Heineken, C. M.D.
Paul Davis writes (2006.10.07):
I have found some info regarding a Heineken that lived on Madeira at
the appropriate time. He was a naturalist and physician who lived in Madeira from 1826 until
his death (variously given as 1829 or (probably the correct date) January 4, 1830)
He was most likely German. One source referred to him as English.
Strangely enough that is the source that I trust the most regarding his date of death.
His first name is variously given as follows:
- darwin.lib.cam.ac.uk - "C. Heineken" died 1829
- humboldt.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de - "Karl Heineken" date of death implied as being around 1829
- ceha-madeira.net/eluciario/crono5.html - "Carlos Heineken" died 1/4 1830
It is possible that he signed some of his correspondence using the
Spanish/Portugese form of his name "Carlos" rather than the German "Karl".
The Richmond Index lists the author of this taxon as "C. Heineken, M.D."
Charles/Carl/Carlos/Karl Heineken, M.D.
Heinrich, G.H.
[? Heinrich, G.D. ?]
Heinroth, Oskar 1871-1945
Hekstra, Gerrit Paulus 1933-
Helgig, Andreas J.
Heller, Edmund 1875-1939
Director of the Milwaukee Zoo
Director of the San Francisco Zoo
Edmund Heller born Freeport, Illinois on 21 May, 1875.
1888 moved with his parents to Riverside, CA
1896 Stanford (A.B. 1901). Joined Hopkins-Stanford Expedition 1898. With Robert E. Snodgrass,
spent 7 months in the Galapagos islands.
Joined the Field Columbian Museum, worked in California, Oregon, Lower California, Mexico and Guatemala.
1907 accompanied Carl Ethan Akeley on the Field Museum's African expedition.
Appointed curator of mammals at the MVZ, participated in the 1908 Alexander Alaskan.
Spent 1909-1912 with the Smithsonian-Roosevelt and Rainey African Expeditions.
1914 accompanied Lincoln Ellsworth expedition to the Dease River-Telegraph Creek area of British Columbia and to Alberta.
1915 joined National Geographic Society and Yale University sponsored an expedition to Peru.
1916 joined Roy Chapman Andrews and Yvette Borup Andrews on AMNH Expedition to China.
1918 with Paul J. Rainey traveled by rail across Siberia to the Ural Mountains and back.
1919 Smithsonian Cape-to-Cairo Expedition.
1928-1935 director of the Milwaukee Zoological Garden.
1935 until 1939 was director of the Fleishhacker Zoo in San Francisco.
Hellmayr, Charles E. (Carl Eduard) 1878-1944
b. 29 Jan., 1878
d. 24 Feb., 1944
& Conover, H. Boardman 1892-1950
& Madarasz
& Seilern
Hemprich, Friedrich Wilhelm 1796-1825
& Ehrenberg
Zimmer, 1926. p.204 notes that Hemprich died in the field
during the expedition (1820-1825).
Henry, Thomas Charles 1825-1877
US Army
Henshaw, Henry Wetherbee 1850-1930
Mar 3, 1850: born Cambridgeport, MA
descendant of Mayflower families.
Friend of William Brewster, S.F. Baird, , and Maj. J-W Powell.
Nominated both his predecessor and successor as Head of the Biol. Survey.
Aug 1, 1930: dies Washington, D.C.
Hering, Jehs
Hermann (Herrmann), Johann (Johan) Bernhard 1738-1800
Prof. Medicine at Univ. Strasbourg
Hernandez, Mariano
Jorge Ignacio Hernández-Camacho
Hernandez, Jorge
Hernandez Camacho
Hernändez Camacho
Herremans, Marc
Herzog, Sebastian K.
Hesse, Erich 1874-1945
Heude, Pierre Marie, S.J. 1836-1902
Heuglin, Martin Theodor von 1824-1876
Heynen, Iris
Hilgert, Carl 1866-1940
b. 21 June, 1866 Ingelheim
d. 17 Jan., 1940 Mainz
Hilsenberg, Carl (Karl, Charles) Theodor 1802-1824
Hilty, Steven L.
Hinkelmann, C.
Hiraldo, F.
Hiraldo, Fernando
Hiscock, Johanna H.
Hitchcock, Warren Billingsly 1919-1984
Born: 18 December 1919 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Died: 16 March 1984.
Born Ashfield, New South Wales, 18 December 1919.
