Zoological Citation Notes --F
Phalacrocorax auritus floridanus Citation
Description (as Carbo floridanus (1835) in Orn.Biogr. 3 p.387
Ramphocelus flammigerus Nomenclature
- The original protonym is spelled with a single -m (flamigerus).
This fact is recognized by few including Bonaparte (Consp.Gen.Av. p.242) and
Richmond in his Index. Even Sherborn is in error on this name, spelling it flammigerus.
- Understandably most authors appear to have been simply following the Cat.Birds.Br.Mus. 11:170,177 (Sclater), and Gray,GR. Sclater spelled the name with two -m's in his PZS papers 1855, 1856, and Gray apparently spelled it with two -m's in his Genera of Birds.
- It is unclear, and unimportant, if this change was "justified" in the 19th century, but we must ask what we are to do now?
- The ICZN Code currently maintains (Art. 32.5) that if the word is a
misspelled Latin word, it must be corrected; however, if the word
is incorrectly Latinized or incorrectly transliterated it must remain
as original composed.
- In this instance, then, I interpret the original "flamigerus" to be
an incorrectly spelled Latin word, and correction to "flammigerus"
is mandated.
- Howard & Moore 4th Ed. has an extensive discussion of
this matter ("Appenix 8" on the included DVD) and includes all
the relevant examples they found. Interestingly, they seem to have missed
this one, perhaps because the standard references (Peters, CBBM,
Sherborn) all misspell the protonym.
- Thus, the conventional spelling is "correct", but not for the reason
that would seem obvious.
- While the Commission loudly trumpets their enthusiasm for "stability" of nomenclature, their actions demonstrate that
they consider grammar to be more important.
Poecile atricapillus fortuitus Citation
- The AOU CL 5th ed. gives the page number as p.273, though the name fortuitus appears
on p.274.
- The type specimen was collected by Capt. Ch. Bendire, who sent it to Wm Brewster.
- The page error is replicated in Peters CL XII:81.
- The location of the type specimen is, at the moment unclear. It does not seem to be in the MCZ collection.
Macronyx fuelleborni Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 9:142 (= White 1960) spells the
specific epithet with a double -ii ending.
- It was originally spelled with a single -i ending.
- In the same volume of Peters Checklist, on p.332, Austin Rand
is able to get the spelling correct for Dryoscopus feuelleborni also
named by Reichenow in the same volume and number of Orn.Monatsb.
One would have thought that the juxtapositions of the two different
spellings as listed in the Index would have prompted a closer examination
of the original descriptions, or even Sclaters Systema Avium Aethiopicarum,
where the names are correctly spelled.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Anthocephala floriceps Citation
- The citation is often (e.g. H&M 3rd:271; HBW 5:631,684
given as "1854", implying the citation as here:
- Anthocephala floriceps (Gould) 1854 PZS["1853"] Pt21 no.251 p.62
However, this was published July 25, 1854.
- The name was published April 16, 1853 in No. 1329 of the Athenaeum.
This fact was discussed several decades ago and the description there
reproduced (Bruce & McAllen 1990 p.463) though this
literature apparently has been
ignored by current workers. I believe that description, having priority,
is correct. I find no discussion of this
in H&M 3rd.
Pterodroma feae Citation
- Conventionally given as
- Mathews points out in BBOC (1934) 54:161 that this volume
carries the date of 1901 (!), so the Ibis description must be afforded priority.
Epimachus fastosus Nomenclature
- See Zootaxa 2217:56-66 (2009)
"Justified corrections to avian names under Article of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature"
David N, Dickinson EC & Gregory SMS. for a discussion of the spelling here.
Lonchura malacca ferruginosa Citation
2009.12.19; 2009.12.28
Turdus flavipes Systematics
- H&M 3rd:666 (through Corrigenda 8) treats this
in Platycichla without discussion.
- The IOC World Bird names list (2.0) and HBW 10:672 (2005) treat this
in Turdus.
Cistothorus platensis falklandicus Citation
- Peters Checklist 9:393 (= Paynter 1960) transposes the numbers
of in this citation ("no.672" where no.762 is correct).
Zosterops abyssinicus flavilateralis Citation
- Peters Checklist 12:328 (=Mayr 1967) cites this to p.193; the name first
appears on p.192
2009.03.29; 2009.07.22
Zosterops finschii Systematics
- Treated by IOC World Bird Names 2.0 (2009.02) as a full species.
- Treated by H&M 3rd:629 as a subspecies
of Zosterops cinereus.
Alcippe manipurensis Systematics
- The IOC World Bird Name list 2.0 (2009.02) notes: "Alcippe formosana
is split from A.cinereiceps (Collar 2006a, BLI 1.0)
- No mention of this systematics issue is made in
H&M 3rd:619 (through Corrigenda 8; late 2008).
Garrulax fairbanki Systematics
- Garrulax fairbanki is split from Garrulax jerdoni by Collar 2006 (as noted in the IOC World List 2.0 [2009.02]).
- No mention of systematic considerations concerning this taxon is made in H&M 3rd, through Corrigenda 8 (late 2008).
Garrulax calvus Systematics
- Garrulax ferrarius is split from Garrulax strepitans by Collar 2006 (as noted in the IOC World List 2.0 [2009.02]).
- No mention of systematic considerations concerning this taxon is made in H&M 3rd, through Corrigenda 8 (late 2008).
Trichastoma celebense finschi Nomenclature
- H&M 3rd:600 initially has this authority in parentheses,
and corrects that in Corrigenda 4, with the instuction to: " delete bracket - described in Trichostoma".
- This action is correct, and the information is partially correct. It was described on p.378 in the
genus Trichostoma, but the Richmond Index indicates that the genus group name was spelled
Trichastoma on the plate.
- Deignan, when compiling the information for the Peters Checklist 10 apparently made no note
of the variant genus group name spelling on the plate.
Hemixos flavala Nomenclature
- A number of names (Hemixos flavala hildebrandi, Hemixos flavala davisoni,
Hemixos flavala bourdellei, Hemixos flavala canipennis, Hemixos flavala castanonotus,
Hemixos flavala connectens) have the authority given in parentheses in Peters Checklist, and this is
initially followed by H&M 3rd:575.
- H&M 3rd Corrigenda 5 correctly removes the parentheses from the authority
for these names, but gives the wrong reason for this. The Corrigenda states these names were "[described in Hemixos]".
- These names were not described in Hemixos but rather in Hemixus which is an emendation
of Hemixos. In such instances the Code (1999 Art. 51.3.1) indicates that that the parentheses should be not be used.
- HBW 10:238,239 (2005) is correct in the nomenclatural treatment of these names.
Sula dactylatra fullagari Citation
- Usually cited to 1990, however the Richmond Index card indicates
that this was not published until the "second half of January 1991".
Cyanomitra verticalis cyanocephala Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 12:231 (=Rand 1967) gives the citation as:
- H&M 3rd Corrigenda 2.1 says "date 1811 not 1812 [RJD in prep]"
though I am not aware (2008.07.13) of any published paper addressing this issue and demonstrating
a date of 1811 for this portion of Shaw's General Zoology.
- CBBM 9:80 (= Gadow 1884) cites Shaw Gen.Zool. viii. p.222 (1811).
- Given the current uncertainties, is seems to me that this name should be cited to Bechstein 1811,
as I have done.
Parus bokharensis ferghanensisCitation
- Peters Checklist 12:110 (= Snow 1967) cites this name to
Orn.Monatsb. 20 p.84, which is incorrect.
That issue of Orn.Monatsb. was volume XX no.5, and is the May 1912 issue.
The name was certainly published in Mess.Orn III no.2 on April 21 (o.s.) which
is April 25 1912 New Style.
- The Richmond Index raises the question that it may have been first published in
Nasha Ochota (on April 24 New Style), but examining The Bibliography of Russian
birds 1881-1917 (publ. Leningrad 1972) shows no
suggestion of it being published there. The Mess.Orn. publication is referenced (as Ornitolog. Vestnie)
as the citation for this name.
- HBW 12:[753] follows the incorrect citation as given by the Peters Checklist.
Monarcha cinerascens fuscescens 1884
- Peters Checklist 11:503 (= Mayr 1986) has
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} has 1884 and a note "July or later".
- Peters Checklist 3:234 cites Geoffroyus geoffroyi timarlaoensis
from p.15 of this work to 1884, but Peters Checklist 12:406 cites Philemon
citreogularis kisserensis from p.41 of the work to 1885. However, all these names
are in Heft 1 of the Sitzungberichte.
- Presumably 1884 is the date specified
(imprint date) on Heft 1 of the work. Thus it appears to me that in abscence of
proof of delay, 1884 is to be followed.
- H&M 3rd initially followed Peters Checklist and its
inconsistencies in this matter without comment. However starting with Corrigenda 6,
the date was corrected to 1884, citing Quaisser & Eck 2006 who apparently
confirmed what Richmond had found out over 100 years before and which has been
published since 1992.
Finsch / Meyer Authority
- With regard to names published in the 1885
Zeitschrift Für Die Gesammte Ornithologie there is inconsistency with regards
the attribution of authority. The taxa are attributed to Finsch alone or to Finsch
and Meyer.
- Progress towards understanding the correct approach will require examination of
the full article containing the original descriptions. The Richmond Index indicates
for these names that they are due to:
"Fischer in lit. in Fischer &
- I speculate, and it is only speculation, that Fischer may have written a letter
to Meyer including descriptions and possibly names, and that this material is either
included in or refered to in the article.
- Given the current uncertainty, I feel it best to attribute the names to both
authors, as the ICZN Art. 50.1.1 states:
50.1.1. However, if it is clear from the contents that some person other than an
author of the work is alone responsible both for the name or act and for
satisfying the criteria of availability other than actual publication, then that
other person is the author of the name or act. If the identity of that other
person is not explicit in the work itself, then the author is deemed to be the
person who publishes the work.
It is a little uncertain if this applies in this instance as both persons are the
"person(s) who publish[.] the work. but so far that is my best consideration.
Poicephalus fuscicollis Systematics
- See Perrin MR. 2005. Ostrich 76(3&4):195-205 "A review of the taxonomic status
and biology of the Cape Parrot Poicephalus robustus with reference to the Brown-necked
Parrot P. fuscicollis fuscicollis and the Grey-headed Parrot P.f.suahelicus." for
discussion of the systematics here.
- Thanks to Marek Kuziemko for bringing this to my attention.
Oriolus chinensis formosus Citation
- Peters Checklist 15:129 (= Greenway 1962) gives the type locality as:
"Siao" [ = Siau].
In fact the text in the J.Orn. reads:auf Siou
- This extremely minor point does not appear to be mentioned in Dickinson et al. Systematic notes on Asian birds. 43.
"Types of the Oriolidae".
Oriolus flavocinctus Citation
- The authority for this taxon is usually attributed to Vigors in King (e.g. Sherborn, The Richmond Index, Peters Checklist
- H&M 3rd:487 attributes this to King.
- Dickinson et al. in Systematic notes on Asian birds. 43. "Types of the Oriolidae" p.67 references
Mees(1964:29-30) (APP: not seen) for putting the authority to King rather than Vigors. No rationale or data in support of this is
given beyond the Mees reference.
Serinus flaviventris Citation
- Peters Checklist 14:222 (=Paynter, 1968) cites this to Swainson, which is
an error. This error is followed by many workers.
Harpagus bidentatus fasciatus Citation
- A peculiar bibliographic situation exists here. The latter portion of Lawrence's
paper (with the initial segment on pp.359-361) was continued following the "General Index that
occurs at the end of the volume. A footnote at the bottom of the initial page of the continuation
states, "This portion of the paper was inadvertantly left out by the editor." The pagination is peculiar
in that the final page of the "General Index" has page numbers "428", "429" at the top of the
two columns (all other "General Index" pages have only one page number for the two columns). The
next page (on which the bird description occurs has no page number imprinted (!), but clearly
it should be regarded as the equivalent of "429" as the following page is numbered "430".
- The note at the top of the "continuation" says: "[Continued from p.359]", though it appears to me
that it would be more correct to say "[Continued from p.361]", as p.359 at bottom is where
the article starts.
- Despite the fact that this name is functionally on p.429, I label it "p.["429" bis]" as it
is the second page that bears that number.
Himatione sanguinea fraithii Nomenclature
- In Rothschild's original description in the Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. ser.6
X no.55 July 1892 p.109 the name is spelled Himatione Fraithii
(note the ai and the -ii ending).
Normand David has examined this, and tells me (in litt. 2007.02.24) that
in that work there is no mention made of the man who is being honored by the
- In the next year (1893) Rothschild's Avifauna of Laysans was published; in
that work Rothschild refers to his 1892 work with the spelling Himatione
fraithii but at the heading of this entry the name is spelled "HIMATIONE
FREETHI" (note now the ee and the single -i ending). Reference is
made on within this section to Mr. Freeth, who is the governor of the island
(Laysan) and the manager of the guano company (facts that are set out in the
introduction on p.x).
- Peters Checklist 14:94 (Greenway, 1968) further muddies the water,
he lists "Himatione fraithii (lapsus)" for the Ann.Mag.Nat.Hist. name
but then lists the name as: "Himatione sanguinea freethii Rothschild,
thereby creating a combination of the two names ("ee" from one rendering and
"ii" from the other) and a text string never employed by Rothschild.
- We can infer that Rothschild intended to honor Mr Freeth, but he
does not state this explicitly, and in fact Mr Freeth apparantly is never
mentioned when the name is coined.
- My interpretation is that the "freethii" form usually employed (by
followers of Peters/Greenway) constitutes an unjustified emendation:
changing the original "ai" to "ee".
- Many will disagree but I feel the original spelling must stand.
2007.02.25; 2010.06.17
Certhidea fusca Systematics
- Split in Tonnis B, Grant PR, Grant BR, Petren K. 2005. "Habitat selection and
ecological speciation in Galápagos warbler finches (Certhidea olivacea and
fusca)." Proc.R.Soc.Lond. B 272:819-826.
Oryzoborus funereus funereus Citation
- Originally described in Oryzoborus, the use of parentheses for the authority in
H&M 3rd:793 is an error (fide in litt. ECD
Melospiza melodia fisherella Systematics
- Held to be a distinct subspecies by Peters
Checklist 13:47 (1970), and by H&M 3rd:781.
- Held to be a synonym of M.m.montanus by Arcese, P., M. K. Sogge, A. B. Marr, and M.
A. Patten. 2002. Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia). In The Birds of North America, No.
704 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA. They
cite Patten 2001 (not seen to date 2006.12.25).
Emberiza flaviventris flavigaster Citation
- Peters Checklist 13:24 gets the date for this taxon correct.
