Zoological Citation Sources --V
Various subjects of Natural History, wherein are delineated
Birds, Animals and many curious Plants, &c.
Miller, John Frederick
fol. London
Vega-expeditionens vetenskapliga Iakttagelser bearbetade af
deltagare i resan och andra forskare, utgifna af A. E.
Nordenskiold, Nils Adolf Erik von [1832-1901]
5 Bd. Stockholm
? Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. Mainz
Verh. k. k. Zool.-Bot. Gesell. Wien
Verhandllungen der kaiserlich-kongiglichen zoologish-botanischen
Gesellschaft in Wien
1858 ->
[note vol #'s are consistent between:
V.kk.Z.-B.G.W. and
[MCZ Accession log v.2 p.115
Bd xxx (1881) accessioned 1881.03.05]
Verhandelingen over de Natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche
Overzeesche Bezittingen door de leden natuurkundige commissie in
Indie andere Schrijvers. Uitgegeven op last van den Koning.
Temminck, CJ
3Vol fol. Leiden
Natuurkundige Commissie voor Nederlansch-Indie
[Natural History Commission for the Netherlands Indies]
29 April 1820 to 17 April 1850
[See under Holland in Cat BrM]
Land en Volkenkunde.
Muller, S
No. 1 Mr 21, 1840
No. 2 Sp 15, 1840
No. 3 Fb 13, 1841
No. 4 Ag 16, 1841
No. 5 Mr 30, 1842
No. 6 Je 12, 1843
No. 7 Ja 12, 1844
No. 8 Sp 20, 1845
No. 9 De 23, 1845
No. 10 De 24, 1847
Zool. Aves.
Muller, S & Schlegel, H.
No. 1 Dc 18, 1839
No. 2 Ap 24, 1840
No. 3 Nv 13, 1840
No. 4 Mr 13, 1841
No. 5 Oc 11, 1841
No. 6 Jl 22, 1842
No. 8/9 My 10, 1843
No. 10 Mr 22, 1844
No. 11 Je 26, 1845
No. 12 Je 26, 1845
Husson AM, Holthuis LB. 1955. Zoologische Mededelingen
Uitgegeven Door Het Rijksmuseum Van Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden.
XXXIV(2):17-25. 17 Oct 1955.
Verh. Nat. Gesell. Basel
Verhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Basel.
Publisher Basel, Birkhäuser.
1-104 1857-1994
Description 104 v. ill. 20-24 cm.
Frequency Semiannual.
Coverage Ceased with Bd. 104 in 1994.
Bd. 1- 1854/57-
Verhandlungen Naturhistorischer Verein fuer das Grossherzogthum
Hessen und Umgebung.
1848 8vo Darmstadt
Verh. Orn. Gesell. Bayern
Verhandlungen der Ornithologische Gesellschaft in Bayern
Wrapper Band XII Heft 1
1, 1897/98 ->
1-3 as Jahresberichte
Band VIII "1907"
Ausgegeben am 14 Nov. 1908
Band XII Heft 1 1915 Accessioned SI 1917.07.18
Ausgegeben am 15. Mai 1914
Band XII Heft 2 1915 Accessioned SI 1917.07.18
Ausgegeben am 8. Feb. 1915
Band XII Heft 3 1915 Accessioned SI 1917.07.18
Ausgegeben am 25. Jul. 1915
Band XII Heft 4 1915 Accessioned SI 1920.07.24
Ausgegeben am 15. Mai. 1916
Band XIII Heft 1 1917
am 25. Feb. 1917
Band XIII Heft 2 1917
am 20. Sept. 1917
Band XIII Heft 3 1917
am 25. Mai. 1918
Band XIII Heft 4 1918
am 25. Nov. 1917
Red ink note: "26-105632 - Sept 28"
Verhandlungen des V. Internationalen Ornithologen-Kongresses
in Berlin 30 Mai bis 4 Juni 1910.
[? publication date listed in some locations as 1911].
But Hartert indicates Novit.Zool. 34 p.38 that this did not appear
before January or February of 1912]
vol #'s are consistent between:
V.kk.Z.-B.G.W. and
Verslagen en Medeedelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen.
Afdeeling Naturukunde.
Reeks I 1853-65 Deel I-XVII
Reeks II 1866-84 Deel I-XX
Reeks III 1885-92 Deel I-IX
Versuch eines Grundrisses zur allgemeinen Geschichte und
natürlichen Eintheilung der Vögel.
Merrem, Blasius [1761-1824]
4to Leipzig
2 Bd.i, thl. 1&2 pp.[iv,] vi, 32,255: 6 pls
Versuch einer Naturgeschichte von Livland, entworfen von
J.L.[i.e. B] Fischer.
Fischer, Jacob Benjamin [1730-1793]
8vo Leipzig.
Vertikal Turkest. Zhivotn..
NOTE: from Nat Union Cat v.539:672.
Vertikalnoe i gorizontalnoe raspredelenie turkestankikh
zhivotnykh. Po uzd. 1873 g., pod ped A. P. Fedchenko i L. P.
