Zoological Citation Notes --R
Myadestes lanaiensis rutha Citation
- Peters Checklist X:163 (1964) is confused and confusing
in this area, and has a citation for this taxon that
does not seem to match the publication of the name.
- The top of page heading changes from "Family MUSCICAPIDAE"
to "Subfamily TURDINAE" in the middle of the genus Cercomela.
- The citation for Phaeornis rutha is given as "Occ. Papers Bishop Mus.
[Honolulu], 4, pp. 43; 81"
- This serial has peculiar pagination, with through pagination for the volume and
individual pagination for the component numbers.
- The description for this bird is on p.171 of the volume, and p.81 of part 2.
Occ.Pap.BishopMus. 4 no.2 p.171 / 81
Arachnothera robusta Citation
- Peters XII:285 and others cite this to 1845
- The name first appeared on the plate in no.11 in 1845.
- See, for example the Richmond Index card for this taxon. R I Card Arachnothera robusta
- Thanks to Colin Jones for pointing this out.
Pyrrhula pyrrhula rossikowi Author
- Conventionally cited to Derjugin & Bianchi (e.g. Peters CL XIV:298, Howard & Moore 3rd:757, HBW.)
- My review of the original article indicates that Bianchi suggested a provisional name (Pyrrhula pyrrhula rossikowi), if the form
in question proved to be adequately distinct.
- My interpretation is that Derjugin alone is thus the author of the name.
Chelictinia riocourii Nomenclature date.
- See Dickinson and Dickinson & Jones; Priority! 2011 (CD Plate LXVI); Zoological Bibliography 2(1):41; Zoological Bibliography 2(2):80 for data on this confusing situation.
Illadopsis rufescens Citation
- The citation as given conventionally and as give here to J.Orn. 26 p.209 is almost
certainly the incorrect citation.
- The evidence is overwhelming, but not absolute, that the correct citation is more likely
to be:
- During this period, the J.Orn. seems to have been consistently late in publication,
usually about 5 to 7 months after the nominal date. The no. that follows that containing
Turdoides rufescens (no.143), which is nominally the "Juli" number, includes an
article by Nehrkorn that is noted "Riddagshausen im Nov. 78." at the end, making "Juli"
clearly incorrect. I do not find specific evidence of delay for no.142 (the "April" number),
but given the fact that the surrounding numbers were late, it is unlikely that no.142 was published on time.
This taxon was also described in the May number (no.9) of the Orn.Centralblatt for 1878. To date I know of
no evidence for delay of publication in Orn.Centralblatt so it is extremely likely that the "May" number
for that serial was published well before the "April" number of J.Orn.
Turdoindes reinwardtii Nomenclature
- The original spelling is "Crateropus reinwardii", though this is
rendered "reinwardtii"
Macronus gularis rubicapilla Nomenclature
- The original spelling is clearly "rubicapilla", though this is often
rendered "rubricapilla"
- The original can be seen here:
J.Asiat.Soc.Bengal 2 no.23 p.576
Estrilda astrild rubriventris (Fringilla rubriventris) Citation
- Cited by Peters Checklist XIV:344 (= Traylor 1968) as:
- Trayor includes a discussion of the correction of the type locality by Sclater, WL,
but does not appear to be aware (as Sclater evidently was not) of the publication of this
name in 1817.
- The 1817 use can be seen here:
Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 12 p.184
- This name is listed in Sherborn's Index Animalium, which, though readily available
appears to have been rarely, if ever, consulted by the later authors
of the Peters Checklist.
- Thanks to Gastone Rabascini for pointing this out.
Serilophus lunatus rothschildi Citation
- Peters Checklist 7:10 gives the page number for this taxon as "p. 1"
while infact it is "p. l", lower case "L" - Roman numeral for 50.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for picking this up.
- HBW 8:793 (2003) perpetuates the error of page "1".
Calamanthus campestris rubiginosis Nomenclature
Rhodophoneus Citation
Turdus rufopalliatus Nomenclature
- Usually listed as "rufopalliatus" (e.g. by CBBM, Peters CL, AOU CL, H&M 3rd:672.) however the original orthography is clearly
"rofopalliatus". (and as shown by Sherborn's Index Animalium p.5538).
The original can be seen here:
Rev.Zool. 3 p.259
Rev.Zool. 3 p.260
- The name, however, (as helpfully pointed out by Normand David)
is listed as "rufopalliatus" in the index, which can be seen here:
Rev.Zool. 3 p.377
- Bangs and Penard, in 1919 (Bull.Mus.Comp.Zool. 63:31) include both
spellings, and implicitly have chosen rufopalliatus. This can be seen here:
Bull.Mus.Comp.Zool. 63 p.31
- I initially interpreted Bangs and Penard as having functioned as first revisers
in this matter, and use the name as rufopalliatus. However, Norman David
again helpfully points out, that in the example of a Journal (such as Rev.Zool.)
the Index presumably is not made up by the author(s) of the articles that compose
the volume. This would suggest that a first reviser action may not be possible
in this case.
- Additionally, I note that the Rev.Zool. Index is included with the December number, while
the name rofopalliatus is to be found in the September number, and these separately
issued numbers are viewed as separate works by the Code. Thus a
"clear indication" of error, or lapsus, can be sought only in the
September number. In the description, the word roussâtre is used
twice, and the phrase broun roux assez vif occurs once. These words
(and the appearance of the bird) are strong indications that the "reddish" or
rufo- "idea" is appropriate. An incorrect
latinization on Lafresnaye's part is unlikely (though one has to rely on external
evidence for this fact) so a lapsus calami is an acceptable interpretation, and
correction to rufopalliatus can be employed.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
2009.11.14; 2009.11.15
Eupodotis rueppelii Nomenclature
- Most often spelled with a double -ll (rueppellii).
- Colin Jones points out that the original is spelled with one -l
(Rüppelii) and I note that no mention of Rüppell is
made in the article. So I employ the spelling as originally published.
- I suppose this lack of specific reference raises a question as to whether
the epithet should be spelled
ruppelii rather than rueppelii.
- The original description can be seen here:
Oefv.Vet.-Akad.Forh. 13:174
2009.09.24; 2010.03.08; 2010.11.21
Cinclus cinclus rufiventris Citation
- Conventionally (and without any discussion) dated to 1884
(see for example Peters Checklist IX:376 (= Greenway 1960);
H&M 3rd:698, HBW 10:353);
- 1884, may be correct, but as the foot of the title page says
has an imprint date of 1885. Unless and until documentation of
publishing in 1884 is brought forward, I follow the ICZN Code (1999)
and use the date specified.
- The Survey of Western Palestine (Title Page) 1885
- However, other copies evidently show 1884 at the foot of the title page!.
- The Survey of Western Palestine (Title Page) 1884
2009.09.20; 2013.06.30
Tarsiger rufilatus Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 10:48 (= Ripley 1964) lists the original
combination as Nemura rufilata.
- The Richmond Index lists the original combination as N[emura] rufilatus
- Richmond Index Card N[emura] rufilatus
- This PZS entry is also noticed in Sherborn's Index Animalium (p.5635), which
in addition notes the name in 1844 in J.E. Gray's Zool.Misc. on
p.83 (where apparently it is a nomen nudum).
Turdus poliocephalus ruficeps Citation
- See McAllen IAW. Notornis, 2006, "Fijian birds described in newspapers." 53:254-257 for a
discussion of the citation for this name.
Zoothera piagiae ruwenzorii Citation
- H&M 3rd:661 gives the date for this taxon as 1985,
(through Corrigenda 8) but gives the date as 1984 (!!) in the list of taxa published
after the Peters Checklist, where the entry reads:
* Zoothera piaggiae ruwenzorii Prigogine, 1984
Prigogine, A. Les populations occidentales de la Grive Terrestre d'Abyssinie,
Zoothera piaggiae, et description d'une nouvelle sous-espFce du Ruwenzori.
Gerfaut, 74: 383-389. See p. 386.
- It is not clear which of these entries is correct, but the 1984 date would
seem to fit the pattern of publication. It also agrees with the entry
in the Richmond Index.
- Richmond Index Card Zoothera piaggiae ruwenzorii
2009.06.27; 2009.06.28
Stizorhina fraseri rubicunda Citation
- Peters Checklist 10:95 (= Ripley 1964) cites this to
"Rev.Zool. [Paris]" in 1860, which is incorrect.
- The last volume of Rev.Zool. (11) was published in 1848. This was published
in the second series of Rev.Mag.Zool.
Onychognathus morio rueppellii Citation
- I initially gave the citation here as given in Peters Checklist 15:89
[= Amadon 1962]. I am suspicious about the date ("1865"), though it may be correct.
- This work is, so far, a bit of a mystery, and appears to have been
frequently re-issued with title pages bearing different dates. I suspect
that the publishing history is complex, and may be largely unknown.
- I wonder what basis Amadon had for the date of 1865 for this name.
- Colin Jones points out (2009.06.22) that I had overlooked the Corrigenda
note indicating that apparently data have been found indicating that the correct
date is "1856" based on information in the Biblio. de la France. It will be interesting
to see what is brought forth on this.
Mino anais robertsonii Citation
- Peters Checklist 15:115 (= Amadon 1962) cites this
to Ann.Mus.Civ.Genova 10:12, and spells the name
with a single -i ending.
- The Richmond Index indicates the Ann.Mus.Civ.Genova issue
was published May 3, 1877, but this included the manuscript of
an article in the Sydney Mail, published on Saturday Feb. 24, 1877.
- The Richmond Index indicates that the name in the Sydney Mail, and
the Ann.Mus.Civ.Genova was spelled with a double -ii ending.
- The CBBM 13:115 entry lists this name with the double -ii ending,
but also says the name was published in Ibis in 1877. That article also notes
that it was reprinted from the Sydney Mail Feb. 24, 1877 (see footnote on p.363).
Of interest in this printing, the name is spelled with a single -i ending.
- I believe the Sydney Mail publication clearly has priority (contra Peters),
and employs the double -ii ending. (contra Peters, and H&M 3rd:653).
Certhia himalayana ripponi Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 12:158 (= Greenway 1967) gives the original
combination as Certhia himalanya ripponi which is incorrect.
- I have the original description before me and the original combination is
Certhia familiaris ripponi.
- Similarly, Greenway misrepresents, or did not understand what was
happening in the replacement name situation. The replacement name is given
for Certhia familiaris intermedia not "Certhia h. intermedia Kinnear",
as rendered by Greenway.
Salpornis spilonotus rajputanae Citation
Tchagra senegalus remigialis Citation
- Peters Checklist 9:321 (= Rand 1960) cites this to "p. 370").
- It is found on p.340, and the authority, given there, is to Hartlaub & Finsch.
- CBBM 8:128, has the page number correct
- Thanks to Colin Jones for picking this up.
Pheugopedius coraya ridgwayi Nomenclature
- The Richmond Index indicates that Thryothorus ridgwayi Berlepsch 1888
is =T. griseigula (Lawr.), citing Nov.Zool. 1913 20 p.229 (not seen).
"T. griseigularis (Lawr.) is almost certainly Formicovorus griseigula.
Lawrence 1883. Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci. 2 no.12 June 1883 p.382.
- Peters Checklist 9:403, makes no mention of this, and presumably
Paynter was unaware of this matter.
- Conventionally cited to 1889.
- The number in which this appears (no. 187 "Juli") includes a dateline on p.321 of
"Hann. Münden, October 1889."
Also on p.326 is the dateline:
"Dresden, den 10 November 1889."
So the imprint date of "Juli" is demonstrated to be incorrect.
- The first evidence that I know of for this being in existence as a published work is the
notice given in the 1891 Ibis p.616 where this number was noted as rec'd at the Zoological Soc. on
Jan. 14, 1890.
2009.05.05; 2014.04.06
Campylorhynchus rufinucha rufus Citation
- This taxon is not listed in Peters Checklist 9, but is included in
H&M 3rd:634. It is accompanied only with a note in
Corrigendum 6 indicating the subspecific epithet should be held as "rufus,
not rufum because of "gender concordance".
- It does not appear to me to have been carefully considered, or well worked out.
- The name is listed as
C.r.rufum Nelson 1897
- As near as I can find, Nelson never described a "rufum/rufus" taxon
in Campylorhynchus, but did describe Heleodytes humilis rufus
in 1897 (Auk 14:69), and I presume this is the taxon in
consideration here.
- A.R. Phillips "The Known Birds of North and Middle America Part I" (1986)
is not directly referenced by the authors of H&M
3rd in relation to this taxon,
but they may have consulted. Phillips (p.122) who cites:
(?)C. r. rufum (Nelson) 1897, Auk 14:69
and notes "A poorly marked
race, if indeed recognizable."
- Thus Phillips, unlike H&M 3rd,
understood that the bird was not described in Campylorhynchus
and he appears to have been skeptical as its standing.
- Of interest, H&M 3rd:634 lists
Camplylorhynchus rufinuchus nigricaudatus with the authority as
"(Nelson, 1897)" suggesting that Nelson described two taxa, now held as
subspecies of the same species, but described them in different genera in the
same year! Certainly not impossible, but it does suggest to me at least that
additional investigation is appropriate if a high standard of
nomenclatural accuracy is one's goal.
- If additional published information is available regarding the status and
standing of this taxon, H&M 3rd does
not supply us with any information in that regard.
- I am left with the impression that this taxon may not be well worked
up with apparently minimal support in the literature.
2009.04.21; 2009.04.22
Ortalis ruficeps Systematics
- H&M 3rd: treats this as a subspecies of
O. guttata without comment.
- IOC Worldbird list holds this as a full species, citing Sick 1993, a citation
not mentioned in H&M 3rd, through Corrigenda 8.
- It appears the SACC has not yet acted upon this.
Liocichla ripponi Systematics
- Liocichla ripponi is split from Liocichla pheonicea by Collar & Robson 2007 (as noted in the IOC World List 2.0 [2009.02]).
- No mention of systematic considerations concerning this taxon is made in H&M 3rd, through Corrigenda 8 (late 2008).
Garrulax ruficeps Systematics
- Garrulax ruficeps is split from Garrulax albogularis by Collar 2006 (as noted in the IOC World List 2.0 [2009.02]).
- No mention of systematic considerations concerning this taxon is made in H&M 3rd, through Corrigenda 8 (late 2008).
Streptopelia turtur rufescens Citation
- Often cited to 1855 (e.g. HBW 4:133; H&M 3rd:160 (but
corrected to 1845 in Corrigenda 4).
- The Richmond Index shows the correct citation as 1845.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Acrocephalus rufescens Citation
- Peters Checklist 11:74 (= Traylor 1986) gives the date for this taxon as 1876.
- This is followed by H&M 3rd:584 and by HBW 11:633.
- The Richmond Index indicates that this portion of volume 1 of the Bull.Soc.Zool.Fr.
(from the meeting of Dec. 15) was published in Jan. 1877, and I follow that date.
Automolus rufipectus Systematics
- See Krabbe N 2008. " Vocal evidence for restitution of species rank to a Santa
Marta endemic: Automolus rufipectus Bangs (Furnariidae), with comments on its generic affinities."
BBOC 128(4):219-227. for reasons for elevation to species rank.
Calandrella rufescens Citation
- Peters Checklist 9:48 (= Peters 1960) gives the citation as:
- Why the earlier description is not cited is unknown to me.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Syndactyla roraimae Systematics
Aegithalos caudatus rosaceus Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 12:53 (= Snow 1967) gives the date for
this taxon as 1937, and this date is also given without comment or discussion
by H&M 3rd:538 (throught Corrigenda 7), presumably
merely copying the Peters citation.
- Remarkably, H&M 3rd:274 cites Oreonympha nobilis albolimbata Berlioz,
which is published on the very same page of this journal to 1938. Very clearly both can not be correct.
- My study of the publishing history of the BBOC, communicated in this website, shows that this portion
of the BBOC was published in 1938, a date agreeing with that published in the Richmond Index for these taxa.
- Edward Dickinson informs me (in litt. 2008.07.10) that he has this correction in his Corrigenda -- though I still can not find it there.
- Edward Dickinson subsequently informs me (in litt. 2008.07.15) that he thought he had made this
correction in the Corrigenda, but that he had not.
2008.07.09; 2008.07.10; 2008.07/22
Anthoscopus caroli roccattii Nomencalture
- Peters Checklist 12:66 (= Snow 1967) lists the original combination as
Anthoscopus roccatii
which is incorrect.
- The Richmond Index indicates the name was originally published as
Anthoscopus Roceatii
(noting that this is a misprint for Roccatii).
- Misprint or not, it must be determined if specific and adequate reference to Dr A. Roccati is made
in the article to justify "correction" of the name to roccatii.
- Checking the original demonstrates that Dr Roccatti is explicitly mentioned. I agree therefor the correction is justified.
Cyanistes caeruleus raddei Nomenclature
Petroica rodinogaster Citation
- Most often (e.g. Peters Checklist 11:566; Sherborn Ind.Anim. p.5503; Richmond Index) cited to
1819. Sherborn cites December 1819.
- H&M 3rd:521 (through Corrigenda 6) cites this to 1820, without
discussion, documentation or comment.
- As H&M 3rd give no reason, supporting data or supporting references for
"1820", I follow the published authorities listed above.
- Further problems attend this citation. Peters Checklist 11:566 cites "p.341 pl.29" though
the Richmond Index cites p."340 pl.XXX"; Sherborn cites p."341" and does not cite, or is unaware
of the plate. I choose to follow the Richmond Index unless or until additional data are brought forward.
- Edward Dickinson informs me (in litt. 2008.04.20) that having examined the article (which begins
on p.340, that name appears on p.341. The plate is referred to in the text as "Pl. xxix" but is actually
numbered "XXX".
2008.04.18; 2008.04.20
Lanius senator rutilans Citation
- This taxon is given as due to "Temminck 1840" by H&M
3rd:481 (with no correction through Corrigenda 7);
the taxon is not listed by Peters Checklist 9.
- The Richmond Index lists this to Pl.Col. Tabl. Methodique p.18.
- Edward Dickinson kindly looked into this and determined that the 1840
citation appears to come from Hartert's Vogel der Palaarktischen Fauna.
- Dickinson writes (in litt. 2008.01.04)
The Tabl. Máth. is Livr. 102 and dates from 1839.
I attach p. 14 from the "in folio" edition which shows what you would expect;
I would guess that p. 19 is CWR correctly citing it from the "in quarto" edition.
No information is known to me about which edition appeared first, it
seems they are believed to have been produced alongside each other. If
you wish your page number to be accurate you will need to cite the
I agree the citation needs to be from here, and not from 1840.
Iridosornis reinhardti Nomenclature
- Cited by Peters Checklist 13:338 (= Paynter 1970) with the
authority in parentheses, and this is followed without comment or
discussion by H&M 3rd:809 (and through
Corrigenda 6).
- This was described by Sclater in Iridornis which I interpret
to be an 1854 Bonaparte emendation (Ann.Sci.Nat.Zool.(4)1:27)
of the Lesson 1844 name Iridisornis.
- In such an instance, it is my understanding that if the Code is to
be followed then the authority should not be in parentheses.
- If parentheses are to be employed it must be demonstrated that
Iridornis Bonaparte is NOT simply an emendation of
Iridisornis Lesson.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Rhinopomastus Nomenclature
- Note that this name is wrongly shown in Peters Checklist XVI
Comprehensive Index p.424 as "Rhinopomatus" where "Rhinopomastus" is
Atlapetes rufigenis Citation
- Peters Checklist 13:199 (= Paynter 1970) shows this in vol.5
pl.1 fig.1 (the exact same citation as for Buarremon baroni).
- The Richmond Index cites this to pl.1 fig.2, which appears much more
likely to be correct.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for picking this up.
Rhinocrypta Citation
- A confusing selection of citations are given for this genus group name, and it
appears the majority of them are in error.
- Peters Checklist 7:279 (1951) cites this to:
Rhinocrypta G.R. Gray, List Gen. Bds., 1840, p.25
- Sclater, 1890 CBBM XV:347 gives:
Rhinocrypta, Gray, List of Gen. 1841, p.25
- Sherborn (Ind.Anim. p.5499) and Neave (Nom.Zool. 4:44) give
Gray 1841 List Gen. Birds 2nded. p.25
- The Richmond Index includes a card that shows this name present in the List Gen.
Birds 2nded. p.25, but has an additional card listing the
name to
Zoology Voy. H.M.S. Beagle pt.III, Birds, no.15 Mch., 1841,
- This Zoology Voy. H.M.S. Beagle citation is also given by Schulze et al.
Nomenclator animalium generum et subgenerum. 1936. Band 4 lief. 21 p.3033.
- The question then becomes which publication has priority, Gray's Corrigenda to
the Zool.Voy.Beagle or the 2nd Edition of Gray's List
- Steinheimer, Dickinson, and Walters .2006. BBOC 126(3):171-193 wrote a
detailed discussion of nomenclatural issues from the Zoology of the Voy. of the
Beagle. So I contacted Frank Steinheimer to see if he could shed light on this
- Steinheimer indicates that they had overlooked the nomenclatural importance of
this name on the Corrigenda page (though they do discuss (p.189) the genus group name
Einicoris which appears on the Corrigenda).
- Steinheimer indicates (in litt. 2007.06.24) that the preface to the
2nd ed. of Gray's List Gen. Birds is dated
1st Aug. 1841, so it had to be published after this (and
after the Corrigenda to the Zool.Voy.Beagle).
Saltator atriceps raptor Citation
- Peters Checklist 11:228 (Paynter, 1970) cites this to "Journ. Boston Soc.
Nat. Hist."
this is incorrect, it is in the "Boston Journal of Natural
- Paynter's attempt to give the correct citation fell short in this instance,
though Bob Storer (in the same volume) was able to correctly cite this serial on
p.306 (Pyranga roseogularis).
2007.06.11; 2007.06.14
Chlorostilbon russatus Citation
- Peters Checklist 5:40 gives the page number for this as p.587 of
the 1881 Ibis.
- Colin Jones points out that the British Museum type listing gives
- In addition to the Br.Mus. type listing, the Richmond Index, and the CBBM
16:71 (Salvin) give p.597.
- HBW 5:687 also cites p.587, presumably following the Peters
Carduelis flammea rostrata Citation
- Peters Checklist 14:251 (=Howell et al., 1868) dates this to 1862 but
gives no evidence or logical argument in support of this.
- H&M 3rd:751 follows this date without question or
- The AOU CL 5th:569 appears to date this to March 31,
1862. This dating appears to be based on assuming the article was present in
signatures "26-36" (as stated in the AOU CL). Signatures 26-36 were acknowledged in
receipt at the Boston Society of Natural History on 31 March, 1862, and this fact no
doubt accounts for the dating given in the AOU CL.
- However, this taxon appears on p.378, and p.378 is to be found in signatures 22-25
which include pages 329-384. (This includes the report of the meeting of Nov. 26, 1861).
Signatures 22-25 had their receipt acknowledged at the Boston Soc. of Natural History on
31 Dec., 1861 and thus the publication is proven to be in existence in 1861 and was not
delayed until 1862.
- The acknowledgement of receipt and the range of pages involved is published on p.xii
of the 1913 "Dates of Publication" article from the Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci. Phila.
Atrichornis rufescens Citation
- Conventionally given as:
- Colin Jones helpfully points out (in litt. 2007.02.06) that Schodde
gives this Newspaper citation as the place where the name and description first occured.
The number (362) suggests that it may well have been late in December of 1866.
Aimophila ruficeps rupicola Systematics
- I find the systematic situation somewhat confusing, with uncertainty regarding the validity of
the taxon:
- It is listed as a questionable taxon by Peters Checklist 13:99; preceeded by a "?"
and with a foot note suggesting it may not be separable from simulans.
- Collins, P. W. 1999. Rufous-crowned Sparrow (Aimophila ruficeps). In The Birds
of North America, No. 472 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc.,
Philadelphia, PA. does not mention the taxon, but lists simulans as a "Mexican
subspecies" -- I mention this only becuase the type of rupicola was collected in Arizona,
so if rupicola and simulans are synonomous, then simulans would appear to
be a US & Mexican subspecies and I would expect it to be listed in the "Southwest desert
- H&M 3rd:787 (incl. Corr. 6) lists the taxon without
comment regarding its validity, and thus appear to have accepted the taxon but give no
support for this.
Passerculus rostratus Systematics
- Treated as a subspecies of Passerculus sandwichensis by most works.
- Zink 1991 presents considerable data in support of a substantial difference between this form
and other forms of P. sandwichensis.
- Despite a reasonable amount of literature and discussion on this point, H&M
3rd makes not mention of this.
2007.01.09; 2007.01.20
Curaeus curaeus reynoldsi Nomenclature
- H&M 3rd:772 lists the authority
without parentheses.
- Peters Checklist 14:183 indicates that this bird was
described in Notiopsar, and this is confirmed by the Richmond
- When placed in Curaeus the authority should be
in parentheses.
Rupicola magnirostris ruficaudus Nomenclature
- This taxon was previously listed as
The van Rossem name served as a replacement name when this taxon was in Buteo; the
replacement name being necessary due to the preoccupation by Buteo ruficaudus Vieillot 1807.
