Zoological Citation Sources --O
Observations de Avium arteria carotide communi.
Nitzsch (Christian Ludwig) [1782-1837]
4to Halle
Observationes in historiam naturalem et anatomiam comparatam in itinere
Groenlandico factæ[Mandt]
Mandt, Martin Wilhelm, 1799[1800]- 1858
Berolini, 1822.
[viii,] 40p 8°.
Dissertation note: Dissertatio inauguralis, &c.
Note: Mlikovsky, J. discusses the authority of the name in this work, and demonstrates
that the name and diagnosis are due to Lichtenstein.
(Milkovsky, J., 2010. "Authorship and type specimens of Uria mandtii (Alcidae)." BBOC
Observationes zoologicae quibus novae complures, aliaeque
animalium species describuntur et illustrantur. Opus posthumum
edit F. L. Hammer. Pars prior (all pub.)
Hermann, Johann
4to pp. 8+332 Argentorati = Strasbourg
Also as
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum of Polynesian Ethnology and Natural History Occasional Papers
Vol.1 1898-1902
Vol.2 1903-1907
Vol.3 1907-1917
Confusing pagination. Volumes have both through pagination and individual pagination for each no.
Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History
1869 ->
Occasional papers of the National Museums of Southern Rhodesia B, Natural Sciences
Title Varies
Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Science.
Occasional Papers of the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences.
Mengel indicates (1:193) that the Ellis collection copy has the original
paper covers bound in and they are dated December 8, 1894 (a Saturday).
Occaisional Papers of the Minnesota Museum of Natural History
Occasional Papers of the Museum of Natural History of the University
of Kansas.
Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology Louisiana State University
Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology.
University of Michigan
1913 ->
Avian Occasional Papers
- OP 26 Swales, B.H., 1916. The ornithological writings of Charles Fox. 2 pp.
- OP 27 Wood, N.A., F. Smith, and F.C. Gates, 1916. The summer birds of the Douglas Lake region, Cheboygan County, Michigan. 21 pp.
- OP 50 Wood, N.A., 1918. Notes on the birds of Alger County, Michigan. 15 pp., 1 foldout map.
- OP 57 Swales, B.H., 1918. The Purple Sandpiper at Cleveland, Ohio. 2 pp.
- OP 119 Wood, N.A., 1922. Observations on the birds of Berrien County, Michigan. 35 pp.
- OP 194 Metzelaar, J., 1928. Further experiments in inheritance of color in domestic pigeons. 29 pp., 1 plate, 1 figure.
- OP 255 Van Tyne, J., 1933. Some birds of the Rio Grande delta of Texas. 5 pp.
- OP 256 Van Tyne, J., 1933. A new solitary vireo from British Honduras. 2 pp.
- OP 279 Brodkorb, P., 1934. A new Pitta from Palawan, Philippine Islands. 3 pp., 1 table.
- OP 280 Wood, N.A. and A.D. Tinker, 1934. Fifty years of bird migration in the Ann Arbor region of Michigan, 1880-1930. 56 pp., 1 map.
- OP 293 Brodkorb, P., 1935. Geographical variation in Belonopterus chilensis (Molina). 13 pp., 3 tables.
- OP 303 Brodkorb, P., 1935. The name of the western race of red-headed woodpecker. 3 pp.
- OP 306 Brodkorb, P., 1935. A new flycatcher from Texas. 3 pp.
- OP 314 Brodkorb, P., 1935. Two new subspecies of the red-shafted flicker. 3 pp., 1 table.
- OP 316 Brodkorb, P., 1935. A new ovenbird from Paraguay. 2 pp.
- OP 321 Sutton, G.M. and J. Van Tyne, 1935. A new red-tailed hawk from Texas. 6 pp.
- OP 331 Brodkorb, P., 1936. A new genus for Empidonax atriceps Salvin. 2 pp., 1 table.
- OP 332 Brodkorb, P., 1936. Geographical variation in the Piñon Jay. 3 pp.
- OP 333 Brodkorb, P., 1936. A new subspecies of bittern from western North America. 4 pp.
- OP 334 Van Tyne, J. and W. Koelz, 1936. Seven new birds from the Punjab. 6 pp.
- OP 336 Sutton, G.M., 1936. The postjuvenal molt of the Grasshopper Sparrow. 9 pp., 1 color plate.
- OP 345 Brodkorb, P., 1937. New or noteworthy birds from the Paraguayan Chaco. 2 pp.
- OP 349 Brodkorb, P., 1937. Some birds of the Amazonian islands of Caviana and Marajó. 7 pp.
- OP 355 Sutton, G.M., 1937. The juvenal plumage and postjuvenal molt of the Chipping Sparrow. 5 pp.
- OP 367 Brodkorb, P., 1938. Five new birds from the Paraguayan Chaco. 5 pp.
- OP 369 Brodkorb, P., 1938. New birds from the District of Soconusco, Chiapas. 5 pp.
- OP 379 Van Tyne, J., 1938. Check list of the birds of Michigan. 44 pp., 1 map.
- OP 382 Brodkorb, P., 1938. A new species of crested tinamou from Paraguay. 4 pp.
- OP 385 Van Tyne, J., 1938. The Yucatan form of West Indian cliff swallow (Petrochelidon fulva). 3 pp., 1 table.
- OP 394 Brodkorb, P., 1938. Further additions to the avifauna of Paraguay. 5 pp.
- OP 401 Brodkorb, P., 1939. New subspecies of birds from the District of Soconusco, Chiapas. 7 pp.
- OP 425 Brodkorb, P., 1940. A new hawk from southern Mexico. 4 pp.
- OP 439 Van Tyne, J. and M.B. Trautman, 1941. New birds from Yucatán. 11 pp., 1 table.
- OP 445 Sutton, G.M., 1941. The juvenal plumage and postjuvenal molt of the Vesper Sparrow. 11 pp., 1 color plate.
- OP 446 Sutton, G.M., 1941. The plumages and molts of the young Eastern Whippoorwill. 7 pp., 1 color plate.
