CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE Cornell University Library QL 677.B86H 1899 v.1 A hand-list of the genera & species of b 3 1924 001 125 065 The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. A HAND-LIST GENERA AND SPECIES BIRDS. [NOMENCLATOR AVIUM TUM FOSSILIUM TUM VIVENTIUM.] BY R. BOWDLER SHARPE, LL.D., ASSISTANT KEEPER,, DEPARTMENT OP ZOOLOGY, BRITISH MUSEUM. VOLUME I. LONDON; PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. SOLD BY LONGMANS & Co., 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C. ; B. QUARITCH, 15 PICCADILLY, W.; DULAU & Co., 37 SOHO SQUARE, W.j KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNEE, & Co., CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C.; AND AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY), CROMWELL ROAD, 8.W. 1899. All rights reserved. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LIOJJ COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE. The first ; Hand-list ' of Birds was compiled by the late George Eobert Gray, and published by the Trustees of the British Museum in three parts, in the years 1869, 1870, and 1871. This work has long been out of print, and the time seems to have come when a new Hand- list would be of advantage to working ornithologists. This new ' Hand-list ' has been written by Dr. Jt. Bowdler Sharpe, the author of the greater part of the ' Catalogue of Birds.' To the latter work reference is made throughout, and the ' Hand-list ' is avowedly founded upon the ' Catalogue ' ; but the new speeies described since the publication of the twenty-seven volumes which comprise the latter work will be here included, so as to bring the list of the known species of birds up to date. I thoroughly endorse the author's remarks as to the value of the co-operation which he has received from distinguished ornithologists in this and other countries. The desire which has been evinced by so many ornithologists to make this new ' Hand-list ' complete will be fully appreciated by all those who desire the progress of Zoological Science. E. EAT LANKESTER, Director, Natural History Departments, July 12, 1899. , British Museum. a 2 INTRODUCTION. Etbe since the publication of the ' Catalogue of Birds ' I have kept a record of the additional species described, and my notes will be published in the supplementary volumes of the ' Catalogue ' to be issued shortly. The writing of these notes has been rendered the more easy by the fact that for many years I have compiled the ' Aves ' portion of the ' Zoological Record.' It gave me, therefore, great pleasure when the Trustees of the British Museum consented to publish a new ' Hand-list of Birds,' since the need of such a work has long been recognized by ornithologists. The present compilation differs only from that of my predecessor, the late George Robert Gray, in that I have had the advantage of being able to refer to the ' Catalogue of Birds,' where a full synonymy of each species will be found. The geographical range is here given as concisely as possible, and is based on the conclusions derived from the ' Catalogue,' instead of being founded chiefly on the material in the British Museum, as was done in Gray's ' Hand-list.' The system of classification followed in the present work is that proposed by myself in 1891, in my address to the Second Ornithological Congress at Buda-Pest. I have seen no reason to modify the conclusions there recorded in any material degree. I have ventured to incorporate in what appears to me to be their natural position the extinct forms of birds ; but it is difficult to discover all the descriptions of fossil birds, scattered as they are through so many publications. In some of my volumes of the ' Catalogue ' fossil forms are enumerated, but in most of the volumes no record of the extinct birds has been attempted. My work in this direction has been VI ISTEODUCTIOIT. principally founded on the ' Catalogue of Fossil Birds ' written by Mr. E. Lydekker, F.E.S., and published by the Trustees in 1891. The proofs of the present volume have been submitted to Professor Milne- Edwards, the leading authority on the subject, and also to Dr. Shufeldt, who has done much work on the fossil forms of bird-life in America. I am, however, especially indebted to my colleague, Mr. C. W. Andrews, of the Geological Department, who has kindly looked over all the proofs; I am under great obligations to him for useful hints and corrections. All extinct forms are printed in antique type, and the latter has also been adopted for recent species now known to be extinct, such as Camptolmmus labradorius (p. 225). I cannot too warmly express my thanks to the undermentioned ornithologists, who have revised the proof-sheets of this work, and given to it the importance of an international publication. Many of them have freely given me their original notes, have saved me from many slips, and have greatly enhanced the value of the work. I can only assure them of my gratitude for their unselfishness, and nothing in my life has pleased me more than to receive the co-operation of so many of the leading ornithologists of the day, as has been the case in the present instance. Proofs have been submitted to and corrected by the following ornithologists : — England.— Hon. Walter Eothsehild, M.P., Mr. Ernst Hartert, Dr. P. L. Sclater, Mr. W. E. Ogilvie Grant, Mr. W. P. Pycraft, Mr. Howard Saunders, Mr. E. W. Oates. France. — Professor Milne-Edwards, Dr. E. Oustalet. Holland. — Dr. Otto Finsch. Germany. — Professor A. Eeichenow, Dr. A. B. Meyer, Count von Berlepsch. Russia. — Dr. Bianchi. Italy. — Count Salvador]'. America. — Prof. Elliott Coues, Prof. Eobert Eidgway, Dr. L. Stejneger, Prof. J. A, Allen, Mr. Frank M. Chapman, Mr C. W. Eichmond. INTRODUCTION. Vll To all these gentlemen I tender my sincere thanks for their loyal friendship and assistance. In most cases I have followed their sugges- tions, especially in the groups with which I have not an intimate personal acquaintance. My views on certain aspects' of nomenclature are so well known that slight differences must exist between some of us on a few minor points, and on these there will always be a variation in individual opinion. In the main I have adhered strictly to the nomenclature of the ' Catalogue of Birds,' and in a few cases only have I ventured to disagree with the conclusions of the writers. E. BOWDLEE SHAEPE. July 6, 1899. SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Class AVES. Sub-Class I. SAURUKJE .... ***{ 1. Archseopteryx, Meyer . . 1 Sub-Class II. RATIT.K 1 Order I. RHEIFORMES 1 Fam. I. RHBiDiB 1 1. Rhea, Lath 1 IncebtjE Sedis. 1. Barornis, Marsh 2 2. Laopteryx, Marsh 2 Order II. STRUTHIONIFORMES . . 2 Fam. I. STHUTHioNiD-ffi: . 2 1. Struthio, Linn. 2 Order III. CASUARIIFORMES .... 2 Fam. I. DBOM2EiD.ffi: .... 2 1. Dromeeus, Vieill. 2 Fam. II. Dbomobnithid^;. 3 1. Dromornis, Owen 3 2. Genyornis, S. $ Z. 3 Fam. III. Castjabiid-E! . . 3 1. Casuarius, Briss 3 2. Hypselornis, Lyd. 4 Order IV. Page DINORNITHIFORMES . . 4 Fam. I. Dinohnithid-e: . . 4 Sub-Fam. I. Dinornithinae. 4 1. Dinornis, Owen 4 Sub-Fam. 2. Anomaloptery- giiiae 5 2. Pachyornis, Lyd. .' 5 3. Syomis, Reiehenb 5 4. Anomaiopteryx, Reiehenb. 5 5. Megalapteryx, Haast. ... 6 Sub-Fam. 3. Emeinse .... 6 6. Emeus, Reiehenb 6 Order V. ^EPYORNITHIFORMES . 6 Fam. I. jEpYOBNiTHiD-a:. 6 1. ^Epyornis, Is. Geoffr. . . 6 2. Mullerornis, Milne-Edw. Sf Grandid. 7 Order VI. AFTER YGIFORMES . . 7 Fam. I. Apteeygid^ . . 7 1. Apteryx, Shaw 7 2. Pseudapteryx, Lyd. .... 8 3. Metapteryx, De Vis 8 Sub-Class III. CARZNAT.ffi . . 8 Order I. TINAMIFORMES 8 Fam. I. Tinamid^b 8 Sub-Fam. 1. Tinaminae. . 8 1 . Tinamus, Herm 8 2. Nothocercus, Bp 9 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 3. Crypturus, Illig 9 4. Rhynchotus, Spi.v 10 5. Notboprocta, Sol. 8f Salv. 11 6. Nothura, Wagl '. . . 11 7. Taoniscus, Gloger 11 Sub-Fam. 2. Tinamotidinae. 12 8. Calopezus, Ridgw 12 9. Tinamotis, Vig 12 Order II. GALLIFORMES 12 Sub-Order I. Misapodii. 12 Fam. I. MBGAPODiiDiE . . 12 1. Megapodius, Q. 8r G 12 2. Eulipoa,, Ogilrie Grant . . 13 3. Lipoa, Gould '. . 13 4. Talegallus, Less 13 5. Catheturus, Swains 14 6. ^Epypodius, Oust 14 7. Megacephalum, Temm. . . 14 Sub-Order II. Ciaces .. 14 Fam. I. OB.ACiD.aE 14 1. Crax, Linn. 14 2. Notbocrax, Burnt 15 3. Mitua, Less 15 4. Pauxis, Temm 15 5. Oreophasia, Gray 15 6. Penelope, Merrem 15 7. Penelopina, Beichenb. . . 16 b. Ortalis, Merrem , 16 9. Pipile, Bp 17 10. Aburria, Beichenb 18 11. Chama?petes, Wagler . . 18 Sub-Order III. Phasiani. 18 Fam. I. TETRAONIDiG . . 18 1. Lagopus, Briss 18 2. Lyrurus, Swains 19 3. Tetrao, Linn. 19 4. Canachites, Stejn 19 5. Falcipennis, Elliot 20 6. Dendragapus, Elliot .... 20 7. Tympanuchus, Gloger . . 20 8. Centrocercus, Swains. . . 20 9. Pedioecetes, Baird 20 10. Palseotetrix, Shufeldt. ... 21 11. Bonasa, Steph 21 12. Tetrastes, Keys. $ Bias. . 21 Page Fam. II. Phasianid^; . . 21 1. Lerwa, Hodgs 21 2. Tetraophasis, Elliot 21 3. Tetraogallus, J. E. Gray. 22 4. Caccabis, Kaup 22 5. Ammoperdix, Gould .... 23 6. Francolinus, Steph 23 7. Pternistes, Wagler 25 8. Rhizothera, Gray 26 9. Perdix, Briss 26 10. Palseortyx, Milne-Edw. . . 27 11. Palseoperdix, Milne-Edw. 28 12. Taoperdix, Milne-Edw.. . 28 13. Palseocryptonyx, Depe'ret. 28 14. Margaroperdix, Beichenb. 28 15. Perdicula, Hodgs 28 16. Microperdix, Gould .... 28 17. Arboricola, Hodgs 29 18. Tropieoperdix, Blyth 30 19. Haematortyx, Sharpe. ... 30 20. Oaloperdix, Blyth 30 21. Rollulus, Bonn 30 22. Melanoperdix, Jerd 30 23. Coturnix, Bonn 31 24. Svncecus, Gould 31 25. Excalfactoria, Bp. 32 26. Ptilopacbvs, Swains 32 27. Bambusicbla, Gould 32 28. Galliperdix, Blyth 32 29. Ophrysia, Bp 33 30. Imageries, Wagler 33 31. Tragopan, Cuvier 33 32. Lophopborus, Temm 33 33. Cbalcopbasis, Elliot .... 34 34. Acomus, Beichenb 34 35. Lophura, Fleming 34 36. Diardigallus, Bp 35 37. Lobiophasis, Sharpe .... 35 38. Crossoptilum, Hodgs 35 39. Germseus, Wagler 35 40. Pucrasia, Gray 36 41. Catreus, Cab 37 42. Pbasianus, Linn. 37 43. Syrmaticus, Wagler .... 38 44. Calophasie, Elliot 38 45. Ohrysolophus, J. E. Gray 38 46. Gallus, Briss 39 47. Polyplectrum, Temm. . . 39 48. Chalcurus, Bp 40 49. Arguaianus, Rafin 40 50. Rheinardius, Oust 40 51. Pavo, Linn. 40 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Inceem: Sedis. 1. Anissolornis, Amegh 40 Fam. III. NuMiDiDiB .... 41 1. Phasidus, Cass 41 2. Ageteates, Bp 41 3. Numida, Linn. 41 4. Guttera, Wagler 42 5. Aery Ilium, Gray 42 Fam. IV. Melbaqbid^: . 43 1. Meleagris, Linn. 43 2. Agrioeharis, Chapman . . 43 Fam. V. Odontophoeib^:. 43 1. Dendrortyx, Gould 43 2. Oallipepla, Wagler 44 3. Oreortyx, Baird 44 4. Lophortyx, Bp ' 44 5. Philortyx, Gould 45 C. Eupaycbortyx, Gould. ... 45 7. Colinua, Less 45 8\ Cyrtonyx, Gould 46 9. Dactylortyx, Ogilvie Grant 46 10. Odontophorus, Vieill. . . 47 11. Rhyncbortyx, Ogilvie Grant 47 Order III. HEMIPODII 48 Fam. I. Tubnicid-s: .... 48 1. Turnix, Bonn 48 2., Gould .... 49 Order IV. PTEROCLIDIFORMES . . 50 Fam. I. Pteboclidid^;. . 50 1. Syrrbaptes, Illiger 50 2. Pteroclidurua, Bp 50 3. Pteroolis, Temm 50 Order V. COLUMBIFORftlES 51 Sub-Order I. CoiFMBa , 51 Fam. I. Tbebonid^e .... 51 Sub-Fam. 1. Treroninae. 51 1. Sphenocercus, Gray .... 51 2. Vinago, Ouv 52 3. Orocopua, Bp 53 4. Butreron, Bp 53 5. Treron, Vieill. 53 6. Osmotreron, Bp 53 7. Pbabotreron, Bp 55 Page Sub-Fam. 2. Ptilopodinae. 55 8. Leucotreron, Bp 55 9. MezotreroD, gen. n 56 10. Ptilopus, Swains 56 11. Lamprotreron, Bp 58 12. Eutreron, Salvad 58 13. PtilopodiscuSj.iS'afoaa'. .. 58 14. Cyanotreron, Bp 59 15. Ohlorotreron, Salvad 59 16. CEdirbiuus, Cab. §• Reichen. 59 17. Sylpbitreron, Bp 59 18. Thoracotreron, Salvad. . . 60 19. Spilotreron, Salvad. .... 60 20. Ionotreron, Bp 61 21. Chrysosnas, Bp 62 22. Drepanoptila, Bp 62 23. Alectrcenas, Gray 62 24. Megaloprepia, Reichenb. 62 25. Lithophaps, Be Vis .... 63 Sub-Fam. 3. Carpophaginae. 63 26. Serresius, Bp 63 27. Globicera, Bp 63 28. Carpophaga, Selby 64 29. Ptilocolpa, Bp. 65 30. Zonophaps, Salvad. , 65 31. Ducula, Hodgs 66 32. Cryptopbaps, Salvad. .... 66 33. Zoncenas, Reichenb 66 34. PbEenorhina, Gray 67 35. Myristieivora, Reichenb. . . 67 36. Lopbolsernus, Gray 68 37. Hemiphaga, Bp 68 Fam. II. Columbidjb .... 68 Sub-Fam. 1. Columbinse . . 68 1. Gymnophaps, Salvad. . . 68 2. Columba, Linn. 68 3. Nescenas, Salvad, 72 4. Turturosna, Bp 72 Sub-Fam. 2. Maoropygiinae. 73 5. Turacoena, Bp 73 6. Maeropygia, Swains 73 7. Reinwardtcenas, Bp 75 8. Coryphcenas, Wardlaw Ramsay 75 Sub-Fam. 3. Ectoplstinae . . 76 9. Ectopistes, Swains 76 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Fam. III. PbhistebidJe Page 76 Sub-Fam. 1. Zenaidinae . . 76 1. Zenaidura, Bp 76 2. Zenaida, Bp 76 3. Nesopelia, Sundev 77 4. Melopelia, Bp 77 Sub-Fam. 2. Turturinae 77 77 78 78 70 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 14. Oolumbula, Bp. 81 15. Ohamsepelia, Swains 81 16. Uropelia, Bp 82 17. Oxypelia, Salvad 82 18. Peristera, Swains 82 19. Metriopelia, Bp 83 5. Turtur, Selby 6. Homopelia, Salvad. 7. Streptopelia, Bp 8. Onopopelia, Blanf. 9. Spilopelia, Sundev 10. Stigmatopelia, Sundev. . . Sub-Fam. 3. Geopeliinae . , 11. Geopelia, Swains 12. Scardafella, Bp 13. Gyinnopelia, Scl. 8f Sale. . Sub-Fam. 4. Peristerinse Sub-Fam. 5. Phabinse. . 83 20. CEna, Selby 83 21. Tympanistria, Beichenb. . . 83 22. Chalcopelia, Bp 83 23. Cbalcophaps, Gould .... 83 24. Oalopelia, Salvad 84 25. Henicophaps, Gray .... 84 26. Phaps, Selby 84 27. Histriophaps, Salvad 84 28. Petropbassa, Gould .... 85 29. Geopnaps, Gould 85 30. Lophopnaps, Beichenb. . . 85 31. Ocyphaps, Gould 85 Sub-Fam. 6. Geotrygoninee. 85 32. Haplopelia, Bp 85 33. Leptoptila, Swains 86 34. Osculatia, Bp 87 35. Geotrygon, Gosse 87 36. Phlogoenas, Beichenb. . . 88 37. Alopecoenas, Finsch .... 90 38. Leucosarcia, Gould 90 39. Eutrygon, Sol. 90 Page 40. Otidiphaps, Gould 90 41. Starncenas, Bp 91 Sub-Fam. 7. Calcenadinse . 91 42. Caloenas, Gray 91 Fam. IV. GouBiD-ffi: 91 1. Goura, Steph 91 2. Progura, Be Vis 92 Fam. V. Didunculid-s:. . 92 1. Didunculus, Peale 92 Sub-Order II. Didi Fam. I. DiDiD.a; . . ., 92 , . 92 1. Pezopbaps, Strickl. 92 2. Didus, Linn. 92 Order VI. OPISTHOCOMIFORMES. 93 Sub-Order Opisthocomi. 93 Fam. I. OpisTHOcoMtDiE. 93 1. Opistbocomus, Illiger. ... 93 Order VII. RALLIFORMES 93 Fam. I. KAiLiDiB Sub-Fam. 1. Rallinae .... 1. Eallus, Linn. 2. Limnopardalis, Cab 3. Hypotsenidia, Beichenb. . . 4. Ne8olimnas, Andrews. . . . 5. Cabalus, Sutton. 6. Eulabeornis, Gould 7. Tricholimuas, Sharpe .... 8. Gymnoorex, Salvad 9. Aramidopsis, Sharpe .... 10. Aramides, Pucher 11. Megaorex, Salvad. 12. Habroptila, Gray 13. Ocydromus, Wagkr .... 14. Aphanapteryx, Frauenf. . . 15. Diapborapteryx, H. O. Forbes 16. Erythromachus, Milne- Edw 93 93 93 95 95 96 96 97 97 97 97 97 98 98 99 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. 17. Himantornis, Schl 99 18. Dryolininas, Sharpe .... 99 19. Canirallus, Bp 99 20. Rallina, Beichenb 99 21. Castanolimnas, Sharpe . . 100 22. Crecopsis, Sharpe 100 23. Stictolimnas, Biittik 100 24. Crex, Bechst 100 25. Crecoides, Shufeldt 100 26. CEnolimnas, Sharpe .... 101 27. Amaurolimnas, Sharpe . . 101 28. Anurolimnas, Sharpe .... 101 29. Zapornia, Leach 101 30. Porzana, Vieill 101 31. Pennula, Dole 102 32. Apbanolimnas, Sharpe . . 102 33. Sarotbrura, Heine 103 34. Rallicula, Schl 103 35. Thyrorhina, Scl. $ Salv. . 104 36. Ortygopa, Heine 104 37. Poliolimnas, Sharpe .... 104 38. Porzanula, Frohawk .... 104 39. Creciscus, Cab 104 40. Limnobsenus, Sundev. . . 105 41. Limnocorax, Peters .... 106 42. Amaurornis, Beichenb. . . 106 43. Rougetius, Bp 106 44. Neocrex, Scl. $ Salv 106 45. Tribonyx, Du Bus 106 46. Microtribonyx, Sharpe . . 107 47. Pareudiastes, Hartl. 8f Finseh 107 48. Porpbyriornis, Allen .... 107 49. Gallinula, Briss 107 50. Porphyriops, Pucher 108 51. Gallicrex, Blyth 108 62. Porphyriola, Sundev 108 53. Porphyrio, Briss 108 54. Notornis, Owen 109 Sub-Fam. 2. Fulicinae .... 109 55. Fulica, Linn. 1 09 56. Palseolimnas, Forbes .... 110 57. Leguatia, Schl 110 Fam. II. Hblioenithid^b. Ill 1. Podica, Less Ill 2. Heliopais, Sharpe Ill 3. Heliornis, Bonn Ill Incests Sbdis. 1. Gypsornis, MiVne-Edw. . . Ill 2. Tebnatornis, Marsh .... Ill Pago 3. Ortbocnemus, Milne-Mdw. 112 4. Elapbrocnemus, M.-Edw. 112 5. Tapinopus, Milne-Edw. . . 112 6. Euryonotus, Mercerat . . 112 Order VIII. PODICIPEDIDIFORMES. 113 Fam. I. PoDiciPBDiDiE . . 113 1. Podicipes, Lath 113 2. Dytes, Kaup 114 3. Proctopus, Kaup 114 4. Centropelma, Scl. § Salv. 114 5. Lophsethyia, Kaup .... 114 6. ^Echmopborus, Coues . . 115 7. Podilynibus, Less 115 Order IX. COLYMBIFORMES .... 115 Fam. I. Colymbidje .... 115 1. Colymbus, Linn. 115 2. Colymboides, Milne-Edw. 116 Order X. HESPERORNITHIFORMES. 116 Fam. I. Hespbkoenithidje. 116 1. Hesperornis, Marsh .... 116 2. Coniornis, Marsh, 116 Fam. II. Enaliobnithid^; . 117 1. Enaliornis, Seeley 117 2. Baptornis, Marsh 117 Incebtje Sedis. Eupterornis, Lemoine . . 117 Order XI. SPHEN1SOIFORMES .. 117 Fam. I. Spheniscid^; . . 117 1. Aptenodytes, Forster .... 117 2. Pygoscelis, Wagler .... 118 3. Catarrhactes, Briss 1 18 4. Megadyptes, Milne-Edw. . 118 5. Eudyptula, Bp 119 6. Spheniscus, Briss 119 7. Palseospheniscus, Mor. $■ Merc 119 8. Paraptenodytes, Amegh. . 119 9. Paleudyptes, Hector .... 119 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Fam. II. Cladoenithid^;. 120 120 1. Cladornis, Amegh. Order XII. PROCELLARIIFORMES. 120 Fam. I. PaocELLABiiDiE . ] 20 Sub-Fam. 1. Procellariiua; 120 1. Procellaria, Linn. 120 2. Halocyptena, Coues .... 121 3. Oceanoaroma, Reiehenb. . . 121 Sub-Fam. 2. Oceanitinae. . 122 4. Oceanites, Keys, ty Bias. . 122 5. Garrodia, Forbes 122 6. Pelagodroma, Reiehenb. . . 122 7. Pealea, Ridgw 122 8. Fregetta, Bp 122 Fam. II. Puttinid^: .... 123 Sub-Fam. 1. Fuffininae . . 123 1. Puffinus, Briss 123 2. Priofinus, Hombr. § Jacq. 124 3. Thalassoeca, Reiehenb. . . 125 4. Priocella, Hombr. fy Jacq. 125 5. Majaqueus, Reiehenb 125 6. Oestrelata, Bp 125 7. Pagodroma, Bp 127 8. Bulweria, Bp 127 Sub-Fam. 2. Fulmarina? . 127 9. Ossifraga, Hombr. fy Jacq. 127 10. Fulmarus, Steph 127 11. Daption, Steph 127 12. Halobsena, Is. Geoffr. . . 127 13. Prion, Lac6p 128 Fam. III. Pblbcanoidid^:. 128 1. Pelecanoides, Lace'p 128 Fam. IV. DiombdbidjE . . 128 1. Diomedea, Linn. 128 2. Thalassogeron, Ridgio. . . 129 3. Pboebetria, Reiehenb. . . 129 4. Plotornis, Milne-Edw. . . 129 iNCBRTiE SBDIS. Hydrornis, Milne-Edw. . , 129 Order XIII. Pa S e ALCIFORMES 130 Fam. I. AlcidjE 130 Sub-Fam. 1. Alcinae 130 1. Plautus, Brtinn 130 2. Alca, Linn. 130 3. Alle, Link 130 4. Una, Briss 130 5. Cepphus, Pall 131 6. Pseuduria, gen. n 131 7. Brachyrbampbus, Brandt. 131 8. Micruria, Ogihie Grant . . 131 9. Syntbliborhamphus, " Brandt 132 Sub-Fam. 2. Fraterculinas . 132 10. Ptycborbamphus, Brandt. 132 11. Simorhyncbus, Merrem. . 132 12. Pbaleris, Temm 132 13. Ceratorhyncba, Bp 132 14. Lunda, Pall 133 15. Frateroula, Briss 133 Order XIV. LARIFORMES 133 Fam. I. Lasid^! 133 Sub-Fam. 1. Sterninae . . 133 1. Hydrocbelidon, Boie .... 133 2. Pbaethusa, Wagler 134 3. Gelocbelidon, Brehm .... 134 4. Hydroprogne, Kaup 134 5. Seena, Blyth 134 6. Sterna, Linn. ] 34 7. Nsenia, Boie 137 8. Procelsterna, Lafr 137 9. Anous, Steph 137 10. Micrauous, Saunders .... 138 11. Gygis, Wagler 138 Sub-Fam. 2. Rhynchopinse. 138 12. Rhynchops, Linn. 138 13. Pseudosterna, Mercerat. . 139 Sub-Fam. 3. Larinaa .... 139 14. Xema, Leach 139 15. Creagrus, Bp 139 16. Rhodoatethia, Margin. " [ 139 17. Lams, Linn. 139 18. Gabianus, Brvch 143 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 19. Leucophseus, Bnich .... 143 20. Pagophila, Kaup 143 21. Rissa, Stepliens 143 Fam. 1\. Stercorarild.*:. 143 1 . Megalestris, Bp 143 2. Stercorarius, Biiss 144 iNCERTiE SkDIS. Haley ornis, Oioen 144 Order XV. CHARADRIIFORMES . . 144 iNCERTiE SEDIS. Dolichopterus, Aymard . . 144 Sub-Order I. Chionides. 145 Fam. I. CmoNiDiD-E .... 145 1. Ononis, Forsier 145 2. Chionarchus, Kidder ty Coues 145 Sub-Order II. Attagides. 145 Fam. I. Thtnocorythid^;. 145 1. Attagis, Less, ty Is. Geqffr. 145 2. Thinocorys, Esck 146 Incert^ Sedis. Palaeotringa, Marsh .... 146 Sub-Order III. Charadrii. 146 Fam. I. Charadriid.*:. . 146 Sub-Fam. 1. Arenariinae . 146 1. Arenaria, Briss 146 Sub-Fam. 2. Hsematopo- dinae 147 2. Haematopus, Linn. 147 Sub-Fam. 3. Lobivanellinae. 148 3. Oreophilus, J. $ S. .... 148 4. Erytnrogonys, Gould .... 148 5. Defilippia, Salvad. 148 6. Sarciophorua, Strickl. . . 148 7. Lobipluvia, Bp 148 8. Microsarcops, Sharpe .... 149 Page 9. Hoploxypterus, Bp 149 10. Ptiloscelis, Bp 149 11. Lobivanellus, Strickl. . . 149 Sub-Fam. 4. Charadriinae . 150 12. Xiphidiopterus, Beichenb. 150 13. Sarcograminus, Beichenb. 150 14. Tylibyx, Beichenb 150 15. Zonifer, .Sharpe 150 16. Anomalophrys, Sharpe . . 150 17. Hoplopterus, Bp -.. 150 18. Belonopterus, Beichenb. . . 151 19. Vanellua, Briss 151 20. Euhyas, Sharpe 151 21. Chsetusia, Bp 151 22. Stephanibyx, Beichenb. . . 152 23. Squatarola, Leach ] 52 24. Cnaradriua, Linn. 152 25. Aphriza, Audub 152 26. Ochthodromus, Beichenb. 152 27. Eudromias, Brehm 153 28. Zonibyx, Beichenb 153 29. Podasocys, Coues 153 30. Oxyechus, Beichenb 154 31. .iEgialeus, Beichenb 154 32. ^Egialitis, Boie 154 33. Pluvianellus,Ja!C5'.4 i Pttcfter.l55 34. Thinornis, Gray 155 35. Anarhynchua, Q. $ G. . 156 Sub-Fam. 5. Peltohyatinae . 156 36. Peltohyas, Sharpe 156 Sub-Fam. 6. Himantopo- dinee 156 37. Himantopua, Briss 156 38. Cladorhyncbua, Gray . . 157 39. Recurviroatra, Linn. 157 Sub-Fam. 7. Ibidorhyn- chlnae 157 40. Ibidorhynchus, Vig 157 Sub-Fam. 8. Totaninae . . 157 41. Numehius, Briss 157 42. Elorius, Milne-Mtv 158 43. Rupelornis, Van Beneden. 158 44. Mesoacolopax, Sharpe. .. . 159 45. Limosa, Briss 159 46. Macrorhamphus, Leach. . 159 47. Macropalama, Baird .... 159 48. Symphemia, Bqfin 160 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page 49. Totanus, Bechst 160 50. Helodromas, Kaup .... 160 51. Heteraotitis, Stejn 161 52. Tringoidea, Bp 161 53. Terekia, Bp 161 54. Paeudoglottis, Stejn 161 55. Glottis, Koch 161 56. Rhyacophilua, Kaup .... 162 57. Pavoncella, Leach 162 68. Bartramia, Less 162 59. Ereunetea, Illiger 162 Sub-Fam. 9. Scolopacinse . 162 60. Tryngitea, Cab 162 61. ^Echmorhynchua, Coues . 162 62. Proaobonia, Bp 162 63. Calidris, Illiger 163 64. Eurynorhynchus, Nilss.. . 163 65. Limonites, Kaup 163 66. Heteropygia, Coues .... 163 67. Arquatella, Baird 164 68. Ancylochilua, Kaup .... 164 69. Tringa, Linn. 164 70. Pelidna, Cuvier 164 71. Limicola, Koch 165 72. Gallinago, Leach 165 73. Limnocryptes, Kaup .... 166 74. Neoacolopax, Salvad 166 75. Scolopax, Linn. 166 76. Philohela, Gray 167 77. Phegornis, Gray 167 78. Rostratula, Vieill 167 Sub-Fam. 10. Phalaropo- dlnas 167 79. Crymophilus, Vieill. 167 80. Phalaropua, Briss 167 81. Steganopus, Vieill 167 Sub-Order IV. Parhje .. 168 Fam. I. Paebid^i 168 1. Hydrophaaia, Sharpe .... 168 2. Metopidius, Wagler 168 3. Phyllopezus, Sharpe .... 168 4. Hydralector, Wagler .... 168 5. Jacana, Schaeffer 168 6. Aaarcia, Sharpe 169 7. Microparra, Cab 169 Sub-Order V. Ctjbsoeii . 169 Fam. I. Oubsobup^; .... 169 1. Ortyxelus, Vieill 169 Page 2. Pluvianus, Vieill. 169 3. Oursoriua, Lath 169 4. Rhinoptilua, Strickl. 170 Fam. II. Glabeolim: . . 170 1. Stiltia, Bp 170 2. Glareola, Briss 170 3. Galactochryaea, Heine fy Beichenow 171 Fam. III. Dbomadid^; . . 171 1. Dromas, Paykull 171 Sub-Order VI. OSdicnemi. 172 Fam. I. (Edicnbmid.»: . . 172 1. (Edicnemua, Temm 172 2. Burhinus, Illiger 173 3. Eaacus, Less 173 4., Salvad. 173 5. Milnea, Lydekker 173 Sub-Order VII. Otidbs . . 173 Fam. I. Otididjk 173 1. Otia, Linn. 173 2. Tetrax, Leach 174 3. Lophotia, Reichenb 174 4. Compsotia, Heine 174 5. Heterotetrax, Sharpe. . . . 174 6. Neotis, Sharpe 174 7. Lisaotis, Reichenb 175 8. Trachelotia, Meichenb. . . 175 9. Sypheotia, Less 1 75 10. Houbaropsia, Sharpe .... 175 11. Houbara, Bp 175 12. Eupodotia, Less 176 Order XVI. GRUIFORMES 176 Sub-Order I. G b u k s 176 Fam. I. Gbutdje 176 1. Grus, Pallas 176 2. Linmogeranus, Sharpe . . 178 3. Sarcogeranua, Sharpe. . . . 178 4. Antigone, Meichenb. . . . 178 5. Paeudogeranus, Sharpe . . 178 6. Bugeranua, Gloger 178 7. Tetrapteryx, fhunb 178 8. Anthropo'ides, Vieill. 179 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. XV11 Page 9. Balearica, Brits 1 79 10. -Geranopsis, Lydekker . . 179 11. Aletornis, Marsh 179 Sub-Order II. Asami.,.. 180 Fam. I. Ahamid^; 180 1. Aramu9, Vieill. 180 Sub-Order III. Rhinoche tes. . 180 Fam. I. Rhinoohetim: . 180 1. Rhinocbetus, J. Verr. $ Des Murs 180 Sub-Order IV. Mescenatides. . 180 Fam. I. Mescenatid^;. . 180 1. Mesoenas, Beichenb 180 Sub-Order V. Eurypygje 181 Fam. I. Etj:rypygid.£: . . 181 1. Eurypyga, Illiger 181 Sub-Order VI. Psoph ijb . 181 Fam. I. Psophiid-e .... 181 1. Psophia, Linn. 181 Sub-Order VII. DlCHOLOPHI 182 Fam. I. Oakiamid^; .... 182 1. Cariama, Briss 182 2. Chunga, Burm 182 Order XVII. STEREORN1THES 182 Fam. I. Phohokhacid-33. 182 1. Pbororhacus, Amegh. . . . 182 2. Pelecyornis, Amegh 183 3. Brontomis, Mor. ty Merc. 183 4. Liornis, Amegh 183 5. Callornis, Amegh 183 6. Physornis, Amegh 183 7. Lophiornis, Amegh 183 8. Amegbinia (Pseudolarus, Amegh.) 184 9. Staphylornis,ilf or 4 Merc. 184 TOL. I. Page Fam. II. Opisthobactylidje. 184 1. Opisthodactylus, Amegh. 184 Order XVIII. ARDEIFORMES 184 Sub-Order I. Plaialb*. 184 Fam. I. Ibididje 184 1. Ibis, Cuv 184 2. Ibidipodia, Milne-Edw. . . 185 3. Ibidopsis, Lydekker .... 185 4. Protibis, Amegh 185 5. Carphibis, Beichenb 185 6. Inocotis, Beichenb 185 7. Thauniatibis, Elliot 185 8. Graptocepbalus, Elliot . . 185 9. Nipponia, Beichenb 186 10. Comatibis, Beichenb 186 11. Gerontious, Wagler .... 186 12. Bostrychia, Beichenb. . . 186 13. Hagedashia, Bp 186 14. Theristicua, Wagler 186 15. Molybdophanes, Beichenb. 186 16. Harpiprion, Wagler .... 187 17. Phimosus, Wagler 187 18. Lophotibis, Beichenb. . . 187 19. Cercibis, Wagler 187 20. Plegadis, Kaup 187 21. Lampribis, Elliot 187 22. Eudooimus, Wagler 188 Fam. II. Plataleid.*: . . 188 1. Platalea, Linn. 188 2. Platibis, Bp 188 3. Ajaja, Beichenb 189 S ub-Order II. C I c o jj I m . . 189 Fam. I. Ciconiidje 189 Sub-Fam. 1. Tantalinae. 189 1. Tantalus, Linn. 189 2. Pseudotantalus, Bidgw. . . 189 Sub-Fam. 2. Ciconiinae. 190 3. Abdimia, Bp 190 4. Dissoura, Cab 1 90 5. Euxenura, Bidgw 190 6. Ciconia, Briss 1 90 7. Anastomus, Bonn 191 8. Xenorhynchus, Bp 191 9. Ephippiorhynchus, Bp. , . 191 h SYSTEMATIC Page 10. Mycteria, Linn. 191 11. Leptoptilus, Less 191 12. Propelargus, Lydekker . . 192 IS. Prociconia, Amegh 192 14. Palseopelargus, Be Vis . . 192 15. Pelargodes, Lydekker . . 192 16. Amphipelargus,£y£ 25? 255 255 25E1 25E 251 261 SYSTEMATIC INDEX. Page Sub-Fam. 4. Gypaetinaa . . 200 32. Gypaetus, Storr 260 Sub-Fam. 5. Aquilinaj . . 260 33. Uroaetus, Kaup 260 34. Palseocircus, Milne-Eiho. . 260 35. Aquila, Briss. . . .* 260 36. Archibuteo, JBrehm .... 262 37. Eutolmae'tus, Blyth 262 38. Palaeohierax, Milne-Edw. 262 39. Lophotriorchis, Sharpe . . 262 JO. Ictinaetus, Jerd 263 41. Spiziastur, Gray 203 42. Spizaetus, Vieill. 263 43. Lophoaetus, Kaup 264 44. Asturimila, FinschSfHartl. 264 45. Herpetotheres, Vieill. . . 264 46. Dryotriorchis, JShelley . . 264 47. Eutriorchis, Sharpe .... 205 48. Circaetus, Vieill 265 49. Pithecopnaga,0. p. 213, 1891.) &tpj>orm!3, -fa. Oeoffr. (Lydekker, *. c. p. 213.) 1. maiimUB, Is. Geoffr. (L., p. 213.) 2. nteJillB, Milne-Edw. 8; Grand. (L., p. 214.) 3. moliefltUB, Milne-Edw. $ Grand., Ann. Sci. Nat. (5) xii. p. 189 (1869). 4. ingettS, Milne-Edw. $ Grand., 0. E. cxviii. pp. 122-127 (1894). 5. IetltU9, Milne-Edw. 8; Grand., C. E. cxviii. pp. 122-127 (1894). Madagascar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Madagascar. Valaoeamarms, Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. p. 189 (1893), seems to be identical. GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. 6. mullert, Milne-Edw. $■ Grand., C. E. cxviii. Madagascar. pp. 122-127 (1894), 7. titan, Andrews, Geol. Mag. 1895, p. 303. Madagascar. 8. cursor, MUne-Edw. $■ Grand., C. B. cxviii. Madagascar. pp. 122-127 (1894). 9. tjtl&r&ranftti, Burckh., Pal. Abhandl. (2) ii. p. 127 Madagascar. (1893). 10. grantnilicri, Dawson Rowley, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 892. Madagascar. II. JHuIUronriS, Milne-Edw. $ Grand., C. E. cxviii. pp. 122-127. 1. SetSiUt, MUne-Edw. $ Grand, I. c. Madagascar. 2. ajilis, Milne-Edw. Sf Grand. I. c. Madagascar. 3. ruJJig, Milne-Edw. $■ Grand. I. c. Madagascar. Order VI. APTERYGIFOKMES. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 67, 1891.) Family I. APTERYGID.E. (Salvadori, Cat. B. xxvii. pp. 603-612, 1§95.) I. APTEEYX, Shaw. (Salvad. t.c. p. 603.) 1. australis, Shaw. (p. 604.) South Isl., New Zealand. 2. lawryi, Rothsch. (p. 606.) Stewart Isl., New Zealand. 3. mantelli, Bartl. (p. 607.) North Isl., New Zealand. 4. oweni, Gould, (p. 609.) South Isl., New Zealand. 5. occidentalis, Rothsch. (p. 610.) North & South Islands (west coast). 6. haasti, Potts, (p. 611.) O. South Isl. North Isl. (west side). 8 GEJNTEBA AND SPECIES OE BIBBS. II. $Snrtlapterpr, LydeTcker, Cat. Toss. B. p. 218 (1891). 1. gracilis, Lyd. t. c. p. 218. New Zealand. III. IHetapterpr, Be Vis, Proc. Linn. Soe. N. S. W. vi. p. 463 (1891). 1. JufroitB, Be Vis, I. c. Queensland. Sub-Class III. CAEINATA Order I. TINAMIFORMES. (Crypturiformes, Sharpe, Olassif. B. p. 68, 1891.) Family I. TINAMID.E. (Salvador*, Cat. B. xxvii. p. 496, 1895.) Sub-Family I. TINAMINM. TINAMUS, Hermann, Tab. Aff. Anim. p. 162 (1783). (Salvad. t. e. p. 496.) 1. tao, Temm. (p. 496.) 2. robustus, Scl. (p. 500.) 3. fuscipennis, Salvad. (p. 500.) 4. salvini, Underwood, Bull. B. 0. C. vii. p. lix (1898). 5. solitarius (Vieilk). (p. 501.) 6. major („ Lydekker, t. o. p. 521, j)l. xli. fig. 13. France (Upper Eocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Miocene). France (Miocene). France (Miocene). 10. eJrtoatlTBi, Lepiret, Arch. Mus. Lyon. iv. p. 285 France (Middle Miocene). (1887) ; Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1893, p. 519, pi. xli. figs. 9, 10. 11. pljajJiaitoitres, MUne-Edw. t. c. p. 237 ; Lydekker, France (Lower Miocene). Oat. Foss. B. p. 139. 12. oegptera, MUne-Edw., C. B. II. Congr. Intern. France (Eocene). Zool. ii. p. 71 (1892). 