Bob Dowsett writes (2004.03.29) on his investigation of these
names and sources. (some format editing added)
From: Hartlaub G. 1882. Diagnosen neuer Arten aus Centralafrika,
gesammelt von Dr. Emin Bey. Orn.Centralb. 7:91-92.
Trachyphonus erythrocephalus versicolor Hartlaub 1882, Orn.Centralb. 7:91§.
Phyllastrephus strepitans rufescens Hartlaub 1882, Orn.Centralb. 7:91.
Myrmecocichla albifrons clericalis (Hartlaub 1882), Orn.Centralb. 7:91§.
Anthoscopus musculus (Hartlaub 1882), Orn.Centralb. 7:91§
Lanius gubernator Hartlaub 1882, Orn.Centralb. 7:91§
Lagonosticta rara oenochroa (Hartlaub 1882), Orn.Centralb. 7:91§
Ploceus baglafecht emini (Hartlaub 1882), Orn.Centralb. 7: 92.§
Emberiza affinis forbesi (Hartlaub 1882), Orn.Centralb. 7: 92.§
This was reviewed in "Ibis" 1882: 602, where the 8 new taxa are
named. All these taxa are from suitable localities, visited by Emin, in
Uganda and Sudan. No volume number is given in "Ibis".
Of the above, those marked § are repeated in Hartlaub G. 1882.
Ueber eineige neue Vögel aus dem oberen Nilgebiete. J. Orn. 30:
??-?? [not seen critically by me] -- according to the review in "Ibis"
1883: 103 (where date given as July 1882). According to that review, the
J. Orn. paper describes just one bird as new:
Francolinus sephaena ochrogaster Hartlaub 1882, J. Orn. 30: 327.
Hartlaub also published:
Hartlaub G. 1882. Zweiter Beitrag zur Ornithologie der östlich
aequatorialen Gebiete Afrikas. Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 8(1882):184-232.
It is clear from the "Ibis" review (1883: 214-5) that this is a summary of the previous
publications, with just one new taxon:
Cisticola chiniana ladoensis Hartlaub 1882, Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 8:189.
I have also seen quoted for
Francolinus sephaena ochrogaster Hartlaub, Beitr. Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 8:218
-- another example of the Bremen publication being a later summary.
Whether this last is 1882 or 1883, I think we can assume it is
post the other two publications (for which the dates of June and
July 1882 respectively given by CWR would suit me fine!)
2021.02.11 -- evidently this serial had a history of date irregularities.
Richmond notes that vol. III Heft 1. was indicated as published in "Mäz 1872"
but has a signatures from p.177 on dated "April 1872".
Volume V
Heft 1 April 1876 p.1-192
Heft 2 April 1877 p.193-452 (sigs. p.417 "Februar 1877"; 433 "März 1877")
Heft 3 Oct. 1877 p.453-524 (sigs. p.453 "Mai 1877")
Heft 4 April 1878 p.525-662 (sigs. p.525 "Januar 1878"
2004.04.03; 2021.02.11
Abh. Senckenber. Naturf. Gesellsch.
Abhandlungen (Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft)
Title: Abhandlungen / / herausgegeben von der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft.
Publisher: Frankfurt a. Main : H.L. Broenner, 1854-
Description: v.: ill. ; 18-30 cm.
1. Bd., 1. Lfg.-
Frequency: Irregular
Abhandlungen aus dem Staatlichen Museum fur Tierkunde in Dresden
Abhandlungen und Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Hamburg N.F.
Academia nacional de Ciencas (exactas existente en la
Universidad de Cordoba). Buenos Aires
[Boletin 1874
Actas 1875
Misc ????
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Monographs
An authentic account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emporer of China,
including observations travelling thought that...Empire,
and a small part of Chinese Tartary. Together with a relation
of the voyage the Yellow Sea, and Gulf of Pekin...
Taken chiefly from the papers of...the Earl of Macartney.
3 Vols.
First ed. 1797
Folio Atlas publ. 12 April 1796
Acta Ornithologica Musei Zoologici Polonici
Acta zoologica Cracoviensa
Title: Acta zoologica Cracoviensia.
Publisher info: Krakow.
General Note: Tom 1(1956) - tom 12(1967) [E] ; Tom 1(1956)- [Z] ; vol.42 (1) (1999) [T]
Acta Zoologica Lilloana
Title: Acta zoologica Lilloana.
Publisher info: Tucuman.
General Note: T.1(1943) --> [Z] ; T.1(1943) - vol.37,no.2(1984) [E] ; T.1(1943) - vol.36,no.2(1981) [T].
Corporate name: Instituto de Zoologia.
Acta Zoologica Sinica
Est. in 1935. Name changed to Current Zoology in 2009
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Actas de la Sociedad Paleontológica de Buenos Aires
Actes de la Societe D'Histoire Naturelle
Tom.1 pt.1 [all that was published]
fol. pp.[viii,] xvi,129; 13 pl.s Paris
[cf. J.Hist.Nat.Paris]
Actes de Societe Linneenne
1831 ->
8vo Bordeaux
Addenda ad celeberrimi Pallasii Zoographiam Rosso-Asiaticam.
Eversmann, E. 8vo Kasani 1842(?1)
Three fascicles published 1835,1841,1842;
publ. in Kasani (Casani) [Zimmer]
[CWR unpubl. notes shows fascicle 3 publ. 1843]
At least at present (2007.05.21) a digitized version of the 1875 reprint of this work (edited by Dresser) can be found here:
Special thanks to Mark Brown for finding this.
I am not completely certain of the exact spelling and orthography
of the title, and follow the Dresser's reprint version here.
Addition to the Avifauna of Dominica :
notes on species hitherto unrecorded with descriptions of three new species
and a list of all birds now known to occur on the island
Verrill, A. Hyatt
Physical descrip: 38p. 8vo.
Avian Research
Stresemann, Erwin, 1889-1972.
Avifauna Macedonica : die ornithologischen Ergenisse der Forschungsreisen,
unternommen nach Mazedonien durch Prof. Dr. Doflein und Prof. L. Müller
... in den Jahren 1917 und 1918.
