Zoological Citation Sources --F

Fairy-Wrens The fairy-wrens : a monograph of the Maluridae Schodde, Richard and Weatherly, Richard 1982 Melbourne ; London Lansdowne Editions. 203p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 38cm.
Falco Falco, unregelmaessig im Anschluss an das Werk Berajah Zoographica infinita erscheinende Zeitschrift. 1905-30 8vo Often called "Berajah" (very confusing), and it seems complete serial runs are hard to find online. Vol.1 No. Ausgegeben pp. no.1 Oct. 1904 1-[44] no.2 Dec. 1904 47-[49] no.3 No date [50]-108 Vol.2 no.1 May. 1906 [2]-64 Taf.1 no.2 Sep. 1906 [66]-103 Vol.3 no.1 Mar. 1907 [2]-[36] no.2 May. 1907 [37]-52 no.3 Aug. 1907 [53]-68 no.4 Nov. 1907 [69]-90 no.5 Dec. 1907 [91]-169 Vol.4 no.1 Feb. 1908 [1]-12 no.2 Aug. 1908 [13]-36 no.2 Dec. 1908 [13]-54 Vol.5 Month no.1 "Apr." 1909 [1]-16 no.2 "Aug." 1909 [17]-32 no.3 "Nov." 1909 [33]-48 no.4 "Dec." 1909 [49]-55 ... vol.23 no.1 Sep. 1927 vol.24 no.1 Sep. 1928 ... vol.27 no.1 Jan. 1931 no.2 Jan. 1932 ... vol.30 no.1 Apr. 1934 no.2 Aug. 1934
Fam.nat.Regn.Anim. Familles naturelles du Regne Animal, exposees succinctement et dans un ordre analytique avec l'indication de leurs genres, &c. Latreille, Peirre Andre [1762-1833] 1825 pp.570 8vo Paris. [I presume this is the work referred to in the note (2) in Peters vol.2 p.344, as "Latreille's Nat.Fam.Thier., 1827" ]
FaunaAnadrysk.Kraya Fauna Andryskovo Kraya, Ptitsi Portenko, Leonid Aleksandrovich (1896-1972) Leningrad. 1939 [Note: The title of this work is almost universally transliterated "Fauna Andryskogo Kraya, ptitsi" which I find laughable and repugnant. The masculine (and neuter) modifier (of an adjective in this case) in Russian is -oh geh oh, but is pronounced ohvoh, it is not a hard "geh". To transliterate this "Andryskogo" would be like transliterating "enough" so that it was pronounded "EeenuG 'h"; that might well please some people but I would find it less than satisfactory.]
FaunaBor.-Am.[Swainson&Richardson] Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the Zoology of the northern parts of British America: containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected by the late northern land expeditions under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N. Part Second, The Birds. Swainson, William & Richardson, John 1831(1832) 4 vols. 4to 110 pl. London [ Browning and Monroe p.393 demonstrate 4 Feb. 1832 ]
FaunaBrit.IndiaBirds The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma...Edited by W.T. Blanford. Birds Oates, Eugene William and Blanford, William Thomas. 1889-98 London 4 vols. 8vo Birds vols 1-2. (Oates) vol. 1 pp. xx+556, 171 figs vol. 2 pp. x+407, 107 figs vol. 3 pp. xiv+450, 102 figs vol. 4 pp. xxi+450, 127 figs FaunaBrit.IndiaBirds

FaunaBrit.IndiaBirdsEd.2 FaunaBrit.IndiaBirds.ed.2 The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma...Edited by W.T. Blanford. Birds 2nd. ed. A.E. Shipley, and Edward Charles Stuart Baker, eds. 1922-30 8 vols. London FaunaBrit.IndiaBirds
FaunaFlora Fauna och Flora
FaunaJap.Aves[Siebold] Fauna Japonica, sive descriptio Animalium, quae in itinere per Japoniam...suscepto, annis 1823-30 collegit, notis, observaionibus et adumbrationibus illustravit P. F. de Siebold. Conjunctis studiis C. J. Temminck et H. Schlegel pro Vertebratis atque W. de haan pro Invertibratis elaborata. 1844-1850 Lugduni Batavorum = Leyden 6 vols [in 4] Descriptions des Oiseaux, &c. pp.141; 120 pls. col.