- OP 449 van Rossem, A.J., 1941. A race of the Blue-hooded Euphonia from Sonora. 4 pp.
- OP 450 Brodkorb, P., 1941. The pygmy owl of the District of Soconusco, Chiapas. 4 pp.
- OP 453 Brodkorb, P., 1941. A race of woodhewer from the Alta Parana. 3 pp.
- OP 459 Brodkorb, P., 1942. A revisionary study of the wren Thryothorus pleurostictus. 21 pp., 1 map, 2 tables.
- OP 467 Brodkorb, P., 1942. A new race of bob-white from interior Chiapas. 4 pp., 1 table.
- OP 474 Sutton, G.M., 1943. Notes on the behavior of certain captive young fringillids. 14 pp.
- OP 478 Brodkorb, P., 1943. Two new flycatchers of the genus Elaenia. 4 pp., 1 table.
- OP 480 Brodkorb, P., 1943. The rufous-browed wrens of Chiapas, Mexico. 3 pp., 1 table.
- OP 491 Van Tyne, J., 1944. The nest of the antbird Gymnopithys bicolor bicolor. 7 pp., 1 plate.
- OP 496 Van Tyne, J. and M.B. Trautman, 1946. The red-winged blackbird of Yucatan. 3 pp., 1 table.
- OP 505 Sutton. G.M. and W.H. Phelps, 1948. Richmond's swift in Venezuela. 6 pp.
- OP 511 Sutton, G.M., 1948. The juvenal plumage of the Eastern Warbling Vireo (Vireo gilvus gilvus). 7 pp., 1 color plate.
- OP 525 Van Tyne, J., 1950. Bird notes from Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone. 16 pp., 4 plates.
- OP 532 Storer, R.W., 1951. Variation in the Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris), with special reference to wintering populations. 12 pp., 2 tables.
- OP 538 Van Tyne, J. and H. Mayfield, 1952. Bird records from New Providence and Eleuthera Islands, Bahamas. 4 pp.
- OP 608 Zimmerman, D.A. and J. Van Tyne, 1959. A distributional check-list of the birds of Michigan. 63 pp., 1 map.
- OP 609 Storer, R.W. and D.A. Zimmerman, 1959. Variation in the Blue Grosbeak (Guiraca caerulea) with special reference to the Mexican populations. 13 pp., 3 tables.
- OP 615 Van Tyne, J. and W.H. Drury, Jr., 1959. The birds of southern Bylot Island, 1954. 43 pp., 3 plates, 2 figures, 1 table.
- OP 621 Storer, R.W., 1961. Two collections of birds from Campeche, Mexico. 20 pp.
- OP 648 Storer, R.W. and F.B. Gill, 1966. A revision of the mascarene white-eye, Zosterops borbonica (Aves). 7 pp., 1 figure, 1 table.
- OP 651 Ligon, J.D., 1967. Relationships of the cathartid vultures. 26 pp., 6 figures, 7 tables.
- OP 652 Storer, R.W. and W.W. Dalquest, 1967. Birds from the Save River area of Mozambique. 14 pp.
- OP 655 Feduccia, J.A. and R.L. Wilson, 1967. Avian fossils from the Lower Pliocene of Kansas. 6 pp., 2 figures, 1 table.
- OP 714 Payne, R.B., 1987. Populations and type specimens of a nomadic bird: comments on the North American crossbills Loxia pusilla Gloger 1834 and Crucirostra minor Brehm 1845. 37 pp., 3 figures, 6 tables.
- OP 719 Storer, R.W., 1989. Notes on Paraguayan birds. 21 pp.
- OP 723 Prum, R.O., 1990. A test of the monophyly of the manakins (Pipridae) and of the cotingas (Cotingidae) based on morphology. 44 pp., 6 figures, 2 tables.
Occ. Papers of the Roy. Ontario Mus. Zool.
Occasional Papers of the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology
Oceanic Birds of South America; &c.
Murphy, Robert Cushman
2 vol. New York
Öfversigt af Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar
8vo Stockholm
[? = Oefv. K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Forhandl. ? ]
[ Volume 7 -- often listed as 1851, though imprint date is 1850.
C.W. Benson indicates that Sundevall's Butastur rufipennis was
"published on 8 May 1850," that description occurs on p.131 of vol 7.
[CWR indicates (Vultur foetidus that "each no. is separetely paged"]
Arg. 7
no.1 pp. 1-24 9 Jan
no.2 pp. 25-54 13 Feb
no.3 pp. 55-92 13 Mars
no.4 pp. 93-124 17 April
no.5 pp. 125-151 8 Maj
no.10 pp. 267-303 11 Dec. N.B. Foot of p.296 dated Stockholm 1851
Arg. 12
no.1 pp. 1-48 10 Jan
no.2 pp. 49-100 14 Feb
no.3 pp. 101-168 14 Mars
no.4 pp. 169-218 18 April
no.5 pp. 219-328 8 Maj
no.6 pp. 241-328 13 Jun
no.7 pp. 329-360 12 Sep
Arg. 13 1856
No.1&2 Jan. pp.1-40 [9 Jan & 13 Feb. Onsdagarne]
No.3 Mar. pp.41-82 [12 Mar Onsdagen (Wednesday)]
No.4 Apr. pp.83-113 [9 Apr Onsdagen (Wednesday)]
No.5 May pp.115-40 [14 May Onsdagen (Wednesday)]
No.6&7 Jun. pp.141-180 [11 Jan & 10 Sep. Onsdagarne]
No.8 Oct. pp.181-204 [14 May Onsdagen (Wednesday)]
No.9&10 Nov. pp.205-286 [11 Jan & 10 Sep. Onsdagarne]
[Apparently stops at #10]
Arg. 26
no.6 Footer on p.653 dated 1869.
no.7 dated 1870
Oeuvres completes
6 vols. 1778-1864 Paris
Oeuvres completes de Buffon, avec les descriptions anatomiques
de Daubenton, son collaborateur.
1824-1831 26 vols.