Publisher: München, Dultz & co., 1920.
xxiv, 270 p. illus. 22 cm.
Bibliography: p. xx-xxiii.
Aggiunte alla Ornitologia della Papuasia e delle Molucche
Salvadori, TA
4to 3 Pts Torino
Pt 1. Accipitres-Psittaci-Picariae. 1889.
Printer date (p.[3]] 21-VIII-89; Aug 21 1889 (a Wed.)
Pt 2. Passeres. 1890.
Pt 3. Columbae-Gallinae-Grallatores-Anseres-Struthiones. App. 1891.
Publisher varies (according to AMNH Libr. cat.) for pts 2 & 3, raising the possibility of
multiple states?
This material evidently was issued as separetly paged "preprints" as well as as part
of the Mem.R.Acad.Sci.Torino
The dates of issue of the "Preprints" is currently uncertain, though each contains the
date of a meeting ("adunanza") at which something happened -- quite possibly the material
was approved for publication(?).
| Appr. nell'adunanza del
| Wrapper date
| Brit.NHM Library Accesion stamp
| Pp. (supplied by Edward Dickinson)
| APP notes.
| 26 Maggio 1889
| 1889
| 15 Nov. 1889
| 1-64
| "adunanza" date is a Sunday.
Wrapper date & accession stamp date supplied by EC Dickinson |
| Passeres
| 17 Novembre 1889
| 1890
| 12 Apr. 1890
| 65-167
| "adunanza" date is a Sunday.
Wrapper date & accession stamp date supplied by EC Dickinson |
| 10 Maggio 1891
| 1891
| 3 Sep. 1891
| 169-244 [APP:? p.168]
| "adunanza" date is a Sunday.
Wrapper date & accession stamp date supplied by EC Dickinson |
[Mem.R.Acad.Sci.Torino Vol. XL & XLII 1890,92 ]
The Agricultural Gazette of New South Wales
8vo Sydney
Alauda; etudes et notes ornithologiques
1929 ->
| No.
| Imprint date.
| Date of publication.
| Notes
| 1
| 25 Apr 1929
| 2
| 30 Jun 1929
| 3
| 10 Aug 1929
| 4
| 10 Sep 1929
| Note: No.4 is actually a double fascicle and should have been numbered 4 & 5.
| 6
| 15 Nov 1929
| 7
| 28 Dec 1929
| 1
| 25 Feb 1930
| 2
| 20 Apr 1930
| 3 & 4
| Jun-Aug 1930
| 5 & 6
| 10 Oct 1930
| 7 & 8
| 20 Dec 1930
| 1
| Feb 1931
| 7 Mar 1931
| 2
| Jun 1931
| 10 Jul 1931
| 3
| Sep 1931
| 22 Oct 1931
| 4
| Dec 1931
| 15 Feb 1932
| 1
| Jan-Mar 1932
| 28 May 1932
| 2
| Apr-Jun 1932
| 1 Aug 1932
| 3
| Jul-Sep 1932
| 18 Nov 1932
| 4
| Oct-Dec 1932
| 30 Jan 1933
| 1
| Jan-Mar 1933
| 2 Jun 1933
| 2
| Apr-Jun 1933
| 2 Oct 1933
| 3
| Jul-Sep 1933
| 2 Feb 1934
| 4
| Oct-Dec 1933
| 1934
Details from Bibliographie Ornithologie Française. LeChevalier, Ed. T.1 p.13-14. 1948
His listing covers T.1 (1929) - T.XII (1940)
His note regarding Vol.1 no.6 reads:
'ce n° contient le papillon suivant:
"C'est par erreur que le fascicule d'Alauda, para à la date du 10 sept. 1929 porte le N°
4. En réalité, il s'agit d'un fascicule double devant porter les Nos. 4 et 5"'
This translates to be something like this:
This number contains the following sticker/small sheet:
it is an error that the Alauda booklet dated 10 Sept 1929 carries the the number 4.
Actually, it should be a double booklet before numbers 4 and 5.
Allgemein Deutsche Naturhistorische Zeitung.
Im Auftrage der Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden in Verbindung
mit auswätigen und einheimschen Gelehrten herausgegaben
von Adolph Dreschler.
4 vols. roy. 8vo.
Hamburg 1855-1858.
[Date for vol.3 is given as 1857, but may be 1858.
+CWR card for Cuculus canorus minor Brehm, says "1857"
" publ. 1858?" Peters shows 1858.
Another Card says "Hartert (2), 947 says "Vermuthlich 1858 erschienen" [APP: - Probably appeared in 1858]
+If so would change date for Larus graellsi to 1858.
CWR card for Larus graellsi has 1857 with no comment.
+ also Alectoris rufa intercedens [previously in Perdix]
given by Peters 2:67, and CWR as 1857. But is vol.3 heft xii.
? 1858
Allgemeine Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste
in alphabetischer Folge von genannten Schriftstellern
bearbeitet und hrsg. von J.S. Ersch und J.G. Gruber.
Zweite Section, H-N, hrsg. von A.G. Hoffmann.
Siebenundzwanzigster Theil: Juden--Judische Literatur.
Leipzig, F.U. Brockhaus, 1850.
pp.471 28cm.
Ersch(Johann Samuel)[1766-1828] &
Grube(Johann Gottfried [1775-1851]
4to Leipzig
Mathews says, Sherborn says:
103 vols issued 1818-50, continued in 1889.
In three Sections:
I A-G [Ed. Gruber -- (CWR unpubl. notes)]
II H-N [Ed. Hoffmann -- (CWR unpubl. notes)]
III O-Z [Eds. Meier & Kaentz -- (CWR unpubl. notes)]
volumes of each section separately numbered.
[## NOTE: most listings for this are as Ersch&Gruber
though CatBooks Br Mus. clearly has Grube
Mathews has Gruber , with the "r"
Allgemeine literatur-zeitung
Jena; Halle
Johann Lathams Allgemeine Uebersicht der Vogel.
Uebersetzt von Bechstein. 8 Theile, nebst Register.
