Genus DENDOROPICOS. The genus Dendropicos was first proposed by Malherbe. The name appears on pp. 316 & 338 of his well-known paper on the classification of the Picidae published in the 30th volume of the 'Memoirs of the Academy of Metz.' The name also appears in the 'Revue et Magazin de Zoologie' for 1849, p. 532. According to Sherborne, this latter reference dates from November -- the first-named appeared "after May." I am therefore inclined to take this as the original reference. The type of Dendropicos is given by Gray (Cat. Gen. Subgen. Bds. p.92 as Picus affinis Swainson, a Brazilian species now placed in the genus Dendrobates. Hargitt (Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus. xviii. p. 293) makes Dendropicus cardinalis (now D. fuscescens) the type. Neither of these two species are mentioned by Malherbe in his original description; so both these subsequent designations fall. I therefore propose to designate Dendropicus lafresnayi Malherbe the type of the genus Dendropicus
THE CARDINAL WOODPECKER (Dendropicos fuscescens fus- cescens). 1818. Vieillot, Nouv. Dict. d. Hist. Nat. xxvi. p.86, gives no locality, and only mentions that he is referring to Levaillant's plate 253. 1808. Levaillant, Ois. d'Afr. vi. p.25, pl. 253, says it goes very near the Cape, in fact as far as the forests go, and adds: "Thus it was at Groote vaders bosch where I saw it for the first time." Reference to his map show that the patch of forest mentioned is situated a little north-east of Swellendam and north- west of what is now Heidelber, in fact on the southern slopes of the Lange Bergen. The restricted type-locality should read: the Swellendam district, Cape Province."