- When held in Rupornis the replacement name is not required and Sclater and Salvin's name
has priority.
- Thanks (again) to Colin Jones for this excellent pick-up.
Nemosia rourei Citation
- This name was published in the "Nov." Heft for 1870. The probability that it was actually
published in 1870 is very very low. The delay for this last number during this period was
generally a minimum of 3 months. However, as of yet, no proof of this delay is known to exist.
Falco columbarius richardsonii Citation
- Published in the Proc.Acad.Nat.Sci.Philadelphia "for 1870" (which I infer is tantamount to vol.
22, though I expect no "Vol. XXII" is to be found on the wrappers.
- The falcon name was published in number which included material from the Dec. 27, 1870 meeting
(a Tuesday).
- The 5th AOU CL dates this to March 14, 1871, and this is the date given by the 1913
Index published by the Academy. This date would appear to derive from the fact that at the meeting
of March 14, 1871 there was discussion of the fact that the Sept.-Dec. number had been published.
Thus it is likely the actual date of publication preceeds March 14, 1871, but it seems reasonable to
accept that as a date when it was proven to be available.
Falco tinnunculus rufescens Nomenclature
- Originally spelled "rufusecens" (actually apparently Falcon rufuscens
according to the Richmond Index).
- Peters Checklist 1(2):407 lists the original combination as "Falco rufuscens
[sic]" evidently aware of the specific epithet spelling, but not that of the genus group.
- HBW 2:259 lists the taxon as Falco rufescens without note or comment.
- Sherborn (p.5612) lists the taxon as:
rufuscens (sic) Falcon (sic), ...
- Sharpe Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 1:426 refers in text to:
... a dark Kestrel that Swainson named Falco rufescens.
- It appears to me that the overwhelming likelihood is that Sherborn and Richmond are correct,
Peters is partly correct, and Sharpe and HBW are wrong with regards the initial spelling.
- Normand David addresses the matter of this name (in litt. 2006.07.28) thus:
rufuscens, Swainson, 1837, Birds W. Afr 1:109
Peters I:407 cites "rufuscens [sic]" and uses rufescens
with at least 34 other similar cases. They are "defective" or misspelled Latin words. Now art.
32.5.1 says "Incorrect transliteration or latinization, or use of an inappropriate connecting vowel,
are not to be considered inadvertent errors"; but since only foreign (non-Latin) words can be
transliterated or latinized (see definitions in the Glossary), it follows that "defective" Latin
words can be viewed as inadvertent errors.
As far as I can see, this is why "rufuscens" was corrected to rufescens (the
correction is good Latin). Here I advocate the use of correction (see the title of 32.5: Spellings
that must be corrected...); and the Code creates confusion by using "justified emendation" (33.2.2)
-it should be mandatory correction, and the concept of (unjustified) emendation should be applied
only to deliberate changes (33.2.1).
Good news: the correction to rufescens does not fall prey to PU: PU preys upon subsequent spellings
not original spellings.
Phalacrocorax aristotelis riggenbachi Nomenclature
- Usually cited with Hartert alone as the author.
- The Richmond Index (1992) shows the authority as Hartert &
F.C.R. Jourdain.
- Edward Dickinson kindly investigated this and determined that the
article in question is written by Hartert "Assisted by F. C.
R. Jourdain", and as Dickinson noted, the discussion of the form is
all in the first person singular -- presumably Hartert.
- Workers citing Hartert alone include Peters Checklist 1:172 (Dorst & Mougin); H&M 3rd:92;
HBW 1:346; BWP.
- My reading suggests that Code is not exactly clear about
interpreting such an instance, but it seems reasonable to follow
convention, as well as what the Code probably holds, and list only
Hartert in the authority.
2006.07.13; 2006.07.14; 2006.09.15
Sylvia ruppeli Nomenclature Spelling
- Originally spelled "Sylvia ruppeli" (previously I had this wrongly spelled
myself as "ruppelli", but the Richmond Index card makes it clear it has only one "l" -2008.06.28) by Temminck,
according to the Richmond Index, and confirmed by Normand David and Edward C. Dickinson, who
examined the original description (in litt. 2006.05.10)
- Often, in fact usually, spelled "rueppelli", based understandably on the fact that
it is named after Rüppell, who was German and spelled his name with an "ü". Spelling
the specific epithet rueppelli would be correct if Temminck had rendered it
rüppelli (which he clearly did NOT).
2006.05.11; 2008.06.28
Eurocephalus ruppelli Nomenclature Spelling
- Originally spelled "E[urocephalus] ruppelli" by Bonaparte, according to the Richmond
Index, and confirmed by Normand David, who examined the original description (in litt.
- Often, in fact usually, spelled "rueppelli", based understandably on the fact that
it is named after Rüppell, who was German and spelled his name with an "ü". Spelling
the specific epithet rueppelli would be correct if Bonaparte had rendered it
rüppelli (which he clearly did NOT).
- It may be that "prevailing usage" will be inovked as a basis for persisting with the
rendering rueppelli. For now I employ the original spelling, as it is in no way
clear to me that "prevailing usage" applies in this case.
- There is no discussion of the spelling as late as the 2007.12 Corrigenda
7 for the H&M 3rd CL. [APP: 2007.12.30]
Rupornis Nomenclature
- With Normand David's kind help, I have come to understand that the genus of
Rupornis is masculine.
- The -ornis ending is, in itself, variable (masculine or feminine), so I
turned to evaluating the gender of the specific epithet with which it was originally
combined. Kaup combined it with magnirostris and -rostris is a Latin
adjectival form that is also of common, or variable gender. In such instances, when
an adjective is not indicative ofa particular gender it is held to be masculine
Aviceda subcristata reinwardtii Citation
- Peters Checklist 1(2):282 (Stresemann & Amadon) dates
this to 1841, and this is followed by H&M 3rd:98 and HBW
- The Richmond Index indicates that this was published in "Afl. 5" of
the Zoologie (Aves) portion of this. Richmond also notes that
Gray in Gen. Av. I:23 notes that it is in "no.5".
- Sharpe in Cat.B.B.M 1:358 dates this to "1839-44" and
curiously cites it to "p.35, tab.5", while others consistently cite
- Strickland in Orn.Synonyms 1:127 dates this to 1839.
- If we accept this as occuring in "no. 5" then Husson AM,
Hothuis LB. 1955. Zoologishce Mededelingen Uitgegeven Door Het
Rijksmuseum Van Natuurlijke Historie te Leiden. XXXIV(2):17-25. 17 Oct
1955. confirm a date of 1841 (October 11).
- Bock 1994 Bulletin Am.Mus.Nat.Hist. no.222 pp.137,247 lists this to Mathews Birds Australia
and gives "1913-1914".
- The exact location where this name is used is not known to me
and I am therefore uncertain as to the exact date.
Pionus menstruus reichenowi Nomenclature
- Described in Pionias which is an 1867 unjustified emendation by
Finsch of Pionus Wagler 1832.
- Thanks to Steven Gregory for looking into this, and to Colin Jones for
persistance in seeing the resolution through.
Myzomela obscura rubrobrunnea Citation
- See Sitz.K.Akad.Wiss.Wien
for a discussion of the dates and inconsistency of citation for this
- Of interest the H&M 3rd Corrigenda 3 corrects the date
for Myzomela cruentata (on p.202 of this serial) from 1875 to 1874
but make no mention of the date for Myzomela rubrobrunnea which is
on the following page (p.203).
- Dates for this serial were published by the Society in 1929, and
I am thankful to Edward Dickinson for providing me with a copy of
that Index.
Campephilus guatemalensis regius Cite
Ridgway in Bull.U.S.Natl.Mus. no.50 pt6 p.179 gives pl. 694 (which would be DCXCIV)
I follow Peters Checklist 6:228 and the Richmond Index, which give DCXLIX = 649.
AB Meyer's 1879 Index to Reichenbach's work also lists the plate number as
"DCXLIX". Addtionally Meyer's Index attributes this name to Lichtenstein
(probably as a manuscript name), The Richmond Index notes '"Lichtst."
MS.', though Peters Checklist 6:228 does not trouble itself with
this level of accuracy and detail.
Thanks to Michael Reiser for picking this up.
Ptilinopus richardsii Nomenclature
- Originally described in Ptilopus and for this
reason H&M 3rd:176 and HBW 4:212 place the authority in
- It appears to me that Ptilopus is an 1841 Strickland emendation of Swainson's
Ptilinopus. As an emendation it appears to me that it implies that the authority here
should not be in parentheses.
