- Streptocitta albicollis (Vieillot) 1818
Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 26 p.128
- "Type by monotypy." Peters 15:177.
- Type locality (Peters representation): "New Caledonia, error
for Buton or Muna Island." Peters 15:177 (Amadon).
- Bonaparte gives:
*823. Streptocitta, Bp. (Pica, p. Gr. - Garrula, p. Temm.) Oceania. 1.
CORVUS caledonicus! Labillardière, nec Gm. (Pica al-
bicollis, Vieill. - Garrula torquata, Wagl.) Voy. En-
trecast. Atl. t. 39. ex Celebes. Nigro-cyanea: collo
undique, pectoreque late, albis.
- Labillardière I interpret to be
Jacques Julien de Labillardière 1755-1834.
A name I have not previously encounted
in association with avian taxa (2002.01.01).
- The Cat. of Books in the Brit.Mus. (N.H.) lists 5 works by M.
Labillardiére. The 1800 publications of regarding
the Voyage of La Péouse, or his 1824-1825
Sertum Austro-Caledonicum appear the most likely.
The Sertum may well relate to plants.
- Peters attributes Corvus caledonicus to Latham.
- Cat.BrdsBr.Mus. 13 p.153 (Sharpe) attributes Corvus caledonicus
to Latham Suppl.Ind.Orn. 1801 [=1802].
- Therefor, it may be that Bonaparte's synonomy in this case
is correct, presuming the name was published in
Labillardiere's work on the voyage of La Perous.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward