Zoological Citation Notes --H
Amytornis striatus howei Citation
- Peters CL XI:408 (Mayr) has the incorrect volume number
for this citation listing it as "28", while it is
"XVII" = 27.
Ammodramus henslowii Citation
Description in Orn.Biogr. 1 p.360
Pogoniulus coryphaeus hildamariae Citation
- Previously cited as
- As Colin Jones points out (2010.12.04) others have commented that
there is no reason that Mathews' proposal of a replacement name
for Barbatula jacksoni Sclater, 1930, not Sharpe, 1897
is not valid, as it seems to be held by Peters Checklist VI:47.
- 2021.02.25; However ICZN Opinion 138 would appear to indicate that
Mathews' replacement proposal is not satisfactorily complete,
and thus invalid.
Harpactes erythrocephalus hainanus Citation
- Peters Checklist V:164 gives the page number as "p. xxvii" (27).
This would imply a publication date of 1899.
- The correct page is "p. xxxvii" (37).
- HBW 6:528 (2001) perpetuates the error, listing the page as "xxvii".
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Petrochelidon pyrrhonota hypopolia Nomenclature
- The AOU CL 5th ed. (p.364) lists the original combination incorrectly as
Petrochelidon lunifrons hypopolia ; Oberholser described it as
Petrochelidon albifrons hypopolia .
Poospiza hypocondria Nomenclature
- Usually (and understandably) spelled hypochondria.
- The Richmond Index indicates that the original spelling is with "c" instead of "ch"
- To date I have not been able to see the original rendering on-line, but the Richmond
Index is usually fastidiously correct in such matters, while the CBBM, Peters Checklist
(the latter volumes) and their followers adopt a more casual and gullible approach.
- For now I follow the orthography as rendered in the Richmond Index.
Ficedula hyperythra Citation
- Peters Checklist 11:344 (= Watson) shows the correct page number,
but has the volume number wrong (giving "12" when in fact it is "XI" = 11.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Dickinson and Pittie (SNAB 2006 51 p.115) note that a footnote on p.890-891 in this portion
is dated 20th Jan 1843, so this portion must be dated to 1843.
Nystactes tamatia hypnaleus Nomenclature
- Originally spelled "C[haurornis] hypnalea".
- The CBBM 19:189 (= Sclater 1891) shows the original combination correctly.
- Peters Checklist VI:13 shows the original combination incorrectly as
"Chaunornis hypnelea", and this subsitition of a "e" for the "a" has been
followed by many authors since then.
- HBW 7:127 (= Rasmussen & Collar 2002) for example spell it "hypneleus".
- Thanks to Colin Jones for picking this up.
Ploceus hypoxanthus hymenaicus Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist XV:51 (= Greenway 1962) lists the original combination
incorrectly as "Ploceus hypoxanthus hymenaicus".
- In fact, both the original combination in the Auk 64(2):305, and in
Deignan's 1961 List of Types in the U.S. National Museum show the original
combination correctly as Ploceella hypoxantha hymenaica.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Erythrura hyperythra Citation
- H&M 3rd:733 dates this to 1863 without discussion.
- Peters Checklist XIV:362 dates this as "1862-1863", an orthography that is
sometimes, but not always, follwed by H&M 3rd
(see for example:
Hypargos H&M 3rd:728 ("1862-63")
Taeniopygia H&M 3rd:733 ("1862-63")).
The reason for not following the Peters Checklist orthography in this case is
not given.
- Other published works (e.g. Schulze et al.; Neave) show the two genera
above as published in 1862, but apparently those works were not consulted
by the Peters Checklist authors.
- The Richmond Index citations include which part of Singvogel contains each taxon, which
is very useful and supports 1862 as the appropriate date in this instance.
Spermophaga haematina Citation
- H&M 3rd:728 dates this to 1805 without discussion.
- It is difficult to see a logical basis for the date of 1805, as three taxa that occur
earlier in the Ois.Chant. are dated to 1807!!
- Lonchura atricapilla (Vieillot) [pl.LIII]
H&M 3rd:735
- Lonchura quiticolor (Vieillot) [ p.85, pl.LIII]
H&M 3rd:735
- Lonchura fuscata (Vieillot) [ p.95, pl.LXII]
H&M 3rd:735
- All these taxa are dated to post 1807 by Sherborn in the Index Animalium,
which most probably
was not consulted by the authors of H&M 3rd, or Peters
Checklist XIV (= Traylor in this instance).
- The Peters Checklist dating of "1805" quite possibly resulted from uncritically
following the CBBM 13:498 citation. I know that, as in my own case, it is difficult
to say if blind repetition of previous citations represents mere lazyness, or inappropriate
reverence for workers who have come before.
Spermophaga haematina Nomenclature
- Conventionally listed with the spelling amatina.
- The Richmond Index shows the card with the diphthong demonstrated and emphasized as
- Richmond Index Card Loxia hoematina
- Sherborn, in Index Animalium (p.2887) shows the word with the -ae- diphthong.
- I am attempting to have the original work examined to settle this matter.
- (2009.1.211) Daria Wingreen-Mason of the Cullman Library, Smithsonian Institution has kindly looked
into this for me. The spelling of the Latin binomen appears to be indeterminate as to -oe- versus
-ae-, however it is clearly rendered as -ae- in several locations in the work,
so for the moment I accept
-ae- as most probably correct.
2009.11.21; 2009.12.11
Montifringilla henrici Citation
- Peters Checklist 15:27 [= Greenway 1962] cites this to
- H&M 3rd:718 follows this, although other
taxa from earlier in this same work are cited to 1892 (e.g. Garrulax henrici
from p.274, and cited to 1892 in H&M 3rd:615).
- The Richmond Index shows for these taxa "1891" (1891 in quotes) and in some
instances has 1892 written above the quoted date.
- I employ 1892 for all the taxa from this portion of the work.
Pogonocichla stellata helleri Citation
Luscinia megarhynchos hafizi Nomenclature
- In his Corrigenda 7 to H&M 3rd Dickinson writes:
Luscinia megarhynchos golzii Cabanis, 1873 replaces hafizi Severzov, 1873;
priority cl[ai]med for the latter based on erroneous presumption that Severzov's
work appeared in late 1872. [ECD in press].
- ECD's work was published in 2008 [Dickinson,EC. 2008. "The name of the easternmost
population of Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos" BBOC 128(2):141-142]
where Dickinson notes that Dementiev (1932) substituted hafizi for golzii evidently
based on the Severtsov's claim (1875) that his "Vert...." had appeared in "December 1872".
- Peters Checklist 10:41 (= Ripley 1964) does not appear to have assumed that Severtzov's publication was "late in 1872", as his citation reads:
Luscinia Hafizi Severtzov, 1873, Veritkal . . . Turkest.
Zhivotn., (1872), p. 120
In this volume of the Peters Checklist, the parentheses "(1872)" indicates the imprint date, but
"1873" (without parentheses) is the taxonomic date (i.e. the date of publication). The
basis for Ripley assuming Severtzov's priority over Cabanis is not clear to me.
- Severtzov's claim that his publication appeared in "December 1872" is not
necessarily inconsistent with an imprint date of 1873. Severtzov would have been referring to
and Old Style date, and, for example Dec. 31, 1872 (O.S.) = Jan. 12, 1873 (N.S.). It is a possibility
(though a speculative one) that the imprint date might be (N.S.) as the target audience would be
predominantly western europeans where the New Style calender had been long adopted.
(The N.S. calender was not adopted in Russia until 1918). Additionally, Kees Rooselaar communicates
(in litt. 2005.01.05) that his copy of Severtzov's paper (with an imprint date of "1873"
also bears the words (heavily underlined)
"Izdanie obschestvo"
(Изданиз Общество) which means public/general printing/publication. Addiionally Roselaar provides other
evidence that this work may have had prior parts or editions published and distributed,
and that the 1873 imprint may relate to the summary of all the articles published in this work
starting in 1871). Indeed, as Roselaar notes: Gould published in 1872 (Birds Asia pt 25 pl.15) Passer ammodendri that is said (?by whom) to be based on Severtzov's "work".
- The date of Severtzov's publication is only one of the problems here.
The date of the Cabanis name (Lwscinia golzii) is also a problem
in my view. This name is found
in the "January" number (no.122) of the J.Orn. At this time virtually all the numbers of the J.Orn.
were delayed and at present I don't know of any that have been demonstrated to have
been published during the month stated for the issue. There is much uncertainty as to when the
numbers actually appeared. It is overwhelmingly likely that the "Jan." number did not
appear in January, and it is probable but not certain,
that no.122 appeared before "June or later" of that
year when the "Marz" issue (no.122) was published.
- It is a difficult problem resolving priority when both contending publications are
uncertain as to the date of publication. One approach would be to consider both publications to be
dated to Dec. 31, 1873 (though this seems unreasonable) and the select one of the two.
- For the moment I use the name that appears to me to have substantially
the greatest probability of having been published first, but emphasize that
uncertanties exist as to both the data and how the Code can, or should,
be applied in such an instance.
- Certainly many speculative possibilities exist here concerning the dating possibilities,
multiple editions of the work, possible circulation of unpublished manuscripts, &c, &p;c.
- It seems premature to me to imagine that this case is resolved.
Perdix hodgsoniae Citation
- Cited by Peters Checklist II:90 to 1857, and this is followed
by H&M 3rd:53 (through Corrigenda 8) follows
this as well.
- Dickinson & Pittie. 2006. "Systematic notes on Asian birds. 51.
Dates of avian names introduced in early volumes
of the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal" Zool.Med. Leiden
Comment on many of the date issues during this period. However, their paper
makes no mention of volume 25 (which includes this name).
- I know of no data demonstrating the delay of this volume, and thus
follow the Richmond Index in using the date 1856 for this taxon.
Mimus gundlachii hillii Citation
- Cited by Peters Checklist IX:445 (Davis & Miller 1960) to 1863, and
this is followed by other modern authors.
- We know that during this periond the numbers of the Philadelphia proceedings
were virtually never published on the date specified, so we must try to ascertain
the first evidence that it was in existence as a published work.
- The receipt of this number was acknowledged at the Smithsonian Institution on
27 January, 1864.
- The records at the American Philosophical Society are not helpful in this instance,
as we only know that numbers 4-6 (this name is in number 6) were received sometime
between Sept. 1863 and Feb. 1864. (No.4 is the Jun-Jul '63 number).
- Thus in my view, we know that the imprint date is incorrect, and to date the
earliest that we have evidence for this being in existence as a published work is
Jan. of 1864. My understanding of the Code would require the use of 1864 for this taxon
unless and until additional data comes forward demonstrating it was published
in 1863.
Garrulax glandarius hibernicus Citation
- Peters Checklist 15:229 (= Vaurie 1962) cites this to p.231; Colin Jones
has examined the original and indicates it is on p.234.
Campylorhynchus rufinucha humilis Citation
- Peters Checklist 9:382 (= Paynter 1960) cites this to 1856, without comment.
- This is followed, also without comment, by H&M 3rd:634.
- This taxon is described on p.263 which is in "no. VI" for the year 1856. The evidence is
that this was not published until 1857, and indeed both the Peters Checklist and H&M 3rd cite other taxa from "no.VI" (pp.259-327) to 1857 without comment (see, for example Agelastes niger H&M 3rd:40; Peters Checklist 2:133).
- One might speculate that H&M 3rd and Peters
Checklist should be ignored for all taxon dates coming from the
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. For Peters Checklist,
at least, the authors demonstrate their awareness of which taxa are cited to this source.
With H&M 3rd the problem is more challenging, as it is not
clear if the authors themselves know which taxa are cited from this serial.
One approach would be to hold as uncertain all dates that fall in the range covered by
the Proceedings -- currently for my data that covers 1843 through 1959 which seems to be
an unworkably large span.
- The difficulty of determining certain dates from the PANSP should not be underestimated, and
despite hard work by many careful and knowledgable workers, certainty is not always to be had.
Yuhina humilis Systematics
- Treated as a full species by the IOC World Bird List 2.0. (2009.02)
Turdoides huttoni Systematics
- Turdoides huttoni is split from Turdoides caudata by Rasmussen &
Anderton 2005.
- No mention of this treatment is made in H&M 3rd, through
Corrigenda 8 (late 2008).
Ptyrticus turdinus harterti Citation Author
- I am a bit uncertain as to the author of this taxon. Peters CL 10:262 lists the author as Stresemann,
as does the Richmond Index. H&M 3rd:602 lists the author as Stresemann, but in Corrigenda 2.1 says the author is Grote, not Stresemann and simply says this is an error in Peters, but provides no supporting details or rationale.
- Additionally, H&M 3rd:255 cites another taxon (Hemiprocne mystacea aeroplanes) from this same page to Stresemann.
- The author may very well be Grote, but until more support for this assertion is available I will list the authority shown in the Richmond Index and in Peters Checklist.
- In a case like this, without primary data available to me, the decision must be made on the basis of authority alone. Those authorities compete here and the burden of
proof would appear to rest on H&M 3rd in its assertion that both Richmond and Peters are wrong.
- In support of the possibility that the author is Grote, is the fact that Crote is afforded the authority for Emberiza affinis vulpecula by Peters Checklist 13:25 [= Paynter], and this taxon if found on the page following Ptyrticus turdinus harterti. In contrast the Richmond Index attributes the authority for the Emberiza to Stresemann.
- So the issue is not resolved for this name, but absent any supporting data, I can not afford authority to H&M 3rd over both Peters and the Richmond Index.
- Stefan Eckert very helpfully supplied the answer to this (2009.02.06). His
scan of the relevant portion of the publication shows that the description was
indicated as supplied by Grote.
- Thanks very much to Stefan for solving this.
2009.01.31; 2009.02.06
Eupodotis humilis Citation
- Often cited to 1856, and considering the consistently present but
variable length delays with this publication that is certainly possible.
- Dickinson EC and Pittie A. 2006. "Dates in the Journal of the Asiat.Soc.Bengal Zool.Med.Leiden" 80:[113]-124 conisder the publishing history in detail, and did not find
sufficient evidence to support the interpretation that this portion of the
publication was delayed into 1856.
Hemixos flavala hildebrandi Spelling
- Spelled Hemixos flavala hildebrandti
by Clements Checklist 6thed.:384.
- The original spelling was Hemixos hildebrandi
- Thanks to Robert Hickling for bringing this to my attention.
Cettia haddeni Concept
- This brush warbler was described some while ago, (2006) and is included as a full species in
HBW 11:592 (2006).
- H&M 3rd makes no mention of this form (through Corrigenda 8 -- 2008), though
the authors of H&M 3rd demonstrably are aware of this taxon (it is noted in H&M 3 update 1 -- kindly provided by Murray Bruce).
- I do not know why this taxon is not mentioned by the authors of H&M 3rd.
2008.12.23; 2009.01.03
Periparus ater hibernicus Citation
- See Dickinson,ECD & Milne,P 2008. "The authorship of Parus ater hibernicus." BBOC. 128(4):267-268.
- They show that the publication in the Daily Mail, which appeared 3 days before Ogilvie-Grant's BBOC publication suffices
as an adequate nomenclatural act, and they show that Sir William Ingram is appropriate to hold as the author.
Dendroica nigrescens halseii Citation
- Cited by Peters Checklist 14:25 (= Lowery & Monroe 1968) to
"p.[13] pl.[3]" and in this they (or their editor Paynter) appear to be
following Hellmayr 1935 VIII p.392.
- Both the Richmond Index, and Deignan 1961 p.536 indicate that this
is on p.[11] pl.13 fig.1.
- Coues Pt1 Bibliographical Index p.630 gives "fol.11 pl.3 f.1"
making one wonder if the "pl.3" or "pl.13" is correct.
- I follow Deignan and the RI.
Orthotomus heterolaeums Systematics
- Treated by Peters Checklist 11:176 (= Watson 1986) as a subspecies of A. cucullatus.
- Treated by Peters Checklist 11:176 (= Watson 1986) as a subspecies of A. cucullatus.
and this is followed by H&M 3rd:563.
- In a published treatment more recent than Peters 1986 (Sibley & Monroe 1990 p.617) the status
of this taxon is discussed, and interpreted there to be a full species based on communication
from Ben King. No mention of this
interpretation is made by H&M 3rd.
Brachypteryx hyperythra Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 10:14 (= Ripley 1964) cites this to Jerdon & Blyth. This is followed by H&M 3rd:673
- However, Peters Checklist 11:175 (= Watson 1986) cites Orthotomus coronatus from the same article
to '"Jerd. & Blyth" Blyth 1961'. H&M 3rd:563 cites this name to Blyth alone.
- The Richmond Index cites both names from this article to '"Jerd. & Blyth" Blyth 1861'. I have not seen the article
but follow the Richmond Index in citing these names to Blyth, rather than to Jerdon & Blyth.
- [2010.02.23] All taxa in this article by Blyth are treated the same way, with the new name
followed by "Jerdon & Blyth", though none of the text is in quotes.