Gallicolumba luzonica rubiventris Citation
- Often cited to 1983 (e.g. HBW 4:179,612; H&M 3rd:170).
- The H&M 3rd Corrigenda 2.1 notes that the first edition of this
was published in 1979, and refers to Ibis. 1981 123:575 for details.
Reinwardtoena Nomenclature
- A genus-group name with spelling like this is an obvious source
of potential spelling and emendation problems. Peters Checklist
3:81,82 gives only a slight hint of this. The Checklist puts the
authority for Reinwardtoena griseotincta in parentheses, indicating
that Peters felt that as it was described in Reinwardtoenas that
parentheses were appropriate.
- What in fact do we have for renderings of this genus group name?
- Reinwardtoena Bonaparte 1854 CompteRendu 39 p.1112
- Reinwardtaenas Bonaparte 1854 Ann.Sci.Nat.(4) 1 p.140
(evidently a nomen nudum)/
- Reinwardtaena Gray,GR 1856 ListBirdsBrit.Mus. pt4 p.40
- Reinwardtoenas Salvadori 1892 Mem.R.Accad.Sci.Torino(2)
42(1891) p.60
- Reinwardtoenas Salvadori 1893 Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 21 p.365
- H&M 3rd:163 must evidently interpret
Reinwardtoenas to simply be an emendation, as it differs from the
Peters Checklist with regard to parentheses for the authority, but gives
no rationale or support for the position taken.
Anthus roseatus Nomenclature
- This bird is often referred to as
- Anthus pelopus Gray,JE & Gray,GR 1847 Cat.Mamm.BirdsNepalThibet[Gray,JE] p.154 Nomenclature
- See, for example, Deignan HG, 1960. "The Oldest name for the Roseate
Pipit". BBOC 80(7):120.
- However, as Edward Dickinson pointed out to me, the name Anthus
roseatus was established as the approved name by the ICZN in Opinion 803,
(1967.03.06) so considerations of priority and the mysteries of publishing
history become moot with regard to this name.
2005.01.22; 2007.08.18
Dromaius novaehollandiae rothschildi Nomenclature
- Described by Mathews in Dromiceius which is the way this name
was spelled in Vieillot's Analyse on p.54, but spelled Dromaius on p.70.
(see Nomenclature)
- As Gray's action as first reviser establishes Dromaius as the correct form,
Mathews' use of Dromiceius appears to me to constitute the use of an incorrect spelling,
and thus the authority should not be in parentheses according to ICZN 1999 Art. 51.3.1
- Thanks to Colin Jones for picking this up.
Archibuteo regalis = Buteo regalis Nomenclature
- Usually cited, as here, to the first edition of Gray's Gen.Birds.
which has an apparent publishing date of May, 1844.
- Several points of interest are raised in the Richmond Index.
- The second edition of pages 11-12 of this work was issued in June,
1849, and the name there is changed to A. ferrugineus
- The name Archibuteo regalis may first have been used in a
publication "List Accip.", published ostensibly Feb. 12, 1844
(evidently the imprint date), where the name appears to have been a
nomen nudum.
- It appears that the List Accip. was reviewed in Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist.
for May of 1844, which would suggest that it may have preceeded the
May publication of the First edition of the Gen.Birds.
- The Richmond Index also includes a note that the first Ed. of
Gray's Gen.Birds was suppressed -- the note reading "[ed. 1
Apteryx rowi Concept
- Recently described as a separate species. An abstract of the publication
The new species differs only slightly from the other brown kiwis. Differences
can be found in plumage colour and colouration of bare parts, which are all
paler than in other brown kiwis with the head, neck and belly feathers
noticeably grey (often with some white on the head), the softness of the
feathers (softer when stroked backwards than in Tokoeka), the shorter bill and
the barred outer wing feathers (not present in the other brown kiwis). Apart
from the holotype, only six specimens (paratypes) of the new species are known.
- Additionally there are comments on the name
The existence of more than one species of brown kiwi had already been deduced
from molecular studies in 2001 and was published two years later (Burbidge, M L,
Colbourne, R M, Robertson, H A & Baker, A J 2003. Molecular and other biological
evidence supports the recognition of at least three species of brown kiwi.
Conserv.Genet. 4: 167-177). However, the name 'Apteryx rowii' used
in this publication does not comply in every aspect with the rules set by the
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature and the same applies to
earlier descriptions of this taxon, all leading to invalid scientific names
(nomina nuda). A nomen nudum ('naked name') implies that the given
name has no official status (is invalid) and should not be used to refer to the
taxon involved. Considering the urgent need for a properly established
scientific name for the new species, Tennyson et al (2003) decided that it was
best to quickly name and describe the new species in a separate publication.
Tokoeka is a polytypic species with at least three different 'lineages', now
grouped into two subspecies. Further studies may reveal that more subspecies
should be recognized or that subspecies should also be awarded species status.
More information on the status, population and distribution of all five kiwi
species, including colour photographs of each species, can be found at the kiwi
recovery website (www.kiwirecovery.org.nz/Kiwi/Home/).
- Thanks to Murray Bruce for bringing this to my attention and providing the
Pitta sordidus rosenbergi Date
- Listed by Peters Checklist
8:317 (Mayr) as 1874.
- Florence Pieters of Artis Bibliotheek has confirmed the dates
for the various parts of this work. Her compilation shows this to have been
published in 1871.
Pitta erythrogaster rufiventris Date
- Listed by Peters Checklist 8:317 (Mayr) as 1859, and this is
followed by H&M 3rd:338
- The Richmond Index lists this as from 1860 and suggestst that evidence on p.463
of that volume and number (not seen) indicate that it could not have been published before
Jan. 22, 1860.
- The Peters Checklist, and H&M are inconsistent in treating the dates of taxa from
this volume and number of J.Orn., dating most to 1859 (which is the imprint date) and at least
one other (Illadopsis) as 1860.
- Neave and Schulze treat Illadopsis as being published in 1860, and in fact Schulze
suggests that it was published "1860 VII", which I interpret to be July (!) of 1860.
Reisen-Brit.Guiana Date
- Dating of Bd. III (which has an imprint date of 1848)
is variable and inconsistent among and within various workers.
- The unpublished CW Richmond Dates-of-Publication cards address
this issue (see entry under Reisen-Brit.Guiana), and while they
do not fully resolve the question, I interpret the preponderance
of evidence to support 1849 for Bd. III.
Dendropicos gabonensis reichenowi Nomenclature
Megalaima franklinii ramsayi Nomenclature
Megalaima lagrandieri rothschildi Nomenclature
Ninox philippensis reyi Citation
- The citation given by Peters Checklist 4:143 is for volume 1 of the second series
of the Bull.Hebdo.Assoc.Sci.France.
- HBW 5:686 duplicates this reference to volume 1.
- The Richmond Index, indicates that this is volume 2 of the second series, and this
is more consistent with other citations for taxa described by Oustalet on the same page.
The Peters Checklist 5:267 lists Buceros montani from p.205 of volume 2 of the
same series and in the same year. HBW 6:528 also lists this as from volume 2.
- I follow the Richmond index, and use volume 2.
Ninox connivens rufostrigata Date
- Peters Checklist 4:137 gives a date of 1860.
- HBW 5:231 also gives a date of 1860.
- The Richmond Index gives a date of March 1861.
- Duncan PZS 1937 says this section of the PZS was "Issued between August 1860 and March 1861."
- I follow Richmond here.
Dinopium rafflesii Author
- Authorship frequently given as Vigors & Horsfield (e.g. Peters
Checkist 6:146; HBW 7:545).
- Thanks to Murray Bruce's work on this it is clear that Vigors was
the author of the bird descriptions in the catalogue attached to the
Memoir by Lady Raffles. This sole authorship was indicated by the
Marquis Tweddale in Ibis 1877 (4)1:284.
- Bruce indicates that the likelihood is that Gray attributed
authorship to Vigors & Horsfield based upon their names in
attribution for a plate in the work.
Tinamus major robustus Citation
- A complex nomenclatural situation:
- Name first published by Sclater without a description in PZS
1860 p.253.
- Name published with a description of the skeleton by Parker in 1866
(Trans.Zool.Soc.London 5(1864) p.205-232.
- Name also listed (sometimes with details of anatomical parts) by
Owen (1861), Salvin (1861,1865), Parker (1862), GR Gray (1867), and
Huxley (1867).
