MadrasJ.Lit.Sci. Madras Journal of Literature and Science London, Madras Veperey Mission Press 1833-53 Series 1 1857-61 Series 2 ... Confusion and uncertainty exits regarding the dates of some numbers of this serial. Michael Walters checked (2002.06.12) the copies there concerning the dates of Vol.XIII. His points are:
Jerdon's Catalogue appeared as follows: Jerdon, T.C., 1839. Catalogue of the birds of Peninsular India. -- MadrasJ.Lit. Sci., 10(24):60-91. Jerdon, T.C., 1839. Catalogue of the birds of Peninsular India. Pt. 2. -- MadrasJ.Lit. Sci., 10(25):234-269. Jerdon, T.C., 1840. Catalogue of the birds of Peninsular India. Pt. 3. -- MadrasJ.Lit. Sci., 11(26):1-38. Jerdon, T.C., 1840. Catalogue of the birds of Peninsular India. Pt. 4. -- MadrasJ.Lit. Sci., 11(27):207-239. Jerdon, T.C., 1840. Catalogue of the birds of Peninsular India. Pt. 5. -- MadrasJ.Lit. Sci., 12(28):1-15. Jerdon, T.C., 1840. Catalogue of the birds of Peninsular India. Pt. 6. -- MadrasJ.Lit. Sci., 12(29):193-227. and then came: Jerdon, T.C., 1844? Supplement to the Catalogue of the birds of Peninsular India. -- MadrasJ.Lit. Sci., 13(30):156-174. Jerdon, T.C., 1845. Second Supplement to the Catalogue of the birds of Peninsular India. -- MadrasJ.Lit. Sci., 13(1844) (31):116-144. and then: Jerdon, T.C., 1845-47. Illustrations of Indian Ornithology containing 50 figures of new, unfigured and interesting birds, chiefly from the south of India.-- Madras. The dating of this is controversial too. The first issue apparently appeared in 1843 (see Notice in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist (1)15:274-5. But according to Sherborn, a MS note in the copy in the Tweeddale Library, Pt 1 (Pls. 1-12) and Pt. 2 (pls. 13-15 OR? 25) appeared in March 1845. Pt. 3 (pls. 26-40) appeared in Apr. 1846 and Pt. 4 (pls. 41-50) appeared in Aug. 1847.
(2002.06.13)CWR notes:
Mag.Nat.Hist.[Charlesworth] The Magazine of Natural History and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Minerology, Geology, and Meterology. Conducted by E. Charlesworth. New Series 1837-40 London Vol I-IV 8vo
Mag.Nat.Hist.[Loudon] The Magazine of Natural History and Journal of Zoology, Botany, Minerology, Geology, and Meterology. Conducted by J.C. Louden 1829-36 London Vol I-IX 8vo
Mag.Neuest.Zust.Naturk. Magazin für den Neuesten Zustand der Naturkunde
Mag.Tierr. Magazin des Thierreichs 1793-95 Erlangen No. 1-3
Magyar.Madarai Magyarorszag Madarai a hazai madarvilag megismeresenk vezerfonala. [Birds of Hungary] Madarasz, Gyula 1899-1903 Budapest
Mag.Zool. Magasin de Zoologie, Journal ... publie par F.E. Guerin-Meneville. Mag.Zool.(ser.1) 1831-1838 Paris
cl. = Classe continued asNotes:
Mag.Zool.(ser.2) Magasin de Zoologie, d'Anatomie Comparee et de Palaeontologie ... Par M. F. E. Guerin-Meneville. Mag.Zool.(ser.2) 1839-1849 Paris In 1849, joined with Rev.Zool. and continued as Rev.Mag.Zool. M.Z. R.Z. RMZ.2. . . . 1832 . . . . . 1834 . . 1835 . . 1836 . . 1837 . . 1838 1838 . 1839 1839 . . 1840 . . 1841 . 1842 1842 . 1843 1843 . 1844 . 1845 . 1846 . 1847 . 1848 . . 1849 . 1850 . 1851 . 1852 . 1853 . 1854 . 1855 . 1856 . 1857 . 1858 . 1859 . 1860 . 1866 . 1867 . 1870
MalayanPeninsula The Malayan Peninsula: Embracing its history, manners and customs of the inhabitants, politics, natural history from its earliest records Begbie, P J. Publisher info: [Madras] : Printed for the author, 1834. Physical descrip: xvii, 523, xixp : 8 pls., 4 maps, 1 plan, 4 tabs.
Malimbus Malimbus Journal of West African Ornithology Revue d'Ornithologie de l'Ouest Africain Vol.1 1979 (continues Bulletin of the Nigerian Ornithological Society)
Man.BirdsAustr. (A) manual of the birds of Australia. Mathews, Gregory Macalister and Iredale, Tom 1921 Vol I (all pub.) pp 24+279 10 London
Man.Brit.Orn. British Ornithology. Maual of British birds. MacGillivray, William 1840-42 London 2 vol.s
Man.GameBirdsIndia A Manual of the Game Birds of India. Oates, Eugene William 1898-99 12o Bombay 2 Pt. [in 2 vol.] Pt. 1 Land Birds. Pt. 2 Water Birds.
Man.N.Am.Birds A manual of North American birds Ridgway, Robert 1887 pp.4+631 4to 124 pl. Phila.
Man.N.Am.Birds.ed.2 A manual of North American birds Ridgway, Robert 1896 pp.4+653 4to 124 pl. Phila.
