Sibley & Monore in Suppl. place sclateri as a group under punensis. However, sclateri is senior to punensis. Thus I interpret sclateri to be the name for the species. Thanks to Rolf de By for this understanding.
Scytalopus sanctaemariae
Treated as a subspecies by Peters Vol.7 p.284. Elevated to species level by Krabbe and Schulenberg Remsen, 1998
Scytalopus spillmanni
Treated as a subspecies by Peters Vol.7 p.286. Elevated to species level by Krabbe and Schulenberg Remsen, 1998
Scytalopus simonsi
Treated as a subspecies by Peters Vol.7 p.287. Elevated to species level by Krabbe and Schulenberg Remsen, 1998
Scytalopus schulenbergi
Not in Peters Vol.7.
Usually attributed to White, but see Nelson EC. 1998. Archives of Nat. Hist. 25(2): 149-211. making the case that White is not the author of any of the taxa in this work.
Tyto soumagnei Authorship
Peters Vol.4 p.77 lists Milne-Edwards as the author. The Richmond Index lists Grandidier, A in Milne-Edwards, which I follow.
Otus sagitattus 1849
Peters Checklist Vol.4 p.87 has 1848. Ms. Robin Sinn, librarian at the Academy of Natural Sciences indicates that this portion of Vol.4 for 1848 was published in 1849.
Aerodramus salangana
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.4.
Described in Hemiprocne. (fide APP AMNH). Evidently used here as
a noun in apposition.
Xolmis salinarum
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.8.
Branta sandvicensis Citation
Peters Checklist Vol.1 p.441 gives the conventional citation as Vigors, 1833 List Animals Gardens Zool. Soc. Lond.; see {Olson , 1989}.
Veniliornis sanguinea 1793
Peters Checklist Vol.6 lists this date as 1783, apparently a typographic error.
Aerodramus sawtelli
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.4.
Sclerurus scansor Citation
Peters Checklist Vol.7 p.148 indicates Vol. 3 of Mem.Acad.Imp.Sci.St.Petersb., I follow {Richmond, et al. 1992} which indicates vol. 1 Livr.5.
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.4.
Schoutedenapus schoutedeni
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.4.
Seleucidis 1834
Peters Checklist Vol.15 p.188 has 1835. {Sherborn, 1902} indicates that this was published in Sep. of 1834.
Terenura sicki
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.7.
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.8.
Corvus sinaloae
Not treated as a valid species by Peters Checklist Vol.15 (see p.269).
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.7.
Selenidera spectabilis 1858
Peters Checklist Vol.2 p.79 has 1857. The Library at the Acad. Nat Sci. in Philadelphia confirms that this was published in 1858. The paper was presented at a meeting on Dec. 29, 1857, but not published until the next year.
Scytalopus speluncae Citation
Peters Checklist Vol.7 p.284 indicates Vol. 3 of Mem.Acad.Imp.Sci.St.Petersb., I follow {Richmond, et al. 1992} which indicates vol. 1 Livr.5.
Gallinago stenura 1831
The Peters Checklist Vol.2 p.275 has 1830. Richmond, et al. 1992 has a penciled note "publ. 1831".
Cypseloides storeri
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.4.
Merulaxis stresemanni
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.7.
Simoxenops striatus 1936
Peters Checklist Vol.7 p.127 has 1935. Ms. Robin Sinn, librarian at the Academy of Natural Sciences indicates that this portion of Vol.87 was published in 1936.
Picumnus subtilis
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.6.
Telophorus sulfureopectus 1830
Peters Checklist Vol.9 p.334 has 1831 and does not give the livraison number, it is livr.5, and hence 1830.
Tanygnathus sumatranus
Not present in Peters Checklist Vol. 3. Originally described in Psittacus.
Ptilinopus superbus 1809
Peters Checklist Vol.3 p.32 lists 1810, but see {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.
Centrpus superciliosus Author
Peters Checklist Vol.4 p.75 cites Hemprich and Ehrenberg, but Zimmer. 1926. p.204 notes that Hemprich died in the field during the expedition (1820-1825). I follow {Zimmer, 1926} in attributing all relevant taxa to Ehrenberg.