Oeuvres completes de Buffon, suives de ses continuateurs
Daubenton, Lacepede, Cuvier, Dumeril, Poiret, Lesson et
Geoffroy-St.-Hilaire. Seule ed. complete.
1828-1833 20 vol. Bruxelles [reprint of Lamouroux ed. ]
Ohio Journal of Science
1900 ->
Nos. 1,2 Ohio State University Naturalist.
No. 3 Ohio Naturalist
Organ of the Societe Nationale d'Acclimation de France.
1920-30 Paris
Appears to have commenced as "L'Oiseau" in 1931
Evidently volumes in at least some instances extend
across years. For example I understand that the
dates de dépôt légal for vol. 40 are
Part 1 2.trimestre 1970
Part 2 4.trimestre 1970
Part 3-4 2.trimestre 1971 (commencing with p.185)
Edward Dickinson writes (2004.12.03):
My examination of the run of L'Oiseau at Tring suggests that the
procedure for the Dêpot Légal began during World War II; the first
appearance it makes is in the 1943 volume (NS Vol. XIII) which was
delayed to T1 1944!
I also noted that No. 2,3,4 of Volume XII had an inserted slip
mentioning a delay in issue but the details do not include the actual
date of publication.
I have not checked every volume form 1944 to date to search for
delayed issues (especially delays into the next calendar year) and to
see whether they contained new names; however I did check Jouanin's
article in L'Oiseau 40 (3/4): 303-306 which does have a new name in it
and this has a date de Dêpot Légal of T1 1971. This was correctly
dated in Peters 1(2):99
At the moment it is not clear to me when the n.s. commenced, but it
appears that the volume numbering was continuous.
Histoire naturelle des-plus beaux oiseaux chanteur de la zone torride
1805-18?? Vieillot, LJP Paris
Pts. 1 and 2 to 1805
Pts. 3 and 4 to 1806
Pts. 5 and 6 to 1808
the last no. appears to have been issued in 1809
p.58 appears to have been included in Pts 1 - 4, and
p.109 was issued in or after 1807
p.110 appears to have been issued in or after 1809
Les Oiseaux de la Chine
David, Armand and Oustalet, Emile
1877 2vols. 4to Paris
Oiseaux dores, ou a reflets metalliques
Audebert, Jean Baptiste [1759-1800] & Vieillot, L.J.P.
fol. Paris 1800-2
Issued in 32 parts over 26 months, dates and
extent of parts not fully known.
Ois. Indochine Francaise
Les oiseaux de l'Indochine française, par J. Delacour & P. Jabouille.
4 Vols.
L'Oiseau et la Revue Francaise d'Ornithologie.
The successor to the Revue Francaise d'Ornithologie.
Volume numbering initially continued that of Rev.France.Orn. with
volume 11 (1930) being the first volume of the Ois.Rev.FranceOrn.
Volume numbering then restarted at 1 with the new series commencing in 1931.
Bob Dowsett notes (2007.03.25) that at least in the 1930's the reprints from
this journal had re-numbered pagination.
Title: Oiseaux de l'île de la Trinidad, (Antilles), par A. Léotaud ...
Author: Léotaud, Antoine.
Publisher: Port d'Espagne, Chronicle Publishing Office, 1866.
Description: 2 p. l., xx p., 1 l., 560 p., 1 l., viii, iv p. 25 cm.
Note: Ouvrage publié par souscription nationale.
The Open Ornithology Journal
Opredelitel Vydov Ptits SSSR ....
Opredelitel Promyslovykh Ptits
Organisms Diversity and Evolution.
Oriental Quarterly
Oriental Quarterly Review.
London v1 no. 1-2. Ja-Ap 1830.
according to CWR, Blyth states he described Gallophasis in this journal
"11 years" before the 1837 pub. (He would have been 17 y.o.).
Ornithologia; ou Synopsis methodica sistens avium divisionem
in ordines, sectiones, genera, species, ipsarumque varietates.
Cum brevi & accurata cujusque speciei descriptione, citationibus
auctorum de iis tractantium, nominibus eis ab ipsis impositis,
nominibusque vulgaribus. A. D. Brisson ...
Lugundi Batavorum apud T. Haak, 1763.
Ornithologie; ou, Méthode contenant la division des oiseaux en
ordres, sections, genres, espéces & leurs variétés. &c
Brisson, Mathurin Jacques [1723-1806 ].
6 vols 4to. Chez C.J.B. Bauche Paris
Vol 3. Chez C.J.B. Bauche, Paris {per Banks and Browning}.
CWR notes that "This was probably published
before he had seen the 10th ed. of Linnaeus, as all of his refs.
to that work (except in vols. 5+6) occur in the suppl., at the end
of vol. 6.
The new genera are those given on pp.26-60 of vol.1
(in table of genera). All others cited from Brisson
are not used generically!"
A publication of the American Ornithological Society
(the new name for the American Ornithologist' Union).
In turn, "Ornithology" is the new name for "The Auk".
Current wisdom has prompted the Society to abandon a name that
was known, respected, short, unique, and recognized by all workers in
the discipline.
The name is now improved(!). As a result it is
indistiguishable from TENS of publications (mostly books), it is long,
and is best if not abbreviated (as "Orn." is a frequent bibliographic
abbreviation for one component part of large publications).
The new name, is as I understand it,
expected to increase the esteem of those authors
choosing this serial for their publications.
Ornithologie d'Angola ouvrage publie sous les auspices du
Ministere de la Marine et de Colonies...
Barboza du Bocage, JV Lisbon 1881
Data on dates from Bob Dowsett (2003.09.23)
Bocage J.V.B. du 1877-81. Ornithologie d'Angola. Lisbon: Imprimerie Nationale.
The key ref for dating is:
Burnay L.P. 1992.
"Some bibliographical notes on Barboza du Bocage's Ornithologie d'Angola."
Arch. Nat. Hist. 19:181-184.
He writes:
"This work was distributed in two separate parts:
Part I in 1877,
contained pp 1-256
with pls 1, 3, 4 and 9 with special printed wrappers.