Man.Orn.[Lesson,RP] Manuel d'ornithologie, ou description des genres et des principales espèces d'oiseaux; par R.P. Lesson T.P.. BHL image Lesson, Rene Primevere Paris 1828 Acknowledged recieved by the Bibliographie de la France June 28, 1828
Man.Orn.[Temminck] Manuel d'ornithologie, ou Tableau systematique des oiseaux qui se trouvent en Europe. Temminck 1st ed 1815 Amsterdam & Paris 2nd.ed 1820-1840 Paris
Man.Orn.U.S.Can.ed.1["1832"] A Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada. Nuttall, Thomas 1832-4 2 vol. 8vo Cambridge & Boston The Land Birds - 1832 (Available for sale, Dec. 1831 ref. Browning & Monroe 1991) The Water Birds - 1834 T.P. Land Birds BHL image T.P. Water Birds BHL image
Man.Orn.U.S.Can.ed.2 A Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and Canada. 2nd. ed. with additions Nuttall, Thomas The Land Birds - 1840 8vo Cambridge & Boston
Man.Pal.Birds A manual of palaearctic birds. Dresser, Henry Eeles [1838-1915] 1902-3 2 vols 4to 7+498; 499-922. London
MantissaPlant. Mantissa Plantarum altera, &c. Regni Animalis appendix Linnaeus, C 1771 8vo 1771 The Work was issued as: Car. a Linne Mantissa Plantarum Generum editionis VI. et Specierum editionis II. 1767. pp.1-142. Car. A Linne Mantissa Plantarum Altera Generum editionis VI. & Speceirum editionis II. 1771 pp.143 -> Mantissae Prioris Additamenta Regni Animalis (commencing on approx. p.518) Aves extends from p.524-528. The use of periods at the end of specific epithets appears to be inconstant. The first three Aves are (p.524): leucoryn. LANIUS bicolor. LANIUS hematod. PSITTACUS followed by Aurora PSITTACUS mascarin PSITTACUS [NOTE: NO period] tridactylusALCEDO [NOTE: essentially NO space between the "s" and the "A" -- (v.i.)] No "period" endings to specific epithets on the next page. On p.526, following superbus PHASIANUS is written fenegal- TETRAO lus. This is the last of the birds with species epithets ending in periods. It is, I think, instructive. IF one argues the period is an abbreviation, and produced by space/printing constraints, the argument appears to fall in the instance of senegallus, where (presumably) due to space constraints the species epithet is split and hyphentated and would appear clearly NOT to be an abbreviation. [The "lus." segment of the word is 5 mm long; if it were printed as a single line it would just fit in front of "TETRAO" and the spacing would not appear to be tighter that the "tridactylusALCEDO" string on p.524. It would appear as "fenegallusTETRAO" with slightly more space than I can show here.] While examining two copies of this work in the Botany Library at the NMNH in March of 2001, Roy McDiarmid and I went over this issue in some detail with Dr. Dan Nicolson a very knowledgable botanist familiar with this work. His interpretation of the variable period endings on the species eipthets was that they probably appeared at least in part at the printer's whim, and may not have been a variable controlled by Linnaeus. It appears to me that the interpretation is that the Linnaen names were "leucoryn" "hematod" and "mascarin"
Mar.Mamm.Sci. Marine Mammal Science
Marine Ornithology Marine ornithology. Publisher Rondebosch, South Africa : African Seabird Group,
Mater.KPozn.Fauna.FloraRuss.Emp. Materialy K Poznanyu Faune e Flore Ross. Empire
MCZAcc.Log. Museum of Comparative Zoology Library Accession log. Vol.1 Additions to the Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology January 1862- December 17, 1864 [pamphlet bound in front] [Main title] Accessions to the Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts Feb 20, 1865 - December 31, 1879 Vol.2 Additions to the Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology from January 1st, 1880 to December 31st, 1884 Vol.3 [No separate "Title page" covers from 1885.01.01 to 1891.04.17]
Meddelel.omGronland Meddelelser om Grønland. København, C.A.Reitzels Forlag, 1879-1979. 206 v. ill., maps, diagrs. 24-29 cm. Many numbers issued also as part of various other series: Grønlandsgeologiske undersøgelse, Bulletin; Expedition glaciologique internationale au Groenland, 1957-1960, etc. Not issued in numerical order. Some vols. issued in revised editions. Supplements accompany some numbers. Chiefly in English with contributions in German, French, Russian or Danish; summaries in English.
Mem.Acad.Imp.Sci.St.Petersb. Mémoires Presentés a l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg par divers savans, et lus dans ses assemblées. [Tome Second 4me & 5me Livraisons 1835] Mem.Acad.Sci.St.Petersb.(sav.etr.) [Note: it appears that vol 1 has a printed date of 1831, but was actually published in 1830. CWR shows this as -"1831"-.] This is an extremely complex and problematic source, and undoubtedly some of the citations I have are at least in part incorrect. The most useful guide I have found to this work is: Ricker PL. 1908 "Dates of the Signatures of the 'Memoires de l'academie imperiale des sciences de Saint-Petersbourg. Series VI. Sciences Mathematiques, Physiques et Naturelles.'" Proc.Biol.Soc.Wash. 21:11-18.
Mem.Acad.Imp.Sci.St.Petersb.(6) Mem,(6) Mémoires de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg. 6me série Sci. math. phys. et nat. 2e partie. Sci.nat.
Mem.Pres.Acad.Imp.Sci.St.Petersb. Mémoies présentés &a&grav; l'Académie Impéperial des Sciences de St.Péersbourg par dives savants et lus dans se Assemblées, 1830-1859.
Mem.Acad.RealLisboa Memorias da Academia Real de Lisboa [vol I ? 1797- pub]
Mem.Acad.R.Metz Mémoires de l'Académie royale de Metz Mémoires de l'Académie nationale de Metz Mémoires de l'Académie imperiale de Metz v. 1-33, 1819-52 s2 v. 1-19, 1852-71 s3 v. 1-43, 1871-1914 s4 v. 1-10, 1914-1919/20 s5 v. 11->, 1930 -> [ Note 1849 # (Dendropicos) may be Memoires de Academie national de Metz ^^^^^^^^ ]
Mem.Acad.Sci.Ukraine Mémoires Académie Sci. Ukraine, cl. sci. phys., Kiev
Mem.Accad.Torino Memorie Reale Accademia della Scienze. Torino Seconda Serie 1839 -> Tom. I -> 4to Torino
Mem.Inst.Invest.Cient.Mocamb. Memorias of the Institudo de Investigação do Cientifica de Moçambique
Mem.LifePub.Serv.SirT.S.Raffles[Raffles] Memoir of the Life and Public Services of Sir T.S. Raffles, &c. Raffles, Sophia 1830 4to London Birds often characterized as described by Vigors and Horsfield. This appears to be due to an interpretation by Gray, resulting from the fact that both of their names appear on a plate. Murray Bruce argues, and provides good evidence in support of the interpretation that the description of the birds are due to Vigors.
Mem.Math.Phys.Acad.Sci.Paris not certain which this is ? Academie Royale des Sciences: Histoire et Memoires de Mathematique et de Physique. Years 1699-1779.
Mem.Mus.Comp.Zool. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 1876 -> 4to Cambridge,Mass.
Mem.Mus.Hist.Nat. Museum national d'histoire naturelle. Memoires Memoirs du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle V. I-XX 4to Paris 1815-32.
Mem.Natl.Mus.Victoria Memoirs of the National Museum. Victoria
Mem.Proc.ManchesterLit.Philos.Soc. Memoirs and proceedings of the Machester literary and philosophical society, Manchester, England v 1-5, 1785-1802; s2 v 1-15, 1805-60; s3 v 1-10, 1862-87; s4 v 1-10, 1888-96; s 1-3 as Literary and philosophical society of Manchester, Memoirs. CWR note for 1907 LI pt.3 no.10 "Each no. separately paged!"
Mem.R.Accad.Sci.Istit.Bologna Memorie Della R. Accademia Dells Scienze Dell'Instituto Di Bologna
Mem.R.Accad.Sci.Torino(2) Memorie della Reale Accademia della Scienze di Torino Seconda Serie 1839 -> Tom. I -> 4to Torino
Mem.Soc.Imp.Sci.Nat.Cherbourg Memoires. Societe imperiale des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg. 1852-54 as Soc.sci.nat.deCherbourg. 1855-70 as above. 1871-78 Societe nationale ... [The Richmond Index indicates (see Hylocharis euprosinae) that this was issued in livraisons, and that at least one paper (in 1866) was also issued repaginated (in 1866).]
Mem.Soc.Linn.Paris Mem. Soc. Linneenne Paris 1-6, 1788/1822-27.
Mem.Soc.Mus.Hist.Nat.Strasb. TITLE: Memoires de la Societe du museum d'histoire naturelle de Strasbourg. PLACE: Strasbourg [etc.] PUBLISHER: F. G. Levrault, YEAR: 1840 1850 PUB TYPE: Serial FORMAT: 2 v. ill. 30 cm. NUMBERING: t. 3-4. SUBJECT: Natural history -- Periodicals. Natural history -- France -- Periodicals. ALT TITLE: Memoires de la Societe d'histoire naturelle de Strasbourg (OCoLC)6663497 Memoires de la Societe des sciences naturelles de Strasbourg OTHER: Societe du museum d'histoire naturelle de Strasbourg.
Mem.Soc.Roy.Emulat.Abbevil. Mémoires de la Société royale d'émulation d'Abbeville. Published: Abbeville, 1833-1860. p.592 dated 31 décembre 1833 p.608 "Composition du bureau de 1829 à 1834"
Mem.Soc.R.Sci.Liege Memoires. Societe royale des sciences de Liege. 1-20, 1843-66
Mem.Soc.Sci.Nat.Maroc Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. du Maroc Soci&ecute;té des sciences naturelles du Maroc
Mem.Soc.Zool.France Memoires. Societe Zoologique de France, Paris 1888-My1932. v1-29 no.6
Mem.Wern.Nat.Hist.Soc. T.P. BHL image Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society [Soc. Hx. Nat. Hx. Newsletter 51, Jan 1995: Notes&Queries 11 "MWNHS attr. by Brit.Lib. and N.H. Mus cat. to 1808-1838, whereas Linnean Soc. cataloge has (correctly) 1811-39. In this case, ... it is the imprint dates that are to be followed, for at least some of the individual 'memoirs' did not appear till a good year or so after the period to which they explicitly relate (like the reports of many societies and institutions)." D E Allan, Lesney Cottage, Winchester, Hants SO22 5EJ, UK
Mess.Orn. Messager Ornithologique. 1910-17 Moscow 1-8 This serial lists three Serial names on the cover: In Cyrillic -- "Ornitologiskii Vyestnik" [my trans: Ornithological Herald] Below this -- "Messager Ornithologique" and below this -- "Ornithologische Mitteilungen" On the First page the Header starts with the French, the German is on the bottom and the Russian in much larger font is in the middle. The German is in the smallest of the three fonts in this top-of-page banner. I can only speculate as to the preference for referring to this by the German title. The text (of the numbers I have examined) is entirely in Russian, with scientific names and authors names written in Latin characters. As Don Cunningham helpfully point out in the last volume (8) in 1917 they added the line "Ornithological Review" (in English) to the title.
Meth.Av.Tentam. METHODI NATURALIS AVIUM DISPONENDARUM TENTAMEN. FÖRSÖK TILL FOGELKALSSENS NATURENLIGIA UPPSTÄLLNING Sundevall, CJ 1872-3 pp.[vi] lxix, 187(12) Stockholm Pt. 1 pp.I-XLVIII,1-72 1872. Pt. 2 pp.73-187+ 1873.
Published in two parts, 1872 and 1873. Pars Prior, 1872, contains: Titulus. Pag. "Förord"..........................C,D,E,F. "Inledning".....................I-XXXIII. Addenda: Ornith. ex. Linn. S.N. 1735..... XXIV. "Avant propos. traduction", et "Introduction, traduite du Suédois"(incompl.) XXXV-XLVIII. Methodi Avium disp. exposito, Ordo 1 ................ 1-66. Methodi Avium disp. exposito, Ordo 2 (incompletus) .. 67-72. "Les circonstances m'ont forcé d'interrompre l'impression de cet ouvrage et d'en publier séparément ce premier cahier. La suite viendra aussitôt que la santé me permettra de mettre la derniére main au manuscrit et de corriger les épreuves. Stockholm, 1 Août 1872. C. Sundevall. Pars Posterior, 1873, contains: Introduction (contin. et finis)........... XLIX-LXIX. (Methodi continuation et finis) ..........73-154. Corrigenda et Addenda..................... 155. Index nominum genericorum.................. 159-187. Terminologica ..............................1*-11*. Contenta operis ............................ 12*. Tabula lithographica.
Midden-Sumatra[Veth] Midden-Sumatra : reizen en onderzoekingen der Sumatra-expeditie uitgerust door het Aardrijskundig genootschap, 1877-1879 / beschreven door de leden der expeditie, onder toezicht van Prof. P.J. Veth ... Publisher Leiden : E.J. Brill, 1881-1892. Description 4 v. in 7 : ill., maps ; 29 cm. + 1 atlas (36 leaves : ill., maps (some col.) ; 46 cm.) Contents V. 1: Reizen in Midden-Sumatra, 1877-1879 / A.L. van Hasselt & Joh. F. Snelleman V. 2: Aardrijkskundige beschrijving van Midden-Sumatra (met Atlas) / D.D. Veth. V. 3: Volksbeschrijving van Midden-Sumatra; Ethnographische atlas van Midden-Sumatra; De talen en letterkunde van Midden-Sumatra / A.L. van Hasselt. V. 4: (pt. 1) Bijdragen tot de kennis der fauna van Midden-Sumatra / Joh. F. Snelleman; (pt. 2) Bijdragen tot de kennis der flora van Midden-Sumatra / A.L. van Hasselt & J.G. Boerlage. Hasselt, Arend Ludolf van, 1848-1909. Veth, D. D. Snelleman, Johannes François, 1852-1938. Boerlage, Jacob Gijsbert, 1849-1900. Veth, Pieter Johannes, 1814-1895. Data from AMNH Catalogue
MinervaBrazil. Minerva Braziliense; jornal de sciencias, lettras e artes, publicado por huma associacao de litteratos. Rio de Janeiro. 1-3, N 1 1843 -Ap 1845
Misc.Pub.Mus.Zool.U.Michigan Miscellaneous Publications of the Museum of Zoology. University of Michigan 1916 ->
Again, thanks to Norbert Bahr for clarifying the details on this publication. He writes (2006.03.26):
Misc.Zoo. Miscellanea Zoologica (quibus novae imprimis atque obscurae animalium species descripuntur et observationibus iconibusque illustrantur. Pallas, Peter Simon [1741-1811] 1766 pp.xii,224, 14 pls. 4to Hagae Comitum
Miss.GuyBabaultProv.Centr.Inde Mission Guy Babault dans les provinces centrales del'Inde, dans la ré occidentale de l'Himalaya et Ceylan, 1914 1920 Paris.
Miss.Sci.CapHorn Mission scientifique du Cap-Horn. 1882-1883 Oustalet, E. 1891 4to Paris
Mit.BlitzlichtBuchse[Schillings] [Data from AMNH Library Catalogue] Author: Schillings, C. G. (Carl Georg), 1865-1921. Title: Mit Blitzlicht und Büchse. Neue Beobachtungen und Erlebnisse in der Wildnis inmitten der Tierwelt von Äquatorial Ost-afrika, von C. G. Schillings. Publisher: Leipzig, R. Voigtländer, 1905.
Mitt.Geogr.Gesell.Naturhist.Mus.Lubeck(2) Mitt. Geogr. Gesell. Naturhist. Mus. Lubeck (2) TITLE: Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft und des Naturhistorischen Museums in Lubeck. PLACE: Lubeck : PUBLISHER: Lubcke & Nohring YEAR: 1890 1957 PUB TYPE: Serial FORMAT: 47 v. : ill. ; 24-27 cm. NUMBERING: -Heft 47. Began with: 2. Reihe, Heft 1, in 1890. NOTES: Imprint varies. Zweite Reihe, Heft 41-43 have title: Forschungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft und des Naturhistorischen Museums in Lubeck. Description based on: 2. Reihe, Heft 15, published in 1901. SUBJECT: Geography -- Periodicals. ALT TITLE: Forschungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft und des Naturhistorischen Museums in Lubeck Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Lubeck (1882) (OCoLC)10518730 (DLC)sf84 000011 Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Lubeck (1958) (OCoLC)10152895 (DLC) 19018420 Berichte des Vereins "Natur und Heimat" und des Naturhistorischen Museums zu Lubeck (OCoLC)5767104 OTHER: Geographische Gesellschaft in Lubeck. Naturhistorisches Museum in Lubeck. Geographische Gesellschaft zu Lubeck.
Mitt.Kauk.Mus. Mitteil. Kaukkasischen Mus. Kavkazskii muzei i Tiflisskaia publichnaia biblioteka. TITLE: Izviestiia. Mitteilungen. PLACE: Tiflis. YEAR: 1897 1919 PUB TYPE: Serial FORMAT: v. ; 24 cm. NUMBERING: 1-12 ; 1897-1919. SUBJECT: Science -- Societies, etc. ALT TITLE: Mitteilungen des Kaukasischen Museums.
Mitt.Orn. Mittheilungen des Ornithologischen Vereins in Wien 1877-1897 12 vols. It was the successor of: Ornithologischer Verein in Wien. Mittheilungen des Ausschusses an die Mitglieder (1876-1877). Later the Mittheilungen were succeeded as: Die Schwalbe. Mittheilungen des ornithologischen Vereins in Wien (from vol. 13-21 (1897). The volume for 1883 appeared in 12 issues and was edited by Gustav von Hajek. From 1898 it was continued as Die Schwalbe, Neue Folge (N.F. 1 1898/1899; N.F. 2 1900/1901 N.F. 3 1902-1913) (Thanks to Norbert Bahr for additional details on this. His source: Hölzinger, J. (1991): Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs. Band 7. Bibliographie. Teil 1 Bibliographie der deutschsprachigen ornithologischen Periodika in Mitteleuropa. Fortlaufende ornithologische Sammelwerke. Eigenständige ornithologische Veröffentlichungen in fortlaufenden Sammelwerken. Stand 31. 12. 1989. Verlag Eugen Ulmer , Stuttgart. 386 pp.
Mitt.Reichsb.VogelkundeVogelshutz Mitt(h)eilungen des Österreichischen Reichsbundes für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz in Wien
Floericke was the editor of the first two volumes (1901,1901-02) of the journal "Mitt(h)eilungen des Österreichischen Reichsbundes für Vogelkunde und Vogelschutz in Wien". After some years, he resumed as editor of the journal, which became "Mitteilungen über die Vogelwelt" from volume 5 (1905) on. The number of issues appearing in this journal changed from four in vol. 1 (1901) and 2 (1901-02) to 12 in vol. 3 (1902-03) and 4 (1904) and 24 in vols. 5-9 (1905-1909), and was reduced to 12 issues per volume later (1910-1914) and again to 4 from 1915 to 1923; later, the numbers of issues were 2 to 12 in irregular appearance. The journal ceased in 1938.
Mitt.Zool.Mus.Berlin Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin [It appears that this serial was issued in Hefte, and that some volumes spanned more than one year. Collocallia esculente minuta Stresemann is dated Dec. 1925 in Heft 1 of Vol. 12, other taxa are dated 1926 from later portions of the same volume]. "24. Band 2. Heft" of volume for 1939 has at the foot of the Heft title page "Ausgegeben am 18. Januar 1940" [Thanks to Edward C. Dickinson for a scan of the relevant pages to demonstrate this.]
Mitt.Zool.Mus.Dresden Mittheilungen Aus Dem Zoologischen Museum zu Dresden. Herausgegben von A.B. Meyer. 3 vols. 4to Dresden 1877(?5),1878 [Followed by Abh.Ber.Mus.Dresden]
Mittl.Hoch.Nordl.DeutschOstAfr.[Werther] Die mittleren Hochländer des nördlichen Deutsch-Ost-Afrika: wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Irangi-Expedition, l896-l897 nebst kurzer Reisebeschreibung: im Auftrage der Irangi-Gesellschaft/ hrsg. von C. Waldemar Werther; unter Mitwirkung der Bruno Hassenstein ... [et al.] Author Werther, C. Waldemar. Berlin : H. Paetel, 1898. Description 493 p., [5] leaves of plates : ill., 2 maps (fold. col. in pocket) Bibliography/index Includes bibliographical references and index.