Died Auckland, New Zealand, 16 March 1984.
Educated Universities of Adelaide (Zoology and Geology to 1940)
and Tasmania (1946-49, but did not graduate).
1940-1945 :War service in the Citizen Military Forces and
Australian Imperial
Forces in the Northern Territory, New Guinea and New Britain
Reaching rank of Lieutenant in the LHQ Cipher Replacement
Scientific Cadet, South Australian Museum 1938;
Temporary Assistant in Zoology, Tasmanian Museum 1945-46;
Ornithologist, National Museum of Victoria 1949-54;
Field Biologist, Animal Industry Branch, Northern Territory
Administration, Alice Springs 1954-57;
Secretary, Birdbanding Scheme, CSIRO Wildlife Survey Section
(later Division of Wildlife and Ecology), Canberra 1957-66,
Curator of the Division's ornithological collections 1967 until
retirement in 1970.
Enrolled in the Department of Anthropology, Auckland University ca
1979 and again became active in ornithological circles.
President, Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union 1962-63 and
editor of The Emu 1962-65; helped to found the Canberra
Ornithologists Group 1964.
& Hocking
Ho, Simon T. W.
School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Christian Gottlieb Ferdinand [von] Hochstetter
1829.04.30 - 1884.07.18
Höfling, Elizabeth
Hodgson, Brian Houghton (Bryan) 1800-1894
Born: 1 Feb., 1800 Prestbury, Cheshire, England.
1816: Entered Haileybury College where he lodged with Thomas Malthus.
Member of the Indian Civil Service 1818-1843
Nepal from 1820 onward. British Resident there, 1833-1843.
First wife: Ann Scott.
Darjeeling 1845-1858.
Retired to England 1858.
Retired country squire Dursley, Gloucestershire, then
Alderly, the Cotswolds.
1870: Married, second wife Susan Townsend.
1894: Died May.
Obit: Ibis 1894:580
Ref.:Cocker M & Inskipp C. 1988. "A Himalayan Ornithologist. The life and work
of Brian Houghton Hodgson." Oxford Univ. Press. Oxford.
Holandre 1778-1857
Holandre, Jean-Joseph-Jacques
Librarian and amateur naturalist in Metz.
(Note: Not Francois Holandre)
(ref. Rookmaaker LC, Morris PA, Glenn IE, Mundy PJ. 2006.
The ornithological cabinet of Jean-Baptiste Becoeur and the
secret of arsenical Soap". Arch.nat.Hist. 33(1):149.)
Holboll, Carl Peter 1795-1856
The Widipedia biography can be found Here
Holub, Emil 1847-1902
b. Oct. 7, 1847 in Holice, eastern Bohemia.
1872 M.D. at Prague University
d. (?Dec. ?Feb. 21, 1902 Vienna of complications of malaria and other diseases acquired in Africa
Holdsworth, Edmund William Hunt
Hollister, Ned 1876-1924
Holmberg, Eduard Ladislao 1852-1937
Holt Ernest Golsan.
Montgomery, Alabama
b. 1889
Holt, Paul I.
Holyoak, DT
Homberger, Dominique G.
Hombron, Jacques-Bernard 1798-1852
& Jacquinot, Honoré 1814-1887
Homeyer, Alexander von 1834- 1903
Homeyer, Eugene Ferdinand von 1809-1889
Died: May 31, 1889
Hoogerwerf, Andries
b. 1907
Hooper, D. A.
Hoopes, Bernard A.
Horring, R
R. Hørring
Museum Inspector of the Zoologiskie Museum,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Horsfield, Thomas 1773-1859
E India Co
American Physician. Born in Penn.
Worked closely with Sir T. Raffles
1820 appointed Keeper, Museum Hon. East India Co.
Believed in Quinarian system
& Moore, F.
& Horsfield
Horton, P.
Horton, Phillipa
Hosner, Peter A.
Howard, Hildegarde 1901-1998
b. April 3, 1901
d. Feb. 28, 1998
Howe, Reginald Heber, Jr. 1875-1932
Born: April 10, 1875. Quincy, Mass.
Educated: Harvard, the Sorbonne.
Headmaster: Belmont Hill School, 1923-1932.
Died: Jan 28, 1932.
Howe, Frank Ernest 1878-1955
Born: 27 February 1878, S. Melbourne Australia
Died: 24 October, 1955
Howell, A. Brazier
Howell, Arthur H.
