Zoological Type Notes --G
- Gallirex porphyreolophus (Vigors) 1831
no.8 p.93
- Type by subsequent designation. Musophaga porphyreolopha Vigors (Gray, Cat.Gen.Subgen.Bds. p.144).
- Type locality:
- "Africa inland from Algoa Bay." (Peters representation).
- Vigors' describes the specimens presented as [coming] "immediately from Algoa Bay; but were supposed
to have been collected far in the interior of the country".
- Clancey. 1955 discusses this Clancey PA. 1955. "On the Type-Locality of Gallirex porphyreolophus
(Vigors), 1831". BBOC 75(7):88-90. And based on available data, and Sir Andrew Smith first listing
a definite locality as near Port Natal, Clancey proposes amending the type locality to "Durban, Natal".
- Galloperdix spadicea (Gmelin) 1789 Syst.Nat. 1 pt2 p.759
- Type by monotypy. P. spadiceus = Tetrao spadicea Gmelin.
- Type locality (Peters representation): "Madagascar ex Sonnerat, error = India." Peters 2:106.
- Peters type locality note: "Stuart Baker, BBOC 40, 1919, p.19, designates Ootycamund,
Nilgiri Hills as the type locality, but as far back as 1831 Lesson (Traité d'Orn. p.504)
was aware that Sonnerat's bird didn not come from Madagascar, and gave the range of
Perdix spadaciea Latham (which was the same basis as Tetrao spadiceus Gmelin) as
"de Pondichéry, du Sénégal." Peters 2:106.
- Gallus gallus (Linnaeus) 1758 Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.158
- Type by tautonomy. Phasianus gallus Linnaeus
- Type locality: "India Orientali: Pouli candor, &c" (Linnaeus).
- Note: the locality in Linnaeus is given under the "epsilon" form (pusillus) of PHASIANUS GALLUS.
- Type locality (Peter representation): '"India orientali, Pouli condor, etc." Restricted type locality, Island of Pulo Condor, off the mouth of the Mekong.' Peters 2:118.
- Peters clearly has "Pouli condor", whilst Linnaeus has "Pouli candor".
- I interpret the restriction of the type locality to be Peters work.
- The meaning of the beta, gamma, delta, epsilon forms is not clear to me.
- Guttera pucherani (Hartlaub) 1861 J.Orn. 8(1860) p.341
- Uncertainty here:
- Peters 2:137 gives: "Type by monotypy, Numida cristata Pallas 1767 = Meleagris cristata Pallas 1764, not of Linne 1758 = Guttera pallasi Stone.
- Guttera edouardi pallasi Stone is Guttera pallasi Stone, Auk, 29, 1912, p.208. New name for Meleagris cristata Pallas 1764, not of Linne 1758.
- Guttera edouardi is given by HBW 2:566 as a subspecies of Guttera pucherani.
- I interpret the type to be Guttera pallasi Stone = Meleagris cristata Pallas
- Gallinago gallinago (Linnaeus) 1758 Syst.Nat.ed.10 p.147
- Type by tautonomy. Scolopax gallinago Linnaeus
- Type locality: '"in Europa = Sweden".
- Geospiza magnirostris Gould 1837 PZS Pt5 no.49 p.5
- Type by original designation.
- Type locality: '"Galapagos"
- Peters 13:161 (Paynter) has a note reading:
"It seems likely that G. magnirostris applies to a large form from Santa Maria (Charles),
probably now extinct. If this is the case, the species is polytypic and the subspecies occurring
on the remaining islands is G. m. strenua (vide Lack, 1947, Darwin's Finches, p.22)."
- Gecinulus grantia (McClelland) 1840 PZS(1839) Pt7 no.82 p.165
- Type by monotypy. Picus grantia McClelland.
- Type locality: Assam.
- Gymnobucco calvus (Lafresnaye) 1841 Rev.Zool. 4 p.241
- Type by monotypy. Bucco calvus Lafresnaye.
- Type locality (Peters representation): "Ashanti" Peters 6:41.
- Type locality (Bonaparte representation): "ex Ashantea" Bonaparte Consp.Gen.Av. 1:141.
- Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis Des Murs 1845 Rev.Zool. 8 p.207
- Type by monotypy. Galbalcyrhynchus leucotis Des Murs.
- Type locality (Peters representation): "Bogota, Columbia." Peters 6:3.
Galbula galbula (Linnaeus) 1766 Syst.Nat.ed.12 p.182
- Type by tautonomy. Galbula = Alcedo galbula Linnaeus.
- Type locality (Peters representation): "Cayenne and Brazil , i.e. Cayenne." Peters 6:6.
- Type locality: "Brasilia, Cayania." Linnaeus.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2003.03.01