Author data --D
Da Silva Maia, E. J. [da Silva Maia ]
Dabbene, Roberto d. 1938
Daggett, Frank Slater
Born: Jan. 30, 1855 Norwalk, OH
Director of the Los Angeles Museum of History, Science and Art
most remembered for his work associated with the La Brea Tar pit and its specimens
Died: April 5, 1920 Redlands, CA
Dahlan, N. Faridah
Dai, Bo
Dalebout, Merel L.
Dalgety, C. T.
Dall, William Healey 1845-1927
Dalmas, Raymond, Comte de 1862-1930 Paris
Dalquest, Walter Woelberg
b. 1917
Died:2000 or 2001 (death announced at 20 April 2001 SW Naturalists Association Mtg.)
Dalvi, Shashank
Danielsen, Johannis (Jóhannis)
Danis, V.
Danforth, Stuart Taylor 1900-1938
Born: Jersey City, N.J.
Most boyhood years spent at East Jaffrey, N.H.
1921 Graduated Rutgers Coll.
Taught one year at Temple.
Succeded his father, teaching at Puerto Rico College of Agriculture.
Died: 25 November, 1938; West Boylston, MA (of TB).
Dantas, Sidnei M.
Darlington, Philip Jackson, Jr. 1904-1983.
Born Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 14 November 1904.
1924, 1926, 1928: field expeditions to locations in the West Indies
1926: B.A., Harvard University
1927: M.S., Harvard
1931: Ph.D. at Harvard
1932-1940: Assistant curator of insects, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard
1938: publishes "The Origin of the Fauna of the Greater Antilles, with Discussion of Dispersal of Animals Over Water and Through the Air" in Quarterly Review of Biology
1940: Curator of Coleoptera at the Museum of Comparative Zoology
1941-1944: World War II serves in Pacific Malaria Survey division/ Army Sanitation Corps
1943: publishes "Carabidae of Mountains and Islands: Data on the Evolution of Isolated Faunas, and on Atrophy of Wings" in Ecological Monographs
1947, 1957: awarded Guggenheim fellowships
1951: Curator of insects at the Museum of Comparative Zoology
1957: publishes Zoogeography: The Geographical Distribution of Animals;
receives the Daniel Giraud Eliot Medal from the National Academy of Sciences
1962-1971: Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology, Harvard
1964: elected to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
1965: publishes Biogeography of the Southern End of the World
1980: publishes Evolution for Naturalists: The Simple Principles and Complex Reality
Dies Cambridge, Massachusetts, 16 December 1983.
da Rosa Pinto, António Augusto
[Represented in Peters Checklist 14:213 (=Mayr, 1968) as "Rosa da Pinto"]
Darwin, Charles Robert 1809-1882
Born: Feb. 12, 1809 at Shrewsbury, England
Was naturalist (without pay) of the Beagle; leaving England Dec. 27,
1831; returning Oct. 22, 1836.
His collections were deposited in various public institutions.
Died: April 19, 1882 at Down, Kent
Daudin, Francois Marie 1774-1804
Born: March 25, 1774 at Paris
Died: 1804 at Paris
David, (P&ecute;re) Armand 1826-1900 Chinese Birds
Born: Sept. 7, 1826 at Espelette, Basses-Pyrénées
Died: Nov. 10, 1900
& Oustalet
David, Normand
M. E. McLellan Davidson
Associated, at least for some time, with the Cal.Academy of Science.
Davies, J
Davies, Owen R.
Davis, John
Davis, L. Irby
Davis, TJ
& ONeill, JP
Davison, G.W.H
Dawson,WL 1873-1928
Dawson, William Leon
De la Beche, Henry Thomas, Sir, KCB, FRS 1796-1855
b. 10 Fe. 1796 London
d. 13 Ap. 1855
buried: Kensal Green Cemetery, London
De Vries
De Vries,T
Dean, William Richard J.
Deautier, Enrique A.
Dearborn, Ned 1865-1948
b. 24 Nov. 1865 Alton, NH
d. 1948 (? N.Y.?)