Mol.Phylogenet.Evol. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Monatsb.K.Akad.Berlin Monatsberichte Koeniglich Preussiche Akademie Der Wissenschaften 1856-1881 Berlin. Monatsberichte der Koniglisch Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. [from Walter Bock] Both Wood (p.524) and Cat.Lib.Brit.Mus. (I p.148) say Monatsb. started 1856 and went to 1881.
MonitoreZool.Ital. Monitore Zoologico Italiano 1890-1988 Istituto anatomico dell R. Universita di Sienna
Mongol.StranaTangut. Mongollia i strana tangutov; trechletnee pooteshestvieh v voctochnoi pagornii Azeen. Przheval'skii, Nikolai Mikhailovich [1839-1888] 1875-76 2 v. in 1 [ Mongolia, the Tangut country, and the solitudes of northern Tibet, being a narrative of three years travel in eastern high Asia. By Lt.-Col. N. Prejevalsky Translated by E. Delmar Morgan... with intro. and notes by Col. Henry Yule... London S. Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington 1876. Peters has as 'Mongol i Strana Tangut' which it seems to me should be Mongol. i Strana Tangut. ]
Monogr.Alcedin. A monograph of the Alcedinidae: of, family of kingfishers. Sharpe, Richard Bowdler 1868-71 London 4to pp.71+80+304+11. 122pl. 2 figs. index. Appeared in 15 parts "the dates of which are given by Coues" [Wood]. Coues' dates (p.710) are as follows: Pt. Date I Jl. 1, 1868 II Oc. 1, 1868 III Ja. 1, 1869 IV Ap. 1, 1869 V Jl. 1, 1869 VI Oc. 6, 1869 VII Ja. 1, 1870 VIII Ap. 1, 1870 IX Jl. 1, 1870 X Oc. 1, 1870 XI Oc. 1, 1870 XII No. 1, 1870 XIII De. 1, 1870 XIV Ja. 1, 1871 XV Ja. 1, 1871
Monogr.Anatidae A monograph on the anatidae, or duck tribe. Eyton, Thomas Campbell [1809-90] 1838 London
Monogr.Bucerotidae A monograph of the Bucerotidae, or family of the hornbills ... Elliot, Daniel Giraud 1882 p.xxxii,147 60 pl. (LIX (sic)) London.
Monogr.Hirund. A monograph of the Hirundinidae or family of swallows. Sharpe, Richard Bowdler and Wyatt, Claude Wilmott 1885-94 London. 2 vols. 4to.
Monogr.JacamarsPuffbirds A monograph of the jacamars and puffbirds, or families Galbulidae and Bucconidae. Sclater, PL, Salvin, O, and Bartlett, Edward, pp.52+171, 55 14 fig. London 1879-82 [The Richmond Index gives a date of July for pt5 (Micronomacha) and Nov. for pt6 (Hapaloptila).] [Richmond indicates in his notes on dates of publication that Sclater indicated (on June 17, 1881) that he hopes to complete it shortly, by the issue of parts 6 & 7.] [MCZ Accession log vol.2 notes: pt.i; accessioned 1880.02.02 (Acc. Log. vol.2 p.09) pt.ii Jan-1880; accessioned 1880.04.21 (Acc. Log. vol.2 p.35) pt.iii ; accessioned 1880.06.24 (Acc. Log. vol.2 p.44) pt.iv Nov.1880 ; accessioned 1881.01.31 (Acc. Log. vol.2 p.96) pt.v pp.109-132 pll.xxxvi-xliv ; accessioned 1881.11.01 (Acc. Log. vol.2 p.157) pp.133-159 pll.xlv-liv ; accessioned 1882.02.15 (Acc. Log. vol.2 p.175) pt.vii [end]; accessioned 1882.10.20 (Acc. Log. vol.2 p.237) In vol.2 starting with August of 1883 there is a shift from daily dates for entries to "August and September" followed by "October" and "November" with day-dated entries resuming on 26 Nov. This recommencement is associated with what appears to be different handwriting.
Monogr.Loxiens Monographie des Loxiens ... Ouvrage accompagne de ... planches coloriees ... d'apres les dessins de M. Badeker, & c. Bonaparte, CLJL & Schlegel, H 1850 4to Leiden,Dusselldorf. pp [vi] xvii, 55, 54 4to
Monogr.Nectarin. Monograph of the Nectariniidae, or family of sunbirds. Shelley, George Ernest 1876-80 London pp. 108+393. 121
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It would appear the citation for Anthodiaeta zambesiana has been wrongly cited more than once because, as Dr. Donsker confirmed, the work was not paginated and the plates were not numbered. Page numbers and plate numbers are referred to in extraneous parts of the book: the contents, list of plates, introduction, classification, and index; but not on the pages or plates themselves. Our copy appears to have been bound according to the information found in those finding aids and was later complicated due to misunderstanding and error on the part of the person who assembled our copy. It is for this reason Richmond’s citation is debatable. Let me explain part by part. · The "Contents" (p. vi) states that Anthodiaeta zambesiana is found on page 343 and that hypodila can be found on page 345. In our copy the order was switched: Zambesiana was stamped by someone "345", and hypodila was stamped "343". Richmond likely cited the page as it was stamped. · The "List of Plates" (p. viii) states that plate 111 includes hypodila (figs. 1, 2) and zambesiana (fig. 3); and that plate 112 includes Arachnothera magna (fig. 1) & aurata (fig. 2). In our copy the plates were numbered in pencil by hand. Unfortunately the numbering for plate 75 (which should have been Cinnyris coquereli) was misnumbered 76 and therefore threw off all subsequent plates. Were the sequences continued correctly (and cross checked with the list), then all the subsequent plates would match the "List of Plates", but instead the hand written numbering is one off. Therefore, the plate number penciled in on the Anthodiaeta hypodila/zambesiana plate is 112, not 111. Again, it is likely that Richmond based his citation on an error. · The "Classification" section in the prefatory parts (p. xlviii) cites Anthodiaeta zambesiana as being on p. 343 and hypodila on page 345. As mentioned earlier, in our copy the order was switched. · The page order was probably switched to reflect how the birds appear on the plate itself. Of the three figures on the plate, the Hypodila are not only the top two figures shown, but are also listed first in the caption below. Interestingly, there are not figure numbers printed on the plate to identify the birds, one must use the bird descriptions to discern them. As you may recall, Hypodila were listed as fig. 1, 2. · In the "Index" Anthodiaeta zambesiana is indexed under "Zambesi Collared Sun-Bird" and "zambesiana (Anthodiaeta)", both cited as pg. 343. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Monogr.Odontoph. A monograph of the Odontophorinae, or partridges of America. Gould, John [1844]-50 Appeared in 3 pts. pt. I 1844 pt. II 1846 pt. III 1850
Monogr.Parad. Monograph of the Paradiseidae, or birds of paradise and Ptilonorhynchidae, or bower-birds. Sharpe RB 1891-98 Vol I, II issued in 8 parts. pt I 1891 pt II 1893 pt III 1894 pt IV 1895 pt V 1895 pt VI 1896 ? 1897 [Dec 30 (a Wed.) ? Jan 1 (a Fri.) I favor 1896 APP pt VII 1897 pt VIII 1898 {pref int. append &c}
Monogr.Phasian. A monograph of the Phasianiidae or family of the pheasants. Elliot, Daniel Giraud 187[0]-2 2 vols. el. folio. New York.