- The publication in ExoticOrn. is held to be the first with
satisfactory description. That citation is as follows:
- [2010.05.26] Colin Jones has helpfully pointed out that while the initial description in PZS is
a nomen nudum, the name was, in the Ibis in 1861, also linked with a egg, with an associated
- It appears to me that this satisfies the requirements for the original description. This
apparently valid nomenclatural act is not acknowledged or discussed by recent
authors to my knowledge.
2003.05.11; 2010.05.26
Rupornis Concept
- Riesing et al. treat the phylogenetic and taxonomic relationships in
Buteo. Finding Buteo to be paraphyletic, they propose two
ways of resolving this:
- include Parabuteo into Buteo or
- exclude B. leucorrhous and B. magnirostris while
including Asturina nitida and Geranoaetus
- They chose the second approach because of the acceptance of
Parabuteo as distinct, and on the basis of support from their
molecular data.
- Riesing MJ, Kruckenhauser L, Gamauf A, Haring E. 2003.
phylogeny of the genus Buteo (Aves: Accipitridae) based on
mitochondrial marker sequences." Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Aquila rapax Citation
- Peters Checklist 1:380 (Stresemann & Amadon) the
Richmond Index and Sherborn have livr.76 pl.455. Sherborn adds a
note "extremo 1827".
- HBW 2:575 replicates the error, most probably following the
Peters citation.
- Dickinson EC (2001) discusses this, and would appear to resolve the
issue, demonstrating that the "76" is most likely a misprint for
77. A misprint being more likely than the plate having been
issued with the wrong livraison.
- Dickinson EC. 2001. 'Systematic notes on Asian birds. 9. The
"Nouveau recueil de planches coloriees" of Temminck & Laugier
(1820-1839)' Zool. Verh., Leiden 335 p.52'
Caprimulgus ruwenzorii Date
- Listed by Peters Checklist 4:210 as 1908. HBW
5:370 (Cleere) repeats this error.
- While the initial numbers of BBOC 23 were published in 1908,
no. CLII containing the description of Caprimulgus ruwenzoriii
was published June 10, 1909.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for picking this up.
Tringa ruficollis Concept
- Pallas' original description is
reproduced here:
N. 281 COLYMBUS (ruficollis,) fuscus, collo subtus
rufo. Magn. infra Alcam Allen. Totus fuscus,
subtus albicante nebulosus. Collum totum subtus
late ferrugineo-rufum in Mare; in femina ob-
soletius, eique gula albo fusoque nebulosa, &
truncus subtus medio albo argentatus. Rostrum
nigrum, basi subtus oblique flavum.
The locality looks problematic to me, and the Sherborn aritcle has what I interpret to
be a note, added in brackets and reproduced exactly here:
"[Is the female of 280, which is called " ruficollis,"
"zeer zeldzaam in onze Meiren."]"
Data taken from Sherborn CD. 1905. "The new species of Birds in
Vroeg's Catalogue, 1764." Smiths.Misc.Coll. 47(3):339-340.
The italicized species epithet in parentheses "(ruficollis,), has a comma
following the species epithet. This occurs in some, but a minority, of the representations
in Sherborn's article. I have no idea if there is any significance to this, and in fact if
it represents the actuality of the text as printed.
Phoenicopterus roseus Concept
- Listed by Peters Checklist 1:270 and HBW 1:525 (del
Hoyo) as a subspecies of P. ruber.
- Elevation to species status proposed by the BOU. Knox AG,
Collinson M, Helbig AJ, Parkin DT & Sangster G. 2002. "Taxonomic
recommendations for British Birds." Ibis
144(4):707-708., based on plumage, coloration,
displays, and vocalizations.
- Elevated to species level by AOU CL 49th Supplement 2008 p.760
2002.11.03; 2008.08.03
Scolopax rosenbergii Concept.
- Listed by Peters Checklist 2:278 and HBW 3:489 (van
Gils & Wiersma) as a subspecies of S. saturata.
- Marek Kuziemko brought to my attention a recent revision of this
species. I quote his email (2002.07.24)
- "Recently Kennedy et al. (2001) separated rosenbergi from
S. saturata as a separated species. They argue that
rosenbergii, compared to saturata, is:
- isolated from the other form by at least 2,500 km, which for
a sedentary population is expected to mean negligible gene flow
between them;
- significantly larger in wing, tail, tarsus and culmen
- strikingly different in plumage: upperparts much darker and
more loosely barred; conspicuous and well-developed white spots
on malar, supraloral and chin; darker throat, breast and
belly with latter barred with white.
Ref.: Kennedy RS, Fisher TH, Harrap SCB, Diesmos AC & Manamtam
AS. 2001. "A new species of woodcock (Aves: Scolopacidae) from the
Philippines and a re-evaluation of other Asian/Papuasian woodcock."
Forktail 17: 1-12."
Phylloscopus ruficapilla Spelling
- Often spelled R. ruficapillus (e.g. Peters).
- Originally Pogonocichla ruficapilla Sundevall 1850.
- David and Gosselin. "Gender agreement of avian species
names." BBOC 2002. 122(1):38 discuss this.
- "As a final component of
species-group names, -capilla is the Latin noun capillus
with a modified ending, and does not include any adjectival suffix.
Adjectival names derived from capillus would end in a
recognizable suffix (-capillata, capillosa, etc.).
Original names ending in capilla [the modified Latin noun
capillus] are noun phrases that are to be treated as nouns in
- They indicate the spelling should be Phylloscopus
ruficapilla. Their argument is that it " should not be changed to
P. ruficapillus.
- During the period of 1978-1992 the combination Phylloscopus ruficapilla occurs
once and Phylloscopus ruficapillus occurs twice the Zoo. Rec..
Upucerthia ruficaudus Spelling
- Often spelled U. ruficauda (e.g. Peters, Sibley & Monroe).
- Originally Ochetorhynchus ruficaudus Meyen 1834.
- David and Gosselin. "Gender agreement of avian species names." BBOC 2002.
122(1):37 indicate the spelling should be Upucerthia ruficaudus. Their argument is
that "-caudus is derived from a noun, but is not adjectival; if it were adjectival it
would end in -caudatus. "Although -us (-a, -um) can be a Latin adjectival
suffix, it is only when added to a noun that ends in a consonant." Rather, the name is a noun
phrase, that must be treated as a noun in apposition, with the original spelling retained.
- During the period of 1978-1992 the combination Upucerthia ruficauda occurs once
in the Zoo. Rec..
Eolophus roseicapilla Spelling
- Often spelled E. roseicapillus (e.g. Peters).
- Originally Cacatua roseicapilla Vieillot 1817.
- David and Gosselin. "Gender agreement of avian species names." BBOC 2002.
122(1):38 "As a final component of
species-group names, -capilla is the Latin noun capillus
with a modified ending, and does not include any adjectival suffix.
Adjectival names derived from capillus would end in a
recognizable suffix (-capillata, capillosa, etc.).
Original names ending in capilla [the modified Latin noun
capillus] are noun phrases that are to be treated as nouns in
- They indicate the spelling should be Eolophus roseicapilla.
Their argument is that it " should not be changed to E.
- During the period of 1978-1992 the combination Eolophus roseicapllus occurs 54
times in the Zoo. Rec.;Eolophus roseicaplla occurs 5 times during
that period.
Cyornis rufigastra Spelling
- Often spelled C. rufrigaster (e.g. Sibley & Monroe).
- Originally Muscicapa rufigastra Raffles 1822.
- David and Gosselin. "Gender agreement of avian species
names." BBOC 2002. 122(1):37 indicate the spelling should be
Cyornis rufigastra. Their argument is that
"-gastra is derived from a noun, but is not adjectival. Rather,
the name is a noun phrase, that must be treated as a noun in
apposition, with the origial spelling retained.
- During the period of 1978-1992 only the combination Cyornis rufigastra occurs
in the Zoo. Rec..
Cyornis ruckii Spelling
- Peters Checklist 11:361 uses the spelling ruecki noting that this
was an emendation made by Sharpe in his Hand-list of Birds, 1901 3:214.
- Sibley & Monroe hold this to be an unjustified emendation.
- The taxon is named after M. Rück. Rück collected the specimen in Malacca (type -- 2
specimens -- in the Paris Museum). However the Richmond Index indicates that Oustalet's spelling
of the species epithet is Ruckii.
- Sharpe's spelling in his Hand-List is, in fact, ruecki as Peters indicates.
- During the period of 1978-1992 the species epithet ru[e]cki[i] does not occur in the
Zoo. Rec..