Turnix sylvatica 1789
Peters Checklist Vol.2 p.143 has 1787. The title imprint includes both 1787 and 1789; {Richmond, et al. 1992} and {Sherborn 1902} list the date as 1789.
Columbina talpacoti 1810
Peters Checklist Vol.3 p.109 lists 1811. See {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.
Tauraco 1779
Peters Checklist Vol.4 p.3 has 1779, which I believe is correct. Often dated as 1797; this may result from a 1797 reprint of the original work. Sometimes dated as 1799 (e.g. {Richmond, et al. 1992}), though the basis for this is unclear.
Tauraco Citation
Often abbr. "Hist.Nat." or even less helpfully "Hist." Full citation is: Zwierzat domowych i dzikich, osbliwie kraiowych, historyi naturalney poczatki i gospodarstwo. Potrzebnych I pozytecznych domowych, chowanie, rozmnozenie, chorob leczenie, dzikich lowienie, oswoienie, zazycie, szkodliwych zas wygubienie. Tom. II. Z figurami. O ptastwie. Przez X. Krzysztofa Kluka. Kluk, Pater Krzysztof 1779 Warszaw
Actinodura sodangorum
Not in Peters Checklist.
Not used in Peters Checklist Vol.5. As Halcyon
Galucidium sanchezi
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.4.
Gallinula silvestris
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.2.
Sturnella superciliaris 1850
Peters Checklist Vol.14 p.175 has 1851?. See {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.
Cinclus schulzi SPELLING
Peters Checklist Vol.9 p.379 spells this schulzii. Sibley and Monroe, 1990 refer to Ridgely & Tudor. 1989. The Birds of South America. vol.1 p.131 for the correct spelling. This spelling -- with one "i" -- is also as it is shown in the Richmond Index.
Ficedula superciliaris 1840
Peters Checklist Vol.11 p.351 has 1940 (sic).
Saxicola 1802
Peters Checklist Vol.10 p.104 has 1803. Uncertainty remains regarding the publishing history of this work. {Richmond, et al. 1992} lists this taxon as published in 1802, Mathews lists all of Vol.1 as 1802, and {Zimmer, 1926} indicates that at least some of Vol. 1 was published in 1802. The AOU checklist 7th ed. follows 1802.
Poeoptera stuhlmanni Citation
Peters checklist vol.15 p.86 gives the volume as "11", evidently a typo for 1.
Lamprotornis superbus Citation
Peters Checklist Vol.15 p.101 lists only "p.65".
Sarcops 1875
Peters Checklist has "1877"; this was published in 1875.
Pseudochelidon sirintarae
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.9.
Hirundo striolata Citation
Peters Checklist Vol.9 p.117 gives Temminck & Schlegel 1847 in Siebold's Fauna japonica Aves p.33. I follow the citation given by the Richmond Index, which is 3 years prior.
Phyllastrephus strepitans Citation
Peters Checklist Vol.9 p.265 lists vol. 1. This is from volume IV no.18, Sept. 15 of the Orn.Centralb.
Seicercus soror
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.11.
Alstrom and Olsson, Ibis 141:545-568. 1999. discuss part of the Seicercus complex. Martens, et al. disagree with Alstrom and Olsson on the interpretation of this group. See Alstrom and Olsson. Ibis. 2000 142:495-500.
The taxonomic placement of this taxon is tentative, and based on the information that it is evidently "related to Formicivora". The generic status is evidently conferred on the basis of peculiar syringeal morphology.
The title of the paper in which the Genus is erected and the species described is: Um novo Formicariidae do Sul do Brasil (Aves, Passeriformes).
I am thankful to Norbert Bahr for information regarding this matter.
Loriculus sclateri
Often treated as conspecific with L. amabilis. Treated as a full species
by Collar in HBW. Vol.4.
Thamnophilus stictocephalus
Not in Sibley and Monroe; treated by Peters Checklist Vol.7 p.173 as a subspecies.
Isler et al. (1997), Orn. Monogr. 48: 355-381 made a revisin of the Thamnophilus
punctatus complex and recognized the following species in that complex:
punctatus; stictocephalus; sticturus; pelzelni; ambiguus.