Latham, John
180 col. pl. Nuremberg [Nurnberg]
1811 p. 1-320
1812 p. 321-536
Also cited as:
Kurze Uebersicht aller bekannten Vo:gel...
Alpenreise vom jahre 1781...
Storr, Gottlieb Konrad Christian [1749-1821]
Leipzig, 1784-86
2 vol. in 1
American Exchange and mart and household journal, devoted to the
interests of buyers, sellers and exchanges.
Boston; NY.
1-4, 1885-88.
[from Peters 02:158.
vol.3, no.3 = 15 Jan. 1887.
vol.3, no.6 = 5 Feb. 1887.
author is Anonymous = Maynard
American Midland Naturalist: devoted to natural history,
primarily that of the prairie states.
Notre Dame, Ind.
Ap 1909+ v11 no1-4
Ap-O 1909 as Midland naturalist.
American monthly magazine and critical review.
1-4, 8vo My 1817-Ap 1819 [Bolton gives "1817,'18"]
Edited by H Biglow and OL Holley.
This suggests, that the Rafinesque citation from
Peters 2:269 Symphemia Rafinesque 1818 Am.Mo.Mag. 4 p.106
should be 1819.
In Richmond Auk 1909 July p.258, gives IV, No. I Nov.
American Museum Novitates
no. 1 -
1921 -
New York
The American Naturalist.
A popular illustrated magazin of natural history.
Editors: Alpheus Spring Packard, Jr., Edward S. Morse, Alpheus Hyatt and Frederick W. Putnam.
11 vols.
1868 -> 1877
8vo Salem, Mass.
Afterward Edited by AS Packard Jr., and Edward D. Cope.
Philadelphia. 1878 ->
American Ornithology or, the Natural History of the Birds
of the United States: Illustrated with Plates Engraved
and Colored from Original Drawings taken from Nature.
Alexander Wilson
1808 [ 1810, 1811, 1811, 1812, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1814 ]
Vol.I [-IX]
Philadelphia Bradford and Inskeep
Note: In a letter from CWR to Witmer Stone (1899.06.01) CWR indicates that there is
confusion over the name Falco pennsylvanicus which was altered to
Falco latissimus in Ord's reprint of this volume. Ord's reprint bears
the date 1812, though it was issued in 1824.
American Ornithology or, the Natural History of the Birds
of the United States not given by Wilson with figures drawn
engraved and coloured from nature by Charles Lucien Bonaparte.
Alexander Wilson;
Charles Lucien Bonaparte
1825; 1828; 1828 (Zimmer) 1829 (CWR); 1833
Vol. 1-4 fol. Philadelphia
Carey, Lea & Carey; [Carey & Lea -- Vol.IV]
Zimmer lists the third volume as published in 1828.
CWR's Unpublished notes on Dates of Publication indicate
that vol. III was reviewed in the Lit. Gazette Jan. 16, 1830
where he quotes "Vol. III, atlas 4to. 1828 (published 1829) pp.60"
CWR notes: "Hence publ. in 1829 ! although apparently
dated 1828."
Note: As Coues says, "An entirely different work, but in a similar style".
American Ornithology or, the Natural History of the Birds
of the United States: Illustrated with Plates Engraved
and Colored from Original Drawings taken from Nature.
Wilson, Alexander [Jameson, ed.]
Vol. 1-4 18mo Edinburgh
American ornithology or, the natural history of the birds of
the United States: illustrated with plates Engraved and Colored
from Original drawings taken from Nature.
Wilson, Alexander Ord, George [ed.]
folio Phila.
The code of nomenclature and check-list of North American birds
adopted by the American Ornithologists' Union. Being the report
of the Committee of the Union on classification and
Coues, E; Allen JA; Ridgway, R; Brewster, W; Henshaw, HW
8vo New York
The American Sportsman. A journal devoted to the interests
of the sporting fraternity, angling, &c.
West Meriden, Conn, and N.Y. N.Y.
[continued as]
The American Sportsman. Devoted exclusively to shooting,
fishing, and natural history.
Wilber F. Parker, Ed.
3 vols (III-V), fol.
West Meriden, Conn. and New York.
[continued as]
The Rod and the gun. Late the American sportsman.
5 vols (VI-X), fol.
New York, 1875-77.
v. 1-10; Oct. 1871-Apr. 28, 1877.
West Meridian, Conn.
Parker Bros. &c. 1871-74
New York; Rod and gun association (ltd) 1874-77.
Amoeba, Tokyo.
Amateur Biological Club of Japan.
Note: also
Publisher Amsterdam, Nederlandse Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie.
(v.42-45 = 1966-1969)
Descript v. ill.
Frequency Irregular.
Amsterdam Naturalist.
Title Amsterdam naturalist.
Publisher: Amsterdam, De Regenboog.
1 v. ill. 25 cm. Coverage v. 1, no. 1-3; 1950.
Note: "Bulletin of the Zoological Museum Amsterdam."
Cont. by Beaufortia
Anales Cient. Paraguayos
Anales cientificos paraguayos (Instituto paraguayo)
1901-11(Ser.1) 8vo Ascuncion
[ CWR has :
Aves Nuevas Del Paraguay 1901 p.70 for Campyl.
Aves Nuevas Del Paraguay 1901 p.175 for S. koen.
these are reprints from AnalesCient.Paraguayos (BMNH)
Anales Facult. Cienc. Zaragoza
Anales Facultad Ciencas Zaragoza
Anales Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Auton. Mex. Ser. Zool.
Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Serie Zoologia
Anales Inst. Fisico Geografico Museo Nac. Costa Rica
Anales del Instituto Fisico-Geografico y del Museo Nacional de Costa Rica
Anales Inst. Patagonia
Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia
Magallanes, Chile.
v.1-14 (1970-1983)
Anales Mus. Nac. Costa Rica
Note: I am uncertain about this serial. The Am.Mus.Nat.Hist. Library listing
suggests that only vol.1 was published, but the taxon listed to this source
(Aramides plumbeicollis Zeledon) is listed by Peters Checklist 2:175,
as well as by the Richmond Index to volume 2 from 1888.
