Zoological Type Notes --H
- Hypnelus bicinctus Gould 1837 PZS(1836) Pt4 no.45 p.80
- Type, by subsequent designation Tamatia bicincta Gould. (Sclater, Monogr. Jacamars and Puff-birds, pt.4 1882 p.xxxv).
- Type locality:
- (Peters representation) "Cayenne?"
- Richmond Index gives: "Cayenne?" for Gould's description and notes: "Venezuela designated by Hellmayr and Seilern, Arch.Naturg.
vol.78, 1912, p.156"
- Henicopernis longicauda (Lesson & Garnot) 1828 Voy.Coq.Atlas 1 livr.7 pl.10
- Type by monotypy. Falco longicauda Garnot.
- Type locality: New Guinea.
.... 2008.04.20
- Hemicircus concretus (Temminck) 1821 Pl.Col. livr.15 pl.90
- Type by monotypy. "H. concretus Pl. col. 90 = Picus concretus Temminck." Peters 6:223.
- Type locality (Peters representation): "Java." Peters 6:223.
- Henicophaps albifrons Gray,GR 1862 PZS(1861) p.432 pl.44
- Type by monotypy. Peters 3:116.
- Type locality (Peters representation): "Waigeu." Peters 3:116.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2008.04.20