Part II in 1881,
contained the introductory matter (I-XXXII) pp 257-276 [in error for 576]
with pls 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 with the definitive printer wrappers and title page. "
The fact that the plates were published out of sequence might give some cause for concern.
However, none of the plates depicts a new form, and thus the four taxa described in this
work are correctly dated:
Cypselus Toulsoni Bocage 1877, (I):158 Apus horus toulsoni
Hirundo ambigua Bocage 1877, (I):186 Hirundo albigularis ambigua
Turtur ambiguous Bocage 1881, (II):386 Streptopelia decipiens ambigua
Francolinus Finschi Bocage 1881, (II):406 Francolinus finschi
Ornithologischer Anzeiger
1991 ->
Ornithologische berichte
v1 -3 no2, Mr 1947 - D 1950
Coues, Elliot.
In "installments"
Bulletin of the United States Geographical Survey of the Territories.
First Installment=
Appendix to the "Birds of the Colorado Valley" (pp.567 [1]-784[218])
Second Installment
Bulletin of the United States Geographical Survey of the Territories.
Vol.V no.2 Sept. 6, 1879
Third Installment:
Vol.V. no.4 1879
Hirundinidæ p.522-528
Cœrbediæ p.529-530
Anabatidæ p.531-535
Fourth Installment:(British Birds)
Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum no.101
pp.359-368 Apr. 3, 1880
pp.369-384 Apr. 16, 1880
pp.385-400 Apr. 19, 1880
pp.401-416 Apr. 16, 1880 [APP note: 16 fide].
pp.417-432 Apr. 19, 1880 [APP note: 19 fide].
pp.433-448 May 5, 1880
pp.449-464 *** *, 1880 [noted as "(exact date of publication unknown)"]
pp.465-480 Jun 28, 1880
pp.481-482 Jul 6, 1880
Ornithological Biography, or an account of the habits of
the birds of the United States of America; accompanied by
descriptions of the objects represented in the work entitled The
Birds of America, and interspersed with delineations of American
scenery and manners.
Audubon, J.J.
5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh
Ornithologie ALS Biologische Wissenschaft
Festschrift Zum 60. Gerburstag-Von
Erwin Stresemann
1949 Heidelberg
M. Th. Brunnidhii Ornithologia borealis sistens collectionem
avium ex ominbus, Imperio dancio subjectis, provinciis
inlulisqve borealibu Hafniae factam, cum descriptionibus
novarum, nominibus incolarum, locis natalium et icone.
Brunnich, Morten Thrane
8vo p.8+80 Hafniae
Ornithologia britannica: seu Avium omnium britannicarum tam
terrestrium, quam aquaticarum catalogus, sermone latino, anglico
& gallico redditus: cui subjuctur appendix avec alennigenas, in
Angliam raro advenientes, complectens.
Tunstall, Marmeduke
fol. London
NOTE: In Opinions and Declarations, 1 Sect. D, pt. D3, p.83
1st Sept. 1956, the ICZN declared this work to be
NON-binomial, but available for generic names.
Several binomina are commonly used,:
Falco peregrinus
Motacilla cinereus
Anthus rubescens.
F. peregrinus Tunstall is resolved by
F. peregrinus Gmelin, 1788.
The other two may be acted upon by special provision.
Subsequent decision taken to allow use of some of the binomina.
Zur Ornithologie Brasiliens; Resultate von Johann Natterers
Reisen in den Jahren 1817 bis 1835.
8vo Wien
Zimmer has:
Pt. I 1868 [though may have actually been pub 1867]
Pt. II 1868 [CWR says publ. late Sept. 1868]
Pt. III 1870
Pt. IV 1870
CWR Unpublished notes on dates of publication include these notes.
- "Abth. I must have been published very early in 1868,
as it is reviewed in Der Zoologische Garten, IX,
for Jan., 1868, p.40."
- 'Abth. I "Wien 1868" so quoted in J.f.O for Sept. 1867
p.360, which was rec'd by S.I. and stamped "Jan. 31, 1868"'
- "Abth. I & II Adv. in cover of Arch. Nat., 1868, Heft 2"
- "Abth. II noted in mts. of Germ. Orn. Soc. Oct. 7, 1868
(c.f. J.f.O. 1868, 409)"
- "Abht. III, 1870, reviewed in Zool. Garten, XI, for May 1870, 164"
Ornitologia Brasiliense
v.1 1964
Ornis Caucasica. Die Vogelwelt des Kaukasus systematisch und
biologischgepgraphisch bescrieben.
Radde, Gustav Ferdinand Richard
4to pp. 12+592 25 col.pl Cassel [Kassel] (Ger.)
Ornithologisches Centralblatt
Organ fur Wissenschaft und Verkehr. Narichtsblatt ...
Beiblatt zum Journal fü Ornithologie.
[Supplement to Journal of Ornithology]
Bimonthly Vols I-VII
I. no. 1 01 Jly. 1876
I. no. 2 15 Jly. 1876
I. no. 3 01 Aug. 1876
I. no. 12 15 Dec. 1876
II. no. 1 01 Jan. 1877
II. no. 2 15 Jan. 1877
II. no. 3 01 Feb. 1877
II. no. 4 15 Feb. 1877
II. no. 24 15 Dec. 1877
III. no.11 01 Jun. 1878
Pyrenestes unicolor p.88
IV. no.14 15 Jul. 1879
Trochocercus bivittatus p.108
IV. no.15 01 Aug. 1879
Vidua splendens p.114
IV. no.20 15 Oct. 1879
Turdirostris leptorhyncha p.155
V. no.18 15 Sep. 1880
Thamnobia munda p.143
V. no.22 15 Nov. 1880
Trichophorus flaveolus p.174
VII. no.1&2 01 Jan. 1882
no.5&6 01 Mar. 1882
no.23&24 01 Dec. 1882 Dated on title page.
(Information from Frank Steinheimer in litt. 2008.01.03)
N.B.: On p.182 (the page where the article describing Cinclus Schulzii, now Dryocopus schulzii begins)
there is an announcement (at top of page) for a publication with an imprint publication date of "1883".