- Despite this consistent treatment within the article, H&M 3rd does not treat these names consistently with regards the authority: Tickellia is attributed to Blyth (p.594) but attributes Orthotomus cucullatus coronatus (p.563) to Jerdon & Blyth (see Corrigenda 2.1); and also treats Brachypteryx hyperythra (p.673) to Jerdon & Blyth.
- Most probably "Jerdon & Blyth" was intended for Tickellia as well, but I believe
that a rationale should be provided for including Jerdon's name, given that the article is by Blyth, and no quoted material from Jerdon is included.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
2008.10.25; 2010.02.23
Eremopterix signatus harrisoni Citation
- Peters Checklist 9:30 (= Mayr & Greenway 1960) cite this to Ibis 1901 p.286 pl.7
- The bird is described there, but the BBOC citation has priority.
- Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Helicolestes Systematics
- Separated from Rostrhamus by AOU CL 49th Suppl. p.761
on the basis of Clark's work (BBOC 2007 127:110-117).
- Of interest, Bangs and Penard evidently give Falco hamatus Illiger as the type
for this genus, though Falco hamatus is usually attributed to Temminck 1821.
- Sherborn, in his Index Animalium, attributes the name to Illiger in Temminck & Laugier.
Sherborn also dates this livr. (11) to April of 1822.
- The Richmond Index dates this to June of
1821 and has the interesting note: "Both pll. descr. on same leaf of text!". No doubt this
is evidence to the fact that the plates were published before the text. Richmond has "Illiger" (in quotes).
I interpret this to imply that Richmond interpreted Illiger's name to be a manuscript name.
- The June date for this livraison (as given by Richmond contra Sherborn) is
the date given by Dickinson 2001 SNAB #9 Appendix IV.
Dendrocitta formosae himalayana Nomenclature
- H&M 3rd:510 attributes this name to Blyth 1865
presumably following Peters Checklist 15:248 (= Blake & Vaurie 1962). They
cite this as
Dendrocitta himalayensis Blyth, 1865 Ibis, p.45
with a note concerning Ticehurst's restricting the type to Sikkim (1925, BBOC, 46 p.22).
- H&M 3rd:510 further has a footnote (#3) indicating Deignan 1963 (not seen)
"used himalayana Jerdon, 1864. The case is being investigated separately."
- Ticehurst's 1925 BBOC entry says:
Blyth described D. himalayensis from "the Himalayas."
No hint is given whence his type came, but in his 'Catalogue' he
mentions specimens from Darjeeling, and therefore I [Ticehurst] restrict the type
locality of D. himalayensis to Sikkim."
- The Richmond Index has a card for the Jerdon 1864 name in which he
quotes Blyth's communication to him about the bird that occurs "throughout
the Himalayas, and ... very rarely on the hills of Southern India" Jerdon
goes on to say:
"This is, writes Mr Blyth, distinct from true Dendrocitta
sinensis, and that naturalist suggests for it the name of
Dendrocitta Himalayana, Blyth."
Richmond Index Card Dendrocitta Himalayana
- It appears that Ticehurst (1925) was unaware of Jerdon's 1864 publication of the name Dendrocitta himalayana,
a Blyth manuscript name.
- I intepret Dendrocitta himalayensis Blyth 1865, to be a junior synonym of Dendrocitta himalayana "Blyth MS" Jerdon 1864.
Clytorhynchus vitiensis heinei Citation
- Two possible sources might be cited for this taxon (Myiolestes
- Myiolestes heinei Finsch
& Hartlaub 1870 PZS["1869"] Pt3 p.546
- Myiolestes heinei Finsch
& Hartlaub 1870 J.Orn. 18 no.104 p.126
Number 104 of the J.Orn is the "März" volume so the problem becomes trying to
determine if that number was published in March, and when the delayed PZS pt3
was published.
- Dickinson 2005. J.Zool. 266:427-430 does not help, in that he only
indicates (p.428) that pp.467-698 were published in the "next year" (=1870).
- However the Richmond Index indicates that pt3 of the "1869" volume was published
in March of 1870.
- Next we must consider if J.Orn. no.104 was actually published in March -- a
probability that is very small. Sure enough, on examining no.104 on
p.158, we find a letter footed "Berlin, im April 1870.". So we know it was not
published in March, and without further evidence must date it to Dec. 31, 1870.
- Thus the PZS citation, as given by Peters Checklist 11:498 appears to be
Parotia helenae Citation
- Cited to 1891 in Peters Check-list 15:196 (= Mayr 1962).
- Both the Richmond Index and H&M 3rd:516 show it as
dating from 1897, which is followed here.
2008.03.29 (RMR)
Phonygammus keraudrenii hunsteini Nomenclature
- Originally described as Phonygama Hunsteini, according to Peters
Check-list 15:186 (= Mayr 1962).
- The taxon is placed in Phonygammus by Mayr, and he does not
include parentheses around the author's name in the check-list proper.
- H&M 3rd:516, however, place Sharpe's name in
- As Phonygama Lesson, 1828, is an emendation of
Phonygammus Lesson & Garnot, 1826, the inclusion of
parentheses is unnecessary.
2008.03.29 (RMR)
Apteryx haasti Nomenclature Citation
Peters Checklist 1(2):11 (Mayr, 1979) cites this as:
- The Richmond Index differs in two aspects here:
- The spelling of the specific epithet has a single -i ending, as
Apteryx haasti
- The name apparently was first published (Jan. 1872) in the Ibis on p.35;
which preceeded the Trans.N.Z.Inst. 4["1871"] p.204, which apparently was not
published until May of 1872.
- Interestingly the CBBM 26:611 has the spelling correct as Apteryx
haasti (single -i ending); but perhaps this was not consulted by
- In reviewing the original publication in the Ibis (BioDiversity Heratige Site, online 2009.03.10) more details are apparent.
- Potts first states
which the writer proposes the name A. haastii, in compliment to Dr. Haast.
- Subsequently, in the formal designation of the name, the text is
- Normand David has reviewed this matter, and interprets Potts, in his subsequent publicatino
to have been acting as the first reviser, and the spelling must be haastii.
2007.07.16; 2009.03.10
Chloroceryle americana hachisukai Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 5:175 cites this as
Alcedo euryzonia peninsulae Laubmann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern,
22, 1941, p. 165
yet Peters 5:168 has
Chloroceryle americana hachisukai Laubmann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern,
22, 1942, p. 165
note that it gives the same volume and same page but different years, so clearly something
is not right here.
- The Richmond Index gives
Alcedo euryzonia peninsulae Laubmann, Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern,
22, hft. 1, Jan. 25, 1941, p. 166 (note: 166 rather than 165), but I do not
find a citation in the Richmond Index for Chloroceryle americana hachisukai.
- The Richmond Index does list Ceryle americana hachisukai and
cites it to Verh. Orn. Ges. Bayern, 22, hft. 1 1941, p. 165, and similarly the AOU
CL 5th:311 cites this to Jan. 25, 1941 and indicates that volume
22 was the "1940" volume.
- H&M 3rd:292 simply replicates Peters errors, but
corrects the date in Corrigenda 6. HBW 6235,243,528 essentially replicates Peters'
errors, though in the citation (p.528) take the remarkable step of changing the volume
number of the serial to "21" (!!) for peninsulae. It seems clear that someone
recognized that the citations didn't make
sense for the same volume and page but two different years, but the solution to this
problem does not seem to have invovled examining the original material (as I myself have
not done) or seeking other sources for resolution. The solution appears to me to have been
to fabricate a resolution that was unrestrained by facts.
Euphonia minuta humilis Citation
- Peters Checklist 13:351 (=Storer, 1970) cites this to 1860, which is
followed without comment by H&M 3rd:822.
- The Richmond Index notes for this taxon, that the number (for Sept.) was
published in Jan. 1861, which I follow.
Tanagra cuanicollis hannahiae Citation
- Cited by Peters Checklist 13:380 (= Storer, 1970) to 1864, and this is followed
by H&M 3rd:812.
- The Richmond Index dates this to 1865, noting that the material was presented at the meeting of
27 Dec. 1864 (a Tuesday).
- I follow the Richmond Index here.
Pyrrhura molinae hypoxantha Nomenclature
- This taxon is usually represented as
- Thomas Arndt points out (in litt. 2007.05.01) that Todd's sordida name
is a junior synonym of the 1899 Salvadori name. The Salvadori name was generally ignored
as it was felt to simply be a color morph of sordida, (which may very well be the case).
However the hypoxantha types were collected from the region occupied by sordida and thus
the Salvadori name is senior.
Uragus sibiricus henrici Citation
- Peters Checklist 14:266 [=Howell, et al., 1968] cite this to
- H&M 3rd:753 follows this, but corrects it
to 1892 in Corrigenda 3.
- The Richmond Index shows for these taxa "1891" (1891 in quotes) and in some
instances has 1892 written above the quoted date.
- I employ 1892 for all the taxa from this portion of the work.
Leucosticte brandti haematopygia Citation
Carduelis spinoides heinrichi Citation
- Peters Checklist 14:237 (=Paynter & Rand, 1968) list only Stresemann as the
authority for this taxon.
- The Richmond Index lists Stresemann & Heinrich.
- Edward Dickinson looked into this matter, and helpfully communicated his findings
(2007.03.24). It is clear that the full article is by
Stresemann and Heinrich, though Stresemann appears to be responsible for the names.
In Stresemann's section of the paper he states "Aus der Ausbeute vom Mt. Victoria habe ich
in den folgenden Zeilen als neu bescrieben".
2007.03.24; 2007.03.25
Sporophila corvina hicksii Nomenclature
- Sharpe in the Cat.BirdsBr.Mus. 12:133 (1888) spells the specific epithet with a
single -i ending
- The Richmond Index indicates that it was spelled
Spermophila Hicksii
Sporophila hoffmanni Nomenclature
Hypocnemis Systematics
- I follow Isler ML, Isler PR, & Whitney BM. 2007. The Auk 124(1):11-28 for the
treatment of the Hypocnemis cantator complex.
Emberiza cia hordei Concept
- H&M 3rd:777 gives the range as:
Greece, SW and SC Asia Minor, Levant
while the Richmond index notes this text from Brehm's original
Er bewohut das südöstlische Eurpoa,
verrit sich zuweilen in die Gegend von Wien
(the second word is slightly hard for me to read).
I translate this roughly as: "Resident in SE Europe, straying
occasionally into the region of Vienna."
Hedydipna Nomenclature
2006.10.08; 2006.12.25
Certhia hodgsoni Citation
- Tietze DT, Martens J, & Sun Y-H. 2006. "Molecular phylogeny of treecreepers
(Certhia) detects hidden diversity." Ibis 148(3):486 cite this taxon to 1873. I expect
they are following the Peters Checkist 12:152.
- I follow the citation given in the Richmond Index (1982), the citation there is also followed in
Corrigenda 4 of H&M 3rd.
Podiceps grisgena holbollii Citation
- Often cited to 1854 (e.g. H&M 3rd:80; HBW 1:192) and this
appears to be following Peters Checklist 1(2):151
- The Richmond Index gives a date of 1853, as does the AOU CL
- Absent any specific data proving delay of this publication, I follow the
Richmond Index and the 5th AOU CL.
Podiceps grisgena holbollii Nomenclature (spelling)
- Originally spelled Podiceps Holböllii.
- This spelling was changed to Podiceps holboellii in Peters Checklist
1(2):151, and this spelling has been followed without question or comment by
many others (e.g. H&M 3rd:80; HBW 1:192; AOU CL
7th:8, &c.). This bird was named after Capt. Carl Holböll (as
indicated in the Richmond Index) and spelling the specific epithet
"holboellii" would be correct if the Capt. was German. (ICZN Code Art. otherwise "holbollii" is correct.
- The Mearnses in "Biographies for Birdwatchers" 1988 p.[197] write
regarding Carl Peter Holböll :
Holböll was a Danish zoologist whose long association with Greenland lasted
from the 1820's until his death in 1856, when a ship that was taking him from
Copenhagen to Greenland sank and disappeared without a trace. During his visits
to the north he travelled extensively and took every opportunity to
collect for
teh Royal Natural History Museum at Copenhagen. ...
- It appears that Richmond was incorrect about Holböll being a Captain
of the ship but quite clearly Holböll was not German. The spelling
"holboellii" is inconsistent with the Code.
- The Wikipedia biographical sketch indicates that Holböll was an
officer in the Danish Navy.
2006.04.24; 2006.04.29; 2008.03.21; 2009.05.29
Pelagodroma marinus hypoleuca Citation
- A complex situation here, in which it is possible that absolute certainty is not
to be had.
- The Richmond index indicates (on the card for Thallasidroma columbinus)
that the text portion of the ornithology section was in livraison 63 and gives a
publication date of May 1842
- Sherborn speculates that this portion of the work was published in 1841,
but appears to be unaware of many of the details of the publishing history.
- Zimmer, likewise appears to be unaware of (or at least does not mention) the
fact that some of the plate publications substantially preceeded the letterpress
- I follow what I interpret the implications of the Richmond Index material to be
and use 1842.
Hamirostra Citation
- There are two problems with this citation, the date, and how to
cite it.
- Cited by various authors to 1845 or 1846, and it appears that these
two may be impossible to distinguish. Citing it as 1846 are
- Mathews & Iredale 1922 AustralAv.Rec. 4:167 (not
- The Richmond Index (citing Mathews)
- Peters 1(2):296 (=Mayr & Cottrell).
Citing it as 1845 are:
- Sherborn 1927; (Ind.Anim. p.2907)
- Neave 1939 2:560
- Schulze et al. 1930 p.1461.
- Sherborn almost certainly would have been aware of the Mathews &
Iredale article, but in his publication five years later appears not to
have agreed, either on the basis of logic, or perhaps on the basis of
additional information unknown to Mathews & Iredale.
- It is my suspicion that with internal
referencing it boils down to Sherborn 1927 versus Mathews & Iredale
1922. Further complicating the matter, this work is not discussed by
Zimmer, but is discussed by Mengel 1972 Cat.EllisColl.Orn.BooksU.Kans.
1: 220-222. As one would expect, Mengel's treatment is one that
would make Zimmer envious. He appears to interpret Mathews & Iredale
as presenting evidence for citing at least part of the work to
- The imprint date on the work appears to be 1846 but this appears to
have been issued with part XII, while the genus group name
Hamirostra appears in part VIII.
- Peters Checklist 1(2) cites this name to "pt. 8, p.12." The
bibliographic work in this volume of Peters is emphatically not its
strong point. No other workers that I know of refer to "p.12", but
rather to "sign. B4". In my view this reduces the weight of validity of
the Peters (=Mayr & Cottrell) treatment, and thus detracts
some weight from favoring the 1846 interpretation.
- I choose to follow 1845, though it is not a clear call. I am most
strongly influenced by the fact that later knowledgable workers
seem to use 1845 (though they may all simply be following
Hymenops Concept
- This is quite an obscure genus group name, not to be found in the
Richmond Index, Naeve, or in Sherborn's Index Animalium.
- The entry in Voy.Coq. Zoologie p.239 is as follows:
Diverses sortes de passereaux viennent jusque près des vil-
lages: c'est ainsi que nous y observâmes une petite mésange,
plusieurs moucherolles, et entre autres le clignot du Paraguay
(hymenops nyctitarius, Commers., Dessins inédits), et la mou-
cherolle à huppe blanche (m. albicilla Vieill.), dont le bec est
plus effilé que celui de l'espèce de Cayenne; la farlouze de
Monte-Video de Buffon...
- An approximate translation of the first part may be something like:
Diverse types of passerine come right up to the villages: in this way we
have observed a small titmouse ...... (hymenops nyctitarius, Commers.,
unpublished drawings), and the .............
Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera halmaturina Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 12:426 (Salomonsen) indicates that the
original taxon name here is Meliornis (Lichmera) australasiana
subsp. halmaturina.
- The Richmond Index lists the taxon (with the same but more
detailed citation) as Meliornis novae-hollandiae
- It is not impossible, but in my view certainly unlikely, that the
Salomonsen representation is correct.
- Of interest, Salomonsen also lists the Meliornis
novae-hollandiae halmaturina taxon to the same volume
and page and as a synonym of Phylidornis novaehollandiae
cambelli (!). My impression is that if all this had any remote
relationship to "science", more explanation would be provided. Rather,
it give the impression of "truths" handed down from
authorities-on-high. (Otherwise known as "fair targets"). I would
not be surprised if Salomonsen wanted to provide much more explanation
here. He had, however, to deal with a Harvard publication and this was
no doubt the very best that they could do.
Notharchus macrorhynchos hyperrhynchus Nomenclature
- Originally spelled Bucco hyperrhynchus,
both in the 1855 London Athenaeum No.1464 p.1341 (where it is a nomen
nudum and in the 1856 PZS publication of the name. It is also
spelled hyperrhynchus in Cat.BirdsBrit.Mus. 19:183
(ex. Sharpe's Hand-List), Wolters Die Vogelarten der Erde p.166, as well
as in HBW 7:125 (Rasmussen & Collar).
