Zoological Citation Sources --E
Eastern Persia
Eastern Persia: an account of the journeys of the Persian boundary commission, 1870-71-72.
India. Persian boundary commission.
Goldsmid, F. J. (Frederic John), Sir, 1818-1908.
St. John, Oliver Beauchamp Coventry, Sir, 1837-1891.
Lovett, Beresford, 1839-
Euan-Smith, Charles Bean, Sir, 1842-1910.
Blanford, William Thomas, 1832-1905.
London, Macmillan and Co., 1876.
Description 2 v. illus. 23 cm.
L'Echo Du Monde Savant
[Revue Encyclopedique]
Travaux Des Savants De Tous Les Pays Dans Toutes Les Sciences.
This periodical contains both original articles as well as reports of such
articles in other journals. The masthead indicates that it was issued
twice a week, on Thursdays and Sundays (!) and forms two volumes of
1200 pages each. (This presumably refers to columns, though the phrase
is "plus de 1,200 pages chacun".)
CWR indicates it was issued on Fridays though his basis for this assertion
is not clear
Evidently it was initially paginated, but with the 2nd semester
volume of 1842, it was columnated, with three columns to a page
(6 columns to a leaf).
The break between the 11me and 12me année is
between Jan. 5, 1845 and Jan. 12, 1845.
The volume structure of this work is confusing, and made more so
by variable citation to Année as volumes.
Note that the 10em Année lists at top of t.p.
"Tome V de la 2 série."
Thus, this would often be cited as "Vol. 10" while in fact it
is Vol. V of the second series. Use of Année is more conducive
to clarity of understanding.
[CWR citations list ... [1-n] annee, [Ser. 2], [I-X][I-X],
no.[1-nn], date. year col.
Peters is inconsistant sometimes listing annee;
sometimes the vol.
[CWR Unpublished notes on Dates of Publication says:
"A French Scientific Journal
Published at Paris every Friday.
Gives list of scientific works, French and foreign."
Edward Dickinson and Laurel Peterson worked with the holdings of the
Mus.Nat.Hist. in S. Kensington (2004.07.07) and developed more understanding
of the nature of this publication.
Volumes missing were: Vols. 1-4 (1833-1837).
Numbers missing were:
No. 512 in 1840, No. 6 in 1843 and Nos. 31-36 of 1845.
Echo du Monde Savant History (EC Dickinson 2008.09.04)
Ecology and Evolution.
Edinburgh journal of natural and geographical science.
Edinburgh. 1-3 1829-31
Varying representation in that sometimes entities are listed from
Vol. 3 for 1831, and other times the 1831 entities are listed from
Vol. 1 of a new series.
CWR unpublished notes indicate
Vol. 1 no. 1 publ. 1829.10.01
Vol. 1 no. 2 for Nov. 1829. (Adv. in Lit.Gaz. 1829.11.14)
Vol. 1 no. 3 for Dec. 1829. (Adv. in Lit.Gaz. 1829.12.05)
Edinburgh journal of science.
ns v1-6, Jl 1829-Ap 1832.
subtitle varies.
merged into Philosophical magazine.
Edinburgh new philosophical journal,
exhibiting a view of the progressive improvements and discoveries
in the sciences and arts.
Conducted by Robert Jameson,
Edinburgh. 1-57, Ap 1826 - Oc 1854;
V1. Printed for Adam Black, North Bridge, Edinburgh
and Longman Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, London
ns v1-19, Ja 1855- Ap 1864.
[CWR unpublished notes: "To be published in Edinb. June 25
and in London on July 1, 1826 (Lit.Gaz. 1826, p.335)"
I have no idea how long the dual-site publishing persisted, or if
material from the two locales can be distinguished.
