Hartert 1901
- Zosterops laeta De Vis 1897
- Zosterops laeta McGregor,RC 1907
- Zosterops lateralis Sundevall 1850
- Zosterops lateralis Sundevall 1850
- Zosterops lateralis Bonaparte
- Zosterops lateralis Hartlaub
- Zosterops lateralis Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops lateralis cornwalli Mathews 1912
- Zosterops lateralis familiaris Mees 1969
- Zosterops lateralis investigator Mathews 1923
- Zosterops lateralis macmillani Mayr 1936
- Zosterops lateralis mugga Mathews 1925
- Zosterops lateralis nigrescens Sarasin 1913
- Zosterops lateralis norfolkensis Mathews 1929
- Zosterops lateralis tasmanica Mathews 1912
- Zosterops lateralis tropica Mees 1969
- Zosterops lateralis valuensis Murphy,RC & Mathews 1929
- Zosterops lettiensis Finsch 1898
- Zosterops longirostris Ramsay,EP 1879
- Zosterops longirostris ottomeyeri Stresemann 1930
- Zosterops lugubris Hartlaub 1848
- Zosterops lugubris Hartlaub 1848
- Zosterops lutea headlandi Mathews 1923
- Zosterops lutea montebelloensis Ashby 1925
- Zosterops lutea hecla Mathews 1912
- Zosterops lutea tribulationis Mathews 1912
- Zosterops luteirostris Hartert 1904
- Zosterops luteirostris Hartert 1904
- Zosterops luzonica Ogilvie-Grant 1895
- Zosterops macgillivrayi Sharpe 1900
- Zosterops madagascariensis gloriosae Ridgway 1894
- Zosterops maderaspatana ampotakae Salomonsen 1934
- Zosterops maderaspatana analoga Salomonsen 1934
- Zosterops maderaspatana menaiensis Benson 1969
- Zosterops massaica Someren 1922
- Zosterops maxi Finsch,O 1907
- Zosterops mayottensis Schlegel 1867
- Zosterops meeki Hartert 1898
- Zosterops meeki Hartert 1898
- Zosterops melanocephalus Gray,GR 1862
- Zosterops melanops Gray,GR 1859
- Zosterops melanura Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops mesoxantha Salvadori 1889
- Zosterops metcalfei Tristram
- Zosterops metcalfei Tristram 1894
- Zosterops metcalfei exigua Murphy,RC 1929
- Zosterops meyeni Bonaparte
- Zosterops meyleri McGregor,RC 1907
- Zosterops minor gregaria Mayr 1933
- Zosterops minor rothschildi Stresemann & Paludan 1934
- Zosterops minor tenuifrons Greenway,JC 1934
- Zosterops minor ultima Mayr 1955
- Zosterops minuta Layard,EL 1878
- Zosterops minuta Layard,EL & Layard,ELC 1878
- Zosterops modesta Newton,E 1867
- Zosterops modesta Newton,E 1867
- Zosterops montana Bonaparte
- Zosterops montana diuatae Salomonsen 1953
- Zosterops montana finitima Ripley & Rabor 1956
- Zosterops montana gili duPont 1971
- Zosterops montana minima Hoogerwerf 1949
- Zosterops montana minor Hoogerwerf & de Boor 1947
- Zosterops montana parkesi duPont 1971
- Zosterops montana pectoralis Mayr 1945
- Zosterops montana steini Mayr 1944
- Zosterops monticola Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops mouroniensis Milne-Edwards & Oustalet
- Zosterops mouroniensis Milne-Edwards & Oustalet 1885
- Zosterops mouroniensis Milne-Edwards & Oustalet 1887
- Zosterops murphyi Hartert 1929
- Zosterops mussoti Oustalet,E [Ann.Sci.Nat.(7) 12 "1891"[APP: = 1892]]
- Zosterops mysorensis Meyer,AB 1874