- Peters Checklist 6:10 lists the name spelled with the "rh" in
the citation, but as hyperrynchus in the listing as a
- This appears to me to be either a lapsus calami or an
emendation which appears to be unjustified.
- The Peters (mis)spelling is followed by H&M
- Additionally, as Michael Rieser subsequently pointed out, this
misspelling by Peters was addressed by Eisenmann in Auk 1958
- Thanks to Michael Rieser for picking this up.
Ptilinopus iozonus humeralis Nomenclature
- Originally described in Ptilonopus and for this reason Peters
Checklist 3:33 places the authority in parentheses. This is
followed by H&M 3rd:177, but not by HBW 4:221.
- It appears to me that Ptilonopus is an 1833 Selby emendation
of Swainson's Ptilinopus. As an emendation it appears to me that
it implies that the authority here should not be in parentheses.
Ptilinopus huttoni Citation
- Originally described in Ptilonopus and for this reason Peters
Checklist 3:30 places the authority in parentheses. This is
followed by H&M 3rd:176.
- It appears to me that Ptilonopus is an 1833 Selby
emendation of Swainson's Ptilinopus. As an emendation it appears
to me that it implies that the authority here should not be in
Ptilinopus coronulatus huonenesis Citation
- Originally described in Ptilopus and for this reason Peters
Checklist 3:33 places the authority in parentheses. This is
followed by H&M 3rd:176 and by HBW
- It appears to me that Ptilopus is an 1841
Strickland emendation of Swainson's Ptilinopus (as well as a
genus group name used in insect taxonomy). As an emendation it appears
to me that it implies that the authority here should not be in
Ptilinopus porphyraceus hernsheimi Nomenclature
- Originally described in Ptilopus and for this reason Peters Checklist 3:31
places the authority in parentheses. This is followed by H&M 3rd:175
(Corrigenda 3.1) but not by HBW 4:211. (This is unusual, as the convention
in HBW would appear to be to consider Ptinolopus to be am emendations but
Ptilopus not to be. Thus this instance would appear to break with that
- It appears to me that Ptilopus is an 1841 Strickland emendation of Swainson's
Ptilinopus (as well as a genus group name used in insect taxonomy). As an emendation it
appears to me that it implies that the authority here should not be in parentheses.
Caprimulgus parvulus heterurus Systematics
- Recent evaluations of the vocalization and plumage differences
between parvulus and heterurus suggest that they both may
stand as valid at full species rank.
- They were "lumped" by Paul Schwartz Condor 1968. 70:223-227,
where he commented that vocalizations were perhaps the most important
distinguishing character, as well as the differences in plumage he
noted. Relatively little was known of the vocalizations, it
Gallicolumba rufigula helviventris Citation
- Peters Checklist 3:134 cites this taxon to "1867 (1866)",
however, Rynchaenas Schlegeli (now in Henicophaps) from
one page earlier in the work (p.143) is cited by Peters 3:116
from 1866, with no suggestion of an 1867 publicaton date.
- This volume of Peters Checklist (III) employs the convention
that when two dates are given, the publication date is in
parentheses and the imprint date has no parentheses. Thus, Peters
is indicating a publication date of 1866, though it is very easy to
misinterpret this (e.g. HBW 4:180; H&M
- Edward Dickinson kindly confirmed (in litt.) that the
Zoo.Rec. for 1866 confirms that this was published in 1866.
Dendrocopus moluccensis hardwickii Citation
- This is cited by Peters Checklist 6:203 to 1844.
- This is initially followed by H&M 3rd:318 (but
corrected to 1845 in Corrigenda 3).
- The Richmond Index dates this taxon to 1845, noting "Ref. to Madr.
paper of Aug. 9, 1845 in this no.!"
Empidonax hammondii Type Locality
Northiella haematogaster haematorrhous Citation
- Often (e.g. Peters Checklist 3:265, HBW 4:378) cites as:
- Schodde et al. present this as
Psephotus haematorrhous Bonaparte, C.L. (1856).
Beilage Nr .1. Tabellarische Uebersicht der Papageien. Naumannia 1856: Beilage 1a [col. 13,
[publication date, see Mathews, G.M. (1920). Dates of ornithological works. Austral
Avian Rec. 4: 1-27; Mathews, G.M. (1925). The Birds of Australia. Supplements 4 & 5.
Bibliography of the Birds of Australia Pts 1 & 2. London: H.F. & G. Witherby viii 149 pp.]
The Naumannia citation appears to be correct.
- However, the Naumannia citation comes from the August number of that journal, and the name
appeared in Comptes Rendu from the May 19, 1856 Seance. Thus it appeared to me that the Comptes
Rendu citation has priority.
- That citation was:
- By email with Dick Schodde (2004.11.29) it appears additional complications may exist. Dick
Well, you have opened up a can of worms on Psephotus haematogaster
Gould. Your PDF down-loaded OK; and I know now that I overlooked this
reference in the CR when compiling the Zoo. Cat., otherwise I would have
made mention of it towards clearing up the authority and place of
publication of what we currently know as N. h. haematorrhous
What the ref in the CR does is to propose a new name for Ps.
haematogaster Gould, a name which Gould first applied to the
yellow-vented Bluebonnet in 1838 and then to the red-vented Bluenbonnet in
1848 (or earlier part) in The Birds of Australia. The trouble is,
Bonaparte's text does not make it clear to which of those two taxa his
nomen novum applies. One could assume that he means the red-vented
form, both from the meaning of haematorrhous and the fact that he
described the yellow-vented form as xanthorrhous in 1850. But this
is not specified, a lack made more significant by the fact that Bonaparte
says in the CR reference that haematogaster Gould is a
misidentification for Platycercus flaveolus Gould instead.
Because of this, it would be reasonable if not natural to interpret
haematorrhous Bpte, May 1856 in the CR as a new name for
haematogaster Gould 1838 (= yellow-vented form), with the same
type, in which case haematorrhous Bpte, August 1856 in Naumannia
(where it is based by reference on the red-vented form in Gould's Birds of
Australia 1848 - as I recall checking?) would be a junior homonym. This
means that a later synonym of haematorrhous Bpte, August 1856 would
be needed as the valid name for the red-vented form! N. h. zanda
Mathews, 1913, would be that name - yuk.
I still have to check again that the reference for haematorrhous in
Naumannia is specific for the form in Gould's Birds of Australia. But in
the interim, I think the wisest course to maintain stability is to
treat Psephotus haematorrhous Bpte in the CR as a nomen
dubium and, like names for hybrids, not valid for any
Habroptila & H. wallacii Citation
- These taxa are usually cited to 1860 (e.g. Peters Checklist
2:178, H&M 3rd:125, HBW 3:193).
The Richmond Index indicates that this part (III) of Part 28 was
published in March of 1861. Duncan's work only indicates the portion was
published sometime between August of 1860 and March of 1861. I follow
the Richmond Index here.
Branta hutchinsii Concept
- Held by H&M 3rd:63 to be a subspecies of Branta
- The 2004 45th AOU CL supplement p.987 elevates this to
full species status.
Alcedo atthis hispidoides Citation
- I am quite skeptical of this citation. I find it only in Peters, and don't
find it in Sherborn Ind.Anim. or in the Richmond Index.
Larus hartlaubii Citation
- Peters Checklist 2:323 cites this as "Larus (Gavia) Hartlaubii
Bruch, J.Orn. 1 1853, p.102"
- The Richmond Index cites this as "[Gavia] Hartlaubii Bruch, 1855, J.Orn., 3,
no.16, July, 1855, 286"
- As the Richmond Index has other taxa listed from the same volume and number
that Peters gives for Hartlaubii but does not list
Hartlaubii from that source, I choose here to follow the Richmond
- [2010.01.03] Thanks to Dr David Donsker for redirecting my attention to this issue.
The availability of the early J.Orn. online makes it clear that the 1853 Bruch
citation is correct after all.
2004.04.24; 2010.01.03
Larus hemprichii Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 2:314 cites this as "Larus (Adelarus)
Hemprichii" and published in J.Orn. 1 1853 p.106
- The Richmond Index lists this taxon as:
"[Adelarus] Hemprichii "Bp." J.Orn. 1 no.2, March, 1853, 106"
- Peters appears to interpret that Bruch held the species in Larus,
while it appears to me that Richmond interpreted him to hold it in
Adelarus. I presume that Peters interpreted Bruch's use of
Adelarus to be as a subgenus. Edward Dickinson informs me that
Bruch is indeed using the name as a subgenus of Larus.