FaunaKitsob.Chernog.Moria Fauna kitsobraznykh chernogo Moria. Barabash-Nikiforov, Ilia Ilich 1940
FauneVertBelg.Ser.Ois. Faune des vertébrés de la Belgique, / par Alphonse Dubois ... Série des oiseaux ... Dubois, Alphonse Joseph Charles, 1839- . Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1887-1894.
FauneOrn.Sib.Orient. Faune ornithologique de la Sibérie orientale. Oeuvre posthume. [Avec une biographie par Jean Stolzmann et un portrait phototypique executé par M-r. G. Clasen ... ]. Taczanowski, Ladislas, 1819-1890. Publisher St. Petersbourg : Eggers, 1891-93. Descript 2 v. (1278 p.) : ill., port. ; 32 cm. Series Mémoires de l'Academie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg, VII sér., t. 39 Akademiia nauk SSSR. Mémoires, sér. 7 ; t. 39.
FaunaPeruana[Tschudi] Untersuchungen uber die Fauna Peruana, von J.J. von Tschudi ... Orntihologie, mit Ammerkungen von J. [L.] Cabanis 1845 und 1846. Tschudi, JJ 184[4]5-6 St. Gallen (Swi) folio pp.316 36 col.pl. Schleiten, und Zollikofer. [? Fauna Peruana. Aves...[with descriptions of new Genera by J. Cabanis ] pp.57 8vo Berlin 1844 ]
Fauna Peruana Date Individual taxa discussed below: More work needed here.
  • Richmond has a number of card that discuss this problem:
    1. Tschudi Fauna Peruana (vorrede dated "1 July 1846.") The orn. portion is dated "1845 and 1846." Lieferung I-VI [illegible] with 6-7 8 '9 + Lieferung 1 + 2 1844, 3 - 6 1845. Pll. of birds begins in Lief. 4 Text of birds prob. began with sig.35 (in Lief. 6). Text of birds began in Lief. 6. (Pt. 6 ends in the Fringillidae) Last pl. in Pt.6 is prob. Callipiga pulchra = pl.XVIII Aves.
    2. Tschudi Fauna Peruana, Orn. p.11 (1846) says: "Noch erwähne ich hier, was übrigens schon hinlälanglich bekant ist, dass sich die ganze naturhistorische Ausbeute meiner Reise in Museum von Neuchâtel befindet, das einen Thiel der Unkosten meiner peruanischen Reise getragenhat."
    3. Fauna Peruana, Tschudi Fasc. 1 {"di cui aveva fatto parola nell' illustrare gli Ucceli di Santa Fé de Bogata" (cf. Atti Cong. Sci, Ital., I, 1844, Zool. p.40)
    4. Tschudi. Fauna Peruana. At the session (of Sept. 23, 1844) Ital. Nat. (7th reunion) "Il Presidente mostra alla Sezione il fascicolo primo della importantissima Fauna Peruana dello Tschudi."
    5. Tschudi Lief. 1-4. "1845" {Noted in Naturkunde vol.3 p.64 , for "1846"
    6. Tschudi Fauna. Peruana. Aves "Le partie ornithologique a paru par livraisons de six plances de colorriées in -4o, avec le terte [? sp]. ---- et s'arrête dans la sixième livraison, à a la famille Tanagaridée, et au genre Tachyphone" (cf. Rev.Mag.Zool. 1849, 98)
    7. Tschudi, Fauna. Peruana. Lief. II. 1844, "S. 21-76. Taf. 7-12" {Monkeys, bats (Reviewed in Isis, 1845, 845-6) "Heft IV. 1845. gr.4, 133-188, T.1-6 Vogel." (Reviewed in Isis, 1845, 935-36) Text is on mammals. Plates of birds are: Hypomorphnus unicinctus, Circaëtus solitarius, C. poliopterus, Noctua melanonota, Caprimulgus decussatus, ocellatus, climacocercus, pruinosus.
    8. Tschudi Fauna. Peruana. "Heft VII-XII. 1846. kl. Folio. S.33-316 und 80 und 35 Tafeln ill." (so quoted in Isis . 1847, 703-705. These are reviewed here + seem to contain much of the birds (Cabanis' part). Lief. "III. 1845. Fol. S.77-132. T.13-18. ill." (Reviewed in Isis, 1847, 880 + seems to be all mammals.
    9. Tschudi, Fauna. Peruana. Lief. 2 (Saugethiere) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Feb. 28, 1845. Lief. 3 (Saugethiere) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for June 30, 1845. Lief. 4 (Saugethiere) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Aug. 31, 1845. Lief. 6 (contents not given) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Feb. 28, 1846. Lief. 7 (contents not given) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for May 31, 1846. Lief. 10-12 (Schluss) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Jan 15, 1847.
    10. Tschudi Fauna. Peruana. The pll. said to be untrustworthy (See Scl., PZS. 1854, 248; 1858, p.75 + p.449)
    11. Tschudi, Fauna. Peruana. I. Bd. 8o. Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Oct. 31, 1845. 2. Bd. Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for May 15, 1846.
  • The Cat.BooksBr.Mus.(N.H.) p.2147 includes Sherborn's summary of his interpretation of the publication as follows:
    1. Lief. 1 & 2, Therol. pp.1-76; pll. i-xii, 1844
    2. Lief. 3 - 5, Therol. pp.77-244; pll. xiii-xviii, Ornith. pll. i-xii 1845
    3. Lief. 6 - 12, Therol. pp.245-262; Ornith text &. pll. xiii-xviii and all of Herpet. & Ichthyol. 1846