Howell, Steve N.G.
Howell, Thomas Raymond 1924-
Hoy, Philo Romayne Dr 1816-1892
Hoy, Gunnar
Hu, Da-Shih
Hubbard, John P.
Huber, W.
Huddleston, Chritopher J.
Huertas, Blanca
Mrs Blanca Huertas Hernandez
Curator of Lepidoptera, Natural History Museum, London
Huey, Laurence Markham 1892-1963
Born: 6 Sept. 1892 Tijuana Valley, San Diego, CA
Died: 11 June 1963 San Diego, CA
Curator of Birds and Mammals at the San Diego Natural History Museum 1923-1961.
Hulme, Mark F.
Humboldt, Alexander von 1769-1859
1769: born 14 Sept. 1769, Berlin.
Studied: Frankfurt University; Göttingen University; mining academy of Freiburg in Saxony.
Influenced by geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner. Worked in Prussian mining service.
1790: visited Paris with Georg Forster (naturalist on Captain James Cook's second voyage).
1796: financially independent; continued studies at Jena; met Goethe and Friedrich
1799: Accompanied by the botanist Aimé Bonpland, arrived in what is now Venezuela in July
and spent the next 5 years exploring the South America. They navigated the Orinoco river
and confirmed the existence of a connection between the Orinoco and the Amazon.
1802: June - Humboldt set out to climb the volcanic mount Chimborazo in the Andes (thought
to be the highest mountain in the world). Reached nearly 20,000 feet, the highest point
then reached by any European mountaineer.
1804: Humboldt brief visit to the United States; returns to Europe, settles in Paris
until 1827.
1859: dies 6 May 1859.
Hume, Allan Octavian 1829-1912
1829: born -- son of Joseph Hume M.P. of the "Radical" Party
1842: serves as midshipman on frigate Vangauard, mostly in Med.
Haileybury Training College
University College Hosp. (studying Medicine and Surgery)
1849: Joins Bengal Civil Service at Etawah, India. Befriends W.E. Brooks (v.s.)
1853: marries Mary Anne Grindall (offspring -- one daughter).
India in the Civil Service.
Director-General of Agriculture
1867: Appointed Commissioner of Customs for the North West Provinces.
1860: Made Commander of the Bath for bravery in dealing with Indian revolts.
Began collecting in 1862, by 1884 accumulated 102,000 eggs, skins, and nests.
Collection maintained at his home in Simla, N. India.
At age 53 retired from civil-service, but while away from home servants sold all
manuscripts and correspondence.
Hume gave up ornithology, went into politics and took up botany.
Principal founder of the Indian National Congress, which first met in 1885.
1890: Mary Anne Hume dies.
1894: Hume returns to England, settling in Upper Norwood in London.
Founded South London Botanic Institute.
1912: dies 31 July. Buried at Brookward Cemetary
Refs: Mearns & Mearns. 1988. Biographies for Birdwatchers. Academic Press. New York.
Wedderburn, W. 1913. Allan Octavian Hume. C.B. Father of the Indian National Congress
. T.F. Unwin. London.
Humphrey, Philip Strong 1926-2009
b. 26 Feb. 1926 Hibbing, MN
1949 Graduated Amherst College
d. 13 Nov. 2009 KS
& Thompson, M.C.
Philip S. Humphrey, Emeritus Dir., KUNHM;
Prof. Emeritus, Systematics & Ecology.
Ph.D. Univ. of Michigan, 1955.
Systematic biology and biogeography of southern South American birds;
archaeological remains of birds of Tierra del Fuego.
Huntley, Jerry W.
Hupp, J.R.
Hussain, S.A. 1944-2009
b. 13 Aug. 1944 Karkala, Karnataka
d. 31 Dec, 2009 Mangalore (12:30 AM "Heart Attack").
Hutchinson, R.O.
Hutchinson, Mark R.
Hutton, Frederick Wollaston 1836-1905
English/N.Z. geologist,zoologist.
Curator at Cantebury Museum in Wellington.
Hutton, Thomas Lt.
NOTE: a Lt. Thomas Hutton published at least two taxa, in the
J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal Gypaetos Hemachalanus 1836 and
Gypaetos himachalanis 1847.
Corrections and additions supplied by Rob C. H. M. Oudejans
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward