Zoological Citation Sources --F
The fairy-wrens : a monograph of the Maluridae
Schodde, Richard and Weatherly, Richard
Melbourne ; London Lansdowne Editions.
203p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 38cm.
Falco, unregelmaessig im Anschluss an das Werk Berajah Zoographica
infinita erscheinende Zeitschrift.
Often called "Berajah" (very confusing), and it seems complete serial
runs are hard to find online.
No. Ausgegeben pp.
no.1 Oct. 1904 1-[44]
no.2 Dec. 1904 47-[49]
no.3 No date [50]-108
no.1 May. 1906 [2]-64 Taf.1
no.2 Sep. 1906 [66]-103
no.1 Mar. 1907 [2]-[36]
no.2 May. 1907 [37]-52
no.3 Aug. 1907 [53]-68
no.4 Nov. 1907 [69]-90
no.5 Dec. 1907 [91]-169
no.1 Feb. 1908 [1]-12
no.2 Aug. 1908 [13]-36
no.2 Dec. 1908 [13]-54
Vol.5 Month
no.1 "Apr." 1909 [1]-16
no.2 "Aug." 1909 [17]-32
no.3 "Nov." 1909 [33]-48
no.4 "Dec." 1909 [49]-55
no.1 Sep. 1927
no.1 Sep. 1928
no.1 Jan. 1931
no.2 Jan. 1932
no.1 Apr. 1934
no.2 Aug. 1934
Familles naturelles du Regne Animal, exposees succinctement
et dans un ordre analytique avec l'indication de leurs genres, &c.
Latreille, Peirre Andre [1762-1833]
pp.570 8vo Paris.
[I presume this is the work referred to in the note (2) in Peters
vol.2 p.344, as "Latreille's Nat.Fam.Thier., 1827"
Fauna Andryskovo Kraya, Ptitsi
Portenko, Leonid Aleksandrovich (1896-1972)
Leningrad. 1939
[Note: The title of this work is almost universally transliterated
"Fauna Andryskogo Kraya, ptitsi" which I find laughable and repugnant.
The masculine (and neuter) modifier (of an adjective in this case) in Russian
is -oh geh oh, but is pronounced ohvoh, it is not a hard "geh".
To transliterate this "Andryskogo" would be like transliterating "enough"
so that it was pronounded "EeenuG 'h"; that might well please some people
but I would find it less than satisfactory.]
Fauna Boreali-Americana; or the Zoology of the northern parts of
British America: containing descriptions of the objects of
natural history collected by the late northern land expeditions
under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N. Part Second,
The Birds.
Swainson, William & Richardson, John
4 vols. 4to 110 pl. London
Browning and Monroe p.393 demonstrate 4 Feb. 1832
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma...Edited
by W.T. Blanford. Birds
Oates, Eugene William and Blanford, William Thomas.
4 vols. 8vo
Birds vols 1-2. (Oates)
vol. 1 pp. xx+556, 171 figs
vol. 2 pp. x+407, 107 figs
vol. 3 pp. xiv+450, 102 figs
vol. 4 pp. xxi+450, 127 figs
The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma...Edited
by W.T. Blanford. Birds 2nd. ed.
A.E. Shipley, and Edward Charles Stuart Baker, eds.
8 vols. London
Fauna och Flora
Fauna Japonica, sive descriptio Animalium, quae in itinere per
Japoniam...suscepto, annis 1823-30 collegit, notis,
observaionibus et adumbrationibus illustravit P. F. de Siebold.
Conjunctis studiis C. J. Temminck et H. Schlegel pro Vertebratis
atque W. de haan pro Invertibratis elaborata.
Lugduni Batavorum = Leyden
6 vols [in 4]
Descriptions des Oiseaux, &c. pp.141; 120 pls. col.
- Sherborn CD, Jentink FA. 1895. "On the Dates of the Parts
or Siebold's 'Fauna Japonica' and Giebel's 'Allegemeine Zoologie'
(first edition)." PZS Pt1:149-150.