[Questionable citations:
Semnornis ramphastinus (Jardine) 1855 Edinb.NewPhilos.J.n.s. 2 p.404
Tetragonops Peters VI:30
Tetragonops -- n.s. II no.II Oct. publ. before Oct.22
Threskiornis spinicollis (Jameson) 1835 Edinb.NewPhilos.J. 19 p.213 [date here before
Ibis Peters I:264
Psarisomus dalhousiae (Jameson) 1835 Edinb.NewPhilos.J. 18 p.389
Eurylaimus Peters VII:11
Citation here matches Sherborn, but NOT CWR. which give L'Institute III no.115
July 22, 1835, 238 (in text).
Myrmeciza hyperythra (Sclater,PL) 1855 Edinb.NewPhilos.J.n.s. 1 p.235
Thamnophilus Peters VII:236
CWR gives two Gould cites for this name. One is PZS May 16, 1855
the other is Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist ser.2 XV. May, 1855.
Sherborn has NONE of these.
Atlapetes leucopterus (Jardine) 1856 Edinb.NewPhilos.J.n.s. 3 p.92
Arremon Peters XIII:198
Spindalis nigricephala (Jameson) 1835 Edinb.NewPhilos.J. 19 p.213
Tanagra Peters XIII:317
CWR : L'Institute III no.125, Sept. 30, 1835 p.316
Edited by Anderson T, Jardine, Balfour IH, and Rogers.
19 vols. 8vo
Edinburgh 1855-1864
1864 merged in the Quart.J. Sci.
Die Eier der europäischen Vögel.
No taxa currently (2021) listed to this work.
It is mentioned in the Cat.BirdsBr.Mus. Vol.VI:272, discussing the synonomy
of Troglodytes borealis; and Vol.XVII in two places discussing
swan synonomies.
Elementi di Zoologia
Ranzani, Camillo
3 vol.
Emu; a quarterly magazine to popularize the study and protection
of native birds.
(Royal Australasian ornithologists union.)
Melbourne. 1, O 1901+
note: Vol.VII pt3 (supplement) Jan. 1908 (RI: mime00240a.html Mirafra milligani)
Enchiridion Historiae Naturali inserviens, quo termini et
delineationes ad Avium, Piscium, Insectorum et Plantarum
adumbrationes intelligendas et concinnandas, secundum methodum
systematis Linnaeani continentur.
Forster, John Reinhold
8vo pp.1-224
An Encyclopaedia of Geography : comprising a complete description of
the Earth, physical, Statistical, Civil, and Political; exhibiting..
.the Natural History of each country / By Hugh Murray, F.R.S.E ;
assisted by...William Wallace...Robert Jameson...W.J. Hooker...
William Swainson ; Illustrated by eighty-two maps, drawn by Sidney
Hall, and upwards of a thousand other engravings on wood, by R.
Branston, from drawings by Swainson, T. Landseer, Sowerly, Strutt,
&c. Representing the most remarkable objects of Nature and Art in
every region of the globe
Murray, Hugh, F.R.S.E,
Wallace, William
Jameson, Robert, 1774-1854
Hooker, Sir, William Jackson, 1785-1865
Swainson, William, 1789-1855
Hall, Sidney
Branston, R.
Landseer, T.
London Longman, Ross, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman.
xii, 1567p, text ill(8)
Encyclopedie d'histoire naturelle ou traite complet de cette
science..., &c. Par le Dr. Chenu.
Oiseaux, avec le collaboration de M. Des Murs, ...
1852-54 [?1850-1880]
6 vols. demi 4to.
Note: "Originally published in 1850-1861, but frequently re-issued with
title pages bearing later dates." [Cat.Libr.Br.Mus. 1:341 (1903)]
Encyclopaedia Londinensis; or Univeral dictionary of arts,
sciences, and literature comprehending under on general alphabetical
arrangement, all the words and substance of every kind of dictionary
extant in the English Language
... &c.
Compiled, digested, and arranged by John Wilkes of Milland House
in the County of Sussex, Esquire.