Monogr.Picidees Monographie des picidees, ou Histoire naturelle des picides, picumnines, yuncines ou torcols. Malherbe, Alfred 1859-62 Metz 4 vols. (2 v. text, 2 v. pl.) fol. 123 There is some uncertainty and disagreement regarding these dates. The span of dates is usually given as 1860 or 1861-1862, but Zimmer and CWR in his unpublished notes make it clear the first livraison appeared in 1859. Evidently it was issued in 24 parts (livraison) in 100 copies. Zimmer notes that Pt.1 was noticed in Ibis for Oct. 1859, Pts.2 and 3 in Ibis for April 1860. Zimmer indicates he was unable to determine the extent of each part, which renders the dating somewhat difficult. The CWR Unpublished notes on dates of publication have quite a few cards dealing with this work. One card states "Livr. 2-8 1860 contains up to p.151 at least (where P. meniscus is described.)" [Of interest, the card for Picus meniscus in the Richmond Index, is typewritten (I interpret it to be not the work of CWR himself) and has dates "1861? 1862?"]
Monogr.Ramphastid. A monograph of the Ramphastidae, or family of toucans. Gould, John London 1833-1835 Pt I 1833 Pt II Nv 1834 noted as "just completed" in PZS Pt2 no.19 p.79 (publ. Nv 25, 1834) Pt II 1835 [Note that Zimmer's discussion of this work (with a confusing publishing history) does not include any mention of the "Addenda" to the Introduction, which contains, for example the genus group name Aulacorhynchus. The Addenda appear to have been published with part III in 1835, most probably in December. Gordon Sauer, in "John Gould, The Bird Man." 1982 discusses (p.26) Gould's change of plans with regards to this work. The initial plan was for two parts, but in a 28 Sept. 1935 letter to Jardine he decided to add a third part. Sauer dates the publication of the third Part to late December 1835, and letter from 29 Feb. 1836 shows Gould was billed for the publication of part 3. Zimmer (p.253) indicates that plates and text for Pteroglossus pluricinctus and Selenidera nattereri were included in part III, and thus should be dated to 1835. A monograph of the Ramphastidae, or family of toucans. 2nd ed. Gould, John London 1854 [1852-4] pp.26+(106). 52 pl (51 col.)
Monogr.Ramphastid.[Sturm] J. Gould's Monographie der Rhamphastiden oder Tukanartigen Voegel. T.P. of prospectus BHL image
[Note: Zimmer notes: There WAS no title page, as the work was never completed. The details that Zimmer gives for the title, which differ frm those on the image linked here, are from a wrapper of one of the parts.] Aus dem Englischen üsetzt, Mit Zusätzen Und Einigen Neuen Arten Vermehrt von Johan Heinrich Christian Friedrich Sturm und Johan Wilhelm Sturm nach Gould's Monograph of the Rhamphastiden. Sturm, Johann Heinrich Christian Friedrich, 1805-1862. Sturm, Johann Wilhelm, 1808-1865. Nürnberg, 1841-47. sm. fol. 1 v. CWR's Unpublished notes on dates of publication (my file G124.jpg) indicates: 1s Heft. (mit 10 ill. Steintaf.) Noted in Serapeum [Intel.-Bl.] for Mch. 15, 1841 [APP: Monday] 2s Heft. Noted in Serapeum [Intel.-Bl.] for Aug. 31, 1841 [APP: Tuesday] 3s Heft. Noted in Serapeum [Intel.-Bl.] for Jan. 15, 1843 [APP: Sunday]Museum Heineanum Verzeichniss der ornithologischen Sammlung des Oberamtmann Ferdinand Heine auf Gut St. Burchard vor Halberstatdt. Mit kritischen Anmerkungen und Beschriebung der neuen Arten systematisch bearbeitet von Dr. Jean Cabanis, erstem Custos der Königlichen zoologischen Sammlung zu Berlin und Ferdinand Heine, Stud. philos. III. Theil, die Schrillvögel und die Zusammenstellung der Gattungen und Arten des 1-3, Thiels enthalthend. 1850-1863 Berlin The signatures of vol.3 have the following dates:
Monogr.Trochil. A monograph of the Trochilidae, or family of humming-birds. Gould, John 1849-61 London 5 vols.; issued in 25 parts. folio
Monogr.Trogonidae A monograph of the Trogonidae, or family of trogons. Gould, John 1835-1838 [for dates see Browning & Monroe ] folio London Browning & Monroe give: Pt 1 1 April 1835 Pt 2 15 March 1836 Pt 3 3 March 1838 plates apparently were issued in an order different than they appeared in the volume. T. melanocephalus is pl.[6] and pl.12 of the volume.