Give the dates for the avian part as follows:
Part pp. pub date Wiegm. Arch. notice
I 1-28 1844 1845(ii.) p.47
II & III 29-60 1847 1847(ii.) p.7
IV-VIII 61-100 1848 1849(ii.) p.38
IX-XI 101-124 1849 1850(ii.) p.49
XII 125-142 1850 1851(ii.) p.42
Despite Sherborn's well-deserved high reputation, and his assurance that
"the result may be relied upon", there is some reason for skepticism regarding
his result.
- Stejneger in Herpetology of Japan and Adjacent Territory. United States
Museum Bulletin 58. 1907 p.542-543 discusses at length the dates of publication
for the herpetological part of of this work. He presents considerable evidence
from various secondary sources. His discussion is as follows:
The second part of the Reptilia (third of the Fauna Japonica) is thus quoted by A.
Wagner, in the München Geleherte Anziger, V, NO. 134, July 7, 1837, p.41. This part,
according to him, contained two different memoirs, the first one by Schlegel, treating
of the Japanese snakes (pp.81-93 + pls. I-X); the other by Temminck, giving a review
of the fauna of the Sunda Islands and Japan (pp. I-XXX).
The latter, which is dated November, 1835, but first distributed through the book
trade during the Easter "Messe" at Leipzig in 1837a, is evidently Temminck's "Coup
[a"Diese Abhandlung is von November 1835 datirt; durch den Buchandel is sie
indesz erst seit des letzten Ostermesse angezeigt und verbreitet." Wagner, München
Geleherte Anzeiger, V, p.43.]
[b I have seen only two copies of this memoir, thr full title of which is
as follows: Coup d'œil [sur la Faune des iles de la Sonde] et de [l'empire du Japon.|
Discours préliminaire | destiné à servir d'introduction à
la Faune du Japon.
It is a folio of XXX pp., with Temminck's name at the end only. The copy which I
examined in the library of the Jardin des Plantes, in Paris, was bound with the
mammals of the Faune Japonica.]
Wagner (on p.55) calls special attention to the Triton japonicus mentioned by
Temminck in this work.
This part is also reviewed in Magazine of Zoology and Botany (ed. by Jardine, Selby
and John.ton [APP: ? sic; "." fide in original], II, 1837, No. IX p.266 (published August 1, 1837).
1838. The title page of the entire reptile volume bears this date and may be taken as correct
for the publication of the third part, embracing the Saurii and Batrachii (pp.
85-144, pls. I-VIII). On p.140, the last page of the text (exclusive of index), is printed
the date "Janv. 1838." In this part was also included Siebold's "preface suivie d'eun
aperçu historiques et physiques sur les reptiles du Japon" (pp. I-XXI), which is signed
"Mai, 1838." As Wiegmann, in his "Leistungen" for 1838 (Arch. Naturg., 1839, II, p.
386) complains that the Royal Library in Berlin had not as yet received the part in
question, it is plain that he knew of its publication in 1838. It was reviewed in the
"Isis" for October, 1838 (pp.852-854), hence its appearance must have been between
May and October, probably at the "Michaelismesse" (September).
It should be added, for the sake of completeness, that Tschudi, in a letter written not
later than August, 1837, from Leiden (printed in Leonhard and Bronn's Neues Jarbuch
für Mineralogie, etc., 1837, Pt. 5, Sept., pp.545-547) says that "Im 7 Hefte der Fauna
japonica is er schon abgebildet," meaning Schlegel's Salamandra maxima, which is con-
tained in the third part of the reptile volume. There is no doubt that the plates and
possibly also the text of this part were finished in 1837 and we know that Schlegel dis-
tributed a few copies of the plate in question during that year, but Tschudi's statement
does not invalidate the contention that the part as such was not published until the
Michaelismesse of 1838.
It will be seen that the dates of publication of the herpetological parts of Fauna
Japonica differ somewhat from those given by Sherborn and Jentink. [PZS, 1895, p.149].
They may be tabulated as follows:
pp.1-80, pls. I-IX............................1835 (Ostermesse?)
Ophidii(+ Coup d'œil)
pp.81-93[APP: actually 21[=81]-96], pls. I-X........1837 (Ostermesse)
pp.I-XXX .....................................1837 (Ostermesse)
Saurii et Batrachii
pp.85[APP: sic [=p.97]-144, pls. I-VIII...............1838 (Michaelismesse?)
- My examination of a facsimile copy of this work brings to note these bibliographic
- Page one is numbered 1 at right foot of page; this is a fascicle number, and is
in the same font as the page numbers. Facsicle numbers occur at bottom right.
- Pages two through 80 are numbered at top center
- The next leaf has fascicle number 21 at right foot. [=p.81] and 82 at top
center on the recto.
- Pages 83-96 continue pagination at top center.
- The next leaf has fascicle numbere 25 [=p.97] at right foot (verso)
oand 98 at top center of the recto.
- The remaining pagination continues at top center until the
"TABLE ALPHABETIQUE" where it alternates top right and left.
- Stejneger appears to have made an error in listing p.85 for the beginning
of the Saurii et Batrachii, as it actually begins on p.97
- In addition Stejneger does not consistently attribute the tabular data. In the Chelonii
the Explication of plates and subsequent text is on pp.76-80, and Stejneger includes all
these pages in Chelonii. In the Ophidii he does not include the Explication of the
plates (pp.95,96) perhaps because there is no following text. The Saruii et Batrachii pagination
includes both the "EXPLICATION" of the plates pp.136-140 (which also includes listings of
Chelonii and Ophidii plates), as well as the entire "TABLE ALPHABETIQUE" (pp.141-144).
- Hoogmoed MS 1978. additionally deals with the herpetological portions of this work
Hoogmoed MS. 1978. Zool.Meded. 53(9):91-104. and indicates that Mees. 1957
determined that the "correct publication date of the "Discours préliminaire" is January 1836."
which appears to contrast with Stejneger's determination. Mees GF. 1957. "Over het belang van Temminck's
"Dicsours préliminaire" voor de zoologische nomenclatuur." Zool.Meded. 35(15):205-227.
- Thanks to Roy McDiarmid for supplying me with a copy of portions of Hoogmoed's article.
- A extremely useful reference is Mlikovsky,J. "The dating of Temminck & Schlegel's 'Fauna Japonica:Aves', with implications for the nomenclature of birds." Zoological Bibliography. 2012 2(2&3):108-117.
An extremely useful table lists taxa described as new, with indications
of how various authors have dated their publication, and indication
of the recommended date for nomenclatural purposes.
Fauna kitsobraznykh chernogo Moria.
Barabash-Nikiforov, Ilia Ilich
Faune des vertébrés de la Belgique, / par Alphonse Dubois ...
Série des oiseaux ...
Dubois, Alphonse Joseph Charles, 1839- .
Bruxelles, C. Muquardt, 1887-1894.
Faune ornithologique de la Sibérie orientale. Oeuvre posthume.
[Avec une biographie par Jean Stolzmann et un portrait phototypique executé par M-r. G. Clasen ... ].
Taczanowski, Ladislas, 1819-1890.
Publisher St. Petersbourg : Eggers, 1891-93.
Descript 2 v. (1278 p.) : ill., port. ; 32 cm.
Series Mémoires de l'Academie Impériale des Sciences de St. Pétersbourg, VII sér., t. 39
Akademiia nauk SSSR. Mémoires, sér. 7 ; t. 39.
Untersuchungen uber die Fauna Peruana, von J.J. von Tschudi
Orntihologie, mit Ammerkungen von J. [L.] Cabanis 1845 und 1846.
Tschudi, JJ
St. Gallen (Swi)
folio pp.316 36 col.pl.
Schleiten, und Zollikofer.
[? Fauna Peruana. Aves...[with descriptions of new
Genera by J. Cabanis ] pp.57 8vo Berlin 1844 ]
Fauna Peruana Date
- The dates and authorship of this source are a muddle and a
mystery. Dates are given from 1844 to 1846, and whether
Tschudi or Cabanis or both are the authors is not clear
to me.
- Currently I include these taxa:
- Ampelion Tschudi 1845 FaunaPeruana[Tschudi] Orn.
- Leucippus chionogaster (Tschudi) 1846
Orn. p.39,247 pl.22 fig.2
- Mionectes rufiventris Cabanis 1846
Orn. p.148
- Leptopogon amaurocephalus Tschudi 1846
Orn. p.162
Individual taxa discussed below:
- Ampelion:
- CWR gives
- "Cab. MSS. 1845"
- "184 " with "5-6" written in after the "4".
The page is given as "21"
- Peters 8:285 (DW Snow) gives Tschudi, 1845,
and p.21.
- Sherborn gives:
"J. Cabanis in J.J. Tschudi, Fauna Peru. (Orn.)
1846, 137."
- Neave gives: "Cabanis 1846, in Tschudi, Fauna Peru.
(Orn.) 137."
- Schulze gives: p.21,137 1844 [1845].
- The year, page, and author are in question.
- Trochilus chionogaster:
- CWR gives "Tsch." ...184 " The page is given as
"39,247 pl.XXII f.2"
- Peters 5:60 gives 1845 and pages as CWR
- Sherborn gives: " J.J. Tschudi, Fauna Peru. (Orn.)
1846, 247."
- HBW 5:593 (AA Weller) gives
- "Trochilus chionogaster Tschudi, 1845" on one
- for the nominate subspecies: "L. c. chionogaster
(Tschudi, 1844)" (!)
- Cory. 1918. Cat.BirdsAm. Pt2 no.1 p.173 gives the date range
of "1884-86" (sic) and he must mean 1844-46.
- So here we have votes for 1844, 1845, and 1846 with
the HBW evidently giving 1844, and 1845 for the same
citation? On this point, in the back references the HBW
refers to an 1844 Arch.Naturgesch. publication of
Tschudi's but it seems unlikely that a different citation
could be applied to the nominate subspecies, and to the
- Edward Dickinson writes (2004.12.04)
I have not yet resolved the date for the renaming of Trochilus leucogaster to
T. chionogaster; this is only resolvable by looking at the book; it is
fundamentally down to the dating of the parts of this publication. This book is not in
South Kensington or in Tring.
Page 39 is, of course, only going to be a name without a description. This applies to anything
in pp. 15-56 as this is apparently the 'Systematic List' (see Zimmer, 1926: 640). Page 247 seems
to be crucial.
Zimmer cites Wagner in 1846 in Archiv. für Naturg. as reporting the appearance in 1845 of
the 6th. Lieferung (which apparently ran to at least p. 56). Hartlaub in 1847 in Archiv.
für Naturg. reported the appearance of the rest of the text in 1846. Dean
(1917) quoting Sherborn and the Isis [another name I think for the Archiv. Naturges., but there
are at least two publications that have Isis in the name] thought that ALL of the text on birds
appeared in 1846. You should be able to lay your hands on Dean's Bibliography.
It seems to me that it is to Peters we owe 1845 -- and that from here it was picked up by
Weller in HBW -- and if 1845 related to page 39, as Wagner thought, then Peters's use of
that would make sense except that he ought to have known that the work did not all appear at
To me this seems like 99.9% proved in favour of 1846 (and can be cited to Zimmer). You
will recall that Tschudi will have had contact with Wagner at the Archiv. Naturges. because
of his articles in that peridoical in 1843 and 1844 and it it reasonable to presume that
Tschudi would have supplied publication details -- or perhaps even a copy of the parts of
teh book as they came out -- to Wagner (and later to Hartlaub for their annual listing
of ornithological works).
- Myionectes rufiventris:
- CWR gives "Cabanis in J.J. Tschudi" ...184 " The page is
given as "148(note)"
- Peters 8:59 (Traylor) gives Cabanis, 1846, and p.148
- Sherborn gives: "(Licht.) J.J. Tschudi, Fauna Peru.
(Orn.) 1846, 148. ? Gmelin 1788"
- So here 1846 seems consistent. The implications of
"(Licht.)" in the Sherborn listing is not clear to me as no
one else mentions a role for Lichtenstein here. I am not sure
what taxon he is referring to with the "? Gmelin 1788" note.