2004.04.24; 2004.12.24
Glaucidium hardyi Citation
- This taxon has been listed as 1990 (and I had it previously listed
- Edward Dickinson pusued this problem and received confirmation by
email, that the publication indeed was available in 1989. The relevant
portion of his email of 2004.04.03 is
One of you, I cannot now find which, asked me whether this name dated from 1989 or 1990.
It appeared in the Revista Bras. Zool.
I have been in contact with Vitor Piacentini about this
and he has been in touch with the current Editor and wrote:
I've just received an e-mail from Mirna Casagrande, current editor
of Revista Brasileira de Zoologia. She says that the issue from 1989
was indeed release in that year, in the week between Christmas and
New Year. The date presented in the cover is the last day of the
trimester. She also says that since the editor in that time was Dr.
Albino, a taxonomist and professor of the ICNZ, he would not let the
journal be printed with a date prior to its release.
There is some evidence to show that some copies were received
surprisingly late but in the face of the above e-mail (and I gather
the testimony of Jacques Vielliard) I believe that the official date
must be accepted.
By copy of this my grateful thanks to Vitor (and I believe he has
had inputs from JF Pacheco and thanks go to him too).
of email from Dickinson]
Dendrocopos major hispanus Citation
- Peters Checklist 6:182 gives a date of 1908, and this is followed by
HBW 7:484,561.
- The Richmond Index lists this as 1907, Dec.
- Edward Dickinson checked an example of the original of this work, and
noted that the description occurs on p.11 of the first 12 page issue.
p.1 of that issue bears the date Feb. 1908. (in litt.
- The basis for Richmond regarding the date to be Dec. 1907 is not
Eutoxeres aquila heterurus Citation
- Peters Checklist 5:17 gives p.45 in the citation for this
taxon. HBW 5:684 follows Peters in this.
- The Richmond Index, Ridgway (1911, Bull.U.S.Natl.Mus. no.50
pt5 p.311) and Hellmayr (Cat.BirdsAm. Pt2(1):166) give p.456,
which matches the page number in the citation for E. a. salvini
in several sources (including Peters [5:16]).
- It seems unlikely that E. a. salvini and E. a. heterurus
were described on such distant, yet numerically similar, pages in
the same publication. Thus the p.45 of Peters is here considered a
lapsus for p.456.
2004.01.08 (RMR); 2004.02.25 (APP)
Campethera tulbergi hasuburgi Nomenclature
- The authority is listed in parentheses by Peters Checklist 6:120, and
by H&M 3rd:316. It is not listed in parentheses by HBW
- Originally described as Campothera huasburgi so the interpretation
by H&M 3rd apparently is that Campothera is not an
emendation of Campethera but is a distincly described genus.
- I do not find Campothera as a distinctly described genus in The
Richmond Index, or in Naeve. ICZN 1999 art. 51.3.1 states: "Parentheses are not
used when the species-group name as originally combined with an incorrect
spelling or an emendation of the generic name...", and absent demonstration of a
distinctly described genus Campothera I include the authority without
- This is corrected in Corrigenda 2 for H&M 3rd.
2004.01.22; 2004.03.14
Megalaima lineata hodgsoni Nomenclature 2004.01.08
Asthenes modesta hilereti Nomenclature
- Not in Peters Checklist 7.
- H&M 3rd:406 attribute this name to Dabenne (sic) -
corrected to Dabbene in the Corrigenda- and in a footnote say "For
recognition see Fjeldså & Krabbe (1990)".
- Fjeldså & Krabbe (1990):372 give no discussion,
but refer to Hornero 12(1986):262-273" (author not given).
However, Fjeldså & Krabbe give Oustalet (not Dabenne) as
the author of the taxon.
- I can find the Oustalet taxon (Siptornis hilereti from
Tucuman Prov., but am not sure what (if any) Dabbene taxon is involved
Crossoptilon harmani Concept
- Treated as a subspecies of Crossoptilon crossoptilon by
Peters Checklist 2:111, HBW 2:539, and
H&M 3rd:59.
- R. Jayapal noted that both the World Pheasant Association and
Birdlife International recognize this as a full species based on Madge &
McGowan, 2002.
[Ref: S. Madge & P. McGowan, 2002. Pheasants, Partridges, and
Grouse: A Guide to the Pheasants, Partridges, Quails, Grouse,
Guineafowl, Buttonquails, and Sandgrouse of the World. Princeton
University Press, Princeton, USA.].
Lagopus muta helvettica Citation
- Often cited (unhelpfully) as "Fortpfl. Vög. Eur." (e.g. Peters
Checklist 2:32, and copied by HBW 2:575
- I found it to be a substantial challenge to identify this work given
that abbreviation.
Crypturellus obsoletus hypnochraceus Nomenclature
- Peters Checklist 1(2):25 (Blake) indicates that the original
spelling was Crypturornis hynochracea.
- The nature and status of the correction is unknown to me.
- David N & Gosselin M. 2002. "Gender agreement of avian species names." BBOC.
122(1):17 discuss the ending (-chracea vs.
-chraceus) but do not discuss the correction of the apparent
lapsus ("n" for "p").
2003.05.12; 2003.09.11; 2004.10.28
Andigenia hypoglauca Concept
- Gould's description reads:
PTEROGLOSSUS HYPOGLAUCUS. Pter. olivaceo-brunneus, subtûs
cœruleo-canus; vertice, occipite, caudâque nigris, rectricibus qua-
tuor intermediis ad apicem brunneis; remigum pogoniis externis
viridibus, internis brunneis; uropygio lutescente; tectricibus
caudæ superioribus viridi-olivaceis.
Long. 18¼ unc,; caudæ, 7; alæ 6¾ tarsi, 1¾. Rostri long. 4;
alt., 1¼ lat. ad basin, 1¼.
The varied colouring of this bird, and particularly the uniform
slivery bluish grey of its under surface, afford a ready distinction
of it from all the other Toucans. Its upper mandible is edged on
its basal aspect by a narrow line of yellow, succeeded by a tri-
angular spot of black; the follows an irregular mark of yellow
edged by a narrow irregular black line; the rest of the upper
mandible throughout the whole of its culmen and sides is deep blood
red : the lower mandible, for the basal half of its length, has the
yellow and black colouring of the upper, but instead of terminating
in red, this colour is exchanged for deep black.
Myiophonus horsfieldii Concept
Vigors' description reads:
MYOPHONUS HORSFIELDII. Myoph. cœrulescenti-ater, fronte
humeris, marginibusque plumarum pectoris splendidè cœruleis.
Statura Myoph. cyanei, Horsf.
Note it is described in Myophonus not Myiophonus.
Ficedula hypoleuca Concept
- Pallas' original description is reproduced here:
N. 156 MOTACILLA (hypoleuca) fusca subtus alba.
remigibus intimis, rectricubusque tribus late-
rabius exterius albis. Magn. fere Lusciniæe. Su-
pra nigro fusca femina, mas nigrior. Frons
prima, subtusque tota alba. Remiges 2, tectri-
cesque intimæ maximam partem albæ. Rectri-
ces utrinque 3. exterirus longitudinaliter ver-
sus basin albæ.
The locality (taken from the Catalogue, not the Adumbratiunculae) is
given as "Hier." which is Dutch for here.
Data taken from Sherborn CD. 1905. "The new species of Birds
in Vroeg's Catalogue, 1764." Smiths.Misc.Coll.
Aquila hastata Date Systematics
- Often given as 1834 (Peters Checklist 1:379; HBW 2:192
- This work was published in parts from 1831 to 1846. The zooligical
part was completed in 1834, and hence this date is often given for the
work. However, the Ornithology section ("Oiseaux") was published in 1831
and 1832 as noted by multiple workers (including the
Cat.BooksLibr.Brit.Mus.(Nat.Hist.) vol.2 1904). Sherborn and Woodward
established dates for the various livraison. The Richmond Index shows
the date as 1831 for this portion of the work (livr.3)."
- Parry SJ, Clark WS, & Pakash V. 2002. "On the taxonomic
status of the Indian Spotted Eagle Aquila hastata." Ibis
144(4):665-675. use the date 1834, without discussion.
- Väli Ü. 2006. "Mitochondrial DNA sequences support species status for the Indian
Spotted Eagle Aquila hastata." BBOC 126(3):238-242 presents arguments for elevation to
species status.
- Of mild interest, Väli erroneously, but understandably, cites the taxon to 1834.