- [2009.09.14] The question, of course, is: was M. Rück German, or (more probably) Dutch?
If he was Dutch, the spelling ruckii would be appropriate if German or if it is uncertain,
then the umlaut may be appropriate.
- In Corrigenda 8 Dickinson et al. may have the correct decision, but their facts
appear to be simply wrong. They write:
Cyornis ruecki [M. LeCroy 2008, Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist 313 p. 94 found the original spelling
to be rückii and lacking evidence for whether the name was based upon a German word
retained the spelling ruecki; she appears to have not retained -ii due to prevaiing usage.
We may use rueckii in next Edition.]
My reading of Mary LeCroy's finding is different, she says (p.94):
Originally, the current name of this form was spelled Siphia ruckii, without an umlaut
(Oustalet, 1881: 78),...
The phrase "without an umlaut" indicates to me that she did not
"f[ind' the original spelling to be rückii" so if the umlaut is "retained" it is
retained from the emendation and certainly not from the original description.
- Dickinson et al. appear to be proceeding on the basis of incorrect
facts (Mary's finding). Ideally we would determine the nationality of M. Rück; like Mary,
I have so far not been able to do this.
- Given the confusion (and error) here I retain the original spelling
"ruckii" for the present.
- [2009.09.15] One factor that may add to the confusion here is that the diagnosis was
"reproduced" by Reichenow and Schalow in J.Orn. 32:398 (1884);
in that location the binomen is rendered
301. Siphia Rückii.
2002.07.14; 2009.09.14; 2009.09.15
Megalaima rubricapillus Spelling
- Originally Bucco rubricapillus Gmelin, 1788.
- Often spelt M. rubricapilla. (e.g. Sibley & Monroe,
- David N & Gosselin M. 2002. "Gender agreement of avian
species names." BBOC. 122(1):35 discuss this. They
indicate that "The word capillus is and always has been a noun.
Original names consisting of a Latin adjectival stem joined to the Latin noun capillus
are noun phrases to be treated as nouns in apposition."
- During the period of 1978-1992 only the combination Megalaima
rubricapill... does not occur in the Zoo. Rec..
Scytalopus robbinsi
Placement within Scytalopus is uncertain, and should not be afforded
any authority.
I have arbitrarily placed it toward the end of the genus.
Sylvia lugens 1840
Usually cited as 1840, though some evidence suggests 1839 is possible.
Peters Checklist 11:287 has 1804(sic).
Streptopelia risoria Systematics
- Streptopelia risoria not afforded specific status by Peters, Sibley
& Monroe, H&M. 3rd or
HBW 4.
- This taxon is of some importance, as it is the type for Streptopelia, but the
confusions are considerable, and largely unaddressed in recent works.
- The AOU Cl 7thed. p.222 says:
Notes. -- Also known as Barbary Dove. This widely domesticated and locally introduced
form is now deemed to be derived from the African S. roseogrisea(Sundevall, 1957 [sic = 1857])
[African Collared-Dove] rather thand S. deccaocto (Goodwin 1983). ... There is con-
troversy whether the name risoria can be applied to any wild population at all (Sibley and
Monroe 1990).
Goodwin D. 1983. Pigeons and Doves of the world, 3rd ed. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, New
- AOU CL 7th ed. also recognizes Streptopelia decaocto, which HBW would appear to
regard as a synonym of S. risoria.
- This seems to be a complicated and difficult situation, made more so by what appear to be the largely
ignored implications regarding estblishing the type for Streptopelia.
- Previously included:
but it has been felt appropriate to use the name of the wild species in place of a
name based on domesticated birds.
....; 2005.01.29; 2006.04.20
Turdus reevi 1869
- Peters Checklist 10:212 has "1870".
- I follow {Richmond, et al., 1992} which indicates June 1869.
Balearica regulorum Author
- Both {Sherborn, 1902} and Peters 2:154 attribute this to
Bennett., and Sherborn indicates it is E. T. Bennett.
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} lists Gray (without designating which Gray)
for this citation.
- Both Sherborn 1902 and {Richmond, et al. 1992} note "Ex Licht.".
- I am uncertain what standing Gray has in this matter, though G.R.
Gray used the name Balearica regulorum in 1844 in his
List of Birds of the British Museum, where again it is "Ex. Licht.".
- The article in the PZS (a segment called "On several animals recently added
to the Society's Menagerie." is attributed in the table of contents (p.[iii]) to
E.T. Bennett, Esq. However, the text of the material makes note of points
made by "Mr. Gray" regarding the morphology of the birds and those implications,
thus suggesting that it may be Gray who is establishing the material.
- The text of the matter reads:
The two species may thus be distinguished:
*Occipite cristato, cristâ erectâ, effusâ e plumis setaceis constante.
ANTHROPOÏDES PAVONINUS, Viell. Anth. genis nudis, supernè
albis infernè latè roseis; paleari minimo; gutturis plumis elon-
gatis nigriescentibus.
Ardea pavonina, Linn. et Auct.
Hab. in Africâ Septontrionali et Occidentali.
ANTHROPOÏDES REGULORUM. Anth. genis nudis, albis supernè
roseis; paleari magno; gutturis plumis elongatis pendulinis cæru-
Grus Regulorums, Licht.
Hab. in Africâ Meridionali.
It is probable that this latter species has been figured by Petiver
and by Kolbe; but their representations are by no means sufficiently
defined to authorize a postivie reference to them.
Mr. Gray took occasion to remark that the oval form of the
nostrils in the crowned Cranes, added to other distinguishing cha-
racters which have frequently been pointed out, might be regarded
as indicating a generic difference between them and the Demoiselle
and Stanley Cranes, in which the nostrils have the lengthened form
usual in the genus Grus, a genus from which they scarcely differ
except in the comparative shortness of their bill. For the group
including the crowned Cranes the name of Balearica might, he
thought, be retained; and that of Anthropoïdes be appropriated to
the one comprehending Anth. Virgo, Vieill. and Anth. paradisæus,
- Thus, while it appears there are clearly indications of Gray's involvement, the
full extent is not (to me) evident, and I continue to treat Bennett as the author.
C. respublica Citation
- Peters Checklist 15:199 lists "p.131-291".
- I follow {Richmond, et al., 1992} here.
Meliphaga reticulata 1820
- Peters Checklist 12:369 has "1824".
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} and {Sherborn, 1902} have 1820, which is more
believable for livr.5 of this work.
Lamprolaima rhami 1839
- Peters Checklist 5:84 has "1838".
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} says Rev.Zool I, [no.12] for Dec. 1838, with
a note "publ. 1839".
Berlepschia rikeri 1887
- Peters Checklist 7:121 lists "1886".
- {Harris, 1928} and {Richmond, et al. 1992} indicate, this was
published Feb. 14, 1887.
Campephilus robustus 1818
- Peters Checklist 6:230 lists the date as 1819 with a footnote
to the citation saying "So cited by Sherborn".
- Wolters (p.162) lists the taxon as 1819.
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} and {Sherborn, 1902} list the date as
- Which publication of Sherborn's Peters refers to is not
- HBW 7:532 (Short & Horne) list 1819, evidently following
the Peters Checklist.
- Peters Checklist 2:205 cites a taxon from later in the same work
(Crex galeata p.36) to 1818.
2002.06.30; 2010.07.05
Galbula ruficauda 1816
- Peters Checklist 2:7 has "1817".
- See {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.
Macropygia ruficeps 1835
- Peters Checklist 3:78 lists "1834".
- Livraison 95 was published in 1835, as Peters correctly cites for
other taxa in Vol. 3.
Sclerurus rufigularis 1868
- Peters Checklist 7:151 indicates "1869".
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} indicates this was "(pub. late Sep.,
Buteo rufinus 1829
- Peters Checklist 1:373 has "1827".
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} indicates the publishing date is 1829.
Strix rufipes 1827
- Peters Checklist 4:163 lists "1828", as does Wolters.
- HBW 5:200 (I. Heynen), also gives "1828".
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} has December, 1827 which I follow.
Conopophilia rufogularis Citation
- Peters Checklist 12:435 has "p.13" apparently a typographic
truncation of p.137.
Otus roboratus Citation
- Peters Checklist 4:105 shows this as Vol. "40"
- It is Vol. 35.
Agelaius ruficapillus a1819
- Peters Checklist 14:175 leaves the date out of the
Enicurus ruficapillus 1832
- Peters Checklist 10:86 has "1823" a transpostion for 1832, the
date when this volume was published.
Troglodytes rufocilatus
- Peters Checklist 9:427 treats as a subspecies of
Troglodytes rufocilatus 1882
- Peters Checklist 9:427 has 1881.
- This volume was published in 1882, though it has an imprint date of
1881. The Richmond Index shows all taxa from this volume as occuring in
1882, with the note: 'vol. dated "1881"'.
Amazilia rondoniae
- Not in Peters Checklist Vol.5. Not in Sibley & Monroe.
Rougetius rougetii spelling
- Spelt Rougetius rougetii in Peters Checklist, by Sibley
& Monroe, HBW, H&M 3rd, and in the Richmond Index..
- In The Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum 23:163 the
name is spelt R. rougeti with only one "i".
Rhynochetos spelling
- Spelt variously Rhynochetos, Rhinochetos,
- Sharpe uses "Rhinochetos" in the Cataloge of Birds in the British
Museum 23:246.
Basileuterus rufifrons citation
- Sharpe, 1885. in the Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum
10:396 gives p.249.
- Sherborn and Richmond give p.294, which I follow.
- This is supported by my copy which has the name on p.294.
....; 2006.12.10
Phyllomyias reiseri
- See Cardoso da Silva JM, New data support the specific status
of Reiser's Tyrannulet, a central Brazilian endemic. 1996. BBOC
Vidua raricola systematics
- Species limits and definitional issues are difficult in the
Viduae. Species status is afforded based on genetic and
morphologic differences. Payne RB, Payne LL. Song mimicy and
species associations of west African indigobirds Vidua with
Quail-finch Ortygospiza atricollis. Goldbreast Amandava
sublflava and Brown Twinspot Clytospiza montieri. Ibis. 1994
Zosterops rotensis systematics
- Mitochondrial sequence data supports previous suggestions that Z.
rotensis is a species distinct from other Bridled White-eyes in the Marianas.
Slikas B, Jones IB, Derrickson SR, Fleischer RC. Phylogenetic
relationships of Micronesian White-eyes based on mitochondrial sequence data.
2000. Auk 117(2):355-365.
Poliocephalus rufopectus Citation
- The authority is listed without parentheses by Peters Checklist
- The taxon was originally described by Gray as "Podiceps
(Poliocephalus) rufopectus".
- The ICZN 1999 article 51 c (i) states: "This use of parentheses
applies only to changes in the name of the genus with which the
species-group name is combined; it is not affected by the presence of
a subgeneric name ..."
- Therefore I list the authority in parentheses.
Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Aegolius ridgwayi Systematics
- Recognized as a full species by Peters Checklist 4:174.
- Not recognized as a full species by Sibley & Monroe.
- Recognized as a full species by AOU Checklist 7th ed.
- Recognized as a full species by HBW 5:229.
- Considered by all who discuss it to possibly be a conspecific
with A. acadicus. True status and relationships appear somewhat
Carpococcyx radiceus Spelling
- As Peters Checklist 4:64 notes: "This is the original
spelling; Temminck wrote it radiatus in Tabl. Meth. 1838, p.53,
and the latter name is often used."
Reinwardtoena reinwardtii Spelling
- Originally spelt reinwardtsi. And is so spelt in Peters
Checklist 3:81, also so spelt in Sibley & Monroe.
- HBW 4:146 spells it reinwartii, with the note that
Temminck "himself" emended the name. I presume that this refers to
his emendation in Pl.Col. livr.101-2 (probably 1839) p.81 (though I am
made somehwhat uneasy by the fact that the authors of the article do not
include a specific reference to the emandation article). Whether that
emendation satisfies the ICZN requirements is not known to me.
- With some unease, I follow the spelling favored by the authors of the
HBW article.
Rheinardia Author
- HBW 2:550 lists the author as "Maingonnat" [sic] which is correct.
- Peters Checklist II:132 spells the author's name Maingounat, in this
following Delacour's rendering in Ibis 1929:203(note).
- Many authors follow the spelling as given in Peters Checklist
.....; 2010.09.06
Charadrius rubricollis Systematics
- Included by some authors in Thinornis.
- Normand David writes:
Both HANZAB 2 and Christidis & Boles (1994, RAOU Monograph 2) include
rubricollis and novaeseelandiae in Thinornis.
Streptoprocne rutilis
- Previously placed in Cypseloides but see Marin AM snd
Stiles GF. 1992. On the biology of five species of swifts in Costa Rica.
Proc. West. Found. Vert. Zool., 4:287-351. and
Auk 110(3):678
Charadrius ruficapillus 1821
- Peters 2:250 and HBW 3:432 have 1822.
- Livr. 8 of this work was published in March of 1821.(see
Zimmer p.627).
Carpodacus rodochroa Nomenclature
- Sibley and Monroe leave the parentheses off, though Vigors
described this in Fringilla.
- Peters Checklist 14:275 (Mayr) spells this C.
rhodochrous and lists the original as "Fringilla
rodochroa [sic]..."
- Sibley and Monroe have a note indicating it was consistently spelt
without the "h".
Carpodacus rodopepla Nomenclature
- Vigors described this in Fringilla.
- Peters Checklist 14:278 (Howell et al., 1968) spells this C.
rhodopeplus and lists the original as "Fringilla
rodopepla [sic]..."
- The original spelling is clearly "rodopepla".
....; 2007.04.07
Histurgops ruficaudata spelling
- Usually spelt Histurgops ruifcauda.
- I initially interpreted ICZN 1999 to state that the
genus-group name is masculine. If so, I believed the species-group
name should be ruficaudatus.
- Normand David corrected me in this (2002.05.29); he writes:
"The original spelling Histurgops ruficauda Reichenow, 1887
is used correctly by Peters (XV:6) and S & M 1990. Although
Histurgops is masculine, the species-group name ruficauda
is an invariable noun phrase (and needs no change)."
Rhinoplax 1841
- Peters Checklist 5:271 lists 1842.
- Pages 1-400 of this work were issued in 1841.
Ducula rosacea Date
- The date for this livraison is usually given as 1835 (e.g. Peters 3:48,
HBW 4:234, Richmond Index, Sherborn)
- Dickinson EC (2001) points out that Mees (1994) provides evidence to
the contrary.
- Dickinson EC. 2001. 'Systematic notes on Asian birds. 9.
The "Nouveau recueil de planches coloriees" of Temminck & Laugier (1820-1839)'
Zool. Verh., Leiden 335 p.7-56'
- To quote Dickinson: 'Mees (1994) reported that an "Avis accompagnant
la 97e livraison" was present in the copy of the "Planches coloriées" in
Leiden and that this carries the date April 1836. It follows that the
dates for livraisons 98 and 99 must also date from 1836, presumably
from after April, and thus from December 31.'
- Mees, G.F., 1994. "Vogelkundig onderzoek op Nieuw Guinea in
1828. Terugblik op de ornithologische resultaten van de reis van
Zr. Ms. Korvet Triton naar de zuid-west kust van
Nieuw-Guinea." Zool. Bijdr. Leiden 40: 1-64, fig. 1-8, colour
pl. 1-12. (noot 15).
- I interpret Avis to mean "a sort of preface".
Passer rutilans Date
- The date for this livraison is usually given as 1835 (e.g. Peters 15:14, Richmond Index, Sherborn)
- Dickinson EC (2001) points out that Mees (1994) provides evidence to the contrary.
- Dickinson EC. 2001. 'Systematic notes on Asian birds. 9.
The "Nouveau recueil de planches coloriees" of Temminck & Laugier (1820-1839)'
Zool. Verh., Leiden 335 p.7-56'
- To quote Dickinson: 'Mees (1994) reported that an "Avis accompagnant la 97e
livraison" was present in the copy of the "Planches coloriées" in Leiden
that this carries the date April 1836. It follows that the dates for livraisons
98 and 99 must also date from 1836, presumably from after April, and thus from
December 31.'
- Mees, G.F., 1994. "Vogelkundig onderzoek op Nieuw
Guinea in 1828. Terugblik op de ornithologische resultaten van de
reis van Zr. Ms. Korvet Triton naar de zuid-west kust van
Nieuw-Guinea." Zool. Bijdr. Leiden 40: 1-64, fig. 1-8, colour pl.
1-12. (noot 15).
- I interpret Avis to mean "a sort of preface".
Rupicola Citation
- Usually (e.g. Peters 8:306 (DW Snow)) listed as:
- The name is first used in vol.1 where it is available as a
- Thanks to Steven Gregory for this understanding.
Comments & Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2020.12.17