Thanks to Norbert Bahr for bringing this to my attention.
Thamnophilus sticturus
Not in Sibley and Monroe; treated by Peters Checklist Vol.7 p.173 as a subspecies.
Isler et al. (1997), Orn. Monogr. 48: 355-381 made a revisin of the Thamnophilus
punctatus complex and recognized the following species in that complex:
punctatus; stictocephalus; sticturus; pelzelni; ambiguus.
Thanks to Norbert Bahr for bringing this to my attention.
Myrmotherula snowi
Whitney & Pacheco (1997), Orn. Monogr. 48: 809-819 provided evidence for species
status of Myrmotherula snowi Teixeira & Gonzaga, 1985 (described as a subsp.
of M. unicolor), as have already done Collar et al. (1992), Ridgely & Tudor
(1994) and Whitney & Pacheco (1995).
Myrmotherula unicolor snowi Teixeira & Gonzaga, 1985
Teixeira, D. M. & L. P. Gonzaga: Uma nova subespécie de Myrmotherula unicolor
(Menétries, 1835) (Passeriformes, Formicariidae) do nordeste do Brasil.
Boletim do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Nova Série, Zoologia, No. 310:
1-16 (2)
Thanks to Norbert Bahr for bringing this to my attention, and providing the details.
Eurylaimus samarensis
Norbert Bahr writes (00.04.14):
In his monograph on pittas and broadbills, Lambert (1996)
split Eurylaimus samarensis from E. steerii , based on morphological differences.
Seicercus Systematics
Much revision is going on in this group. With a lack of agreement between Martens & Eck and Alstrom & Olsson
Norbert Bahr has helped bring this to my attention.
Per Alstrom has been persistently helpful in helping
me understand this unfolding mystery.
Martens & Eck give a table of their interpretation of valid taxa and the different taxonomic positions in Watson(1986), Martens et al.(1999) and Alstrom & Olsson(1999):
In their latest paper (in German) they made some hints on A & O results not
fitting their understanding of the puzzle.
It would appear that A & O would agree about a "lack of fit"
in the interpretations.
Their Letter to the Ibis: "Golden-spectacled Warbler systematics"
Alstrom & Olsson. Ibis. 2000 142(3): 495-500. Discusses this issue in detail.
The support of their interpretation is extensive with zoogeographic,
sonographic, morphological and DNA data, as well as wide personal
experience with the birds in the field, and study of type specimens.
They recognize:
Herpsilochmus sellowi
Named after Friedrich Sellow (1789-1831), a german arriving in Brazil in 1814. Collected with Wied-Neuwied. Shipped 1,604 specimens to M.H.K. Lichtenstein in Berlin. In 1831 he drowned in the Rio Doce of Minas Gerais.
Granatellus sallaei Citation
Sharpe. 1885. Catalogue Birds Britisn Museum vol.10 p.371 gives the citation
as Sclater. PZS. 1856 p.292 Aves pl.120.
This would have been published in 1857. Hence the Bonaparte citation
has priority.
Cursorius somalensis
Treated as a race by HBW vol. 3 p.377.
I follow Pearson and Ash's treatment.
Note the spelling: often misspelt somaliensis.
Pearson DJ, Ash JS. 1996. BBOC 116(4):225-229.
Arremon semitorquatus systematics
Held by Peters Checklist Vol.13 p.182 to be a subspecies.
Raposo and Parrini argue based on morphology and distribution that it is a valid species.
Raposo MA, Parrini R. On the validity of the Half-Collared Sparrow
Arremon semitorquatus Swainson, 1837. BBOC. 1997 117(4):294-298.
Certhilauda semitorquata systematics
Based on morphologic, genetic and geographic data, Ryan and Bloomer
have revised the Long-billed Lark complex and propose five species
where there were held to be one.
Ryan PR, Bloomer P. The Long-Billed Lark complex: A species
mosaic in southwestern Africa. 1999. Auk 116(1):194-208.