"Die Welt der Vögel" by Michelet.
Details of that publication, given by an antiquarian bookseller (accessed 2021.01.18) are as follows:
Michelet, Jules / Giacomelli, Hector: Die Welt der Vögel.
Vorwort v. Hermann Masius. Einleitung v. Ed. Rüdiger Minden,
Bruns, 1883. 2. Auflage. Großformat 18 x 25,5 cm. XXII u. 296
S. m. schwarz-weiß Illustrationen von H. Giacomelli. Illustrierter
Orig.-Leinenband m. Goldprägung. Dreiseitiger Goldschnitt. Alte
Schrift. Einbandkanten leicht berieben. Vorsatz und Titelblatt
minimal stockfleckig, sonst sauberes, gutes Exemplar.
ARTIKEL-Nr. R0004866A Preis 48,00 EUR
Mit feinen, teils ganzseitigen Stahlstichen von Hector Giacomelli
(* 1. April 1822 in Paris; † 1. Dezember 1904 in Menton) war ein
französischer Zeichner, Aquarellist und Illustrator.
My interpretation would be that this number (23&24) would need to be dated therefore
to 1883, and indeed be somewhat problematic as to WHEN in 1883 it should be dated.
I discussed this with Dick Schodde, who was wrestling with the issue of "schulzii" versus "schulzi"
at the time.
He felt it was appropriate to merely dismiss the "1883" date for "Die Welt der Vögel" out of hand
as being "less reliable" than the date 1 December given on the cover of Orn.Centralb.
He may be right, I am not in a position to merely dismiss imprint dates-of-publication on books
in the absence of supporting evidence.
I do know that such an approach would be wrong and disastrously misleading with regards to
the contemporaneous German publication, J.Orn.
Contributed from a bibliographic colleague.
"The following to be added to Alan's useful list of taxa in Orn. Centralb.:
Genera (neither recognized at present):
Spilocorydon Reichenow 1879 Orn. Centralb. 4: 155. Mirafra hypermetra
Linura Reichenow 1882 Orn. Centralb. 7: 91. Vidua fischeri
Plus a few subspecies (not fully treated by Alan at present, but useful as a guide to dating):
Amblyospiza albifrons unicolor (Fischer & Reichenow 1878: 88) Pyrenestes unicolor Orn. Centralb. 3: 88
Trochocercus cyanomelas bivittatus Reichenow 1879 Trochocercus bivittatus Orn. Centralb. 4: 108.
Sylvietta brachyura leucopsis (Reichenow 1879) Sylviella leucopsis Orn. Centralb. 4: 114.
Vidua hypocherina splendens Reichenow 1879 Vidua splendens Orn. Centralb. 4: 114.
Laniarius aethiopicus nigerrimus (Reichenow 1879) Dryoscopus nigerrimus Orn. Centralb. 4: 114. (4: 120 per J. Orn. 27: 322, NOT 392).
Acrocephalus gracilirostris leptorhynchus (Reichenow 1879) Turdirostris leptorhyncha Orn. Centralb. 4: 155.
Tylas eduardi strophiatus Stejneger 1879 Tylas strophiatus Orn. Centralb. 4: 182.
Erythropygia leucophrys munda (Cabanis 1880) Thamnobia munda Orn. Centralb. 5: 143.
Nectarinia amethystina deminuta (Cabanis 1880) Chalcomitra deminuta Orn. Centralb. 5: 143.
Phyllastrephus cabanisi flaveolus (Cabanis 1880) Trichophorus flaveolus Orn. Centralb. 5: 174.
Myrmecocichla arnotti leucolaema Fischer & Reichenow 1880 Myrmecocichla leucolaema Orn. Centralb. 5: 181.
Euplectes axillaris mechowi (Cabanis 1881: 183) Urobrachia (sic) mechowi Orn. Centralb. 6: 183.
Eupodotis ruficrista fulvicrista (Cabanis 1882a: 123) Otis (Lophotis) fulvicrista Orn. Centralb. 7: 14 (repeated J. Orn. 30: 123).
Phyllastrephus strepitans rufescens Hartlaub 1882 Phyllastrephus rufescens Orn. Centralb. 7: 91.
Myrmecocichla albifrons clericalis (Hartlaub 1882) Pentholaea clericalis Orn. Centralb. 7: 91.
Lagonosticta rara oenochroa (Hartlaub 1882) Habropyga oenochroa Orn. Centralb. 7: 91.
Ploceus baglafecht emini (Hartlaub 1882) Sycobrotus emini Orn. Centralb. 7: 92.
Emberiza affinis forbesi (Hartlaub 1882) Fringillaria forbesi Orn. Centralb. 7: 92.
Ornitologia Colombiana
Geological Survey of California.
Ornithology. v. 1. Land Birds.
Ed. By S. F. Baird, from the manuscript and notes of J. G. Cooper.
[Cambridge, Mass., University press] pub. by authority of the Legislature [of California] 1870.
Description xi, 592 p. illus. 27 cm.
Note No more published.
Alt author Cooper, J. G. (James Graham), 1830-1902.
Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887.
Ornithological Dictionary; or alphabetical Synopsis of British Birds.
Montagu, George [1755-1815]
1813 pp. vi[460]: 24 pls. 8vo London.
Ornithological Dictionary; or alphabetical Synopsis of British Birds.
Second edition, with ... new article and original observations
by J. Rennie.
Montagu, George & J. Rennie.
pp. lx[592]: 8vo London.
See Browning & Monroe p.391
Ornithological drawings
Swainson, William
Part 1 pl. 1-13 15 Jan 1834
Part 2 pl. 14-25 1 Apr 1834
Part 3 pl. 26-38 10 Jul 1834
Part 4 pl. 39-50 2 Jan 1835
Part 5 pl. 51-62 27 Jun 1835
Ornithologie Europeenne, ou catalogue descriptif, analytique
et raisonne des oiseaux observes en Europe.