Anales Mus. Nac. Chile Zool.
Anales del Museo Nacional de Chile.
Imprint Santiago de Chile : [El Museo], 1892-1910.
Anales Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Buenos Aires
Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires.
Imprint [S.l. : s.n.], 1911-1923,
(Buenos Aires : Imprenta y Casa Editora "Juan A. Alsina")
Anales Univ. Chile
Anales de la Universidad de Chile
Analyse D'Une Nouvelle Ornithologie Elementaire
Vieillot, L.P.
Evidently Lesson was eager in support of the belief that
Analyse was not published until 1817. In his Manuel I:50 (note)
he writes:
"L'analyse d'ornithologie élémentaire qui porte
la data de 1816, n'a réallement paru qu 'en 1817".
[my trans: The analysis of elementary ornithology, which carries the date
of 1816, did not really appear until 1817."]
Lesson appears to have been more familiar with his wishes
than with the facts of the matter.
Richmond points out in his unpublished notes on dates of publication:
- Cuvier mentions it (Analyse) as "an ouvrage de cette année 1816" in the
preface to his Règne Animal (vol. I), dated Oct. 1816
- It was published before vol. I, Dict.Sci.Nat., which is dated
1816 (cf. p.84 of Suppl. to that Vol.).
- It was rec'd by the Academy Turin, Dec. 9, 1816
Analyse de la Nature ou Tableau de l'Univers et des Corps
organises, &c.
Rafinesque, CS
8vo Palermo
The Analyst. A monthly journal of science, literature and the fine arts.
2 vols. 8vo London and Worcester.
[continued as]
The Analyst. A quarterly journal of science, natural history, and the fine arts.
Vol. 6 ed. by W. Holl and N. Wood; vol 7 by W. Holl, E. Mammatt, and N. Wood
vol. 8-10 by E. Mammatt.]
8 vols 8vo London and Birmingham
"begun as a monthly on August 1st, 1834, ... and at the end of
one year (two volumes, six numbers to a volume) ... as a
quarterly; first quarterly number, but consequtively No.9, on
October 1st, 1835, two quarterly parts to a vloume, Vols. III
to VIII., Vols. IX and X. each three parts, when it suspended
publication in 1840."
? The fishes (Pisces) of Britain, systematically arranged.
Analyst v. 18: 204-215
S.D. Wood (cited as "S.D.W.")
Note: One of several works entitled "The Analyst", published
variously in Des Moines, IA (1874-1882+); Philadelphia (1808)
and London (analytical chemistry - 1876-1882).
Anatomical and Zoological Researches: comprising an account
of the zoological results of the two expeditions to the
Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875.
"1878" [=1879]
[Note: The Richmond Index indicates that this was published in 1879, (apparently the
imprint date is 1878). Richmond indicates that this fact is "[fide Corrigenda]".
By way of Edward Dickinson I learn that Saunders (1879, Zool.Rec. 16 Aves p.2) indicated
that the Preface is listed as "Calcutta 21st Dec. 1878". This material was
apparently published in London, which would make a publication before 1879 impossible;
evidently Saunders indicates that 'as a fact [it] was not." though I do not know
of him providing specific evidence in this regard.
Additionally the Cataloge of the Library of the British Museum (N.H.) 1:42, gives the
date as "1878 [1879]".
Anfangsgründe der theoretischen und angewandten Naturgeschicte
der Thiere [from CWR] [fide BHL copy]
[Dates appear to be:
1800 for Th.2 Abth.1
1801 for Th.2 Abth.2 [CWR Alauda variolata]
[Note: BrMLib Cat has mutliple's
(Bot.,Miner.,Inseckt.) but not Thier! ]
The animal kingdom arranged in conformity with its organization,
by the Baron Cuvier, Edward Griffith
1827-35 London
Whittaker, Treacher & Co.
...additional species inserted in the text of Cuvier...with additional
JE Gray resposible for the inserted species descriptions.
Dating the volumes of this work is a problem.
Zimmer p.154 discusses the problem in detail, including details provided by both
Sherborn (Ind.Anim Pt.2 p.xli and Mathews Bibliography of the Birds of Australia
p.63). It appears that certainty with regards dates is not to be had.
Mathews writes:"We have therefore for the volumes as generally met with, Vol. I.
before Aug.6th, 1828; Vol. II., before May 21st, 1829; Vol. III before Jan.
23rd, 1830."
The volume numbers are, of course themselves confusing. There were 16 vols.
Vol.VI (Aves I); Vol.VII (Aves II) and Vol.VIII (Aves III). Note that Zimmer
p.154 appears to have an error listing "Vol.III (Aves III)" but lower
down referring to "At the close of Vol.VIII (Aves III)." So presumably the "V"
was left out in the first instance and III was printed where VIII was intended.
With nothing better to proceed on, I accept Mathews' dates, and date Vol.VI
(Aves I) to 1828.
[Thanks to Edward Dickinson, I learn that there is a publication subsequent to
Mathews and Zimmer that deals with this work: "Cowan, C.F. 1969. Notes on
Griffith's Animal Kingdom of Cuvier (1824-1835). J. Soc. Bibliogr. Nat. Hist.
5: 137-40. (April). This work substantially deepens our
understanding of this issue. However, as we do not know the limits of the
various parts, we are quite limited in our ability to apply the data to the
names we cite to this work.
The relevant data from Cowan 1969 are:
Griffith Animal Kingdom (Aves volumes)
| Class
| Title Date
| Part No.
| Actual date
| APP notes.
| Birds (1)
| "1829"
| 14
| 1 Dec. 1827
| Saturday
| Birds (1)
| "1829"
| 15
| 31 March 1828
| Monday
| Birds (1)
| "1829"
| 16
| 6 August 1828
| Wednesday
| Birds (2)
| "1829"
| 17
| ? November 1828 (interpolated)
| Birds (2)
| "1829"
| 18
| ? Feb 1829 (interpolated)
| Birds (2)
| "1829"
| 19
| 21 May 1829
| Tuesday
| Birds (3)
| "1829"
| 20
| 15 Aug. 1829
| Saturday
| Birds (3)
| "1829"
| 21
| 31 Oct. 1829
| Saturday
| Birds (3)
| "1829"
| 22
| 23 Jan. 1830
| Saturday
The Animal Kingdom, or a zoological system of ... C. Linnaeus.