....; 2006.10.08
Hemicacronyx Concept.
- Use as a genus is supported by Voelker G & Edwards S.
1998. "Can Weighting improve bushy trees? Models of cytochrome b
Evolution and the molecular systematics of the Pipits and Wagtails
(Aves:Moticillidae)." Systematic Biology 47(4):589-603.,
and Voelker G. 1999. "Molecular Evolutionary relationships n the
Avian Genus Anthus (Pipits: Motacillidae)." Molecular
Phylogenetics and Evolution. 11(1):84-94..
- The genus group name ends in the transliterated Greek work
ονυξ which is masculine.
- The specific epithet here is a transliterated Greek noun, and is
Hedydipna Nomenclature.
- Cabanis indicates that this is based on the Greek word
ηδυδειπνος [hedydipnos:
dainty-supping (the name of a parasite)]
- He designates the type as "H. platyura. -- Cinnyris platura Vieill."
- Note Cabanis's spelling "platyura" I interpret this to be an
emendation; Sherborn lists the name with the spelling Hedydipnus platyurus and attributes
it to Cabanis as a name for Cinnyris platura Vieill.
- I interpret the gender to be feminine.
Stachyris hypogrammica Date
- Usually given as 1961.
- The listing in the front of vol. 55 gives the date:
"[Hefte] 4 ([side] 177-243 & I-VIII): 10. jan. 1962."
- Thanks to the useful and diligent efforts of Edward Dickinson and Jon
Fjeldså the story here becomes more complex.
- Edward Dickinson has a copy of a separate of this article. The
presence of a separate raises the possibility that it was issued prior
to the completed number of the journal, and in support of this the
cover of the separate has listed below the title:
Dansk Ornithologisk Forenings Tidsskrift, 55, 1961, p.219
- The "1961" could be interpreted as a publication date, or as a
"volume date".
- Jon Fjeldså has determined several facts of importance:
Evidently at this time it was common to delay the mailing of these
journal materials so that all the Christmas mail could be processed.
This would appear to account for the delay (until 10 Jan. 1962) for the
final number of this volume. However, in addition there was significant
urgency attached to distributing the first reports of these
expeditions, and this urgency would have been particularly strong in
this instance. Jon writes (2005.11.23)
I spoke with Dr. Torben Wolff (editor of papers from the two "large"
Danish collecting efforts in the Indo-Malayan area, Galathea in 1950-52
and Noona Dan 1961-62). He does not have any record of when reprints
were sent out and he doubts very much that Finn would have kept a
record of this. But he does remember that high priority was given to
rapidly produce reprints with the first results of the expedition. As
is apparent from the front page of the reprint, this was the first
"Noona Dan paper". This paper may have been particularly urgent since
the collector, taxidermist Erik Pedersen, died during the field work on
Palawan. Collected material was sent home together with the coffin, and
Finn was eager that EP's new bird was rapidly published, before Finn
had to leave DK himself to join the Melanesian part of the expedition
in 1962.
It is therefore likely that reprints were produced and mailed
out before the issue of Dansk Orn.Foren.Tidsskr. was mailed out.
However, it is not possible to provide documentation for this.
- Subsequently, Dickinson has found a preprint with a wrapper dated
1961, and while it is possible that it may not have been issued
until 1962, I agree that this dated wrapper makes it most reasonable
to date the taxon to 1961.
....;2005.11.23; 2007.12.19
Hierococcyx hyperythrus Systematics
- Elevated to species level by King BF. 2002. "The Hierococcyx fugax, Hodgson's
Hawk Cuckoo, complex." BBOC 122(1):74-80 on the basis of calls, morphology, and
- Treated as a subspecies by HBW 4:549. (Willis).
Childonias hybrida Spelling
- Often spelt C. hybridus. Originally described as Sterna
hybrida Pallas 1811.
- David N & Gosselin M. 2002. "Gender agreement of avian species names." BBOC.
122(1):32 discuss this. They indicate that: "Childonias is masculine, and
the Latin word hybrida is a masculine noun, not a feminine adjective. The fact that
hybridus (-a, -um) has been used as an adjectuve in modern scientific
nomenclature is irrelevant here because modern scientific Latin is not included in the
definition of Latin by ICZN (1999, Glossary: Latin). Mees (1977:49) admittedly advocated the
use of hybridus against the advice of a scholar."
- During the period of 1978-1992 the combination Childonias hybrida occurs 94 times
and the combination Childonias hybridus occurs 20 times in the Zoo. Rec..
- HBW 3:663 (M. Gochfeld & J. Burger) use C. hybridus without any
discussion of the nomenclature.
Ptilonopus hyogastrus Spelling
- Often spelt P. hyogastra and P. hyogaster.
- HBW 4:222 (I. Rowley), where it is spelt hyogaster comments: "Species
name often
erroneously given as hyogastra,
but maintenance of original gender is unjustified."
- David N & Gosselin M. 2002. "Gender agreement of avian species names." BBOC.
122(1):31 discuss this. They indicate that "The statement [of
Hoyo et al. as above] is incompatible with the fact that the ending
gaster is a feminine substantive (the Greek noun
γαστηρ [gaster: belly], claimed by del Hoyo et
al. to be a masculine latinized adjective (from
ιογαστος [iogastros:
- [APP note: From my study, I am not able to recognize gaster as a feminine
substantive, nor can I argue that it is not. Whether right or wrong, it is clear that David and
Gosselin have more knowledge and expertise in this area than I. Indeed, I am motivated to wonder
if the ICZN has the expectation that knowledge of and ability to recognize the feminine
substantive is to be routinely expected among biologists.]
Peters Checklist 1:226 gives a different title for the source. I follow Browning and Monroe, 1991
Pomatostomus halli
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.10.
Chloropsis hardwickii spelling
- Peters Checklist 9:306 spells hardwickei, though shows as Hardwickii in the citation.
- No comment is made regarding this emendation (? by Delacour), and I follow the original, {Richmond, et al. 1992}, {Sibley and Monroe, 1990} ,and my interpretation of the rules of the ICZN in using hardwickii.
Glaucidium hardyi
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.4.
Pternistis hartlaubi Citation date
- The dates of J. Sci. Lisboa are somewhat mysterious.
- The Peters Checklist 2 uses 1869.
- However, the title page of Tomo II Says 'AGOSTO DE 1868-DEZEMBRO DE 1869' and has an imprint date of 1870.
Lophura hatinhensis
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.2.
Coeligena helianthea 1839
Peters Checklist 5:101 has 1838. {Richmond, et al. 1992} says "publ. 1839".
Campylopterus hemileucurus Author
- Peters Checklist 5:20 lists Lichtenstein as the author, not Deppe.
- see {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.
- This error is repeated in HBW 5:551 where Gary Stiles misattributes the
name to Lichtenstein.
See Deppe
Chalcostigma heteropogon 1840
Peters Checklist 5:122 has 1839. {Richmond, et al. 1992} says "publ. 1840". Boissonneau
is misspelled in Peters Checklist here.
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.8.
Dendrocopos himalayensis 1831
- Peters Checklist 6:188 gives 1835.
- {Richmond, et al. 1992} and {Sherborn 1902} give 1831 and in this
agree with Zimmer's detailed exposition of the dates of
- HBW 7:486 (Short & Horne) give 1835, which is consistent with their generally
following the Peters Checklist.
Lichenostomus hindwoodi
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.12.
Drepanoptila holosericea 1869
Peters Checklist 3:41 lists 1810, but see {Browning and Monroe, 1991}.
Vireo huttoni Citation
- Peters Checklist 14:121 gives "pl.10 fig.1" as part of this citation,
as do the AOU 1983 and 1957 checklists. This is an engaging fiction. There is no
pl.10 in the volume in which this bird is described, nor is there reference to the
plate in the original description. Ralph Browning and Dick Banks determined for me
that the plate is actually pl.1 of the next volume (6), where Hutton's vireo is
Hymenops Citation
I am uncertain about this name and citation, I do not find it in {Richmond, et al. 1992}, Sherborn, or Naeve.
Cranioleuca henricae
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.7.
Ficedula hodgsonii 1870
Peters Checklist 11:340 has 1871. There is uncertainty regarding the dates of publication of vol.6 (and others) of this serial. I follow the Richmond Index here, though can not rule out 1871.
Culicicapa helianthea Citation
- Peters Checklist 11:375 has "Wallace" without parentheses, indicating this was described in Culicicapa.
- Culicicapa is a Swinhoe genus, erected in 1871 while helianthea was described in 1865.
- Murray Bruce indicates (2001.05.10) that this was described in Muscicapa, so parentheses are appropriate.