Degland, Côme Damien [ -1856]
1849 A.Lille Paris
2 vols Vol I. pp.1-632; Vol II pp. 1-540.
Ornithologie Europeenne, ou catalogue descriptif, analytique
et raisonne des oiseaux observes en Europe, Deuxieme edition.
Degland, Côme Damien and Gerbe, Z
J.B.Bailliere et Fils Paris
2 vols Vol I. pp.xxx+610; Vol II pp.xv+637.:w
Zarudny, NA
Ornithologische Gallerie, oder Abbildungen aller bekannten
Dubois, Charles Frederic [1804-1867]
pp. x,172: 124 pls. col. 4to Aachen & Leipzig
Oritnologicheskaya geografiia evropeiskoi Rossii.
(In Uchenifa Zapiski Imperatorskago Moskovskavi Universiteta,
Odtferl Estestvenno-istoricheskii)
Menzbier, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
8vo. pp.4+524. 8 col.pl. Moscow.
Ornis germanica
The ornithological guide, in which are discussed several
interesting points in ornithology.
Wood, Charles Thorold [1777-1852]
1837 [CWR - Jan 1837; Wood has "?1835" ]
8vo pp.18+236 London
Ornithologisches Jahrbuch
Organ fur das palaearktische Faunengebiet.
Herausgegaben von V. Ritter von Tschusi zu Schmidhoffen.
1890 -> 8vo Hallein.
Possible date issues here.
Vol.19 (1908), Heft 5&6 (Sept. thru Dec.) on cover says "Ausgegeben am 23 Nov. 1908", however p.171 includes a date "16. IV. 1909."
? possibly a misprint or a number I am misinterpreting as a date ?
Of note, Hefte which span a period of months appear frequently to have been issued in the month before the last
month of the listed range.
Vol.21 (1910) no.6 published 19 Mar. 1911.
Ornithologische Monatsberichte
Herausgegeben von Dr. Ant. Reichenow.
Jarhg. 1 ->
8vo Berlin
By month.
1. 1-20
12 -204
11 "1903"
12. "December" S.I. Accession "Dec 28 1903", but p. 192 references
Ibis 1904 S.238-242 (!?). ? misprint? Accession stamp
would be imagined to be determinative.
Confirmed as a misprint,, Article is in Ibis 1903.
18 "1910"
7/8 "Juli/August" 1910 S.I. Accession stamp July 13 1910!.
12. "December" S.I. Accession stamp "Dec. 19 19..." cut off.
note that Dec. 19 1910 would fit the publishing
pattern, but p.192 refers to a work published in
Danzig in 1911 (! ?)
19 "1911"
2. "Feb. 1911" S.I. Accession stamp "Feb. 13, 1911" !!
3. "März 1911" S.I. Accession stamp "Mar. 13, 1911" !!
4. "April 1911" S.I. Accession stamp "Apr. 20, 1911" !!
5. "May 1911" S.I. Accession stamp "May 17, 1911" !!
12. "December 1911" S.I. Accession stamp Dec. 16, 1911
28 "1920"
1/2. "Januar/Februar 1920" S.I. Accession stamp April 9, 1921
3/4. "März/April 1920" S.I. Accession stamp April 9, 1921
29 "1921"
1/2. "Januar/Februar 1921" S.I. Accession stamp March 25, 1922
30 "1922"
1/2. "Januar/Februar 1922" S.I. Accession stamp Feb. 1, 1922 (!)
31 "1923"
S.I. Accession stamp Jan. 14, 1924 T.P.
1. "Januar 1923" S.I. Accession stamp Jan. 4, 1923
2. "März/April" 1923" S.I. Accession stamp Feb. 28, 1923
3. "Mai/Juni" 1923" S.I. Accession stamp May. 3, 1923
Ausgegeben am 1, April 1923
4. "Juli/Aug" 1923" S.I. Accession stamp Jul. 10, 1923
Ausgegeben am 1, Juli 1923
6. "Nov./Ddez." 1923" S.I. Accession stamp Nov. 5, 1923
Ausgegeben am 1, Nov 1923
XII Jahrgang no.7&8 ("July-Aug") publ. July (Tetrao tetrix pinetorum) pp.[105]-136
Richmond's cards note "publ. July" evidence for this is not clear. (2015.01.18)
(no accession stamps found in BHL version from Bird Div.)
XIV. no.7&8 publ. June (Columba livia gaddi)
1932: Six issues. No.1 and No.6 are for two months and even so No.1
is published during the first month indicated.
No.6 ("November/Dezember" says "Ausgegeben am 8, Nov. 1932."
Ausgegeben = issued.
NOTE: No.1 for 1932 "Januar/Februar" has a stamp date (p.[1]) of Jan 28 1932.
So "title date" is later than pubishing date (at least in this instance).
Also says "Ausgegeben am 4, Januar 1932".
No. 2 "Marz 1932" has a stamp date of Apr 4 1932.
Ornithological Monographs
Ornitología Neotropical
Ornithologist and Oologist.
A monthly Magazine of Natural History, especially devoted
to the study of Birds, their Nests and Egg. &c.
Frank B. Webster Publisher [Editor]
Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Publication of the American Ornithological Society.
Continuation of "The Auk" which was a distinctive and long revered title.
[The current title, especially if abbreviated, will sink into a vast morass
of published entities with similar (or in the case of books) identical titles.]
Parallel title: Ornithologia
Moscow : Izd-vo. Moskovskogo Universiteta
Vyp.2 (1959)- 76 (1965), 10(1972)-12 (1976), 14 (1979) - * [T] ;
Vyp.1 (1958) - 18 (1983) [Z].
Title history: Vyp.1 was also issued in Uchenye Zapiski. Moskovskogo -
Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Vyp.197. S. 1844 C.
Ornis. Internationale zeitschrift für die gesammte Ornithologie.
Vienna, London
1-14, 1885-1907
14, 1907 is Proceedings of the Fourth International
ornithological congress.
Norbert Bahr provides useful information on this serial (in litt. 2006.06.03).