Kerr,Robert [1755-1813].
4to London
Animals in Menageries, in
The cabinet cyclopedia [Lardner, Dionysius]
Often cited as 1837; Browning and Monroe, 1991 p.391 indicate that this was
actually published 13 Jan 1838.
My copy has an imprint date of 1838 on the title page.
Annals of the Cape Provincial Museums
(data compiled by: Ashley H. Kirk-Spriggs
accessioned 2007.08.18)
V.1 (issued March 1961), pp.1-102.
V.1 of the Annals was issued as a single volume, i.e. not in numbered and separately dated parts.
V.2 (issued August 1962), pp.7-317.
V.2 of the Annals was issued as a single volume, i.e. not in numbered and separately dated parts.
V.3 (issued August 1963), pp.5-122.
V.3 of the Annals was issued as a single volume, i.e. not in numbered and separately dated parts.
V.4 (issued August 1965), pp.1-73 + 8 colour plates.
V.5, (issued August 1966), pp.5-24 (including supplement).
V.5 of the Annals was issued as a single volume, i.e. not in numbered and separately dated parts.
V.6, part 1 (issued 15th December 1966), pp.1-16.
V.6, part 2 (issued 10th March 1967), pp.17-38.
V.6, part 3 (issued 26th June 1967), pp.39-46.
V.6, part 4 (issued 31st August 1967), pp.47-54.
V.6, part 5 (issued 15th December 1967), pp.55-62.
V.6, part 6 (issued 30th August 1968), pp.63-70.
V.6, part 7 (issued 30th August 1968), pp.71-76.
Jacot-Guillarmod's Catalogue of the Thysanoptera of the World
was published in seven parts, the six listed below
and a seventh issued posthumously
(see Jacot-Guillarmod & Brothers 1986, volume 17(1),
issued 30th May 1986 below).
V.12 (issued 1st October 1976), pp.1-565.
V.13, Part 1 (issued 8th May 1979), pp.1-30.
V.13, Part 2 (issued 8th May 1979), pp.31-38.
V.13, Part 3 (issued 28th September 1979), pp.39-44.
V.13, Part 4 (issued 11th January 1980), pp.45-54.
V.13, Part 5 (issued 24th June 1980), pp.55-62.
V.13, Part 6 (issued 24th June 1980), pp.63-83.
V.13, Part 7 (issued 9th July 1980), pp.85-93.
V.13, Part 8 (issued 18th July 1980), pp.95-106.
V.13, Part 9 (issued 8th October 1980), pp.107-132.
V.13, Part 10 (issued 30th April 1981), pp.133-139.
V.13, Part 11 (issued 30th April 1981), pp.141-167.
V.13, Part 12 (issued 30th April 1981), pp.169-185.
V.13, Part 13 (issued 30th April 1981), pp.187-194.
V.13, Part 14 (issued 6th July 1981), pp.195-216.
V.13, Part 15 (issued 10th August 1981), pp.217-250.
V.14, Part 1 (issued 20th October 1981), pp.1-80.
V.14, Part 2 (issued 26th July 1982), pp.81-87.
V.14, Part 3 (issued 26th July 1982), pp.89-108.
V.14, Part 4 (issued 29th October 1982), pp.109-137.
V.14, Part 5 (issued 29th October 1982), pp.139-149.
V.14, Part 6 (issued 15th November 1982), pp.151-171.
V.14, Part 7 (issued 28th February 1983), pp.172-297.
V.14, Part 8 (issued 24th June 1983), pp.299-422.
V.15, Part 1 (issued 26th April 1984), pp.1-171.
V.15, Part 2 (issued 29th June 1984), pp.173-410.
V.16, Part 1 (issued 16th April 1984), pp.1-22.
V.16, Part 2 (issued 16th April 1984), pp.23-40.
V.16, Part 3 (issued 16th April 1984), pp.41-71.
V.16, Part 4 (issued 21st January 1985), pp.73-126.
V.16, Part 5 (issued 28th February 1986), pp.127-135.
V.16, Part 6 (issued 28th February 1986), pp.137-160.
V.16, Part 7 (issued 13th June 1986), pp.161-178.
V.16, Part 8 (issued 7th December 1987), pp.179-189.
V.16, Part 9 (issued 7th December 1987), pp.191-200.
V.16, Part 10 (issued 30th May 1988), pp.201-307.
V.16, Part 11 (issued 30th May 1988), pp.309-319.
V.16, Part 12 (issued 29th July 1988), pp.321-326.
V.16, Part 13 (issued 29th July 1988), pp.327-349.
V.16, Part 14 (issued 29th July 1988), pp.351-362.
V.16, Part 15 (issued 29th July 1988), pp.363-371.
V.17, Part 1 (issued 30th May 1986), pp.1-93.
V.18, Part 1 (issued 31st August 1988), pp.1-30.
V.18, Part 2 (issued 31st August 1988), pp.31-56.
V.18, Part 3 (issued 31st August 1988), pp.57-81.
V.18, Part 4 (issued 28th July 1989), pp.83-94.
V.18, Part 5 (issued 28th July 1989), pp.95-134.
V.18, Part 6 (issued 28th July 1989), pp.135-150.
V.18, Part 7 (issued 28th July 1989), pp.151-160.
V.18, Part 8 (issued 30th April 1990), pp.159-182.
V.18, Part 9 (issued 28th May 1990), pp.183-202.
V.18, Part 10 (issued 15th March 1991), pp.205-225.
V.18, Part 11 (issued 20th June 1991), pp.227-243.
V.18, Part 12 (issued 27th June 1991), pp.245-270.
V.18, Part 13 (issued 20th June 1992), pp.271-291.
V.18, Part 14 (issued 30th July 1993), pp.293-354.
V.18, Part 15 (issued 15th September 1993), pp.357-370.
V.19, Part 1 (issued 30th January 1994), pp.1-147.
V.19, Part 2 (issued 30th June 1994), pp.149-170.
V.19, Part 3 (issued 28th February 1995), pp.171-180.
V.19, Part 4 (issued 28th April 1995), pp.181-224.
V.19, Part 5 (issued 28th May 1995), pp.225-304.
V.19, Part 6 (issued 29th April 1996), pp.305-344.
V.19, Part 7 (issued 29th April 1996), pp.347-373.
V.19, Part 8 (issued 20th August 1997), pp.347-373.
V.19, Part 9 (issued 20th September 1997), pp.387-437.
Annals of the Carnegie Museum
[note: volumes appear to extend across years sometimes]
Annales françaises et étrangéres d'anatomie et de physiologie,
appliquées a la medécine et à l'histoire naturelle
Annales generales des sciences physiques
[Edward Dickinson informs me (in litt. 2008.04.19) that he discoverd a handwritten note
by Sherborn in the relevant volume (vol.2) that reads
(bracketed content added by Edward):
"pp. -- [=1] -128 Oct. 1819; -- [= 129] - 276 Nov. 1819; 277-411 Dec. 1819."
Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici
1-41 1903-1948
[The Richmond Index notes for Bradypterus mariae that a separate of the
June 1 1905 issue was mailed May 19, 1905.
Other numbers thus may also have had separates associated with them.]
[Within Parts ("Pars") it appears that different dates are associated with
different (?un-named) sections, but the date of publication appears to be given,
perhaps for each article?]
Ann. Mus. Roy. Congo Belge, Tervuren
Annalen Des K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums
Continued as:
Annalen Des naturhistorischen Museums In Wien
Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York
[? dates of vol 2. uncertain 1826,1827,1828 ]
CWR (unpubl. notes) indicates Vol. 1 was completed in 1826 and begun in 1824
Spreadsheet in progress
Spreadsheet in progress additional taxa
It is adressed in the CD accompanying "Priority!", it seems as essentially working notes.
The dates of issue are a confusing matter, and one that is not completely ressolved. The publishing history apparently is confounded
by a fire in 1866 that destroyed the records of publication.
Some authors "preprints" seem to have been issued, and it should be noted that separates were issued that were individually paginated.
The dates of issue of separates relative to the full journal articles is not clear.
Some useful information comes from the dates when the articles were read, and it is interesting to note that articles bound in the
final volumes do not always follow the sequence in which they were read/presented at the Lyceum.
Dickinson's collation of notes and several copies of this journal also suggest that multiple states exist for at least some articles.
In the face of apparent not complete resolution of these matters, I have employed the practical approach of following Richmond's dates; his resolution may not be complete, but he was concerned with the problem, exerted considerable expertise and effort in trying to resolve uncertainties, and workd relatively close to the period in which the serial was published.
Volume X ("1874") includes a description of the first eight volumes. p."1" at end.
I. 410 pp. 1823-1825
II. 480 pp. 1826-1827
III. 484 pp. 1828-1835
IV. 519 pp. 1836-1848
V. 567 pp. 1848-1852
VI. 443 pp. 1853-1858
VII. 511 pp. 1858-1862
BirdsNorthMiddleAmerica notes Myiarchus panamensis was published in "May 1860".
VIII. 505 pp. 1863-1867
The final volume (XI) appears to have this structure (data from covers).
no.1+2 "July" pp.1-57?
no.3+4 pp.58-104 (inferred, data not listed)
no.5+6 pp.105-154
no.7+8 pp.155-154
Annals and Magazine of Natural History
1836 as Magazine of Zoology and Botany
1838 as Annals of Natural History upon move to London.
a monthly first number March 1st. 1838
six numbers to a volume.
after the fifth volume changed to:
1841 Annals and Magazine of Natural history including Zoology,
Botany, and Geology.
twenty volumes constitute a series
An excellent and detailed discussion of these journals is in
Evenhuis NL. 2003. "Publication and dating of the journals forming
the Annals and Magazine of Natural History and the
Journal of Natural History." Zootaxa 385:1-68.
It must also be noted that in his Index Animalium Sherborn does not
seem to have troubled himself with distinguishing among the different
titles given this serial.
For example listing works from 1838 to "Ann. Mag. N. H." (e.g. p.533,
Atheroides Haliday in Curtis ...).
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova
Also as Annali. Mus. Civ. di Stor. Nat. (1)
Vol. VII after p. 895 the date should be 1876
Dr Carlo Violani - from Dr Roberto Poggi of
the Genoa Museum.
Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Natruale di Genova
| Vol. Date
| Print Date
| pages (avian taxa citations)
| Notes
| 1874
| 1874
| 1874
| 1874
| 78-87;308-312
| 1875
| 1875
| 670-824
| 1875
| 1876
| 895 et seq.
| 1876
| 1876
| 33-38
| [CWR Ptilotis albonotata p.33 Oct. 7]
| 1877
| 332-333
| [CWR Talegallus fuscirostris p.332 Mch 26]
| 1877
| 1877
| 37
| [Oreopsittacus p.37 CWR May 21; Schulze 1877]
| 1878
| 1878
| p.322-341
| 1878
| p.459-461
| [Microdynamis p.461 CWR Oct. 16; Schulze 1878]
| 1879
| p.55-251
| [Megacrex p.129 CWR Mch 4; Schulze 1879]
| 1879
| p.48
| [Pachycephalopsis p.48 CWR Nov. 18, 1879
Schulze "1880 [1879]" {?does this imply an imprint date of 1880?}]
Confusion exists in the latter part of the 1880's, volumes 24 and 25 are a puzzle, and there
appears to be inconsistency of naming, sometimes continuing sequential volume numbers, and sometimes
designating new volume numbers with the "new series".
Note: there is evidence that the dates of the latter volumes are, at least in some instances, off by
several years in their dates.
- With regards the taxon Æstrelata feæ Mathews notes (BBOC 54:161)
"Æstrelata feæ of Salvadori was published in Ann.Mus.Civ.Gen. ser.ii volxx p.305.