Certhilauda subcoronata systematics
Based on morphologic, genetic and geographic data, Ryan and Bloomer
have revised the Long-billed Lark complex and propose five species
where there were held to be one.
Ryan PR, Bloomer P. The Long-Billed Lark complex: A species
mosaic in southwestern Africa. 1999. Auk 116(1):194-208.
Stactolaema sowerbyi systematics
Clancey PA,
The taxonomy of the Stactolaema anchietae biogeographical unit
of southern savanna woodland barbets. 1995. Honeyguide 41:131-135.
Gallinago stricklandii Citation
HBW vol.3 p.497 in the taxonomy section show Gray describing this bird in Gallinago.
He described it in Scolopax and thus the authority should be listed in parentheses.
Tauraco schuetti spelling
I attempt to follow the work of Veron and Winney. Veron G, Winney BJ. 2000. Ibis 142:446-456. "Phylogenetic relationships within the turacos (Musophagidae)."
They spell this T. schuetti (note single "i").
This is in agreement with the Handbook of the Birds of the World Vol. 4 p.500.
Peters lists the name (in Tauraco) with the double "i" ending.
The initial Cabanis name was Corythaix Schuttii. The "u" has an umlaut, producing the "ue".
I believe that the "ii" ending is correct; it is in agreement with Sibley and Monroe.
Otus semitorques Systematics
Peters checklist vol.4 p.98 lists as a subspecies of O. bakkamoena.
HBW vol.5 p.158 holds it to ba a full species based on vocalization and
eye color.
Otus semitorques 1844
Peters checklist vol.4 p.98 lists a date of 1844.
Otus senegalensis Systematics
Originally described in Scops
HBW holds as a full species, separated from O. scops on the basis of plumage, vocalizations, and size.
Otus sunia Systematics
Originally described in Scops
HBW holds as a full species, separated from O. scops and numerous other
similar owls on the basis of vocalizations.
T seductus Systematics
HBW vol.5 p.173 holds as a full species, separated from O. asio and
O. kennecotii on the basis of vocalizations and eye color.
Strix Systematics
The following usually listed in Ciccaba:
Ninox squamipila Systematics
Systematics uncertain. Norman JA, Christidis L, Westerman M, Hill FAR.
1998. Molecular data confirms the specific status of the Christmas Island
Hawk-Owl Ninox natalis. Emu 98:197-208. provisionally propose
splitting this into at least 3 species.
Stercorarius Systematics
Previously two species in:
AOU checklist 42nd supplemet, merges Catharacta into Stercorarius.
Based on the studies of Cohen BL, Baker AJ, Blechschmidt K, Dittman DL,Furness RW, Gerwin JA, Helbig AJ, De Korte J, Marshall HD, Palma RL, Peter HU, Ramli R, Siebold I, Willcox MS, Wilson RH, and Zink RM. 1997. Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas. Proceedings Royal Soc. London Series B. 264:181-190.
Andersson M. 1973. Behaviour of the Pomarine Skua Sterocarius pomarinus Temm. with comparative remarks on Stercorarinae. Ornis Scandinavica 4:1-16, Braun MJ, and Brumfield RT. 1998. Enigmatic phylogeny of skuas. An alternative hypothesis. Proceedings Royal Soc. London Series B. 265:995-999.
Chalcopsitta sintillata Spelling
Peters checklist vol.3 p.144 spells "C. sintillata".
Columba sjostedi Citation
HBW vol.4 p.117 gives a citation of Reichenow, 1898.
Coracias spatulata Spelling
Spelt "Coracias spatulatus" in the original text.
Chaetura spinicauda Citation
Peters Checklist Vol.4 p.239 gives "p.57"
This is followed by the AOU Checklist, and HBW.
Both Sherborn and the Richmond index give the page as "p.78", which I
follow here.
Strix Nomenclature
Strix is a classical feminine Latin noun.
Scleroptila date
Usually cited as 1849, but {Mathews 1925} demonstrates this is 1852.
Scleroptila Citation
Previously cited as
Columba simplex systematics
Not recognized by Sibley & Monroe, and often considered conspecific with
C. larvatus.
Charmosyna stellae Systematics
Normand David brought this to my attention:
Voisin & Voisin treated Charmosyna stellae (including goliathina + wahnesi) as a separate species (from C. papou).