And it is worthy of note that everyone but Sherborn sees
Cabanis as the author.
- Leptopogon amaurocephalus:
- CWR gives "Cabanis in J.J. Tschudi"
...184 " The page is given as "162(note, in text)"
- Peters 8:59 (Traylor) gives Tschudi, 1846, and
- I don't find a Sherborn listing!
- So here the author is in question, and it is
interesting that Sherbron doesn't seem to list the
More work needed here.
Richmond has a number of card that discuss this problem:
- Tschudi
Fauna Peruana (vorrede dated "1 July 1846.")
The orn. portion is dated "1845 and 1846."
Lieferung I-VI [illegible] with 6-7 8 '9 +
Lieferung 1 + 2 1844, 3 - 6 1845.
Pll. of birds begins in Lief. 4
Text of birds prob. began with sig.35 (in Lief. 6).
Text of birds began in Lief. 6. (Pt. 6 ends in the Fringillidae)
Last pl. in Pt.6 is prob. Callipiga pulchra = pl.XVIII Aves.
- Tschudi
Fauna Peruana, Orn. p.11 (1846) says: "Noch erwähne ich hier, was
übrigens schon hinlälanglich bekant ist, dass sich die ganze
naturhistorische Ausbeute meiner Reise in Museum von Neuchâtel
befindet, das einen Thiel der Unkosten meiner peruanischen Reise getragenhat."
- Fauna Peruana, Tschudi
Fasc. 1 {"di cui aveva fatto parola nell' illustrare gli Ucceli di Santa Fé de Bogata"
(cf. Atti Cong. Sci, Ital., I, 1844, Zool. p.40)
- Tschudi. Fauna Peruana.
At the session (of Sept. 23, 1844) Ital. Nat. (7th reunion)
"Il Presidente mostra alla Sezione il fascicolo
primo della importantissima Fauna Peruana dello
- Tschudi
Lief. 1-4. "1845" {Noted in Naturkunde vol.3 p.64 , for "1846"
- Tschudi Fauna. Peruana.
"Le partie ornithologique a paru par livraisons
de six plances de colorriées in -4o, avec le terte [? sp].
---- et s'arrête dans la sixième livraison, à
a la famille Tanagaridée, et au genre Tachyphone"
(cf. Rev.Mag.Zool. 1849, 98)
- Tschudi, Fauna. Peruana.
Lief. II. 1844, "S. 21-76. Taf. 7-12" {Monkeys, bats
(Reviewed in Isis, 1845, 845-6)
"Heft IV. 1845. gr.4, 133-188, T.1-6 Vogel."
(Reviewed in Isis, 1845, 935-36)
Text is on mammals. Plates of birds are: Hypomorphnus unicinctus,
Circaëtus solitarius, C. poliopterus, Noctua melanonota,
Caprimulgus decussatus, ocellatus, climacocercus, pruinosus.
- Tschudi Fauna. Peruana.
"Heft VII-XII. 1846. kl. Folio. S.33-316 und 80 und 35
Tafeln ill." (so quoted in Isis . 1847, 703-705.
These are reviewed here + seem to contain much of the birds
(Cabanis' part).
Lief. "III. 1845. Fol. S.77-132. T.13-18. ill."
(Reviewed in Isis, 1847, 880 + seems to be all mammals.
- Tschudi, Fauna. Peruana.
Lief. 2 (Saugethiere) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Feb. 28, 1845.
Lief. 3 (Saugethiere) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for June 30, 1845.
Lief. 4 (Saugethiere) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Aug. 31, 1845.
Lief. 6 (contents not given) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Feb. 28, 1846.
Lief. 7 (contents not given) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for May 31, 1846.
Lief. 10-12 (Schluss) Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Jan 15, 1847.
- Tschudi Fauna. Peruana.
The pll. said to be untrustworthy (See Scl.,
PZS. 1854, 248; 1858, p.75 + p.449)
- Tschudi, Fauna. Peruana.