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} shows that this was published in Heft 8, and also includes a plate (25) which
is not mentioned by Paynter in the Peters Checklist.
Granatellus venustus francesca Nomenclature
- Originally spelled "franciscae on in the key on p.231, and spelled
"francescae" on p.232.
- This was named for "Mrs.Grayson" according to the Richmond Index.
- I presume that "Mrs Grayson" is the wife of Andrew Jackson Grayson, and her name was Frances.
2006.12.15; 2010.06.11
- Peters Checklist 5:155 cites this to 1925.
- The imprint date on Am.Mus.Novit. no.141 is Oct. 31, 1924.
- The Peters Cheklist dates four other taxa from no.141 to 1924
- 1924 Am.Mus.Novit. no.141 p. 001 Trogon aurantiiventris flavidior (Griscom)
Peters V:155 1925
- 1924 Am.Mus.Novit. no.141 p. 004 Margarornis rubiginosus boultoni Griscom
Peters VII:117 1924
- 1924 Am.Mus.Novit. no.141 p. 005 Atalotriccus pilaris wilcoxi Griscom
Peters VIII:75 1924
- 1924 Am.Mus.Novit. no.141 p. 010 Pselliophorus luteoviridis Griscom
Peters XIII:207 1924
- 1924 Am.Mus.Novit. no.141 p. 011 Chlorospingus tacarcunae Griscom
Peters XIII:258 1924
Cymbilaimus lineatus fasciatus Nomenclature
Gerygone dorsalis fulvescens 1884
- Peters Checklist 11:447 has 1885
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} has 1884 and a note "July or later".
- Peters Checklist 3:234 cites Geoffroyus geoffroyi timarlaoensis from
p.15 of this work to 1884, but Peters Checklist 12:406 cites Philemon citreogularis
kisserensis from p.41 of the work to 1885. However, all these names are in Heft 1 of the
- Presumably 1884 is the date specified (imprint date) on Heft 1 of the work. This work
is confirmed by Quaisser & Eck 2005, as having been published in 1884.
2009.10.17; 2009.12.15
Falco biarmicus feldeggii Citation
- An interesting and confusing situation. I find the following citations:
- Peters Checklist 1(2):418
Falco Feldeggii Schlegel, 1843, Abh.Gebiete Zool. Vergleich. Anat. Heft 3, p.3 pls.10-11.
- HBW 2:574
Schlegel(1843) Abh.Gebiete Zool. Vergleich Anat. 3: 3, 8.
(and remarkably, just beneath that the following)
Schlegel(1851) Abh.Gebiete Zool. Vergleich Anat. 3: 15.
[APP: 1851 in the same Heft !! This is the citation for Falco mexicanus. Possible, I suppose,
but remarkable if true! Falco mexicanus is cited by the AOU CL to 1850 from this
- The Richmond Index
Abhandl. aus dem Gebeite der Zoologie und Vergl. Anatomie Heft 2, 1843, 3 pll. X, XI
- Sherborn Index Animalium p.2342
feldeggii Falco, H. Schlegel, Abh. Gebiete Zool. I (3) 1841, 1.
- Strickland Orn.Syn. (1855) p.80
F. feldeggi Schleg. Krit. übers. p. 12.
(note the single "-i"; Krit.Uebers. was published in 1844).
- Sharpe. 1874. Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 1:389
Falco feldeggii, Schl. Abhandl. Geb. Zool. p.3, Taf. 10,11(1841); id.
& Susem. Vög. Eur. Taf.8a(1841);
- Bonaparte. Conspectus Generum Avium 1:24 (1850) has a complex rendering listing the name in the
synonomy of Falco lanarius as follows:
15.Falco lanarius, Schleg. ex Belon. vix L! (fel-
deggi, Schlegel). Pl. enl. 470. jun. -Naum. t. 14. f. 22.
Susem. Eur. Vog. t.8. a. - Schlegel, Fauconn.tab.
pulcherr. - Abhand. tab. 10 et 11. ex Eur. orient.
merid. Dalmatia.
(single "-i" again).
- Browning & Monroe. 1991. Arch.Nat.Hist. 18(3):390 discuss this situation in detail. They conclude
that Falco feldeggii was first published in 1843, in Heft 2 of the Abhandlungen, though accomodating
the evidence requires some speculative scenarios. At issue is the fact that Schlegel in Heft 2 of the
Abhandlungen refers to the Übersicht (held to be published in 1844). The Übersicht
would thus appear to have priority and be the cited source for this name (as some workers actually do). Browning
& Monroe speculate that Schlegel's reference to the Übersicht results from it's being in press or
based on his having the manuscript.
In summary, at this point we have a mixture of dates, sources, Hefte, plates, and taxon spellings.
The date would be the nicest to sort out first. If priority could be
determined, much of the rest might follow. For the Abh.Geb.Zool. we have 1841 (Sharpe, Sherborn) and
1843 (Peters, Richmond, HBW); for the Susem.Eur.Vog. we have 1841 (Sharpe); which leads us to a very
interesting second card in the Richmond Index. (I do not further pursue the 1844 Krit.
A second card in the Richmond index quotes Hartert. 1915, Novit.Zool. 22:181 as follows:
"under plate 8a in Vögel Europas von Susemihl mit Text von
Schlegel (about 1843 or 1844. The plates appeared doubtless
later than the plates 8 and 9, as it is printed on different
paper, and is not mentioned in the text to the first
forty-six plates. it must, however, have appeared before the
description in the Abhandlungen [ Geb. Zool. etc. Heft III. 1843
p.2,3. pl.10 + 11], because it is there quoted on p.3)."
This would appear to suggest that the citation given by Peters (and followed by most workers) may thus not be
correct. Additionaly, mystery and complexity surrounds the publishing history of the
Vog.Europas[Susemihl]. It appears it was issued from 1839 to 1851, and as of yet I have not determined if it is
possible to determine the limits of the various Lieferung (Hefte), or their dates of issue.
[2010.05.31]This card also notes that the original spelling on the plate is felddeggii(!), and
presumably the plate does not otherwise refer to Baron von Feldegg himself.
It appears that Schlegel himself was confused here, Sharpe's footnote CBBM 1:389 reads thus:
8. Falco feldeggii*
*Professor Schlegel named this bird as above, but afterwards reverted to the
name of Falco lanarius, because he became convinced that it was the Lanner of
old falconers. We have, however, to deal with the question of the proper title
of this species according to the recognized rules of nomenclature. Falco
lanarius is Gmelin's title, taken directly from Linnæus's bird of the same name
(Faun. Suec. p.33 no.62). This is irrecognizable, but looks like a young
Peregrine; it certainly is not the Falcon now known as the true Lanner. It is
likewise mixed up with the Lanier of Buffon (Hist.Nat.Ois. i. p.243), and the
Lanneret of Albin (Nat. Hist. of Birds, ii p.7 pl.7). Considering the confu-
sion in which the specific name is involved, it seems better to adopt the term of
Falco feldeggii, which undoubtedly belongs to the species.
Hartert's argument that the relevant plate in Susemihl was published prior to Abh.Geb.Zool. seems worth
heeding, and until additional information becomes available I will regard that as the citational source with
priority. The problem then devolves to deciding what year should obtain. The published dates for this taxon
in the Susemihl work are 1841, and 1843. I adopt 1841, following Sharpe and Sherborn.