Anthreptes singalensis 1789
Peters 12:215 (Rand) has 1788.
Taxon Watson Martens et al. A & O
burkii S. b. burkii S. burkii S. burkii
whistleri S. b. whistleri S. (w.) whistleri S. w. whistleri
nemoralis S. b, burkii S. (w.) nemoralis S. w. nemoralis
valentini S. b. valentini S. valentini S. v. valentini
latouchei S. b. valentini no material available S. v. latouchei
soror - S. "latouchei" S. soror sp. nov.
omeiensis - S. omeiensis sp. nov. S. tephrocephalus
tephrocephalus S. b. tephroceph. S. tephrocephalus S. tephrocephalus
distinctus S. b. distinctus S. distinctus S. tephrocephalus
There are, of course, some differences in the evaluation of several taxa.
Their 1999 paper with the description of omeiensis includes supplementary genetic material. They point to the fact that supplementary material from different areas is needed before things can be solved with confidence.
S. burkii (Burton, 1836)
S. whistleri Ticehurst, 1925
sspp: whistleri Ticehurst, 1925
nemoralis Koelz, 1954
S. tephrocephalus (Anderson, 1871)
S. omeiensis Martens, Eck, Packert & Sun, 1999
S. valentini (Hartert, 1907)
sspp: valentini (Hartert, 1907)
latouchei (Bangs, 1929)
S. soror Alstrom & Olsson, 1999
Thanks very much to Per Alstrom for trying to keep me up to date on this interesting issue.
This portion of the work was published in 1844; the final portion was published
in 1850.
Also now recognized as a full species by the AOU CL 7th ed.
HBW vol.5 p.204 indicates that while previously, exteral ear structure
was the basis for the genus Ciccaba, that DNA studies indicate these
forms do not require generic separation.
Sibley & Monroe p.108 spells "C. sintillata".
HBW vol.4 p.341 spells "C. scintillata". with the comment that
it was "emended to scintillata in 1839.
The justification of the emendation is not discussed.
Temminck appears to have spelt it "sintillata" in 1835. In the livr. 101-2
of Pl.Col. p.61 he did indeed spell it "scintillata"
and the date for that work is probably 1839. I assume
that is the work referred to as the emendation. However the
justification of that emendation is not certain in my understanding.
In a side note: the HBW leaves both sintillata and scintillata
out of the index.
Peters Checklist vol.3 p.64 has this citation and notes it
is a nomen nudum.
Peters also gives the 1901 citation with the note: "First description".
I have seen neither of these, but my experience suggests it is
unlikely in such a situation that the HBW citation is the correct one.
As the Richmond index listed the Roberts citation with a hand written note saying
"New here ?".
The Blyth citation would appear to be appropriate.
Thanks to Normand David for bringing this to my attention.
HBW 4:132 indicates it differs in voice
and does not respond to recorded voice calls of C. larvatus.
Often place in the genus:
Voisin, C. & J-F. Voisin. 1997. A propos du Lori papaou, Charmosyna papaou
(Scopoli, 1786). Alauda 65 (2) 191-195.
I only have a photocopy of the first page of the paper and the abstract reads:
"A few individuals of Charmosyna papou papaou (Scopoli, 1786) differ from
the others by the colour of their upperwing, which is light green,
distinctly paler than the colour of their backs, and eventually by some
blue on the alula, remiges and upperwing coverts. By some other colour
characters, they remind of the melanistic form which is found in the three
other subspecies currently recognized in the Papuan Lory. In addition, C.
papou papou possesses several constant, well marked characters of its own,
and its cepahlic blue and black band does not appear to be homologous of
the cephalic band of the three other forms. In these conditions, it seems
preferable to consider Charmosyna papou (Scopoili, 1786) as a separate
species, and to keep the other three forms under the name Charmosyna
stellae Meyer, 1886, which has priority.
The Richmond Index Turdus aethiopicus has "1788" with last "8" crossed out and
"9" written in.
Comments&Suggestions to Data Steward
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2002.08.03