The sheet marked 20 is dated Dec. 1899, and the date on the back of the wrapper is 1901;
so the original reference and description should correctly read
Æstrelata feæ Salvadori, Ibis, April 1900, p.302."
In support of delay past the date specified (1899) is the presence in the bibliographic
listings to publications with dates specified "1900" (see for example p.842 in the listing
under hirsutus.)
- On the title page of Ser.2, Vol.XX, at the head it read: "1899-901" [sic].
I believe Mathews is correct (contra all conventional citations) and this must be cited to
- Further (again unlike virtually all conventional works) I believe the entire volume "40"
must be dated to 1901, unless or until it is demonstrated that some portions appeared prior to that
- Additionally in support of the later date is the taxon Turdinus puveli, described
on p.767 from a specimen that was collected 29 January 1900.
- Further investigation suggests that dates for this serial may have only the most
casually approximate relationship to actual dates. The volume "34" (= ser.2 vol.XIV)
is the ostensible "1894" volume. The ostensible date does not appear to be correct, as the
wrapper bears the date "1895". We can see that this volume was accessioned at the MCZ
Library Feb. 11, 1896, and the prefatory remarks are dated "20 Aprilo 1895".
Annales du Musee du Congo (Ser. IV)
roy. 4to Brussels
Annales Muséum National D'Histoire Naturelle,
par les professeurs de cet éstablissement.
Ouvrage orné de gravures.
20 vols. 4to.
An XI[1802]-1813
[Note: XVIII "1811" published in 1812 (p.459 -- read 24 fevrier 1812).
Table. Vol.XXI. 1827
[continued as]
Mémoires du muséum d'histoire naturelle,
par les professors de cet établissement.
Ouvrage orné de gravures.
20 vols. 4to.
[continued as]
Annales (Nouvelles) du muséum d'histoire naturelle,
ou recueil de mémoires publiées par les profeseurs de cet
établissement det par d'autres naturalistes sur l'histoire
naturelle, l'anatomie et la chimie.
Ouvrage orné de gravures.
4 vols. 4to
[continued as]Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat.
Archives du muséum d'histoire naturelle, publiées par les
professeurs administrateurs de cet éstablishment.
10 vols. 4to.
Paris 1839-1861.
[continued as]
Archives (Nouvelles) du muséum d'histoire naturelle, publiées par les
professeurs administrateurs de cet éstablishment.
10 vols. 4to.
Paris 1865-1876.
Nouvelle série. 10 vols. 4to
Paris 1878-1888.
[Edward Dickinson indicates (in litt. 2008.05.18) that
" ...Pt. 3 of Vol. 28 (pp. 297-456 which was published in Jan. 1928 according to a
list of dates found printed on a page or wrapper in the copy at South Kensington)."
Annals of Natural History
[See under Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.]
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Note: CWR card for Octhoeca flaviventris Lawrence 1887
indicates the presence of an author's separate for at least this species.
(dating of the taxon is not affected, it appears) but other
separates for this source are a possibility.
CWR card for Leptoptila fulviventris Lawrence 1882, also indicates
the presence of and author's separate or unpaged excerpt
apparently issued prior to the publication of the number.
This is in vol.II no.9 "May". Ridgway's copy rec'd June 21,1882.
Similarly the RI card for Contopus albicollis Lawrence 1885
Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. III no.5&6 "Feb." p.156
says: "Separate has "no.5 Jan 5th, 1885
RR's copy rec'd Jan. 22, 1885."
Similarly the RI card for Turdus nigrirostris Lawrence 1878
Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. I no.5&6 "May-Sep." p.146
says: Separate has "no.5 June, 1878
RR's copy rec'd June 25, 1878. p.147 of separate.
The RI card for Thryothorus grenadensis Lawrence 1878
Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. I no.5&6 "May-Sep." p.161
says: "(publ. July, 1878)"
So, either part 6 was published in July (despite it being the
nominal "May-Sept." number, or the publication of this taxon
was not included in (or missed in) the separate noted above,
or multiple separates occur across numbers 5 and 6.
The RI card for Chaetura gaumeri Lawrence 1882
Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. II no.7&8 "March" p.245
says: "(Separate says "no.8; March, 1882" and RR's
copy rec'd Mch. 31, '82)."
The RI card for Engyptila gaumeri Lawrence 1885
Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. III no.5&6 Feb p.157
says: "{Separate says "no.5, January 5th 1885," + RR's
copy rec'd Jan. 22, 1885.}"
The RI card for Regulus satrapa aztecus Lawrence 1887
Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. IV no.1&2 June p.66
says: "{Separate has "Vol. IV No.2" + RR's
copy rec'd June 20, 1887.}"
Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien.
Publisher Wien : In kommission bei A. Hölder, 1920-1980.
Annals of Philosophy. New series
Annals of the Queensland Museum
CWR unpublished notes indicate that:
"no.6 was published Sat. Sept. 30, 1905"
cont. as Memoirs &c.
Annual record of science and industry
Annals of the South African Museum
Annales Des Sciences Naturelles
comprenant la physiologie animale et végétale, l'anatomie
comparée des deux règnes, la zoologie, la botanique,
la minéralogie et la géologie.
par Audouin, Ad. Brongniart et Dumas.
30 vols
Unpublished notes of CWR indicate:
- Begins Jan. 1824
- 1 no. the first of each month of 7 feuilles [leaves] each.
(See Fer.Bull. I. Jan. 1824 p.63)
- Prospectus in Isis 1824:51-55.
- nos.1-3 rev. in Isis 1824:1039-1041
- nos.1-5 rev. in Zool.J. for June, 1824
- 4 nos. to form a volume
1824-33 8vo & 4to Paris
1824 1-4
1825 5-6
1826 7-9
1827 10-12
1828 13-15
1829 16-18
1830 19-21 [p.199 CWR gives "October"]
1831 22-24 [p.421 of 22 CWR gives "1st third of 1831"]
1832 25-27
1833 28-30
[continued in two parallel series Zoology and Botany]
Annales Des Sciences Naturelles
comprenant la zoologie, la botanique, l'anatomie et la physiologie
comparée des deux règnes et l'histoire des corps organisés fossiles.