Monogr.Trogonidae.ed.2 A monograph of the Trogonidae, or family of trogons. 2nd. ed. Gould, John 1858-75 folio pp.(4)+v-xx+(98) London Published in 4 pts. pt I 1858 pt II 1869 pt III 1875 pt IV 1875
Monogr.Turdidae A monograph of the Turdidae or family of Thrushes. the late Henry Seebohm. Edited and compiled after the author's death by R. Bowdler Sharpe. Often, modern workers date all taxa from this work to 1902 which is the imprint date. This work was published in parts, and the dates of the parts, while easily available in Zimmer 1926 pp.570,571 seem to be ignored by most modern workers. The dates and authority of the parts are as follows (data from Zimmer and Richmond). Vol. I. Part pp. pll. date Author I 1-40 I-XII "ante Apr. 1898" Seebohm II 41-76 XIII-XXIV "ante July 1898" Seebohm III 77-114 XXV-XXXVI "ante Oct. 1898" Seebohm thru p.91 III 77-114 XXV-XXXVI "ante Oct. 1898" Sharpe p.92-114 IV 115-212 XXXVII-XLVIII "Oct. 1898" Sharpe V 213-266 XLIX-LX "ante Apr. 1898" Sharpe VI 267-312 LXI-LXXII "ante Oct. 1899" Sharpe VII 313-337 LXIII-LXXVIII "Dec. 1899" Sharpe Vol. II VII 1-32 LXXIX-LXXXIV "Dec. 1899" Sharpe VIII 33-70 LXXXVI-XCVII "ante Jul. 1900" Sharpe IX 71-100 XCVII-CVIII+LXXV "1900" Sharpe X 101-126 CIX-CXX "1900" Sharpe XI 127-156 CXXI-CXXXII "ante Jul. 1901" Sharpe XII+XIII 157-250 CXXIII-CXLIX "1902" Sharpe XII+XIII I-XI+I(vol.I) I-IX+I(vol.II) "1902" Sharpe 2009.07.21
MorningHerald[Sydney] The Sydney Morning Herald (newspaper). Dick Schodde writes (in litt. 2021.01.07) This newspaper began life as the Sydney Herald in 1831 as a weekly paper. In 1840 it changed to a daily and in 1842 was renamed the Sydney Morning Herald, a name it has kept to this day.
Mus.AdolphiFriderici Museum S:æ R:æ M:tis Adolphi Friderici Regis Svecorum Gothorum, Vandalorumque &c.&c&c.. ... In quo animalia rarioria imprimis & exotica: Aves, Amphibia, Pisces deſcribuntur. Tomi Secvndi Prodromvs. Linnaeus, C. 1764 Holmiae. [vol. 1 issued Holmiae, 1754]
Mus.Carls. Museum Carlsonianum, in quo novas et selectas aves, coloribus ad vivum brevique descriptiones illustratas. Sparrman, Anders Swed. museum of Gustavus Carlson
Mus.Gevers. Museum Geversianum sive index rerum naturalium ... [? Meuschen, Friedrich Christian 1719-ca 1799 Museum Gronovianum. Sive, Index rerum naturalum, tam mmmamalium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, ... [avium not mentioned]. Oura F.C.M. = i.e. Friedrich Christian Meuschen. Lugundi Batavorum, T. Haak, J. Meerburg. 1778. no Geversianum in NatUnion Cat. ]
Mus.Hein. Museum Heineanum Verzeichniss der ornithologischen Sammlung des Oberamtmann Ferdinand Heine auf Gut St. Burchard vor Halberstatdt. Mit kritischen Anmerkungen und Beschriebung der neuen Arten, systematisch bearbeitet von Dr. Jean Cabanis, erstem Kustos der Königlichen zoologischen Sammlung zu Berlin. I. Theil, die Singvögel enthalthend. p.25-106 of Pt.1 should be dated 31 December 1850 according to {Browning & Monroe}, but see below. p.25 is the first page of the fourth signature.The signatures of vol.1 following p.106 have the following dates: page Signature # Date 105 14 Jan. 1851 (dated on p.107, but sig. starts p.105) 113 15 Februar 1851 121 16 März 1851 129 17 April 1851 137 18 Mai 1851 145 19 Juni 1851 153 20 Juli 1851 161 21 August 1851 169 22 10 August 1851 177 23 August 1851 185 24 1 August 1851 193 25 10 September 1851 201 26 8 September 1851 209 27 8 October 1851 217 28 15 October 1851 225 29 23 October 1851
page Signature # Date [3] 1 6 Februar 1860 9 2 19 Februar 1860 17 3 26 Februar 1860 25 4 6 März 1860 33 5 14 März 1860 41 6 22 März 1860 49 7 30 März 1860 57 8 9 April 1860 65 9 17 April 1860 73 10 27 April 1860 81 11 9 Mai 1860 83 22 August 1860 *not sure what this means. 89 12 7 September 1860 97 13 9 October 1860 103-220 14-28 1 November 1860 INDEX
"1st portion of the 3rd part (Trochilidae) issued about Dec. 1860. (Noted in Ibis , Jan, 1861, 108, as an early copy.)"Thus the publishing date is approximately 10 months later than the signature imprint date.
Mus.Hist.Pays-BasRev.Meth.Crit.Coll. Revue methodique et critique (Catalogue) des Collections deposées dans cet Etablissement. 1862 -> 8vo Leiden Publ. of Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden BrMNH note says: "Each volume consists of one or more separately-paged catalogues." so the "livr." may refer to these. My five volumes contain varying numbers of numbered segments, (monographs) listed below. See below for the apparent limits of the livraisons. note confusion in that listing of livraisons appears to extend across years (!). However, due to uncertainty with regard to the appropriate composition of the "volumes" I list the taxa by livraison and by part. [[ instalment: Part of a document published in sections in successive issues of a serial publication. [ISO 215:1986] [French term: livraison] ]] 1862-3 Vol. I. Monogr. Group Imprint month yr pp au livr.1 1862 1. Buceros Aout 1862 p.1-22 Schlegel [note: CWR livr.1 "publ. by or before Dec. 1862"] 2. Falcones Aout 1862 p.1-36 [=38] Schlegel [note: CWR livr.2 "publ. by or before April 1863"] 3. Aquilae Septembre 1862 p.1-24 Schlegel 4. Astures Septembre 1862 p.1-57 Schlegel [note: CWR livr.3+4 "publ. by or before July-Sept. 1863"] 5. Asturinae Septembre 1862 p.1-13 Schlegel 6. Buteones Aout 1862 p.1-4 Schlegel livr.2 1863 6. Buteones Aout 1862 p.5-30 Schlegel 7. Milvi Octobre 1862 p.1-12 Schlegel 8. Pernes Novembre 1862 p.1-10 Schlegel 9. Polybori Novembre 1862 p.1-10 Schlegel 10. Vultures Novembre 1862 p.1-12 Schlegel 11. Oti Decembre 1862 p.1-30 Schlegel 12. Striges Decembre 1862 p.1-45 Schlegel 13. Circi Decembre 1862 p.1-12 Schlegel 14. Pitta Janvier 1863 p.1-16 Schlegel 15. Buccones Janvier 1863 p.1-66 A. Goffin