  • FaunaSSSRPtitsy Fauna SSSR, Ptitsy. Tugarinov, A 1941
    FaunaSvecica Fauna svecica, sistens animalia sveciae regni mammalia, aves amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes. Distributa per classes & ordinares, genera & species, cum differentiis specierum, synomymis auctorum, nominibus, incolarum, locis natalium descriptionibus insectorum. Editio altera, auctior. Linnaeus, C 1761 Stockholm pp.[xlvi],578 8vo
    FauneFlorePaysComalis[Revoil] Faune et Flore des Pays Çomalis (Afrique Orientale) Ois. Revoil, George 1882 Paris 8vo Birds by Oustalet
    FauneFrance Faune Francaise, ou histoire naturelle generale et particuliaere des Animaux qui se trouvent en France cestamment ou passegerement... par MM. L.P. Vieillot... Vieillot, & others 1820[=1821]-30 Paris 8 vols 4 vols atlases. Sherborn and Woodward 1901 Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(7) 8 p.498 published on the dates of publication of the various parts. The avian parts are dated by them as follows:

    Sherborn & Woodward's 1901 Dates and contents of Avian portions of Faune Française

    Livraison Date pages Notes
    5&6 15 June 1822 1-96
    9&10 28 Feb. 1824 97-192
    15&16 28 Oct. 1826 193-288
    17 27 Sep. 1828 289-368
    22 30 May 1829 369-444

    FauneMadag.[Pollen&Dam] Recherches sur la Faune de Madagascar et de ses dependances, d'apres les descouvertes de F.P.L. Pollen et D.C. van Dam. Pollen, Francois P. L. [-1886] & Dam, D. C. van 1868-77 Leiden 4to Pt. 2 Mammiferes et Oiseaux, par H. Schlegel ... et F.P.L. Pollen 1868 pp. xix, 186: 40 col.pl.
    FauneRussii Faune de la Russie et des pays limitrophes, fonde'e principalement sur les collections du Muse'e, &c. Oiseax (aves) 1911,1913 Vol. 1 Bianchi (Bianki) Colymbiformes et Procellariiformes. 2 Pt
    FauneVert.Suisse,Ois. Faune des vertebrates de la Suisse. Fatio, Victor [1838-1906] 1869-1905 Geneve 5v. in 6. H. Georg. v1. Histoire naturelle des mammiferes. 1869 v2. Histoire naturelle de oiseaux, 1899-1904 v3. Histoire naturelle des reptiles et des batraciens. 1872 v4.-5 Histoire naturelle des poissons. 1882-90.
    FaunulaIndica.ed.2 Faunula Indica, id est Catalogus Animalium Indiae orientalis... secundus curius editus, correctus et auctus a J. R. Forster, &c. Forster, JR 1795 Halle fol.
    Festschr.EmbrikStrand [Philippinetta Boetticher 1937 Festschr.EmbrikStrand 3 p.585 "P01:046"] TITLE: Festschrift zum 60. geburtstage von professor dr. Embrik Strand ... PLACE: Riga PUBLISHER: [Izdevnieciba "Latvija"] YEAR: 1936 1939 PUB TYPE: Book FORMAT: 5 v. fronts., illus., plates, ports., map, diagrs. 25 cm. NOTES: Contributions in German, French, English and Italian. Includes bibliographies. SUBJECT: Strand, Embrik, -- b. 1876. Zoology. Paleontology.
    Festschr.Techn.Hochsch.Braunschw. Festschrift Techn. Hochschule Braunschwieg Blasius, Rudolf. TITLE: Braunschweig im Jahre MDCCCXCVII : Festschrift den Theilnehmern an der LXIX Versammlung Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte gewidmet von der Stadt Braunschweig PLACE: Braunschweig : PUBLISHER: J.H. Meyer, YEAR: 1897 PUB TYPE: Book FORMAT: 634 p. : ill., map ; 27 cm. SERIES: Harvard Western European local history preservation microfilm project ; 02929. NOTES: Microfilm. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Library Photographic Services, 1996. 1 microfilm reel : negative ; 35 mm. SUBJECT: Braunschweig (Germany) -- History. ALT TITLE: Braunschweig im Jahre 1897
    Field, The The Field. Publisher [London : John Clark, 1853- 1-264 1853-1984 Descript v. : ill. ; 41 cm. Frequency Weekly. Coverage No. 1 (Jan. 1, 1853)- Note Designated by whole no. and date, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 1853)- ; by volume, whole no., and date, v. 2, no. 27 (July 2, 1853)- Two vols. per year. Dating data: Vol. Date of an issue (not inclusive of all issues). 72 Nov. 10, 1888 [Sat.] 73 Mar. 9, 1889 [Sat.] 73 Mar. 16, 1889 [Sat.] 73 Apr. 13, 1889 [Sat.] 73 Jun. 29, 1889 [Sat.] 74 Oct. 12, 1889 [Sat.] ... 76 Oct. 4, 1890 [Sat.] 76 Oct. 11, 1890 [Sat.] 76 Oct. 18, 1890 [Sat.] 77 Feb. 7, 1891 [Sat.] 77 Jun. 20, 1891 [Sat.] 78 Sep. 12, 1891 [Sat.] 79 Feb. 6, 1892 [Sat.] 80 Sep. 17, 1892 [Sat.] ... 88 Sep. 12, 1896 [Sat.] 88 Sep. 19, 1896 [Sat.] 89 Apr. 10, 1897 [Sat.] 89 Apr. 17, 1897 [Sat.] Data from "Sporting Guns and Gunpowders: Comprising a selection from reports of experiments, and other articles, published in the "Field" Newspaper, relative to fire arms and explosives" 1897 London, Horace Cox.
    FieldForest Field and Forest The Potomac-Side Naturists' Club. Washington. 1875-1878.
    FieldianaZool. Fieldiana Zoology 1-30 1895-1943 as Zoological series in the Museum Publications. 1893 as Columbian Museum of Chicago. 1894-1904 Field Columbian Museum. 1905 Field Museum of Natural History.
    FieldMus.Nat.Hist.Pub.Orn. Field Museum of Natural History Publications -Ornithological Series 1896-1917 (Continued as Zool. Series) v1 no.1-11.
    FieldMus.Nat.Hist.Pub.Zool.Ser. Field Museum Natural History Publications. Zoological Series. 1917-30 Chicago [note: Ser. 12 no.1 is listed by CWR as Jan. 25, 1917 (Nyctipolis hirundinaceus caerae) Vol. XIII Catalogue of the birds of the Americas Cory CB, and Hellmayer CE pp.607 See Cat.BirdsAmer.
    Buff.Daub.Fig.Av.Col.Nom.Syst. Buffoni et Daubentoni Figurarum Coloratum Nomina Systematicum Kuhl 1820 Fig.Av.Col. T.P.
    FloraeFaunaeLusitanicaSpec. Florae et Faunae Lusitanica Specimen. Vandelli, Domenico [1735-1816] 1797 Lisboa 8vo. [Mem. de Academia Real des Sciences de Lisboa, I an 1780-1788 ? pub 1797]
    For.Stream Forest and stream 1-100 no7, Ag 14 1873-Jl 1930
    Forh.Skand.Naturf.Ott.Mod. Förhandlingar ved de Skandinaviske Naturforskeres ottende Möde i Kjöbenhavn
    Forh.Vid.Selsk.Krist. Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-selskabet i Kristiania
    Forktail 1986 (Oct) - Published by Oriental Bird Club. Oriental Bird Club c/o The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL, United Kingdom.
    Fortpfl.Vog.Eur. Fortpfl. Vög. Eur. ?Fortpflanzung Systematische Danstellung der Fortpflangung der Vogel Europas mit Abbildung der Eier. Vols 1 & 5. Lpz.
    Fragm.Nat.Hist.Penn. Fragments of the natural history of Pennsylvania. Barton, Benjamin Smith 1799 Phila Way & Groff. [ Note: Evidently there is variation in this work. In a letter from CWR to Witmer Stone (1899.06.01 p.2) Richmond comments that in one copy a description of Certhia fusca is to be found on p.11, while in another copy there are various changes throughout the page, and no description of C. fusca. ]
    Fulig.(Lamp.)Fisch.Nov.Av.Ross.Sp. Fuligulam (Lampronettam) Fischeri Novam Avium Rossicarum Speciem praemissis observationibus ad Fuligularum Generis Sectionem et subgenerum quorundam characteres et affinitates spectanibus. Joannes Fredericus Brandt... Brandt, JF 1847 St. Petersburg. 1 vol pp. 1-19 Fulig... T.P.
    Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward
    Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
    POB 1999
    Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999

    Last updated 2021.04.10