Wilkes, John
v 1-22 edited J. Jones. LL.D.; vol. 23 & 24 by Greville Jones.
Issued in 1678 weekly parts, beginning about Sept. 1796. although
the license to print and many of the early plates bear date 1795.
No. 1265 was published 12 May, 1821.
For dates of publication see Cassin. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.
Mathews & Iredale. 1921 Austral Av. Rec. 4 139-164.
The Era of Allan R. Phillips: A Festschrift.
RW Dickerman (ed.)
Erinnerungaschrift Versammlung Deutschen Ornithologen (Gorlitz)
Title and listing of this work varies.
AMNH library lists as follows.
Corp author: Deutsche Ornithologische Gesellschaft. Versammlung.
Title: Bericht über die ... Versammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft.
Publisher: [Berlin : Das Gesellschaft, ]
Descript: v. ; 23 cm.
Note: Imprint varies.
Erste Reise nach dem nordlichen Amerika in 1822-24
Wurttemberg, Helena Pavlovna, Grande Duchesse De [1807-1873]
[PAUL, FW: Paul Wilhelm, Herzog von Wurtemburg (Meisel III 418)
[Also listed as Friedrich Wilhelm Paul ]
Esquisses Ornithologiques; descriptions et figures d'oiseaux
nouveaux ou peu connus.
du Bus de Gisignies, Bernard-Aime Leonard
Brussels A. Vandale
[Note APP: 2010.11.14 Dr David Donsker reports seeing [2010.11.13] a copy of this work
for sale, in a form with all livraisons and with original wrappers,
but with no dates on any of the wrappers.]
Essai d'une nouvelle maniere de grouper les genres et les especes
De l' Ordre des Passereaux ...
Lafresnaye, Frederic de
8vo pp.1-25
Essais de Zoologie generale, ou memoires et notices sur la
Zooogie generale, l'Anthropologie, et l'histoire de la Science.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, I [1805-1861]
pp. xv,518. 8vo
Etudes Zoologiques; ouvrage comprenant l'histoire et la
description d'un grand nombre d'Animaux recemment decouverts, et
des observations nouvelles sur pluseirs genres deja connus.
Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isadore
2 fasc.
European Journal of Taxonomy
Examen critico de las perdices de Europa Particularmente de las de
Espana y descripcion de dos nuevas formas de Galicia
Lopez Seoane, Victor [1900-]
La Coruna
Exotic Ornithology containing figures and descriptions of new or
rare species of American birds.
Sclater, PL and Salvin, O.
fol. 100 pls col.
Expedition dans les parties centrales de l'Amerique du Sud...
Castlenau, Francis L. de Laporte de.
Castelnau, Francis-Louis Nomfar de Caumont La Force, comte de
7. ptie. [Zoologie] Animaux nouveaux ou rares recueillis pendant
l'expédition ... 1855-59.
3 v. in 5. 174 pl. (part col.) 32 cm.
[t. I, 1] Anatomie, par Paul Gervais. 1855.
[2] Mammifères, par Paul Gervais. 1855.
[3] Oiseaux, par O. des Murs. 1855
(AMNH Library's copy has title: Oiseaux de l'Amérique du sud;
and imprint date 1856).
[t. II, 1] Poissons, par Francis de Castelnau. 1855.
[2] Reptiles, par A. Guichenot. 1855.
[t. III, 1] Entomologie, par H. Lucas. 1857.
[2] Myriapodes et scorpions, par Paul Gervais. 1859.
[3] Mollusques, par m. H. Hupé. 1857
(AMNH Library's copy of this vol. has John Clarkson Jay and Wolfe Memorial gift plates).
Regarding the date of this work, it is frequently given as 1855.
However, Zimmer (p.126) writes:
'Although dated 1855 on both wrapper and title-pages, Des Murs's
report appears to have been published a year later. According to the
"Comptes Rendus" for Dec. 17, 1855, Vol. 41, p. 1094, the
Académie des Sciences received Livrs. 12-14 of the Zoology on
that date; the same publication for June 30, 1856, Vol. 42,
p.1275, notes that the Académie des Sciences received Livrs.