Hölzinger, J. (1991): Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs. Bd. 7,
Bibliographie. Teil 1. Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen ornithologischen
Periodika in Mitteleuropa. Fortlaufende Sammelwerke.
Eigenständige ornithologische Veröffentlichungen in fortlaufenden Sammelwerken.
Stand 31.12.1989. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart. 386 pp.
Ornis (Wien)
Internationale Zeitschrift für die gesamte Ornithologie.
Organ des permanenten internationalen ornithologischen Comite's
[International journal for the whole ornithology.
Publication of the permanent international ornithological committee; my translation, N.B.]
vol.1 (1885) - 6 (1890) with 4 issues each;
editors R. Blasius & G. v. Hajek;
published by Carl Gerold's Sohn, Wien.
vol.7 (1891) with 4 issues,
edited by R. Blasius;
published by Carl Gerold's Sohn, Wien.
vol.8 (1896) with 4 issues;
ed. by R. Blasius;
publ. by Joh. Heinr. Meyer, Braunschweig.
vol.9 (1898), 10 (1899), 11 (1900-1901, 1901) with 4 issues each;
ed. by E. Oustalet & J. de Claybrooke;
publ. by Masson, Paris.
vol.12 (1903-1904, 1904), 13 (1910) with 4 issues each;
ed. by E. Oustalet;
publ. by Masson, Paris.
MCZ Accession "Ornis i. 2,3; 1886.06.18 (v.3 p.199)
MCZ Accession "Ornis i. 4; 1886.09.16 (v.3 p.214)
MCZ Accession "Ornis ii. 4; iii. 1. 1887.05.26 (v.3 p.257)
So there are apparently some gaps between the volumes, and some of the issues of vol.13
may have appeared in 1909, or preprints were issued in 1909. Another complicated case.
Data from S.I. copy
Part I.
(June 1905)
Part II.
(Sept. 1906) pp.[63]-136
Part III.
(Feb. 1909) pp.[137]-196. (S.I. accession Mar.1, 1909)
Ornis, oder das Neueste und Wichtigste der Vögelkunde
(und Anziehendes aus der Thierkunde).
Hft. I-III / herausgegeben von C. L. Brehm.
Brehm, CL
Physical descrip: 8°.
Publisher info: Jena, 1824-27.
Ornis Romaniae
Dombrowski, Robert, Ritter von.
TITLE: Pasarile Romaniei (Ornis Romaniae)
descriere sistematica si biologico-geografica, completata,
ilustrata si prelucrata
PLACE: Bucuresti :
PUBLISHER: Fundatia regala pentru literatura si
YEAR: 1946 9999
FORMAT: v. : ill. (some col.) ; 24 cm.
SERIES: Biblioteca enciclopedica
NOTES: Translation of: Ornis Romaniae.
Includes bibliographical references.
-- Romania.
-- Classification.
ALT TITLE: Ornis Romaniae. Romanian. 1946
Ornithiologia, or the Birds: a poem in two parts.
Jennings, James
12vo xxix+468 London
[Note: CWR says "ed. 2" and "our copy is dated 1829", he also
differs in the p. (329 vs. "319") from Peters.]
Ornithologischer Beitrag zur Fauna Madagascar's
Hartlaub CJG
1861 Bremen
Ornith. Miscellaney [ed. Rowley]
Rowley, George Dawson [1822-1878]
3 Vol. 4to London & Brighton Trubner.
72 col.pl.
Ornithologische Monatsberichte
v 1-52 no5/6 1893 -O/D 1944
[superseded by Ornithologische bericthe ]
Initially published in 12 monthly parts.
The first double month issue found (so far) is Juli/August 1914 no.7&8
bearing the S.I. accession stamp July 15, 1914.
No.10&11 Okt./Nov. has the S.I. Accession stamp Nov.14, 1914.