28 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. XI. JJalaiopertJt'r, Milne-Edwards. (Hilne-Edwards, Ois. Foss. France, ii. p. 245, 1879.) 1. loitgipre, Milne-Edw. t. e. p. 245. 2. prtsca, Milne-Edw. t. c. p. 246. ?3. SanssniensiB, Milne-Edw. t. c. p. 249. France (Middle Miocene). France (Middle Miocene). France (Middle Miocene). XII. Caopcrtfijr, Milne-Edwards. (Milne-Edwards, *. c. p. 225.) 1. JJSSieti, Gervais, C. E. liy. p. 896, 1861. France (Eocene). XIII. ;PaIa*orr£ptongV> Deperet. (Deperet, C. E. civ. p. 691, 1892.) 1. InmtWfaiU, Deperet, I. e. France (Pliocene). XIV. MARGAROPERDIX, Beichenb. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 195, 1893.) 1. madagascariensis (Scop.), (p. 196.) Madagascar. XV. PERDICTJLA, Ilodgs. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 197.) 1. asiatica (Lath.), (p. 198.) 2. argoondah (Syles). (p. 200.) "Indian Peninsula, Ceylon. Indian Peninsula. XVI. MICROPERDIX, Gould. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 202.) 1. erythrorhyncha (St/kes). (p. 203.) 2. blewitti, Hume. (p. 204.) 3. manipurensis (Hume), (p. 204.) S.W. of Indian Peninsula. Central Prov. of Indian Peninsula. Manipur. GENHHA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 29 XVII. AKBORICOLA, Hodgs. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 205, 1. torqueola {Palme.), (p. 207.) 2. henrici, Oust, Bull. Mus. Paris, 1896, p. 317. 3. atrigularis, Blyth. (p. 209.) 4. ardens, Styan. (p. 210.) 5. crudigularis (Swinh,). (p. 211.) 6. intermedia, Blyth. (p. 211.) 7. rufigularis, Blyth. (p. 212.) 8. gingica (Gfm.). (p. 213.) 9. mandellii (Hume), (p. 214.) 10. javanica (Gm.). (p. 214.) 11. rubrirostris (Salvad.). (p. 215.) 12. brunneipectus, Blyth. (p. 216.) 13. hyperythra (Sharpe). (p. 217.) , [erythrophrys, Sharpe (p. 218).] 14. orientalis (Horsf.). (p. 218.) 15. sumatrana (Ogilvie Grant), (p. 219.) 1893.) Himalayas (5000-14,000 feet). Naga Hills. Annam. Tippera, Assam, Manipur, Cachar, Kachin Hills. Hainan. Formosa. Hills of Manipur, Assam, and Burma. Himalayas, from Kumaon to Assam ; Tenasserim (Mooleyit). ? Luzon. Native Sikhim, Bhotan Boars. Goalpara, Assam. Java. Sumatra. Pegu Hills, Karen-nee, Tenasserim. N.W. Borneo (Kina Balu, Lawas Mts.). E. Java. Sumatra. 30 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEBS. XVIII. TR0PIC0PERDIX, Blyth. (Ogilvie Grant, Handb. Game-Birds, i. p. 172, 1896.) 1. cTtiLoro-pas (Tickell). (p. 219.) 2. charltoni (Eytori). (p. 221.) E. Pegu Hills, Tenasserim, Cochin China. Siam, Malay Peninsula, N. & N.E. Borneo. XIX. H-ffiMATORTYX, Sharpe. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 221, 1893.) 1. sanguiniceps, Sharpe. (p. 222.) Lawa6 Mts., Kina Balu (N.W. Borneo). XX. CALOPERDIX, Blyth. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 222.) 1. oculea (Temm.). (p. 222.) 2. sumatrana, Ogilvie Grant, (p. 224.) 3. borneensis, Ogilvie Grant, (p. 224.) S. Tenasserim, Malay Pen insula. Sumatra, Java. N.W. Borneo (Mt. Dulit). XXI. ROLLULUS, Bonn. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 225.) 1. roulroul (Scop.), (p. 225.) XXII. MELANOPERDIX, Jercl. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 227.) 1. nigra (Fig.), (p. 228.) Cochin China, S. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo. GENEBA AND SPECIES OP BIEDS. 31 XXIII. COTURNIX, Bonn. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 229, 1. coturnix {Linn.), (p. 231.)* 2. africana (J. % 8.). [capmsis, Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 237. Cf. Stej- neger, Pr. U.S. Nat. Mus. xvi. p. 766 (1893).] 3. japonioa (21 # 8.). (p. 239.) 4. coromandelica(G ! »i.). (p. 241.) 5. delegorguei, Deleg. (p. 243.) 6. pectoralis, Gould, (p. 244.) 7. novae-zealandiae, Q. # G. (p. 245.) 1893.) Europe, N. Asia. Indian Peninsula, S. Africa (winter). S. Africa. Lemuria. Atlantic Islands (Azores, Canaries, &c). E. Siberia, Japan, China. Bhutan, Karen-nee (winter). Indian Peninsula, N. Ceylon, Burma. Tropical Africa, S. Arabia. Australia, Tasmania. N. Zealand (extinct). XXIV. SYNffiCUS, Gould. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 246.) 1. australis (Temm.). (p. 247.) 2. raalteni (M. § 8.). (p. 249.) Australia, Tasmania, S.E. New Guinea. Lesser Sunda Is. (Timor, Flores, &c). 3. pallidior, Hartert, Not. Zool. iv. p. 271 (1897). Savu Isl. 4. plumbeus, Salvad. (Ogilvie Grant, Handb. S.E. New Guinea. Game-Birds, p. 192, 1896.) * Coturnix baldami, Brehm, from Spain, is figured as a distinct form by Von Mada- rasz, Aquila, iii. Taf. ii. (1896). ; 32 GEtfEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. XXV. EXCALFACTORIA, Bp. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 249, 1893.) 1. chinensis {Linn.), (p. 250.) Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Indo-Chinese countries, Formosa, Malay Peninsula. Celebes, Moluccas. 2. lineata (Scop,): (p. 253.) 3. lepida, Hartl. (p. 254.) 4. adansoni ( Verr.). (p. 255.) Philippines, Borneo, Java, Sumatra, Australia. Bismarck Archipelago. S.E. New Guinea. Tropical Africa. XXVI. PTILOPACHYS, Swains. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 255. ) 1. fuscus(F.). (p. 256.) XXVII. BAMBUSICOLA, Gould. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 257.) 1. fytchei, Anders, (p. 257.) 2. thoracica (Temm.). (p. 258.) 3. sonorivox, Gould, (p. 259.) Senegambia, N.E. Africa, Suk country. Assam, Upper Burma, Szechuen. S. China. Formosa. XXVIII. GALLIPEFvDIX, BTyih. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 260.) 1. spadicea (Gm.). (p. 261.) I ndian Peninsula. 2. lunulata(ra&»c.). (p. 263.) Indian Peninsula. 3. bicalcarata (Penn.). (p. 264.) Ceylon. GENEEA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 33 XXIX. OPHRYSIA, Bp. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 265, 1893.) 1. superciliosa (J. E. Gray), (p. 266.) N.W. Himalaya. XXX. ITHAGENES, Wagl. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 267.) 1. cruentus (Hardw.). (p. 268.) 2. geofEroyi, Verr. (p. 269.) 3. sinensis, David, (p. 270.) Nepal to Bhutan, Thibet. E. Thibet, W. Szechuen. W. China. XXXI. TRAGOPAN, Guvier. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 271.) 1. satyra (Linn.), (p. 271.) 2. melanocephaliis (J. E. Gray), (p. 273.) 3. temmincki (J. E. Gray), (p. 275.) 4. blythi (Jerd.). (p. 276.) 5. caboti (Gould), (p. 277.) Q-arhwal to Bhutan. W. Himalayas, Kashmir to G-arhwal. S.W. & 0. China, Szechuen, Mishmi Hills. N.E. Assam, Manipur, Chin HiUs. S.E. China. XXXII. L0PH0PH0RTJS, Temm. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 277.) 1. impeyanus, Lath* \refulgens, Temm. (p. 278).] Afghanistan to Bhutan. * Mr. Ogilvie Grant's work on the Game-Birds is so thoroughly well done, that it is seldom that I differ from any of his conclusions ; but I think that Mr. Oates (Man. Game-Birds of India, pt. i. p. 258) is right as regards the nomenclature of the Moonal Pheasants, and I agree with him that, although Latham does not notice the white back in his description, it is unlikely that he ever saw the Ohamba Moonal. vol. i. — December 28, 1898. d 34 GENBEA AND SPECIES OP BIRDS. 2. mantoui, Oust. (Ogilvie Grant, Handb. Game- Patr. ign. Birds, i. p. 236.) 3. obscunis, Oust. (Ogilvie Grant, Handb. Game- Patr. ign. Birds, i. p. 236.) 4. chambanus, C. H. T. Marshall. \iinpeyanus, Grant nee Lath. ; Cat. p. 280.] 5. lTiuysi; Verr. et Geoffr. (p. 281.) Chamba, W. Himalayas. W. China, Szechuen, Koko-nor, Moupin. XXXIH. CHALCOPHASIS, Elliot, Monogr. Phas. i. pfc. 4, 1871. (LopJiopJiorus, pt., Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 277.) 1. sclateri (Jerd.). (p. 282.) Misbmi Hills. XXXIV. ACOMUS, Seichenb. (Ogilvie Grant, Oat. B. xxii. p. 283, 1893.) 1. erythrophthalmus (Baffl.). (p. 283.) 2. pyronotus (Gray), (p. 284.); 3. inornatus, Salvad. (p. 285.) S. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, ? Java. N.E. Borneo. W. Sumatra. XXXV. LOPHUEA, Fleming *. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 286.) Cf. Biittik. Notes Leyden Mus. xvii. p. 169 (1896). GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 35 XXXVI. DIARDIGALLUS, Bp. (Bp. 0. E. xliii. p. 414, 1856.) [Lophura, pt., Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 286, 1893.] 1. diardi, Bp. (p. 290.) XXXVII. LOBIOPHASIS, Sharpe. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 291.) 1. bulweri, gharpe, (p. 292.) Siam, Cambodia, Ooohin China. N.W. Borneo, Sarawak. XXXVIII. CROSSOPTILUM, Hodgs. (Ogilvie Grant, t, c. p. 293.) 1. tibetanum (Hodgs.). (p. 293.) 2. leucurum, Seeb. (p. 294.) 3. manchuricum, Swinh. (p. 294.) 4. attritum (Pall), (p. 295.) 5. harmani, Elwes, (p. 296.) W. China, E. Tibet. E. Tibet. Manchuria. W. China. Tibet. XXXIX. GENN.EUS, Wagler. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 296.) 1. albicristatus ( Fig.), (p. 298.) 2. leucomelanus (Lath.), (p. 300.) 3. melanonotus (Blyth). [muthura, Ogilvie Grant, Cat. p. 301.] W. Himalayas, Huzara to Nepal. Nepal. E. Himalaya, Native Sikhim, W. Bhutan. 4. edwardsi, Oust., Bull. Mus. Paris, 1896, p. 316. Annam. 5. horsfieldi (Gray), (p. 302.) 6. wickhami, Oaies, Man. G-ame-B. Ind. pt. ii., App. (1898). E. Bhutan, Assam, Upper Burma. Chin Hills, Upper Burma. D2 36 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 7. andersoni (Elliot) * . [davisoni, Ogilvie Grant, Cat. p. 304.] 8. beli, Oust., Bull. Mus. Paris, 1898, p. 258. 9. williamsi, Oates, Man. Game-Birds of India, pt. i. p. 342 (1898). 10. cuvieri (Temm.). (p. 303.) 11. lineatus (Vig.). (p. 304.) 12. oatesi, Ogilvie Grant, (p. 306.) 13. sharpei, Oates, Man. Game-Birds of India, pt. i. p. 357. 14. nycthemerus {Linn), (p. 307.) 15. rufipes, Oates, Man. Game-Birds of India, pt. i. p. 362. 16. swinhoei, Gould, (p. 309.) Kachin Hills. Tonquin. Chin Hills, Upper Burma. Aracan Hills. Pegu, N. Tenasserim. Aracan Hills. Tenasserim, Karin Hills. S. China. Burmese Hills, Shan States. Formosa. XL. PUCRASIA, Gray. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 310, 1893.) 1. macrolopha (Less.), (p. 311.) 2. biddulphi, G. E. L. Marshall, (p. 313.) 3. nipalensis, Gould, (p. 314.) 4. castanea, Gould, (p. 314.) 5. meyeri, Madar. (p. 315.) 6. xanthospila, Gray. (p. 315.) 7. darwini, Swinh. (p. 316.) W. Himalayas, Kumaon to S. Kashmir, W. Kashmir. W. Nepal. N. Afghanistan, Kafiristan. C. Tibet, Upper Mekong. N.W. China, Manchuria, E. Tibet. E. China. * Cf. Oates, Man. Game-Birds of India, pt. i. p. 337 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. XLI. CATREUS, Gab. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 316, 1893.) 1. wallichi (Hardm.). (p. 317.) XLH. PHASIANUS, Linn. (Ogilvie Grant, /. c. p. 318.) 1. colchicus, Linn., (p. 320.) Himalayas, Nepal to Cliamba. S.E. Europe, Transcaucasia. 2. septentrionalis, Lorenz, J. f. O. 1888, p. 572. N. Caucasus. 3. talischensis, Lorenz. (p. 324.) 4. persicus, Severtz. (p. 324.) 5. principalis, Scl. (p. 325.) 6. zerafshanicus, Tarnovski. (p. 326.) 7. shawi, Elliot, (p. 326.) 8. tarimensis, Przev. (p. 327.) 9. chrysomelas, Severtz. (p. 327.) 10. mongolicus, Brandt, (p. 328.) 11. turcestaniciis, Lorenz, Orn. MB. iv. p. 189 (1896). 12. semitorquatus, Severtz. (p. 329.) 13. torquatus, Gm. (p. 331.) 14. satscheunensis, Przev. (p. 333.) 15. formosanus, Elliot, (p. 333.) 16. elegans, Elliot, (p. 329.) S.W. Talisch, Caspian. Persia. N.W. Afghanistan, N.E. Persia. Zarafshan. E. Turkestan. Tarim R : Lob-nor. Amu-Darya. C. Asia, Turkestan. Turkestan. Dzungavia. E. Siberia, E. Mongolia, Corea, China. Sa-tscheuen, N. of Nan- Shan Mts. Formosa. W. China, Shan States. 38 GBNBEA AND SPECIES 17. vlangali, Prsev. (p. 330.) IS. strauchi, Prsev. (p. 330.) 19. decollatus, Swinh. (p. 331.) 20. versicolor, V. (p. 334.) 21. soemmerringii, Temm. (p. 336.) 22. scintillans, Gould, (p. 337.) 23. sp„ Lydeklcer, Cat. Foss. B. p. 140. 24. artfltan, Gaudry, 0. R. liv. p. 502. 25. altUB, MUne-Edw., Ois. Foss. France, ii. p, 26. melliUS, MUne-Edw. t. c. p. 242. 27. ftegnosn'St, MUne-Edw. i.e. p. 243. OF BIEDS. Tsaidam. 239. N.W. Kansu. W. & C. China. Japan. Japan. Japan. Germany (Pleistocene). Greece (Lower Pliocene). France, Switzerland (Upper and Middle Miocene). France (Middle Miocene)- France (Miocene). XLIII. SYRMATICUS, Wagler. (Phasianus, pt., Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 318, 1893.)^ 1. reevesi, J. E. Gray. (p. 337.) China. XLIV. CAL0PHASIS, Elliot. (Phasianus, pt., Ogilyie Grant, t. c. p. 318.) 1. ellioti (Swinh.). (p. 335.) S.E. China. 2. humiae, Hume. (p. 335.) Manipur. 3. burmanicus, Oatcs, Ibis, 1898, p. 124. S. Shan States. XLV. CHRYS0L0PHUS, J. E. Gray. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 339.) 1. pictus (Linn.), (p. 339.) 2. obscurus (Schl.). (p. 341.) 3. amherstiae, Leadb. (p. 342.) S. & W. China. Patr. ign. W. China, E. Tibet. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 39 XLVI. GALLUS, Briss* (Ogilvie Grant, Oat. B. xxii. p. 343, 1893.) 1. gallus (Linn.), (p. 344.) Indian Peninsula, Indo-Chinese countries, Malay Peninsula, Indo-Malayan Islands. 2. lafayettei, Less. (p. 348.) Ceylon. 3. sonnerati, Temm. (p. 350.) 4. varius (Shaw $ Nodd.). (p. 352.) S. & C. Indian Peninsula. Greater & Lesser Sunda Is. 5. irabartTi, Gervais, Mem. Aead. Montp. i. p. 220 Prance (Upper Pliocene). (1850). 6. aesculapii, Gaudry, C. E. liv. p. 504 (1861). 7. sp., Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 142 (1891). 8. sp. ( Lydekker, t.c. p. 142. Greece (Lower Pliocene). New Zealand (Pleistocene). Central Germany (Pleistocene). XLVLT. POLYPLECTRUJI, Temm. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 353.) 1. chinquis (P. L: S. Mull.), (p. 354.) 2. germaini, Elliot, (p. 357.) 3. intermedium, Hume. (Of. Oates, Man. Game-Birds of India, pt. i. p. 234.) 4. bicalcaratum (Linn.), (p. 357.) E. Himalayas, Indo-Burmese countries. Cochin China. Lushai & Chin Hills. S. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra. 5. schleiermacheri, Bruggem. (p. 359.) 6. napoleonis, Less. (p. 361.) [nehrkornes, Ogilvie Grant, Cat. p. 360.] N. & C. Borneo. Philippines (Palawan). * Gallus stramineioollis, Sharpe, and G. violaceus, Kelsall (J. A. S. Straits Br. ixiv. p. 167, 1891), are considered by Mr. Grant to be only domestic varieties. 40 GENEEA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. XLYIH. CHALCURUS, Bp. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 361, 1893.) 1. chalcurus (Less.), (p. 361.) Sumatra. XLIX. ARGUSIANUS, Safin. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 362.) 1. argus (Linn.), (p. 363.) 2. grayi (Elliot), (p. 365.) 3. bipunctatus (ffooi). (p. 366.) Siam, S. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra. Borneo. Patr. ign. L. RHEINARDIUS, Oust. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 366.) 1. ocellatus(Fens). (p. 367.) Annaui. LI. PAVO, Linn. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 368.) 1. cristatus. Linn. (p. 368.) % nigripennis, SclaUr, P. Z. S. 18G0, p. 221. 3. muticus, Linn. (p. 371.) Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Patr. ign. [? domestic variety.] Burma, Cochin China, Malay Peninsula, Java. INOEET^E SEDIS. ghttiiSolomuf, Amegh. (Eev. Argent, i. p. 449, 1891.) 1. eicabatUS, Amegh. t. c. Patagonia (Miocene). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. 41 Family III. NUMIDID-ffi. I. PHASIDTJS, Cass. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 373, 1893.) 1. niger, Cass. (p. 373.) Gaboon to Lower Congo. II. AGELASTES, Bp. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 374.) 1. meleagrides, Bp. (p. 374.) Liberia to Gaboon. III. NUMIDA, Linn* (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 374, 1893 ; Oscar Neumann, Orn. MB. vi. pp. 17-22.) 1. meleagris, Linn. (p. 375.) West Africa, Senegambia to tbe Niger, Oape Verde Isl. 2. marchei, Oust. (Of. Neumann, I. e.) Gaboon, [meleagris, pt., Ogilvie Grant, I. c] Lower Congo. 3. coronata, Gray. (p. 376.) f East Cape Colony, \cornuta, P. & H., teste Neum. I. c] Natal. 4. transvaalensis,A'cKOT.,Orn.MB. vii.p.26(l899). Transvaal. 5. papillosa, Beichen., Orn. MB. ii. p. 145 (1894). Kalahari Desert, \_cornuta, Ogilvie Grant, nee F. & H.] Benguela, south to Namaqua-land.- 6. reichenowi, Ogilvie Grant, Ibis, 1894, p. 535, Inner E. Africa, fig. 1. ' Kilimanjaro to Masai- land & Kikuyu. 7. ansorgii, Hartert, in Ansorge, 'Under the African Equat. Africa. Sun/ App. p. 331 (1899). 8. uhehensis, Beichen., Orn. MB. vi. p. 881 (1898). Uhehe, German E. Africa. 9. marungensis, Schalow. (Neumann, t. e. p. 20.) West side of Lake Tan ganyika (Marungu). * N. zeehi, Beichen. Orn. MB. iv. p. 76 (1896), is a domestic variety, teste Keichencw, 42 GESJEBA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 10. maxima, Neum. t. e. p. 21. [marungensis, Ogilvie Grant, Cat. p. 377.] 11. intermedia, Mum. t. c. p. 21. 12. mitrata, Sail, (p. 378.) 13. ptilorhyncha, IAoht. (p. 379.) Benguela. West side of Victoria Nyanza, S. to Kagera. Lemuria. Zambesi to Mombasa, TJgogo, Masai-land, East side of Lake Tanganyika. N.E. Africa, Suakin to Abyssinia. Uganda. 14. somaliensis, Neumann, Orn. MB. vii. p. 25 (1899). Somali-land. IV. GTTTTERA, Wagler. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 380, 1893 ; Eeichen. Orn. MB. vi. pp. 1-3, 1898.) 1. cristata, Wagler. (p. 381.) 2. granti, Elliot. (Eeichen. t. e. p. 3.) [jmcherani, pt., Ogilvie Grant, Oat. p. 383.] 3. edouardi, Elliot, (p. 382.) 4. pucherani (Hartl.). (p. 383.) 5. sclateri, Eeichen., Orn. MB. yi. p. 115. 6. plumifera( Cass.), (p. 384.) W. Africa, Sierra Leone to Gold Coast, Togo-land. German E. Africa. Natal, Zulu-land, Mozambique, Zambesi. E. Africa. Cameroons, ? Ubangi B. Cameroons to Loango. V. ACRYLLIUM, Gray. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 385, 1893.) 1. VUlturinum(fior^.). (p. 385.) Somali-land to Kilimanjaro. GENEKA AND SPECIES CHf BIEDS. 43 Family IV. MELEAGRID^. I. MELEAGRIS, Linn. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 386, 1893 ; cf. Coues, Auk, xiv. p. 272.) 1. gallopavo, Linn. (p. 387.) S.W. U. States, from W. Texas to Arizona, and S. to Table-land of Mexico. 2. intermedia, Sennett, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. v. S.E. Texas to p. 428 (1879). [ellioti, Sermett. (p. 388.)] 3. fera, Vieill. [americana, Bartr. (p. 389.)] 4. osceola, Scott, (p. 390.) 5. guperfca, Cope, Tr. Amer. Phil. Soc. xiv. p. 239 (1872). 6. alta, Marsh, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1870, p. 11. 7. celer, Marsh, t. c. p. 11. 8. attttljua, Marsh, t. u. p. 126. E. Mexico. Eastern U. States W. to South'Dakota. Florida.. New Jersey (Post- Pliocene). New Jersey (Post- Pliocene). New Jersey (Post- Pliocene). Colorado (Miocene). II. AGRIOCHARIS, Chapman, Bull. Amer. Mus. viii. p. 298 (1896). 1. ocellata (Cnv.). (p. 391.) Guatemala, Brit. Honduras, Yucatan. Family V. ODONTOPHOBIA. I. DENDRORTYX, Gould. (Ogilvie Grant, Oat. B. xxii. p. 392, 1893.) 1. macrurus {J. $ 8.). (p. 392.) 2. oaxacae, Nelson, Auk, xiy. p. 43 (1897). 3. griseipectus, Nelson, t. c. p. 44 (1897). 4. striatus, Nelson, t. c. p. 44 (1897). S. Mexico, Colima, Guerrero. Oaxaca. Morelos, Mexico. Guerrero. 44 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 5. barbatus, Licht. (p. 393.) S.B. Mexico, Vera Cruz. 6. leucopixrys (Gould), (p. 394.) Guatemala, Costa Eiea. 7. hypospodius, Salvia, Bull. B. O. Club, vi. p. /. Costa Rica. II. CALLIPEPLA, Wagler. (Ogilvie Grant, Oat. B. xxii. p. 394, 1893.) 1. squamata (Vig.). (p. 395.) 2. castanogaster, Brewst. (p. 396.) HI. OREORTYX, Baircl. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 397.) 1 . pictus (Dougl.). (p. 397.) 2. plumiferus (Gould), (p. 397, pt .*). New Mexico, Arizona, S.W. Texas, N. & C. Mexico. N.E. Mexico, Bio Grande, Texas. Pacific coast, U.S. Sierra Nevada, etc. 3. confinis, Anthony, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (2) ii. Lower California. p. 74 (1889). IV. LOPHORTYX, Bp. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 399.) 1. californicus (Shaw $ Nodd.). (p. 400.) 2. vallicola, Bidgw., Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. viii. p. 355 (1885). 3. gambeli, Nutt. (p. 403.) [deserticola, Stephens, Auk, xii. p. 371, 1895.] 4. fulvipectus, Nelson, Auk, xvi. p. 26 (1899). 5. douglasi ( Vig.). (p. 404.) 6. bensoni, Eidgw.f. 7. leucoprosopon, BHchen., Orn. MB. iii. p. 10 (1895). Pacific coast-region of United States from Washington State to Cape S. Lucas. Interior of California to Cape S. Lucas. W. Texas to Arizona, Utah to Sonora, and S. California. N.W. Mexico (Sonora). W. Mexico. Sonora. Patr. ign. * Not considered different from O. pictus by Mr. t In Hit. '. Ogilvie Grant (I. GENEEA AND SPECIES 01? BIRDS. 45 V. PHILORTYX, Gould. (Ogilvie Grant, Oat. B. xxii. p. 405, 1893.) 1. fasciatus, Gould, (p. 406.) VI. ETJPSYCHORTYX, Gould. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 407.) 1. cristatus {Linn.), (p. 407.) 2. pallidus, Eickm., Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. p. 657 (1896). 3. leucopogon {Less.), (p. 409.) 4. sonnini {Temm.). (p. 409.) S. Mexico. Curacao Isl., Aruba Isl. Margarita Tsl. Panama, Colombia. Brit. Guiana, Venezuela, Bio Negro. 5. mocquerysi, Hartert. (Grant, Handb. Game- Cumana, Birds, ii. p. 131.) N. Venezuela. 6. parvicristatus {Gould), (p. 410.) 7. leylandi {Moore), (p. 411.) 8. nigrigulaiis {Gould), (p. 412.) 9. hypoleucus, Gould, (p. 413.) Colombia. Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Eica. Yucatan, Brit. Honduras, Honduras. Guatemala. VII. C0LINUS, Less. {Ortyac, Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 414, 1893.) [Ortyx, Steph. 1819, nee Oken, Zool. ii. p. 611 (1816).] 1. virginianus {Limn.), (p. 415.) 2. floridanus, Coues. (p. 418.) 3. texanus, Lam. (p. 419.) 4. maculatus, Nelson, Auk, xvi. p. 26 (1899). 5. cubanensis, Gould, (p. 421.) 6. pectoralis, Gould, (p. 421.) E. IT. States, W. to Dakota, S. to Gulf States. Florida. Cuba (?intr.). S. & W. Texas, N.E. & W. Mexico. Tamaulipas & San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Cuba. ? Porto Eico. E. Mexico (Vera Cruz). 46 GENEEA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 7. graysoni, Lawr. (p. 422.) 8. ridgwayi (Brewst.). (p. 422.) 9. nigripectus, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 47 (1897). 10. godmani, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 45 (1897). 11. salvini, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 45 (1897). 12. coyolcos (P. X. 5. Miill.). (p. 423.) W. Mexico (Jaliaco). Arizona and Sonora. Mexico (Plains of Southern Puebla). Mexico (Vera Cruz). Mexico (Plains of Chiapas). S. Mexico (Oaxaca). 13. atriceps ( Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 424 ; id. W. Mexico (Putla). Handb. Game-Birds, ii. p. 144, pi. xxxiii.). 14. insignis, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 46 (1897). 15. castaneus {Gould), (p. 424.) N. Guatemala (Nenton). Patr. ign. THI. CYRTONYX, Gould. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 425, 1. montezumse (Vig.). (p. 425.) 2. meleagris, Wagler. {Of. Nelson, Auk, xix. p. 48, 1897.) 3. merriami, Nelson, Auk, xiv. p. 48 (1897). 4. sallaei, Verr. (p. 427.) 5. ocellatus {Gould), (p. 428.) IX. DACTYLORTYX, Ogilvie Grant. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 429.) 1. thoracicus {Gambel). (p. 429.) 2. lineolatus, Gould. (Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washingt. xii. p. 66, 1898.) 3. chiapensis, Nelson, t. o. p. 66. 4. devius, Nelson, t. v. p. 68. 1893.) Arizona, S.W. Texas, Valley of Mexico. Mexico. Vera Cruz (Mt. Orizaba). Mexico (Guerrero). Mexico (Tehuantepco) to Guatemala. S. Mexico, Yucatan, Guatemala, San Salvador. S.W. Oaxaca, Chiapas. Chiapas, S. Mexico. Jalisco, W. Mexico. G33NEEA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 47 X. 0D0NT0PH0RTJS, V. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 430, 1893.) 1. guianensis {Gm.). (p. 432.) 2. marmoratus {Gould), (p. 433.) 3. capueira (Spix). (p. 434.) 4. melanotis, Salvin. (p. 435.) 5. erythrops, Gould, (p. 435.) 6. hyperythrus, Gould, (p. 436.) 7. speciosus, Tschvdi. (p. 437.) 8. melanonotus, Gould, (p. 438.) 9. leucolaemus, Salvin. (p. 438.) British Guiana, Lower Amazonia. Bolivia & Peru to Colombia & Panama. E. Brazil (Bahia) to Bio Grande do Sul. Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama. Ecuador. Colombia. Peru, Ecuador. Ecuador. Costa Bica, Panama. 10. parambae, Rothschild, Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, vii. Ecuador, p. vi (1897). Colombia. 11. stellatus {Gould), (p. 439.) 12. guttatus {Gould), (p. 439.) Upper Amazonia, E. Ecuador. S. Mexico to Panama. 13. consobriims, Bidqw., Proc. TJ. S. Nat. Mus. xvi. S. Mexico (Mirador). p. 469 (1893). 14. veraguensis, Gould, (p. 441.) 15. balliviani, Gould, (p. 441.) 16. strophium {Gould), (p. 442.) 17. colombianus, Gould, (p. 442.) Costa Bica to Panama. Peru, Bolivia. Colombia. Venezuela. XI. RHYNCHORTYX, Ogilvie Grant. (Ogilvie Grant, t. e. p. 443.) 1. spodiostethus {Salvin). (p. 443.) 2. cinctus {Salvin). (p. 444.) Panama to Nicaragua. Panama. 48 GENEBA ATTD SPECIES OF BIBDS. Order III. HEMIPODII. (Sharpe, Olassif. B. p. 69, 1891.) Family I. TURNICIDiE. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii, p. 526, 1808.) I. TURNIX, Bonn. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 526.) 1. pugnax (Temm.). (p. 534.) 2. fasciata {Temm.). (p. 535.) 3. rufilatus, Wall. (p. 536.) 4. powelli, Guillem. (p. 537.) 5. sylvatica (Desf.). (p. 537.) 6. lepurana {Smith), (p. 539.) 7. dussumieri (Temm.). (p. 540.) 8. nana (Sundev.). (p. 541.) 9. hottentotta {Temm.). (p. 542.) 10. whiteheadi, Ogilvie Grant, Handb. Game- Bircb, ii. p. 276 (1896). 11. blanfordi, BIyth. (p. 542.) Indian Peninsula, Himalayas to 7000 feet, S.W. Ceylon, Indo-Chinese countries, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Billiton, China, Formosa, Liu-Kiu Isl. Philippines. Celebes. Lesser Sunda Is. S.E. Europe, N.W. Africa. Africa. Indian Peninsula, Himalayas to 6000 feet Burma, ? S. China, Hainan, Formosa, S. Africa. ■Cape Colony. Philippines (Luzon). E. Bengal to S. Tenasserim, Siam, China, Manchuria. GENEBA AND SPECIES Of BIRDS. 40 12. tanki, Blyth. (p. 544.) 13. albiventer, Hume. (p. 545.) 14. maculosa, Temm. (p. 546.) 15. saturata, Forbes, (p. 547.) 16. rufescens, Wall. (p. 547.) 17. ocellata (Scop.), (p. 548.) 18. nigricollis (Gm.). (p. 549.) 19. melanogaster (Gould), (p. 550.) 20. varia (Lath.), (p. 551.) 21. novae caledonise, Ogilvie Grant, Cat. p. 552, note. 22. castanonota (Gould), (p. 552.) 23. pyrrhothorax (Gould), (p. 553.) 24. everetti, Hartert, Not. Zool. r. p. 476 (1898). 25. leucogaster, North, Ibis, 1895, p. 342. 26. velox (Gould), (p. 553.) Indian Peninsula, Himalayas to 4000 feet. Nicobars, Andamans. N. & B. Australia, S. New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago. Lesser Sunda Is. (Timor). Philippines (Luzon). Madagascar. E. Australia. Australia. New Caledonia. N. Australia. N.E. Australia, E. & S. Australia. Sumba Isl. C. Australia. Australia. n. PEDIONOMUS, Gould. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 554.) 1. torquatus, Gould, (p. 554.) Australia. VOL. I. — January 12, 1899. E 50 GENEBA AND SPECIES OT BIBDS. Order IV. PTEEOCLIDIFORMES. (Of. Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxii. p. 1, 1893.) Family I. PTER0CLIDID.E. (Cf. Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 2.) I. SYRRHAPTES, Illiger. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 2.) 1. paradoxus (Pall), (p. 2.) 2. tibetanus, Gould, (p. 5.) Kirghis Steppes to Central Asia, Mongolia & W. China. W. Europe (sporadic). High Tibet (12,000- 18,000 feet). II. PTEROCLIDURTJS, Bp. (Of. Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 6.) 1. alchatus {Linn.), (p. 7.) 2. pyrenaicus (Seebohm). (p. 9.) 3. namaquus (Gm.). (p. 10.) 4. exustus (Temrn.). (p. 12.) 5. senegallus (Linn.), (p. 14.) Palestine to Central Asia & N.W. India. Mediterranean countries. Central S. Africa, Transvaal to Benguela & Namaqua-land. Senegambia to N. & E. Africa. Palestine to Central Asia. S. Sahara to N.W. India. III. PTER0CLIS, Temm. (Cf. Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 16.) 1. arenarius (Pall.), (p. 18.) 2. decoratus, Cab. (p. 21.) Mediterranean countries to Central Asia. E. Africa. GENERA ATTO SPECIES OE BIEDS 3. variegatus, Smith, (p. 22.) 51 4. coronatus, ZicAi;. (p. 23.) 5. gutturalis, Smith, (p. 25.) 6. personatus, GW<£ (p. 26.) 7. lichtensteini, &w». (p. 29.) 8. bicinctus, Temm. (p. 30.) 9. fasciatus {Scop.), (p. 27.) 10. quadricinctus, Temm. (p. 32.) 11. BepUltUB, Milne-Edw., Ois. Foss. France, ii. p. 294, pi. cxli. figs. 1-9 (1869). 12. bariUB, Milne-Edw., 0. E. II. Congr. Ore. Intern, ii. p. 70 (1892). 13. larbatUS, Milne-Edw. t. e. p. 71. 14. balftrus, Milne-Edw. t. c. p. 60. S. Africa, Transvaal, Samara-land. S. Sahara to N.W. India. E. Africa, N. to Abyssinia & S. to Transvaal. N.E. &'Equatorial Africa to N.W. India. Central S. Africa to Mossamedes. Indian Peninsula. Senegambia to Abyssinia. France (Lower Miocene). France (Eocene). France (Eocene). France (Eocene), Order V. COLUMBIFOEMES. Sub-Order I. COLUMBM. (Salvad. Oat. B. xxi. p. 2, 1893.) Family I. TRERONID^]. ■ (Salvad. t. o. p. 3.) Sub-Family I. TBEBONINJE. I. SPHEN0CERCUS, Gray. (Salvad. *. e. p. 4.) 1. apicicauda, Blyth. (p. 4.) Himalayas, Kumaon to Assam, Burma, Tenasserim. e2 52 E&ENEEA AMD SPECIES OF BIEDS 2. oxyurus (Temm.). (p. 7.) 3. sphenurusCr^.)- (p- 8 ) 4. korthalsi, Bp. (p. 11.) 5. sieboldi (Temm.). (p. 12.) 6. sororius, Stirinh. (p. 13.) 7. formosae (Swinh.). (p. 13.) ' 8. permagnus, Stejn. (p. 14.) Java, Sumatra, Borneo. Himalayas, Kashmir to Assam,. Burma, Tenasserim. Java, Sumatra. Japan. Formosa. Mountains of Formosa. Liu-Kiu Is. H. VINAGO, Ouv. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxi. p. 15, 1893.) 1. waalia (Gm.). (p. 15.) 2. crassirostris (Fraser). (p. 17.) 3. australis (Linn.), (p. 18.) 4. calva (Temm. $ Knip). (p. 20.) [udvadorii, Dubois, P.Z. S. 1897, p. 784.] 5. rmdirostris, < [cafaa, pt., Salvad. Oat. B. xxi. p. 20. (7/. Reichen. Orn. MB. vi. p. 12.] 6. wakefieldi (Sharpe). (p. 23.) 7. schalowi (Reichen.). (p. 24.) 8. delalandei (Bp.). (p. 24.) Somali-land, Socotra, Equatorial Africa. W. Africa, IsL of S. Thomas. Madagascar. W. Africa. Sierra Leone to Benguela, E. to Victoria Nyanza. Senegambia, N.E. & E. Africa. E. Africa. Matabele-land to Ovampo-land. E. Cape Colony to the Zambesi, Nyasa-land, N. to Mombasa. GENERA AND SPECIES OP BIRDS. 