Cabaneyeba, Mockba, Uzd-vo Akademia nayk CCCP, 1953.
Severtsov, Nikolai Alekseevich [1827-1885].
[raspredelenei == distribution ]
[Trans: Vertical and horizontal distribution of Turkestan wildlife.]
[NOTE:APP it appears (2008.09.27) that all the citations to this should probably be
cited to Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt2.
The publications are in the same year, and the taxa and pagination appear commensurate.
Here is a list of the 1873 taxa as I currently hold them, the Remiz taxa (for example) appear
to most probably be from the same source. :
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 113 Accipiter badius cenchroides (Severtzov)
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 113 Ciconia ciconia asiatica Severtzov
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 115 Athene noctua orientalis Severtzov
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 132 Prunella fulvescens (Severtzov)
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 136 Remiz pendulinus coronatus (Severtzov)
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 142 Alauda gulgula inconspicua Severtzov
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 142 Calandrella cheleensis leucophaea Severtzov
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 146 Charadrius leschenaultii crassirostris (Severtzov)
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 66,135 Leptopoecile (m.) Severtzov
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 66,135 pl.8 fig.8,9 Leptopoecile sophiae Severtzov
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 66,135 pl.8 fig.8,9 Leptopoecile sophiae sophiae Severtzov
1873 Izv.Imp.O.Liub.Est.Antr.Etn. 8 pt 002 p. 70,149 Anser fabalis middendorffii Severtzov
1873 Vertik.Turk.Zhiv. 66 p. 128 Certhia himalayana taeniura Severtzov
1873 Vertik.Turk.Zhiv. 66 p. 133 pl.8 fig.7 Cyanistes cyanus flavipectus (Severtzov)
1873 Vertik.Turk.Zhiv. 66 p. 134 Periparus ater rufipectus (Severtzov)
1873 Vertik.Turk.Zhiv. 66 p. 134 Poecile montanus songarus (Severtzov)
1873 Vertik.Turk.Zhiv. 66 p. 135 pl.9 fig.2 Remiz pendulinus macronyx (Severtzov) [Aegithalus]
1873 Vertik.Turk.Zhiv. 66 p. 137 Remiz pendulinus jaxarticus (Severtzov) [? Aegithalus]
Vertebratorum synopsis in Museo mediolense extantium quae per
Novam orbem Cajetanus Osculati colegit annis 1846-47-48
speciebus novis vel minus cognitis adjectis nec non
descriptionibus atque iconibus illustratis curante AEmilio
Cornalia ... cum taab lithogr. una.
Cornalio, Emilio [1824-1882]
pp. 16 1 pl. 8vo. 1849 Milano
Milano, Tip. Bernardoni, 1850.
301-315 p. fold. col. pl.
"Photostat facsimile from Getano Osculati's Explorazione delle
regioni equatoriali lungo il Napo ed il fiume delle Amazzoni,
Peters:Vertebratorum Synopsis in Museo Mediolanense extantium Osculati coll.
CWR: Vertebratorum Synopsis in Museo Mediolanense extentium Osculati coll.
Zimmer:Vertebratorum synopsis in Museo Mediolanense extantium quae per
novam orbem cajetanus Osculati collegit Annis 1846-47-48 &c.
BrMNH: Vertebratorum Synopsis in Museo Mediolanense extantium quae per
novam orbem C. Osculati collegit Annis 1846-48 &c.
Vertebrate Zoology
(Museum für Tierkunde Dresden)
Verzeichniss von ausgestopften Saugethieren und Vogeln ...
zool. mus. K. Univ. Berlin
source is from CWR and Sherborn. Not in Cat. Libr. Brit. Mus.
Verzeichniss der Doubletten des zooloigeschen Museums der Köigl. ...
Universität. zu Berlin nebst Beschreibung vieler bisher unbekannter
Arten von Saügethieren, Vögeln, Amphibien und Fischen.
pp. x, 118: 1 pl.
1823 4to Berlin
Verz. Europaiischen Vogel
Verzeichnis der bisher wissenschaftlich bescshriebenen neuen
tier- und pflaanzenform, weelche der jahre 1884-1899 in
Brasilien (staaten Rio de Janeiro, Minas Geras, Sao Paolo,
Espirito Santo, Baahia und Para) gesammelt und entdeckt worden
sind, von dr. phil. Emil August Goeldi ... Bern
Goeldi, Emil August [1859-1917]
Buchdruckerei Jent & co 1899
First, third to sixth supplements, 1899-1902
[ evidently suppl 7 1904 ? APP]
Verzeichniss einer Sammlung von Säugethieren und Vögeln aus dem
Kaffernlande, nebst einer Käffersammlung
Lichtenstein, M.H.C.
[sale catalogue]
Verzeichniss von Thieren und Pflanzen welche auf einer Reise um die Erde
gesammelt wurden
von Adolph Erman.
Berlin : Verlegt bei G. Reimer
Erman, Adolph 1806-1877.