Namibornis herero 1932
- Peters Checklist 11:27 has 1931.
- Ms. Robin Sinn at the Library for the Academy indicates to me the publishing date for this entire volume is 1932.
Henicorhina leucoptera
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.9.
Psalidoprocne holomelas
- Peters Checklist 9:128 spells this holomelaena.
- The note in Sibley & Monroe on p.581 states: 'The original spelling "holomelas" must stand; the International Code is specific in this case.'
Andropadus hallae
Not in Peters Checklist Vol.9.
Phylloscopus hainanus
Not in Peters Checklist, Sibley and Monroe, or Sibley and Monroe supplement.
Poecile hudsonica spelling
- The AOU Checklist 42nd supplement changes the spelling of
three specific epithets of chickadees that were in Parus and are
now in Poecile.
- The original combination Parus hudsonicus indicates that the specific epithet was adjectival.
Dicaeum hirundinaceum Author
- Peters Checklist 12:195 has Shaw and Nodder.
- It is my understanding Nodder did not contribute to these descriptions.
Pterodroma heraldica
- Brooke and Rowe. 1996 treat the Pterodroma arminjoniana/heralidca group.
Their proposal is based on behavioral and molecular evidence.
- Brooke M de L, Rowe G. Behavioural and molecular evidence for specific status of the light and dark morphs of the Herald Pterodroma heralica. 1996. Ibis 138:420-432.
- The HBW 1:242 does not recognize atrata as a species, and treats
heraldica as a race.
Anas hottentata Citation
- Peters Checklist 1(2):476 lists the author Eyton without parentheses.
- The taxon was described in Querquedula as is correctly indicated in
the synonomy and the footnote on that page.
Thanks to Colin Jones for bringing this to my attention.
Leucippus hypostictus Systematics
Previously as:
Taphrospilus Simon 1910 Rev.Franc.Orn. 1 p.261
- Taphrospilus hypostictus (Gould) 1862 PZS p.124
Karl Schuchmann's student A.A. Weller at Institut und Museum Konig in Bonn.
has been working in this area. He states in HBW 5:593 that "morphology, behaviour, and
biogeography" argue for inclusion in Leucippus.
Otus hoyi Systematics
Held by HBW 5:180 to be a full species. There the authors are listed
as Konig and Stranek, 1989.
In support of the species status, Rolf de By gives the citation:
Heidrich P, Konig C & Wink M.
Molecular phylogeny of South American Screech Owls of the
Otus atricapillus complex (Aves: Strigidae) inferred from
nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene
Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, Section C, Biosciences 50, 3-4 (1995): 294-302
Glaucidium hoskinsii Systematics
Formerly treated as a race of G. gnoma (as it was described by Brewster),
but recently separeted on the basis of vocalizations.
Gallicolumba hoedtii 1871
HBW 4:186 gives the date for this citation as 1873.
The date is 1871, see entry at Nederl.Tijdschr.Dierk.
Podiceps holboellii systematics
Thanks to Normand David for bringing this to my attention. His note reads:
"A case has been made for placing Colymbus major Boddaert, 1783
(= Podiceps major) in the newly established monotypic genus
Podicephorus Bochenski, 1994.
Bochenski, Z. B. 1994. The comparative osteology of grebes (Aves:
Podicipediformes) and its systematic implications. Acta zool. cracov. 37
(1): 191-346.
The summary reads: "...a revision of the genus Podiceps is proposed,
to the effect that 1) the species "Podiceps" major is placed in a new
monotypic genus Podicephorus, and 2) Podiceps grisegena grisegena
and P. g. holboellii are restored to their species status".
So it appears on the basis of osteological evidence this is elevated to
full species status.
Note however, that the AOU CL 7th ed. notes (p.8) that Storer 1996 Auk 113: 974-975
in a review argues against this split.
Pteronetta hartlaubii 1860
- Peters Checklist 1:454, Sibley & Monroe p.32 and HBW
1:597 list the date as 1859.
- This volume was not published until 1860.
Cuculus horsfieldi 1858
- Listed as 1857 by Peters Checklist 4:19. and by HBW
- This is in the second volume of the work, and all the indications I
find show that to have been published in 1858, the date given by the
Richmond Index and Mathews' Bibliographic listing of this work (June 30,
Cuculus horsfieldi Systematics
- Listed as 1857 by Peters Checklist 4:19 as a subspecies of C. saturatus.
- HBW 4:555 argues for separation on the basis of song.
Ninox hypogramma Systematics Systematics uncertain.
- Norman JA, Christidis L, Westerman M, Hill FAR.
1998. Molecular data confirms the specific status of the Christmas Island
Hawk-Owl Ninox natalis. Emu 98:197-208.
- These author recognize Ninox hypogramma.
- Peters Checklist 4:143 has as a subspecies, as does HBW
5:235, though they discuss the possibility of more species than they
Thanks to Normand David for bringing this to my attention.
Hyliota flavigastra Genus and species Citation
- The citation is a bit of a confusion, Peters (Traylor) 11:219
- It seems unlikely that the figure pertains to the Genus, and not the species as the opposite
is usually the case.
- The Richmond Index and Sherborn both give Birds of W. Africa as the
source, and are thus not helpful in resolving this detail.
- Based on likelihood and similar reversal errors in Traylor and Mayr's
listings I associate the figure with the species and not the genus.
Trichoglossus haematodus Concept / name
- The specific epithet "haematodus" as it is usually
given would appear to be an unjustified emendation.
- The full and formatted text of the original DESCRIPTION IS:
"hematod. PSITTACUS macrourous viridis, pectore rubro, facie
Psittacus pectore rubro. Edw. av. 45 t. 232.
Plittaca amboinensis varia Briss. av. 4. p. 364.
Habitat in Amboina.
Corpus mediae magnitutdinis. Torquis lutea."
- See
MantissaPlant. for a discussion of the significance of the period
(.) following the specific epithet.
- Peters Checklist 3:148-9 gives "haematod".
- If the name "haematod." is interpreted as an abbreviation, or in some
way requiring completion then the rationale for that must be given.
It is not supportable on the basis or the period "." at the end
of the name in the original publication (see Mantissa Plantarum
- However, Normand David writes (2002.10.23):
" the spelling haematodus (vs haematod) was adopted by
Direction 82 of the ICZN."
2002.10.24; 2006.09.04
Catamenia homochroa 1859
- Peters Checklist 13:154 (Paynter) lists this date as 1858.
- This portion of the volume was published in 1859.
Dendrocincla homochroa Date
- Peters Checklist 7:17 gives a date of 1859.
- The AOU CL 8th:355 also gives a date of 1859.
- The Richmond Index gives a date of Feb. 1860 (with 1859 crossed
- Duncan's 1937 listing of dates of Publication of the PZS says "Issued
between October 1859 and February 1860." for Part. III of this year.
- I follow the Richmond Index here.
Accipiter henicogrammus Date
- Peters Checklist 1:335 gives a date of 1860.
- HBW 2:153 also gives a date of 1860.
- The Richmond Index gives a date of March 1861.
- Duncan PZS 1937 says this section of the PZS was "Issued between August 1860 and March 1861."
- I follow Richmond here.
Ninox hypogramma Date
- Peters Checklist 4:143 gives a date of 1860.
- HBW 5:235 also gives a date of 1860 and holds this to be a
subspecies of Ninox squamipila.
- The Richmond Index gives a date of March 1861.
- Duncan PZS 1937 says this section of the PZS was "Issued between August
1860 and March 1861."
- I follow Richmond here.
Vireo hypochryseus Date
- Peters Checklist 14:118 (Blake) gives the date as 1862.
- This was published in Pt3 of the volume which came out in 1863
according to both Duncan and the Richmond Index.
Hemprich Standing as author
- Zimmer (1926) argues that due to Hemprich's death in the field
in 1825 no taxa should be attributed to him. I (and others) followed
this convention, while others listed him as an author.
- Prompted by Edward Dickinson's queries I reconsidered Article 50
of the ICZN (1999). I have not had the opportunity to examine
the work in question (Symb.Phys.Aves), but absent any compelling
evidence to the contrary feel it is appropriate to include
Hemprich. The Code would appear to require clear evidence in the
text of the article that only Ehrenberg was involved in
publishing the names. Zimmer does not present any such evidence, or
even imply that it exists. His standing would appear to be based on
the long time between Hemprich's death and the publishing of the
Comments & Suggestions to Data Steward 
Alan P. Peterson, M.D.
POB 1999
Walla Walla, WA 99362-0999
Last updated 2021.02.25