Rédigée pour la zoologie par Audouin et Milne-Edwards;
pour la botanique par Ad. Brongniart et Guillemin.
Note: The numbering of the Serie Botanique does not exactly parallel Zoologie.
[(Zoologie) (1) 1824-31] (see above)
(Zoologie) (2) 1834-1843 20 vol. (2 per year)
[16 p.320 CWR gives Nov. 1841]
(Zoologie) (3) 1844-1853 20 vol. (2 per year)
(Zoologie) (4) 1854-1863 20 vol. (2 per year)
(Zoologie) (5) 1864-1873 20 vol. (2 per year)
(Zoologie) (6) 1874-1885 20 vol.
[It appears that at least in this series "articles"
may be paginated serially (i.e. starting over at p.1
with a new "article".]
1 1874 [CWR for art.9 p.4 gives "nos.3-6 May 5 1874"]
2 1875
3-4 1876
5-6 1877
7-8 1878
9 1879 [CWR for art.5 p.1 gives '"mai" 1879' and "80?" pencilled in.]
9-10 1880
11-12 1881
13-14 1882 [CWR for art.4 p.37 gives April 1882].
15-16 1883
17-18 1884
19 1885
20 1886
(Zoologie) (7)
1 1886
2-4 1887
5-6 1888
7-8 1889
9-10 1890
11 1891
12-13 1892 [CWR '"1891" = 1892' for p.274]
14-15 1893
16-17 1894
(Zoologie) (8)
(Zoologie) (9) ->1917
(Zoologie) (10) 1918->
Annales des Sci. Phys. et Nat., d'Agric. et d'Industrie,
publ. par la Soc. Royale d' Agric. &c. Lyon
Annales (Extrait des Proces-Verbaux), des Societe royale
d'Agriculture, d'Histoire naturelle et Arts utiles de Lyon.
[I'm not certain of "royale" in title.]
Annales des Sci. Phys. et Nat., d'Agric et d'Industrie, publ.
par la Soc. Royale d'Agric., &c. Lyon
Ann. Soc. Linn. Lyon (n.s.)
Annales Société Linnéenne de Lyon
later as
Annales de la Société Linnéenne de Lyon n.s.
Annali Di Storia Naturale
[by Ranzani, Bertolini and Alessandrini.]
4 vols. 8vo.
1829-30 [=1831]
Note: Fascicle 12 of Tomo 4 (the final fascicle) was published in 1831.
On page 460 at the foot of the article is the text
"Chioggia li 4. Gennajo 1831"
Also on p.[468] prior to the final plates and end material the text notes
over the "IMPRIMATURE" 10 Augusti 1831 and 11 Augusti 1831.
Names from this portion of the Annali were dated by Sherborn to 1831, however
this fact, and the actual dates in the original material itself appear to have
been ignored by virtually all modern workers in ornithology.
Annals of the Transvaal Museum
[In a letter from CWR to Witmer Stone (1912.03.18) Richmond has some comments
on the details of Ann.TransvaalMuseum III no.2 where he notes on p.111
the date given for collecting Pisorhina capensis pusilla is given as
"31.IX.08" (sic), which is hard to do given only 30 days in September.
Additionally, he notes the authors give both male and female types (!) and
in one instance (p.113-114) give the same number (4653) for the specimens
of both the male and female specimens.]
Annalen Wetterauischen Gesellschaft fuer die gesammte Naturkunde
1809-19 4to Frank.-a-Main.
Annales Zoologici Musei Polonici Historiae Naturalis
[1921-] 1922-27
Tom 1-6 8vo Warsaw
Author Monson, Gale.
Title:Annotated checklist of the birds of Arizona
Gale Monson, Allan R. Phillips.
Publisher: Tucson, Ariz. : University of Arizona Press, c1981.
Edition: 2nd ed., rev. and expanded.
Description: xxxi, 240 p. : maps ; 19 cm.
Note: Previous ed.: A checklist of the birds of Arizona. 1964.
Includes index.
Subject Birds -- Arizona.
Alt author Phillips, Allan R.
Alt title Checklist of the birds of Arizona.
An annotated checklist of the birds of South Australia.
Parker, SA,
Adelaide, S. Aust. : South Australian Ornithological Association,
Annotationes Zoologicae Japonensis
Annuaire de la Moselle
Annuaire du Musee Zoologique de l'Academie d. Sciences de St.
1896 -> Ann.Mus.Zool.Acad.Sci.U.R.S.S.
8vo St. Petersb. -> Leningrad
Annuaire Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. U.R.S.S.
Annual Report on British New Guinea, with appendices.
1888 -1889 Queensland
Note the indication of "Reprinted with additional Appendices" and the imprint date of 1898!
These additional appendices appear to be separately bound at the back of this volume.
The appendices containing new names are usually dated with a date span including 1889,
so the 1890 taxonomic date is probably sound.
Annual Report on British New Guinea ... with Appendices.
1890 -1891 Brisbane
Annual Report on British New Guinea ... with Appendices.
1893 - 1894 Brisbane
Annual Report on British New Guinea ... with Appendices.
1896 - 1897 Brisbane
Annual Report of the National Museum of Canada for 1930.
Annus I-(V) Historico-Naturalis
Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio
5 vol. [in 1.] 8vo Lipsiae
G.P. Vieusseux, direttore ed editore.
40 vols. 8vo Firenze
[Continued as]
Antologia; Giornale di scienze, lettre e arti.
G.P. Vieusseux, direttore ed editore.
4 vols. (XLI-XLVIII). 8vo Firenze
[Continued as]
Antologia (Nuova); Giornale di scienze, lettre e arti.
Il Direttore: Francesco Prtontari.
30 vols. 8vo Firenze
Seconda serie. 55 vols. 8vo Firenze (later) Roma.
Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenshaften in Wien.
Mathematisch- Naturwissenshaftliche Klasse.
T.P. 42 1905