Verz. Vogeln, Conchylien, &c. [from CWR, ! BMNH]
Verzeichniss der doubletten des Zoologischen museums der
Ko:nigl. universita:t zu Berlin, nebst beschreibung vieler
bisher unbekannter arten von saugthieren, vogeln, amphibien un
fischen, herausgegeben von dr. H. Lichtenstein ...
Berlin, In commission bei T. Trautwien,
[ Nat Union Cat. 96.05.01]
Note: that CWR lists Verz. Vogeln, Conchylin, etc for 1822,
AND lists Verz. der doubl... for 1823!
Vestnik Zool.
Victorian Naturalist
(Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria)
Videnskabelige Meddelelser Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening.
== Naturhistorisk forening i Kjobenhavn.
Mitu salvini 4057 (Reinhardt) 1879
Vidensk.Medd.naturhist.Foren.Kjobenhavn. p.5
[change this APP 96.04.26 ]
Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening i
Description v. : ill. : 25 cm.
Frequency Annual, 1uuu-1912.
Coverage Nr. 1/2 (1849)-bd. 63.
Note 1849-1908 issued in 6 series of 10 vols. each.
Voegel aus Asien, Afrika, Amerika, und Neuholland, in
Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen
Hahn, Carl Wilhelm and Kuster, Heinrich Carl
Die Vogel; handbuch der systematichen ornithologie.
Reichenow, Anton
Bd. 1-2 Stuttgart.
Die vogel Afrikas.
1900 - 1905
3 vols. text, 1 vol. atlas. Neudamm
Reichenow, Anton
Vol. 1 Part 1 publ. "about beginning of Oct. 1900" see Ibis, Jan. 1901, 125.
Vol. 1 Part 2 apparently 1901
Vol. 2 is 1902 for pt.1 and 1903 for pt.2
Vol. 3 is 1904 for pt.1 and 1904 for pt.2
Data from Cullman Library, Smithsonian Institution.
Die Vögel europas, / herausgegeben von C. Susemihl & Sohn,
Text unter der direction von J.C. Temminck, und mit Beiträgen von C.L. Brehm,
C.F. Bruch, H.C. Küster und andern Naturforschern.
Bearbeitet von H. Schlegel.
[APP: Bearbeitet =? Prepared by]
Author: Susemihl, Johann Conrad, 1767-
Publisher: [Darmstadt, C. Susemihl & Sohn, 1840]
[APP: 1840 ? !!]
Description: [4] p. [56] col. plates. 34 cm.
Notes: Prospectus [4] p. used in lieu of title page and text.
Date from the British Museum (Nat. Hist.) Library Catalogue:
Abbildungen der Vögel Europas, herausgegeben, gezeichnet und in Stahl gestochen. 36 Lief.;
text nach Temminink's Manuel d'Ornithologie und den vorzüglichsten neueren Schriften
und mit Beitragen von mehreren Susemihl, Johann Conrad, 1767-
Main author: Susemihl, Johann Conrad, 1767-
Title: [Abbildungen der Vögel Europas, herausgegeben, gezeichnet und in Stahl gestochen.
36 Lief.];
text nach Temminink's Manuel d'Ornithologie und den vorzüglichsten neueren Schriften
und mit Beitragen von mehreren / von J. C. Susemihl ... und E. Susemihl;
Naturforschern, bearbeitet von ... Dr. [F] Gergens ([and afterwards] Dr. Schlegel)
Publisher info: Stuttgart Darmstadt & Leipzig, 1839-51.
Physical descrip: pp.116,16: 106 pls. col.
General Note: Title supplied from the wrapper to Lief 1.
in the Printed Book Department, British Museum.
General Note: Schlegel's text of 116pp. ends abruptly in the midst of the Nocturnal
Birds of Prey, and though, Homeyer was announced in 1851 [wrapper to Lief, 36, 2nd Edition]
as about to continue it, no more letterpress appeared.
Pls. 49 and onwards are therefore undescribed. Pp. 1-100 of Schlegel's Text,
the Diurnal Birds of Prey, which the 44 pls. corresponding, were afterwards
reissued under the title of "Die Europaischen Tag-Raubvögel,
beschreiben von ... H. Schlegel"
Editor/added author: Susemihl, E.
Editor/added author: Gergens, F., Dr.
Editor/added author: Schlegel, Dr.
Die Vogelwelt
Zeitschrift für Vogelkunde und Vogelshutz
[note: Die Vogelwelt (Heilbronn -- 1879-1882)
Die Vogelwelt (Leipzig -- 1890?-1900)
Vollstädiges Handbuch der Naturgeschichte der Vögel Europa's
mit besonderer Rüsicht auf Deutschland.
1834 (after 15 Nov.)
Constantin Lambert Gloger
Der vollständige Vogelfang. Eine gründliche Anteitung, alle
europäischen Vögel...Mit besonderer Berucsichtigung der
Vogelstellerei der Franzosen und Afrikaner, &c.
Brehm, Christian Ludwig
pp.xxviii,416 Weimar
[Note: Previously abbreviated as "Vogelfang", but this 1855 work
must be differentiated from the 1836 work:
"Der Vogelfang. Eine grünliche Anweisung zur Einrichtung des Drossel ..."
which is also by C.L. Brehm
[Date note: CWR says:
"In list of books for "Januar. Februar.".]
Die Vögel Deutsch-Ost-Afrikas
Reichenow, Anton, 1847-
Berlin, 1894.
Physical descrip: iv, 250p : text illust. col. 8° (1) v.
Die Vogelarten Der Erde; Eine Systematische List Mit
Verbreitungsangaben Sowie Deutschen Und Englischen Namen.
Wolters, Hans Edmund
xx+745 Parey Hamburg+Berlin
Vögel Ferner Lander
1 1927 ->
De vogels van Guyana : (Suriname, Cayenne en Demerara) /
Door Frederik Paul Penard en Arthur Philip Penard.
Publisher Paramaribo : E.P. Penard, [1908-10]
Description 2 v. : ill. ; 25 cm.
Vog. Madagascar
Die Vogel Madagascars und benachbarten Inselgruppen. Ein Beitrag
zur Zoologie der Athiopischen Region, &c.
Hartlaub, CJG
8vo. Halle.
De vogels van Nederlandsch Indië,
beschreven en afgebeeld door H. Schlegel.
3 vols. Leiden, Amsterdam
Die Vögel Ost-Afrikas.
Finsch, FHO and Hartlaub, CJG.
4t0 pp. x + 897. Leipzig
This work evidently is Band IV of the work Reisen in Ost-Afrika in den Jahren 1859-1865.
Die Vogel der palaarktischen Fauna. Systematische Ubersicht der
in Europa, Nord-Asien un der Mittelmeerregion vorkommenden Vogel
Hartert, Ernst Johann Otto
1903 - 1922
3 vols. 4to.
Berlin & London
Edward Dickinson communicates data regarding the history and structure of
"When Volume 1 was to be bound in 1910 the introductory pages then made
available included the dates of publication (which began in 1903);
these include:
Heft I. pp. i-xi, 1-112 Nov. 1903;
Heft II. pp. 113-240 Jun. 1904;
Heft III. pp. 241-384 Jun. 1905;
Heft IV. pp. 385-512 Mar. 1907;
Heft V. pp. 513-640 Feb. 1909;
Heft VI pp. 641-817 Jun. 1910.
When Band I was complete, in 1910 there was an Inhalt, or table of contents produced
and this has footnotes, some quite voluminous. This 'heft' (which is not counted as one of the heften)
comprises a title page for the volume, with the 1910 date, and signatures 'i' to 'iv (a short signature)
with pp. [xiii]-xlix (page l is blank and unnumbered).
When Volume 2 was to be bound in 1921 the introductory pages then made
available included the dates of publication:
Heft VII. pp. 833-960 Feb. 1912;
Heft VIII. pp. 961-1088 Aug. 1913;
Heft IX. pp. 1089-1216 Oct. 1914;
Heft X pp. 1217-1344 Mar. 1920;
Heft XI-XII pp. 1345-1600 Aug. 1920;
Heft XIII-XIV pp. 1601-1764 Feb. 1921.
When Volume 3 was to be bound in 1922 the introductory pages then made
available included the dates of publication:
Heft 15. pp. 1765-1892 Apr. 1921;
Heft 16. pp. 1893-2020 Sep. 1921;
Heft 17 pp. 2021-2148 Nov. 1921;
Heft 18 & 19 pp. 2149-2328 & i-xii Mar. 1922."
Dickinson's information does not include the Nachtrag (Supplement) to volume 1
that was issued in 1923.
[Issued in 19 parts (Heften) 1903-22 [1923]]
Die Vogel der palaarktischen Fauna. Systematische Ubersicht der
in Europa, Nord-Asien un der Mittelmeerregion vorkommenden Vogel
Ergangzungsband, in Gemeinschaft mit Friedrich Steinbacher
Hartert, Ernst Johann Otto and Steinbacher, F
Combining information provided from Edward Dickinson and through him from
Effie Warr, my current collation is:
Heft 1 pp. 1-96 (1932)
1: pp. 1-16
2: pp. 17-32
3: pp. 33-48
4: pp. 49-64
5: pp. 65-80
6: pp. 81-96
Heft 2 pp. 97-192 (1933)
7: pp. 97-112
8: pp. 113-128
9: pp. 129-144
10: pp. 145-160
11: pp. 161-176
12: pp. 177-192
Heft 3 pp. 192-288 (1934);
13: pp. 193-208
14: pp. 209-224
15: pp. 225-240
16: pp. 241-256
17: pp. 257-272
18: pp. 273-288
19: pp. 289-304
Heft 4 pp. 289-384 (1935);
20: pp. 305-320
21: pp. 321-336
22: pp. 337-352
23: pp. 353-368
24: pp. 369-384
Heft 5 pp. 385-480 (1936);
Heft 6/7 pp. 481-602 (1938).
Die vollstandigste Naturgeschichtes der Tauben, &c.
4to Dresden & Leipzig
Note also:
Die vollstandigste Naturgeschichte des In- und Aus-landes...
Reichenbach 1845 - 1863
Vorläufiges über einen neuen Rohrsänger
Vorläufiges über einen neuen Rohrsänger (Lusciniola mimica) / von Julius von Madarász.
Budapest : Victor Hornyanszky, 1903.
Voyage en Abyssinie, par un Commision Scientifique composee de
M. Lefebvre, Lieutenant de Vaisseau, A. Petit, et Quartin
Dillon, Naturalists du Museum.Zoologie, par O. Des Murs
The British Museum (Nat. Hist.) Catalogue contains a note on the dates of publication:
"General Note:
Vol.3 seems to have been published in parts, at different dates, probably as follows:
Geology, p.1-84, 1947(sic);
Plantae, Mammalia and Aves as far as p.224, 1848;
rest of Aves with Insecta, 1850."
8vo, Paris
Voyage en Abyssinie : entrepris par ordre du gouvernement Britannique,
exécuté dans les années 1809 et 1810 et dédié a son
altesse royale le Prince Régent d'Angleterre / / par Henry Salt ; traduit de
l'anglais par P.F. Henry ; accompagné d'un atlas composé de cartes, plans,
inscriptions, portraits et vues diverses, dressés et dessinés par l'auteur.
Voyage to Abyssinia
Appendix, birds described by J.Latham and Lord Stanley
Henry Salt: A Voyage to Abyssinia, & Travels into the interior of that country,
executed under the orders of the British Government in the years 1809 & 1810.
The addendum (appendix) by Edward Smith Stanley and evidently aided by J. Latham is titled:
Remarks on the birds of Abyssinia.
Tome. 1-2: text -- t. 3: plates.
T.P. BHL image
4to. London
Voyage dans l'Afrique australe ... execute durant ... 1838-44
...Avec une Introduction par M.A. Montremont. 2. Tom
Delegourge, Adolph
8to Paris
Voyage dans l'Amerique meridionale (le Brézil,la République Oriental de l'Uruguay,
la République Argentine, la Patagonie, la République du Chili,
la République de Bolivia, la République du Pérou),
executé pendant les années 1826-33 par A. D'Orbigny.
7 vols (?) text; 2 vols. atlas 4to maps. Paris
Subdivisions irregularly issued. (see below)
This large, complex, confused and confusing publication has vexed many bibliographers and nomenclaturalists.
Recently an enormous, detailed study combining and collating much information has been undertaken
by Dickinson and co-workers.
No question concerning this work or its contents can be addressed without consulting the multiple papers
produced by these authors, which are found in volumes of the journal Zoological Bibliography and
are available online. The first article in volume 5(1):1-12 was published in 2017.
Given the complexity and confused nature of the problem, it is not surprising that these authors themselves
have occasional infelicities the the published material.
To my surprise, it appears that not all taxa introduced as new in Voy.Am.merid. are discussed.
Two taxa conventionally cited to the work have descriptions in the "Itinerary" volume and this
does not seem to have been treated by Dickinson and Lebossé.
However, given the size and necessary complexity of these publications I have missed something.
Rhea pennata from Volume 2 (Itinerary) p.67 note 2. (but see below)
Arara aymara from Volume 2 p.368 note 1. (now Psilopsiagon aymara)
Since Dickinson & Lebossé don't seem to have worked on the publication date
for this volume, questions remain.
Hellmayr dates Rhea pennata to 1834.
The Catalogue of the Library of the Brit. Mus. (N.H.) gives a date range of 1835-1844
for the first three volumes of this work.
Peters C.L. gives dates of 1834 (I:7 Rhea pennata) and "ca. 1839" (III:200 Arara aymara).
Cory (Birds Americas II(1):73 gives 1839.
HBBW gives 1834 and 1839 respectively.
Dickinson and Lebossé seem to make it convincing that 1834 was an overly ambitious
proposal for a publishing date, rather than an actual publishing date.
While it does not appear to be currently resolved, it appears that 1839 may be a reasonable choice
pending any additional data.
However, if Rhea pennata was not published here until 1839, then the 1837 L'Echo du Monde Savant
publication would have priority. This was published "Samedi 22 April 1837"
I also note the genus group name Phalecoboenus which receives attention regarding its spelling
is nonetheless apparently misspelled more than once
(e.g. "Phalcœnus" ZB 2018 5(4):273; Phaloboenus ZB 5(5):276).
The helpful appendix VII ZB 5(4):272 points to a page "32", while p.49 is the first page of
the article. (2019.01.04)
Subsequently, Dickinson apparently became aware of the lapsus in the treatment of this publication and published a detailed
and helpful correction:
"Correction to the date of publication of the name of the Gray-hooded Parakeet Psilopsiagon aymara (d'Orbigny, 1839)."
Particularly helpful here is the demonstration (p.400) that this part of the Itinerary was included in livraison 54 which should be dated
to 1841, and not to the general date of the Itinerary (1839), as I had thought.
Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331596887_Correction_to_the_date_of_publication_of_the_name_of_the_Gray-hooded_Parakeet_Psilopsiagon_aymara_d%27Orbigny_1839 [accessed Mar 13 2019].
Voyage de la Corvette l'Astrolabe executé par ordre du Roi, pendant
1826-1827-1828-1829, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont
Voyage de découvertes de la Corvette Astrolabe Executé
par Ordre du Roi pendant les années 1826-1827-1828-1829,
sous le commendement de M. J. Dumont d'Urville, captaine de vaisseau,
publié par Ordonnance de sa Majesté.
Paris J.Tastu.
14 vols. text and 7 vols atlas. 8vo, 4to, folio.
See Mlikovsky,J. Zoological Bibliography, 2012 2 no.2&3 p.59-69.
For the dating of this publication.
[note the title seems to vary slightly, and the volume count
ranges from 2 to 23
the imprint and titles of various volumes varies also
Voyage autour du monde exécuté par Ordre du Roi,
sur la Corvette de Sa Majesté, La Coquille pendant les années
1822, 1823, 1824 et 1825."
Text 6 vols. Atlas 5 vols. [Duperrey, Louis Isadore]
Data from Mathews AustralAv.Rec. 1:49-50
For Vol. I (source of dates Bibl.France)
Livr. Sheets pp. Publ.
1 6 1-48 1 Nv. 1826 (Wed.)
2 5 49-88 17 Ja. 1827 (Wed.)
3 5 89-128 18 Ap. 1827 (Wed.)
4 5 129-168 25 Jl. 1827 (Wed.)
5 6 169-216 17 Oc. 1827 (Wed.)
6 5 217-256 22 Mr. 1828 (Sat.)
7 5 257-296 21 Je 1828 (Sat.)
8 7 297-352 29 Nv. 1828 (Sat.)
9 7 353-408 28 Fe. 1829 (Sat.)
10 6 409-456 4 Ap. 1829 (Sat.)
11 6 457-504 30 My 1829 (Sat.)
12 7 505-560 4 Jl. 1829 (Sat.)
13 51/2 561-600 21 Nv. 1829 (Sat.)
14 6 601-648 9 Ja. 1830 (Sat.)
15 6 649-696 3 Ap. 1830 (Sat.)
16 6 697-743 1 My 1830 (Sat.)
Lesson, R. P., and Garnot, P.
Louis-Isadore Duperrey, Commander.
Prosper Garnot & Rene Primavere Lesson zoologists.
Spreadsheet in progress
A voyage of discovery [in the] ships Isabella and Alexander, for
the purpose of exploring Baffin's Bay, and inquiring into the
probability of a north-west passage.
Ross, John
4to pp.[6],39,252,144. 25 pl. 5 maps. 9 figs. append
Animals descr. in Appendix II.
(The) zoology of the voyage of H.M.S. Erebus and Terror, during
the years 1839-43.
Richardson, John and Gray, JE
2 vols. 4to
p.1-8 1844
p.9-20 &c 1845
Greenland, the adjacent seas, and the northwest passage to the
Pacific Ocean, illustrated in a voyage to Davis's Strait, during
the summer of 1817.
O'Reilly, Bernard
4to pp.6+293 London
Voyage of H.M.S. Blonde to the Sandwich Islands, in the Years
Byron, George Anson
1826 [=1827]
Appendix III. "Of the Natural History of the Sandwich Islands;
selected from the papers of A. Bloxham" (sic, i.e. Bloxam).
Imprint date is "1826" see Richmond Index and Olson, S. 1996.
Archiv.Nat.Hist. 23(1):26 for a discussion of the date.
Olson relies on Richmond's unpublished notes on Dates of Publication for
dating this work to 20 Feb. 1827.
It should be noted as well that Richmond published this date in a footnote in 1899.
See Richmond CW. 1899 "On the Date of Lacépède's Tableaux." Auk
16:327 fn1.
Olson refers to Byron as "Lord Byron", the Cat.BooksBrMus. refers to
him as "Baron Byron" "Lord Byron" is the title employed on the title page
of the Appendix.
See Olson SL. 1996. "H.M.S. Blonde and Hawaiian Ornithology".
Arch.Nat.Hist. 23(1):1-41. for a discussion of this work.
The George Anson was the 7th Lord Byron, first cousin and successor
to the renowned poet who died prior to the departure of the Blonde.
The use of the name "Byron" appears to have been essentially for publicity
purposes, the specimens from the voyage are catalogued in the British Museum
as credited to "Lord Byron", though as Olson puts it, he had "nothing to do
with their actual procurement, preservation, or presentation."
Voyage aux Indes-Orientales par le nord de l'Europe ...
M.C.Belanger 1831-46 Paris
CWR - pt 4. Aug 1832 Lanius colluroides p.250
CWR - pt 4. Aug 1832 Cinclidium [Lanius] diana p.246
Peters has 1834
CWR - pt 4. Aug 1832 Rhipidura [Muscicapa] albogularis p.264
Edward Dickinson (in litt. 2002.07.13) writes:
" If you examine p. 390 in:
Sherborn, C.D. & B.B. Woodward, 1901. Notes on the dates of publication of
the natural history portions of some French voyages. Part 1. 'Amerique
méridionale'; 'Indes orientales'; 'Pôle Sud' ('Astrolable'
and 'Zélée'); 'La Bonite'; 'La Coquille' and 'L'Uranie et
Physicienne'. -- Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (7) 7:388-392.
you will find that "Oiseaux" which comprised pp. 161-288 appeared as
Livraisons 3 and 4 and that these apparently can be dated respectively from
21 May 1831 and 4 Aug. 1832. Or perhaps earlier!
These may be the dates that they appeared in Férrusac's Bulletin,
26 p. 291. "
However, CW Richmond noted (and published in 1917) the fact that livr.1-5
were reviewed in Férrusac's Bulletin XXVI p.291-292 (for September
1831, and thus all names from these apparently date to 1831.
His note (Proc.U.S.Natl.Mus. 53 no.2221 p.622; publ. Aug. 16, 1917) reads:
4Sherborn and Woodward (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 7, vol. 17, March, 1906, p.390)
accept August, 1832, as the date of livraison 4 of this work, but the first five parts are
said to have been "terminées et publiées" by the reviewer of them in
Férussac's Bull. Sci. Nat., vol.26, for September, 1831, p.291, and there
can be no question that Saxicoloides was published in this year. It is some
months earlier than Thamnobia Swainson, which appeared in February, 1832.
Voyage aux Régions Équinoxialies du Nouveau Continent, fait en
1799-1804, &c.
Pt. 1 Rélation Historique
Tom. 1 pp.352 Paris
Peters & Naeve give
Voy.Int.Am. 1 1814 p.416 == Peters
Voy.Int.Am. 1 (Relat. Hist.) 1 1814 p.416; (1817) (Obs.Zool. 2)
p. 141 == Naeve
"Relat.Hist." looks like the Pt. 1 Relation Historique of
"Voyage aux Regions ..."
"p.416" looks hard to understand if pp.352.
Voyage autour du monde executé pendant 1836 - 37 sur la Bonite,
commandé par M. [A.N.] Vaillant, &c.
15 vols text. 3 vols atlas
section on mammals and birds appearing in 1841
A Voyage towards the North Pole undertaken ... 1773.
Phipps, Constantine John 2nd Baron Mulgrave
4to London
pp. viii,253: 11 pls, 3 maps.
Voyage aux regions equinoxiales du Nouveau Continent, fait en
1799, 1800, 1801, 1802,1803 et 1804, par Al. de Humboldt et A.
Bonpland; redigés par Alexandre de Humboldt. Avec deux atlas, qui
renferment, l'un les vues des cordillères et les monuments des
peuples indigènes de l'Americque, et l'autre des cartes
geographiques et physiques. Tome premier
A second title page reads:
Voyage de Humboldt et Bonpland, Premiere partie. Relation
Historique. Tome premier.
For a discussion of this work, and its authority for the genus
Steatornis see
Cleere N. 2002. "Notes on the generic citation of the Oilbird
Steatornis caripensis (Steatornithidae)" BBOC
Voyage au Pole Sud et dans l'oceanie sur les corvettes
l'Astrolabe et la Zélée [execute par ordre du roi] pendant
les annees 1837-1838-1839-1840, sous le commandement de
M.J. Dumont-d'Urville, Captaine de vaisseau.
1842-1853 [1854]
Note: reads 1853 on title page (v.i.)
Note: "execute par ordre du roi" text does not occur in
photo I have seen of the title page, but is referred to
in at least some sources. Clark and Crosnier indicate
these six words are deleted from the title of some livraison.
Dumont d'Urville, JSC
23 vols; atlas 7 vols.
Listed by Clark and Crosnier as 28 livraison.
8vo and folio Paris
[volume count varies from 2 to 23, this may result from interp.
livraisons as volumes].
Vol. III contains all text rel. to birds
this is in Part I pp. 6-166
"Zoologie, Mammiferes et Oiseaux par M. Honore Jacquinot
et M. le Dr. Pucheran'
All of nomenclature is attributable to Pucheran
The fact continues to be overlooked.
Apparently overlooked in the past (e.g. Peters IX:168 where Edolisoma
is attributed to "Jacquin and Pucheran") , and certainly now, is Zimmer's 1932
treatment (p.186) of this work, where he notes:
"Although Jacquinot's name appears on the subtitle page, a statement in the
introduction (obviously by Pucheran although unsigned) announces that neither Hombron
nor Jacquinot is to be held responsible for errors in the nomeclature
adopted in the succeeding text for which he (Pucheran) is alone to blame. It is
evident that Pucheran must be quoted as author of the ornithology and mammalogy."