Falco femoralis Nomenclature
- Previously as Falco fuscocaerulescens Vieillot 1817.
- The 23 Supplement to the AOU CL; Auk 1948 65:439 discusses this, referencing
Peters in Peters & Griswold. 1943. Bull.Mus.Comp.Zool. 92:294. Evidently
Vieillot's name, based on Azara's (Aloncillo) del obscuro azulejo actually refers to Falco
albigularis Daudin, 1800. Which in turn is a synonym of Falco rufigularis Daudin,
Phaethon lepturus fulvus Nomenclature
- See comments on Phaethon lepturus fulvus Nomenclature
for a discussion of the problems here.
- Additionally vexing is the fact that the Richmond Index does not appear to have a card for Phaethon
Melanotrochilus fuscus Systematics
- Treated in Peters Checklist 5:22 in Melanotrochilus.
- H&M 3rd:258 states (footnote #9)
9Previously treated in monotypic genus Melanotrochilus.
- No reason for the change is given, no literature is cited, and no data provided. We are
left to speculate on the reason for the change. My speculation is that H&M
3rd is simply following HBW 5:555 where K.L. Schuchmann
Traditionally placed in monospecific Melanotrochilus; inclusion
in Florisuga based on voice, morphology, anatomy, and reproductive behaviour.
No data are provided, and it is not clear to me if any of the citations in the Bibliography
address this issue. I also am a little confused about the difference between "morphology" and
- I do not regard HBW as a taxonomic work, though it appears that both Schuchmann and
H&M do.
- Given the questions and my concerns, I leave fusca in Melanotrochilus.
- Great thanks to Hans-Jürgen Altner for bringing this issue to my attention.
- Evidence continues to mount in support of the understanding that the Furnariidae
is paraphyletic with respect to Dendrocolaptidae. Molecular and morphologic evidence
support this suspicion.
- Refs.
- Irestedt M, Fjeldsa J, Johansson US, Ericson PGP. 2002. "Systematic
relationships and biogeography of the tracheophone suboscines (Aves:
Passeriformres)." Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution
- Chesser RT. 2004. "Molecular Systematics of the New World suboscine birds."
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 32:11-24.
- Ihering HV. 1915. "The classification of the family Dendrocolaptidae." Auk
- Ames PL. 1971. "The mophology of the syrinx in passerine birds." Bull.
Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist. 37:1-194. (see pp.20-24; 154).
- Feduccia A. 1973. "Evolutionary trends in the Neotropical ovenbirds and
- Dendrocolaptidae is merged into the Furnariidae.
Accipiter superciliosus fontainieri Spelling
- This specific epithet was originally spelled "Fontainieri",
and in the text of the original description, Bonaparte refers to
M. Fontainier
not M. Fontanier.
The original text reads:
» Avant de quitter les Falconides, disons que M. Fontainier vient
d'en rapporter une espèce qui devra porter son nom (Accipiter
Fontainieri) si elle est nouvelle. ....
- Peters Checklist 1(2):335 lists this as fontanieri. As
is typical for the Peters Checklist, no rationale or justification is
given; fontainieri I presume, is interpreted to be an error that
justifies emendation. What, if any, understanding of the nature of this
problem the authors had will remain uknown to us. The Peters Checkist, of
course, is followed without comment or other consideration by most other
- The gentleman in question is listed as "M. Fontanier"
as the collector of the specimen in the Richmond Index.
- I sought Normand David's input on this question, who indicates (in litt. 2006.03.12) his
interpretation that the Code would require the specific epithet to be
fontainieri, consistent with the reference made in the original
- This further suggestst that determination of the proper spelling may
(regrettably) devolve to the question of "prevailing usage".
- Normand David provided me with a copy of Voisin C, Voisin J-F.
2001. "Liste des types d'oiseaux des collections du Musém
national d'Histoire naturelle de Paris. 8: Rapaces diurnes
(Accipitridés), première partie." Zoosystema
23(1):173-190. The entry on p.183 is of interest, it
Accipiter Fontainieri Bonaparte, 1853, Holo-
type par monotypie.
Bonaparte, Comptes Rendus hebdomadaires des
Séances de l'Académie des Sciences, Paris 37: 810.
Accipiter superciliaris fontainieri, Bonaparte,
C.G.: 1853-471.
Autres numéros de catalogues: A.C. n° 653,
N.C. n° 916.
Inscriptions sous le socle:
Santa-Cruz/ M. Fontanier [sic]/juv. ♀/Accipiter
tinus Lath./Accipiter Fontanierii [sic]. Bp./ Type.
Inscriptions sur l'étiquette du socle:
Accipiter tinus (Lath.)/ A. Fontanierii [sic]. (Bp.)
Type ♀/ M. Fontanier [sic] Santa Cruz.
Bonaparte écrit bien Fontainieri dans sa des-
I interpret socle to refer to the base or plinth on which
the specimen was displayed. And I think the étiquette refers to the
inscription on the pedistal.
- The work by the Voisin's suggests to me that the previous certainty regarding the correct spelling
of the gentleman's name may have been more apparent than real.
- Much of the confusion may result from Sharpe's entry in Cat.BirdsBr.Mus. 1874 1:139 where in the
synonomy of Accipter tinus he lists
Ierispiza fontanieri, Bp. Rev. et Mag. de Zool. 1854 p.538
- I will employ the spelling fontainieri until this is demonstrated to be incorrect, or until
there is a published and convincing demonstration that prevailing usage will require
Cepphus grylle faeroeensis Citation
Timeliopsis griseigula fulviventris Citation
- Usually (e.g. Peters Checklist 12:339) cited as
- I learn from Edward Dickinson (in litt. 2005.12.18) that work
by Wayne Longmore demonstrates that this name is first to be found in an
earlier work in Nature in the same year.
Lichenostomus frenatus Citation
- Conventionally cited as
- Colin Jones points out (2005.11.17) that Schodde gives an 1874 citation
to the Sydney Mail.
- Indeed the Richmond Index gives the Sydney Mail citation with a date
of Aug. 15, 1874 (the PZS citation is dated to April of 1875).
- As Schodde evidently recognized, this issue was discussed in
Emu 38 pt1 July 1, 1938 p.64
Dendrocygna autumnalis fulgens Nomenclature
- The subspecies that occurs north of Panama, is often named
- Dick Banks addressed this situation in 1978 "Nomenclature of
the Black-bellied Whistling-Duck" Auk 95:348-352. Where he
demonstrates that the Sclater and Salvin subspecies name is a junior
synonym of D. a. autumnalis.
- The 1947 Friedman name is the earliest available for the northern
- Thanks to Norbert Bahr for pointing this out.
Colonia colonus fuscicapillus Citation
- Listed by Peters Checklist 8:181 (Traylor) as published in
1861. This is followed by HBW 9:405 (J.A. Mobely).
- This 1861 date was initially followed by H&M 3rd:373,
however it was corrected in the Corrigenda 2.1 to 1862.
- The Richmond Index shows that this part of this volume was published
Feb. 1, 1862; Duncan also was able to determine that 1862 was the correct
year, though he felt that April was the month of publication. Duncan did
extremely good work, so good that he often agrees with Richmond's dates.
It is my bet that Richmond is correct here.
- No matter how good Richmond's work, or Duncan's work, it seems that in
some instances Traylor consulted one (or both) of them, but in other
instances, such as this, didn't.
Lathrotriccus euleri flaviventris Citation
- The Richmond Index indicates that there was a separate issued
which has "Vol.IV, no.2", and that Ridgway's copy was rec'd June
20, 1887.
- The imprint date for volume 4 nos. 1 & 2 appears to be
June, 1887 (judging from the Richmond Index Card) so the separate
does not appear to affect the dating of the taxon.
Merops orientalis ferrugeiceps Citation
- Cited by Peters Checklist 5:237 as 1878, which evidently is
the imprint date.
- This is followed by H&M 3rd:296, and HBW
- The Richmond Index indicates that 1879, the actual publication date,
was indicated in a Corrigenda.
- Further support for this interpretation comes from by way of Edward
Dickinson, who communicates that Saunders in Zool.Rec. 16 Aves
p.2 "reports that the Preface is dated 'Calcutta 21st. Dec. 1878' and
that as publication was in London this cannot have been before 1879 and
he says that 'as a fact [it] was not.'"
- Edward Dickinson further communicates (2004.12.03) that he examined the copy at
Tring, which has the Corrigenda bound in. The Corrigenda refers to delay until 1879.
In the Tring copy, the Corrigenda was bound into the volume of plates.
2004.11.11; 2004.12.03
Camptostoma obsoletum flaviventre Nomenclature
- Listed by Peters Checklist 8:14 (Traylor) as published in
- As indicated by the Richmond Index, as well as recognized by Duncan,
this part of the volume was published in 1865.
Trichoglossus capistratus flavotectus Citation
- Peters Checklist 3:149 gives the citation as "Avif. Timor",
and this is followed by HBW 4:612.
- The title "Avif.[auna von] Timor" is misleading, as this is the
first of three parts of a single work entitled "Zoologie von Timor".
Pipra aureola flavicollis Citation
- Usually cited as 1851 (e.g. Peters 8:276; Goode 1896 "Published
writings of P.L. Sclater":6; H&M 3rd:342) and this may very well
be right.
- The dates of publication for this work are problematic.
- The unpublished notes by CWR on Dates of Publication has a card stating that
"Pt. 5+6 (as one) 1851. Not publ. till 1852. T.p. bears this date.
- I follow the Richmond data on this in the abscence of other evidence.
Coeligena torquata fulgidigula Spelling
- Spelled fuligidigula in H&M
- Gould named this form for its "glittering green throat", hence
fulgidigula (from the Latin fulgidus shining +
gula throat).
2004.02.09 (RMR)
Somateria mollissima faeroeensis Spelling
- Originally spelled "Faeroeensis".
- Spelled by H&M 3 rd:69 "faroeensis", and I interpret
ICZN 58.1 to mean that these two spellings are nomenclaturally equivalent.
What is gained by departing from the original orthography is not clear to me.
Otus asio floridanus 1874
- Taxon is dated to 1873 by Peters Checklist 4:80; the Richmond Index, and Harris'
1928 Condor 30:73, and Deignan's 1961 Type specimens of Birds in the U.S. Natl. Museum p.142.
- HBW 5:174,686 correctly dates it to 1874.
- H&M 3rd Ed.:223 dates this to 1873 (though dating Tyto alba guatemalae
from earlier in the same work to 1874 !).
- This number of volume 5 of the Bull.EssexInst. is dated December, 1873,
but Banks & Browning 1979. "Correct citations for some North American Bird Taxa." Proc.Biol.Soc.Wash.
92(1):195-203 demonstrate that the latter numbers of this volume were not available until
Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus Systematics
- In the past has been treated as a subspecies of D. obscurus
- Barrowclough GF, Groth JG, Mertz LA, & Gutiérrez RJ. 2004.
"Phylogeographic structure, gene flow and species status in blue grouse
(Dendragapus obscurus)". Molecular Ecology 13:1911-1922 present
evidence for its treatment as a full species.
Dendragapus obscurus fuliginosus Citation
- Almost always cited incorrectly. (e.g. Peters Checklist
2:28; HBW 2:574 (which merely "parrots" Peters)).
- The matter is dealt with in Banks & Browning. 1979.
"Correct Citations for some North American Bird Taxa".
Proc.Biol.Soc.Wash. 92(1):199.
- One must note with a sigh, that the Banks & Browning publication
antedates the HBW volume by 15 years, but evidently not long
enough to come to adequate attention.
Stizorhina finschi Spelling
- Peters Checklist 10:95 (SD Ripley) spells this Stizorhina
finschii and cites the original as Cassinia finschii.
- The original spelling indicated by the Richmond index is Cassinia
finschi (note: one terminal "i"). Bob Dowsett brought this to my
attention, and confirms that one terminal "i" is correct.
- Since 1978 the Zoo.Rec. includes this name only once, and uses two
terminal "i's".
2003.05.10; 2009.06.25
Attila flammulatus Concept
- Leger and Mountjoy (2003) argue that flammulatus may be a separate species from spadiceus,
based primarily on vocalization.
Leger DW Mountjoy DJ. 2003. "Geographic variation in song of hte Gright-rumped Attilla (TYRANNIDAE: Attila
spadiceus): Implications for species status." Auk 120:69-74.
- Regarding Lafresnaye's specimen (which evidently is in the collection of the M.C.Z.) the Richmond Cardex makes the
following remarks:
Remarks.--The large size of Lafresnaye's specimen, the dark back,
heavily streaked pileum, hindneck and sides, without any olivaceous shade,
the orange-ochraceous rump and sides, the grayish throat and chest, very
distinctly streaked -- all agree with only the northern form named salvini by
Ridgway and certainly not with A. citreopygus (Bonaparte), the recorded
range of which has recently been extended to western Colombia, by Chap-
man (Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist., XXXVI, 1917, p.495).
- Treated as a subspecies of Attila spadiceus by H&M
3rd:379, without comment.
- HBW 9:445 also treats as a subspecies of Attila spadiceus but
comments that A spadiceus may well be more than one species.
2003.03.27; 2005.01.06
Otus flammeolus Date
- Cited by Peters Checklist 4:95 as "1852, 1853".
- HBW 5:164 lists the year as 1853.
- Murray Bruce determined, by using Hartlaub's series of yearly
literature reviews, that only the articles on pp.141-162 in this work
were published in 1853. Therefore, this name is referable to 1852.
- I still have some uncertainties regarding this citation. The name Scops
flammeola in the Richmond Index is only listed to Sclater's 1858 use in PZS. It
is noted there that it is a nomen nudum with a note also indicating it is in
"Jardine's Contrib.Orn., 1852, p. 111" without further details, or even mentioning
- It is my guess, that in Contrib.Orn. this occurs in "no.6" for 1852.
- Confusingly, the CBBM 2:105 refers to a "Megascops flammeola Kaup,
Trans.Z.S. iv p.226" The Transactions of the Zoological Society were published
irregularly, and at the moment I don't know the year date for Vol.4 in the series.
Vol. 1 was published in 1833/34, so it is not impossible that Kaup's use of the name
there antedates the use of Scops flammeola in Contrib.Orn. (!).
2003.03.16; 2006.06.08
Megalaima faiostricta Citation
- Peters Checklist 6:33 has "1831" and
- HBW 7:203 (Warfolk) also shows 1831.
- {Richmond, et al., 1992} has "[livr.88,]", and 1831.
- {Sherborn, 1902} has "88 1831".
- Dickinson EC (2001) discusses this, and reaches the conclusion
that this plate is associated with livr.89 and was published in 1832. He considers
it to have been a plate issued without text of its own.
- Dickinson EC. 2001. 'Systematic notes on Asian birds. 9. The
"Nouveau recueil de planches coloriees" of Temminck & Laugier
(1820-1839)' Zool. Verh., Leiden 335 p.43,45'
Hemixos flavala Concept
- Previoulsy Hemixos also included:
- Hemixos castanonotus Swinhoe 1870 Ibis p.251
pl.9 fig.1
- Following Rand & Deignan. 1960 Dickinson & Gregory. 2003
treat Hemixos as monotypic.
Cisticola fulvicapilla Spelling
- Often spelled C. castaneocapillus (e.g. Sibley & Monroe).
- Originally Syma fulvicapilla Vieillot 1817.
- David and Gosselin. "Gender agreement of avian species
names."BBOC 2002. 122(1):38
- "As a final component of
species-group names, -capilla is the Latin noun capillus
with a modified ending, and does not include any adjectival suffix.
Adjectival names derived from capillus would end in a
recognizable suffix (-capillata, capillosa, etc.).
Original names ending in capilla [the modified Latin noun
capillus] are noun phrases that are to be treated as nouns in
- They indicate the spelling should be Cisticola
fulvicapilla. Their argument is that it " should not be changed
to C. fulvicapillus.
- During the period of 1978-1992 the combination Cisticola fulvocapilla occurs twice in
the Zoo. Rec.; Cisticola fulvocapillus does not occur.
Zosterops fuscicapilla Spelling
- Often spelled Z. fuscicapillus (e.g. Sibley & Monroe,).
- Originally Zosterops fuscicapilla Salvadori 1875.
- David and Gosselin. "Gender
agreement of avian species names." BBOC 2002. 122(1):35 indicate the spelling should
be Zosterops fuscicapilla . Their argument is that "As a final component of species-group
names, -capilla is the Latin noun capillus with a modified ending, and does not
include any adjectival suffix. ... [therefore] the original spelling of these names is to be
retained, with gender ending unchaged."
- During the period of 1978-1992 the combination Zosterops fuscicapill...
does not occur in the Zoo. Rec.
Pellorneum fuscocapillus Spelling
- Often spelled P. fuscocapillum (e.g. Peters, Sibley & Monroe,).
- Originally Dr[ymochataphus] fuscocapillus Blyth 1849.
- David and Gosselin. "Gender agreement of avian species names." BBOC 2002.
122(1):35 indicate the spelling should be Pellorneum fuscocapillus. Their argument
is that "capillus is and always has been a noun. Original names consisting of a Latin
adjectival stem joined to the Latin noun capillus are noun phrases that are to be treated
as nouns in apposition, ... ; the original spelling is thus to be retained, with
gender ending unchanged. (ICZN 1999, Art. 31.2.1, 32.3, 34.2.1, Glossary: noun phrase)."
- During the period of 1978-1992 the combination does not occur in the Zoo. Rec.
Scytalopus fuscus
- Treated as a subspecies by Peters 7:288.
- Elevated to species level by Krabbe and Schulenberg Remsen, 1998
Bulweria fallax citation pages
- Peters Checklist 1:85 has p.155.
- {Mayr, 1957} lists only p.160.
Apalopteron familiare 1830
Peters Checklist 12:393 has 1831
- Both {Richmond, et al. 1992} and {Sherborn 1902} indicate this was published in 1830.
Anurolimnas fasciatus
- This taxon, originally described in Porzana, is not to be confused
with Rallina fasciata Raffles 1822, which is the type for Rallina.
Circaetus fasciolatus Kaup Citation
- Peters Checklist 1:310 gives Gurney 1861, but see Clancey, 1987 BBOC 107:191-192 for discussion of authorship.
- Clancey argues for Kaup 1850 Contrib. Orinth.
- HBW gives an 1847 Isis von Oken citation, though their representation of citational sources makes it
difficult to be certain of the pagination when more than one taxon is listed per source.
- From examination of other taxa from this source I believed that the correct column was "343",
however Bob Dowsett informs me that "According to Clancey, 1990, BBOC 110:110 the correct citation is Kaup 1847, Isis (Dec.), col. 954."
Gallicolumba ferruginea
- Peters Checklist 3:136 discusses this taxon in footnote 2.
It was Dr Mayr's opinion that the name was a synonym for Gallicolumba stairi resulting from confusion over the source of the specimen.
Bycanistes fistulator 1850
- Peters Checklist 5:268 lists 1852.
This was published in no.4 Vol.5, and only no's 6 and 7 were published later than 1850 (in 1851).
Oriolus forsteni 1850
- Peters Checklist 15:123 has 1851.
- See {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.
Psittrachus fuligdus livraison
- Peters Checklist 3:231 lists "livr.1" which should be livr.3 as indicated by
{Richmond, et al. 1992} and Sherborn.
Pitta sordida forsteni Nomenclature
- H&M 3rd:338 apparently follows Peters
Checklist 8:323 (Mayr) in listing this without parentheses. Mayr
does not appear to have attended to the overall structure of Bonaparte's
work, as the name (while listed as forsteni) is
actually described in Brachyurus.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for pointing out my error in following H&M
and Peters.
2004.05.05; 2007.12.14
Creagrus furcatus 1846
- Peters Checklist 2:326 gives 1842.
- The dates here are a mystery to me. Peters and {Richmond, et al. 1992} give 1842,
but publishing histories suggest the plates appeared in 1846, which would imply that date
for the taxon.
- Perhaps on this basis, the 1983 AOU Checklist gives 1846, which I follow.
- [APP 2011.10.17] Additional review, shows that this is found in livr.2 of the Atlas, and all other taxa from
livr.2 are currently listed to 1842, so I change this taxon to 1842 as I find no reason why it should be dated
separately from other plates in livr.2 of the Atlas.
- At present [2011.10.19] the taxa I identify as from this source include:
1842 Voy.VenusZool. Atlas livr.1["1846"]
Grallaria squamigera pl.3 Prevost & Des Murs
[Peters VII:262 - 1842; CBBM XV:312 VVZ (undated) ... Lafr. Rev.Zool. 1842:333; Sherborn Rev.Zool. Nov. 1842 p.333]
Grallaria guatimalensis pl.4 Prevost & Des Murs
[Peters VII:263 - 1842; CBBM XV:312 VVZ (undated); CWR '"1846"[=1842]' Lafr. Rev.Zool. No. 1842 p.334]
Melozone biarcuata pl.6 (Prevost & Des Murs)
[Peters (Paynter) XIII:181 - 1846; Sherborn - 1849 (not referencing the plate)]
1842 Voy.VenusZool. Atlas livr.2["1846"]
Tangara ruficervix pl.5 fig.1 (Prevost & Des Murs)
Creagrus furcatus pl.10 (Neboux) [Peters II:326 1842; Sherborn - 1846 (Tab. Planch.);
1849 Voy.VenusZool.["1855"]
Kurukuru Prevost,F & Des Murs 1849 p.220
Ptilinopus superbus temminckii p. 234,268 (Des Murs & Prevost)
Ptilinopus mercierii† p.266 (Des Murs & Prevost)
Platylophus galericulatus 1816
- Peters Checklist 15:205 has 1817.
- See {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.
Myiagra ferrocyanea Citation
- The Nature publication evidently is anonymous and published in June 5, 1879.
Evidently it was written by Ramsay. A more detailed description subsequently appeared
in the June 16 issue of the Proc.Linn.Soc.N.S.W. ser.1 Vol. IV p.78.
- (These data derived from the Richmond Index.)
Macropsalis forcipata
- Pacheco and Whitney. 1998. BBOC 118:259-261 show that this taxon,
originally described by Nitzsch [Nitsch], was synonymized to Hydorpsalis
(= Macropsalis) creagra by Bonaparte in 1850.
- This name Macropsalis creagra was reintroduced by Peters 4:219.
- Peters designates the type for the Genus " Caprimulgus forcipatus
Nitzsch = Hydropsalis creagra Bonaparte
(Hartert, Cat. Bds. Brit. Mus., 16 , 1892, p.601)."
- Hartert's treatment of the genus is on p.601, however Nitzsch's name is
used on p.603, where Hartert clearly recognizes:
- Nitsch [Nitzsch] as the author,
- the name as forcipata ,
- and Bonaparte's creagra as a synonym.
- The logic of Peters' interpretation is not evident to me.
- H&M 3rd:245 has a footnote referring to some of these issues. It reads:
"Cleere (1999:385) used the name forcipata Nitzsch, 1840, but used creagra in Cleere
(1998). This change, about which see Pacheco & Whitney (1998), is associated with unresolved
issues and, although we accept that forcipata is not a nomen oblitum, we defer
its adoption.
- I speculate that this reservation regarding the adoption of forcipata may turn on
considerations of whether creagra constitutes a "prevailing usage" as defined by the ICZN.
"Prevailing usage" appears to be applied predominantly to "emendations", and
creagra would hardly seem to be an emendation of forcipata. (Leaving aside
the virtually unusable ICZN definition of prevailing usage):
Usage, prevailing, n. Of a name: that usage of the name which is adopted by at
least a substantial majority of the most recent authors concerned with the
relevant taxon, irrespective of how long ago their work was published.
The disagreements over "substantial majority", and who constitutes " most recent authors concerned with the
relevant taxon" are easy to anticipate.
- Without more understanding of Peters' logic, or what issues are "unresolved" I use forcipata.
- Pacheco sent me (2003.12.09) a copy of the 2002 Arajuba note further
illuminating the details here Pacheco JF, Whitney BM, & Pioli
D. 2002. "Additional notes on Caprimulgus forcipatus Nitzsch,
1840 (=Macropsalis forcipata)." Arajuba
- They argue:
- The name focipatus Nitzsch is not a nomen
- Nor is it a nomen dubium and is referable to the name
bearing type specimen held in the Institute of Zoology of the
Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle-Wittenberg.
- In summary: "Macropsalis forcipata (Nitzsch, 1840) is the
correct name for the Long-trained Nightjar."
Falconidae Systematics
- I follow here Griffiths. Griffiths CS. 1999.
Phylogeny of the Falconidae inferred from Molecular and Morhpological Data. Auk 116(1):116-130.
This differs in part from the AOU 1998 Checklist.
Campylorhynchus fasciatus 1838
- Peters Checklist 9:382 has 1837, but see {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.
The AOU Checklist 7th ed. p.472 has a note refering C. fasciatus in the
entry for C. zonatus and erroneously uses the date 1837.
Hirundo fluvicola 1856
- Peters Checklist 9:122 gives 1855.
- My collation of citations for this volume suggest 1856 is the likely date, and other
lower page numbered citattions for this work are dated 1856 in many places in the Peters Checklist.
Phyllastrephus fishceri Citation
- Peters Checklist 9:270 lists vol. 1.
- This name is from volume IV no.18, Sept. 15 of the Orn.Centralb.
Cyanoramphus forbesi
- Not in Sibley and Monroe.
- Long treated as a race of C. auriceps, but recent evidence shows
considerable genetic differences and species status is proposed.
Triggs, SJ & Daugherty, CH. 1996. Bird Conservation International 6:89-101
Lonchura fuscata Generic placement
- Placed by Peters and Sibley and Monroe in Lonchura.
- Baptista et al (1999) published on the relationships of some mannikins and
waxbills in the Estrildidae (J. Orn. 140: 179-192), based on downy plumes,
nestling palate markings, begging vocalizations, agonistic and courtship
behavior, and allozymes. They proposed that the genera Padda and Euodice
be merged with Lonchura.
Hartertula flavoviridis generic placement
- Norbert Bahr writes (00.04.21)
Cibois et al (1999. Mol. Phylogen. Evol. 13: 581-595).
published their results on the systematics of some Malagasy
babblers and warblers, based on mtDNA studies ...
As N. flavoviridis is not related to the other three Neomixis
species, it should be known as Hartertula flavoviridis.
Megapodius forsteni
- Systematics and taxonomy of the megapodes from Jones, D. N.,
R. W. R. J. Dekker & C. S. Roselaar (1995): The Megapodes Megapodiidae. Oxford Univ. Pr.,
- Treated as a subspecies by Peters, and HBW.
....; 2009.10.24
Megapodius forsteni Nomenclature
- This name is found with both single "i" (forsteni) and double "i"
(forstenii) endings.
- Recent authors seem to generally use the -ii ending (without comment), while
I find earlier works seem to use the -i ending (for example Sherborn's Index Animalium).
- Dr David Donsker informs me that on examining his own copy of the work, it shows that
the name is spelled forsteni in the text and forstenii on the plate. At
the moment I am not aware of any indication that the plates were published apart from the
corresponding text, but in this work with a confusing and not-fully-worked-out publishing
history, it seems almost anything is possible.
- Thanks to Dr David Donsker for bringing this to my attention.
- Dr Donsker also subsequently notes, that Gray spelled the name a third way,
(forsteri) in the index -- clearly a lapsus. More importantly,
Gray, in his Handlist (published later in 1869, uses forsteni with one "i".
If no action prior to the publication of Gray's Handlist satisfied the requirements
for a first reviser, then Gray's use of the single "i" ending would appear to
meet that requirement. Article 24.2.4 of the Code (1999) reads:
24.2.4. Original authors may be deemed to be First Revisers of spellings.
When the author, or one of joint authors, of two different original spellings of
the same name subsequently uses one of them as valid in a work (including the
author's or publisher's corrigenda), and neither had previously been selected as
the correct spelling by a First Reviser, the author is deemed to be the First Reviser,
whether or not the author cites both spellings together (that used as valid
becomes the correct original spelling).
- [2010.01.08] David, Dickinson, & Gregory. 2009. "Contributons to a List of First Reviser actions: ornithology." Zootaxa 2085:1-24 hold Gray to be the First Reviser (p.6) when he used forsteni.
2009.10.24; 2010.01.08
Hirundo fluvicola Citation
- Both the Peters Checklist and the Richmond Index give "p.471"
- Sharpe in the Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum Vol.10 p.200 gives "p.470."
Andropadus fusciceps systematics
- Michael S. Roy, Peter Arctander & Jon Fjeldsa,
Speciation and taxonomy of montane greenbuls in the genus Andropadus (Aves: Pycnonotidae).
1998. Steenstrupia 24(1):51-66
Phalaropus fulicarius Spelling
Amaurornis flavirostra spelling
- Often spelled A. flavirostris.
For an explanation,
I quote Normand David's explanation of this issue.
names ending in -rostra end in the modified Latin noun rostrum,
and all are INVARIABLE.
Adjectives formed on rostrum end in -rostris, -rostratus,
etc., and are variable.
Things get complicated when the gender of a genus is not properly assessed.
Gallinula flavirostra Swainson, 1837, is known as Amaurornis flavirostra
[as per Sibley & Monroe (1990)], not because Amaurornis is feminine, but
because flavirostra is INVARIABLE; this is why, even though
Limnocorax is masculine, it is also listed correctly as
Limnocorax flavirostra [as per Peters (1934)].
Amaurornis Reichenbach 1852 (Av. Syst. Nat, p. xxi) ends in the
transliterated Greek noun ornis, which is masculine as well as feminine,
but was established in combination with olivacea, and is thus
feminine as per ICZN (1999, Art.
Peters (1934), and Dickinson et al. (1991)] correctly treated Amaurornis as feminine.
The following spellings are incorrect:
- Amaurornis flavirostris [of Dowsett & Forbes-Watson (1993), Urban et al. (1986), del Hoyo et al. (1996)], and
- Limnocorax flavirostris [of Wolters (1982)].
To change flavirostra to flavirostris would
turn an invariable noun-phrase ending in a modified Latin noun into a variable adjective.
The Zoo. Rec. in the period from 1978-1992 uses only the form
A. flavirostris; it occurs once between 1981 and
Accipiter francesiae Spelling
- Normand David writes (2001.01.04, 2001.01.09)
According to Dowsett, R. J. & Dowsett-Lemaire, F. (1993. A contribution
to the distribution and taxonomy of Afrotropical and Malagasy birds.
Tauraco Res. Rep. 5. Tauraco Press, Liège), "Accipiter francesiae is the
correct spelling..., and not francesii..., this lapsus on the part of Sir
Andrew Smith being corrected by Benson et al. (1976-77)".
The Benson reference is a series of articles in L'Oiseau & RFO.
Benson et al. 1976 (Contributiuon à l'ornithologie de Madagascar, Oiseau &
RFO 46: 103-134) stated (p. 122) that Smith named the bird in honour of a
woman, and "manifestement, francesii est un lapsus pour francesiae".
I don't know if they were right according to the ICZN 1960 Code, but they
are according to the 1999 Code - the only one that prevails today.
The bird was named to honour Lady Frances Cole (Jobling 1991), but the
original name is a masculine genitive (e.g. francesii from Francesius,
the latinization of Frances).
However, ICZN 1999 Art. 31.1.2 states "A species-group name, if a noun in
the genitive case formed directly from a modern personal name, is to be
formed by adding to the stem of that name -i if the personal name is that
of a man, ..., -ae if of a woman...; the stem of such a name is determined
by the action of the original author when forming the genitive".
In the original francesii, Smith used the stem francesi-;
therefore the feminine genitive is francesiae. [If Smith had used the
stem frances-, from Francesus, the latinization of Frances,
then the genitives would have been francesi (masculine)
and francesae (feminine)].
I am not familiar with those types of names, but the very clear and
explicit wording of ICZN Art. 31.1.2 leaves hardly any room for another
The prerequisite condition is that Smith indication that he wanted
to honour a woman in his original description.
Normand David, Directeur general
Association quebecoise des groupes d'ornithologues
4545 Pierre-de-Coubertin
C. P. 1000, Succ. m
Montreal, Qc
H1V 3R2
[End of David's material]
- Following the original description, Smith writes:
To Lady Frances Cole I am indebted for the only specimen I possess
of this apparently undescribed species, -- and the name it bears in the
South African Museum is an indication of the high respect entertained for
Her Ladyship as a well known and zealous Patroness of Science.
- Therefore while HBW, Sibley & Monroe, and Wolters use "francesii"
I use "francesiae".
Selasphorus flammula 1865
- Peters Checklist 5:142 lists this as 1864.
- The Richmond Index confirms that this was published in Feb. 1865.
- F. Gary Stiles corrects Peters' date error and has the correct date in HBW 5:678.
Turdus fulviventris 1858
- Peters Checklist 10:214 (Ripley) gives the date as "1857"
- This was not published until Jan. of 1858.
Zosterops ficedulinus spelling
- Peters Checklist 12:334 (Moreau) spells this
ficedulina as it was originally.
- The ICZN mandated that generic group names ending in -ops regardless of derivation,
are to be treated as masculine.
Pipreola frontalis 1859
- Peters Checklist 8:290 (Snow) lists the year as 1858.
- This portion of the volume was published in 1859.
Thryothorus felix Date
- Peters Checklist 9:404 gives a date of 1859.
- The AOU CL 8th:478 also gives a date of 1859.
- The Richmond Index gives a date of Feb. 1860 (with 1859 crossed out).
- Duncan's 1937 listing of dates of Publication of the PZS
says "Issued between October 1859 and February 1860." for Part. III of this year.
- I follow the Richmond Index here.
Locustella fasciolata Date
- Peters Checklist 11:56 (Mayr) gives a date of 1860.
- The Richmond Index gives a date of Mar. 1861.
- Duncan's 1937 listing of dates of Publication of the PZS
says "Issued between August 1860 and March 1861." for Part. III of this year.
- I follow the Richmond Index here.
Myiophobus flavicans Date
- Peters Checklist 8:119 (Traylor) gives a date of 1860.
- The Richmond Index gives a date of Mar. 1861.
- Duncan's 1937 listing of dates of Publication of the PZS
says "Issued between August 1860 and March 1861." for Part. III of this year.
- I follow the Richmond Index here.
Anurolimnas fasciatus Date
- Not in Peters Checklist 2.
- HBW 3:156 (PB Taylor) gives a date of 1867 (the imprint date).
- The Richmond Index gives a date of Apr. 1868.
- Duncan's 1937 indicates Apr. 1868.
- I follow the Richmond Index and Duncan.
Drepanis funerea Date
Peters Checklist 14:95 (Greenway) lists the date as 1893.
This was published in Part 4 of the volume, which Duncan and the Richmond index
show was available Apr. 2, 1894.
The AOU CL. 7th ed. shows the date correctly as 1894.
Pteruthius flaviscapis Date
- The date for this livraison is usually given as 1835 (e.g. Peters
Checklist 10:387, Richmond Index, Sherborn)
- Dickinson EC (2001) points out that Mees (1994) provides evidence to the contrary.
- Dickinson EC. 2001. 'Systematic notes on Asian birds. 9.
The "Nouveau recueil de planches coloriees" of Temminck & Laugier (1820-1839)'
Zool. Verh., Leiden 335 p.7-56'
- To quote Dickinson: 'Mees (1994) reported that an "Avis accompagnant la 97e
livraison" was present in the copy of the "Planches coloriées" in Leiden and
that this carries the date April 1836. It follows that the dates for livraisons
98 and 99 must also date from 1836, presumably from after April, and thus from
December 31.'
- Mees, G.F., 1994. "Vogelkundig onderzoek op Nieuw Guinea in 1828.
Terugblik op de ornithologische resultaten van de reis van Zr. Ms. Korvet Triton
naar de zuid-west kust van Nieuw-Guinea." Zool. Bijdr. Leiden 40: 1-64, fig. 1-8, colour
pl. 1-12. (noot 15).
- I interpret Avis to mean "a sort of preface".
Ficedula Citation
- Usually (e.g. Peters Checklist 11:335 (Mayr); AOU CL 7th ed.
p.494 )
listed as.
- The name is first used in vol.1 where it is available as a
- Thanks to Steven Gregory for this understanding.
Comments & Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2019.10.23