53 UI. CROCOPUS, Bp. (Salvad. Oat. B. xxi. p. 26, 1893.) 1. phosnicopterus {Lath.), (p. 26.) 2. viridifrons (Blyth). (p. 28.) 3. chlorogaster (Strickl.). (p. 30.) IV. BUTRERON, Bp. (Salvad. t. c. p. 32.) 1. capelli (Temm.). (p. 32.) V. TRERON, V. (Salvad. t. c. p. 33.) 1. nipalensis (JKodgs.). (p. 34.) 2. nasica, Schl (p. 37.) VI. 0SM0TRER0N, Bp. (Salvad. t. c. p. 38.) 1. griseicauda {Gray), (p. 41.) 2. wallacei, Salvad. (p. 42.) 3. pallidior, Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 178 (1896). 4. sangirensis {Briigg.). (p. 43.) N. & C. Indian Peninsulai Cachar, Burma, Tenasserim, Ooohin China. Indian Peninsula, Ceylon. Mergui Archipelago, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo. E. Bengal, Nepal to Burma, Tenasserim, Siam, Cochin China, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo, Palawan. Sumatra, EngaBo, Banka. ? S. Borneo. Java. Celebes, Sula Is. Djampea Isl., Kalas I., south of Celebes. Sangi Is. 54 GBNEEA AOT) SPECIES OF BIBDS 5. phayrei, Blyth. (p. 43.) 6. malabarica (Jerd.). (p. 45.) 7. aromatica (ffw.). (p. 47.) 8. axillaris (.Bp.). (p. 48.) Hills of E. BeDgal, Assam, Tenasserimy Cochin China. Indian Peninsula. Bum Isl. Philippine Is. 9. everetti, Bothschild, Nov. Zool. i. p. 41 (1897). Sulu Archipelago. 10. chloroptera {Blyth). (p. 49.) 11. pompadora (ffm.). (p. 51.) 12. fulvicollis (Wagl.). (p. 52.) 13. baramensis (A. B. Meyer), (p. 54.) 14. teysmanni (Schl.). (p. 55.) 15. psittacea {Terrm. & Knip). (p. 55.) 16. floris ( Wall.), (p. 56.) 17. bicincta (Blyth). (p. 57.) 18. vernans (IAwn.). (p. 60.) 19. olax (Temm.). (p. 64.) Nicobar Is., Andaman Is. Oeylon. S. Tenasserim, Cochin China, Malay Peninsula,. Sumatra,- Nias, Banlra, Billiton, Borneo. N. Borneo. Sumba Isl. Timor IsL Flores, Solor, Sumbawa. E. Indian Peninsula to Nepal, Ceylon, Indo-Chinese Provinces to Hainan, Malay Peninsula. Indo-Chinese Provinces, Malay Peninsula, Indo-Malayan Is., Celebes. Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Borneo. GB1TEBA A2TD SPECIES OE BIRDS. 55 VII. PHABOTRERON, Bp. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxi. p. 66, 1893.) 1. amethystina, Bp. (p. 66.) 2. cinereiceps, Bourns $ Worcester, Occ. PaperB Minnesota Acad. i. p. 8 (1894). 3. brunneiceps, Bourns 8[ Worcester, t. c. p. 9. 4. frontalis, Bourns $ Worcester, t. a. p. 10. 5. leucotis (Temm.). (p. 67.) 6. occipitalis, Salvad. (p. 68.) 7. nigrorum, Sharpe. (p. 68.) 8. brevirostris, Tweedd. (p. 69.) Luzon, Samar, Leyte, Mindanao. Tawi Tawi Isl., Sulu Archipelago. Basilan. Oebu. Luzon, Mindoro. Basilan. Negros, Cebu, Guimaras, Panay. Mindanao, Leyte, Samar, Sulu Archipelago. 9. maculipectus, Bourns $ Worcester, Occ. Papers Mts. of Negros. Minnesota Acad. i. p. 10 (1894). Sub-Family II. PTIL0P0DINJE. VHI. LEUCOTRERON, Bp. (Salvad. t. c. p. 71, 1893.) 1. occipitalis, Bp. ex Qray. (p. 72.) 2. fischeri, Briigg. (p. 74.) 3. meridionalis, A. B. Meyer % 4. marchii (Oust.), (p. 75.) 5. roseicollis ( Wagl). (p. 75.) Luzon, Cebu, Leyte, Mindanao, Basilan. N. Celebes. 'esw. (p. 74.) S. Celebes. Luzon. Java, Sumatra. 56 GENEBA AND SPECIES OE BIBDS. 6. albicincta (Wall), (p. 77.) Floras. 7. baliensis, Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 553(1893). Bali. 8. cincta (Temm. # Knip). (p. 77.) Timor, Wetter. 9. alligator, Collett, P. Z. S. 1898, p. 354, pi. xxix. Amhem Land, N. Australia. 10. everetti, Bothsch., Bull. Brit. Orn. Club, vii. p. xxxiv (1898). 11. lettiensis (Schl.). (p. 78.) 12. gularis (Q. $ . America E. Siberia, Kamtchatka, Japan. China, S. to New Guinea (winter). Bed Sea, Metran Coast, Laccadives, Malabar. Coasts and Islands of W. Europe, Africa,' Asia, Australia. E. N. America, West Indies. Australia. W. & C. Europe. Africa, N.W. India, E. N. America, & 0. America (winter). N. America. W. Indies. Brazil (winter), W. Africa (winter). 8. California to Chile. S. Texas (Mus. Brit). S. America (Venezuela to Patagonia). Mediterranean countries. African & Indian Seas to Celebes & Australia. 136 GEHEEA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 19. bergii, IAcht. (p. 89.) 20. bernsteini, Schl. (p. 96.) 21. frontalis, Gray. (p. 97.) 22. aleutica, Baird. (p. 98.) 23. lunata, Peale. (p. 100.) 24. ansestheta, Scop. (p. 101.) '25. fuliginosa, Gm. (p. 106.) 26. crissalis, Baird. [fuliginosa, pt., Saunders, Cat. B. p. 109.] 27. baleenarum (StricM.). (p. ill.) 28. nereis (Gould), (p. 112.) 29. sinensis, Gm. (p. 1 13.) 30. minuta, Linn. (p. 116.) 31. saundersi, Hume. (p. 120.) Red Sea. African & Indian Oceans to China, Japan, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. Mascarene Is. Moluccas (Halmahera). New Zealand, Australia. Alaska. Bering Sea to Japan. Pacific Is. to Moluccas. W. Indies. Gulf of Mexico. African and Indian Seas to China, Japan, Moluccas, N. Australia, & Pacific Is. Tropical and Juxta- tropical Seas of the world. E. Pacific. S. African Seas. Australia, New Zealand. Chinese and Indian Seas to Australia. Europe. Mediterranean countries. C. Asia. N. Indian Peninsula. S. Africa (winter). Burma, Java (winter). Red Sea. E. Africa. Mascarene Is. to India, Ceylon, Burma. GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. 137 32. antillarum {Less.), (p. 122.) 33. australis, Licht. [Cf, Eeichenow, Orn. MB. it. p. 113, 1896.] [antillarum, pt., Saunders, Cat. B. p. 122.] 34. superciliaris, V. (p. 124.) 35. lorata, Phil. $ Landb. (p. 126.) 36. melanauchen, Temm. (p. 126.) 37. trudeaui, Audub. (p. 130.) Temperate and Tropical N. America to C. America. West Indies. W. Africa. 8. Africa. S. America, Coasts of W. S. America. N. Mascarene Is., Nicobars, Andamans, Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, N. Australia, Pacific Is. to Liu-Kiu Is. S. America. VII. N^NIA, Boie. (Saunders, Cat. B. xxv. p. 132, 1896.) 1. inca {Less.), (p. 132.) Coasts of Chile & Peru. YUI. PROCELSTERNA, Lafr. (Saunders, t. c. p. 133.) 1. caerulea {F. D. Bennett), (p. 133.) 2. cinerea {Gould), (p. 135.) IX. ANOUS, Steph. (Saunders, t. c. p. 136.) 1. stolidus {Linn.), (p. 136.) 2. ridgwayi, Anthony, Auk, xt. p. 36 (1898). 3. galapagensis, Sharpe. (p. 143.) Central Polynesia. Australia. New Zealand. San Ambrosio IsL, W. S. America. Tropical and Juxta- tropical Seas of the world. Socorro Isl., W. Mexico. Galapagos Is. 133 GENERA AND SPECIES OP BIRDS. X. MICRANOUS, Saunders. (Saunders, Oat. B. xxv. p. 143, 1896.) 1. tenuirostris (Temm.). (p. 144.) Mascarene Is. to Torres Straits and Australia. 2. leucocapillus (Gould), (p. 144.) 3. hawaiiensis, Bothsch. (p. 148.) Caribbean Sea. E. America. S. African & Indian Oceans to N. Australia and the Society Is. Hawaiian Archipelago. XL GYGIS, Wagler. (Saunders, t. c. p. 149.) 1. alba, Sparrm. [candida (&m.), Saunders, Cat. B. p. 149.] [Cf. Hartert, Nov. Zool. v. p. 67, 1898.] 2. kittlitzi, Hartert. [Candida, pt., Saunders, Cat. B. p. 149.] 3. microrhyncha, Saunders, (p. 152.) Is. of South Atlantic & Indian Oceans to Australia and the Pacifio Is. N. Pacific. Marquesas Is. Sub-Family II. RHYNCHOPINjE. XII. RHYNCHOPS, Linn. (Saunders, t. c. p. 152.) 1. nigra, Linn. (p. 153.) 2. intercedens, Saunders, (p. 155.) 3. melanura, Swains, (p. 156.) 4. flavirostris, V. (p. 158.) 5. albicollis, Swains, (p. 159.) N. & 0. America. W. Indies. E. S. America. S. America to C. Amerioa (Yucatan). Africa, N. to Bed Sea and Egypt. Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Burma, GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 139 XIII. j^rutfoStema, Mercerat. (An. Soc. Argent, xliii. p. 237, 1897.) 1. Jeffeittr, Mercerat, I. e. Patagonia (Miocene). 2. nampeana, Mercerat, I. c. p. 238. Patagonia (Miocene). Sub-Family III. LARINJE. (Saunders, Cat. B. xxv. p. 161, 1896.) XIV. XEMA, Leach. (Saunders, t. c. p. 161.) 1. sabinii (J. Sabine), (p. 162.) XV. CREAGRUS, Bp. (Xema, pt., Saunders, t. c. p. 161.) 2. fuxcatus (Mboux). (p. 165.) Arctic America and E. Siberia, S. to Atlantic & Peru (■winter) . Galapagos Is. to Peru. XVI. RHODOSTETHIA, Macgill. (Saunders, t. e. p. 167.) 1. rosea (Macgill.) (p. 167.) XVII. LARUS, Linn. (Saunders, t. c. p. 169.) 1. minutus, Pall. (p. 173.) 2. ichthyaetus, Pall. (p. 176.) 3. melanocephalus, Natt. (p. 180.) 4. saundersi (Swinh). (p. 184.) 5. Philadelphia ( Ord). (p. 185.) Arctic Regions. Sub-arctic & Temperate Europe & Asia. Mediterranean Sea (winter). S.E. Europe, E. Mediterranean. Central Asia to Koko-nor. Indian Peninsula (winter) Mediterranean Sea. Coastsof W. Europe (occ). N.E. Asia (Oorea, N. China, Mongolia, Japan). N. America. 140 GBNEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 6. serranus, Tschudi. (p. 188.) W. S. America. 7. franklini, Swains. Sr Rich. (p. 191.) 8. atricilla, Linn. (p. 194.) 9. cirrhocephalus (V.). (p. 198.) 10. maculipennis, Licht. (p. 200.) 11. glaucodes, Meyen. (p. 203.) 12. ridibundus, Linn. (p. 207.) 13. brunneicephalus, Jerd. (p. 215.) 14. leucophthalmus, Temm. (p. 219.) 15. hsmprichi (Bruch). (p. 221.) 16. fuliginosus, Gould, (p. 222.) 17. modestus, Tschudi. (p. 222.) 18. heermanni, Cass. (p. 225.) 19. belcheri, Vig. (p. 226.) 20. crassirostris, V. (p. 227.) 21. gelastes, Thienem. (p. 230.) 22. bulleri, Hutton, (p. 233.) N. & 0. America. W. S. America (winter). N. America. W. Indiee. C. & S. American coasts 8. America. Africa. S. America. Southern S. America. Europe & N. Asia. Africa, Indian Ocean, China to Malay Archipelago (winter). C. Asian Highlands. Indian Peninsula (winter). S.E. Europe. Bed Sea. Bed Sea. E. Africa. Shores of Indian Ocean. Galapagos Archipelago. Pacific coast of America. Pacific coast of N. America. Guatemala (winter). Pacific coast of America. Seas of China & Japan. Mediterranean, Black, & Caspian Seas. Bed Sea. N. Indian Ocean. New Zealand. GBNBBA AND SPECIES OP BIEDS 23. novse-hollandiae, Steph. (p. 235.) 14X 24. scopulinus, Gray. (p. 238.) 25. hartlaubi (Sruch). (p. 240.) 26. marinus, Linn. (p. 241.) 27. dominicanus, ZicA£ (p. 245.) 28. fuscus, Linn., (p. 250.) 29. affinis, fleM. (p. 254.) 30. occidentals, Audtib. (p. 257.) 31. schistisagus, Stejn. (p. 258.) 32. argentatus, Gm. (p. 260.) 33: smithsonianus, Coues. [argentattis, pt., Saunders, t. o. p. 260.] 34. cachinnans, Pall. (p. 266.) 35. vegae, Palmin. (p. 270.) Australia, Tasmania, New Caledonia^ New Zealand, Chatham Is., Auckland Is, S. Africa, Madagascar. N. Europe. Iceland, Greenland, N. America. Canaries & Mediterranean Sea (winter). Florida (winter). S. Africa. S. America. Kerguelen Is. New Zealand. W. Europe to R. Dwina. Canaries, W. Africa, Bed Sea (winter). Rivers of North Russia & Siberia to the Yenesei. Indian Ocean (winter). Pacific coast of N. America. Kurile Is., Bering Sea. Japan (winter). N. Europe. N.B. America. S. Europe (winter). Southern U.S. to Lower California & Gulf of Mexico (winter). Si Europe. Black Sea, E. to Lake Bnikal. N.W. India to Bombay, Red Sea, W. Africa Arctic Siberia &j Bering Sea. Chinese coasts (ipinter\ 142 GENERA AND SPECIES OF 36. audouini, Payr. (p. 271.) 37. delawarensis, Ord. (p. 273.) 38. californicus, Lawr. (p. 276.) 39. canus, Linn. (p. 277.) 40. brachyrhynchus, Richardson, (p. 283.) 41. glaucescens, Naum. (p. 284.) 42. nelsoni, Henshaw. (p. 287.) 43. kumlieni, Brewst. (p. 288.) 44. glaucus, Fabr. (p. 289.) 45. leucopterus, ^aier. (p. 295.) BIRDS, W. Mediterranean. N. America. W. Indies (winter). Lower California (winter). W. N. America. W. Mexico (winter). N. Europe & Asia. Mediterranean Sea, Persian Gulf, & Chinese Seas (winter). Arctic & Sub-arctic America. Western N. America (winter). N. Pacific coasts & Is. to Vancouver. Japan (winter). S. California (winter). N.W. America, 46. elegans, Milne-Edw. . [Lydekker, Cat. Fobs. B. p. 177.] 47. BJ., Lydekker, Cat. p. 179. 48. totanoOreB, Milne-Edw. (L., p. 180.) 49. treBltOSmt, Milne-Edw. (L., p. 180.) 50. rotUBtllB, Shufeldt, 3. Acad. Philad. xi. p. 1892. Cumberland Sound, Baffin Land. Newfoundland (winter). New York (winter). Arctic Eegions. Mediterranean & Caspian Seas, Japan, California, Florida (winter). Jan Mayen Id., Greenland, N.E. America. Iceland & W. Europe (winter). France (Lower Miocene). Bavaria (Middle Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). 398, Oregon (Pliocene). GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. 143 51. orrgottUB, Shufeldt, I. c. Oregon (Pliocene). 52. raeilttioncfti, VanBeneden, Bull. Acad. Belg. rsxii. Belgium (Pliocene). p. 216 (1871). XVIII. GABIANUS, Bruch. (Saunders, Cat. B. xxv. p. 297, 1896.) 1. pacificus {Lath.), (p. 297.) Australia, Tasmania. XIX. LEUC0PH2EUS, Brueh. (Saunders, t. e. p. 299.) 1. scoresbyi (Traill), (p. 299.) Southern S. America. Falkland Ie. XX. PAGOPHILA, Kaup. (Saunders, t. c. p. 301.) 1. eburnea (PMpps). (p. 301). Circumpolar Regions. W. Europe & E. N. America XXL RISSA, Stephens. (Saunders, t^c. p. 305.) 1. rissa (Linn.), (p. 305.) Circumpolar, Arctic, & [tridactt/la (Linn.), Saunders, Oat. B. p. 305.] Sub-arctic Eegions. N.W. Europe & N.E. America. Caspian & Mediterranean Seas (winter). N. American coasts 2. brevirostris (Bruch). (p. 312.) Is. of Bering Sea. Family H. STERCORARIIDffl. (Saunders, Cat. B. xxv. p. 314, 1896.) L MEGALESTEJS, Bp. (Saunders, *. c. p. 314.) 1. catarrhactes (Linn.), (p. 315.) N.W. Europe. S. Greenland. N.W. America. N. Atlantic coasts (winter). 144 GBNBEA AND SPECIES OF BIBD3. 2. chilensis (Bp.). (p. 318.) Southern S. America to. S. Brazil & Peru. 3. antarctica (Less.), (p. 319:) Is. of S. Ocean. Falkland Is. to Kerguelen Isl. & New Zealand. 4. maccormicki, Saunders, (p. 321.) Antarctic Continent. II. STERCORABIUS, Briss. (Saunders, Cat. B. xxv. p. 322, 1896.) 1. pomatorhinus (Temm.). (p. 322.) Arctic Begions. Australian, African, k S. American Seas (winter). 2. crepidatus (Banks), (p. 327.) Circumpolar and Sub- arctic Begions. African, Indian, & Aus- tralian Seas ; S. Brazil (winter). 3. parasiticus (Linn.), (p. 334.) Circumpolar Regions. E. & W. Atlantic coasts ;, Pacific coast of N. America (winter). INCESTS SEDIS. Sjalcgontfe, Owen. (Ljdekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 181, 1891.) 1. toliapmw, Konig. (L., p. 181.) England (Lower Eocene). Order XV. CHARADRIIFORMES. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 72, 1891.) INCEET^l SEDIS. JBoltrijopterug, Aymard. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 175, 1891.) 1. biator, Aymard. (L., p. 175.) France (Lower Miocene). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 145 Sub-Order I. CHIONIDES. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 72, 1891.) Family I. CHIONIDID^l. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 710, 1896.) I. CHIONIS, Forsler. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 710.) 1. alba (Gm.). (p. 710.) Southern S. America. II. CHIONARCHUS, Kidder Sf Coues. (Sharpe, *. c. p. 711.) 1. minor (Kartl.). (p. 712.) 2. crozettensis, Sharpe. (p. 713.) Kerguelen Isl., Marion Isl., Prince Edward la. Crozette la. Sub-Order II. ATTAGIDES. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 72, 1891.) Family I. THINOCORYTHID.ffi. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 714, 1896.) vol, I. February 8, 1899. 146 GENEEA AND SPECIES Or BIBDS. II. THINOCORYS, Esch. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 717, 1896.) 1. orbignianus, Geqfr. $ Less. (p. 718.) Chile, Peru, Bolivia. 2. rumicivorus, Esch. (p. 719.) Argentina, Patagonia, Chile, Peru, Bolivia. INCEET^E SEDIS. iPalaeotrmga, Marsh. (Marsh, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1870, p. 5.) 1. littoralifi, Marsh, t. v. p. 5. N. America (Cretaceous). 2. bajans, Marsh, Amer. Journ. Sci. iii. p. 365 (1872). N. America (Cretaceous). 3. brttIB, Marsh, id supra, p. 5. N. America (Cretaceous). Sub-Order III. CHARADR1I. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 73, 1891.) Family I. CHARADEIID^. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 90, 1896.) Sub-Family I. ARENAJRIINA1. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 91.) I. ARENARIA, Brits. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 91.) 1. interpres {Linn.), (p. 92.) Cosmopolitan, breeding in high N. latitudes. 2. melanocephala, Vig. (p. 103.) W. North America, Alaska. California (winter). GENHEA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 147 Sub-Family II. H&MATOPODINJE. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 105, 1896.) II. &EMAT0PUS, Linn. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 105.) 1. ostralegus, Linn. (p. 107.) 2. osculans, Swinh. (p. 111.) 3. longirostris, V. (p. 112.) 4. finschi, Martens, Orn. MB. v. p. 190 (1897). 5. leucopus, Gam. (p. 113.) 6. palliatus, Temm. (p. 114.) 7. galapagensis, Bidgw. (p. 116.) 8. frazari, Brewst. (p. 117.) 9. dumfordi, Sharpe. (p. 117.) 10. unicolor, Wagler. (p, 118.) 11. moqutni, Bp. (p 119. 12. niger, Pall. (p. 120.) 13. ater (Less.), (p. 121.) Europe. C. Asia. Mediterranean and Eed Seas ; E. Africa to Mozambique ; Persian Gulf ; Sind (winter). E. Siberia, Kamtchatka. China, Surma (winter). Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, Chatham Is., New Guinea, Molucca Is. New Zealand. Str. of Magellan, Falkland Is. Atlantic Coast of N. America. S. America (winter). Galapagos Archipelago. i S. California. Chile (winter). Patagonia. Australia, New Zealand. Africa, Canaries, Madeira. N.W. America to California. Southern S. America. Falkland Is. 12 148 GEtTEBA AND SPECIES OP BIBDS. Sub-Family HI. LOBIVANELLIN^!. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 122, 1896.) III. OREOPHILUS, J. $ S. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 123.) 1. ruficollis (Wagl). (p. 123.) Patagonia, Chile, Peru, Falkland Is. IV. ERYTHROGONYS, Gould. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 124.) 1. cinctus, Gould, (p. 125.) Australia. V. DEFILIPPIA, Salvad. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 126.) 1. crassirostris (DelFilippi). (p. 126.) N.E. Africa. E. Africa to Victoria Nyanza & Witu. 2. leucoptera (Beichen.). (p. 127.) S.E. Africa. E. Africa to Pangani E. VI. SARCIOPHORUS, StricM. (Sharpe, *. c. p. 128.) 1. tectus (Bodd.). (p. 128.) 2. latifrons, Eeichen. (p. 130.) ma, N.E. Africa. E. Africa (Somali-land to leita). Vn. LOBIPLUVIA, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 130.) 1. malabarica (Bcdd.). (p. 130.) Indian Peninsula, N.W. Oeylon. GENERA AND SPECIES OP BIEDS. 149 VIII. MICROSARCOPS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 133, 1896.) 1. cinereus (Blyth). (p. 133.) E. Siberia, S. Japan, W. China. S. China, Indo-Burmese countries, N.B. Bengal (winter). IX. HOPLOXYPTERUS, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 135.) 1. cay anus (Lath.), (p. 135.) S. America (Brit. Guiana to S. Brazil). X. PTILOSCELIS, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 137.) 1. resplendens (Tschvdi), (p. 137.) Western S. America (Ecuador to N. Chile). Salta, Argent. Rep. XI. LOBIVANELLUS, StricM. (Sharpe, *. c. p. 138.) 1. lobatus(F.). (p. 139.) 2. miles (Bodd.). (p. 140.) 3. senegalus (£.). (p. 141.) Australia. Australia, New Guinea, Aru Is., Molucca Is. W. Africa. N.E. Africa.' 4. lateralis (Smith), (p. 144.) S.E. &, S.W. Africa. E. Africa to Victoria Nyanza & Albert Edward Nyanza. 150 GENEBA AND SPECIES OE BIEBS. Sub-Family IV. GEARABRIINM (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 145, 1896.) XII. XIPHIDIOPTERTJS, Reichenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 147.) 1. albiceps {Gould), (p. 147.) 2. cucullatus {lemm.). (p. 148.) W. Africa. N.E. Africa. Greater Sunda Is. XIII. SARCOaRAJOtTTS, Reichenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 148.) 1. indicus (Bodd.). (p. 152.) 2. atrinuchalis (Jerd.). (p. 152.) XIV. TYLIBYX, Reichenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 153.) 1. melanocephalus (Hupp.), (p. 153.) Arabia, Persia, Afghanistan, Indian Peninsula, Ceylon. Indo-ChineBe countries, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra. N.E. Africa. XV. ZONIFER, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 154.) 1. tricolor (V.). (p. 154.) XVI. AN0MAL0PHRYS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 156.) 1. superciliosus (Reichen.). (p. 156.) XVII. HOPLOPTERUS, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 157.) 1. spinosus {Linn.), (p. 157.) Australia, Tasmania! W. Africa (Togoland to Congo). Lafce Tanganyika. W. Africa. E. & N.E. Africa to Albert Edward Myanza. S.E. Europe. GENEBA AID SPECIES OE BIEDS. 151 2. ventralis {Wagl.). (p. 159.) 3. speciosas (Wagl.). (p. 161.) Indian Peninsula. Indo-Chinese countries to Hainan. aB. Africa. E. Africa. XVHI. BELONOPTERUS, Eeiehenb. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 163, 1896.) 1. cayennensis (Cfm.). (p. 163.) 2. chilensis (Mai), (p. 165.) S. America (Colombia, Guiana, Brazil). Southern S. America (Peru, Chile, Pata- gonia). Falkland Is. 3. grisescens, Prazak, Orn. MB. v. p. 23 (1896). N. Chile. XIX. VANELLUS, Briss. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 166.) 1. vanellus (IArm.). (p. 166.) 2. gslgfli, Van Beneden, Bull. Acad. Belg. xxii. p. 210(1871). Europe and N. Asia to N. China & Alaska. S. Europe, N.W. India, S. China {winter). Belgium (Pliocene). XX. EUHYAS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 736.) \Eurypteru8, Sharpe, t. e. p. 171.] 1. leucura (Mcht.). (p. 171.) XXI. CH.2ETUSIA, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 174.) 1. gregaxia (Pall.), (p. 174.) S.E. Europe. Egypt. Central Asia. N.W. India (winter). aE. Europe, Central Asia. N.E. Africa ; Indian Peninsula (winter). 152 GENERA AND SPECIES OE BIRDS. XXII. STEPHANIBYX, Beichenb. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 177, 1896.) 1. coronatus (Bodd.). (p. 178.) 2. melanopterus (Cretzschm.). (p. 180.) 3. inornatus {Swains.), (p. 181.) S. & S.W. Africa. E. Africa to Shoa and Somali-land. N.E. & E. Africa, Arabia. W. Africa (Liberia to Congo). S.E. & E. Africa (Natal to Zanzibar). XX'HI. SQUATAROLA, Leach. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 182.) 1. helvetica (Linn.), (p. 182.) Sub-arctic Regions. S. to Australia, Cape, and S. America (winter). XXIV. CHARADRIUS, Linn. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 191.) 1. pluvialis, IArm. (p. 191.) 2. dominicus (P. L. 8. Mull), (p. 195.) 3 Bf)«pparJiaitUS, Cape, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. Terr. vi. no. 1, p. 83 (1881). Europe & N. Asia. N. Africa, N.W. India (winter). Sub-arctic Regions, S. to Australia, New Zealand, Africa, S. America (winter). N. America (Tertiary) XXV. APHRIZA, Audub. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 208.) I 1. virgata (Gm.). (p. 208.) Western N. America. Alaska to Chile (winter). XXVI. 0CHTH0DR0MUS, Rdchenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 209.) 1. obscurus (6m.). (p. 211.) New Zealand. GENEEA AND SPECIES OE BIEDS. 153 2. bicinctus (J. § 8.). (p. 212.) 3. •wilsoni (Ord). (p. 214.) 4. geoffroyi (Wagl). (p. 217.) 5. mongolus {Pail.), (p. 223.) 6. pyrrhothorax (Gould), (p. 226.) \Mgialitis pamirensis, Richm. ;Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xviii. p. 590, 1895.] 7. asiaticus (Pall.), (p. 230.) 8. veredus (Gould), (p. 232.) Australia, Tasmania, Norfolk Isl., Lord Howe Isl. Atlantic Coast of N. America. C. & S. America (winter). E. Asia (Japan, Formosa). Africa, Indian Peninsula, and Australia (winter). N.E. Asia, coasts of Bering Sea, Alaska. Obina to Australia 0. Asia. N.E. Africa (winter). Indian Peninsula, Malay Peninsula, Borneo (winter). 0. Asia. Africa (winter). Western Indian Peninsula (winter). Mongolia. China to Moluccas and Australia (winter). XXVII. EUDROMIAS, Brehm. (Sharpe, *. c. p. 234.) 1. morinellus (Linn.), (p. 234.) XXVIII. ZONIBYX, Beichenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 238.) 1. modestus (IAcht.). (p. 238.) N. Europe & N. Asia. Mediterranean countries & N.E. Africa (winter). Southern S. America, Falkland Is. XXIX. PODASOCYS, Cows. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 240.) 1. montanus (Towns), (p. 240.) Western TJ. States. S. to Mexico & Lower California (winter). 154 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. XXX. OXYECHUS, Beichenb. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 242, 1896.) 1. vociferus (Linn.), (p. 242.) 2. tricollaris(K). (p. 247.) 3. bifrontatus (Cab.), (p. 249.) 4. forbesi (Shelley), (p. 250.) XXXI. .EGIALEUS, Beichenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 250.) 1. semipalmatus (Bp.). (p. 250.) North America. 0. & S. America (winter,. W. Europe (ace.). S. Africa. B. & N.E. Africa. Madagascar. W. Africa (Senegambia to Gaboon). Equat. Africa. H. America, N.E. Siberia. C. & S. America (winter). XXXII. .EGIALITIS, Boie. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 254.) 1. hiaticola (Linn.), (p. 256.) 2. placida (Gray), (p. 262.)] 3. dubia (Scop.), (p. 263.) 4. peroni (Bp.). (p. 273.) 5. alexandrina (Linn.), (p. 275.) 6. marginata (V.). (p. 282.) E. W. America (casual). Europe, Lake Baikal. Africa (winter). N.W. India (winter). Manchuria, E. Siberia, Japan, China, E. Himalayas. S. China (winter). Europe & N. Asia to Japan. Africa (winter). India and the Malay Archipelago (winter). Alaska to California (casual). Greater Sunda Is. to Celebes. Europe & Central Asia to China & Japan. Africa, Indian Peninsula, & Australia (winter). S. Africa. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 155 7. pallida {Strickl). (p. 284.) 8. venusta {Fischer $ Beichen.). (p. 286.) 9. ruficapilla {Temm.). (p. 286.) 10. collaris(f.). (p. 288.) 11. nivosa, Cass. (p. 290.) 12. meloda {Ord). (p. 292.) 13. occidentalis, Cab. (p. 295.) 14. falklandica {Lath.), (p. 295.) 15. pecu.aria(TejMB.). (p. 297.) 16. sanctae-helenae, Harting. (p. 299.) W. Africa. E. Africa & Madagascar. B. Africa. Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand. N. to China. C. & S. America. Lesser Antilles. Western N. America. 0. America & Western S. America. N. America. Greater Antilles. N. Chile. Chile, Argentina, Patagonia, Falkland Is. Africa. N. to Nile Delta. S. Helena. 17. thoraeiea, Bichm., Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, Madagascar, x. p. 53 (1896). 18. melanops ( V.). (p. 300.) 19. cucullata {V.). (p. 302.) Australia. Australia, Tasmania. [XIII. PLUVIANELLUS, Jacq. $ Pucher. (Sharps, Cat. B. xxiv. p. 303, 1896.) 1. sociabilis, Jacq. $ Pitcher, (p. 303.) Patagonia. XXXIV. THIN0RNIS, Gray. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 304.) 1. novae-zealandise {Gm.). (p. 304.) 2. rossi, Graff, (p. 305.) New Zealand, Chatham Is. Auckland Is. 156 GB1TEEA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. XXXV. ANARHYNCHUS, Q. # rI)ara£l, Amegh. (Amegh., Enum. Sist. p. 24, 1887.) [Syn. Palmociconia, Mesembriornis, Stereornis, Patagornis, Dryornis, Darwin- ornis, Owenornis, PsUoptems (pt.), Titanomis, Stephanornis, Moreno & Mercerat: teste Aineghino, Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xv. pp. 10 11, 1895.] 1. inflatus, Amegh., Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xv. Patagonia (Miocene). p. 31 (1895). 2. lonjtBSimus, Amegh. t. c. p. 39. Patagonia (Miocene). 3. seljuengiB, Amegh. t. u. p. 47. Patagonia (Miocene). 4. platBgnatfjUB, Amegh. t. c. p. 49. Patagonia (Miocene). GENEKA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 183 5. mntltCUS, Amegh. t. c. p. 50. Patagonia (Miocene). 6. JlelicatttB, Amegh. t. c. p. 51. Patagonia (Miocene). II. ^>{IecBornte, Amegh. (Amegh., Kev. Argent. H. N, i. p. 448, 1891.) 1. australis {Moreno § Mercerat). Patagonia (Miocene). (Ameghino, Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xv. p. 58, 1895.) 2. tuiulatus, Amegh., Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xr. Patagonia (Miocene). p. 62 (1895). 3. mttttttUB, Amegh., Rev. Argent. H. N. i. p. 449 Patagonia (Miocene). (1891). III. JUrontornfe, Moreno Sf Mercerat. (Ameghino, Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xv. p. 63, 1895.) 1. ImmteiBteri, Mor. fy Merc. (Amegh. t. c. p. 64.) Patagonia (Miocene). 2. platBOngl, Amegh. t. c. p. 69. Patagonia (Miocene). IV. Utortlfe, Amegh. (Amegh. t. c. p. 72, 1895.) 1. flotoert, Amegh. t. c. p. 73. Patagonia (MioceneX V. Callontfe, Amegh. (Amegh. t. e. p. 76, 1895.) 1. gigantfus. Amegh. t. o. p. 78. Patagonia (Miocene). VI. 'ftfyviaxnte, Amegh. (Amegh. t. c. p. 78, 1895.) 1. forttB, Amegh. t. e. p. 78. Patagonia (Miocene). VII. Hopfitornte, Amegh. (Amegh. t. c. p. 80, 1895.) 1. oSlijUUS, Amegh. t. c. p. 79. Patagonia (Miocene). 184 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. VIII. anugljmta. [Pseudolarus (vox hybrida), Amegh., Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xv. p. 80, 1895.] 1. tattami, Amegh. t. c. p. 80. Patagonia (Miocene). IX. J5tHpi)j)Iomfa, Mor'eno fy Mercerat. "(An. Soc. Argent, xliii. p. 233, 1897.) 1. gallar&Ot, Mor. $ Merc. t. c. p. 233. Patagonia (Miocene) 2. mttiacuB, Mor. % Merc. t. c. p. 235. Patagonia (Miocene). Family II. OPISTHODACTYLIDiE. I. ©ptetijnttactgluS, Amegh. (Amegh., Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xv. p. 81, 1895.) 1. jatagOtUCUfl, Amegh,. t. c. p. 82. Patagonia (Miocene). Order XVIII. ARDEIFORMES. (Pelargiformes, Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 75, 1891.) Sub-Order I. PLJTALE^E. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 1, 1898.) Family I. IBIDID-5J. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 2.) I. IBIS, Cm: (Sharpe, t. c. p. 4.) 1. aethiopica (Lath.), (p. 4.) Africa, E. to Persian Gulf. 2. bernieri {Bp.). (p. 7.) Madagascar. 3. abbotti, Eidgw. (p. 264.) Aldabra Isl. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. 185 4. melanocephala (Lath), (p. 7.) Indian Peninsula, Ceylon. Indo-Chinese countries to China and Japan. Java. 5. molucca, Guv. (p. 9.) Australia, New Guinea, Salawati, Waigiou, Ceraui. II. JbftftpoUta, Milne-Edw. (Lydekker, Oat. Toss. B. p. 74, 1891.) 1. palustrtfl, Milme-Mw. (L., p. 74.) France (Lower Miocene). III. ffbt&op^fe, Lydekker. (Lydekker, t. c. p. 74.) 1. JortrtosltolJBia, Lydekker. (L., p. 74.) England (Upper Eocene). IV. JPrntibfe, Amegh. (Amegh., Rev. Argent, i. p. 445, 1891.) 1. cnemialtg, Amegh. I. v. Patagonia (Miocene). V. CARPHIBIS, Beiehenb. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 11, 1898.) 1. spinioollis (Jameson), (p. 11.) Australia. VI. INOCOTIS, Beiehenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 12.) 1. papillosa (Temm.). (p. 12.) Indian Peninsula. Borneo. VII. THAUMATIBIS, Elliot. (Sharpe, *. e. p. 14, note.) 1. gigantea, Oust. (p. 14, note.) Cochin China. VIII. GRAPTOCEPHALUS, Elliot. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 14.) 1. davisoni (Hume), (p. 14.) Burmese Provinces, Siam, Cochin China. 186 GENEEA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. IX. NIPPONIA, Beichenb. (Sbarpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 15, 1898.) 1. nippon (Temm.). (p. 15.) S.E. Siberia, Japan, China, Formosa, Hainan. X. COMATIBIS, Beichenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 16.) 1. comata, Ehrenb. (p. 16. [eremita, Linn. Cf. Rothschild, Hartert, and Asia Minor. Kleinschmidt, Not. Zool. iv. pp. 371-375, N.E. Africa, pis. Tiii.-x.] XI. GERONTICUS, Waghr. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 17.) 1. calvus (Bodd.). (p. 17.) S. Africa. XII. BOSTRYCHIA, Reiehenb. (Sharpe, *. c. p. 18.) 1. carunculata (Biipp.). (p. 18.) N.E. Africa. XIII. HAGEDASHIA, Bp. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 19.) 1. hagedash {Lath.), (p. 19.) Tropical Africa. XIV. THERISTICUS, Wagler. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 21.) 1. melanopsis (Gm.). (p. 21.) 2. caudatus {Bodd.). (p. 23.) Central Brazil to Peru, Chile, and the Strait9 of Magellan. British Guiana. XV. MOLYBDOPHANES, Beichenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 24.) 1. caerulescens ( T.). (p. 24.) Central B: Bzil to Argentina & Paraguay. GENEBA AND SPEOIES OF BIEDS. 187 XVI. HARPIPRION, Wagler. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 25, 1898.) 1. cayennensis (Gm.). (p. 25.) XVII. PHIMOSUS, Wagler. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 26.) 1. infuscatus (Licht.). (p. 26.) S. Brazil to Guiana, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama. Argentina, Brazil, N. to Colombia. XVHI. LOPHOTIBIS, Beichenb. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 27.) 1. cristata (Bodd.). (p. 27.) E. & N.E. Madagascar. XIX. CERCIBIS, Wagler. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 28.) 1. oxycerca (Spix). (p. 28.) N. Amazonia, British Guiana. XX. PLEGADIS, Kaup. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 29.) 1. falcinellus (Lmn.). (p. 29.) 2. guarauna (Linn.), (p. 34.) 3. ridgwayi (Allen), (p. 37.) S. Europe to India, China, and Australia. Africa. Eastern U. States to Florida. Jamaica. Oregon to Southern IT. States, throughout S. America. Greater Antilles. Hawaiian Archipelago. Peru, Bolivia. XXI. LAMPFJBIS, Elliot. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 38.) 1. rara, Bothsch., Hartert, $ Kldnschm. [olivacea (nee Du Bus) (p. 266).] West Africa (Liberia to Gaboon, Prince's Isl.). 188 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. XXII. EUDOCIMUS, Wagler. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 39, 1898.) 1. albus (Linn.), (p. 39.) 2. ruber (Linn.), (p. 41.) Southern TJ. States to Central America, Amazonia, and Peru. Greater Antilles. Upper Amazonia. Guiana to Greater Antilles and Southern TJ. States. 3. pagattUS (MUne-Edw.). (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. France (Lower Miocene), p. 72.) Family II. PLATALEIDiE. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 43, 1898.) I. PLATALEA, Linn. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 43.) 1. leucerodia, Linn. (p. 44.) 2. regia, Gould, (p. 47.) C. & S. Europe to C. Asia, Japan, China, Indian Peninsula. E. Africa. Australia to the Moluccas- ? S. Borneo. 3. alba, Scop. (p. 49.) 4. minor, Temm. $ Schl. (p. 50.) Tropical Africa. Madagascar. Corea, Japan, China, Formosa. II. PLATIBIS, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 51.) 1. flavipes (GW<2). (p. 51.) Australia 2. SUMeitUtB, Le Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) Queensland (Pleistocene). Ti. p. 443 (1892). GENERA AND SPECIES Or BIRDS. 189 III. AJAJA, Beichenb. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 52, 1898.) 1. ajaja (Linn.), (p. 52.) S.B. United States. Central & S. America to Argentina. Sub-Order II. CICONIM. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 75, 1891.) Family I. CICONIID^l. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 291, 1898.) Sub-Family I. TANTALINJE. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 321.) I. TANTALUS, Linn. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 321.) 1. loculator, Linn., (p. 321.) S. United States. 0. & S. America. II. PSEUDOTANTALUS, Bidgway. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 323.) 1. leucocephalus (Gm.). (p. 323.) 2. cinereus (Raffl.). (p. 326.) 3. ibis (Linn.), (p. 327.) Indian Peninsula, Indo-Chinese countries, China. Malay Peninsula, Java, Sumatra. Tropical Africa,. Madagascar. 4. ltultte=elrtoartrsi, Skufeldt, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Prance (Middle Miocene). Philad. 1896, p. 513. 190 GENEEA AND SPECIES OE BIEDS. Sub-Family II. OICONIINM. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 291, 1898.) I. ABDIMIA, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 292.) 1. abdimi {Licht). (p. 292.) Tropical Africa. Arabia, Spain. II. DISSOURA, Gab. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 294.) 1. episcopus (Bodd.). (p. 294.) Tropical Africa. Indian Peninsula, Oeylon, Indo-Chinese countries, Malay Peninsula, Indo-Malayan Is., Celebes. 2. stormi (W. Blasius, MT. Ges. Liibeck, 1896, S. Borneo, p. 120). III. EUXENURA, Ridgway. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 297.) 1. maguari (Gm.). (p. 297.) S. America. IV. CICONIA, Brhs. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 298.) 1. ciconia (Linn.), (p. 299.) 2. boyciana, Swink. (p. 302.) Europe to C. Asia. Africa (winter). N. India (winter). E. Siberia, Corea, Japan. 3. nigra (Linn.), (p. 303.) \chrysopelargus, Licht. Cf. Keichen. Orn. MB. yi. p. 119, 1898.] Europe to Mongolia and China. Indian Peninsula (winter). Africa (winter). GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 191 V. ANASTOMUS, Bonn. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 306, 1898.) 1. oscitans (Bodd.). (p. 306.) 2. lamelligerus, Ternm. (p. 308.) Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Cochin China. Tropical Africa. Madagascar. VI. XENORHYNCHUS, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 310.) 1. asiaticus (Lath.), (p. 310.) 2. nanus, De Vis. (p. 310, note.) Indian Peninsula, Burma, Malay Peninsula, New Guinea, N. Australia. Queensland (Pleistocene). VII. EPHIPPIORHYNCHTJS, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 312.) 1. senegalensis (Shaw), (p. 312.) Tropical Africa. VIII. MYCTERIA, Linn. . (Sharpe, t. c. p. 314.) 1. americana, Linn. (p. 314.) S. America. Mexico, N. to Texas. IX. LEPTOPTILUS, Less. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 315.) 1. dubius (Gm.). (p. 315.) 2. javanicus (Sorsf.). (p. 317.) Indian Peninsula, Indo-Chinese countries. Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Indo-Chinese countries to Hainan. Malayan Peninsula, Greater Sunda Is. 3. crumeniferus (Less.), (p. 319.) Tropical Africa. 192 GEOTBA AND SPECIES OP BIBBS. 4. McOltm (MUne-Edw.). (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. India (Lower Pliocene), p. 63, 1891.) X. IBropelargtui, Lydehher. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 65.) 1. CSBltlieitgiS, Lydekker, t. c. p. 66. France (Upper Eocene). 2. sp., Lydekker, t. u. p. 66. France (Lower Miocene). XI. Procttoma, Amegh. (Amegh., Kev. Argent, i. p. 445, 1891.) 1. Is&eftfteri, Ameg%. I. c. {Palaociconia australis, Lydekker, Cat. Fosa. B. S. Brazil (Pleistocene). p. 64, 1891 (nee Moreno).] XII. PalawipelatgtuJ, De Vis. (De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) vi. p. 441, 1892.) 1. ItOiltUB, De Vis, I. e. Queensland (Pleistocene). XIII. $«IargO*rtg, Lydekher. [Pelargopsis {nee Gloger), Lydekker, Cat. Toss. B. p. 67, 1891. Pelargodes, Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1891, p. 477. Pelargocrex, Milne-Edw. Bull. B. O. C. i. p. liv, 1893.] 1. magna (Milne-Edw.) (L., p. 68.) France (Lower Miocene). XIV. flmpinpriargua, Lydekher. (Lydekker, t. c. p. 68.) 1. majort, Lydekker, t. c. p. 69. Isl. of Samoa (Pliocene). GENERA AND SPECIES OP BIRDS. 193 t Sub-Order III. SCOPI. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 75, 1891.) Family I. SCOPIDiB. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 288, 1898.) I. SCOPUS, Gm. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 288.) 1. umbretta, Gm. (p. 288.) Tropical Africa Arabia, Sub-Order IV. BALMNICIPITEB. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 75, 1891.) Family I. BAL.ENICIPITID.ffi. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 287, 1898.) I. BAL.ENICEPS, Gould. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 287.) 1. rex, Gould, (p. 287.) Upper White Nile. Sub-Order V. ARDEjE. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 75, 1891.) Family I. ARDEID.ffi. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 56, 1898.) I. PYFJtHERODIAS, Finseh Sf Hartl., Yog. Ost-Afr. p. 676 (1870). [Phoyce, Stejn. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 60.)] 1. purpurea {Linn.), (p. 60.) Europe to C. Asia. Africa. Madagascar. vol. I. March 2, 1899. o 194 GENEEA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS 2. manillensis (Met/en), (p. 64.) II. AKDEA, Linn. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 66, 1898.) 1. goliath, Cretzschm. (p. 66.) 2. sumatrana, Eaffl. (p. 68.) 3. insignis, Hume. (p. 70.) 4. humbloti, MUne-Edw. $ Grand, (p. 70.) 5. melanocephala, Vig. $■ Childr. (p. 70.) 6. cocoi, Linn. (p. 72.) 7. cinerea, Linn. (p. 74.) 8. herodias, Linn. (p. 80.) 9. ■wuerdemanni, Baird. (p. 80, note.) 10. wardi, Bidgw. (p. 80, note.) 11. occidentalis, Audub. (p. 84.) 12. perptaa, MUne-Edw. (Lydekher, Cat. Foss. B. p. 60.) 13. Btmilig, Fraas. (L., p. 60.) Indian Peninsula, Oeylon, China, Malay Peninsula, Greater Sunda Is., Celebes. Tropical Africa. India (pec). Aracan, TenasBerim, Malay Peninsula, Sunda Is., Celebes, Australia. E. Himalayas. E. Madagascar. Tropical Africa. Mediterranean countries (occ). S. America. Europe. Asia. Africa. Australia. N. America, C. America, W. Indies, Venezuela, Colombia, Galapagos Is. S. Florida. Florida. S. Florida, Greater Antilles. France (Middle Miocene). Bavaria (Middle Miocene). 14. paloccftrentalis, Shufeldt, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Oregon (Pliocene). Philad. ii. p.-411, pi. xvii. fig. 31 (1892). 15. megarepftala, MUne-Edw., Ann. Sci. Nat. (5) xix. Eodriguez (Pleistocene). p. 10, pi. xiv. (1874). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 16. OllUSSa, Milne-Edw., C. E,. II. Congr. Orn. ii. p. 73 S. France (Eocene). (1892). 195 III. SlrtltaritfcSj Hmishalter. (Lydekker, Cat. Toss. B. p. 363, 1891.) 1. molaSBtCUB, Bcmsh. (L., p. 363.) Germany (Middle IV. $frof)erotttiid, Lydekker. (Lydekker, Oat. Poss. B. p. 60, 1891.) 1. oineni, Lydekker, I. c. p. 60. England (Lowor Eocene). V. MESOPHOYX, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 85, 1898.) 1. intermedia, Wagl. (p. 85.) 2. brachyrhyncha (Brehm). (p. 87.) 3. plumifera (Gould), (p. 87.) VI. HERODIAS, Bote. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 88.) 1. alba (I4nn.). (p. 90.) 2. egretta (Wilson), (p. 95.) 3. timoriensis, Less. (p. 98.) Indian Peninsula, China, Japan, Malayan Archipelago. N.E. Africa to S. Africa. Australia, New Guinea. Moluccas, Celebes. S. Europe to C. Asia. Indian Peninsula, Burmese countries. Africa. H\ & S. America. N. China & Japan to Australia. VII. FLORIDA, Baircl. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 100.) 1. caerulea (IAnn.). (p. 100.) E. United States, O. America, West Indies, Colombia, Ecuador, Guiana, Brazil. 02 196 GENTBEA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. VIII. MELANOPHOYX, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxri. p. 104, 1898.) 1. axdesiaca. (Wagler). (p. 104.) 2. vinaceigula, Sharpe. (p. 105.) Tropical Africa. S.E. Africa (Transvaal). IX. DICHROMANASSA, Bidgw. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 106.) 1. nxfa (Bodd.). (p. 106.) X. NOTOPHOYX, Sharpe. (Sharpe, *. c. pp. 109, 271.) 1. novae -hollandiae (Lath.), (p. 109.) 2. pacifica (Lath.), (p. 111.) S. United States to Guatemala. Greater Antilles. Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Moluccas. Australia. 3. flavixostris; Sharpe. (p. 654.) [picata, Gould, nee Eaffl. (p. 112.)] N. Australia, New Guinea, Aru Is., Tenimber Is., Amboina, Celebes. 4. aruensis (Gray), (p. 113.) Aru Is. XI. LEPTERODITTS, Hempr. $ Ehr. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 114.) 1. gularis (Bosc). (p. 114.) 2. asha (Sykes). (p. 116.) Tropical Africa, Madagascar. Coasts of W. Indian Ocean, from Persian Gulf to Ceylon. GEXEBA A>'D SPECIES OF BIRDS. 197 XII. GARZETTA, Eaup. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 118, 1. garzetta (JUnn.). (p. 118.) 1898.) 2. nigripes (Temm.). (p. 122.) S. Europe to C. Asia. Indian Peninsula, China, Japan, Malay Peninsula and Archipelago. Africa. Java, Malay Archipelago. Australia. Xni. LEtTCOPHOYX, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 124.) 1. candidissima (Gm.). (p. 124.) XIV. HYDRANASSA, Baird. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 126.) 1. tricolor (P. L. S. Mull.), (p. 126.) 2. ruficollis (Gosse). (p. 127.) Temperate N. America, C. & S. America to Chile and Argentina. Guiana, Brazil. ? Venezuela. Temperate E. N". America to C. America. West Indies. XV. NYCTANASSA, Beiehmb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 130.) 1. violacea (Linn.), (p. 130.) 2. pauper (Sel. $ Salv.). (p. 134.) E. N. America, C. America, West Indies, S. America to Brazil. Galapagos Is. XVI. AGAJOA, Bdchenb. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 135.) 1. agami (Gm.). (p. 135.) C. America, from Mexico to Panama, Colombia, Guiana, Amazonia, Peru. 198 GENEKA AND SPECIES OF BLRDS. XVII, DEMIEGRETTA, Blyih. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 136, 1898.) 1. sacra ((?m.). (p. 137.) XVIII. NYCTICORAX, Bafin. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 145.) 1. nycticorax (Linn.), (p. 146.) 2. tayazu-guira(r.). (p. 155.) 3. cyanocephalus (Mol.). (p. 156.) 4. leuconotus ( Wagler). (p. 157.) 5. caledonicus (ffm.). (p. 158.) 6. crassirostris, Vig. (p. 161.) 7. mandibularis, Ogilvie Grant, (p. 161.) 8. manillensis, Vig. (p. 162.) XIX. CANCHROMA, Linn. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 162.) 1. cochlearia, Linn. (p. 163.) 2. zeledoni, Bidgw. (p. 165.) Coasts of Bay of Bengal to Australia & Oceania, N. to Japan & Corea. C. & S. Europe to Indian Peninsula, China, and Japan. Malay Peninsula. Greater Sunda Is. to Celebes. Africa. N. & C. America to Colombia & Ecuador. 0. Brazil and Peru to Chile, Patagonia, and Falkland Is. Chile to Str. of Magellan. Tropical Africa. Australia, Admiralty Is,, Pelew Is., Celebes. Bonin Is. Solomon Is., Bismarck Archipelago. Philippine Is., N. Borneo, W. Celebes. S. Brazil, Amazonia, Guiana, Colombia, Ecuador. Mexico to Panama. GENERA AND SPECIES OE BIBDS. 199 XX. GORSACHIUS, Bp. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 166, 1898.) 1. melanolophus (Baffl.). (p. 166.) 2. goisagi (Temm.). (p. 169.) XXI. SYRIGMA, Ridgway. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 170.) 1. cyanocephalum ( V.). (p. 170.) Assam to Hainan, Formosa, S. to Malay Peninsula, Greater Sunda Is., S. India, Ceylon. Japan. Formosa (winter), Philippine Is. (winter). S. Brazil, Uruguay. XXII. PILER0DIT7S, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 171.) 1. pileatus (Bodd.). (p. 171.) Brazil, Amazonia, Guiana. XXHI. BUTORIDES, Blyth. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 172.) 1. atricapilla (Afzel). (p. 172.) 2. brevipes (Hempr. $ Ehr.). (p. 278.) 3. striata (Limn.), (p. 175.) 4. robinsoni, Bichm. (p. 279.) 5. javanica (Horsf.). (p. 177.) Tropical Africa, Madagascar. Bed Sea, Socotra, Arabia to Muscat. S. America (Colombia to Guiana, Amazonia, Peru, Brazil, Argentina). Margarita Isl. Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, S. China, Malay Peninsula, Philippine Is., Greater Sunda Is., Celebes. Mascarene Is. ;200 GENERA. AND SPECIES 6. amurensis (Schrenek). (p. 181.) 7. spodiogaster, Sharpe. (p. 182.) 8. stagnatilis (Gould), (p. 183.) 9. sundevalli, Beichen. (p. 185.) 10. virescens (Linn.), (p. 186.) 11. frazari, Brewster. [virescens, pt., p. 186.] 12. anthonyi, Mearns. (p. 280.) OF BIEDS. 13. bahamensis, . [virescens, pt, p. 186.] 14. saturatus, Bidgw. [virescens, pt., p. 186.] 15. brunnescens, Bidgw. (p. 280.) 16. msuritianus, E. Newt. $ Gadow, Tr. Z. S. p. 289 (1893). Amur-land, Japan, China. Philippines (winter), Greater Sunda Is. (winter), Celebes (winter). Andaman Is., Nicobar Is. Australia. Oceania. Solomon Is., New Guinea, Moluccas, Lesser Sunda Is. Galapagos Is. N. & C. America, Venezuela, West Indies. Lower California. S.W. United States to Mexico. Bahamas. Swan Isl., Caribbean Sea. Cuba. Mauritius (Pleistocene). XXIV. TIGRORNIS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 191, 1898.) 1. leucolopha (Jard.). (p. 191.) W. Africa. XXV. Z0NER0DIUS, Salvad. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 192.) 1. heliosylus (Less.), (p. 192.) New Guinea, Salawati. ? Aru Is. * Professor Eidgway considers that this and the following forms are all really distinct. My belief is that all of them will be found to be identical with 5. virescens. GEKEBA AM) SPECIES OF BIBDS. 201 XXVI. TIGRISOMA, Swains. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 193, 1898.) 1. lineatum (Bodd.). (p. 194.) 2. excellens, Eidgw. (p. 193, note.) 3. marmorafum (V.). (p. 195.) 4. bahiae, Sharpe. (p. 196.) 5. fasciatum (Such), (p. 196.) 6. salmoni, Scl. $ Salv. (p. 197.) Trinidad, Guiana, Amazonia, Ecuador, Peru, Panama. Costa Rica, Honduras. Paraguay, Argentina. Bahia. S.E. Brazil. Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. XXVH. HETEROCNUS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 198.) 1. cabanisi (Heine), (p. 198.) Mexico to Panama. XXVHI. ERYTHROCNUS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 200.) 1. rufiventris (Sundev.). (p. 200.) S. Africa to the Zambesi and Damara-land. XXIX. ARDE0LA, Boie. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 201.) 1. ralloides (Scop.), (p. 202.) 2. idae (Hartl). (p. 206.) 3. grayi (Sykes). (p. 207.) Mediterranean countries to the Caspian Sea. Africa. Madagascar. Persian Gulf, Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Indo-Chinese countries, Malay Peninsula. 202 GENEBA AND SPECIES OE BIBBS. 4. bacchus (Bp.). (p. 211.) 5. speciosa (Horsf.). (p. 212.) E. Siberia, Japan, China, Burma, Andaman Is., Malay Peninsula, Borneo. Greater Sunda la., Celebes. XXX. BUBULCUS, Bp. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 213, 1898.) 1. lucidus (Safin.), (p. 213.) 2. coromandus (Bodd.). (p. 217.) XXXI. ARDETTA, Gray. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 220.) 1. minuta (Linn.,.), (p. 222.) 2. payesi, Verr. (Cf. 0. Neumann, J. f. O. 1898, pp. 282-284.) 3. podicipes (Bp.). (p. 225.) 4. sinensis (Gm.). (p. 227.) 5. exilis (Gm.). (p. 231.) 6. neoxena, Cory. (p. 233.) S. Europe to C. Asia. Africa. Madagascar. Mascarene Is. E. Siberia, Corea, China, Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Indo-Chinese countries, S. to Celebes & Moluccas. C. & S. Europe to C. Asia & N.W. India. Africa (winter). Tropical Africa. E. Africa. Madagascar. Japan, Corea, China, Indian Peninsula, Indo-Chinese countries, Malay Peninsula and islands to Australia (winter). N. & C. America to Panama. Greater Antilles. E. N. America, Florida, N. to Ontario. geneba and species or bibds. 203 7. erythromelas(K). (p. 234.) 8. pusilla(F.). (p. 234.) 9. involucris(F".). (p. 235.) 10. cinnamomea (Gm.). (p. 236.) Panama to Peru, Guiana, & S. Brazil. Australia, New Zealand. S. Brazil, Chile, Patagonia, Guiana. E. Siberia, China Indian Peninsula, Indo-Malayan Subregion Celebes (winter). XXXII. ZEBRILUS, Bp. (Sharpe, Cat. B. sxvi. p. 241, 1898.) 1. pumilus (Bodd.). (p. 241.) Guiana, Brazil. XXXIII. NANNOCNUS, Stejn. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 242.) 1. eurythmus •)■ (P-242.) E. Siberia, Japan, China, Borneo, Celebes. XXXIV. ARDEIRALLUS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 244.) 1. sturmi ( Wagler). (p. 244.) Tropical Africa. Canary Is. XXXV. DUPETOR, Heine $ Reichen. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 246.) 1. flavicollis (Lath.), (p. 247.) S. & C. China, Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Indo-Chinese countries; Malay Peninsula, Greater Sunda Is., Celebes. 2. gouldi (Bp.). (p. 250.) Australia. 204 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 3. nesophilus {Sharpe). (p. 250.) 4. melas {SalvadX (p. 251. XXXVI. ERYTHROPHOYX, Sharpe. (Sharpe, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 252, 1898.) 1. woodfordi {OgUvie Grant), (p. 252.) 2. praetermissa {Sharpe). (p. 253.) Bismarck Archipelago. Molucca Is. (Buru, Amboina, Batchian, Halmahera), Sangi Is. Solomon Is. Molucca Is. (Batchian, Oeram). XXXVII. BOTATJRUS, Briss. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 253.) 1. stellaris {Linn.), (p. 253.) 2. capensis {Schl.). (p. 258.) 3. poeciloptilus (Wagler). (p. 258.) 4. lentiginosus {Mont.), (p. 259.) 5. pinnatus {Wagler). (p. 262.) Temperate Palsearctic Region. N.W. India, Burma. S. Africa. Australia, New Caledonia, New Zealand. N. & 0. America, Europe (ace). Brazil to Guiana, Nicaragua. INCEET^E SEDIS. I. Capt'ttopuS, Milne-Edw. (Milne-Edwards, C. E. II. Congr. Orn. ii. p. 79, 1892.) 1. elltoti, Milne-Edw. t. o. S. Prance (Upper Eocene). ERRATA TO VOL. I. Page 205. Insert : -- Order XVIII. PALAMEDEIFOKMES. Sub-Order I. PALAMEDEJE. (Salvadori, Cat. B. xxvii. p. 2, 1895.) Family I. PALAMEDEIRffi. (Salvad. t. c. p. 2.) I. PALAMEDEA, Linn. (Salvad. t. c. p. 2.) 1. cornuta, Linn. (p. 3.) Guiana. Venezuela. Amazonia. Ecuador. II. CHAUNA, Illig. (Salvad. t. c. p. 4.) 1. chavaria (Linn.). . (p. 4.) Venezuela. Colombia. cristata {Swains.), (p. 6.) S. Brazil. Paraguay. Uruguay. Argentina. GESTBEA AND SPECIES OP BIEDS. 205 Order XIX. PHCENICOPTERIFOKMES. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 76, 1891.) Family I. PHffiNICOPTERID^:. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 8, 1895.) I. PHffiNICOPTERUS, Lmn. (Salvad. t. c. p. 9.) 1. ruber, Bonn. (p. 9.) 2 roseus, Pall. (p. 12.) 3. chilensis, Mol. (p. 16.) 4. copei, Skufeldt, J. Acad. Nat. Soi. Philad. xi. p. 410 (1892). 5. craifett, Gervais (Lydekker, Cat. Fobs. B. p. 78). 6. sp., Milne-Sdw. II. PHffiNICONAIAS, Gray. (Salvad. t. e. p. 18.) 1. minor (Geoffr.). (p. 18.) III. PHffiNICOPARRTJS, Bp. (Salvad. (. c. p. 21.) 1. andinus, PMlippi. (p. 21.) 2. jamesi, Bel. (p. 22.) Tropical & Sub-tropical N. &, S. America. S. Europe to Central Asia & Lake Baikal. Indian Peninsula. Africa. Southern S. America to Uruguay, Chile, and Peru. Oregon (Pliocene). Prance (Lower Miocene). S. to N.B. Africa. Madagascar. N.W. India. Chilian Andes. Andes of Chile & Peru. IV. JS>tantomfe, Dames. 1. Itltt&Bteitt, Dames, Bihang till K. Sv. Vet.-Akad. Denmark (Upper HandL xvi. Aid. iv. no. 1 (1890). Cretaceous). 206 GEMBA AND SPECIES OP BIRDS. V. <£loxnie, Aymard. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 80, 1891.) 1. Ilttorsltfi, Aymard. (Lyd , p. 80.) 2. grnn&tu, Aymard. (Lyd., p. 80.) 3. aitglicUB, Lydekker. (Lyd., p. 80.) 4. fjp. (Lyd., p. 81.) France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene), England (Upper Eocene). England (Upper Eocene). VI. ^alatoIoKufi, Milne-Edw. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 81, 1891.) 1. steiltfjemwitSlSS, Fraas. (Lyd., p. 82.) 2. craSStpeB, Milne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 82.) 3. Bp. (Lyd., p. 83.) 4. amtiguus, Milne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 83.) 5. grariltpes, Milne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 90.) 6. miltutttfl, Milne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 92.) 7. goltatlj, Milne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 95.) Bavaria (Middle Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France & Germany (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). Fam. IGN. I. ^tgtroptmiS, Milne-Edw. (Lydekker, t. c. p. 96.) 1. laurtllarirt, Milne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 95.) 2. JatttonteilSiS, Lydekker. (Lyd., p. 96.) France (Upper Eocene). England (Upper Eocene). GENEEA AND SPECIES OE BIRDS. 207 Order XX. ANSERIFOEMES. (Sharpe, Olassif. B. p. 76, 1891.) Family I. ANATID^J. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 23, 1895.) Sub-Family I. CYGNINJE. (Salvad. t. c. p. 24.) 1. CYGNUS, Beehst. (Salvad. t. e. p. 25.) 1. cygnus {Linn.). [musicus, Beohsfc. (p. 26.)] 2. bewicki, Tarr. (p. 29.) 3. davidi, Swinh. (p. 25, note.) * 4. columbianus (Ord). (p. 32.) 5. buccinator, Richards, (p. 33.) 6. olor, dm; (p. 35.) 7. melanocoryphus (Mol.). (p. 39.) 8. jalorrgonus, Shufeldt, J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. ix. p. 409 (1892). 9. falcoitm, Parker. (Lyd., Oat. Foss. B. p. 108.) 10. SJ. (Lyd., p. 110.) 11. IjmtttljalBt, Van Beneden, Bull. Acad. Belg. xmi. p. 217 (1871). 12. gp., Purdie, Tr. N. Z. Inst. iii. p. 100 (1871). Arctic Europe & Asia. Iceland. O. Asia (winter). China & Japan (winter). Arctic Europe & Asia. W. Europe (winter). Siberia, China & Japan N. China. N.E. Siberia. N . America, United States (mnter). Western N. America. N. & C. Europe to C.Asia. N.W. India (winter). Caspian & Mediterranean Southern S. America. Oregon (Pliocene). Malta (Pleistocene). Malta (Pleistocene). Belgium (Pliocene). New Zealand (Pleistocene). * [? bewicM, juv., Bianchi in litt.] 208 GENEEA AND SPECIES OP BIEDS. II. CHENOPSIS, Wagler. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 41, 1895.) 1. atrata {Lath.), (p. 41.) Australia. Sub-Family II. ANSERANATINJE. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 44, 1895.) III. ANSERANAS, (Salvad. t.c. p. 44.) 1. semipalmata (Lath.), (p. 44.) Australia. Tasmania. Sub-Family III. PLEOTROPTERIN^. (Salvad. t. c. p. 45.) IV. PLECTROPTERUS, Staph. (Salvad. t. c. p. 46.) 1. rueppelli, Scl. (p. 47.) 2. garnbensis (Linn.,.), (p. 48.) 3. niger, Scl. (p. 50.) 4. scioanus, Salvad. (p. 51.) N.E. & Equat. Africa. W. & E. Africa. S.E. Africa. Shoa, N.E. Africa. V. CAIRINA, Fleming. (Salvad. t. c. p. 51.) 1. moschata (Linn.), (p. 51.) VI. SARCIDIORNIS, Eyton. (Salvad. *. c. p. 54.) 1. melanonota (Penn.). (p. 54.) 2. carunculata (Licht.). (p. 59.) 3. mauritiaitUS, E. Newt. $ Gadow, Tr. Z. xiii. p. 290 (1893). C. America. Tropical S. America. Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Burma. Tropical Africa, gascar. Brazil, Argentina. Mauritius (Pleistocene). GENEEA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 209 VII. ASARCORNIS, Salvad. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 59, 1895.) 1. scutulata (8. Mull.), (p. 60.) 2. leucoptera (Blyth). (p. 60, pt.) [Cf. Oates, Man. Game-Birds India, ii. p. 139 (1899).] Sumatra, Java. Assam to Malay Peninsula. VIII. RH0L0NESSA, Beichenb. (Salvad. t. c. p. 61.) 1. caryophyllacea (Lath.), (p. 61.) IX. PTERONETTA, Salvad. (Salvad. t. c. p. 63.) 1. hartlaubi (Cass.), (p. 63.) X. NETTOPTTS, Brandt. (Salvad. t. c. p. 64.) 1. auritus (Bodd.). (p. 65.) 2. pulchellus, Gould, (p. 67.) 3. coromandelianus (Gm.). (p. 68.) 4. albipennis, Gould, (p. 72.) Indian Peninsula (Dacca, Behar, &c). W. Africa to Equatorial Africa. Tropical Africa, Madagascar. Australia, New Guinea, Moluccas, Tenimber Is., Celebes. Indian Peninsula, Burmese countries, China, Philippine Is., Greater Sunda Is., Celebes. E. Australia. XI. LAMPRONESSA, Wagler. (2Ex, Salvad. t. c. p. 72, pt.) 1. sponsa (Linn), (p. 73.) XII. .EX, Bote. (Salvad. t. c. p. 72.) 1. galericulata (Linn.), (p. 76.) TOL. I.- -March 3, 1899. N. America to Mexico. Greater Antilles China, Formosa. to Japan & S.E. Siberia. P 210 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. Sub-Family IV. CEREOPSINJE. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 79, 1895.) XIII. CEREOPSIS, Lath. (Salvad. t. c. p. 79.) 1. novae-hollandias, Lath. (p. 79.) S. Australia, Tasmania. XIV. Cnratornfe, Owen. ' (Salvad. i.e. p. 81 ; Lydekker, Cat. Toss. B. p. 99, 1891.) New Zealand (Pleistocene). New Zealand (Pleistocene). 3. granite, H. 0. Forbes, Tr. N. Z. Inst. xxiv. New Zealand p. 187 (1892). (Pleistocene). 1. calcttrans, Owen. (p. 81 ; Lyd., p. 99.) 2. sj. (Lyd., p. 102.) 4. minor, H- 0. Forbes, I. c. XV. (lentrornte, Andrews. (Andrews, Ibis, 1897, p. 343.) 1. majot't, Andrews, I. c. New Zealand (Pleistocene). Madagascar (Pleistocene). Sub-Family V. ANSERINJE. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 81, 1895.) XVI. C0SC0R0BA, Reichenb. (Salvad. t. c. p. 42.) 1. coscoroba (Mol.). [Candida (V.) (p. 42.)] XVII. CHEN, Boie. (Salvad. *. c. p. 82.) 1. caerulescens {Linn.), (p. 82.) 2. hyperboreus {Pall.), (p. 84.) Southern S. America. E. N. America. Bahamas {winter). Cuba {winter). N. Asia to Japan {winter). Western N. America, S.W. U. States {winter). GENEBA AND SPECIES OP WEDS. 211 3. nivalis (Forst.). (p. 86.) E. N. America, S.B. United States {winter). Japan (winter). XVIII. EXANTHEMOPS, Elliot. (Chen, pfc., Salvad. Oat. B. xxvii. p. 82, 1895.) 1. rossi (Cass.), (p. 88.) Arctic America. Western TS.Sta.tes(winter). XIX. ANSER, Briss. (Salvad. t. c. p. 88.) J. anser (Linn.). [ferns, Schaeff. (p. 89.)] 2. rubrirostris, Hodgs. (p. 91.) W. Europe. Siberia. N. India and China (winter). 3. neglectus, Membier, Ibis, 1896, p. 135 ; 1897, p. 5. C. Siberia. 4. albifrons (Scop.), (p. 92.) 5. gambeli, Hartl. (p. 95.) 6. erythropus (Linn.), (p. 97.) 7. fabalis (Lath.), (p. 99.) Iceland, Greenland, N. Europe and Siberia. India, China, and S. Europe (winter). N. America to Mexico and Greater Antilles (winter). E. Asia and Japan(m'nfer). N. Europe and Siberia. W. Europe (winter), Indian Peninsula (winter), Japan (winter). W. Europe (Lapland to N. Russia). S. & C. Europe (winter). 8. mentalis, Oates, Man. Game-B. Ind. ii. p. 77 Japan. (1899). 9. serrirostris, Swiwk., ex Gould, MS. (p. 101.) 10. middendorffi, Severtz. (p. 101, pt.) 11. brachyrhynchus (Bailt.). (p. 103.) 12. conirotU, Shufeldt, Auk, vii. p. 366 (1891). 13. anatofireg, Depiret, 0. R. cxiv. p. 690 (1892). Siberia to Corea. China (winter). E. Siberia, Bering Is. Central Asia (winter). Japan, China (winter). Spitsbergen. W. Europe (winter). Oregon (Pleistocene). France (Pliocene). P2 212 GENEEA AND SPECIES OF B1EDS. 14. sp., Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 104. 15. oemttgeitBtB (Meyer). (Lyd., p. 104.) 16. Bp., Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 105. 17. scalftli, Van Beneden, Bull. Acad. Belg. xxxii. p. 218 (1871). England (Pleistocene). Switzerland (Upper Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). Belgium (Pleistocene). XX. EULABIA, Reichenh. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 104, 1895.) 1. indica {Lath.), (p. 105.) Central Asia; Indian Peninsula (pointer). XXI. CYGN0PSIS, Brandt. (Salvad. t. e. p. 107.) 1. cygnoides (Linn.), (p. 107.) 2. ? grandis (Gm.). (p. 107, note.) E. Siberia and Japan. China (winter). Siberia. XXTT. PHILACTE, Bann. (Salvad. t. c. p. 109.) 1. canagica (Sevast.). (p. 109.) XXIII. BRANTA, Scop. (Salvad. *. c. p. 111.) 1. canadensis (Linn.), (p. 112.) 2. hutchinsi (Richards.), (p. 114.) 3. occidentalis (Baird). (p. 115.) 4. minima, B idgw. .(p. 116.) N.E. Asia. N.W. America to California (winter). Temperate N. America. Mexico (winter). Arctic & Sub-Arctio America. United States (winter). N.E. Asia. N.W. America. California (winter). N.W. America. California and Hawaiian Archipelago (winter). GBNBBA AND SPECIES OP BIBDS. 213 jrnpin^ua, Shufeldt, Auk, viii. p. 367 (1891). Oregon (Pleistocene). 6. fjspgifiata, {Cope, Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. Oregon (Pleistocene). iv. no. 2, p. 387, 1878). 7. leucopsis (Beohst.). (p. 117.) Arctic W. Europe. Atlantic coasts (winter). 8. bernicla (Linn.), (p. 119.) Arctic Regions^ N. & W. Europe (winter), 9. glaucogaster, Brehm. (Cf. Coues, Auk, xiv. Arctic Regions. p. 207, 1897.) E. N. America. U. States (winter). 10. nigricans (Lawr.). (p. 123.) N. Siberia and W. North America. California (winter). Japan (winter). 11. ruficollis (Pa«.). (p. 124.) N.Siberia. Turkestan and shores of Caspian Sea (winter). XXIV. NESOCHEN, Salvad. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 126, 1895.) 1. sandvicensis(Fi^.). (p. 126.) Hawaiian Archipelago. INCESTS SEDIS. XXV. CJjtnrjtmfe, Portis. (Lydekker, Cat. JFoss. B. p. 122, 1891.) 1. graculofireg, Portis. (Lyd., p. 122.) Italy (Middle Miocene). Sub-Family VI. CHENONETTIEM., (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 128, 1895.) XXVI. CHLOEPHAGA, Eyton. (Salvad. t. c. p. 128.) 1. melanoptera (Eyton). (p. 129.) Western S. America (Bolivia, Peru, and Straits of Magellan). 2. hybrida (Mol). (p. 130.) Falkland Is., Straits of Magellan to Chlloe Isl. 214 GENEBA AHD SPECIES Or BIEDS 3. magellanica (Cfm.). (p. 132.) Falkland Is., Straits of Magellan, onia. 4. inornata (King), (p. 134.) 5. rubidiceps, Scl. (p. 136.) 6. poliocephala, Scl. {p. 137.) Argentina, Chile to Straits of Magellan. Falkland Is. Patagonia and Chiloe Isl. S. Chile and Argentina (winter). XXVII. CYANOCHEN, Bp. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 139, 1895.) 1. cyanopterus (Biipp.). (p. 139.) N.B. Africa. XXVIII. CHENONETTA, Brandt. (Salvad. t. c. p. 140.) 1. jubata (Lath.), (p. 140.) Australia. SuMFamily VII. ANATINJE. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 142, 1895.) XXIX. DENDKOCYGNA, Swains. (Salvad. t. c. p. 144.) 1. viduata (Linn.), (p. 145.) 2. fulva (Gm.). (p. 149.) 3. arcuata (Rorrf.). (p. 153.) 4. javanica (Rorsf.). (p. 156.) Tropical S. America. W. Indies. Tropical Africa. Madagascar. S. United States, Tropical S. America. Tropical Africa. Indian Peninsula, Burma. Indo-Malayan Is., Celebes, Moluccas, New Guinea. Australia, Oceania. Indian Peninsula and , Ceylon to China. Liu Kin Is. Malay Peninsula. Greater Sunda Is. GBNEBA. AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 215 5. autumnalis (Linn.), (p. 159.) 6. discolor, Sol. # Salv. (p. 161.) 7. arborea (Linn.), (p. 162.) 8. guttulata, Wallace. [guttata, Forst. (p. 164.)] 9. eytoni, Eyton, ex Gould, MS. (p. 165.) 10. balf&tjniniS (De Vis), Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. p. 1282 (1888). Texas to Panama. Tropical S. America. W. Indies. Bahama Ib. Philippine Is., Celebes, Moluccas, New Guinea, Tenimber Is. Australia. New Zealand (occ.). Queensland (Pleistocene). XXX. AL0P0CHEN, Stejn. [Ohenalopea;, Stepli. (nee Vieill. 1819), Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 166, 1895.] 1. aegyptiacus (Linn.), (p. 167.) 2. jubatus (Spix). (p. 169.) 3. ptigil, Winge. (Lydekker, Cat. Poss. B. p. 98.) 4. ireiiliS, Moreno $ Merc, An. Mus. La Plata, i. p. 446 (1891). 5. StrateilBiB, Andrews, Ibis, 1897, p. 355, pi. ix. XXXI. TADORNA, Fleming. (Salvad. t. e. p. 170.) 1. tadorna (Linn.). [corrmta, S. G. Gmel. (p. 171.)] 2. radjah (Garn.). (p. 175.) XXXII. CASARCA, Bp. (Salvad. t. c. p. 177.) 1. casarca (Linn.). [rutila, Pall. (p. 177.)] Tropical Africa to Egypt and Palestine. Tropical S. America. Brazil (Pleistocene). Patagonia (Miocene). Madagascar (Pleistocene). Europe. S. Siberia to Japan. N. Africa (winter). N. Indian Peninsula S. China (winter). Molucca Is., New Guinea, Australia. Mediterranean countries to C. Asia, Mongolia, China & Japan. N.E. Africa. Indian PeninBula, Burma, and S. China (winter). 216 GENERA AND SPECIES 2. can'a {Gm.). (p. 182.) 3. variegata (Gm:). (p. 183.) 4. tadornoides (J. # 8.). (p. 185.) 5. sp. (Lydekker, Oat. Fobs. B. p. 112.) XXXIII. ANAS, Linn. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 187, 1. boscas, Linn. (p. 189.) or BIEDS. S. Africa. New Zealand, S. & W. Australia, Tasmania. England : Devonshire (Pleistocene). 1895.) 2. wyvilliana, Scl. (p. 196.) 3. laysanensis, Rothsch. (p. 199.) 4. melleri, Scl. (p. 199.) 5. obscura, Gm. (p. 200.) 6. fulvigula, Ridgw. (p. 202.) 7. maculosa, Sennett. (p. 203.) 8. diazi, Ridgw. (p. 204.) 9. aberti, Ridgw. (p. 204.) 10. luzonica, Fraser. (p. 205.) 11. superciliosa, Gm. (p. 206.) 12. oustaleti, Salvad. (p. 189, note.) 13. undulata, Dubois, (p. 212.) 14. sparsa, Smith, (p. 213.), Temperate Europe, Asia, & N. America. N.E. Africa (winter). Persia, N. Indian Peninsula, and China S. United States and C. America (winter). Hawaiian Archipelago. Laysan Isl. Madagascar. E. North America. Bermudas (winter). Florida. ? West Indies. E. Texas, N. to Kansas. Mexico (Puebla). Mexico (Mazatlan). Philippine Archipelago. Greater & Lesser Suuda Is. New Guinea. Polynesia. Pelew Is. Australia. New Zealand. Marianne Is. S. Africa, W. to Angola, E. to Zambesi. E. Africa to Abyssinia. S. & E. Africa, N. to Abyssinia. GENEBA AND SPECIES OE BIBDS. 217 15. specularis, King. (p. 215.) 16. cristata, Gm. (p. 216.) 17. finscfjl, Van Beneden, J. Zool. iv. p. 267 (1875). 18. ataba, Fraas. (Lyd., p. 117.) 19. CSfflttformilS, Fraas. (p. 117.) 20. sp. (Lyd., p. 117.) Chile. Straits of Magellan. Peru to Straits of Magellan. Falkland Is. New Zealand(Pleistocene) . Bavaria(Middle Miocene). BaTaria(Middle Miocene). Bavaria(Middle Miocene). 21. ligmtifila, Portis ex Salvad. MS. (Lyd., p. 117.) Italy (Middle Miocene). 22. fclaittfjartu. MUne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 117.) 23. C01X606rma, MUne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 120.) 24. natator, MUne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 120.) 25. gp. (Lyd., p. 120.) 26. tettetreni, Sharpe, MSS. [creccoides, Van Beneden (nee Xingl, Bull. Acad. Belg. xxxii. p. 217 (1871).] 27. tfieo&ori, E. Newt. % Gadow, Tr. Z. S. xiii. p. 291 Mauritius (Pleistocene). (1893). 28. elapsa, Se Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2) iii. Queensland p. 1281 (1888). (Pleistocene). 29. megert, MUne-Edw. (Lydekker, Oat. Fobs. B. Switzerland p. 116.) (Upper Miocene). France and Germany (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). France (Lower Miocene). Belgium (Pleistocene). 30. beloi, MUne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 116.) 31. sanssamensis, MUne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 116.) 32. roiufita, MUne-Edw. (Lyd., p. 116.) France (Middle Miocene). France (Middle Miocene). France (Middle Miocene). XXXIV. P0LI0NETTA, Oates. (Oates, Man. Game-B. Ind. pt. ii. p. 151, 1899). 1. zonorhyncha (Swinh.). (p. 211.) E. Siberia, Mongolia, China, Japan, Kurile Is. 2. poecilorhyncha (Forst.). (p. 209.) Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Upper Burma. 3. albigularis (Hume), (p. 257.) Andaraans. 218 GENBBA AND SPECIES OP BIRDS. XXXV. EUNETTA, Bp. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 218, 1895.) 1. falcata (Georgi). (p. 218.) XXXVI. CHAULELASJIUS, Gray. (Salvad. t. e. p. 221.) 1. streperus (Linn.), (p. 221.) 2. couesi, Streets, (p. 226.) XXXVII. MARECA, Steph. (Salvad. t. c. p. 227.) 1. penelope (Linn.), (p. 227.) 2. americana (Gm.). (p. 233.) 3. sibilatrix, Poeppig. (p. 237.) XXXVIII. NETTIUM, Kaup. (Salvad. t. c. p. 238.) 1. formosum (Georgi). (p. 240.) 2. crecca (IAnn.). (p. 243.) Siberia to Japan. China (winter). Indian Peninsula (winter). Europe (occ). Temperate Europe, Asia, and N. America. Mediterranean countries to N.E. Africa (winter). Indian Peninsula and China (winter). C. America and West Indies (winter). Panning Is. N. Europe and Siberia to Kanitchatka. N.E. Africa (winter). Persia (winter). N. Indian Peninsula and Burma to Borneo(temier). Marshall Is. (winter). N. America (ace). N. America. E. Siberia (occ). C.America and West Indies (winter). Argentina and Paraguay, Chile to Strs. of Magellan, Falkland Is. E. Siberia. Indian Peninsula, China, Japan (winter). Europe (occ). Europe and N. Asia, N. & N.E. Africa. Persia, Indian Peninsula, China (winter). E. United States (occ.). GENERA AJTD SPECIES OF BIBDS. 3. caxolinense (Gm.). (p. 250.) 219 4. castaneum (Eyton). (p. 252.) N. America. 0. America and West Indies [winter). Europe (pec). Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand. 5. salvadorii, Biittik., Notes Leyd. Mus. XTiii. p. 59 Sumba Isl. (1896). 6. gibberifrons (S. Mull), (p. 254.) Celebes, Greater and Lesser Suuda Is. New Guinea. New Caledonia. Australia. New Zealand. Madagascar. S. Africa to Angola, E. Africa to Shoa. S. Brazil, Argentina, Chile, to Straits of Magellan, Falkland Is. Andes of Peru & N. Chile. Andes of Ecuador and Venezuela. South Georgia. S. Africa to Angola. E. Africa to Shoa. Madagascar. S. America. S.E. Brazil, Argentina. 7. bernieri (Hartl.). (p. 258.) 8. capense (Gm.). (p. 259.) 9. flavirostxe ( V.). (p. 261.) 10. oxypterum (Meyert). (p. 262.) 11. andium (Scl. # Salv.). (p. 263.) 12. georgicum (Gm.). (p. 264.) 13. punctatum (Burch.). (p. 265.) 14. brasiliense (Gm.). (p. 266.) 15. torquatum(K). (p. 268.) XXXIX. DAPILA, Steph. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 270, 1895.) 1. acuta (IAnn,.). (p. 270.) [modesta, Tristr. (p. 275, note.)] 2. spinicauda (V.). (p. 279.) N. Europe, N. Asia, N. America. Mediterranean countries (winter). Indian Peninsula and China (winter). Indo-Malayan Archipelago and Oceania {winter). C. America and West Indies (winter). S. America. 220 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. XL. DAFILULA, Ooues. (Coues, Auk, xiv. p. 207, 1897.) 1. eatoni (Sharpe). (p. 278.) Kerguelen Isl., Crozette Is. XLI. PtECILONETTA, Eyton. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 281, 1895.) 1. bahamensis (Linn.), (p. 282.) 2. galapagensis, Ridgw. (p. 284.) 3. erythrorhyncha (Gm.). (p. 285.) XLII. ELASMONETTA, Salvad. (Salvad. t. c. p. 287.) 1. chlorotis (Gray), (p. 287.) Tropical S. America. Falkland Is., West Indies, Bahama Is. Galapagos Archipelago. S. Africa to Angola. E. Africa to Abyasinia. Madagascar. New Zealand. Chatham Is. XLIII. NESONETTA, Gray. (Salvad. t. c. p. 289.) 1. aucklandica, Gray. Auckland Is. XLIV. QUERQUEDULA, Steph. (Salvad. t. e. p. 290.) 1. versicolor ( V.). (p. 291.) 2. puna (Lieht.). (p. 293.) 3. querquedula (Linn.). [circia, Linn. (p. 293.)] Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Patagonia, Falkland Is. Andes of Peru, Bolivia and N. Chile. N. Europe and N. Asia. N.E. Africa (winter). Indian Peninsula (winter). China (winter). Malayan Archipelago (winter). GENEBA AND SPECIES OT BIBDS. 221 4. discors (Linn.), (p. 299.) 5. cyanoptera(F.). (p. 303.) N. America. West Indies (winter). 0. America to Colombia, Ecuador, aud Peru 2. rhynchotis (Lath.), (p. 314.) 3. platalea(F.). (p. 316.) 4. capensis (Smith), (p. 318.) XLV. SPATULA, Boie. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 306, 1895.) 1. clypeata (Linn.), (p. 306.) W. N. America to Mexico. W. S. America to Straits of Magellan. Argentina, Falkland Is. Europe. W. Asia. ~N. America. Africa (winter). Arabia and Persia (winter). Indian Peninsula (winter). S. China (winter). C. America to Colombia (winter). West Indies (winter). Hawaiian Archipelago (winter). Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand. Southern S. America to Peru and Paraguay. Falkland Is. S. Africa to Angola. XL VI. MALACORHYNCHUS, Swains. (Salvad. t. c. p. 319.) 1. membranaceus (Lath.), (p. 319.) Australia, Tasmania. XLVII. MARMARONETTA, Reiehenb. (Salvad. t. c. p. 320.) 1. angustirostris (Menitr.). (p. 321.) XLV1II. STICTONETTA, Reiehenb. (Salvad. t. c. p. 324.) 1. naevosa (Gould), (p. 324.) Canary Is. Mediterranean countries to Persia & N.W. India. S. & W. Australia, Tasmania. 222 GENEBA AND SPECIES OE BIBDS. 5LIX. HETERONETTA, Salvad. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 325, 1895.) 1. atricapilla (Merrem). (p. 325.) S.E. Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile. Sub-Family VIII. FVLIGULIN^. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 326, 1895.) L. NETTA, Kaup. (Salvad. t. c. p. 327.) 1. rufina (Pall.), (p. 328.) Mediterranean countries to 0. Asia. Indian Peninsula (winter). E. United States (ace.). LI. METOPIANA, Bp. (Salvad. t. e. p. 332.) 1. peposaca(F.). (p. 332.) S. Brazil, Argentina, Chile. LII. ATTHTA, Boie. [Of. A. 0. U. Cheekl-1. 2nd ed. p. 52, 1895. Nyroca, Fleming. (Salvad. t. c. p. 334.)] 1. ferina (Linn.), (p. 335.) 2. americaria (Bp.). (p. 340.) 3. baeri (Radde). (p. 344.) N. Europe and Siberia to Japan. S. Europe and N. Africa (winter). Persia (winter). Indian Peninsula (winter). China (winter). N. America. S. United StateB (winter). Mexico (winter). E. Siberia. C. Asia to Kuldja. China (winter). N.E. Bengal (winter). GENERA AND SPECIES OP BIBDS. 223 4. nyroca {Guld.). (p. 345.) 5. innotata {Salvad.). (p. 350.) 6. australis (Eyton). (p. 350.) 7. roittSttt, De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soo. N.S.W. (2) iii. p. 1278 (1888). 8. erythrophthalma (Neuwied). (p. 353, note.) Cy. Salvad. Ibis, 1896, p. 99. \brunnea, Eyton. (p. 351.)] 9. nationi (Sol. $ Sofa.), (p. 353.) 0. & S. Europe to 0. Asia & S.W. Siberia, Cashmere. Canary Is. (winter). N.E. Africa (winter). ~S. & C. Indian Peninsula Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand.New Guinea, Waigiou. Queensland (Pleistocene). S. Brazil. S. Africa to Angola, E. Africa to Shoa. Peru. LIU. ARISTONETTA, Baird. (Nyroca, pt., Salvad. Cat. 1. valisneria (Wils.). (p. 342.) LIV. PULIGULA, Steph. (Salvad. t. c. p. 354.) 1. marila (Linn.), (p. 355.) 2. affinis, Eyton. (p. 360.) 3. ftiligula (Linn.), (p. 363.) B. xxvii. p. 334, 1895.) N. America. C. America ( West Indies (winter). N. Europe and N. Asia. N. America. Mediterranean Sea (winter), Black & Caspian Seas (winter). N.W. India (winter). S.E. Siberia, China, Japan (winter). 0. America (winter). N. America. C. America (winter). West Indies (winter). N. Europe. N. Asia. Mediterranean Sea and Abyssinia (winter). N. Indian Peninsula and S. China (winter). Philippines and Greater Sunda Is. (winter). Marianne and Pelew Is. 224 GENEBA AND SPECIES OP BIRDS 4. novae-zealandiae (Gm.). (p. 368.) 5. collaris (JDonov.). (p. 370.) New Zealand, Auckland Is., Chatham Is. N. America. C. America (winter). West Indies (winter). 6. arettns, Portis, Orn. Vald. p. 4, tav. i. figs. 1-10 Italy (Pliocene). (1891). 7. Bejmlta, Portis, t. c. p. 9, tav. i. figs. 11-23 (1891). Italy (Pliocene). 8. arbtnteitfltB, Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 122. France (Lower Miocene). LV. TACHYERES, Owen. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 373, 1895.) 1. cinereus (Gm.). (p. 373.) Straits of Magellan, Chilian coasts. Falkland Is. LVI. CLANGULA, Leach. (Salvad. t. c. p. 376.) 1. clangula (Linn.). [glameion (Linn.) (p. 376.)] 2. islandica (Gm.). (p. 383.) 3. albeola (Limn.), (p. 385.) Arctic Europe, Asia, and N. America. S. Europe to N. India and China (winter). C. America (winter). West Indies (winter). N. America. Iceland. 0. United States (winter). N. America. C. America (winter). Europe (occ). LVII. HARELDA, Steph. (Salvad. t. c. p. 388.) 1. glacialis (Linn.), (p. 389.) Arctic Europe, Asia, and America. S. Europe (winter). 0. Asia (winter). China (winter), N . & C. Un. States (winter). GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 225 LVIII. HISTKIONICUS, Less. 1828. (Cosmonetta, Kaup, 1829 ; Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 394, 1895.) 1. histrionicus (Linn.), (p. 395.) Iceland. N.E. Asia. N. America. Central U. Slates to California {winter). W. Europe (occ. winter). LEX. (EDEMIA, Fleming. (Salvad. *. e. p. 399.) 1. nigra (Linn.,.), (p. 401.) 2. americana, Swains. $ Richards, (p. 404.) 3. fusca (Linn.), (p. 406.) [carbo, Pall.] 4. deglandi, Bp. (p. 409.) 5. stejnegeri, Bidgw. [carOo (nee Pall.), (p. 411.)] 6. perspicillata (Linn.), (p. 412.) LX. Camptolatmua, Gray. (Salvad. *. c. p. 416.) 1. latralrorius (Gm.). (p. 416.) LXI. HENICONETTA, Gray. (Salvad. t. c. p. 419.) 1. stelleri (Pall.), (p. 419.) TOL. i. April 4, 1899. N. Europe & N. Asia. W. Europe (winter). Mediterranean Sea (winter, occ.). N. America. N.E. Asia. United States (winter). Japan (winter). N. Europe to W. Siberia, N. & C. Europe to Black & Caspian Seas (winter) , ? Greenland (occ.). North America. United States (winter). N.E. Asia, China & Japan (winter). N. America. U. States & West Indies (winter). N.E. Asia. W. Europe (occ.). E. North America. New Jersey & Great Lakes (winter). N. Europe. N. Asia. W. Europe (occ). Arctic & Sub-Arctic N. America. Aleutian Is. (winter). Q 226 GENEEA AND SPECIES OP BIBDS. LXII. ARCTONETTA, Gray. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 422, 1895.) 1. fischeri (Brandt), (p. 422.) LXILT. SOJIATERIA, Leach. (Salvad. t. c. p. 423.) 1. dresseri, Sharpe. (p. 424.) 2. mollissima (Linn..). (p.;425.) 3. borealis, Brehm. (p. 428.) 4. v-nigra (Gray), (p. 430.) LXIV. ERIONETTA, Coues. [Somateria, pt. (p. 423).] 5. spectabilis (Linn.), (p. 432.) Coast of Alaska. Bering Sea to Point Barrow. N.E. Asia, E. of the Delta of the Lena. * N.E. America. Eastern U. S. & Great Lakes (winter). W. Arctic Europe. Baltic Sea & N.W. Europe Arctic America, Greenland. Northern U.S. (winter). N.W. America. N.E. Asia. Arctic W. Europe. Arctic N. America. United States (winter). N.W.Europe (winter,occ.). Sub-Family IX. ERISMATURINJE. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 436, 1895.) LXV. THALASSORNIS, Eyton. (Salvad. t. c. p. 436.) 1. leuconotus (Smith), (p. 436.) S. Africa to Angola, E. Africa, N. to Shoa. 2. insularis, Eichm., Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xix. Madagascar, p. 678 (1897). * Bianchi, in litt. GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 227 LXVI. NOMONYX, Bidgw. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 438, 1. dominicus (Linn.), (p. 438.) LXVII. ERISMATURA, Bp. (Salvad. t. c. p. 441.) 1. leucocephala (Scop.), (p. 442.) 2. jamaicensis (Qm.). (p. 445.) 3. maccoa (Smith), (p. 448.) 4. ferruginea, Eyton. (p. 449.) 5. sequatorialis, Salvad. (p. 450.) 6. vittata, Philippi. (p. 450.) 7. australis (Gould), (p. 451.) 1895.) Tropical S. America. West Indies. N. America (oco.). Mediterranean countries to 0. Asia. N.W. India (winter), C. Europe (occ.), N. America. C. America & West Indies (winter). Colombia (winter). S. Africa. E. Africa, N. to Shoa. Peru. Ecuador. S. America (Chile, Argentina, Patagonia). S. & W. Australia. Tasmania. LXVIII. BIZIUEA, Staph. (Salvad. t. c. p. 452.) 1. lobata (Temm.). (p. 452.) 2. Iautouri, Forbes, Tr. N.Z. Inst. xxiv. p. 188 (1892). Australia, Tasmania. New Zealand (Pleistocene). Sub-Family X. MERGANETTINJE. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 454, 1895.) LXIX. SALVADORINA, Rothseh. $ HarUrt. (Salvad. t. c. p. 454.) 1. waigiuensis, Rothseh. $ Hartert. (p. 454.) Waigiou. S.E. New Guinea, 42 228 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. LXX. HYMENOLffiMUS, Gray. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 455, 1895.) 1. malacorhynchus (Gm.). (p. 455.) New Zealand. LXXI. MERGANETTA, Gould. (Salvad. t. c. p. 457.) 1. fraenata, Salvad. (p. 458.) 2. armata, Gould, (p. 458.) 3. turneri, Sol. # Salv. (p. 460.) 4. garleppi, Berlepsch. (p. 460.) 5. leucogenys (Tschudi). (p. 461.) 6. colombiana, Des Murs. (p. 462.) Chilian Andes. Chilian Andes. Andes of S. Peru. Andes of Bolivia and Tucuman. Andes of Peru. Andes of Colombia, Ecuador, & Venezuela. Sub-Family XI. MERGING. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 463, 1895.) LXXII. MERGUS, Linn. (Salvad. *. e. p. 463.) 1. albellus (Linn.), (p. 464.) LXXIII. L0PH0DYTES, Reichenb. (Salvad. t. c. p. 468.) 1. cucullatus (lam.), (p. 468.) W. Europe & N. Asia. S. Europe (winter). N. Indian Peninsula, China & Japan (winter). N. America (ace). N. America. C. America (winter). Greater Antilles (winter). Greenland (occ). N.W. Europe (ooc). GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIKDS. LXXIV. MERGANSER, Briss. (Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 471, 1. merganser (Linn.), (p. 472.) 2. comatus, Sahad. (p. 475.) 3. americanus, Cass. (p. 477.) 4. squamatus, Gould, (p. 478.) .5. serrator (JAnn.). (p. 479.) 1895.) ■6. australis (Hombr. $ Jacg.). (p. 484.) 7. brasilianus ( VieUl.). (p. 486.) N. Europe & N. Asia. S. Europe (winter). China & Japan (winter) C. Asia, Himalayas to Assam, W. Mongolia. W. America. Aleutian Is. United States (winter). ? China. N. Europe. W. Asia. N. America. Mediterranean Sea Persian Gulf & N.W. India (winter). China & Japan (winter). United States (winter). Auckland Is. S.E. Brazil. SLXXV. (EoiuorauS, Amegli. (Amegh., Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xv. p. 95, 1895.) 1. australis, Amegh. I. c. Patagonia (Miocene). LXXVI. ffiutelornfe, Amegh. (Amegh. t. c. p. 96.) 1. patagotiiciis, Amegh. I. c. Patagonia (Miocene). INCERT.E SEDIS. LXXVII. iLnrornuS, Amegh. (Amegh. t. c. p. 97.) 1. rltbus, Amegh. I. c. Patagonia (Miocene). 230 GENEBA AITD SPECIES OP BIRDS. Order XXI. GASTORNITHIFORMES, Family I. GASTORNITHIDiE. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 357, 1891.) I. ffiajitornis, Hebert. (Lydekker, t. c. p. 357.) 1. jaristettsts, Hubert. (L., p. 357.) France (Lower Eocene): 2. JtlaaSSCTti, E. T. Newton. (L., p. 358.) England (Lower Eocene), 3. rtrtoatasi, Lemoine. (L., p. 358.) France (Lower Eocene). II. UaSomte, Owen. (Lydekker, t. c. p. 359.) 1. loirtrtneitBIS, Owen. (L., p. 359.) England (Eocene). III. l&emtornuS, Lemoine. (Lemoine, Eeeh. Ois. Foss. Eheims, ii. p. 158, 1881.) 1. minor, Lydekker, t. c. p. 360. France (Lower Eocene). IV. iBtatqmia, Cope. (Cope, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1876 p. 10.) 1. Blgaittea, Cope, I. c. p. 11. New Mexico (Eocene). V. ;JHacvorm:S, Seeley. (Seeley, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (3) xviii. p. 110, 1866. 1. taitaujpUS, Seeley, I. e. England (Upper Eocene), G-EITEBA ATO SPECIES OP BIRDS. 231 Order XXII. ICHTHYOENITHIFORMES. Family I. ICHTHYORNITHIRffi. (Lydekker, Oat. Foss. B. p. 201, 1891.) I. Spatornui, Marsh. (Marsh, Amer. J. Sci. v. p. 162, 1873.) 1. teler {Marsh, t. c. v. p. 74). W. Kansas (Middle Cretaceous). II. Ctmolopterpr, Marsh, (Marsh, Amer. J. Sci. xliv. p. 175, 1892.) 1. rata. Marsh, I. c. Wyoming (Cretaceous). 2. retUSB, Marsh, I. v. Wyoming (Cretaceous). III. ffirarala&us, Marsh. (Marsh, Amer. J. Sci. xlv. p. 83, 1893.) 1. belox, Marsh, op. cit. iii. p. 363 (1872). New Jersey (Cretaceous). 2. pumtlttS, Marsh, I. c. p. 363. New Jersey (Cretaceous). IV. Mjtihgomfe, Marsh. (Marsh, Amer. J. Sci. iv. p. 344, 1872.) 1. iTispar, Marsh, I. a. N.W. Kansas (Cretaceous), 2. agilis, Marsh, op. cit, v. p. 230 (1873). W. Kansas (Cretaceous). 3. atteeps, Marsh, op. cit. iii. p. 364 (1872). W. Kansas (Cretaceous). 4. letltus, Marsh, op. cit. xiv. p. 253 (1877). Texas (Cretaceous). 5. tetter, Marsh, Odontorn. p. 198 (1880). N.W. Kansas (Cretaceous). 6. balfltUS, Marsh, I. c. p. 198. N.W. Kansas (Cretaceous). 7. btttot, Marsh, Amer. J. Sci. xi. p. 511 (1876). Kansas (Cretaceous). V. HaontiiS, Marsh. (Marsh, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1870, p. 5.) 1. e&toartrgiaitUS, Marsh, I. c. New Jersey (Cretaceous). 232 GENEBA ASH SPECIES OF BIBDS. Order XXIII. PELECANIFORMES. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 76, 1891.) Family I. PHALACROCORACmffi. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 330, 1898.) I. PHALACR0C0RAX, Briss. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 330.) 1. carbo (Linn.), (p. 340.) 2. filamentosus (Temm. $ Schl.). (p. 350.) 3. lucidus (Licht.). (p. 351.) 4. capensis (Sparrm.). (p. 352.) 5. gaimardi (Garnot). (p. 353.) 6. punctatus (Sparrm.). (p. 354.) 7. feathetstoni, Buller. (p. 356.) 8. jersjpictllatttB, Pall. (p. 357.) 9. bicristatus, Pall. (p. 358.) 10. pelagicus, Pall. (p. 360.) 11. robustus, Bidgw. (p. 360, pt.) * Europe. N. Asia. Greenland. E. N. America to Georgia. Africa. Indian Peninsula to China & Australia. E. Siberia, Japan, China. Tropical Africa. Cape Verde Is. S. Africa to Natal, W. to Lower Congo. Western S. America. New Zealand. Chatham Is. Bering Isl. (extinct). E. Siberia, Kuril Is., Kamtcbatka, Alaska. Kamtchatka, Aleutian Is. Kuril Is. (winter). N. Japan (winter). China (winter). Alaska, S. to Washington Terr. * This form is recognized in the A. O. TJ. ' Check-list,' but is disallowed by Mr. Ogilvie Grant. GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIBSS 12. resplendens, Bidgw. (p. 360, pt.) * 233 13. penicillatus {Brandt), (p. 363.) 14. graculus (Linn.), (p. 364.) 15. desmatesti, Payr. (p. 368.) 16. chalconotus, Gray. (p. 369.) 17. auritus (Less.), (p. 370.) 18. cincinatus (Brandt), (p. 373.) 19. neglectus (Wahlb.). (p. 374.) 20. fuscicollis, Steph. (p. 375.) 21. sulcirostris (Brandt), (p. 376.) 22. vigua ( V.). (p. 378.) 23. mexicanus (Brandt), (p. 381.) 24. carunculatus (Gm.). (p. 384.) 25. onslowi, Forbes, (p. 385.) 26. stewarti, Ogifaie Grant, (p. 386.) 27. colensoi, Butter, (p. 386.) 28. campbelli (Mlhol). (p. 387.) Western N. America. Washington Terr, to W. Mexico. Western N. America. Coasts of W. Europe. Faeroes. Iceland. Mediterranean, Slack & Caspian Seas. New Zealand. Eastern & Central N. America. West Indies. Western N. America. S. Africa. Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Burmese countries. Australia. New Zealand. Austro-Malayan Is. to S. Borneo. S. & C. America, N. to Texas. Valley of the Lower Mis- sissippi to W. Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua. Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand. Chatham Is. S. Isl., New Zealand ; Stewart Isl., N. Z. Auckland Is. Camphell Isl. * This form is recognized in the A. O. U. ' Check-List,' but is not considered to be distinct by Mr. Ogilvie Grant. 234 GENEBA AND SPECIES OP BIEDS 29. bougainvillii {Less.), (p. 387.) 30. magellanicus {Gm.). (p. 388.) 31. atriceps {King), (p. 390.) 32. albiventer {Less.), (p. 392.) 33. traversi, Rothsch., Bull. B. 0. 0. viii. p. xxi (1898). 34. verrucosus {Cab.), (p. 393.) 35. varius {Gm.). (p. 394.) 36. gouldi {Salvad.). (p. 396.) 37. hypoleucus {Brandt), (p. 397.) 38. melanoleucus(F.). (p. 398.) 39. brevirostris, Gould, (p. 400.) 40. javanicus {Horsf.). (p. 402.) 41. pygmaeus {Gm.). (p. 405.) 42. africanus {Gm.). (p. 407.) 43. SJ., Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 51 (1891). 44. 8J>., Lydekker, t. c. p. 52. 45. gp., Lydekker, t. c. p. 53. Western S. America (Peru, Chile). Southern S. America. Falkland Is. South-western S.America. 1 S. Georgia. Straits of Magellan. Falkland Is. Maequarie Is. Kerguelen Isl., ? Crozetle Is. New Zealand. Louisiade Arch., E. & S. Australia, Tasmania. W. Australia. Australia. New Zealand. New Guinea, Moluccas, Lesser Sunda Is. New Zealand. Chatham Is. Indian Peninsula. Ceylon. Indo-Chinese countries. Malay Peninsula. Greater Sunda Is. C. & S. Europe. C. Asia to E. Siberia. Egypt. Tropical (E. & S.) Africa. Madagascar. New Zealand (Pleistocene). New Zealand (Pleistocene). Siwalik Kills (Pliocene). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 235 46. illtermelHUfl {Milne-Edw.). (L., p. 53.) France (Middle Miocene). 47. mtOCaettUB {Milne-Edw.). (L., p. 54.) France (Lower Miocene). r 48. littoralts (Milne-Edw.). (L., p. 56.) France (Lower Miocene). 49. ftrafjnettais {Marsh, Amer. J. Sci. 1870, p. 217). Idaho, U.S.A. (Pliocene). 50. pantpeanUS, Moreno % Merc, An. Mus. La Plata, i. p. 19, pi. xTiii. fig. 8 (1891). Argentina (Pliocene). 51. major, Forbes, Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxiy. p. 189 (1892). New Zealand (Pleistocene). 52. macroptlB (Cope, Bull. U.S. Qeol. Surv. iv. no. 2, Oregon (Pliocene). p. 386, 1878). H. $allai$tcari)o, Cows, MSS. 1898. 1. petBjpiciUatUS (Pall.), (p. 357.) Bering Isl. [Extinct.] III. NANNOPTERUM, gen. n* (Phalacrocorax, pt., Rothsch. Bull. B. 0. 0. vii. p. lii, 1897 ; Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 655, 1898.) 1. harrisi, 'Rothsch. I. c. (p. 655.) Uarborough Id., Galapagos Is. IV. SUttortlfe, Lydekher. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 56, 1891.) 1. attjjltCUB, Lydekher, I. c. England (Upper Eocene). Family II. ODONTOPTERYGIDiE. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 57, 1891.) I. ©fcontopttrjjr, Owen. (Lydekker, t. e. p. 57.) 1. toltaptra, Owen. (L., p. 57.) England (Lower Eocene). * Phalacrocorax alis brevissimis, quibus minime rolare potest ayis inepta. 236 GENERA AND SPECIES OE BXBDS. Family HI. PLOTIDiE. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 410, 1898.) I. PLOTTJS, Linn. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 410.) 1. rufus, Baud. (p. 412.) X. Syria (Lake of Antioch). Tropical Africa. Madagascar. 2. melanogaster (Gm.). (p. 414.) Mesopotamia, Indian Peninsula, Indo-Chinese countries, Indo-Malayan Peninsula, Borneo, Philippine Is., Celebes. 3. novae-hollandias, Gould, (p. 417.), Australia. New Zealand. SJE. New Guinea. 4. anhinga (Linn.), (p. 419.) Tropical N. America. C. & S. America. 5. nanus, R Ketol. ^- Gadow, Tr. Z. S. siii. p. 288 Mauritius (Pleistocene). (1893). 6. jparbus. De Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N . S. W. iii. Queensland p. 1286 (1888). (Post-Tertiary). Family IV. SULIRffi. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 423.) I. SULA, Briss. (Ogilvie Grant, *. e. p. 423.) 1. bassana (Zrara.). (p. 425.) N.Atlantic. Gulf of Mexico (winter). N. Africa (winter). Canary Is. {winter). 2. serrator, Gray. (p. 428.) Australia. New Zealand. 3. capensis (Licht.). (p. 429.) S. Africa to Zanzibar and Lower Congo. GEWEBA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 4. cyanops (Sundev.). (p. 432.) S. Tropical Seas. 5. abbotti, Bidgw., Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. rvi. p. 599 Assumption Isl., (1893). Indian Ocean. 2a7 6. piscatrix (Una.), (p. 432.) S. Atlantic. Indian & Australian Seas. Oceania. 7. websteri, Bothsck, Bull. B. O. C. vii. p. liii Clarion Isl. to Lower (1898). (p. 655.) California. 8. variegata (Tschudi). (p. 434.) Western S. America. 9. nebouxi Milne-Edw. (p. 435.) 10. sula (Linn.), (p. 436.) 11. brewsteri, Goss. (p. 440.) 12. atbCTIteitBtS, Milne-Edw. (Lydekker, Cat. Fobs. B. p. 46.) 13. rotl|01tt. Gerv. (Lyd. t. o. p. 46.) 14. pggmaea, Milne-Edw., Bibl. Haut Etudes, vi. art. v. (1874). Western America (Lower California to Chile). Tropical Atlantic. Indian, Australian, and Pacific Oceans. W. America (Lower California to Galapagos Is.). France (Lower Miocene), France (Lower Miocene) France (Miocene). 15. loiOBtnla, Cope, It. Amer. Phil. Soc. m. p. 236 N. Carolina (Miocene). (1872). Family V. FREGATID^J. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 442, 1898.) I. FREGATA, Briss. (Ogilvie Grant, t. e. p. 442.) 1. aquila (Linn.), (p. 443.) 2. ariel (Gould), (p. 447.) Tropical & Sub-tropical Oceans of both hemi- spheres. Tropical & Sub-tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans. 238 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIBJDS. Family VI. PHAETHONTID-ffi. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 442, 1898.) I. PHAETHON, Linn. (Ogilvie Grant, t. e. p. 450.) 1. rnbricauda, Bodd. (p. 451.) 2. lepturus, Baud. (p. 453.) 3. fulvus (Brandt), (p. 455.) 4. americanus, Ogilvie Grant, (p. 456.) 5. sethereus, Linn. (p. 457.) 6. indicils, Hume. (p. 459.) Tropical Indian & Pacific Oceans. Lower California (ace). Tropical Atlantic, Indian, & Pacific Oceans.' Christinas Isl., Indian Ocean. S.E. North America (Bermudas to West Indian Is.). Tropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Indian Ocean. Family VII. PELECANID^]. (Ogilvie Grant, Cat. B. xxvi. p. 460, 1898.) I. PELECANUS, Linn. (Ogilvie Grant, t. c. p. 460.) 1. onocrotaluS, Gm. (p. 462.) 2. roseus, Gm. (p. 466.) 3. crispus, Bruch. (p. 468.) 4. philippensis, Gm. (p. 471.) S. Europe. Africa. N.W. India. Indian Peninsula to China and S. to Indo- Malayan Is. S.E. Europe. Africa. S. Europe to N.W. India, Mongolia, & China. Indian Peninsula to China & the Philippine Is. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. 239 5. rufescens, Gm. (p. 474.) 6. fuscus, Gm. (p. 476.) 7. califoinicus, Bidgw. (p. 479.) 8. thagus, Mol. (p. 480.) 9. erythrorhynchus, Gm. (p. 481.) 10. conspicillatus, Temm. (p. 483.) Tropical N. E. Africa. Gulf of Mexico, West Indies. Western N. America to C. America and Gala- pagos Arch. W. S. America (Peru to Chile). N. America. C. America (winter). Australia. Tasmania. New Guinea. 11. cautlejJi, Davies. (Lydekker, Oat. Foss. B. p. 37.) Siwalik Hills (Lower Pliocene). 12. BibalenstS, Davies. (L., p. 39.) 13. intennetrius, Fraas. (L., p. 39.) 14. sp. (L., p. 44.) 15. ftaasi, Lydekker. (L., p. 44.) 16. gracilis, Milne-Edw. (L., p. 45.) Siwalik Hills (Older Pliocene). Bavaria (Middle Mio- cene). Bavaria (Middle Mio- cene). Bavaria (Middle Mio- cene). Prance (Lower Miocene). 17. proabus, Be Vis, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. (2) Queensland (Pleistocene), vi. p. 441 (1892). Family VIII. PELAGORNITHIRffi. I. JWagornfe, Lydekker. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 47, 1891.) 1. utiorarauB, Lydekker, I. c. France (Miocene). 240 GENEBA A2TD SPECIES OF BIRDS. II. argfllnrmsS, Owen. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 47, 1891.) 1. longipeitTUS. Owen. (Lydekker, I. e.) England (Lower Eocene), III. Hiptornfe, Amegh. (Amegh., Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xv. p. 99, 1895.) 1. IjefltemuS, Amegh. I. c. Patagonia (Miocene). Order XXIV. CATHAETIDIFOEMES. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 78, 1891.) Family I. CATHARTIDiE. I. SARCORHAMPHTJS, Bum. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 20, 1874.) 1. gryphus (Linn.,.), (p. 20.) Andes of Ecuador, Peru, Chile, and Patagonia, N. to Rio Negro. 2. aequatorialis, Sharpe. (p. 21.) Ecuador. ? Colombia. II. GYPAGUS, (Caihartes, nee HI., Sharpe, t, c. p. 22.) 1. papa (Linn.,.), (p. 22.) Mexico to Panama. Tropical S. America. III. CATHAEISTES, Vidll. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 23.) 1. xirub-u. (Vieill.). (p. 24.)* Tropical S. America. C. America. E. & S. United States. IV. CATHARTES, Illig. \Rhinoyryphus, Ridgw. (p. 455); GEnops, Sharpe (p. 25).] 1. auxa (Linn.), (p. 25.) N. & C. America. Tropical S. America (winter). 2. falklandicus (Sharpe). (p. 27.) Falkland Is., Patagonia, Chile. 3. perniger (Sharpe). (p. 26.) Guiana, Amazonia, Peru. Cf. Coues, Auk, xTii. p. 84 (Jan. 1899). GENEBA AM) SPECIES OF BIEDS. 241 4. burrovianus, Cass., Proo. Acad. Philad. ii. Amazonia, Guiana, p. 212 (1845). N. to E. Mexico. \urubitinga, Pelz. (p. 28.)] V. PSEUDOGRYPHUS, Ridgw. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 455, 1874.) 1. californianus (Shaw $ Nodder). (p. 28.) Southern California to Lower California. VI. iPalatoboruS, Coues. (Coues, Key N. A. B. 1884, p. 822.) 1. umiroSUS (Cope, Proc. Acad. Philad. 1874, p. 151). New Mexico (Pliocene). Order XXV. ACCIPITRIFORMES. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 78, 1891.) Sub- Order I. SERPENTARII. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 78.) Family I. SERPENTARIIDJE. I. SERPENTARIUS, Cuv. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 44, 1874.) 1. serpentarius (Miller). S. & E. Africa. [secretarius, Cat. p. 45.] 2. gambiensis, Ogilby. (p. 45, pt.) * Senegambia, Sudan, to Shoa. 3. roiUStUB, Milne-Edw. (Lydekier; Cat. Foss. B. Prance (Lower Miocene; p. 33.) Sub-Order II. ACCIPITRES. (Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 78, 1891.) Family I. VULTURID.E. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 2, 1874.) I. VTJLTUR, Briss. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 2.) 1. monachus (Linn.), (p. 3.) S. Europe. N.E. Africa. C. Asia to Tnrlia & China. * Count Snlvadori considers that the Secretary-bird of the Sudan is distinct from the South-African bird. YOL. I. April 19, 1899. B 242 GBNBEA AND SPECIES OP BIEDS. II. GYPS, Savigny. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 4, 1874.) 1. fulvus (Gm.). (p. 6.) [kispaniolensift, Sharpe, Cat. p. 6.] 2. fulvescens, Hume. (p. 7.) 3. himalayensis, Hume. (p. 8.) 4. kolbi (Baud.), (p. 8, pi. i.) 5. rueppelli (Brehm). (p. 9.) 6. indicus (Scop.), (p. 10.) [tenuirostris, Hodge., Blanf. Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, iii. p. 322, 1895.] 7. pallescens, Hume. (p. 11.) [indicus, Scop, teste Blanford, t. c. p. 323.] 8. melitettfStS, LydeJclcer, P.Z.S. 1890, p. 404; id. Cat. Fobs. B. p. 29. III. PSETJDOGYPS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 11.) 1. bengalensis (Gm.). (p. 11.) 2. africanus (Sahiad.). (p. 12.) IV. 0T0GYPS, Gray. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 13.) 1. auricularis (Daud.). (p. 13.) 2. calvus (Scop.), (p. 14.) V. L0PH0GYPS, Bp. (Sharpe, *. c. p. 15.) 1 . occipitalis (Burch.). (p. 15.) S. & C. Europe. N. Africa & Sudan. Afghanistan, W. India. Himalayas, Tibet, Turkestan. S. Africa. W. Egypt, N.E. Africa, E. Africa to Transvaal, Damara-land. Indian Peninsula, Indo-Chinese countries, Malay Peninsula. N.W. India. Malta (Pleistocene). Indian Peninsula, Indo-Chinese countries, Malay Peninsula. Tropical Africa. Tropical Africa, Egypt. S. Europe (occ). Indian Peninsula, Indo-Chinese countries. Tropical Africa. GBNBEA AHB SMiOIES OF BIEDS. 243 VI. NEOPHRON, Savign. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 16, 1874.) 1. percnopterus {IAtm.). (p. 17.) 2. ginginianus {Lath.), (p. 18.) VII. NECROSYRTES, Gloger. [Neophron, pt., Sharpe, t. c. p. 16.] 1. pileatus (Burch). (p. 18.) 2. monachus (Ternm.). (p. 19.) INCEET^E SEDIS. VIII. Uttljornfe, Owen. (Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. p. 34.) 1. bulturinus, Owen. (L., p. 35.) IX. "Ctracug, Aymard. (Lydekker, t. c. p. 28.) 1. ItttoraliB, Aymard. (L., p. 28.) S. Europe. Africa. Mediterraneo-Persic Sub-region. Indian Peninsula. S. Africa. N.E. Africa. E. Africa: Sudan. W. Africa. England (Lower Eocene) Prance (Lower Miocene). Family II. FALCONIDJE. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 30, 1874.) Sub-Family I. P0LYB0RINJ3. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 30.) I. POLYBORUS, Vieill. (Sharpe, t.e. p. 31.) Brazil & Amazonia, S. to ' Str. of Magellan. S. United States & Lower California to C. America, Colombia, Ecuador, Guiana. Trinidad. Cuba. 3. pallidus, Nelson, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, Tres Marias Is. xii. p. 8 (1898). 4. lutosus, Bidgw., Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. i. p. 489 Guadalupe Is., (1876). California. E2 1. tharus {Mol). (p. 31.) 2. cheriway (Jocq.). (p. 33.) 244 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. H. IBYCTEE, Vieill. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 34, 1874.) 1. ater ( Vieill.). (p. 35.) 2. ? fasciatus (Spa), (p. 34, note.) 3. americanus (JBodd.). (p. 36.) 4. megalopterus (Meyen). (p. 36.) 5. albigularis (Gould), (p. 37.) 6. carvmculatus (Des Murs). (p. 38.) 7. australis (Gm.). (p. 39.) Brazil. Amazonia to Guiana and Ecuador. Brazil. Brazil and Amazonia to Ecuador & Colombia. 0. America to Honduras & Guatemala. Andes of Peru, Chile, and Bolivia. Patagonia. Ecuador, Colombia. Falkland Is. in. MILVAGO, Spix. (Ibycter, pt., Sharpe, t. c. p. 39.) 1. chimachima ( Vieill.). (p. 40.) 2. chimango ( VieUl.). (p. 41.) Brazil, Amazonia, Guiana, Colombia, Panama. S.E. Brazil. Chile to Straits of Magellan. Sub-Family II. ACCIPITRINM. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 46, 1874.) IV. POLYBOROIDES, Smith. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 47.) 1. radiatus (Scop.), (p. 48.) 2. typicus, Smith, (p. 48.) Tropical Africa. V. fearpasornuf, Haast. (Haast, Trans. N.Z. Inst. iv. p. 192, 1891.) 1. mooret, Haast, l. c. New Zealand (Pleistocene). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 245 TI. CIRCUS, Lacep. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 50, 1874.) 1. cyaneus {Linn.), (p. 52.) 2. hudsonius (Linn.), (p. 55.) 3. cinereus, VieiU. (p. 56.) 4. spilonotus, Kaup. (p. 58.) 5. maillardi, Verr. (p. 59.) ■6. macroscelis, A. Newton, (p. 73.) 7. spilothorax, Salvad. 8; IfAVb., Ann, Genov. vii. p. 807 (1875). 8. maurus (Ternm.). (p. 60.) •9. melanoleucus (Forst). (p. 61.) 10. maculosus ( VieiU.). (p. 62.) 11. assimilis, J. # & (p. 63.) 12. pygargus (Liim.). (p. 64.) N. Europe & N. Asia. N.E. Africa. Indian Peninsula and Ohina (winter). N. America. 0. America (winter). Bahamas (winter). Cuba (winter). S. Brazil to Peru, S. to Chile & Str. of Magellan. Falkland Is. E. Siberia. China & Indo-Burmese countries (winter). Malay Archipelago Reunion Isl. Comoro Is. Madagascar. Mus. Civic S.E. New Guinea. S. Africa. E. Siberia, Mongolia. China (winter). Philippines (winter). N.E. Indian Peninsula & Indo-Chinese countries (winter). S. America. E. Australia. Celebes. Temperate Europe & Asia. Africa (winter). Indian Peninsula^mto 1 ). Ohina (winter). 246 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 13. abdullae, FloericJce, Orn. MB. iv. p. 155 (1896). Caucasus. 14. macrurus (S. G. Gnu), (p. 67.) 15. aeruginosus {Linn.), (p. 69.) 16. ranivorus (Daud.). (p. 71.) 17. gouldi, Bp. (p. 72.) 18. wolfi, Gwney. (p. 72, pt.) 19. fiamtltoitt, H. 0. Forbes, Trans. N.Z. Inst. xxiy. p. 186 (1892). 20. XtavXmm, H. 0. Forbes.t. c. p. 186. E. Europe & Temperate Asia. Africa (winter). Indian Peninsula and China (winter). Temperate Europe. Siberia. China (winter). Indian Peninsula (winter)^ N. Africa (winter). S. Africa. S. & E. Australia. New Zealand. New Caledonia. Piji Is. New Zealand (Pleisto- cene). New Zealand (Pleisto- cene). VII. MICRASTUK, Gray. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 74, 1874.) 1. melanoleucus (Vieill.). (p. 75.) 2. mirandollei (Schl). (p. 76.) 3. ruficollis(Fi«'«.). (p. 76.) 4. pelzelni, Eidgw., Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1875, p. 494. 5. gilvicollis ( Vieill.). (p. 78.) 6. guerilla, Cass. (p. 79.) C. & S. America. Amazonia, Guiana, Panama. Brazil & Amazonia, Guiana, Venezuela. Upper Amazonia. Brazil, Amazonia, Colombia, Peru. C. America, Ecuador. 7. jugularis, Gurney, List Diurn. B. Prey, pp. 25, Brazil, 117 (1884). Venezuela, Colombia. 8. zonothorax (Cab.), (p. 79.) Colombia, Venezuela. OBNBRA AND SPECIES OE BIEDS. 247 VIII. GERANOSPIZIAS, Sundev. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 80, 1874.) 1. caerulescens ( FiteiW.). (p. 81.) Tropical S. America. Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador to Panama. 2. niger (Du Bus), (p. 82.) 0. America. Mexico to Panama. 3. gracilis (Temm.). (p. 81, pt.) Brazil, Paraguay. IX. UROTRIORCHIS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 83.) 1. macrurus (Hartl). (p. 83.) W. Africa. X. PARABUTEO, Bidgw., in B., B., & E. Hist. IN". Amer. B. iii. p. 248 (1874). [Anterior, Ridgw. (nee Montf.), Pr. Bost. Soc. N. H. xvi. p. 63 (1873). Erythrocnema, Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 84 (1874).] 1. unicinctus (Temm.). (p. 85.) Tropical S. America. 2. harrisi (Audub.). (p. 85, pt.) S. United States. Lower California. Central America. XI. MELIERAX, Gray. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 86.) 1. canorus (Eislach). (p. 87.) E. Africa. 2. poliopterus, Cab. (p. 88.) E. Africa (Somali-land [somaliensis, Oscar Neumann, Orn. MB. v. p. 192 to Kilimanjaro). (1897).] 3. polyzonus (Rihpp.). (p. 88.) N.E. Africa (Sudan to Mogador and Senegambia). S. Arabia. 4. mechowi, Cab., J. f. 0. 1882, p. 229. Angola, Samara-land to Masbona-land. 248 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. 5. ?metabates, Heugl. (p. 92.) White Nile. 6. gabar (Daud.). (p. 89.) 7. niger (Vieill.). (p. 91.) S. Africa. E. & N.E. Africa. S. Africa. E. & N.E. Africa. XII. ASTUR, Lacep. (Sharpe, Cab. B. i. p. 92, 1874.) 1. palumbarius (Linn.), (p. 95.) 2. hensti, Schl. (p. 97.) 3. candidissimus, T>yh., Bull. Soc. Zool. France, viii. p. 353 (1883). 4. atricapillus ( Wils.). (p. 99.) 5. striatulus, Bidgw. (p. 456.) 6. tacbiro (Daud.). (p. 99.) 7. unduliventer (Hiipp.). (p. 99, pt.) 8. sparsimfasciatus, Seichen., Orn. MB. iii. p. 97 (1895). 9. castanilius (5/).). (p. 80.) [macroscelides, Hartl. (p. 100.)] 10. toussenelii, Verr. (p. 101.) 11. trinotatus (Bp.). (p. 101.) 12. haesitandus (Hartert, Nov. Zool. iii. p. 162, 1896). 13. henicogrammus, Gray. (p. 124.) [muelleri, Wall. (p. 102.)] 14. iogaster (Mull. $ Schl.). (p. 104.) N. & C. Europe. Siberia. Himalayas. Madagascar. Kamtchatka. N. America. Western N. America (Sitka to Sierra S.E. Africa. N.E. Africa. Zanzibar Isl. W. Africa. W. Africa. N. Celebes. S. Celebes. Moluccas (Halmahira, Morotai). Moluccas (Amboina, Ceram). GENERA AND SPECIES OP B1EDS. 249 15. etorques (Salvad., Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. vii. New Guinea, p. 901, 1878). Salawati IbI., Jobi Is]., Mafor Isl. 16. dampieri, Gumey, Ibis, 1882, p. 453. Bismarck Archipelago. 17. ptdchellus, Bamsay, Journ. Linn. Soc. xvi. Solomon Is. p. 131 (1881). (Cape Pitt, Florida Isl.). 18. miscriensis (Salvad,, Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. Misori & Jobi Is., vii. p. 904, 1875). N.W. New Guinea. 19. shebae, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 183. Solomon Is. (Guadalcanal-). 20. sylvestris ( Wall.), (p. 104.) Lesser Sunda Is. (fr'lores). 21. sumbaensis (A. B. Meyer, Abhandl. Ber. Mus. Lesser Sunda Is. Dreed. 1892-93, p. 7). (Sumba). 22. trivtrgatus (Temm.). (p. 105.) Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Indo-Malayan Is., Formosa. 23. rufitinctus, McClell, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 153. E. Himalayas to Assam, KLaiia Hills, Indo-Chinese countries. 24. griseiceps (Sehl.). (p. 106.) Celebes. 25. briltus (Poll.), (p. 107.) Mayotte Isl., N. of Madagascar. 26. badius (Gm.). (p. 109.) Indian Peninsula and Ceylon. 27. poliopsis (Hume), (p. 110.) Burmese countries. 28. cenchroides, Severtz., Turkest. Jevotn. p. 63 C. Asia. (1873). Baluchistan. 29. brevipes, Severtz. (p. 111.) S.E. Europe, Palestine, JSgypt. 30. sphenurus (Biipp.). (p. 112.) N.E. Africa : Sudan to Senegambia. 250 31. 32. GENEBA AND SPECIES OP BIBDS polyzonoides {Smith,), (p. 113.) S. Africa, N. to Nyasa-land. butleri, J. H. Gurney, Jim., Bull. B.O. C. Tii. Car Nicobar Isl. p. xxvii (1898). 33. soloensis {Lath.), (p. ] 14.) 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. cuculoides (Temm.). (p. 115.) tibialis, Verr. (p. 108.) * franciscae (Smith), (p. 116.) pusillus (Gurnet/, Ibis, 1875, p. 259). China, Indo-Chinese countries. Malay Peninsula (winter), Indo-Malayan Is. (winter), Molucca Is. (winter). China, S. to Malayan Archipelago (winter). W. Africa. Comoro Is. New Guinea, poliocephalus (Gray), (p. 117.) [spilothorax (Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civic. Genor. Salawati, Mysol, Waigiou, Aru Is. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. vii. p. 900, 1875).] cinereus (VieilL). (p. 119.) novae-hollandiae (Gm.). (p. 118.) leucosomus, Sharpe. (p. 119.) haplochious (Scl.). (p. 119.) albigularis (Gray), (p. 120.) S. & E. Australia. S. & E. Australia, Tasmania. New Guinea, Waigiou. New Caledonia. Solomon Is. (S. Christoval). versicolor, Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. Ugi Isl., vi. p. 718 (1881). Solomon Archipelago. sharpei, Oust., Bull. Soc. Philom. (6) ii. p. 25 Marianne Is. (1879). 46. jardinii, Gurney, Ibis, 1887, p. 96, pi. iii. Patr. ign. * ? castanilius, juv., Eeichenow in litt. GENEBA AND SPECIES OP BIRDS. 251 47. woodfordi, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 183. Solomon Is. (Guadalcanal-). 48. meyerianus, Sharpe, Journ. Linn. Soc. xiii. Jobi Isl„ p. 458, pi. 22 (1877). N.W. New Guinea. 49. poliogaster (Temm.). (p. 120.) Brazil. 50. pect oralis {Bp.). (p. 121.) Brazil, Guiana. 51. rufitorques, Peale. (p. 121.) Eji Is. 52. griseigularis, Gray. (p. 124.) Molucca Is. (Halmahera, [halmahera, A. B. Meyer, Sitz. Ges. ' Isis,' Batohian, etc.), Dresd. 1884, Abh. i. p. 11.] Obi Is. 53. albiventris, Salvad., Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. Kei Is., MolueoaB. vii. p. 982 (1875). 54. novae-guineae, Madarasz, Termes Fuzet. 1899, German New Guinea. p. 27. •55. natalis, Lister, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 523. Christmas IsL, Indian Ocean. 56. polionotus, Salvad., Mem. Accad. Torino, xl. Tenimber Isl. p. 19 (1889). 57. pallidiceps (Salvad., Ibis, 1879, p. 473). Molucca Is. (Buru). 58. melanochlamys (Salvad., Ann. Mus. Genor. N.W. New Guinea. vii. p. 905, 1875). 59. holomelas, Sharpe, P. Z. S. 1888, p. 182. Solomon Is. (Guadalcanar). 60. torquatus (Temm.). (p. 125.) New Guinea. Lesser Sunda Is. 61. approximan% Vig. (p. 126.) Australia. [maculosus, Coles, Vict. Nat. xiv. p. 43, 1897.] 62. cruentus, Gould, (p. 127.) W. Australia. 63. wallacii, Sharpe. (p. 128.) Lesser Sunda Is. (Lombok). 64. alp fj OltB it, E. Newt. $ Gadow, Tr. Z. S. xiii. p. 285, Mauritius (Pleistocene). pi. xxxiii. figs. 9, 10 (1893). 252 GBNBBA. AUD SPECIES OF BIEDS. XTTT. NISOIDES, Pollen. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 129, 1874.) 1. moreli, Pollen, (p. 129.) . W. Madagascar. XIV. ACCIPITER, Brigs. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 132, 1874.) 1. nisus (Linn.), (p. 132.) 2. pallens, Stejn., Proo. U.S. Nat. Mua. xvi. p. 625 (1893). 3. melanoschistus, Hume. (p. 132, note.) 4. punicus, Erlanger, Orn. MB. v. p. 187 (1897). 5. granti, Sharpe, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) t. p. 483 (1890). 6. fuscus(ffm.). (p. 135.) 7. rufilatus, Bidgw., Pr. TJ. S. Nat. Mus. xi. p. 92 (1888). 8. fringilloides, Vig. (p. 135, note.) 9. cooperi (Bp.). (p. 137.) 10. mexicanus, Bidgw., Pr. TJ. S. Nat. Mus. xi. p. 92 (1888). 11. gundlachi, Lawr. (p. 137, note.) 12. tinns (Lath.), (p. 139.) 13. minuUus (Baud.), (p. 140.) 14. tropicalis, Beichen., J. f. O. 1898, p. 139. 15. erythropus (Hartl). (p. 141.) [zenkeri, Reioben., Orn. MB. ii. p. 125(1894), teste Beichen. in litt.] Europe & N. Asia. Indian Peninsula, China (winter). Eamtchatka. Japan. Himalayas. Tunis. Madeira. N. America. C. America to Guatemala (winter). W, United States to 0. America. Cuba, Haiti. Temperate N. America. W. United States to C. America. Cuba. Topical S. America, N. to Panama. S. Africa. E. Africa. W. Africa (Gold Coast) to Cameruons. GENEEA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 253 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ovampensis, Gumey, Ibis, 1875, p. 367, pi. vi. S.W. Africa (Ovampo), E. to Nyasa-laml and the cirrhocephaliis(FiW£). (p. 141.) madagascariensis, Verr. (p. 143.) collaris {Kaup). (p. 144.) rubricollis, Wall. (p. 144.) Zambesi. Australia. Madagascar. Colombia. Moluccas (Morotai, Bum). bracbyurus {Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soo. New Britain. N. S. W. iv. p. 465, 1879). 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. erythrauchen, Gray. (p. 145.) rhcdogaster (Schl.). (p. 146.) sulaensis (Sckl.). (p. 146.) erythxocnemis, Gray. (p. 147.) chionogaster (Kaup). (p. 148.) Moluccas (Halmahera, Batchian). Celebes. Sula Is. Brazil to Bolivia. C. America (Guatemala, Nicaragua). salvini (Eidgw., Bull. U.S. Geol. Suit. ii. Venezuela, p. 121, 1876). rufiventris, Smith, (p. 148.) ventralis, Sol. (p. 149.) S. & N.E. Africa. Venezuela to Colombia. nigriplumbeus, Lawr., Ann. Lye. N. Y. ix. Ecuador & Peru, p. 270 (1869). 31. hartlaubi (Verr.). (p. 150.) 32. 33. virgatus (Temm.). (p. 150.) W. Africa (Senegambia to Gaboon). b ttikeferi, Sharpe, Notes Leyd. Mus. 1. p. 199 W. Africa (Liberia). (1888). S. India, Ceylon, Andamans, Greater Sunda Is., Philippine Is. 254 GENEBA AND SPECIES OE BIBDS 34. affinis, Hodgs. (p. 150, pt.) 35. gularis (Temm. $ Schl.). (p. 150, pt.) 36. manillensis (Meyen). (p. 150, pt.) 37. rufotibialis, Sharpe, Ibis, 1887, p. 437. 38. guttatus ( Vieill.). (p. 152.) 39. pileatus (Temm.). (p. 153.) 40. bicolor {Vieill.). (p. 154.) 41. chilensis, Philippi $ Landb. (p. 155.) 42. melanoleucus, Smith, (p. 156.) Himalayas, Formosa. Japan, N. China, Malay Peninsula, Malay Archipelago, Philippine Is. Mt. Kina Balu, N.W. Borneo. Paraguay to Bolivia. Brazil. 0. America to Colombia, Ecuador, and Guiana. Chile to Str. of Magellan. Tropical Africa. Cape Verde Is. Sub-Family HI. BUTE0NINJE. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 158, 1874.) XV. ERYTHR0TRI0RCHIS, Sharpe, P.Z.S. 187", p. 337. [TJrospizias (nee Kaup), Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 159 (1874). Megatriorchis, Salvad. & D' Albert., Ann. Mus. Civic. Genov. vii. p. 85 (1875).] 1. radiatus (Lath.), (p. 159.) E., C, & N. Australia. 2. dorise (Salvad. $ D' Albert., Ann. Mus. Civic. S.E. New Guinea. Genov. vii. p. 85, 1875). XVI. HETEEOSPIZIAS, Sharpe. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 160.) 1. meridionalis (Lath.), (p. 160.) Tropical S. America. XVII. TACHYTRIORCHIS, Kaup. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 161.) 1. albicaudatus(nritf.). (p. 162.) Tropical S. America. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 255 % abbreviatus {Cab.), (p. 163.) 3. sennetti, Allen, Bull. Amer. Mus. IS. H. v. p. 144 (1893). 4. colonus (Berlepsck, J. f. O. 1892, p. 91). S. United States, Lower California. C. America to Guiana and Venezuela. C. America to S. Texas. Curagoa Ial., Bonaire Isl. XVHI. GERANOAETUS, Kaup. (Buteo, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 164, 1. melanoleucus (Vieill.). (p. 168.) XIX. BUTEO, Ouvier. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 164.) 1. galapagensis (Gould), (p. 170.) 2. poliosomus (Q. $ lumbeus, Eidgw. N. Amer. B. iii. p. 209, 1874.] 2. taeniurus, Cab. (p. 328.) 3. leucopygus (Spix). (p. 328.) LXn. LEPTODON, Sundev. (Sharpe, t. e. p. 329.) 1. uncinatus (Temm.). (p. 330.) 2. megarhynchus (Des Murs). (p. 332.) 3. wilsoni (Cass.), (p. 333.) 4. cayennensis (Gm). (p. 333.) LXIII. GYPOICTINIA, Kaup. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 335.) 1. melanosternum (Gould), (p. 335.) From Florida to E. Mexico, S. to Panama and Eastern S. America to Argentina. Cuba. Amazonia. Brazil, Amazonia, Guiana, Colombia. 0. America to Guiana, Venezuela, Amazonia, Brazil, & Bolivia. Peru. Cuba. Central America, Guiana, Amazonia, Brazil. Australia. IiXTV. ELANUS, Savign. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 336.) 1. caeruleiis (Desf.). (p. 336.) 2. hypoleucus, Gould, (p. 338.) Mediterranean countries. Africa. India, Ceylon, Burmese Provinces, Malay Peninsula. Philippine Is., Greater Sunda Is., Celebes. 270 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 3. axillaris (Lath.), (p. 338.) Australia. 4. \euc\nras (Vieill). (p. 339.) 5. scriptus, Gould, (p. 340.) S. United States. C. & S. America to Chile & Argentina. Australia. LXV. GAMPSONYX, Vig. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 340, 1874.) 1. swainsoni, Vig. (p. 340.) LXVI. HENICOPERNIS, Gray. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 341.) 1. longicauda (Gam.), (p. 341.) 2. infuscata, Gumey, Ibis, 1882, p. 128. C. America, from Nicaragua to Guiana & Brazil. New Guinea, Salawati, Misori Isl., Waigiou, Aru Is. Bismarck Archipelago (New Britain). LXVII. MACKERHAMPHUS, Westerm. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 342.) 1. alcinus, Westerm. (p. 342.) 2. anderssoni (Gumey). (p. 343.) 3. revoili, Oust, Bibl. Hautes fitudes, xxxi. art. 10, p. 2 (1886). S. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Borneo, New Guinea. S.W. Africa, Madagascar. Somali-land. LXVIII. PERNIS, Guv. (Sharpe, *. c. p. 343.) 1. apivorus (Linn.), (p. 344-) Europe, W. Siberia. Africa (winter). 2. orientalis, Tacz., Mein. Acad. Nat. Sci. St. E. Siberia. Petersb. (7) xxxix. p. 50 (1891). GENEBA JlSD SPECIES OE BIRDS. 271 3., Ois. pi. 1 (1850). \brookei, Sharpe, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) xi. pp. 20, 222 (1873).] 7. melanogenys, Gould, (p. 385.) 8. cassini, Sharpe. (p. 384.) 9. barbarus, Linn. (p. 386.) 10. babylonicus, Gurnet/, (p. 387.) 11. feldeggi, Schl. (p. 389.) 12. tanypterus, Schl. (p. 391.) 13. biarmicus, Ternm. (p. 391.) 14. juggur, J. E. Gray. (p. 393.) 15. hypoleucus, Gould, (p. 394.) 10. subniger, Gray. (p. 394.) 17. subbuteo, Linn. (p. 395.) 18. gracilis, Brehm. (Qf. Erlanger, J. f. 0. 1898, p. 461 Taf. x.) 19. Eevems, Horaf. (p. 397.) S. & N.E. Africa. Mediterranean countries. Australia. Chile, Falkland Is. Mediterranean countries to N.W. India. N.E. Africa. Senegarabia. Mesopotamia, C. Asia, N.W. India. "Mediterranean countries to Persia. N.E. Africa. N.E. Africa to Senegambia. S. Africa. Indian Peninsula, Baluchistan to Assam. Australia. Australia. N. Europe & N. Asia. Africa, Indian Peninsula, China (winter). N. Africa. Himalayas. S. Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Burmese Provinces. Malay Peninsula. Philippine & Sulu Is. Greater Sunda Isl. to New Guinea & New Britain. GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 275 20. papuanus, A, B. Meyer $ Wiglesw., Abhandl. S.E. New Guinea. Ber. Mus. Dresden, 1892-93, no. 3, p. 6 (1893). 21. indicus, A. B. Meyer §■ Wiglesw., B. Celebes, i. India (Calcutta). p. 84 (1898). 22. religiosus, Sharpe. (p. 397.) 23. lunulatus, Lath. (p. 398.) 24. cuvieri, Smith, (p. 400.) Ceram, HahnaheVa. Australia, Tasmania. S. & W. Africa. 25. fasciinucha, Reichen. $ Neum., Orn. MB. iii, E. Africa, p. 114 (1895). 26.,fusco-caerulescens, Vieill. (p. 400.) 27., Salvad., BoL Mus. Torino, . no. 208, p. 20 (1895). 28. albigularis, Dawd. (p. 401.) 29. aurantius, Bm. (p, 402.) 30. chicquera, Daud. (p. 403.) 31. ruficollis, Swains, (p. 404.) 32. eleonorae, Gent, (p. 404.) 33. concolor, Temm. (p. 405.) 34. merillus (Gerini). [regulus, Pall. (p. 406,)] 35. columbarius, Linn. (p. 408.) S. Teias, C. & S. Ajnerica. Paraguay. C. & S. America. C. & S. America. Indian Peninsula. Tropical Africa. Mediterranean countries. E. Africa to Madagascar N.E, Africa to Arabian coasts, S. to Madagascar. Europe, N. Asia. S. Europe {winter). Indian Peninsula (winter). China (winter). N. America, Antilles, N. South America. 36 suckleyi, Ridgw., Bull. Essex Inst. v. p. 201 N.W, America (1873). 37. richardsoni, Ridgw. (p. 408, note.) (California to Sitka). Interior of N. America to Texas & Arizona. T2 276 GENEBA AND SPECIES OF B1BDS. LXXVII. HIEROFALCO, Guv. (Sharpe, Oat. B. i. p. 410, 1874.) 1. candicans (6«.). (p-411.) Arctic Regions, {islandus, Briinn. 1764; cf. A. O. U. Check-I. Greenland. N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. p. 136 (1895). N.E. America. wralensis, Menzbier, Orn. Turkest. p. 274 W. Europe (occ.). (1891).] 2. islandus (Gm.) (nea Briinn. 1764). (p. 414.) Iceland. 3. holboelli (Sharpe). (p. 415.) S. Greenland. 4. rusticolus, Linn. (A. 0. U. Check-1. p. 137, 1895.) Arctic America. a. obsoletus(G?K.) Labrador. {Cf Stejn. Auk, ii. p. 187, 1887.] 6. gyrfalco (Linn), (p. 416.) N.,Europe. 7. altaicus, Menzbier, Orn. Turkest. p. 272 (1891). Altai Mts. 8. cherrug (J. E. Gray). S.E. Europe. {sacer, Gm. (nee Eorst.). (p. 417.) C. Asia to China, gurneyi, Menzbier, Orn. Turkest. p. 283 (1891).] N.W. India. 9. milvipes, Jerd. Tibet and Mongolia. {Of. Blanf. Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, iii. p. 421.] Nepal, Baluchistan. 10. mexicanus (Schl.). (p. 420.) Western U. States, Mexico. LXXV1II. HIERACIDEA, Gould. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 420.) 1. berigora (Fig. $• Horsf.). (p. 421.) Australia. 2. novae-guineae, A. B. Meyer, 3. f. O. 1894, p. 89. S.E. New Guinea. 3. orientalis (Sckl.). (p. 422.) Australia, Tasmania. LXX1X. CERCHNEIS, Boie. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 423.) 1. tinnunculus (Linn.), (p. 425.) Europe, N. Asia. Indian Peninsula (winter). Africa (winter). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 277 2. arthuri (Gurmy), List Diurn. B. Prey, App. E. Africa, p. 156 (1884). Mts. of N.E. Africa. Himalayas, Burmese Provinces, China. Madeira, Canary Is. Cape Verde Is. S. Africa. Amboina, Buru, Ceram, Goram, Peling Isl. 'lesw., B. Celebes, Molucca Is. (Halmahera, Morotai, Ternate, Batchian, etc.). 9. occidentalis (A. B. Meyer §■ Wiglesw., Abhandl. Celebes. Ber. Mus. Dresd. 1896-97, no. 2, p. 8). Greater and Lesser Sunda Is. 10. cenchroides (Vig. $ Horsf.). (p. 431.) Australia. 11. rupicoloides (/?»w'a$). (p. 432.) S.Africa. 12. fieldi, Elliot, Field Columb. Mus. no. 2, Orn. p. 58 Somali-land to British E. Africa (Machakos). 3. saturata, Myth, J. A. S. Beng. xxviii. p. 277 (1859). [atratus, Blyth (lapsu). (p. 426.)] 4. canariensis, Kcenig, J. f. 0. 1889, p. 263. 5. neglfecta (Schl.) (p. 428.). 6. rupicola (Baud.), (p. 429.) 7. moluccensis (Jacq. $ Pucker.), (p. 430.) 8. orientalis (A. B. Meyer % i. p. 79, 1898). (1897). 13. alopex (Heugl.). (p. 432.) 14. newtoni (Gwrney). (p. 433.) 15. punctata (Temm.). (p. 434.) 16. gracilis (Less.), (p. 435.) 17. naumanni (Fleisch.). (p. 435.) Cf. Keichen. Orn. MB. vi. p. 143 (1898). [cenchris, Naum. (p. 435.) pe&inensis, Swinh. (p. 437.) Cf. Blanf. Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, iii. p. 430 (1895).] 18. sparveria (Linn.), (p. 437.) N.E. Africa (Bogos-land to Shoa). Equat. Africa (Redjaf). Madagascar. Mauritius. Mediterranean countries to C. Asia and China. Indian Peninsula (winter). Africa (winter). N. America, S. to Northern S. America (winter). 278 GENEEA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 19. deserticola (Mearns, Auk, ix. p. 263, 1892). W. H. America (British Columbia to N.W. Mexico). Lower California. Antilles. Florida (ace). Is. of Cura9ao, Bonaire, Aruba. 23. attstralis, Sidgw.,m B. B. & B. Hist. K. Inner. S. America (except North 20. peninsularis, Mearns, I. c. 21. dominicensis (Got.), (p. 439.) 22. brevipennis, Berl., J. f. 0. 1892, p. 91. B.iii. p. 166(1874). Atlantic and Caribbean coast). 24. aequatorialis, Mearns, Auk, ix. p. 269 (1892). Ecuador 25. ciimamomina (Swains.), (p. 439.) 26. isabellina (Swains.), (p. 441.) 27. caribbaearum (Gm.). (p. 442, note.)* 28. sparvericides (£%.). (p. 443.) \teucophrys, Bidgw. (p. 442.)] * S. America (Patagonia to Brazil, Peru, Colombia). Guiana, Venezuela. Lesser Antilles (Porto Bico, S. Thomas). Cuba. LXXX. ERYTHROPTJS, Brehm. (Cerchneis, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 423, 1874.) 1. vespertinus (Linn.), (p. 443.) 2. amurensis (Badde). (p. 445.) LXXXI. DISSODECTES, SclaUr. (Cerchneis, pt., Sharpe, t. c. p. 423.) 1. ardesiacus (Bonn. % Vuill.). (p. 446.) •2. dickinsoni (Sel.). (p. 447.) 3. zoniventris (Peters), (p. 447.) S.E. & C. Europe. S.W. Africa (winter). E. Siberia. S.E. Africa (winter). N.E. Africa, Equat. Africa, W. Africa (Senegambia to Angola). Zambesi B., Nyasa-land. Angola. * Teste Bidgway, in litt GENERA AND SPECIES OE BIRDS. 279 Sub-Order III. PANDIONES. (Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 448, 1874.) I. PANDION, Saviyn. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 448.) 1. haliaetus {Linn.), (p. 449.) 2. carolinensis, Gm. [haliaetus, pt. (p. 449.)] 3. leucocephalus, Gould, (p. 451.) Eastern Hemisphere. N. America. Australia. Austro-Malayan Is. II. POLIOAETUS, Kaup* (Sliarpe, t. c. p. 452.) 1. ichthyaetus (Horsf.). (p. 452.) 2. humilis :. $ ScM.). (p. 454.) Indian Peninsula, Ceylon, Burmese Provinces, Malay Peninsula, Greater Sunda Is., Celebes, Philippine '. Cachar, Burmese Provinces, Malay Peninsula, Greater Sunda Is., Celebes. 3. major, A. B. Meyer <$• Wiglesw., B. Celebes, i. p. 44 Sub-Himalayan districts (1898). to Assam. * Polioaelus has, by recent writers, been restored to its former position among the Sea-Eagles ; but I still keep it with the Ospreys, as I am not yet satisfied that it does not possess the reversible outer toe of the latter group. An excellent field-naturalist, of wide experience in India, assures me that the outer toe is reversible. 280 GENERA AND SPECIES OE BIBBS. Order XXVI. STRIGIFORMES. (Striges, Sharpe, Classif. B. p. 79, 1891.) [Cf. Pycraft, Tr. Linn. Soe. 2nd ser. Zool. vii. pt. 6, pp. 223-275, pis. 24-29, 1898.] Family I. BUB0NID-2E. (Sharpe, Cat. B. ii. p. 1, 1875.) Sub-Family I. ASIONINjE. (Cf. Pycraft, t. e. p. 269.) I. ASIO, Briss. (Sharpe, Cat. B. ii. p. 225, 1875.) 1. otus (Linm.). (p. 227.) 2. wilsonianus (Less.). [americanus, Steph. (p. 229.)] 3. clamator (Vieill.). [mexiccmus, G-m. (p. 231.) Cf. Salvin & Ctodman, Biol. Centr.-Am., Aves, ii. p. 5.] 4. midas (Schl.). (p. 231, note.) 5. madagascariensis (Smith), (p. 232.) 6. accipitrinus (Pall), (p. 234.) 7. portoricensis, Ridgw., Proe. U.S. Nat. Mus. W. p. 368 (1882). 8. galapagensis (Gould), (p. 234, pt.) 9. nisuella, Laud. [capensis (Smith), (p. 239.) Cf. Eeichen. Mittl. Hoohl. deutsch. Oat- Afrika, p. 271, 1898.] Europe. N. Asia. Japan, China. Himalayas, N.W. India. Temperate N. America, S. to tablelands of Mexico. S. America, Panama. S.E. Brazil, La Plata. Cosmopolitan. Porto Bioo. Galapagos Is. Tropical Africa, N. Africa. Spain. GENEBA AND SPECIES OF BIKDS. 281 10. major (Schl.). [capensis (Smith), pt. p. 239.] 11. butleri, Hume, Str. F. vii. p. 316 (1878). 12. stygius {Waffl.). (p. 241.) 13. grammicus (Gosse). (p. 242.) 14. macrurus (Kaup). (p. 242.) Madagascar. Peninsula of Sinai to Mekran coast. C. & S. America. Cuba. Jamaica. Mexico. 15. ljcnrici, Milne-Edw., C. R. II. Congr. Orn. Intern. S. France (Eocene), ii. p. 63 (1892). Sub-Family II. KETUPINM 4. minor, Biittik., Notes Leyden Mus. xviii. p. 165 Nias Isl. (1896). III. SC0T0PELIA, Bp. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 9.) 1. peli, Bp. (p. 10.) W. Africa (Senegambia to Gaboon). E. Africa (Nyasa-land to Zulu-land). 2. oustaleti, Boehebr., Bull. Soc. Philom. (7) vii. Senegambia. p. 165 (1883). 282 GENERA AND SPECIES OE BIRDS. 3. ussheri, Sharpe. (p. 11.) Gold Coast. 4. bouvieri, Sharpe. (p. 11.) Gaboon. Sub-Family III. BUBONINM IV. BUBO, Guv. (Sharpe, Cat. B. ii. p. 12, 1875.) 1. bubo (Linn.). Europe. [ignavus, Forst. (p. 14.)] 2. sibiricus, IAcM., Menzbier, Ibis, 1885, p. 262. E. of Ural Mts. Bashkiria. 3. turcomanus (Eversm.). (p. 17.) Deserts of S.W. Siberia, Turkestan, Tibet, Himalayas. 4. virginiamis (Gm.). (p. 19.) E. H. America, S. from Labrador. C. America to Costa Rica. 5. pallescens, atone, Amer. Nat. xxxi. p. 273(1897).* Western TJ. States, \mb-wrcticus (nee Hoy), A. O. V. Check-1. British Columbia,, p. 148, 1895).] Manitoba, S. to Mexican tablelands. 6. arcticus, Swaims. (p. 19, pt.) Arctic America. [sub-arcticus, Hoy, <■/. Allen, Auk, xv. p. 71.] N.W. U. States (winter). 7. saturatus, Ridgw., Man. N. Amer. B. 2nd ed. Labrador to Alaska, and p. 263 (1896). S. to California. 8. pacificus, Cass. (p. 19, pt.) . W. N. America. 9. nigrescens, Berl. $ Tacz., P. Z. S. 1884, p. 309. Ecuador. 10. ascalaphus, Savign. (p. 24.) X.E. Africa. 11. barbarus, Erlanger, Orn. MB. v. p. 192 (1897). C. TuniB. 12. desertorum, Erlanger, Orn. MB. v. p. 192 S. Tunis. (1897). * Cf. Auk, xv. p. 71 (Jan. 1898). GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 283 13. abyssinicus (Guer.). (p. 227, note.) [Cf. Sharpe, Bull. B. O. 0. vii. p. xxvi.] 14. milesi, Sharpe, Ibis, 1886, p. 163, pi. vi. 15. bengalensis (Frankl). (p. 25.) 16. capensis, Smith, (p. 27.) 17. magellanicus, Gm. (p. 29.) 18. maculosus ( Vieill.). (p. 30.) 19. cinerascens, Guir. (p. 32.) 20. lacteus (Temm.). (p. 33.) 21. verreauxi, Bp. (p. 33, pt.) Shoa, Somali-land. Muscat, S.E. Arabia. Indian Peninsula. S. Africa. Tropical S. America. S. Africa, W. to Benguela, N. to Nyasa-land. N.E. Africa, W. Africa. S. Africa. N.E. Africa, Nigeria. Indian Peninsula, 22. coromandus {Lath,). [sinensis, Heude, cf. Sharpe, Ibis, 1875, p. 255.] China. 23. blakistoni, Seebohm, P. Z. S. 1883, p. 466. Japan. 24. doerriesi, Seebohm, Bull. B. 0. C. t. p. iv (1895). E. Siberia. S.W. Ussuri. 25. lettii, Buttik., Notes Leyd. Mus. xi. pp. 34, 115, W. Africa (Liberia). pi. vi. 26. tltwrtUS, Milne-Edw., 0. P. II. Congr. Orn. S. France (Eocene). Intern, ii. p. 63 (1892). 27. arbemensiB, Milne-Edw., Lydekker, Oat. Foss. B. Prance (Lower Miocene). p. 15. poirrim, Milne-Edw., Lydekker, t. o. p. 15. France (Miocene). V. |lecroI)pag, Milne-Edw. (Milne-Edw., C. E. II. Oongr. Intern, ii. p. 61, 1892.) S. France (Eocene). 1. fjarpax, Milne-Edw. I. c. 2. roflStgltolt, Milne-Edw. I. c. S. France (Eocene). VI. HUHUA, Hodge. (Bubo, pt., Sharpe, Cat. B. ii. p. 12, 1875.) 1. shelleyi (Sharpe $s Ussher). (p. 37.) Gold Coast. 284 GENERA AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 2. nipalensis, Hodgs. (p. 37.) [pectoralis, Jerd. (p. 38, note).] 3. orientalis (Horsf.). (p. 39.) 4. leucosticta, Hartl. (p. 41.) 5. poensis, Fraser. (p. 42.) Himalayas, Hills of S. India and Ceylon, Burmese Provinces. S. Tenasserim, Malay Peninsula, Greater Sunda Is. W. Africa (Gold Coast to Gaboon). W. Africa (Gold Coast to Gaboon), Fernando Po. VII. PSEUDOPTYNX, Kaup. (Bubo, pt., Sharpe, Oat. B. ii. p. 12, 1875.) 1. philippinensis, Kaup. (p. 43.) 2. gurneyi, Tweed*., P. Z. S. 1878, p. 940. VIII. NYCTEA, Steph. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 125.) 1. nyctea (Linn.). [seandiaca, Sharpe, t. . lawrencei (Scl. t f Salv.). (p. 150.) Lesser Antilles. Cuba. XXVII. GLATJCIDIUM, Bote. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 188.) 1. nanum (King), (p. 190.) 2. passe rinum (Linn.), (p. 191.) Chile, Patagonia. N. & C. Europe. 3. orientale, Tacx.. Mem. Acad. l*t. Petersb. (7) E. Sibei-ia. xxxix. p. 128 (1891). 298 GEXERA AND SPECIES OF BIBDS. 4. sij-u (D' Orb.), (p. 193.) 5. gnoma, Wagl. (p. 194.) 6. californicum, Scl. (p. 194, pt.) [Cf. A. 0. U. Check-1. 2nd ed. p. 151, 1895.] 7. hcskinsi, Srewst., Auk, v. p. 136 (1888). [Cf. A. O. U. Check-1. 2nd ed. p. 151, 1895.] 8. fisheri, Nelson fy Palmer, Auk, xi. p. 41 (1894). [gnoma, pt., Salvin & Godman, Biol., Aves, ii. p. 35, 1897.] Cuba. W. N. America (Brit. Columbia and E. Rocky Mts. to Tablelands of Mexico). W. N. America (Coast of California to Brit. Columbia). Lower California. Mexico (Puebla). 9. cobanense, Sharpe. (p. 199.) Guatemala. [gnoma, pt., Salvin & Godman, Biol., Aves, ii. p. 35, 1897.] 10. griseiceps, Sharpe. (p. 196.) 11. pumilum (Tewim.). (p. 198.) 12. ferox (Vieill.). (p. 200.) 13. phalaenoides (Baud.), (p. 203.) 14. ridgwayi, Sharpe. (p. 205.) [, pt., Salvin & Godman, Biol., Aves, ii. p. 33 (1897).] 15. jardinii (Bp.). (p. 207.) 16. tephronotum, Sharpe. (p. 211.) 17. perlatum ( Vieill.). (p. 209.) 18. kilimense, Betoken., Orn. MB. i. p. 178 (1893). British Honduras, Guatemala to Panama. Brazil. Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Guiana. Trinidad. S. United States (Texas to Arizona). C. America (Mexico to Panama). Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, N. to Costa Rica. S. America (loc. ign.). S. Africa. N.E. Africa. Mt. Kilimanjaro, E. Africa. GENEBA. AND SPECIES OF BIRDS. 299 19. sjbstedti, Rekhm., Om. MB. i. p. 65 (1893). W. Africa (Cameroons). 20. brcdiei {Burton), (p. 212.) Himalayas to Assam, Tenasserim, and S. China. Malay Peninsula. 21. pardalotum {Swinh.). (p. 214.) Formosa. 22. sylvaticum (Bp.). (p. 215.) Sumatra. 23. borneense, Sharpe, Bull. B. O. 0. i. p. lv (1893). N.W. Borneo. 24. castanonotum (Blyth). (p. 215.) Ceylon. 25. castanopterum (Hon>f.). (p. 216.) Java. 26. radiatum (Tick,), (p. 217.) Indian Peninsula. 27. malabaricum (Blyth). (p. 218.) S. India, [radiatum, pt., Blanf. Faun. Brit. India, Birds, Ceylon, iii. p. 306, 1895.] 28. cuculoides (Gould), (p. 219.) Himalayas, Hills of C. India. Assam, Burmese Provinces. 29. whitelyi (Swinh.). (p. 222.) China. 30. capense (Smith), (p. 223.) S. Africa (E. Cape Colony to Nyasa-land). 31. castaneum, Reichen., Orn. MB. i. p. 62 (1893). Equatorial Africa. XXVIII. MICROPALLAS, Coues, Auk, vi. p. 71 (1889). [Mierathene, Coues (nee Sundev.), Sharpe, Cat. B. ii. p. 224.] 1. whitneyi (Cooper), (p. 224.) S. California, Arizona, New Mexico, S. Texas, Valley of Mexico, Lower California. 2. SOCorrcensiS (Ridgw., Auk, iii. p. 333). Socorro Is., W. Mexico. 300 GElflBA AND SPECIES 01' BIKDS. Sub-Family VI. PHOTOBILIN^. (Cf. Blanf. Faun. Brit, Ind., Birds, iii. p. 268, 1895.) XXIX. PHOTODILUS, laid. Oeoffr. [Phodilus, Sharpe, Cat. B. ii. p. 309, 1 875.] 1. badius (Horsf.). (p. 309.) E.Himalayas, Assam, Burmese Provinces, Malay Peninsula, Greater Sunda Is. 2. assimilis, Hume, Str. F. r. p. 138 (1877). Ceylon. XXX. HELIODILUS, MUne-Edw. (Milne-Edw. C. R. Ixxxv. p. 1282, 1878.) 1. soumagnii, Grandid., Bull. Soc. Philom. (7)ii. Madagascar, p. 65 (1878). Family II. STRIGID.E. (Sharpe, Oat. B. ii. p. 289, 1875.) I. STRIX, Linn. (Sharpe, t. c. p. 290.) 1. flammea, Linn. (p. 290.) Europe. Africa. 2. javanica (6m.). (p. 291, pt.) Indian Peninsula. [Of. Blanf. Faun. Brit. Ind., Birds, iii. p. 264, Indo-Chinese Provinces. 1895.] Greater and Lesser Sunda la. 3. sumbaensis, Hartert, Nov. Zool. iv. p. 270 Lesser Sunda Is. (Sumba (1897). Isl.). 4. perlata (Licht.). (p. 291,j pt.). C. &. S. America. 5. pratincola, Bp. (Cf. A. 0. U. Oheek-1. 2nd cd. Temperate N. America, p. 143, 1895.) S. from lat. 41°. fi. furcata ( Temm.). (p. 296.) Jamaica. GENEEA AND SPECIES OF BIEDS. 301 7. contempta, Hartert, Nov. Zool. v. p. 500 (1898). N.W. Ecuador. 8. bargei, Hartert, Bull. B. O. C. i. p. xiii (1892). Curasao Isl. 9. delicatula, Gould, (p. 297.) Australia, Now Caledonia, New Hebrides, Loyalty Is. 10. lulu, Peate. (p. '291, pt.) Society Is., Tonga Is., ^amoa Is. 11. rosenbergi, Schl. (p. 298.) Celebes. 12. inexpectata, Schl., Notes Leyden Mus. i. p. 59 N. Celebes. (1879). 13. punctatissima, Go'dd. (p. 292.) Galapagos Is. 14. nigrescens, Lawr., Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. i. p. 64 Lesser Antilles (Domi- (1878). nica). 15. glaucops, Kaup. (p. 291, pt.) S. Domingo. [dorninieensis, Cory, Bull. Nutt. Orn. Club, Tiii. p. 95(1883).] 16. insularis, Pelz. (p. 291, pt.) Cape Verde Is. 17. deroepstorffi, Hume, Str. P. iii. p. 390 (1875). Andaman Is. 18. novae-hollandiae, Steph. (p. 303.) Australia. New Caledonia. Loyalty Is. 19. sororcula, Scl., P. Z. S. 1883, p. 51. Tenimber Is. 20. castanops, Gould, (p. 304.) Tasmania. 21. aurantia, Scdvad., Atti E. Ace. Torino, xvi. p. 619 New Britain. (1881) ; id. Orn. Pap. iii. p. 512 (1882). 22. tenebricosa, Gould, (p. 306.) Australia. 23. arfaki, Schl., Notes Leyd. Mus. i. p. 101 (1879). New Guinea. 24. capensis, Smith, (p. 307.) S. Africa. 302 GENEBA AND SPECIES OV BIRDS. 25. Candida, Tick. (p. 308.) Tndian Peninsula, [oustaleti, Hartl. P. Z. S. 1879, p. 295.] Burmese Provinces, Formosa, Celebes. N. Australia. Fiji Is. (Viti LeYu). 26. thomensis, Hartl. (p. 290, note.) W. Africa (St. Thomas Isl.). 27. m«litenBiS, LydeMer, Cat. Foss. B. p. 13 (1891 ). Malta (Pleistocene). 28. saitctt albant, Lydekker, P. Z. S. 1S93, p. 518, France (Miocene). pi. xli. figs. 1-4. 29. Sliaftfrt, E. Newt. 4' Gadow, Tr. Z. S. xiii. p. 286, Mauritius (Pleistocene). pi. xsriii. figs. 11, 18 (1879). 30. ailtiljtia, Milne-Edwards; Lydekker, Cat. Foss. B. France (Lower Miocene). p. 14 (1891). II. 33at(io^teS, Amegh. (Amegh. Bol. Inst. Geogr. Argent, xv. p. 102.) 1. jatagotlirtlS, Amegh. I. c. Patagonia (Miocene). 303 ADDENDA Page 3, last line. 7. Casuarius beccarii. Volfcan Is., Aru Is. Add:— la. sclateri, Salvad., Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. xii. S. & S.E. New Guinea, p. 422 (1878). [beccarii, pt., Salvad. Cat. B. xxvii. p. 596.] Page 4. Add:— 8 a. aurantiacus, Rothschild, Bull. B. 0. 0. viii. German New Guinea. p. 1 (1899). 13 a. hecki, Rothschild, Bull. B. O. C. viii. p. xlix German New Guinea. (1899). Page 29. Add:— 8 a. ricketti, Ogilvie Grant, Bull. B. O. C. viii. Fohkien, S. China. p. xlvii (1899). LIST OF THE CURRENT NATURAL HISTORY PUBLICATIONS OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM. The following publications can be purchased through the Agency of Messrs. Longmans & Co., 39. Paternoster Rou- ; Mr. Quaritch, 15, Piccadilly ; Messrs. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road ; and Messrs. Dulau & Co., 37, Soho Square; or at the Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, S.W. Catalogue of the Specimens and Drawings of Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes of Nepal and Tibet. Presented by B. H. Hodgson, Esq., to the British Musuem. 2nd edition. By John Edward Gray. Pp. xii., 90. . [With an account of the Collection by Mr Hodgson.] 1863, 12mo. 2s. 3d Catalogue of the Mammalia and Birds of New Guinea in the Collection of the British Museum. [With list of Species of New Guinea Birds, and those of the neighbouring Localities.] By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., F.R.S., and George Robert Gray, FL.S., &c. Pp. 63. Woodcuts. 1859, 8vo. Is. 6d. Report on tbe Zoological Collections made in the Indo- Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. "Alert," 1381-2. Pp. xxv., 684. 54 Plates. 1884, 8vo. 2 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OF THE MAMMALS. ' List of the Specimens of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. B. Gray, F.R.S. Pp. xxviii., 216. [With Systematic List of the Genera of Mammalia, Index of Donations, and Alphabetical Index.] 1843, 12mo. 2s. 6d. Catalogue of the Bones of Mammalia in the Collection of the British Museum. By Edward Gerrard. Pp. iv., 296. 1862, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of Monkeys, Lemurs, and Fruit-eating Bats in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 137. 21 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 4s. Catalogue of Carnivorous, Pachydermatous, and Edentate Mammalia in the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. vii., 398. 47 Woodcuts. 1869, 8vo. 6s. 6d. Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. 2nd edition. Pp. vii., 402. 101 Woodcuts. 1866, 8vo. 8s. Supplement. By John Edward Gray, F,R.S., &c. Pp. vi., 103. 11 Woodcuts. 1871, 8vo. 2.*.* Gd. List of the Specimens of Cetacea in the Zoological Depart- ment of the British Museum. By William Henry Flower, LL.D., F.R.S., &c. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] Pp. iv., 36. 1885, 8vo. Is. M. Catalogue of Ruminant Mammalia (Pecora, Linnaeus) in the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 102. 4 Plates. 1872, 8vo. 3s. Gd. Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata in the Collection of the British Museum By Oldfield Thomas. Pp. xiii., 401. 4 coloured and 24 plain Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1888, 8vo. U. 8s. BIRDS. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum : — Vol. VI. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection* of the British Museum. CicMomorplue -. Part III., containing the first portion of the family Timeliidie (Babbling Thrushes). By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 420. Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1881, 8vo. 1/. Vol. VIl. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cichlomorphw : Part IV., containing the concluding portion of the family Timeliidse (Babbling Thrushes). BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 3 Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum — continued. ByR. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xvi.,698. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1883, 8vo. 1/. 6s. Vol. VIII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. GichlomorphcB : Part V., containing the families Paridae and Laniidse (Titmice and Shrikes) ; and Gerthiomorphce (Creepers and Nuthatches). By Hans Gadow, M.A., Ph.D. Pp. xiii., 386. Woodcutrand 9 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1883, 8vo. 17s. Vol. IX. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Cinnyrimorphce, containing the families Nectariniidse and Meliphagidas (Sun Birds and Honey-eaters). By Hans Gadow, M.A., Ph.D. Pp. xii., 310. Woodcuts and 7 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1884, 8vo. 14s. Vol. X. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. FringilUformes : Part I., containing the families Dicaeidae, Hirundinidae, Ampelidae, Mniotiltidse, and Motacillidae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 682. Woodcuts and 12 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 11. 2s. Vol. XI. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. FringilUformes : Part II., containing the families Coerebidae, Tanagridse, and Icteridae. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 431. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. 1886, 8vo. 11. Vol. XII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. FringilUformes : Part III., containing the family Fringillidse. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xv., 871. Woodcuts and 16 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1888, 8vo. 11. 8s. Vol. XIII. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Sturniformes, containing the families Artamidae, Sturnidae, Ploceidae, and Alaudidae. Also the families Atrichiida? and Menuridae. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. " Pp. xvi., 701. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo., 11. 8s. Vol. XIV. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Oligomyodw, or the families Tyrannidae, Oxyrham- phida?, Pipridse, Cotingid33,Phytotomida3,Philepittida\ 2778 A 2 4 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum— continued. Pittidae, Xenicidse, and Eurylaemidae. By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp.xix.,494. Woodcuts and 26 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1888, 8vo. II. 4s. Vol. XV. Catalogue of the Passeriformes, or Perching Birds, in the Collection of the British Museum. Tracheophonw. or the families Dendrocolaptidas, Formicariidae, Conopophagidae, and Pteroptochidse. „ By Philip Lutley Sclater, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. xvii., 371. Woodcuts and 20 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 17. Vol. XVI. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Upupce ana Trochili, by Osbert Salvin. Coracice, of the families Cypselidae, Capri- mulgidae, Podargidae, and Steatornithidae, by Ernst Hartert. Pp. xvi., 703. Woodcuts and 14 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8vo. 17. 16s. Vol. XVII. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Coracice (contin.) and Halcyones, with the families Leptosomatidae, Ooraciidse, Meropidse, Alcedinidse, Momotidse, Totidae and Coliidae, by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Bucerotes and Trogimes by W. R. Ogilvie Grant. Pp. xi., 522. Woodcuts and 17 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1892, 8vo. 17. 10s. Vol. XVIII. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores, containing the family Picidae. By Edward Hargitt. Pp. xv., 597. Woodcuts and 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1890, 8vo. 1/. Gs. Vol. XIX. Catalogue of the Picariae in the Collection of the British Museum. Scansores and Coccyges : con- taining the families Rhainphastidse, Galbulidae, and Bucconidae, by P. L. Sclater ; and the families Indi- catoridae, Capitonidse, Cuculidae, and Musophagidae, by G. E. Shelley. Pp. xii., 484 : 13 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 17. 5s. Vol. XX. Catalogue of the Psittaci, or Parrots, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvadori. Pp. xvii., '658 : Woodcuts and 18 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 17. 10s. Vol. XXI. Catalogue of the Columbae, or Pigeons, in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvadori. Pp. xvii., 676 : 15 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 1/. 10s. Vol. XXII. Catalogue of the Game Birds {Pterocletes, Gallince, OpisfJioco?ni, Hemipodii) in the Collection of BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 5 Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum — continued. the British Museum. By W. R. Ogilvie Grant. Pp. xvi., 585 : 8 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893, 8vo. 11. 6s. Vol. XXIII. Catalogue of the Fulicarise (Rallidae and Heliornithidse) and Alectorides (Aramidse, Eurypy- gidse, Mesitidse, Rhinochetidse, Gruidse, Psophiidse, and Otididse) in the Collection of the British Museum. By R. Bowdler Sharpe. Pp. xiii., 353 : 9 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1894, 8vo. 20s. Vol. XXIV. Catalogue of the Limicolse in the Collection of the British Museum. By R. Bowdler Sharpe, Pp. xii., 794. Woodcuts and 7 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1896, 8vo. 11. 5s. Vol. XXV. Catalogue of the Gavise and Tubinares in the Collection of the British Museum. Gavise (Terns, Gulls, and Skuas,) by Howard Saunders. Tubinares (Petrels and Albatrosses), by Osbert Salvin. Pp. xv., 475 ; woodcuts and 8 coloured Plates. [With Syste- matic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1896, 8vo. 11. Is. Vol. XXVI. Catalogue of the Platalese, Herodiones, Steganopodes, Pygopodes, Alcse, and Impennes in the Collection of the British Museum. Platalese (Ibises and Spoonbills) and Herodiones (Herons and Storks), by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Steganopodes (Cormorants, Gannets, Frigate-birds, Tropic-birds, and Pelicans), Pygopodes (Divers anrt Grebes), Alcse (Auks), and Im- pennes (Penguins), by W. R. Ogilvie-Grant. Pp. xvii., 687 : Woodcuts and 14 coloured Plates. [With Sys- tematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1898, 8vo. 11. 5s. Vol. XXVII. Catalogue of the Chenomorphse (Pala- medese, Phoenicopteri, Anseres), Crypturi, and Ratitse in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Salvadori. Pp. xv., 636 : 19 coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1895, 8vo. 11. 12s. List of the Specimens of Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray : — Part III., Section I. Ramphastidse. Pp. 16. [With Index.] 1855, 12mo. &d. Part III., Section II. Psittacidse. Pp. 110. [With Index.] 1859, 12mo. 2s. Part III., Sections III. and IV. Capitonidse and Picidaa. Pp. 137. [With Index.] 1868, 12mo. Is. 6d. Part IV. Columbse. Pp. 73. [With Index.] 1856, 12mo. Is. 9d. Part V. Gallinae. Pp. iv., 120. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1867, 12mo. Is. M. 6 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of the Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 72 [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 8vo. Is. 6d. REPTILES. Catalogue of the Tortoises, Crocodiles, and Amphisbaenians in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. viii., 80- [With an' Alphabetical Index.] 1844, 12mo. Is. Catalogue of Shield Reptiles in the Collection of the British Museum. By John Edward Gray, F.R.S., &c: — Appendix. Pp. 28. 1872, 4to. 2s. 6d. Part II , Emydosaurians, Rhynchocephalia, and Amphis- bsenians. Pp. vi., 41. 25 Woodcuts. 1872, 4to. 3s. m. Hand-List of the Specimens of Shield Reptiles in the British Museum. By Dr. J. E. Gray, F.R.S., F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 124. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1873, 8vo. 4s. Catalogue of the Chelonians, Rhynchocephalians, and Crocodiles in the British Museum (Natural History). New Edition. By George Albert Boulenger. Pp. x., 311. 73 Woodcuts and 6 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1889, 8vo. 15s. Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum (Natural His- tory). Second Edition. By George Albert Boulenger : — Vol. I. Geckonidse, Eublepharidse, Uroplatidse, Pygo- podidse, Agamidae. Pp. xii., 436. 32 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 20s. Vol. II. Iguanidae, Xenosauridae, Zonur;dae, Anguidae, Anniellidse, Helodermatidas, Varanidae, Xantusiidae, Teiidae, Amphisbeenidae. Pp. xiii., 497. 24 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 20s. Vol. III. Lacertidae, Gerrhosauridee, Scincidse, Anelytro- pidae, Dibamidae, Chamaaleontidae. Pp. xii., 575. 40 Plates. [With a Systematic Index and an Alphabetical Index to the three volumes.] 1887, 8vo. 1/. 6s. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (Natural History). By George Albert Boulenger, F.R.S. :— Vol. I., containing the families Typhlopidae, Glauconiidae, Boidffi, Ilysiidae, Uropeltidas, Xenopeltidte, and Colu- bridas aglyphee, part. Pp. xiii., 448 : 26 Woodcuts and 28 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1893. 8vo. 1/. Is. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 7 Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum— continued. Vol. II., containing the conclusion of the Colubridse aglyphse. Pp. xi., 382 : 25 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes. 1 1894, 8vo. 17s. 6d. Vol. III., containing the Colubridse (Opisthoglyphae and Proteroglyphse), Amblycephalidse, and Viperidae. Pp. xiv., 727 : 37 Woodcuts and 25 Plates. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index to the 3 volumes.] 1896, 8vo. 11. 6s. Catalogue of Colubrine Snakes in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Giinther. Pp. xvi., 281. [With Geographic, Systematic, and Alphabetical Indexes.! 1858, 12mo. 4s. BATRACHIANS. Catalogue of the Batrachia Salientia in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Albert Giinther. Pp. xvi., 160. 12 Plates. [With Systematic, Geographic, and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1858, 8vo. 6s. PISHES. Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum. Second edition. Vol. I. Catalogue of the Perciform Fishes in the British Museum. Vol. I. Containing the Centrarchidse, Percidae, and Serranidse (part). By George Albert Bqulenger, F.R.S. Pp. xix., 394. Woodcuts and 15 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1895, 8vo. 15s. List of the Specimens of Fish in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Ohondropterygii. By J. B. Gray. Pp. x., 160. 