15-18 on that date; the same publication for Dec. 15, 1856, Vol.
43 p.1134, records the receipt of Livrs. 19-20 (Sherborn and
Woodward, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 8, p.164, 1901,
erroneously give the date as Dec. 8 and the page reference as 1133).
These livraisons include all of the systematic ornithology, which is
distributed as follows, according to a "Table et classification des
matiè contenues dans le premier volume." The "Table" is
given on certain preliminary pages of Vol. I of Pt.7 but is not
included in the several sections of that volume issued separately as
in the present instance.
Livr. 14 contained the ornithlological title;
Livr. 16, pll.1-5;
Livr. 17, feuilles 1-5 (=pp.1-40), pll.6-10;
Livr. 18, feuilles 6-10 (=pp.41-80), pll.11-14;
Livr. 19, feuilles 11-13 (=pp.81-98 + 1 l.), pll.15-16;
Livr. 20, pll.17-20.
In the first section of Vol. I of Pt. 7 (Anatomie par M. Paul
Gervais), pp.65-92 and pll.14-16 are devoted to the "Deuxième
Memoire. Description osteologique de l'haozin, du kamichi, du
cariama et du savacou, suivi der remarques sur les affinites
naturelles des oiseaux, par M. Paul Gervais." This ornithological
matter is distinct from Des Murs's report and the two are not found
together except in the complete volume.'
An expedition...into the interior of Africa, through the...
countries of the Great Namaquas, Boschmans, and Hill Damaras,
Alexander, Sir James Edward [1803-1885]
2 Vol. illustr.
8vo. London
Vol II Appendix No 1 desc new sp birds GR Waterhouse.
Account of an expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains,
performed in the years 1819 and '20,... from the notes of Major Long,
Mr. T. Say, and other gentlemen...; compiled by Edwin James.
James, Edwin (Long, Stephen Harriman)
2 vols. and Atlas 8vo & 4to
Vol. I 2 p. ll., pp. 1-503
Vol. II 3 p. ll., pp. 1-442, i-xcviii.
London ed. 1823 has Nat. Hist. observations collected at the
back of the work, whilst Phila has them as footnotes.
It is not certain that any taxa in the Phila ed. were published in
1822, so all dates appear to be 1823.
It is not certain which are specific to the Phila ed.
Note: See Woodman N, 2010. "History and dating of the publication of the Philadelphia (1822)
and London (1823) editions of Edwin James's Account of an expedition from
Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains.". Archives of Natural History 37(1):
The matter of dating is dealt with and it is demonstrated that the three volumes were
available and on sale in Philadelphia 31 Dec. 1822 (a Tuesday).
Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of
Utah, including a reconnoissance of a new route through the
Rocky Mountains.
Stansbury, Howard (Captain Corps Topographical Engineers)
Appendix C. -Birds. by Spencer F. Baird pp. 314-335
8vo Phila.
Exploration du Parc national de l'Upemba : Mission G.F. de Witte, en collaboration
avec W. Adam ... [et al.] (1946-1949)
Bruxelles : Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo Belge, 1951-
1-73 1951-1976
Exotic ornithology, containing figures and descriptions of
new or rare species of American birds.
Philip Lutley Sclater and Osbert Salvin.
Publisher London, Bernard Quaritch, 1869.
Descript vi, 204 p. illus., 100 col. plates. 37 cm.
Note Issued in 13 parts, 1866-1869.
Extinct Birds
Extinct Birds. An attempt to unite in one volume a short account of those birds that have become
extinct in historical times -- that is, within the last six of seven hundred years.
To which are added a few which still exist, but are on the verge of extinction.
Rothschild, Lord Walter R.
Hutchinson & Co., London.
[300 copies printed]
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.02.12