See: Clark PF, Crosnier A. 2000. The zoology of the Voy au pole sud
et dans... l'Astrolabe et la Zelee ...: titles, volumes,
plates, text, contents, proposed dates and anecdotal history
of the publication.
Archives of Natural History. 27(3): 407-435.
They discuss the certainties and uncertainties regarding the
dates of publication and propose (reasonably) to take the
dates of acceptance at the British Library as the dates of
availability. In support of this they cite the ICZN 1985 : 253
glossary definition of "date of publication."
ICZN 1985 : 235 date of publication
"Of a work (and a of a contained name and nomenclatural act):
the date on which copies of the work become available by
purchase or free distribution. If the actual date is not
known, the date to be adopted is regulated by the provisions
of Article 21b-g."
[Note: These sections generally indicate that given inaccuracy
or uncertainty the earliest day on which a work is
demonstrated to be in existence as a published work is to be
adopted as the date of publication.]
The proposal of Clark and Crosnier (which I will try to
follow) gives the publication dates for the Zoological Text
volumes as:
III, 1853
IV, 1853,
V, 1854
Voyages de la Commission scientifique du Nord, en Scandinavie, en Laponie,
au Spitzberg et au Feröe, pendant les années 1838, 1839 et 1840
sur la corvette la Recherche, commandée par m. Fabvre ...
Pub. par ordre du roi sous la direction de M. Paul Gaimard ...
Publisher Paris, A. Bertrand, 1842-55.
Voyage scientifique dans l'Altai et sur la frontie're
occidentale de la Chine.
Tchihatcheff, Pierre De [1812-1890]
2 vols. 4to, folio Atlas Paris
1st pt. ackn. Bibliog. de la France Se21 1844
2nd pt. ackn. Bibliog. de la France Ma03 1845
latter incl Cat. Birds by Brandt.
[Note Peters & AOU use:
"Voy.Sci.AltaiOrient" (?sic) I follow Mathews.
LEDRU, Andre Pierre.
Voyage aux iles de Ténériffe, La Trinité,
Saint-Thomas, Sainte-Croix et Porto-Ricco, exécuté par
ordre du gouvernement Français, depius le 30 Spetembre 1796
jusqu'au 7 Juin 1798, sous la direction du Captaine Baudin, pour
faire des recherches et des collections relatives à Histoire
Naturelle; Contenant des observations sur le climat, le sol, la
population, l'argriculture, les productions de ces iles, le
caractère, les moers et le commerce de leurs habitants.....
Paris, Arthus Bertrand, 1810. 2 vols. 8vo.
Large folding coloured map (77,5 x 42,5 cm) of the islands of Saint
Jean, Puerto Rico and the isle of Vieques.
(9), XLVII, 315, (3); (4), 324, (1) pp.
Voyage autour du monde...execute sur...l'Uranie et la Physicienne,
pendant...1817-1820. Par M.L. de Freycinet.
1824 - 1842
7 vols. text. 4vols. atlas
Louis-Claude de Freycinet was the commandant ot the
Zoological observations by:
Jean-Rene Quoy
Joseph-Paul Gaimard
Voyage autour du monde sur ... la Venus, pendant 1836-1839.
11 vols.text 4 vols. atlas
8vo and folio Paris 1840-1864
Ornithology Prevost&DesMurs pp. 177-284 of Zool. vol.
issues in 1855 as Vol. V, Pt.1 of the entire "Voyage".
Portions appeared earlier that on birds in 1849.
Plates appeared in 1846.
[Notes 2011.10.19
1842 Voy.VenusZool. Atlas livr.1["1846"]
Grallaria squamigera pl.3 Prevost & Des Murs [Peters VII:262 - 1842; CBBM XV:312 VVZ (undated) ... Lafr. Rev.Zool. 1842; Sherborn Rev.Zool. Nov. 1842]
Grallaria guatimalensis pl.4 Prevost & Des Murs [Peters VII:263 - 1842; CBBM XV:312 VVZ (undated) ;
Melozone biarcuata pl.6 (Prevost & Des Murs) [Peters (Paynter) XIII:181 - 1846; Sherborn - 1849 (not referencing the plate)]
1842 Voy.VenusZool. Atlas livr.2["1846"]
Tangara ruficervix pl.5 fig.1 (Prevost & Des Murs)
Creagrus furcatus pl.10 (Neboux) [Peters II:326 1842; Sherborn - 1846 (Tab. Planch.);
1849 Voy.VenusZool.["1855"]
Kurukuru Prevost,F & Des Murs 1849 p.220
Ptilinopus superbus temminckii p. 234,268 (Des Murs & Prevost)
Ptilinopus mercierii† p.266 (Des Murs & Prevost)
A voyage round the world, in His Britannic Majesty's Sloop
Resolution, commanded by Capt. James Cook, during the years
1772,3,4, and 5.
Forster, Johann Georg Adam
2 vols. 4to London
Vol. I pp. xviii+602+(1). front. (map,fold), T of c.
Vol. II pp 607 T.of c.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.09.07