2 Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1851, 12mo. 3s. Catalogue of Fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow, now in the British Museum. Pp. vii., 196. [With a Systematic Index.] 1854, 12mo. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of Apodal Fish in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Kaup. Pp. viii., 163. 11 Woodcuts and 19 Plates. 1856, 8vo. 10s. Catalogue of Lophobranchiate Fish in the Collection of the British Museum. By J. J. Kaup, Ph.D., &c. Pp. iv., 80. 4 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856, 12mo. 2s. S LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE MOLLUSCA . Guide to the Systematic Distribution of Mollusca in the British Museum. Part I. By John Edward Gray, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. Pp. xii., 230. 121 Woodcuts. 1857, 8vo. 5s. List of the Shells of the Canaries in the Collection of the British Museum, collected by MM. "Webb and Berthelot Described and figured by Prof. Alcide D'Orbigny in the •"Histoire Naturelle des lies Canaries." Pp. 32. 1854, 12mo. Is. List of the Shells of Cuba in the Collection of the British Museum, collected by M. Ramon de la Sagra. Described by Prof. Alcide d'Orbigny in the " Histoire de l'lle de Cuba." Pp. 48. 1854, 12mo. Is. List of the Shells of South America in the Collection of the British Museum. Collected and described by M. Alcide D'Orbigny in the "Voyage dans lAmerique Meridionale." Pp. 89. 1854, 12mo. 2s. Catalogue of the Collection of Mazatlan Shells in the British Museum, collected by Frederick Reigen. Described by Philip P. Carpenter. Pp. xvi., 552. 1857, 12mo. 8s. List of Mollusca and Shells in the Collection of the British Museum, collected and described by MM. Eydoux and Souleyet in the "Voyage autour du Monde, execute "pendant les annees 1836 et 1837, sur la Corvette 'La " Bonite,' " and in the " Histoire naturelle des Mollusques " Pteropodes." Par MM. P. C. A. L. Rang et Souleyet. Pp. iv., 27. 1855, 12mo. Sd. Catalogue of the Phaneropneumona, or Terrestial Operculated Mollusca, in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. L. Pfeiffer. Pp. 324. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1852, 12mo. 5s. Catalogue of Pulmonata, or Air Breathing Mollusca, in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. By Dr. Louis Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 192. Woodcuts. 1855, 12mo. 2s. 6d Catalogue of the Auriculidae, Proserpinidse, and Truncatellidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Louis Pfeiffer. Pp. iv., 150. Woodcuts. 1857, 12mo. Is. 9d. List of the Mollusca in the Collection of the British Museum. By John Edward Grav, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. Part I. Volutidffi. Pp. 23. 1855, 12mo. 6d. Part II. Olividse. Pp. 41. 1865, 12mo. Is. Catalogue of the Conchifera, or Bivalve Shells, in the Collection of the British Museum. By M. Deshayes : — Part I. Veneridae, Cyprinidas, Glauconomidse, and Petricoladae. Pp. iv., 216. 1853, 12mo. 3s. Part II. Petricoladse (concluded) ; Corbiculadas. "Pp. 217-292. [With an Alphabetical Index to the two J.arts.] 1854, 12mo. &d. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 9 BRACHIOPODA. Catalogue of Brachiopoda Ancylopoda or Lamp Shells in the Collection of the British Museum. [Issued as " Catalogue of the Mollusca, Part IV."] Pp. iv., 128. 25 Woodcuts. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1853, 12mo. 3s. POLYZOA. Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa in the Collection of the British Museum. Part III. Cyclostomata. By George Busk, F.R.S. Pp. viii., 39. 38 Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1875, 8vo. 5s. CRUSTACEA. Catalogue of the Specimens of Amphipodous Crustacea in the Collection of the British Museum. By C. Spence Bate, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 399. 58 Plates. [With an Alpha- betical Index.] 1862, 8vo. 11. 5s. ARACHNIDA. Descriptive Catalogue of the Spiders of Burma, based upon the Collection made by Eugene W. Oates and preserved in the British Museum.' By T. Thorell. Pp. xxxvi., 406. [With Systematic List and Alphabetical Index.] 1895, 8vo. 10s. 6d. MYRIOPODA. Catalogue of the Myriapoda in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Newport, F.R.S., P.E.S., &c. Part I. Chilopoda. Pp. iv., 96. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856, 12mo. Is. 9d. INSECTS. Coleopterous Insects. Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum : — Part VI. Passalidae. By Frederick Smith. Pp. iv., 23. 1 Plate. [With Index.] 1852, 12mo. 8d. Part VII. Longicornia, I. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 174. 4 Plates. 1853, 12mo. 2s. 6d Part VIII. Longicornia, II. By Adam White. Pp. 237. 6 Plates. 1855, 12mo. 3s. 6d. Part IX. Cassididse. By Charles H. Boheman, Professor of Natural History, Stockholm. Pp. 225. [With Index.] 1856, 12mo. ?>$. 10 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Coleoptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Lycidse. -By Charles Owen Waterhouse. Pp. x., 83. 18 Coloured Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1879, 8vo. 16s. Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of Madeira in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon Wollaston, M.A., P.L.S. Pp. xvi., 234 : 1 Plate. [With a Topographical- Catalogue and an Alphabetical Index.] 1857, 8vo. 3s.- Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the Collection of the British Museum. By T. Vernon Wollaston, M.A., F.L.S. Pp. xiii., 648. [With Topo- graphical and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1864, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Catalogue of Halticidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By the Rev. Hamlet Clark, M.A., F.L.S. Physapodes and (Edipodes. Part I. Pp. xii., 301. Frontispiece and 9 Plates. 1860, 8vo. 7s. Catalogue of Hispidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By Joseph S. Baly. M.B.S., &c. Part I. Pp. x., 172. 9 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 8vo. 6s. Hymenopterous Insects. List of the Specimens of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S. :— Part II. Chalcidites. Additional Species. Appendix. Pp. iv., 99-237. 1848, 12mo. 2s. Catalogue of Hymenopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith. 12mo. : — Part I. Andrenidse and Apidae. Pp. 197. 6 Plates. 1853, 2s. &d. Part II. Apidee. Pp. 199-465. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1854, 6s. Part III. Mutillidse and Pompilidse. Pp. 206. 6 Plates. 1855, 6s. Part IV. SphegidsE, Larridas, and Crabronidoe. Pp. 207- 497. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856, 6s. Part V. Vespidaa. Pp. 147. 6 Plates. [With an Alpha- betical Index.] 1857, 6s. Part VI. Formicidse. Pp. 216. 14 Plates. TWith an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 6s. Part VII. DorylidM and Thynnidae. Pp. 76. 3 Plates [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1859, 2s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 11 Descriptions of New Species of Hymenoptera in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith. Pp. xxi., 240. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1879, 8vo. 10s. List of Hymenoptera, with descriptions and figures of the Typical Specimens in the British Museum. Vol. I., Tenthredinidae and Siricidae. By "W. F. Kirby. Pp. xxviii., 450. 16 Coloured -Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1882, 8vo. 1 /. 18s. Dipterous Insects. List of the Specimens of Dipterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S. Part VII. Supplement III. Asilidse. Pp. ii., 507-775. 1855, 12mo. 3s. 6d. Lepidopterous Insects. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera Phalsense in the British Museum. Vol. I. Catalogue of the Syntomidss in the Collection of the British Museum. By Sir George F. Hampson, Bart. Pp. xxi., 559. 285 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes, and Table of the Phylogeny of the Syntomidse.] 1898, 8vo., 15s. : — Atlas of 17 Coloured Plates, 8vo., 15s. Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the British Museum : — Part III. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xviii., 82. 41-60 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1879, 4to. 21. 10s. Part V. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xii., 74. 78-100 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1881, 4to. 21. 10s. Part VI. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. xv., 89. 101-120 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic Index.] 1886, 4to. 21. 4s. Part VII. By Arthur Gardiner Butler. Pp. iv., 124. 121-138 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 1889, 4to. 21. Part VIII. The Lepidoptera Heterocera of the Nilgiri District. By George Francis Hampson. Pp. iv., 144. 139-156 Coloured Plates. [With a Systematic List.] 1891, 4to. 21. Part IX. The Macrolepidoptera Heterocera of Ceylon'. , By George Francis Hampson. Pp. v., 182. 157-176. Coloured Plates. [With a General Systematic List of Species collected in, or recorded from, Ceylon.] 1893, 4to. 21. 2s. Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera of the family Satyridae in the Collection of the British Museum. By Arthur Gardiner Butler, F.L.S., &c. Pp. vi., 211. 5 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1868, 8vo. 5s. 6d. 12 LIST OP PUBLICATIONS OP THE Catalogue of Diurnal Lepidoptera described by Fabricius in the Collection of the British Museum. By Arthur Gardiner Butler, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 303. 3 Plates. 1869, 8vo. 7s. 6d. Specimen of a Catalogue of Lycsenidas in the British Museum. By W. C. Hewitson. Pp. 15. 8 Coloured Plates. 1862, 4to. 11. Is. List of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Papilionidae. By G. R. Gray, F.L.S. Pp. 106. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1856, 12mo. 2s. List of the Specimens of Lepidopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. 12mo. :— Part XIX. Pyralides. Pp. 799-1036. [With an Alpha- betical Index to Parts XVI.-XIX.] 1859, 3s. 6d. Part XX. Geometrites. Pp. 1-276. 1860. 4s. Part XXI. Pp. 277HL98. 1860,3s. Part XXII. Pp. 499-755. 1861, 3s. 6d. Part XXIII. Pp. 756-1020. 1861, 3s. 6d. Part XXIV. Pp. 1021-1280. 1862, 3s. Qd. Part XXV. Pp. 1281-1477. 1862, 3s. Part XXVI. Pp. 1478-1796. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts XX.-XXVL] 1862, 4s. 6d. Part XXVII. Crambites and Tortricites. Pp. 1-286. 1863, 4s. Part XXVIII. Tortricites and Tineites. Pp. 287-561. 1863, 4s. Part XXIX. Tineites. Pp. 562-835. 1864, 4s. Part XXX. Pp. 836-1096. [With an Alpha- betical Index to Parts XXVII.-XXX.] 1864, 4s. Part XXXI. Supplement. Pp. 1-321. 1864, 5s. Part XXXII. Part 2.- Pp. 322-706. 1865, 5s. Part XXXIII. Part 3. Pp. 707-1120. 1865, 6s. Part XXXIV. Part 4. Pp. 1121-1533. 1865, 5s. 6d. Part XXXV. Part 5. Pp. 1534-2040. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts XXXI- XXXV.] 1866,7s. Neuropterous Insects. Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. 12mo. : — Part I. Phryganides— Perlides. Pp. iv., 192. 1852, 2s. Qd. Part II. Sialidae— Nemopterides. Pp. ii., 193-476. 1853, 3s. 6d. Part III. Termitidse— Ephemeridse. Pp. ii., 477-585 1853, Is. 6d. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 115 Catalogue of the Specimens of Neuropterous Insects in th? Collection of the British Mnseum. By Dr. H. Hagen. Part I. Termitina. Pp. 34. 1858, 12mo. 6d. Orthopterous Insects. Catalogue of Orthopterous Insects in the Collection of the British Museum. Part I. Phasmidae. By John Obadiah Westwood, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 195. 48 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index]. 1859, 4to. M. Catalogue of the Specimens of Blattariae in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 239. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1868, 8vo. 5s. 6d. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria [Part I.] and Supplement to the Blattarise in the Collection of the British Museum. Gryllidae. Blattariae. Locustidae. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. Pp. 224. [With an Alpha- betical Index.] 1869, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Specimens of Dermaptera Saltatoria in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c- Part II. Locustidae (continued). Pp. 225-423. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1869, 8vo. 4s. 6d. Part III. Locustidae (continued). — Acrididae. Pp. 425- 604. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 4s. Part IV. Acrididse (continued). Pp. 605-809. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1870, 8vo. 6s. Part V. Tettigidss. — Supplement to the Catalogue of Blattariae. — Supplement to the Catalogue of Dermaptera Saltatoria (with remarks on the Geographical Distri- bution of Dermaptera). Pp. 811-850; 43; 116. [With Alphabetical Indexes.] 1870, 8vo. 6s. Hemipterous Insects. Catalogue of the Specimens of Heteropterous Hemiptera in the Collection of the British Museum. By Francis Walker, F.L.S., &c. 8vo. :— Part I. Scutata. Pp. 240. 1867. 5s. Part II. Scutata (continued). Pp. 241-417. 1867. 4s. Part III. Pp. 418-599. [With an Alphabetical Index to Parts I., II., IIL, and a Summary of Geographical Distribution of the Species mentioned.] 1868. 4s. 6d. Part IV. Pp. 211. [Alphabetical Index.] 1871. 6s. PartV. Pp.202. 1872. 5s. Part VI. Pp.210. ■ 1873. 5s. Part VII. Pp.213. 1873. 6s. Part VIII. Pp. 220. 1873. 6s. 6d. 14 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THTC Homopterrnt s Insects. List of the Specimens of Homopterous Insects in the Collec- tion of the British Museum. By Francis Walker. Supple- ment. Pp. ii., 369. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 12mo., is. 6d. VERMES. Catalogue of the Species of Entozoa, or Intestinal Worms, contained in the Collection of the British Museum. By Dr. Baird. Pp. iv., 132. 2 Plates. [With an Index of the Animals in which the Entozoa mentioned in the Catalogue are found, and an Index of Genera and Species.] 1853, 12mo. 2s. ANTHOZOA. Catalogue of Sea-pens or Pennatulariidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By J. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c. Pp. iv., 40. 2 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. Is. 6d. Catalogue of Lithophytes or Stonv Corals in the Collection of the British Museum. By 'j. E. Gray, F.R.S., &c Pp. iv., 51. 14 Woodcuts. 1870, 8vo. 3s. Catalogue of the Madreporarian Corals in the British Museum (Natural History) : — Vol. I. The Genus Madrepora. By George Brook. Pp. xi., 212. 35 Collotype Plates. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes and Explanation of the Plates.] 1893, 4to. II. is. Vol. II. The Genus Turbinaria ; the Genus Astrasopora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Cantab., F.L.S., F.Z.S. Pp. iv., 106. 30 Collotype and 3 Lithographic Plates. [With Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1896, 4to. 18s. Vol. III. The Genus Montipora ; the Genus Anacro- pora. By Henry M. Bernard, M.A. Pp. vii., 192. 30 Collotype and 4 Lithographic Plates. [With Syste- matic Index, Index of Generic and Specific Names, and Explanation of the Plates.] 1897. 4to. 1/. 4s. BRITISH ANIMALS Catalogue of British Birds in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Robert Gray, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c. Pp. xii., 248. [With a List of Species.] 1863, 8vo. 3s. 6d. Catalogue of British Hymenoptera in the Collection of the British Museum. Second edition. Part I. Andrenidae and Apidse. By Frederick Smith, M.E.S. New Issue. Pp. xi., 236. 11 Plates. [With Systematic and Alpha- betical Indexes.] 1891, 8vo. 6s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 15 Catalogue of British Fossorial Hymenoptera, Formicida?, and Vespidse in the Collection of the British Museum. By Frederick Smith, V.P.E.S. Pp. 236. 6 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1858, 12mo. 6s. A Catalogue of the British Non-parasitical Worms in the Collection of the British Museum. By George Johnston, M.D., Edin., F.R.C.L., Ed., Ll.D., Mariechal Coll., Aber- deen, &c. Pp. 365. Woodcuts and 24 Plates. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1865, 8vo. 7s. Catalogue of the British Echinoderms in the British Museum (Natural History). By F. Jeffrey Bell, M. A. Pp. xvii., 202. Woodcuts and 16 Plates (2 Coloured). [With Table of Contents, Tables of Distribution, Alphabetical Index, Description of the Plates, &c] 1892, 8vo. 12s. 6d. List of the Specimens of British Animals in the Collection of the British Museum ; with Synonyma and References to figures. 12mo. : — Part IV. Crustacea. By A. White. Pp.iv., 141. (With an Index.)- 1850. 2s. 6d. Part V. Lepidoptera. By J. F. Stephens. 2nd Edition. Revised by H. T. Stainton and E. Shepherd. Pp. iv., 224. 1856, Is. 9d. Part VI. Hymenoptera. By F.Smith. Pp.134. 1851. 2s. Part VII. Mollusca, Acephala and Brachiopoda. By Dr. J. E. Gray. Pp. iv., 167. 1851, 3s. 6d. Part VIII. Fish. By Adam White. Pp. xxiii., 164. (With Index and List of Donors.) 1851, 3s. 6d. Part IX. Eggs of British Birds. By George Robert Gray. Pp. 143. 1852, 2s. 6d. Part XI. Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects. By H. Denny. Pp. iv., 51. 1852, Is. Part XII. Lepidoptera (continued). By James F. Stephens. Pp. iv., 54. 1852, 9rt. Part XIII. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera. By Frederick. Smith. Pp. iv., 74. 1853, Is. id. Part XIV. Nomenclature of Neuroptera. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 16. 1853, 6d. Part XV. Nomenclature of Diptera, 1. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 42. 1853, Is. Part XVI. Lepidoptera (completed). By H. T. Stainton. Pp. 199. [With an Index.] 1854, 3s. Part XVII. Nomenclature of Anoplura, Euplexoptera, and Orthoptera. By Adam White. Pp. iv., 17. 1855, 6d. PLANTS. Catalogue of the African Plants collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61. — Dicotyledons. By William Philip Hiern, M.A., F.L.S., &c. :— Part I. [Ranunculacese to Rhizophoraceae.J Pp. xxvi., 336. [With Portrait of Dr. Welwitsch, Introduction, Bibliography, and Index of Genera.] 1896, 8vo. 7s. €>d. K; list of publications op the Catalogue of African Plants— continued. Part II. Combretacese to Rubiaceae. Pp. 337-510. [With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo. 4s. Part III. Dipsaceae to Scrophulariaceae. Pp. 511-784. [With Index of Genera.] 1898, 8vo., 5s. Vol. II., Part I. Monocotyledons and Gymnosperms. By Alfred Barton Rendle, M. A., D.Sc. F.L.S., Assistant, Department of Botany. Pp. 260. [With Index of Genera.] 1899, 8vo. A Monograph of Lichens found in Britain : being a Descrip- tive Catalogue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. By the Rev. James M. Crombie, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S., &c. Part I. Pp. viii., 519 : 74 Woodcuts. [With Glossary, Synopsis, Tabular Conspectus, and Index.] 1894, 8vo. 16s. A Monograph of the Mycetozoa : being a Descriptive Catalogue of the Species in the Herbarium of the British Museum. By Arthur Lister, F.L.S. Pp. 224. 78 Plates and 51 Woodcuts. [With Synopsis of Genera'and List of Species, and Index.] 1894, 8vo, 15s. List of British Diatomacese in the Collection of the British Museum. By the Rev. W. Smith, F.L.S., &c. Pp. iv., 55. 1859, 12mo. Is. FOSSILS. Catalogue of the Fossil Mammalia in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. :— Part I. Containing the Orders Primates, Chiroptera, Insectivora, Carnivora, and Rodentia. Pp. xxx., 268. 33 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 5s. Part II. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder Artiodactyla. Pp. xxii., 324. 39 Woodcuts. [With Systematic and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1885, 8vo. 6s. Part III. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborders Perissodactyla, Toxodontia, Condylarthra, and Ambly- poda. Pp. xvi., 186. 30 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. 4s. Part IV. Containing the Order Ungulata, Suborder Proboscidea. Pp. xxiv., 235. 32 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1886, 8vo. 5s. Part V. Containing the Group Tillodontia, the Orders Sirenia, Cetacea, Edentata, Marsupialia, Monotremata, and Supplement. Pp. xxxv., 1345. 55 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1887, 8vo. 6s. Catalogue of the Fossil Birds in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A. Pp. xxvii., 368. 75 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1891, 8vo. 10s. 6d. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 17 Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia in the British Museum (Natural History). By Richard Lydekker, B.A., F.G.S. :— Part I. Containing the Orders Ornithosauria, Crocodilia, Dinosauria, Squamata, Rhynchocephalia, and Pro- terosauria. Pp. xxviii., 309. 69 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 8vo. 7s. &d. Part II. Containing the Orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia. Pp. xxi., 307. 85 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1889, 8vo. 7s. 6<2. Part III. Containing the Order Chelonia. Pp. xviii., 239. 53 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1889, 8vo. 7s. U. Part IV. Containing the Orders Anomodontia, Ecaudata, Caudata, and Labyrinthodontia ; and Supplement. Pp. xxiii., 295. 66 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species to the entire work.] 1890, 8vo. 7s. &d. Catalogue of the Fossil Fishes in the British Museum (Natural History). By Arthur Smith Woodward, F.G.S., F.Z.S. :— Part I. Containing the Elasmobranchii. Pp. xlvii., 474. 13 Woodcuts and 17 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1889, 8vo. 21s. Part II. Containing the Elasmobranchii (Acanthodii), Holoeephali, Ichthyodorulites, Ostracodermi, Dipnoi, and Teleostomi (Crossopterygii and Chondrostean Actinopterygii). Pp. xliv., 567. 58 Woodcuts and 16 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1891, 8vo. 21s. Part III. Containing the Actinopterygian Teleostomi of the Orders Ghondrostei (concluded), Protospondyli, Aetheospondyli, and Isospondyli (in part). Pp. xlii., 544. 45 Woodcuts and 18 Plates. [With Alphabetical Index, and Systematic Index of Genera and Species.] 1895, 8vo. 21s. Systematic List of the Edwards Collection of British Oligocene and Eocene Mollusca in the British Museum (Natural History), with references to the type-specimens from similar horizons contained in other collections belonging to the Geological Department of the Museum. By Richard Bullen Newton, F.G.S. Pp. xxviii., 365. [With table of Fathilies and Genera, Bibliography, Correlation-table, Appendix, and Alphabetical Index.] 1891, 8vo. 6s. J778 B 18 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS OF THE Catalogue of Tertiary Mollusca in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). Part I. The Austra- lasian Tertiary Mollusca. By Georee F. Harris, F.G.S., etc. Pp. xxvi., 407. 8 Plates. [With Table of Families, Genera, and Subgenera, and Index.] 1897, 8vo. 10s. Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History) : — Parti. Containing part of the Suborder Nautiloidea, con- sisting of the families Orthoceratidse, Endoceratid®, Actinoceratidse, Gomphoceratidas, Ascoceratidae, Poterioceratidae, Cyrtocera'tidse, and Supplement. By Arthur H. Foord, F.G.S. Pp. xxxi., 344. 51 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1888, 8vo. 10s. 6d. Part II. Containing the remainder of the Suborder Nautiloidea, consisting of the families Lituitidse, Trochoceratidse, Nautilidse, and Supplement. By Arthur H. Foord, F.G.S. Pp. xxviii., 407. 86 Wood- cuts. [With Systematic Index, and Alphabetical Index of Genera and Species, including Synonyms.] 1891, 8vo. 15s. Part III. Containing the Bactritidse, and part of the Subarder Ammonoidea. By Arthur H. Foord, Ph.D., F.G.S., and George Charles Crick, A.R.S.M., F.G.S. Pp. xxxiii., 303. 146 Woodcuts. [With Systematic Index of Genera and Species, and Alphabetical Index.] 1897, 8vo. 12s. 6d. List of theTypes and Figured Specimens of Fossil Cephalopoda^ in the British Museum (Natural History). By G. C. Crick, F.G.S. Pp. 103. [With Index.] 1898, 8vo. 2s. 6d. A Catalogue of British Fossil Crustacea, with their Synonyms and the Range in Time of each Genus and Order. By Henry Woodward, F.R.S. Pp. xii., 155. [With an Alphabetical Index.] 1877, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Fossil Bryozoa in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). The Jurassic Bryozoa. By J. W. Gregory, D.Sc, F.G.S., F.Z.S. Pp. [viii.,] 239. 22 Woodcuts and 11 Plates. [With List of Species and Distribution, Bibliography, Index, and Explanation of Plates.] 1896, 8vo. 10s. Catalogue of the Blastoidea in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History), with an account of the morphology and systematic position of the group, and a revision of the genera and species. By Robert Etheridge, jun., of the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History), and P. Herbert Carpenter, D.Sc, F.R.S., F.L.S. (of Eton College). Pp. xv., 322. 20 Plates. [With Preface by Dr. H. Woodward, Table of Contents, General Index, Explanations of the Plates, &c] 1886, 4to. 25s. The Genera and Species of Blastoidea, with a List of the Specimens in the British Museum (Natural History). By F. A. Bather, M.A., F.G.S., of the Geological Department. Pp. x., 70. 1 Woodcut, 1899, 8vo. 3s. BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY). 19 Catalogue of the Fossil Sponges in the Geological Department of the British Museum (Natural History). With descrip- tions of new and little known species. By George Jennings Hinde, Ph.D., F.G.S. Pp. viii., 248. H8 Plates. [With a Tabular List of Species, arranged in Zoological and Stratigraphical sequence, and an Alphabetical Index.] 1883, 4to. 11. 10s. Catalogue of the Fossil Foraminifera in the British Museum (Natural History). By Professor T. Rupert Jones, F.R.S., &c. Pp. xxiv., 100. TWith Geographical and Alphabetical Indexes.] 1882, 8vo.~ 5s. Catalogue of the Palaeozoic Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology, British Museum (Natural History). By Robert Kidston, F.G.S. Pp. viii., 288. [With a list of * works quoted, and an Index.] 1886, 8vo. 5s. Catalogue of the Mesozoic Plants in the Department of Geology, British Museum (Natural History). TheWealden Flora. By A. C. Seward, M.A., F.G.S., University Lecturer in Botany, Cambridge : — Part I. Thallophyta — t'teridophyta. Pp. xxxviii., 179 : 17 Woodcuts and 11 Plates. [With Preface by Dr. Woodward, Alphabetical Index of Genera, Species, &c. Explanations of the Plates, &c] 1894, 8vo. 10s. Part II. Gymnospermae. Pp. viii., 259. 9 Woodcuts and 20 Plates. (With Alphabetical Index, Explana- tions of the Plates, &c] 1895, 8vo. 15s. GUIDE-BOOKS. {To be obtained only at the Museum.) Guide to the Galleries of Mammalia in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). 6th Edition. Pp. 120. 57 Woodcuts and 4 Plans. Index. 1898, 8vo. 6d. Guide to the Galleries of Reptiles and Fishes in the Depart- ment of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). ■4th Edition. Pp. iv., 119. 101 Woodcuts. Index. 1898. 8vo.6d. Guide to the Shell and Starfish Galleries (Mollusca, Echinodermata, Vermes), in the Department of Zoology of the British Museum (Natural History). [By A. Giinther.] 2nd Edition. Pp. iv., 74. 51 Woodcuts and 1 Plan. 1888, 8vo. id. A Guide to the Fossil Mammals and Birds in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). 7th Edition. [By Henry Woodward.] Pp. xii., 103. 116 Woodcuts. [With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Rocks, and Index.] 1896, 8vo. 6d. A Guide to the Fossil Reptiles and Fishes in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). [By Henry Woodward.] Pp. xiv., 129 : 165 Woodcuts. [With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Rocks, and Index.] 1896, 8vo. 6d. 2(1 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS A Guide to the Fossil Invertebrates and Plants in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History). [By Henry Woodward.] Pp. xvi., 158. 182 "Woodcuts. [With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Rocks, Introduction, and Index.] 1897, 8vo. Is. The same, in two parts : — Part I. Mollusca to Bryozoa. Pp. xii., 64. 107 Wood- cuts. [With List of Illustrations, Table of Stratified Rocks, and Introduction.] 1897, 8vo. 6d. Part II. Insecta to Plants, &c. Pp. ix., 64*-158. Woodcuts 108-182. [With List of Illustrations and Index to the two parts.] 1897, Svo. 6d. Guide to Sowerby's Models of British Fungi in the Depart- ment of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). By Worthington G. Smith, F.L.S. Pp. 82. 93 Woodcuts. With Table of Diagnostic Characters, and Index. [2nd Edition.] 1898, 8vo. U. Guide to the British Mycetozoa exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). By Arthur Lister, F.L.S. Pp. 42. 44 Woodcuts. Index. 1895, 8vo. 3d A Guide to the Mineral Gallery of the British Museum (Natural History). [By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S.] Pp. 32. Plan. 1898, 8vo. Id. The Student's Index to the Collection of Minerals, British Museum (Natural History). [By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S.] Pp. 33. With a Plan of the Mineral Gallery. 1897, 8vo. 2d. An Introduction to the Study of Minerals, with a Guide to the Mineral Gallery of the British Museum (Natural History). By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. 123. 41 Woodcuts. With Plan of the Mineral Gallery and Index. 1897, 8vo. &d. An Introduction to the Study of Rocks. By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S. Pp.118. [With plan of the Mineral Gallery, Table of Contents, and Index.] 1898, 8vo. 6d. An Introduction to the Study of Meteorites, with a List of the Meteorites represented in the Collection. By L. Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S. Pp. 95. [With a Plan of the Mineral Gallery, and an Index to the Meteorites repre- sented in the Collection.] 1896, 8vo. 6d. E. RAT LANKESTER, Director. British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, London, S.W. June 1st, 1899.