1924 V.32 No. Mo. pp. Ausg. SI Acc.
1 J/F [1]-28 01.14
2 M/A [29]-60 03.12
3 M/J [61]-96 05.01 05.22
4 J/A [97]-124 07.05 07.22
5 S/O [125]-156 09.16
6 N/D [157]-184 11.12
1925 V.33 No. Mo. pp. Ausg. SI Acc.
1 J [1]-32 01.06 01.29
2 Marz [33]-64 03.01 03.17
3 Mai [65]-100 05.08 06.01
4 J/A [101]-140 07.01 07.18
5 S/O [141]-168 09.01 09.21
6 N/D [169]-199 11.04 11.17
1926 V.34 No. Mo. pp. Ausg. SI Acc.
1 J/F [1]-34 01.04 01.20
2 M/A [35]-66 03.01 03.12
3 Mai [67]-98 05.05 05.20
4 J/A [99]-130 07.01 07.15
5 S/O [131]-162 09.01 09.21
6 N/D [163]-194 NA 11.17
1927 V.35 No. Mo. pp. Ausg. SI Acc.
1 J/F [1]-32 01.04 01.25
2 M/A [33]-64 03.01 03.10
3 M/J [65]-96 05.05 05.24
4 J/A [97]-128 07.01 07.10
5 S/O [129]-160 09.01 09.12
6 N/D [161]-190 11.07 11.26
1928 V.36 No. Mo. pp. Ausg. SI Acc.
1 J/F [1]-32 01.02 01.27
2 M/A [33]-64 03.02 03.17
3 M/J [65]-96 05.02 05.15
4 J/A [97]-128 07.10 08.01
5 S/O [129]-164 09.04 09.20
6 N/D [161]-190 11.05 11.23
1929 V.37 No. Mo. pp. Ausg. SI Acc.
1 J/F [1]-32 01.05 01.24
2 M/A [33]-64 03.01 03.19
3 M/J [65]-96 05.06 05.28
4 J/A [97]-128 07.06 07.10 (check?)
5 S/O [129]-164 09.01 09.12
6 N/D [161]-190 11.16 12.03
1930 V.38 No. Mo. pp. Ausg. SI Acc.
1 J/F [1]-36 01.03 01.24
2 M/A [37]-68 03.03 03.24
3 M/J [69]-100 05.01 05.22
4 J/A [101]-132 07.10 07.24
5 S/O [133]-168 09.06 09.17
6 N/D [169]-198 11.06 11.21
1931 V.39 No. Mo. pp. Ausg. SI Acc.
1 J/F [1]-32 01.04 01.27
2 M/A [33]-64 03.04 03.20
3 M/J [65]-96 05.04 05.21
4 J/A [97]-128 07.04 07.23
5 S/O [129]-160 09.07 09.21
6 N/D [161]-193 11.04 11.25
1932 V.40 No. Mo. pp. Ausg. SI Acc.
1 J/F [1]-36 01.04 01.25
2 M/A [37]-64 03.18 04.07
3 M/J [65]-96 05.06 05.23
4 J/A [97]-128 07.09 08.01
5 S/O [129]-160 09.08 09.26
6 N/D [161]-184 11.08 11.29
Ornithologie Nordost-Afrika's, der Nilquellen- und
Küsten-Gebiete des Rothen Meeres und des nördlichen
2 vols. 57 parts with uncertainty of actual dates of publication.
Thru p.416 appears to be published before Dec. 31, 1869.
Thru p.656 appears to be published before Oct. 3, 1870.
pp.657-916 in 1872
See Zimmer 1926 p.301-302 for additional details.
[Data from CWR unpublished notes on Dates of Publication:
Livr.1-13 (421 spp.) had appeared up to May 26, 1870
the date on which O.Finsch made this statement
(Tr.Zool.Soc.Lond. VII, May, 1870 p.312(note).).
Livr.9-11 [as one], Nov. 1, 1869. (so quoted by Finsch loc. cit. p.324).
Lieff.9-11 [in one], Blanf. (Geol. Abyssin. 1870, 359) says this part
did not reach England till the middle of December [1869].
Van Den Elzen, Dickinson, Dowsett, & Harding published the results of their extensive studies of this work.
Theodor Von Heuglin's Ornithologie Nord0st-Afrika's... Notes relevant to the dates of publication of the parts.
Vertebrate Zoology 2011 61(1):161-176.
They make it clear not only why the publication history is confusing, but that apparently it remains confusing.
I am at a bit of a loss knowing which parts of their information to use.
For example in their Appendix III (p.176) they list the genus group name Urorhipis and put it on p.LXXII. This page agrees with
numerous other workers. In this table they date it to 1873. However, on p.173 they state (under the heading 1874)
"Lieferungen 50 and 51: the notice to the bookbinder makes clear that these Lieferungen held the Einleitung; here
beginning with p.XVII. We presume that this issue ended with p.LXXX" (emphasis added).
If Lieferungen 50 and 51 are attributed in text to 1874, and start with p.XVII, ending with p.LXXX it would seem to include p.LXXII.
So it appears to me that this page is dated to 1873 in the table and 1874 in the text.
Similarly all the latter taxa in their table which they attribute to 1873 (from p.1512 on) are listed as having "Choice of dates" as 1873, but are listed
in 1874 in text on pp.172-172.
Perhaps I have misinterpreted something here, but it is not clear to me exactly what to do with what appear to be internally inconsistent data.
Ornitologia della Papuasia e delle Molucche
Salvadori, TA
1880-82 3 Pts. 4to Torino
[Mem.R.Accad.Sci.Torino Vol. XXXIII, 1881 ]
Ornithologie du Pérou, par Ladislas Taczanowski.
Rennes, Typographie Oberthur,
Taczanowski, Ladislas (Wladyslaw) [1819-1890].
3 vol.
Vol. 1 1884 (Smithsonian accession Aug. 17, 1886)
Vol. 2 1884 (Smithsonian accession Aug. 17, 1886)
Vol. 3 1886 (Smithsonian accession Aug. 17, 1886)
Ornithological Society of Japan
Published journal "Tori" (1915-1968)
Japanese Journal of Ornithology (1968 to present).
Ornithologia Svecica
Nilsson, Sven
2 pts
8vo Hafnia 1817-21
Ornithologisches Taschenbuch von und für Deutschland oder kurze
Beschreibung aller Vogel Deutschlands,&c.
Bechstein, J.M.
pp.xxxiv,612 12mo Leipzig
[Zimmer has no note on pub. hist. dates 1802 vs 1803 basis not
clear, some of Vol. I may have been pub. in 1802, CWR lists it
94.10.27 for the moment I am going to change OTD I cites to 1802
Mathews says:
Vol. I 1802
Vol. II 1803
Vol. III 1812 (Vol I&II were reissued in 1811-12)
Ornithologie du Turkestan et des pay adjacents.
Menzbier, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
4to pp.(14)+391 Moscow.
The Osprey. An illustrated Monthly Magazine of (later Popular)
Vols. I-VI 8vo. Galesburg, Ill.
Johnson, Walter Adams, ed. (with Murchison & Coues)
Vol. III no. 9 "May" publ. June 10 1899 (CWR)
CW Richmond, in his unpublished notes on dates of publication lists dates for
Vol 1 (new series) from 1902 as follows:
Vol. I no. 1 "January, 1902" Publ. Feb. 10 1902. [APP: Mon.]
Vol. I no. 2 "February, 1902" Publ. Mch. 11 1902. [APP: Tue.]
Vol. I no. 3 "March, 1902" Publ. Mch. 31 1902. [APP: Mon.]
Vol. I no. 4 "April, 1902" Publ. May 7 1902. [APP: Wed.]
Vol. I no. 5 "May, 1902" {"My [CWR] copy rec'd July 3,
but may have been publ. earlier"}
Vol. I no. 6 "June, 1902" Rec'd. Aug. 4 1902.
Vol. I no. 7 "April, 1902" Publ. Dec. 10 1902!. [APP: Thu.]
Ostrich; the medium of records of members ...
(South African ornithological society)
1,Mr 1930 ->
Oversigt over det Kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskabs forhandlinger
OWLS (STRIGIFORMES) - Annotated and Illustrated Checklist.
Weick, F.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.11.27