I. Bd. 8o. Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for Oct. 31, 1845.
2. Bd. Noted in Serapeum [Intell.-Bl.] for May 15, 1846.
The Cat.BooksBr.Mus.(N.H.) p.2147 includes Sherborn's summary of his interpretation of
the publication as follows:
- Lief. 1 & 2, Therol. pp.1-76; pll. i-xii, 1844
- Lief. 3 - 5, Therol. pp.77-244; pll. xiii-xviii, Ornith. pll. i-xii 1845
- Lief. 6 - 12, Therol. pp.245-262; Ornith text &. pll. xiii-xviii
and all of Herpet. & Ichthyol. 1846
Fauna SSSR, Ptitsy.
Tugarinov, A
Fauna svecica, sistens animalia sveciae regni mammalia, aves
amphibia, pisces, insecta, vermes. Distributa per classes & ordinares,
genera & species, cum differentiis specierum, synomymis auctorum,
nominibus, incolarum, locis natalium descriptionibus insectorum.
Editio altera, auctior.
Linnaeus, C
pp.[xlvi],578 8vo
Faune et Flore des Pays Çomalis (Afrique Orientale) Ois.
Revoil, George
Birds by Oustalet
Faune Francaise, ou histoire naturelle generale et particuliaere
des Animaux qui se trouvent en France cestamment ou
passegerement... par MM. L.P. Vieillot...
Vieillot, & others
8 vols 4 vols atlases.
Sherborn and Woodward 1901 Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.(7) 8 p.498
published on the dates of publication of the various parts.
The avian parts are dated by them as follows:
Sherborn & Woodward's 1901 Dates and contents of Avian portions of Faune Française
| Date
| pages
| Notes
| 15 June 1822
| 1-96
| 28 Feb. 1824
| 97-192
| 28 Oct. 1826
| 193-288
| 27 Sep. 1828
| 289-368
| 30 May 1829
| 369-444
Recherches sur la Faune de Madagascar et de ses dependances,
d'apres les descouvertes de F.P.L. Pollen et D.C. van Dam.
Pollen, Francois P. L. [-1886] & Dam, D. C. van
Pt. 2 Mammiferes et Oiseaux, par H. Schlegel ... et F.P.L.
pp. xix, 186: 40 col.pl.
Faune de la Russie et des pays limitrophes, fonde'e
principalement sur les collections du Muse'e, &c.
Oiseax (aves)
Vol. 1 Bianchi (Bianki) Colymbiformes et
2 Pt
Faune des vertebrates de la Suisse.
Fatio, Victor [1838-1906]
5v. in 6. H. Georg.
v1. Histoire naturelle des mammiferes. 1869
v2. Histoire naturelle de oiseaux, 1899-1904
v3. Histoire naturelle des reptiles et des batraciens.
v4.-5 Histoire naturelle des poissons. 1882-90.
Faunula Indica, id est Catalogus Animalium Indiae orientalis...
secundus curius editus, correctus et auctus a J. R. Forster, &c.
Forster, JR
[Philippinetta Boetticher 1937 Festschr.EmbrikStrand 3 p.585 "P01:046"]
TITLE: Festschrift zum 60. geburtstage von
professor dr. Embrik Strand ...
PUBLISHER: [Izdevnieciba
YEAR: 1936 1939
FORMAT: 5 v. fronts., illus., plates, ports., map,
diagrs. 25 cm.
NOTES: Contributions in German, French, English
and Italian.
Includes bibliographies.
Strand, Embrik, -- b. 1876.
Festschrift Techn. Hochschule Braunschwieg
Blasius, Rudolf.
TITLE: Braunschweig im Jahre MDCCCXCVII :
Festschrift den Theilnehmern an der LXIX Versammlung
Deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte gewidmet von der Stadt
PLACE: Braunschweig :
YEAR: 1897
FORMAT: 634 p. : ill., map ; 27 cm.
SERIES: Harvard Western European local history
preservation microfilm project ; 02929.
NOTES: Microfilm. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard
University Library Photographic Services, 1996. 1 microfilm
reel : negative ; 35 mm.
Braunschweig (Germany) -- History.
ALT TITLE: Braunschweig im Jahre 1897
Field, The
The Field.
Publisher [London : John Clark, 1853-
1-264 1853-1984
Descript v. : ill. ; 41 cm.
Frequency Weekly.
Coverage No. 1 (Jan. 1, 1853)-
Note Designated by whole no. and date, no. 1 (Jan. 1, 1853)- ;
by volume, whole no., and date, v. 2, no. 27 (July 2, 1853)-
Two vols. per year.
Dating data:
Vol. Date of an issue (not inclusive of all issues).
72 Nov. 10, 1888 [Sat.]
73 Mar. 9, 1889 [Sat.]
73 Mar. 16, 1889 [Sat.]
73 Apr. 13, 1889 [Sat.]
73 Jun. 29, 1889 [Sat.]
74 Oct. 12, 1889 [Sat.]
76 Oct. 4, 1890 [Sat.]
76 Oct. 11, 1890 [Sat.]
76 Oct. 18, 1890 [Sat.]
77 Feb. 7, 1891 [Sat.]
77 Jun. 20, 1891 [Sat.]
78 Sep. 12, 1891 [Sat.]
79 Feb. 6, 1892 [Sat.]
80 Sep. 17, 1892 [Sat.]
88 Sep. 12, 1896 [Sat.]
88 Sep. 19, 1896 [Sat.]
89 Apr. 10, 1897 [Sat.]
89 Apr. 17, 1897 [Sat.]
Data from "Sporting Guns and Gunpowders: Comprising a selection from reports
of experiments, and other articles, published in the "Field" Newspaper,
relative to fire arms and explosives"
London, Horace Cox.
Field and Forest
The Potomac-Side Naturists' Club.
Fieldiana Zoology
1-30 1895-1943 as Zoological series in the Museum Publications.
1893 as Columbian Museum of Chicago.
1894-1904 Field Columbian Museum.
1905 Field Museum of Natural History.
Field Museum of Natural History Publications -Ornithological Series
1896-1917 (Continued as Zool. Series)
v1 no.1-11.
Field Museum Natural History Publications. Zoological Series.
[note: Ser. 12 no.1 is listed by CWR as Jan. 25, 1917 (Nyctipolis hirundinaceus caerae)
Vol. XIII Catalogue of the birds of the Americas
Cory CB, and Hellmayer CE
See Cat.BirdsAmer.
Buffoni et Daubentoni Figurarum Coloratum Nomina Systematicum
Fig.Av.Col. T.P.
Florae et Faunae Lusitanica Specimen.
Vandelli, Domenico [1735-1816]
[Mem. de Academia Real des Sciences de Lisboa,
I an 1780-1788 ? pub 1797]
Forest and stream
1-100 no7, Ag 14 1873-Jl 1930
Förhandlingar ved de Skandinaviske Naturforskeres ottende Möde
i Kjöbenhavn
Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-selskabet i Kristiania
1986 (Oct) -
Published by Oriental Bird Club.
Oriental Bird Club
c/o The Lodge, Sandy,
Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL,
United Kingdom.
Fortpfl. Vög. Eur.
Systematische Danstellung der Fortpflangung der Vogel Europas mit Abbildung der Eier. Vols 1 & 5. Lpz.
Fragments of the natural history of Pennsylvania.
Barton, Benjamin Smith
Way & Groff.
Note: Evidently there is variation in this work. In a letter from CWR to Witmer Stone
(1899.06.01 p.2) Richmond comments that in one copy a description of Certhia fusca
is to be found on p.11, while in another copy there are various changes throughout
the page, and no description of C. fusca.
Fuligulam (Lampronettam) Fischeri Novam Avium Rossicarum Speciem
praemissis observationibus ad Fuligularum Generis Sectionem et
subgenerum quorundam characteres et affinitates spectanibus.
Joannes Fredericus Brandt...
Brandt, JF
St. Petersburg.
1 vol pp. 1-19
Fulig... T.P.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.04.08