livr.3 1863 15. Buccones Janvier 1863 p.67-98 A. Goffin 1863 Vol. 2 16. Ardeae Avril 1863 p.1-64 Schlegel 17. Alcedines Mai 1863 p.1-52 Schlegel 18. Merops Juni 1863 p.1-14 Schlegel livr.4 1863 19. Momotus Juillet 1863 p.1-8 Schlegel 20. Ibis Juillet 1863 p.1-16 Schlegel 21. Pelecani Juillet 1863 p.1-44 Schlegel 22. Procellariae Juillet 1863 p.1-40 Schlegel 23. Lari Aout 1863 p.1-52 Schlegel livr.5 1864 24. Sternae Septembre 1863 p.1-44 Schlegel 25. Cuculi Juillet 1864 p.1-85 Schlegel 1864 Vol.3 26. Psittaci Aout 1864 p.1-166 Schlegel 27. Scolopaces Novembre 1864 p.1-6 Schlegel livr.6 1864 27. Scolopaces Novembre 1864 p.7-102 Schlegel livr.7 1865 27. Scolopaces Novembre 1864 p.103-112 Schlegel 28. Ciconiae Decembre 1864 p.1-26 Schlegel 1865,7 Vol.4 29. Cursores Mars 1865 p.1-80 Schlegel 30. Ralli Avril 1865 p.1-76 Schlegel livr.8 1866 30. Ralli Avril 1865 p.77-79 Schlegel 31. Anseres Mai 1866 p.1-108 Schlegel livr.9 1867 31. Anseres Mai 1866 p.109-112 Schlegel 32. Coraces Fevrier 1867 p.1-149 Schlegel 33. Urinatores Avril 1867 p.1-52 Schlegel livr.10 1873 1873,4 Vol.5 34. Aves Struthiones Mars 1873 p.1-14 Schlegel 35. Aves Columbae Mars 1873 p.1-180 Schlegel 36. Aves Noctuae Juillet 1873 p.1-32 Schlegel 36. Accipitres Juillet 1873 p.32-138 Schlegel 36. Vultures (and summary) Juillet 1873 p.138-156 Schlegel livr.11 1874 37. Comp. Pitta Avril 1874 p.1-19 Schlegel 38. Comp. Psittaci Mai 1874 p.1-84 Schlegel 39. Alcidines Juin 1874 p.1-47 Schlegel ["Comp." = Comprarez ] CWR refers to 1865 "Cursores" p.33 (? = 4) for Charadr. peronii Peters gives this as vol. 4. [[ From Harvard Hollis. TITLE: Revue methodique et critique des collections deposees dans cet etablissement. PUB. INFO: t. 1-14; 1862-1908. Leyden, Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie. DESCRIPTION: 14 v. 24 cm. LINKING NOTES: Merged with: Notes from the Leyden Museum; to form: Zoologische mededeelingen. ]] >Return-Path: >From: "Koppenberg, M." >To: "''">Subject: FW: Revue methodique >Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 16:50:14 +0100 > > Dear Mr. Peterson, > > I have some information about 'Revue methodique et critique des > collections desposees dans cet etablissement'. I hope it answers some > of your questions. > The structure of this publication is as follows: > > 1re livraison: > Buceros (august 1862) > Falcones (august 1862) > Aquilae (september 1862) > Astures (september 1862) > Asturinae (september 1862) > Buteones (september 1862) (page 1-4) > > 2me livraison: > Buteones (september 1862) (page 5-30) > Milvi (october 1862) > Pernes (november 1862) > Polybori (nov 1862) > Vultures (nov 1862) > Oti (december 1862) > Striges (december 1862) > Circi (december 1862) > Aves rapaces, resume > Pitta (january 1863) > Buccones (january 1863) (page 1-66) > > 3me livraison: > Buccones (january 1863) (p. 67-98) > Ardeae (april 1863) > Alcedines (may 1863) > Merops (june 1863) > > 4me livraison: > Momotus (july 1863) > Ibis (july 1863) > Pelecani (july 1863) > Procellariae (july 1863) > Lari (august 1863) > > 5me livraison: > Sternae (september 1863) > Cuculi (july 1864) > Psittaci (august 1864) > Scolopaces (november 1864) (page 1-6) > > 6me livraison: > Scolopaces ((november 1864) (page 7-102) > > 7me livraison: > Scolopaces (november 1864) (page 103-112) > Ciconiae (december 1864) > Cursores (march 1865) > Ralli (page 1-76) (april 1865) > > 8me livraison: > Ralli (page 77-80) (april 1865) > Anseres (page 1-108) (may 1866) > > 9me livraison: > Anseres (page 109-122) (may 1866) > Coraces (february 1867) > Urinatores (april 1867) > > 10me livraison: > Aves Struthiones (march 1873) > Aves Columbae (march 1873) > Revue de la coll. des oiseaux de proie faisant, > aves noctuae (july 1873) > > > 11me livraison: > Pitta (april 1874) > Psittaci (mai 1874) > Alcedines (june 1874) > > 12me livraison: > Simiae (march 1876) > > I think that 'livraisons ' is the same as 'catalogues' as mentioned by > the British Museum. Our journals are bound in 5 volumes, but I don't > think that this is an official grouping of the livraisons. For the > record: Volume 1 consists of livraison 1-3; volume 2 consists of > livraison 4-6; vol. 3 consists of livr. 7-9; vol. 4 consists of livr. > 10-11 and vol. 5 consists of livr. 12. > I hope this answers some of your questions, if not, don't hesistate to > contact us again. > I wish you succes with your research, > > Yours sincerely, > Mischa Koppenberg > assistant-librarian Mus.Lever. Musei Leveriani explicatio, anglica et latina. Opera et studio Georgii Shaw ... Adduntur figuraae eleganter sculptae et coloratae. Shaw, George 1792-96. 2 v. 72 London.
Mus.Mediol.Anim.Vert. Museum Mediolanense Animalia Vertebrata Classis II. Aves 1847
Mus.Nat.Grillianum Museum Naturalium Grillianum Museum Naturalium Grillianum Söderforssiense institutum anno 1783 Holmiae : Apud A.J. Nordström, MDCCLXXXVIII [1788]
Mus.Senckenb. Museum Senckenbergianum 1834 -45 Senckenbergische Naturforshende Gesellschaft Frankfurt
"... The exact date of publication of the Mus. Senck. Abh. iii. (2) 1842 is not known, but that part (January 11) of the Proc. Zool. Soc. of 1842 in which the name of this bird occurs was not published until June of that year (see Sher- borne, Ind. Anim. H-L, 1927, p.3517). In the Proc. Zool. Soc. on p.8 we find that a "memoir" was received and read. In the Mus. Senck. Abh. the name is given as Chizarhis leucogaster (Rüppell), and there is also a full description. Confusion has been caused by the unfortunate publication of the original description in different publications in the same year; but it seems clear that the "memoir" refers to the article published in the Mus. Senck. Abh., and that this article was published before June 1842."