- Zosterops natalis Lister,JJ 1889
- Zosterops neglecta Seebohm 1893
- Zosterops nehrkorni Blasius,W 1888 [Braunschweig.Anziger no.9 p.86]
- Zosterops nehrkorni Blasius,W 1888
- Zosterops niassae Reichenow 1904
- Zosterops nicobaricus Blyth 1845
- Zosterops nigrifrons Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops nigrorum Tweeddale 1878
- Zosterops nigrorum catarmanensis Rand & Rabor 1969
- Zosterops nigrorum mindorensis Parkes 1971
- Zosterops nigrorum sierramadrensis Rand & Rabor 1969
- Zosterops novaeguineae Salvadori 1878
- Zosterops novaeguineae aruensis Mees 1953
- Zosterops novaeguineae aruensis Mayr 1931
- Zosterops novaeguineae shawmayeri Mayr & Gilliard 1951
- Zosterops novaeguineae wahgiensis Mayr & Gilliard 1951
- Zosterops obsoleta Buttikofer 1890
- Zosterops obstinatus Hartert 1900
- Zosterops obstinatus Hartert 1900
- Zosterops obstinatus seranensis Stresemann 1914
- Zosterops obstinatus seranensis Stresemann 1914
- Zosterops obstinatus ternatanus Stresemann 1914
- Zosterops obstinatus ternatanus Stresemann 1914
- Zosterops oleaginea Hartlaub & Finsch 1872
- Zosterops oleaginea Hartlaub & Finsch 1872
- Zosterops omoensis Neumann 1904
- Zosterops omoensis Neumann,O 1904
- Zosterops pallescens Heuglin 1864
- Zosterops pallida Swainson 1838
- Zosterops pallida kulalensis Williams,JG 1948
- Zosterops pallidipes De Vis 1890
- Zosterops palpebrosa alani Hartert
- Zosterops palpebrosa alani Hartert 1905
- Zosterops palpebrosa amabilis Koelz 1950
- Zosterops palpebrosa boninsimae Momiyama,TT 1927
- Zosterops palpebrosa boninsimae Momiyama,TT 1927
- Zosterops palpebrosa cacharensis Baker,ECS 1922
- Zosterops palpebrosa daitoensis Kuroda,N 1923
- Zosterops palpebrosa elwesi Baker,ECS 1922
- Zosterops palpebrosa erwini Chasen 1934
- Zosterops palpebrosa florensis Rensch,B 1928
- Zosterops palpebrosa foghaensis Stresemann 1912
- Zosterops palpebrosa foghaensis Stresemann 1912
- Zosterops palpebrosa hainana Hartert 1923
- Zosterops palpebrosa hainana Hartert 1923
- Zosterops palpebrosa harterti Hachisuka 1926
- Zosterops palpebrosa harterti Stresemann 1912
- Zosterops palpebrosa harterti Stresemann 1912
- Zosterops palpebrosa harterti Hachisuka,M 1926
- Zosterops palpebrosa ijimae Kuroda 1917
- Zosterops palpebrosa iriomotensis Kuroda 1923
- Zosterops palpebrosa kikutii Momiyama
- Zosterops palpebrosa mandibularis Stresemann 1931
- Zosterops palpebrosa nilgiriensis Ticehurst,CB 1927
- Zosterops palpebrosa occidentis Ticehurst,CB 1927
- Zosterops palpebrosa palniensis Koelz 1939
- Zosterops palpebrosa peguensis Baker,ECS 1922
- Zosterops palpebrosa remota Koelz 1939
- Zosterops palpebrosa sindorensis Siebers,HC 1929
- Zosterops palpebrosa taivaniana Momiyama 1827[APP: =1927]
- Zosterops palpebrosa vicina [Original description]
- Zosterops palpebrosa vicina Riley 1929
- Zosterops palpebrosa williamsoni Robinson & Kloss 1919
- Zosterops palpebrosa yesoensis Kuroda 1953
- Zosterops palpebrosa yonakuni Kuroda,N 1923
- Zosterops parvulus Jacquinot,H & Pucheran,J 1853
- Zosterops perspicillata Shelley 1889
- Zosterops phyllicus Reichenow 1910
- Zosterops poliogastra Heuglin
- Zosterops poliogastra Heuglin 1861
- Zosterops poliogastra erlangeri Neumann 1908
- Zosterops poliogastra erlangeri Neumann,O 1908
- Zosterops poliogastra gerhardi Elzen & Konig 1983
- Zosterops ponapenensis Finsch,O 1876
- Zosterops ponapensis Finsch 1877
- Zosterops ponapensis Finsch 1876
- Zosterops praetermissa Tristram 1887
- Zosterops pusillus Reichenow 1921
- Zosterops ramsayi Masters,G 1876
- Zosterops ramsayi Salvadori 1882
- Zosterops rendovae Tristram 1882
- Zosterops rendovae tetiparia Murphy,RC 1929
- Zosterops rennelliana Murphy,RC 1929
- Zosterops richmondi McGregor,RC 1904
- Zosterops rufifrons Salvadori 1874
- Zosterops rufilata Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops samoensis Murphy,RC & Mathews 1929
- Zosterops santaecrusis Tristram 1894
- Zosterops sarasinorum Meyer & Wigglesworth 1894
- Zosterops savannae Reichenow 1921
- Zosterops schoana Neumann
- Zosterops schoana Neumann
- Zosterops schoana Neumann,O 1903
- Zosterops schoana Neumann,O 1904
- Zosterops schubotzi Reichenow 1908
- Zosterops scotti Neumann,O 1899
- Zosterops semiflava Newton,E 1867
- Zosterops semiflava Newton,E 1867
- Zosterops semperi Hartlaub 1868
- Zosterops semperi owstoni Hartert
- Zosterops semperi owstoni Hartert 1900
- Zosterops semperi rotensis Taka-Tsukasa & Yamashina 1931
- Zosterops semperi takatsukasai Momiyama 1922
- Zosterops senegalensis Bonaparte
- Zosterops senegalensis australoabyssinicus Benson 1942
- Zosterops senegalensis fricki Mearns,EA 1913
- Zosterops senegalensis leoninus Sclater,WL 1927
- Zosterops senegalensis quanzae Meyer de Schauensee 1932
- Zosterops setschuana Reichenow 1915
- Zosterops silvanus Peters,J & Loveridge 1935
- Zosterops simplex Swinhoe
- Zosterops shortridgii Ogilvie-Grant,WR 1909
- Zosterops gouldi Bonaparte
- Zosterops simplex Swinhoe 1861
- Zosterops simplex loochooensis Tristram 1889
- Zosterops sinensis Swinhoe 1861
- Zosterops siquijorensis Bourns & Worcester 1894
- Zosterops smithi Neumann
- Zosterops solombensis Oberholser 1917
- Zosterops solombensis zachlora Oberholser 1917
- Zosterops smithi Neumann,O 1902
- Zosterops splendida Hartert 1929
- Zosterops squamifrons Sharpe 1892
- Zosterops stalkeri Ogilvie-Grant 1910
- Zosterops stejnegeri Seebohm 1891
- Zosterops stenocricota Reichenow 1892
- Zosterops stenocricota kassicus Chapin,JP 1932
- Zosterops stenocricota poensis Bannerman,DA 1915
- Zosterops stierlingi Reichenow 1899
- Zosterops strenuus Gould 1855
- Zosterops stresemanni Mayr 1931
- Zosterops strumpelli Reichenow 1910
- Zosterops stuhlmanni Reichenow 1892
- Zosterops subatrifrons Meyer & Wigglesworth 1896
- Zosterops subroseus Swinhoe 1870
- Zosterops sumbavensis Guillemard 1885
- Zosterops sumbavensis Guillemard 1885
- Zosterops sundevalli Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops superciliaris Hartert
- Zosterops superciliaris Hartert
- Zosterops superciliaris Hartert 1897
- Zosterops superciliaris hartertiana Rensch,B 1928
- Zosterops superciliosa Reichenow 1892
- Zosterops superciliosa Reichenow 1892
- Zosterops tahanensis Ogilvie-Grant 1906
- Zosterops tenella Hartlaub 1865
- Zosterops tenuirostris Gould 1837
- Zosterops semperi takatsukasai Momiyama 1922
- Zosterops tenuirostris Gould 1837
- Zosterops tephropleurus Gould 1855
- Zosterops toroensis Reichenow 1904
- Zosterops tristis Hartert 1891
- Zosterops tudjuensis Oort 1911
- Zosterops unica Hartert 1897
- Zosterops unica Hartert 1897
- Zosterops uropygialis Salvadori 1874
- Zosterops usambarae Reichenow 1909
- Zosterops vaalensis Gunning,JWB & Roberts,A 1911
- Zosterops vatensis Tristram
- Zosterops vatensis Tristram 1879
- Zosterops vaughnai Bannerman 1924
- Zosterops vallalavella Hartert 1908
- Zosterops vallalavella Hartert 1908
- Zosterops ventralis Richmond 1902
- Zosterops virens Sundevall 1850
- Zosterops virens Sundevall 1850
- Zosterops virens Bonaparte
- Zosterops virens garguensis Mearns 1913
- Zosterops virens reichenowi Dubois 1911
- Zosterops virens mbuluensis Sclater & Moreau 1935
- Zosterops virens meruensis Sclater & Moreau 1935
- Zosterops virens sarmenticia Bangs & Loveridge 1931
- Zosterops virens somereni Hartert 1928
- Zosterops voltzkowi Reichenow 1905
- Zosterops westernensis
- Zosterops westernensis flinderensis Ashby 1925
- Zosterops westernensis vegeta Hartert 1899
- Zosterops westernensis vegeta Hartert 1899
- Zosterops whiteheadi Hartert 1903
- Zosterops whiteheadi Hartert 1903
- Zosterops whiteheadi vulcani Hartert 1903
- Zosterops whiteheadi vulcani Hartert 1903
- Zosterops winifredae Sclater & Moreau 1934
- Zosterops xanthochroa Gray,GR 1859
- Zosterops yalensis Someren 1922
- Zosterops batanis McGregor,RC 1909
- Zosterornis affinis McGregor,RC 1907
- Zosterornis dennistouni Ogilvie-Grant 1895
- Zosterornis pygmaeus Ogilvie-Grant 1896
- Zosterornis striatus Ogilvie-Grant 1894
- Zosterornis whiteheadi Ogilvie-Grant 1894
- Zygodactylus grivensis Ballmann 1969
- Zygodactylus ignotus Ballmann 1969
- Preliminary scans 2007.10.11-19
- The sequence here reflects the sequence of cards as encountered, and thus there may
be irregularities of sequence, and neighboring cards should be examined.
- Some scans may be incomplete (but most should be interpretable).
- Some material will require "flat-bed" scanning and is not included here;
the current list should not be consdidered to be complete.
- The support of the Bird Division, as well as the contributions and hard work
by Missy Peterson, Laurel Peterson, Mercedes Foster, Roy McDiarmid, T. Chad Walter,
Fiona Wilkinson, and Craig Ludwig were essential.
- Special Thanks to Michael Rieser for the heroic job adding the taxon names
and authorities to this index.
- The Bird Division is in no way responsible for the deficiencies seen here
(incomplete scans, or problems with the organization and presentation
of the material).
Comments & Suggestions
to Data Steward
: Alan P. Peterson,
M.D., POB 1999, Walla Walla,
WA 99362-0999,
Last updated 2015.01.31