Biographical data from Denver Library Ned Dearborn Papers:
Ned Dearborn is known mostly for his work with the U.S. Biological Survey and his writings about birds of
Eastern America. A native of New Hampshire, his writing focused on the ornithological occupants of his
home region.
Dearborn was born in Alton, New Hampshire on November 24, 1865. He attended Dartmouth University, where
he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1891. Later he attended the New Hampshire State College and
earned a Masters' Degree in Science in 1898.
Following college, Dearborn taught public school for two years, supervised the lens department of Lord
Brothers Optical Company, taught at New Hampshire college for four years, and served as the assistant
curator of birds at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago from 1901-1909. His tenure with the
Biological Survey lasted from 1909 to 1920, when he became the manager of the Dearborn Fur Farm in Sacket
Harbor, New York. [APP presumably Sackets Harbor, NY]
Dearborn was the author of several works on birds of the Northeast, including Birds of Belknap and
Merrimac Counties, N.H. (1898), Birds of Durham and Vicinity, N.H. (1902), Trapping on the Farm (1920),
and co-author of Birds in Their Relation to Man (1903). He continued to work on his fur farm until his
death in 1948.
Information obtained from "Ned Dearborn" in Who Was Who in American History, Vol. 4, 1961-1968, Chicago,
De Beer, S.J.
De Filippi
See Filippi
Debski, Igor
Degner, Jacob F.
Dekeyser, P.L.
Delattre, Adolphe
[? Pierre Adolphe (see Grinnell. Type Loc. Birds Cal. p306)
Ad. Delattre Cat Br M]
[ ? Charles DeLattre ?]
& Bourcier
& Delattre
De Lima,FCT
De Lima Flávio César Thadeo
del Hoyo, Josep
Delport, Wayne
Dementiev, Georgii Petrovitch
Note: Orthography of the name is variable. Often given in citations as
"Dementiev" or "Démentiev"
Library listings are usually as:
"Dementev" or "Dement'ev"
DeMeulemeester, B.
DeBoer, L
deBoer, L
Derryberry, Elizabeth
Derjugin, Konstantin Mikhailovich
b. 27 Jan. 1878 (O.S.) Petersburg
d. 27 Dec. 1938 Moscow
De Roo, Antoon Emeric Marcel (Dr) 1936-1971
Died: 25 Feb 1971
Obit: Gerfaut 62:189
DeSaussure, Henri Louis Frédéric 1829-1905
De Vis, Charles Walter 1829-1915
{Wolters ==> 1824 (!) -1915}
Degland, Côme Damien d 1856
Deignan, Herbert Girton b. 1906
De la Llave, Pablo 1773-1833 Mex.
de la Llave, Pablo 1773-1833 Mex.
See La Llave
Note: often spelled with an initial lower case "d", I convert this
to upper case to prevent confusion with it as a subspecific epithet.
De la Paz
de la Paz
Note: often spelled with an initial lower case "d", I convert this
to upper case to prevent confusion with it as a subspecific epithet.
Delacour, Jean B. Theodore A. 1890-1985
Born: 26 Sept 1890. Paris.
Spent much of youth in Picardy.
Doctorate of biology: Univ. Lille.
Served in WWI. For many months battle line going through family estate.
After the war, moved to Chateau Clères in Normandy.
Founded L'Oiseau.
1922: expedition to Venzuela and the Guianas.
1939: 15 Feb. 1939 Chateau Clères burned to ground, evidently by arson.
1939: After collapse of the French front, escaped to New York.
1952: 1 Feb 1952 accepted directorship of Los Angeles County Museum.
Died: 5 Nov 1985 of heart failure.
Obit: Ois & RFO 56:214; Auk 103:603; Ibis 128:141
& Berlioz
& Jabouille
& Delacour
Delegorgue, Adolphe (Adulphe) 1814-1850
Travels in S. Africa
Delessert, Adolphe
Delgado, F.S.
?F. S. Delgado B. ?
Deppe, Wilhelm
accountant of Zoological Museum of Berlin
brother of Ferdinand (collector and preparator)
who collected in Mexico with Count von Sack, and
William Bullock.
Ferdinand 1794 - 1861.
See: Stresemann E. 1954.
Ferdinand Deppe's travels in Mexico, 1824-1829.
Condor 56(2): 86-92
Browning MR, Monroe BL. 1991.
Clarification and corrections of the dates of
issue of some publications containing
descriptions of North American birds.
Archives of Natural History 18(3): 381-405.
Desfayes, Michel
Desfontaines, Rene Louiche 1750(2)-1833 Paris
Born: Feb. 14, 1752 "according to Fischer de Waldheim"
Deslongchamps, Eugène Eudes Deslongchamps 1830-1889
Son of the student of Cuvier's and palaentologist Jacques Amand Eudes Deslongchamps
d. 21 Dec., 1889
Desmarest, Anselme-Gaetan 1784-1838
Born: 1784
Died: June 4, 1838
Desmoulins, Antoine 1796-1828
Des Murs, Marc Athanese Parfait Oeillet 1804-1878
Des Murs
& Prevost, F.
Des Murs
& Pucheran
& Des Murs
(Verreaux, J.)
& DesMurs
de Sparre, Comte L. E. G. ca. 1800- ca. 1854
See Sparre
Deville, Emile [?Charles Joseph Sainte-Claire Deville (1814-1876)] 1810-1880
& DesMurs
& Sclater
Dharmakumarsinhji, K.S.
Diamond, Jared M.
Dickerman, R. W.
Dickey, Donald Ryder 1887-1932
b. 1882.03.31
d. 1932.04.15
Attended Yale College
Resident of Pasedena, CA
Dickinson, Edward C.
Diesselhorst, G.
Dietrichsen, Lionel
"Advertises in the Literary Gazette Feb. 20, 1830 that he has a large
quantity of foreign birds in skin for sale."
Dietzen, Christian
Diggles, Silvester 1817-1880
Born: Jan. 24, 1817, Liverpool, England
Died: March 21, 1880 near or at Kangaroo Point, Australia
Dillwyn, Lewis Llewelyn 1814-1892
Dillwy, Lewis Weston 1778-1855.
Dillwyn, Lewis Llewelyn 1814-1892
Born: 14 May 1814
Member of Parliament.
Died: 19 June 1892 (still an MP at time of death).
(middle name often spelled "Llewellyn")
Richard Morris, whose wife is a descendant of Dillwyn's writes
"Lewis Llewelyn (correct spelling!) Dillwyn was a British Member
of Parliament and an industrialist. His father, Lewis Weston
Dillwyn FRS,FLS was the famous botanist and wrote a number of
books on the subject.
LLD did belong to the Linnean Society but as far as I am
aware never wrote or published on botany.
The elder brother of LLD was John Dillwyn Llewelyn, a pioneer
photographer who married a cousin of Henry Fox Talbot.
The family emigrated to America about 1682 and a grandson
returned [in the] end of 18th c and settled in London. The
township of Dillwyn, Virginia, is I believe, named after the
family and the Parrish Museum on Long Island
created by a descendant."
Dillwyn, Lewis Weston
Born: 1778
Died: Aug. 31, 1855 at Swansea, Wales.
& Dillwyn
Lehmberg,Svendsen,Hansen & Fjeldsa
Dingess-Mann, Kimberly A.
Dixon, Charles
dos Santos,FR
Do Ngoc Quang
Dod, Annabelle Stockton 1939
Dole, Sanford Ballard 1844-1926
Domaniewski, J.
Dombrowski, Robert Ritter von.
Domergue, Charles A.
Donazar, Jose Antonio
Jose Antonio Donazar Sancho
José Antonio Donazar Sancho
[Note: H&M 3rd:101 spells this "Donázar"
I find the name spelled variably with the é on José
(where it appears it MUST be, but have not found other renderings
with as Donázar; the matronym (Sancho) is rarely, but occasionally found.
Donegan, Thomas Michael
Dong, Lu
Donovan, Edward 1768-1837
Born: 1768
Died: Feb. 1, 1837 at London
"leaving behind him a large family in destitute condition. [Had a
considerable fortune in early life and travelled and collected
natural history specimens.]"
Donsker, David B.
Doria, Giacomo 1840-1913
Dorst, Jean Pierre 1924-2001
Born: 7 August 1924 Mulhouse-Brunstatt
Father: Victor Dorst (industrialist)
Mother: Gabrielle Rusch Dorst
Dies: 8 August 2001
& Jouanin
Douglas, David 1799-1834
Born: 1799 (?1798) at Scone, near Perth
Died: July 12, 1834 in Hawaiian Islands by a wild bull
Douno. Mory
Dowdall, Jim
Drapiez, Pierre Auguste Joseph 1778-1856
Dresser, Henry Eeles 1838-1915
Born: May 9, 1838; London, England (at the "Thirsk Bank")
Educated: England, Germany and Sweden
1856 enters a Lumber firm in Finland (his fathers buisness).
Buisness activities in Europe and New Brunswick.
1863 Took a cargo to Texas consigned to the Confederacy.
Resided in San Antonio, Tx. Assoc. with Heerman (residing there).
1864-1871: engaged in Iron Trade in London
Died: Nov. 28, 1915 at Cannes, France at the Villa Maria Louisa
& Dresser
Du Bus de Gisignies, Bernard-Aime Leonard, vicomte, 1808-1874
Dubois, Alphonse Joseph Charles 1839-1921
Born 1839: Aix-la-chapelle
Son of Charles Frederic Dubois
From 1840 onwards, lived in Brussels
M.D. Free University
1869 appointed Conservator Section of Higher Vertebrates
Roy.Mus.Nat.Hist. Brussels.
1914 (retired from his post).
After retiring lived at Coxyde-sur-mer, Belgium
Died: 1920 (?1921)
Dubois, Charles Frédéric 1804-1867
Born: May 28, 1804 at Barmen, Prussia
Died: Nov. 12, 1867 at Bruxelles
Brussels [father of AJC Dubois; published together]
Obit: Ibis 1921:730-
Dugand, A.
Dugès, Alfred --1910.
French Consul-General at Guanajuto, Mexico,
and a Prof. of Zoology there.
Duijm, Elza
Dumeril, Andre Marie Constant 1774-1860
Dumont de Sainte Croix, Charles Henri Frederic 1758-1830
Born: April 27, 1758 at Oisemont
Died: Jan. 8, 1830 at Paris
Daughter: Clemence (Mrs Clemence Lesson)
Father in law of Lesson.
Wrote articles for Dict. des Science naturelles
Dumont D'Urville, Jules Sebastien Cesar 1790-1842
Born: May 23, 1790 in Condé-sur-Noireau, Calvados, France
Died: May 8, 1842; killed in a train accident near Paris
Dunajewski, Andrzej
& duPont, J.E.
Durant, Kate L.
Durnford, Henry ????-1878
Died: July 11 (or 13), 1878 at Salta, Bolivia or at Campo Santo Upper
Dutson, Guy
Duvall, Allen Jefferson Joseph 1909(1910) - 1983
Duvernoy, Georges Louis 1777-1855
Dwight, Jonathan, Jr. 1858-1929
[More properly Jonathan Dwight V].
President of the AOU 1923-1926.
Dec. 8 , 1858: born in New York City;2 East 34th St.
Son of Jonathan and Julia Lawrence (Hasbrouck) Dwight.
Boyhood in Madison, N.J. just over line from Morristown.
1876 enters Harvard University
Summers spent at Tadousac, on the Saguenay River, Quebec.
1880 Graduates with honors from Harvard.
1889 Enters Columbia Medical School.
1893 Graduates M.D.
Studies mostly plumage and pterolygy.
1901 Marries Georgina Gerturde Rundle (d. 1903)
1914 Marries Ethel Gordan Wishart Adam.
A descendant of John Dwight who founded Dedham, MA; 1634.
Feb. 22, 1929: died of cancer in New York City.
& Griscom
Dybowski, B. I.(N). (Dr) 183(4)5-1930
CWR Biographical notes:
According to L.C. and Orn. Centralbl.
Dr Benedict Nalentsch Dybowski
Born 1835 Lithuan. Gov. Minsk.
Accoring to B.M.Cat. Books
Benedikt Ivan Dybowski
Born 1834
Died Lvov Poland, 1930.
Dziadosz, V.M.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.08.29